Ftitgrapil 11AEEISBURG, PA WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13, 186,1. 7if rit'l4l Adyer zi,mentg, Easiness Notices, Murrill ges, llr;l l Ls, fie., in secure insertion in the .011,EGRAPII, in UAL invariably be actout ininied With the CASH. Advert rt.,11 in the regular !::ening - Edition ant: inserted in the Morn ing I , :ti it ion thout extra ebarge. ; ;o N AN I) CO 1.1 N 'l' It Y IT Corns.—The pleasant weather of vcstadny was followed by a fall of rain, which 'commenced last night, and continued until a ILLt hour this morning. . I== eTn- CiIARGED WITH PERJUIT.—George K Iti‘ PT and Augustus Liebtrue, of this city, a,re yesterday arrested, for the purpose . of poring taken to New Bloomfield, Pa., to an - L , rner a charge of perjury. Ix our notice of the open market for CM , jry horses, published yesterday, we should have stated that Capt. Hess is the inspector of the animals offered for sale. Capt. H. will tea l ; ;• au excellent officer, being in • every re :,pc•ct competent for the position. lluvr Loss.—A few days ago William Skinner, Esq., of Chambersburg, lost his pocket-book, containing 0,300, in 'Philadel phia. Ile supposes that his pocket was picked as be was getting on the cars. Mr. Skinner is a large dealer in horses. • Tier Printers' Union of this city, at a late meeting, adopted a new scale of prices, which will take, effect iu a few days. The price of ordinary composition is advanced to thirti five cents per thousand ems, and journey niea's wages to thirteen dollars per week. A cOLORED carter came near losing his horse and cart yesterday. They "tilted" over the river bank as the driver was engaged in un loading the vehicle. By a timely detachment of the horse, it was saved, but the cart disap: neared beneath the waters of the iStikque lianna. =mmai Y. M. C. A.—lt is respectfUlly requested that as many of the memberS of the Young Alen's Christian Association as can, will at tend the funeral of their late fellow member, Charles Zinn, to morrow afternoon, from the residence of his father, in Second street; _above Pine.' THERE are a number of boys in this city who make a practice of jumping on and'off wagons, and other yehicles,.as they pass along the streets. Unless the habit is checked, some of the boys will meet with accidents that will teach them a lesson which they haye . not yet learned. MAr.E.m. was slimly attended this morning. Neither the country folks or our citizens turned out to any extent, on account of the. very inclement state of the weather. - Pricps were about as usual. Persons fleshing to be present at the open ing of the market are compelled to rise daaV.2 The bell ring, at half-past four o'clock. PAYMENT OF TIM litlamrrtx.—We understand that Major Wiley,:fJ. S. paymaster, at 41111 post, has received orders to pay the Militia, an act of justice which has beentoo long delayed: This will be gratifying to the men, who almost imagined that the services rendered at so per - dims an hour, were to be unrequited by the Government. NUJ. MTnAn„ on duty atthis post for some time past, as a paymaster, has been oraerecf m West Virginia. He will carry with him the . rood opinions of those who had business with him during his service here; and we are dotal dent that he leaves the post with the regret of all with whom no came in contact. May he be as successful in his new as he •NMS in his Old field of duty. SIMENTY-SECONT) NIGHT. -nig ev*ng, consequence of repeated requestsforits Dept tition, Rouse's Star Combination Company will re-produce the great Leaxer dral?laiTE.ce :HIDDEN HAND. This splendid play, has be come very popular with our citiens, and the announcement that it is to be repeated, will attract a very large audience to BrAnt's To-night the Star Troupe give their scventv-, second` entertainment here, on Which occasion Miss Fanny Denham will appear in her great character of Capitola; in The Hidden Ilinut introducing several songs. Secure youfseats, at lkinnvart's drug-store. CAPT. Ro.upisoN, in charge of the Commis sary Bureau at this post, is the last inan'whoni we would misrepresent, and yet we were in advertently guilty of this misrepresentation a few days since, by placing him in: charge as Quartermaster in Harrisburg. All Who. have any intercourse with the military ,:efficrers of the post, know that Capt. R. is the commisn, sary, supplying the camps in this vicinity, be-, sides furnishing stores for the camps aid, barracks at Reading. It is only fair that 'se . faithful an officer as Capt. R. should be right on the record, hence this correction. =...- Dutll—At Richmond, Va., March 21st, 1864, Christopher A. Hynicka, of Co. D, Seventy ni'xth Pennsylvania Volunteers. '• After six months' sickness he was paroled, mid while waiting the summons to tho boat, another messenger—the Angel of Death— called him to cross the boundary of Our Father, grant that his blood, with - that: of others sacrificed, may 'be the germ .from. which speedily 'will spring a new and higlike life, a nation purged and purified. "It was duty , Some things are worthless, and some others so good, That nations who buy them pay only in blood; For Freedom and Uniou each man owes his part; He has paid his share all warm from his heart: It was duty !'' ._ ... Deceased was a resident of this city ; _arid highly respected by all who knew him. His death will be deeply lamented by his 'tumor. ous friends and acquaintances. To PIIDTTERS.-/ foreman for a country newspaper establishment. See advertisement. SANFORD has prepared an unusually attract ive bill for this evening, when a number of new plays, songs, &e., will be presented to the frequenters of that pleasant resort. The Opera House is a fine place to pass an even ing. Negroism apparently in all its purity, can be witnessed there nightly. Sanford has the star minstrel troupe of the world. THERE was a large audience at the National Hall, last night, to \ witness the fine perform ances of Hitchcock's Variety Troupe. There was an excellant bill prepared for the occasion. To-night the whole company will appear in a new programme. The splendid little National is located at the corner of Second and South streets. HOPE FIRE Ccospm.m, Amrszrrmir.—A stated meeting of the Hope fire company will be held at their house on Friday evening next, the 15th. The active, contrilluting, and honorary members of the company are requested to be in attendance, as business of great importance wiil be transacted. Let there be a full turn out. aprll-dtd. AN affecting incident occurred at New Ha ven barracks the other day. A woman de- Sired to see her husband, embraced him, be gan to sob and cry violently. Husband gave her his handkerchief- to wipe her eyes, after which she curiously manipulated it under her shawl, and returned it_to him. Husband took it as if it were a brickbat. Officer of guard investigated, and found a bottle of old rye whisky in the handkerchief. t. 1 CoNvocxrioN. —A meeting of the South Central Convocation of the Episcopal Church, of this pi t ;cese, onrei:iff)il*,A St. Sthlller# CliniCh:/illis is cOMrioShti of the Episcopal Ministry of the adjoining counties. Public services will..hg,held regularly every morning at 11 o'clock and evening at 77 4 -, up to Friday evening. Bishop Potter is expected to bepre l sp " t.tilis*v..e, SHOCKING OCCURRENCE AT WILLIAMSPORT, PA.—The Williamsport Bulletin, of Saturday la,.st, crives the.: following, account -.of 00 C 1 1 1 1' 6(1 .;4 1 , 1 .44 1 4 oPlaeft-ou Fxid4y, morning last: Alfred H. Mann, of Havre-de-Grace, Md., came to this place some nine or ten days ago, and was attacked with erysipelas, at the Parker 'House, where he has been confined to his bed until yesterday : mop:4g, when, in alit of de lirium, he leaped from the window of the third story, striking on the pavement, where he was ,found about five o'clock in the morning. He VMS I . c.nowTt to be in his room.at three. p'clociz, whenth'eman watching,himleft andlellasleep himself. Notlrifig more ieiknown: of til 'found lifelesS Girth° pavement. Re was engaged with, Mr.,,,10hn, I)u Bois in,the lumber business, was-about - forty-five years of ii,g,e; and'leaverhwiteiantl- three , children. His wife arrived here thenight previous to tliarad disaster:. ' r, .MA.YOR'S 001111.T. 1 -joremi "'alt H. - Dturn; who- was arrested yesterday, charged with being . a pickpocket, had a hearing this morning, but there being no evidence to warrant his reten tion, he was discharged. , Samuel Boyer, arrested - Ifor liutter, the weight of which was below the legal stand aid, had a hearing. After paying a fine and costs t he wns released ..::. . . T. H. Brooks and Warrington Beesey, sol dierS, were engaded-iii d fight 'at the .Corner of Thirdioid"Wiiittut 'street's, last night, . for which they_were.-a.rrested - and -planed- , in the lock-up until this morning, when they ap peared before the Mayor. They were handed over to the Provost Marshal. We need scarce , ly add that P.moks ; mid, 4.eq5,91 - 41s.d ana,de the aeguniutance of Captain Whisky. Abraham Buckalew, a soldier, was arrested fpr the larceny of a knife from a man named Weaver. Buckalew purchased a violin at Knoche's music "stone, and Weaver being pre sent, made some:notessary repairs - abqut the: instrumentr.7.ln return for , ,his kindness he . was relieved' of a Valil'able knife: 'Bifelialeii was committed to Fort Simmons. ••; Two soldiers,named Berkheimer and Wiley, arrested for ?disorderly , Conditet;:werti:lilitided over to the military authorities. John H. Humphrey, a vagrant, was fur nished with lodging in the Walnut street in stitution. • • The - Seat, of Govern ment . ~., ! ... _ . .- EDITOR OF .THE TELSOMAPH , :—Tho . proposi- . tion to remove the seat of GoverrinieriV,TtOin, Harrisburg 'to any sither place-thin 4,Oillbila delPhia would be scouted out of the Legisla ture—but persistent boring has brought about, a mischief for which not one of us was pre pared. That, mischief jt the; prospect:of, lo- eating the seat of our State Government, always exposed to manifold temptations, and grave charges of corruption, to the seething atmosphere of a great eity, which can be con templated irpno other light 'than ;tliat,:q s a t .• danger . * miSchief„;, - ,Viseldivensh,:,beeansp.. expensiventischieveus, , becanse,nneafi e d -for mischievous, because it would disturb the funbtions of our public offices to, remove now, :in,the midstutatreat eiville,Onim:otilni;almbst certainly to remove again to the, interior be fore permanent buildings ,enld ,be,pqmpleted, at.Phtin.aelßlU;•iirta :d44firous, ifmcauslyi . m'o4,‘ neyis,offered—not to Ttersons-brittb!tli'Mbill. l stituted arithorities,lO:pgighaSe tlieii,fayor,m deciding upon I:diking - 1i sweeping Cliange in the machinery of State, without consulting i ~, ;eir constituency.; orlaaloWiligjthe7m an oppor .t a. ity to be heard; a boon always granted to counties when difficulties, occur respecting Seats of justice, or the'ereation of new ones. `;_The million of dollarspffered by the councils -bt Philadelphia is'nbt enough to establish the seat of government permanently at that point. No `architectural elegance, no, ornamentak grounds, nor lavisli-salluidi, 'nor 'osyilitiiiipa`- lion could keep it there. The great interior would insist upon the"Voider' economy of a .country location,its nearer accordance with its Ithstes and habits, and its more limited temp ' 'to' tions. All these thoughts would bear fruit in 'a few years, and there, would come another million to be expended to. show how much a af4totnna caws! So on the score of economy - fve:are better off than we,could possibly be at Rhiladelphia, if matters are allowed to remain •as:2they are. The public buildings and en- Mosiires at Harrisburg have cost about one million of dollars. These biiildings are more spacious—the grounds • more ample—than -eduld be had in Philadelphia for three millions while in another matters igersonal accommo .,, k tlation the members oft 10 Legislature are as Nblal off at the present se oh government as 'hey could by any possilL lyobe made at any :other point in the State. "- - IYou may hear from me gain. ...r.l. ;_ ....; _ THE ARMY Roamer., —During the ',hat week 178 patients were admitted into the army hos pitals of this Department; 325 were returned to duty, and 18 died. The number remaining is 3103, distributed as follows: Islington lane, 24; Broad and Prime, 66; Convalescent, 285; Chester, 70; Chestnut Hill, 497; Camp Curtin, 76; Fort Mifflin, 12; Summit House, 137; Tur ner'e:lane, 177; 308; Cuyler, 273; South street, 125; Satterlee, 588; Chambers burg, 11; York, 304; Christian street, 1.12; Ca macs's. Woods, 8. Payment of the State Militia. We are enabled, by the courtesy of Adju tant General Russell, to lay the follwing offi cial: document before our readers. -It will be found to be of great importance to those who served in the militia of the State . in Septem ber; 1862: UNITED STATES ARMY, PAY - DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, OFFICE 01? THE CHIEF PAYMASTER, BALTIMORE, MD., April 9th,1864. Arrangements for the payment of the Penn sylvania ertiergency troops, called into service by the Governor in September, 1862, will shortly be completed. `To facilitate the work, I have divided the State into three districts, with a. supervising paymaster for each, viz: First District, Major David Taggart, at Philadelphia, embraces the counties of :Barks, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Delaware, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northamp ton, -.Philadelphia, Schuylkill and. Wayne. Second. District, Major D. H. M'Phail; tit Har risburg, the counties of Adams, Blair, Brad ford, Cambria, Centre,Columbia, Cumber land, Dauphin, Frankin, Fulton, Hunting don, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Luzerne, Lycoithng, Muffin, Montour, Northumberland, Perry,- Snyder, Union, Wyoming and York. Third Diiitrict; Majoiliussell Errett; at Pitts burg, the counties of Allegheny, Armstrong, Beaver, Butler; Crawford, Erie, Indiana, Levi rence, Marren, Washington and Westmore land. ' These, as appears from the returns, to the Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, are all the counties in -which were organized any of the troops in iiimation. Any infonnation depiredbYpartiesirtterested wilLbe promptly furnished on application to the, proper supervising payma§ter. Each of the named supervising officers will arrimge,the details 'within his district, looking to the convenience• of claimants and the fin ishing of ,the work assigned him with the least practiablii delaY. He will designate the points. and dates of rendezvous, and the pay 7 masters'to officiate at each,. These, at the .proper times; he will have announced in the newspaPers of the district. Where: the officer or soldier cannot -be pre. sent at his designated place of rendezvous to sign the,rolls, the payment may be made to his attorney upon power duly executed. Form will not -lile•ex.Eticted. - The simple authority, in few words, to sigh linclveeefve, will be suf ficient. But in all cases the power must be acknowledged before a notary,. justice Pr•other inagistititb,. — lf the first, his seal j notaiittl must be affixed. HIM kitlierk the eiemplifi , cation under the seal of a court, of record. ,These conditions are indispensable to protect the ,Government against frauds,,, B. W. BRIOE, Chief •Paymaster. f- SPECIAL -NOTICES. - Mrs. Balls Remedies. , I take this method of cheerfully thanking the public for past favors, and still solicit their kind attention to-my medicines.' Tq'tell of all the wuuderful cures I have been able to perform would be impossible. I would call the attention of the ladies particularly to this valuable medi cine. I think. lean safely say His the very best offered to them, It will regulate the whole system; can :be' taken at ,imy time; no fear need be apprehended-in re gard to it. .1 have also a valuable Salve to kill proud flesh; and another to draw and' heal. This has healed sores khat have run 20 years. -My, Dysentery Drops, In; flint cordial afur Cough Drops have been well tried. I need say nothing in their .favor. I have constantly on hand those Medicines and Salves. MRS. L. BAIL, marl 6 No. 27teutli Pine street; Harrisburg, Pa. HAIR DYES HAM DYE Batehelor's Celebrated Hair Dye IS 'TEE BEST IN" THE WORLD.. - - - - - ne may Harmless, True and MeliaMe Dye Known. , This splendid flair Dye is perfeet.--ebanges Red, ,Rusty or Gray Hair instantlylo a G/atig Black or Haturalßrown without injuring the Hair or staining the Skin, leaving the Hair soft and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring its pristine color, and rectifies the ill effects of bad Dyes. The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A.. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided.; Sold byalli Druggists, Ace /Factory-81 BAR- CLAYsT,.N.y. • BATOOXLOIO3 HEW ion:Er CRIAM FOlt DR/Ml*l THE HAIR DillttarylEtnitness Attended To. ' Bounty Pension, Back Pay, Subsistence and lifilitary_ and Warlaims, generally, madenut and collectest —Per sons rest ing,at a distance can hate their. business trans acted by, all, by addressing EBGENB SN*DEB, 'Attorney-at-Law delT-dly . Thli4 street, Harrisbur&. Pa. 1 Ba,n.nvart's Troches. For - the 0g? of Hoarseness, Throat Dis eases, p , specially recommended to ministers, singets•aud persons Whose vocation calls them to speak in public. Manufactured only by C. A.' Bannvart., & Co., Harrisburg, to whom all ordera'shorild be addressed. Sold by druggist:every where. ' , Read - the following testimonials from some of our eminent' clergymen -:-.:HARBMBIIIt% Feb Bth: I - 864. C. A. RuaryearDear Sir: I have used . Brown's Bronchial Troches, Wistar's Lozenges lend other' preparations for hoalseness and throat troubles, and in comparison with; them all, can cheerftilly, , commend your own as a most admirable specific for public -speakers and singers, in .cases of hoarseness, coughs ~-,and colds. ' I 'have found them serving in time of : need, mos!, effectria*, Yours tidily, T. IL ROBINSON, , - Pastor . of N. S. PresbYterian AV:X :476e .zhith Mr. Bair:son. as to the value of Banniart's Troches. Late Pastor of 0; S. la . c re rFLI C Ste Ohnre_r HA6BIE011:171% Jan. 1864., A. Itswitiuirr—Dear In the habit of s.ves t kieg. very , frequeptly, and in places where the vocal organs are . very much taxed; I have . found the need of some gentle expecto7 rant, 'and that want hagi . heen supplied:in your excellent noshes. , I counrider >them very far .superior to. any Lozenges that I have ever used, in removing speedily that hrislcinatis of the voice' arising .from its toOtiequent use, and impairing the 'effectiveness of the delivery of public ad dresses. Yours,, JNO: WALKER JACKSON. Pastor of thejacenist St. Methodist Church. To C. A. Razi - xvanx—D.ear Sir: •Having used your Troches, I am, free to say they are best have ever: 'tried and take• great pleasure in-recommending them to all persons afflicted with sore throat or, huakiness of voice arising from public speaking or Singing. Yours, ke., G. G. RAKESTRAW, Pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. DISTRICT . S.TTORNtefil OFFICE, t , HARRISBIIMI, Feb. 29; 1864. To C. A. Italuiveirr—Dear Sir : I have found your Troches to, be invaluable in re lieving hoexsenss and'in`strengthening the museleEret the throat. They impart dearness to the voice, and are oeitEdnly of greet - lit to pll public opeakere.' '• ' . C HA P..:5:= -Et = 4 's "'"-' L.- • E. EEE., BLiu:a. NEW •MIVERTISEDIENTS. NEM GOODS. THE undersigned respectfully informs her Customers and the Public, that having just returned from Philadelphia with a very large assortment of the latest styles of Millinery and Fancy Gistais,.she ready.to sell at the most remarkable rates. Mrs. JANE WAGNER, 87 corner Fourth and market street. apl3•dlt Valuable Farm for Sale. OETrEßED.foisale, at a bargain; a vabiable Farm on Buffalo run, Centre co., Pa., about 7 miles f: um Ee3efonte and 3 from the Farmers' High School, con raining about 310 acres, 230 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation. There are large and suitable farm buildings on the prealisikt. The quality Of is of the very besflimeStone, Oithitt good prosp,•C: bOrltliak best Hematite ore, large quantities of which Gate been raised on an adjoining tract and worked at Centre Fur nace. The Mifflin and Centre county railroad, now in the course of construction, will pass within 2 utiles. For in formation as to qualityArmil and desirableness of loca tion apply to M, T. Milliken, or Hi N. Willister, Esq., Bellefonte Pa. For full description and terms, &c., apply to RALPH.L. MACLAY, apl3.deod3wv! Attorney-at-law Harrisburv• Pa. ELEcilticrrir. DRS. WYETH and CREAMER, Eclectic and Electropathic physicians, respectfully offer wed' professional servinesta ail the. rtiioUs -branches of the profession, for the treatment of an - acute' and chronic forms of disease. The remedial means they employ in the treatment of disease consist of Magnetism, Galvanism, Eleetro-Magnet the Swedish method of Loyadized movement cure, a few Eclectic medicines when deemed necessary, and iu fact all the natural curative agents that may successfully be brought to bear upon the disease. They do not wish to be understood as arrogating to themselves any superiority of ..professional skill, but they believe the remedies they employ in the treatment'of dis ease far superior to those generally employed byphysicians, from the fact that they act in perfect harmony with the laws governing and controlling the human system. To this, and the fact that they corillne themselves to no par ticular pathy or system, they attribute their success In controlling disease, The princiFal agent they employ in. the treatment. of disease„ namely, Electricity, is an agent Wonderful' in its . Phenomena and powerful in its effects for good or 111. It' is an ever present, all-pervrding principle, governing all things, front rolling worlds down to the invisible particles of gasseous matter. We see it in the lightning's dash and hear the manifestations of its power in the muttering thunder. It is, the cause of all decomposition, recompo sitionnnd transforniation. =Io excitesali motion. It is'the„ exciting cause of life, growth, decay rind death. It muses secretion, excretion, digestion. It lays hold of the crude food in the stomach, converts-It into's,' state of flu idity, transmutes it into arterial blood, and sends it on its Important office of supplying nutriment according to the necessities of the body. It is the nerve vital fluid, the great agent through which the mind acts upon the body. It Is the cause of all-ffiffises except the first great cause, the Infinite Mind Which created it and brought it into use. These may appear.: like mere assertions, but they are facts admitting of strong and irresistible proof. Is it then, to be wondered at that au agent so wonderful in its phe nomena, so powerful in its manifestations and so intimate , ly connected with all the operations of the human sys tem, should be almost absolute in,itS„power of controlling disease? Certainly not. It is n natural sequence ana follows as surely as day follows night. Among the didieses whictiaietoundlo‘yield readily to Electricity, in conjunction with proper adjunct treatment, may be mentioned the following; Incipient Consumption, Paralysis, Elpiliptie, Hysteric and other Convulsions; Neuralgia,, in its worst form; Ithuematism, inflammatory and chronic; all dlaeases of a:6 nervous system; Dyspep sia cured in a few treatments; all diseases of the urinary and genital organs ; Femaleadseases,.Asthma, Piles and Prolapsus Ani; Anaurosis and all kindred affections of the eye; Auretus, Strictures, all skin disease; &c. Persons calling will be told whether they can be bone fitted and no case taken' where, some relief clot be 411- forded, anisultation _Wee. Ofilea, South Second street, be:ow Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. Office hours from Bto 12 a. at. ," Ito 5 and to 9P. M. • ALEX. R. WYETH, H. D., DR. J. MILTON CIREAMIKR. apl3 TO THE PUBLIC. —SINGER'S Sewing Ma chanlnes, Machine Silk, Linen Thread, Cotton, &c. Machine Needles, Oil, Union Galloons, B Long Thread, Eyelets, Shoe Lacers and Stationery. 'office, - :FronZ above Market strut., Harrisburg. apll-d3w ' WOODWARD, Agent. GRAWD; 'OPENING T'PHE undersigned takes the pleasure to in . form the Ladies of this city and vicinity that she Will have, this week, her GRAND OPENING of the latest styles - Bonnets, Ladies' Misses' and 'Childien'S Hats, to which she respectfallYintes one and all to come and ; amine her now styles. .412-dSV Mrs. M. MAYER. REMOVAL r TEWAAT & Iif'.ARRE, Rectifying Distil g Jars and Dealers in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC WINES and LIQUORS, have removed to Fourth street, between Mar,ket. and Walnu,L, ap&dlpr&w2w NEW L i PHILADELPHIA CLOAK STORE. CLOAKS • MANTILLAS, CIRCULARS. • 1,000 CLOAKS - from $7 00- to •$25 00, • AT THE NEW , CLOAK STORE, MARKET STREET, IN D. W. GROSS' NEW'-BLOCK HARRISBURG RCM MILLINERY GOODS LATEST JIIST OPENED, Vici. 8 Market Spirtisi next door to relix's Confectionary. ripll-d3m Mrs. J. RUBS. ATTENTION, PA.R.M.ERS ! XXTANTED—Two Farmers to take charge 'Y of two Farina. The Fariipt will either be • :rented, given on the shard, o? the Farm stodkeifard wages paid . call on GEO. P. WIESTLING, apB.4flw Market street, -Harrisburg,Ta. Recruits,_Wanted f FOR the 107th Pennsylvania Veteran, Vol unteers, nOiv'oii - Tuircitigh; for thepirrposd'ef Hlliog up. r 6 -Highest Government and I.ocalßountles'paidliiMedept. 1014 able bodied men. This is tho only Veteran-Reglment nowin the• State. _ .. 510 premium paid for a recruit, veterei.L. • eturther'parnonlaia enquire of . THEG., B.,SCHEFFER, MA' Co. A, 107th Paßeerultinfeacer,‘at Sehef. lir's Bookstore, Second street, below the Square. -44.8-dd" GREAT BARGAINS= , : N JEWELRY ! I*. PI:YET/I' TIEU-'to 0 • _ 42 AND 44 NASSAU STREET; NEtr YORK. (Adjoining the Post Otßee,),, .o(thi• toi ate the following titegnifteetit list of WATCHES, CHAINS, XEWELIII7, VALUED AT $300,000. EACIIARTIELE 'ONN.DOLLAR AND NOT TO 'BB PAW FOE UNTIL YOUNNOWIWEAT YOU ARE TO GET. 160 Gold and Silvdr Watches, $l6 00 tn $lOO 00 each -..200 Ladies' Gold Watches " • 35 00 each ::::500 Ladies' &•..Genta'.. Silver do; - • 1 5 00' each =5,600 Ladies' Gold gonads 4 6110,860 5,000 Gold-band Hntealeti:..... 800 to 10 00 each 10,000„Lockez Ghelp i njtinan.2.6ll.,,to„.. .6.lloJeach. 6,000 Mine°, - 116iTard - and Jet Broochea !. '4 00 . to - 6 00 each 6,000 Coral. slid Florentine Ear- , • , drops 4 40 to 8 00 each 10,000 Gents' Breast Pins:.... 260 to 800 each 1.5p00 Sleeve Buttons, and Bosom Studs .2-50 to 6 00 each 10,000 Sets ladies' Jewelry . . „.M. : .10 00 each 6.000 Lava and Florentine Sets.. - 4 - '07:10 eco each 10;000 Gold Peas,; : Silver-mcWd. ..• Holders.. . 46 500 . each. 5,000 Gold Petts,4ll . l;:bilier " - tension Cases and Pen ells. •> 4 00" t o. 600 each The articles in this stock of Jewelry are of the neatest and most fashionable styles.. ,Certiticans 'of all toe vu. rioua articles are put in sesled enve.opes and mixed, thus giving ail a fair chance, and sent by midi, for 25 cents • rich and on the moilt of the owaltlcate, it is- at your option to acia.9mt. 1 :191 , 1401. and take the article named in It or not,- Rye curtilleat for 55; sixty fa $.10; one Heindred forslsi, money to be enclosed'with orde - r.• 'OorrespondeiMe „ P vr m A:G c urrs P ir l c i : l am :W r. .aN we r r n a o eeni; '' inivn. and ment a l' Send. Address & co; 42Kuld 44;Naswm strhefrNew York. ti goic4wr2os6l , 7s , ni _ • u.-4 l :ttu i— a ii.a.tw 4( - {11.; zt r OANtc 41.4453,3,11 avrtar....t. _ INSURANCE. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, No 232 Walnut Street, South Side, East ol Third Street PHILADELPHIA, January 12th, ISGE. STATEMENT OF THE ASSETS. • MORTGAGES. All of which aro first Mort. ou City Property.. $372000 00 LOAN BONDS. $lOO,OOO Phila. City Loan, six per cents.... $lOO,OOO 00 100,000 Stato Loan, five per cents 100,000 00 20,000 " six par ct., not taxable.. 20,000 00 50,000 U. S. Gov. Loan, 7 3-10 per cent. 50,000 00 100,000 " 6 " 5-201.. 100,000 00 50,000 " " 6 " 1881.. 50,000 00 50,000 " on deposite sp.c. , . 50,000 00 25,000 Lehigh C. and N. C., Mort. loan, 1870 25,000 00 31,000 . Del. and Raritan Canal CO., and C. and A. railroad and Traisportatlon co.. 37,000 Chesapeake and Del. Canal co. Loan, 1388. - 65,880 00 . 40,000 North Penna. Railroad co. 80'042, - 1884 87,030 00 3,390 North Penn. Railroad co. scrip 2,083 20 20,000 Penna. Railroad co's. Bonds, First Mortgage, -1880. • ' 20,000 00 23,000_Cincinnatl City . Bonds 21,850 00 20,000 Schuylkill Nay. co's. Loan, 1882.... 17,000 00 15,000 Dcl. Div. Canal co's. Loan, 1873..... 14,550 00 10,000:D.M. Railroad co's. Mortgage Loan, • • (guaranteed,) . . 10,000 00 5,000 Tinton Canal co's. Mort. Loan, 1883.. 1,250 00 lirocKs. 218 Shares Phila., Wilmingtbn anti BMI.I - rime Railroad company • 200 Shares Phila. GermantoWrrand Nor ristown Railroad company....... 100 Shares PhiladelPhia 8ank...... 100 Shares Lehigh Coal and Nay. c 0... 63 Shares Lehigh Coal and Navigation ' company ; (Conditional Scrip) 63 Shares Ger. and Perkiomen Turnpike company 1,575 00 35 Shares Chesapeake and Del. Canal co. 2,450 00 59 Shares Schuylkill Navigation com pany, preferred, 1882 100 Shares North Penn. Railroad co Sundry Steam Navigation and other Stocks, worth MISCELLANEOUS. Cash in Bank Notes Receivable. __ ____ Policies, the Premiums of which are unsettled, and debts due, (all good) 95,744 89 Real Estate, Office of the Meopany,.No; 232 _ Walnut street 22,000 00 • By order of the Board, ARTHUR G. COFFIN, President. CHARLES PLAIT, Secretary. INCORPORATED 1794. CHARTER PERPETUAL, Marine, 'Fire and Inland Transportation In- fitlillikee DIRECTORS. - . S. Morris WM; John. Mason, George L Harrison, Francis R. Cope, 'Edward H. Trotter, 'Edward S. Clarke, William Cummings, ' T. Charlton Henry. Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose White, Richard It Wood, William Welsh, William E. Bowen, James N. Dickson, • ARTHEIRG. COFFIN,' President CRADLES PLATT, Secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLER, Central Agent for 'Pennsylvania. Otte Wahtnt near Second, Harrisburg, Pa fablil4&w3m MISCELLANEOUS. DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber, residing six miles above Harrisburg, on the Susquehanna river, oilers at private sale the following desirable property, all of which is. con venient to both the Canal and Railroad, and one of the 'best markets in the Sate, the City of Harrisburg: No. 1. A TAVERN STAND, with four Rama of land, more or less, on which is erected a substantial Stone and Plastered HOUSE, containing eleven rooms; a large Stone Stable, capable of holding 20 horses ; Carriage House, Smoke House, and one of the ben Springs In the country, Spring House, and other necessary out buildings. No. S. - A TRACT containing 14 acres, more or lesi, on which is erected a Grist Mill, Store House, four Dwelling Houses, with out-buildings. The Grist Mill Is in good run. ning order, with plenty of custom work, good water power, and a flne harbor for timber. The Canal and Rail rciad nass through this property. ;No. 3. A TRACT OF LAND containing 150 acres, more or less, part tillable, the balance timber, on which Is erected two Dwelling HOLMFGI with Stables, the trame of a Saw Mill, a head and fall of 213 L fed, - within 400 yards of Canal and Railread. This isesplendid location for a forge, furnace, er factory. No. 4.. ATRACT containing 10 acres, with HOUSE and Stable, (the Railroad and Canal pass through,) on which is a 'good Stens Quarry; a large quantity of brick clay, a good seat for an anthracite furnats3,- or steam Saw Mill:: No. 5. A TRACT containing .45k, acres or Woodland,, a large quantity or which it chettnut rail timber, oak., , hick ory, Sm., on which there is about four acres cleared, with HOUSE and Stable thereon.. The tract is k mile-from Canal and Railroad. The elves property will be sold on tersas to suit pur chasers. It can be seen by ailing:oil :the subscriber, on tho property; or any laroliitatiOn` 'dad given by ad dressing JOHN C. WALLISTER, Stwquetuunia,,P. 0., 4)allPhin county, Penn's. allar" .&vi and : K alnabie mui2-tf INSCrI 4 II.BLE.. CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any Invention now before the public, It has been thoroughly tested during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to.be . . . . Applicable to sal useful Arta. SUPBRIOR TO ANY I.esiee Preparation!-known. Hu:roues INSOLUBLE CSIMINT Is a now thing, .and` the iesult of years-of udy; its combination is on = 80 - 1411 W And under -no circumstances or change of Unnporature, will 'it be come corrupt or omit any offensive smell. knew thing. Ila - Oopt,ination soor AND mos Manufacturerai,.usini, Machines, Will find II • the -best article known •as Cementing for the Charm* it works without delay,- is not affected by any change of temparatore. Boot Ana ghat Iran ufacturets. . . . . .M.L Will find it mgll WE ciently MßS • adhadve foe - their use,.sts.,has•Wqproved. . • pmelera It is ZWedialf AadlAilA And we clann as en_esPecha(u= that It sticki Patches to Boots Shoes suffloteutly strong without FamilloL LIQUID 0 EMENI t that)ise l a u r g e thki* rdr mand cuniturs urocicery, • 1— .11one, " • • • d articles of Household use ' • REHEMBER thonner Ta in a liquid fonn.aud• asesidly op "PITO as Out& Hiwrioris hisounnar Czniarr Is insoluble in water or oil Halton's - INSOLUSIX Cznearr Adheres oily substances. It is a liquid. MI Remember Supplied in Family or Miumilie ,threesleolinges from 2 ounces co 100 Finis. = Agepis lh Ph jelfkily' ' Dr. R. A. MARTIN ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of JLgt Harrisburg and vicinity that he has removed his Dinar from the Union Buildings to his . fesidence in Third street, three doors below Pine, where he will be happy to nreive the calls of his old patients and those of the com- Mindy who may desire his prefesaional serVices. Ist, 11361.412rir prING,WEDDING, INVITATION, A/ 7 72.., D AT HOME CARDS.:—By a special arrangement With ono of the beat Migraverii in the- country,-611.Pi11,' of maxdescription will biexecated in the , highest style. of con f oraul me; with the Jaen tuition,- and , supplied iiremptly, sallower prices than'are charged by the station els in New York or rhiladelphia. For samples and prices atll at • ' • ' • cIIERGNEit'S BOOK won. A NCYFIEEIE lot or "cbbioe Catawba' Grapas_ tbr salsAt • • Dual -;" JOHN if/MS'N i . ? 3; BRANT'S HAIL BRANT'S HALL. . . CROWDS TURNED FROM Tag BOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADIILSSiON. The Great Protean Actress and Cantatrice MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM. MISS FANNY DENHAM HIDDEN HAND. HIDDEN HAND. HIDDEN •11AND. HIDDEN HAND. HIDDEN HAND. HIDDEN TT A ND. .Ttio - whole company in thehilL Swim Seats and Come llarly. For particulars see small bills. 31,000 00 10,004 00 10,000 00 • 10,000 00 .. 6,000 00 3,024 00 1,770'00. 2,00000 1,718 00 SANFORD AND_ TROUPE. Orchestra Scats can be procured in advance at Bann vart's Drug Store. • Doors open at 6X. Commence to 8. Police always in attendance to preserve order. - Admittance 25 cents. Orchestra chairs, SO cents. Private boxes, entire, $5 each; single seats, $1 each. jan2l-dst 85,287 10 246,171 31 $1,556,603 60 HITCHCOCKN NEW NATIONAL HAL IL, CORNER OP SECOND AND SOUTH STREETS. CAPITAL $500,000 -Diuleqnr• HILTON'S It i 9 the only HILTON BROW, & CO., Prcipr' letors, Providence, R L LAJNO . & ItEAGINI4I% - 1,71 - 1 ---i f - R .9- * 4 —Divorl and StAriliarel, of r_ the best leading yarieti and..ofsiegie. rite,growth, can beturnishont &Tar prices attfielieysteue Nursery. J. MISS ;a ; .1 Is: (1 AMUSEMENTS. iIiTENTY-SAVOND NICHT OP THE GRAND ST.AF. Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company. SANFORD'S RAM,. THIRD STREET, BELOW BARRET STREET, REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 13 FUN FOR THE MILLION ! AMATEUR IN A F IX THE HIGHWAYMEN. 014 F . JOSH. OPEN TEES EVENING SINGING, DANCING, NEGRO MINSTREL-ty, Concluding, this evening, with the Laughable Pantomime 17014 inrcrwi pc K THE CLOWN CANTERBURY MUSIC HALL WA_LNIIir ST., BELOW THIRD. J. BUDD. OPEN EVERY EVENING, With or First-class Company of SINGERS, DANCERS, COMFIMANS, A 1...., ,tc. Admission. ........ 15 cents. gears in Boxes. ... . ... . .. . .. ............ JULIUS ROSEN DALE, 29 0P T ICIA.ioi , BEGS to inform the inhabitants of Harris burg and vicinity that ho has removed to No. 29 North Second street, two doors from Walnut. Thankful for the confidence and patronage bestowed on me doing my stay on Market Square, I hope to merit a continuance of the same at ry new stand. PARTICULAR ATTENTION b; called to Pito CELEBRATED TINTED PARABOLE SPECTACLES for which I claim the undermention-d advantages: Ist. That from the peculiar construction of the they assist and presen - c the sight, model*: fr-quent change quite unnecessary. 2d. That they confer a brilliancy and disliuctno..= -f aion, with an amount of ease and comfort not hitherto to joyed by spectacle wearers. 3d. That the material from which the Lensea are ground is manufactured specially for optical purposes, rout is PURI; HARD I,VD BRJLLW.T, alld 110 t liable to berouto scratched. 4th. That the frames In which they are set, whether in gold, silver or steel, are or thu finest quality au t and OUARANTEED PERFECT in every respect. 6th. That, from their peculiar color, they prevent a .at. perauity of light abaft% the. 'retina, and ther,l , l , strengthining the optic nerve and rendering it lima Arnaurosis. _ Constantly on band, a largo assortment of Arbreiiiiitic Microscopes, Spy Glasses, Opera, Marine and Field es; Stereoscopes and Views, Magic Linteivis, Baritueinira Thermometers, Magnets, &c., Remember that Rosendale's Institute will be permalwat at N 0.29 North Sebmid street, See doors from 111.• ilm ler House. ap: d.. 0 ;an SALE OF CONDEMNED HORSES AND MULES OFFICE AssisTas - r QUARIERMASIVR, HARRISBURO, PM. V.%., April 4, 16'64 ) WILL BE. SOLD, at Public Auction, ;:t. Government Corral, near Union Depo,it, county, Penn'a., on Thursday, April 14, Iso4, at 10 dei„ek, A. 114, 130 HORSES AND ONE MULE These animals have been condemned as being unfit fir Government service; but for farmand road purposes, goo bargains can be had. Horses to he sold singly; sale to COUtilltii, a!1 aro sold. ONE ONE-HORSE W.A.cON. Terms cast, In Government fonds. E. C. RF.ICIIENBACIT, Copt and Assistant Quartermaster. CIE STEEL ENGRAVING • • of The Most Rev. J. HIT . G.RES, FIRST ARMED/SHOP OF NEW YORK. Mm fo o r st ßale e a rellent engrav i n N iti }l na of ap2-1m 93 Market street, Sole Ageut. PIANOS. . • ALBRECHT, BERES & SCHMIDT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. SOLE. AGENCY AT W. KNOCHE'S, 83 Miutet Street., Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectly satisfactory to MYSELF - 1 have taken the agency of the above most excellent - Pianos. The public Is invited to come and ex , amine for themselves. A few Schomacker & Co's Pianos on hand yet will be sold low. mar... 541 NO. 4 JONES' ROW. InsT/YARSIGIDED respectfully informs the public that he has purchased the HAT AND CAP STORE Late the property of T. J. BURNETT, deceased, and that he will continue the business at the old stand, where ha will constantly keep on hand a general assortment of ;HATS, CA-PS &c., OF THE LATEST STYLES, Which will be sold at reasonable rates. A liberal share of patronage is respcctfolly solicited mar-d2m H. IL LONG. CANVAS. :GIGS - Awnings or Wagon covers, of the best quality, at one-half the price can be purcha-ed anywhere. Apply to FRANKLIN REILLY, Ketker's Rwharedrew"saanipl6mreca' corner tie see r of a Second and Marker:4r better CHERRY TREES can be lowa - ti NO to the country dam the bn.ck now cu. band at.-the li;eyaume NurserY .- The adiectiou embraces about Forty of the best vari eties of different colors mid from the eartet td lat ISt. apl JACX I B 141,41 SPERM CAisIDLES, fast qui - tiny. all sizes. SHISLER. lEN .4 ERAZ • (successms t 0 'Wm: -Boar: jr.; tit'eo.) sept 24 EMI Sole Lomte, 29
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers