:: illibitat DR. JOHNSON 33 Ak.XiTI/i&C,I=LMI LOCK HOSPITAL ! HAS discovered the most certain, speedy and effeteuel remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Rgu IN SIX TO TWILVII HOURS. No Mercury or NOXiOUS DM% A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, ht from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictitres i - Affeitiona eittee.y.tanAys and Bladder, Involuntaty discharges; ICS; potency, Geoeral Nervousness, Dyspepsy, tam , puor, Low Snints, Confusion of Ideas, pa Ipitanen of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of eight or taiddt- Deal, Di teats of the Bead, Throat, Nose or Skin, Atka, tiona of the Liver, Lungs. Stomach or Boviele—those ter. tibia aisordem arising from the nolitary Habits of Youth —those mower and solitary prang cas more iatal to their victims them the song of yreus to the Mariners of Lilys ace, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations , rendering marriage, ans., impossible. Young Ken ibp e olg or, who have beeoMt m. -victims of Solitary irks, that dreadful and destructive habit whkih annual ly;sweeps to an. undmely , goiye Meurer:NM of Young Wed of - the meet Atelted Waifs and "tchllfant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the ihunders of - ' eloquence or waked to ecstasy ; the living lyre, may call with full confident*. Marriage. . . idarried Persons,. or Young Men contemplating mar riage, being aware or physical weakness, organic debili ty. deformities, an., speed' y cured. be set* places himself under the care 01 Dr. J. may religiously confide in his l'ocaur as a-gentleman, And con fidently rely upon tis ekW as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cured, anti full vigor Restored, This distresong renaers 1 he misera ble and marriage impursible— is the penalty paid by ',the victims of improper indulgences. t Mingpersoue are' too apt w commit num see from not being - - aware of 'tht dreadful cunteq ences that-may ensue. , New; who that underwrites the subject win pretend to i'eny that the or of PrucT , Won is:lost sooner • y those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de, prived the pleasures of healthy Miltpring, the - most se riousand destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system osomiseit deranged, the Physical and Mental Functions Weanened, Loss of Procreative Power, Nervious lrradbility, Dyggiepsis, PalPitatiorrof the Heart, Tudigiik4tion,, Oduatitailon .1 Debility, a Winding of the Frame, Cough, Cousumptlun, Decay and Death: Office, No: 7 tidath Frederick - Street. , Left - hana side going f; um lialtituole eireat, a feww, door. item Die corner'. hit Doll td ohierve usme and mixotier. Letters must be paid and ;contain a stituni. the Poe , tor's Diplomas bang in his aloe. L. - Cure Wartanted,in Two Days. Nu Mercury, or ACtuseout Drags, Dr. Johniboi Member of tbe Ro. al Cellege ol enrgeol3B, London, Grad uate from oue of the most eminent Colleges m the tinned Limes, and tbe greater put of whom hte has been spent in the.laispltals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and eltie where, has .effected some of the most astonishiug that wertrever. ROOM/ many troubled ' with ringing in the need and ears when asleep; great norm:Lanese being . alarmed at sudden mands, baelinlianens, with frequent blushing. attended onuetimes with dernigement of mind were cured Immediately. " Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all those who have hitured themselves by improper indulge ce and solitary habits, whick rub:t hink oody and mind, entitling them for 'either business; Study, society or marrlega These are some of me sad silo melanctiolly effects pro duced by early habits •of youth, via : WesluieSer of tee Back and Limos, Pains in the aced; Dimness .f Sight . ; Loss of Muscular Power, Palgitation of the heart, Dys popsy, Nervous irratibil ty, Derangement of the Digestlye Functions, Sentral Debility Symptoms of Coniumption, ito; ILINTALLT.—The fearful effects on the mind are much lobe.dreaded—Loss of Memory, COW usiou of ideas , premium of Spirits, Evil Fur tKKIlup, Avers on, to eomety, Self Distrust, love of aolitude, Timidity, do., are some of the soil. produoiNL Tat.nusalsos of persons of all ages can now judge what Is the cause of their declining health, losing their rigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having 'a singular appearauce tweet the ey es, cough and symptom of eonsumption. Young• Men Who have Invited themeeirai by n certain practice re' deilged in when atone, a Luton frequently learned from evilcompauiuns,oratsahent, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and il not cured readers marriage and destroys both rand and body, should apply Immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his coun try, the darling o: his parents, should be snatched from all prospects end ecjoymeute of life, by the eomequenes of deviating treat Me path of nature and Indulging ih a cartaln secret habit. Such persons nun, before conical plating Maxnage . • relieCt thata /band mind cud body are the moat , neOsi sarriecolitites to promote connubial happiness. indeed, without these, the Journey through lifb becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the yiew i; the mind becomes ehedowed with despair sod tilled with the melaucholly reit aims that die happiness of another becomes blighted with our own. Diseaise of Imprudence. When the mleguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has imbibe M the seeds of this painful dia. ease, it too often hapens that an tit-dined *ease of shame or dread of discovery, deter* him from applying to those who, from e iuc-lieu and reapentauility, can alone be . friend him, delaying till We contlituilimal symptoms on, this burr it unease mak their appearance, such as ul muted sore throat, disiased nose, nocturnal pains In , the head and limbs, dimness of eight, deafness, nodes on the shin boned and arms, blotches on the h ad, thee and. extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at Writ the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall In, and the victim of thirrawful disease became a horrid obj.et of commiseration, tiltqleath pure a period to 116 dreadful suCerings, try sending him to " that Elediecoe , vered.Cfnatr.y, trots teceifyetio ;warder Ii W inehinahlly Ater thaAtitattsdatia fail victims to this terrible disease. esein,.. to the , ousgtifuliness of igno rant pretenders,. Wild bF: the use of that - Chia' fay Poison, Ne‘aury, ruin die Genstitahon and make the residue o We mist:rabbi, --Strangers: - Trust not your lives, or neann , to , the,cyra of the.many Unlaulted and Woitlawn . Pretenders, deentute of know ledge, name or anaraolo,r,Wbo. copy Dr. :aohnsonis m sdver yertlee or style - themselves to the newspapers, regularly, ICOncated Phrlieftne inclinable of Curing, they keep it/1) trifling month after mo.tn wag their filmy and powsnouan•ss cos. ,ponadri, or as long as the smallest Le ea' tai attained, - and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappoirdnuint. Dr. Jonmon is the only Physician .uvertisingy Bin credential or diplomas always hinge bills office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared irom a life spent in the gr eat 'haspittils rope, the firs' In the country and a more exhale*.Pri vate Practice than any other Physician in the World; -7: Indorsement of the Press. ' The many tramsa.ds oared, at slue kunnuttoo year af baryear, and the -iininerone imtiortint Singlet& Opera tions performtd,by Dr, Johnson, witntiaised by 'the ge,-, porters °film , ..qqa,”. , - , Clipper," and many, other , fa 4. pm, mites or Wlleii:hAve appeared Rota andi , agafri before beeidee his standing as a. gantlentan of ebarketerand responsibility, is a sufficient gthirrantee Intim adhered. . Diseases,bpeedily Cured: 4? Perilous writing altoul < l be Vartacilitit in directing their littera to his InAnutica, Um following manner : JOUN M. JOHNSON, - 01 the Baltimore Lock Horpitat, Otitt - newly replenished. Skock ti . i. Toilet aid Piinet Goode Is tiudurpassed tn,. ad.! eity ./i0 ,letlilitg ctiiig u eoc or znodoting tag,laction. we would tea pent:llllj , inyita a doll. • iii..LLEft; 91 Market street, two doors east of Fourth accent, Bout! 5in!,...„ _._ ..... .. . •L• ..,.:,;.i..,..,. - L._. ... - 08.0..Cia. of , all : kinds .Yoi 1. Web,' 0,10 . 1101.8 BOWII-iti, . • Corner Vront and liaraet nreets. NEW Orleans Bugars; wtnte and brown, }Gat reusisen and for mkt log oy NILMOLS & BOWMAN, Car. Front and Market streets. EM QUDA Biscuit, City Crackers, just receiv. ed end for ea by Nit:l3olz rr,Bo etete., • , Cfor!*Yroel , fla harlot streets. PORT FOLIOS—:. WRITINU DESKS. r ti, entire now eneortment of these (le g a l ar _ A tifi* : lo B Copeikad at_ qt 4 v.! '4> Parl Rert, . RO WNlatigarti of .OIL-grades, for sale imr;.bir trICROLi's , OWMAIV, Ooraer P'roni an / Market ...meals. QIIGAR oured hams. jnet received and I„) rout., by Nloll‘,lo it:BOWMAN, • $4,17.1 - Tor. Front opit, Me het eAest• IaiItfrIVASEENG BLUE, vlta eaoel lent pubstaute.for Indigo, for ea le at the wholesale Entail grooefyrifore of - NICHOLS Ss WW4T -- • acirsugrof PrcuA andmarket: New 2bvertiottnents. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD BUMMER TIME TABLE. 'FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHIL4DRLPHIA. ON AND APIIM MONDAY MAY Ekth, .1882 The homages Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depict from and arrive at Harrisbnri and Philadelphia as litilßows IE4 STWA*Ii• THROUGH 11:81'RESS TRAIN leavas Harrisburg daily at 1.16 a .; and :arrives at Sweat Philadelphia a t et.. Ili.. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (ne* Honday,) se 6.80 a'. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at '8.45 VAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except scoday) at 1.20 p. m, and arrives at West Philadaphia at 6.25 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Moon Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m.. and arrives at West. Rids• delphla at 1.2 . :26 b. m.' RANRISDONO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, vta Whim -144,101mm, Marriabari at 4.1.0 • tn.. and' arrival at West Philadelphia at 9 26 p. m. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPREBts TRAIN Istives Philadelphia at 10.36 p. m., Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m., Altoona 8.10 e. m. nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.85 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.15 a.m., and ar rives at Harrisburg ,a112.110p. m.; leaves Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m., altobna, ?Alp. m.; and arrives at Pittsburg; at I'lls a. m. . . . FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Harris burg 345 n..m., Altoona at 8.20 n. ni., and arriving at at 12.45 a.. in. Pittsburg. HARMSBURG ACOOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Pb!!. delptda at .7.50 p. tn., and arrive.' at kLarrisburg at 8.00 tn; - MOUNT JO 1r AOCOMPODATION yin Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at ICAO a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at• 12.40 P.m. SAMIIKL D. YOUNG, &V. Pun, DIV. Penna. Railroad IDartsburg, May . 2, 1862 .—dtt 1:862. s riat z 1862. ARitANG-tIiEN CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN L • - _ ROADB-i. `: ORANGE OF ' HOURS. On and , after : ncindiy,MAY' s ,nglley i k!;isliOgerl'raltoi'sytll run dotty, an follows , (Sundays Canted :) For Uhamberiburg and Harrisburg. : Leave Hagerstown ' - 7 00. $ la' " nreencaine,..........- ~ •• • ••••• ••—7 8 7 . ..!),.: 85 , it 1 . : { "Airme at.. ' • ' 8 17 ~4! 20 :,chamber.burg ' —.--- . Leave at ' 8.80 , 12 66 , 861 nob 900 127 '' Newrille...."4, ...........,....9 32 200 Carlisle ' ' ''' 18 10 2 4 0 ` "I M ccbanicsborg ' 10 42 312 Arrive at nirriabnrg 11 - - 76' .. 3 40 •••••••• For Chamberabnrg and Hagerstown :11 , .; - i • , A. , X.: • P,1119- Leave ciarr,.,loul ••••. .... . 2 ...8 06 ..-, _2.."116 " l" Mechanicsburg ............ . . , 1 ........8 47. 216 I . - Carlisle . 9 :I' 266 Newvi11e........... ...i l O 02 329 " Bblopensburg. ... •• , • e 1....; •••• • • • • ..10 88 400 ... Cbambersberg......„.....Arr tve.ll 00 4SO " Chnelbersberctil..l. .. ...',.laave..ll 10 44 9 ," Greencastle}.' ' 11 66 680 Arrive aklitigtowajsi 12 86 010 . n . ... 1 . : ,. ~ ~- . ..„ 0.N. .: LULL, Supt. R. a. 4 -Thineunainbersto . nrg, May 1, 1862.-dly -, 1" OROS& .ifk BLACKWALL'B Celebrated 'id tunas, SAUM,A.ItgIEKVAS, &0,, Ste. A large supply of the above, et:Abrupter every Satiety, ligst re if Ted rud for oak by, [llo] WM. WHOM& Co, ipoptogtvarnt Map elegraptb itionbag 'Afternoon October 6, 1862 DAN'L. L MUENCH, AGENT. t IF the Wallower Lin repectful Informs th Ol e d public thst this Old e Daily s Transporlta y tion Line, (the only Wallower Line now in existence to this City,) I. Is in sitccesalll operation, and prepared to carry freight se Mar as any othertudiehical line °Muesli Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Jersey'Shere; Lech Havm and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and WU liannaport and Elmira Railroads. DANL. A. WHENCE, Ageet. Harrisburg, Pa floods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacoat. Zell & Sinchman, Nos 808 and 810 Market street ab eve Eighth, Philadelphia, by 4 delock,'W. u., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprBO•rdmyl B. Z. HARRIS ) Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Blanniaotarer . NO: 112 HARKEY ;MEIN, EtARRISBUEG. L.l AS always on hand 'a full assortment • dna and Japanned Ware, Pooling and Parlor StOses of the best manteacturlas, Otte" Spouting, Roof ing 'and Ckalysoized Iron Comb*, manufit 'tared and pa t up at rismottable rates. Repslitag promptly attended to. . aprBo-dly REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH la AS removed his Boot and Shoe Store _Lk from the corner of second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 .MARKET STREET , Next doorto Havne's Agriculture Store, where he Intends to keep all kinds of Hoots a..d Shoes, Gaiters, &c., 'and a large stock or Trunks, and everything in bla line of bu siness • and,wili,be thansful to receive the patronage 01 Lis old customens and the public in general at his new* place Of buslipes. All kinds of work made to order in the beat style and by superior wo:kmen. Repairing dune at 'abort Maim rapr2dtf3 JOHN B. BIRTH. A. C. 13M,ITEL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFIOE THIRD ,STREET. mylOy) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT YN DENTISTRY tit. P. R. ALLABaCFi , btirgeou D. tist, Manufactarer of Stuceral , PlateT . eeth, the Duly method that obtriatea`every tilifeetido , the use of arm &Cat teems, embracing partial,- buffered whele sets of one piece only, or pure and indestruett•le nutteral, there ere, an crevices for the acecumtilittitac efliaiall 'Ps:4meg of Pone And therefore, noodesterre oder from the breath, as no me tel he ',media their coheiracipa, there can be nii"gitiviudt settee or tuba Hence the Indio Ideal is not ac cloyed with sore tartlet, headache, be Office vo: North second street, Harrisburg. nella• . • TELE°. F. ISCHBF.PER, BOOK AND JOB . lIIINTEB, Na 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. • sarEnftiodiar attention paid to Printing, Ruling and &tiding tiailroad Blanks, Manifests, Faiiinee, Meets, Canna printed at sit, sa, $4, and $5 per bouaand Inelegant style. • • " 120 SCHIEFFELIN Baovi.4 - as & co, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, . . • A ND 'DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Pep , throcry,ko. Also agents.for the sale of Relined Pouuleum, oil, superior to any coal oil • furnished Maar quantities at' the lOieest market rites. in and 172 . Williant . . Wreet, a27416m] • . NEW • YORK. . ADULekt r, *TEL; PSEI. wOULD resp'eattlilly intorn, hieold patron/ and the public' generilly, Mal Ida win continue to give ingtriletanus on the P 14,91. FORM, hit WDEON, VIOLIN : sad Alen in On /Menne oi BASS. Ho will'iettiirindsuroirairefxm pupils atthen 4komeg 14:41 3 Y 11our. deniredi:or moons will be giveli a rosuieoce,.ifi : Thir§l mato, f t few, doors; below tb Wraith itinainied ennrekt. dectib-dg W M AL P RAC, 8I L • PLUMBER .G A S F, I T'T E R Thikr.sh4,l the h Printlis : O t„!1' , 01-LES., dwellings,.fics• churches publics ! bulidiugs, factories, Lc., fitted up with•gls, lead Ara Iron Edits lu it workman like manner. Hydrants, Wash Beth Tula, ifc aSdßitTei Altar, Witter Closet:li, Lead - ano Irsn Ave for water; kas CCU statat': n shire PcSsiblumistrocutge Is reepectful4 eolioltbd. All *Ork prnetlyatistellto. 1 i myBo.4ll3ini US 1 • t 1; a N . . 'BILLIARD. AND BOWLINE/ SALOON,i NO. 119 luour.ET sTßEET,'l'ltath. FIFTH. THE eullscriliete having. erected a larg eL ' building at the eboveplace,expreestrtur the•pur,t 0- seii,thove tedicittad, heg . to,eec the attention of the pub tie t o the.iefloWing : • "- Pea ihtsraysnrrr, on the firit thior, , wlthit dining `room attaoho . # pled up in if, will at ell tithes he stippled with fhe best uy4TER4 to be had ae the Atlantic. dike, thiethix - erith feiripin .thsh, and , all piths geese toeenren. ':Oysters served 'tip in every style, and; attinis to; be hartatla hours. • ' The -Alecerall the celehret.,4 breweries lu: ,the country constantly :on bend:• • TheTeirplit Alley, or Bowling Saloon, u in the rear, and contains three alleys of, modern coisatruction, where the lovers of this healthy exercise can enjoy themselves. 'Me Billiard Saloon Is upstairs—ralegautly Sued „hp, and contains three Marble to , pg r fpenbituttioA• cashion'i tier , bleS, eqiiie ' Harrisburg boa long foil- the -want of II grand combin. atiou of this land,, and pa Op proprietors are dloWingtid t9.PciPi.d 10 ldt: it hija — ciiiiht Ordwilr osisnner; add'dd rring their power to inane it a fas.donable recur o'y Dope to. roodoeo bberal-octivo of poptio, mar°, • • WILLIAd C. ifq+9).Po.oo. - ItEAUTIFULTISSUE P2Oliat r i ,),. 1 ~'IR r ee l lr rillg intin: ; C:oilings,6 l"B4.3B g 4 P rE i° Pi t ii.es .. a . E - anciait.eo as to pan over grings in" go. 'O3A p . .o I tar B ,4 oo intigi arae B ._ o lfoli 4 X , scliE ns. ir t i,s a ,s te soo . at - E.6 - 70148. .. =R9@l- ''' — EI7I3BER GtoIIDS Rubber Watches aubber,Toye generally al, By.. ktqw:EN ,e,PIRAP,I3OOKETORi POCKET BIBLES,- A FULL .assartitiatit`,l4l Pocket Bißles ILA. and Teetameata fq!' the, soldiers, jcat re eived at ' BERONEWS BOOAMBE. LASS 'Jere „ frAtt, the - AURA, eheapi &nide land et; taw, warrantei! to give Asteetionotketsreceived and Oar sale by ' iblloaoLB* VOWMAN, .1019 . CprnerPront and Market,elreee. PIOES of all kiiids; s vihole isOtiround, LI warranted fresh and pure, for,ealkleor,...by I , lloelo/.5:&,1040, ' I septl2 Corner croifisuf Market streets. _ iID NiR , : Vinegar, Nvixititilted apttee;:-Ifor V ado lbw, by , Nlca(fA,l a Bow4taN, soptl2 Coiner !cal bfiikeraireetie. , , ) 1 - .)61. kt.B for ,Rfeafgving;z4Ml Aid:ex am ma; - .ibWMax t iy7 ‘coiner trintitniildikriet estoi .• L kit0ik,8,rai.0...,,,,0„.0„,inti„... ; jest ~ received and for sale .3 0,346 03r. Irront anti Market. !meta. . , 3 LORESH FISH every Tuesday and Friday at. JOHN WISE'S Otore r -dornat)of Third and Wal ant _ . . 'ltarioty of useful )11 , i.emotts! and: Itiiislns=, juid' ceiced and foiriede ‘• 4 SOWILLY; Comer Ironeand , m-lrW - AltD ALL& LEVSS, , Piades*d 9meipiodeiniwai - w143/04, A Oak-, linsintso barbs. . faisullanuius fflebital hELNIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION , •1110 LY CONCENTRA rgroo COMP. .CND num EXTRACT BUCRILI, A Positive. and Speolde Remedy ' For Diieeses of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL. SWELEINGS. lithe Medicine. ncreases -the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS Int healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALOAREOUS depositions, and aII:IIN NATURAL lENLARGEISBNTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLANATION and is good for MEN, WOMBt4 OR csuanulti. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, ' For Weaknesses. Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early In. discretion. or Abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to Exertion, toes of Tower Ices of Memory, Difficulty , ' of Breathing, Weak Nerves,, , • Trembling, Horror Of Disease, Wakefuldess, Dimness mVlelon , Path to the Bask Universal Lassitude of ttie Muscular Spann, Hot Hands, Flushing of tile Body Dryness of the Skin Eruptions on tue Face PALLID tX/UNTENANCIE, These sylnptoms, if alloWed to.go on , which this med icine invariably removed, soon Rillows IMPOTENCY. FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS' IN IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EXP IRE: Whocan say that thoy_are not Dein& tip fo ll owed by those "DIREFUL' DISEASES," . - . "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION,* Many are aware of the cause of their enffenag, NONE WILL CONFESS. THE: RECORDS OF THE INSANE.ASYLUMS, And OA Arelatteholy Deethe by COWS%4ifiptiOn, Hu& *mug MrENDMITO nurra or ritCessontmer. THE CONSTITUTION OEMs; AFFECTED WITH oltoeNic WHAII.NBA Regains the aid of medleine . to strengthen and . Invigorate the System, Which Esimsoce's EXIRACT SUOMI , ineariabig doe ?kW. WILL COMIC! THE MOST 21111P77011... • • FEMALES-4 1 RATALFS--FF*i . 4ES. • LD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, Oft CONTEMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONs PECULIAR TO FEMALES the Extract Ruche is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Uhlorosis. or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness; or Suppressto n or 'CliatOmar3i . Ulcerated i or Sublimes state of the Uterus, Leucorhont Whit* Stahl fly and for all complaints Incident to the sex, whether arising frus, Indiscretiod,'Habits of Dissipation, or in the , . DECLINE Olt CHANGE 01 LIFE. iloca SYMPTOM 410 , 71 NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT MEN xo MOP t Ill 131.amat, lliotraY AID DANGIUN3tI3 DLI4AFINd OINN POR EtIIOIIIOLIPB R4z2RAcr 800111.1 =Ma SECRET' DigEABEI3. • In ail their Stars, At little EYpOnae Little or uo change in Diet ; No inconvenienee; 'And no Exposure. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Oaring Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imflammat.km, so frequent In the claw of oiseatoni and expelling cili Poisonous, &sensed and worn-out Natter. THOUSANDEI 'UPON Thorratirea SU HAVE BEEN ME VICT,4IB OP QUACKS, and who have paid nervy nas to be,cured In a, shOrt time,have found'thity were'deceived, and that the "PO suns ludyby the use oF.t.rowearon acrenument, been dried up In the system, to breat, °attn . an , aggravate& Corm, and - PERHAPE MARRLION, use flumooLD'e Romeo' Bumf for ell drool:ton and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether esiettne in MALE Oft PENTAIR, From whatever came orikinating and no matter , t MOWIONG,STANDING. Mileages of these Organs require the , aid of MSS IG EINIMBOLDIS : , HIRMSI MMHG • - ..ISMIREGRELT.DIURRiga r API AII3Is . tertaix to have Ule dottrel elect in.eallsalisee FOR:WICEOFiIT DI RECOMMENDRD.'.. Evidence of Me most fellable and , rfspenabs character irlll nacoripenr the Mei:J.loa. CERTIFICATES OF CURE; • . /rose told yeierso standing, • Wren LIANA" maws ro • SCIENCE AND FAME.: Price $1 00 per bottle,;..or' 811 fel. $5 00: Deliveirid to any address, eaniely 0444 frem cheer DINCRIBEASYMEIONS LIS; COMMUNICA'PIONS. Cures; Guaranteed 1 ..;Advice Grail!! AFFIDAVIT. Personally atmeared before me, an Alderman, of ttho city of, Philmielphis„,H..T.. HEISBOLD, wno being duly /worn, (loth - say, his preparations contain no narcotic, no mercury, (mother Injurious drugs, but are purely vagii• table . ... • -._ a. T..gawarlx . . litworn'and imbeeribed before me, this llitl doy of No vember, 1864 i . - WM. P. 'UMW', Alderman, - : ~.. • ' Niothatokboye Race; Phila. Adgreesletters !or beormotionlo conll4,enoio , _- 'a T. MUMMA Otremizt., • , De ' 101. South Tenth ' SE. . her.themnut,, Philo, I BE. OF couimpurzirts , _ AND UNPRINCIPLED Dig;&LARS, 'I . • Who endeavor Allispose "or isna owsr and. hymn"? Asnioridi ON TON AirorArioN Anarsito Br Halmbold's *mine ft,eparation R. - • a ...Axe* Buxhu, " , S“••• , -Sarsaparilla, Improved Ron Wash. Sold by 0.K., dellor,:, D. W, (bean, .7. VlrYsil!, Bannvart. -- • -,= . : • NYNRY WHERE, ASK FOR,FIELMBOLIPS. TARR yo OTHER, Oat out The 'advtirinent arid seo .tor.it; AND'ATOIDiIipOSPIIO WAND tEPCSUR.E. noirla.dl* ;: • I • 1- F I tki ti ICA*II.O E THE .DELAWARE MUTUAL SALFETT INSURANCE 00MPA.NL: • • INOORP.ORA TED 1886. Capital 069,128 37. ,EIBEOTOBS. • • Wm. Martha, Edmund A. Souder,,Theophllus Paulding. • Jno Penrose, o. C. Davis JIM r Eitl Oar, I Wm. Lyre, James. 41 Bind, William O. Ludwi&',Toseph'lL Seal, Di R. M. Mum? evoriie Leiper, Hugh Dealt- %ones Kelly, damp E. ztOirelf P. Peuldetok awry ...loan, Bdward Dar ngiOit; U. Janes Brook% Spencee , M'llvalue, Thomas C. Mand,'Robert. Burton, Jacob P. Jonas, Jamee B. Affailand, Joshua P. Eyre, John' B.Bemplo. Pitts burg, D. T. Morgan, - pittsbare B.-Berger, Plitilbarg. WILLIAM kARTIN, Prom** ThOMAS OA HAND, Vice .ProAkent. ' HENRY LYLEUDM,....DIeIteaw The undersigned as agent - for the above named OM-. pauy , comma to like lire Risks inL itarriebtig Ina ;, 1 - , Wit -Wilt. jele•dlt - ~. PORT' FOLIO!, I " ''_ 1 IlivorlNGlDlicalts, v v • filtAvaitact BAGS; ' . - , PURSES,I I'ORTISIONAIES, lAnd a general 1m:oil - anent of -- - • - FAI 4 ,P.T.AOOEII , 111417743 just been moit*.ivea at BFX.Gb.'S CHEAP BOCOSTOtt.F,. ~ ~ • .. .......-- . . SIMAR OURFA ;RA Mfg. pima) BEET,__ ! SHOULDEBB i ~...- . BoLG.Nat , 4IISACtE. •IA ... i ge apia frfah pumplyjukt receivojty ~ 1 bt'i t " r ..- .... . i: . •I. W C PPC4O 7 - ' , li io • MrUIIINTUOVS 'PECTORAL BATS INVALUABLE entirely[E•YEU-,., . L.L. vegetable la_ its composmon, D i yed with wo_aderfnl success..tor. " qu ark L of i diseasea ,f f oy the f A t t e =',G e Iit.S . aAdLINGS. For any orro o at su6ll''ae: COUGH: inbcpx, 'of-li r— AT . BEITTING •OF BLOOD,• MET; CULT BIiEATEING, HOABBENEtiIB, °l°4 ' l l i° l E ll * n • le : 3 It ie e will taAH4r ' tilPpere:tlt/ dneoYfie b e st safestedicaes for r all 'forme of BRONOWF—R - C ONSUMPTION. •No kidnam or prepatat tOn any 44: tiii(*fil°`so sale at BOfI LE . 't . • PRI CE $l9O Ms O l P • BOOK '1 ii . E . 3IG-N r t , .; ' pasi,TENOlTPLailidrtgiont, of ilsooware jr,a reicvo., 19/d rat ; . own , - V.Otti &A:I6W, , i• foal • - lttagi En=MM -.4 qrge supply of fresh Salad 011 In IL.ferge end small bottle, sand of different brands -Let received and in sale by , . .1;.:•• ••.• nrit..laxi t ii„! . . t .v.i . ‘ • '10• • IRE•titakeikatfirbr the' cilia or boic, 'Just reedy& aid fir safe by- 1- .-'; •, • • J- 1 . J.-.NSNIMAsjI97I I4 / 1 .•.:i0t.1a ijel4 ' nta milut strata 1 : ..- . J ..:..1 - 51 1 . garel .i-14b 1) W. GROSS & CO., DRUGGISTS, MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of u.rmxis all such articles as are desirable, and would, respectfully ca your Mention to the hysest and best selected stock in this cuy, of DRUGS CILEXIOALO da PAINTS.: um. varnuni. and Glues, Ell . drsang Fluid and Alcohol, Sparin and Pine 0n... PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, a= CE eetected from the beat reandfactarare end Pe turners of Europe and this country. Being very lett t dealers in PAINTS; WHITE LEAD, C, NSEEi 41. 1 VARNISHES, WINDOW GLASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARII6 1311IIKELSS IN ALL THEIR VARIED - 28, COLORS AND BRONZFA OF ALL &ENDA, • W HO 1.-M 9mA - We resPectindY invite a., call , feeling comB dent ttntt we! ow ;supply ,tne wanta of. all do forma to their. satisfaction. JONE'SAND WITITES'SPOROFILAIN TEETH; PATI]NT. MEDICINES, AND HAIR Of 411 kinds;difect from the.Proprietore. qepcniifier en:d" geeeentrited Lye; Wholesale Agents.* .eaponifier,- which we eat as low as it can be.purchased in the dike. • MAY KEINOAI:.- EI•IJED EXTRAOTS. Being 'large. pinnate/re In these Ws, we cai otler , Inducement& to close buyers, Coal Oil Lampa dfthe mostmproved pattern s veiyi obeap. All !dna. of !ripe changed to bnrn l Coal OIL FAlt FRS AND GRAZIERS, Those of yon who have' not given our HORS)! *ND 0/1f FEZ POWDERS ti aria] know no ihezr superiority,, end: the. Advantage they are in keeping:ll°ms• and Cattle healthy and in gy-steondititin. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from, the use of our Oatge Powders by iuctotaipg , quantity and Axiality of rank, besides hnin'oviiig the general" health and "iiii;• bearinoecof their Cbittle par long potemelu gre business gives 'us the advantage of et thorough knowledge of thi trade, and our arr a ngements in the 'cities are :each that We caa in Et very short time furnisb . • anything to oar,basin e sa, on the limst of terms. .1 • Alutulrfol for the liberal: patronage bestowe onour tiOuue; we hope by strict attention to iiusinere, a 1 careful uelectiou of dialit•O' please all, to ;limit 'a contliroanee'of the favor of a diecrip. i t athig a, , aPI4-4/1 FISHING, , TA,Q..11:. Ei I '..- ''-- §.-Tr4ml il t ren:ll: , . Torm:ifruiritnet floe joint, Trout Rods- - •, . Bilk ankAliaritkralhisithiMn = l-oi4 60 1 Yaids ;tong. I &widen pateM,Trout, Imes, _. 'Li , " ' " " A!::wfraosJirossisted Bilk Trout Lines,; i' '' a a , en en t CottonLamy; Limon, , .t , 0 t. , c lost Lines furnished COI Wooks,rM , I, ix, mpg Multiplying Ape% 40,m igy ... „l - Ms. , 4 id abliolee Wong nm, . Silk Worm Gutteiderichottom tines, 3,t0'9 feet. r,Simindri...r ' 4 1 ".- A111:14:41, UMW& BOOS, Watt, NoL bias i 'lima Bask*Wriii,rioirg arid River MQ Abner lokttrout and Era floolni, troitsj/lasks - and -Drirk.h,,, 'LOSS.I.9I4.Mgyja MAIJR,ANDIFASOTAgrOmg ; triY2 ' - 9 . 1 Nar are A. if ,"`Fresh eicsund aii bo o t i plee, •- v.: Roppor, , Aloploo, annint i - thrtmanzik - mi... --- ii 1 ; t - ; Llg ne olAkliownnii.iii,. Lge , .) , isorro t . arir - ----- 4 , r, li' l itr.V. triralii ... # ' in - jure lW l6 Ratli alv ina r enidlli ald . mikinoti voru lininig anumm impart .* :l j a iul t eni = '". is ta lt iLrOg or, anw-in ' - Wattle' far efirrypurilase; gp4 ste bY .: -, ;1 i , 4 .. _,' u .!.; :.. MIL DIXOLo Ai: C o.' 1.1.-teilli slid ifitatennivric anaortniedt of lalle • wlM liMulliALNaldin-- -1 04 9 1- Maio , 'dor stud 's*Mllol' sit , E 9 • One Front end fano& aso*. ID. 111. q.rosy $0 %WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO. 19 BARRISBURG, PEAN'A DysAtuffs, 011 and Patty, Artist Colors and Took, Pars Ground Spica Ooittes, Vials and Lamp Globes, Castlic Soap, Sponges and Cork., so., emu:, &e., With a gmwral v a riety" at TEETH I' TEETH I! RESTORATIVE!? LVAL dIL f OAAI3OII off, f PAL it IEI : UnGll3 ffaital. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, TIM NSW SSAIK.Dy Fug RHEUMATISM 4. NEW REMEDY caßrAor EMERY, J 7" ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATL.9II, WIEUMAIISK OS .EVEHT SIND HOW STUBBORN No matnammil HOW I,ONG MAWR% PROPTIaI WHAT IT HAS DONS, I I WILL DO ADAM, LI BftST tam:mows, Ban bLICDIQBL AIITHORiTY PENNSYLVANIA EIOSPITAL riVom Oniau Hoarrua azreB7za.l MAT 19, 1860,--Ellen S., mt. 28, single, ester seat ver; drong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rneem a siam,trom which she was confined to her bed :or t we week: and subsenenhy from a relapse far four more. She bee heel, weft since then till last Saturday, while engaged in house cleaning, she took cold, had pain In her back, felt cold, hot bad no deeded chill. Two days later her amides be gan so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. Oho has now dug pain in her Shoulders, and her knuckles are very trader. red and painful ; both hands are affected, but the right lamest so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as it is now fashionably called, rheumatic lever. it a well remarked typical ease We will careffilly watch tlx case, and from time to time call your attention to the Varl octs symptoms which present themselves. My chief objeat In bringing her before you now, Is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended is the treatment Of rkenmatiam. I m ztn props/amine. Dr Awenaries, of St. Petersburg, recommends It in the highest terms, having derived great oeoefit from its ueo in 260 Mee -which came tinder his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting it have appeared in our journals, and 1 propose therefore to give it another trial. IMILA confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted es specific., , but this comes to his recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. tbrIBLE CASE FOUR DAYS LATER MAY 23 /880...1 Will now exhibit to you the patient in : whom I prescribed Propyhurdne, and was then labor ng under an attack of acute rhenntatnim. She h..s steadily taken ft in downer three grains every two hours (intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, !mud ber much More comfortable, better than she ex pectedMbe fora week or more, judging front her other enact. (The patient now walked into the room.) The mprovement has steadily progressed, and you cannot dlrnbothis a masked change in the appearance of her mita, s which are new nearly all of their natural size.— nur far our experiment would have seemed very sa maul ; bat, gentlemen, we must watt a hula while tre- Ore we can give a decided opinion as to what is to bc: :he result. Here is another patient who was placed on the the ni Js same medicine on Sunday last ; she has long been tuffering from a bionic rheumatism, and I found her at shat time with an acute attack supervening upon her fibrin/lc affection. The wrists and alltlCKit. were much swollen and tense. She took the chloride of Propyla line in Mies grain does every two hours, and you wilt perceive that the avialhAg of the joints has mush dimin ithed. THREE DAYS LATER I I MAY in, 1860.—This is the case of acute rheumatism eaten with propylamine, the first of those to wilier:, ailed your attention at our lug clinic: •ate is et II very nomfortabbi; and is now taking three gralue :one. daily. In this Mott has seemed to be followed by very sat letsctery rental& The second cme to winch your e tt en , gauss called at our last lecture, has also continued to do welt I will now bring before yon a very Cturactor- Wit case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be eat factory, I think, as good juryen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor of propyhunin -He is a seaman, let. gs, Who was admitted a few days ago. Hall bad ocaskinal rheumatic puma, but not so as to keep hid bed, until eight days ago. The pains began in his.right knee, subsequently adectedthe left knee, au,i !mar the joints of the tapper extremities. these Pinot rite ail 'swollen, tense and tender. lila tongue Is furred ids akin, at present 'dry, thougn there has been moon samiting. " His pulse es ft and strong, and about. Be:— Hoban now used propylambio Sir twenty-four hours. This gentleman is what may be called a strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a feeling of tiild,ness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it es:tally : due% iuthe.lowerjohns.. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally attiendaut on acute rheumatism ' I - dldmet bring thbi patient latdbre you with the [men. don of giving you a lecture en all the points coat:timed with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the sew remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you tibia typical case, as I have called it, than which there co not be a fairer opportunity for nesting the meWW.' ice in question. 'We are, therefore, avoiding the met et et, other medicines„ even anodynes, that there may be ut, 'alitigivinge as to which was the efficient remedy. Tot ,shot l see the case 01 o future clinic. THE RESULT, A FA.VOIIAI3LE VEBDICT Josmg, 1880.—The nett of our convalescents to tit. case of acute rheumatism before you at MIX 011.1t0 of hiay UM, which I then called a typical came, aad ribleit it was remarkod was a fair opportunity for teineg worth of our now fenisidy; It was therefore stellity I ven in three graln dorm every two hours for four nave .llhe pat( enthsif got along very nicely, and is cow able In :wait about,.issen see. Ido not hesitate to a y that i have neves seen as severe a case of acme rued ...tatiser. angina kestored to - health Am any man has been, an iithfitinthelny„ prepared to decide positive by as to the rai iienf,Alie remedy we have used, I feel bound to Ste diet In the Mae in which we . have tried the Chloride e .rrOptandoe, the patients beim regained their bealti. earlier- I*.uuLtailiiiirt - tko treatment ordinarily elfpied. Mod. '`.tOrligt.gedailititen., you would yOilfgetres try it, 4Xld r ep eat ~ Ibr_xPLlt eportfitwitch the above is a eonneasen earact,Tsm it* 04idelphia Medipsd and &growl' Br icker.- ip t e report after a fair trial by the beet Med anitiorikt tbisematikh. wad makes it unnecessary tc give certificates from smotaithed manors sr d retalciiiipableiltit • A SPEW/ CORN, KRFANT4W_ _OUR& l 'EfE 4411 ‘ g4MI WEATIT 1144 .stunt: la Grmusnatv, samn Well known to mend meit• 41,:mmcny IFS= * the Or Propylamine has been lo tii.wine*, kw/kin:l4e° US pS4 eSdlLiilfe right SO mimeses •tare *Ord* to the luil reMpe, and wo bays Made I,',uraeMlenti of magnitude in; to enable on AO mat* tt Menikwat antoppt angering bumanitY• A. WOAD TO DOCTORS. it. you prefer upo.:the gpme emedy le aeotheriforto rit 'helper* etiejOien to the 00. 6 Ostessuiii) apinow Pharruharnt, , . - P#T9OlO3 lottripi tote 1161724.1: amodirriurda, t 4l 4o 6 ilaile :: 10 / 17 7:41 1 F 1 V , i. ietidliset , e're are itie sole menitheilliren. ! jerWes ifim no other eirineter the 111bIr Propylatelae ban i n nontiletiii Aeleire Orpsuailled Chloride of - Prop' , inane. TELE KLIMA : - AND MAY BE TAKEN ama.nnaa TO OMOIdnONS, • . . . Wif ANTONII, • ET ERy WEO WANED %MUM= OF ANY KIND. Sold in Hanisbnrir by lt 75 025.4. min!. !Ur:tert.natY.PeogeMato PaOPZ:LA#MA At.odyirPACITOZIN6. _vitae; Bain No. i; :s. W, Oar tour= and Gamma area's, muaddr" . 4 Ur treftuler thelkikraihk . . irldsliale alb. - mina a minas, w_,... rEENca, RIG ar, tu ft JOHN 111. litialla &CO DID. D. WIMOKULD / CO, • • PEMB. T._ QT & 00 T, MUM& OMR; I IEOIIM 1112W1*00 - ... WILL OONQUEttza WILL ecru IT, VOLVOILs =hip DOCTORS RX.A.I6.n. DOOToRS TRY IT. toerut* KNOW :1: PATIF.NTS BNLIEVi r Ilite.D AND TRUE IN EVERY HASH WHENEVER TRIED, WHENEVER TEM/ IT WILL DO AGAIN iIOR,E CONV , NIM, Aso - etwAYs RSADY JOR aataiunt Las,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers