H U pa 4 Ettegaffj H A RRI 2- .BURG, PA FRIDAY EVENN6, AItUST 1864. - Aftrf • po ADVERTISERS;:-Al Adver- L i, ci l te nts, itusizaesa tiniices, kittrriageo t Deaths - J.:LW., An secure insertion cin the TELVG.FtAirifilVnturt he'siCCOM pan;ed wititthe . Advertlitements ordered ill tn.: 'regalia"' EvenineEditiOn are inset -4A tt Ihu Morn. lag Edition Without exilic einixie, OWN AND C'OUN•'t2Y EXTRA Fiue Vanilla Beni at Reily's Drug Store: 'ratlO-dBt* GROWING small by degrees ,and beautifully less—the loaves of bread sold in our market 7 - . . The prices, however, have not been reduced THE entertainmerife now being given at Canterbury Music Hall are drawing large audiences. With excellent performers And at tractiveoprogrammes the managers fulg doing a profitable business. Two citizens of Pinegrove township,' War ren county, were killed by lighting on lion day last. One was named Phillips, the other Billings. 'They had sought shelter under a tree, which was struck. I*VormiTroN, we understantl, has been made against several females of the cify for keeping houses of ill-fame. Doubtless they will be made to answer at the next Burt of Quarter Sessions. UP IT GOES. —The price of milk. Is water becoming scarce? On and after Monday nest, the price anew milk will be 10 cents per quart ; summed milk, S cents ; cream, 16 cents. ' CIECIZI Taanew house, of the Paxton Fire Com pany ik-rapidlygoing up. The second story has been reached; and no doubt ere the win ter sets in the Paxton boys will have their ap paratussnugly horsed in their new building. A Doo,.s . apposed to be mad, WAS killed in ,INllti!ket Square, yesterday. It is _said thEtt several canines of this - - description - have• ap 'leaved its thesuburbsof the city, 'but we have not heard of tny serious damage done by them. ATTENTION is invited to the advertisement of of two valuable horses, to take place to-marrow, at the, court house. An error oc curred in the advertisement yesterday, ',which read September instead of August.. Itemem her that the Hale, will take place c-,ingrAir. PITCHED HIS TENT. —A recruiting tent Ints been - erected in _Fifth street, near 'Eby . Kurdiefs linilding, by Oapt.. G.; Washingtdn Fenn. .of the Verbeke Guards. ;The Captain is rapidly filling up his company for one 1 t year's service. c",:`: SANFORD'§ OPERA Hors nigthlY filled ~w ith highly delighted audiences. Nhercore 7 " patty performing there under the' infanage merit of Harry Wells and Co.. jgti giving gr,6_ eral natinruction. .Their 'entertainments are 'said to Ve of a character worthy CriVAtronage. M===l ,EoussTaLktarslt c This noble exercise has very fashionable With the nil it:l/idles alhis town: — We are pleased to see it ' The exercise' has been prevalent elsewhere, and. why have our "lasses" been so dilatory : in dis , „mering the virtue of horse-back riding, and the accomplishment of being an adept in the art. I==El RArs.-- Last evening we were favored with a refreshing rain, ~which for a time cooled the atmosphere, but was not sufficient tO'ben'efit the - growing crops to any extent. The ground is parched, and vegetation is's*ring..Alore rein is needed, and unless we reeeife Ei . speedy supply the corn and potato crops must !he seriously affected. - • E=l:23 Som: of, the public ocheols hi our city will, re-open next week. Many of the urchins !on our streets are lamenting over the fact that" their pla.s-days axe about to,. close. They should remember, however, that running the streets or playing at home, constantly, would not educate ihenr, and, having had a vacation of some six weeks, they should take _delight I . l4 l 4suMii,ig their studies. We learn that several•citizerts ofdiambers , burg - Imre become insiine on , aceount of ihe `loss of their entire effects by the late - rebel fire ilk that town. One of the numb r, a gen who had been'engalled in_bus - iness yearik was taken thro_ ughAis,,eity,.. a day ;or two ago, en route for one of the eastern air terrible diy 9f reckoning is inAtore for the fiends who destroyed Chamberslmirg and blighted the prospects of so many ; of its oitizens! A MA! named John Carson, of Me'rcersburg, wail robbed of about fifty dollars; near our. depot, yesterday. Ho was engaged in conver sation with several friends, and "whiling, away the time" until the Cumberland Talley train would leave. In the meantime a crovagtA ered around, and when Mr. Carson w,a.sa.liout to leave on the , train, he discovered that -his has been abstracted frona his pOClret, and his matey had become the property of some member of the pocket-picking fraterri ty. Travelers will have to invent sonreineans of protecting.their pocket-bookeif they debire to retain their money vvEsrwAnn Tasvati.;--The emigration fro 1 in the East to the West, this season, Bits.bectu: one oentinned, and contitmotts, tide 12* Women, children and wagons. From &mem- . orart4um kept at Fort Laramie, it aptPearNihr 6,161 wagons, with over 25,000 imixt passed by, 440 - route westwardly ; fro!,'s als a middle of March till the 9th o f j o t the ,emigrants rnimbered over 19:0e The_ Besides these them huleen _. Apeysons. g.stion of: settleris, miners, '..romense mkt on the stage route throw freighters, 'Pass. No doubt the tr o h the Cheyenne: -1 1 , 411 1 ? 1 -Faher of west ,. vard bound across t* *eeds 503000, ne -1)/ainai-41111!' season; 111..1;u-r ; 181 9 . 4l. :T AAt ra 0;01oelt tirip afternoon the mer cuiy:had readied 98 degrees, in the shade! , ,SOL.D/EB cfLED. —A. returned soldier nam: oh Boyle, "wtai killed near Burnt Cabins,Frank lin county, a few days ago, by the ball fiora a pistol in the hands of one Forbis, of the same county, who alleges that the shooting was ac cidental • A NPECILL MEETING of the city council will be held this evening, when final action will be leilrbn relative to the payment of a bounty to • volunteers. The committee to which.' the matter was referred for consideration, will re port at the meeting to-night. It is hoped that council will consult the wishes of the people of this city, a large major iffy of whom are in farg of the authorities paying a liberal hountY, to clear our city of the impending draft. An immense quantity of green corn, com monly termed "roasting ears," was offered for sale on our streets to-day. Our farmer's. certainly find it profitable to sell corn at prices ranging from twenty-five to thiry cents per dozen ears---hence the abundant supply. Apples, peaches and pears are freely offered, but the figures are high. The peaches i and pears axe mostly fine specimens, but the ap ples, witha few exceptions, are cif an inferior The vegetable markets held. on Tuesdays and Fridays, are generally well supplied with potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, eta. Tomatoes are uncommonly plenty, and/theirprices have rapidly declined. They can now be .pur ;chased aglow rates. Tho market is likely to be drugged with them, and persons desiring to put up a supply for winter use, should wait a few weeks. Melons are offered in abundance, and can be had at very small figures. ATTEMPT TO ROB ON A RAMROD Tatas.—A bold attempt was made, a few nights since, to rob the baggage car of the mail train going west on the Pennsylvania railroad. When the train had reached Pie.nnstadt the engineer sounded the alarm, having apparently descried some object on the track. Soon after the train was stopped, when a man was seen to spring from behind an embankment and jump through the door of the baggage car, causing the baggage master to vacate the premises. The conductor was informed of what had taken place, and a posse immediately started for the car in which the would-be robber was supposed to be engaged, but had not reached it till the bell-rope was pulled by the daring outlaw, and the speed of the train diminished, so as to allow of his escape, which he accom plished by jumping from the train. As soon as the train was stopped a vigorous search was made for , the robber, but he eeuld not be I found, awing to the darkness. tANoslimainz. —On Wednesday night last, the barn of Mr. Anthony. Mellinger, residing near the Walnut Bottom road, about a mile southeast of Stoughstown, this county, was entirely consumed by fire. Mr. Mellinger loStliottlily' his hani, which was one of the largest and finest in the county, but also his cropsAnci farming utensils. The fire is sup posed to ;have been the work of an incendiary. We have not learned whether there was any insurautc , anon the proppyttr: —narnd• can. The abpve was the lire the light of which was visible here, and caused quite an excite ment in et, portion of cur city. The light was seen sothe two 'hours, and many imagined that the tebels had somehow reached Carlisle an4.wero burning the town. Ver'beike erttardi—s4so to $4BO This company wants a few more men to fill its ranks, to whom the highest cash bounties as,al ovo are insured. The company is at Camp Curtin, fully provided for. To be at tached to Colonel F. Asbury Awl's regiment. Call at the lower room of the Exesnrios 'iblitnisa, Walnut street, or at the Big Tent, near the depot, or G. WASHINGTON premr, Captain, Or MARE T. Caen, Recruitia,3 Officer. angl.l-tf V olunilvers Wanted, For the "First City Zonaves." '..Verm of ser vice one. year. Local bounty $.375 ; gov ernment bounty sloo,making in all kt 47 5. Call at company Heradquarters—Exchange Build ing (np :stairs,) Walnut street, HarriLlbuFg, JNO. S. BITZEB, CapWWl. " aUll-dtf SMISTTE PAPERS-ENLLSTMENT Papras, and all •other IPAPEES concerning the nna.rr made out promptly, by Sullivan S. Chi Li., Claim Agent, Da= TaxxonaPn building , • Third St., Harrisburg, Pa. ‘.11.u10-1w 'THERE Will be a meeting of t'ne citizens of Susquehanna , township, at 'l . Lialey's School House, on Friday evening, A'argust 12th, for the purpbse of filling the g l- Aot a of said town ship.. A punctual attene A ance .of all persons enrolled is requested, b;y auglo-3t MANY CITTZENS. Fon Sax—Az elegant build lug 18t, situat ed on Third street above North , 21 feet front . by 131 feet in depth, runnin g to a2O feet wide alley. For particulars en Janke at ' au9-dtf TB _IS OFFICE. MA' a. Dr , krax, of the I,;th Pi :nna. Reserves has, received author* i t o nit ,e companies to. form a regiment far o ne yea he is in commis ernit for his is year's. service, of which d. Parties wishing to re- Capt. ORE' j gai Motel, Harrisburg, giin -31 slat will call on, or address, Pti, ' - :d ' In* ' e 8-ts 1* • an ep I= TEIEF .10.fr..gm...... t e , v ..... 4. lUGHEEEST LOCAL Bomar in the State paid f r -•.: dlienteers for 131143 year. Also, Efabstitutss &di& by G. 1). Hamm, ..,., , . ~ Late: Capt. I.2th Pa. Cavalry, JACISON A. ()relax, .: . . 1 ,:, ... Wm. A. Mrour.zrox, Market stirefft bslo 7 Third, South aide, up - , stairs. ' ' __ au9 -lie Recruits_ Waited for the Bails' .;,. lauards. • of &Alpe, One Year. Highest Bounties Pat.V.,i_ A few mere men are wanted. The effieere, are. .rnen of experience. Call at the •reernitinglettdervons; White Hall Hotel . • Capt. JOHN T. MORGAN, • aill4gtil let.Lient. W. a OW* 3,1403, Bounty ! 1:::=5E1 •-•^•1411 -- . Lochiel Greys One Years Service. A few more men wanted to fill up this or gunizatiOn. $3BO local bounty paid, $lOO Ouvernment, "Waking $4BO bounty. Men will go to camp and draw uniforms as soon as mustered in. Rally men, and avoid the com ing draft. Headquarters, Walnut street be tween Third and Fourth streets, Harrisburg, Pa. W. A. DEAN, rapt. Lients. Theodore G. Thomas, Ed. G. De beck, Recruiting Officers. One Year's Service! Verbeke Guards! . _ This Company, now in Camp Curtin. fully uniformed and equipped, is nearly full. A few more good volunteers wanted, to whom we will guarantee the very highest cash boun ties to be had anywhere, however liiigja !they may be. Call at the WALNUT STREET EX CHANGE BUILDING (lower room) and hedi extra inducements, that no officer can excel. The Captain pledges himself to look after the comfort and well-being of his men at'all haz ards. Come'on soon, for we are rapidly filling. Cl WASHINGTON PENN, Captain. MARE T. CASH, Recruiting Officer.' auB-tf SPECIAL iVOTICES. "A Slight Cold?' Coughs. Few-are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or "surer COLD" in its first stage; that which in the be ginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the lungs "Brown's Bronchial Prockes" give sure and. almost immediate relief. Military Officers and Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the pocket and taken as occarion requires..., nagle-dawlm Military 811.91110611 Attended To. Bounty Pension, Bin* Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Maims, generally, made eut and collected. Per sons residing at a distance can have their business trans acted by mail, by addressing EUGENBSNYDER, Attorney-nt-Law, Third street, Misstate' Pa Bannvart7s Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose yocatiow calls them to speak in public. Hanufatitured , only by C. A. Bannvart & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by druggist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: ILLar.watrac, Feb. Bth, 1884. C. A. BANNTART—Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Witatar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own 'as a most admirable specific for , public: , "relakers and singers, in cases of - hoarsen*, - , coliglik and colds. I have found them serving uf time of need, most effectually. ',Yours truly, T. EL ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. - 114 Y -1 agree with Mr. Robinson ai to the value of Btuinvart's Troches. W. C. OATTELL, Late Pastl.Nr. of 0. B. !resbqterian Church. Heruusauao, Jan., 1064. . To C. A. Baunrasa , ---Dear Sir: In th hab.A of speaking very - frequentlY, and in places where the vocal organs are very luta* taxed have found the need of sotaegentle expecto rant, and that want has been suppliedin your excellent. Troches. I consider thew my far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in remering• speedily that huskiness of the voice arisnig. from its too frequent use, and impairing. th effectiveness of the delivery bf public ae • dresses. Tows, • - JNO. WM. ' 311; JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To O. A. Bsturvarr-,-Dear Sir:, /fairing user your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommencing them to au isorsons afflicted with sore throat er huskiness of voice arising from public Tours, dm., G. 41..RAITER 84r • Pastor of Ridge Avenue 'Methodist Witch. „ DISTRICT Arrow:Er's Onus, HAnunommo, Feb, 29 .1864. To C. A. Ronmuiy—Dear ave found your Troches to be tinvahudde in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the tl:ixo4. illitpyttni4,49finiesti N;s the voice, and eertalMY grastlene fit to all public speakers. L JoICIORII sir To- Clear' the flotasaot Flies, use Dutcher'a celebrated LIGHTNING a neat cheap article; . easy tooo%, P r e7 A1 1 0 1. '6 4 /I Wll:o.4oAri SOLD EVIVR , . , FRENCIEI, RICHARDS ai CD., 10th and .11,4riii a p iets, Plifiadelphla, wholesale agents. ' 60444 COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soitipo in isadh imiversal de mend, is made from the choicest materials, is Mild and emollient in its mums, gssegrantly scented, end extremely beneficial n I notion upon the skin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy GoodsDealert, jae2s-dawly., , PURE VEGETABIX TONIC r~ TA . E most healtity.persons feel more•or less this extreme warm weather, and lose their ap petite. 'l7 4 eY need a good : strong .Toniorone.that•will s t reng th en - 0e nervous system an slotnach.'"l'llls ttot can get at 50 Fats per bottle, at Mrs.: L. Bail's, No. 71, South Pine stree,',. Nalliebtirg. Orders from a distance promptly attended 0. augl . . • Do you yin,,WH TO BE CURED: DR. BUCHAN'S ENGLISH . SPECIFIC PILLS cure, ill DSO than 80 days; the wort cases- of NERVOUSNESS, Impotency, Premature Decay, Seminal WeaknesaZ Diann ity, and all Griner)", Sexual awl Nerwins 41fections, no matter from what calm ,produced. Priee t One Dollaq per box. Sent, post.paid,..by mail, on recelp H of an otter. One Box will perfect the cure in most cases. Ad . JAMES S. BUTLEO iyls-d&wihn General Agin* 410 Broadway, N. T. WORD ,, iio TELE. There is no - need Of any person havinglhO - Dysentery for one day. All I ask of the public is td try my Dytee tery Drops; only 25 cents a bottle.lfievery pleasent to take; can be given to o child of any egeleitli'greit vend deuce. It It enrol' very Cod eases, end itee.i of tong stanAhtg. It is indeed worth trying. Prepared and Sold only 4.1 r Mrs. L. Ball, South Pine street, Hardsbarg, • -jy2s.ittf SELLING of Summer Goods at loti priOes,. suc h , as Summer Dress Mole, Lawns, Samilmlirellas, Lace ShaVin, and •Sinkliner.Oniwts......Wa.ilaYa -also on hone a ver y - large assortment of biuslin Calico Mos lems, stossi.Ess,,,Randkerchiefs,--Biaok. , ;Mks, Anita Oambi4ca, kilidressed Fsmoh and Volore4 Flitat tee, And in fact en Ski*. dit:godds wit impasses by any. To all ,ot 44hose who wish - tovprobase, taxi pro" • `. • vices than we can 'VI* aem Sar ••, !iry piOdi Are advan'Oble'instrtday, Y . Z. '1! - v .. *AOC • • - 11A IR .II Matzkelet.Vii Celebrated 'Hair Dye .. nor BEAST DT MR WORLD: The only Hartale% True and Reliable Dye Siiiiren. , ThinWesdid Hair .oye is perfect—changes Red, Suety Gray Mir instantly to a Gam Black or NW4Breera without injuring the Hrtir or shdainglhe Skin, leaving }he Hair soft and:beantiful; imparts fresh vitality, flafprently restoring its pristine color, and : rNufilvA, iliteffechr of bad Dyes. The outline, is signed .I.JAM A. BATCH• ELOR.- • All others are mere imitations; and &Wit! be avoided. Sold by all Druggists, &o Factory,--111 BAR LXAY ST, N. Y. 1110111 U 'B Stlr lox= ass= TOR ~,,,p.r nets. • . A. CARD TO THE SUFFERDIO..II I Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Machu," ."Tonie Bitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous Antiddtes;" &a, Sin, dic., and after you are satisfied;With: the result, then try one box of OLD DOCTOR BUCHAN'S BrISGLISH.SPEOI - Pi - LLB—and be restored to lietilth and'Ar!gor in less than thirty days. They are purely vegetable, plendinli to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the brottidi down and shatteredeonstitution. Old and young can e them with advantage. Imported sad sold ire Ae r ri States only by JAS. S. No. 421 Broadway,'New 'Po i ,WAgent for the United Mate& P. S ^A Box - of the Pills, securely packed, will 'b4 mailed mailed te anyiaddress on receipt of price, Whiehl'istONE DOLLAR, p*-paid—money refunded by the 'Aens if Os*po pallighottonhi not given. 1711111teir" I 'MUNIMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. RETURN OF TEE FA rORITES. RETURN OF THE FiVORITER Rouse's Star Combination Company, Rousei Star Combination Company, Rouse's Star Combination Company, - Will re-open at the above Hall ON MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST .15th First appearance of tfrdyoung and talented Tragic Sitar Miss FANINiTTRIbt. Miss FANNY PRICE. -r.. ; Miss FANNY PRICE; First appearataga. of the great Tragedlau Mr. D. HANCHETT. =Mr. D... HANCHETT. Mr. D. HANCHETT. Also tse first appearamftlf , the very popular youngacter Mr. W. H. MEEKER. Mr. W. H. MEEKER. {* - For further particulars zi2u programtau auga-dtf . SANFORD'S HALL: . THIRD WEEK OF THE CONTINENTAL COMBINATION COMPANY, ON IiONDAY. JULY 25, 1864. THIS company consists of:the best etai: formers, corraisting of SINGERS, DANCIM ETHIOPIAN COMEDIANS, GYMNASTS, The manager 46 ideasitrif i in : atniCancitigiall they intend making this THE Concert Hall of the cite HARRY WELLS & CO., Proprietors: BILLY PORTER, Besiness . Agent. ,iy2342t CA.NAr ••lITELV' WALNUT STREET, BELOW THIRD. Proprietor. • J IL DONNELL Business Agent.... ......... . JOE MILLER Stage Manager - ANDY WILEJAMS Leader of Orehester - BARRY idESTAYER Treasurer... .................... BIDLER, C** ffefraiglitt 8,4214-0181413 Com panyA feMale ortietia. The peiform ance embraces every variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, MUSICAL FARCES, DANCING; .. • comicrointAaj. NEGRO CONIOALIIM%\ , BURLESQUES, AND JESTS. Admission, 25 cents. Seats in private bakes 50 Cents. Doors open at 7. To contmonce at 8 o'clock. lyilldtt i ... litl a 1.:..- ..._..:WALlti'llk:.:,l‘l WANTED, • FOR a country hotel, a good white Fetnale COOL,. also -good Chanrhameid, Good wages wal be papa, . blieet cbine well recotnineadecVe Apply at augltldl;al„ ;alti-THIS-01410E„ WAN TED—B 04RD, . B . thou r : Wives, Y " „ cro.gdingoat,.,o is a prpeatafatuiiy,erAfetrdiog house with but iACWltitNilefifti,444 ll *ll j st , , -. hi, I:This office. "licr: 44lll s: 4 4l34 l . '6l, UnAiktOnta at the - "siearri ximccdeier e- the:S.l[z for which liberal wages wilt be paid and k steady employment given. Apply at the yard or to auglo-3t* BURKE Se EBER V. , Wanted, . AWHITE GIRL, who understands the dlida3 of Ltppp e itgemlim.i AP at i No . 6 Lbcust street,lieltr Fiimit: ang9lchf WANTED—An rinfun.dshed or furnished Cottage, or part of a fornlimea or unroruba•sa House. For particulars enquire at ,pugs t utr., !,. oprior,. . hem ,AWairmied 110.11 Ant"... tatkaelor a itdal gape. Rent q,!ri*liallo ,6 / 041 Pin 1rM1 1 404 . y , " /!.. I,l"tr WANTED, APRACTICAL BAR-TENDER. Appirtit the saloon under Herr's Hotel. jy29-dtf WANTED, TO RENT—An unfankiihed v'T or the pot of fice. Afton Box 300, Yost Mee. augOltf NVANTED—At $l5O per Month. —We 11 , 414 a reliable Canvasser in every county. We;hia* agents making $1,60 por month which we will prate to -Any doubting applicant Atidreett ' 7- ;••• • • 1 ..1) fo J➢2B.lm ftm ITNT4II ME '71 1 , 67171 - gift-0401g eo Eigkw,o itie . OH L Ei.34; want,- irdidzif 3200 'wilt pai d - Apply to Thomas O. Macdowell, attornerht-law. Office in Third street, near Pine, Harrisburg, Pa. iy27-tt. - - $390 11•BWARD. ,•- • i . olloWing - initA. St ates'' securities 1144 1 been lost, viz: $l,OOO 7 3-10 Treasury Note, dated Oct. 1, 1861, No, 22,477 500 do d 01,863 500 do •dol. • ' . . ", ' 1,369 ~.. 4,00 . , ~ ~ ~. '46.1 ,1 J - ariiio , 1 ' 4 4 - • ''' /,379 TheldVAtlitiVit*,Llllo!gte, Up9ligirarn 0,,..1, 1862, inele s6 lV a " -- ums : "; sa r-0 samit;M: ..'.- • 'llol:ktej 4igiuryNOte,datetbAtig: 19, 81,-140. 64,004 'l'''' . wr,i,..4 1 .3.14 ,:... ...doi.., , t , t , 64,2 27 1 .1.:. f;t10 , lotru t:... de .v,.. ~. ii : b:c. , 64 61 ,223 00 do do ,229 100 do do k1..230 The latter five notes have on them the coupons :from Feb. 19, 1863, inclusive, $1,900-jOnetTeltiObrutteati4i*'Aciletlbirm6m, duo Apii t 3, 1863, No. 8,194 .frir PAYMENT ON ALL THE ABOVE HAS BEEN STOPPED at the United States Treasury, and the helder of them will not receive payment. The above rewar twill be paid, on behalf of the pe k es circipg them W with ci l '''.7Egiutkartifil 4111Y19 'IB6E-Ortni4Lie ~..,..'. . : ". r. . ArliE firEW'IIIOOKK ' ST i lar p aci. , l 3 349ASehy) Daail 1141.' RAI WAR -1 1E 4 R POMi l le .P. 1 4/10r. or the--Laio2P -174.044k1iy :166.1tohniaL.O. 50 itorailksutfrottY, a novel, by Amelia EdwEerde. BO ria. OVAIIINGTON, by Trollop* SEVENRTORIER,- toyAk Marvel, author of "Reveries of a Bachelor." $1 60 saw .,; ~y , s A VII. , tsrhaz , s JO UR NAL of the Discovery of the sourcris of the Nile, v. 4 ~.A., e ,.....11.*, .. $3 63 VIII. i 'Tt ‘yv9mAii Atli fAgligh-b9,:itlithor . eif ;?Ran in 'Orli , i . $l5O IX, NOTES OF HOSMATAEFE,`Nom.'6I to Aug.'63. Si op :4 X. SMltlall OF THE SEA, for boys; from Cooper's writings. $1 00 XI. STORIES OF THR; WOOD, for boys; from Cooples_ writings. i',. $1:, 00 XII. 1 AU new books rixiced as soon as published at • BERGNER'S BOOR STORE, «.r` 61 Market atm TIM= LABS.—Fifty farkirui line ker rendered LARD, .foreale by the firkin or pound, et eoeived Si jiyll4 . BOYER & ROERPE new crop Cheese, Ast C received at 10' 2 18 BOYER & ROERYLM,. WOHENER'S•exagasi or ham, of this s+ae. 43 -A. Soll'aculing. 1 9fortoweived and for 'lsle by t 4 lawsuit& FRAZER, 1 . droll frogroilais to Wm. Doolt. it. & Coi 500 FOUNDS bineaster zonnty Bologin ilial. nutted SEMLER & FRAZER% aul NEIN MACKEREL, DEMING AND S 11014 us live BOWS. & ROMPS, Miss FANNY PRICE Mr. W. H. MEEKER 40MIS 8F 'ea Baltimoiv, 14 Eal 32 NEW 4fiII'VERTISEMENTEL 111W==U==ON propo`gala for Loan. Vint-crux Dkrenrusyr July 25 1864. ATOTIGE is hereby given that Subscriptions _LI will be received by the Treasurer of the treited States,, the sneral Assistant Treasu rers_ and designated Depositaries, and by the National Banks desipated and qtialified as Depositaries and Tiruincial, *gents, for Trea sury Notes payable three. years from August 15, 1864, bearing interest - at the rate of seven and 4 ttiree-tenths per dent.' per - annum, with coupons 'attached, payable in Wail money. .T, • These-notes svili be convertible at the option Of the holder at matuilty,, into: six per ant. gold baring bonds, redeein4l6, after-five and _payable twenty years from. August 15, 1867. The Notes will be Butted in 'denominations Of:one lamdred t five hundred, one thou sand, arid five thensand dollars,. and will be issued-in blank, or payable to order, as may be directed-by the subscribers. All subscriptions must be for - fifty - dollars, Or some multiple of fifty dollars. deepDriOctate certificates-will be issued for all ; The partl depositing must endorse upon llie.Ofiginat certificate. the denomination of notekrequired,. and whether they are to be issued in Wank or payable to order. When so, endriised it'inuSt be left.with the officer re ceiving - the deposit s to be forwarded to this Department. Thenotes Will be trrlismitted to the owners free of transportation charges" as soon after the receipt of the original Certificates of De posit as they can f e prepared. IntireAst will be to August 15 on all .dePoisitif made prior to thatilate, and.will be paid by the Department upon receipt of the !triginal certificates. • AS the notes dtaNt interest from August 16, persons making deposits subsequent to that date must pay the interest accrued from date of note to date of deposit. • Piirties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for -these notes at any one time will be alldwed a commission of one, quartet of mna per cent., which will be paid .17 tins Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No de ductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. Officers receiving deposits will see that the proper endorsenients are made upon the original' certificates. All officers angiorized to receive deposits are requested t 0 give to applicants all desired information, and afford every facility for making subscriptions. W. P. FESSENDEN, secretary of the Treasuiy. All resteetable banks and bankers throughout the country will doubtless afford foilities to sub. 'hers. aul-d&w2w GOVER4E.NT SALES, &C. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR riNEAT;TIMIT, CAVALRY BUREAU, • ; Dania o*Viitur QuAirrlinOtAantlt. ' • .• • WASIIINGTO; D. C.. July 23, 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to the bighest bidder, at GIESBORO, D. C., on FRIDAY,' August b, 1864, 100 Cavalry Horses; ITIFSDAY, August R, 1864, 100 Cavalry Horws.. These horses have been condemned as unfit for this cav alry service of the army. For road and farming purposes many good bargains may be had. • Horses sold singly. Terms cash, in.tinited States currency. '' • JAMES A. EKI.7, : • tieut, • ,col. 'and Chief Quartermaster, • aug 1-7 t ' Cavalry Bureau. TAYS WAY UrtJ 11: . :A.:,..iit'.'.:.: - ":i*: - I ..*-. 's .!..! HOSIER', " • GLOVES, • AlcioivsEurks D6i , • LAD' HAIR NETS, and • HEAD DRESSES, EERFUIkiEBY7I- 1, • , . , TOILET ..i.ATICT.PS, - - -plAxpix Leap, 4 nd - 1 - FrtggriP VEII%, ETC., ISTORISIIINOLY LOW PRICES. averybodySlioald call at ( nee. and secure great bar gains, at Mrs. MAYER'S, sug3 dtf N0.13 Market street. Licivirt RENNET: IRE Itm_RgNx . r.s ielBs . . with milk the "mstgi L ltpoic k us 'of all desert:a:for Lite table; . the light est and most grateful diet for Invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated withiennet it Is always light NO easy of digestion, and mapportS:the system with the least possible excitement. .When still materrintritive power isdesired, cream and sugar may , be added. A teaspoonful converts a quart of milk into a firm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by -13. A. KUNKEL, 11S.Marhet street. 0 T E present a iasident of • being duly Sworn, do deppse and say that I was enrolled-In 1863, in the • " - county ofPa, where I then resided, but that I moved from there in the month of --, 18—, Into said-- e first above named - . I am a ina34 ktici: Ely' occupation a -- and hereby request that my enrollment may be changed tb , Suit my present residence. Nom .—The above is adopted by the Board of EnrolJ, .—The above is adopt, _op ment.ot the 14th District of Pennsylvanil as a suitable form of affidavit to be made on an application to change the name on the enrollment lists from one District, or Sub-District to another. JNO: KAY CLEMENT, CHAS. C., HAWN, T. CHARLTON:. ' , . Board Of Enrollment. jy29-1m SALE: . 7 - AGIINCYS FOR' THIS CITY T AM happy to offer to the public a large indiguendid asaottnient • SUPERIOR 'GOLD PENS, *rnmrailureld by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. • These Pens are well flnistied„ elastic, and will give en tire satisfaction. ' - PLEASE Tifieva. SCHEFFKR'S BOOKSTORE, Second tstreet,,epposito Presbyterian Church, Harrisburg Pa. ap2a VERY FINE, INDEED! TO our fine tunt•esbn:usive stock of Photo •• graph Albums- and Photograph Card Pictures, we have added a BLkiltilUL ENVELOPE for the reception of card pictures. They must be seen and win be admired ,f/pPhotographers supplied at ' the very lowest whole stle'prite, and their cant printed upon them for Sight thousand, wholesale and yetall. at may 24 - SCAKFM'S BOOKSTORE .13 V.PN" TONGUES.--Nble /urge beef tongues, cured by J. S. Wichener k. Co., luid for side by . R & FRAZER, §ucc , e&gortic ß M 3 W, l Dock s Jr., & IME WALNUTS, CREAHNUTS, _PILBERTS For sale wholesale SHIM: RR & FRAZER, snc(WSBOES la W. Dock, Jr, & Co. my 6 C i PEßFdaoicer new - crop Cheese, just 017"*"1-14 811 irsiTrdolk7.litz,labcpt IM - for - sale 0n" the,. collier of Tkir4 -and Broad streets Enquire or InE wprAbrim A/WOEllit.).and FINE NEW. MAC,: -LTA- 1111 %..1t11tt reSetv4 :410 ' • .& itoBRPER. lIIIAMSI HAMS freokuipply of Mich JUL eimerierlibtoeleior Hams and .Driod Beer, at •iliimalW • -BoYER k KONIPIri AtiV - MWEItTISEMENTS. PnarotrrAfegswit! Orme; • 1 . - - A ., Ism Dram% Passams.aNia, - • -.. Hauttnnertni, Aux 1, radii - • •: The itoaid of Enrolinieitt OF this District is__zuysi'enjuipail in revising and correcting tho lists of jzersons enrolled as liable to do military duty. Persons Who may be improperly en the roll on account or • . ALIBNAGE, NON-RESIDENCE. . . UNSUITABLENESS OF AGE; MANIFEST PERMANENT POTSIVAr - DISABIL ITT, or HAVING SERVED TWO TEAL'S IN viz PRE SENT WAR,_ • - should promptly APJ'EAR BEEORE THE BOARD, prove the samo and have their names :mitten from the list. Any citizen who has a knowledge of any one having estiaPed enrollment, cad who Is liable to military duty; or of any one who has arrived at the age of twenty year] since the enrollment of 1268, or of any who have deelare4 their in tentions to become citizens, are earnestly Invited to com municate the information to the Board of Enrol went, that such persona may be placed-on the lists. - riarlt ts the Interest and duty of every enrollee citizen to see that all who have been improperly OMITTED from the list should be added thereto. Jaz-It is the imperative duty of ail citizens to see that persons drafted in any sub-district, and falling to report, are ARRESTED and brought before the BotiM of En rollment The subdistrict is charged with the duty of furnishing its full quota.. • JNO. KAY CLRVENT, Capt., Pro. Mar. and Pre.s't of Board. CHAS. C. RAWN, Commissioner or the Board. S. T. CHARLTON, Surgeon of BM...Board. ad-dlui Winner's Perfect Guides TO TEE Use of Every Musical Instrument. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Violist, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide ior the Flute, SI cents, Winner's Perfect Guide for the Guitar. 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Piano, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the brelodeon, 60 4:tints. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Accordeon, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Fife, 80 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Clarionet, 60 cents. Winner's Perfect Guide for the Flegolet, 6Otientß. ALSO, Winner's Flute and Piano Duets, 60 cents . Winner's Violin and Piano Duets, 60 cents The instructions in these books are given in a manner adapted to the comprehension of all grades of scholars. The exercises illustrating and enforcing the lessons are not dry and tedious, but sprightly and enlivening, and the selection of music, varying fkem the simple to the diffi cult, comprises the most p• polar melodies of the day. Oliver Ditson ,k Co. Publishers, Boston. Fold by J. E. Gould, Philadelphia. ang2-dtc GOOD NEWS ! TO THE CITIZENS OF HARRISBURG. • REDUCTION in the price .of Thence. The undersigned, Practical Baker, of the Sixth ward, Barrieburg„ Bread street, between Second and Third, re spectfolly informs the public that he will sell his wheat Bread at the following rates, loaves as largo as those of soy °Gm' baker in the city: Three tenrsent . loaves for 25 cents; six for 50 cents; twerve for 411 1 / 4 :. 4htise wishing to patronize the undersigned. will do.well to call at his Bakery, or apply to his wagons and make their pur chases, as they will save 20 per cent. Families wishing to bake their own bread can obtain a GOOD YEAST, pre pared expressly for family use, every afternoon, at four o'clock, at Miablikery. Terms cash. JOHN ALCORN, Practical... Baker. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DEPARTMENT, CAVALRY BUREAU, ' OFFICE OF CHIEF. QUARTER/FASTER, WABELNOIEE, D. C., Augual 3, 1864. WILL be sold at public auction, to thu highest bidder, at the times and places mined he -IRw. . • :Reading, Pennsylvania, Thursday, AugustlS, 2E184. Altoona, Pennsylvania, Thursday, August 25, )8O& Lehman, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 1, 1864 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Thursday, September 8, 1884. • TWO HUNDRED (200) Cat's.lry Rork% at .each place, These Horses Lave . been ciindenined aa , : nails for ins Cavalry service or the Army, For road and firm pair** mans. good tugaida may be had. • ROfses Sold *gig. . TERMS: CABM In !jutted Staten Currency, JAMES A. ERIN auti-dtsB Lt. Co). and C. Q. It Cavairraurcau THE DAY & BUSHNELL MINING COMPANY 20 EXCHANGE-PLACE, NEW YORK. THE attention of the public is tailed to the advaniages,offerg by this company. for _ - - PrOthablelilVeStilleiti, Tie extent and- value or its • ao.r, AI N , coupled with its pr o cess, for Working them, make It the most desirable property ever' altered to the public , Dotalled irlfortiiatiOn hi regaid to its extont !Ipd pros !sects can be had at the Mitre of the undnatgwed, agent or the company, who will tectitre antweriptions to Mock. JOHN*. tAl t i, Mee Third street, near Wabint; s 2*.Tristar4 Pa. augs4llmawlm ATTENTION: AT TEN T ION! WAN'T'ED, VOLUNTEERS FOR ONE YEAR! T 0 SR the quota of the SECOND WARD of the City of Harrisburg. Bounties will pe pasd as follows: - Ward bounty, Cash.. Government bounty Total bounty . PAt PER MONTH, SiG TERM OF SERVICE, ONE . YEAR: ;ONLY! $lO will be paid to any person furnishing; a. tWee:piablo Recruit. Apply at Daniel Wagner's, second Wiwi!. Ham, Corner of Second and Chestnut. idreetli - ' J. W. SIMONTON, n'rEE - ,R. DM. 'DANIEL'S WILT, jy2B.dif Recruiting Oomtnittea Se Jad Ward PRIVATE SALE. fr.HE subscriber offers, at private- sale,. the 1 following raluablelhoperty, situate in gtinitiebanna townabip,-Dauphtn county, on the Jonestoivnteregilbout One and one-half miles from Harrisburg tritOt of land, containing 6 acres, bounded by lands of James Colder, heirsof Gen. John Forster and others t tlierfeet**ted a large frame House, nearly new, and frame Barn, together With other , necessary outbuildings. - =A well with never falling water in the basement of. the hoase r • . also, a vari ety of choice fruit trees, consisting of apples, pears and cherries. Persons desirous of seeing Pie property will please canon the subscriber, residing on the premises. PETERILAILIFFER. - -. • - . N. R —lf the above property is not sold hero! e the .3.1 of September next, it willbe offered at public We on that day, on the prembtea. aug6-d2w PROVOST KLIRRAVIS 017143,, 14TH DiSTRIOT, I HARlizannia. Pa., .June 8, 1864. To DRAFTED MEN. —I am directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A- Provost Marsha,. General, by his circular, No. 59, of June 4, 1884, 40- pub lish - 49 fhat drafted men are not allowed to enlist as vin un - tears after being drafted; and that the credits for drafted men will remain for the ebb-districts from i Which; they were dratted, no matter whether local hOuntylas or bas not been paid to such men, upon "illegal enlistrnent " SNCi. KAY: CIeEN2RiT t Captain itiultmost Marshal, 14th Pa. joe-dtr - Wanted, To .Purchase) ACONVENIENT Dwelling, with six or eight rooms, lossiod.wittlinaidr squares of Market street, north. Address pot, office, hex 22-4 with do. scription and price.. • • aug9-.4t* A RARE CHANCE FOR SPECULATION. THREE THOUSIIND CAVALRY -SMITE ES at Each rates as will give patties wishing to invest rare Charm to make money. The Sabres must be sold to Satish =pad claim Samples fgbalslcd and .IiTI mar rained equal to samples . For full particulars oc*ess G-. B. g ERPg O. B9x 07, Rodipzi_et riEOSSE do BLACKWELVZ' 'EYGrfiISH PICKLES, arare i tirtlele. for table usei;jaqtv,4 and for 'tie by; febl • - Omoosseors to Wm. Dock, jr.,. .) aug(14101 , n $2OO 100 .$3OO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers