irtitgrapt. NO WE TO ADVERTISERS.--All Ad vertisements, Business Notices, Mar riages, Deaths, dtc., to secure insertion In the TELEGRAPH, must invariably be accompanied with the CASH. Advertisements ordered in the regu. lar Evening Edition are inserted in the morning Edition without extra charge. HARRISBURG, PA Monday Afternoon, August 18, 1862 FIVE DOLLARS RIMARD.—Lost, Capt. Dodge check for twenty-nine dollars, (bounty money.) The finder will please leave it at this office.. lr. =I REORIIITING for the old regiments is going on vigorously. Some thirty men were recruited in this city last week. The proapect zow is that the old regiments will he speedily filled. The Comm is now plainly visible to the naked eye, a few degrees north of the zenith—a much better view of it, however, can be attained through.= ordinary sized telescope or opera glass. MEN AND Now.—The drafted • men of 1814 received no bounty, but on the contrary had to furnish their own equipments, including gun, knapsack, canteen, cartridge-box and twenty four rounds of amunition. Their pay from Government was $8 per month. Offers of sub stitutes were numerous, but very few were ac cepted. RECRUITS FOR THE FOaTI•ELITH REGIMENT will be received by J. Madison Miller, who has been especially detached for this service in 'this city. This regiment is one of the very best in any of the divisions of the army, and has won a name which will make every man who has been or who becomes identified with it, im mortal. Our gallant boys should not forget the Forty-sixth when They seek gallant service as well as honorable reward. DP:PARTE= OP THII DAUPHIN COUNTY RICGDIPPIT. The Dauphin county regiment, excepting the First City Zouaves, who are detached to:act as provost marshal guard, left here about half-past nine o'clock yesterday morning, and Bridgport, on the opposite of the river, about half-past eleven o'clock, en route for Washington city.— The following are the field officers of the regi ment: Col. W. W. Jennings, of Harrisburg; Lieut. Col. H. C. Alleman, of Harrisburg; Major Jeremiah Rohrer, of Middletown. GOOD Sammurnis.—Some of our citizens who have sympathy in their hearts, can find a wide field to exercise their charitable intentions by visiting the hospitals at Camp Curtin. We do not assert that the sick and wounded sol diers are not receiving the proper attention due them, but we are of the opinion that an additional force of help will tend in a great measure to alleviate the sufferings of the poor solaier. Our Harrisburg ladies; (God bless them,) have been on the alert for ition(hs past to administer to the wants of those who have suffered while battling for the honor of their cherished flag. Like ministering angels these ladies have been contributing to the various wants, and nursing the sick and wounded as If they were some of their own flock. Such acts of kindness, will be registered in Heaven. ElcarenoN or Dula Ans.—The election for delegates to the Union Republican County Con vention came off in the severalwards and town . ships of the county last Saturday evening. The following gentlemen were elected delegates in this city : First Ward—Almander Koser, George Dunn. ,Second Ward—JOhn A. Boger, Samuel Sarah. Third Ward—John Shoemaker, Dr. George Bailey. Fourth Ward—Mowry Nichols, Alfred C. Mentz. Fifth Ward—Chambers Dobbs, Jeremiah Douglass. Sixth Ward—Josiah M'Farland, Lowry. The County Convention will meet in this city to-morrow. Tags GMAT Itzersam.—Davis' panorama of the great rebellion was exhibited last Saturday night at Brant's Ball, to an unusual large and intelligent audience, among whom were Gen. Wool and Staff, who seemed to be much inter ested in the exhibition. The General was greeted upon his entrance into the hall with three cheers and a tiger by the audience rising, which he acknowledged by graceful bows. The panorama is in every way striking and startling, and a wild and strong excitement is maintained through every scene. So admirable is the execution, so perfect are the effects pro duced and brought out, that they are themel3 that we can only dwell upon to praise and ad mire. It will be exhibited again this evening, and we advise every lover of the grand and beautiful to be on hand. DRarriNG.—lf the army of the Union is one of the largest and patriotic that ever rallied around a country's flag, it is because every sol dier in that army is in the strictest sense a vol unteer. When they joined, the army, they thought nothing of bounties, but marching to some recruiting office, offered their services and were accepted. They did not Wish to linger in camp, and when the word was given. that they were to be brought face to face with the enemy, how the shouts rang along the whole line. Nor did they blench amid the cannon's roar, but at the double quick they charged upon the foe which fled before them. That noble army has become decimated by disease of the camp and by death upon the battle geld, and its ranks must be filled up and new regiments raised to crush out the rebellion. To do this, if there are no more volunteers, the Government must determine who shall be called upon to defend it. There may be more volunteers, but they will choose their own time of offering their ser vices. The Government wants men, and wants them now, and it his a Tight to take them. The Government must maintain its own exis tence and protect itself, and a Government that will not do this is beneath the contempt of the civilised world. It has the right to tax the last dollar, and draft to the last man, if need be, t o maintain itself. It not only has the right, but it is its duty to do this, for when tha Govern ment goes down, thee anarchy reigns, ABOUT Nom to-day a dispute arose at Don ner's Lager Beer Saloon in the rear of the Patriot and Union office, between the proprietor and a party of soldiers who had gone their to drink some beer, which resulted in one of the latter receiving a serious cut on the hem' with a poker. The wounded man bled profusel7., and was taken into Dr. Martin's offibe where his wounds were dressed.. The affair drew. to gether a large crowd of people, many of whom were much excited, but the timely appearance of the provost guard prevented any fuither dis turbance. GBART.— We prtviously announced that Brig. Gen. Geary, who was wounded in the recent battle with the rebels near Culpep per Court House, had untied itt his residence in New Cumberland, three Miles below this city. We learned yesterday from his attending physician that the General is slowly recover ing from the effects of his wounds, but that he needs at least three days' privacy and'repOse to insure his complete restoration to health. The Doctor, therefore, expresses the hope that the friends of the General will delay their visits to him until he is in a better condition to receive them. AOOIDIONTAIL SHOOTING AT CAMP CURTIN. —We understand that a rumor was circulated through Camp Curtin last evening to the effect that Qen. MCClellan had gained a great victory and taken Richmond, which of course caused great rejoic ing, during which two of the soldiers were slightly wounded by the accidental discharge of muskets. SHOT Ma FIIMBILB Ori.-A lad about ten years of age, son of Mr. Henry Jones, residing in North street, near Filbert, had two or three of his fingers shot off this morning by the acct• dental discharge of a pistol, with which he was playing at the time. PENBETLYARLA'S FLEET OONTIIIRUTION TO TEE "THREE aIJNABSD moue ND 310E11."—The work of forming and organising the companies at Camp Curtin into regiments, still continues with unremitting rapidity, and scarcely train now moves Southward, without bearing a por thin of Pennaylvanias quota of the " thr..e hun dred thousand more ". volunteersoudted for by the General Governimint, to put down the ac cursed rebellion. The followingis a list of the field officers and regiments organised under the lait call : osii HUNDRED AND TWIMITY-ISOOND REG/MIST. (Lancaster.) Colonel—T. Bailin .E'readdin, Lai:touter Lieut. Colonel—(vacant.) Major—Thad. Stevens, Jr., Lancaster. Gone Southward. ON RUDD= AND TWANTIWIUND. (Allegheny County.) Colonel—(vacant.) Lieut. Colonel—(vacant.) liajor—(vacant) Will arrive here next Thursday MS HUNDRED AND TWNNTY•NOURTH. . (ChetAar county.) Colonel—Joseph W. Hawley, Chester. Lieut. Colonel—Wm. B. Waddel, Chester. Major—lsaac Lawrence Haldeman, Delaware. Gone !Southward. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-lIITH.' (Blair and Huntingdon.) Colonel—Jacob Higgins, Blair. Lieut. Colonel—Jacob &ink; Blair. Major—John J. Lawrence, Hunthigdon. Left last, Saturday. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ELETH. (Franklin and Juniata.) Colonel—James G. Elder, Franklin. Lieutenant Colonel— David. Watson Rowe, Franklin. Major—James 0. Austin, Franklin. Gone southward. 0141 HUNDRED AND TWINTIC-131111NTIL (Dauphin and Lebanon.) Colonel—Wm. W. Jennings, Harrisburg. Lieut. Colonel—H. C. Allman, Harrisburg. Major—Jeremiah Rohrer, Middletown. Left yesterday. ONE HUNDRED AND TWANTI-11101111E. (Berke, Bucks and Lehigh.) Colonel—(Vacant.) • Lieut. Colonel—W. W. liammersly, Lehigh. Major—Joel B. Wanner, Reading. Left last evening. ONE HUNDRED AND TWINTY.I9INTIL (Schuylkill and Northampton.) Colonel—Jacob G. Frick, Schuylkill. Lieut. Colonel—Wm. H. Armstrong, North- Major-- Joseph' Anthony, Schuylkill. Gone southward. ONB DIINDAND MID THIRTICEIL , _ (Yolk and Cumberland.) Colonel—(Vacant.) Lieut. Colonel—(Vacant.) Majoi--(Vacant.) ODD MADRID AND THIBMI-DIRWL (Union, Northumberland, Mifflin, S nyder and Lycoming. Colonel—Peter H. Allabaeb, Harrisburg. Lieut.-Colonel--.Wm. B. Shard, Lycoming. Major—Bobt. W. Patton, - Mifilin. In Camp. 0101 R NDUD AID TEURTY4tOOND. ' (Montour, Columbia, Lucerne, Wyoming, Car ' bon and Bradford.) Colonel—(Vacant.) Lieut. Colonel - -(Vacant.) • - Majur—(Vacant.) osm Humus A IS P r T80M1C.2111.2D. - (Bedford, Somerset, Cambria, Perry and Olin; ton.) Colonel— Speakman. Lient. Colonel—(Vacant.) Major Koplin. The above are all the- regiments of nine month's volunteers that have been organized at Camp Curtin up to noon to day. The One Hundred and Thirty-fouith will ,be made up of western companiesk arrangements to- thateffect haVing been in progress while we were at the Adjutant aeneral's office,tbis morn . The following is a list of the colonels of regi ments for the three year's service, recruiting and nearly full inyhiladelphia : 68th Tippers llBth—lEirevort. 114th Collie llgth--Ellmalter. 116th—Reenan. 11201li=1 : 3C - Ifileber. " ,117th-=,Galligher. i 1,21it-=.piddle. IlMIli t peutteploania Odin erittarapkrillontrar- '2l.ngust 18, 1862 1=1:7=1 i.4..i,44.A..Ff. POEITH. AT HALIFAX. —Mies Elspy Lyter, of Halifax, has been appointed postmibtrese at Halifax, this county, in place of Mr. Liebrick, DROWNED —An' interesting son of Mr. John Smith, aged aboUt six years, was accirlectinY drowns d in the canal at Big!. r & Wiles saw mill, about nikm,last'Saturday. the body was , recovered and` faken to the iesidence of his parents, in North street, between Second and Tbird. BOUNTY FUND ON DAUPHIN.—The committee of this fund are requested to uif et at thellfouse of lbe Secretary, No. - ..,28 •Nof th Second street, on Tuesday evening, thel.9 th irist:, a:7 o'clock. The members of, the cot:mitres the eevpral wards of the city will pleas be punctual, and bring - their subieription books with them. GEO. J. SHOEMOCER, Secretary. Two COMPANIES of recruits for the - Bucktail Brigade, mustering altogether two hundred and fifty mat, accompanied by a brass band, arrived here at noon to-day and , went into quarters at Camp Curtin. One of the companies hailed from Shickshinny, Lycoming, and the other from Myerstown, Lebanon county. GOOD ADVICE —Hall's Journal of Beath says : —The less a man drinks of anything in hot weather he better, for the more we drink the more w 4, want to -drink, until even ice water palls and becomes of a metal° taste ; hence the longer yon can put off drinking cold water on the morning of a hot day, the better yon feel at night. Drinking largely at meals; even of cold water, or simple teas, is a mere habit and is always hurtful. No one should drink at any one meal more than a quarter . of a pint of any liquid, even of cold water; for it always'retards, impairs and interferes with a healthful dilation. A CARD. Mr. Editor :—We, the W. G. Thompson Mess, No. 1 of the " First City Zonaves," at Camp Simmons, feeling grateful for the hitt& ness manifested toward no by our liberal patron, do, through the columns of Your Valuable pa per, extend our sincere :thanks to him, lor,the sumptuous feast which he provided for us yes terday, and promise him that he-will be grate fully remembered by the members composing the mess. Respectfully, W. H. Bordner, J. J. Pilkay, James D. Culp, . L. H. Patterson, Geo. H. Hyers, H. L. Rinold, M. Gross, Wm. Redifer, • John H. Marquett, J. E. Whiteside, J. S. Olson, J. $. Zimmerman. BRORBR SITSPATRIRKEW ON TRNER THANKS.- Lieut. Vorhees, of compsny K, 29th Pa. Regi ment, arrived here to-day, via the Cumberland Valley Railroad, having in custody the follow ing prisoners, who are prominent citizens of Western Maryland.: Hon. John Thompson Mason of Maryland.; Jos. Williams, of Funkatown, Md.; Sol. Keller, of ..Funkstown, Md.; Jos. • Stone borcker, of Funkstown ' Md.; David Pretman, of Hagers town ; arid 121amuel.J. ,Price, of Smithburg, Md. Hon. J. T. Mason is imprisoned for causal unknown ; the rest 'for refusing to take ,the oath' f allegiance; which ie being aathiniiii.ea by Capt. Byrnes, Deputy . ProVost Marshal . of the '29th Pa. regiment ,. who • is very vigilant in his exertions. There was no excitement at the Depot, and the prisoners speak in the highest terms of Lieufenant Vorhees and the guard 'under his command for their gentlemanly demeanor towards them. • REFLECTIONS • On the'death of WILLIE! A. , son of Rev. Geo. J. and Carrie Marts, who died in Harrisburg, Pa., on Sunday, August 3rd. 1862, near the fourth year of his age._ Oh I yes, it Is enough to pierce the heart,' Wen as a dagger, with a transport wild, Thus to behold our brightest hope depart; Thus to weep o'er a dear and dying child. When from our arms the aged disappear • • Within the gloomy grave, we heave a'sigh ; Then.wipe away, ourselves, the bitter tear, .For it was natural for them to die. . But oh when death thus snatches: from: our arms, A lunch loved child, in early boyhood's It is Severe to see its cherished charms, Regardless,of our grief, sent to the tomb. Oh i how severe beside tlm,bed, to stand, • And watch a dying eon, now doubly dear.; To see him stretch in loveltis little hand;: And Booth the grief Of parents watching near. • Methinks the ingels in the halls on high, Did bent in biles that scene of love to see; And tho' they wept to see the sufferer'die, Rejiikked to , think he soon with them would With such a child 'twas hard to part. but oh ! Why should ye weep? He's in the laud o He hes escaped this:wicked world . Soon shall , ye nieetlour happy child abOire. . TEE BUOKTAIL BRIGADE.—The publication of the remarks accompanying, the correspondence of General Buckingham (yid Major Tincent'of the. War Department relating to ,the 13ucktfdi Brigtide now being raised in Pennsylvania and nearlylcompleted, does { inj ustice to-a gallant of 'Boer, as the follOning not e, Paleiton indiCates. , 11, ,, ni1t-be seen• that all conflict Te• meeting the authority, for the Brigade is effect ually set at , • - Hw QoAlm*, TENN'AIrOLMICIII9), WA,mineroxr, D. 0:, Aitg: 16: To lisfe t toß ROT SToNB. %/jar' :—There is nri occasion` for dobbt or misunderstanding in relation to the Bnchtail Brigade. Authority'from the Secretaiy of raise an independent command was not solicited, and such authority has not to my knowledge beeil claimed... The Secretary gave. the'wttrance that the Bucktail Regiment, if raised by the authority of the Governor, would be accepted and kePt . together as one . Brigade. This assurance was based upon the request of Adjutant Gen. Eris sell, made through me. As:'there , is nothing stated or implied in. General Buckingham's note to 'conflict with either, the ..assurance of the S , !cretaiy or the authority , given you by the °override, there can-be no difficulty or misun derstanding about the matter, especially as you have also the authority of the Superintendent ofrßecruiting setviee in Penn'a, to whom yOu wereardered s by Gen. McClellan to report: I Respectfully years, ;1: = Mil Waif Agent 1 OP 4. ; S , sh 1 , 1 +.ll FROM TEX RICHMOND PRISONERS. —The follow ing letter from Lieut. Charles Snyder will prove interesting to many of our readers, and we tberefo,e give it a place in our coMmns : Lonatoigh, VA August 11, '62 DEAR Bite: Ettnioni - I now write to you as a prisoner of war, taken lmit Satui d4y, ~t the bat tle near Culpepper. Our battalion was deploy d as skirmishers in the fist of the fight under a heavy fire from_ the enemy My company wet:its° dos- to them, : that we could hear their Officers give their commands. as if they meant them for us. (I big was a battery in the woods.) We lay ,, in this position. about an hour and a half, when thy , enemy in overwlielmiog, num bers, came down upon us, and they wal3.the last of, us Capt. Potiger was shot, wounded; Lieut. Noblelong. Comyany A, 8 lufau , rs, wound, ; Lieut. D. N-Andrews,' commanding Comp. D, fith Infantry, wounded. My c rnpmy was all cut bp : more so than.utty otber.• • ,Lieut. Fisher, Arljt. 8 h Infantry,' Liken prisoner ; H. C. Eg pAti 12. Inf., Act. Q..M. from Balto. taken pri sorter. Your 'brother, CHARLES SNYDER, 2nd Lieut Bth 11. S. Infantry, - • Prisoner o war, Libby prison, Richmond. Hannissusa tivs Sums. MARKET for the week ending Aug. 15: Total receipts of live stock of • : all kinds' during the week at' the Harrisburg stock yard,- 1,661 Ireful ,of beef, cattle, 8,163' h0gg,"565 eire4, 'sit '462 hoi:ifii: The sales during Frid ty, were : E.' Stone sold 130. head of beef cattle at $8 70 gier 100 gross. Driesback sold 44 head of beef cattle at $3 90 per 100 grope,-. H. Weisner sold 18 head of beef cattle at $4 10 per 100 gros4. • • C. , Conrad sold 17 head .of beef cattle at $8 96 per 100 gross. Websterlsoldl.9.-head. of . -beef •cattle at 93'60 per 100 gross. H: Thompson gad*: freed 'of `beef cattle at $4 4 .20 per 100 gross. A W. D. Wolf sold 82 head of beef cattle at $4.00 per 100 groes. , - ' „,• :< • Geo. Foble sold 6 head of beef cattle to Watch ers•at $4134_80 per, 1004 . 058., sold'lBs hogs $4 20 gross. C., Wells sold 185 hogs al $4 16 gross. -Making attotal sale this week of 820 beef cat tle, and 243 hogs. The following droies of cattle were in mar ket this week : , , Studibaker, 80 head. 0. Conrod, 88 head. Beman, 16 " Arolf, 82 J. Dickinson, 86 "...E. Stone,: 180 . " Thos. Lamb, 80 " Cram. Young, 83 " W. Tanner, 88. " ' , WI/48On; 19 " Thompson, 44,::'! - Jerry Long, 78 " J.llecher, 19 " Geo. Radcliff, 46 " ii . :Wood, 48 " Geo. Kamer, 81 '' J.L kl'Oallister, 80 ", H. Weisner, 18 • " AD. Badger, 156 ' Meredith, 51 " .8211 - bdd, 46_ .;" -J. Hector, 17 " Jiio.;Glass, 53 " W. Webster 29 " A.G. Dorf, 16 " J. J. Hachin- G. Gordon, 48 " son, 108 " Geo. Foble, 118 " W. Gregg ,reggc ,, 82 " E.Milliams, 165 " G. Wilson, 31 " J.i Drisback, 44 " IDi Has GONE !-Ni/UX we: heard a lovely maiden say, who stood at the 'cart; weeping for him '(who was about to depart:for the seat of "W - 10 upon- whom all of , her young affections are, centered. Dry your tears, fair , girl, your soldier lover has gone to do battle for princi ples that rewarded the brave spirits of '76 ;,he, like them, will return with honors thick upon him.] In his abience, the cheap dry goods housi3 of Liam & Bowmax continues to supply ihe-public wants. -A Moron.EaTenuankiiii:--AMong the many improvements laMly madoln our city; to which witoen• point with pride as an evidence of pros perity and as a determiniititift `on'-the pari of our business men, no longer to remain behind the "light house,"- the , coinpteticin of. Eby & Kunkle's large brick building at the corner of Hark& and streets, which ie alike creditable to the owners and ornamental to that part of our city. - The.building is not only one of the largest, deiota to the grocery business, outside of New York, but the stock challenges competion;L— Viithout going into detail, we may, safely say that the fired keep on hand everything usually kept in a,•(liquors excepted,) and that they sell at very small profits. Their clerks are civillindliceo . anedating, and have strict instructions under no circurnstarices'What ever to misrepresent or take advantage of any customer general invitation is extended to the. ptiblic to visit the new building and exam ine the extensive stock, whether they purchase, ot 4 40 t. • : 7' • • To-the Afflicted: The , undersigned would • respectfully .nt fotm those who are afflicted with Rheuma tism Dysperey' Ciinettmption 'Of Liver 'and Qulighs,?tFeversi and all diseases arising from impurity of the blood, that she is prepared to furnish Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable Medicines_ a,t .very .tapilerate rates.. .T.,41,944 also ®ii iatid 'a ("nautili of 'invaluable Salves Jot Sore Eyes,z , Frozen. Peet and 'Plies. References, cau he, furnished as to their won deal effloacy, whenever Called upon. There need _be-no apprehension in regard to my corn ,petency in administering it, an. I have had it on hand for the past six years. Ae they are now sold at redttcedprices. no family should be without thern'over night They can be had at any my 'residence, in' Pine Street, t*pen Second; and ; r ront ,•; • • Aulg MRS. L. BALL. do hereby certify that I, Mrs.§chrutebly, tadlthe Ilyspeps'y very bad for two months, 'about five years ago, that I trok of this Vegefoble Medicine, and in a few weeks was cured.--Idy hiisband' has'taken'of it, and we' will -am:merle. with;any who,imay• wish to know Whit it bas'done for as. Our health is now gOod. We reside in 'Second 'street; next door' o the Baptistinhurcip MRS. FEEDsaici SCHNABBI;Y: ' - 1 1 FE have received a very large assortment of Hoop Skate , all 'qualities arid prices ," 'from 75 cents *up ,to 42;50 ;25 dozen of Marseilles B frht'BreWsP4,„Collars.aed .Cuffstar_matcbi. , the mhole set - - for 25 Cents, worth . 60 cents boxes of Rlbbixt.thr Vraislrimmirii, all dolas 5 - ,tkofeti of Belt I.l.iblporq . eltol.4; large as gment of linen and newilework:Collare, and se ki of collars and sleevesl.a large assortment off white Cambrics, Tacconette,H!ggrtied and plain Swiss Malin Brilliants, Nanticoke. The finest lot of embroidered French Cambric Bands ever brought to Harrisburg; 4 , pieces of striped goods fe! Undersleeves ;200'embdered fittit„Waists at all ,prices; 20 ,pierof Black SilkiLice, all prices, "'some yard wide suitable for dreiis flonocing . or trimming of lade shawls:, Lace Mitts at all'prices, 25 cents up ; 40 doiew of lad* and ge4tliiinen's linen pocket: Hand- kerchiefs.. For wholesale customers we keep a largeassortment of ;Weary and notioris,, such as Spool Cotton, Thread, Needles, Pins. Stock gs, Socks etc., etc. ' ' Laws. PRIME CheesefromNewz York - DAiriea jIL., Just received and for aide low by • ; - NICH9LB BOWMAN; : . r _Corner Aron and Market stree ts. C- *and peee those nice and oheap_2ll.- - - gan' 1719+1 1 1 0-- I PA C o a ais CoineiFr ik oinst n u4 pAilat strode. Ai +r x .. o „,, gm ," ( ttf tas. i Va. nfe. ftliscritatuons. RECRUITS WANTED. FOR THE 15TH INFANTRY, F:CxUL A Ft ARMY 0\ E hundred wore able bodied (mar rte.l or name. vied) men are wants(' to complete the Sec •. d Re trillion or the above reelment. Its tlrB'quarters pleasantly located at "Camp Wissabh•kou•' on the tanks of the Schuylkill, :.far Ph.ladetolita, where- rc , ru ti are weekly cent to be thoroughly instrucmt before guilt -4 into active servi..e Do test, intedie;:mt aud ene - eeti, men are matoulariy wanted for nott=rornmis*.ued "dicers, to whom is with .11 recruit.t. every-advautae4 of advanced bounty, pay ? &C., ie gaven. A, pm. totem of• t... 0 dollars will be da-d any citizen or s•+ldier for evh a^c^i tah.e recruit pre,euted bt 6.m Further info. tn.!. ion may be °Maine t i applied ro-, at office on Sec..utt str • t near h 'dark t. house, liar r sburg, l'a. nu m.& R . NORIO4. jvt9-dim Capt U (aft: ecruttim.rOffic r. A PUR V AIS, Scrap Iron• and Metal Merchant, MACHINE & FOUNDRY FURNISHINGS, N. E. 'Jor. of South and Penn, and 100 17 South Streets, - PHILADELPHIA. --- flails' Copper, Sheet Iron, Bra- s Red. " Zinc, " Yellow, ' Steel, Pig Tin, Borax, Bar Crudb:es, - PBarad, . - Foundry Facings, .. Anvils, :.I.4:elter, Vices,Pies, an. Antimony , -. . Uld Metals - - Bab! ht. Metal, '' . Copper, Bismuth, , - " Brass zb.ddeca, , ." , ... " Lead, &c., &s. Bar Iron, New and Second hand Machinests' and Blacionatihs , Toole and Sleam:lineines bought sod sold. Articles of every, d serlll ma in use by Machinists' and lioun'symen ' furnished to order. *Jr Cash paid for Serail, Iron, Old Rails, and all-kinds of Metals. • ' . jr2t dl m* INSURANCE Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation, Central Agency. at Harrisburg, Pa., of the INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERIC . OF PHILADELPHIA. Incorporated 1794—Charter perpetual. Capital and Assets $1,2001000 DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coffin, Samuel W. Jones, John A. Brown, Samuel P. Saila, Octanes Taylor, Ambrose White, John ar NWT, Richard D. Wool, William Welsh, Whdam E. Bowen, James N. &Mama, S. 3sorris Waln, John aseu, George L. Hareem], Francs R. Oirek Edward H. Trotter, Edward S. Clarke. ARTHUR G. OOF +IN, President. CHARLES PLATT, =Sec r etary: : Asoentril agent far the. ab we name + company, the undersigned' Is prepared to take Fire risks in any part of she bate 01 Pennsylvania, ether annually or perpet ually, on the most favorable terms. Office 'NUM street between Walnut au 1 btrawhervy alley; Ba•ke's row. WILLIAM BUEHLER, jelo Sly Barnsburg, Pa. HAPPINESS:O ..MISERY? THAT 1..8 TILE- QII.-ESTION. 1 1 HE Proprietors ,of the - PARISIAN & CABINET OF WONDERS, ANATOMY and MEDI CINE' have determined reardless or expEnse, to Lane free, (for the benefit of eutferiog humanity) FOUR of their most instructive and 'iterating Lectures on Mar riage and its Disqualificatione, Nervous Debility, Prema ture Decldie of Dituiheod, Indigestion Weakness or De eression, Loss of energy and" Vii .illeirees, the Greet se. cial Evils, and those Kali dies.whics result from, youth ful follee,.Excesses'ollfaturity, or Ignorance of Physi ology and Nature's Law, These invaluable Lectures bay. been the means of enlightning and giving thou sends, and wilt be forwarded free on the receipt Of four stamps, by addressing .SECHErARY PARIBIAN Wilmer OF ANATOMY .F.FID HISDICIFNII, 563 BroadW4; New York. VALUABLE PROP , ERTY FOR SALE. INOW tiftei` fol. sale that valuable Property situated on the corner of Marketnid Fifth streets, oppoAlte Eby's residence ; if not sold on or be fore the first of September nest at private. sale, It will be dispoied tar at public outcry on that day, on the J. 11.11.4,1113. E. jyadtd. SSPLENDID assortment of glassware just received, and for sale low by ' NICHOLS' &,BOWMAN, jy29 Corner Jtront and Market Ettvets. EXTRA family flour , choida. brand, - just flour, received, and warranted to rve.eatisfactieo, for =Ale by NICHOLS & 'BOWMAN, ,jyto , ()or. Front* Market Sta. brown_ .11h AP Sugars, and white, New y yeveoryrieg„anedaLt'ao suit tbu ato , are now offered for sale, tbu I nrchaser, at n , 1011130 LS At BOWMAN, 13'18 Corder , Fro ' Front and Mirka atreete. SY RVP-and ,Molassee, no :leas than eight Linde, for sale by NICHOL'S& BOWMEN, 1718 ' Corner Front and. Market streets. EXTENSIVE assortment 43f Glassware, including Jelly glasses, Preserye - Dishes, Goblets, W toners4fo:,'&c., of all styles, 'just receive d' and tor =ale low qy INICHD.LS & BOWfderN t 1y.7! . Corker Front & Market streets. , WANTED. . Sh.VERAL Machinists. Also ..a stout bop'in. the blacksmith shoe. Apiay at the. . 1y,16-titt -,ISAGIOE. BLACKING ! • . . MASWS - i , !.'CHALLBNGEtLA' 'CBI N G tQO Grose, +moiled sizes ,lust reeeived, aa tot sile,ryk;WholefLido prices, 'doll ' wm, 'Dom, & ' C,. IEr.ELLER'S DRUG. STORE RmO plape ~A ~, SPPERIOR lot of Dandelion and Rip Villree, for sal. 'at the stare or,JO-1 N WISE. ray F 0 RI 3 RESERVIiTGPIIR , — VERY superior article _,'lpure,) just reielved RDA ibr sale by " WO ' WM. DOCK, JR.. & CO. CLARET WINE viTE are oloßing out a VERY SUPERIOR LOf at km than cost Wk. D0C1K.4c4,& CO • qOLD PENS l —The largest and best . stock,•from $l.OO to S4.ol—warranted—at - • , • BFIR,FPNR-E1 EionNsToßE. , aiierio .., r .: brands- of extra family flour' S, whieh we warrant to eve satisfaction fo:.„sale by .. NICHOLS & SOWNIAN; 4 ‘ anal , '. Corner Front and Market greets. NE PatteriiiictitsCoal `with recently improved bumps for sale by ': the j ' NICHOL'S ar BOWMAN'S m 19 1 ex:truer F^nrit %no m.Lriret T °"c° o and segars of all kinds, for . sale by ' NICHOLS k BOWMAN, J 9 2 9:;, • Varna Print and Market farads. ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 boesx sind in prime order. nprlB • • 19: WOK, JR.; & 114,4•KEWS,C0o9a and. Sweat, Chodolate, ii lorlge#4qous ilwros.Thirikartt.wahmt. , m il 41 46 4.1 4 1 sv.rez• EMI eta abriertmentents MERCHANT TAILOR, 85 MARKET Sr., HARRISBURG, TS now prepared to furnish officer's military e'otbing, atoordit g to ref/ olajo - ta at ehort notice. Alfa a general assort rr of tlis, Cat 4meres, Ventings end ready made clothing for civilian+. CHARTER OAK FAMILY FLOUR. UNEXCELLEDBY ANY IN THE UNITED STATES AND SUPERIOR TO ANY FANCY BRAND OFF BRED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! 12 IS MADE OF CHOICE MISSOUKI WHITE WHIM. W De:ivared any pine in th e city, free of charge. TERMS, Cash on delivery. jySO WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co, GLASS FRUIT JARS !! SELF SEALING. BEST AND CHEAPEST ! ! I CALL AND EXAMINE. jyaO Wm. DOCK, J. GAITEY MUSIC HALL, Walnut Street between 2d and 3d. ROBERT EDWARDS .... .. . ...Sole Lessee and Mai.ager. Admission to all parts of the House 15 cents. MORE NEW STARS IMMENSE ATTRACTION ! • That appears ace of MISS MOLLIE FIELDING THE GREAT FRENCH DANSEUSE, Jar Whose artistic performances have received, with ut exceptio.., toe most I/snaring notices from the press and rho most extensive of the elite of N.:w Yore', Ptited.lplds, Boston and other principal cities, will have the tumor of matting her lirst apsearanee in Har risburg on Monday Evening, August 11th, 1862. Heaugagement of JAKE BUDD AND DAN HOWARD, The a:eat Favorite, Ettdopesn Comedians, in connection wan th. STAR GAIETY TROUPE Miss Julia Edwards, Dick Berthelon. T, Bolts, &fal ter Perry, T. H. Donnell, Pro,. Vansant, Master tieore, the /Irby Clown, Moo et De Louis and toe educated dog, JENNY LIND. Doors open at 7,3 g to commence at 8 o'clock. PURIFY THE BLOOD. NOT a few of the wore t disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that ac cumulates in the blood. Of all the discoveries that have been made to purge it out,. none hive been found which could equal in enect r vhs'c Cumeeuxo barrit.scr OF eAIiOarARILI . It cleanies and r the blood, is stilt the vigor of bealta lute the , yetem end. purges out the humor which make dist& e. It stir-laiee toe healthy :unctions 0f the body and expels the disorders that grow a d ran Ale in the bl.od. i,s eotraurdinary virtues are not yet widely known, bet when they are is will no longer to a question what remedy to employ in the greet variety of titillating (tisanes that require an alterative rem.dy. Stich a remedy, that could be relied on, has long been sought fur, and now, tor the first time, the ',labile have one en which they can depend. Our space here does not admit certificates to chow its effects. But the trial of o angle bort m will show to toe sick that it has virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Sufferers Iron 'Scrofula, scroinams Swelings anti do ea , try it, and seethe rapidity with which it cures. kiln Diseases, Pimples, .1- c.rulos, Sic rhea, Eropions do , are soon cleanea out of the ey, tem. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Eiyiiiielas, Tester or Salt Rheum, kcatd Read, itingworm, ite., Sio.d not be bornewbile they can be to speedily cured by Arse's SeB.-APARILIA. Byphitlas or Venereal Diseases is expelled from the system by the prdonged.use of this L . :ARSAYARILLA, and the patient is left at healthy as if be had never tad the disease. Female Diseases are caused by scrcfula In the bleat, and are generally' soon cured by tar EXTRACT OF EA/•SA PARILLA. t rice $1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $5. For all the purposes of a Lindy physi.:, take AYER'S CATHARTIC Paul, which are everywhere ltzwwo to be the beet purgative teat It offered to toe American leo. pie Price 26 cents per Box, or 5 boxes for $l. Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYltk & CO. , Lowal, Mass. and so d by Druggisis everywhere. Bold by C. A. Ban:Fart, D. W. Grose & Co , C. K. Kol ler, J. M. Lutz, Dr. biley, F. Wyeth snd dealers every where tanbibates. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. - Du DOLPH MILLSR, of East Hanover JA I township, offers himself as a candidate for the of - hoe of LOUNTY 001111L,SIONEK, sabject to the Union Republican Nominating Conventon, and pledges hint sent itonalcat d and. elected, to discharge the dates of itte ofthie with fidelity jylB-,W.te FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. BERST, of south Hanover township, offers himself as a candidate for the onto:, orcou.vrr oihnir SUMER, satbect to the Union tseimbllFan Nominating Convention, and pledges himself if nominated and seeded, ti di - charge the duties of the (dine with fidelity. jel3 dawtc* SAMUEL PAGE, of Swatara township, announces himself as a candidate for the office o f county fotr.mi.sioner, totoject to the d ois on of me Re publican County Convention. He pr. miles if t maid:Lied and elected to discharge the dudes of s :e for the good of the tea pat era of the county. jyle dlw wie nitittilaittattb "POMADE HONGROISE Km ITEM TEIS MOUSTACHES, KELLER'S kRUGSTORtI, = CIDER !II VINEGAIt 11 1 Mld E g u f a r r o a in nteelt e us e tt i te l 'e s t e ri l c e tl e y te p d are APPies' 4:02-d MVIK DANDELION COFFEE 1--A Fresh and , !alga Supply. of this Celebrated Coffieei not received by (.ia) WDS. DOC. Jr., di eo. fIANNED Tomatoes and titeen Corn, at JOHN myl j U Altit JELLY.—A large supply just TecOved by " DOCK-Jn h (AI A PPJ ES, Oranges and Lemons, atJOHN Al& wir rE first in the market just received oad toe sate by NYM. WOK, lx. , &OU YFORD aus-dim 17E21
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers