gaily tlegra4 NOT_( S TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Ativer n s, Ilttaness Notices, Mari- iss ges, ike" to ACCUre insertion in the ILEGRAPH., nrof..t iturarilabi y ire Wit. , orn iroed with tire VASIL Advert iseinenls ordered in the re , .: l l l a , Evening EdltloNftre insertel lu the 1101111 ill .1; 1 4 1111i:on without extrn r,. , • . UAIRI , B fl I THRUM ENENING, JULY IL 1864 1 :a.; r ; A N C NT V TO THE PATRONS OF THE TELEGRAPH. Owing to the continued increase of the price )f printing paper, we are compelled to raise prices of subscription to the DAILV TELE &FL The price of paper has advanced ,ur cents per pound within the past few days, And it uow costs three times what it could be purchased for, two years ago. On and after Monday next the Tarzon.tra will be furnished to city subscribers at TWELVE CENTS per week. The price to mail übsoribers will be srx DOLLARS per annum, One Dollar and Fifty Cents for Three maths, The incri•ased rates ,(which are very low, compared with those of other dailies) will about pay for the, white paper used, to say nothing of other expenses. Nearly all the journals in the country have ready advanced their price of subscription. mld the manufacturers of paper continue J advance their prices, one-half the newspa pers now published will have to suspend ope rations. 111==1:111 RALLY ROUND THE FLAG, BOYS. —Captain Orem is raising a battalion of 100 days' men. We would recommend him to all who wish to enlist, as he has been in Virginia, un der Uncle Sam, for the last three years. Headquarters Camp 6'urttn and White Hall Hotel, Harrisburg. $5O bounty will be paid to all recruits. jrll-dlw• Men Wanted for the Cameron Guards. A tew more men, for theme hundred days' service, are wanted for the Cameron Guards. Apply at the headquarters, at the F l llsworth House, Market street. Fifty dollars bounty paid. J. D. SUTLIFF, Capt. Lt. J. W. WOODBURN, 6th P. R. iyl4-3t• I= Attention, City Zouaves! A. meeting of this company will be held at the "Exerwsciz," in Walnut street, TRIEt EVENING, AT 7 O'CLOCK, for the purpose of being mustered into ser vice. Every member is expected to be punc tual, at the hour appointed. Pay to com mence immediately. By order. Rally for the Cavalry: Young men are wanted to fill a cavalry company for 100 days. S5O bounty. Gov ernment finds horses, and everything else. Call at Big Tent, Market Square. 2t G. WA.SIIINGTON FENN, Captain. A SIIPERIOI: lot of Stock Hogs for sale at the Lfarrishurg Drove Yards. jyl4-dlw Two home thieves made their escape from the Lebanon jail, on Monday night, by butting a hole through the ceiling of their cell, with a razor. Tax Quartermaster at this point advertises for proposals for one thousand bushels of corn and a like quantity of oats, to be deliv ered in this city. Dr. H. W. MILES has received authority to raise a cpnipany of ono hundred day men. It is hoped that the company may soon be full. The Dr. is an experienced officer. FARMERS would do well to respond to the call for one thousand horses. Cash will be odd for them. A failure to furnith the num be., required may cause the authorities to im pretv horses. Orr telegraphic dispatches announce that the rebels have departed southward. Farmers who are still here with stock from the other side of the Susquehanna, can now safely re turn to their homes. TILE F.umr,—Thp Conklin Guards of Dan ville, arrived here this morning, with ninety-- nine men. The Guards have the honor of being the first full company that reported here. No doubt they will give a good account of themselves if called upon to face the enemy. Tar. Psons or C TIMBERLAND COMM ni MorroN.—The Belly Guards is the title of a company now being _raised in Cumberland comity, with headquarters at Sears' Tavern, in West Fairview. The company will be commanded by Capt. Morgan, and Lieuts. Reese and Tyndall. These officers have all seen service, and are .cempetent to command a company. Tua Nuw Frctsr. „PM ON CIOLAS.—The law requires all persons making cigars to obtain a permit to mannfactim, and no one is allowed to work at his trade without license. All persons making cigars are required to keep an accurate account of the quinber made. Should any persons make (Agars without a per. mit, they become liable to a line of 45 per day while so manufacturing, or imprisoriment.., " OLD MEN for Council; young men for War"—is a motto with which we haveteen acquainted from our youth up. It'doesferily seem to be that now is the time to think of this and understand what it means Our old men have seen much of the world, and under their venerable hairs is wisdom. They axe capable of giving good adv,ice. They are, tr should be, full of the spirit of '76. liOt our young men, whose bones are full of marrow, w h ose muselea are strong and_ vigorous, are just the men for war. They can stand the hardships of the field--tan fight onr battlea— can if they will, drive baok,the invader from our borders. Now is the ti,iiKOT action. arms! to arms! • : 421 " DE = ANOTHER BOLD RODDyth.L-The house, of Henry Thomas, Esq., was again entered last night, or, it is rather supposed, that the party were in the hansti before Mr. T. retired and concealed themselves in a closet in the bath room. From the bath room they attempted to get into his chamber by turping the key in the lock with nippers, but a bolt on the inside of the door prevented their entrance. They then attempted to saw the bolt out, but that must have appeared to them rather . tedious. they gist out of a window tin a 'balcony iu front of Mr. Thomas' chamber, which they entered that way and carried off' his panta loons and a valuable gold watch. The pants were found in the entry, near the front door, together with the watch guard. It is most re markable how a very active little dog, which was in Mr T.'s bed chamber, was kept quiet by the burglar. We have no doubt that the robber or robbers are well acquainted with Mr. T.'s residence. I== THEY SAY. -" They say!" Who are Oleg? —who are the cowled monks, the hooded fri ars, who glide with shrouded faces in the pro cession of life, muttering in an unknown tongue Words of mysterious import'? Who aro they 7 the midnight assassins of reputa tion, who lurk in the by-lanes of society, with . dagger tongues sharpened by invention and . envenomed by malice, to draw the blood of innocence,. and hyena-like, banquet on the dead. .Who are they .? They are a multitude no man can number, black-souled familiars of the inquisition of slander, searching for vic tims in every city, town, and village, wherever the heart of humanity throbs, or the ashes of mortality find rest.. Oh, coward, coward world-skulker! give us the bold brigand who thunders along the highways with flashing weapon that cuts the sunbeams as the shades. Give us the pirate, who unfurls the black flag, emblem of his ter rible trade, and shows the plank which yonr doomed feet must tread; but save us from the they sayers of society, whose knives are hidden in velvet sheaths, whose bridge of death is woven of flowers, and who spread, with invis ible poison, even the spotless whiteness of the winding sheet. REAL ESTATE SALES.--John 241'00Td sold to Frederick Johnson a lot fronting on State street, near Short, 15 feet, and extending towards South street 93 feet, thereon erected a two story frame house, for the sum of $1,400 cash. Daniel Leedy sold to D. H. Hutchinson a lot fronting on Fourth street 30 feet, and ex tending along Strawberry alley 52 feet, and 6 inches, thereon erected 2 two story frame houses, for the sum of $5,500. F. K. Boas and C. C. Rawn sold to Josiah Wynn, a lot in the borough of Dauphin, front ing on the Sunbury road 29 feet and sixty feet deep, thereon erected a frame shop, for the sum of $ll5 cash. Jacob Shell sold to Thomas Grove three lois of ground in Grantville, Susquehanna township, fronting on the Jonestown road 30 feat each, and 160 feet deep, for the aim of $2OO each. Chambers Mullen, agent for Hon. "Arm. M. Hiester, sold to Daniel Dougherty and Major John Brady,. a lot of ground fronting oh State street 100 feet, and extending along Fourth street to South street, for the sum of $9,200. James Gilmore sold to the widow Cassel a lot in North street, near Third, 25 feet front and 110 feet deep, thereon erected' a two story brick housq,, for the sum of $2,560 cash. Jimmy REYNOLDS, the well known circus clown, who performed at Hitchcock's hall, in this city, last spring, and who has frequently appeared here with various circus companies, has been acting outside of the circus, and has furnished the western papers with a choice item on which to spread themselves. The first notice of Jimmie and his new vocation, which appeared in print, was occasioned by the disappearance of Mrs. Capt. Jennings, of Norwalk, Ohio, wife of the commander of the schooner Idaho, with Mr. Jas. ReynOlds, the 'People's Clown" of Brien d; Kin g's Circus. Mr. Reynolds and Mrs. Jennings were found last Sunday night at Detroit, occupying the same room, by Captain Jennings and the officers whom he brought with him. The Captain attempted, to shoot Reynolds, but was prevented by the officers. The guilty conple were "arrested and taken :to jail, but on Monday inorninglteynolds was bailed out ;under sureties of $2,000, to enable the circus to go on. Mrs. Jennings remained in jail until Tuesday, when she too was bailed out by Mr. John snil,, Vallandigham's right bower, and in the afternoon she and Reynolds managed to escape together,• and have not since been detected. . Mrs. Jennings is said to be an accomplished and attractive young woman, and had been married about four years. She made the ac quaintance of Reynolds at a circus perform ance in Toledo, and afterwards met him at Sandusky. When she found that the circus was coming to Detroit, she wrote to Reynolds that she would precede him, and put up at the "Russell Hotel," where she would register herself as "Mrs. Jas. Reynolds," but it does not appear that she carried out the latter part of the programme. She left her only child with `her friends at Wayne, Ohio. She stated that she had become enamored of Reynolds, and was resolved if possible to share his fu ture career. The event conveys a warning to the public, to belfaxe of the seductive wiles of circus clowns. ' ' "HEROIC OFFICEBL"—Under this head the Alai*lin Repository _ gives the following ac count of the gallant deeds of certain officers upon the approach of the rebels towards Hagerstown. They should be promoted: Individual bravery as developed in this war has made the personal achievements of his tory pale, and it is .but natural to expect'that a trying occasion like.this should develop in stances of rarest heroism. Captain Hopkins, Quartermaster at Hagerstown, made a hair breadth escape from capture and personal con. ftsoation. He was advised of the approach of t4e rebels to the Potomac on Sunday, and he telegts - phed here for transportation for his 'gores: As the rebel pickets reached the south -aide of • ti o. rotoinfo_ that evening, he resolved to Wads tham by a oofonad "stmt. urgic movement," as A. Ward, Jr., would and before the trains could be sent to him, he individually evacuated Hagerstown, And was found remotely, on the rebel flank tat Ship pensburg that evening. Like the min at the shooting-match, he saved himself but lost his turkeys—the small matter of several thousand bushels of grain being left behind, and several burden cars at Hagerstown, brought away that evening, returned empty. becarise Capt. Hopkins' movement was slightly previous. Forty-eight hours after he kit, the rebels drove in our pickets at Hagerstown, and twenty-tour hours after that they occupied the town, and destroyed a vast amount of valua ble government stores. The Captain, how ever, may be considered :isle. We hope to hear of his promotion. Col. Pierce. of the 12th Pa. cavalry, reached this place on Thurs day, and soon disappeared. Els regiment is supposed to have skedaddled from him as he marched North to intercept the rebels by a flank movement, somewhere toward the three square hollow. Capt. 4utherford, the post Quartermaster of this pla ee, is an old-fashioned fellow, and didn't know any better than to stay and help defend the town. SOW-THING FOE THE. LADIES.—The ladies will please notice that O. L. Bowman will close out the following summer dry goods at cost, commencing to-day, July 24th: ` Silk grenadines, silk and wool lyereges, lawns, mozambiques and Summer shawls. We also invite attention to our stock of bleached and unbleached muslin, at 25 cents a yard and upwards; calico and delaines at 25 cents per yard. Our stock Of balmoral and hoop skirts, together with cloths, cassimere and vesting, is very full, and at much less than present prices. SiIt:A.IAL NOTICEIS.. LARGE ARRIM OF GOODS NEW YORITEEmAUCTIO.N. GRE AT BARGAINS IN MUSLINS. Full yard wide bleached muslin, at 30 cents; worth 49 cents. Bleached Wien, 100 pieces. Bleached muslin, 60 pieces. 20 pieces of all wool flannels cheap. Black silk, 5 pieces. Black silk, b pieces. Black silk, lb pieces. 2000 yards of black silks from auction. • Beautiful pearl color silk finish alpaca. Alpacas in leather color, stone colors and other colors. White cambrica, soft fhtbabod 5-4 Franck Cambric. Jaconelts, brilliants, Irish linen. Splendid assortment of calicos. Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks, Cloaks. Stockings, the best and cheapest. Pocket handkerchiefs for ladles, atall prices. Marseilles quilts and crash for tmels. Shirt brtasts, all linen, at 25, 30, 35, 40 and 50 mats. We have now a very large stook of goods, all bought at reduced pnces, and which we will sell at prices which cannot fail to give satisfaction We have also a very urge lotof alpacas, cashmere cloth, bombazines. 1e22 Sr To Clear the House of Plies, use Dutcher's celebrated LIGHTN/NG FLY-KILLEII, a neat cheap article, easq to use., £very sheet will kill a quart SOLD EVERYWHERE. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., 10th and Harket,streets, Philadelphia. wholesale snots. . my244lStwthr Pure Vegetable Medicine. ONE of the very best Vegetable Medicines is now offered to the citizens and strung of theme city. It will purify the blood and leave the liver - and 'bowels in a good healthy condition. Operates without the least pain. Old and young, male and female, all can take of It. As to the truth of this hundreds can testify, as it has been well tried for the last ten years. It is prepared only and sold by Mrs. L. Ball, No. 27, ..lorith Pine street, Ilarriabtug, Pa. . .tiky2.3 Bannvart's Tiodies. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Marnihctured only by O. A. Bannvaxt & Co., Harrisburg, Pa-. to whom all orders should be addressed. •old by druggist every where. Rq,d the following testimonials froth. some of our eminent ale en: ' Hestcssmui, Feb. Bth, 1864. (1 A. Ittraivazz—Dear Sir: I have used. Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other ,preparations for hoarsen4es and throat troubles, and in comparison with them can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakers and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds.; I have found them Serrilag in time of need, most effectually. . - Yours truly, • T. IL ROBINSON. Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. I agree with Mr. Robinson. poe to' the value of Blupwart's Trochee. • ' W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. 8. Presbyterian Church. ELumumundi Jan. , .1b64. To C. A. Barzturr—Dear Sir: In tl habit 'of speaking very frequently, - an a l in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed( I have found the need of some gentle eapecto• rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consider them very far sui)eriof to any Lozenges that I have era tisedi-ill removing speedily that huskiness of the voice wising from its too frequent we t and, impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public f dresses. Yours, ac., IWO. WALKER JOICE(ON. Paster of the Lpoust St. Methodist Church. To C. A. BANSVAST----DFIEr Sir;, /laving uset your Twelles, lam fre4ll say they are the best I have. ever tried and take great pleasure in xeoommending them to aU persons afflicted Pith sore throat or . iffisku!ess of voice arising from public shw or. singing s . Yours; kb., • G. G. RAKESTBAW, Pastor of Bidge - Aviirae Methodist. Church. <, %warm Arroans.Oriror, RAMBISBIII*, Feb. 29, 1864. I To C. A, Befoivamr—Dear I have found yourTroches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles of the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. SERE N4Vo Ain ERTISEMENTS. SELLING OUT LTV! OUR STOCK OF LIQUORS! IVEintend to discontinue the sale ofl4. quors and offer our stock at a very small advance from cost price. We have purebased all our Liquors be. fore the last rise and have a large stook on hard for three or four years, which are guaranteed cannot be punhattei now at any price from the importera Our stock consists of WH ISKIMS of alt grades. ,elz-Wo have parts of three barrels pore RYE, not colored, and:lo degreboye,proof, 2;4 year old. WINES of all Grades:Domestic and Imported. in RAND is. We have part of cask HFNNRIBLY. BRANDY, to which we invite the particular attention - of familioa for medicinal purpoaea The Brandy cannot be bought 10-day, from imporierp, lees than $1.6 per Won. We will sell it for $l2 per ioo SCOTCH, AND ENGLISH ALES, CHAMPAGNE WIVES. OLABSTS, &O. Ws invite the &remotion of-Hotel Keepers and Liquor Keinhants generally, risme intend le aep, :Without re serve al/ our Liquors, and this will be ,Kneoed opportu nity for bargains. 3e.20 - - - SEIRLEIL& FRAZER. A NEW invoice of .11.icheipzeit delebrated Cl Same icetiecetivelf ttasiaorteegir 71x1 ,: 1111131. 5 1M 6:FILIX4R, ilsOoesors Itjapot, C. AMIISEIVIE Al TS. GRAND METROPOLITAN COMBINATION, POSITIVELX., THE LARGEST of the Astnsemen't World is Coming. & NO . YES' United Slates Circus, ASE, van 4,:an.blirgh & Co.'s MAMMOTH MENAGERIE, AND EGYPTIAN CARAVAN. COLOSSAL GOLDEN CHARIOT. Mammoth War Elephant Hannibal. Combined for the season of 1864, with 200 MEN AND HORSES, all under one gigantic pavilion, for, one single price of admission. The wonders of animated nature consolidated with the only LEGITIMATE CIRCUS over organized—Moral and Refund Amusement, Pre-eminent Equestrians, Acrobats, Gym nasts, Jesters, Contortionists, Clowns, Equil-. ibrists and General Performers. Splendid Stud of trained Horses, Ponies, and Trick Mules—Magnificent collection of Living Lions, Tigers, Leopards. Beals, Hyenas, Wolves:' Monkeys, Apes, Baboons, Birds, of all kinds and sizes, &c., gathered by the GREAT VLN AUDI:MGR HIMSELF! Will exhibit at Harrisburg, on FRIDAY Arid 3A'I 4 URDAY, JULY nand 23, 1864. af ternoon, and evening, at. 2. and 7 o'clock P. • Sdpaission, 50 • cents. Children under 12 years of age, 25 gen* . ' Lot on Second street, near Cotton Factory. N. B.—THE LARGEST EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD IS COMING. RECOTJ.ECT THE DAY AND DATE! ! N. B.—Once more. Please observe the day and date, and do not confound this MONSTER ORGANIZATION with any other companies, whether they be good, bad or exceedingly in different. This Mammoth Combination will be at Holidaysburg, Tuesday, July 12. Altodua, Wednesday, July 13 Tyrone. City, Thursday, July 14 Huntingdon, Friday, July 15. Belleville, Saturday, July 16. Lewistston, MondaY, July 18. Mitlliistown, Tuesday, July 19. Millerstown, Wednesday, July 20. Dunoaruion, Thursday July 21. Harrisburg, Friday, July 22. do Saturday, July 23. jy9-10t CLOSING OUT • `SUMMER . STOCK VERY LOW PRICES. M. WILER t CO., No. 4, Market Square, BRING desirous of closing out their Sum ' Iller stock, offer for sale, at greatly reduced price; FANCY SUMMER SILKS REREGES„ ti-0r0'373.1 cents to 50 cents per yard.. PLAN" 510Z514131QUES, 25 mat& SILKAMD WOOL PIAID DRESS Goors. led 'WV EgA&PAED mr4yric, 25'eprials. CARPETI32S per ital. lets thdn Plilladelphia prices jes-10- • Draft: Draft!! Draft!!! ALF. I NA and:persons under or over the re quired age, who have been enrolled in this (1.40) District, or any other District in the State, can have their exemption papers made out at rates lard by law'. Now is the timo to put in a subititute and avoid the draft. Penwna who are not liable to Oral . , and who .wiah to eh.ter,the army as substitutes, can obtain the highest pre .:e.slllPinessioniaeted by mail at legal .rates, and cost of travel thereby avoided. Call at once, or address by mail, EUGENE SNYDER; • • Attorney at Law, 'Od street, iy9-ecd2mos. Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE. THETpublic are requested to • attend the opening of the new ary goods store of Braltdt Bowman, on Thttreday morning, -July nth. at, the •south. east 8011161* of Second and Walnut streets (late the store room of Jcoeph Kahnwiler.) This new firm have bought ourthe entire stock from Mr. Kahnwiler at very low pi faits, and'ln GM) FAITH say to the public that they; will sell this stock of goods at one-fourth less than the same kind of goods can NOW BE BOUGH!' Al' WEIoLE SAW jyd-dtf Land for Sale. SACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. 2 , at private , sale, in part or the maple, io suit pure rs ; 135 acres aear, good buildings thereon, with Saar For fortibutipartioulars, adarens my3o-d3m* Dauphin, Dauphin county, Pa. Soldierii , Portfolios. A L LARGE assortment at • BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, marls Sold at ,Wholesale or retail at low prices. LOTS foi sale on the corner of Third and Bros Weals. Enquire of WM. C. ItoPADDEN. marl-dif JUST ARRIVED I—A tine lot of CANNED PEACHES _ and TOMATOES. Also, SUPERIOR PINE APPLES, FRESH PE AR, & c., just received by myl4-dtf JOHN WISE. Sd street, near Walnut PRINZ LARD. VDIE Rettleßendered LARD, just received A: at SEMLER & FRAZER, mars _Names:son to Wm. flask, jr. 1p UT FLY PAPER. A NlC.V.,attgortment of Out Paper for eeil tnge, took* Masses. picture frames and Easuipes, at SCIIEFFER'S Boos. statt my2o Harriebnig Pa. TlO oil II YOXF_II_Ii , sh a good Gold Pen? If ao Ax •11111 g Beebion. &Waft Disi WANTS. • WANTED, AWHITE WOMAN to take care of child rea. Apply to Mrs T, J. Jordan; - Walnut street . 1,y 4 3t.* WANTED * . AGOOD man servant. Apply at the En rOrCall EotA Market Ltreet, Harrisburg, Pa. • ICE AVANTED. A 1 , 17.11 - tons of ice wanted at the Jones 11011, , 1 Persons httving the contents of an ice Gouge to tbspire will And a purchaser by - afidrmsing !yl4-at'PROPRIETORS, JONES ROUSE. IVANTED, APOSITION by a person who can furnish be:•t of references for hospital steward, colonel's clerk or assistant book keeper. Address three days ' , DRUGGIST," Harrisburg, Fa. jy14.40 • SIIHSTEEETES WANTED. TWO substitutes are wanted. $6OO will be paid for rem that will pass. Apply at the jy94lw* MON HOTEL. $75 A 11ONTH.—Agents wanted to sell Sowing Machines. We will give a commis sion on all Machine sold, or employ agents who will work for the ft , )ov9 wages and all expenses paid. A/i -deas D. Fl. lISSRINTON it CO, jys-d2v. , * Dotrolt, Mich. SUBSTITUTE. WANTED. 11° whom a liberal bounty will be given. Aploy at the Bratty House. IYI WANTED IMIIIED/ATELT. V@Urt or Jive "Shanty-keepers," to whom Snnnticz, which arc ready for tIV, wil, be furnished, for tin!. purpuso of accertunedatiug hearderg. Also, fr..m 50 is Cg) Ark. , to Janie* Marti; on the N. G. R. R., Ilationi,ing inonniatn, 3 mites arouvii Milbrsburg. A""TS v.auttAi to sell the StaLutarti His' tot). of tiLo Vint A !Atli Mallet; to make mocec. Agent:, arc We:stag Iron sl.o` w $24/0 per munch. - XIV& volume:: already sold. :`end for clresdars. Address JONES BROS. & CO., de SO Publistlera. RRltinnore. 871. CANDIDATES. tt REGISTER. — GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover town ship, offem himself as a candidate for the office of RE,iISTEII, of Dauphin county. If elected, Mr. Mark pledges himself to perform the duties of said office with fidelity. jet.) CANDIDATE FOR CONGRESS. Hanamntrao, Pe June 9,1364. TFIE undersigned respectfully offers himself to the Republicans of the 14th Congrassional Dis trict of Pennsylvania, composed of toe counties of Dau phin} Juniata, Northumberland, Union and Snyder, for nomination by the auroral county conventions of the said District. Defindtel JOSIAH ESPY FOR bIEGIS'YER. RITDOIPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, offers himself as acandidate for the office of ktegister. If nominated and elected he p edges him self to fulfil the duties of the office with fidelity. jc2s.d2trawte* RUDOLPH MILER. NEW AD VERTISEMEN TS. NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. ' THE Sabbath School Trumpet, A COLIXOTIOX OF • Hymns and Tunes, Chants and Anthems APPICIDED TO WHICH IS A JUVENILE CANTATA, 411 "THE ORIGIN OF THE SEASONS." 0. & H. S. PERKINS. SPECIMEN copies of this new, work will be sent post paid on receipt of '215 cents. Special at. Lennon is directed to the "Trumpet" as being a collec tion of Music particularly suited to the young, and one that cannot fall to be gmendly adopted. The Qintata is is one of the most attractive that has been published. It is easily presented, and for this reason will become popu lar in all .Saboath Schou/s as soon as introduced. . . Price• In boards. 30; paper, 25. Just published' by 0 iver Moan & Co., 277 Waatuoroa street, Boston. For sale by J: Ps. GOULD, Philadelphia. J5-5-te FOR So AL E, FOUR . STATIONARY STEAM _ENGINES, BUILT for the Mine Hill Planes, and run about six months. T..ey are all of the same pat wre, and of the following dimensions: Diameter of cy dad. rid inches. Length of stroke 6 feet. They have two setts of valve gear, one for link moan and the otti , r the ordinary hook motion. There are two anafts and six cranks, and twohxtra pistons, platen rods and packing complete. These engines are well adapted for rolling mills, and also ter hoisting sad pumping at mines. They can be examined at any time after the first of July, upon application to the subscriber at Cressona. These engines will be sold as they stand, and removed at the expense of the buyer. Scaled proposals will be received up to Saturday night, July 16th , and the awards maile.within one week there after. Terms of payment: Cash before delivery. J. W. ALDER, Supt. 31. H.. & s IL R. 8.., Cressona, Schuylkill county Pa. • . .ty‘lits Millinery and Fancy Goods. _ _ MRS. J. HIBBS, at No. 8 Market Square, non door to Feha's Confectionery, keeps constant y hand the latest styles or Bonnets, Rat; Roches, Flowers, Itibbons, ice., together with a tine assortment,, Dress Trimming., Laces, Embroideries, Collars, Cudb, Handkerchief's, itosiety, Gloves and Variety Goods in geoersi. Atl the latest Designs of Dross Patterns direct from the New Yuri: Bazaars. Dress and Cioak making newly exe cuted, Thankful for the patronage bestowed since her uponing, she trusts, by a btrict attention to bueinesa and uer endeavors to give general :atisfaction, to motitine to rekeive a snare in the public patronage, jyt-dam tr% DE PEN D.g.N CE ISLAND WIRE FERRY. rrEIDE proprietor of this cool and delightful LL Summer Reoort oval most respectfully =mune, ,4./ the CILIZella of Harrisburg that the Island le now open for visitors. Accommodations will be foruibbe c topartiot and pic-nics on reasonable terms, a dancing platform tiering ben erected for their special use, eeaEoia tick - eta ;or families, good for one year, $1 fin,.No improper characters amitted, and no intoslt-ated persons Will be permitted to visit the Wand. 43 - No intoxicating liquors soil on Sunday. A Wire Ferry, with a good boat plying constantly be tween the Island and foot of Broad street, Webt. Barrio burg.' HENIcY BECKER. jel4-dlm • Sole Proprietor. NOTICE TO DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. ALL soldiers discharged on account of woumis received In battle eau have their $lOO usiwaty under act of Mar , h 8,1883, collected by calling immediately, on or attdrsing by mad _ _ EUUENE SNIDER, Attorney-at-Lau-, Third street, Harrisburg, 'a. deod2w krusLic sALE. 111= , undersigned will offer his valuable a.ud Patin at public sale, on Saturday, the 23d bay of July, at the Railroad Rouse in Middletown. The Stilt has four run of atone, is in die order, and doing a tine buslnesa The I , arm cmtains seventy-six acres of Mat-rate land with goad improvements. Tuts property is situated one and a half miles east or Middletown. It will be sold on very easy !elms, and . probably at a heavy Ne tlike. Come and buy a bargain. A. WIRING. jy6-dittwts* PHILADELPHTA COLLEGIATE INSTI TUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 1520 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. SMITH, D. a, E. CLAREKOF, SMITH, A. M., PrindiPal& Ninth Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Classics, Mathe matics, higher English and Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Musts; Painting and Elocution by the best nmaters. For ciirculars apply at the Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., Philadelphia Pa. ' • ap2o-6m* id l O l4sb. CO.O.ELSB., of tree VV brated St. George brand, Just received Inn for sate by SEMLER & FRAZEP., feel (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., At CO.) ENGLESH BRRARwAST TEA.—Just re mired, a floe chest of Enlist' BrealMatTee, at MUSLIM k FRAZER'S, fßocoomors to Wm. flack. Jr.) - PURA WHITE WHEAT FLOUR.-.-liki- J.:4 tem d White Wheat .nntily Flour, just PadVed au for sale at SHARER le FRAZER,' - JO i3uocessors to W. Dock, Jr , ar. Co. QPICBD OYSTERS.—Extra Fine Baltimore 17 Oysters, spiced, and termini by the gallon, gain aid taat,", joes quantity.. , OftiSLER & FRAZER. • ettabanora to W. De*, Jr., 6 00, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BIOGRAPHY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, end how he became Clmtnand er-in-Chlef, $1 26 THE PIONEER 130 i, and how he betani , _ , President, 23 rar, FERRY SOY, .1.4.,d tre FOrtr.ctor Ta PRINTI2II BC•F. or Tjo c Ben Fti ankiit3 made his mark. TRE FARMER GUY, and hew he t , e....tne Lieuten Rut General In canna A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF TIM REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly illustrated. $1 26 AL BENGNER'6 BOOS STORE. AUCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. WAR DiZIETKENT, CAVALST BUREsc, 0111103 Or CHUM Quaeraxsusrma, Wesarscrron, D. C., July 4, 1454. IiIVIL be sold at public auction, to titio I: l 4hest bidder, at the times and places named be low. vlz: Lebanon, Penn's, Thursday. July 14th, 1864. Heading, Penn'a, Thuts lay, July 21st, 1904. Harrlsharg, Penn's, Thursday, July 28th, 1861, Altoona, Penn'a, Thursday, August 4th, 1864. Waltamsport, Porna'a, Thursday, August Itch. 18 0 4. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry domes at eacb place. These Horses have been condemned as WAIL Inc the Cavalry service of the Army. For road and farm many gaud bargains may be had. Homes sold singly. TERM: CArikt in United States Currency. JAMES A. CE,ll:sr Lt. Col. and C. Q. M. Cavalry Bureau A.SSESSNENT Ol' DAMAGES. jytl-dtai URSUANT to an order of the emit el P QuarterSmionsAr # aui hin minty, notice is hereby given to the Commissioners of said county, and to the property-holdere along the line of Verbeke street. from e elm to Seventh street, to the elly:prllarrishurg, that upon. the petition of the ['resident of Council of said city, the Court has appointed six viewers to caused by the opening of said street, and that they will proceed to assess said damages on Wednesday, July 20th next, at 10 o'clock, A. 24 at which time all parties inter ested may appear upon the ground if they think proper. jyo-dl.ot .1011 N W. BROWN, City Solicitor. OPEN MA ' , EWA` FOR HORSES! AsasTANT QUAIITKRZIALITITIL 7 B OFIFICry ii.ansisncuu, PENNA., Jety Bth„ 1841. ; HORSES will be purchased at 'this of ice for Government service in open market; lots of awy nuniaer will be received, subject to such Map...erten as 1 may order. Cash payments. By order of CAPT. J. C. JOHNSON, Chicf Qr. Nr. Pep's Susquehanna. B. C. REICIiE BAt 11. Capt. and as.'t Qr. Mx. re:B3 CRYSTALIZED CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beaerage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids hays..e . - fever or great thirst. Its portaoility recommends it 'o travelers. Its convenience at pie-nice will be apreciated. No sugar required; one table-spoontul simply diszolve4 in a glass of Cold meter and it is done. KELLER'S DRUG AND FINCY GOOD STORE, jelT No. 91, Market street NEW GROCERY ®ND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • DEALERS .I.€ll . GROCERIES, Queens and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE just opened a large and well selected stock of goods at their stand, No. 8 itiarket Square, tiarrisburg, Pa, to which they invite the attention of !kw public generally. F I 1 C L. 0 A. IC S T 0 It , IX D. W. GROSS' IMW BLOCS, Market Street, Harrisburg, 1,000 DIFFERENT STILEV OF FASHIONABLE CLOAKS AND CIRCULAn, CO FINE SPRING saA.viria. Will open on the Ist of dpra. pluern-olp CLOAKS , CIRCULARS AND MAINTLIALAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A Nr V' Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a apleodld assortlfient of SPRING & SUOMI MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASK:I The abuse Lanutif.,l as somely trimmed, trom $7 50 to sl.b. 1000 SILK DIANTI.L.Z CIRCULARS, SACKS AND .BAitirllZ, Handsomely and richly trimmed, from $lO apwaro CHILDREN'S MANTELS IN LARGE VARIETY. my2s LIQUID RENNET. L IQVID RENNET yields with null: the must luscious of all deserts for the table; the liaht est and most grateful diet for invalids and children. Milk contains every element of the bodily constitution; when coagulated with rennet it is always light and easy of digestion, and supports the system with the least posadde excitement. When still greater nutritive power is desired, cream endanger may be added. A teaspoonful concerts a quart of miik into i than curd. Prepared and s•Ad., wholesale and retail by 8. A. KU.Nitt.L, jels-tf 118 Market street. NOVOtiT DtAILMIAL'a 14111 DIBTIOCT, 1 St a urea Pa., June 6, 1861. f p 0 DRAFTED MEN .—I am directed by Liona CoL J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marshal oenerat, by his ci cuter, No. 69, of June 4, 1864, to pub lish "That drafted men arc not allowed to enlist a:, COM.III - after being drafted; aLd that the croons for dratted men will remain for the sub-districts from which tit,. were drafted, no matter whether local bounty has or has not been paid to such men, upon enlistment." JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain. and Provost 111trthal, 14th Met, 1 , 14 jeadd HAMS! HAMS!—A fresh supply of Mioh euerws Excelsior Rams and Dried Beef, at BOYFT. KOERPER. A. FEW MORE PIECES OF CANVAS for Awnings and Wagon Coders. um I at. Kimban's Sli.• Sum!, Market street. HAY: "JAY!: lIAVW. 7 EI - AY of the best. quality is offered for sale. Call at .WOORIMLIOVS CULL UFFICia on the Canal uur riabura. 400 tf A. C. A.'I"TOELICEY W, HAs removed his Office from Third to Wal not street, next to the Prison. All business in• trusted to him will receive proMpt and careful attention, DOZEN JARS ENGLIKI. PICRI .F 6 UV , comprising, Picalilly, Chow chow, Cauliflower, Amu Pickles, GUMMI, WElbrintB and 01310D.8. For sale wholesale and retail by SHISLER & FRAZER, sumwasors to W. Dock, Jr., it Co BUST RECEIVED-44 gallortspure currant U wine, from a Lancaster county farmer• the driest made domestic wine in Una city: Price $3 00 per gallon. For sale at 13RD3LIIR & jee aucoessore to Wm. Deck„ Jr, & _ _ NE IV BOOR S.-THE SHOULDER STRAPS • DAYS OF SHODDY Sae received al. (dent .SCHEY'VDDIi, ila MsToRS. QMOKED SALMON.- FINE SMOKED 1.3 &ILIUM, Jut received at MISLED. Ar FRAZER, feta (aureerrora to Wm. Dock. Jr.,ko.vo BUTTER, BUTTER.—Fresh roll butter from Snyder county received every week. Also eggs at [url] BUYER & IiEDERITS. - - riIiFESE--Choioe new. Opp, C eese, just NJ received at SEISLF.R & FRaZER, Surowors to W. Doric, Jr., k Co. A -11 bum cebitulutiuers Oelettratt AO& 80 11dr Curd and Dried Beet; at irgie . • BOYER & ICOERMIL DEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers