I.IDtE TELEGRAPH MORKEN AND NMI:NG, - 11 Y GEORGEWERGNER. OFFICE TRIED BT, NEdit swirl= . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION, Tax DAILY Tausis'An is served le anbacribers in the city at 12 cents per week. Yearly aubscribers will be charged $G 00 in advance. Those person: who neglect to pay is advance will be charged $7 00. WEEKLY-TELEGRAPH Tait Trai 92 : olll3 418,4ptiblished weekly, and is famished o subecribers at the tbUbivh3g cash rates Single copies, weekly Three, copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Poet Office RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ! SPRING TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS. DAILY TO AND FOUR FROM PHILADEDELPHIA. ON AND AMR MONDAY, Hay 16th, 1864, THE Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart from and arrive at Har- Manual and Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbuig daily at 2.46 a. a., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6,65 a. FAST LINE loaves Harrisburg daily (except Holiday) at 6.00 A. tr., and arrives at West fluladelphia at 10.10 A. Passengers take breakfast at Lancaster. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION, leaves Harrinburg at 1.20 s. x. , connects at Lanamter vrltt Lumina' accom modation train, and and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12S6r.a. COLUMBIA ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaved' Harris burg at 12 20 r. H. ; Columbia 1.55 r. and arrives at Lancaster ^2.30 P. IL connecting with Fast and. east at Lancaster for Philadelphia, and arrives at West Philadel ittsat-5.30 P.m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 1.20 r. u. ; Lancaster at 2.47 r tu., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.30 r. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Colum bia, leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 r. 11.., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 10.50 r. x. WESTWARD BALTIMORE EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisbiug daily (except Monday) at 2.10 a. x..; Altoona, 7.26 •. IL, take breakfast, and arrives at Pittslwrg at 12.30 P. lc PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS T • loaves Harrisburg daily at 3.10 A.X. Altoona at 8.20 a. r. , take breakfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at LOO r. ti MAIL TRAIN leaves Harriaburg at 1.30 P. x. ; Altoona at 7.16 P. it. ; take supper, and arrives atlittaburgat 12.30 A. M. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 340 ik a 4; Altoona at &Be P. a., take supper, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1.00 ea. mon.7 JOY ACCOMMODATION leaves 'master at 9,30 A. it., arrives at Harrisburg at 1110 ELARRIBRURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West Philadelphia at 2.45 P. a. , and (=PICA at-Harrisb*at 8.10 P. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION No. 2, leaves 'Ances tor at 6.26 P. K., connecting therowlthflirAebargAccom modation West, loaves Mount Joy atl.oo r. K. and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.20 P. K.. . . SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Oapt. Middle Div.. reamed B. M. on, May 13, 1804.-dtt Northern Central Rail Way SUMMER TIME TABLE. TRREE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM BALTIMORE WASHINGTON CITY. Connections made with trains Oft Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North . and Weet Branch Susquehanna, Elmbe, and all of Northern New York. ON and after 'MONDAY, MAY 16th, - 1864, , the Passenger Troths of the Northam Central blway will arrive ,at and depart from Harrisburg and timore as follows, Ms: _ _ SOUTHWARD HAIL TRAIN leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday).... ..... .... .10.26 A. N. If leaves Harrisburg 1.20 " arrives at Baltimore. . r 6.40 P. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Sunbury dilly (except Sunday) 1146 P. IL leaves Harrisburg '(except Monday) !JO A. a .. arrives at Baltimore daily ((except M0nday).. :. ..:... 7.00 A. Y. ILARRISSURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Han. burg .. 7.00 a. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Sun. bury daily (except Sun day) at 7.80 A. NORTHWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily (except Sunday) 0.20, x. leaves Harrisburg 135 It arrives at Sunbury -06. r. a. IMPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore dai1y...... 0.80 alt. arrives at. Harrisburg.......L6o A. IL leaves Harrisburg daily (ex. cept Monday) arrivesat Sunbury HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Bal. timore daily (except, Sun. day) . . ILOO r. x. 4. arrival at Harrisburg. . —7.50 r. a. SUNBURY ACCOMMODATION leaves Bards burg dally (excePt Sunday} at 400r. *. x. For farther information apply at the Office in Penney'. vents Railroad Depot. J. N. Dtritkimy,. Harrisburg, May 16, 1864. -dtf Gen. Supt. NEW AIR LINE ROU . THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, November 16th, 1868, tko Passenger Trains Will leave the Pillla: delphis and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg,. for ; New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz EASTWARD EXPRESS LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.30 a. K., rival of the Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 145 a. ac A sleeping dr is attached to the train through from Pittsburg without Change, • MAIL TRAIN leavea Harrisburg at 8.004: Y arriving !n New York at 5.30 E N. and Philadelphia at L6O r. x. FAST LINE leaves Eamsburg at ROO.r. sr.„ arriving in New York at 10.26 Pa , and Philadelphia g.OO r. K. WESTWARD. FAST LINE leaves New York at 6.00. x. 71., and Phila. &Spit% at &lb A. r., arriving at Harrisburgtat 1.1.6 P. N., MAIL TRAIN leaves New York at:12.00 sows, sad .Philadelphia at &SO P. 31., arriving, at Harrisburg at L2O ' EXPRESS TRAIN leaves New York at 1 . .00 0. ar:, ar- riving at Harrisburg at 2.00 A. r. and =meeting with t ira Penasylvarda Express Train for Plttsburg. A gibelng eft Is also attached to this train. Connection are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &o. gege checked through. Fare between New York andurg,_•26 13 ; between Harrisburg and Made!. phia, $.3 35 in No. 1 oars, and $3 in No. 2. For tiokets or other information apply to • 110144 W READING RAILROA D. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM Tim NORTH and Noythwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, PoUsville Bebanon, Allentown, Easton,ho6tc. Trains leave Ha rrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate station', at 100 A. a., and 2.00 P. N. New York Express leaves Harrisburg at 6.80 A. R., arriving at New York at 1.45 the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train loaves Read ug at 7.15 A. it., and returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. Fares from Harrisburg: TO New York, $6 lb; to Phila. delphia $3 88 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at 6 A. st. 12 noon, and 7 r. Express arriving at Harrisburg at A. I.) laaris Philadelphia at 3 lite. x., and 8.80 r. N. sdesplag oars in the New York Express Trains, through to and frtsa Pittahurg without change. p usea gen by the Catawissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 150 A. x., and 2.10 r. a., for Philadelphia, Neer York' and all way points. T ra i ns wave Pottsville at 9.15 A. IX, and 8:80 for Philadelphia, Harrisburg and New York. An AcoommoditlomPasisiger train leave s Reading Ft 400 A. tr,,, and returns from Phliadelplaa at 5.00 r. Bir All the above train rim dolly, ga n d er A Sunday train Isms Pottaville at 7.80 A. Z., and adtphla 8.15 r. sr. eromMutatiOn, =sage, Beason and Excureico tialtetiat reduced rates to and from allpoints. 80 pounds baggage allowed to each 12, A. NlObila, Goner& iiopeitatoodeatf Mg 1116&—dirwat $1 GO 4 00 10 00 8.15 L m. 5.53 L x. J. J. CLYDE, %men] Agent. Ilio.Tieburc - STIII PRINTING OFFI " 1 ' -**\ l !lfe„ , o, • . . - - 1 _ i p --- : -- 1:4 - , -- -,----,, i ,- - - w. --:-_----- ' . 1 un vl ',.."&rjr 7r St:4 l, 418 *4 . , : tilli r tl aq*, ~.,_ roit,a. kr 11 10165a 1 ,19 1 17 ;One day% ' g. 80 'One day -.. ~ .. _ • ~ .One ti . . _, ree 91 _........,.. ~.„,-cii........f i f., _- A _t , " I '' ,----- N ' 0:-. : • . , ..." ' • liv weeti I I, 251 OnaNkeek . ..... ~ - ..., ---., ~, .s.' --.) .i . , ' ' _-, ' : - „„. . One m0nt_ri..,,......._a 00 One month . . . ... ... . . .__ - .V - • •-• i , tll l . - : , ~F, vr - Two math! - Throe months it 414;k' rortil l Zraii • • i .1..yl - - - .. - --'---.... One year 15 GiO On.e.year,,..• f ' r ^ ' . Adnandidration Notices ' i. 1.1.1 .• r - BY &BONE RAILROADS. 1864. •_ B•11111"-gjAtit A .1111C-Ar= Philadelphia tirie -Rail- Rom': TIM great line traverses the Northern and liorthavest ocourdies of Pennsylvania to the city or Erie on Lake Erie. It has been leased by the PXMOSTIVANLA RULIXAD ()OX FAM, and under their auspices is being rapidly opened throughout its entire length. . . It is SW in use for Passenger and Freight barium from Earrisbarg to St. hiary's (216 miles) on the Eastern Diviakm; and Dom Shartield to Erie (76 miles) on the Western Division. TIRE OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT sauusiluito. • Mow Erattaard, MalPTrido L2O P. L Express Train ' PZ%-i sr A. a. Loma Northward. • Mail Trata r.- 1 . 2 0 r, 11. Express Train ', &IS .i. ii. - Care run through wrrnorre MANOR both ways on these trains between Philadelphia mid Lock Eaves, and; be tween Baltimore and Lo& Haven. „...._ Elegant Sleeping PM on Express tratge both Ways bet; niumi tween e W iphia llltainsport , . , amal tim . I re' "t and ,Aod WiliWillit4ll : ,l4p. a I'M , For informitien re specting Passenger Waitress MAY at the S. E. Corner 11th and'Efitiket "trade: ; And for Freightbusinem of the Compants Agehts: & B . iti n pot,,, Ar,,,!?4water , llith , and *whet atreati,it ridladr* . iEriv-, J.. 11. Agent N. Z. B. It., Italtimore. ' • . E.111.' HOUSTON', . • Gawk? "rigAg Atbalg. 4 14. 4. LEWIS L. HOUPP, KG. D. Peng ' ' ' ___ _ . • i+POI R ntp2o4lll General Manager , Willionwpore. CUMBEiLL D VALLEY ~~ FRA,NKLIN R A I. It R 0 A DS. CHANGE OF HOURS .— On and after MOlL day April 4th, 1864, glaineave Maas In ran dally, as Mows, (Beadaye except..o . . 0141IIMMIRERO AND 8 1W 8 BVEG: Leave Haserestown 7.60 2.45 " Greencastle 7.67 LIM Arrive at B.lf 4.20 Obambereburg, I I,eave K 8.30 12.65 Leave litliippmelawg 9.00 L2B " 9132 2.00 .6.06 • 66 Carlisle 555 10:10 2.42 66 Meehaskeboug .... , -an 10 42 8..12 Arrive at Hantaburg ...AGO . 11.15 149 . PON °HAMMEN:MG AND ifAaßasfpWß; eave Harrisburg A. sr. r. iC r: N. L tos L2l" . 410 4 . 4 .. Meellaniutiurg • ' &47 2.x4. 4141 " Cer,liele , 9.27 215 5.29 " Neriville ....# _ . 11 r 1 •241.2 S 5.24 _--,. ~ " ShOpeemberg . • 10.0 .4.00 V- ;' • - - Melo* at.... 11.00 480,0 • -• Clitonber 66 4 — I Lowe at ' ' ...ILIO 4.40 Leatv Greeeastae .11.56 5.50 . • Arrive at . . 6.10 VP )(Wag does oonsgadions at ilarriMmug with train for" ntladelibla, New York and Pittsburg i and with • rattle for ill pointy Wart. The Trsda leaving Harrisburg at 4.2 A, P. X., TIAN eagr aa far Carlisle. 0. N. Lpu,, avg. R Oillee, Chamberablug, April 4, 180447 - MEDICAL. ELIXIR. DR. WRIGDIDA REIIIVENATING ELIXIR, OE, ESSENCE OP LIFE Prepared freer Fuse Vegetable Extracts, containing trth- tot haluziona to the moat Delicate. Aar The Rejuvenating Elialr to the result of modern discoveries In the vegetable kingdom; being an , entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and wont-out systems. • sti-This medicine has been tested by the most eminent medical men of the dew, and by them prehoimomi to be one of the greatest, medical dbartiniell•Or the see . WOne bottle will care General Debility. WA few doses cures Hysterics in females. ,StrOne bottle cares Palpitation of the Heart. WA few doses restores the organs of generation, . girFrom one to three bottles restores the manibmie end full vigor of youth. :1 . it/rA few doses restores the appetite. WThree bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. /WA lOW doses cams tee Ipw spirited. WOne beetle rotors mental power. iltgrit foie doges being thil rose'to the chew* Ohio medicini reStorell tome at . i l lO roblui hoalttNie: poor, deldlltitird, weriklown and despairing devotee Of Stung Pleasure. milks Itetteee , enorsattd youth, the ever.taabsd sun . buARQ, I *,9 I4S . 70Fthzi,,?rcs th e dividng.agrasim frOnt's*isrid . detety, of AIM mamma of arm, win. 4 1 arriodiate , 1 114.1 11 , relief by the use of, this NliVror Fasersra,ef LIM /arnica, $ 2 .11 2 10 .4 111 4." Um* bot4l4erre $5 • and forwarded by eaves; ,on, receipt of ineneg,., so ' any ad- dress Viotti by all draggbgeevarywitere: " • • R. KERWIN St , CO., No. 59 Liberty groat, New. York. CHEROKEE PILLS. SUGARCOATED mutt{ assimirrois, HEALTH 'PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SAFA. Mirror the Mownial 4 Ohotonotions and On /MINIM qf Regukority is the Boorrntooce of an • . Monthly Ark*. agg-Theyoitre or obviate those amorous diseases that spring from.. Irregulariti, by removing the irregularity .•' • • sir They airs Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men struatioa, • asnlley eon Cram Sickness (Gbh:wads.) air They , cure Narrow and Spinal Affbetiene, pains la the back end lower parts of the body, Ifeaviness, on alight - exertion, Palpitation of 'the Heart, Ingram of dierfte, WYaeria, Sick Snatch's,' Giddiness, Ss., &a. In '1.1114 by tediering the irregabuity, they ramps the (nue; ant ',Skit ALL the erects that'spring from it fir Coinposed of simple regetadnearabta, they con jib wants deleterious to soy innuatntien,, however dam* their Paection being , to sibillinte - enema. for . 'weakness, whiell, ... uned, they never 10 to deporhof inta be.sandy Weed 'at ay gn i and anny pinion tinnier tertian "Win weer 'Two lam; wadi the Audaliag nom? of their Idles roe* wobbly *raw map* - - - • - c• 144.01-I.l44maiiiing-thiiilidiOn or ideas 10 3e, ProilPtiy L ae,* eta astiainktr _waterless sr Fell Orations adminspaar. mint afirMy tu ppribay or six boxes fee µ ardate.. ~1 1; 1 4 to* of pew. on nigekit or OM airfield mt. W. 13..=1N IM.rtheleirwaars. 'atatiAtaL 110. taliberty are* Kew ork. -iZtirsidlarg unaimak 11110,11$ " 'At"' diri 0 Y . - 1 N W FOREVER I--Webster: HARRISRURk PA., SATURDAY EVENING,. JULY 23,. 104. D:1 14 )P'`E PSILAI 1864 DISEASES RESUIITING FRO* DISORDERS `OF THE LEVER 1 D DIGESTIVE ORGANS,_ 1100PLAND'S 6-ER MAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. TEMP Bitters have performearsare'enres; have ,and do give better atlisfactlea; have nioro tea ttmonY; bafe-more respectable peOpla to youth fOr them than any othenertiela in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, Ind will pay $l,OOO to may one that, will produce a certificate pub lished by es Dull tp notteneine. Holisnd's Gentian Bit tent, .will cure &very ease of Chronic or Nervous bet:ants Diseases of the' Kidneys, and - diseases arising from a did- Ordered stonier - IC , Observe the following- symptoms, re. ,eultini froth the disiiiders of the digestive- organs: Con stipation,. inward.Filea, „Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stenfach, liinees, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, FUllness orvreight inthiStomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach,- Swimming of the h Hurried and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the hear Choking or nuffoasting sensations when in a lying pasture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the sight,. Fever and dull pain in the, head, Deficiency of pera pirate); Ye lowness Of the skin and eyes, Pain in the side, back,' chest, limbs, ha, Sudden flushes of heat, Burning in the &eh, Constant imaginations of evil, and great de imam= of, pirits. , • Remember that this Bitters is,tfotalcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't mike drunkaada, but is the best Tonic In the world. Prom the Rev. Levi G. Berk,. Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Phliadelplue: • ** *, • * ••• .* * * * I have known Hooftand's German Bitters favorably for a number of yearn. ' I have used themin my own fandlyi and have been so pleased with their effects that I was hi. ducod to recommend them to many othera and know that they have operated In a strikingly benallehel manner.,l take, ONG, pleasure? in thus publicly . peacialsning .' tis fact, and paling the attention of tholitr 'afflicted With-the thseisies for Which they are :reoommtaided 'to time Fflf tors, khowlnitAlamettlyerience that raymicommendation will be sustained. ..I ,tio this More &earthily se Hoof kuull Bitters lainteadkd to Whs. at tha 'afflicted , and Is "not a rum drink." Yount ten*, prom Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. B. Editor of the En •zelitedla of Beiillioua Knowledge pd Christian Chroni ilahelphi& . Although not disposed to favor or remain:nand Patent liehinnes in genendi !inveigh dliarust of their ingredients and ellen& I yet know of no suilicictuC relators, why a man may not testily to the benefita he lialletes.himselflo have received tram any simple preparation,' the hope Butte may thus; contributeLi:thy:l.l;4'l4lloC ethers. ~.I do ;this the more readily inregard to' Ger man Itittere x prepared_ by Dr. o.' Atha* of this • city `becauseWas pre j u diced willtet them fore many years, rimier tee impression that they were chiefly an Alcoholic mixture.. J. am indebted to my friend, Robert &mem& 1 0.1 ,110 removal or rthia prejudice by .p vper inks; am for en eat trttrttned'itinai gultenit* !rein ',great islt eintheted- The nes or lianakiluiatariss sr these . Bitten at besdrodng _year, was followed.by endear.- relief, end ragas itre.Siegfee beililYendmentalvigor. of not. 'six tainltha ,befor e, and hia -almost - 4 fa of regainihg. I .therefore tbAnk Gliki•and myth tor dt-- meting me team use of them „‘, . . . . 4 - J. NEWTON BROWN, lade. From Rev. Warred' Randerph, Pastor - Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. • Dr.. V.. M.. .Tadoka:—Dear Bir:—Persimal eXperieloa enabbwmckto say ties I regard the. German Bitters, inct paked by you, as a most excellent medicine. in cases of severe cold and general debility.l have been greatly beam tined by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they will produce similar ,affects on cabals. Yours truly WARREN RANDOtPR., • Germantown: , Pa. ELIXIR. From Rev. J. IL Turner, Pastor of Redding 1L S Church, Philadelphia. Dr, C. IL Jacknon:—Deur Sir:--Having used your Ger man Bitters in my family friquenGy I,ain prepared to say that it has ban of *nit nervice. believe that in moat cues of general. debility , of the system it is the Safest and moat voluble remedy of which I have any kaowledge. Mu" roppeoffolly J. H. TURNZR, No. 728 N. Nineteenth' street. - Frdm the Bor. J. N. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa.) B Churches. New N. Y. Dr: C. N. jaeiteon:--Deer fositi &pleasure thus, of my own 'monk to bear testimony to the er o llence of the Bermanßitters. Noolet4loont 0 1 C0+;blithit motel withltjaiwysis, I uWO Qin .o itk very boneruw results. I have anon receniniesded them to i=s fabled by that tormenting distil., and have freer them the most flattering testittionials as to their vat. veins. In cases of genend debility, I baileys It to be it tonic that cannot be ,sarpassed: J. N. LYONS krorit the Bev Thomas *lnter, Pastor . of RN:borough Baptist Cherob. Dr. Jackson:--Deer Sir:—l felt it due to your excel. .lent preparation,. Hoorianet German 'Bitters to. add my tostimony to the.deserved reputation it km obtained. . I have for YoatA,Aifiriirei been liOUldedwilk emit (Warder Mint head . d; nervous system. - 1 tae advised by, a 'friernito tit &bane of. your Gletwati BOOM; did so, arid iutvesisperieneek great end unexpleted relief; my heal hip*** very migarially herniated. 1 amadontly . no articlee *betelmeet with mats rnim to my hays 'mien earn I A earned b many of their good „of -414 Fiti&B 4 O4l2 %rieborotigh, Pa. *mut, of the German RefOrrne4 Chunk Butito Bette' thirsty. Pa. Dr. C. If. " "olil-L4teepeetirit Sir:-1 have been troubled with. Dyspepsia waxily twenty years, and have never usedriny medicine that did me as much good at Booriand's Bitters lam very much improved in health, alter having taken live bottles Yours with respect, S. a ataxia • Large Sloe(holdingrWauty double quanuly ,) $l. 00 ' per bottle—halfrdoz $6 00 13,41 Slio 7 -76 canto Der bottle—half dos. • 4 00 BEWARE OF bouNTERFura bee thatabi i idgnaturroF:ft. , JACKSOtfI. la on the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your sweat druggist not have the article , do DS be puteff by any. el the intordcathekneperationa'that any be (Arad Ita Plan, bnt send de, and WS MY fervent, aercirely packed, by expreet PrinrApal Office and Yin , 140. 031 ARCH'. STIt , SST, PIEILADILPRIA. ' • Jarrett& swank • enamors to 0,41. Jackass at Vb..' r • PROIPRIETO6. For sale by Druggists and neaten in (miry town in the NUM &idea !arid dimly - Nirkiki r JAME, INDEED! me our film and extensive y ,stook of: Photo -end, Photigriph CriutTlcturee, we Nam scIiteditBRAIMULISULOPIS tai thimsoeptiou at card=ri o t,. yhey must be sesnatid will be admired, air kers supplied at the very.loweet *We, sale slut • Cettard printed uptet them for $125 per itutonsild, wholesale-and mutt • • L.1F.01124 SCUFF R,'s MUM mumwswindospita SLUM l:firettreeTl=ll24l"" etitheth PUblier i VaLliß rabl rinigiegons to Win. Dock, jr & & - "DEEP T0N4:413748.-;—Firt e large beef tongues, JJ 'cured by J. $ Wicheaer is Co., and for i ft . ly • IE ioU idacesal ., ABISLRrowDod;.&F Jr, do ~.. MEDICAL. ASE CUBED BY READ WHO SAYS SO • • Lin G. BEAL PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. MAVLAY I ' . A TTORNEY4T-LAW. ••• ,- PittykiA and Union ARIL budding, Harrisburg. Strict attention paid to all legal business. Military claims collected. .mylo-416nt.eodo. _ . Thomas C. Mac'Powell Attorney-ttt-Law. OFFICE IN TILIBD s,C., BELOW PIM • HARRISBURG, PA.. , • ALL manner of Military Claims promptly attended to, and Mahn& colleMedagairtet theceneral or State Governments,- either: in Congress, the Court of Claims at Washington city, 'Or at Harrisburg, without un necessary delay, and on moderate terms. ap29416m A. C. SMITH, ATTORNEY - LAW. AS removed his Offieti from Third to wa s • nut street, next to the Prism. All batman in trusted to tem will receive prompt and careful attention; aft 4 • LIEN (moan AND PROVISION STORE. & KOERPER 5 WHOLE SALE' AND RETAIL DEALERS GROCERLES 9 Queen's and Glass Ware s , AND ALL KINDS or COUNTRY PRODUCE, - HAVE just opened a large and *ell selected stock of goods at thCir stand, No. 3 HarketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to whioh they invite the attention of the public generally. • Dolt:141y rt,Awirr.n, 8L HLRR, • summons, To G. G KUNKEL CO. l DECTIEFIERS AND DISTILLERS and At - Wholesale Dealers !a D eported . .. Lad Domestic Li- Wu", HarriaburgrAk . . ' JyL-dlm , ~T 0 X-1,8. , USE Corner. of Market , otroot and Mirka Squore• EAREIII , II#IIO ' oicarz rA. VIIAS. MANN, .Proprietor. noCI-der STATE • CAPITAL HOTEL, CORNER. OF THIRD AND WALNUTSTRBIIIOO: HARRISBURG, PENN'A. "U nideregn ed having purohafied this well i mown !Own house has enlarged and thoroughlyrenovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and papered, and the entire cutilbainent: elegantly' re -furnished. }Wig Plea tautly and eligibly located, and provided with every con yenienoe, it offers to tho public all the comforts and luxu ries of a first GIBBS hotel. Trusty and obliging nervantn alwnys ln attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached In the establishment. de2fdly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. TEE UNITED - STATES HOTEL, • iI4tRISBITRO PA. nr iittit=o , l4SON,..Pffe Priftitti• I MMltlfeil,/cgtolniZiAel la . !** lion to accomatodate the - araveume attpue, affording the Meat ampleaenveniencee alike for the triaMituit guest mid.thia t boarder. • . • • • STATES HOTEL hie beenenth•ely rest ted out t ind now hag iccoMMOdatthns equal in extent,'ebnafert, and la:my to any betel behlteennibiddt. phis and Pittsburg. Its location is the beettin; the fifate Oapital, being in easy. scam to all the railroad depots, and ittclose proximity to all the public ofilces.and,burnees lo- Wiliam of the city. , It has mow all the °meanie we of prit'sr•cr...css ZIOTEX., and the Proprietor is determined to apace neither px rose,ittl: le or labor to moue the comfort of ,the guest& TneLpaironage of the travelincpubliffiarcipeckfallv Jeli-dtf MUSICAL. PIANO PORTER, lIBLOIIIIONS, S AIT:MUSIC, xrioults, FLUTES, GUITARS, BANJOS, EITEING% ds' of RUM FUSS, arid ill kin MUSI CAL MERCHANDI D SE, PICTURE FRAMES, LOOEDIG GLASSES, PHOTOGRAPH CARDS and ALBUMS, AMBRO. TYPE GEMS; ENGRAVING% PICTURES, &C., Reinember tho. place, MO WAND, No. 12 Third street, the largest Music Store this aide of the great cities. jinn-4'f MELODEONS AND. CABINET ORGANS. TWENTZBIX FIRST PREMIUMS, TWELVE SILVER' 'MEDALS, ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever !row by • instrmsionts of this . don) hos been awarded to . MASON & HANIT TN'S INSTRUMENTS. A fill assortment of these instruments always on band eaIRTOCHE'S, Selo eg,en 93 Market str t, Je4-21earlyi ' - - eet. A. P. TEIJP S ER, TEACHER OF' MUSIC. Omen At WARD'S MUSIC STORE, Third &rot • Residence: Third Meek above North. . d 1541 PitOCLAMATIOff. MEE eihinenn of the City of ilarrrithiirk are .1 hereby notified that the ordinance, entitled "an or dinance to prevent mischief from dogs," passed February 6,1861, will be strictly enforced. Attention especiallt directed to sections 4th, 6th and 6th, to wit: • - Sec. 4. Ttuit averring' siting atlarge Within the limits , of the mddcity, from the twentieth day et May until the twentieth day. of SePtelithek each and evert' year havesectirely put on a pea, among, substantial an d tide wire basket muzzle, enclosing- the whole mouth of said dog, so as eifectualki to prevent him from lilting and snap Pine. Sae. 11:- That any and every person owning a dog and permitting it to run at large without complying with the fourth section of - this ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than two dollars, with oasts, at the discretion of the Mayor; and in the event of the said constable net being able to find the owner of the dog so'running atiarge, he, or some person employed by him, shall take up, kill and bury said dog, for which service he or the parson' performing the ser vice shall receive the awn of one dollar, to be paid out of the city treasury. • See. 6. That every dog going at large within the limits of said city, shall have around its neck, at all times, a collar of metal or a collar of leather with a metal plate, on which metal collar Or plate shall be inscribed the name of the owner of Bulldog and any and it every person own ing a dog and permitting tit, tun at huge, without com plying with the routintions of this section, shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for away offence; and furthet, it is hereby Made the duty of the Chief Police Constable or a **On employed by hiot;to take up every dog so run ning it large in Molauett of this section, and unless the saidfine is paid by the- owner thereof, on demand, the. Saillotilcerla hereby authorized and required to kill the dog or cause' t to be killed and buried, for which services he shall be allowed one dollar outer the city treasury. jyfo A. L.' ROUMFORT, Mayor. VALUABLE t, PROPERTY FOrSALE subscriber offers for sale a valuabler r i Finrierie Bland, inta ate on tbe Lancaster turnpike, in the 'borough of Middletown, consisting of a large two-story Hotetotattniiiie- stabling and -all other necessary out•buildnapt. Also, Ora idjolnlng lot", having erecte d on each a two story frame ntretling. • • For farther particuiers apply to tip undo rngn4 oist4itt thownnes. aabwig.4. CUT FLY 4 PAPVW A MCZ allsorbnent tf Out Itiput I.or cea. xx, Wog glare, puttolt, hides "Ad gas.PiPes, at . scrusrrima wog , sroltx, "VOR SACLE:AllieLhorse-power STEAM .Ls nu m rand p 141.1114 .1n good °Mee Apply to FG MAIM • : Wind streek Wow • 1 PRICE 7 TWO CENTS. EVENING EDITI 2 !(mth47e2es;h : New Jersey Nea.,_:Otleasso us • Qwing to the exorbitant pifccs,coffeb and' imported teaS have reached, it a great boon to thoie whose means or inclinations forbid such expensive luxuries, to be 'able to pro cure so: p4atable a : substitute so cheaplfr. Its newtli.-i is almost I t iniVersal, in this county; iitivijoaeclandeiiPliugi this plant is knoww very '- C.114 - bnot" knou'ing it and wishing to , knOw4 . can •liave it degkribed and even shown to thlin y4thent going liar. The proper curing, ,of it,, requires I . some knowledge. A lady, Very'shiccessfal Ina its preparation, communieafee - her method as lollows: Strip off the leaves when the plant is in blossom, which lasts till October; put them into a basket loosely, so that steam inEkyl easily penetrate through the mass; place the basket into a larger vessel over boiling water; cover the large vessel so as to retain the steam, and boil about five minutes, which completely wilts the tea leaves. Rub between the hands, which causes it to froth is though shaped. An effort should be made to curl the leaves tea-fashion as much as possible. The steam ing and rubbing , process should be repeated the following day. Then diy and . keep air tight for future use. It improves by This tea is largely manufactured in Clinton county, Pa., and bids fair to become an article of commerce. The Agricultural Patent Office Report for 1860 has a valuable communication an tea, which . may be read with profit. BarzaroirrE, Pa. d. D. WINGATE. ZeregratiQ. Atlanta Probably in •_Siier- map's H4nds. TELE 0111PRIC OINIINJEITION WTI! THAT Gat No Official laaouncemcnt of its Capture. Ornap or TEM ASPOOLLTIP,PSESS, NEW Yomc, July /2. The Western Union Telegraph company are in coMMtmication with Atlanta to-day, messages from - that place of this date having been transmitted-over their wires.. No official announcement of. the capture or occupation of tkilanta has been rece*ed at this Ade up to this hour-4 o'.alook. The 72d. Pennsylvania . . WAsexiTcrrow, Inly 22. The. gallant: 72d (Pa.) Regiment arrived here this morning under command of . Lied', Col. Henry (ook. They number in all one hundred and fifty seven men. They will be further strengp ened by a number of conyalescents be longing to the regiment dationed here. . ' • Their time has not'quite expifed, and they will remain-in the; fortifications around this aityLtiiitill thei9th. 'pfeilmocat which time ' They leftlhe fittill'on. Wednesday.. They report that the 106th Pinnsylvariitt will ar rive here to-morrow.':The boys are a`u well ' ' and in good spirits over the prospect of soon being with those they love. . . The Rebeli in.Keni'ucky. Lotrnnuus, Ky., July 21. A 'dispatch' from Aokersville 'says that a barge containing - eight . himdred barrels of coffee belonging' to: the Government, which acaompained the steamer: St Linda when she was boarded, fell - int:rite hands of the rebehl and win destroyed. Last evening the rebels took the engine of oar construction train at New Haven; en the Lebanon branch road, fired hemp, opened the throttle-valve and let her run - wild cowards Lebanon. The Greeley Co.rresOondenee. Bzwea.o . , '3C., July 22. We learn frOm-the Vii ton House, Niagara, this morning, that by an oversight an import ant letter of Icrontee Qrseley's was omitted in the published-correspendence between him self and the peace commissioners, - , . It.waa not banded to the agent of the Asso tiiatAd or it would have appeared with thaiitherlletters.- The Gold - Mark ets'. ` - -Nsw YORK,' July 22 Gold. elosgdat 15V - this evening. Sou.thern. Ne*s. THE LATE MARYLAND RAID [Front the Riehniopd . Whig, July 16.] • TUE NEWS imam BEASILAND. The public . Were , feverish yesterday morn ing about additional news from the seat of operations in Maryland and the District of Columbia.. The accounts we gave yesterday from the" Baltimore American of the 12th, in addition` to the telegraphic sum= o try 'tom the Washington.G7tronicle, were too riteatrt the aggregate to satisfy the ravenous :craving of the reading public, whose ears from early morning were strained to catch the first re port of theicapture of Washington and Balti more. Morning passed, and noon came;' and yet the telegraph and the War Department were as dumb, as an oyster. We walked the street for hours in vain, hoping to hear of a. later Northern paper diart those already re ceived. At one o'claglt. „however, a gentleman, than whom there is not in the city one more trust worthy, ' - finto . our - sanctum looking as joyous ail3ext: Vie' when „Plikett's division the Yanks) bxelittsvittlLuottr., now 'avinousook,tzkon,W4tit he Mgarde4 As fhb *iiihairtiiiidinbny," tharotud troops,' with thtl'aidOllB;il6olifiryliii r. id Bedessionistit; Ittitltaltontrutdaitto occupied :the *city. of Bal timore. We -immediately. threw down our pen And struck up, in a style that would have , dons tolistOrlit to ,an Italian - opera singer —Mary/Midi - lily - Makylitrid—and: without a monientlt .heailettimfdetenuitiedAP! do one Marriage Auditor's Notices faueraiNoticeseachissertiorL.: , , _ Asarßusiersroticecgoewted Dia* Cbismo, Or -before Molts& n andsWiltdOillows Lao tbe matt insertion. - - • of the three thaw iu the, event the rumor proyft4 tale, viz: hared teQth , our da gdetreotypeefaken, or imbitge piesairn firr- 'a glass of soda water as'the Alabama"—most probably Ell - - Upon second thought it,oiditaiied.bius that the speediest waytßleam whether there war; any truth in the,prpor was to- go c nt,-onee to the War Departtabeitt. And `Sure though. we went, and, to oni. inortifacation, learned that if Baltimore hatt fallen titYLlgiiiwA nothing of it. This vettar'4le'conditiott! cethe 'news at o'clock, A gentlernau in whom much confidence is to be placed arrived at Lynchburg, Wednes day night from Pairfax county, having left there on Monday last. Re-states that the ex citement in Washington, consequent upon the Confederate advance into Maryland, is in tense, , and that, so great was the fear of the Yankee Government, that they were removing all the stores from Alexandria and Washington, and all the public, documents and property of every kind.., The greatest state of confusion prevails Pzi Washington, and the Lincolnites are in h terrible state of trepidation and alarm. This intelligencd our informant ob tained from gentlemen who had visited Washington, whose veracity was unquestion able. At 8 o'clock, the rumor of the oceupaney of Baltimore by our troops Was again current, with some variation, but all efforts to trace it to a reliable source proved unavailing. We console ourselves with the refteetioit that if it is not true, it ought to be. Zig Washington, with its corruption and 'tiollfitiOn, needs cleansing; and to it rather tharißaltimore do We hourly look with a prayerful longing that our General may have an opportunity at least to give it a thorough and oomplete cleansing. At 8' o'clock last night, we finally succeeded in-ventilating the rumor of the taking of Bal timore by our forces. It seems that a gentle man connected with one of the city dailies, early yesterday informed 'a distinguished member of Congress froth Hientticky that a Captain on sr certain LieriWiant. General's staff had seen a copy of the Washington Chivnicle of the 13th, which 'act:flitted the fall of Baltimore under the circumstances above described.. . . , This paper, it was furfilie,ksta t tedjaad been sent to the Government; but., stn. inquiry again at the War DepartMent; Sitind that they knew nothing whatever of it. A gentleman who arrived last night from the Nertheni Neek, - rettorts that MY the 13th it was stated that we had ;carried. Forts Lin coln and Stephens , batteries , around Washington are called forts.) ' • We learned at ten o'clock last night that deserters who came into our lines yesterday at Chester, stated that we, had, taken Wash ington with the loss of seven A lm - rand men. Our readers will not forget thafAeserters usually . pay their footing with something en couraging. THE CAPTURE OF WASHINGTON IiISTziAECOMPLISE ED—DIZAPPCT TO TER Agiwana POTS, TION OF THE COMMUNITY-7411CMPPS BAiD INTO PENNSYLVANIA. TILE,EATAIRTA ;ET*, Do , , (From the BicAmond ,Enguiro j Agi 18.) The. news from.,Marylaird,. &adenoid in the Chronicle:of the itith, gave .mach disappoint ment to the Sanguine portion2rat the vommu nity. Whether the.:capttere• of Washington was the object of the 'expeditieri ovriot, its fall was most anxiously expected:by-the com munity until last. Saturday,• - vherridhe tele gram from Petersburg brought to the know ledge of the public the fact.thatinceording to the Chronicle of .the 14th, the "Rebels" had withdrawn from in - front :Of 'Washington. While disappointed fialhat lietnineof the cap tare, it was nevertheleat verry - gratifying to know how badly scared,tbe enemy were, and for the world to 5. , 2) - 1;.)r," A:n!-tirlhe capital of Yankeeland cau be iTiOltaleif ofif-Bf 7 its wits. It is said that s lackya l ecident Marie saved Washington. Canby's Corps, from New Or leans, arrived at FortresaMonree on Saturday night, the very day - on which tie - battle of Monocaay Was fought, and Which revealed to the enemy_the'magnitude of the danger that threatened 'Washington: Ordered by tale onsph to that city, it arrived there on Monday la trine toprevent the capture ofthe city, and tohold its defences.until the arrival- of addl . tional corps from Petersburg had" rendered the storming Of the works riselese... The acci dental arrival of. Canby saved the City. Had he passed up. Grant, or been; delayed in his arrival one ,day longer, Washington would have been captured:'However great the dis appointment may be, yet much Mei already been, and much more will be accomplished by those army corps, now, as we, believe, still north of the Potomac. Pennsylvanialies be fore those corps, - and ilivites foraging on the largest scale. A raid by forty odd thousand :men, sweep ing through that State, destroying railroads, seizing horses and cattle and carrying retal iation to the very hearthstones of the people of PennsYlvania would cultivate into a most fruitful harvest the already Sown seeds of peace.' •Wit know nothing of the orders un der whichthat army is acting, • andthe secrecy observed among our people, which has denied to all, the least knowledge of the "expedition, cannOt be too highly commended; but it would be particularly gratifying to our °injured and plundered people to know that the enemy's system of warfare had been carried to their doors, and that they were being made to feel some of the injuries they have inflicted upon our country. This will be the ease, unless Pennsylvania is made to feel the system of warfare instituted and carried out! by the ar mies of the United States. They are entirely indifferent to the losses inflicted on Maryland, for they regard her of as us if not with us. The "act of vandalibm" which burned the residence of Montgomery Blair did not inflict any greater injury than that ; of Sheridan's men when they burned the magnikent resi dence of Mr. l3oulware, or the `bumble cot tages of many himdred,S,of..our pnorer people. The magnanimity that spared thWresidence of F. P.:Blair was entirelythAierWway upon a creature asdeepty dyed with the blood of this war as any other of, his ,fellow scoundrels. All the " hospitalitY" ever .enjoyed from its owner has long since been - wiped out in the red blood of %el:wave. Wie cannot appreci ate such magnanimity to such awretch. ±4 T O B TB roa litoteea-.sts.le VllE L Nl3" ; tilla l OriVISIVAtit i a‘itqWol/ itOlgalan imps. 11. 3 _ , ' REPEL V . XSSA.,:FAIdnat- riMETß..caltaft. CORN lam:always on band, of the bee& SjiME qtatiLy, RPER. iiktab - and FEW NEff MLCK --4=l244mmux. CE. Am id Ta u,. pkti can. e. Nen 60 s 00 900 11 00 :GI.. 15 0 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers