flailp Ettegrao EM ---- iiAIZRISBURG, PA TrDILIT EVENING, DLIRCII 29, 1864. - oT:c . E. TO ADVERTISERS.—AII Adver kcatelds, Business Notices, AlarriageS, odis, arc., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAM - I, must invariably be amain- WWII the BASIL Advertisements ordered in the regular Evening Edition are inserted in the Horn- Jug Edition without extra charge. CITY ITEMS TARE NOTICE. —Committees and persons who have in charge the filling of quotas for sub-districts can obtain the most reliable as sistance, at moderate rates, at the law office EUGENE SNYDER, Near the Provost Marshal's Office, inarl7-2w Harrisburg, Pa. THE celebrated crystal spectacles properly adjnsteil to the eye ; microscopes from 100 to 700 diameter ; tower telescopes, field glasses, defining air object from one to ten miles, and all kinds of optical, mathematical and philo sephicrd instruments at Itosendale's Optical Institute, 8 Market Square. Artificial eyes inserted. Send for a circular! janBdtf TOWN AND COUNTRY To City Subscribers. City subscribers who intend to change their place of residence this sPring, are requested to leave notice of the same at this office, pre vious to moving, in order that their papers may be sent to their proper places. By giving ihiF: notice the proper attention . , confusion may be avoided. mar2B-1w Sra advertisement of Ensminger & Adams' large sale of furniture to-morrow. N. fl.—Persons wishing to dispose of any :Irtieles of furniture or other goods, will do well to call at their establishment, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, where the high est cash prices will be paid for nil kinds of it ticks, by ENSHINGER & ADAMS, City Auctioneers. SALE or Housrazo.tx Funxrrung.—Will be sold at public sale, at the residence.: of the Rev. Mr. Shoemaker, on North street near Third, on Wednesday 30th, (to-morrow,) his entire household and kitchen furniture, which is all in good condition. As he is going to the West, all offdred will be sold without serve. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. • DANIEL BARR, Auctioneer. Ti r ANTED. —A gentleman and wife desire, boarding in a private family, where there are no other boarders. A house kept by a widow lady preferred. Apply at TIfTS OFFICE. • mar24-dlw• GONE TO ANNILPOLIS. =Col. Sipe's- regiment the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry. , A"SECOND NATIONAL BAN - s"has commenced operations in Mechanicsburg. Business must be brisk - up there ! rurx-i next will be "All F.ols' :Day.'' Look out fora "sell.", The time-honored custom of moving will be duly celehiatect =CZ Belzer. &TAMS are dull. But four cases were before Alderman Kline this morning, viz: John Wolf, Samuel McKinney, Thomas Henson and Allen Stevenson: Tits 102 d Pennsylvania regiment, some of We officers and members of which so com pletely disgraced themselves here yeSterday, belongs to Pittsburg. ====l :Num:mous—The little visitors known as "shad-flies." They can be seen in all parts of the city, but Front street is infested by thorn. =:ilso Oun mountain friends appear to enjoy Mid winter weather. To the north of us Can be seen immense snow banks, while here there is not a remnant of the white mantle that was spread out over our city on Friday afternoon. I=l PareAumoNs are being mado for the erec!. tion of a very large number of buildings in this city. The spirit of improvement has siezed upon our people, and we anticipate a very busy season among ourTmeehanies; Wr. invite attention to the card of McFad den & Co.', whose ana:vle yard is -located at the corner of Walnut and Fifth streets. All work entrusted to their care will/be promptly attended to. Give the firm a eall-4they gazu•- antee Satisfaction. A. P. Zar.mx.nlutv, of NO. 52 Mark.et street, announces through our columns that he • has OD hand a fine assortment of clocks, watches, jewelry, of the very best quality, all •of which will bo sold at low rates. We would advise the public to call at the store and ex amine thb goods. See advertisement. 1=2:22 iIuiRTSBURG Aramin.---Rey. John Walker Jackson, of the Locust Street kf. E. Church, is announced to lecture in York, some night this week, for the benefit of the "Union Literary Association." Rev. Chas. A Ray, D. D., is announced to preach in the Lutheran Church in Clianabersburg, on Sun day nest. Go3.7l.—The men, Jones and Robertson, whose arrest as suspicious cbaractbr# we chronicled yesterday, were released on Condi tion that they would leave the city, whey were subsequently placed on board en east w -bound train, and are doubtless ere this on he look-out for an opportunity to rob the the soldiers elsewhere. VrmanaTowm---We are informed that there will be a general.revival of business in„ , Mid dletown, with the opening of spring: ...The lumber dealers are already receiving a large supply of stock, while merchants and trades men anticipate a lively time-- • On Sunday last Rev: D:' - .21c : Laveity ad ministered the rite of baptism, by immersion, to two persons, in the presence'a a thousand or more spectators. In the everting - tlic.Rev. gentlerimu preached his farewell peinlbb to a Tin large cougregation, in the Bethel. -:I'-' LEE, No. 69 Market street, has just finished several magnificent Can's, which were gotten up expressly ft;!r, presentation in this city. One of these Canes is to be sent to a neigh boring city. This reminds us that Lee is almost daily receiving orders for this kind of work, for different portions of the State, a fact which speaks well for his reputation . as master mechanic. addition to the finish ing and manufacture of Canes, Lee contin ues to deal largely in TJmbrellas, &c. His stock of goods is certainly worth inspection. PASSED TEEOI7IIB. —About five hundred rebel 'prisoners passed through this city yes terday morning, from Camp Chase, Ohio, in charge of a guard of one hundred and twenty men. The difference in the appearance of the prisoners from those taken through here a few days ago, - was owing to the fact that these were officers and the others privates. Among the prisoners, yesterday,: were two brigadier generals, several colonels fend quite a number of captains. Their uniforms were invariably of a gray color. The prisoners were on their way to Fort Delaware, doubtless to be soon removed to Fortress Monroe for exchange. I==:2l Y. M. C. A.—We would invite all who wish to know what the Young Men's Christian As sociation of this city has been doing during the year, to attend"the meeting to be held in the First English Lutheran Church on Fourth street, this evening at 7i .o'clock. It being the eighth anniversary of the asso ciation, the annual report will be read by RE.v. W. C. Cattell, the retiring President, whose old friends should not fail to be on hand. An address will also be delivered by Rev. F. W. Conrad from Lancaster, which alone will be a treat. All, arei.n.vitedlo . attend ===l SHAMZFITL BEHAVIOR OF A COLON - EL Cla:mpiti.—Yesterday,afternon, the Colonel of the, lii2l regintent; littli&eci of, hiekia;ptetinq, committed a moat outrageous assault upon Detective Officer Franklin, of the Provost Marshal's Office. It appears that while this regiment was in the act of leaving the depot, officer Franklin discovered certain deserters in one of the cars, and endeavored to seize and secure them.' 73 tie effort he ivatitfoughly repulsed by a Captain, and when he (Franklin) sought the interference of the Colonel, that officer drew his sword and ordered his men to attack Detective Franklin.: In the melee offi cer Franklin lost his revolver, was alscr con siderably bruised, and had the mortification of seeing the deserters escape. We under stand that charges have been preferred against the Colonel and Captain ,in question, and we earnestly trust that both will be made stern examples of, if not dismissed in . disgrace from the,service. -L-This act . of outrage is only, another evi dence of the insufficiencyrandirisecurity with which tho affairs at this Post are administered by the officer in command. Had ";proper guards been detailed at the depot, the outrage on Officer Praniclin would not have occurred, nor the deserters thus shielded escaped. And yet theralano hope in complaining, as Burn - fordis a fixture. - • INTERESTING CEREMONY IN THE PRESENTA.- Tim oa ,s,Peivosio.—Lteu.t,. Tolin Harper, of Co. B, Fourth Pennsylvania Cavalry, being on forloughwith the veteran volanteers, one of his personarMenda in this city,' deemed it a favorable opportunity to testify his high re gard for him as a man and a soldier. For several years before Lieut. B. entered the service, he had been in the employ of • Mr, Alexander. Koser, ,ci„V this city; ,by : whom he was greatly esteemed, alike'for his"fidelitY and industry, as for his intelligence and honesty. Last evening Mr. K. had assembled at his residence, a select few of his personal friends, with the friends and acquaintances of Lieut. H., for. the purpose of witnessing,the presen tation of a splendid-cavalry sword by the for mer to the latter. Mr. Koser presented the sword in person. In doing so, he said in . substance: I am the last man in the world to attempt to make a speech, because I dislike talk; but I cannot present you with this sword without saying a few 'words. While you were in my employ,.you were a faithful man, always ready for service, and ever prompt in obedience to orders. If you conduct yourself in the army as you did while in my employment you can noto-fail to succeed—atleaat "yaw cannot fail to make a good soldier. That you have dis charged your duty as a soldier, many have testified to me; and when I heard that you were thus true to your duty, the old flag and the country,. it made my heart. glad. I have now sai.las much as I intended to Say. Take this sword. I give it to you .in pure friend ship, because I know that you have earned it honorably, and that you will . carry it with honor in the defence of the Union and the Government. On receiving the sword, Lieut. Harper said he was no speech maker; but such a present from one whom he had always respected, de mended at least a few words. If God spared his life, some of those who were now in arms against the Government, would feel the keen, edge of his sword, • and every time he carved a rebel's hide, he would tliink.,of his loyal and true friend, Alexander Soser. Lieut. Harper then gratefully alluded to the kindness with which Mr. Boger had ever treated him. If he -was tine 'to his em ployer, it was because that employer had always been true„ to him. He: acted on the same principle to his government. He was true to that - because it wastrue to him. Lieut.. H. againthanked his forraer employer andpre sent true friend for the sword, - concluding his remarks with an avowal that he would never draw it in any. 'dense' bit that of justice and his country. Altogether, however private, the whole af fair was one of the most interesting cere monies we' have witnessed for many days. Besides being a tribute to a brave soldier, it was one of timse rare instances of genuine fraternity and friendship between an employer and his erriployee, which does not often illu minate the dark and dreary paths of labor, and as such we commend it to the consider ation of both these classes of our citizens. Lieut Harper went from this city as a private. We might write that he had no friends in the army, and as he rose from one position to another, he had only his own high purpose of rectitude to thank. His commis sion as a Lieutenant was won by service which few would have accepted and less have per formed. And we have every reason to be lieve) that he will rise still higher, as he finds opportunity to distliguish BaurJA.wr Success !—The first api.,..:alart,; of Miss Rate Denin and Mr. Sam. E. Ryan was witnessed by a very large and appreciative audience, who speak in the h*hest terriis .of praise of these favOrite perforthers. The Lady of Lyons was rendered in a manner that was unexceptionable. The various characters in the play were sustained in the 4 very excellent style for which Rouse's Star Troupe has be come noted. The Limerick Boy was eqiially well rendered, and provoked' a laugh from "those who never laughed-befOre." • For to-night a capital bill is presented, coi?- . sisting of the great thrilling drama, entitled The Foundling of Paris, with the following splendid cast of characters: Madeleine, (wife of Bertram,) Miss Kate Denin; Remy, (jour neyman carpenter,) Mr. S. E. Ryan; Bertram, (also a journeyman carpenter,) Mr. J. W. Jennings; . Henri De Bassieies, (a young no-. ble,) Mr. J. F. Crossen; Appiani, Mr, W. Hardie; Pierre, (a young peasant,) Mr. W. A. Rouse; Doct. Berthele, (keeper of a private lunatic asylum,) Mr. C. F. Hall; Gillaume, (a servant,) Mr. W. H. Smythe; Keeper, Mr. W. H. Murray; Adelaide, - (Countess of Bassieres,) Miss A. Wilford; Catharine, (Grandmother to Pdadaline,) -Mrs. Aglon; Margarite, (friend of Madaline,) Mrs. 3. W. Jennings; Madalaine's Child, little Fanny Rouse; to be followed by the Irish comedy, entitled Irish Assurance, in which Mr. Ryan will appear as .Pat, and Miss Fanny Denham_ as Nancy. Gp to=night. There is a rich treat in store for-those who at tend. Tux great play, yelept ye Mother Goose, of ancient renown, is now thelattraction at San ford's Opera House. For a scenic exhibition this exceeds anything yet ever produced• in this city, and the perforinance of pantomime is comparable with the Ravels. Sanford as Clown is all that can be expected, while his daughter Julia, appears as Coltunbine, pro ducing the best danees we have ever wit nessed, together with the Harlequin and Pan taloon. You may enjoy a feast rarely wit nessigl. It will , be performed every evening this week, also on Saturday afternoon, entirely for ladies and children. No gentleman admit ted unless the head of a family. The history of Mother Goose is published by Mr. Sanford, and will be 'distributed among the audience on this occasion. • •-t- ATTEXPTEE ESCAPE OF A DESERTER—He i 8 Killed by the Guard.—About noon to-day, a soldier named James Murphy, of the 184th Penna. regiment,. was sent under guard to Camp Curtin. On the road to Camp, Murphy attacked the guard; knocked him down, threw away lis'gun, and then attempted to escape. By the timele had run a distance of seventy five yards, the guard recovered his gun, and fired on Murphy, the` ball taking effect in ,the head, and killing him instantly. The guard was a member ofGapt. GoilTn's company, (Patapsco Guards,) and in. shooting Murphy, was but discharging' his Auty. !plus has a " bounty-jumper" been broughtto a sudden end. His fate • should be a waning to, the hundreds.who have enlisted for, the purpose of swindling the Government. TICE EISMIG TELEORSPIL —This lively and sterling Union paper, published at ,-Har ri`sburg Pd.—the Capital of the State=lias changed its name to "The Pennsylvania Tele graph," and has made ;a .atill more import ant improvement by coming out in an entirely new dress of very handsome type. The Tele graph has also raised its price, - from that of six cents a week to eight cents a :week! How a a paper can be published these times, daily, at eight cents a week, is beyond our imagina tion. The people of Harrisburg ought to be ashamed -to, compld a nines" to do such a thing! Why, the white paper on which it is printed costa - more - tharc that here, • Will the, publisher of the Telegraph please tell us what he - pays per lb. for his paper, and where he gets itP—also what he pays for composition? The ;Telegraph ought to be twelve and a half cents, at least. —Daily (Indianapolis) Evening. Gtizette. , Nom—The proprietor. pays 18 cents cash for hie paper, And pays the higheq, wages to all liis wOrkruen, cash every Saturday. Any more questions, friend. Gazette? =I FEW/TUBE CAR TO Hum—Persons about moving, or having any kind of ; hauling to do, can be accommodated by, calling on John Davis, Liberty street, near Second. -Wx learn that Capt. ,'Ff. Chrilzman, has been authorized (by an orderfiasued from the headquarters of the DePartmont of the Sus ,.quehana,) to raise a ecimpany for the First Battalion, Penn. Vols. ThiS Battalion is in tended to do provost duty in the department. The Battalion has been composed of six companies, but will now be increased to ten, or a full regiment. The term of service will be three years,. or during the war. t Per sons desirous of joming ,this organization will receive all the Government Bounties offered. Application should be made to Capt. C. tit the .Provost Marshal's office in this city, , 3t* SPRING.—The indication of Spring is fruit-. ful to-day with promise. The innocent little songster, the blue bird, has come again to greetys. front red lartmst, with his cheerfcil song,' fiporting fre tree to tree, - and vegetal in a few dayS will expreas gladness in flowers and beauty. The cheap Dry Goods Store of 0. L. Bowman, No. 1, corner of Front and Market streets, is also receiving daily new Spring goods. • . SPECIAL NOTICES. Hoop Skirts ! Hoop Skirts! The Cheapest Hoop Skirts ins Harrisburg. A splendid skirtfor 75 eta k A much better skirt for $l. Caficos; a fine assortment for spring, trench gingbams, branchester ginghams. Bleached and unbleached muslin from New York Auc tion, ' .1,000 yards plaid silks at $l, worth $1 55 200 yards -plain brown silk at $1 37, wok"). $1 15 - 200 yards blank silk at $l, Black silk stall prices. A very large assortment of new dress goods. 600 dozen of stockings and socks, all prices. • The best stockings in the city at 25 cents. • Ofissimeres for men and boys' wear: Cloaks for spring. Wishing to reduce our stock, which is very large now we will offer great inducements to buyers. LiO_ • Coughs and Colds. The sadden Changes of our climate are sources.of PEIL 3IONLIIT BRONCHIAL and Awranstro Avpsortoss.' ExPe. rience having proved that simple remedies often act speedily when taken in the early stages of the disease, re- course should at once be 'had to ;Brown's Bronchia/ Troches" or Lozenges, let the Cold, Cough or Irritation -pi' ;the Throat be ever so slight, as by this promotion a more serious stark may be effectually warded' off Pe mo SERA/SEES and SINGERS will And them effectual for clearing .and strengthening the. voice. Soldiers should have them, as they can be carried in the Pocket and taken OS (Kaden requires.ip.o9-damlm AMUSEMENTS. BRANT'S HALL. BRANT'S HALL. ' , 11;i1 ; -. 47 4:11rT4'214 FIFTrIVIN'TH ISIGHT .OF TEM GRAND STAR Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic Company, Combination Dramatic ,Company, CROWDS TURNED FROM THE DOORS UNABLE TO GAIN ADMISSION SECOND NIGHT of the engagement, prior to their departure for Europe, of the Popular Stage Actress MISS KATE DENIS, MISS KATE DENIM, MISS KATE DENIM, The Gifted Ch4of th'e Tragic anise; and of NB: S, E. RYAN, ,•': NIL S. E. RYAN, MR. S. E. 'RYAN, :41 . R. S. B. RYAN, AMR. S.R. RYAN NR. 13. RY AN The Popular Comedian and.Dialectiaan, who will appear this evening in two excellent pi6c6s: The very beautiful' and tingling Drama, from' the French, entitled the FOUNDLING. OF PARIS, FOUNDLING OF PARIS, FOUNDLING OF PARIS, And the popular Irish Comedy, palled ' Irish Assurance and Yankee Modesty. Irish Assurance and. Yankee Modesty, Irish. Assurance and: Yankee Modesty, The whole company in the Secure Seats and Come r4rIY• For particulars see small bills. HITCHCOCK'S NE-W NATIONAL }TALL, (CORNER OF SECOND AND SOUTH STREETS.) First appertra4ee of the popular Negro Delineators, , Messrs. comitgu. and PETTIT. Second appearance'of thelleautfut Danseuse, , . F . . HITCHCOCK respectfully announcesMto the public and citizens of Etarrishurg; that tito above new'and elegant &co of amusement ts'Opet4eA - ery evening ; haring been lined `up.in the 'most costly Style, with all the modern impiovinnenti..' , ..r..Aleo • NEW. AND SPLENDID- SCENERY, The entertainment wall bo thsLelam, and tante but the best performers will be engaged. The performances this evening will comprise GEMS OF, NEGRO MINSTRELSY, BLEGREZDANCING, COMIC SINGING, BURLESQUE AND FARCE, The whole, to conclude with the laughable Pantomime of VOL-AU-VENT, OR THE JOLLY MILLER,, in ivhiah - W. lIITCMICOCIE. will appet.r in his celebrated character of the CLOWN, jutroducing new and splendid scenery, new acts, ap pointments and costumes. . Admission 25 cents Orchestra Seals 50 " • Private Boxes $5 00 Beats in " 100 • The performance will commence at 8 o'clock precisely. mar2s SANFORD'S HALL. THIRD STREET, BELOW HIRRHT REA.Bi OF HERR'S HOTEL. 'TUESDAY EVENING-, MARCH 2.9, And every Evening until Further 'Notice FUN FOR THE MILLION I• First Night of. the Magnificent Fairy Spectacle, e ErimED MOMEIF4II , G-00SE With entirely newsconery, tricks, magic transformations ' • • ' tho iti:lta - 61 - IN' A_ MUSIC. ltfr..Panford has spared neither piing nor expense in getting up this Pantomime in the utmost style of splen . Previous to tho Pantomime THE OPERA D'AFRIQUE as model estamishrnont, is -the leueral theme of adjairqion. liusiqal caittes are- iti,trizies with Ote7voctifpowiro portion of tlfie CrittAt g r f Alt I. I II,OUP_E. ,- i • . First appearyjtefof : Miss JULIA SANINSRiIt.I r , Cone4ll4 :with the • ItIOTIEER .GOOSE Y. Arranged ana itodueect by S. S.: SANFORD. Old Mother Geese ' . J Williams ANNSITE, in love with Cohn, (her first ' appearance in two years Miss JULIA k SANTORO Cohn . ' C . Villiers Squire Bugle . . ' Sanford .. . Avero • Myers . . Beadle Hall GOOSE Little Willie Other Cbaracters by tbe Company SI'NoPSIS. Opening ehoru3: arrest of Mother Goose and her. Goosoy Gander; take her to the peeking Pond; Squire Bugle; St. do—Mother Goose the grasshopper chir rups; Gotta and Annette with the Golden Egg. GRAINTD CHANGE BY MOTHER GOOSE. C011n,t0... / • Harlequin Squire Bugle to Clown Annette to ''' ' Columbine Acerb to Pantaloon NOW THE FUN COMMENCES! MISS. : L : SANFOR D JULIA will dance THE ORIGINAL SPIDER DANCE. ~ ''' SCENE LAST. Grand Allegorical Display of Revolving Gems THE JEWELLED CAVE OF BEAUTY. *0.4010 Stage in revolving.motion, surcovmdql by Red Gioan and Blue Fires. , #l,This scene alone is produced at a cost of Two Hutidred-lkdlars. The inecluutical effects *era made at We' Eagle Works in this city, itader the salwiptendence okjifr. qeuropt...- The. leauiewscene .41:predticed:- in the Seven - Sistere teLtaila Keenaii4'heaw -York. sAlinwoxtp-luttirritotrpu. Orchestra ,Seats can be procured in advance at Bawl. vart's Drug Store,, Doors open at fiK. Commence'M to B. „.`", • Police alwais in attendance to preserve order. t Admittance 25 cents. ' OrChestra chairs, 50 cents. Privaterboxea'entire, $5 each; single seats, 81 each. Jai:l.2l4M CANTERBURY MUSIC -HALL. WA_LIIIIT .§T., BELOW TH:ERp: OPEN EVERY EVENING, With a Yi.,rst.:class Company of SINGERS, DWERS, as Admission.: . ....... . . ................... ... .. lb cents. Seats in Boxes NA . TIPE FINE BLACKBERRY and ELDERBERRY WM.-- Warranted pure. For sale at SEISLER & FRAZAR, (successors to W. Dock, jr., as Co.) lan2s JAVA,Jamaica andliaguyra Coffee at REIMER & FRAZER, (successors to W. Dock. Jr., & Co.) i 1023 EW 800 K S. - --THE SHOULDER DAYS OF SHODDY Just received at [delBl SCHEME'S BOOKWORK LEA. & PERINE'SWARCESTER AUCES, the most popular and the purest ever offered to the public, just received and for.sale by febl . . , SRISLER & FRAZER, . . ' ' ' ' ' (successors' to Wm. Dock, jr., & Co.) BENCH BR&NS-LA rare article,-gust re- Celyed at DocFR febB - (successors to Wm. ; n,, & Co.) MISS 'KATE DEN MISS KATE DENIM' MISS KATE DENIN, KUNKEL'S BITTER WINE' OF IRON. APURE, and powerful tONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderful efficac y In dive •' of tho STOMACH, LIVER and BOWELS. Cures Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Headache, General Debility, Nervousness, De. preWon of Spirits, Constipation . - • Intermittent Fever, Acidity of the - Stebutch, NauserVikerthurn, DiSg . usttbr Food, Dullness or Weight in the:Stomach, Sluicing or Fluttering at the Pit or the Stomach, Switnniing of the Head, Difficult Breathing, Yellow nese or the Skin and Eyes,Tever and Dull pains in the Head, Pain in, the Side, Back, Chest and Limbs', will cure every case of Critirtic gr Nervous - Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys and Diseases arising from a disordered Stomach, Good for Male or Pomade, Old or Young. The most beneficial medicine known; gives better satis faction and cures more dicogoes than any other prepare= tion offered to the Public. Prepared solely by& A. KUM- K.HL & BRO., 118 Market street, Harrisburg. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. inn2s Coirmterfeits !ver GERA? Dzscomer I Applicable to all useful Arts A new thing. Its `Combination Boot and Shoe Man ufacturera Jewelers. ramilles. IC is a Remember. smis. Agents in flitted jell-dl? A N ASSORTMENT OF • • • OVER 100- STYLE S POCKET BOOKS, PURSES pourrmoNN - A.i.v.s FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AT KELLER'S • , Drug and Fancy Goods Store, No. 91 Market street. As best. Morocco TRAVELI-NG SATOH. ELS, And a general variety of FANCY GOODS, suitable for Presents, now on hand at KELLER'S Drug Store, marld.tf No. 911dencet street. Clothing, Camp and Garrimt- Equippage. THE following list of CondemneitClothing, Camp and Qarrisen Equippage will be sold at PubliC Auction, on Wednesday, March 30[141464, at 10 o'elock, e. or. at the Depot - of Clothing and. Equippago, at Camp Curti; near • `: • Harrisburg, Pa., Nis: 227 Painted Ponchos. • - . - ' 84 Woolen Blankets. 34 Camp Kettles 22 Shovels. 10 Spades. • 2 Bugles. 281 Hospital l3unks:6rOasion.l 222 Common Tents. • 35 Wall Tons& 23 Wall Tent Flies. 1 Sibley Tent. • Payment required in 11. S. Treasury Not. HENRY 0. hoOERs, Captain and A. Q. H. , U.S. Vols. Harrisburg, Pa., March 18, 1864. GREATLY REDUCED. The subscriber can furnish plants of the LAWTON- BLACK BERRY, large, thrifty, bearing plants, at 75 cents per dozen; per 100; CURRANTS, White and Red, bearing plants, at 20 eta. each ; • $1 75 per dozen. HOUGHTON'S SEEDLING GOOSEBERRY, bearing plants, 20 cents each; $1 75 per dozen. T. MISH Ritvffroint Emma; March 18, 1884. Evergreen Trees. NORWAY FM, SCOTCH. FIR, Balsam Fir, Silver Fir, • English. Yew and Evergreen Shrubs, Treeßos, Mahonia Aqnafolla Irish Yew' &c. as. ITAT§TOICE Nintszky, March 18, 1884: . . _ Portfolios. A LARGE ari . ol:m Et at • B OEEAP 008 STORE, raarlB Sold at Wholesale or retail at tow price& MEDICAL. BEWARE OF, Useful and= Valuable Discovery. HILTON'S. INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is of more general practical utility than any invention now before the public. It has been thoroughly tested . during the last two years by practical men, and pronounced by all to be SUPERIOR TO ANY Adhesive Preparations known. liturox's IrmoLusts thrum is a new thing, and the result of years of study; its combination is on - Scientific Principles, And under no circumstances or change of temperature, will it be come corrupt or omit any otTensive smell. BOOT AND SEWE Mtumfacturim, using Machines, will find it the best article known as Cementing for the Channels, It works without delay, is not attect by any change of temperature. JEWELERS Will Bud it sufficiently adhesive for their use, as has been proved. It is Espectcaly Adapted to Leather, And"we'claim as an aspect:ll naitrii, that it sticks Patches to BOWL, and Slices lifficiontly stating -witi2oui Stitching. It, is the only LIQUID. CEMENT . . , Extant that is a sure thing for mend ing tuna, Ciockery,_ • Teys, Bone, Ivory, And articles of Household use REMEMBER lirmos'a•lnsoLmns Canmyr Ie In a liquid form and as ,easily ap plied as paste. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE Crotarr Is insoluble in Water or oil. HILTON'S INSOLUBLE Adheres oily substances. Supplied in, Family ; ganufac urer's Packa ges from 2 ounces to 100 HILTON MOS. Proprietors, • Providence, R. I. =I LAINGIiMAGINNIB. PlUBLid SALE as CONDEMNED ALSO, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FQR SALE. iiHOUSE and LOT OF GROUND on -lierthtiecond street. Goodin:fit trees in lot - Wlll be sold cheap. ALSO, One LOT 30 feet wide, situate on Third street. ALSO, One LOT 20 feet Wide, situate on Third street. The above,are very desirable propertiel o r 4 . 1 be sold at realaStabie rates. - Inquire of Second Street, next door to Presbyterial mar2s-det PLOWS. - ALBRECHT, REBER & SC HHIBT'S EXCELSIOR PIANOS. BOLE AGENCY AT 7f RINCHES, 93 market street, Harrisburg. FOR REASONS perfectlysatisfactory to MYSELF I have taken the agencycif the above moat excellent Pianos. The public is invited to come and ex amine for themselVen - - A few on Schomacker d: Co's Pianos band yet will be w sold 10. mar2so I . I EIDQVARTERS, • DEPA/TIHH.NT ea THE SCISQHTHANSA. Crtarawasamto, PA., March St, IN& CENERtL ORDEBS,I . . Be. 20. '4 AUTHOILITYItaying been granted by the War Department, to the Commanding General or the Department of the Susquehanna, the Ist Battalion, Three Years , Pennsylvania Volunteers," (formerly Sir Bombe ' W eis,) consisting of Six - Companies -mustered into the United States Service for Three Years; or during the War, Is authorized to recruit to yen Companies of the maxi mu in stirength. • ` • Thal Battalion is pa provost duly in this Departiners, and it offers a good opportunity to these persona who hare heen in the service, and base been honorably dis charged, to - re-enter, - and to those of good cheratter who have not been In the service, to enter the slime. Only thaw known' to the Recruiting Officers, and persons au thorized to recruit, =being, reliable and trustworthy will be received, as the nature of the duty this Battalion is called upon to perform is su ch that it requires soldiers in wham the commanding officers can place confidence. - Persons taking advantage of the benefits arising from enlistments in this Battalion will' receive the 'bounties paid by the GovernMent as authorized in existing Orders • The officers must be men who bare had some erpe- Notice in the 'mititaiy service, intelligent and of good character; and only those bringing the requisite' number t of men and possessing the above qualifications Will be re= commended to the Governor of the State for ctihurda skins. Recruits and persons having squads of recruits' Will report to t..pt, Geo. Mr.. Merrick,"lst Battallen, - Three Years' Pa Vols, and Recruiting Officer for the mine, at Harrisburg, Pa. • Applications to enter thiS Battalion must be made at once, that the companies maybe tilled and organized be fore the Ist of April nest—after which date the addi Elena! Government bountleS, as now paid, will be discon tinued, and only the One Hundred Dollars bounty will be paid ; as provided by the act approied July 1861. By command of Major General COUCH: JOHN S. SHULTZE, Assistant Adjutant General. inar2s talo PAPER WAREHOUSE: FARRELL, IRVING & CO., 510 MINOR STREET, pECLADFLPIELA, PA.., MANITPACTURERS of DOUBLE STRENGTH ILA.NILLA PAPER OF ALL SIZES. ROLL WRAPPERS on hand or made-to order. Mghesi price paid. for rope in largo or small quanti ties. marl -dam For Sale. APLOT of GROUND, with a front of 65 feet on Montgomery street and fronting 125 feet On Merr street and 65 feet on Plum alli y GEO. SHOOP, corner Second and' Mulberry stArts. Hk.A Y HAULING. MOSES FLECK respectfully annoubees to the Public inert he is prepared to do all kinds or nL VY HAULING at reesonable rates. liorseanndo-arts .urnished by the day or single load. All orders Celt at the Second Want House, : corner or Chestnut and Second streets, will be promptly attended to. mar:lA-0x; FOR SALE The subscriber offers for sale the stock and fittlaris of his well known WHOLESALE LIQUOR, STORE Aldo RECTIFMG ESTABLISHMENT. He WIS SEMthe whole or part of the stock, and the entire fixtures. The busi ness has been carried on about fifteen years, and is well established. With the store is connected a Coed 'TOPPER STILL" It is situated on Canal street, between Pont:lW vania railroad and canal, an has a private siding suitable for forwarding-purposis. possession given immediately, and lease given for from one to ten years. Terms to suit purchasers, For further Indbrmillion apply on the pre mises to (mar24-aj GEO. G. KUNKF:L. Foil; SALE. IWILL sell,. at Private Sale, my FAR, M - containing 73 Acres, all In 'complete order, 6 miles east of Harrisburg, near the Jonestown road. A large quantity of Hay and Straw WM go alonrwith the Farm. Enquire on the premises. mar-4341W* • PURE COFFEE, SUGAR AND MILK. PERSONS making up boxes to send to their friends in he army, will find this an elegant article; one box making forty" cups of •criffee, eqpal to any Java coffee, and with little labor. 1; 11 .111 . a r 6 (succepsoTE: s lil Wnr: Nick, jr., &.00.) no 24 TAIL FOR SALE, BY the Barrel, Ite.g and Can, at the Ware house of the Old :Wallower Line, Chestnut street wharf. Ensar24-dl.w . ) RAN , L. A. tiItrEXCIT, Ag't. PROPOSALS For the Erection. of Fifty Dwelling Rouses. RARRISETIBG, March ii, 1864. PROPOSALS are invited for the building of ftve blocks of ten housed each, of wood or bri,l 7 , to be located on the gxounds of the Lochiel Iron Mill Co. Plans and specifications may be soca at the office of William Colder. April IProp 2th. ostds Will be received for one or more blocks until Address proposals to marll-dtapl2 WILLIAM COLDEP, Chairnum Building Committee_ Mattresses Hpring-Beds Comforts t t PALM LEAF .E.A.Ta TOP MATTI:LASSES. Palm Lear Cotton Top Nattrasses. Corn Husk Mattrassen Patent Spring, Slat Beds. Feather Pillows and Bolsters. Cotton Comforts and Spreads. Ladies' Willow Work Stands Carpet Camp Stools. Door. Rugs, Carpet Haacks. - ' - Iron Bedsteads, latest pattern, &c., &c. N R—Sofas, Lounges, Cuthionse Chairs and Natty-ass repaired. Hair and Spring Mattras a es made to order. N. 108-Markettareet, Harrisburg, Pa. mar243m Steam Saw Mill - for Sale or Rent. PAnndertignedoffers for sale a - desirable L PROPERTY, Situated' on the Susquehanna river, at Duncan's Island, fifteen miles west 'of 'Harris burg. This Property has the advantage of a Timber Market, and is accessible by canal or railway. The mif is geared in the most, improved style, with a good Morris & Co.) engine, which drives two Gate Saws, one with forty and the other with eighty feet of carriage; also, three circular saws for the manufacture of Shingles, Lath. and Picketta. The above property for sale or rent on reasonable terms. For particulars address by mail, or WI in person; on JOSEPH SMITH, Dimean'slabnd, Benvenae P.; 0., Pa. mars4lm To Railroad Contractors. PROPOSALS are invited .for the - drad na _ non, Masonry, Bridge Superstructure, . Cross-Ties and Track Laying of the PITTSBURG, AND CONNELLSVILLE RAILROAD, between Connellevills and Cumberland; Embracing a distance of about EMMY . in sections of about one mile each.. Specifications will be ready at the Company's (Ake in Pittsburg, on and after the 28th of ILS.R.CH, an•rent, and proposabs will' be re , oeired until the 10th of . APRIL ensuing. • /ABM'. IL LATROBE, President marl9-td Office P &C. R. R. Co. Pittsburg, Muth 15, 2864 FOR BALE. A PLOT of Ground, fronting on Chestnut Ail. street 52 feet 8 inches, running along Pewberry alley 210 feet to Cherry alley, with 4 frame hollaas. En. quire of umars..dti7 WIl C. lirlyLplArti. FOR SALE. ClNEnew; Wardrobe, one .Cooking Stove witb apparatus; relater Hunting Pea; L aw brary . and r ank c rw „,„ ke. Can be Went)) e„. ml 4. mar'2s .421 CA; _ APPLES! Ar.PLES !--A fine lot or. /alp, just reckwe4 ft _ SEUSLER & FRAZER, ASut.eissOk to W DlXAcirpreo.) marts mmrrk\ - BARNITZ.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers