THE TELEGRAPH IS Pulliam= MORNING AND EVENING. BY GEORGE BERGNER. oFFICE THIRD ST., NEAII WAL.D77IT. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. SINGLE SET6CRIPTION. THE DAILY TELEGILIIS 10 served to subscribers in the city at B cents per week. Yearly subscribers will be e' charged $5 00 in advance. Thoee person:who neglect pay in advance will be charged $6 00. WEEKLY TELEGRAPH. Tea TIII.KGRAPII is also published weekly, irid Is furnished o subscribers at the following cash. rates: Single copies, weekly • 60 Three copies to one Post °aim_ 00 Ten copies to one Sost . olllce. ......... ...... .10 015 MEDICAL. prAptc•Dalaeliu.Dist Ar a f ig l a THE LOI,.TH-SOUGHT-MR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, AND CHE,ROIIRR INJEQTIONt COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEES REMEDY, thegreat Indian ,Baird . ie. cures alt .oegf the urinary organs, su ch as heconti nenoe of the Urine, Inflammation of the Bladder, /sifter. motion of Ms Kidneys, Stone in the Mulder, STriotere, Grace!, Gleet, gonnorhea, and is especially recommended in those cases of Fluor ;taw (or Whites in freaks) where all the otattausecnta medicines have faded. tlar It is prepared In a highly concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three times , per day. Or It is diuretic and alterative in its action; purilying and cleansing' the blood, causing it to flow is :di of its' original purity and vigor; thus removing from the all pernicious onuses whieh have induced disease. CHEROKEE INJECT UN is intended as an ally or mist; ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be ui 00101111Cti011 with That medicine in all cases of Gonorrhea, Glee; Euler Albus or . Whites. its -effects aro healing; soothing and demulcent ; removing all welding, beet„ . , chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost endurable pain that is esperienced with nearly cheap quack injections. gar By the use of the CIIVROKEE REMEDY and CHSIOKEE INJECTION—the two medicines at the ensue time—all impioper discharges are removed, and the weak.; wed organs are speedily 'restored to full vigor. -and: , . strength. _ Nor full partioulars, got our pampblot from any dreg store'in the country, or write us, end'we will. mail free, to aupadtlrem, a full treatise. ' _ Price, CHEROKEE REMEDY, $2 per bottle, er three bottleelor $6. so..rrico CHEROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for' Sent by express to any address on receipt ,of price. tm-.Sold by all drugglata ovorywhoro. 1M W.R. KERWIN & CO., Proprietors,' qtarlo-eNlly No. 09 Liberty street, New York. CHEROKEE CURE THE GREAT 14 oiAN MEDICINE : s L'OMPORRTIED FROM BOOTS, BARES AND LEAVES. - An ortfailing curs for Spennatorrhea, Seaninal Weak ness, Nocturiust Dmissients, and all diseases' caused by aelf radian; welt as Lostof Memory, Universal Lassitude, Pains in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature OM Age Weak Nerves,. Diffusultyof Breathing, Trvenhrutg, ifuleqf , ruse, Untatitms on the Pcwe, 'Pale Dountesuame, Insandti . Consumption, and alt the Direful complaints caused by de parting from the path of natatic. .par:This medicine is a"itirtple vegetableextraat; andOiti n which all can rely, as Lt. has been used in our practice for many years, and with ; thosaands treated, it: hid 'ini" failed in a single Jr 'tittame. Its curative poivere havalieen sutlicient to gain victory over the Most stubborn car. those' who have trilled with their. Coititantleim, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical Id, FP:Would say, Despair not I Or Cuss w4 l restore 'you to health and Vigor; and after all. gifttek ;doe tors have failed ! xe-FOr full particulars, get a Circelar from any Drag Store In the oonntry, or write the Proprietor, 'who will " mall hoe to any one desiring the same, a full treatise In. pamphlet form,, ' 4 Willow; $2 per bottle, or thine bottles for $6, sad forwarded by express to all parts of the world. Ant-nold by all respoetable.droggtets everywhere. DR. IV. P.. MERWIN & CO., ' Sots PROPILiktORS, pie. 52 Liberty street..Newltort. raarlo sadly F IA I. Q IT $ • Shissler & Fraze2r, (Successors to Wm. Dock v lr., & Cd.) TIEALE.IIB - FINE - FAILILY:GROIGE Jur RIES opposite the Vourt House, have on hands dm selection of ' BRANDIES, • • of different vintages. PINS AND COMMON WINES, AvmsKic°4l OLD BOURBON, • . • MONONGAHELA. , FINE IRISH AND SCOTCH , Ways . the beet ever brought to We therket. OLD 'WHEA'T; EAMILY NECTAR ilia the Wel:mated CRESTRITT GROVE 'WHISKY. CHAMPAGNE WINES: SBLOSS JOHANNESBURG, SCOTCH AND IRISH ALES. LONDON BROWN OUT. WILD CHERRY, PLANTATION, ._ WIGWAM TONIC MITERS ' . With a complete stock of GLISII AND AMERICAN PICKLES .• _ _ And Condiments of every description now hi the market and at VIE LOWEST RATES. 310Tki sA.c - kiErr POWDER, PERFUMING. LINEN AND PREVENTING MOTH: Tars POWDER — a compound of valuable frijoles for the destruction of insects-r.distriOniod. amodg or "dusted over Furs, Woolens, Carpe Cloatin km., packed away for summer, will effectually preterit Being also a dedghtful, diEtisable perfume it pregame clotbing,4lm , with a lasting and pleasant odor. The Elnerd.fabric inunird: be Injured by its use. Prepared and sold at MILLER'S Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. = aP 23 • A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER, Or S-I C . Ormuz Ar WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N Third A'grese. Remdenre: Third street, above North. _:• fltim 44.1' ruktaLa are to ‘, cough, allay Tickling in the• cd -- reueve HOdraelleae_ Catarrh, • 804 e Throdt, tl7c. in tek MObtalli Catharses, Horehound, Ittecitemanha &nisi' 40314 (the (Mist reliable eapectoranta known,) are the drier, no- Gee ciamtituenta, 40 blended with Gum giablc Mid Kites that each lozenge contains a mild and very ploosabs dose? Mattufactinedifoialy by B. A. KIINKEL7ie_BRO4 • jantl Apotheemies, 118 Market alma, Harnsburg Bu H Ttikl.B ! HAMS It —Michentes Exceisiim7 -&-ll'Jua cured. Received and for side ni ' - , . Sll,l3l,lWin Maw: : nase2ll (Successors to h 9: Dock Jr,. 4 do.' . / . „. • , ~. _ _ • .''. -. .1 / 1,3 1 , -•-- . -- . . - - - * . . --- le • _ .:•• •• .., •._. • „c. „-..„:., f. .........-_,„...1„ 7 , ) , 7: ,_ . p ~ . a • ~_.4 . ' ,i.,- - `-i •:`:...L ,- - t %,, : . . _ . . - ...?" ..... ' 47 , 1 ,....11 - 1 - , ..'• 1i ) .------. , _ 1 ..' b. 4 _........: . .: . ~.. ..... ___ _.. . . _ .... _ . ...-____ BY GEORGE BERGNER. MEDICAL. Al ED arlwit'LAT n1"1 Riemizilou lilli,vhS KAMM AB “lIEIANIBOLD 9 S" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VIZ HEI..OLDZATBACT "BUCH7I,, SELMBOLD NYTRAT sAlmtipAitmLA, InMMBOILD IMPBOI11;1,7?0,Sfe 'WASH. HELMBOLPIS • . GENUINE PREPARATIONS. AiG'AtiCOiOENTRiTED" mac:w/o , FLUID EXTRACT BUCHUI A VXMM 'AND 'ESCIFIC REMEDY g 0 . 1 . 1 PBEASMtf off THE BUbDER, MNtYB. GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SW lOLLINGS rbMedicine increases the ..,penitir of Di on,. & and ozenee We ABSORBENTS into healthy 'on; y 'which the WATERY - or OALCERIIIiTS depon then; -and' all .lINNATURA.L . ENLARGEZMINTS are re duced, asf.wellost pakei andlollammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN or , CHILDREN. • IiELMROLVS' EXTRACT BUCHU, FOR IAIR9 IN)ZSSES drtang from Excesses; Habits of Dissipation, Early Di discretion or Abase, ATITNAED ,WITH TEE FOLLOWING BYXPTOMS. . . 'huhaptoation to, Exertion, ' Dryness of the Skin, Loss of. Memory, loss of Power, Weak' Nerves, Diffloolty of Breathing, Mirror of Disease, Trembling, Dimdeastif . Wakisfulnetu iw Milversal Lassitup of thePabf In the - MunOtilar System , • „Finshingyf the y " . ''Ftiwtions on the Faze, - • Pia & Countensee, • • QM ij.Th!l 7_ 7l7 7 ton:lA 81170 r ou g o o w an; which this _fftedf uulr ai :pi -POTENCY, FAT WTI; EPELEPTId FITS, . . In one which.the patient 'may elipirs. Who can say that they are not frisquently followed ,by those "divothl disissw," • LINSANITki 'AND CONSUMPTION. tfaulr are atiartHi" cftbs - ' alias 'id' their sufferings; brit none ayAll confess.. The reoords`of.•the•insane'asyluma and thff nielanottoly distils by Consumption, bear ample wit- . rusts to the truth or the eseartion. THE; COkSATUTIONi ONCE AITEXTED WITH ORGANIC AMA-KNEW Requires the - aid. of medicine to strengthen and inidgonate, thasysieni, whieh -Helmtaild's.Z.ttiact . Insiutably :does. -A - trtff. convince thLe most ekepticaL ~~'Al~s bL ort• YOUNGISIINGLE, KARR, MD, OR CONTE4- PLATING MARRIAGE In many affections ismitliar to ftunal . es the Extract Bn eLtu is =squalid by any. other remedy; mein omoneds or Retention Irregularity, Painfulness, Or suppression of the customary Evacuations, .Dlseerited or.Sehirrous state of the Uterus, Leimorrbea or Whlies, Sterilaty, and for all com plaintsdneident to theses, whether arising from Indiscre- Hon, Habits of Dissipation or in the DECLINE olc gizoTer NO FAiIiLY SHOULD BE ViTIIIOIIT 'Fake no Balsam,. ldercury, or Unpleasant liedlcinpe for Unpleasant and Daagorous Dimas: HELIMOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, Cures Secret Diseases in all their stages= at little expense; little change in. diet; no inconvernence and no expo sure. causes freqUent desire, and . gives strength to Urinate, 'thereby temoting obstructkuie, preventing. and curingStricturrle Of 'the ilrethi t ra; allaying pain and' bittern mation,:sd frequent In this.class of diseases, and expelling poisonous, - Diseased, and Wornout Matter. Thousands upon thowuanda who have lieertihe victims of quake, and whir have paid heavy fees to be cured in a abort, time, have found they were deceived, and that the "Poison" his by the use of "powerful astnngents," been dried up in the System, to break out in en aggravated form, and perhaps eftevolarritig.e.- • ; Use HILLt . .OMMX/S EXTRACT BUCRU. for all" AB3otieris and DiSeases'or the Urinary'Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of. how long standing. Diseases of these Organs requive,the gad of:a Diuretic." M.F.IOIIBOLD'E EXTRACT BUCUU is the"Great' Dietetic., and it certain 'to'ha've the desired effect in all "for Which it recom mended. OLABL' - - Blood—Blood—Blood. Helmbold's Highly Concentra ted'Compound FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA SYPHI LIS: This is an , affection' of the _Blood, and attacks the Sexual Orgfuis; Linage of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind• pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making Its appearance in theiform of Ulcers. Helmbold"s Extract Sarsaparilla pu vlilea the Sloodiand removes all 'Scaly Eruptions .of the AM, giving to the Complexionn Clear and Healthy Color. It being: prepared expressly; for this class of complaints, 118 Blird-PurifyingProperties.are preserved to a greeter intent thin any other praparittionef Sitrsapartla, 'l=fina/SOlOB • ROSE WASH. • An excellent Lotion for diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an ha:Motion , in diseases of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of dissipapcm,rused in connection iith the -Mantas BnChn,and -Saroaparnia, in sigh diseases as reconditended. - "Evidenee of the most responsible and trs-, itibie J character abooronany the medicines ORRTIFI- ' ;GATES OF CURES from eight to twenty years standing, with names known. to Science and Fame. - For Medical Properties of IttroEit, See DispenzarY of the United States. , See Professor DEWEE'S valuable works on the Practice of ' Physic See remarks made by the late - celebrated Dr. .PUYSIOK, "Philadelphia. • Salt remarks made by. Dr.- EPHRAIM 1i0rKM941.,, a celebrated Physician and mem ber of the:Royal College Of Samoan); 'And published to the 'Transimions of 'the .King's and - Queen's Journal See Medico-Ctdrurgioal Revietw,published by BENJ. TRAVERS, .Fellow of the Royal College of Say/eons. , The most of 'OM tato standertf works on Medicine. Extract of Bohn, $1 00 per-'bettle,'or six bottles for $5 Mt Extract of -$1 00 per bottle, or alit for $5 120. Im. proved Rose Wash, JO cents-per bottle, or six for $2 50, orhslf a dozen each for $l2 00, which will be du Mei ent In care the most obstinate cases, If directions are adhered to: Dellvered to any addresa, sequel packed from eh . serration. ' "Describe symptoms ha en cornnundegionn Cures guaranteed. , ..Advice . gratis. • AFFIDAVIT. d16.4f I,, rm ioy:' a ppegved before me an 'Alderman or the city 'of Phdedielphht,?lL-T. 'ffettalidd, who, being' duly OVOIN loth am Ws I mpgal...ione -00/altil2 no narootle no mu mmy, or oilier nt,Duinue, and are purely vegetable.. . -R. T. HUB - Bow. it won irit i a gaigeribed lietdp m ilia 2M day Of No- Tarbtr,illreST. l Wi ; • -WDt. P. HIBBARD,: ,;• 1- OrePtv ab.. Rene, Phda. U .1 1 4 4 14 ' 44, rofinfltfizatirOiamPtidence. .•-•- •• .41RIIMBOLD, Dhemint. sionfittolantliwoofOilOW , Chelannt: lr tliladid.; :. ;mei N 12417. "THE UNION—NOW AND FOR'EVER."—Webster. NEW ADV ERVISEM T. F. WATSON, mA.STIC CWITENT AUNOTICTUR-OR) Evr-r9CSI3MELGI; T. PREPARED to•tarnish and coat the ex 7 tertoy of : Buildings with the MASTIC CEMENT, on ti . new ~ system.. This material is entirely different from all Mtheircemetils used herettifore, and is the only relighle, iinperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro- Per Proportions of pure Linseed Oil•it forms a solid, dura • . tile adhesiveness to Brick or stone Walls, making abeam: .1 WU, flee water proof surface and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desired. Among others for whom I have applied the Mastic Co. mem, I refer to the following gentlemen: • J. 'Bissell, iisidfnee, Penn street, - f . ttsburg. J. ArCord,.. i"_ • " EL.Shoeube.rger raider:co, Lawreneeville. A. Roomier, " Jahrs leCtinffiemi " Mee/PS' city. Calvin' Adams, Third-street, Pittsburg James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " Gimrd House, Barr fr'Moser, architects Dispatch Binding; " John 13 Ciix„residetido,'Frontetreet, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, • " • • ,r," • • ' Please address . . • • T. F. WATSON, • ' P. O. 80x1,30e, Pittsburg, Pa, feblB46m ' • or Penna. HOUSES Harrisburg, Pa. NEW-GROCERY LNG -PROVIONN ETORE. HOYER & KOERPER. W I:IO•LESA.LE AND ED.TAIL °FA vita 1.01 (fir,.. CE IL E' • QtteOes and Glass Ware, AND ALL ENDS i 3 0 1J NTH, Y , PROD IJ 0 E , HAVE just •opcneda• large and well selected etock of goods at Math' stand, No.B HarketSquare, Harrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention of the pul,llo gonwrally.^ note-111 M EllinmknsasA.Nl) CABINET OWIANS TWENTY-SIX Plaffimoms, AND IRE • ONLY 'GOLD MEDAL (et* won by Instruments of this class) has been awarded to • MASON fr, HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A fun assortment , of these - hastrumonta always on hand et ' . W. KNOCHE'S, Si.' de. Agent, Jo4-2tawly] ' *whet street. Thtimas C. .4_Attorn.ey-sit-Law. OFFICEIN THIRD ST., BELOW PINE. HARadOURG, PA. A L L manner of ,Military Claims promptly 1-3i. attended to, and claims coileoted against the General of Mate bovernmenta, either la, Cougress, ,Me Court of Cuiline-at Wasiiin,iten city,- or at Harrisburg, with sit MI, necessary delay, and ou'moderate terms. UOLUMBIA HOUSE. - CAPE• MAY: riims hotel will be opened June 15th. The been pat trr, thOroegh. repair, and nearly two tuiiitdred , new and 'greatly - Improved BATES HOUSES. will be reacirfor the accommodation of guests, Its espaoltrand - eacti:dePartininttOill' he r esies], 'lt not superior,-to sua'y Hotel upon 014 74/41 , 1 - 0. ritirgbeld , s Sand has beets sward %Abe season. ' Address GEO. J. BOLTON, ' Proprietor, • ' "swan, N. J., -or. J. a. pErztasoN, mp =445j . MeroluthVe.,Hotel, Phneda. •' • ' PALLY LINE BETWEEN. Lock raven,. JtioctSkyo, Williatusporti "Ultiontowa; !Watsontowli c Milton, ' Lewitbarg, 'Sun- • • bury, Tiovcii6u, Ocorgetowo. • LylonitowiDitilcrobarg, / . , • AND 14AIRRISH (JIM. The Philadelphia Thapot - beteg cetandly located, the drayage beatliteioweat hem The Conductor goea through ;alai each unlit to attend , to the litre detivery of 411:goods intrusted to, the Ilitit_LlAOods delivered at the de pot a .raKED; weal) FREED, 811 iturket street, Plilladelphilti by 6 o'clOck Lit:, will tie deliveredlh Har7 detour& the next morning. • OreighrhitrhyS. its Low as by 'Any Other • Line. FEMALES, JOS. MONTGOMERY it CO., •Philadelphia Addßeitclieg Depot, 0et.21-tf • Foot of Market etnet;Tiarrisbure. DPFA DDEN'S MARBLE YARD CORNER OF WALNUT AND FIFrR STREETS, , Harrisburg, Pa. • 111/311111E undersigned havihg opened a Marble (ard in this eity,,beg lonia to! Inform their friends and the public in general, that they are prepared to fur nish. MARBLE WORK ,OF EVERY DESCRIPTIO Baas A/3 Monumonts, • Tombs,• Head Stones; • 3Lantles, And. •Holuse Work in Marble 'and Brown Stone. Give usa call and we mil! guarantee malefaction. MIPADDEN ig CO. N. B.—Zettering neatly none In English or German. mat 411 y MO our fine and eitaiisive stock of Photo graph Albite'. and- Photograph Card Pictured, we have added a BEAUTIFUL ENVELOPE tor the reception of card 'Plotting. They must, tie seen and will ne admired. sai-Photographers supplied at the very lowest whole sale price, and Web •c 4rd printed upon them for Si 2f. per thous Ind, windessle and ret,til: at markt SCHEFFER'S BOOK STriBE. P H.OTOGrit A.P HS. ' .A. . . . . , LARGE` assortment of Photographs of Generals and faney pictures for sale CHEM', at $1 per dozen, at ' • SGELEFFERiG BOOK STuJtE, 1nr.60 . . , ' . Harrniburg,irri RALPH L. MACLA.I( , ANF.. . Un i on ,k TTO Y-AT-LA.W. —Patriot and building, 'Harii9litirg. Strict attention paid to all legal basinesa Military claims collected. - . mylo-d6meod . ri&Y of the best quality is offered for sale. Cali at tecamic.l32B COAL OFFICE on. the Canal . . lia. risbu, ap3o,tf A New Two Story FRAME HOUSE, with a last rate Store Room in it; on the oozier of Fifth street and Strawberry aley. Also, the FraTrie Home ad joining. For fartii-r•pariieulara enquire at Loody'a Shoe Store, Market atKpet, or on the premises my 23 tf - • DANIEL LEERY.' SAP SAW, English Dairy, Pine Apple, Nut -I,j meg acid Kew York State Cheese, just received at SHISLER w FRAZSR, succomrs to ?7, Dock_ - Jr.; &Cn mvs IXTALNUTIS, CREADiNEITA, .FLIXERTS. • .Foraalets-halusale at • 811:ESLER & FRAZER L myfr, '••• SiIICOESMOTS to W , . ode. Jr, & Co, APPLES. ---•• ' • We w have Jug received a. 8110 selection of APPLES, in pitimciiidel.: Arer. *a by the.BHISLE W barrel, b& P e EE gtiell !r Jap.,sl) visupity' at" • - - ' - R, ' febB - Naceessora to Wm..Dook, Jr ~ , & 004 HARRISBURG, PA., FRIDAY EVENING-, gINE A 7.,. 1864 I . TWELVE; SILVER MEDALS, VERY; FINE, INDEED! HAYS HAY!! HAYM Valuable Property for sale. EVENING EDITION, EXCLUSIVELY FOR tHE. DAILY TELEGRAPH BYE INLAND LINES.' From Washing ton. HE DEATH OF GENERAL POLKTONFIRMED Evacuation of White House. GEN. HUNTER AT LEXINGTON ON THE HU. Destruction of a - Blockac . Runner. WASHINGTON,. 1 , J13,119 16 The news .of the death of Bishop General Polk has been confirmed in an authoritative There is nothing left at Ahe White Rouge, and die sick and w.oundecl .and stores have been safely transported to other, points. The placcAs of no earthly use tons. General Hunterentered Lexington, Va., on the 11th. The reliels estimate. Gen. Hunter's strength to be 16,1N1Q, men.: The Richmond Znquirer says Crook, with 5,000 men, was at Amherst Court 'House, 12 miles from. Lynchbur g: _The bridge was de stroyed over the (Tye river: .Lynchburg is ,defended by the militia and some regulars from Lee's- arm.y. • The Navy ;Department has received intel ligence from Rear Admiral Lee that. onthe 2il of June, the steamer Victoria, commanded. by. Acting Master Everson, stationed of Wil-: muigton, N. C., discovered .a steamer running: in. He immediately gave chase and opened fire,. and soon drove _her ashore. She tiroved to be wthe, Georgiana M'Caw, ot Liverpool, from Nmsau, with a cargo of army clothing. Slie is a 7 pacldle-wheel steamer, of three: hurl.' dred , and seventy tons, 'and was formerlythe Dudalk. She left Liverpool on the 15th of April, _at daylight. The enemy openedlfire on the, bearding;party from Fort Caswell . and .adjacent batteries, when they had. to retire. She wag on fire, but the enemy bearded her And put it .out. EU.AGRAFFEIC.- From Philadelphi.a. Reception of. ,thti President: ENfifUSIASTIC rktmoNsTßA TION. - PrithiMEtitriA, s jnite Thii.crowning event of the Cizi3at Ceigral Fair has been the 'hilt Of - President. Lirio In to :this city, in order to view` its - splendor' and to testify 'to his 'respect for the herOie Men for whose, benefit this unparalleled enterprioe' has been. inaugurate& The Presidential visit was the'theind of every Wiwi) ) this morning; and anxious inriries were made as to the exact hour of his arrival. The 'daY is looked upon as a holida3r, - and - business hos Wen pretty generally suspended. -- , In•all quartets of the city flags are floating in the breeze, and the - bity.wears quite a lea: - dye appearance r coirxtmUl. A sPeca i naOting of City COuncils W • U held at half pslst;ten . Q clock thiutorning, to raillte arrangementS 'for, a proper _reception of the President. committee was .anpointed to wait upon the President, and tender him the hpspitali ties of the city. • The committee on reception held a meeting immediately upon their appointment. It, was stated that, the committee of the Sanitary Fair had , taken charge of. the reception, and did, not seem to desire that the council should take any action. It was thqught,, however, that it was dna to the Chief hbigistrate, of the nation tliat he should receive the hospitalities of the city at the hands ;of the . mitherities, and it was agreed that the committee,t headed by the Mayor, should, wait upon the .Presi dent at the Continental, 80/Pelig.lllo previous to hie departne for the Fair. :; People began to gather_about the Baltimbre depOt shortly after eleven o'clock, and, there was soon quite a crowd there. The train con taining the . President and party came in rather unexpectedly, about a quarter before.. twelve erelock. The locomotive and. cars were decorated.. flags. Preparations. had I:teen made for, quite a_ grand reception; sev - oral military and civic organizations were to have participated, but had. not come upon the ground when the train arrived, as it was -not expectednntil neonpr a little later. 'rhe out of the cars and .took an open bartmehe„ while Mrs. Lincoln took a carriage and Wei driven quietly to the.:Conti nental hoteL In the carriage with Mr. Lin coln were Gov. Cannon, of. Delaware, and Thomas Webster, of this city. The distin 'gUished visitor was recognised immediately by the cruwd and there was loud and long con tinued cheering.,, • • , • On Broad street, shove Carpenter, an fin proptu procession was formed by ,citizens of the First and Twenty-sixth wards, headed by the Jefferson Cernet band,, and took a position in frOnt of the carriage 'containing the Presi dent. Along Broad street there was great en thusiasm. The sidewalks were completely lined with people, and. the procession was greeted with cheers from the men and the waving of handkerchiefs by the ladies. ' The President acknowledged these compliments, by a bow with uncovered head. The Frank lin hose company had their steam engine and hose carriage in front of their house. The alarm bell was rung and the bells on the hose carriage sprung as the procession Passed. Chestnut street presented a gay , appearance when viewed from Broad street. Flags were displayed from aimost every building, and the street was greatly crowded It seemed as if there was one continons cheer from Broad to Ninth stret t. The employees of the Mint were all in front of the building, and added their voices to the huzzas of the • crowd surround in the carriage. At the headgue,rders 'of the Supervisory, Committee for Recruiting Colored RegimentS there was another demonstration. Two corn- . panies of troops were drawn - up in front of the !minding and presented arms as the Preif, deiit ppssed, while the band - with the soldiers . 011Y,edtLttki' , StarJSpangliiid Runner. The troops could not restrain their enthusiasm PRICE -TWO CEN_TS. and six hearty chesi:s: Were given fOr Presi dent Lincoln. - The .Union' Leagite. - Honse was bountifully decorated. The Sears and Snipes Were hung gracefully aerbss the i briirding, beneath the Windivis of every story;, Wilde - both the State - end National colors were displayed from the windows, Fmk the thig 7 tindf floated whife Strearners - ,, each 'coritsining;the ; name ; of a State.. The windoWs - thellonse were Oc cupied by - ladies, 'who waved "their handker chiefs enthutdas deafly, I . and upor WO - U teps were many membera of the .leagne, Who sheered lustily. The President was kept quite busy in returning the tadutationi. The National Union Club - house was also beautifully decorated, but not quite so elabor ately as the League house, and the seas dem : onstrations met the President there. - Down towards the COntinental the crowd increased, „antlit was with 'difficulty that the carriage could be turned into Ninth street. In anticipation of the President's arrival, a great crowd`of people had asitembled. They were principally attracted to the Ninth street front, by the fact that the principal portico on that side of the .building was dectorated with flags, and also by the fact that the street was kept clear from , Chestnut to Sansorn, files of policemen:- About twenty -minutes before one o'clock the cavalcade arrived Attire Continental, and as the President' alighted from the barouche, he was greeted with tu multuous and continued cheers. He proceed ed, by the "Ladies' Entrance." to his apart ments, every movement being eagerly Bur -1 veyed by those who were fortunate enough to be within seeing dietance. The concourse without the Continental cheered lustily for the President and called loudly for "a speech ikom our nest. Ptesi • dent," and for "Father Abraham," but their efforts Were in vain, as the President did not appear,. This evening it is understood that there will 'bee grand torchlight procession; theprepara -lions for which have'been, hastily made since yes.terday. ThOjt.aid;',Oti TetOtgblitg REBEL ACCOUNT OF. GEIiLiBTZ'S'ATTiCK =I ' The Richmond Enquirer has an account from the Petersburg Etwress, of June 10th, - of the raid on Petersburg by Kautz.- rt says: The'eneruy crept up behind the residence of William A. Gregory, ascended, to the' 'tipper atones and knocking. off. the. !shingles, `Were enabled not anly - to•obtaiti'ari - exceilept• view and ascertain the number of our forces; but through the °poising fired upon and killed a' number of our men' behind, the breast, works. The residence of Timothy Rives fell into the hands of the!, enemy slid. Rives was -taken :p*oner. They„ , were almost in Petersburg and could see its_spires and:stee ples, and many of the hOuseS, but again ;that divine arm which , hal - So often befe* out- stretched in our behalf 'Was j bared, and' our city was saved from the tread of the northern invader. Just at this moment' Grahath's battery reached the Re - seriplr hill,' unlimbered and with precision' and. rapidity whick.#e e heard spoken of es ‘ benigalinopt without precedent, threw into theanka of the enemy a'shoirer 'of Shell. The-id - Vance on the city was on the Jerusa lem, plankroad eoraii* into : Petersburg from a•Southerly directiori: At liro'cloek the Court Housiind engine bells ' were rang, and the citizens responded immediately and 'manifest oci.' every disposition to detemt their homes and firesides. Otx breastworks-on the Jeru salem road extending from the residence of. Timothy Rives on the left, to across the and beyond the house of Wm. A, Gregory on the .'rigut. The enemy manoeuvred for "a while, thinking that our ,raw troops would abandon their position' without a 'tight; but never were Yankees more mistaken. - - _ Our Men, under Gen. Colson and CoL H. F. Arthtir, stood; their - ground like veterans.— Finally the enemy charged, and came down to !our entrenclintents with a savage yell_ When within fortY paces.of the fortifications, the Order to fire was given. he Yaukees,re eeived it and fell back. A prisoner captured reported that the noto rious Spears led. The enemy again came up and with.but 170 mom, all it was irapos Sible guard the centre, right and 'ltft,, anti the Order to , retreat was given and in a few minutes the enemy had possession of our 'works,. and many,' of Petersburg's best and gallant' sons fell . ut the fray, some killed and some wounded. The. Rev. Wm. A. Hall. Chaplain of y _Whittington's artillery i was cap tured. The. has. a list of the kilted, wounded and captured. r Among them, are many merehants and citizens, of Petersbiirg t and boyEt; clerks in the stores... Arrival of,a Valuable Prize Stemmer, Paaalimalask., Julpyl.6. The British steamer Donegal, Capt. Wm. H. Smith, forinerly the Auttin, built at WW. mington Delaware, was , captured • ,Tune 6, 1861, ofiFlorida, by the II S. steamship Meta, comet,' Lieutenant -Commanding James E. Jewett after an - exciting -chase of several hours. She: arrived here to-day in charge of Prize Master Acting Ensign White, for adju:- dication. She had on board about 40.000 pounds of gunpowder and other munitions of war.: 'She is a fine vessel of about one thou-. stad tons. Later from Nr,F Yoax, Jane 16. The steamer Eagle, from Ravana, on the 11th, has arrived. Mexican advices state that a frigate has been sent to Havana to convey Santa Anna to Mexico. There is considerable distress at Montery. Porto Rico hAs suffered severely by the heavy . rams. Itiiaoie Democra'ic Conve ntion. Guinean, 7s li> June 16 The, Illinois Democratic Convention met at Springfield yesterday and nominated delegates to the National Conventifin. ' The dispatch announcing the arrival of Val landigham in Ohio' was received with great cheering. A resolution was;adopted pledging Illinois to stand by Ohio in priAect4ng him. The vsoioo,ooo Loan. !WasicquaToxi 'hue 16 P. The-bidelor thetnityjoan - baye not, yetnpen all opMed and examined: Tlm'acc MAX ,epted -will probably be-announcedtiythe"beeretarr of the Treasury to-morrow. $ Ili kil 1 111 NT INI OF , , ,tYilleriSLNo KATIO4—,D.A.O T id, k bikra., :,, - thisrhtit nee . the-rates for eArtertishlg zho - the4tisi - "' GRA* Those baring , advertising to do WM find I cow vezien trot reference. . _ -Foto- lines or less etenstltsta cno-balf squarz.4: - Mgi lines creaore than fctur Co,l2Btititte.a. square. POE A RALF SQCARK. One day $ f Two days Three ... ... . 145 One week 125 One month 3 00 Two months 4 60 three months 6 ur Si months B 00 One year Lb 00 Athmniaratien Notices.... ![au Icoticen Auditor a Menem.. ...... Funeral Notices each tnaerti lar Madam mean before Marriages and each Insertion. _ Specie Coining From_Lfit "NERATORK: June 16. The Scotia brought a large amount of gold for parties in New York. It was sent out from London for speculation. Explosion Eiyowder PORTLAND, Me., Juno 10. One of Backfiejd's powder mills exploded on Tuesday, killing one man. 111a , kets by Telegraph. .P,H.trAD.E.Lrax4., June 16. The flour - market is very quiet and only a few hundred barrels extra family were dis posed of at .$8 25®8 50%2 barrel. Small sales a to the retailers and bakers at $7@,7 25 for au pextine, $7 5087 75 tor extra, and sB@B for extra family and $8 75®9 50 for fancy LA§ according to quality. The market'is nearly bare of rye flour and corn meal, and no sales have come under our. notice. ' The offerings of wheat are small and it is held with much firmness. Small sales of red at. $1 870$1 90 peribushel; and white at $2 0210. Rye comes forward slowly and Penna. commands Si 5541 57. Corn is very dull • and: has declined one cent. Sales of 2500 bushels yellow at $1 53 afloat, and 500 bush. at $1 51 in store. Oats are steady at 88 cents Naiv YORE, June 16. Flour has advanced 50b1.0c; sales of 17,000 bbls. at t 7 60®7 75 for State; 88 45®9 25 for Ohici; sBls®ll for Southern. Wheat ad vanced 2®a 4c; sales of 80.000 bushels at $1 78 (188 for Chicago spring; $1 8201 88 for Milwankie Club; $189®194 for red western. Corn firm; salei 36,000 bushels at $145. Beef firm. Pork buoyant; sales of 2,000 hbls. at 137 25. Lard firm. Whisky firm at Si 38. Gold is quoted at 197 i; stocks aradrill; Ohio and Rock Island 115; Cumberland preferred 78; Illinois Central 129:; Michigan Southern 95; New York Gentral 1314; Reading ,1401; Hudson River 144; Erie 1121; Cleveland and Toledo 50• f t. Gold 197; Five-twenties 1054. Grain receipts—Flour 20.000 bblai.. Wheat 50,000 bus. Corn 30,000 bus. • BaxirnaoaE, June 16. Flour firm; Ohio super $B. Wheat steady. Corn dull and drooping; white Si 45fal 16; :yellow $1 53. Whisky firm; sales of Ohio at - $1 35; Groceries inactive and nominal. THE „ UNITED STATES HOTEL, ELARRLSBURG' I PA. D, H. mprculsolv, Proprietor. TUGS well known Mad is now in a Wadi tionto accommodate the traveling public, affording tho muat ample minvenlenmie alike for the hew:nent gueat and the permanent boarder. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL has been entirely refit- And . throughout, and now has anthiumodatlone equal in Mont, comfort and luxury to any hotel between phia and:Pittsburg. Its location la the beet In tie State (,aphid, tieing in guy whim, to all the railroad depute, and is close lordranityle all the public olives and busiaels? to callties.of the Atty. It has now till the conveniences of I' R 0 .17-0 . 2 . 4rA t and the deterinttind to spare .tether es: - pease, time or tabor to ensure the eon" [Ott of the' gums. The patronage . of the traveling pahlitspirt,eatully - .501t7 ,, hired " . jell-dtt ~'IALI _ (Ar I IA:L ~ tIU: ILL,, CORNER OF THIRD AND WAT.NOT =MIR, ITARRISBUFM, PENN'it. THE undersigned haviltg purchased this w,811: mow Lumen 'has ennulted anti diureeghly renetated 4 The reomaliave be-en re-painted and layered, and,the • entire estaiishment. eiLIPIrdIY 14 4 11 /"Zdaheti• Being 1: 4 - earttly and ellgsbry Waded and provided with every eon conience, It oilers uLthupublic all the'contiort anti lust/. deg of a first of hu , teL Trusty „sad. uistigar.,acrcauts always In attendarice.' 'kbir - welt atuct.ed chiireit 4 liquors is attached tothe esuirsuiisanist: , dc2S-dly . W. G . Tut ttit , lON Propri 4 tcr. • JONES HO U.`7' , E, Clornor of Market. street and Maxkot§quarn HARRISBURG PII it. HN• CHAS. 11. MAl9'iil; nob-dti Dr. J. P. KELLER'S .Dentat. X"reparatiorks. GRANULAR DENTIFRICE! AMERICAN TOOTH WASH I PME elegant. preparatitkint, combine . t.hrp desirable cleansing and astringent qualities, - They render the Gums hard and healthy; neutralize the acid secretions- of the mouth, - (thrreby removing the mime cause of decay. ). By their detersive propertiesshey • preierve the natural color of the Teeth, without in: the • least degree injuring the enamel, while 'they impart i.e the breath a fragrance peculiarly arotuatic - and pleasatit.- - -= • In ttict they are THE BEST ARTICLES in use-for theOtir: poses tweed, as a tair. tea] will fully demonstrate , and as has been abUndmitly proved by their pvt•. , KiVe sale, in this community' during the last 143, cam; ' will ;be readily mantled to by many who Dave . repeatedly lured the Proprietor to still further extend their bale and usefuineas. They are warranted to, be free' from thane destructitre acids wit ch:iss franuentlk contaminate many. of the preparationser the present dot neinikd and sold. at the Dental Realm of the Preprietor.:immer. (D;SeCOnS. • • and. Walnut streets. JOHN. PI ER.1.LEE,... - • •"" Surgeon Demuth - • 'For sale also by the principal Druggist of the 'City. ap2l-dtf • , . PllO'lO6llcLA PH A. 1,13 Urtl.S. Photograph 'Arbutus. Phtitograph Albums. 'Photograph Albums, Photograph Albania. quiz largest and cheapest variety of Pitt)TOGRAPH ALBUMS IU the city are cuostantil kept at imarl2l BERGNER'S CHEAP Big:BSToRE. PLA..N OS. ALBRECHT, RIERES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE AUE.NOY,. AT W. ENOCIT.k4: 93 Market street; Har ri sburg: ' FOR REASONS perfectly s ati s factor y MYSELF I have tak*lti ine agency of the above most excellent Pianos. The public isinviwctio corae. and - ex amine for themselves. - - A few Schomiclier, & Colt Plum on hand 'yet will be dial low. ' mar2s-t1 E= TRANSO2/1 PAPcR. ABEAUTIFUL assortment of TRANSOM PAVER, Call and sec it at SCHIFFER'S BOOK STORK, Hnr isb .Ig, Pa. mo2o 1.. 1 11TS FOB. SEVERAL LOTS on Third street, neti North, are for 14.4.1 e. Inquire at Wal.l i tt "lea' Ss - 04 1 curuur of North and Thiel suave. *. F .— oths, : —. Fine sktlati -oW. - jtist.--reeerc"'"a- nsaisime & FRAzEilkl ." , . suoceniontl.o.w. Dock Ji fi tAti: jUri t HIV tine Itit. CA.N2C.M.1.1 ma013.F.8 and bIdIATOb.S. gI3PERWRE S .. VOTE AETLIS r SH PpOta..a.i.juat4oeelypit by m y 14.411 JOlO7 :14".1F7*,,, 3d. strert„. au*, F11.E0)4 44. NE 41. SH E 7 ..0A • s Ltar...e -I. PKA; Ets,*• ; Successors W W. Dock, Jr., & Co. FOR ONE SWARMS one dayCu Tie. ... 1 c 0 Three-days- • -- - - 6 re Two months 9 00 te - montha.. .... 11 1.0 moOthi.iii...c.l . 6. 0 One year .. 25 0 0 02 25 • • '4B -T4n4Le. Ltioair . Otrkii,. IGHT Caere PEE LOIN for HOTELS. 111 E Proprietor.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers