MEDICAL. 000 CONSTITUTION WLTER. coNsiTruTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER.. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITuTION. WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITIMQN WATER 711 E GREAT REMEPY, FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND THE ONLY KNOWN RENCEDY FOR DIABETES, and DISEASES of the KIDNEYS and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and the public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the perma nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER that has ever been offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER, It is from experienc that CONSTITUTION. WATER has emanated, and wo now say let no man doubt, when a single bottle has been known to cure diseases which the best medical talent In this country has failed to relieve. • A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack" • preparations, as it is now used by the most scientific practitioners in this city. It is only second class physicians that cry dowm . popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of different remedies enables him to produce a cure, while othere fail in the at tempt Science is satisfied with the truth. . . Give Constitution Water a fair trial—we mean you who are under some specialists's care from year to Year, and we particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatment, and all sorts of local applications for diseases, with as much chance of success as there would befrom local applicationi to the throat-for-diseases of the brain. We havneen always careful to use language,in our circular that could not shock the 'most delicate -Oganize.: lion, but we receive so many communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is .adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that we have come to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable, of producing a cure, no matter what the disease may be, it should be made known. The medicine is put up for the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say, Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed:in the hands of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a radical cure. We would say'that the directions in regard to diet, etc., - re late only to the disease under Which they Occur. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, except consumption, that areas the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons suffer from this disease who are Ignorant of it; that is, they pass large quantities during the day,'and are obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times during .the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the largo discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when , the disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable—Me .patienqdrink r i constantly without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, is the more' advanced cases • and finally loss of appetite, emaciation, and the patient dradu aly sinks from exhaustion. CONSTITUTION WATER IS, without doubt the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. STONE IN VIE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL: : BRICK DUST DEPOSIT ETC ETC., Diseases arising from a. faulty secretion—in the on case being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the Mho; a too profuse secretion—which will be speedily cured lay the CONSTITUTION WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER • CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR •' Jam ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR • THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWId REMEDY FOR , THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE. B.LA DIE6E, RIFLAMHATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, • STRA,NODARY AND 131.1RNING, OR PAINFOL URI• 1M5121 .Vor these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single, doselhas been known to relieve.the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS . Rave long since given up the use of buchu, cubebs and Juniper in the treatment of those diseases, and only use them for the want of a better remedy. . CONSTITUTION WATER has proved Itself equal to the task that has &waived upon it. DIURETICS irritate' mad drench the k:idneys,.andhy constant use soon lead to chronic degenbration and confirmed digeeae, We present the Constitution Water to the public with the conviction that it has no equal. is relieving the class of diseases for which it has beenfound so eminently suc cessful for curing ,• and we tmist that we shall-be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a-remedy in a loran to meet the requirements of patient and physician. 14tRAD ! READ ! ! .11esrvusa, fn., June 2. 1862,Dr. Wm. IL: Gregg .pear Sir: In Febihary, 1861, I was affected with sugar diabetes, and for five months I passed more than - two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. • I was obliged to get up as often -as ten or twelve duringtime'si the night,. and in five months I lost about fifty pounds in weight. • Daring the month of July, 1861, I procufed two tattles of Constitution Water, and in two days after unlug it I ex periesced relief, and after taking two bottles I was en tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. BOSTON Commits, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1861.-... Wm. H. Gregg eg Co.—Gents: I freely give you liberty tontake use of the following certificate of the value of Canutitation Water, which I can recommend in the highestormnhor : My wife was attacked with pain in the thouldeia; Whole. length of the back, and in her limbs ; ,with , /kekittdion of the and Imitation of the Bladder. "I a physician, who attended her about three montlia,.Whenbie left her worse than he had found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who Wended her for about nine mouths, and while she was under his care she did not suf fer quite as much pain. Re finally gave her up, and said "her case was incurable, For," said lie- r "she' has' Such a combinationef comkdoints that medicine given for ,one ope, TWO' against some ether of her difficuthee , ' Abobt tots time she commenced the use of Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost- the :test dose seemed to have the desired: effect, anti _she ;kept, on improving ; rapidly 'tinder its treatment; arid'" noW "sdperintends en tirely her stomestic affairs. She - has apt taken any of, the CenstltutionNater for about four weeies,and wear:el : l4pp to say that it has produced a pernaitheut cure.,' IV3L Ir VAN BENSCHOTE f. Werasparrno, Conn., March 2i , 1863.—Dr.' TV. 'II prew—Dear Bir:—Having seen your advertisement. of `Constitution WitiAir,,, recommended for Inflammation of the Eldheya and Irritation of the Bladder, having suffered for th e past-three ye* and tried the skill of a number Of physicians with only temporary relief, livasioduced to try your rtk 1, procured one bottle of your agents at vArti oot e , di mees * m e Lee,. Sisson ,k Co., and when I had ifsed half of it, to my surprise I found a great change in my health. I have used two bottles of it, and ant whore I never expected to be in my life, well, and. is good spirits. I cannot express my gratitude or It; I feel that it is • a ll and more than you recommend is to be. May the blessing of God ever in your tabors of love. Yours truly, LEONARD BIGELOW. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE $l. WK. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. MORGAN & ALLEN, General Agents, jal/ 26-dawem-eod No. 4(3 Cliff street, New York SOLD By -- JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, PEIMADPTPPIA, PA., KUNKEL & BRO.. 118 llirket street, Harrisburg, Pa. r_. AND ALL DRUGGISTS. MEDICAL. GLAD NEWS FOR THE UNFORTUNATE! THE LONG-SOUGHT•FOR DISCOVERED AT LAST. Cherokee Remedy, AND CHEROKEE INJECTION! COMPOUNDED FROM ROOTS, BARKS AND LEAVES. CHEROKEER REMEDY; the great Indian Diuretic, cures aU diseases of the urinary organs, such as inconti nence of the Urine, kiflammaiion of the Bladder, inflam mation of Me Kidneys, Mont in the Bladder, .Strieture, Grace; Oak Oonnorhea, and is especially recommended in VIM cases Of Editor .Ilibus (or Whites in females) *here aS Me oidnauseous medicines haze faded:: . . is prepared in a highly - concentrated form, the dose only being from one to two teaspoonfuls three. times per day. kart It is diuretic and alterative in its action; .plirifying and cleansing the blood, causing it to Bow in all of its original purity and vigor; thus removing from the system all pernicious causes whiele have induced disease. DHEROKEE INJECTION is intended as an ally or assist ant to the CHEROKEE REMEDY and should be used in conjunction with that medicine in all cases of,. gonorrhea, Gleet, Filer Alb= or :Whites.. Its effects. are- healing, soothing and demulcent removing all scalding, heat, chordee and pain, instead of the burning and almost un endurable pain that Is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack injections. ' ' si-By the use of the CHEROKEE REMEDY and CHEROKEE INJECTION—the two medleinenat the same improper discharges are iemoved,,and the weak ened organs are speedily restored., to full vigor and . strength. Aref - For full particulari, got our pamphlet from any drrig shire in the country, or write us, and we will null free, to any addresfr a full treatise. ' App.- Price, CHE.AOK.E.P. RPMPDY, $2 per bottle, 9r throe bottles.for $5. ,tWPrice, - CULROKEE INJECTION, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for $5. . Air Sent by exprete toady, address on receipt o price. ' gar Bold by all.druggists everywhere. • , DR. W.-R. NERN9I3I lc CO., - • ' , . "s i3ole Propritkorti !marlo-eodly No. 59 Litiertk street, New York. CHERO.K.E.E • CURE! THE :GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE, coarchrsiman FROM ROOTS, BMIKS. AND LEAVES An unfailing cure.for Spermatorrhf4, Seminal Trap ness, Nocturnal &sec:ties -caizsea hp'se/f pollution; iitch as Losrdf rifenic4i,:'Unirontal• LaSsifude, Pains intk, e 144'; Dbniteas of ',.insion,:Prentitlifri lOW Age . Weak Nerves, Di f ficulty of Breathing, Trembling, Witheful-* ness,- Eruptions owthrFace, - Pale"'Cuunttn ln - a; - Instinflp","" Consumption, and altai-bii - eAlionipiciiite.Caiursed by de partiNfrom the papiof nature. , „ , medlciviels a ; slMtle'Vegetableblitract, ankoxia on Whibh all can rely, as it has beeri Used in our practice for many yeara, , and with thotmands.treated, It • has not' failed in a'single instance. Its curative powers have Well sufficient to gain victory over, tile most stubborn visa: naTo those who have trifled with , their constitution; until they think themselves bcyond the' reach of ingdicaf, aid, we would "say, Despair not t . the Disinikair. coil; Will, restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack does tors have failed'!' c Aar Por fultparticulars, get a Circular from any, Drug Ihtoredu thecounty,- or rffrite the Proprietor, who will mail free to any one deslrhig.the same, a fulf,treallsein pamlildet form. Ai-Prices $2 per bottle; or. three . bottles for $5, and forwarded by expt*teull parts:of :the world: triirSolkby all 'respectable &mists eierywhere. DR. W. R. HERWIN k CO., • SOLE PEOPREIZEORS marl° eodly No. 59 Liberty street, New York, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PHOTOGRAPH 'ALBUMS. ANOTHER:LARGEASSORTMENT Photograph - 100 OUND FMK MOROCCO—panelled, at* illOUfited Ntitfryglitimit r y gllt r elasps, AILKOSIEPWITEI 80 Pictures f0r...... . $3 00 . 860 400 together ottesii 'stiles 'of binding, sizes and prices, which will be sold cheap:. Soldier,eliow cannot buy a prettier, more durable and cheaper album anywhere. , Call and see at . • SCHBFFER'S Bookstore, marl2Atf Harrisburg, Pa. "THERE IS NO SIJOJEI WORD AS FAIL." 9rJ!iMl,4il9 - rS .COMFOIN . I) EXTRACT OF CUBEBS AND COPAIBA. This. preparation is particularly- recommended; to the . MEDICAL PROFESSION and-the' PUBLIC for tiie Mompt and certain 'cure of DISEASES OF TEE 'BLADDER, KID NEYS, URINARY ORGANS, ETC. - It may be relied on as the best mode for the administra tion of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes, to which "they are applicable. It' never interferes with, the digestion, and by, its .concmttration, tlN:clopd:Ad much reduced' N. R.—Purchasers are advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT CUBEBS-AND COPAIBA, and take nothing else, as imitations and worthless prepa rations, under shriller'. names, are in the 'market. Price $1 OW. Sentbk empress oir'retelpt , Of Price. Manoßto tared only by ; TARRANTAW CO.; No: '278 arienviiish 'street, corner of Warren-street, New . York, and for sale Druggists gewnslly. - • • oct22-dly For sale b RUNKLE & BRO., and by Dmggista `generally..; AN ASSORTMENT- OF • OVER -100 STYLE S 'POCKET'. BOOKS, IT.RSES r, 0 1./. m ;c• NNAIES i . 'FOA.LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, .IiELLEWS _ Drag and-Fang- Gotids•Store, • No. 91 - • The best AtOrose:a TRAVELING SATCII ELS, A:tid a getoralf variety of ,FANOV .GOODS, suitable for .hresents, noty,On hand at R.ELL - vos Drug Store, .marlo-tf No. 9Vidarget street. I:I7AVAN.A. ORANGES,' juit received SRISLER Er FRAZEE, no2o (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., dr. Co.) PROSSE 36 .BLACKWELL'S ENGTicia Flov.p.; a rare artlete,for table use, just reeeiged and for sale by SAPLER k FRAZER. Eebl ;.(0 1 kqetistioie tbllira]; Dept fel Oa) gURR . KT O , II GOSn.r.ff • BUTTER • • • Just xecaivaa OR TABLE USE, at LER &.FRAZ weisora W Co' (ea " Dock,Jr., - L - 1 HASH DAMN and • • , -124 NEW koittsTATg*EESO BOYER & 1330WE.k. as [n62s] PE 'LEE!! APPLES L I -AL(); rot. Sta...te Applew-of every vurletye Abloo - Yorkftßtate Bpt - lzr t toraudwat . : faasisk, . 13.13 a JiIA944.6:I‘.r.MO.It.WHEA - T an:Thalia . kos.: but superior quality of Buckwheat, direct "r1:0111.1. Tom Pa. for sale by - the - seck - or quart, at - - 1 .1 sAI.BLIYI4 iirotsallißrieJ j: .• 'Acieved ROMER. D. W. , GROSS CO. =EMI= D. W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DRUGGISTS, MAR` ET STREET, ..DRUGG4STS,. .PHYSIOI41 4 TS, STORE- BEEPERS AND CONSUMERS We are daily adding to our assortment of goods alituCh articles are 'desirable, .and Would rekMeathlly call your attention to the lawlest and best selected stock fn this alty, of • DRUGS, CIIFACAIS AND PAINTS rifle; Vp;nlßites'and Glues,. . Aurilo g Mold and Alcohol, . . ! lard, Spenri anc! Pine Olt; ' PERFITMERY AND TOILET ARTIOLES selected from the best manutkaturers and Perfumers *rope tfiis country. Being very Largej . iealers in 44/NTS, • WHITE LEAD, LINSEED OIL, VARNISHES, WINDOIf„ GLASS, OrT, t COLORS; PAINT ANb 41,12T151'88 B 1 USHAS IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES; - COLOR'S . AND, :DROP= ; We respectfully invite a,calWErpg , pantrent that we (Kin enpply the, wants of all on terifo9 to theirs : pt,isfaF-1 .42a) DO&ONT,AIN TAIRTEri PATENT .IkeEDICINES, AND HAIRIII:(TORAM* • Of all ikasi diriit-frODY the Iltopi kl setikil 04 . gti 4 SAPOMMEt. AND CONCENTTRA.TED LYE. Wholesale Agents for Saponifier which-me Bell as 161 !181;It can be purchased th the cities TH4I. YAIZ p11ELT7 . ..414;* FIJV7D. rE %TRACTS. Being large ,pprelpsers la these Oils, we. sniveller. In ducements to close buyers. Coal 011 Lamps of : the most, improved patterns, ,yery •cheap. • 'All kinds of Lamps ()banged to burn Coal Oil. Vict-f Those t s or yOti.kvho gai4,nik given our HORSE AND CAT- TLP, POWDERS Okla know: opetiarit3r, and the advantaile they are ln , kieping Horses and Cattle healthy and In a,g09449441t1040 Thousands can testify to 4he prat .they' hive derived front the use of our Cattle Powfiero; by the indreasod quad Wand. MutiiYikriiiik t ; t bejddike Improving the general health and aiiioZoicOOfthiiir ' catt:ie. - CO /441!5**4in tllbtbn giye an t4e tagq ofa thorough ke}owledg el loPithe lra<h; and our ar rangements In tAsteities,ara attAktitat:we AstiOn ; a ..v;ry ahoi, time, furntskt4tol4 appe4ifilt;ii to our business, on the boit4f tei‘ll.--ta7r-= niaukral;fanzahe - 11borattfpairetnaaaltieatitwedon'_ our house, we hopolnustricbattalltiorr toNbualneas,• a careful selection of o ' r z • IY.R . ,„s t . at faii•Priees, aid the desire to;pieaseitl444):.merit a con. tinuante of. the favor di ilisorhninti#Og fel:Chile; s plektir•i• . ,• A SMITH, Attorney-at- 14, Third A • street, Harrisburg, Pa.= AB burdneepi entrusted to Lim Mit be.promptly attended to.. • • • •' • Bounties, Pensionaand Back Pay otonlcere collected: dealt) 4 4_ ME ASSORTMENT OF PORT FOLIOS! ,PQAT 'Mice] aums,3LENA RACKGMON BOARDS 1 Receivedia ' `SCIWAVILIt'S 110011.8 TOM, 11PWILLSH DAIRY and . . • jci •,• •-• NEW 'YORK STATE CHEESE. (Ronal • • •-• • WIC DOCK JR., & CO. 1011CgaiS t a, By4ae barrel, hair banal for or dOfmk at :BOYER IiZROERPER. „ - 1/ '„- '4-84 surPt Odiebr- a t*P4e4 i '4 a& 2 Ebi4R & ROERPER: mcoun , BFEF,': • #O . 9K Tikar NrIX44NAR(I-: lid PAT. a * Y•II wish s good Go d Pen? M so, Oat at MUM% Bookstore, ILarrieburg, [nole NO. 19 HASRLSBURS, PA Dye•Stnfla, Glass asattratty, Artist's Colors and Tiola, Pare Ground Spices, Boitleel.lhala and Lamp Globea; Castilo Soap, Sponge 3 add Cork; • dca, &c. &a, .&C. With a goaaralivariety of OF ALL KIND 4 TEETH TEETH =II COAL OIL! CARBON OIL C~ ~~~ ~ ~ PAICWM•AIII3 GRAZIEM. MBES RAILROADS: CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN . 1 RAIL ROADS. CHANGE OF HOITRa—On and after Mon dayk,/, Apr il 4th, Mt, Passenger. trains will ran daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted* FOR CHANDERSBEIRG AND FIARIUSBURG: Leave Hagerestowm Greeammtle •-- • - • lArrtve at Chaint?ersburlk Leave at Leave Shippetu3burg " Newville 6 , Carlisle ... .. .5.55 10.10 3.12 6, Meislianlaiarg 6.25 .10 42 2.42 arrive at llerripburg 6.55 11.15 3.40 FOB 0174.11M8A58V728 AND aI6tRE3TOWN: X.. P. X. EX. &OS 1.32. 420 Leave Harrisburg ISechanicsburg ti Carlisle • ." .. . . wit shlPPen*jig niv 'e' Chambersburii lA Leava at _ Leave Greeastle Arrive atltagerstown 32.35 &JO • Milting close connections at Harrisburg with trains for Madelphiai Now York and rittsburg ; and_ with trains for all points West. pay-The Trairi leairing ,HarrisbUrg at 4..20, P. X:, runs only salts' as Cubits. 0. N. LIM, Supt. R. It. Woe, Cluunbersburg, April 4, 1864.1.. :"READIN'GLIL'OAI3 - WINTER ARRANGEMENT: . (I RE T " TRUNK tom , 'FROM THE NORM and NorthOtestforPhiladelphlaiNew - York, Reading ; Pottsville,:ikbanon, Allentown, BastonOre, Trains leave Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville and all intermediate atadons, at 8.00 A. an d 2.0 c, . . . New York Express leaves -Harrisburg. at,1130 arriving at Now York at 1.45 the same day: . - Fares from Harrisliarg: To New York; .$5 ,Is;.to Pptla delphia $3 35. and $3 00 . : Baggage cheetred 'thrixigh. , ". — Itetarning, leave Neer '.York at 6a. 12'noon; anal. PAC, gittaberg Express.Y II Leave Philadelphia at JCL bleeping cars hi tilb New York Express Trains, throtih to and from Pittsburg withoutchange. ' ' Passengers by tbeCatawissa Itallroad leave' Tanialina . at 8.0 u. , and 2.10 for .Philadelphla, New York, e5t.4,44 1 , Pobits.. _ . Trains leave Pottitytue A. _ fer Phitedelphia, Harrisburg and Now York: • " an accommedation.Passeiger train leaviis Reading tit 6.00 a, x., and returns from Philadelphia 45.00 P. Y. All the above trains run daily, Sandayascepted. A Bundity train leaves Pottsville' at 7.30 a. x.; and Phil adelphia at 3.15 P... 111. • Commutation, Mileage, Season and &bunion: tickets it reduced rates to and from all points.. . 0.. A. items .• • . General Superintende n t. November 14,1863—d&wtf • . HOTELS. THE UNITED STATES HOTEL:: HARRISBURG, •-• '' D, RUTCILISON Proprietoy. . , . Finals well known Hotel is Row , ti; eondi- t 1 non to sidetedihchate the' traveling -public, affording the,most ampleeenvenie for thetinneientgmait and the permanentlawler. r pitz THE UNITED STATES HOTEE - ltas bean : entirely refit ,ted throughout, and now his accommodations equal in extent, comfort and,lujqw! Want libtekbetereeMPhiladel ph% and Pittsburg." Roc a on of the best in the State. Capital:being in merit - epees Ottn.the. railroad 'depot?, and is doge prOxitnity to all the public offices and ghettoes hi ealittes pf the city. It has new all the Conteniences'of A FIE .4,7 1 4 4',8 H B.L, , . and the Proprietor Is . determined- to spare ineithet as pens% time or labor to ensure the comfort of the vase; The patronage of the .tmvelinikpublicfs respecrqty 'STATE CAPITAL .- 11 - 01VEIi . , CORNER OF THIRD AND WALNUT STREETS, lIA- 11 4 18 LIPAPIt PEN/VA: MILE undersigned hayir3 purchased this well known house has enlarged andthoroughlyrenovated lh The ;oaths hivOheen l'e-painiedhrid baphred; fwd. the entire estalilhment elegantly ;e-fernished. plea santly and.ellgibly located; ited . yirdtrtcled eieryiion venial's°, it ollbre to the publidallibe cbmitirts,and Wale ef a lirseciass hotel. Trusty and obliging servants always in 'attendance., A bar well stocked with choice liquors is attached to thocstablishment de26-dly W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. ' JONES:ROUSE Corner of.Merket tared and Market Square, /14.4' R /0' V' R. G • PE NNA. ' CHAS. H. MANN, Proprietor. - , .• : LILLY . F. 9 NAOS. CHILLED AND nOUGHT IRON. '.sis vs/ t 14 ••= pe 4 of Wrought Iron - Ba ' r . S7 • . ririSE attention Of business melt generally ...L. is invited to the importer advantages; of thin Bate over all others, in Fire and-Burglar Proof qualities:. Miley • are all secured by a Combination, Lock, ..uulhout‘ke • or_ keyhole, and the whole (outside of the. Safe is Di IKON, (from 1y inches to l Mullett thlok,) ind .060 r against the punch or drilkatid the we of pewder, 'as - fre. 'quehtly employed by .Ireiglare In their operations. Da ocriptiva cit•culAre ftruishetby • GiO. 110 Market street,_ Hanisburr o . • ' , AgcMt for Central Pieria; 7 HOWE'USTAINDAU SCALES, Every description of Dormant and Portable Platform Scales, HaT, 0 ,20. SWE.,l 3 calesi...lftd/romd Depot and Track. Scale 4) T1PP6..9.ii..41104 Scales , 'S eal " and , Counter Scales: - These Scales have•seVenaliMPOßTANTatlrinaf 4 They receive the Weer and friottonalsrayr on•dtgiedj.irortl Ws under the platfoi* teamed•of Aeservingir, upprt the knife pivots and duillim,them. -No jarring of the nhit form affects the Nioiking , Haven 4, - Meek rods to confine the platform. Will weiglt'4htit- out of level. Large ogee Minns no deep pit: anCeost Um for foundation, din than any, other Waal • f.{ . - Full irifdrmaticln 'fbridsheir .by the - subsoil**, ols agerit for CentrarPillaSirfallili, and it"nalinuTati-: turer's .Gro: livvattoss, • - feb94l3m. : . 119 Market street, Itarrisbont. , NEW ATKERY Broad Strget, Siont and 'Third; ;HARBISBITRG. ,_ undersigned' Ids :OPOrie - d'a .1 NE&Y in tho Sixtbwird;%Tivhifiii*.ho Ls pie 'td supp ly, AND HAKIM ot: ii : :reasonable auto: ,Ho • •warrioda satis faction to all who - willgivt,hloi will sell his bfeadat Hie ride Of _ FIVE CElrPSr$-R and fall weight guaranteed. . JOHN szooßN:'•it „LansAlf -.. .. . Shade Trees., ,It. FINE apsortment,Of ' ' • ;Silverlfziplei I Norny Ida*, . ' ' • % - Taller Ash, Hone-Chestant, ( = r . .. • • ' EuropeNu4Abn, Cat4gipm, : . ' :. . • : ... , Jiagltelift.ortuenzaber.%4A6.• at - • ' '.'" ' illaits'rogts ' ic.• -. -; italrrisburg, Marchl6o.B4. - ri. , :l -• 1, -11 :-. ~...._ ; - e ':' '•;•4 ' . g":" L" 411 0-tittinrAT l c, .T.•!r; l e t, inixorrett inid _by al PI - A" - .. 4..-.2.''' FRAZEk lon or . . , • •:. , f'..-• - '7: .., rs to WWok, Jr., &00 ) 404:16 - 4 :".,-,,:::.-. , •,....- = 4. W. I'. IL 7.00 2;40 7.37 3.36 8.17 4.20' 8.20 12.66 9.00 1:29 9.82 2.00 .... . -8.47 215 454 ' 927 2.55 5.29 10.22 &29 - .... . 4.00 ... . 4.30 .11a0 4.40 .11.55 5.30 DR JOHN L. LYONS . , PERIODICAL DROPS, :~:►d .:~ ~: ~. ~.:o 0 MEDICAL. = C> = , Pio• on pp. El I=l lite GAUT F ALL reppirouvroß, Aze the.only lawern remedy .thal. will "WWWWltinty, wed Invariably. radon, and. ragalattitha tamales:Mark Tensaw, ingall'lrregalartiliii;: and irrOdacing battik 'Went 'mid strength. LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS , Are &Auld prekettoli, Um only truisms' of the kind ever' disomeredliri Muntriyend acts dbectly onkthe parts afftetedftWintat Dille andpowders can only reach: them as they work through sympathy, but not, at, all direct and positita Are yen sufferingsfrom aeon:leant inMety for the regu lar Mime ofmturelapneentibectlawa r llglimyouireelitgo primulamai few„lwonts Pealoncal Drops, taketio d ay , or two before the expected period, waylaid tiCedrand'irivariably ramilatelteicoMing, as sure as - e ff ect follows came, as certain as daylight follows darkness. Are you sick, enfeebled by dame, or unable to bear Me, lahor lad danger bf femme? LYON'S PERIODICAL bROPS 00me to you as • blaming, for is not prevention better than cure ; ? , .• Jr" regularly Wien, it h 'a ce rtain. priventive, and will save yorc much peal and Maly horns of suffering. • lime you been afflicted for many years with complaints inddent thaw); that Whit bared the • aldß of ;drys& jandire hurrying you on to as early grave? LYON -PIESIODIOAL DROPS die elte meat reliableregulator ever known; wadi cure, like magic, all thee° trregalaiitiea that have defied the doetsx's Wilt you waste away, with nattering ,from Leueoniusa, 'PrOhiliona; • Dywinenorrhcea, and a thiamin& other diftleul thm ap emea3Md, up nnder..the name of iiippresaatand obetauetetnature, when an Investment of owe doilar in tiYON'W/WdODICAL DROPS will Moly Baia you. Do not use the drops when forbtddeorin the direction, 'Woo r although* leviye . ,autyk .aui4 harmlessharmless all,oAtbor mes, they leisetwhd tielrelaidatild to *Mat and 0.7 4 494,tii, PALI:0Mo( Oa sexual ergiodam, that, if takedat intoner tun" .therwou_td_proctuat mato! con- Kit tp )1 it 0 k aiehat Wltiph ajl,,liartlailarly those who wheld.reptidtam, altoeld"wdolgtuitel. , ' LYON'S 110401>tOAL DROPS Sazu 2 9 karla tho i t aiO4# cons*Yikkg, MAW t4rmt: faith. ***dug ' ' licOng Abet atheism'l botEtesiiol belised Itti gootiiiiw- Pow 'OM cloallaramedior swilletitimato one.' ' ; t., : ;; ; • • t.4ol66l4lllthitiPattillie ia' for late. by ate. Druggif4lkth9veitylad &oat/illad de:ncif t , if you *Jae YOUR IMINNIA 3 1 1 , vitt fer- Ale malkine, boyfatty other. Tele ao - 14.11,er, - .bot if the Aguish to atom you ,aPPifbaii 6 VlioV l fo4u l kig** grid [at kCtOr . You : Plu)klu:=l,mt, lIMENII __. _ , ; Neio Sawn, GoY " tfi;`. .~JOHN~T;OP;: H~T . L~`~VdY ~c _ C4~liPi;; '23 tortiiJS'6lsticei -,'• !i - • ' • • Or •atii..tei MISCELLANEOUS. NEW GOODS-JUST OPENED! AT BERGNER'S Book and Stationery StOrP Embracing every new and improved Ety:e POCKET MAGIC CURRENCY HOLDERS, CALF SKIN POCKET BOOKS, BUCKSKIN PURSES, FOETID:INN:IIE3, & at micas to suit all circumstances. POUNICT CUTLE*tV, Consisting of a tine assortment of Wmtent,Cm*. c.—. Pocket Satires. GOLD PENS, From Newton's celebrated manufactory. p n. with a guarantee. PORT FOLIOS, - WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS, PaYETERIEs, Together with every article usually found in a finA Book and Stationery establishment, at myl2l BERGNER'S, 51 Mark.t PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PHILADELPiIIA, Lock linen, Jersey shore, Williamsport. Ina cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, 31ilion, Lewisburg, Northumberland, San bury, Treverton, Georgetown, Lykenstown, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISB Glt c. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally Irwat...hi, t;,, drayage will be at the lowest rates. The ldadta, tcr through with each train to attend to the safe &ixery all goods intrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the de. pot or FREED, WARD & FREED, El Market etrei.v., Philadelphia, by 5 o'clock n w., will be dehveret is 131.1 risteng the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Other Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & CO., Philadelphia and Reading Depot, Foot of Market street. Rarindiurg. *WI u BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND sp.AmT. - Rss, BURLAP AND GUNNY SAGS FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL .c7Z.F PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOHN T. BAILEY Au - CO., No. 113, North Front St., Philadelphia. 1tt1Y26413m 11PCIIINTOCI'S PECTORAL SITUP. Tls INVALUABLE SYRUP, 'WhiCit is cit tirely vegetable in its ehtnsrsltion Ims em ployed with wonderful SUCCESII for many ; , , in thecure of diseases for the AIR PASSAGI•S and LC:a:S. I , ',T ;my form of the disease, such as COUGH, TICK THROAT SPITTING 0F.8L00D,D11410.1.1 HOARSCCMF. LOSS OF VOICE. and Ili:tilt' I_Rz= use wilf be attended with the happiest results. It , s one Of the best and safest medicines for all forms of 11:0N. CHITD3 and CONSUMPTION. IVo laudanum or pr: -Para OPkalt is any shape intkis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERGNER'S Cheap Book hare. DANIEL A. MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Line, respectfully in forms the public that this Old Daily fr:owlionatiGli Lino (the only Wallower Line now in me in this city,) is In successful operation and prepiirvit to carry freight as low as any other individual list. t.. urcen Phila. deilphhi; Harrisburg, Simsbury, Lewisburg. Wilit;inwpirt, Jersey bore, Lock Haven and all other polut: on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie And NS lostuspor, and Elmira Railroads. • DANIEL A. MITECCH, Agent. • Harrisburg, Penn'a Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, Ze Ithichnian, Nos. 808 and 810 Market street, above &h. Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, rt. at., will arrive at Earns burg, ready for delivery, next morning. imaCi.remyl PAPER WAREHOUSE. FARRELL, IRVING & CO 510 MEM STREET, PIECLADMPRIA, PA.. IVLANUFACTUREES of DOUISLE STRENGTH fiLiNILLA. PAPER OF ALL SIZES. ROLL WRAPPERS on hand or made to order. Highest price paid' for rope in large or small quay Uea marl PURR CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAR AND 311 - Lii. DETLSONS rankbag up boxes to send to their Mends in be army, will find this an elt—ant one box making forty cups of coffee, equal to aty coffee, and with little labor. For sale at SHLSLER & FRAZEE, (auccomors to Wm. Dock, jr., k Co.) m 24 GGUMPECTORALS are usefu l to soothe s Dough, allay Tickling in the Throat, to rchertl Hoerseiress, Catarrh, Sore Throat, &e They contain goltzioot, Horehound, Ipecacuanha, Scrims and Squiii, (the most reliable expectorants known,) are the chief Etc tire constituents, so blended with Gam Arabic and Sugar, that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant dns_. Manufacturedsolely by S. A. KUNKEL dr BRO., jan2T Apothecaries, 118 Market street, Harrisburg. Important to Trackers and Gardenesr. FIRDS by the BUSART 4 or POUND, of all S the leading and best fairly varieties. Yea; Bean.=.; &Ash, Cabbage, "Winningstadt" & Co., Beet, Carrot rar •Rootabaga; Onion, he.; ha The above seed offered few sabaare raisedM 'New York State, by one of the MO t responsible seed ithwers # the dean:Ty. I Lave pu - chaseNt from them for a number of years and always found them true to name and much earlier than seed raised farther Boutii. J. 2.115 H, . • Keystone Bum and Nursery, flarrisburg. P. a-orders wantitig immediate attention drop in the Post Olio& • No orders wilt be taken for any kinds of seed leas than by the pound, or one-lourlh pound of four rarkttles. [feb2s] S. 111S11. DR. B. M. GELDEA, .. DENT I_S.T, NO: 119.81L1C - ICE.T- STREET, Teeth wadtively extracted withopt pain. by the me of lingoes oxide. oct7-dtf JUST OPENED, AN ASS'ORTME'NT OF pSEWOOD A 11 b*G A N - WRITING DkBKS, or vein,* sizes, for Litlie at . • nol9 ,:13SCMFTERTS-itOORSTORE. MORTON'S GOLD PENS. • Anotherlot or Morton's • ITNEIV4LLE.P:eOLD PENS, AO received at,Bctieffer's Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. lIBLIO SO H. Via . 11CHOCIL SLATES of different : Blmi exec llat antes et Spellers and Readers, published by Harper Brothers, together with all other School Books and lira ngirtatertals are offered, wholesale and retail, at dee: , SCHEFFER'S AK/KM-ORE. ORT,OIi'S G.LILD Another:lot of 3fortorivs Thiricalled Gott Pens for sale at ' Salt-eklut.'S 1100.1iSTOM All pew witrrantedTor one year. ' • (net ORFOIiK dYSTERSL-Real Salts, linger Xi the Jones Homo, YOrk River Oysters, trace article, `under the Jones Manse.. Aiso, Terrapins, Which will be served up in fine style at short notice tinder um Jones Rouse, by no 80 JOSEPH survELY. WE= BOOKS, )3IICR.4TOW PURSES P PORTEMONNAIES,,and a general variety of LEA /UR GOODS, pat rammed at. BERGNER'S BOOR .STORE. - - ; WINE .130MAND 84 10 . 1 1,8 F , imported LL 1.13411. 'iVarrated the Fticsc :Sherry . Wine in this ,ingtittry.' For We at "SIIISLER t FRAMR, • - • (same ants to Rut "kick. Jr., & ea) Y.A *PLEB! APik.l9 IA of Green ings, just received at SHISLER & MAZES m2EI (Successors to W Dad; & 140
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers