MEDICAL. 0: 411:• _ CONSTITUTION WAVER coNsTrTurlce: WATER. cossITTUTION WATAR. cONSTirci NcATER. CONSITITTIoN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER coNsurcTioN wATER. cossniTTlON WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION. WATER. CONSTITUTION( WATER.' CONSTITUTION' WATER; GREAT REMEDY i _• ~"FOR,TErK _ _ C stiTtin 0 N AND THE ONLY KNOWN REHEDX ,FOR DIABETES, and DFdEANES of the KIDNEYS- and BLADDER. CONSTITUTION WATE4 Has been pronounced by the Medical 'Faculty and the public, to be the most woaderful . remedy fot the perma nent cure of all di-lessee of - the sTifeLACiF "LIVER, KIDNEYS and BLADDER tliathas everbe - en offered. It Is not a MINERAL - WATER n. 'le from experienc that CONSTITUTION WATER - hair emanated - ; and'we how say let no man doubt i when a single bottle has been known to care diseaseswhichilie best tliedieal talent in this country has failed tottelleve. A remedy possessing the virtues of Constitution Water cannot be classed under "quack". preparations, as p, now used by the most sclentific'practitioners in this city. It is only second clam physicians that cu down popular remedies, While the better skilled make lidieoreyery means to accomplish a cure; and the success of the Phy dcianincreases as his icactwledge of 414 rgnt- remedies enables him to produce a'etire, while othere fail in the td tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. Give Constitution Water a fair trial---we mean you:who, are under some speck/Wet care from yearte year, anti wo particularly allude to ladies who are constantly resorting to local treatnteni, and all sorts of local applications for fligAnqr., with as much chance of success as there trotild be from local applications to the throat'roi diseases of the brain. We have-been always -use language in our circuldr thht could 'not shock the mottlielicato organiza tion, but wo receive so many communications from 'per sons for which Constitution Water •is adapted, said of whose diseases no mention has been made, that we have come to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable of producing a euro, no matter what the disease 'may be, it should be made known. Tho medicindis-put up- for ; the public, and there should bo no esceptions: •• We would say, Constitution Water is not like a ailed pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it Is a - medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of thelico pie for their relict; and if taken according to the direc tions it will, in every case, produce a radical cure. We would say that the directions in regard to diet, etc„ re late only to the disease under which they occur. DIABETES Is a disease of the stomach and liver, acting through the kidneys, and is, without doubt, the most obstinate disease, except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing causes, but will state that the effect of the disease is the conversion of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion of water. Many persons suffer from thls . disease who are ignorant of it; that is, they pass large quantities during the day, and two obliged to get up from one to fifteen or twenty times - during the - night io notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the large discharge of water, and often when it is so far advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great thirst, which, when the _disease is fully estab lished, is intolerable=fhe patient drinks constantly without being satisfied; also dryness,of AIM mouth, cracking of the lips, a Sweet breath, in Abe more advanced cases, and finally , loss of appetite, oniaciation, and tho patient gradn sly sinks from exhaustion. CONSTITITriON WITER is, without doubt, the only known remedy for Dialielei, and we have as much confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, ' and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. STONE IN TILE BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, 'BRICE! DUST DEPOSIT, ETC., ETC„ Diseases arising froma faulty secretion—in the one case being too little, and accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion—which will be speedily cured by the . . CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER 'CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY.K.NrOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOAYN REMEDY FOR THE -ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY FOR I.HE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY. KNOWM REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR DIABETES. IRRITATION OF. THE NECK OF THE BLADDER• INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, CATARRH OF THE BLADDER STRANGUARY AND BURNING, OR I'AINFULURI , HATING For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy' s and. too much cannot be said in its praise. A single do* has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the:smell of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. PHYSICIANS Havel ng since , given up' the use of buchu, eubeira and juniper. In the treatment of those diseases, and only eei them for the mint of..a.better remedy. CON4TITIITION WATER has proved itself coal to the task that has deVelveitl upon. it. DITJEETICS Irritate and drench the kidneys, mid by constant use, soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. . - We present the Constitution Water to the public! with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the! class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently' sue cassful for curing ; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient a:nd physician. READ! READ! t READ! ! ! DANVILLE, Pa., .Juno 2,1262.—Dr. lrm. IL Gregg— Dear Sir: In February, 1801, I was affected with sugar 4100t0a, and for five months I passed more than two gallons of water in tweatifour heurs. I was obliged to get up as often es ten or th , elve limes ; ' during, the night, and in. five Months I lost about fifty PiendS weight. During the month' of July, 1861, I procure . "tw6 betties of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it lex perienced relief, and after taking 'bottles was en tirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly. - ' J. V. .1. DEW6IT Bosroii: CORNERi, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1861.—Wm. H. Gregg et Co.—Gents. I freely give you liberty to make use ,)f the ibllewing certificate of the value of Constitution , Water, wiitch I can reennaMoini iii;the,/figliest manner: .llv wife was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole - ienith of the back, and in her. Ilmhi; vilth PaVtatidn'of the Beart and Irritation of the Bladder. rcalleCa•physidian I who attended her about thiee months, when he left her worse than he had found her.- I then employed one of the hest physicians I could-find., who attended her for abou nine months, and while she was. under his careshe did n suf _ for quite as much.naiii-.. He finally gave her up, tut said "her case was incurable. For," said ho, "she' has ch a combination of compfaints that medicine Oren fbr one ope rates against some other qf her difficaltua." AboL4 this time she commenced the use of Constitution Watery and to our utter astonishment, abeam , the , first. dose seemed to have the desired effect, and - she - kept orrimprOving rapidly under its. treatment.; and now . saperitifeed en tirely her domestic affairs. _Sheiveitanit taken any of the Constitution Water for about fourweeks, and wesare to say that it has produced a permanent cure.. • , WILK VAN BENSIMOTIOT. Wirrunitsrato, Conn., March 2, 1863.—Dr. 1F "II Gregg—Bear sir:—Having seen your advertisement of Constitution Water," recommended for Inflammation of the Kidneys and Irritation of the Bladder, having suffered for the past three years, and tried the skill - Of a number of physicians with only temporary relief, I wasitiOnOed to try vonr.rneflicine, I procured one bottle of -your .ragents at t ar ': Irod, :meagn). Lee, Sisson & CO., and when I - had'used half of It, Thy ausprh3e I found a great, ch ing e my , health ' Lhave used two bottles of it, and .ant whore I nevni.expected to be in my hfe,_well, and. iazood....spirita I cannot.exPress my grotitude,for B. I feel that. it is all Laid more.tlonlsoll recommend ii to be. Hay the.blessing of God eyerattend you in,your Sabers of love. Yours tru l y, . „ "Iip:ARM BIGKLOW. FOR sa r.le BY ALL BBUGGISTI PRICE Li. WM. H. GREGH-&-GO.; Proprietore. MORGAN &A. .13,N .Genoral Agents, 2641.4w6m-eod . . '46 Clifistiect; 4 l4ew York 7_, SOLD JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDIN, purca.DELParj„ AND ALL 'DRUGGIST-S. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. TTOUCHING at QUEENSTOWN, (Cork i. Har bor.) Tho well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York And Philadelphia Stearnehip Company, are in tended to sail as follows: ETNA, "Saturday'', March 12; °lry GE NEW YORK, Saturday, March 19; EDINBURG, Saturday, March 28, and every auccc..ding Saturday, aL Noon, from Pier,44, North Atter. RATES . OF PASSAGE, PAYABLE Di GOLD, OE ITS EQuividawir ta Cenral:, cr. FIRST CABIN $BO 00 STEERAGE $3O 00 do to London 85 00 do to L0nd0n...... 34 00 do to Parts 95 00 do to Paris 40 00 do to Hamburg.... 90 00 do to Hamburg.... 37 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Roller. dam, Antwerp, &c.,at equally low rates. Farm from Liverpool or Queenstown: Ist Cabin, $75, $B5- $lO5. Steerage, $3O. 'those .who wish to send for their friends can buy tickets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Company's Offices JOAN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y., or O. 0 ZIMMERMAN, Harrisburg. (123-dly TREASURY DEr.urrirstrr, OFFICE or CoarrraoLLsa or nix ytaarscr, WASHINGTON, Jan. 18 1864. TICTHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence, pre sented to the undersigned, it has been made to an peox that the First National Bank of Harrisburg, the courity'orDauphin and' State' of Pennsylvania, has Wen duly organized, under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled "An act to provide a Na tional currency, secured by a pledge of United State stocks, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof," approved February 2,5 th, 1.8(33, and has complied with all the provisions of said act, required to be complied with before commencing the business of banking: Now, therefore, I, Hugh M'Culloch, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the First National Bank of Harrisburg, county of Dauphin and State of Pennsylva .nia, is authorized to commence the businesS of banking under the act [L a] In testimony wheroofovitness my hand and seal of office, this 17th day of Janus 1884. _ . . • J. HUGH WCULLOCH, jan 19-2ra. .Comptroller or the, carrondy. OTIOE TO BUILDERS AND • CON . .TRACTORS. The undersigned committee of the Paxton Fire Ccimpany, proOOStits for the erection and completion of anAngina °Reese ,two-story, brick, fo be located in Wsc . Corid street near tine 'For plans and 'speetlicatlons call aeon. DANIEL E. WILL, at.his Lumber office, foot, of Second street. Bids will be received lip to 10th day of March , 1964. 'DANIEL E. WILT, GEORGE. F.,WEAVER; CRAWFORD. , • ALEX. BOSER, JOHN A..H. AU ER., marl-dif Building Conainitteol HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM, 011., beautifying the complexion, cradicat, F ing freckles, oNptibus, Millburn and tan. It i 4 most extraordinary and delightful toilet article ever dis covered. It changes the sunburnt face and hands to a pearly like, satin texture and ravishing beauty, leaving the complexion fresh, transparent and smooth. It re moves pimples, totter, tan and roughness. It is Ant every lady should have, and none will dispense with when once used. Sole agents for this city. For eale by the bottle or dozen. S. A. KUNKEL & BRO.; ; • Apothecaries, 118 Market street, • HarrisbOrg. fobl.l-dtf* SILAS WARD, MIAMI. IS PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS. SIIEET . 'VIOLINS, Flutes, Guitars,-Banjos, Strings, V . Drums, Fifes,_ and all kinds of Musical Merchandise. Picture Frames, I.ooking Classes, Photograph Cards and Albums, Ambrotype Gems, Engravings, Pictures, &c., &e. Remember the place, No. 12 Third street, the. Urges Music Store this side of the great cities. janLB , -dtf . . Important to Truckers and Gardenesr. SEEDS by the BUSHEL or POUND, of all the leading and best early varieties. Peas, Beans, Radish, Cabbage,'-'!Winningstadt" & 00., Beet, Carrot. Par. snip, Rootabasa, Onion, ike., Sin. The above seed offered for sale are =sod hi New York State, by one of the tno reispotisible seed grbwers in the country._hate pu - chased 'fnim Them fur a number of, years. tout always found them true' to name and much earlier than seed raised farther South. • J. MISH, Keystone Farm and Nursery, Harrisburg. P. S.--Onaars wanting immediate attention drop in the Post Office. No enters will be taken Sor any kinds of seed less than by the pound, or one-fourth pound of four varieties. ' (1'0251 J. MISH. DR. B. M. MEDEA ) -DENTIST, NO. 1.19 MARKET STREET, Teeth'positively' c.tnicted without pain by the use of nitrous oxide. oct7•dtf JUST n l3 / 3 rair"it AN ASSORTMENT OF ROSEWOOD AND ,MAHOQANY WRITING DESKS - 5 Of.dllll3renl alzos, for sale at, ,* • • ' nol9 - SCIIEFFEWS BOOKSTORE. APATKIOTIO GIFT BOOK. . ouit CONSTITUTION, GOVERNMENT AND UNION. "Oar Government," an exposition or the Contißa y ou, fokDopatir tip°. By M. !WEI - Ks-ay: Price St For sale at' •:•del4 : BEIIONEWS BOORGTORE. OBACCO . CIGAXtS. • , T 109 BOXES CONGRESS AND NAVY TOBACCO. 1,Q0; 0 00 FINE CIGARS. ' 100,000 COMMON ClOAlts. • • For sale by ffeb29-Iw 4 l EBY t KUNKLE. A LL persons having Grape Vines of choice varieties, which they Ns'ish to have pruned, can have it doneln the best manner and:tree orcharge; by - addres; sing a sole through the Poet Oface to ,JACOB MISIL B —The present season and weather Are most Carom: blo for the purposq. - rebl6 'NORFOLK- OYSTERS—ReaI Salts, under . . . • the Jones.liouse. York River Oyatere, a tine article, under the San& Muse. - • '', • . :Ale% Tcrr,apins, which. wilthe served•flue ety la at etiorAeotico ureler the Jonei llorie - ; by ' .: no3Cil'' • - '. 7 " 'JOSEPH SNIVELY. . RANGES ! ORANGES !-20 boxes in O prinieronior,: ueb mcolvetl wholeeale ante rotilL fob 2. . _ „ _ 4PDj DOCK;:JR., /F. CO VRENCEE SEANS—A"rtiro article;' 'just re oetved at [rel33) W. DOCK, JR. &CO FINE ROMANO SHERRY, imported in 1848. Warrantod the'riziest SherryVigo ict this qountry. der sale at. . ; • WM. DOCK, J.R., S, CO ftb2 plillEl CELEBRATED VIRGINIA OIL OF A. AIX, and Day & ILartin's' London Blaeking, Just re ceived and for sale by [fel] MIL DODK, d: f.X.) GLOVER SEED.—One hundred and Fifty Boshols,prime Ohio Clover Seed for sale by febE9•lw* EBY E: KUNKLE. C'OX'S 'SPARKLING GELATIN, the best manufactared, just received and for Bale by fel' • .•-• -WEL DOCK, Je., &CO ' CATSUPS AND SAUCES, of the most su.- perioiind choice brtunts;just.-Teeelved. and far 'sale by [feblj IS DOCK, Ja., 8: CO._ 20 BOXES - ORANGES - , -- selected from. late impeilations, and the ri?St.sutiprior ever brought to this market at this season; just _racelved Dad for mile by , W3i. DOCK, JR CO. A IS Ir E .8' . • :•:: We have just received a ible selection of APPLES, Yit pride Stiff - 3r. For sfate"l.4% 'the barrel, bushel or small quantity at [febar. ' , :VV.AN30013.; , Ja.., & CO. . SII°R-pr) SALMON:- SMOKED SALMON, just received at, i fcb3 DOCK, CO. APPLESI. ' AkPPLES !1.--15tr.als. of York State Apples of every variety.' Also, York !State Butter, for sale ja..99 BoyErt .E.overF.R. TEA & PERINE'S WORCESTER SAUCESI . the most popular and the purest ever offered to the - pubile;junt_ received ant for sale by fala = 1.. . ' WK. - DOCK, Jit.,& CO. . A : LARGE lot of best quality: of ;14.44r0er • Potatoes just received andlor sale by • deol2-ate BOXES ORANGES, in good` order ; k./ aLso,loo Barrels of CHOICE APPLES for gale at JOHN WL.S.E , Fruit Store. . DURHAM MUSTARD, the best imported, - juWreceimt and for sale by febi • ' DOCK, Ja . _, k CO, • ORANGES ! ORANGES !:-A large = lot' 'Ol suporior O'raifges, end Sicily Havana, for sale in any guava , " al • Pte29] 'PI TA KOERPSR. ..IWICEIENFa'S e.134315i0r Inucei h r,q - f . ging taea- Lv_a_ ua readari4.. a pul DINE APPLE CIITPAISE--Norton a ce!e bratal, at [no2o] wnc DOCK, JR." j . k. ea FINE ORANGES and LEMONS for sale at JOHN IirtSIPS, wholesale and retail. rltf WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND . FC Orlt FROM PHILLADEDF.T , PHIA. • . " ON AND AFTER MONDAY, Nov. 1eth, 1663. THE Passenger Tzitins of the •Penanylanbia Railroad Company alit depart from and arrive at Rar risburg and rhiladelphla as follows: - - -' EAST - WAUD. THROUGH EXPRESS -TRAIN b3aves Harrisburg ly at 245 A. at, and shires itiVeSt, Ph il adelphia at 8.65 at. FAST LANE leaves Hariiab daily(except Merida yat 6:00 A. x., and &Circa at 'West elphia at 10.10; ..13 x. Passengers take breakfast - at Lancaster. . - WAY ACGOM2dODATION, via Mount Joy, leaves Harris. burg at 7.20 A. X. and anivta at West. Philadelphia at 12.25 P. X. FAST BUIL TRAIN tomes Harrisburg daily (exirept Sunday) at LOO P. IL, and arrives at West, Philadelphia at 5.20 P. 11. .. - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Dolluil bia, leaves HarriabilrglMW,3oS. IL,pend arrives at West Philadelphia 5110.50" P: W 14:T W It D. BALTIMORE EXMWA:TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2.20 A. M.' Altoona, 8.00 A. lc, Oka breakfast, and arify_aCat Pitts burgat 1.00 ar. • PHILADEMMA Vat=TRAIN learea HarriftUrg daily at 3.20"X.1t.3A800vi it 8.40 A. m., .'take `break and arrives aSPRIabor . g • 4440 P. N. - MAIL TRAIN lea:vcarMarins" burg at 1:40 r: x. ; Altpons at 7.55 r. ric . ,,takd sapper, and arrives at Pittsburg !W1r1:0 FAST LINE leivenatturisburg al .1.154.. Alteeda at 9.10 P. m., takes supper, and arrives at Pittsburg it '1:40 HARRISTItItG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves West rhiladelphia at 2.45 r. 11.; and arrives at Rartisburg a 68.10, Y. M. MOUNT JOY AC ATION !eaves Lance) Asr at CiSuDD 11.38 a. N.; arriVes atU_i'rlsburg at 1.40 r. x. .s.AMITEL D. TOIDTGi. - - 7 Zug MiddietDitt:Penn'a S. R, Harri6burg,,Nev..44l;4B62.7dg, • - • _ Northeni central Railway _ • __ _ L - i:/' huatiLl . Isrwr vinerri:Da TIBER T4BLE THRZE T=RAINS DAILY WAS T 0 CITY. • - Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and frOM'Plttabutg Atuil, the 'West. ' TWO TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and :West Branch Susquehanna, :Elmira, and all of NortherriNcw York. O • N and aftearDiTDAY, NOVEIdBER 16 ism, the Phesdn'Ar "Trains of the Northern 'Coo, tral Railway will arrive at and depart ithrellitrrisburg and Baltimore as follows, viz: • -, , . 'S 015 Tll WARD. HAIL TRAIN leastel'Eutibury daily (except • SfitldaP)il. ..........10.10 ;e " loaves, gacrisburg... 1.20 P. N. antivs at Baltimore...... „ 5,40„r, EXPRESS TRAIN leaTeiHunbury dallr (except ' ' Surilly) .. . ........ :11.42 r. zc leaves- Harrisburg, (except • •HOxiliP) Bt " arrives" ; at Baltimore - daily - (except, M0nday).....'...:. M. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leavois Hat. .7150 . berg, .. 'l.OO A. it. NOR - T.IEWARD. . MAIL TRAIN icood BilltiMpro daily (eicept tridaYr — ' 0.20. A. sr. " : ' .bladeir Harrisburg ' Lib r. M. " a4riv'es'at.pribury 4.804'M EXPRESS TRAlN leavoi. Umore daily. .... -. 0.30 P. M. .. . - arriMMA't Harrisburg . /W.A.* ' . " ' , bikrosHarrisburg daily (ex- • • . .' ' , cclrtAtunday) 3.28 A. u. , ."MG( . • arriveriaiMunbury r. ~,.... 6.25 A. X. HARRISRI4I.OOO/IMODATION lest . tes gal ' tfaiorli'dallY (except Sun _ .. .. • . -1 , -• .. ... . . _ - rri — i g* I"litibil , %* • . •• 7 4 60 P. M. Forlurther d eerreathmeppbeet the ypEene.syl vatia'ftllioa. 'J. t - Dut xe==inuurs, Nov:En ,l s= l B6a-dtr Supt. PIIIVLADELPRIA. ON AND lIMEN.II MONDAY, November 16th, 1,803, ilt? l'itWegerTrains will leave ttke Llilla dplphia aml itkadling Reifroad Depot, at ganisburg, fez New York and liiiladelphla, as lotions, viz : EXPRIZS'IIINE lhaviiillarrisburg a 6 &30 a. 11.'' on ar rival of the Penpaylvan* Itailroad. &pram Train trion:‘the West, arrivinglableAr.:York at 1.45 A. IL - A sleeping eater is attached tO: the traliqhrOugh froin Pittaburr. without MAIL TRAIN leiveellierrishulg SAO 4- 11,, arriving In Now York at 5.30 r.;-ra., and PrillidelPhia at L5O r. PAST I.3l4Elcavea nar l yisburg at 2.00 P. M., arriving in New York at 10.25 r - at:,; :and 'Phi l adelphia at 7.00 r. x. • WEB'TWIAAA-. FAST LINE leai - osVt4 )rork at 6.00 1. 11.., and Phila delphia at 8.15 A. M., ariiiing at Harrisbing at 1.10 P, M. NAIL TRAIN leases New York at 12.00 noon., and Phlladedphia at 8.30 ay, arriving at Harrisburg at 8:20 . - EXPRESS TWIN . kirres Now York at 7.00 r. at., ar riving at Bhilisbiiriet X OO A. Al., and contentintwith tbo Pennsylvania Espresalrain for Pittsburg. t sleeping car Is also attached, td Aint ;rata.. • Connections itiotdddebV , Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Central and Cumberland Valley railroads, /Ind. - at Iteanni4: for Philadelphia, PottSville, Wilkcsbarre,. ia;ql,,,lkaston, &O. Baggage cheek& .thrlitigh. Fare betv{cett New York and' Wristlet,' $5.15 i bbtiveen.lhirtliburg and Philadel phia, $3 35 . 1n-No. E . carsTiiid $3 in No:- For tiokettor, other hiPormation apply to 1863. Philadelphia:•and Erie Rail- Road. T ffts tixp, teiverses the Nortitoin and Northwest ponhtiBB,Of Penns] lvsnia to the city of Erie, ow &Ito Erie.' ; ' • .• It has been leased:WOO Fitnisrivent. RAILROAA CON rexr, and undlef their apices is being mpidly.opened . _ throughout ils eiiirenift enge It is now in- ase'rror. r and Freight business from Hairisbunttolnipisilum-(195 milet - on • :the/Eastern Division, and from ShiAleld to Erin (78 miles) on t h e Western Division. TINE or PASSElslatit ,TA-,ilN, AT ILEA-Tutipßu4tik. • Mall Train ..... P. X. . 3 .4 5 ; A- x• Cars run thie . ughiiiir44inf In;iic w aka these trains betsteth',PliElielaphis4uall Ipek - Havenotrid be tween Bali-ham and,„Leck ; Haven, Elegant'Sleepinigrans'tn'Ettif e inv trains both units be tween Williamsport 8144...141tilncore;Ava 'Wiillannpert, and Philadelphia. • For'infoniatihn•resPeoting; itet bvainesenpplral. 'the S. E. Corner 11. th and Market streets: • • And - for:Tie — Wit liesinegtiattlie - CempanPs Agenti: ' S 'IL Sings Lon, Jr.:corner 13th and... Market slices, Philadelphia. : . J. W.- Itejneldis, Erie- • - . 1.1. AgAnt Xfnit l 4 l 4lllore.. ':goop* • _ • • - atte"ral.Fr*/14enkAll'a. - • LEWiii Boupr, , : General Ticket Agent gyp, JPlP..l l 7 l4 Yrrai-`-'' - 11016411 A • gfpusp:fi, Wilazini*ni: BOYER & ICOERPER, No. 3 btarket. Squire. PAPER' WARETIOUSE I . F 111 1 01111 Sr, C . , --- 1111ADLVMA;PA. AT.E;INTEACTIFIaIigi of !tOLL.'.W.p.A.PP.IIIII3., DOIC*4 AlNVKL`rdrir.l4o ; . , ‘o.o. 2 .4.llllcOßtiVair . ou hand 'orivade to order price paid for tope in larglies ' marl-d3m SIIPERIOR WINES AND BRANDIES ever offered in this market. In bottles and by the gal. orrAr quart [deollti WM. DOGS, &CO RAILROADS. Pennsylvania Rail Road ti TO FROM BA - L.l l - m 0 E 1111 NEW ,A):4:, LINE ROVTE. ,AND - -E 4 KIPT WARD CLYDE, Ceueril Uaikt, nol44ltf. RAILROADS. 1863 " WINTER. 1864 AIIRA_NGEIIIENT ; CUMBERLAND VALLEY . AND FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. f' CHANGE OF HOURS. —On and after Men day, November 17, 1863, Passenger trains trill tun daily, as follOws, (Sundays excepted* 1 - FOR CTEA.AFBEESSEIDO" AND ETARDISBURG' Leave Hagerstown ..... ...7.00 2. " Grectlctestle ... 7 37 . . 3.3 s . . Arrive at .. . 817 4.111 Gluanheraburg... i.:-.. Lesce at 8.80 12.65 .. Leaves Shippensburg 900 L2B • ~ Her/Ville ' o n - 2.p0 ~ - . CeriLte IQ.IO 2.42 Mechanicsburg .10.42 2.12 Arrive at Harrisburg • - - - • 11.15 2.40 - FOR OFLADIRERSBUDO AND lIAGER,OTOWN: 'X X P. X Leave Harrisburg , 8.05 1.25 " Mecbatticsbttrg 8.47 2.1.5 g , Carlisle..... . ........ ~... ....... 9.27 2.55 • " Ncerville .10.02 8.29 " ShilTeasbara, ..10.33 4-pp Arrive at Chambersburg 11.00 4.80 Leave Chamber5butg . ..,...;.............n.i0 4.40 Greencastle ' 11.55. :5.88 Arrive at Hagerstown...a .12.35 8.10 sis- Making cleseconnectiona at Harrisburg with tsafas for Philadelphiti,:'New York and Pittsburg ' and and with trains for all points West. -. 0. N. LULL, Supt. • It. IL Office,:Charnbersbarg, Nov. 17, 1862-1 y„ RE,,IMWO RAILRQAD-, WlNTtit ARRANGEMEN,T, (IRE AT - TRITIa. L IN E FROM- :I±EliE ILA NORTH and Northwest for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville,ttehanon, Allentown, Easton,6;c4&u. ' Trains leave nartithtirg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville 'and all intermediate stations, at 8.00 A. Y. 7 and 2.00 r. - 7t.' New York areas leaves Harrisburg at 6.30 s. arriving at i ,N9s,Yot2k attl.46 the same day. Fares from Raii•isburg To New York, 65 15; t&Plitta delphia $3 85 attirs3 00. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave Neve - York at 6 a. Y. ,13 noon, and P. , (Pittsburg Express.) Leave Philadelphia at 8154. IL., and 3.30 Pt ; Sleeping ears in the . Now York Express Trains, through to and from Pittsburg without change. passongerstiy ibe-Catairissa Railroad leave Tamaqua at 8.50 a. as., and 2.0 a at, for Philadelphia, New yuck, and nklavaypeints. , - t . • Trnius icatiVT . Ott:Siill6l4 9.15 A. as., and 2.30 P , it , for Fidliallphiii • bialrisburg and Now York. •.. - An' ocortifulltlatibil Passenger train lotoleit Reading at. 6.00 1. Y. 7 and returns from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. All , thoabovotiaina run daily, Sunday excepted. A Stindity,tisin lcayes`pittsville at 7.30 e. is, and Fla , adelidilivat 3:15 Commutation, Ifilcagej Season and Excursion tickets at reduced rates to and from all points. G. LjsTIXPLIS, • ' Geuerai.Surfertattadent. November 14, 1.863-41..ne1f THE tINTEIZ§TATES, HOTEL,. covirltyr utiTtnlSOiCivroliiiitors. . _ T HIS we~l TrnOwkilearel is now in a condi tion to ectiontiatidate the traveling public, affording the most andikkeeiWenientes alike for the transient guest and the pentuumatboarder. THE LINTISDNTES HOTEL has been entirely rent ted throughout., now has accommodations equal In extent, comfort - luxury to any hotel between Philadel phia and Pittsburg,. !ItOltication is the best in the State Capital, ()FT access to all the railroad depots, and Is close proslrialty fp allthe public OffiCCS and business lo calities of the city.* It tudenow all the converftices of A 1' .14 S,T CLASS HOTEL, and the Proprietors are 'determined to spars neither ex pense, time or labor. toansure the comfort of the guests. The patronage:o,We traveling public is respectfully Jell-dtt STATE '_'.CAPITAL HOT - EL,_ CORNER:OF Thaw . AND WALNUT =Kw, Emnitipaitrao, PENN'A. Talundersigned having purchased this weir larOwn hops extbirged and thnroughlyrentwatel it. The rooms UT, peen re-painted and papered; and the entire estalishMen,Vtleiputtly re-furnished. *Being plea santly and cligiblt located', and provided with °Very con venience, it copra to the public all the comforts and luxu ries of a flint olisrhotek• Trinity and obliging servants always in attendance. A bar well stocked with Choice liquors Is attached toile eoltabllshment. de26-dJy - •W. G. THOMPSON, Proprietor. JO 1 E S- HOUSE •• , I (:17 Corner of 344;ket ; qtplot and Alarkg§snaro, 11A Jidda S 11`11 RG, PENN A. MAIVIV, - : ;-i Proprittor. nob-dtf 7: ; DI TI EW 7I BAKERY 3 Broad Strepti.,..belaireen- Second and, titird HARRISBURG. niiil= -• ti llias opened a - -now f BA TRERY, in. — want, where be Is prepared ti) supply BREAlkalip CALMS at a reasonable rate— 110 warrants sadalhoflon to all who will give him a cal He will SCII his 440.1 it UM DUO of JoiIr.S.CENTS PER PO UND, and full woightodi JOHN ALCORN. jan6-dlf • ' 1863. VISITING, DG, DING, V AND AVTIO.S.-By a speciament with ono of the bestnencitwers in the country, carila.vf• any description will be thejt,ighent ity,le of art, conformable with The latest - Mahlon,' and supplied promptly ; ttltavtCptidhd' Altai are charged by the statl6lc— ors in NewF:lforkur Philadelphia. Efornc g1i914441 1 call at . r. BERGNER'S BOOK St ORR me.lo3.dtf SPERM CANDLE'S, ',4l,ll>bit,es, septS4 72:1 Wm; lc JR:, at . NIE MEAT. —A Ereslitit .11 - I%fived for ale by [(184:: BOYER & KOERPER. IaTAVAITA ORANGES, just received at ja, son w]kpooK, Ja, CO HOTELS. MEDICAL. § ft 0 0 2 ••• t -4 c'm r7y. R. JOHN L. LYON'S FRENCH PERIODICAL DROPS, THE GREAT FEMALE REGULATOR, Ara the only known reto o p te - that will enceessmuy and insatiably xestorelunis the timmlegystem, remov ing all irregularities, an producing heath, vigor and tl.otll.gtit LYON'S PERIODIOIJ4 DROPS Are alaid preparation; the -Oily true one.of the kind ever discovered in this country, and acts directly on the parts affected, whibit pillaand wonders can only, teach Mein as they work through sympathy, but not at- aH direct and positive. - • Arc you suffering from a Constantanitety for the regu lar return of nature's prescribed laws? Giveyourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, If taken:a : day or'twkbefore the expected perlod, willposi tlrely and invariably regulate its coming, es sure as effect follows cause, as attain as daylight follows ilarkawn Are you sick, enfeebled by disease, or unable to bear the labor and paw 'Attlee:reuse . LTON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you mu Waving, for is notinerention better than cure 4 If regularlytaken, lt is a • certain preventive, and will same you much peril and many. hours of sufferirg. Have you be e n yielded for many years with complaints Incident to the sex, tliat have bated the skill of physi cians, and are hunying you on to as. early grave? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are_the,most reliable regulator 'over known, and cure, like magic, all. those irregularities that have defied the doctor's WM you waste arty with - :sullkuing fromiencorrhomt, Ptelapsus, Dysmenmrhcea, and a thoussid . other Meal tles, all stunmed n ander the name of suppressed find obstructed nature, when an Investment of one dollar hi • • LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS will surely care you. • Da not use the . (hops when forbidden In the direethins, for although' a- positive care, and Massless as all other Mites; tligy tires° pownrful and lithely calculated to adjust amtrionru tholungtionsultlus 1404' orgsaind, that, if rk.feuitt'imprmer times, they would proddee results con =toilaturer 1 41 artis t: width 'all, particularly those who d itakidtice, utiouhTuuttoUy guard. - - 4 P' •' ."-LYON'S ARTODICAL DROPS Oupjat.,4l4l.t.tut oust &acids, Amok' ttutton sissy lime; yq.dicebropteidtir wish to ; :gdard' against' Its misuse; hopidg thitiithimaidtd bidttes.iiidtddsedlor a good pm pastzishete-otteleisid forma , , • LLYON'S PFRIOVICAL- DROPS, • • thelieVer•failing.-14MA n 'Regulator, Is for tale by every Ding*, in the &rata country; multhimot, if you value Wialu for a reliable: medicine, buy any Wien, Take rici;tithiii, but if the 'Druggist to whom you abply has not got it, mike him winit and - get it for You. C, G CLARKA- Pizoiusvoi, Haven,•C9n• • -l AL Wholegale„ by JO*OigN, HOLLOWAY. COWDEN, 1: 23 frolAb pbcgi ptreet, Ph3la4elphfa; Pa lIM -0- - _ t MEM 131., - =I - • ;r9 MISCE.L LANE° s. NEW GOODS--JUST OPID,F,T) , AT BERGNER)s Book and Stationery Sto re Embracing ever; now and improve: POCKET IcOOKs, MAGIC CURRENCY HOLD?, CALF SKIN POCKET BOORS, BIICKSKLN PURSE...;, PORTMON‘:;::,. a. . at prices to suit all circumstances POCKET CUTLER V, Consisting of a fine assortment of Weat.r.l, - Pocket Knives GOLD DENS, rtom Newton's celebrated manufactory with a guarantee. POW FOLIOS, WRITING CASES, ROSEWOOD DESKS. PA I'ETFF.:7, Together with every article usually found la a Book and Stationery establishment, at myl4l BERGNER'S. 61 Mark,. PEIPHER'S DAILY LINE BETWEEN PIIILADELPIIIA, Lock Haven, Jersey Shore, Williamsport, Moo. cy, Uniontown, Watsontown, Lewisburg, Northumberland, s ir_ bury, Treverton, Georgetown . Lykenstown, Millersburg, Halifax, Dauphin, AND HARRISB fic. &The Philadelphla Depot being centrally lwat,j &Jima will be at the kewmt rates. The Coala throe/eft with each train to attend to the sal", all good§ Intrusted to the line. Goads dellrerel E: pet of FREED, WARD & FREED, 611 lis.rk,T. Miledelphla, by 5 o'clock P. tc , will be delir-Ard Osbert the next morning. Freight Always as Low as by Any Ochs Line. JOS. MONTGOMERY & Philadelphia and Reading IhT oet2l-tf Foot of Market street. Ilam.• BAGS! BAGS! BAGS! NEW AND SECOND-HAND SEAMLESS, BURLAP AND GUNNY I 3 A_ G.- S , FLOUR AND SALT BAGS, ALL SIZES, PRINTED TO ORDER, BY JOID T. BAILEY Sr. CO., No. 113, North Front St., Philadelphia febX•4l3m PURE CONCENTRATED COFFEE, SUGAR AND MILK. 10111 1 YRSONS making up boxes to send to the;: friends hi he army, will find this an elegant one box making forty cups of coffee, equal co av coffee, with little labor. For Pale nt no WM. DOCK. JR, F Ii'CLINTOCR'S PECTORAL SITU. gums INVALUABLE SYRUP, which lb ea .& • tire/r vegetable in its composition tay played with wonderful succum for =nay years in tilecr.r of diseases for the AM-PaI:SAGES Mid LUNGS. Form; of the disease, such , as. COUGH, TICKLM of tom; THROATSPITTHIG OF Bioon,DIFFICULT BEESIMIVS, HOMISMIESS, 1//55 OF VOICE and HECTIC FEVER; use will be attended with the happiest results. It Is eti• of the best and safest medicines for all forms of BEM; CHITIS andCOMIBLETION. Jiro laudanum or prpori tint of Opium in any shape in Skis syrup. PRICE $l.OO PER BOTTLE. For sale at BERHNERSCheap Book Ron. DANIEL A.-MUENCH AGENT OF the Old Wallower Lime, -respectfully in farms-the public that this Old -Daily . nausArewt..ct Line (the only : waupwer Lino now is ....mist:moo city,) is in successful operation and prepared' to freight as low as any other individual line between 11:1 delphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williamspr , Jersey Shore, Lock Haven and all other points en f. Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and Williamrp.:: and Elmira Railroads. - HANEL A. MULNCH, Amu - Harrisburg, Pi.r.z. Goods sent to the Warehouse of Messrs. Peacock, aLHlnchman, Not 808 and 810 Market street, abet-? Philadelphia, by 4 o'clock, P. IL, Win arriv, at burg, ready for delivery, next morning. lapho-rdayi Look Here BOOMS, YOU WILL DO WILL BY MN SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE SIGN OF THE "AMERICAN FLAG" And purchase year NOTE PATIZRAHD MATHLOPE-9, 'POETPOLJOH, POCKET .BOOK POCKET TNKSTANDS, ' VALENTINES, PHOTOGRAPH .L Btj PHOTOGRAHL .3fado of the very best material, and for sale at rr 'pefofa Remember the place BCHIFTERS BOOKSTORE jan29 Sign of the American Flag, Ilarnsburg. MIIST.BE SOLD! • ALLPAPER, BORDERS.. ,scilArspar• a:Boo - Jura/ix, 'Has Lobe renamed on the first of April next. His 0-4 of Wall Paper must be reduced, and will, therefor!, sold at very low prices although price of Walt Pap,i - E. still going up, Persons desirous of Papering their will dolrell to examine his assortment and prices. December 1 , 1883. THEO. F. SCHEFFF2 Sjp-Five cents cash paid for clew mixed llsr pound. Old Books wanted for—cash. tat; lIM rEPTORAIS are useful to soothe NA cough, alley Tick/big in the Throat, to rater' Houseman.; Catarrh, Sore Throat, kn. They cpr.:l-; Coltsibot, Horehound, Ipecacuanba, Senega and :AO. (the most reliable expectorants known,) are the clue a: live constituents, so blended with Gum Arabic and S'23 l r. that each lozenge contains a mild and very pleasant c)i , Manufactured Solely by S. A. 111JNILEL k Bad .. ,jart2T Apodecaries,lll3,Market Street, Hartliba k g MORTON'S GOLD PENS. Another lot of Morton's UNRIVALLED GOLD PENS Jug recetvednt Schefees Bookstore. All pens warranted for one year. FaR SALE.—Argood small LIION SAFE, nearly new, can be purchased cheap by caLin " W.-STURGEON, F if...learrsoLl's - F. C.-A. SCHEME- Trustees Ot Dauphin Lodge No, 160, LO. F Harrisburg, February 23, 1864.--dtt p lIBLIO BOHQOLB. SCHOOL SLAT of different sizes, Willson's exc , :—: series of Spellers and Readete, published by ihiTer Brothers, together with all other School Books and tag Materials are-tiffenid, wholesale and retail; at deel SCHEETER'S BOORA9RE MORTOIT'S.GOLD PENS Another lot of Morton'athrteanea Gold Pens for sa , ' at - SCIIEFINWS BOOKSTuRF- All pens' warranted for one year. facs ENGLISH DAIRY and NEW YORK STATE CRE •BOYER KvERrEK At - N 0251 - - - DOCKET BOOKS, BtrOKSKLN PURS ES PORTEMONNAIES, and a general variety of I-Ra TEM GOODS, i u-- " , r ecei v i r E i t a t ` - ' 7s B OOK sTORE ALYANACS! ALMANACS ! BEAR 7 BIrANCABTER ALMANAC , ' Ana received and for sale at nag , _ SCHICF7ER'S-BOORISTORK AVANA ORANGES, just Tecieved at LC was BUYEB:jE-gp&APES 000 1 t a ted 4: 12 1)21614 .1 ,1 3 11 , 8 r4 e t; [febll tigY DOCK, far sale r .. or, it' . BicAMIVEIVS - .11N ir . o l , ~..f-PlCSldekartfie iiitiele . fok bible tit* PA r ecely '" rd far Bale by [febl] wisplie ;mil* at LIotUOIEWIEEE&T 1 BIICIIMEFAT !—A moll ton superior quality of Buckwheat, direct fro ci i all., for ale by the sack or watt, at WM BOY= di soma&
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers