paid Eckgrag NOTICE TO JUIVERTISEBW,4I.I. Adver tisements, Business Notices, Marriages, Deaths, ste., to seesare insertion in the TELEGRAPH, roustinv4ritthir be ftetolllM par gtd with the CASH. Advertisetilents ordered in the rugt Evening Edition are inserted in the Binn ing Edition without extra charge. ARRISBURG, PA SATURDAY EVENING, JULY IS, 18b4 'TON .&NU COUNTR Y Third Ward Meeting !' In response to a call made for that purpose, I- a meeting of the citizens of the Third ward to devise measures to raise the quota of the ward, was held at the Franklin House last evening, • at 8 o'clock. Sheriff Jennings was called upon to pre side, and J. M. Wiestling, Esq.; ayipointed Secretary. Atter a full exchange of opinions, various committees were appointed to mature some practical plan to raise the number required, with instructions to report at a meeting.:to be held at the same place on this (Situiday) evening. The citizens of the ward are earn estly requested to attend an adjourned meet ing at the Franklin gouse this that evening, at 8 o'clock, to make Chi necesseii arrangements to avoid the draft: Let there be a grand rally. First Ward Meeting.. A locating of the citizens of the Atst ward will be held at the Black Horse Hotel, this (Saturday) evening, at 74 o'olook, for the purpose of making arrangements to fill the quota of the ward under the late call for vol unteers. A general .attendance is requested- FIVE Domen.s LlEwtato. - Lost, a, pair of Gold Spectacles, either between Glop. Our, tin and Herr's Hotel, or at tho Pennsylvania, --railroad, The finder will- pleinte -lea i ve l theriV" at THIS OFFICE. 4y22-112t* Losr—A large gold Sleeve 'Button with a wreath on it. The name of the ownerisAis l graved in full on back of the button. The finder will be liberally rewarded by baying it at this office. PRESBYTIMAN CHURCH, (0. S.)—There nail be no service in this church to-morro*. morn ing or evening. Got 0. P. Mom." of . lndiana, was in this city yesterday, and in cornpanzp'- with Goy.. Curtin proceeded to Bedford springs. , NEARLY all of our country exchanges have raised their rates of subscriptiOn to $2 per year, in consequence of the exorbitant prices to which paper has advanced. THREE will be religions services in the Ger man Reformed church, to-morrow, at 10 o'clock, A.. hr., and CP. K. Rev. E. V: Ger hart, D. D., of Lancaster, will .ocenpy the pulpit. =:3l CAPT. SANNO'S company of mounted men loft, for the border, to-day. A large number of Dauphin county men are c'onnected with the company, which was organized in this city. Timm was a fair supply of marketing offered this morning, and the demand was great. Prices have not declined since our report of Wednesday last. In some in stances they had slightly advanced. THE Lutheran Sunday Schools wont on a pie -Me-lug excursion to Derry, this morning. With pleasant weather and a beautiful greve, the little ones doubtless enjoyed the day in a manner highly gratifying to themselvas and their parents. As ingenious chemist of Boston is said to have manufactured a wash, which, l by daily application, will prevent LA beard from growing—no injury being done to the skin or complexion. We hope the man has no ex pectation of selling his "wash." Tinerwkncr.—Leonides AUen, the popular and eloquent temperance lecturer, will de liver his farewell address on tekperuoe in the Fourth Street Bethel, to-morrOw (Sab bath) evening, at S Prevlowi t - return to the Army of the Potomac, to resume his labors among our gallant .and heroic troops. Sizoosmo ACCIDENT. -Henry Perry, of Greene township, Indiana county, came to his death on the Oth inst., •in •the following manner: The deeeased wag thC owner of a steam mill, and on the morning uf his death was examining a wheelbarrow 'which stood near the pitman of the mill. TAe sawyer, desiring to start the mill, called to Mr. Perry to take care, but he did not hear the warning, or at least paid no attention to it. The saw yer put on steam, when the crank of the pitman struck Mr. P. on the thigh, fractur ing his leg in a horrible manner. He lingered till about 11 o'clock, when death put nn end to his sufferings. THE LADIES IND OUR QUOTA. OF "HIINDBZD D/Y " MEN.—In our advertising oolnutrisivill be found a call for a meeting of ladies, to be held " in the park, on Front street, this eveii-1 ing, to form an association to , sustain the young men who fear to take up arms to de fend their homes and firesides.' The ladies are not posted in regard to the respie.ot our citizen§ to the late call of the: antheritide for men for one hundred days' servica l orthey wwild not issue a call of the charticter found to Or columns. The quota of Dauphin county was 402 ; in response to the call of the Governor, 445 men entered ,the ,service, au received local bounty—being - a etopfi ts o f_ fors three! "Mattis," the A. D. C., ehould booms better "posited " before she urfahli, takes to become witty at the expense of tho, patriotism -- of our young men. ,Datiphin •ciounty's quo,ta is more than ftdb,:4ini have done More. than :wit; rellithiget off theWi" hence there is no necessity for Mattie's meet- . ( V) ,4 :‘,•;-.?: 1:t. !,) .ii_ .. 1 .Aara ) T olt^ighkvittd tolio advertisement of a lost - it eld'lrafelf' A TA - gal reward will be paid for it if left at this office, or at Cathcart's store. Barr/ 0 1 11 M4-TlOrif tebe nervici in the Baptist Ohniaii; ioinor of Second and Pine streets, on to-morrow morning at 10 ,o'clock, ,and at 7i hi Mg. evening. The bacsitrlitd:l4 tftlNLer;; Q. Rid s= - Rowlemd: of Eoohester. N. Y. The public are invited to attend. =I Fr is said that the speculators in tea, coffee and sugar are carrying immense amounts of thesc articles, and paying one per cent. a month interest to do it. Ile New York banks are talking of shutting down upon them, which would bring about a collapse. May the liardri,' Wert, 'speedily "shut down." I=l STATE AND POST hiTrATIZT Naves -raj- Gen Couch, whe has been at this port since the last threatened raid, commenced breaking up his headquarters this morning, prepare tory,for a•removal back to , Chambersburg. Gen. W. W. Irvin, commissary of the State of Pennsylvania, is now Acting Adjutant Generat r orthti State, on'alitreeial order issued by Gov, Ourtiu. Gen. Irvin, has • the ability to make - alnestvaluable otilw in that posi tion, while the reputation lush gained among Pennsylvania soldiers is unsurpassed by that of any other man in the State service. =:::=:1 Ponca ArrA . L - Les . —Before 114 • Mciyix. —Peter Al.'Manus and dolniiranker, two aoldfrers, who had "smiled" too freely, got into the idek-up, on a of iliiorderly conduct. After a hearing-,they yere handed over to the Provost Marshal. W.W. Potter, very drunk, was lodged till he became sober, when he had kheating and was re-committed. Elizabeth Fisher o . (colored,) was up for drunkenness, &o. When before thrl Mayor iihd was quite penitent, and her tears secured 12,et clischmge from the clutches of the , . Paschal Esher, arrested on a charge of , ai saiilt and battery, was sent to FDrt Simmons, to susweri oarturzliaber's incarceration resulted from his aotions while under the in fluence of an ill-governed temper. • 'Csiii , Barcks`, , e'elored-fts found "plying her vocation " in Africa, late at night, vitu* thel.istars.".were.peepkig.- She was Ilded in the look-up, and subseququtly appeared be fore the Mayor, Who order&l her to leave the . city. Jennie Barnet, Annie-L'IU and 'Mary Wil soni.three wilite,! loose 7 ; females, were ar rested for disordeTly,oonduct, being found in company With sOldiers at an unseasonable eur. Alio Mayer kindly furnished them with quarters in the "fort," where tho will proba bly:4nm time . to refleot. upon. the miserable end that awaits them if they continue to pur sue their evil course of life. Three "exemplary" young soldiers who were found in company with the abo -named women, were handed over to the i me Provost MarshaL Vida 104.9. f City Ordingiper.—ti. farmer was befcilis the klayof do a'cita.tge of using spring balances in market, this morning. He was fined the- amount, and discharged . . Pater Bernhesised; for having a fire on one of the pub,lic streets, for the purpose of man ufacturing pitoh for use in roofing, If . as fined •Ss' and coats. • ---~---- . RititoViet;ir L. bon. BODEFOSD 'As Com- BIANDANT OP THIS POST, MUSTER-IN i OPTtOEU aim Ascusrawr Paovosr Mammy or . PENNA. -- Iu the name of the loyal people of .Pennsyl vania we thank the President, Sec; 'Aar/ or War and Provost,Marshalpe t ooral foi. the re,. moval of the a:Jove ientleinan; not I. hat we he personally grati fi ed, but we candidly and onestly ' ielieva 'IAA 'the Governaimat has been injured in its usefulness and influence by the utter inoompetenoy of thel Cicolonel himself, and the seoesh proolivities of Those who surrounded him, to a much greater ex tent than we can here describe. i We: have al ways said to our friends who hate d'o irequent ly called upon us and abused the Goliemmsct for retainingskoh Meii in importasit : offices, that we had no doubt of the , removal of Col. l3OrrifOrd; as soon as the proper statements were laid before the Preeident; an& this as surance has been duly verified. Vile removal was made within twelve hours after these state ments had been laid before the Pre'iident. We have always said. tkst.Dol. B. we .s a gentle man and a good soldier, yet that ;fact did not makelbri a good elecati•ie oirti3 or, for such an extended field costs embraced is : the duties of an Assistant Provost _ Marshal General.— Indeed, we have at no time questioned the personal integrity or patriotic) d evot ion of Col. Bomford. What we have el omp Wiled of was his lack of business : ability, his want of moral courage, sun l' not his martial bearing or , manly fortiti m1e5........1al ' te too many of his class, his; vary fit*oi., sense of honor renders him an •,eas:iiiia(r. to the dickhonorable- and -the 'etnirsiyi'aire, He f' is ordered : to Gfik'inienr's Island , k ark - and Maj. R. I. Dodge, at present clii 1" of post; will succeed bin - - Major hie been statiouped. 'Jam!, for, the past three years, and is -known - to every military officer and 'those who have transacted busi -nessleretotore vtithhim as one of the most correct arid punctual officers in tea r eg 'War service,. HO will transact more business , tor iietlik•ens day: thin. ,_hits predeces tor could , iF whole week, and we' feel " asset •ed fb:tifke At iivii 4 iieraVaiitliftiaion. , No i le. cc.* clerk or , messenger need apply tb Dock to for situations , ,' All such can now go , to the it friends in Richmond:- The Major is a firm supporter of the GoVentment, and he will tol erate no northern rebels in his aloe. Tea atrocnoo Guarms.—Thli company, '/)14/ 2 .1 1 1/0 14 47. AA. issitunp—: fow more man an Walitol% Thateoess sro:'Not,../. Sittlifland,Liento r J. W. Woodburn old J. G. ieenersit.--ntiona hame. s beeo active / 4 ' 6.4 iik t a"eklAili r gooid eoldiara ./Milicarters for reettifting Ins Ow* Curtin and at the Ellsworth Room, Market street 15,18.41 w - •Comitlicsatexx-oir Fun= fleasuALL Corazon. —The twenty-seventh anionSl com.. mencentent of this institution (of the Ger man. Reformed Ohuxoh,) will be cselebrated at Banpast ; er, on lolinesda3t next. • . The exercises will be held in Palton Hall, , and will consist of the mull eremonies, and orations by rnenibers of the graduating class, which numbers fourteen. The address before the Alumni will be de livered by the Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford, Pa. The-Society orator has not yet been an nounced. The Board of Trustees will hold their annual meeting on Monday evening, and will no doubt fill the vacancy in the German professorship. The names of several gentlemen of scholar.. tic attainments are mentioned in connection with that vacancy. The propriety of intro ducing military discipline will also claim at tention, as the subject was referred, at the last annual meeting, to e, special , committee, which is expected to eport: Tie college is authorized by the Pennsylvania railroad to issue free return tickets to visitors attend ing the commencement who have paid local fare over their road to Lancaster. This ar rangement will, no doubt, insure a large at tendance,. and there will be, as'usual on these anniversary occasions, a gala week of literary festivities at Lancaster. • • • • . AN ANFALLIBLN COBB FOR Drszipar.—Dr. Page, of Washington, eommuniCiiies to the RepOilcan of that city the following simple remedy, long known in family practice, and which was recently, tried in the camp of the New York 22d regiment, where there were from eighty to one hundred cases daily, and with rapid cures in every case: Receipt: In a tea-cup -half frill of vinegar, dissolve as much salt as it will take up, leaving a little excess of salt at the bottom of the cup. Pour boiling water upon the solu tion, till the cup is 'two thirds or three quar ters full. A scum will rise to the surface, which must be removed and the solution al lowed to cool. Dosa—Tablespoonful three times a day un til relieved, The rationale of the operation of thiirsima ple medicine will readily occur to 'the 'path.: ologist,' and in many hundred trials I have never known it to fail in dysentery and pro tracted diarrceha. ADVANCE IN VIE PRICE or * MEWSPAPHILS.- - The New York Times, Tribune and World'. have adianoed the' price of their papers from three to four cents per copy, and the subserip lion price from $8 to . $lO per annum. The Trilr'une, in making the announcement, says: "All the materials used in the publication' of a newspaper have largely advanced in price within the last few months. The white paper on wnich we print the daily Tribune costs more than,we receive from the sale of the printed sheet, and every additional demand for the paper is so much added loss. We are therefore compelled to advance the price of this paper, which from and after July 21, will be for a single copy, 4 Dents, or, where delivered in the city by carriers, 24 cents a week. The mail subscribers to the Daily will be charged $lO per annum." The Times thus announces its advance in price: "From and after duly 21, until further no tice, the price of the New York Times will be 4 cents for each single copy. This increase is tendered absolutely necessary by the enor mous and constant advance in the' price of white paper, and indeed of everything else that enters into the manufacture of a news.paper. It is intended only to meet a tempo rarym difficulty, and we hope it will not be of long continuance." We doubt not that the newspapers through out the country will be compelled to follow the example of the Now York papers. TELE patriotic efforts of our townsmen, Revs. T. H. Robinson and J. Walker Jackson, in behalf- of the Christian Commission are RO . zomplishing a great amount of good. Agree , ably to notice -given, those- gentlemen ad dressed the people of lifillersburg last Friday , evening, and from the tone of the following account of the meeting, sent us by a corres pondent, whose soul has been stirred up by the patriotic appeals of. Measrs. Robinson and Jackson, it will be . ehserKed that their efforts were not in vain. Hear what he says: "What heart, being imbued in any degree with ieellugs of Christian sympathy, patriot ism or even the faintest traces of humanity, does not swell with emotions of joy and grain itude on account of the. . successful efforts-of the truly noble and good of our land -for the relief of the sick and •woundedpa riot soldier of our mighty armies? Among the various associations engaged in this truly laudable en terprise, high looms the Christian Commis sion; acting:tile good :BEtutaritan's part in a l truly Chrietian. spirit; without compensation, save that pronaisediii'Holy Writ to him who, in a propri•Vtrit; proffers a cup of water to themeedy., .1n this .great work Millersburg has contributed its 'mite.' Last Friday-even ing a meeting was held in the AL E. Church in aid of the-Commission. Rev. )klessrs. Rob inson and J. Walker. Jackson, of-Harrisburg, were present and delivered addresees in their usual interesting style, producing, as we think, it very creditable effect upon those who had any means to contribute or hearts to feel for others' woes. The exercises were agreea bly varied by several patriotic songs by.the choir. The collection (without special ef fort) exceeded .$lOO. 7 , . . . „ .. . iiitipmtkikers' 1 Aosociation. ,44. ? ..e.„&,,; 7 5..... .. • J u l. .._7' .L...1,—. .1-1 - -- 1,. - '-- t: ,, ln/G t y. 23, 1864. - - iiirric ~ ••• VI . 7 , ,tagrila willh the sug .':4' 04: Ill: APIK• ....; .05, iiii._,: - J Slt,YeliterdaY, in t ,eirce to....eamieFreisonfire' — iiisociation. rirust that every teacher, who may contem plate being present at that meeting, will first cast his vote in favor of the amendments to the Constitution. Although President of the Association, I shall not leave untilllave par formed that important duty. I consider it the most important vote I have ever • been called on to cast. - i I regret exceedingly that the '"Executive Committee," whose duty it is to fix the lime for the meetings of the Association, selected the first week in August, which is one week earlier than the meetings have generally been held. I forward the arrangements that have been made with the railroads. altesr_lectfully yours, S. D. INGRAM. The p en otylvania State Teachers' Assogia twit will meet at -Altoona, August 2d. The meeting promise` - to be one of interest. Ex eitrsicti tickets will ,be issued by the East Pa., and Lehigh Valley Ita:i/road Con; and "free returns" will be granteu l to all delegates over the Penns. Central, the V.l.l7ll.VNlALcitswan !la and Western, the PhiladelPWad. d Bead a -ing,lind the North Penna. Rgar9ad l . A re -it:lntim-65f tare is exnEketad Old 0 er roads of the State. S. S. JACK., List of Jurors Drawn for Atzgusf Term of antrt, amniintving lortday, dui. 22& • John L. Speel, Harrisburg ; Jeremiah Brown, East Hanover ; Peter K. Boyd, Har risburg ; Riley Bressler, Wiaonisco ; Adam Brenneman, East Hanover ; William . Enders, Jackson ; Amos Early, East Hanover; 'Philip D. Felty, Lower Paxton ; John B. Gass ; LjYy kens ; Frederick Geety, Harrisburg ;. Hartman. lokene ; David Hershbergei; fax ; John,. Henry, Derry ; Peter Hoffman, Halifax ; Daniel - Km:olg. Middletown ;. %yid Lerch, West Hanover ; John Maglauchlin, Harrisburg ; Samuel Pike, Upper Paxton .; Henry B,Patterson, Harrisburg ; Adam Rei der, East Hanover ; Benj. B. Umberger, Wi conisco ; Samuel.Zollinger, Harrisburg. Jacob Helm, Derry ; Robert Broom, Wico nisco ; Jaeob Bisber, East Hanover ; EdWard Bickel, Washington ; George Baily, Harris burg ; George D. Deihl 1 , Upper Buten ; George Emerich, ; Peter Pox, Susque hanna ; James Ferree, WiCOLIiSCO ; Philip D. Greenawabi, Dauphin ; Henry Gingrich, East Hanover; Alexander Hunter, Rash Jo seph Henry, Derry ; Martin Hummel, Derry; Amos Hoffman, Lykens ; John Hartman, Jr.., Lykens ; Valentine Hummel, Jr., Hairisburg; Philip Hoffman, Jefferson ; Isaac Hartzman, Halifax ; Alfred Hummel, Derry ; Thomas Hamilton, Harrisburg ; Jacob Johnson, Reed; John Jones, East Hanover ; Benjamin Kunkel, Middletown ; Peter Reiter, Jackson ; Samuel Kauffman; Conewago ; Rudolph. F. Kelker, 1 Viliiam Krtoolteo earriiburg ; John Laudensohlager, Mifflin ; Christiost Ly ter, Halifax ; John Metzgar, Halifax ; John Mertz, Harrisburg ; D. K. M'Clure, Washing ton ; Jonas Miller, Derry ; Adam Reel, Har risburg ; Daniel Naco, Halifax ; Michael Rai der, Londonderry ; John Ream, Lower Pax ton; John Snyder, Coinewago ; Daniel Stro minger, Harrisburg ; John Springer, Middle town ; Jacob Stofer, Middletown ; Josiah Seal, Upper Paxton • Hiram Wilson, Harris- tairg ; .Tobias M.-Weist s - Gratz ; Sasauel Wal mer, Derry ; George Welker; • Harrisburg ; Daniel Wilber, Halifax. itscsorrs Worrun.—Dr. H. W. Miles, for merly captain in the 84th P. V., has .received • authollity I.6ireornitlectimpany for qua hun dred days' service. Able-bodied young men are wanted to fill up his organization. For particulars apply at his headquarters, or Miles' Drug - .Store, corner of North and Third' Streets,'" or at . Miles' Grocery Store, on Ridge Avenue. .. ' jy).ll-01, Brown'o Bronchial Troche& I,havi never changed my mind respmling them from the Int, except to dunk yet better of that:which I began thinking well.of." Rev. HENRY WARD BEECHER, "The Troches been staffer filet° ma." Pros. EDWARD NORTH, Pres. Hamilton College, Clinton, N. Y. "For Throat Troubles they are a specifio." N. P. WILI4B. "Too favorably known to need commendation." Hon. CHAS. A. PHELPS, Pres. Hasa Senate. "Contain ,no opium nor asivhing_ Injuriou s." tor. A. A. HAYES; Chemist, Beaton. "An elegant nombination for coughs," Dr. G. F. BIGELOW, Boston. rixicommend their use to public speakers." •.• Rev. R. H. CHAPIN "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis." Rev. E. SEIGFREED, Morristown, Ohict . "Feu beneficial when naming from Colds." Rev. S. J. P. ANDERSON. St. Louis. , . "Almost Instant relief in the distressing labor of breath ing peordiarntentAl, ;; ; , iiHNETON,Haw Tort. "They Dave salted my ease exactly, rereriag ray throat• so that I could sing with easo." T. DUCHARMik • Chorister French Parish Chat ch, ifontrsaL.; As there are imitations be sure to obtain the GENULNE. Janfil-dtscr Swallow two or three hogsheads of "Rocha," "Tonic Hitters," "Sarsaparilla," "Nervous- Antidotes" &e., &0., &a., and after you are satisfied vcith the res ty„shen . try one box of OLD DOCTOR RUCICAN , S Sb:GL 'SESPECT PLO PILLS— t end be restored to health and v or in lees than thirty daYs.-- , They are pirrely vegetable. pleasant to take,' prompt and military to their streets on tue broken down and shattered constitution. Old and young can tate thorn with . edtitntugifi. Importer and sold in the United 860 . 4 0 . 61,4 Y: - • 'JAW& BUTLRR, ' - . 4 • ~ , ' 4 f , ' • ' Noi'427 - Breadway, ttew York: ' '' ' IWAgent‘for thelhetodStales. P. S.—A Dot of the Pills, securely . packed,.,.trill le . mailed to any address on receipt of price, which, ,ISIDNE DOLLAR, post-paid—money tefuntied by tire Sent if' entire ratisfacilen is not given. jyls.4.toato _.„. Pure Vegetable Medicine, - . ONE of the very best Vegetable Redid:tea is now offered to the citizens and strong of thereat city. It will purity the b100f.1,. and leave the liver and bOWOI4 in a good healthy conditton. ,gperatcs withobt the least pain.. ow and yew& mate and female, ail can take of it. Sa Witte truth of this hundred/3 can testify, as it luta been well tried for the last ten years.. Ms prepared .only and sold by .141.1. AO, NO. 21, south Pine street, BOITOU or TsLtasurs Dear Sir: —With your permission I wish ep say to the readers of your paper that I will seed, by return mail, to all who wish it. (ftps,).a Recipe , with full directions for making end nadir waimplaVegetable Balm. that will cf. factually remove in ten days, Pimples, Blotelaws, laai Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beantifuL I will also mall free to those hating Bald Heads orilana Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start a full growth et Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustaahe, in less thetirthittydayir. • applidations - lUMWerbe without 1.t.. your THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, jvlis-dAtw3m 831 . Broadway, New York. Military BlllBllllellll MUMMA To. Bounty, Pent Back Pay, Subsistence and Military and War Clams, generally, made nut , and eollooted. Par. sou Teettling eta distance vaipttitt • their ' tautness Chaos acted by . mail; by ad • --- " Inman etfany - - •= 1, " 1 • nkir -,llaniateitt" The only Mein lea, Trot and Reliable Dye Knoto — s. • TIGs splendid Halr Dye is perfect—changes Red, Rusty av Gray instantly la a Morey Black or Brown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin,. leaving the Hair soft and benutiftite imparts fresh vitality, frequently notoriug its pristhap Wier, end wake the RI effects of bed Dyes- The genu ine is .signed WILLIAM A. Ralt'H MOM All others are mere imitations, and should bo avoided. _Sold ,Dy all Druggist; &o Factory-81 BAR.- CIAYST,ICY: RAITMILOIO9 .11111 Will! COMM PON MOWING THIC SAM ie23ly SELLING of Summer Goods at low prices, such as Summer Draw Goods, Lawns, Sun Umbrellas, Lace Shawls, and Summer Shawls. We have also on hand a very large assortment of Muslin& Calicos, Ging: hams, Stockings, Handkerchiefs, Sleek Silks, Plaid. Silks, White Cambric& Undressed French Cambric& White and Colored Flannel& and in dant an assortment of My goods not surpassed by, any. To ail of which we invitelbose who wish to prllellaßil, and promise to sell at less prices than we can replace them for again. As all kinds of dry goods are advanctog every day, dow la the time to boy. , Jyls 8 LEVVI: sir To Clear the House of Files. use riatcharkt otilobrated LIORTKING !LT-HILLER, ,a neat deesp Mich; easy to am Rimy shoat will quad BOLD ILIrKgYOU• )I. ragnallaCK& lo : 3 & CO., 20th owl Market streets, Phashiphak. wholesale areas my244l:tallw . This celebrated Toilet Soap, In such univoraal de. mead, Is made from the choicest materials, it mild and emollient in Its nnuire, fragrantly, seeatiat and extremely ibenstlelal in its action upon the skin. Forse by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Madera 4M47 CbMx. Zao. Com. GRAND JURORS. PETIT JURORS I===l SPECIAL NOTICES. A CARD-TO THSiDTFE RING. RAU" DVS I HAIR DYE I I Batehelees Celebrated Hair Dye Id THE/ BEST IN THE WORLD. COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. DO 'YOU 144511 TO BE CURED! DR. MEW'S WIGGIS,U SPEC/ less than 80 daye t the won't caves. et' :T4 vOUWFAis, ErFaaCare Weelikass, kale: acg t•au ullosty. Spaerl. andyenneva Alrecaloas, no 'maw trotn what cause proauoiaL kyles; One' Per 6ez. Soot, post-RIK h 10 of au order. Ova Buil% prigoo.k.glM4l, meet tuna. Addrew. OBES S. BUTLER., Arli4alwan t Agog; 42 Un.mgdwg, N. Y. HannvArt 9 S _Troches. Fer the curd •of Hottilleit* Throat Dia bisesi, an., are meciall'recommended to Ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak-in publitt. .11luitifaotared only by CI. A. Binnintrt . lloo. te whom all ordetnilvpilld l be address.od. nld by druggist eveq.where. Read the following t*.t.itimonials from some of our eminent 04rgymen: -I T-Alaabssuao, reb. 86.1864. C. A. BuTuvarrz—Dear Str:4 nave nsad Brown's Bronchial Troches, Whitar's Loges and other preparations 64. Hoarseness and throat troubles, ; and in conwilson with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a moot ad drable spiral° for public" speakers and singers, in oases, of hoarseni.:is. coughs and colds. hare found them titno of iieed, moat effectually. Youn'truiY, ROBINSON, p iw t or of 1 AElli3O)3 - terian Church- gleri agree wittr.* t?.s to the value of BaunvedCiars,ohea. W. C.. LKte Pastor of 0. S..Presbvtertan Ctinroh B" , R,Aissirso, den., 11„64. To 0. A. .13Atreviurr—Decrt Sir: th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I have found the need of some gentle expecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I oonsider 'them very far superior to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that haslenesg: 0 . the voice arising' from its too ireigient ee, and impairing, th effeedveness, ox the delivery of publio ar dresses. Yours, to. ,TNO. to., JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. 04 - Sir: Having use( your Tree*, I am free to say they arc the best I have over tried and take great pleasare in recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore .throat or huskiness - of voice arisiug.from public speaking or singing. Yours, 4 a . G. G. RASES RAW, Faster of le Avenue Methodist Church. nun A'rroP.sus's OFFICE,. ( Ritir - nunG, Feb. 29, 1864. )• To C. A. BiNNTABT—Derr Sir : — r I have found your:Troches to be invaluable iti:te- Raving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice„and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR WANTS. 1,11,,,,, 1NCYWWW , e411161,,M/16,"01 4 e , ALGENTS wiattid.43l3oll,tite ;Standard His ..(3. tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. Agents are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 20%000 volumes already sold. &Ira for Mrculara Address! JONES 8R $. ar-Oa, de Z 9 PAhlinhere, RaTtirrioni. ittt. cArtint DATES. putt REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of South Haru:n!er town ship, <Were himaalf as a cantli,te , e for the office of REUISTER, of Dauphin county. If elected ;Mr. Mark pledges biros:ill* to perform the duties of saiiltace with fidelny. je3) detwtc CANDIDATE FOR CON GRE*7S. Ransumnrito, El y June 9, 1564. • ITIBIDE undersigned respectfully offers himself _A. • to the Republica= of. the 14ti Oxiirreasional Dio trlat or Pommy/can* composed of sae counties of Dau phin, Juniata, Northumberland, Unlit:l,4nd Snyder, for nomination by the several countynontreations or the said DistricL De9tdtc] . . JOSIAH ESPY. yorr,.mr s olSTE.a. lIUDOLPH MILLEE, of East Hanover township, offers himself as a candidate for the Mace or Register. • If nominate* sad elected hO p edges him .self to fulfil the duties of the: office with fidelity. Rl2s4l2wfliwtc.- • •• • RUDOLEII: MILLER. NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS. Eximuat.. Maxims, July 03 1864. GENRltiti ORDERS, To provide for the execution of the thinraection of the act OE Congrea.of July 4, 1864, authorising the appoint ment by the Executive or any of the States of recruiting agents to recruit volunteers in the States declared to be in rebellion, except the States otArlabisas, Teanewee, and tAirldratta, to be creel ted to the Slates and Sub-divisions thereof which may procure their enlistment, it is ordered, 1. That fur the State Or P i erinfet there shad be appointed, in purimaticWof the ' dans of said Act, from the city of Pniladelphla: AIM " Jung -Agents from the county of Allegheny two, anditoin'eachhit the remaining counties of the Commonwealth one. There being at the distant of the' Erieentive no fund for the payment of such agents, their compensation may be fixed and paid by the commies or &Arius w.nicla they represent, mut they shall in such case. be appointed upon too recommendation o the Commissioners of such counties or the committee fur recruitment, of volumes's and disbursement of imuntlei,„Or prow anthoritics of such, district. If no' eomponsmiou ifs so ; provided.. ap pointments will be made upon applinatlens sommpanied by evidence ot: character and qualitli*SiOn., All applica tions for appehitatenta meat dessghate the districts to the nwelted,.States to which the Misituiting , Agent is to be 149011espoidellci,i4iteug tobusingia arising am der ilia order, will be 'addressed to Col. M. 8. Quay, Military Secretary, who is charged with its supervision. jy2l-d3t A. G. CURTIN. VETERANS TO TEE FRONT :BOUNTY. " Citizens' Volunteer P!lbstituto Committee" is engaged in recruiting veterans and aliens not liable to draft. Veterans can I:10W enlist under the most advantageous conditions and, While assisting their country at this crisis, can secure ample provision for their Macs during their- absence. By applying to this committee, theptellt be mustered into:Vie service es substitutes- .Whep-oan select any Pennsylvania regiments and will receive on the day of muster. Sid undreci and fifty dollars in cash, ]this lt any nedugtionlor cemmission or brokerage, be sides the bounty offered by the Government. Veterans! the country looks to you to uphold her flag against the advancing armies of rebellion. Daniel Steinmetz, chalet; John Thompson, J. G. Rosengarten, Treas'r, Clement B. Peurote, Clark Ham - - Henry 0: Lee, Moe of the Cbmitittee, No. 422, Wainut.street, Phil's. Jyti.diw Millinery and Fancy (foods. M1.9..7.. HIBBS, it No. 13 Market Square, next door to Felie'sConfectlonery, keeps constant -I,y un hind the haat styles of Bonnets Hats, Ruches, Flowers, Ribbons, kc, together with a Bonnets, assortment of Dims Trimeangs, Laces, Embroideries, Collars, CMGs, ilanditerchiets„.lgosiery, Gloves and Variety Goods in peen* , . - • All the Least, Designs of Dress Patterns direct from the New York Bantam Dress and Cloak making neatly exe cuted. Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her opening, she traits, by a strict attention to busines and her endeavors to give generalaatisfaction, to continue to receive a shore or the public pati.onago, jyl4l3m HOTEL FURNITURE FOR SALE. Tilt BING about to retire from the business, B the stlblenhor offers at public sale, on TUESDAY, JULY-26, 1864, THE ENTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE n e - Seines - Hotel flarrisbur- Pa consisting of Bedsteads, Hair Mattresses, Feather -Birds . Pillows; Bolsters, Melts, - Comforts, Quilts, Carpets; L lint - COrtter CallekrllluommmfooarrliCnives. Guam earl China Ware salTlelerd. to aemiennmaate 900 Quests, Stowe, firkihrat iftanidia—dn..lhatevecylldng-reqtaMd in *a lam- ItataL _ • liahat• emildintel inmm day to day mite all 12 told Teems sash, ander nue hundred dollars in&log J. 6 :Err HERB. • -•-• F0n..444.E, _. ..-: _ _ .... _ AA,..iffiilFTßUCV_Ruißlarli foia - doste Vii•ry, . w ith & m u ff or no* T Rail, weighing It pounds to the gull:for acme quarries or sidling& DAVID MUMMA, J715-3w iittarriepat•Lew. CA.NICEELBInErit WLLNBTSTIMET, BELOW THIRD. = JOE lIILLFIR • BILLY PORTER OPEN every night with a first-elasa corn- Twiny of male and female artistes. The perform ance embraces , every . variety of legitimate amusement, such as SINGING, DANCING, pAyromiu Et:MUNI:01; AND ..T&ST.i. Admisskax, 2& eenta, ' •' Seats In private boxes SO eenta Doors open at 7: In commence , at 8 o'clock. jylBdtf GOVERNDIENT SALES, &C. POSTPONED SALE OF CONDEMNED . 11 ..R :AS E. Orates AsSertitor Qtrareratimsrss .H.A.GBRatOWN, , Saturday, July 16, 180 $ NIT ILL Be sold by Public Auction, at Car lisle, Peitirolvania, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 28tb,. 27th and 24th, 1866, 350 H.GI-106., condemned as nnnt, for public service These horses wet, advertised to be said at Hagerstown, 114-.4 but in cone quence of the rebel raid were driven to Carlisle an i the sale postpimed until the time above designated. Terms-of Sale—Cash In Government iunds. N. J. HOPISLVS, jy-22 dat Capt. and A. Q. M. 1,000 Horses Wanted! THE G-OVERNMEITT REQUIRE roa IMMEDIATE USE ONE THOUSAND CAVALRY HORSES, For which CLASH will be . paid on their de livery at 11 Alt It S B Ult , At Government priees for such as bear hi spection. Agents for purchase will be found at Lanctuder, lag, Lewistown, Williamsport and Chirliale. Zy command of Major Gomm:l Conon. J. O. JOHNSON , Cant. and Cief Q. St Dept 2usqualhanna. OFFICE Cal , Q. M., Deer Suarl ll2 BAwltai 1 HARRI3=7.4I, July 15,,1864 . . ' fyl.3 AUCTIOT CONDEM - NED .11ORSE S. WAR DilpAaniEgivr, CAgelar Ituazar Orgies me Caner QUARTER, R r ASIZNOTOS, D. C., July 4, 1864. WELL be sold at pttillie atigtiNa, to too biabwit bidder, at On tfine,C.rofd pTs a named be low. viz: Harrisburg, Penn's, Thrt - rdlay, July I,BBg. Altoona, Penn's, Mare lay, Augast. 4tb; 1964. Wllliamsport, l'enn'a, Thursday, August 1 tak, 18%. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry 6ossee atnioh ylnx These Horses have been tondeir_nott as unlit fur the Cavalry service of t.%p Array. - For road and farm purposes many good impsatas may t had. Horses sold singly. TERMS: (W m United Stabm Currency. .TAMES e. EU& Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Berwo jyti-dtd SALES OE RIAL ESTATE. A cnoiciai FARM AT reliLtLIC SALM. ON THURSDAY, August .4, 1864, the ma, dersigned, n k ue° of S. L Bowman, wit sell at public silo, tae following reel estate: A tract of land, sit uate in EastPcnnsborough township, Cumberland, bawd ed by land of Simon Dresbach, l} o. Oyster , and inhere, containing 102 acres, more or law having thereon ereett. a large two.atory atone Louse, good tenant house, large bank barn, apple orchard of choice fruit, a pump at the door; also, a running sweat near the Douse. Phis Is a choice farm and in a hhh mate of cad.. vation_ Located S nniee west of Harrisburg, and a half mile north of Oyster's POitIL. Sa:e to take place on the premises at S o'clock P. M. to said day, when terms will be made by , jylo-dis GEO. W. calsw - .2LL, Preston. FOR. SALE,' pliE valuable property. oorner of Seat;La A.' and Pine aneota, being tifty4wo Rona halt feet on Sc ouol and ono Liuntirt.xl and sixty-etgbt. IV A, on Pine cumin" back two hundred and ton feet to Barbara alk there being spoon for tour full building lota, and a matt cr eirable site for a Governor's Mansion or pitbilb tunklin. For particulars enquire of MIA MURRAY, corner of St • coed and Pine reels. " '• tear6.l Pll',l VAT s: A. LE. ONE of the best • locations.rfor IltuA WORKS ha the State for tale, at a very reasonsid, price, to any puretwer "rho will improve It, eitustool witl.- ta a *tort distant:* of the city of Rartiaburg b,tween the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, about tire hundred fret wide, and alongside of the hest Ihneetone quarries It tti• State and three to a goad turnpike rovl ; also, room Wabie for Jr., r. dltorae} - -at-ISsi, ht. 24 Barth &arid sweet. matie-dtf Thuvirtrusg Pa [Philadelphia PresT !naerfthrx , Nam and avid - bill this office.) Land for Soko. 520 ACRES of Lank. in Daaphir, at private sea, la parr br'attct Pole, tr. -xi , pa...tawas • 1 arms dear, goad buitaingaat . w. ,, ,,:a.• Saw,tW. For ftlANevi4oo..ettlarA; . . L. 813ENSEElt, Paaritta. Tuowlari 6.antr, =I Drnfti~bri A rt:SDi , drt. r ALIENS and parsins.untier:ar wits the re quired age, who have been mcnllipi in this (14114 Dimriot, or any other District tiielitatk - cart haw) th , it exemption papers made oat at rates ,d by law. Now is the time to put In a istibtaute and avoid the draft. Parma's who are not, liable to flail. eked who wtah enter the army as substitutes, can obtain the bighest mium. Business transacted by mail at'legd rating, and cn=i ^ travel thereby avoided... • Call at came, or address ERGENE I'LrEft, Attorney at Lem, ad street, . 4. ll.arrisburg, Yx Jygicioemos, A. GOOl3 ClaitrialQ. rPHE, subscriber wishing tc retire from busi- A... noes, will sell out. hie eatird steck, escalating of Dry Geode, Boots, Uwe, Grocerios,..Boaloax„&o,. all wrli selected and desirable for present trecle--UOUGHT FORE THE ADVANCE. Also, will sell or rent the Hottoo as easy terms. To an enterprising mao or Oro this Ss a good opportunity to go Into business. It is a pleasant luattlon—:goad buaLuese delog new and could be easily Unweaned. r. JOH/CaVIP, Road. jy7 nod3w , floTu..-r m.Aßlaw. , s gm*, 14xs Piarator, 1 lialuusanini Vs_,;nrio 6, 1864- f rpo DRAFTED MEIN : 4 . am ilirected by 1 Liam,. OaL I. V. Bomicsel A. A_ Provo Marsha& cienerai, by his otimilar b N0.4594cir. June* 1864_, w pal.- liab "Thatdrafted embAre miii alovred to enlist an vo.un teem after being dratted; ant that cho creolta for drafted tatt men will maim for ; the ae lets, item which Cho , were Orafmil, no matter, Oh ilher incol'istirinty has or b u . not been pad to Bushmen, Open.-'illegal enlistment" .1141.). KAY CLEXIM, Capbsia cad PnrOat MoirahA 1 4 th MA Po. Jee-dtf NE -w 3 0 0 'icIizIOULDEU STRAPS OF SHODbI Just N!...rived at EdelBl SCREireER'S Boossron. WALNUTS, CIMAIINUTS, FILBEETF. Fannie wham* Ed, RIUMER & FRAZER, my 6 ilnek.amoiS to W cek, Jr & Co. P INE A.PPLEB,IPENE itialkL . ES, just re -1- geived• l o -• = _ Je29 - on co kV. ric , elr. Jr., & Co. • A Ntw spyof FRESH SMOKED A7,..,EA4S,Jut ra ged this amain& au ; SILIBURVYR kZF.Ic Jr-17 cceemors co W. Dock, Jr kOr trAMS! EL eisitnes Asp !—A freih - iaWKof r Hang and biloa Beer. at DOTER & rozgrck. SIII o BS, iritlaliSK.ll , l PURSES r arai a geacrei variety of LEA. rhelved at a RfiRONE 11110CrliET' PORTEMQ,. TITER 6- ! HUCKST BASKETS. --Shialer & Fr: - zer, seteceseers to W. Dock, Jr., & Co., have on band so OM= bieUry*F4Xelis. Prioe s.i 60 per dorm ies` Ell , rropietrm ~,Bnainess Agent ~..Stsge Kamp: FOCES, 00111 C OPERAS, NSGEO COMICALITre% MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers