1 1 HE TELEGRAPH D 3 FT:mum:um /110/as'lNCi AND EVENING, 1.;1" GEORGE BERGNER. OFFICE THIRD ST., NEAR WALE-UT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SINGLE SUBSCRIPTION' ?as DAILY TELEGRAPH is served to subscribers in the city at S cents per week. Yearly subscribers Will be ellarged $5 00 in advance. Those person: who neglectto r.Ly in advance will be charged $6 00. II'EsKLY TELEGRAPH. Two TELEGRA Ellis also published weekly,and is furnished o subscribers at the following cash rates Single copies, weekly.... Three eopics to one Post Office Ten coidoi. to one Post Office 111,VDICAL. L'LIXIIZ, DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracts, containing noth ing Injurious to the most Delicate. .1:-.The Rejuvenating Elixir is the result of modern discoveries in the vegetable kingdom; being an entirely new and abstract method of cure, irrespective of all the old and worn-out systems. greflais medicine has been tested by the most eminent Hivtlical men of the day, and by them pronounced to be cue of the greatest medical discoveries of the age 42-One bottle will cure General Debility. gA few doses cures Hysterics in females. gg-One bottle cures Palpitation of the Heart. ,PTA few doses restores the organs of generation. .g... From one to three bottles restores the manliness and ful vigor of youth. few doses restores the appetite. ga - -Threo bottles cures the worst case of impotency. gA few doses cures tee low spirited. da-, One bottle resters mental power. grA few doses bring the rose to the cheek. -.his medicine restores to manly vigor anti rebus Ccubit the poor, debilitated, worn-down and despairing devotee of sensual pleasure. ,The listless, enervated youth, the over-tasked man business, the victim of a nervous depression, the in dividual suffering from general debility, or from weakness of a single organ, will all find immediate and permanent relief by the use of this Elixir or Essence of Life. Price, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5, and forwaAttxt by express, on receipt of money, to any ad dress. gar -Sold by all druggistseverywhere. DR. W. R. MERWLX & CO., '- Sole Proprietors, No. 59 Liberty street, New York. marll-eodly CHEROKEE PEALS. SUGAR-COATED FEM*LE REGULATOR, ITFLA_LTH. PRESERVER. CERTAIN AND SA.FI, - .. orPor the Removal of Obstructions and the insurance of Regularity in the Recurrence of the Monthly Per+• ga-They cure or obviate those numerous diseases that spring from irregularity, by removing the irregultalti Itself. 46T - They cure Suppressed, Excessive and Painful Men struation. • Aa-They cure Green Sickness (Cklerosis.) • Ara-They care Nervous and Spinal Affections, pains in the back and lower parts of the body, Heaviscs., Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Low-nest of Spirits, Hysteria, Sick Headache, Giddiness, die., tkc. a word, by removing the Irregularity, they remove. the cause, and with it ALL the effects that spring from it - &a-Composed of simple vegetable extracts„. thercen sin nothing deleterious to any constitution, however elicate, their function being to substitute strength for weakness, which, when properly used, they never fail to do. Jar They may be safely used at any age, and at any perioe, EIONIPT OCRING THIS, FIRST TERSE MONTHS, during which the unfailing nature of their action would, iplallibly I= Wall letters seeking information or advice will be promptly, freely imd discreetly answered. - ' 9•Full directions accompany each box. grPrice, $1 per box, or six bcixes for $6. w.Sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of price. wSold by all respectable druggists. DR. W. R. hiERWD7 & Ca, Sole Proprietors. marll-eodly No. 69 Liberty street, New York. For sale in Harrisburg by S. A. KUNKEL & BRO., 118 Market street. FINE LiqUO RS. Sliissler g Frazer, (Successors to W ra. Dock, Jr., & Co.) D P." ' VMS IN FINEFAMILY GROCE RIES opposite the Court House, have on handaflne Ploction of BRANDIES, of different vintages. FINE AND COMMON fcgia'S, NVMSKYS. OLD BOURBON; MONONG.AHELA PINEIRISH AND SCOTCH Whlakys The best ever Wrought to this market, OLD WHEAT, • FAMILY NECTAR, And the celebrated CIIESTNTIT GROVE WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES:C.. ,'- 513.1.(1%." JOHANNESBURG, • - ' SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES LONDON BROWN STOUT:. WILD ciamßY, PLANTATION, WIGWAM TONIC BITTERS; With a complete stook of ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES and Condiments of every description nowin the market, and at THE LOWEST RAT. MOTH SA.CI-I-E'r POWDER, • PERFfIMING LINEN AND PREVENTING .MOTH TIM POWDER—a compound of valuable articles for the destruction of insects—distributed among or dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpets, Clothing, &u, packed away for summer, will effectuaky prevent much. Being alstra delightful, diffu.sable perfum e i t will it . 'Regente clothing, &c., with a lasting and pleasant odor. The finest fabric cannot be injured bits its use. Prepared and sold at KELLER'S Drug and Fancy. Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. aptg A. P. TEUPSER; TEACHER OF OFFICE .S.T 'WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 I N Third &rod- Residence: Third street, above North. -- - d l5 -tr 1 'TING, wEDDING, INVITATION ent V i ln AT HOME CARDS—By a Bimetal arylmjinu with one of the best engravers In the country, cards of any description will be executed in the highest -style - of an, conformable whit the latest fashion, :and stIPPI,Ie-d promptly, at lower prices than are charged by the. _swig" era I.ll.New :York or Philadelphia For samples and OW call at BERGNER'S BOOK STORK mchfi-dtt - Ai ms BEEF and HESS PORIL:—A - oliciio I..TJ, artle4e ; of mess Beef and Pork at SEMLER & HIS . , . T _CRS for sate on _the corner-of Third 41,A .11 Broad streets. Enquire of WM. C. MCFADDEN. marilrittf • • 1 • " `, k it ir b y; 'rk LI; .0' dttap 1)1 _ . $l5O . 400 10 00 BY GEORGE BERGNER. ELIXIR "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KNOWN AS "HEIIIIIBOLD"S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ ILEZ ! IfBOLD EYTILACT SARSAPARILLA, HIGHLY CONCENTRATED" FLUID, EXTRACT BUCHU., BLADDER, KIDNEYS: GRAVEL MHIS Medicine increases the power of Di gastion, and excites the ABSORBENTS into healthy action, by which the WATERY or CAMEROUS deposi tions, and all UNNATURAL. ENLAROEXENTS are re dnocd, as well as pain. and inflammation, . and is good for MEN, WOMEN or CHILDREN. REMOLD'S EXTRACT DUCH% EM Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dlssipsdieg Early In- 1VV4N~l~):~k~~'144: i~4:~:•!~~)ih/}yE Si~.~~FciyK.)3f•~ Indisposition to Exertion, Dryness of the Slaw, Loss of Memory, - e. Loss of Power, .. Weak Nerves, Difficulty of Breathing, Horror of Disease, Trembling • Dimness of Vision, Wakefulness,. . Universal Lassitude of the Pain in the Back Muscular System, Flushing of the Body Hot Hands, Eieptions on the Face, Pallid Countensee, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this medi cine invariably removes, soon follow • 1151:Petplcc74'4.TITITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of whloh.the patient may expire. Who can say that they are not frequehtly followed by those "direful diseases," INS/tNn'Y AND CONSTM=ON . . Many are aware of the Canso of their wdlerings, bat none will confeas.. The records of the insane asyltmss and the.melaricholi deaths by Consumption, bear ample wit ness to the truth of the amertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ONCE AFFECTED wiTH ORGANIC WEAXNF,SS, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Heirabold's Extract Euebp invariably does. : d trial will convince the most sbepticaL FEkWMS-FEITALES--FEMALES, OD OR TOI:II4O;_SDIGLE, HARRIED, OR CORTEZ , MARRIAGE ' • lit niany affections pemiliar to females the Rstract Bu ohu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painftilness, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrbea or Whites, Sterility, and for all com plaints incident to the Ses, whether arising front .Indiscre tion; Habits of Dissipation or in the NO FAMILY SHOULD BE Mims: APT Fr. I%lre no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BtrCHII, Of Every Descriplii:wi.' Cares Secret Diseases in-all their stare; at little expense; little or no change in diet; no Inconvenience and no expo sure. It muses frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate : thereby removing obstructions, preventing- and - curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequent idthis 'class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Wornout Matter. .„Thounande upon thousanda who have been the victims of enac, , atid who have paid heavy fees to be oured in a short time, have found they were deceived l and thatlhe' "Poison" has by the use of "powerthl Astringents," been dried up in the system, to breakout in an aggravated farm, and perhaps after marriage. Use HELIiIBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU for all Affeoklona and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing - in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no• matter of how long standing. Diseises of these Organs require the aid of a Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT' BUCHU is the Great Diuretic, and It is certain to have the. desired . acct in all Diseases for which it Is recom mended. Helmbold's Highly Concentra ted-Compound 'FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILIaSYPEII - - This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the Sexual Organs, Linings of the Nose, Fars, Throat, Itlath plPe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appeasmice ion the forM of Ulcers. Helrnbcild's Extract Sarsaparilla pu rities thd Blood, and removes all Sealy Eruptions of the Skin, Oleg to the Complexions Clear and Healthy for. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaint; Its Blood-Purifying Properties are presei”red "to a greater extent than any othdr preparation of Sarsaparilla An excellent Lotion tbi d'isesset of Et Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipation, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu arid -Sarsaparilla, in such di9e...q..s as recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable character will accompany the medicines. CERTIFI CATES OF CURES from eight . to twenty years standing, with names known to Science and Fame. For . Medical Properties of Buchn, see Dispensary of thelinited 'States. See Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late ylebratecl PIFYSICE, Philadelphia. See _remarks made_ by .Dr. EPRRAI2I iIoDOWE,I4., a. celebrated PhYsician and mem ber of the Royal College ceSurgeons, and-publisheci In the Transactions of she- Eines and. Queenls ,Tourpab vE S lieditc.-Chirurgical Revfetv,publish "id by BEND. TRA Fellow of the Royal College , or - Surgeons The most the late standard works on Medicine. Eitiant of Ruche 00 per bottle, or six' bottles for $5 00. - Extract ,of "$ . l 00 per bottle, or six .for $5 00. Im proved 5990 Wash, 50 cents per bottle, - or six for - s2'so, or half a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be sdicient to-cure the meet obstinate cases, if directions are adhered te ; Delivered to any address, securely packed eb. sarvatloa Describe symptoms In an communication& Cquiignaraitised. 'Advice gmtia; - AFFIDAVIT. pateepaus , opeand befor e mean Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H.:l'. Relmbold, who, being dMy sw on j , &allay, brit preparations contain no narcotic, 130 mer cury, or other Inprkres drags, and arepurely vegetable. I'. nLY.BoLD, Sworn and suleterthed. -before me, the: 29d day of No erMIL - WM' .P. HuBBARD Tel , Aldermin„mnin = stiroe' t, tde. .Raoe,Alls, Atibdreler. *ltem IbillifOrirAtiou insonfidenee: 0- -. *". '''.' - • " 'IL . T."M.3 IeOLD, etterdiat 'Dept MONO Ugh greet, below Ohiidaut, Philadel. Ala .4. sglara/7. MEDICAL. THE GREAT HELMBOLD EXTRACT "BUCHLI," RZI.MBOLD IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOL•D'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. COIrPOUND A POSITIVE . .AND SPECIFIC REMEDY /OR DIFOLLSRS QF /RR AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS FOR WV• A RNESSES discretion or Abuse, DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE. EflitfAßOLD'a ROSE WASH. = "THE UNION—NOW AND FOREVER."—WebBter. HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY EVENING, JTNE > 30, 1864- 1:ii8kilkI13011 EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE DAILY TELEGRAPH INLAND LINES. FROM Wt~.SHINGTON• Arrival of Captured Beasts and Vehicles. GUERRILLAS MAKING TORPEDOES Several of Them Are Captured ZTEIV COUNTERFEIT TREASURY NOTE. SICK. AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS PAID OFF, Treasurer Cisco's Resignation Not Accepted, MURDER`OF A GOVERNMENT DETECTIVE, The dispatch boat Ella.arrived at the yard this morning from the lower Potomac. She brought a large number of canbec, ,horsis, carriages, carts, Sm., ,which have been cap tured by the late raiding party from blockade runners and noted rebeis living on the PO- On Friday last Acting Master Street of the flotilla obtained information that there were a number of guerrillas.= theTeninsula between the Rappahannock and Piaxikatank rivers, en gaged in making torpedos which were to be placed in those rivers; and accordingly, on that night he landed with, thirty men and pro ceeded over the country some ten miles, cap turing six persons, among whom was a con federate captain and a physician whom he brought off to ,his vessel. ' - A new counterfeit fifty-dollar treasury note has jusfmade its appearance, and it is calcu latedto deceive. .1 The sick and woppledYbilldiers in the vari ous hospitals in and around Washington and. Alexandria have been paid off up to the first' of May. ,Sub-Treasurer "dieco's resignation has . nbt• been accepted as yet. He proposes to with draw._it. if permitted to do so. It is now in. the President's hand. A Government detective had his throat out last evenine , by two deserters, whom he had 4d,coiaweyed, to the house of his , sister, in some out-of-the-way locality. The, deceased belonged to Duryea's Zcivaves. • C. H. G-RAFFEN: FROM NORTH CAROLINA. 4 HIGHLY 81:7000D8IEM"=, EXPEDITION Foram= Mows, June, 24. News from the , expedition under the cora- , mend' of General I. N. Palmer, which left Nevibern some days since, has 'been received. The' commanded consisted of intantry, cav alry and artillery," and was sent out to pene trate, into the interior of North Carolina, and to •destri)y - th.e Wilinington and Weldon rail rdad, as well as - other Government property. ' The most unlooked for success attended their efforts. The command went as fkas rhigston—(probably this should be Golds hoxo)—destroyed the railroad and an immense: qu entity of Government stores, captured a levee number of prisoners, and inflicted great damage upon the rebel cause, and returned in safety. Tli.ey found the whole country completely stripp ed of white male inhabitants, there being only a small guard to protect the rail road, a •ho were easily captured. The cull particulars have not yet been re ceived, 'as when my informant left only the advance gmard had arrived. Fjiough is known, however, to justify me'in saying that every thing intendedlad been accomplished. f_rops. New:Orleans. • • • N zw y oux, June 29 . • New °Homes papers of the 21st received, and contain following items: The rebels have withdrawn from Tunica Bend. Another steamer has been considera bly injaredhelow 'Bayou - Sara •by the rebel shore battery. No lives were lost. The health' of New Orleans continues excel.: lent • ~ c Ganeral•Banks has issued an order that shipments of gold to New Orleans must be deposited 'with the Assistant Treasurer, :to be delivered to consignees or merchants only up on satisfactory assurances that it will not be in contraventionof the regulations of the Treeinryand War Departments. Gold at New Orleans, on, the 21st, was 104 premium. • Terrible Railroad-Ace . i.dertiNgkir BiOntreal.. Maszaram, June 29. An emigrant train, consisting of eleven cars, went over the ,Beloid Bridge . at St. Bilaire this'mornini., with 354 Girman emigrants on board. ' ' x. [sECCND DISPATCH.] / NoxzEuran,. June 29-8.15 four bodies kr,ve been recovered, and betwep thirty and .forty persons taken out, who s i re more or less blttlltinjured. One car has not been sufficiently,reached to allow the dead to be taken_ ont. .The engineer went down, with his 'engine, bat escapedd, with slight injuries: A dreadful responsibilita appems to rest onthis man for violating the standing - order - to' Aa r ; before; going on the bridge."-Ohly two living persons were resci,ied fron(thfs car. = The depth of water :when the aceident.hap pened Was - about ten feet. The conduetor was killed, and the fireman is also supposed "to have shared his fate. St. Ifillaire is 1.9 miles from Montreal. CLOSING or K PUILADELPHIA Dia.—The great Philadelphia Fair for tho benefitof the sick and Wii.undpd soldiers of: the army of the Union olose-don Tuesday evening. The gross receipts are expected to reach about one mil lion of dolls is. The Union Vase was award ed to Mr. 11 -S. - James, is -.merchant of "Phila delphia.; *2 to • received 4,939 votes. General Meade recreived- the sword-Genial Handeick the horse' equilceenta; and Guniral 'Bunny the camp altest. The Gojoir.wpry* , '0,034 pay won.,the ,fire. tritigiek- receiving 12,732 votes :. votes :. A spirited - oentest for theta; and °the': articles was kept up from the open ing to the V lose of the Fair. BY THS WASHINGTON, June 29 SOUTHERN NEWS. Operations in Virginia ACCOUNTS OF FEDERAL RAIDS. The Shelling of Petersburg. From the Richmond Examiner of the 22d inst. we take the following extracts, relating to affairs in Virginia: 84OTZ'S CAVALRY-A RAID ON NOBEENULL,P. Information was received here last evening that the Yankee German-Kautz has crossed the Petersburg and Weldon railroad south of Petersburg, and was supposed to be making his way to Burketrirille, the junction of the Southside and vanville railroads. OPERATIONS AT BEEM'S STATION'. Pamimsamio, June 22. The Yankee raiding party, after cutting the Weldon road at lleam's Station, proceeded towttrds Dinwiddie Court House for the purpose of cutting the Southside road at that , point, and telegraphic communication has already been interrupted there. The water tank and depot were burned at Ream's, and one hundred and fifty yards of the track torn up, but it Will be repaired to-night. A force of ours has been sent in pursuit. • :01. ' f : M f : : M: Mq Information, believed to be authentic, was received *here yesterday, which induces the belief that Hunter, after being driven through Liberty, took the road leading towards Salem, and that he is endeavoring to escape into Greenbrier county by the rotate pursued by Averill in his retreat. The fact that our forces in pursuit of the,. enemy ere hourly moving further from Lynehburg, that both railroad and telegraph. communication.are temporarily interrupted, sufficiently account for our not heariUg more frequently andlully of the pro gress of affairs in this quarter. Authentic intelligence was received here last night that Hunter had' reached Salem, sixty miles southwest of Lynchburg. In the fight at Fancy Farm, near the peaks of Otter, he was badly beaten ; but no'particulars have been learned: LiTML • General Hunter Itas retreated, with great loss, to Finfctistle. We have Captured thirteen of his guns: He is probably retreating to wards Staunton for a supply of ammunition. Fincastle is a manufacturing town of 'consid erable importance, and allows him to select one or two or three good lines of retreat - to a base of supplies. AFFAIRS IN 1:F.2'84814Y. PETERSBURG, June 22-10 11.--Hancook's Yankee Corps yesterday make an attempt to strike the Weldon road, but after getting within half a male of it, on 'Davis' farra two miles below., 'our artillery 'open upon them, and at the same time our infantry came into action, driving the enemy back, capturing: some dozen prisoners, and,killing and wound-, ing a number of the enemy. Our loss is 'The gallant Colonel Harris, of the I.2th: Mississippi, was severely wounded yesterday; by a straggling shot. Grant's whole army is now in our front, on, the south'side' of the Appomattox. [SECOND DISPATCIi.] • • • 1%7E115813Pa, June 22,' 7 T . 31. —Two bri gades of our army attacked and flanked Han cock's second Army Corps this evening, about two milesidouth of this place. The fight be gan at 2 o'Clock, The enemy made consider able resistance, but were driven back frilly two miles. Our men captured sixteen hundred prisoners, including fifty-seven commissioned officers, forir pieces of artillery, eight stand of colors and two lines of breastworks. The enemy made an effort to recapture the breast works, but were repulsed. Another attack on the enemy at'soine point is now progressing, and is succeeding most admirably. Our loss is very light. The enemy have cut the Weldon road ten miles below here, but it will soon be repaired it is supposed.' • Accomat.rnom. JAM= 13.1" Tire.; During the whole of yesterday there was no, news of importance from any part of our lines south of James river.. About...l o'clock P. is. a report was put, in eirenbition that a small body of our troops had been surrounded and captured near Deep Bottom. The story orig inated in a foolish btain, and had but a short run. It was soon contradicted:by persons ar riving from the locality where the disaster is said to have occurred.... . . DEEP BOTTOM. . The force thrown ,acrosa the•river at Deep Bottom by the enemy, wouldseem to be keep ing quiet. They are believed to be still at work intrenching. and there:was some talk of their laying pontoorcbridges across the river. This locality takes its same; not-from thd chteraderwAs ground, which is in .fset a bluffi-but.trOm the great depth of the river in this vicinity. . It is twelve Miles from Rich mond , by. the New Market or. Charles City road, which...lea:vas Richmond through Rock etts. Immediately east of this hill Four Mile Creek and Bailey's Creek Acme together and flow into the river. Malvern Hill4sfourmiles further down,the New Market i•Oacl Chaf fin's Bluff is iipe miles nearer the - city. Our rains are lying pa the west sideofDlitch Gap, not more than two-and-a-halfinileithis side 'Of Deep Rittom. Howlett's Battery, on the Chesterfielfi side of the river, south of Dutch Gap, is distant from the paint . at Deep Bot tom, held by the Yankees, about six miles. NATAL ,OPNBAT/ONS. It was expected that our rams and the bat teFy at Howlett's would, on yesterday ,morn ing,•renew their fire upon the Yankee moni tors lying east of thitch-Pap; but, no cannon were heard in that dn'Oetion up to a late hour lait evening, and -there were,no rumors of an engagement. our people have learned 'to ex pect little from our iron-clads, and naval ,af fairs occupy very little of public attention. From dusk until nine o'clock last night the sound of heavy guns was heard in the direc tion of the hostilafieets in James river. INCESSANT FIRING DIMING MONDAY NIGHT. [Prom the Petersburg papers of June 22.] From ten o'clock until day dawn, around the entire - line the popping of musketry was distinctly heard tronghout_ the city. It was incessant, not a secend's time elapsing be tween the discharges of the.pieced, and at the distance we occupied - resembleclntore the ir regtilar explosion of fire4rackers than any - : .thing.to:which we can liken it. . _ Vitituraarxerlimeacroisymes THE MIS .Tuesday morning . early, 'that same old iLisrkYita f o poUnder:l3lakely of the enemy, which intshiosi become no fkinilisrtcohe out of Petersburg people, commenced its daily business, and at the usual intervals of gye PRICE TWO CENTS. minutes its reverberating noise would break upon the ear. The gun is stationed at 'or near Pace's farm, on the City Point road, and hai thrown many shells into the lower part of the pity, but so far has caused, no destruction Of life. On Monday evening one, of, the ; issiles fell near the market house, entering one of the small brick buildings to the West of the market, occupied i by Mr. Frhnk Perkins, cut ting a girder in two and scattering the plas tering in all directions. Another scraped the tin roof of the Southside Depot building, glanced over the depot yard, ricocheted, and finally brought up at the bottom of the Appo - matter. THE E.,NEWP OPENED ON PROM THE CHESTER- FIELD SIDE. About ten o'clock a couple of our batteries, occupying an advantageous position on the Chesterfield side of the Appomattox, paid their reapects to the enemy's_gunsin the vi cinity of Jordan's fann,stopping the thunders of the Blakeley monster for a while, and causing the gunners to leave, at first in twos, and then as the locality become hotter, in squads of five, eight, ten, fifteen. Our bat teries were supposed to have disarranged mat ters in that locality considerably, as we did not hear from the Blakeley for several hours. About seven lett evening the opened again and continued her firing at; the usual inter vals. . • • _ ENEMY PULING OUR RIGHT About eleven o'clock yesterday a movement was made by a portion of Grant's army on our lines near the Jerusalem plank-road, in the vicinity, on the residence of Mr. Wm.' A. Gregory, but his advance guard, only drove in our pickets, for he discovered a body of troops waich, had they continued their advance, would have administered to them a terrible castiga tion. This same body, which shall here be nameless, has already rendered not less than twenty thousand of Grant's army wholly un serviceable since the present campaign com menced. MOVE ON TME WELDON RAILROAD. About two o'clock our mountedvidettes dis covered the enemy in much force moving around.' towards the Weldon railroad; on 'a road which crosses the rails at a poirt about two miles from Batterwortb.'s Bridge, and in the immediate vicinity of William H. Davis' place, at the fork.l of the Halift= and Vaughan roads. The Yankees engaged in this move ment were encountered by a body of North Carolina cavalry, who held them in check un til reinforcements came-up, both cavalry and infantry, when the enemy were speedily driven back, the cavalry alone becoming engaged, BALDY SMITH CROSSING THE Lpro3i.krrox. Large bodies of troops supposed to be at tached to "Baldy" Smith's Eighteenth Army Corps, were obsersedg,the, pontoons on the lower Appdtnettoic, and it is not iipa r probable that General Ulysses, chafing under the restraint imposed by our well massed lines around the city, will repeat his often tried.plo cess of hurling large columns spinet our in trenchments. They would be welcomed as they were at Spottsylvania Court House and at Cold Harbor. GRANT'S /NBTIFICAIIIONS IN PRINCE GEORGE. A gentleman who left Prince George a day or two smce says that Grant has apparently a very Lexie 'force between the defences of Petersburg and- City Point. He is heavily fortified, his dine of earthworks extending froth the Appomattox, at a point a short dis tance below Petersburg l to and beyond the farm of Timottiy Rims; in Prince George, in a.sotheasterlY direction. Here It unites - with another line, which stretoharoff .towat* the James river in ,a northeasterly, direct:op,, the two forming an acute angle, or,' in other words, a very broad letter T. The northeast-. ly line is, of course, intended to guard against any Movement which may be made to , strike the enemy from his flank from the eastern side. ' , OP=4TIONS OF . The people of Prince George, as everywhere else where this army of vandals has visited, are suffering greatly front : thell depredations. Crops of wheat, corn and; oats have been de stroyed, and every gaiden has been stripped. As confirmation of this- last mentioned fact we would state that , many of .the prisoners brought in leatmeelf, upon being searched at the Provost Marshal's office, were found well supplied with fresh onions, which some of the resell s stated they had qaken . from the-gar dens-of the Prince George people to keep. them- from "sPiling." , • THE 'LATEST PROM GRUM P S AIMS. The latest from Grant's army, Tuesday night, now around Peteriburg, at eleven o'clock, was a villainous shell. This noisy, missile fell on Bank stredt ; striking the large mulberry tree in front of the old Intelligence? building, and cutting off a limb some eight inches hi - diameter. Nobody hurt. From Arkansas. Cento, June 28. The Memphis Review, a paper, of yes terday, says General Shelby lately entered Arkansas from Missouri-with 2,500 men and, assumed command of .all the Confederates between the White andiMississippi rivers, and is enforcing the conscription and devastating the country. The Bulletin says we had only 48 men in the two companies cif the 12th lowa in the fight near the mouth of the White river, a few days since. The enemy's. _force was 56. Among our casualties-was-Capt. George E. Hunter, killed. . . . There is nothing doing in the Memphis cotton market. The steamer Belle, of Memphis, brings 26' bales of eptton for St. Lows. The weather is dry. and liot.• .The river is falling rapidly. • • . General Sherman's Army. Lotasvnaz, Rine 28 "The Medical Director of Gen. Sherman's army telegraphs to Dr. Wood, sojourning here, that orii" entire less in the recent as sault will not exceed . 1,500. Colonel Watkins was not captured at Lafayette, and Colonel' Faulkner, who was reported cap tured, has ar rived at Chattaliooga. Mai keta.by Telegraph. flantosurema, June 29. The Breadstufts market to-day has been verish and unsettled in consequence-of an advance of 20 per cent in the Prom-Ulm, on Gold and a corresponding advanueilnprices. About 4000 barrelS of Ykoul'XsTe.diiipzeilActof at $9 to $9 50 for fair and good extra fatnilY. including 1000 barrels .110dstmagy 500 Apneas Delaware and 1000 'Wale Able 3 4 11 8 0 taken on terms not made pultlic:. The sales to thezetale/S anfa:bakerflAW9.. from to. $8 50 for superfine, $8 62i@$8 87i for extras and $9 to $lO 60 for extra family and fancy STRAY PRINTING OFFICE, ADVEMPG RATES—DAILY TELEGRAPH. The fallowing are the rates fbr advertising in the Tins. mum, Thogellaving adverthiing to do will find 1 con. venien tier reference. inr Four lines or less constitute one-bait square. lens 'roes crmoro than four constitute a square. !OR A HALT SWARM One day... $ 80 Two days 60 Three days 75 One week 1 25 One month $ 00 Two montha 4 60 Three months 6 50 Six months 8 BO One year... ... . . ... .15 00 Administration Notiws.... Marriage Notices Auditor's Notices Funeral Noticeseachinserti. sirSusiness notices .: . before Marriages and eachinsertion. FOR ON2 spina. One day 69 Two days .. 1 Oil Three days 1 t". 5 One week 2 25 One month 6 CO Two months 9 60 Three m0nth5....... 11 CO Six months lb 0 One year .. 25 0 $2 26 1 CO 50 • • la the Local Column, or MGR? CENTS Pl? 3, 1.13111 for lots—as in quality. There is but little Rye Flour here and it commands $7 50. In Corn Meal nothing doing and little or no stock here to operate in. The Wheat market is somewhat unsettled; and buyers and sellers are far apart in their views; 2,000 bushels good Penna. Red sold at $2 1002 20 per bnshel, but au advance on this figure is now demanded, and 2,000 bush els Southern at $2 25; 3,000 bushels choice Rentucky White sold on terms kept secret. There is but little Rye coming forward and it commands $1 70. Corn is very quiet. Small sales of yellow at $1 57 per bushel, afloat. and $1 55 in store. Cats are firmer; sales of 1200 bushels Penna. at 87088 cents. Nzw YozE, June 29 Flour has advanced 50c076c. ' • 23,000 bar rels sold; State, $lO 30 @ 10 50; Ohio, $lO 00 ®slo 00 ; Southern, .1.10 00®12 50; Wheat has advanced 'lo@lsc.; 1,000 bushels sold ; Chicago spring, $2 25@2 35; Milwaukee Club, $2 28@.2 36 ; Red Western, $2 30 ®2 42; Corn firm, 50,000 bushels sold at $1 52(41 ; Beef firm; Pork firm; 3 000 barrels Mess sold at $43 95®45 50; Lard firm, at 16i®,18i; Whiskey firm, at $1 85. Grain receipts—Flour 11,000 barrels; Wheat 3.0,000 bushels; Corn 20,000 bushels. Philadelphia Stock Market. PICUADELPECIA; June 29 Stocks dull; Chicago and Rock Tsl nd 112 i Cumberland prdferred 68i; Illinois -Central Sciip 170 i; Michigan Southern 95: roil. Cen tral 134; Penna. coal 113; Reading 1324; End= son River 133 i; Canton Company 1391 ; Mis sonri's 67k; Gold 250; One Year Certificates 93i; 5-20 coupons 103; registered 1038. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EX.ECUTO.R'S NOTICE. LETTEIta testamentary on the estate et* . Venni& Forney„.late of Halifax township, Dauphin c,unty, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said township, all persons indebted to sai-1 estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoie haring claims against the same will pretent them for settlement. je6 Saud* SAMUEL LANDIS, Executor. SOLE AGENCY FOR TIM CITY T AM happy to offer to the public a large 1 and splendid assortment of SUPERIOR GOLD PENS, manufactnied by LEROY W. EAU - WM - I,D. These Pens are well finished, elastic, and will give en tire satisftwtion. - PLEASE TRY THEW .SESEPPER'S 1300 E STOPA _ Second street, opposite Presbyterian Church, Harrisourg Pa. eon trilirAf", THIS MORNING, A I FRESH INVOICE OF MICHENER Bc_oo,'S CELEBRAW:D SUGAR. CURED Uf-eILNES AND SHISLER Yc FRA my3l PRIVATE SALE. CI NE of the best loci - stip= for - 1;:f WORKS in the State tor sale, ate very reasonable pride, to anyptirchaser *ha wilLiinprovklcelitaktad with, in a short distance of the city of Rarnabarg, lii4akeoett the Pennsylvaniarailroluland canal, about tie -, Vanth , e4 - feet wide, and alongside of the best liinestonotpt the State and close to a good turnpike road; aL§o,,'room for waste cinders fordlty years, without paying for the. hind Apply to DAVID AEURMA,.Jr,, Attorniirat-Law, No. 241forthSeeoxid stria, • roaryillif • Rarr biburg, [Flail:6lola Pres.: Inuit three titnea and send bill to Ws office.) 4 NEW LIQUOR STORE. leMPORTANT TO LANDLORDS AND OTHERS —The uurlersi- b ood offers at wholesale, to trade, a choice lot of the beat liquors ever brought to Harrisburg, viz: Preach Brandies, Holland Gins, Stade, .Bourbon, Meat and Old Bye Whisky; Foriegn and Domestic Wines, each as Champagne; Claret, eafautte, Ali liquors warranted, as represebted. Landlords and others will and it to their advantage to call and ex amine-the assortment at the :store, on South Second street, two doors below Chestnut my2T-d6in GEORGE WINTEMt. • STATE CAPITAL HOTEL, 0111LNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREWS, HARRISBURG, PENX'A. II ia undersigned having purchased this well known house has enlarged and thoroughly renovated it. The rooms have been re-painted and peperedlindthe entire estafishment elegantly re-furnished. Being plea -santly and eligibly located, and provided with every eon venience, it offers tp . the public all the comforts and luxe : ries of S first class hotel. Trusty end obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with choice liquors Is attached to the estabfigninent. de264ly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. - DECEJADELPHIA COLLRGIATE - FOR YOUNG LADLES, No_ 1530 Arch street. Rev. CHARLES A. S3lllll, D. D., E. CLARENCE SMITH, 1. toi, Principals. NIELh Year. Three departments: Primary, Academic, and Collegiate. Full college course in Cla.ssiw_, Mathe . =tics, higher English ands Natural Science for those who graduate. Modern Languages, Music, Painting and Elocution by the best masters For mirouiaza apply at We Institute, or address BOX 2611 P. 0., -Philadelphia ap2o-6m* T. F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT itAN7774CTV72ER, PITTSBURG, TS PREPARED to tarnish end coat the ex- A. tutor et Buiddings with the ItLISTIC OHNIElsff, on a new sYsiem. This material is entirely different from all other cements tuied heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperistutble coating for outside work. Hiked 'with pro per proportions of pure Linseed Oil it forms a solid, dura ble adhesiveness to Brick or Stone Walls, making a beart tiful„ tine water proof surface and Ihdsh equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. among others fortwhom I have apjffied the Mastic ,Ce mem, I refer to the following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, Pittsburg. ' : .1' D. liPeoni, " . J. H. Shoenberger residence; Lawrewoyille. A Hoeverer,- "- James hiTandlesFt " Anet.henY• city- - Calvin Adams, — - mitrstreet Pittsburg James Woad, owner-St: Charles Hotel; " William Vohel; Girard House, , Barr & lion; architects Dispatch Buildings, " Jolin B. COX, residence; Frent Area, Barest:writ^ AL J. Jena, .." nem wickets - ' T. F. WATSON' , P. O. Box L 306, PittSbnigi or, Penne. House, HarrisbuEN fiblEl4Bm OCIALBS. CODFISH , of taiii 5 XPLY sated St. George bread, just received &act forsde by ' SEMLER & ..FRAZER, febl . (successors to win. D0c4:,.jr...„4 co.) GLLSH BREAKFAST TEA.--nut re- E'oeived, a fine chest. of • Num ftuglish:Brealatili azia t Tea: g st,Fgli) . (Sam to win. ," 11111101CIESTERS' BASKET,S..-:Shislerdy:Pra zer, succeisersto W. Dock, jr, Co., have on hand 35 dozen hickory ba.!kets.:Price $550 per:dwell) --jeg mrAms - HAIM 1--Alradv sftly toriffielL. enerea .11ccebtor Hams and. Dried Beer, at pa. BOYER k KDERPER MEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers