Malice E LIXIR PROPYLAMINE, 2718 NEW REMEDY IVA REEUMATIODdi NEW REMEDY, t roI A CERTAIN BM/WY, ACUTE BEFIUMATDMIL CHRONIC REINUMATIO N, BREEMA2LEM OE EVERY BIND; HOW STUN, No ALUM EtOW LONG B ST BOR ANDING, raorrlamtlf WHAT IT HAS DONE, rf WILL DO AGAIN. • tat BEST TXITIMONY, san MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOGTOBH. KNOW PAnE/03MILIETE IT, ' intli.ll AND TRIAL PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. Tacos Ovensaaliicorrm itaroawal - MAI 19, I.BBo,—Ellsa 8.,1et. 28, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheumy tlem,trom Which she was confined to her bed for two weeki and subseqenuy from arelapse for four 'pore. Shahan been well since then till last Saturday, while engaged id hem cleaning, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, not had so decided chill. Two days later tier ankles be gan so Befell, whisk was followed by . swelling or the Knee joints and' of the hands. • She' has now dull win in her shoulders, and her anticklee are very ladder,' red and ; both has are affected but the right Is most so. • This, ; then, Is a caso of acute rheumatism, or, as It is now fastilecably called,, rheumatic WTI a w remarked ty - Pietil ease We will car efUlly. *stab the case, ann leOEO thne to time call yciufattention to the vari ous mptems which present themselves. My chief abject in bringing her before you now, is to nag &Matto& to "-a remedy which has recently been recommended In the treatment of rheumatiam: I mean propylitinine. Dr . A wenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it. in the highest terms, having derived great uoriellt from its use .0 260 &set Whit% came under his care. Various corn mandatory testimonials respecting it have appeared In our jean:ate, and I propose theresbre to give It. another trial. I must confess I. am siwsys incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies! ; but this comes to us recommended so highly , that we a re bound to give it a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER, .1860.—1 will now exhibit to. ou the patittittfor whom I preseribitd Propylainind,find:wtt then hit:bor ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. . She has steadily taken it hi doses of three grains every two hours (Intermitting it at night.) The day after you saw her, I round her much more comfortable, getter than she ex pected to be for a week or more,ludging froni'her other attaca. (the patient now walked into the room.) the tmprovement has steadily prOgressed, and. you 'Gantlet of to notice a Marked uhange in the appearance of her Ante, which ere new nearly all of their natural size.— . nut far our experiment would have seemed very sue fateful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait a little while be xe we tom give a 'decided ' °pink% tut to what is to be 'tic result. Here is Soother patient who: was ltjaptulion the:, nee bf• _mac .sine thedkitiiii on Siinliailiatit she' bad Ring been muttering tram o tirade rheumatism, and I foetid her at teat um. with an acute attack supervening upon her cit.routc edatuton. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and tattoo. She took the chloride of Propyla. mine in three grain dotes every two hours, and you will perceive UAL dm swelling of theJoieta has much.dimin- 'MBES DAYS LATER 11 lit 2/3, 1860.—This is the cogs of acute rheumatlam treated with propylamine, the first of those to' ir - hiCh 1 called your attention at our lut UMW, elle is still very comlintable, anti is now taking three grains thrice daily, In this case it hius seemed t 0 be followed by very eat- Isfactory ressite. The second cote to which your atten tion was celled at our last lecture, has also continued to do well 'I will' ow bring n'efore you a very cnaraoter- Idic of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat factory, I think, as good jeatnapi,wo auall ittatly , render our verdict In ftevbr propyladnut ' He Is a seaman, let. 26, who was admitted a few days ego. Haa has °coalitional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until nightdaYal ago. The polite begin. m his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the joima of the upper extremities. Theta feints are all swollen, tense and tender. totlgtie is furred ; his skin, at prevent dry, though th ere baa been .mtioti swearing. His pulse in toll and strong, and about 90.-- Ho aaa now umat Jpropylamineler twenty-four hours. This gentleriten iswhot maybe ballads strictly typical case of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, And 'exposure la followed by a feeling of coldness, eaten articular pain, beginning, as it `usually does, in the lower pinta. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally attlauclant on acute .rheumatism 1 did not bring this patient otahire Yon Witkrthe inten tion of giving you a lecture en all the points. connected with rheumatism, 'but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as have called it, allot wmen'tOre not be a lairer opportunity for testing the medicine in queetion. We are, therafore,"avoidibg the use of all other mediCines; even anodyne; Unit theto butt be no miagivingal kW to which was tini anodyne; remedy. You shall see the case of a future ' THE REbULT FAVOIIABLE VERDIOT.. osJusa9; , lBllo.-.The next of our contilescesitS is the' mute ol acute rheumatism before yen at our °fluid C 1 May; 98th, which I then - ealled a typical ease, and whit* IV was remarked was a Tali oppertnulty l lot 'testing 'MC I worth of our new remedy, • It was therefore steadil y' given in thrac grain doses every two'hnurs for Mar days: The patient has got along Very aleClyiand now able'to walk about; tui you• see. Ido mot . heallaustd s.y that-1 have neves: seen as severe a case of actite'rhenmatiem so soon restored to health as' this -man. has .beeti . ; 'and without being prepared to decide Positive by alto the:Vat ee of the remedy we have oiled,`( feel bound to;gate' that in the eases in which we have tiled the Chloride b; rropylataloe, We patients have regained tkelr health' much earlier than under the treatment ordruarlly pur sued. 1 wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results. For a fall repert.ot nhloh• the above., la a eondoused extract, Bee the Philadelphia medic:at and SureicaVite aorta% It la the report after a fair trial by the beat mid,. cal authority In this ootuatry, and makea IL antubceseary to give numerous oortificates from amonished doMorir and rgioloing•paileLLa. • Arial:lY COR•,' AN OTICTUAL OURS THE SAKS MeBULT WHAT IT HAS DONE, Bullock avOrtsaahaw, a firm well known to moat medi cal men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has beenle: crodueed, have cold to na the exoluive right to manna& lure it acpeordlng:to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable 'ea to scatter it broaaaat amongst cabling' humanity.. A WORD TO DOCTORS. lf you prefer to use the came moody in another form we invite your attention to the Puna ORIESTALIZIM CRLORMI PROPYLAEUM , PRY PROMAILUCK Lmolo, Pt= Pmemaxusu Cosawasman, - PRY lORIDRPRoMmoRI, of which we are.the sole manufacturers. - girWe claim no oilier virtue rot we Sitar Propylamine than 1a contained La Pore Orpoelleel Ohloride_of Propy. amino. TEO 131.11.11( AffiD MAY BE TAKEN_ AMOD.DING TO DIRELTIONS, BY ANY ONEI MY EVERY ONE, WWI EIAR,RHEUMATISII OP ANTKINA Bad In Harrisburg by ALT 16 cis. ♦ Barna. Orders slay be addressed to PROPYLAMIIiII MANUPAOTURING 00.,• mallios,itoom No. 4, W. Cor fourth and Chesnut streets, ur to either of the following =3 WaOieellbe Agents BULLOCK & CH, ORBNBRkWi-- FREN lucliallOS Joing N saialco., • Da°. D. WEIHRSKLIr&COW-7 PKTER.T. wa.mair ZEIGLBR - T YORAM MDT &by EMZEI PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. WILL cornaugßirr, WILL CUBA IT, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will depart trom and arrive at Harrisburg and Phlladelpiditas follows : EASTWARD. [MOTORS DO RS lU=iin'r, CTO DOCTORS TRY , THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves HarrAunt daily at 1.16 a. m , and =Me at West Plalladalphia at 6.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harriliburtdatly, (except Monday,) at 6.80 a. In., and arrival at West Philadelphia at 9.46 a. m. • PAST MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.20 p. in., and Film; West Philadelphia at 6.26 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount ioy, leaves Harrbsbarg at 7.00 a. m. , and amves at WOOL Phila delphia at 12.26 p. m. HARRISBURG ACOOIII6IO/1611061 TRAIN, via Comm toil, leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 wilt.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 25 p. m. THROUGH EXPREBti TRAIN haves Philadelphia at 10.86 p. m. , HarrisburratB.oo a. in., Altoona 8.10, a. in. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.86 p. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 c in. and ar 'vatar. Harrisburg atl2.Bop. in:; leaves Iterrli .. A burg at 1.00 P. in., Altoona, , 7,00 p. in., and arrival at Pittsburg • ' at 12.16 a. m. FAST LINE lamt Pidladelpiiiait'll.Bo a. m., Harris burg 8.45" p. m. Altoona at 8.20 rt. m., an/ arriving at an 2.45 m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil.• delphia at 2,30 p. üb, sad aveiveee at Harriabarcat, 8.00 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.50 a. m., arrives at Marrissorg at 12.40,1 .. ~ , SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Oupt.last,lsv. Penna. Ritilroad. -.. Marrlabruir, May 2, 1802 —ittr • ' . • . NEW Alit LINE RUHL THREN TRAINS MU TO NM TORS, AND PHILADELPHIA dQN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Ptiame.nger - Trains will - leave the Phila hla and Reading Relined Depot, at Harrisburg, far New York and PhiJadelphis, as Mews, via • =PRIES LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.25 a. in, on &r -eveler Pennsylvania Railroad Rl:press Train 'from the West, arriving in New York at 8.15 a. m., sAd at Phan- O•OlPhis at 9.00 a. in. A sleeping air a &Niched to the Wain'through from Pittsburg without change. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harriabarg at 8.00 a. m„ arriving In Neer York at 6.80 p.and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. in. LINE leaven Hadiatnurg at 1.40 p. in., on arrival of Pehnsvlvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving In New York at 9.60 p. in., and Philadelphia at, 8.40 p. in. . = YAM LINE leaves New York at Ba. m. and Ptdlada 1. pail it Ba. ns., arriving at Harrisburg a t p. m. HAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. &deigns at 8. 15 p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 P 111 .1 .... , 85[111.1188 LINE leaves New York et 8 p. m., arrl vld4al Harrisburg atB.oo a. and connecting *Mtn Pennsylvania Mcprees Train for Pittsbnrg. A sleeping ear is also attaobod.toahls-train - - --- - - Connection/SAM made 1 8IlarIllibligg tvillt , trainsini,the Pennsylvania; Northern Centialitivr Gnixibtsiand" Palley Rath ' ds, and at illaidiiie roe Plgiadelphis, Poitsvifie, Wily' barre„ Allentown, Easton &o. •, , UM age Chocked th rough. - Fara betweeli . •NeW tort and rrisburg, $6 00 ; between Hiwrisbnrg, and,: Phila.. delphla $8 26 in No. ,cars, cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. _ . For tickets or Other Inftirmation apply to ' • , J. I. CLYDE,. . myo-dtf, . Genartil•Agent, Beirtsburg. IN EVERT CLOD; WHENEVER TRW), WELENEVER. TRIED. IT MIL DO :AGAIN. 1862.. 1511)111E/t 1862. ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN (MANGE OF HOII.REL—On and A ft er 9 4 .,/ Monday, May 5th, , 1882, Passenger Train!' will run daily, as follows, (flundaya - Uoepted :); For Obseibersbinw and Harrisburg A. IL LeityikHagerstown. ........ ........ 00 266 " ,Elreencunkh-nrr.:-; --- 87 888 Arrive at. • 817 420 011 ipnbersburg, " Len* at 880 12 66 00 12T " Ca Came ... .... '9 10 10 240 iB2 400 a Mechanicsburg 10 42 839 Arrive al Harrhiburg ...... lb 840 For Cliambersburg and Hagerstown : LeiZlrliitiarrs burg .......... 806 P. 1 86 " BisekanlOsbarg........... .......... 847 215 Carlisle 9 :e7 255 . ; ......... _lO 02 829 . ghippeneburg._ 10 88 ";.Arrise.ll 00 4 ao " olumbeiblirg - Laire..ll lo 44 0 Greencastle 66 OllO ArliVe u Hager5t0wn..........::.., —.1218. _0 . 4 Siipq." A . B. R 011iee, Chaniberstinre: May 1, 1862.-dly _ _ MORE CONV r.Nran,l AND ALWAYS nein FOR .1111tEDIATII USR, yr.. Q, TRIPOLI, *-:Walte )3111 , c- 4 1 „ta /4.74, Id/ta. lkingatseisi Big licit sift by - _NICHOLS & WMAN, 4,earner_Prom and litullteti slreabi. NEW ativtrtietnUilta. SUMMER TIME TABLE. OA A= JIMII MONDAY MAY sth, 1862. WEBTW ARD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. EASTWARD. WESTWARD pennopluania Math) ( inoo:12 Afternoon August 18, 1862 D W. GROSS & CO., DRU GGISTS, MARKET S'PREET HARRISBURG, PBAN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE. KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are' daily raiding r to . our SiMortment of goods Rif such articles as -are desirable, and wo4d rispedtfUlli to the largbst and best sulfated stock in this cny, of DRVEIB OREMIOALS di PAINTS, CIL% varnishes and Glues, .•-! Dyo-littairs,Olasit and Peaty, Artist c.olorsand Pars Ground Spiess . ' hurtling Fluid and Alcohol, Laid; hitsria and Plas r Oilik • 'Plaids and 'maim Globes; . Castile liioap s. llosara'aad Coths, se., &a, dro., dto., dos.,odas.,:drei PERFUMERY, * lonarr.AatioLtiii seleCted from the, bast manufacturers and Pe turners of Europe and this country. Being very 1514 t dealers In Parcrip, wiini Loral), • UNBEED , COLIVONiIiff*, ;‘" ,WINIVW,PrIARI, ARTIST'S 'COO* PAINT AND &KW'S BliUi IN ALL MITA *iiiliflES I COLORS AND /31tOICZES: OF,gtaqUlPE's We,respeoffinly __Jr; 'deft tient:Unit we , c a n ,egpply,fbe mil l ions, of , all on rine to theli.l/4;atieficiticini,'l' TEETH 1 TEETHII JOOESAND wEnswErl%: ROEGSIRVIM% PATENT MEDICINES. AND HAIR C. 4 ei4 kinds, direct from the Prrydetom. Saponifier and Ooneentrated Aye y6%0 68111E1 'Agents for 8140'0ler, which we sel as ler as it can be pnirotiaged in Or Fides. rEIAIER"S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS GOAL OIL •I °ARBON OIL Being Purchasers IR theeet dile, we can efblr iinducements to close buyers. OW Oil fOie of the most. Improved patterns, very ohas All : kinds of lamps thaaged to bunk -EARMERS AND GRAZIERS, 1 1 1 94 of you who 1411111:AciiteveMiS 11 4'flOBSE AY - MAMA E'OWDIIIIB a taint -iinOw no theirsupoilori and ,pio adynOngo they ate in kekking. and Gatthyhhalthy :and in goed;co 3.l : l 4 l t• Thildetede cart testify tothS:prOilt they have I di:wild:keel 5 1 0 use of PuriClaPtle'Powdere by tibtrineri•asing quantity •lind . qindity of toll . h. besidis Improving the general health and sp paten& of theft `Cattle. idng experleneell,W9!?!SilhaeS'giViSi nit the 414tiiii.;c4 . i:4r9PgtbluiciWifIdge,ot..the trad4 and our arrangements` lir die cities are such pudive cal ins very short time furnish anything appertntning to our ' liminess, on th e best of-terms. J : ' l'halik:ful l f?r,o/191 1 PlAi Iti+7 l Vn§ge , 1) to:lwe, on oni tioneey we shop° )1), et le attention to • , ") s 5.,.! I. 1.• J, ' bnEd ! l * ' e tSO ill i rl i i 9PAP. 9! '4) IPU I3 R :O: E .- _*. i ....." , (c..Driftria.,s , , at fair prices, and the deelrevto -please all, to merit ~?414*i'm of the„ fii"Ptll 04414,' Waling Inilffin.p I r I E. ~ I.> i;lz t uige-d1 , 1 9 1 ' ~.._,_ , ~,_„,„,.,....._ r 1 tll,ll . 5 a i1,,,,T..A.. X I , 14 F. I i ... OPLALL LEFIVIDIEL — Three, - Ipiellindlheilinit*ColitiiiaiL . - ''- Bilk, Tigratialellnenteenlo lo!Vlrar i iileiiiligi Tl4l=sk)ivo - . t I.l.ll TAt ie", ri l '• t i . ~ ,'; . .f i i i a ' ‘! " ;,,1 , ,,: Jagiio. - :.4 . ..1'n1 .- : - , „,.=l:= - Linen t um= 'hmuw. ,- .' 4 - n C.- n ' " ' n 4 rk* tkea 0 11 #0.4 Wlthdireilay ',l:W*B4j' ...- , Breas.iLitittifir_mkßeiglts 6 4iW. dili. - ~ ,"--- 1 =,, , ..:' 7 A lot of Melee Trolle ro . . .... , t - ~, 'Silk WOrif Lade i '146:1th.101 , 31! ' ; ": 214 f1?4,. ' - .44, 411 :GS atnindll.:" ;11:. 7. t,? ..t fit . 1.4 i, ,,90,944X1411186 0 7 / 4 1 1: 1 01414 nen't4:7l4.. Ilan. Trout kaia k irby Trout - end Itiver4V i teniw ink Tenni iiiiit*Wlfoolkylokts,steittli,4 pw1..... :. .111111LKIVIVDRUG'AND F NM!. Vir 1 i ': •::: - A .7. h 7 ..1. , ;1_ ,,, :l -ANDY/Wein Steirt 1 1.1 A kl - I , l o reeth GT . tinikittatiittl l iqullio'4lo4 -, .L. PaPPGivAbiPbmciansitritikrindmiti,=4 3 = . ,t,.-,c l ,T, ....: NICHOLS ik . ROWIIANti . . , pif - a I.i ^"--- . .------- NAY,43WARMTI343APJ -f a , It la economical and,,highlyoktarahre.. -Weep, Mane no Rain ond, will not , Wajlerii ltela warranted not injuiethe ham* It.Onfi impagimlagneable odor, Ind t lao naltalite. _tor—every—porpeera--.-- *le 67 ; fi t) , MIL SHMII 'fthik 00X 4 AGE an d „ e m e h tiv c tmen't of , 14'myss, Dishes Ms, Ids., iwg, and army - thine icor presorts& di? 14/030L13 & BOWMAN', )612 Caner Front RNA MA* draft ED. IR k;) raiz $ to., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO, 19 With a general variety, of RESTORATIVES ' i'A ' DR. JOHNSON 313.1kiaTINIL01=L3E1 LOCK HOSPITAL! A8(!l etonal i eni soovered.dtyhteu the mo worldstetln, speedy jl .4 DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE BIZ TO TWILVII souse: No Mercury or Noxious Drugs. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Neck or,Limba, Strictures Af ee tk e es dike kidney. and Midday, Involuntary distils:gee, Im potency, General Nervousness, Dyapepay, Lan suer, Low Splrtes t Confusion of Ideas, Pa Ipitatien of the Wart. Timidity, Trembling's, Dimness of tUght, or Giddi ness, Di Ewe of the Head, Teroat,,Nose or rierin, /Oleo woe o r the Liver Lungs, Stomach or Bowels — those ter tibia' disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —these most end solitary primness more fatal to their victims than the song of t , yrens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, he., hnpossible. ; . Young lien miepebiiilly, who have become, the ;victims of Solitary that dreadfatand4lestrucilve habit whie h annital tp "Weeps to an untimely grave thouiantia of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intelle4, who might otherwise have entranced batman Senates with the thunders of eloquence ovtgaked to ecstasy the living lyre, may call with fall co ntdonce. ,Merried Persons, or. Young Men contemplating mar. rlege being. aware ofphyltical weakness, organic _ debit!. daltimalea, ate., weer cured. .118 who plums himself under the care of Dr. J may religiously confide in his boner as a gentleman, and 00a thgently rely upon .his skill as a Physichte. ; Orgamo Weakness iinwidiatelYOured, and full -vigor Restored: a Tills distressing dffectionwhich renders / lie mitten blattidinarriage impossible-1a the *nay paid by the trichina tit improper indulgentew -Youngpersons are too apt to commit °scenes from not being aware of the dreadlid oonseqi anon that may ensue. New, who that ..understatias Me subject will pretend to deny that the pow. es otjpiecr.ation is lost sooner ty those fallsng Into . im roper habits than by the prudent • Besides' being de. *lna, the pleasurnof healthy °flawing, the most se nowetnd deetruetlve symPtoms to both' body and Mind ariae The ayetem becomes deranged, the Physical mid Mental Functions Weakened, I.osnpf Procreative Power, &Mons Dyspepsia r Alphation of the Heart, Indigestkm, Oonatitution,, 1 Debility, a Wasting of the Raw, 0041 1 , Consumption, Decay and ,Death. Ofiloe; J 916. 7 South Frederick Street.. Lai hand side going trom Fatiinore street, a' - le* door. tram the corner.. Fall not to observe acme and number. Letters intuit be paid and `cantata a ;Imp. The Dec. toe's Dipkonsit. hangln inseam. • A vore . .W,arranted in TWO Days : - - 11 1. 01140: ant er /fiSatiOull /MA" D r . ioh n ik on, .• • MeiniuM,Of the Royal College 01 Surgeons, London, Grad =tom one of the most eminent Colleges in the United said the greater part of whFete Ille'has been spent in the boapitahinflondon,,Facia,. Philadelphia and , msg. nhera,`has ellhOUd Sane of thk; most astonishing cures that went ever known • many troubled with ringing :In the hind and eon when asleep, greet Earyeinulaaa, being ebtle' d sudden sounds, baithfalnees, with freqient Wishing, attended somennesWlth derangement of mind tope !cured immediately., t ; 1. - • , Take PaltiOulaic!Notice. 01..,J. tularemia sittings, witO have Mured Doti:siva ires byproper indistss„esend sollisry habits, which robs oth body andinsind;nnlitting - them for either business, stud* society or marriage. - ': .MlSsiLor Sittlistand melMehoarsabetti pro'-; Mo in1 4 1 1 "1" 1. eorly ha1:114,4 youth, ste : Weakness of tee Bank entLinine,44dnifin n th, Read, Dimness ',.:i'' Sight, Loss Otlimmilisr.pwor PaLuitation of the heed, D3' ll- ma: 4 l4ersOns Irratiaty, Doran mean of [hate Mee ge ge Demerit Debility, Symptoms of Constimption, '•• y.—The (carnal erects on the mind are Minh Mho dreaded—Loam of Memory, Courualori of Ideas , De mos,rlfflp'ect i tv i lif t og e rings,. .Timidirers on to are msrmey, the =prodhcid:•: .: 1., ~ ~ 4 7. i :', , ! 74% GIE Theeilexes of Plausisof all ages ;Call now judge what is the!cause eltheir declining health, being their vigor, beco gu li w ng rui, pale, nervous . and'ePeeti.tted, having ' a du appearance libildt WO el toe symptom of eo =option. , . • ._ - .:• • , • 1 ' ' Young Mon Who =Ai htio.Wad themselves t;y a certain praCtice In dnlgeif In when - alone, a habit frequently learned from evil GOlnM u t ol F s, , c W ai4 KP o 9!, 'kbe,efeeet i of- which are nutsf m ell, even *when asleep, and tr n ot care* renders mar impouble, anddestroya both mind and body, gm apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of he coon= in', ii deruzigs his Mileff, abe . ..._s4 be snatched -• trout r i ai all L pests's' no enjoyments of ll* by the oomequence of 40 ng from the path of nature and indolgmg 'in a os secret habit.; duct persons nom, beiorapontem, ragout theta wand mind and betty are the most...neatly aaryreirimites to promote connubial tutp=neea. indeed, erithoot these, the journey through` ife becomes a weary iiilgrilient 6 ; the prospect hourly ,darkens - to ..the view ; theiniad becomes shadowiar CUL dispel:reed Ailed will& the nielaturbolly rell.etion. , :that the happinens of another becomes blightedwith our own. ; •;; , .- ; ~.. .• r . 1 • ; 0 Disease: .4f Imilrudenoo. • • when the misguided and imprudent ;votary of pleasure gaga that he hes imbibedithe •seed, of tlue Paiefill , die - ‘ ease, it too often i l=iMnethat an til-.tlmed sense of shame ; 'or' dread of dlicoVery, Miters him from applying who,from elucation awl resneetabllity, van 'alone be-' fiend him, delaying. till the constinulenal symptoms on this hoer d disease make their appearance, such as al oersted sore duns, diseased ;nose„: nocturnal Rahn •in rho Lead aid theme= of sight, (teahouse, nodes on the eh= bones kndartoisbloalies on the had, face and , extratities, progreeding -with frightful ,i-apidity , till at bat the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose - fall Is, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid object of commiseration,' till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to " that trodbcov *rod poaetry, from whence na traveler returns." ii . ~, 'lt is i siirkinebtay fact that Ihoneende fall victims to thiniterrible disease, owing to the unsicilfuliness of ' igno rant pretenders, who by the waif that Deadly Patios, ...ifireary, ruin the constitution and =eke .the residue o life miserable. . . . "Tinat not yottrlliwkor health, to the.can or the many Unlearned and Woythleal Pretenders, destitute of knOw ledge,*aame or chancier; who 'copy Dr. Johnson's iidver eartbaments, or style themselves in the newspapers., ,regularly Bducated•Ph.nicians incapable of Oiring; they keep you triditigmonth alter month taking „their: filthy and pelsonomunsa oomponnds,tor as , longna the innallest men be obtained, =din &spelt, leave. yon,with ruin, cla keelth to sigh over yonikalling clissppohrt. _Dr., Johnson Is the only Physician advertising. aredenind or diplomas always hangs in Ms Mike. BM remedies or treatment are unknown to an (sheet prepared frenai .15PORViklite gr sat hospitals a jc a l. mope, the that in the country and a more extensive kali vete praline than any etker , PAYa i lalam PepTnfr...., IndOilleident*the - The mean thou/Ma ciiiitst this Institution year it. ter year, and the; numerous important Surgical Opera gaina,parformed by Dr. Johnsonorilineased by the re ka,ArtiFti, et 4 10 ;P w N irieller,"Ald , ether;pat 1 - 1 T, 1 ,a - ra ltt ees put t b c osidee v ilhAtl re n d g as ag inen a gm a gt r and rugartaibtkit i y, za, gnanantee btka - - Okla Diketiseubpadily Cured.' , =one writincahot*ilarrpsewedistr, diremingatusir, 1 - t o his fislitutien, in the followi ng manner : JOHN M. D. pi the Baltimore Lock Hospital, ore, Md. • 17, lIMBRELIdi gANUYACTORTI, (a Ilidekei - r - s t-.. . , EILIBIENURG, s Air 0 Ir. • frcE 3-.: ' • tthellßnt; •< RABgoLS and.,NALIGLNG CANES, will forolsh tE LOWER.:PRICIFYituie tanlre - boaght-iii any of n k itaigekig 000; ;.-iPoldmmerobantacwllLAcf :Well 10 te r ad trilg° 4 -PVV 991 ,1 4Y* APIIVII,cO thaw.: vei o f • Ihrtadt. au23-dly MEI CjiIEPFKLIN—BROTHEIVEI & 1;00., f wiEmEmix DRuercusTs. . . r ND ploy .goods, Per '..-Aliaeriiirrii,:a7ll"vogynttf"rithe jibe of of 4etined =0 , 1441 any quinti l es 1 , 1: or tp , : r tiz i cr s la . 11 • 0 and 172• th e -William. &met :2 . 6m] NEW'YORK. SALADOII, qe supply of fr esh, Bala 11,.in ' botibm4' 414 - dise tandei AargerandlonsU • all - Wed and•ibrgiale , by . ....: -, —; DOOK, . , CRe ~: l oys i like,,ohatt or box, __L, z 2.l4Cla t 8 nod for soloby ' NIOHoLS & BOWMAN. JoI4 Collor Front aw 2 Marta strati. ff -Strangers. LiNS Johns & grooltp. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ors NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD • JOHNS 4E. CEOSLEY'S American Cement Glue TRH STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. TES GIIIRPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. TIIII HOST DURRILII GLUM IN TH3 WORLD. THE ONLY RIELIABLI GUTS IN THE WORLD IRE BM GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL MEND WOOD, Sam your broluia Furniture.. • . IT WLLL.MENEI LEATHER; wend year Haman, Straps, Belts, Boole, ha IT WILL MEND GLASS; Save the pieces or that expentive Cut Shaw Bottle , WELTLL MEND' WORT, Doa't tarow may Unit broken`ivoryha; It L easily re . . . IT W ILL MEND CHIN A Your broken China Cups and Sitcom can be made as .Cl.: IT WILL MENDS MARBLE,: That ptocc knocked out of Marble Math!, :aaa:be s pat an as straag aa.BTer. IT WILL MEND .FORGETIAIN No matter ff in* broken , Piteher. did not oast but cubit. a W.p.thi saved It shining learned. T t D ALABASTER, That'll:o4ly Alabaster Vase:token and you can't war& it, mend 7t, It will neveiphhw when put together. . Ito Will Mend Bone , Coral i .Lava, and in fact everything. but Metals. Any article Cemented Will) AMEVC.LN CIMENT ,GLUT Will not oho* *bete itte Mended'. • irraserk • • . 1 • "Seery Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Crosiers American Dement Gluete—/V. 7'. limes. "It Is so cousamleM.A have tue house."—ly : , Y. "kg!, shwa _ red ;.4 ati.oltheSeads .ftseif to. every. body. —hide/Dol deist. "We have tried tt, anciihid It aslaselbrin our homes as water'— Was' Bsait of the Moat. ECONOMY WEALTH. $lO,OO tier Yeel• saved to every family by Goo, Bottle of AMERICAN CIEBtErr CRATE. Price 25 Cleats per toittle. Rice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 cents per Pottle. Prioe.2s,Gents Per *Ale, PAC. 25 Cairo per Price 25 Ceßleper . tery .aeral So l Plio4aqie: #llyers. TERMS ArFor sale by All Dreads, aid storekeepers ventral ly througholit. the eittlitry. • JOHNEik I OROSLEY, c3oleihineaciar 4w eji 78 WILLIAM STREET; Oorster et Liberty street. Important to FEUIIIOIII. lb all wham this itiakcone rfl, anariteconeernt every ZOMP cpiliszmy's iXESOYED GOTTA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and roast durable Roofing in use important to ke)ise Owners Important t =A44 (4 1... Important Road Companies. _ • LT IS Fin AND WATER PliOOF. Ina be app idiri* DLit fidortrot 'kW %arida. :steep or tIA anitto,. nouttaut noovEtrithoitt r emov in gtheg. blll lo o4 • The Coat liken ty about One-Third that of, Tin • • 'aProvvis-Arwma , . 'Tina article has been thoroughly tested In New York.' Qty aid all other pArts of .the MAW States, Canada,. Weal Indies Centrsl and Smith Atnerica, on ;buildings of an kings, such as nowsuin,artiowestse, Ostruense, Rau Raiz? Dwain, Cape, and on .Puswo BuILDISOtt ! gateway Sevitirwin lka.; by"the' *WOO Builders, Architects and abets, during Atie Ittest tfouryearis, and bin proved to be the CHEAPEST and MOST DURABLE 'ROOFING in nee; It is in every reskientA FIRE. WATER WEATHER and.nEE faiNvt, ooyering 1 for ,ROOrd or. ALL BINDS. 11'.1 . This', is the ONLY sacrum eninufaottent in Me United Aldo which itoratAnee the very deetrable Properties of anti*, and Deiwthitt4, which.are nuteewmailv it ,k now , ied&edi to be posies/lid' bq 26V12`4' TERCSI" "AIM returi Brisairs. j • tip r No Ftoat is required in making appli6ation. The expense of ef plying lt WWI ogonyttn ordimaYr red can be amend adrilinithei tbsisetne day It can be applied by alkyl one, odyti en finished rerpwayskurfeetly Ihaa.Paoos auriace with al elastic body, which cannot be injured by Hu!, OOLD .lineritoune, nor any ex ternal action w tog. , • • „ 4, • •GIITTA PARCHA CEMENT, t i ~...-4, a ll - when lcri:Joatlng Metals of Binds, exposed 1 - . . 1 jto the Action of -did WtititVai, and FOB PRESERVlREAStilnitOirriciiiiiim, 1 ROOFS Orkit — ltlNDS'. This Is the only Composition known whichwill areas. fully resist extreme changes of: all .elfmatee, fOr. any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad. tierce firmly, forming a body equal to coats of ordhuiry paint. costa much lees and will LASf THRICE TIM as LONG ; and from alie elasticity a ciabt Injured •by the contraction and estsusnos gm. and. other;tlem I -Roofs, tenseqablir addirstidden cUneet of the weather 1 • Amin oad CRACK IN COLD eli Rl* IN WARY ing4;IDIR,4ND.D=NOIAPARIT Jr,: ~.- . - -.. Lea_ i Tin potberilletalltootkpaa bilipidfly,yepit r . ilia 'iraUGIYITA - PMEAtnintliT, and.preyented from remotion and leallig, thereby ensuring filler loaly btroof for many yeas t ill, •-; .. • t i bi ment Is peculiarly ads ted for the preserrailea rue% ,etwpir RaiuNnN_____ CDA —'IIAM'AGICr Ca ti V n t"'SaLMFl N l*•Ur , 1 0 2049r.gaperai 111ffillt :- -:ZTA PEltbriA 'OESTEN — ~l` e r c a: 44 - d " secriptigon,andircurepaitnipandtaggrrwittannewskiodf o:ree4seta;litßoo_vilitg:rixla: by the contraction and e crack id cold or ran in warm weather. - • , i-Thi4reateeiam airerMilniiSitifiliNi i i4 e Eli.oo tutPOY.9rdere Nihk_ktfitloxeonn; t drt - notice"for • GIITrx 'nutt,,Eta 'COOPING In . t agb,,, y prepared for use, end JOIJITTa PER HA GT INUIT barrels, with fdll whir di roc at on . roj , no y l'a 4r- i -- - --'-' j AGENTS WANTED:}. • - ' J - -:, , ne wni make liberal and saUsrialmyrarrangements withimponsible parties who.wouldlke to establish them selves ta a Itairative aid amanbtusineaa. - ' AIUI GASH. 311*;-'' We, met give abundant woof on &twelfth/tit ie rbjy p r emir Improved Root* baNblig apPlied > tkei to maul thodeend Torii Clity and soLiOirANitribruifik Wheeze WarelinfiiirB • WIIIii3W-St.; -comer of Llborty Street. NEW YORK Fall deserimit vetiroidars Priem 'will be' tiirdiabed 0 3 - Zolit, Biaonit, Ci d :.6,441'1; jitsirc,4fy .r.' 0 led' and for s!‘ el,4et . :l' ice....'iwat:Bow Me ‘r J , ` A ,r j i -AR_ ' Fmllll6ll, Markel atkria --' POT FOIS)- - Vir ' U DigoAK:7, gN town new iiiiartineirof these neefid ar tides just opened at 111{BONEZ'a Cheap Bookstore. DAN'LU A. MIIENCH AGENT, IF the Old Wallower Line respectfully ir Informs the public that tnie Old Nu: iranv orta . thin tine, (the oniy Wallower Lane now in exist-nee i s thte City,) is Is In succesanl operation, and prepared to carry freight as low a any ollterindividual line eetweea pnoadeiphin, Harritibtirg, Sunbary, Lenis Imre, wa. Hamaport., Jersey Shore, Lock EILT•I3 and all other points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie and we Ugensport Ind Madre Railroads. DAHL A. MIIHNCH„ Agent. Harrisburg, Pa Goods sent to the Ware House of Messrs. Peacock, Zell & •-• [nehmen, Nos 808 0,1 AP) Market street shore mow, philadelphia, by 4 u'ciock, P. It.. will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery next morning. aprgardmyl B. 3. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKET SlReal2, HARRISBURG. H AS always on hand a full assortment arm and Japanned Ware, Cooking and Parlor Staves of the beet ntanniacrcuies, Guile• Spouting, Roof ing and Galvanised Iron oornish, manufaztarai had pat up at reanonable rates. jar Repairing promptly attended to. sprBo-dly A. C. SMITS, ATTORNEY-AT -LAW, OFFICE THIRD STREET. mylo/) NEAR MARKET. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY R. P. R. ALLABACH, Surgeon Doh. Ott, Manufacturer of Stineral Plate Teeth, the only mettiecithit etiolates every abjection to the use of arti lffilal loan, embracing partial, half and whole seta of one platencinly, of pure and Indestractiole mineral, there are no Melees for the acteumniation of sinall particles of food Ind therefore, no offensive oder from the breath, as no me. fat is media their construction, there can be no galvanic antics or metallic taste. Renee the indtv ideal is not AD noyed with sore throat, headache, &c. Office .tS North Boootid igrr4n, ffiatrinPlirg. nein-W[3r 11101. ADOLPH P, 'FEU PSER. WORM respectfully inform his old vs , patrons'and the public generally, that be will continue to give instructions on the PIANti FORTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASE. He will tett pleasure wait upon pupils at their homes at any hour desired, or lessons will be gives' a bis resideace, in Third atm'', few doer■ below Itt German Reformed Church, feclz.-4 t UNION aaST - A.U . A.NT, RTT.T.T ART) AND BOWLING SALOON. NO. 119 "KAMM STRKET, NRAN lelll7lll. HE subscribers having erected a larg e braiding :at the above plane, expresaly for the paro o w above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub lic to the following : Yet Risrecatest, oa the first floor, with a dining room attached, Matted up in first-class style, and it will at all limes be stippled with the beat OYSTERS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, flish;and all Linda of game in season. Oysters served up In every style ; and meals to be had at all hours. The Ake or all the celebrated breweries In the country constantly DU . _ The Ten•pin Arley, 'or Bowling Saloon, is In the rear, and contains three alleys of modern ceistructioti i imhere the loVers of this hishity exercise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is opal - tiles—elegantly fitted up, and mutates three marble top combination - cushion ta bles, equal to made. Harrisburg has loot fait the want of a grand combln -40011 of this , kind, and as the proprietors are determined to conduct it In a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to make it a fasuionable mar they hope to receive a liberal snare of public patro Jait-dtf WILLI&M'C. ManDDRN & PEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE• • THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAN& TY INEMBANCE COMPANY. IROORPOSATED 1836. Capital and 9sseb3 0169,126 37 DIRECTORS. Wm. Martio;Edniond A. Pointer, Thenpldlos Paulding, Jno Penrose, Jno. C. Davis Jas.. fra:inair, , Wns.,Myre,jr JAMOiI C. Hand, aidliam 0. Ludwle, Joseph B^al, Da R. M. ;Huston, Georue Leiper, Hush Craig, Chartss Kelly, ramuel g :tokes, J. F. ?evasion, Henry - km; Edward Darlang on, H Jena- Brook; ?Tessier It'llvalosv Thomas C. Band. Robert Burton, limb P. Jones, James B. Id'Farand, Joshua r. Eyre, Joh(' B. Semple. Pitts burg, D. T. Morgau r Piusbur4, A. B. Berger, envenom& 'WILLIAM MARTIN, inesideat. TriOMAS D. BAND, Viet..ehuidest. HENRY LYLBVEN, de&etary. . The oliderairgited as agent 'for the' hove named cow psov „ , continues to take tire Bhsks in Rardsotyg sad iipEgraia. :104111 • • 1 PORT FOLIOS I IBITING DESKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSNS, , PORTMONAIE3, And a genera' agsortment of FANCY. GOODS hive just been received at • BKBGN - Ka'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. SUGAR CURED • pIiTED BEEF; SHOULD 1018; ; ; . BOLGNA EIATBAGIL Lt largo snayieah sapßlyjgat by• eb2B : • ' • WaL DOCK Jr.. Sa.oo HARRISBURG - COAL OIL DEPOT, FOR the Safety of nonsurners, we have established aticul OMDepot at the corner of Frost and Market streets, MI our oils are tested and.we Seilllollll except such as prove to be non-explosive, clear andSreefrom odor as far as practicable. We offer *present the following justly celebrated brands., Mag nolia, Robinson Nabrona and L moor, lower than Can be purthase,t elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an 'extensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Ohms Cones, Burners, AM. Wa will also change fluid , or campheue lamps, so as to.oe used for coal cal. Call and satisfy Yourselves, at ' „ NICHOIBAMOWMAN, Conies of trent and Market stmt. apell ItEAUTIFUL-TISSUE PAPiR i VORT covering , Leaking Mums, Picture Frames, ornamenting Ceilings, itimpitog Goa Piper , Sm., and en' im as to bang over strings_ in. the shape o f stars; points, circles or festoons. for sale at my 61, SCIELEFTER'S Boolcsroßm 2.17883E11 GOODS ! übße Rubber Watates, Rubber Battles, . • „Rubber Toys generally at 131i111413ER'S CHEAP Booagroatt Jars for pettiog np Arcot, the lJf oeteerarect Mthrthe Patent; cheap, envie and ef recital, warranted to'give ettaraction, jest received and .ror sale by N/CHOLB & BOMA; • ' Corner Front and Market street. lIGARS for preserving; call and exam Inc at ' 'NICHOLS & BOWMAN, y 7 Career Front and Marten streets. LEMONS, raisons, ; cocoanuts &a, just received and biz. Bale by WHOM & BOWMAN, Ifront„ap. I Matta streets. JYIS 4 4 11t1 ll FISH every l'uesdayand Friday -12 • et JOHN WiSSIS Store, corner of titled and Wal• nut - . InYIY 01'10Dit3.-41aiter a vancity'ot 'weal] . .taidenk f rtatoing artielet—alleap.zat: N ., attkirvieß.- ,:or , Kg ,, ila I pRI IHt Lemons ,a 1451 ~114bijus, just re °dyed stator tale bin by • -'r. ' • MicHOLS & BOWMAN, ktl4 Sarno': Front and Motet. etree'a• '6•000. WINDS:Extra Prime Sugar • Cured aguna for sale very low whet , eels ar retail by* DOCK iIL. a co. ,EykrALL lot of choice Dried,, Fruit, at Nici3oLs & EovirAN, ,Conier,Fron tam& mark e t week le& TEBARY- HAM . I—Tin tierces 'of these celebrated nlgsr..cored- llamsCreccived anG ec birge or Salaa gaso t ltiee ,WM:DieR,Jr■ k CRAB ClDER.—Constantly on hand at IV ray impalor &Aka of Was cam onna. WM. DOM Ja. *W. 33usiliess tgarbg„ ifflisttitatttuas
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers