paik Ettegraplj NOTIVE TO ADVERTISERS —All Adver tisements, thisiness Notices, Marriages, Deaths, ttc., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be as-corn par .ed with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Morn ing Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG. PA THURSDAI EVENING, JULY 7, 1864 r o WINI Aril) COUNTRY State of the Thermometer Today. 11 A. IL 3 90 93 8 A. ir. 82 SUBSTITUTE WANTED.--$6OO will be paid for au acceptable Substitute, who is not liable to draft. Apply to Sullivan S. Child, TELEGRAPH building. jys-et FITE DOLLAII9 reward will be paid for the recovery of a yellow terrier pup, lost on Sun day last. The reward will be paid by leaving the dog at this office. jy7-2t• WArirED—A girl able to do good washing and general housework, in a small family.— She must bring good recommendation and the highest wages will be paid. Enquire at this office. S. W. BARR, Esq., Register and Recorder of Mifflin county, is lying dangerously ill. Qom a number of colored people arrived here this morning, by tLe early train from I=l • Tus Sunday School of the Locust Street M. E. Churoh left for Derry, this morning, on a pic-nie excursion. No doubt the day was one of rare enjoyment to them. ODD FELLOWS' PIC-NICI.—We loam that the Odd Fellows of this city intend holding a pic nic at Cold Springs, ou Saturday, the 23d inst. No doubt a grand rally will be made by the members of that benevolent order. • ATTENTION, A. G. OITETIN LIFE GUARD!— This company, formed last evening at the Mt. Vernon Hook and Ladder House, will meet again this evening at the same place. All young men who are willing to volunteer for :me hundred days, attend! THE Governor has called for twenty-four thousand men for the one hundred days' ser vice. No doubt the whole number will be raised at once and placed on duty. The peo ple of Pennsylvania have never failed to re spond to the calls of our patriotic Governor. DEATII or AN EMINENT HAERISETIRG LAW nu.—Our readers will be pained to learn this afternoon the fact of the death of John Adams Fisher, one of our oldest citizens, and a distinguished member of the Harrisburg Bar. We were not aware that Mr. Fisher had been seriously ill, .although we knew that for some time he had been sufficiently indisposed to confine him to his house. The death of Mr. Fisher will ellicit the sincere regret, not alone of the people of Harrisburg, but of that wide circle with whom he came in professional contact, and to whom he was known as a law yer of eminence, faithfulness and ability. At this bar he ranked second to no man in practice. We sincerely mourn his death. Tux I.Tbnort CADETS. —The first company likely to respond ,F to the call of the Governor for troops to serve for one hundred days, will be the UNION CADETS, Capt. S. Sayford, of this city. At a meeting held last evening, thirty-six of the members signified their wil lingness to go, and it now depends upon the young men of Harrisburg to fill up the com pany to the required number, and it will be the first to move to Washington. We hope the patriotic young men will not let this op portunity pass, as another offering such mani fold inducements may not again occur:— Meetings are held every evening, at the corner of Front and Chestnut streets, where all are invited to come .who wish to enroll their names among their country's defenders. AN AIIDROTTPE PROM THE WILDERNESS BATTLE FIELD. —An ambrotype was picked up from the side of a dead Pennsylvania soldier, on the battle field in the Wilderness, and has been brought to this city. It contains the likeness of a lady, at whose side is seated a little girl, wearing a black sack ; on the lap of the woman is seated a child clothed in white. The dress of the woman is of barred goods, and she had on a large breastpin and a collar. The picture will be left at this office for one week for examination by persons who may think they are its owners. It would be highly prized by the family of the deceased soldier, as it was probably that of his wife and children. Will our exchangesle kind enough to notice the above in their columns? =l= DARING BURGLARY.—One of the most daring burglaries that we have ever recorded occurred last evening, on Frout street, below Washing ton avenue, in the house of C. 0. Zimmer man. Esq. It is supposed that the burglars effected an entrance between twelve and two o'clock, from the rear of the residence. They entered the room of Mr. Zimmerinan's father, carried off a watch and twelve dollars in mo ney ; thence they entered a room occupied by one of the lady members of the family, where they got six dollars in money. There were many valuables in the parlors and dining room, which the burglars did not seem dis posed to appropriate. An fee box in the yard was opened, and a bottle marked " Old Whisky" was uncorked, but its contents being catsup, it is doubtful whether the thieves im bibed. It is supposed that the thieves were frightened by Mr. Zimmerman, hinpolf, who had occasion to rise from his bed'a'bout two o'clock, and the noise of his walking: to and fro in his room doubtless inducecl.the rascals to decamp. It is more than likely that if these same bold operators visit our friend Conrad, he will be prepared to give them, a warm reception. 6ntar credit Is dne the young men of this city, who have resolve d to enter the service for one hundred days. Now is the time to get.a taste of soldier's life. Acernrsv PROM POViDEB. —We learn that Harry Meloy, a lad well known among the news-boys of this city, had his face severely and seriously burned, a day or two ago, while engaged in playing with powder. Boys should carefully avoid a careless use of powder, as accidents are liable to occur, and frequently result in serious injury. A PATRIOTIC ADvEBTISEMENT.—We can do nothing less than print the following, handed to us this morning, by one of the handsomest girls in Harrisburg, as we do all other notices on the same subject: A meeting will be held at the Court House this evening, (7th,) to which all able bodied, patriotic young ladies are invited to attend, to take into consideration the propriety of forming a Home Guard, for the protection of our defenceless young men from the rebel hordes now invading the Cumberland Valley, and also to offer their services to the Gover nor to march to the borders, should the danger require it. I=l THE Mossmem Gtrx.—The following, from the Pittsburg Chronicle, will give the reader some idea of the great gun recently cast in Pittsburg, and the mac nor in which it will have to be transported "The monster twenty inch army gun made at the Fort Pitt Works, has been finished for some time, and has only been awaiting the completion of the big sissies upon which to ascertain its exact weight, and the arrival of the new truck necessary for its transporta tion: The scales are now completed, and yesterday the truck arrived. The estimated weight of the gun is 115,200 pounds, and in order to distribute the immense weight so that there would not be too much bearing at any one point on the bridges that it will have to cross, a truck of peculiar construction was necessary. This was done by building two very strong trucks, each eight feet Wide in the clear, and nineteen feet long; they are cou pled together in such a manner as to leave one foot space between their floors. A. strong bridge is then built from one to the other, the bearing resting on the centre of each car, and the ends turning on pivots, while the side pieces rest in cast iron slides. The truck was built at Altoona, and it is thought w ill answer all purposes for which it was design ed." Tae excitement in Cumberland Valley ap pears to have been intense f , :om the first an nouncement of a threatencid invasion. We learn by the Chambursburg papers, that the merchants of that town pecked up all their goods as early as Sunday, and had them ship ped to places of safety.. The valuable ma chinery in the buildings of the railroad com pany was also removed, an d every precaution taken to prevent anything valuable from fall ing into the hands of the - rebels. The stock belonging to the farmers 'of Franklin county was taken away, and we. learn that in Cum berland county the tillrss a f the soil imitated th • example of their Frank lin brethren. The Merchants and forwarding men of Shippiens burg also shipped their goods, grain, ibur, Fee. Reports from Adams 'county inform us of a similar movement u mong the people there. If the object of the. rebels is to secure plunder, they will be sexily disappointed. Barring the abundant grasivi crops, there is nothing left in the valley that would be of any value to the invaders. The farmers will be the heaviest losers, as they were right in the midst of harvest, era' must suffer consid erable loss even if their grain is not destroyed by the rebels. The colored people of the valley have all skedaddled. Several ("sr loads of co bored:people arrived here this forenoon. Passengers by the trais. report that Chum bersburg wa.s placed and 3r martial law last night. FROM A HAERIBBIIIGEB 111 THE AEMT OF THE CIDCBERLAND.—We are ind, ebted to Mr. Levi Weaver for the following el :tract from a letter written to him by William H. Morton, dated at CAMP 46rn Hvan tvvr, P. V., Aumr OF rira CoAiggilLAND. June 2, 0 9, 1864. Dear Sin—Since leaving . Decherd, which was on the 28th of Api Il last , we have been obliged to perform SO. /2 5 very hard- Marching directly under the s torching rays of a Southern sun, and partici' 'bated in four different battles. Yet lam well as. -41 was never better satisfied with the situation as at pre sent. Perhaps this is owing to the .o ohthure d . , success of our arms in this depart. Went and confidence in our commanding offict ,I V e have, during a heavy and vigorous cal Tilialfin , lasting up to the date of this letter, durnag - the space of 63 days, driven the rebel t over 120 miles, and now confront them abo ut miles from the glittering goal we inter. 41 ° reach, namely, Atlanta. The last fight we I had occurred on the 22d. It seems that t ' ing to the activity of our cavalry and soon, ta, it was discovered that the main road leadin to Atlanta lay directly ahead about 1i miles 4 and the occupation of it would cut off the it retreat in that direction. In pursuance of this our brigade, the Ist, was ordered to stri ke tents and prepare to move. In a short ti e we were ordered forward and came to a 1 a tilt about a mile from our former position. 'ril e 123 d New York and sth Conn. were dept oyod as skirmishers, and drove the rebel pickets half a mile... A battery comprisingsix bmtss 12 pounders was advanced into positio r t on a knoll commanding, the rebel positi an, and commenced shelling the woods, our brigade to act as a support. The johnnies, in antici pation of this move on our part, atasserl the whole of- Hood's corps, and attemMed the capture of the guns. At the time of the at tack we were in the act of blindly ; breast works about 300 yards from our 'stacks of arms, and we had barely time to form and gain the crest of the knoll again. before the action commenced with artillery— they show ing three long, heavy lines not yet , within rifle range, but they came on, drivin g our skir mishers before them, and Soon. tb e roar of 36 pieces of artillery was interming' ied with the rattle of musketry, which contiv nod without intermissfon for, nearly f our hot ire, resulting their repulse with a loss of two o generals and .1,000 men—our loss scarcely 4 amounting to 100, killed, wounded' and nib 3 th e , g . It was mere pastime to us; the rebs fui ng two or three feet too- high. Our colors WE is minus a half staff, it being cut in two by a bullet or piece of shell during the engage; Bent. General Knipe was perfectly frantic at the galla4ry of his little bi what he termed igP s peaking and even General Booker could not 11 a l peaking well et WI Carlisle Herald comes to ns greati.-; en larged and improved. W. M. Weakley, Esq., has become associated with A— ilheem in the publication of the Herald. Inland Telegraph Company. We have heretofore alluded to the fact that the vindication of the Managers of the Inland Telegraph Company had been most complete, and that the Secretary of War was satisfied not only of the superior advantages of this corporation, but of the faithatness and loy alty of those in its charge. The following order, issued from the War Department early in June, was promulgated in all the armies of the Union. We now take special pleasure of laying this order before our readers: WAR DEPARTMENT, }. • Wesnixo , rox, D. C., June 18, 1864. The order of the war department prohibit ing the transmission of military business over the wires of the Independent and Inland Tele graph Companies is hereby revoked. All offi cers forwarding public business to this de partment can employ these the same as other lines. By order of the Secretary of War. THOS. T. ECKERT, Major and Assistant Supt. Military Tele graph. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bannvart% Troches. For the cure of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, &c., are specially recommended to ministers, singers and persons whose vocation calls them to speak in publio. llanniactured only by C. A. Bannvart .Sr, C 0.,. Harrisburg, Pa-, to whom all orders should be addressed. Sold by &twist every where. Read the following testimonials from some of our eminent clergymen: Hanstestnta, Feb. Bth, 1864. O. A. Benavanr--Dear Sir: I have used Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges and other preparations for hoarseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with them all, can cheerfully commend your own as a most admirable specific for public speakerb and singers, in oases of hoarseness, coughs and colds. I have found them serving in time of need, most effectually. Yours truly, T. IL ROBINSON, Pastor of N. S. Presbyterian Church. Orl agree with Mr. Robinson as to the value of Bannvart's Troohes. W. C. CATTELL, Late Pastor of 0. S. Presbyterian Church. • JELABUISBITB.G, Jan., 1 6 64. To C. A. Ruorviurr—Dear Sir: In th habit of speaking very frequently, and in places where the vocal organs are very much taxed, I save found the need of somegentle erpecto rant, and that want has been supplied in your excellent Troches. I consi.: l 6r them very far superior - to any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing spe6dily that huskiness of the voice' arising from its too frequent use, and impairing th effectiveness of the delivery of public ac dresses. Yours, 'ko., JNO. WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of the Locust Bt. Methodist Church. To 0. A. Rusavairr-s , -Dee•Bir: Having uset your Troches, I am free to say they are the best I have ever tried and take great pleasure in recommending them to &persons afflicted with sore throat or huskiness of voice arising from publics peaki or singing. Yours, &c., G. G. RARESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Disruicrr Arroatiar's OMca,• HAIIIIISBOICG, Feb. 29, 1864, To C. A. Bab-isryAnr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to be invaluable in re lieving hoarseness and in strengthening the muscles be the throat. They impart clearness to the voice, and are certainly of great bene fit to all public speakers. A. J. HERR COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, in such universal de mand, is made from the choicest materials, is mild and emollient in Its nature, fragrantly scented. and extremely beneficial in its action upon the akin. For sale by all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers, jangru-dawly NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LUTHERAN PIC-N IC. THE third department of the First English Lutheran Sunday School Intend having a pin WC at Derry Grove, on the 12th inst., in which the Macneill and echo/ars of the first and second derailment., the mem. hers of the church, the Second English Lutheran Church and its Sunday &hook, and the German Lutheran Churches and dick Sunday Schools, are cordially invited to narticipate The party will assembl at the Luth.ran Church, on Fourth street, at 7 o'clock, and will take the nod= train, leaving at R o'clock precisely. Tickets can be pro cured of the committee of arrangements .nd at most of the alma. Price of fare going and returning, 50 cents. ldren under 15 3 ears of age 25 cents. By order of jy7-dtd THE COMMITTEE NOTICE. THE 4 undersigned, appointed by the Or phans' Court of Dauphin ccr,rity to distribute the balsrs a in the hands or the administrator or JAMS A_ JACK, decoased, hereby Rives notice that he will attend for that purpose at his office, os Saturday, the 23d d4y or July, inst., at 10 o'clock, A.Y. Ali pascns laterealed are invited t i attend. D. FLEMING,' HARRISCORG. July 4, Mt Auditor . jyr, do i.w3wkwlt PUBLIC SALE. THE - undereaggied. Will offer his valuable Mali and Farm at public sale, on Faturday, the 23d of July, at the Railroad House, in'ldiddletown. The Mill has four run of ztone, 91 in line order, and doing a fine business The Farm contains seventy-six acres of first-rate land with god improvements Tots property is situated one and a hall miles'east of Middletown. It will be sold.on very easy teams, and probably at a heavy sau rian). - Come and buy a bargain. : A. WIETING. jys-d&wts* ~►/fESS BEEF and MESS PORK:--A choio 1: A_ article of Men Beef and Pork at SHISLER & MUM ark C latow.fainvia to Wro Doi*. ir . kr Vol BOARD, THR.or four perfona can have board in a prii Ate family. App yat co nor of Chestnut st,eet and Rst.pbe. 119 alley,* LOST, AYELLOW TERRIER PUP, with long ears and tail, a white spot behind left ear. 'A lib , Ira! reward will be paid for its return to LAWRENCE'S R 'estaurant, Market street. iys Orvicz OF THE HAILBIMICRG BRIDGE COMMIT, July 4, MO& ADIVIDENIi of three per cent. (or sixty cents per share) on the capital stock of this cow n.nv v , as this day declared by the Board of Directors, of • Kate tax,) out of the profits of the lost six months, Payable at the office of - the Treasurer, Walnut street ne; w Second. WILLIAM BUo: h LER, jy&-at* Secretary and Treasurer. :FOR IS Al. 14." FOUR STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES , BUILT for the Mine Hill Planes, and run about six .Months r.ey are all of the same pat writ, and of th 3 foillowing dimensions: Diameter of cylitid r 18 indent Length of stroke 6 feet. They bare two setts of valve gear, one for link motion and the oth- r the or4inary hook motion. There are two shafts and six cranes, and two extra pistons, piston rocs and packing complete. Then-, engines are well adapted for rolling mills, anti aleo for hinstit% and pumping at mines. They Min lie examined at any time after the first of July, - upon application to the subtionber at Creesona Tame engines will be sold as they stand, and removed at the ezpeme of the buyer, S ea led proposals will be received up to Saturday night, July 16th, and the awards made within one week there after. Terms of payment: Cash before delivery J. W. ALDllift, Snot, )1. E. SFS #. B. R,, Cressona, Sohuylkill county W ANTS. WANTED —A young white girl as child's nurse. Enquire at tilltS. HE'R'S jy7-dlL* ---. Second street , near Walnut. , __ _ WANTED—Ten dining room girls, in a hater Call at 93 Market street jyBglit $75 A MONTH.—Agents wanted to sell sewing illadilnes. We will give a comas- Sion on all Machines sold, or employ agents who will work for the above Wages and all expenses paid. Ad (Mem 0. B. kie.hhlNToN & CO , jys-d2sv* Detroit. 3lkh. SUBSTITUTE WANTED. TO whom a liberal bounty will be given Aco'y at the Brady House. iyl NvANT.r,i) IMBIEDIAT EL Y. VOUR or five "Shanty-keepers," to whom S.nantze;'*bieb, are ready for use, vrit be furnished, for the purpose of a‘zommooattog borders. Also, fr , m 50 to 60 1, bOTCTEI Apply to James Martin, on the N. C. 11. H., Maboutongo mountain, 3 miles auove Mill rsburg je2v-1”.. A GENTS wanted to sell the Standard His ..C3, tory of the War. A rare chance to make money. -teems are clearing from $lOO to $2OO per month. 1.00 2 0410 volumes already sold. Send for circulars. Address JONES SKOP& s de 30 Publishers, Baituuort. fird. WANTED—A good pastry Cook, and a good meat Cook. Inquire at the ap.3o-(itf BRADY HOUSF, JULY 1864. IHAVE this day disposed of my interest in the drug tra le to I-aac D. Lutz, who will continue the business at No 6, Market Square. I can emlorse Mr. Lutz as a comp tent and r diable di uggiet, one worthy the patronage of tae community. G. W. RhILY. D. marerz, DRUGGIST, NO. 6, MARKET SQUARE, • 5 Kelly's Old Stand, HARRIS BCTRO. Always on hand D:ugs, Medicines, Perfumery, Brushes, Cigars and Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes. 11* — rIIKisCRIPrIONS accurately compounded at all hours—day and night. NEW MUSIC FOR SABBATH SCHOOLS. THE Sabbath School Trumpet, A COLLECTIOM OF Hymns and Tunes, Chants and Anthems ,PPENDED TO WHICH Is s JUVENILE CANTATA, ENTITLED "THE ORIGIN OF THE SEASONS." BYi W. 0. & H. S. PERKINS. SPECIMEN copies of this new work will be sent post paid on receipt of 25 cents. Special at tention is directed to the "Trumpet" us being a collec tion of Music particularly einted to the young. and one that cannot fail to be puerally adopted_ The Cantata is is one of the most attractive that [disown published. It is easily presented, and tor this reason a ill be onie popu• tar in all dab' ath Schoela as soon as introduced. Prue: In boards. 30; paper, 25. Just published by 0 tver Ditson &Co , 237 Wii,eingtun street, Boston. For sat: by J. E. Gantt, Philadelphia. jys-te PUBLIC SALE OF THE CELEBRATED .TROTTING STALLIONS, WILL be sold at public sale on WEDNES -I,t4Y, JULY 13 H. 1854, at the p Mho hoes: of James Raymond, in Ilarrlsbtum the following named stamens, vm: • GaN TAYLOR. GEN. Z AC HABY.TAYLOR. GEN TAYLOK, JR. BROWN uICK BLUCHER Sale t, commence at 1 o'clock, P. at., when terms win be made known by Di‘VID L '\G, :Surviving partner of the firm of Long & Burnett. L P. VAmbEnnotr, Auction •er. jy4-titiiv* ASSESSMENT OF DAMAGES. PIIRSITANT to en order of the Court of Quarter Sessions of inuphin county, notice is hereby g.ven to the ComtuLssioners of s .id county. aud to the property-holderaaloag the line or Verbelie. street tram Fulton to Seventh street, I o the cily,Of Harrisb mg, tad upon the petition of the rresident of Council of said city, the Court has appointed six viewers to assess the oaalages caused by the opening of salt street, and that they will proceed to assess said damages ou Wedmndsy, July 20th next, at 10 'o'clock, a, fit.,at which time all parties inter. ested may appear upon ground it they think proper. Jab dlut JOHN W. BRoWN, City S.,tieltor. Laud for Sat.. 520 ACRES of Land, in Dauphin co. at private sale, in part • r the whole, to suit purchasers ;• 13n acres clear s good buildings thereon, with sawMilL For further particulars, address L MINSKER, my3ll4l3m* Dauphin. Danphin nouutv. l's. 1CA..1-17CE11. 13c.. I-lERIZ, SUCCESSORS TO G KUNKEL & CO., TECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS and Who'Rale Dealers in Imported and Domestic Li quors, Harrodiurg. ra. Jys-dlin GOLD IN LAND ALIEGE tract of LAND for sale, con taining about 450 Acres, good farm and grass land. About 300 Acres cleared, whereon are erected 2 large new houses and barns, straw houses and out-buildln,gs; s ex cellent springs of rut:tut - 4 water. This land liar iu Union county, Pa. It will make 3or 4 farms. About 150 Acres in timber, and will be sold at a very low figure. Apply to MiloHT, Lwisburg, Union county, Pa. jys-d3t* INDEPENDENCE ISLAND WIRE FERRO'. THE proprietor of this cool and delightful Summer Re,ort woula most respectfully aunounce to the citizens of Harrisburg that the Island Is now open for visitors. Accommodations will be furislic to parties and pie-nice on reasonable terms, a dancing platform having ben erected for their special use. season tickets tor families, good for one year, $1 Mt No improper characters admitted, and no intoxicated persons will be permitted to visit the letind. W No -intoxicating liquors so .d on Sunday. • A Wire Ferry, wiilt a good boat plying constantly be tween the istarei and foot. of Broa t street, West Harris burg. HENdr BECKER jel4-dlin Sole Proprir.tor. FO ti. REGISTER. GEORGE MARK, of South Hanover town ship, oilers himself as a candidate fur the office of ktORASTEkt, or Dauphin county. If elected, Mr Mark pledges himself to perform Wm duties of said office with tldrJtty.. yst c Valuable Mill and Farm for Sale. THE undersigned offers his MILL and FARM Any one wiehiug to purchase real estate cannot make a better pa) Lug invostm in, as it will be sold cheap. Come and see. A. WELTING, jell dawtf litiddletown, Dauphin county, Pa, FOR REGISTER. RUDOLPH MILLER, of East Hanover township, otters himself as acandidate for the office u. negister. If nom nate t and 'elected he p.edges him self to fulfil the dotted of the office with fidelity. je2s.d2trswtc* RUDOLPH MI! LER. FINE TABLE OILS.-40 boxes fine table oils of the best importations for sale, wholesale and retail, by SILLSLER .41. FRAZER, trtys successors to W. Dock, Jr., & Q3dO.K.Eb SALMON.— FINE SMOKED 1..„) SALMON, Just received at SHISLER & FRAZER, ?AM (successors to Wm. limit. Jr . &Mr: SiNIuKED BEEF.—A choice lot of Aiiche nor's Dried Beef, just received at etilat..Eß & FRAZER, iel7~ summers co W. Dock, Jr., ts. Co. TEN CASES SPICED OYSTERS, just re ceivel at SH/SLER it r it.-as, je29 Successors to W. Dock, Jr, & Co. 1101111 Nu; APPLES; PINE APPLES, just re oelved at - SHIBLNRS Fet.a.ZEd, J 629 Successors to W. D..01t, Jr. , & Co. CORN MEAL--A finearticle. Just re ceived at & FRAZER, tnar3l summon to Wm: Dock, jr., ea) AFEW MORE PIECES 0 CANVAS for Awnings and Wagon Coma Still at Kimball's ON Edon, YulEtt Welt, giy2B4 NEW A DVEItTISEAtEN Tg. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, ANOTHER LARGE ASSORTMENT Photograph Albums. BOIIND in FINE MOROCCO—panelled, gilt and mounted with two heavy gilt olaap& ALBUDIS WITH 30 Pictures for $8 00 30 • o . 3 50 50 . 400 together alth vrrious other styles of binding, sizes and Prices. which will be sold cheap. Soldier,s you cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. Cali and see at SCREFFEWS Bookstore, tnarl2-dif Harrisburg. Pa. HOTEL AT PUBLIC SALE. MEAT valuable Hotel property known as the PARK - L 1 HOUSE, on Market street.. Harrisburg, Penn's, will be offered at Public Sale, on the premise; on Wednesday, the 20th of July at 2 o'clock, P. X This propprty is in the centre o" the busituys 'part of the city, wuhin a of the Court House and n ar the Railroad Depot. havi g a fr-ut of 27x" feet on Market stre t, extending back 21d feet to a 20 .eet street in the rear, and now rents at $lOO per mouth. Terms of sale—one-lolf cash—the balance, if drsred secured by mortgage, in yearly payments to suit pur chaser. For further information Ingo ire of JOHN S. DETWEILEIt, H.ria iurg. Pa. Or BENJ. PARER, 3e19-4 . lta Pirkvele, Sumpiehatina county, Pa. Sale of Condemned Government Property. Om ASSISTANT QUAKTEKKASTSP-, HAttaISSOKG, PKNNA., June 28, 1861. J NVILL be sold at public auction at Govern meta Corral near HummeLtown, line of Leh. anon Valley railrordd on luaday, July 12th, 1864, at 10 o'clock, r u.: 35 Horses, 6 Farm Wagons, 5 I ight do 2 Ambulances, Sadolm, horse Collars, Wagon Whe,As, and 2000 Grain Sacks. This property has been condemned as unfit for Govern ment service, but for private me goof bargaisa are to oe had. Horses and other property to be sold singly; sale to e , enieue until all are s.dth. TEHNL,;: Casa in Government funds. E. C. HEICHENHACH, je29.dtd Capt. awl Ass't Qr. Mr. COSTAR'S" VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" ExTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS EXTER ,, :INATORS. "COSTAR'S" EX.TERSIIN A TOlts. EXT r RMLNATORS. •COSTAR'S" EXTERMLNATOR.:z. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTieRIIINATOIS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERmINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATuRs. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATOR,~. I. %TERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMINATORS. "COSTAR'S" tXTERMDIATORS. EX [ERMA ATO - S. "COSTAR'S - EXTERMINATORS. • XT ERM IN ATi "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS. EXTERMI\ ATOES. "COSTAR'S"' EXT RMINATOI:S. EXTERMLNAIORS. For Rats. Idloe, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Moths in Furs, Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "15 years established in N. Y. City," "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Eats come out of their holes to die." sii- So 1 1 by all Druggists everywhere Aar! I I BEW.A.R3 I I I of all wonlileas imitations. .-•• Costar's" Depot, No. 48.2 Broadway, N. Y. ih-Sold by D. W. BROSS & CO., Wholesale and retail agents. And by all Druggists in Harrisburg. Pa j ~t 0 law3ut PROCLAMATIOA. THE citizens of the city of Harrrisburg are hereby notified diet the ordinance, entired '•an or divance to prevent mischief from duv," pas.ed February 6, 1661, wid cue cod. Attention is especially directed to se tuna 9th , sth nod fib, to wit: See. 4. Tnat every nog going at large within the limits of the said city, front the twentieth thy of May until toe twentieth day of Septembee, in each and every year, shall hare securely tet on a good, etreng, euhetautlal and safe wire basket muzzle, inciosing the whole mouth of said d.ig, so as etfecthatly to prevent Lim fruity biting and sthoping, Sac. 5, That any and every person owning, a dog and permitting it to run at la, ge *Mumt complying wt,b the fonr , h section of this ordinance, shall be hab a to a fine of not les. than one do lar, not more than two dol:are, with costs, at the discretion of the Mayor; and In the event of the said con table not being able to flud the owner of the dog so running a, large, he, or ,ome p , r.soc emp.oyed .by 1, lin, shall take up, ktlt and bniy said dog, for which service be or the pe,son pet forming the ser vice shill receive the sons of one done', to be paid out of toe city tro,sury. Sac. 6. That. .ivory dod going at large within the limits of said city, shah have around its neck, at all times, a coil .r ,of metal or a collar of leather with a metal plate, on which metal collar or Nate shall be inscribed the name of the owner of boob dog, and any and every person twn ioge dog and permitting it to tun at large, without com plying with the requ shams of this a. ction, shall he liable to a line of oiled 'liar for every offence; and further, it is hereby made the duty of. the Chief Police Constaole or a person emplot ed by him, to take up every dog so run ning at large in violation of this i.ection, and 'micas the said tine is pai.. by the owner thereof, on demand, the said officer Is hereby auth rized and required to kill the dog or cause it to be killed and buried, for which services he shall be allowed one dollar out of the city treasury. 75 6 A. L. 11.00.41F0RT, Mayor. FllLi THE valuable property, corner of Second and Pine streets, being dlly-two and a half feet on Se cond and one hundr,il and sixty-eight feet on Pilie street, running bank two hundred and ten feet to . Barbara alley, there being spars- ior roar full building lots, and a most di-- sirable site for a Governor's Mansion or public buildingi. For particulars enquire of Mrs. MURRAY, corner of &- wed and Pm,. rears mar% t PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of the act of Assembly of Pennsy.wan a, passed me ILIA day of June, 1839, theetockholdo s of the Franklin Baak, of Washington, Penna., will apply to the next session of the Legislature for it renewal of its char ter, with au increase of its capital rrotu $150,000 to $200,000. C. EL REED, Preenleot. WAsHINGTON, PA., June 24, 1864. je27 RALPH L. MACLAY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.—Patriot and Union building, Herri.burg. Strict attention paid to an legal business. Naldary claims collected. tuylo-d6m.eod PHOTOGRAPHS. ALARGE assortment of Photographs of Generals and. tancy pictures for sale CHEAP, at $1 per dozen, at SCHEFFEWS BoOK ST.RE, my U 0 Harrishive, Pa LEA & PEEINE'S WORCESTER SAUCES, the must popular and the puma ever offered to Um patine, just received and for sale by SHISLER & FRAZER, rem fomeawsunrs to Wm. Dom, iv &CA ADEW invoice •of klichener's celebrated hums, just received this morning at SHISLER & TRAZER, Je29 Success . ors to W. Dotk, Jr., & Co. PLUME LARD. FINE Kettle Rendered LARD, just received IMISLER FRAzynk and (11100100111 to Wm. Dock , Ai &O.) AM USEIVIENTS. CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL. WALNUT ST., BELOW THIRD. • -4'-;-• OPEN EVIBY LSING, With a First-class Company of SINGEBS r DANCEE,b, arAiEDIANS, Admission. .... 1.5 coat , 4eata in Boxes '25 .4 INSTRUCTION BOOKS AND MUSIC FOR THE MELODEON, AND ALL . INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORGAN CLASS, ZONDEL'S MELODEON INSTRUCTOR. Z. 4 Containing the Elements of Stoke, Progressive orcises, and a large contortion of Choice MuSio SS 25 NCW ItIP:THOD FOR. Tos Iti.LODEON. &tested saamly from —Zen ions instructor," and iontainlug la a idition to Lessons and Exercises, a collection of Popular tongs, and a variety of Pdtim Bad Hymn Tunes. St 50 CARHART'a MELODEON. Elementary and Progres sive Studies, with a collection of Choice Vocal and tam mental Music. $1 00 AMERICAN SCHOnL FOR THE SiELODEON. 150 MODEL MELoDEiiN 151` , TRCtfft tit . 1 60 WiNiiic.R'S PERFECT WIDE FOE IHE MiILOOEO.4. Dirigneri as a Nell Instruct with Choice Music. 60 Mit )D • (IN WIIHO T AMASTER. 60 WOODBURY'S MELODMIN LNSTRUCTOR. 50 GREr.NAsii , wHires MELODEON INSTRUCTOR 60 MME.'S SER APRINE AND LIEWDEONINSTRUC. 0 THE SERAPHLNE A collection of Sitt,ic lot tue Me lodeon, Selaphine and Reed Organ. 60 The instructions to mon of the above books ye suited not only to tne Melodeon, but to all instruments of similar Coos U nation. Fur sale by J. E. Goald, Philadelphia. Oliver Diteom &CO Publianers. Boston. ie2t-t( CLOAKS , CIRCULARS AND MAIN TILLAS, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW BUILDING, MARKET STREET. A New Philadelphia Cloak Store. Have now a sp/eridia assortment of SPRING SUMMER MANTELS, FRENCH CLOTH CIRCULARS, NEW FRENCH SACKS, AND NEW FRENCH LOOSE BASKS. The above beautiful samples, in 4very color and band soruoly trimmed, from $7 BO to ;lb. 1000 sll,l‘. CIRCULARS, SACKS AND BASR:J. Handsomely and riildy trimmed, from $lO upward. tHILLIFIN'S MANTELS LN LARtiE VARIETY. inyti NO EXCUSE FOIL EXPLOSIONS. ASHCROFT'S LOW WATER DETECTOR IS //:._N INFALLIBLE PROTECTION against explosion or burtdng of the dues or, m nod). .og can prevent it of nut tampertd with) ran giving Wl medtale notice of lack or water in the boiler, se sou to put on a supply without drawing the fired. 'Weldor water is the gre-t source of so many sad catastrophes wldota have recently occurred. We warrant tins instrument te be a perfect Wuxi= against such contingencies. Price SW. instructions to to the mode of application as well as reiereuce to most of the prominent manufacturers and u on toasters of the State ualug them, sent on apoUcaUoa D. Q][&s di 00., Pittsburg, EL Jen aC. lisep, 1 Cass. MiIOGI. I MILLII*I Ali V 4.31 - 001)S. MRS. J. HIBBS, lIAB OPENIED AT NO. S MARKET SQ,II7ARE. (Next door to Fehx's Courectionoryj SEE IS PREPARED to sell to TAlP E t i a l l t t!es or Harrisburg and 'gleamy the Latest Styles of Killinery and Fancy Goods, At cheaper pncee than any house in the city. thequality her gouda cannot be surpassed. DRESS MAKING IM THE LATEST STYLE Will be neatly executed. Ladies call and examine for yourselves. apl.B4lHyll NEV GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER. & IiOERPER., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL D r Rll.B ROCE HIES, queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, TT AVE just opened a large and well selected stock at gook at their stand, No. 3 MancetBquare, Ha Laburg, P. 1., to which they invite the astentun of toe public generally. nolo-dly NEW 1111L.A_D1a.PlilA CLOAK STORE, IN D. W. OROSS' NEW BLOCK, Market Street, Harrisburg. 1,000 DIFFERENT STYLES OF VAJ3EtIONLBLF. CLOAKS AN D C I C Ah•-, FINE SPRING SILIWIS. Will cipeu oti the Ist of April. [mP.r2l-4.1.i BIOGRAPIIY FOR BOYS. THE FARMER BOY, and how he became Command er iv-Chief, $1 15 THE PIONEER BOY, and how WI bKanie President, $1 2 THE FERRY EOY, imd the Financier, THE PRINTER BOY, or how Ben. Franklin made his mark, $1 2.3 THE. FARMER BOY, and how be became 'acute° ant GeneraL In press. A YOUTH'S HISTORY OF THB REBELLION, from Fort Sumter to Roanoke; elegantly $1 At BE+tTNEB'• BOOK' STOR C v.") CONCENTRATED LEMONADE, I s a pleasant, healthy beverage. Very convenient and refreshing for invalids having fever or great thirst. lie porta ility recommends it 'o travelers. Itn convent• nee at plc-nice will be sprvciated. No sugar required; one table-ennoble! simply dissolved in a gland of cold Natat and it is dune. K.ELLkit'S 1./HUG AND FANCY GOOD STORE, jeri No. 91, !darter. street. Liquit) LIQUID RENNET yields with milk the most luscious of all desert., for the tab'. ; the Liget eat and most grateful diet fur invalids cud children. Ulk madame every element of the bodily constannon: when coagulated with icunet it is always Lght and ca-y of digestion, and supports the eyatem with the least p0.11.11e ex o th em e r,c, H ftae still greater nutritive i.ower ISdesliett, cream and smear may be added. A ieaspoourtu converts a quart et rul.k. into 11 firm curd. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail by S. A. KUNtil• L, .iels-u 118 Marker street. PROW/AT itieltdadV9 OPTICS, 14TH DIE3T:ci CT, / iiAXRISuIIRG, Pd., June 8, 1861. To DRAFTED AIEN.—.I. am directed by Lieut. Col. J. V. Bomford, A. A. Provost Marstud General, by his ei - eular, No. 69, of June 4, 1884, to pub lish "That drafted men are not allowed to enlist as co.nn leers after being dratted; and that the creoitS for dratted men will remain for the sub-districts from which tht y were united, no matter whether local bounty has or hue not been paid to such men, upon "illegal enhatinent.” JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Captain and Provost Mamba, 14th Dial, Pa. MEN VERY FLAE, Itt•DEED: TO our fine And extensive stock of phot o _ graph Atonal.- and Photograph Cara Pictures, we have addol a BEAU f /FUL ENTIELUPE ior the retu ption of card pivtures. They must be seen and will be admired. *k-Phetesniphera supplied at the rely lowest %hule sala and Weis e .rd printed upon them for $1 25 per thous:aid, wholesale and Teem. at rnav2t SC 11 i• YEA'S BOOK ST 4 'RE. PIANO FOILTF,S, MELODEONS, SHEET MUSIC, VIOLINS, FLUTES, UUlTAlts, BANJOS, SToINGS, DRUMS, 6 LIES, auu all kiwis of 11Csi- CAL ILERCRAND SE, PICTURE PRA . RES, LuobING GLASSE,S, PHOTOGRAPH CARDSand ALBGCM, AKIRO TYPE GEMS, ENGRAVINGS, PICTURES, &C, &C. Remember the place, &LAS WARD, No. 12 Third street, the Largest Music Store this aide of the great cities. jao2B4ltf 5/1 DOZEN JARS ENGLISH. PICKLES comprising ?inanity, Chow Chow, Cauliflower, Mixed Pickles, Gerkins, awl Onions. For tale wholesale and Mail by SHISLER'& FRAZER, 38 7 1 InMoore W. Dock, &Co EIIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers