ibilp Or &gag NO + ICE TO ADVERTISE:JAS.—AII Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, mo., to secure insertion in the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. ITARRISI3URG, PA Monday Afternoon, October 6, 1862 U. JACOB °Tenn, one of the oldest citizens of Franklin county, died at his residence in Chambeisburg on filondty last. Tim 11Ismnass of the "Brant Light Guard " are requested to meet at their armory this eve— ning aqalf-past seven. By order of the Com- mittee THE SCHOOL of Mr. BUMS was reopened this morning in the lower room of the old Baptist church, on Front street, near Pine. Parents will make a note . of the fact. TuE LADIES connected with the Chesnut street hospital, (German Reformed church,) re turn thanks to Mr. Geo. Albert for a donation of five hundred fine oysters, for the use of the wounded soldiers. ..--.............. A YOUNG MAN by the Tame of Jacob Flukes, living in Shippensburg, met with quite a seri ous accident one day last week, while working about his father's horse. The animal by some means tramped upon his leg breaking it above the knee, inflicting almost fatal injury to him. HENRY C. Braman, of the 137th regiment, was in the capital to-day, looking as grim and as fierce as a warrior of a hundred battles and as many victories. He reports the men of the 137th in excellent health, and Col. Bonert as the most popular man among his men now in the field. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On the 3let ult., as Mr. H. N. Fullerton was engaged in running a shingle mill near Brookville, Pa., the edger or jointer broke, the piec 13 being thrown into the air, one piece striking Mr. Fullerton on the right leg, midway between the knee and an kle, breaking the bone, and lacerating the flesh in a frightful manner, causing a compound, com minuted fracture. It is feared the limb will bavi. to be amputated. ANNUAL CONVENTION.—The annual convention of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows, was held in the borough of Chester, on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Delegates were in attendance from the District of Columbia, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Dela Ware, and Penn sylvania. The proceedings of the convention were conducted with great harmony and good feeling, and at the close of the convocation the members separated, well pleased with the work which had been accomplished. The election of officers took place on Wednesday. David Bow ser, of Philadelphia, was chosen Grand Master, and James Needham, of the same city, Grand Secretary. The next convention of the Order will be held on the first Wednesday of October, 1863, in the city of Washington. =I THE DRAFT.—Report of the Commissioner for the County of Dauphin.—The Commissioner ap pointed to superintend drafting for the county of Dauphin, respectfully reports that he has concluded the hearing of applicants claiming exemption from military service. The follow ing statement shows the Marshal's enrollment for each diattict, the number of exempts, the number liable to military duty, the number now in the service, and the number still liable to be drafted : (THE QUOTA OF THE COUNTY Is 2,861 mix.) IA . r Er BOROUGHS, WARDS 1.4 144 '7.1 a' Z p Fr so m CD .AND ;Mt c: a- 1:/ TOWNSHIPS. syi Harrisburg-Ist ward. 427 140 256 106 00 2d " 668 193 422 189 00 4. 3d " 812 217 542 244 00 4th " 716.200 472 174 26 51k " 855 100 231 76 20 " 6th " 398 87 298 62 63 Swatara township. ~. 291 77 198 67 28 Lower Swatara 282 47 158 62 14 Middletown borough.. 674 86 444 204 00 Londonderry township 364 91 272 76 39 Conewago 148 46 101 3 40 Derry.. 553 147 364 119 36 South lanover 243 67 173 43 31 Watt Hanover. 173 66 104 16 28 East Hanover 286 85 186 38 41 Lower Paxton. 311 127 166 36 83 Susquehanna 838 101 219 i 60 31 Middle Paxton 209 76 1281 23 32 Reed 117 29 73 48 00 Halifax. 846 109 217 59 34 Jackson 181 60 123 18 33 Jefferson 164 41 114 24 24 Rash 20 8 12 00 6 Dauphin borough.... 168 42 119 39 12 Millersburg borough.. 201 36 154 62 14 Upper Paxton town'p. 242 75 160 18 49 Washi ng t on 211 52 146 35 27 Mifflin 276 59 212 37 52 Lykens . ... 227 .64 160 16 53 Wiconisco 606 134 366 98 57 Gratz borough 61 14 42 11 16 3 Total.. ......,9806 ,9806 2654 6630 2036 825 In explanation of the above table, it may be proper to state that a large number of persons enrolled were under the age of twenty-ons;,' and over the age of forty-five, who, by law, are not subject to military duty ; hence the large number of exempts. The undersigned desires further to state that he will proceed to make the draft on the 16th Instant, as per General Order No. 37, issued by the Governor of this Commonwealth, unless previous to that time any ward, district or township in said county, shall offer volunteers to fill its quota, in lieu of the men to be draft ed from such district, so as to obviate the neces sity of a draft entirely. Such volunteers may be offered to the Cum missioner at any time previous to the day on which the draft is to lie made, but he is not authorized to subsist them until the day fixed for the draft JOHN H. BRIGGS, Commissioner Atiest—Ozo. J. Snomatarme, Secretary. "EruummußG, October 6, 1862. "KEEP THE ToEs TOWARDS THE BEMS." Among a large number of articles sent to the Sanitary Commission, Washington city, was a good and patriotic old lady's last tribute to be laid on the altar of her country, bearing the following inscription : "These socks were spun and knit by Mrs. Zeruah Clapp, 96 years old, whose hands in youth were engaged in moulding bullets in the Revolutionary War. Keep the toes of these socks towards the rebels. `CHESTERTOWN, N..Y." A CHILD PURLOINED—MOST ATROCIOUS Muir Dal.—Our city was alarmed late on Friday evening by the announcement that a girl be•" tween five and six years of age, named Marty ELIZABETH, daughter of Mr. Emanuel German, was missing and had been seen in company with a man wearing a soldier cap, and dressed like a discharged soldier. The child was seen with this man at about five o'clock, on Friday evening, going up Second street, hence up Locust to Third, and up Third across the Capitol ground. Here all trace was lost of them and many rumors were circulated regarding the absence of the child. Every effort Was made by the parents and persons in this city on Saturday, to learn the whereabouts of little Mary, who was well known as a sprightly and intelligent child for her age, but it seemed that all human efforts were powerless to relieve the anxiety and grief of the parents and friends Yesterday forenoon, however, two colored boys, who were crossing General Forster's meadow directly in front of the cemetery, discovered right at the edge, in a regular swamp, the remains of little Mary. These colored boys went at once to give the alarm, and word was immediately sent to Mr. German, informing him of the dis covery, and requesting that he should proceed to the spot, for the purpose of Identifying the remains. Mr. German arrived immediately after his notification, and our pen fails us to describe the scene. There was his poor innocent little girl, the hope and happiness of its parents, murdered in the most brutal manner, and that without the least apparent motive for the fiend ish deed. A coroner's jury was at once em panneled by Alderman Kline. Dr. Robert's was present, who upon examination, discover ed that the child had blen shot directly through the throat, the ball entering on the right side of the neck, passing directly through the jugular vein and carrying away the left portion of the neck almost completely with it. The child was lying on its face, with a bruise about the size of a Spanish dollar directly on its forehead, which might have been received in the fall, and the right arm showed the im prints of a hand, as if it had been held firmly with one hand whilst with the other the fatal shot was given,when the child was standing di rectly before the brute who committed the murder. The clothing of the child was some what torn and disarranged, but after a close examination of the body, no signs of any at attempt at rape could be discovered. No motive whatever for the commitment of this most brutal and fiendish murder can, be assign ed. A child so young and amiable, the parents living in a respectable manner, without an enemy in the city, are thus bereft of a beloved daughter. The coroner's jury examined several witoes sea, but without concluding the examination, adjourned till this morning at ten . o'clock. We would particularly request all persons who can give the least information as regards this yet mysterious murder, to commit every thing at once to Mayor Kepner. Many persons saw the man with the child and say that they would know him again if they saw him. Let all these persons appear and give a full and nandid description of all they know, and the perpetrator will certainly be discovered. _Major Taggert, an intelligent and efficient detective officer from Philadelphia, and officer Fleck, of this city, have the matter of ferreting out the perpetrator in charge, and they have already disdovered a chain of evidence, which we hope and pray will lead to the speedy etti prehension of this brute. We hope also that the Mayor and City Councils, together with the Governor of the State, will offer large rewards for the apprehension of the murderer. Let no labors or means be spared to vindicate the laws, and bring the perpetrator to speedy punish ment. ARREST Or THE SUPPOSED MURDERER About six o'clock yesterday 'evening, a sus picious looking man with blood on his coat, was arrested some where in Third street on the charge of being the murderer. . He was at once taken to Alderman Kline's office, and the witnesses who saw the ta,II late on Friday eve- . ning were sent for, bat they all agreed that he was not the man and hence he was honorably discharged. The perpetration of this brutal murder has created a great excitement in this city. Every few steps in the streets crowds were assem bled during yesterday afternoon, discussing the case, and if the perpetrator could have been discovered he would most certainly have been visited with summary vengeance. There can be no caseof a more deliberate and brutal mur der on record and it is so mist.ified,whilst no ap parent motive can be shown for the commis sion of the deed, that many opinions were expressed. We must, however, candidly admit thitt it aiPeirs to be the work of some insane man, as no apparent efforts hid been made to conceal even the body If it had been thrown ten feet further in the swamp it would'not have been discovered in time to recognize it The following is a description of the man seen with the girl late in the afternoon : About 25 years - of age, 6 feet '8 Inches high, slim built, thin face, dark hair, dark complex ion, rather sallow, smooth face, wore a soldier cap very much faded, blue blouse and old dirty grey pants torn about` the bottom of the legs. P. S. Since the above was written, several physicians have re-examined the child, which is, already much decomposed, and they all seem to agree, that a knife had also been used at the child' throat, whilst it may have been shot. The work was evidently tabbed with a knife and that death must have been instantaneous. Mono Dismosunss.--Several of our most emi nent physicians exa mined the body of the little girl who brutally murdered on Friday night, and they cane to tharmanimOns concin sion that a rape had-been attempted on the in. nocent little Nary. peunewloanta Malty t elegraph, Itionbap "Afternoon, October 6, 1802. TOWN Magrnah—At half past two o'clock the citizens of the city of Harrisburg convened at the Court House, for the purpose of taking pro per steps to apprehend the murderrr of Mary Elizabeth German. On motion, A. J. HERB, Esq., was called to the Chair, and JOHN W. HALL was appointed Secretary. Mr. Haan, on assuming the Chair, explalued the object of the meeting, and cow u ented upon the enormity of the offence in strong language, and concluded by offering the following resolu tions, which were unanimously adopted, viz : WHEREAS, This community has been shocked by one of the most atrocious murders ever per petrated in a christian land ; AND WHDREAS, The peculiar and painful circumstances attending this crime appeal to the heart of every man to use his utmost efforts to ferret out the criminal; therefore, Resolved, That the Governor of this Commen wealth respectfully be requested to offer one thousand dollars as a reward for the detection of the murderer. Resolved, That the County Commissioners also be requested to offer a reward of five hundred dollars for the arrest and detection of the guilty party. Resolved, That a company of one hundred men be immediately organized, for the purpose of scouring this county and adjoining counties for twenty-five miles around, and that they be di vided into bands of ten, to be under the guid ance of a leader to be selected by themselves, and the whole to be under the orders and direc tion of Wm. Kline, Esq., to whom the various leaders shall report the result of their action. Mr. HICKOK moved that a committee of five be appointed to wait on the Governor and County Commissioners and induce them to of fer the proper rewards. Messrs. Chas. A. Bailey, Hamilton Alricks, James Dougherty, Daniel D. Boas, and .1. R. Eby were appointed said committee. Mr. Eby stated that It would be necessary for him to be absent, and that he, therefore, asked to be excused ; at the same time Mr. Eby of fered to pay one hundred dollars towards de fraying the expenses. Mr. Eby was excused, and Geo. Bergner was appointed in his place. tr. TRACE moved that a committee of five be appointed, whose duty it shall be to receive the names of those who will volunteer as scouts. Agreed to. • • The President appointed Frederick Trace, Charles Bailey, James Dougherty, Wm. Finney and Geo. M.'Calla to act as said committee. The committee went at once to work and or ganized several bands, who will leave the city' without delay. On motion, the meeting adjourned. LADIEB' 'UNION BELIEF SOODITY.—The ladies named will send to the reception room, Mrs Dr. Bailey's, Market street, by 10 o'clock. On Tuesday, October 7—One pair stewed chickens. Mrs. Chas. Rawn, Miss Ella M'Gowan, " John B. Simons, Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, " Emma Bolton, " Esther Parkhill, " Rahman, " E. 0. Williams, Miss Mary Shellenberger, " Buehler, 2d St. Bookie Fisher, " C. A. Boas, " Emma Sample, " Layarus Bemhard Mrs. Thomas Jordan, " S. M. Doll, " David Kanffmann, " Leopold Nusbaum " Marquet, - " Jos. Newmann. On Monday, October 8- Vegetable Soup and Fruit: Mrs. G. M. Reny, Miss Bella Hays, " W m.Wolft, Mrs. Samuel Ingram, " D. Gans, " A. limes, " Win. Geety, " E. J. Jones, " Wash. Hummel, " Joshua Jones, " Val. Hummel, Rudloph Kelker, " W. T. Hildroup, " J. M. Kelker, " Wash Harris, " Mary L. Kepple, " Wm. Hallock, " Kirk, " R. Hale, " Win. Kerr, On Thursday, October 9—A two or three quart Rice Pudding: Miss Liebock, Miss Oglisby, Mrs. Thomas M'Dowell, MTS. D. R. Porter, " E. M'Cullough, " Dr. Roberts, " Jamis M'Oornuck, "J. W. Reily, " Eliza M'Cormick " E. Rulbertord, " C. C. Wathews, " Alex. Roberts, " D. Mumma, "J. Seiler, " G, J. Wartz, " WReynolds, " M. E. Orth, " Alex. Sloan. On Friday, Oct. 10—One pair of stewed chickens Mrs. Wm. Shaffer, Miss Annie Warfonl, " Samuel Singer, Mrs. "J. A. Wier, " Dr. Seiler, " W. L. Wallace, Miss Mary Stockton, " S. Whitman, Mrs. Ambrose Taylor, " Thos. Wireman, " Updegrove, " John Wyeth, " Annie M. Unger, " Saud. Young, E. J. Unger, " Henry Gilbert, • " WM. Yerbeke, " .obas. Bailey, " Thos. Wilson, " Finley. On Saturday, October 11—One pound of butter, eggs, and stewed onions. Mrs. James Wheeler, Mrs. Hamilton Airicks, " Gov. Curtin, " J. C. Kunkel, " Saud. Wilt, ' Miss Darindo Keifer, Mim Hr. tte Fraeer . Mrs. Lathrop, Mrs. Martha Ramfort, " john" Boyd, Miss E. R. Belly, " J. W. Simonton, Mrs. Richard Hummel, " W. R. DeWitt, " E. Brenizer, " <M. J. Colder, " Geo. Buehler, " G. H. Small, " Jacob Haldeman • MIES M. Zollinger, The ladies named will serve On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday TO VISIT THE CAMP,- TO SERVE AT THE ROOM, Mrs. F. Wyeth, comma AT 9 o'cnocK, " V. Hummel, Miss Olsen, " Verbeke, " Carrie Denning, On .7hursday, Friday and Saturday. TO VIM CAMP. TO sole m vo Ag e il j a h l er ßOON MT 11729:3 , 8 1 1, 1 8i, " . it ag arr.Enn, " S. D. Ifigram, ' . "Ladies will be supplied with onions,. for stewing, at the room, on Friday morning be tareen 9 and 11 o'clock. Any ladies who are not members of this Association and wish to become, will please send their names to Hrs. Cornyn. Mrs. E. H. CORNYN, ' • Secretary Ei Corn. WS KNEW THEM PROM THEIR APPEA.HANCE.- There are occasions when the moat careless of us poor, offending mortals feel better from pay ing attention to our , outward appearance. We respectfully invite all those who have a clispo sition to improve their appearance, and provide against -the winter's cold, to call at the cheap dry goods house of Urich & Bowman and"ex amine our new Stock of fall and winter goods. The special-attention of the ladies is Invited to our stock of cloth cloaks and dress goods. o ct6-d2t TH33 PROPLVB UNION EXICUTINT. CommTras of the several tie city of Harrisburg, are `requested to meet at the Park House, at 74 &cloak Ir. At on Monday the 6th inst. dtd. Przsa Menu, Chairman. " Mary Staley, ' John Stakl, Jr., =I A STATIM MEETING of the Friendship Fire Comp lily will be held in their Hall this Mohday evening at the usual hour. Punctual attend ance is requested. Tara PROVOST GUARD had a terrible encounter on Third street, near Market, on Saturday after noon, with drunken and disorderly soldier. One of the Guard who was on duty in the vicinity named, challenged the ruffian and de manded his pass, when the brute assailed the Guard, and but for the interference of persons who were near, serious consequences might have been the result. The cowardly soldier, after a desperate struggle, was rescued, and carried before the Provost Marshall, who disposed of him in a manner which will no doubt give him a clearer idea of discipline and obedience. SANFORD'S BENEFIT. —The season at Sanford's closes to-morrow evening ; consequently a bene fit is tendered to Mr. S. which will come off this evening. A rare bill is provided, introdu cing Mr. E. J. Turner, the celebrated vocalist, who will appear in part first, and will also sing a serenade song in part second. The programme for this evening contains many new acts, among which is an Elephant Trained by Mr. Sanford. The elephant being a feature, many, we pre sumo,' will go to see it. We must congratulate Mr. S. for having carried the season through so triumphantly. Therefore he is deserving of, a benefit. Let this be the night to be remembered. Hoping soon to have the indefatigable Samuel back again, we must comfort ourselves with the hope that something will turn up in his absence: We understand that Blitz, (the Signor,) is short ly to appear. So come along, Bobby, with the birds. DREADSIID ACCIDENT. —About 8 o'clock on Saturday evening, a man named Marcus Derey, was discovered on the railroad track, in the vicinity of the Round House, in a most dread fully mangled condition. The strangest parts of the facts in this case is that the man was in a moat beastly state of intoxication, when found, notwithstanding he was so horribly in jured. His left leg was smashed above the knee, and his right ankle dislocated and smash ed ; his left clavich was also broken. He was brought into the hospital, where he died on Sunday morning at 3 o'clock, still so intoxi cated that he was unconscious of his condition; for when asked if he knew he had lost part of his leg, he replied he never had but one. He was forbid going out of camp in the evening, but did not heed. He broke guard and got drunk, and it is presumed was trying to find his way out to camp, but gut on the railroad track, where an engine passed over him. His remains will be sent to his father. He had no family. His father lives in Orwinsburg Land ing, Schuylkill county. The deceased was a member of Capt. Wellington Jones' company, from the same county. • To the Afflicted The undersigned would respectfully inform those who are afflicted with Rheumatism, Dys pepsia, ConEumption of Liver and Kidney, Coughs, Fevers, and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. . Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines at very moderate rates. I have also on hand a quantity of invaluable Salves for Sore Eyes, Frozen Feet and Piles. References can be furnished as to their wonderful efficacy, whenever called upon. There need be no ap prehension in regard to my competency to ad minister it, as I have had it on hand for the past six years. As they are now sold at reduced prices, no family should be without them over night. They can be had at any time at my residence, in Pine street, between Second and Front. (anl3-dim) MRS. L. BALL. TIM wonderful success which has attended the use of my medicine, has induced me to say a word through the press in its behalf. My rnedi ci..es are prepared with great care, expressly for family WEI, and are admirably calculated to preserve health and remove disease. I can therefore recommend them with the greatest confidence, and am fully persuaded from past experience that they will give very general if not universal satisfaction. But at the same time Ido not pretend to assert, that they are "pure ails." ` I have cured Gravel, Dropsey, Scrofula, and have regulated the female system. Reference can be had at any time with the persons, as they feel a delicacy in having their names in the paper. MRS. LUCRETIA BALL. ew lOvertistments OLuRIOUS NEWS. PICTURES TAKEN - AT REDUCED RATES. rEth; undersigned has fitted up a new and solendld PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, in Third street, opro-ite . the Patriot and Union office, where he will tutzihh his patrons with very superior pictures at reduced rates. Call and see fur yourselves. sept2o dim* . A. S. BLACK, Artist. - C) F 1 1 43 121 . • - KEYSTONE NURSERY, HARRISBURG. IT should not be forgotten that this establishment it still in successitul °narration, and can supply FRUIT AND SHADE TREES, EVERGREENS, SHRUBBERY,.GRAEE VINES; 'BARBER *MA STRAWBERRIES, GOOSE. BERRIES, CURRANTS, BLACK-. RIES, &0., &c., of as good qualities and,varietles, and acea reasonable prices as they are sold at distant nurseries. THE LOCATION of the nursery—adjoining.the city,-gives it advantages for transportation to all parts of, the. country, pos.sessr,d by but few, others: • tar Ali articles, when 'desired; 'delivered free of charge in any part of the city. au3oif • . JACOB MISR. COAL I COAL I- COAL subscriber is prepared to deliver to .the.cltizeue of Harrisburg, pure - LYKENS VALLEY AND WELKESBARRE Coale, either by the car, boat load, or stogie too, at the lowest market . prioel going. Orders left at my office, 4th and Market, will be punctually attended to, DAVID McCORMICK. Harriaburg, Sept. 80, 7882.. so3o-d6w JONES HOUSE COSNER Or MARKET STREET AND' MARKET SQUARE, Harrisburg, Pa. TOSEPH McCLELLAN, Proprietor ; ti recently conducted by 'Wells Coverly. Ttile is a rust Class Hotel, and located in the central part of the city. It ie'kept in the best manner, and its patrons w ill find every Ocommodation to be met With in the beet bclasee inibcconotiy. neBo-dtf , hiIJNDS' Elam Pritas 6 . 900 -Sugar ; Cured Hams for Bale very low wholesede or zet by WM. DOCK & CO. NttP (2tbzotrtistments PENNSYLVANIA, SS In the Name and by the iftthority OF VIE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, ANDREW G• CURTIN, Governor of the said Commonwealth, A. PROCLAMATION. IXTII BAB AS, By the third section of the act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the twenty-second day of April, A. D., one , thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, entitled "Ad Act to establish a Sinking Fund for the payment of the public debt," it is made the duty of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Auditor General and State Treasurer, Commissioners of the Sink ing Fund, creaed by the said act of Assem bly, on the first Monday of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and on the same day annually thereafter, to report and certify to the Governor, the amount re ceived under the said act, the amount of inter est paid and the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth redeemed and held by them : Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certi ficates representing the same to be cancelled, and on such cancellation issue his Proclamation stating the fact and the extinguishment, and final discharge of so much of the principal of said debt. AND WHERDAB, By the ninety-eighth section of the act of the General Assembly, passed the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the government," etc., it is provided that there after the receipts to the Sinking Fund to the amount that may be necessary to cancel the re lief issues now in circulation under the provis ions of the act of the fourth of May, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and the re-issues under the act of the tenth of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and forty nine, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues. AND Wnsanes, Eli Slifer, Thomas E. Cochran and - .Henry D. Moore, ex-officio Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, in obedience to the re qnirments of law, report and certify to me, that the debt of the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, redeemed and held by them from the fast day of September, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, to the first day of Sep tember, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, amounts to the sum of Two Hundred and ,Sixty too Thousand .Eight Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty. seven Cents—made up as follows: Four and one half per cent. loan of the Commonwealth $50,000 00 Five per cent. loan of the .Com- monwealth 211,178 74 Interest certificates redeemed 370 41 Domestic creditors certificate 64 52 Relief notes cancelled 1,188 00 Total 262,801 67 Now THEREFORE, as required by the third section of the act of Assembly aforesaid, I do hereby issue this my Proclamation, declaring the payment, cancellation, extinguishment and final discharge of Two Hundred and Sixty-two Thousand Eight Hundred and One Dollars and Sixty seven Cents of the principal of the debt of the Commonwealth, including one thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars of the relief issues, which have been cancelled and destroyed as authorized by the ninety-eighth section of the act of the nineteenth day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred aad fifty-three. Given under my hand and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this eighth day of Sep tember, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty-seventh. Br man Govaasion. ELI SLIFER, Secretary of the Commonwealth se26-daw3w \ll E • WEST CHESTER ACADEMY 1. AND MILITAY INSTITUTE, AT WEST CHESTER, PENNSYLVANIA, will commence ihe,winter term of five calendar months on the IA of November next. The course of instruction is thorough and extensive, desinged end arranged to, prepare boys and young mentor haziness or college. The principal, who devoteaall him time t o the interests of his seta of end its pupils, is assisted by eight gent'emen o' ability and experience. The Darman, French and Spaoinn languages are taught by native resident teachers, an advantage which will be readily appreciated by the patrons of the institution: The Military Department is under the charge of Major Q. Eekentiorlf, of PhUldelphis, whore qualifications for the position are extensively knowu. Its duties and requirements do not, in any way tn'erfere with the literary departments, while enrolment among the oadet corps is hat optionel. For eatolouge &c., apply to septfi-weedsm WM. P. WY& 48, A, 11., Principal. HARRIS MANSION li'Oß SALE. 1•E IS handsome property recently occa— x pied by the PE‘MSYLVANIA PJIMALR 0 .LLRGE ie offered for sale. It is well suited eitner for a private Residence er a ft ennu< ech..ot, being suppled with gas, water, bath rooms, . -heater, tangs, etc. the grounds Denim valuable Trent Treeo and shrubbery. inn place will be sold low and possi salon given within reasonable time. For terms, Sic., aiply MRS. 8. 8. WAUGH, or DR. W M. H. RILE 'Executors et Estate of Rev R. R. Waugh, decld. FOR SALE. VALUABLE PROPERTY Two Brisk bases and Lots • 010 PINE STREET. Nor par,nlara enquire of MRS. JOUN MITIMAY, jy-25d2taw3m Ooraer of Second and Pine streets. AUDITOR'S NOTICE- RE Orphans' Court of Dauphin . county I has appointed the subs riber auditor to distribute the balance in the hinds of tee administrator of the ettate of George o'isomger, late of ykens township, In said county, dactd, Off oh Snot settlement or said estate among the heirs at Law, 0 sad deceased; and the anditu - has apfelutsi Wednesdiry, the: first day of October next, at his office tu Harrisburg, at tan o'clock in the forenoon f said day, tbr the purpose of making Emig distribution, when and where all persons interested are requested to attend. eeptit•dgweaw JOHN ROBERTS, Auditor. PRIVATE SALE TR 8-sulywriberoffers at private sale his FARO . , "enlisted lon - the pritilie read leading from Harrisburg to Liuglestown; about one mite from the later place. The improvements area large Two STORY WEATHER BOARDED HOUSE, Large BANK B ARN, with all necessary om,buildbags, a Good Young Orcba - d, with first rate runing water near the buildings. The land is well fenced and In a high state of milli; ation. Terms reasonable. - - - CHRISTIAN LENTZ. Persona wanting isformation, can call on David Mumma, Jr., Barriaburg se29-Stdaw MoCULLOUGH'S LEAD CO., NO. 64 DUANE STREET, NEW . YORK. KEEP constantly on hand the following articles: LEAD PIPE, SHEET LEAD, BUCK SHOT, BAR LEAD, - PIG LEAD, D 1101" SHOT, lENNIE AND ROUND BALLS et a I Jee. ; lof which they tiler at the 'T e ed t rims. ptl lm POII4.s.DE lIONGROIBE • FOR FUaRG .- M 0 USTAOI -- i Es, je6 KELLER'S uRIICISTuRF. exp 2thatistments. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HirztlearedthzeoalY:ri,foot of s , tatelyoceupieaby;roste, I am enabled to suf ply the public wittca COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE DIFFERENT VARIETY AND SIZES OF CJI-06.14911T CJCP.A.La. FULL WEIGHT ALWAYS GUAR A NTEED. Orders respectfully solicited—which, if left at the office, toot of North street, or at the office of Wm. Dock, Jr. dr. Co. , will receive prompt attention. OILLARD DOCK. 11 , 29 _ • Ayer's Cathartic Pills. THE sciences of Chemistry and Medicine have been taxed tin it ut nod to produce this best moot penect purgative which is kno an to man. Innttm- . arable proofi, are shown oh .t these 1 ILLS have v mats which surpass in excellence the ordinary medicines, and that they win unprecedentedly up in Ms) esteem of al l men. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. Their penetrating properties stimulas e the nisi activities of the body, remove the obstructions of its organs, purify the blood, and expel disease. They purge out the foul humors which breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or &ordered organs in o their natural. action, and unpin healthy tone w4ll strength to the Insets system. Not only do they cure the every day complaints of every body, but also formidable and dan gerous Mussel; that hive baffled the best of hcman skill. While they proluec powerful effects, they are at the same time, in diminished doses, the safest and beet physic that can be employ ed for children. Being sugar coated, they are pleas out to take; and being purely veg.: etabie, are free from any risk of harm. Cures have been ade which surpass belief were they not substan tiated by men of each exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent cler gymen and physicians have lent their names to certify to the public the reliability •f our remedies, While others have seat me the amortises ci their conviction that our Preparations contribute immensely to the relief of my affac ed, sthrering fellow-men. The agents below named are pleased to lurnish gratis our American ALTBSIMO, containing directions for the us.:: and certificates of their cares, of the following com plaints : Cossivness, Blioua Campfaints, oheumatism, Dropsy, Heartburn, Headache arising fro o a find stomach, Nau sea, fodigestion, Morbid inact"on of theßowelis and Pain art lag therefrom, Flatulency, Loss of App_tite, all Die • eases which require an is sacuatu melicine. They also, ny purifying the blood and stimulating the system, cute many complaints which it would nil be sups used they would react,„ such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neu• ralgla and Nervous irritability, Derangements of the l Ivor and Kidneys, Gout, and other kleered complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its fanctions. Do not be put off by untiring lied dealers with sopa, other pill they make m,re pront on Esc for ATER'd Peus, and tale nothing else. No otner they caa give you compares with this at its ictriustc value or curative powers. The sick want the beet aid there is for them, and they should have it. . . Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYBH & 00., Lowell, Mars. and sold by Dreggisls everywhere. Price 26 cents per Box, or 5 boars for $l. Bold by 0. A. Ban .vart, D. W. Gross& Co , 0. K. lied. ler, J. M. Lutz, Dr. Kiley, F. Wyeth and dealers eve y where HAPPINESS OR MISE.II,Y ? THAT IS THE QUESTION .11E Proprietors of the "PARISIAN L CAB NE luF 'WONDERS. ANATOMY and MEDI CINE" have determined regardless of expense, to issue free, (for the benefit of suiferiug humanity) POt R of their most instructive and interesting Lectures on Mar riage and Re Disqualideatious, Nervous Debility , Preens - tura Decline of stanhood, Indigestion Weakness or De pression, Loss el energy and VuelPeirers, the Great cial Eyils, bins those alai idles wide i re3tCt from youte fel foliles, excesses o 1 Maturity, or 14n tessice of Pbysi , elogy and Nature's Lew, These Invaluable Lectures hays been the means of ealightolug and saving thou -s..nds, and will be forwarded free on tae receipt of four stamps, by addressing SECREPA.tY Paws/an CAEINER or ANATOMY AND MED/OMR, 163 Broadway, New York. jei9-sly All Work Promised in One Weak 31. . PEN NSYLV ,NIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 Market S'treet between 4rh sand 514, KIIISBURG, PA x.r 11 , E a R ea .E nt e:ery , odescaert rtaw itootodsLatJ.iears:.. oyeci,CiennAed andlinieboa in the bon manner and at the ahorteat. notice ' DE/DOE As CO., Nu- t. Proprietors. JOHN WISE'S Confectionery & Fruit Store, THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, Harrisburg, Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, ORANGES AND LEHOMS, PINE APPLES, BANANNAS, FRESH AND SALT FISH, e24-deodtf And vetietablea of all kinds, brought direct from th e Eastern Markets, twice a week,anaparctiated under my personal supervision, thus enablidg me to sell a bolter And cheaper article than any in the market. Mr Orders from a distance attended to promptly, and roods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. FE&fl CANNED FRUIT-3 constantly on hand Give me a call. [Se 2s ] Joni( MIMI LOTS FOR SALE. D J. HALDEMAN will sell lots on ;AA) North street and Pennsylvania avenue. o thou, desiring to purchase. Apply corner Front and Walnut streets. dir lIBRICATING Oil for all kinds of ma 1J chinery, in convenient packages, !or sale very low MICISIOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market street. by jel9 Vita, RsiNT.—.A. house on South street j: between Second and Third. Enquire of MRS. SAM 1H MURRAY, Cot. 21.1 and fine St. few. dat t VILE Updegrove Lock Property, Canal _L grocery and Rockville House, situated give miles above Barri:burg, is now offered for sale. See adver tisement in Weekly or apply to a 18-a alstlB6B :Y, largest-awl -most extensi*o . iiiiiiitf- ment of glass in the city, just received, and for ale very low, by • NICHOLS & BV W .LAN; sue Corner From and Market streeta. lIIST REGEIVER $1 LARGE ASSORTMENT of Family Bibles et different styles ol binding, at 90c, Si 2,5 $2 , 43,0, .1.5 andSlo. Also Pocket Bibles of flit ereut Btylial end prints SOHAPREWSBookatora (ebt. - Y • CLARET WINE !! wFA are elosinjOrat eV - MY SUPERIOR I.ol' at imam' cast. CS AL oil and coal oil, lamps, o a styled and bins, for sale, by Nicaois & BOWMAN, ' - Owner Propt and Market streets.. catltialtb of all kinds, white and brown, ►J lower than any house In town, by NICHOLS at BOWMAN, • corner of Front and Market street EXTRA. family flour, a superior brand, which.liewerrazit to give e tiefeotbn, Not re= oeived and for sale by . CCRABCIDER.--Conotantly on hand it very superior adore of Bares aria as. Wll. ,11, , Ju. & OD. Jr. , a CO NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Comer Front and Market streets,
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