THE TELEGRAPH MORNING AND EVENING, BY GEORGE _BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. MIME SUIECRIPTION. TER DAILY TIMSGRAPII . Is aorved to subscribers in the city at 8 centa per week. .Itearly subscribere will be charged $6 00 in advariee. Those person!: who neglectio pay In advance will becharged $6 00. wicexty , TnEGßArri. TZLIGRAPEILS alsopublished weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the tbllowing cash rates: Single copies, weekly__ . . $1 50 Three copies to one Post Office ~. • 490`. Ten copies to one Post Mee .10 00 MEDICAL. ELIXDI DR WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, MENU OP LIFE pared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing notb: ing Injurious to the most Delicate. ,—The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern • erica in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, impair) of all the Old and worn-out systems. SirThla t tnedicine has been tested by the most eminent edical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be of the greatest medical discoveries of the age sa-One bottle will cure General Debility. lia-A few doses cures Hysterics in females. ,a-One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. Sire few doses restores the organs of generation. /f Yom one to three bottles restores the =diners d 11111 vigor of youth. Sgy-A few doses restores the appetite, .•• SThree bottles cures the worst case of Impotency. IfirA few doses cures tee low spirited. ' r One bottle restore mental power. " • A few doses bring the roee to the cheek. :sorTharmedlcine restores to manly vigor and rebus' th the poor; debilitated, worn-down and despairing otee of sensual pleasure. • go-The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous dellression, the in • dual suffering from general debility, or from weakness a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent lef by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. "-Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for ss,,and • rwarded by express, on receipt of money, to any ad ress. gar Sobt by all druggiaLseverywhere. DR. W. R, MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, ' tharll-eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE PILLS. UGAR-COATED FEMALE REGULATOR, HEALTH PRESERVER. GERTAIN AND SAFI, ,ffir.For.the Removal of Obstructions and the insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of The Monthly Periods. • si-They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that ring from Irregularity, by removing the Irregularity Thop cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men 14108. • • girThuy cure Green Sickness (Calorosis„) gir They cure Nervous and Spinal Affections, -pains- in , e back arid lower parts of the body, Heavinese,..Fatlgue Vight exertion, Palpitation of tae Heart, Lownasi irits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, /to., &o. In word, by removing the irreguhuity, they remove tbo and with it Au. the effects that spring from it ,Composed of simple vegetable extracts, they can nothing deleterious to any constitution,, however elicit., their function being to substitute strength for eihdess, which, when properly used, they never fall to ,p-They may be Barely used at any age, and at any MICIIIPT WRING THE ITRET THREE MONTH; daring the unfailinguature of their action would infallibly pregnancy. All lotion seeking information or advloe will be raptly, freely and discreetly answered. arFult directions accompany each box. sir Price, $1 per box, or six boxes for $l. ,Seat by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. ins-Sold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R. MERWIN & CO., Bole Proprietors. marll•eodly No. 58 Liberty street, Nsiv York. Porlale In Hiurisburg by S A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 ket street. FINE LI QUO RS. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors to W m. Dock, Jr., & Ca) RRALP,Itei IN FMB FAMILY GROCE RI ES opposite the Court House, have on bondable Section of BRANDIES ? different vintage's. E AND COMMON WINES, Of Every Description. WHISKYS. BOVILEION 116NONGAHNLA I _ FINN Mali AND SCOTCH • •e. The beet ever brought so this market. WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CUISTNITT GROVE wwsay. CHAMPAGNE WINES. JORANNWBURO, CLARET. SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. CEURRY, PLANTATION . • A I RMAN TONIC arrrgits Ite dock of AND AKERICAN PICKLES description novgin the market., MOTH . SACHET Powimn, TOE TING LINEN AND PEEVEirTING MOTH POWDER --a compound of valuable lee for the 'destruction of insects—distributed lusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clotnine, ' away for summer, will effectually prevent a dellgbtftd, diffnsable perfume tt Will .Im. /thing, &c, with a lasting and pleasakdAxig._, t fabric cannot be injured by its use. and sold at KELLEN 4 N Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market A. P. TEUPSER EACHER OF M-USIC. OMCII it WARD'S NUM STORE, 12 If rAinc Moat Reedeisse:' Third street, above North. WEDDING, INVITATION AT.ROMICZARIK—sy a special arrangemer,l ... . o f the , bait engraV en in the country, cards esmilaion will be executed in the highest etyk, or onl4zable ' with the Wart fashion. and Kw* 0.1j , ,' at lower prices this are charged by • diaolaggiou New York or Philadelphia: For maples Kid prices EIZItakIEA'S BM% CORY.. cootthip the Thrall •to Tetle* Ain Tinry °maw murk, Ipmacuanha, Sean* line expectorant* known,) are:thiAtilef euhicodad with Gum Arabic an 4904i/op, cialkiend.vory pl eas e '. Ittiy by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., `works, 118 Narket street, Hanisburgo. _,:.~ZMS--:lk7FiLi:a:~.'.;~vr--m~ s.:x: , .w:~^iC~3zft:... x , ,:.~~,_._.&:7. ~7tK~~~:,.A.'. rrozirn ELIXIR. GERMAN BITTERS, THESE Bittern have performed more cures; havoand do givelietter satisfaction; have. more, tie timony ; hare more nispectatde people to vouch fortheni Wan any other article in the market. - We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and. will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produeeva certificate pub lished by us that is net genuine. Holland's 'berman Bit ters will cure every case of Chronic or Nertkous Diseases of the Kidneys, and diemetestinaing from a die- '. ordered storruteb. Observe the followumsymptems,. re sulting from the iglwirders of the . digestive. organs: Con fitipation, Inward Niles, Fullness of 'Blood to the' head; Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartbdrs, Disgnit .for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructatiotut, : Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the bead, Hurried and difficult breathing; Fluttering at the heart, Molting or suffocating sensations when 'in lying posture, Ifimness of :vision, 'Dots or .webe before the eight, Fever anal dull pain in We bead, Deficiency of pets piranon, ifellowuess of the skin and eyes, Pain in the aids back, chain, limbs, ,tc. Sudden' flushes bt heat, Burning in the flesh, *instant Laminations of evil,• and great de• presaton of spirits RemeMber that this Bitters Is notalcoholls. contains no Con or whisiky, and can't make drunker'gs but is the" hest Total is the vrorld. • • From the Re*. Lavl 0. Beek, Pastor• of the Baptist Church, Ph Bhunch, Pemberta m Ihts N. J., formerly or the North Baptist iladelp. * * * 4 , * * ***** I have known Thoofland , a Ghirman'Bittere favorably Ilbr a t number of years. I have used them in my own' family aind have, been ao pleased with theireffecia dud mtiollu duced to* recounnetuilhem mai* , andlcauwwx they have °peril:olU' Catriktugly beneficial manner. I take 'groat pleasure. In. thee'-publicly proclaiming this fact., and calling the attention et sheep with the diseases for wlPch they-are. recommended to these Bit ters, knowing from experience that'uty recommendation vrilthe sustaleedi I do this experience ; . dheerfully as Hoof land's Shwa. is Weeded to benefit the afflicted, and is "alat a mu drirAir.'• Yours truly. LIETI G. • • • From Rev. J. Newton Brinell, It Lt., Radnor of the En' cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Olinistiti& Omni; cle, Fhilahelphis. Although dot disposed to &tor or recemniend Patent liehicines in general, through distrait of their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no eirtlicient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparaticen, in the hope , that he may thus contribute to the lament of others. Ido this the more readily In regal dto Hooftand's 'Ger man Bittern, prepared by Dr. a la. .lackeim, gf this city because I w&prejudiced agatind tht im: for many years, under ths•inipression that they were chlefiyan alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my fries ad; Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal 'of this prejudice by proper tests, and for encouragement to try t. bent when suffering from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these' Maces at thin beginning of the present year, was followed by evident • relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I bad not for Hi: months before, and had r groan despaired of regaining. I therehwe thank God an dmy friend for di recting me to the used' them. J. NEWTON BROWN, PhHada- From Rev. Warren Randolph, 1 %Aar of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. • Dr. C. IL Jacket:int—Dear •Sir:-.‘Pers tonal experience enables me to say that I regard the . Germ an Bitters, Pro: pared by you, as a most excellent medlett is In eases of severe cold and general debility 1 Imo bes n greatly bane- fittedby the use of the Bitters, and &M it 'net ther produce similar edhcts on others. Yours truly From Rev. J. H. Turner,. Pinner. of .lieddlig 3L . 13 Chtuth, PbUa4olphit ' !Dr. C. -14. Jeanne:-Deer noel yvat, Gut mantoluntly frequently- Lim prepared-t se that it has boon of great service. I bek Ave than . maul cases of general debility of the systemittlit_the Welt. most valuable inmetty, or which I have :Ay ha Aledge: - Yoga, J. EL _ NO. 728 N. Nieleteenth:.ntreeti From the Rev. J. M. Lyons; ilarcaerly _ Pastor of the Columbus (N.A) mad Milestaten (Paaltara tier. Churahes: Doll 'MLA Dr, C. M. Jackson:—Dear feel pleasure Cum, of my own :word, to bear testimony to ti re excellence of the German Bitters. Some years .sitioe ` being ninth of dieted With Dyspepsia, I used them with very benedicial results. I have often recommended them to . persons en• feebled by lbat tormenting dhow; and-bit re 'heard from them the most liatiering testinioniab, as to Welt green value. In cases of general debility, 1 belt eve it to be a tonic that cannot be surpassed. 4.II,IADAU RITES. FTOM the RSV Thomas Winter, 'Pastor! Ro*rough Baptist Chard'. • • a . - •• • • ' Dr. Jackson :—Dear Slr:—l felt it deo to your excel- , lent preparation, Radiant! tierman Sttats ra, to ,add.say teatifnony to the deserved Teptitation It hr a obtained have for years, at times, bron troubled mkt / great disorder in: my,head and nervous system. I was' , advised by a friend to try a bottle of your Gernian rhittestpa did so, and have experienced great. and unexpected Mak If; my ; health taw been vary Inateria/17 beuenuM. Minn,ently recom mend the atticle Mur re I' 16001 With time Similar , to ;My' own, and have beer, assured by many. of. Abair geed! er- T. Weedbi Cs . 'i r Snt i ßeV% 'a- Sm , ut; Of 'the en n Ite a rmed' unurch, litnidown, Berke county. Pa. )r. a IL Jackson:--lteapeeted Sir:-4 have been troubled witkP,ripepais nearly, tweet,y altd oo re nevorpeOakdteltie that4lenio 1111. saucy '' as tltaidaudn Bitters. l'am wry rialteh tuthroved in health, after having when five bottles. I r 4 mtvitat 1 4*M/ L S. 11211.141 c. ais•tr . . Inrge Size (holding nearly, double inuottite;,) $ l, 00 . ~. .per,bottle—balf 40 ---- --- •.. -0.4 5 0 0 Small Slee--75 oeme - per bettle=helf d o.. - .:.. '4 L IX) • ISSICiaIC• OF COUNTERFEITS! . . . . See that 01 1 1: 1 011aatate of. "C. K. oikeiCSONn • is - on Ilse WRAF,* ar.eanh 'NAIR'. - • w iv e . ~ , . Sharp ye& matron drum* ook athe aruciiii d o uov beopilt bIP/by any ortlklirioxitniting yreparatlonaltuit ropy be offered in its plaoe, bat Maid: tel Illi, rd , 14 iedi 4 7 . 102 .4 110021 * Feekekbb.hipttlialia. '' " %tolpal Odice And., 31"A•11,01C - 11 1 44,.;' , , ''.' ~ J ' i t ' • imill i i ,*:.. all :::: ta: . - ;P.,.. if Valid. ft* ; glir . . succonitft ft alit im s a CrFor sale by Driiiidata and Dealers la every town is the altailllataa 314,011aw1y ...ft.-- .......••••••..........- . • .. ~ . „ , . , . .. • • ' . . • . • ... . . , . .. • • - - -,.- . 7.7'i;!2. ,- _•1 ,:-... . ~.,.., 2 ,- :_. .....1.1 - ..r.f.. :._ ....:. ~ . _ . • 1{0;4 - is/ -- ..7 ----- - - , i-y4. 4 1,:7 2 .... , ` -_--„ . . ..-. ':- ' ^ 2 . :11 - ri ;.: 7.... . . ~ ~,..,.,_ I / 111 0 :• ' 1 . 11 .tairts , • • m i rik:-., ).,.) : •Z. :.; :•• •,'. :.• . . ... . . 1, , ,, , ,, i,i,..„; ‘,"-______ . y.. :_: ;,.. ,:::;, .. ........-.. : • .. , ~ - : • '. - • BY GEORGE BERGNERI MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER IA,D DIGESTIVE OIWAI(S, MR CURED 'BT. HOOPLAND'S - THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. ItEAD WHO BAYS SO WARREN Kill NDOLPg, Germs ntown, pa. Eil PRIZZI3. =lll FEU " TOg::- . 13 , 11 .: f o : ''.ti--N-0 , NO.7: , ,,:kNiIY:•::P:O It Er 7 V•Ssili,;04,0,:r.. HARRISBURG, ,WEIRISOAY EVENING,.. iJULY 13, - 184'1 ME DICA.L. DR. WISHART'S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL, IS THE VITAL PRINCIPLE OF TITE PINE TRAP, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dig, tillation of the tar, by winch itslighest Med ical properties are retained. nave you a (dough ? flays you. Sore Throat ? Have iron any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should ,be warned •by these symptoms generally think lightly °takers snail it is too late, Maim this fact, perhape vizors than any . others crises the sad Pram lan° and fatality of disease which sweeps to UM grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human family than any other disease, widths best physicians for many years have despaired of a cure, or a remedy - that would heal the lungs, but for more than two hundred years the whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power -and effi ciency in the Pine Tree Tar to , heat the lungs; therefore they have l reeommended the use Of Tar Water, which in many eases had a gopd effect; but how to combine the medical; prof per.i4es so as to healthP,lungs, has ever t been a nkystcry until it Was discovered by Dr., l L. Q. O. wisHART,' of Philadelphia, by. , tlie .prarieW ,of "Wishart's Pine Tree Tar pm , Many, not only ;of the PeoPiel but PhYair mans of every school and praolite, are daily “WiNit is the principle or cause of ,you r success iii 4 treatment of . Pnimonary Consumption ?" ' answer is this: The inpigPivition the dipstixe,organa.7 thp Strenpilieniny , of Ike debilitated : system.— :the pithficitiOn and em *Anent of the blood. ,must expel from the sy.'item the corruption which sorcibla bre*li‘i 0744 effected 'by the powerful alterativ,N, (Changaig from disease to health) properties' of Cor dial, its healing and renovating principle ie also acting upon the..irritatad si,ll.ass of the limp and throat, penetrating to each dis eased part, relieving pain, subduingciaanum tion, and restoringa healthful tendt. 4 00,3% Let this two-told power, the healing .MIC the strengthening, oonthine•to act isibonjetption wita,klature's constant recuraFaxe-tand ,H..4.44....,pvtiowviiir.-airiv--c nars Witt tap long delayed a resort to the means of owe. • I ask allto read-the following certificates. They are from men add women of 'amines tionable worth and reputation: • • • `Da. Wnmeirr---pear,Sir:—l bead a very dreadful cough end sore throat for one year and whohisyetein yea fast giving-way, and, I was,prosfiuted on my bed . with ; . but little hope of recovering... My Owen, balled. WI PetYer ofAI medicines, and in a short time 1 mot have gone'to my grave, but think God, my diughter-m4aw would not rest- until she went to your store, No. -10, 4. Second street,. and related my ease to yori, purchased, . one bottle of your Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I. commenced to use it, and in one week I was much better, and after using three bettlesii em perfectly well, and,a wonder to all my, friends, for they all proounced me past cure., Publish my ease if you WI T prope i n, REBECCA A Ara TON, Nd.'1321 Tirylle street, Phil* Iphia.. Dr„Wishart's Pine Tree Tar Cordial ie. 44 iorellttible. mire for - Itronehitis„ Bleeding ci the Limel, Sore Throat and Breast,'lnfbnimm lion of the Lungs. Mr. Wean says: • • Dn. Wasnezr—Sir:--I had Bronchitis, Ins flaramation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had beenlseated by several of the most eminent physioilms in Philadelphia, but they could, not stop the 'rapid Course of my disease, ' an d I had despaired of ever being, re stored to health. I was truly on the retool the grave. Your Pine Tree Tar •Cordial was highly recommended to me by a,frierid;. tried it, and am thankful hi say , that, after, using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. Yon can , gave- re, , ference to my house,No. 968 N. Wad street, or at lay aloe of Receiver of Tales, from ,& e. 41 .1 to _ 2 P, u., corner of Oheehalat hint /Math streets. JOHN WARD. _ Read the following from Utica: Dn. take 'pleatibri in informing you through this source that your Pine Tree •Tar Oirdial, which was ;aI:RAO mended for niy 'daughter by Dr. J. A. Hall, of this city, has cured her of a cough of mace, ;than., five months', sanding,. bad thbugli6 her cure,- and bit& einployed the best of medical aid without any benefit. I can cheerfully recommend. it to the public as a safe and sure remedy for those similarly afflicted, as I know of many other eases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long_ stasading coughs. Yours respectfully, • JOHN V. pmptCPR. Dagnerrean Artist. ., 126 43lerteseee street, Utica, N: Y.:. • * • * •—I have - wed Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Taxi' Cordial in my family, and . ca'' cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pin disposed to consumptiOlL Dr. AL FOSTER, 160 Geneinni street, - • Utica, 'Nesi'ifOrt` • The abOve are a few among the• thousands which this great rquidY,ht,u 3 .,o4vo . an untimely' grave. ." r rm • We have thoisidi 'of letter's' plain; and druggists who. hove water:And and sold. the- Tar Cordial, - saying that they "have never used or sold a medicine which gave " The Tar Cordial, When taken in connection with Dr.rWishart'itDyspeinia Pills, is an in• fallible clue foPprikePßialo - ' The Rum Tun t- Tas" 610iumsL, will `acre Coughs, Sore Tliciat sad. Breast, Bronchitis; Asthm,s, Wh.ooping-Clengh, Di tberia, nid also an excellent remedy; for diseaeei. of Alm kidneys.and female complabits. . CBE 60trirrniiiirgliti • nEv." • She genuine boa the name of the proprietor aed a pile ins Wawa in the bowie.. AlLotheme are-aparleas hump tuna s 141. Rune FOOT and Orti Doman*? Brorrta pawl tmly babe Reprinter, - " L.Q. C. +a Las 4.tkay. av; ,100,e2 No. 10d Street, Philadelphia, Pa, Sold by Dreggietao North regwbet imond s, at Whdatale by 111 Phila. delphia and New Yost ‘ilialeelle Dranista marl Ody Nom MEDICAL. THE tiREAT "AIERICAN REIEDIES," KIRDWN AS "HELMI:I4)LD'S” GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ: HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BUCHC," HELMBOLD EITILACT BAZT4P4BILL,A, RRLMBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WARM HELMBOLD'S. GENIIINE PREPARATIONS. HIGIEL-Y,OONCENTEKTED" PINPOUND UID, EXTRACT BUCHU I A POSITIVE AND SPIECIMO REHM YOZ MIAOW OW Tat KIDNE3rB. GRAVEL . .. • AND ; DROPSICAL: SWELLINGS. MEL Sliedicintainoreaseal UlO • power of 'V- A gcs.t4joi; and ozoiCAII4O,RBENIS kilo t. 1 , 0 047 option, bj , 010 the ANENT or CALCkROTIS oepoi:t i Won, lindliiP ANNA - ENLAMENNNTS are re• dated, as Weg-is pato end intiammitionl Ind li good for lilliN, WQIOI4 or CHILDREN. •• : : i• • . ; ' • ! HEL4BOLD'S 'EXTRACT . BliCllll, FO-Ii,*AAK4PI 3 P4S' Arining From /acmes liabtta,of. lEasipatlon, Early In- amramneo wrnt:Tni; liotabro: Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Etln,: ups.ot Ifemory, 1 - ;Istes,of, Potter, Wei& 'Naives, , „Diflinnity,.of,Ereatianm, Hotior of,' Trembling, . • . illninixisof Vision • Wairettlint d ; liw Universal Lassitude of Muscultu:,Eynters, • Irlitshinglot; the 7, Eraxdit, EnipyroPPAn, ple Feet), rellid Coulitex,oe, ' • '). Ititiiitohis, it itoWiti thls altianl6l66l74ftiovee,'eurtY ktilbw - • w.a.arCrrsizoainies • In one of which the peftent ma expire. Who can my gat tb ( V,witig.friVffiguri f eWtir e fPq tkifigeg* . Many are aware of the muse. of their sudering4 bat elasettym •• he MO; Of the hlieglistflorae!ild the melancholy deaths by Consumption,' bear ample wit ness to the truth of theoseertion. - - In-EGON xs, v WIT '0103: w.s.faXEss MED* Elptheillio r aid:orxhidlehla to`Mretterteinlhlitl toMathite the system, Which Ileltabold , s Extract Boehm invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical.. O OR TOVICO; 107012, 1 RIED, Olt CONTik. PLATING MARRIAGE , In many affeetianapectillir to females the Extract Bo elm Is unequalled by any tither remedy, win chtortalle or Retention, Irregalarity, Painfulness, orsuppresskrn of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or lifelnerounstate of the Uterus, Leucorrhea or Whites, Sternal, &pd Tor all cm. tolidnts incident to the eel, whether - 1,4 from Indbiere. Yon, Naito of Dialipation or in the - ' ; PEPLUM OR CILLIVOIi OF LINZ NO FAMILY SHOIII.P . BN WITHOUT .IT. Take no Balsam, literoury,•or npleasant Medicine : for Thapkonant and Dangerous Diseases. . HEISEBOT.6I3 EVERACT 13170141 J, . Cures SecretDiseeses 111'811 their Stages it little extents; Bala ormo change inAtistt no ineenvenienoe and no expo. sure. It ; mums frequent :delfim, and _giyqL etrongth, Urinate, thereby; removing olottnictiona, : preventing , an d_, curing Strictunet of the Urethra, 'allaying pain' and inTh u melon, so fridtteat lo.this since of diseases,- and expinline Poisonous, Diatteefit: aid Worriont :hatter. Tboustuids upon thousends who. have been the.victime of quacks, and, who have paid heady to` be Onnidttli aithcirthine, have found they Wertideo and that the'-"Poison": has - by thsmenr "payment sgols,.! been dried up In 'the system, to break out in an, eggravided farm, and perhaps ,du r EXTRACT BVCHU for all &libellous ;and Dimon - es-0f the. Urinary Orgaziee whether eibming'in Male or pemale,:fremlituiteveriatuse originating, antL - no matter of how long standing. Diseases of. these:Or require the aid of e Dierotlo. IisuiDOLD'S BOMB biting:lmm MIMIC, and'it to antithirtii hale the, =desired - . eflecti in. all :Diseases tor - which idt is i r ecimi-'' Helmbold'il Highly Concenins tad Compound ' FLUID'S:M.4ILT SASSAPARILLA STYX. iii The is in efiectitn of the Blood; said attacks' the Sexual Orpni, Linings of 'the Now Bats, Throat, Wind. elPo and other Mucus S wami, making its appearance in the form of Mons. Ehilmbeld's Extinct Sarsaparilla pu rifies the`Blcoli and reinovuirall-pmly Eruptibps of tit; 'Skin giving to the Complexions Agtegir and Healthy It being prepared axonal). Pr this Awn of complaints, Its Blood.Porifying Properties are preserved to a greater . Skint than ant °thin: preperatimiet HELMBOLD'S ROSE WASH. An eicillent‘Letioi for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, l arieng rfeekbabilli of .4Mpithation, usedin 0:44000* 012seltEr the Ettesigh Bitola dialitaanaparills; eaWldhieases recomulended. Evidence of Momost responsible and re liable character, will ttte'mstcineA CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight to twenty 'years standing, with names known to 8C10110304112111 Fame. For Medical 'l'Kelleftlea or Auclw, eoe.Dirumneen of the ,Untted States. SC! Pttfitonstl)ENEX PrifabiaW . ott the Pia6lOs'or , rh_yele. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr. tMYSIOK, Philadelptibt See 'remarksmade by Dr. ME...44,MODWELD, acelebrsott FltysiciWitansiog bdi bridle Rojirdelrege of Stiginkiii, aridpubTfahedin the I Tromactions of the King's and Queen's Journal Set Medico-Chhurglcalßeview, BEND. TRAVERS, Fellow or the Itoynnollegt of Surgeona The mustof the late standard workgen Mellbint 'Extract of Suchu, 4 1 00 Perhettigncer4X 2 ,..lsottief ;for. 26 00. Extract. of+ SlFltapariik, 1011. per, bottle, or six for $6 00. ; , proved-Sces Wad , 60 maid per bottles or di far , $1,66,, or half a deaea each for $l2 00, which will be suillthent to Meths ,nosit *athlete men if dremlonsous adhered to. DeUvered toligy 1101riollomoomdj_ • paokfid from eb. Serflitke: - Thi.i 3 00.. 11 3704 4 =4,in aU o , l oo ll leaeee' Onto guarunteed.: Advice gehtts:' •'.I!F '• '7 S u l ithAFTIDAYN., , appeared before me an Alderman ofthelt or Phi { .deligs* ;'4` figs* Inb , Agro 40 4 1 PLY;. 1111 . COnt4 ll 1 / 4 0,1 01 i 0 1 4 0 1410 A ecirjr, other Aings, 'pp areM=Np.. Ihrona and adnarliett.before nee; , lbi'EN:iiiiof rift • - IFX P. SIBBARD. - i a - A 4r ie atngt d agAagggpAitllrff.:; H. T. HEUIBOLD, Chemist. Depot 11M Hoe% 11th Ire* below Flitted& t'~#i - «;s.aroß~""`+u~r~"~l7k'a'~:. w"'__^.if.+~le _3e'~`.,"' -J^^.....:::~:r^~~:~"r`:~~f:~[a.~:'R,:P-.«;-_,..o PRICE TWO ` CENTS NEIV.• ADVERTISEMENTS: t PROCLANA, rfIEEE ditizons" of the city of Hairrisbuig ere hereby istitiftedlluit the tordbiance, en= ed . uan or diesnoe.k) prevent mischief froarclugs," pas,ed February 61841;41i1 b strictly en oreed. Attention is espiicialiy directed to se lion.: 4th, bth and, to wit: Sao. 4. Tjuw s etery dogoing at large within thy limps of the kid- oity, front the twentieth day of Mdy untiit: tip twentieth day of fieptettiber, in each and every : year, shah bave securely put on a good, atrong, substantial and safe wire baaltet muzile, ine-daing the wbole =Utah of said dug, so aa etgeotually to prevent him G tsbituag and esioptng. SHO. b. That any and every person &going a dog and permitting it to run at la. go without complying with the fourth stZion of this ordinance; Shall he liab;e to a Lino of Rot lee.. Mimi one de lar, nor more than:two dollan4, with wows, at the discretion of the Mayer; and in the Wind, of the Paid son-table not being able to find the owner of the dog so running at large, tie, or tome permit einp , oyrd by Lint, shall take up, kill and bury said dog, for which service tie or, the pe“ son perfortnits the ser vice slut' receive the stun of one dolls!, to be plaid out of toe city trmsury. due 6 That every do; going at largo withiw the limits of said city, shall have around Its neck, at all intess, a tolls of metal or a collarof leather with a 'metal plate, on whlckquital OttiliAr or plate shall be inacci64 the name of the (Watt(' UP bush dog, and any and every person • wn lugs dog and wad ting it •to lull aSiarge, viithout otu. ifly log with the requ sittone of Lliis Section, shall be liable to a tine of one d ihar for every ufreuce; ant further, it ii hereby made the duty of the Chief Police Cenetaole or a perion employed by him, to take up °rely dog so run ning at largeln violation of this section, and unless the said tine is pal.. by the owner th roof, on demand, the said officer is hereby auth rized and required to kill the dog or cause it to be killed and buried, for which services ho shall be allowed oue dollar out of the city .treasury, Jyb A. L ROUMFORT, Mayor. T. 14% WATNOIN, 4ASTIC CEMENT PiT4 l grlV r = Pa., 1 . 4 PIt,Eg44,E.D to furnish and ,caat the ex-. tenor Of Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on a new ifysterw. , This material is 'entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, linperietiatile'coatitig fed outaide'work: Mixed with pro. per proportions of pure Lutseed farms a solid, dura bleadhasiveurom to Brick os otontiiouviang a beau tiful, tine water proof Borth& thud:Brush ' equal ro Brown Hoene or, aay,color deelred.! "- - Anton* othera - fOr Whom I have spelled ,the Mastic Ca dent; I refer to Ithe allowing gentienitiil ,, J. Bissell residence, Penn street, pltnniturg, • j D. ire or ic . it J. H. Sheeneergar_ reeitace, Lawreirsertlle. • A. &eyelet, ; JameilM'Candleis,' " 'Allegheny 'city: " • Caftan Adams, . Third strern; Pittsburg • rewrap Vir.otal, owne r St. Charles Hotel, " Witham Vohel, Girard.Rumie,' " Icier* Mow, arokitecte Dispatch Buildings, " lokinßeEret, reettenro, Promstreet, Harrisburg, Pa. 4 4.49ne4.. ri" .• " •• • " Please wchlress . T. F. WATSON .„ ..p. O. Bor I,ltitei Pittsburg, Pa., or„ permit likiuse, l lliunsburg. Pao AN AIidUN:TRENT: UP- • ax....E.R_L . A• 0, - Jr T 4 tOCUT TIOORS PURSES Aims POlC' p7 : N V°A ~ 1 4 .4§:4 0 (4 05;Fdi. • fit ' LlOgit'S • Drag and woods t ore, No: 91 Market' *treat The beet TRAV Mo rocco BA. Z L 8 , Ands gem%) variety of FAN Y 00011 S, "suitable for Presents, now on bared at .1,E1.19.:9.'S Drag . Store, marlo4 So. 91 hiarket meek jtr.,l,3T THIS MORNING, - A FRESH INVOICE OF MICHENER & 00.,S;CEEBRATED SUGAR CURED HAMS AND 3310-EV, 811 LEE FRAZtRIEL myBl SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS - Ging , T. AM happy te offer"- to the public 'a ,Large splendid assonment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactured by _ _I.4EROY , TheeePens are Well finished, dastid,"iihd will give en. dreisatisfactien. PLEASE TRY TREK. SOILEFTER'S BOOR STORE, Second stfeel, opposite Prptbyksian Harrisburg Pa. ' ap2S . . HARILUSEILJRAti I • PA:... •• • • --- • - D 41. HIITGRIBISN; Pinprletor. rraL"ellUciii/Lotel tictw 41, a gond don io , nonnutitiodate the'finvidnig• iiwnhcc• stifontin the HUM olaple,oeuvempngeti , ollk.e forkt.ite transient guest and . the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL hat; been. entHeir Vat ted throughout, and now has acconimodatiana: eel* .in extent; comfort arid luxury di nag bitweehrhffadif: plan And Pittsburg. Its location is the' best tho Aare !Capitak being in easy aceere to all,the railroad depots, and dose proximity to all theletblic offices ad business 104' l'ealiklea of the qty. It has p9w til the 094Yerdellestl of .41 TAR. AO,l A" and the Prove:nor Is deteranrowk - Awe 'Mather ex peons, time or lab* to ens u re tito wkrafOrt of the .gtiesis. cirho patronage of the traveling public lareepectfullv !ted. ' • - • • 3811-41tf NW I:IS'OUR'STORE. • STANT TO LANDLORDS AND ;.1 11 Ti.ERIV—The unde rs igned eders :at whsterale, to 'tea trade; a - id:Coto,lot uf the bat Liquors ever brought to , Harrieburg, via:-!Piviek Brandies, ilidkring Miss, Scotch, Irish, Ilowbas, Wheat and LW Rpe Whi4l9; J'oriegr, and Dornatto Wines, such is Champagne, Claitt, Catawba, dc,. 4k kik9l .6' reiwA4Riiiod, -1-otadlorta, !and Ohm's will Awl it 'to thew advantahqs to call and ex ,atniite the ailetotunent":at ikai:siiite44loSotith Second 'street, two loop helow citeettait.' • .GEORGE* INTERS , . the bait 106o:tioi4, for 'WORM' in the State ' for mile, it ireriroajotiooki :Pm,, e4yjnirOttser who mill imPrPte Itioltustetkwith , mt - a Short distance of tbe clty of Ihurisburs,betw, , en. the. ;pessisyfraniaradroad andosnal, about ltrebimartol feet ma 44 dotooe of the ems, limestone quarries in the OULU siiiftkise‘toa good turnpike 'reed, also;'' filo& rte 1w a l " 0 4 4 PAR! 0 1 :44 .I, ol r* l l ll for Ito Mud. to *t.lldhis i Jr. . Amorney-at-LeM,M . .;Tor 1 • searllt,dtf. , : f „ liainlbur+ [Philadelphia Press Iniert'tlmetakiies'and 'maid di to this office.] _ • • 'VERT -14,111EICDV T ' O our fine and Akitea,piy,e tige.k OfjjPhpto graph Album+ mad rimy:4 rapt Card Piciumg, mace 'aka a BEWIIPUL. ioritier'reception of exd i ttiteree. They Meet 4,11140 and will °manse& tab bwirapent aapplkd very lOwetit whulo .1 .loYilutett.rata petrited nitoartsiantir.sll4.per Ll4thasanci. Fholataho autretpil. at • • . 'rnaglW =•*'" 63 OgeffialrEtS.BOOß:ViVlet _ , VIA lei a. • ;f6B,* - L - 41i - • boi4B ," ‘„‘ el , , tie •:. • ads' th• bbigingiatiatiokialiViiiiiii,4l4@iiiiiieusii • I V IE ""' j .4 I. " siiiIi2OMSM LI E., est_ 4-2, , .OiOKED BEEF.—A. choice lot s oT 'Niche: 10 net's Dried Beef, just received at ‘ SUMER & FRAZER, Kt Successors to W. Dook, Ir., & Co STtAI4RINT AillnilMNe—RATES•AlAilyt . VELSCatattt =,- The iblioultriVrtifirriiteinitrertising in the tn.:. GRAPH. Those having Advertising to do will 't con venien tfor reference. irar• Four lines or lea constitute qac-bsif li!P*Te. "g h lines ormore than foci oofistitute a Squire. am„p awn.= One daydays $ 30.; Two 5O Three days . 75 One week... .... .. 125 One manta 8 00 Two m0uth5.........4 50 Th7lso.m6biths 5 50 Mia months 800 One year 15 00 Admlastratlon Marriage NotieeK.: . . . Auditor's goLices.— FuneraltiotiCeseacaiiiiti; /41-Btaness Wattoew mae before Marriages and each Inwertion. :=7,11c - 002- dayn. • .....: ao Three days .. 126 Onelffens- ; • 2 25 One month — .. 600 Toro oli1000.!....o.: - 000 Three'mputhit:.:.... - . II 00 Six months lb 0 One year • 26 0 p 26 • r'6 EVENING EDITION. [From our Morning Edition.] THE SITUATION. Our usual sources of obtaining correct in formation, the milisary authorities, were rather barren last night, cccasioned by the fact stated in our last evening's edition, that the telegraphic wires between Baltimore and Washington had been cut. Of course it. is not possible to ascertain the eitent of the damage, but as a large force of rebels were stretched along the Washington branch of the Baltimore anti Ohio railroad, the presumption is fair that both the telegraphic and railroad lines were seriouslyimpaired. The authori ties here have had no telegraphic communi cation with those at Washington since 9 o'clock, yesterday morning. We under. stand that while an attempt is being made to repair the damage to the telegraphic lines, an effort will also be made by the Washington, authorities to open communication with Bal timore and the north through other channels.. The obstruction to telegraphic communica tion of course debars us from making our morning exhibit of the situation as full and as satisfactory as usual. We wfrain from giving mere rumor, because the public would be far better off deprived of all information, unless it be intelligence based upon real facts. We have information from Baltimore, to the effect that a force of fifteen hundred Federal troops dashed into Frederick some time during yesterday and drove the rebels beyond Ono town, bat there, being heavily reinforeed;ifis r turned and repulsed the Union troops.• At) Eerenrcipt). -I ',t'From Baltimore. The Wires .:Between Baltimore and•Washingtou Cut.. Pxrnanitt.Pnvi, 413% Nothing known in Baltimore or and around Washington. All the wires be tween the two cities are cut. 13Arirrsioss, July 12.—We are entirely igno rant of events transpiring' hr and around Washington, .as the wires were cut at some intermediate point about 3 o'clock P. M., The Pirate Floti lla. NEW Yolor, July,/2„, The schooner Howard, from Catifsland; has arrived. She reports having been carittired ; by the pirate Florida and bonded for $6,000, t on condition of landing at Cape May sixty-, two seamen, captured from vessels destroyed by the pirate. Honor; July 12.—The U. S. steamer Girl icassian, which arrived here yesterday, from , ithe Gulf, received a heavy armament aud full crew and sails to night in pursuit of the Flor fida, under Commander Craven. I)emocratic C 021 T liforrrrETTßß, Vermont. July 12. - The Democratic State Convention nomi-' nated Timothy P. Redfied for Governor of Vermont. INDIAXAPOLIS, Ind., July 12. The Democratic- State Convention to•daf ;nominated James E. McDonald for Goverixor land David Turpie for Lieutenant. Governor,: land for the balance of the ticket, including Ridge of the Supreme Court, the present in cumbents. The indications are' that the plat:' •,form will embrace a moderate war policy. NEW A DIVERT{ SEM E NTS. PROTOGRAPII ANOTHER LARGE AGSIORTMENT Photograph_ 1111101:11TD in FINE MOROCCO -Tanaka, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt clasps. ALBUMS WITH FBO Pictures for... RS . ee 4. 0 ~ 4, 0 u ti !together with whom other styles of binding, sizes and !prices, which will be sold cheap. Soldiereyou cannot nay a prettier, more durable 'cheaper album anywhere. . - Cal land see at SCHLEPPER'S Bookstore, marlSidtf . tianisbarg; fi HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALI THAT valuable Hotel property known as the PARKII HOUSE, . pn Market street, Harrisburg, Pena'a,. will , be. o2brod .Public Sale. on the premises, on Wednesday, the 20th.of July at 2 o'clock, P. M. This property_as in the centre cot :ine home-s part of the city, wohin a sci, L,,re of the Court House and n ar the Railroad Defy< hurl f tat of 21% feet on Market stre t,'"e2tendingh4tic. 2mteet to 20 cot street in the rear, and now. rents at $lOO per i 'nth Terms of sale—one-half cash—the balance,' if desired a heeured by mortgage, in ychrly payments to sut per For fuittier information inqUire.of JOHN DETOTITI - te, ' Attorawal,,Law I,L,rnitbutg, Att PARKE Parkvitle, Susqu'elianno county, Pa, • Or jel9-dta • • FOR SALE, THE valuable. property, corner - of'Aeoblidl ix and Pine great!, being flay ; two ASKI:a hel;;Fne!, yit se. , toner and onebandted and Mirky-Men 'feet ou Pit,e ghreet, hutning, back two bundled and realegijo B al ti sa ,: a li vs, tiere petug apace tar tour full building lopa, aßci a aStd iribie site for a Governueelkiision or i nibk. - nr partici:dare enquire itr& , wAgult,,,4 corn er of Se em: rand r , ..te rnaz9A PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, 4 h4in parsnaoce.of the act uf - Aoanool. of Penc,ylvan n, ota sod.z,ge Grit; day oflutpy, ;WO; ateilonkfaAde op( the • 'ranktin BOolf, of Wa.4lpogtoNygukat „will apply, to lila • prateocalOo of the Legislature ~for a reittqvai or it,ch r ter, inorraibio of itl =iota) , 5zNtk..£4450.09 0 .144 $200,006. ' ' C. .11, EtaD,Yreside•.t. WA.•BlNorrOor, rPA., - June *Asst. LA i Aralittatbiti 'Mita kiittilirtkritt; iti.i. - 11.1\ti.- ;11 E' 1.- ; - - I HE. undersigned-zifers his 1111.1 i 3initt : •1:4101;•or lake, tifly,ope ttiEbirig• to itpf i ttailtpo eatr - tit cathait maka a aigtaftikay lug itivt-,:tru Att., as it will iad dump: Ckanexild , F,W. ; ,It ..401.1.1m0 , :.,, , '' Mil- diwif ItliddletZwn, Dauphin county, Pa. QUEBRIOR RIO AND LAGUYRA COFFEE IJpt BOY,ER KOERPER. VOPFler . • ../ 50 ...Loc . ... 6 0 . . the al - Cokimnr Elam Clam rER 1.01 TM'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers