THE TELEGRAPH IS PWILMMED. MORNINV - AND ITTENDTG, • BY GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD BT., NEAR WALNUT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION Tire DAILT TESGRAPH 13 served to subscribers in the city at 8 cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persona who neglect to pay in advance will be charged $8 00. WEEKLY, TELEGRAPH. Tag TELEGRAPH'S aiao published weekly, and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly Three copies to one Post Office Ten copies to one Post Office NLDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE TIIE LONG-SOUGHT-FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEES REMEDY, the great Indian Diuretic, carman, diseases of the urinary organs, such as /riamti nence of the Urine, inflammation of the Bladder, Inflam mation of tea Kidneys, Stone in the Bladder, Stricture, Gravel, Glut, Gontwrhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor AibuB (or Whites in females) where all the old nauseous medicines have failed. oar It is prepared in a highly concentrated form, the done only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three Limes per day. It 13 diuretic and alterative in its action; purifying and cleunsing the blood, causing it to Bow in all of ith original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes which have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECTION Is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used In conjunction with that medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Glees, Fader Albus or Whiter. Its effects are healing, soothing and demulcent; removing all scalding, heat, chordeo and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack .4;Pctione. 03.- By the 1127 of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the same time--all improper discharges are removed, and the weak erred organs are speegily restored to full vigor and strength. m-For cd, " - Sulars, get our pamphlet from any drug store i country, or write us, and we will Mali free, to e.,; 41 :2;...irea5, a lull treatise. kv.PriN. , , CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, or throe but,:les for st. tzt,,Pri,-a CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles fur S 5. _.Seat by expros to any allre:ie on receipt of price. lb. Sold by all draggista evoryvvhcie • DR. W. R MERWIN & CO., Sole Proprietors, uuirlii-eodly No. 0 Liberty street, New YOTk. CIIER,OKEE CURE THE GREAT INHAN MEDICINE =I ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES An tut/ailing cure for Spermatorrhea, Seminal Weak ness, Nocturnal Emissions, and all diseases caused by self pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Einiversat Lassitude Pains in the Back, Dimness of risian, Premature Old Age Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Wakeful ness, Eruptions on the race, Pale Countenance, Insanity, Consumption, and ail the Direful complaints caused by de parting/rent the path of nature. ,This medicine is a simple vegetable extract, andone Li which all can rely, as it has been used in our practice for many years, and with thousands treated, it has not failed in a single instance. Its curative powers have been Butticieut to gain victory over the most stubborn case. ,@3l'o those who have trifled with their constitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical id, we would say, Despair r.ot 1 the CLIEROIM CURE will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doe tors have failed ,a - For full particulars, get a Circular from any Drug Store in the country, or write the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one desiring the same, a full treatise to pamphlet farm. .I Pries $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwarded by express to all parts of the world. .13-Sold by all respectable druggists everywhere. DR. W. R. DIERWIN & CO., Sots Paoeaurrous, _ marl° eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York. FINE LI QUO its. Shissler & Frazer, (Successors toW in. Dock, Jr.,&00.) J)EALERS IN FINE FAMILY GROCE RIES opposite the Court House, have on handafine selection of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINS 4.21 7 D COMMON WINES, Of Beery Deserip WHISKYS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA PLY&IRISH AND SCOTCH Wbiskys. The best ever brought to this market. OLD WHEAT, FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated GIIEsTNUT GROVE MIME,. CHAMPAGNE WINES. SHLOS2 JOHANNESBURG, CLARET SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN STOUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS With a complete stock of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every description now In the market, and at THE LOWEST RATES. dab MOTH fS.AkelllET POWDER, PM PERFUMING LINEN AND maTENTrim Atom pats POWDER—a compound of valuable articles for the destruction of insects--dhaributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothing, ace., peeked away for summer, will effectually prevent Moth. Being also a delightful, diffusable perfume it will itn 'Neonate clothing, &a., with a lasting and pleasant odor. The finest fabric cannot be Injured by Me uae. Prepared and sold at HELLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. A. P. TEUPSER . , TEACHER OF MUSIC: Omar AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE., 12 N Third StreeL Residence: Third street, aoove Notth. dl5-tf V V WEDDING, INVITATION V AND AT HOME CARDS.—By a aped.] arrangement with one of the beat engravers in the country, cards el any description will be executed in the highest style of art, conformable with the latest fashion, and supplied promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the station em in New. York or Philadelphia. For samples and mic a , mPalloivklit at BERGNER'S BOOK !MU m ~ __ _ ...... ,_-.- -- -,.._,... ---•- - - -!...• ,- - --.: .•• - ..... - 7-t - z.. ---- 1_ ' :_.:.-:-.:- r-•: - . \\ - 17.:. --- : - ..... ... 1 , • -,:-. r y- 7m /t r. " ......' 7 :: ''' '' ' '''''''':'' F '"-.'2''''''''''''"-'4s.4"'''. ... . - _ . , ,\.‘V, _ , . _ . . ' ADVEEtTIEDIGI TELIDOR,APH.. The felioteintsFeri the rates for elver " ri ) AA. ' eitia bo l .. : 4 1 , --. , _ , _ 7 in ve tt ir m o7tir t e i ror f l es :ad sc7s)ltu bag r a o pi ne. u ttalf ar, * t i .........„.... IV\ \ ' ligife* \ --- 1 7. _ . 11 4 1J10 . t 'A. '., ~.----: - .„ 1,) -.- lr . TW one o .n lce nt ... ... . e 0 °The ct 'da dAVS • • Three daYs ...... 76 Three &Ai - . , One week . • .." ...-",;.. , -. ;. .sc'. ---- ....II : - 126 Oneweek... .... , _?_ao-s qrs •`----• _'.. . _-,- .zrzti..z- - Two mo chi "°- cmth. . - ......,••• n 4 60 Two months .. 7 -,- Three months 6 54 Ore& month". _ _ -- - - Amor , -- - Stz Montim 86 0 St: months.. . - . . .1" • '2"_ - • - • ------ One Year 16 00 one.t ei r., Mixon - Von Notices. ....$1 60 ..... 4 00 ....10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA ) '~l ~a :i DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AID DIGESTIVE ORGANS, HOOPLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. THESE Bitters h m have performed ore cures; have and do give better satisfaction; have more tea. timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them tnan any other article in the market. We defy any one to contradict this assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that wlN.produce a °snidest° pub lished by us that Is not, genuine, Holland's. German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseases arising (rein a dis ordered stomach. Obscure the So/Jawing symptoms, re sulting from the *Bordera of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, FUllness or weight In the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swill:Ming of the bead, Hurried and ditildult breathing, Fluttering at the heart, Choking or suffocating sensations mheri in a lying e posture, Dimness of vision, Dots orwebs liefore the. sight, Fever and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness of the club and eyes, Pain in the side, back, chest, lambi; kc,Sudden_ Bushes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Constant mutilations of evil, and great de, preasion of spirits. Remember that this Bitters le not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but is the best Tonic in the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev Levi G. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptint Church, Philadelphia. * * * • * * * * r K * I have known Hoofiand's German Bitters favorably for a number of years. I have used them in my own famlbr and have been so pleased with their effects that I wa duced to recommend them to many others, and know - that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial manntir. take great pleasure in thus - publicly-proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for which they are recommended to these Bit ters, knowing from experience ....oulatenia - suun will be ...tabled. I no this more cheerfully as itioof land's Bitters is intended to benefit the iullioted, arid Is "nut a rum drlnk. o Yours truly. Prom Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the . En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian CO Wool de, Philahelphia. Although not disposed to favor or recommend P. Rent Mehleines in general, through distrust or their ingred tents and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons wl U . a man may not testify to the benefits he bellevea himse ft' to have received from any simple preparation, in the .1 tope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily in regard to Hootiand's Ger man Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. N. Jackson, of this chty because I we; prejudiced against them for many ye are, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Esq., for the removal of this 'prejudice by proper' WAN and for enconingement to try them when, miter ing from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of these Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was-followed by evident relief and resume, lion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I pd not for six Months before, and- had almost despaired -of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of theta. J. NEWTON BROWN, Mild& From Rev: Wanen Randolph, Pastor of Ba. pilot chunk Germantown. Penn. ' Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Bir:—Personal expertance enables roe to say that I regard the German Bitters, pro pared by you, as a most excellent medicine. In awes of severe cold and general deldhty I nave been greedy hese fitted by the use of the Bitters. and doubt net they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly From Rev. .1. H. Turner, Pastor of Redding Church, Philadelphia. Cr. Cr. R. Sacksou:—Dear Siri--Raving used YckPr bar men Bitten; to lay family tiequently I am preparedo to say that it has been of great Bereft I bellies that In , most caeee of general debility of the system it the safest rind Met valuable remedy of which I have any knowledge. Your; J. 11..TUBILF11t, Na 721 N. Nlnetanth meet, From the Rev. J. IL Lyons, formerly Pastor of the Oolunkbus (N. L)` and Miledown (Pa.) Baptist Chant's. • Haw fluemmx,e, N. Y. Dr. C. K Jackson:—Dear *ir:—.l feel it a pleasure thus, of my owu accord, to bear testimony to the excellence or the German Bitters Some years since being mach of dieted with Dyeseptia,•l used them: with very beneficial results. I bare often recommended them to_ Sereneen. feebled by that tormenting disease, and have Maud from them the moat flattering tenthmatials as to their great value. In.ctutes of geneml.debility, I • believe it to be a tonic that cannot be agniaa& d. IL LYONS. From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Roaborceigh Baptist Church. Dr. Jackson;—Dear it due to your excel lent preparation, Rootlami German Bitters, to add my testimony to the deserved reputation ft has obtained. 1 have for years, at times, bow troubled with great disorder in my head and nerirous• system. I warn advised by a friend to try a bottle °flew German Bitter"; did so, and have experienced - great and unexpected relief; my health has been very materially lamented. I confidently mom. mend the article where I meet with awes similar to my ovin, and hive been assured by many of their good ef fects. Respectfully vino, T. WINTRX Itorborough; Pa. Prom Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Reformed ' Church, Kutztown, Barka county. Pa. Dr. e. R. Jackson:—Respected have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly tumor yearn, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good ae iiimland'i Bitters. lam very murk improved In health, Oar haring wean five bottle, Tours with resPeet, _ JB. SKILIitAN. FRIOES. Urge ( 11 0 1 4t0410401 1 .1 double quiisitlty,) $1 00 per boOle—beltdos $0 00 Small else--4b mate per bottle--half des 400 BEWLeS OF 00cleTmurEm. See that the Wyatt/re of UQ. Y. JACKSON , is on the WRAPPER of each. bottle. • --- Should your newels. druggist • not - have the Meek, do not be put of by any ef the , tntoricating preparations that may be offered in its place, but send to ua, and we will forward, aseuroly packed, by =weft - Prinnlpal Woe. and:SPMffkotorF,_ . il bI'ARC•II sTREBT, Plille1)410114. • JONES & WAN% Roteessol4k am. Achim& CO, - • rlierwink For sae by ThviipkslllldDealsrs talent Fae Womb ikle : . istlerdeni ABE CURED sr LEVI G. EE{ IS. WARREN RANDOLPfI i Germantown, Fn. "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVER."—Webster. HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 8, 1864 MEDICA-L. DR. wismAßT's - PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL IS THE:VITAL PRINCHPLE OF THE PINE TREE, Obtained by a peculiar process in the dis tillation of the tar, by which its highest med ical properties are retained. nave you a 'Gough 1 Rave you Sore Tht oat ? Have you any of the premonitory symptoms of that most fatal disease, Consumption? Those who should be warned by these symptoms generally think lightly of them math it is too late, From this fact, perhaps more than any other,arises the sad preva lence and fatality of isease which sweeps to the grave at least "one-sixth" of death's victims. Consumption has destroyed more of the human Wilily than any other disease, and the test physicians for many years have despaired el a.cure, or a remedy that would heal the vtigs, but for more than two hundred years thy' whole medical world has been impressed that there was a mysterious power and efli oieti,. in the Pine Tree Tar to heal the lungs; therm ere they have recommended the use of T ax - w i , ter, which in many cases had a good effect; b Ist how to combine the medical pro perties so 4-.. s to heal the lungs, has ever been a mystery 1 . 1 n..til it was discovered by Dr. L. Q. C. wisRADT, of Philadelphia, Pa., the proprietor of AVishart's Pine Tree Tar Cor dial." Many, not only o.f the people, but physi cians of every school. and practice, are daily asking me, , i s to principle or cause of your success in the trea,thient of Puhncearli Consumption ?" My anew 'or is this: The invigoration of the :digestive organs - the strengthening of the deWitated system— the purification and . of the blood, must expel from. the restem du' corruption which scrofula breeds. While this' is effected by the powerful alterative (changing from, 'd disease to health) properties of the Tu'v er." dial,lts healing and renovating prim:3lo/e is also acting upon the irritated surfaces of lungs and throat, penetrating to each 4 • JS^ eased part, relieving pain, subduinginfhimma.- tion, and restoring a healthful tendency. Let this two-fold power, the tousling and the strengthening, continue to act in conjunction with Nature's constant recuperative tendency', and the patient is saved, if he has not too long delayed a resort to the means of cure. • I ask all to read the following , certificates. They are from men and wont en • - of unques tionable worth and reputation: Da. a very dreadfid cough and aore throat for one year, and my wholeitystein +Waifs/It giving - way, and I was prostrated on '.my bed with but little hope of recovering : My disease baffled the power of all medicines, and in. a shavt time 'must have gone toany_ grate; but thank God i my daughter-in-law. Would not rest until she went to your store, No. XlO N.. Second street, and related my case to you, purchased one bottle of your, Pine Tree Tar Cordial and I commenced to use it, and in One week I was much better, and.after using, three bottles am perfectly well, and a wonder to all my ,friends, for they 'all pronounced me past cure. Publish my ease if. .yonlbink,proper. BEBECOA 'RA kr I LTON, No. 1321 Wylie street, Philadelphia. :Dr. Wishiirt's Pine Tree Tar Cordial is an bitaltieble cure for Bronchitis,_Bleeding of the Lungs,. Sore Throat aziprest, lisflarcana tion of the'Lungs. Mr. Waren says: ' Da. - Wlo4alit7 . 7Sir:—l had Bronchitis,. flammation of the Lungs, Shortness of Breath, and Palpitation of the Heart in their worst forms; I had been treated by several of 'the most eminentphyaicians in Philadelphia, but they could net atop the rapid course of . my &seas% and I had despaired of ever being re ellined to health. I was, truly on Atte verge 01 the grave. Your Pine tree Tar rdiaf was highly recommended to me by a friend; triedit, and am thankful to say that, after using four large, and one small, bottles, I was restored to perfect health. Yon can give re ference to my house, No. 968 N. Second street, or; at my office of Receiver of Taxes, from 9 !as. to 2 .r. ra., Corner of Chestnut• and Sixth streets. JOHN WARD. Read the from Utica: Da Wienenx—Dear Sirv—l take pleasure in inform leg- you through this source that your Pine Tree Tar Cordiai r which was recom mended for my daughter by Dr. J., At. /Id!, ot 'this city, has cured her of a cough of more than five n 'oaths' standing. I had thought her beyond our% and had .ernployed the best of medical aid without any benefit. 1 can oheerftffly r ecommend it to the Publicus a safe and sure r,eL aedy for those afflicted, as I know °LP many other oases besides that of my daughter that it has entirely cured of long standing ()Cued'. Yours respectfully, JOHN V. P'A WKR - R, Daguerrean Artist 128 Cienessee street, Utica, N. Y. * * • have used Dr. Wishart's Pine Tree Tex Cordial in my family, and ea cordially recommend it as a valuable and safe medicine for colds, coughs and to those pre disposed to consumption. Dr. CI. A. FOSTEIL, t I6O Genesee. street, Utica, New York. The above are a few among the' thousands which this great remedy , his saved from an untimely grave. We have thousands of letters from physi cians and druggists who have prescribed and sold the Tar Cordial, saying that they have never used or sold a medicine which gave such universalaatisiiiction. - The Tar Cordial, when taken in connection with Dr. Wishart's Dyspe psia Pills, is an in fallible cure, for Dyspepsia. The Pm Tim Tan Comer., will cure Coughs, Sore Throat and Breast s Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Di.ptheria, and is also an excellent remedy for diseases of the kidneys and female complaints. BEWARE OF COONTERPIEMI The genuine hall the name of the proprietor and a pine tree blown in the bottle. All others are spurious Imita tion& - - Pates Aver MUM and Oan Dommt:par Bowie. Pr pared only by the Proprietor, Dr.- L. Q. C. Wishart, , 1.4 io Nora' Seednd &res . _phadelph4 sold by D,soriViZellt wiFgeole bY VI Rani' dallak 'ad Amor ango l l* lutlo4l NEW ALIVERTIS,EIVIEN'I'S. A.VCTION SALE CONDEMNED HORSES. • wilt Thipaireinsnr, C1P4131.1r Bazaar, I O a lmmo, Cutts QtrAwraitatasinn, WAsiturstos, July. 4, 1884 - lIIATILL be sold at public auction, to the V V highest bidder, at the limns and places named be low. viz: Lebanon, Penn's., Thurev. July 141 h, 1864. Heading, Penn's, Thursday, July 244, 1864. Ear lsburg, renn'a, Thurs day, July 28th, 1864. Altoona, Penn's. Thurelay, August. 4th, 1884. wdliamsport, Penn'a, Thursday, August 1011. 18 4 4. TWO HUNDRED (200) Cavalry Ponies at each place. These Horses have been condemned as unlit for the Cavalry service of the - Army. For road and larmoirposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold dusky, , TERMS: CASH in United States Currency. JAMES A. MM. Lt. CoL and C. Q. Q.M. Cavalry Bureau. jyadtd WATSON,. MASTIC CEMENT 111VVPACTURIZ2, prr'rka3 MELO. Pa., TS PREPARED to furnish and coat the ei .l tenor of Buddipp with the MASTIC CSMENT, on new system. This &Stade' is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only ; rehable, imperishable coating for °Maids. work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to - Brick or StOne Walls, waking a beau. tiful, fine water proof surfmte and Haden equal to Brown Stone or any color desired: - . - Among ethers fdr wtioni I have 'aPplied the Mastic Ce ment; I refer to the folletaincputlemen: J. Bissell, residence,: Pena treet, Pittsburg. J D. ld'Cord, " ' • 3. H. Shoedberger repidetice, Hoeveler,' " - James M'Osndless, I . - Allegheny city: Calvin Adams, ; plod street, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. CharleeßMel, William Vette], 'Girard Bodse, u. , Barr & Moser,' architect/a Dispatch Buildlnp, John L Cox ; residence, Triatostreet; Harrisburg, pa, SI .. Jones, ~'" : , 4, r Please addrec - s. T. F. WATSON, . "P . 0. Box 1,308, -Pittsburg, Pa., [slain-dam - - • or; Penna. Moues, Harrisburg, Ps: _ . AN ASS TIENT OF , OVER 140 STYLE S POCKET, BOOKS, PURSES am POit.TRECIINNA.IES FOR LADIES AND gENTLEmEN. .. KELLER'S Drug and. Fancy Gooda Store, Nix , 91 Market street: 110.WetMormco 711.AVIEL/*G BAly.ll And q 2coocrolof. FANCY IcELLEIC'S %OM, ott miSStore,able for k k .now bawl : Driug rlO-t! .• - • • NO. 91 MartetAtreq:. CLOSING/ OUT STIMMEn STOCK At al) BELOW COST. IIRS. MAYER, No. 1$ Market -Street. B ' IN.G desirous df c l o sing tier' oxer -Steck - of 3filduery Grants, olfera for s a le at greatly' reduced price; smch as ; • • • . SILE. AND STRAW BONNETS; HATS AHD: PLATS, ac. Constana K on hand, .s splendid assortment of SILKS, VELVETS, • HOOP MURES.. ItaxdikEßcatEFS, - • GLovD4, • , . CoLLARR, CuPpe , . • . BELTS.: tat*. FANCY GOODS Sca: DealerwadU do to call, as mat bargains can I°l - b4l at who4f-alc _ : ',1614 JUST RACT,EIVED, ims ItORNTNG, A. FRESH INVOICE OF huruzziEß *CO.'S OBLEBRATEb SUGAR, CURED HAMS AND BEEF. SHISLER Jr. YRIZER'S. myBl. SOLE AGENCY FOR THIS . CITY! lAM happy to offer to the public a hage oluoulid asoortroont of • SUPERIOR _ GOLD PENS, mmlnfactured by LEROY W. FAIRCHILD. These liens eke Ind! finished, sheltie, poi will it'bie en ir" matbstlicllon: 7 PU1413471E7 TREK. SO REFFER'S Row STORE, _ 'Monad street, opposite Ptebbytarian Cliarit,.Rarrisourg _ Pa. . . . ap23 tIEW LIQUOR STURE. IMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND 11 OTHERS -,Tie undersigned offers at taludeMile,, to the twain ; 4 01101di lot of the bat &guars ever brought to Rani: gat; French .Brandies, ./Zoia ad Gins, &etch. /risk Gewhen, WAast and oi4 Rile P MAW Ibriagn and Damao* Wino, such as Chaasktgae, ,Claret, Catawba, eft. - Hawing warranted, aa' represes .t am ed. 'Lusher& and others will Sid it 4.0 their advanteg a to, call and ex amine the assortment .at, the :MOM la I South Second, street, two doors below chestant. lay27llllin GEONGE WINTERS PRIVATE SALE. . - - ONE of the best location s for IRON WORKS in the State for sale, at- a very reasonable prim, to any purchaser who wll,l i mprove it, situated with in a ahora distance of the city of flarridburg, between the Penhsylviudarallristd and md, mast dye hundred feet 'wide, and alongside or the best Waaltone quarries in the Siam and-olcee to a good turnpile road; . also, room for waste Madera for fifty yeany with but poring for the land . Apply W. DAI fig If g biltiA, Atto . ntejet-Law, Ne t 24 . North ajecoll4l street,. marl6-dtr ' I larrisbarg, ra. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and send bill to . that.offlott] IDANDIDATR FOR WONG -REAM Raistustseus PA , AUX 8, UR - TEE Undersig n ed respectfully { lifers himself A. to the &publicans of the 14th rot %Tensional Dia: Mei of Petite* , /mist composed of lure co unties of Dm— pint). Anemia, Northuntbenand; Duke is ii Snyder ' for nomination by the sewn* (*tatty convent/ one of. thekeo District ljeetdtc] 3IAR ESPY. CHEESE--Choice new .crop 0 heese, Past received at tuusuot k }mayjut, , :ievr Successors to W. Doc* Co. - Qtrrzazos, RIO M LAGUTRi k .& 1X*74111- ; AI ma w imam nu CENTS, EVENING EDITION. [Piont t !):ur - 3forning TIE, OrteAT-Icer. After w&had gone to press with our even ing edition of yesterday; information reached ns that the rebels, in taking possession of Hagerstoirn, levied a contribution of twenty thousand dollars on theinhabitants thereof. They afforded• the people but little time to col• led this sum, so that the plunder , ()eine from but a few of the most opt:dent/ of the place. In addition to the money thus demanded, fifteen hundred outfits were required to be furnished by the citizens of Hagerstown for the force of rebels tl4rt in possession 'of the place. Of course such a demand could only be complied with by a requisition on the wardrobes Of the citizens. Thus distinguished as thieves, the party then started towards the east. We had reports all day yesterday, but failed to mention them until corroborated by this act Of villainy, that the rebels were indiscriminately robbing the people, forcing them to the surrender of their watches and money on their persons, strip ping them-of 'their clothing, and then treating their defenceless victims with the unmost dignity. . Since the reception of the above, news has ome to hand that at 11 o'clock A. at, yester day, no rebels were in the vicinity of Hagers town, and that a portion of our troops at Greencastle had been ordered down to,i; rri son Hagerstown. From news received last night we are led to believe - that the rebels were concentrating heavy , forcei.4 the vicinity of Frederick city, Heavy firing was heard from the' Cumberland Valley yesterday afternoon and evening, and it is supposed that Gen. Lew Wallace is there in person contesting the, advance of the en emy. From information derived itoin scouts in Adams, york; Franlzlin and Fulton counties, it is new'believed at headquurters that not a solitary armed ,rebel is at present, within the borders of our State. The Baltimore American of last evening contains the following: The accounts 'received this morning from Frederick'and Washington counties leave no room to - doubt the fact that the rebels have invaded Maryland in considerable force, _and that they have been largely reinforce4_ since they first made their appearance near Martins burg. • • • After übarefal. inquiry, and with a desire to sift out thm truth, and tp . avoid acting the part of alarmists On the , one hand by over stating encouraging false security by ma derniting the stateof affairs; we sum up- the tbllowiug .statement of events that occurred yesterday from the most reliabe f urces:. The most reliable intelligence frOm the Maryland Heights thit morning, and the re gion beyond, 4aiirrents the belief . that the rebel forge now on this side..of the _Potomac% .and on:the line of the. Potomac in. Virginia, is • 'not less than . 'thirty thOnsand in number, coirSieting of cavalry, artillery and infantry. . .Adv-ic,es. from Sandy Hook„ a mile this aide of parper's .Ferry, down; ,to tan o'clock . this _morning, state that an Officer tkout Gen. Sigel's headquarters on the Mary land Heights reports some skirmishing going on back of the -.Heights in the _direction of Siumburg, but the number of the -enemy thewis w;.77 smalL With the aid of a glass, and the Signal. Corps, the enemy can be ob served in the direction of Sharpsburg, driving off cattle, horses, &.e., and plundering the farmers in the valley. Nehtrge force is visi ble; they being small scouting, parties of cav .al4. Lien. Stahl had been sent out by Gen: "Idigel after the raiders with a force of cavalry ai.d artillery. • • Aloneral Wallace is at the Monocacy direct ,.mg,eyerations for gharding the lower fords, 411 has a. good force of cavalry and mounted DA:entry wonting through the country - in that •di,v e etian. There has been no signs of the enen„T'scavalwyet seen in the neighborhood of the Offamocacy. Those that have advanced en liag varstown and Middletown have crossed at the ft Vdd above tiarpez'srerry. ...There Was believed lap to 11 o'clock this morning, to be: no rebel I owe in Maryland this side of liar per+, F er o.; Dui troops hold the - Point-of Rocks andalllbe.comutry up to Sandy Hook, though rob( ot cavalry Soi infantry-are-visible on the VirgiViii. shore, said obeasienifly throw shot and well across the fiver. Active movetnents of troops are going on both east and wost, v ! hich it,is not proper for prudential reason's to particularize. - The railroad is tmObstrueled-itti 'far as Sandy Hook; except by an ,occasional shot or shell from the on the, other side. Nothing definite is kt.' o w4 es to the damage done to the road beyot, 'd Harper's -- Ferry and Martinsburg, though it I s believed that its de struction-was one of the -120111 objects of the raid, and it is to be prestwied that they have accomplished all that was i,vk t heir power. There is good iesscni to , lx , lieve that Gen eral Hunter will be on the trait' of the enemy to-day with a heavy force coL ning 'row the West. He is said to have comma.-Mated with Gen. Sigel yesterday, and instructa'a htm to hold Maryland Heights to the last e• ifrenutY• We learn that the rebels last night t3Uceeed ed in setting fire to the buildings of than WU timore and Ohio Railroad, inchatlino the ticket agent's and the telegraph office ' s, as well as all the buildings used by the GOv.insan+t for stores. 'A locomotive is Tanning from the Pefonoca cy to Sandy Hot'k to convey messages to and from General lionoribie Cexffilleates. - latit i ck:rox, My 7 The certificates to NI imnied toqiersOrle, ladies or gentlemen, who furnish representai tive reenuts under the recent plan =minced by the Provost 11 arshal General, are; being sent to the Provost Marthals, - They are hand soniely execated, told will - hereafter be a sonroe of pride to all :who possess them. ,Militstry 24.ovement. • • - Baxooz, Me., Agar CompinyJk of that Stotts Cloud left fcifrOrt Mielary'ydoterclay. Among tho 'Pala& Viet treat/Gig Eil) "'- 0= WARM 1 00 1 26 2 25 9 00 11 00 15 0 ....... ........ :02 26- Naniage Notices.... Auditor's Notices 160 racers' Noticeseachinsettrim.. ... 60 Arirßusiztvrnoticlie warted to the Loeca or heftwalitustersiout - Datths, Nwas. Crams 100 - Ltds :tat: each insertioc. 33t)Cenrap0. THE INVASION OF MARYLAND. AFFAIRS AT FREDERICK. =I Skirmishing with the Rebels. —.— Oar Forces Fall Back to Frederick. ATTACH UPON - FREDERICK ANTICIPATED, The Rebella- Reinforced by General Jones. FILF.DERICK, Md., VIA BALT/MORE, July 7. Last evening, in Frederick, was one of so licitude. The rebs were known to be within a few Miles 'distance, and an attack might be expected at any moment. An Ohio Cavalry regiment patrolled the streets of the city and the country sun ounding the whole night. At an early hour this morning a battery of two grins, sppported by cavalry, was taken some four miles out of town, and an engagement commenced between our forces and that of the rebels. The latter had a battery of sev eral guns belonging to the Nth Virginia, and their force exceeded ours in strength consid erabl,y. The rival batteries were ,upon two hills facing one another. For an hour the music betwen the two batteries was quite" spirited. Our forces being ont numbered were compelled to slowly retire. The wounded of our forces were carried to a farm house in the vicinity, where "heir sufferings were promptly attended to. The telegraph between Frederick and Barn- Moro has been taken- rip with government business to-day, and could not accept or in deed forward press dispatches. 'The special of the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin succeeded in getting a message through early this morning, but was not so fortunate later in the day. The operators had everything packed up ready to leave when the train left for Baltimore at two o'clock. The several correspondents of the Philadel phia and New York papers returned to Balti more this evening, owing to their inability to forward their dispatches. An attack is expected upon Frederick this evening. General Wallace is at llonocacy Junction and has a force there of considerable strength. His force was subjected to a scare . thins 110011 by his not having pickets out and the return of a party of scouts who were mis taken for the enemy. It is thought in Frederick that the designs upon that place are only feints to cover more important Movements. An attack could have been made on Frederick with much more probability of success on any night this week,- beginning with Sunday last., • The: third Maryland arrived this afternoon and proceeded direct to the front. Another regiment vvasenroute to this locality: Sigel's wagon train, which was at Mount Airy,:was reported, as the train was pas,sing through that place, as getting ready to "return., There was no communication between Hagerstown find Frederick. The Orbiting reports from that place are not believed. • The enemy Win no. such strength as re ported at Harrisburg. Their first appearance indicated that their strength was about 150 meii. They have since been joined by a brig ade under the command of General Jones, whose iorce consists of Virginia and Georgia troops. There was no alarm manifested when th:e train left, the citizens having become satisfied that the rebels have other designs than upon their city. It is thought probable that the enemy has a large force somewhere in the vicinity, and this tardiness of occupation in dicates such a probability. A livery stable keeper in Middletown was _ shot dead for refusing to deliver up his horses, accompanied with some remarks' not very Complimentary to rebel ears. : . , Tlie cavalry, in this section are- - under the cetninamfol Col. Higgins, of the.22d. P. V. They sadly need discipline, and it is. a subject of regret that the gallant fighter and spirited cavalryman, CoL WEL. H. Boyd, of the 21st Pa. cavalry, is lying wounded and, unable to take the field. The people of this section state that under his dashing command the rebels would. have soon been extirpated, A. request - was , being gOtten ready that he should be detailed here, when it was discoVered that he - was wo.unded and - lying helpless in Chambersburg. • its presumed that Washington may be at tacked by the reba in the rear of these raiders. All ltinde of vicioiui remora were afloat last evening and this morning, many of them originating incirales:who should have known better than to indulge ia such arunseMent. ikerw re i' F:Frai• Nothing New from Gen. Grans. FORMESS MOMEOE, The steamer Keyport arrived at Lo'cloek; from. Bermuda Hundred, and reports Asti:dr% new from the front. No battle 3 et. The New Money . Oilier Systems . NEW Yotix,'Jnly 7. . C. F. ki'Dontdd has been appointed super intendent of the new money-order system of the Post Office Department, and B. F. Wil kins to his principal c MELODEONki AND CABINET GROANS. TVi r ENTY-1311 FERST PREMIUIO,. - TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, O,NLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by ~gsteam~nte or Ibli ebee been MASON-14 HtildLllTs INSTIMILENTS. " . A r rull asso rt men t . of them e instruments always on Wuxi . • W. ENOCHE'SoSeIe Agent, - io l - 2 tawiN i : 1 93 Me k 4 "mi. • Thellllllll o.lklitcDoWeill A t e a t -X. a, vs , OFFICE . IN THERD ST., BELOW-Mir.. . taftainstraO, Pa. , . ILL manner of Militiuy Claims prompti attended 4, and otaimrribileeted against the Ginter* or &ate Governments, either in Congress, the Covet oT Claims at Washington Say, or at Ilarrisbarg, without ua leoespary delay. and on moderate Lerma . - A. G. SMITE, • ATTORNEY - AT• - • 1. 4 .A.W0! Rremoved his Office from Third tolrel- , - , nut street, neXt to • the repos,. .0111-Intatneau trusted to Jinn win receive prompt sof emend attention. let - trtitiisc in bola", do wilt AIId rtc4*. square. Oaks
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers