£IJETEL IS /'',:DITSIIED J.\ - D EITNING, 8.17 E 1{ G E BERGNER , LICE TEIRD ST., NEAR MAL:VIT. iU , : OF SUBSCRIPTION Iz(RH 11.11a.1!..1`11 served to siiliscriberS is the s colas per Wetii. SUI.SCriI.r.S will ho $3 00 in advance. Those rer:sun., , who neglect to • c r. advance will be charged $0 00. . WEEICIN TElif TELniati.mi b. , also published weekly, and is furnished sebscribers at the following cash rates S:o i copies, v...rekly— • II„t , copies to coo Post (WALT T.ll copies to one Post Office.. MUSICAL. A. P. TEUPSER, TEACHER . OF MUSIC OFFICE AT WARD'S MUSIC STORE, 12 N .Third Street. - Residence: Thiid street, above North. TV[ELODEONS AND CABINET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX FIRST PRENIEUMS, TWELVE SILVER MEDALS, AND TAB ONLY GOLD 3IEDAL (ever won by instruments of this class) has been awarded to AINSON & HAMLIN'S INSTRUMENTS. A full assortment of these instruments always on hand sl W. _KNOCHE'S, Sole Agent, je4-'2lawlyi 93 Market street. HENRY C. ORTH, ITIENCFIE II, OF THE PIANO, KELODEO - $ AND VIOLIN.—Tarns reasonable 15 Third street, betu - c,eu Market and Chestnut streets. m PROFESSIONAL. ELECTRICITY. WONDERFUL- DISCOVERY AND WONDERFUL RESULTS. DITAR J. M. CREAMER would respectfully . inform the public in general and the diseased in tercrular, that he has opened an office in South Second street, below Chestnut, Harrisburg, 'Pa., where he will treat all diseases entrusted to his care,in accordance with nie system discovered and taught by Prof. C. Bones, of Philadelphia, with whose institution be has been con varied, and to whom he takes pleasure in referring the public fur informative with respect to his success- in em u-enel:: disease. No drugging the system with uncertain medical agents. Il rues performed by Magnetism,.Galvanism and other inn,lWeations of Electricity, without shocks or any nit p;ea,mt sensations. Attar an Electrical lnagnosis, , a guaraut:e will lie given, if desired by the patient For furth , r information call and get a pamphlet which con tains hundreds of certificates from medical men and oth cis prmang the superiority. of this system of practice over ail othns. Consultatien free. Mee hours 9to 12 A. M., I ta 5 and 7 to 9 r. 116. J. MILTON CREA3MR. - felill-d3taw2m- tit-th-sa DR. J. ITIT.E7S, YELL.OIV WATER _POWDE:R FOR. HORSES. TITIIII.NG a practice of many years in this 11 comwunity, DR. HITE has satisfied himself thatthis P.m der is vastly superior to any other article in use FOR THE CURE OF YELLOW WATER, iF of great service to liorses that have °iit their APPETITE AYO ARM • HIDEBOUND, FOUNDERED, nisrrE DI PERE D• • Also, that it will prevent CLAIMERS, COLIC AND THE BOTB, When faithfully used two or three times a week—invigo ndine Ilild fattening ; For improving the condition of a Horse, be =arts there is no better medicine, as it will strengthen the stomach and digestion, cleanse the Intestines of ofTens'rve oed regulate the bowels when costive, purify the blood awl promote digestion—thus the skin is kept loose, the pores ore opened and a lean, scabby Horse -becomes fat and emeety. The owdrr can be used for CALM, Sheep and Hogs with good oleo. Directions with package. PREPARED ONLY . AND SOLD AT - KELLER'S DRUO STORE, No. 91 Market street, Harrisburg. CEI GROCERIES. NEW GROCERY AND, tItOVISION STORE. BOYER Sz. Iid),ERPER , WHOLESALE RETAIL • DEALERS rn GILD CEItI.ES , Queen's and Glass Ware / AND ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE; T_TIVE just opened a large and well seleeted stoa: of goods at their stood, Market.square, ILorri3Ontrg, Po., to which they invite the attention of the puhite . FINE LI quo its. Shissier & Fra.teF, (Successors tolV Doulc, Jr., & Co.) TAELLERS IN FINE FANTLY 0-110CE JUr RIC opposite the Court House, have on handa fine seleettin BRANDIES,- of daunt, vintages. F7IEdID COMMON WINES, Of Every Description. WHISK-VS. OLD BOURBON, MONONGAHELA, FINE IHISH AND SCOTCH Vrbizkys. The best ever brought to this market. OLD WILEAT, FAMILY NECTAR And the celebrated CHESTNUT GROVE COAMPAG NE WINES. 511L033 JOTIA'N'=III3IO, SCOTCH AND :BUSH ALES. LONDON. BROWN WILD CULT.RY, PLANTATION, WIC:WAIt TONIC BITTERS. With n complete stock of ' - • ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN PICKLES And Condiments of every descriptionmoiv in the market, auti ul TOE LOWEST ItATES' JOll IV AV 1S E 1. TITLED STREET, NEAR WALNUT, 11AItRISEURG, PA., WHO' rSALE AND RETAiL DFAI ; CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., Jujube. Paste, Moss Paste, Fig Paste, Marsh Mallow Gum Drops, Cream.Choeolate Drops, Plain Candies, &C., &e. Oranges and Lemons, (Mined Fruits, Jellies, Teas and Spices, all kinds, Paper Bags, Cider Vinegar, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea. son, Vegetables in season, Raisins, Currants, oetts G RAP E VINES of all kinds, principally Concord, Delaware, Diana, hlusoadine . ..l2MlSa, - Isa bells, Catawba, Oporto, Clinton, Groveling Taylor or Sur lily. &c., &c., at Keystolle Nursery. • marts - J. MISR. ODER! CIDER! I—Two Barrels o 3 siieet !kJ and pure CIDER just received at marlB LUYER & KOERn.R. ANoTuER 114 of choice Catawba Grapes for lee at, Diutr2l JOHN .- -- - ---- . iii 4,4. /` ''-' -. C - -- - - - 81' , A, ' '\l(if If- - . 11111$Ditilitla , l''' -- : ' Tit 0 .Zrir., 1 -''-il ' . i,'.74- . • V*. l " . 1 - •;' 0 '`,, 'l..*• --' .... ' - ;,,:1 1 -rilttriDa o jll-I*.- - • --;---;:- ' sl' b 0 400 BY GEORGE BERGNER. 10'00 DR. .JOHNSON, MEI LOCK HOSPITAL, HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effectual romithes in the world for A Cure Warranted, or No Charge, in from One Weakness of the Back, Affections or the Kidneys atsd Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotency General DEP , bility, Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, Trernblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Disease of the Head, Throat, Nose or 'Skin, Affections of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or '•Bowels—those terrible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth—those secret and solitary practices more fatal to their victims than the song of Syrens to the Mariners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, &c., impossible. • Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary 'Vico, that dreadful and destructive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men of the most exalted talents* `and. brilliant intellect ; . who - might otherwise have nntranced ljstening Senates with"the thun ders of eloquence or wakeikto ectasy the living lyre, may vial with full cenfidence: Married persons, or Youog Alen contemplating marriage, being aware of physical ireakness, organic debility, defor mities, &c., speedily, tured. He who places himself under the care , of:Dr. J. may re, ligiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confi dently rely upon his skill as a Physician! mmediately cured, and full vigor restored. This distressing affection—which readers life miserable and marriage . impossible—is the penalty paid by the 'Vic tims of improper indulgence. Young persons are too apt to commitexcesseafroninot being aware of the dreadful consoquencim that :may. ensue. Now, who that under stands the subieekkvill pretend to deny that the .power •• of procreation Is lost sooner by those falling. Into improper habits thim:by the prudent. Besides being deprived the pleasures of healthy. offspring, the most serious :and de structive symptoms -to both body and mind .artse. The system becomes: deranged, the physical and mental functions weakened, loss !of procreative power, nervous irritability,-dyspepsia; palpitation of the hearti-indlgestion, constitutional, a wasting of the frame, ccugh, con sumption, decay and death. Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail net to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp.. The 'Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. . . . Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, grad uate from one of the most eminent colleges in the United State; and the greater part of whose life has been , spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing cures that were ever know•st • ' many,troubled in the head and ears when asleep, great pervousness, being alarmed. at ' sudden: sounds, bashfulnesa; witk, frequent blushhigeattended sometimes with. derangement. of mind were cured immediately. • ' • These are some of-the sadand melancholy efibets pro duced by early habits of youth, via : weakness of the back and , limbs, pains in the head, dimness of sight, leas of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner vouairritability,,symptoms of consumption, . &c. • Mincratior.--The fetuTuf effects on the 'mind' lire mush to he dreaded—ices of memory - confusion of Ideas, de pression of spins , evil forebodings, averilion , to society self .distrust, love :otsolitude, timidity,. &c. one some of Who have injured themselves by a, certain practice in dulged .in.when alone, a habit, frequently..learned .from evil companions, or at school, the -effectS. of which are nightly felt, even. when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage 0.,t0s sible, and destroys both mind and body, shouldt mediately. . • • What ~:r that a young man, the hope of his country the darling of his parents; shotthr-he snatched from all' prospects and enjoyments of life, by the consequence of deviating from the path - Ai'. nature taut indulging in a certain- secret habit, Such:persona noin , ,tifeie contem plating Reflect that a soundlinnd and body are the most necessary requisites to promote connubial bhppinees.': Indeed Mah out these, the journey thiough life becomes ,a'arearypil grimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the' 'view'; the mind becomes shadowed.with deuintir and filled with the • melencholy reflection that the happinesi of another be comes blighted with our own. When lhemisguided and imprudent votary of pleszure finds he has imbibed the seeds of this painib disease,i too often happens that an illtimed sense of shame or the dread of discovery deters him from applying :to those who from education and respectability, can alpne befriend Ilim.. tie falls into the bands of ignorant and designing pretend ers, who, incapable of curing, filch his pecuniary sub. stance,. keep-him trifling month after month; or as long as the smallest fee'can be'obtained, and' in'deanalt leave him with ruined health to sigh over hisgtaling disappointinent, or, by the use of the deadly. poison; , - Mercury, hasten the constitutionalsymptornsof thisterribledifesitife,auchasaffeo tions of the Head, 'Throat; Hese,. Skin, etc., progressing with frightful rapidity till death ' puts a period to his dreadful sufferings by sending him ro that undiseovensd country from whence no traveler returns. Citrons, • Figs, Dates, Pruues, Mmunds,Walnuts , Filberts Cream Cream Nuts, Grountt Nuts, l'otan Nut, Cocoa Nuts, CrauDerries, Hotrtiny anti Beaus, 4.:lakes and Crackers, sweet and kishßotatoes; Green,anct,Dried - Fruits, Ana .Country Prottuce .in season. . Joror WISE, BMX OfilaiNariataiitlllirrllderiollt MEDICAL. BALTIMORE DISEASES OF LK:PRUDENCE RELIEF 11 SIX TO TWELVE BOURS. NO IdEERCORY OR NOXIOUS DRIIGS. to Two Days YOUNG MEN AT A RItIAGE ORGANIC WEAKNESS':- OFtIVE NO. 7, SOUTH FREDERIOIC STREET, DX,„ JOHNSON, TAKE PARTICULAJI: NOTICE YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE, DISEASE; OF:IMPRUDENCE INDORSEMENT OP THE PRESS, The many thousands cored at this institution year after, year, and the numerous important surgical operations performed by. Dr. Johnson, witnessed by the reporters of the Sun, Cliirper, and many othervapers, notices of-which have appeared again and agaimbetbre - the pnblir y besfdes h. 14 staddingas a gentleman of charabier and wrespOnid bility . Ssil sufficient guarantee to the affLieted. • "THE UNION-NOW AND FOREVER." HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 30,..1864. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •- • - 3P. GRAPH Steam Job Printing ESTABLISIIMENT THIRD STREET, NEA_R -WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. • titAVING. recently added to our Jobbing I I Department a large amount of new type, several new fast steam presses of the most improved machinery, and other.material, lee are new, prepared to. execute at short notice, and in the moat approved style, ALL KINDS:01" MILITARTMLANKS, ' LETTER SHEET HBADINGS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, . RAILROAD BLANKS, . • POSTERS, in one or more colors, PROGRAMERS, BILLS Or LADING, PROMISSORY NOTES, • LEGAL BLANKS, AND JOB WORK OF A.LL DESCRIPTIONS, PLAIN OR ORNAMENTAL. Orders from &distance attended to promptly. merle-dawif • RECRITIME OFFICE, 11. SANTALID CORPS,' HARRIBBLIE6, Pe:, lifarch 1, 1864. THE attentionof goldiere who have been Honorably discharged the United States service, on account of disability =Veered while in the line of duty, and who may wish to enlist., in the 41. valid Corps, is re spectfully called to the followingJetter from the Provost Marshal General's Office, from which it appears that they may receive the bounty offered.by the ward, borough or town, to which they may wish to be credited: (LETTER.)_ • : WAR DEPARTMENT, PROVOST BURSIIAL GErtaRAL'S OFFICR, • BUREAU OF INVALID CORPS, WASSMOTON, February 23, 1864. The Provost Marshal General directs me to say, that men enlisted for the First Battalion Companies of the In valid Corps, in accordance with the'provision of General Orders, Nos. 105 and 212, Adjutant General's Office, 1863, and the instructions of the Provost Marshal General, (see Circulars Nos. 14 and 106, of 1863, Provost Marshal Gen eral's office,)'will be credited to the quota to be furnished under the draft, of, the ward, borough town, or city and State from which they enlist. M. N. WISNWELL, Colonel, and Assistant to the Provost Marshal General, in charge of Invalid Corps Bureau. • For the particulars relative to enlistment in that Corps, apply at the Recruiting Office, Invalid Corps, in Second street, near Pine street, Harrisburg, Pa. E. L BARNES, Ist Lieut. S. LC.; R'cting Officer. marl7-if T.., F. WATSON, MASTIC CEMENT 11A1V77FACTURER, PITTSI3ITRG-, TS PREPARED to furnish andnoat the ex terior of Buildings with the MASTIC 'CEMENT, on a hew:system. This material is entirely different from all other cements used heretofore, and is the only reliable, imperishable coating for outside work. Mixed with pro per proportions of pure Linseedi/ii it forms a solid; dura ble adhesiveness to Brick.or'Stone Walls, making a beau tiful, fine water proof surfacb and finish equal to Brown Stone or any color desireff. Among others for whom l hive applied tho lirastie Ce ment, I refer to thq following gentlemen: J. Bissell, residence, Penn street, pitisburg. • J. D. M'Cord, " ' 4 -4 ' J. IL Shoenberger residenCe, lawrdriceville. A. Hoevolor, {t James lirCandless, " Allegheny city. Calvin Adams,- " Third street, Pittsburg. James Wood, owner St. Charles Hotel, " . Barr & Moser, architects.Dispatchl3lllldinffs i John B resideboe, Front street, Harrisburg, Pa. A. J. Jones, " 4 ' , Please address T. F. WATSON, P. 0. Box 1306, Pittsburg, Pa., or, Penna. House, Harrisburg, Pa. feblS-d6m PRIVATE 'SALE. ONE of the best locations for rRON WORKS in the State _for sale, at a very reasonable price, to any purchaser who will improve it, situated with in a short distance of the city - of Harrisburg between the Pennsylvania railroad and canal, Moroi, five 'hundred feet wide, and alongside of the best limestone quarries in the State and close to a good turnpike read; also, room for waste cinders for fifty years, without paying for the land Apply to DAVID MUMMA, Jr., Attorney-at-Law, No. 24 North Second street .m , arl6-dtf. Harrisburg, Pa. [Philadelphia Press insert three times and .send , bill to this office.] "THE WORKING VARNER," A STANDARD authority in Agriculture li and Horticulture, says: "Or. E. Ware Sylvester produces a very superior Wine from his Oporto Grape. We'llaVe sent out large numbers of this - vine as premiums, duritig the past year. ' Having been appointed agent by Dr. 8: I can furnish vines of the Oporto at from 25 to 50 cts. each; $2 50 to $5 per dozen ; $l5 to $3O per 100. ' J. ELISE. KIKYSTOYS Isruaszar, March 16, 1864. TO OFFICERS , AND SOLDIERS. . - • Collettli•ni-lit 'Tensions, Bounties - Back Pay " • • • and War Manus. • o.k.o.rcrEßs , PAY ROLLS MUSTER • ROLLS AND RECRUITING ACCOUNT 4 MADE OUT. TBE undersigned,. biwing ..been in the em ployment of the United States during the last eighteen months, as . Clerk in the Mitering and Disbursing Moe and- of 'Superintendent' of Recruiting Seii, , ine of Pennaylvania;respeetfulikinforms the public that he has opened an office In - the D.iThy TEI.EGRAPII Building for the purpose of collecting Pensions, Bounties, Back Pay And War Claims ,-also ,- making out Officers , Pay Rolls ; Muster Moilsluid Rear' aiting A. - Mounts..." , All orders by mail attended to promptly. noel-dtf * SULLIVAN S. GEOID. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Photograph Albiusis. Ph9t4graph Albums. Tliatograph ..Mbums. Photograph Albums. Tllll2 largest and cheapest variety of PHO TOGRAPH ALBUMS in one city are constantly kept at (marl2] BERONER'S CHEAP 800 IRE. JOSHIJA A.TrrOV-N_E:Y• -AT LAW, OFFICE IN WALNUT STREET, OPPOSITE TWE STATE OAPITAI /10TX/' HARRISBURG, PA. ALL business pertaining to the profession will receive his prompt and careful attention. • mar3.doaw2tacrimAllm* rpoy BOOKS,' GAIIEES, 443.—A Largo as sortmont of Toy Books, Games, etc.,Just received at nol9 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. NOrwair THIS tree resembles the Sugar Maple very elesely in form and foliage, but bears transplanting better and grows more rapidly. For sale at Keystone Nur sery [feb24- wl JACOB MISS. A LARGE — INVOIOB OF NEW RAISINS CrtICIN, CURRANTS, PR UNES frIGS, At SmSLER es FRAZER'S, (Sue! . , rs to Win. Dook, Jr." at Co. rk LBS. St. George Codfish, for - 'SMARR & FRAZERT, feb2 iSuccessors to Wm. Dock, Jr., '& VIRIMBERY. White Fringe, Purple Fringe, Mahonia, Altheas, Magnolias, Tree BOX C., at 807110;410 1 ,1ttrae* (mane]J,.Wot, MEDICAL. DYSPEPSIA, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER'' AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARECQBED BY H-0 . 0 FLAND GERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, WSE Bitters have performed more cures; e and do give better satisfaction; have more tes timony; have more respectable people to vouch for them tnan any other article in the Market. We defy any one to 'contradict this . assertion, and will pay $l,OOO to any one that will produce a certificate pub lished by us that is not genuine. Holland's German Bit ters, will cure every case of Chronic, or Nerrcius Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and diseasesaticing from a dis ordered stomach. Observe the following. syMptems, re sulting from the disorders of the digestive organs: Con stipation, Inward Piles, Fellness o 1;• Blood to the head, Acidity of the `Stonnich, Nausea, - Heartburn, Disgust 'for Food Fullnees or Weight. In the Stomach; Sour Eructations, Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, Swimming of the bead, Hurried and difficult breathing, Flutteaing at the heart, Choking or ' suffocating sensations When 'in. a lying posture, Dimnesarof visien, Dots or webs before the sight Fever and dull pain in the head ,- Deficiency of pers piration, Yellowness °till° akin and eyes,-Pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &c.,.Siidden-llushea„ar heat,, Burning in the flesh, Constant imaginations of evil, and groat det pression of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains no rum or whisky, and can't make drunkards, but Is the best Tonic in the world. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi G. Beck,' Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. J., formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia. * * * * * =3 I have known Hoofland's German Bitted; 'favorably for a number of years. I have used them in my own family anti have been so pleased with their effects that I was in duced to recommend them to many others, and know ; that they have operated in a strikingly beneficial • manner. I take great. pleasure...lll4,lms• publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attentlen of those afflicted with the •digo. ' for' Whick ttike3v are reeorpmexided tb thesei,Bit, tees, knOwing from experience that my recommendation will be sustained. I do -this more cheerfully as Hoof land's Bitters is intended to benefit the ItilliCtedb and "not a ruM drink' , ' : 'Tears trtdy. LEVI G. BECK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia of. ReMMus Knowledge and Cliristian Chroni cle, Philahelphia. Although. not dispoied to favor or recommend Patent Mehicines in general, through distrust, of theiringredlents and effects, I yet ICJAQW, of no, mildeient mecum. why a man may not testify to thi benefits he' belie** himself to have received ani'simple preparation, in the - hope that he may -thus contributeto the b.entillt of !ethers. • I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's Gor man Bitterir, prepared.by )3r. C. IL Jacksen, t ottkis city because I was prejudicedagainst Inona for . - many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. lam indebted. to my . Robert shoema kei;E.N., for the removal of this prejudice by proper tests, and for eacourageMent to try them when suffering - from great and long continued debility. The use of three bottles of thews Bitters at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evident relief and restora tion to a degree of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months -before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend for di recting me to the use of them... - J. NEWTON BROWN, Philada. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist Church, Germantown, Penn. • ' Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Personal experience enables me to say that I regard the German Bitters, pre pared by you, as a most excellent medicine. In cases of severe cold and general debility Ihave been greatly bone fitted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not they Will produce similar effects on others. . Yours truly . WARREN RANDOLPH, Gennantown, Pa. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Nodding M. 'E Church, Philadelphia. Dr. C. M. Jackson;--Dear Dir:—Havlng used your Ger man Bitters in, my fandly . frequently lAD!. prepared to say that it lia.e been of .great. service. I believe that in most cases of general debility of the Eystain it Is the that and most valuable remedy Of *blekt-i tiat , e my liriowted" Yours, respectfully; : :J. .11. T No. 728 N. Nineteenth street. Prom the Rev. 3.• Lyona, formerly Pastor of the Columbus (N. J.) and Mllestown (Pa.) Birdst Churches. - ,New Roniutpx, N. Y. Dr. C. M. - Jacksoit:,-Dear feel it, &pleasure thus, of my own accord,to NSW teatimeriy:to - this excellence of the German Bitters. Soniti , years fr:ltur ei ich'.af -Bictedwith"Dyspepsia, Tused them 'with -very? bead/dal results. I have often recommended theutto, pepone en feebled by that tormenting dieettee, and, have ,heard , from them the, Most Bettering I toilette:dale- as to theiritreat. value. .31),*fe13 Of generalflebillty, llollerelt. to • . be a tonic that cannot be summed. - • : LY.QN~ From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of RoxboroUgh Baptist Church.' ' : ' - Dr. Jackson:—Dear Sir :—I felt it due to your excel lent preparation, Hoothuid German.Bitters,:to.add. my testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for yeaxs, at' imes,lieen troubled with greakdilorder in ray heed and nervous mateM. WaS -yd rhald by a , friend , to try a bottle of your German Bitters; did so,.aad have experienced.great and: unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benefitted. , confidently recom mend the article where I Meet with cases' similar to: my own, and have been assured by many of their good ef fects- RespeCtfUlly. yours, T. - WINTER, Roxborough, From Rev. J. S. Iferisuuy of the- German Deformed Church, Ktitztovni, Berke county, Pa. Dr. C. IL Jackson:—Respected Sir:—l have been troubled with DyspePala nearly • twenty years, and have never used any medicine that did me as much good as. Hoolimad's Bitters. I 'am very: much" improved in health, after having Wien Ore bottloa Yours with respect; PRICES. Large Size (holding nearly double quantityj $1 00 per bottle—half doz $6 00 Small Sirc-75.centa per bottle—half doz. 400 BEWARE. OF COUNTERFEITS( See that the signature of "C. M. JACKSON" is en the WRAPPER of each bottle. Should your nearest druggist not have the article, do not be put off by ewe the intotreatlng prvoirattmt that may-be offered in tie pleat'', OA fend` !.0 and, WM accurelrintated, by exptios. FtinetparOfftde and 'Manufactory, NO. 631 ARCH STRENT, PHILADRLP.HIA: • JONES.At EVANS„ .'7ueczaaaal to Ar• . 7. 0 .406 " For sale by Druggists and Dealers in every loan' Witte truitediftlol myiljklawly Webster. EVENING EDITION. Pennsylvttnifi -‘Legidature. • . t 7CLRBESSLY POE THZ TELEGRAPH. The afternoon' session - .being devoted ex -4, elusively to the;consideration of private bills, . none others were considered... . 4 Mr. FLEMING called up the act to incor— porate the Oak Hill cemetery association of, Millersburg, Dauphin county; and it passed; finally. At 5 P. M. the Senate 331) Ee,fegrap4. From oar. Morning Editioik. ARMY OF THE POTOMAC. Review of the First Corps b) Lieutehant READQUAMTMRS Army or THE POTOMAC, - I March 29. I Lieutenant General Grant, accompanied by Major General Meade, reviewed the First corps, now a portion. of the Fifth, this morn, ing, near Culpepper. 'While passing along the line, they were greeted with the most enthusiastic cheers. Merritt's cavalry divi sion was also: reviewed, the whole presenting a fine appearance. The Second corps were to have - heen re viewed in the 'afternoon, but a heavy rain storm having set in, and which still continues, it was postponed. Fkom Waibington. The Secretary of the Navy has issued an or der by which Ensigns R. S. Crew and H. J. Blake, of, the frigate Niagara, have their ap pointments, which were recently con= firmed by the Senate, suspended for going below during their watches. Acting Ensigns W. S. Dana, E. F. Harrington, Wm. B. Hoff and C. Rathbone, for the same offense, have their appointments revoked, and are ordered to the Naval Academy; and Acting Ensign B. C. Irwin, guilty of over-staying his leave, has been ordered to a third rate ship, and is not to be allowed to go on shore for six. months. . CMS= The - Advance on Fart Smith: Font' Shirrs, Ark., Mare.h 27. • Before General Thayer's •array marched from here towards Texas, the following ad 7 dress was issued: "Soldiers of the Army of the Frontier: The word is forward again. Your country asks of you the endurance of new trials, and the ex hibition of renewed .valor. You go to recover lands deseciated by the hateful banner of treason. Be patient, be•valiant,. as you have •always been. illustrate in your course the patriot, the soldier, the hero ' in their -noblest forms, and victory will reward you; ,and when you return to your homes and kindred it will be your satisfaction to receive the welcome due from a nation you have helped to save. (Signed) "JOHN M. THAYER, "Brigadier.-General Commanding.." Col. Johnson, 6th,Ransas, commands the district here. - • • - A large batch.:df Union deserters, were brought in this 'thornind from the ItOrth. Rebel deserters continue to come in at the rate of twenty to thirty dailY. All is quiet at the front. The weather is fine. The Gazette of this morning has information that the rebel General Martin's division of cavalry has arrived at " Carter sville, Gra., from East Tennessee, and are recruiting. Wheeler went from Cassvilie' to- Dalton. 'Thnrebels claim to have 50,000 men 'at Dalton and vi cinity, and say LongstreetWfll move into Ken tucky with 26,000:men. .` An order issued by Johnston restricts all oftkers, ever •to" major generals, to but one horse, divling to the scareity of forage. All heavy artillery is being removed from Kingston to Altoona. „ , XXXVDIt4 CongQss---Fiist Session , . After the introdnctida of . Variorus unimport ant bills, a message was • receiyed 'fro* the -Howie announcing thti.i.,deatil. of - 'Hon: - Owen Lovejoy, of . Illinoia; member of , that body. Appropriate eulogies - were deliverid on the deceased, by Messrs. Trumbull, TiitherOy'and Sumner. The usual resolutions passed,:after which the Senate.adjerirneia. , , . SO Vili*RN NEWS. MOVEMENTS IN META - CABOEINA-4ROII -TEN ,~~ -~ :,: The Norfolk Old'Dominion has received a copy, of the Richmond Inquirer,, of tlie,2sth inst. The news is -tmireportant We•gide the following eittacts: - . svamnsz ni NORTE{ cinema. We Understand Official information has. been received at the Wax Dept:alai:Lent- aim cerning the landing of a large force of the enemy in Washington, N. C. The farce is said to pe under command of General t side. Whether an immediate• forward movement was contemplated or not, the recent heavy fall of snow in that vicinity, together with the heavy conditillt in Which it will leave the roads, and the attendant flooding .of the swamps, will put a stop to any advance into the interior for some days to come.; The "expedition" is no doubt composed largely cif the new levies .that. have , been recently, en camped - aliO v nt liOrfolk.% 7 1t is riot preicipaed that they *v_robeepjviktujipwrt from A+ l 44443trt Allan J. S. FEEFOLLN. , • [From the Lynchburg Repuhiican.] We have the repolt frortUnt:Tenness4e that the Yankees, who., had advanced as far east as illorristoWn, lizoinrigain taken the back track and retired:to Strawberry mans, only some f i fteen . or twenty miles from Knoxville. The retreat of the enemy has tlissipated, for the present at least, all prospeota ofjkfight. t; ..i; MEM PRICE TO CENTS 'SENATE. AFTERNOON SESSION. TtriraDAY, March 29, 1864. Acijo=ie4. General Grant, WASEINGTON, I)tarch 29 F'rom Chaitiinooga. SENATE r MENG=.N; Match 29. ni Rierwasni kc. &AST•TSE 2 • INO OFFICE, S.TEAY. PRINT DAILY TfUEGR&PH. The tbilowing are the rates sit,ips. Those having adver rent . = tfrir refetenee. e r Fo u t iikk' es Pr Ices com lints ttnitire•thith fOur COLS FOIL A HALF**ICARE. I One day. 30 Tiro days.— .... 50 Three days... • 75 1 25 One week One month... - 3 00 Two months 4 50 Three months 550 Six months 800 One year 15 00 Administration Notices..... Marriage Notices • Auditor 'a Notices Funeral Noticesesch insertion liar Business notices insetted tithe' - Leval Cohan's, or before Marriages and Death; EIGHT 910051 PICA LE= Cot each insertion.' fir adverti&ing in the Tr ,, t to do will tlnd it con- Attie one-half square. Eis:.• tnto a square.' FOR oss squaw, One day - ..$ 60 Two dayi — ICO Three dais 1 25 One weak 2 25 One month 6 00 Two months 4 00 Three months...... 11 00 six.U.Wutbs 15 0 one year 25 CO , $2 25 . 15 1 50 The enlistment of colored troops in Middle Tennessee goes on rapidly.. At Shelbyville iand Lebanon there are 5,000 ready .for the field, FROM JOILNSTON'S ARMY DAlithN, Ga., March 22.—The enemy have retired "from our-front, and their recent move ments are supposed to be , only reconnois sances. - A heavy snow fell here last night and to day. It lies four inches deep. Our troops have captured the post of Ar kansas. r, ANTI-suaniTurr. LAW Meow; Ga., March 22.—The Supreme Court of Georgia to-day unanimously aftirmed the._ constitutionality of the Confederate anti ,aulmtitute law. Geneiel Pillow has been placed •in com mand o the cavalry of the Nothern District Alabama. - ~-DerfrOw. Gs., March 24.—A1l quiet on our front. The enemy show no disposition to en gage out foices. GEORGIA. SAT CROP The crops in Georgia are represented as looking very encouragingly. In some sections the growing wheat has been injured by the frost, but the general impression is that a few good, warm, rams will revive it. Thus far everything looks promising for a good crop this year. FROM. FLORIDA. . . _ Information had been received by the mili tary authorities at Lake City, Florida, on Sun ditY evening last, that the Yankees had land ed a force at ..Pilatka. The force landed at that point is not known, but it was rumored that it was large. Gen. Finnegan has dis patched forces to meet them, consisting of cavalry, infantry and artillery. Our pickets in front of Jacksonville confirm previous in telligence that the greatest portion of the enemy's troops had left that place. Every thing continued quiet in the neighborhood of Jacksonville. RICHMOND The Enquirer publishes an appeal to the benevolent in behalf of soldiers' families and other poor of the city, which says: "The poor have not been able to procure supplies at the shops established by the city councils, even at the reduced prices charged by the committee." The appeal states that pressing necessity exists for immediate aid to prevent absolute suffering. HEAVY SNOW STORM RICHMOND, March 23,—The heaviest snow' storm of two winters, it is presumed, did not slight Petersburg yesterday and last night. The average depth is about twelve inches, and some affirm that it is deeper. To-day was ushered in with a cloudless sky, and merry ringing of sleigh bells, the latter pas time at.the time of twenty dollars an hour to those who indulged. The roads of North Virginia, always cut up by the hundreds of wagons on the move, will be, in . a horrible condition for some time to come, and give a truce to any intention of activity on the part of the enemy. IllarlreU by Telegraph. PIiIt.A.DELPIM, March 29 There is' less demand is flour, but holders are firm. Sales 1,000 bbls. extra family at $7 25, some fancy at, $8 00e,e 48 50; receipts light. No change in rye flour or corn meal. There is fair demand for wheat, and 2,000 bushels red sold at 81 68( $1 70; white ranges from $1 75 to 82 00. mall sales rye at $1 27. COX3I in demand, and has advanced; sales '3,000 bushels yellow at $1 22051 23. Oats command 84.®§6e. Cloverseed sells at . $7 . 25057 50. Timothy at $2 50®$3 00, and flaxseed $3 20. Coffee firm; sales 1,000 bags Rio. and La,,cruyra at 38c. , 200bbls. Cuba Sugar - at 14®14ie. No change in provisions; 500 tierces ham, in pickle, sold at 14c., and shoulders at 9 ®lo4c. 200 bbls. whisky sold at $1 00. Stocks dull; Pennsylvania fives at 994.; Reading railroad 73; Long Islsnd 48; 'Pennsylvania railroad 74. Gold 165. Ex change on New-York, par. , ' Shade Trees.- it F I NE assortment of Silverlitiple, Norway Maple, • --Taller Ash, Horse Chestnut, - European Linden, Catalapa, - . Magnolla or encumber Tree, &c., kc at KEYSTONE NURSER • • Y. . Harrisburg, March 16,1864. . _ Recruiting Agency. OFFICA in . the rear of Herr's Hotel, Harris burg, Plx The LARGEST LOCAL BOUNTIES paid to recruits: , COMMITTEES from districts and sub-dis trieta in the State will be promptly furnished with MEN to 811 QUOTAS, by applying to Mart-dim QITPERIOR WINES AND BRANDIES ever LY offered In- this market. In bottles and by the gal lon or Quart SILIBLER & FRAZER, 'ilecls ' (successors to Wm Dock. jr., &. Co ) P • ORTFOLIOS!' PORTFOLIOS!! CHESSMEN. and Backgiummin. Board; a line smart Went, iwsl. !waived at, • WHETTER'S BOOKSTORE. A PPLES.r-200 barrels of New York. State Atiples,tof it choice, variety, pet received, and Bold low, in any. quantities, to suit purchasers, at the new grocery of Ble 4 l , BOYER kIiGERPER. To LADIEt3:—.II'. you wish good Lone Paper, Envelopes, .Ink, Pen; or anything else in the stationery line, yon will do yell by calling at BOHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, Harrisburg. nol9 ;GE of of . beet quality of Mercer A PotatemJeat received and for sale by BOYER & KOERPER, No: 3 Market Square. decl24tf MEP. CELEBRATED VIEtGINIA OIL OF Jilic;ifild Day & Martin's London Biackine, fast re 'enived tualTor sale 'by ' SHISLER & FRAZER, fel - (successors to Wm. Dock, jr, te Co.) OX'S SPARKLING GELATIN, the best C 'thamesictured,Just received and thr seas-LER BaFk RAZER, fel (auccessora to Win Pock. Jr., & 4 O.) ATSUPS AND SAUCES, of the most sn , -r and choioe ins t received' and for sale C perio SRLSLER 4 FRAZER, (sucCeasora to Wm. Dock, jr.,& Co.) by febl 2. BOXES ORANGES, selected from late O importations, and the most superior eeer brought to this market at this season, jusi received and for sale b , StITS.IER & FRAZER, febl (uetessOrS fo Wm. Dock; & cal AP P L;,EI;. We have just received a fine selection of APPLES, In prime order.. For mile by the barrel bushel or small quantity at - - gglgLEii k FRAZEIt, febß : Aanceeseerato Wm. pock. - , Jr.,* Co.) ()RANGES-1-'ORANGES!--Alarge lot of Imp,lloy, copingee, arid Sicily HaraniS for sals in ally laa2gl BOYER & RDERPER. ÜBHAbi MUSTOW the besti =petted, and for aide by just...rem/ 8131SUIft (successors to Wm. Dock, Jr., k Co.) febl. . . 41l BOXES ORANGES, i n good oxdei iur also, 100 Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for sale at OW • JOHN ?WISE Fruit Blare. .f.)::: .:-;1.; Alt.,a;.:,%__idi. D. J. HIMMEL & CO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers