ailg Etle,grag. Forever float ihat standard sheet! • - Whate - brifatbis fife fieThialltilhibiforens, With 'Freedom's soil benestk oar flit, And Freedton's tqpner'ntritaining ns. HARAistuO: , MiThdAy lifOrminf, A0011411;11 The:moo Last Re,quisi,tiona, EENITSTUANWS QUOTA. 06 the 7th of . July lad e a militia. mid° on •= the Prate for twenty-oriti reiltoorttaof Tollitireem Thin morning a' communication arriettrebeived from the War : Depaitinettk getitidning; a r& 'quidtion for thequota of the Beiter nude!. the runittrtnikeilt• calk, each 'for 1300`000; iiiin "fil l ?nil 1 4 - ta of 'tiXa State under these calls will he 92,841 men, le" the iwt?per Tpinwcol,y‘ihe 16th iiitif,.,under , the caltelltbc - Jtely,ibovt, ineaticued:, ..ARE CI9JUNG4 PATIIER . ALBRAildif-4, New so n g. The enthitafkian. Pennsylvania, is_onoe moretiE:thet - _ehai hir •--wbich-lespirevaii-witto-behoht il.rwttft ,ar dance in-the loyalty and martial, spirit the, , p ople. Ifirbii'bountylor_ town 04 !sends allyaikte oral 6t more :nampanies•-jreki their Le. ohlus4aveinea4iliiri4yartiochill ci flitter* arder and .devotion. They.leave honr i secom• `:,;; : jd ribililliSi the blekiingslia i their friends, andttnqing their backs on the scenes otleir.yonth afftlams . floo4, thr, „brave r u almostmie soldiers the moment they atn mustered, advice. The g nerous emotion thus calmed—the manly tear at leaving help- lea lo~etl odes is d'iiet~ '- iii} tiie:siiii . it6f theist trfot takes hold of the form oft& man, to mould • tuftldiselplinehini altnoet et once into the steady Mayinitlitaritedthldler:" - Theselie the4harac - 3ie - o;.atici,4ol3B the:men who are hottrly pouring Into Camp 'Curtin. They are coding from'all quarters—fresh 14xtirt the newly , giftheretl': liart4 , sith i r ==o,iit the' sidltehops-- , from counting ioomsmaway.from,lnatirions ,• Jeasheindipleasure—they , hirepouringAntb the . 9 state apital liknthiPresietledie tiirriants - Of the they - Matni`oh.. 1,40.9 dePanallallea la greed •in th i; • estrenne,:d The mertlxvita.iform. Sheenittighty hosts are superior in every reaped'. 'They)** lees - Of • ad'vettilfirabbat them than the lint r qttotk Who': ire now in the field, but injien of this there is more' of steady purpose and stern resolution, maniteeled l Marchji6rhileir'TVki first soldiers who rail To the call of the govern . anent, went to menace and arrest rebellion— •-o`theiege to rithethiiittitith - 'Pout. • "Spbetacleti like' that which 'is preheated' in alke penple 'will. not Mon allitia be afforded for the contemplation .•Orthe governments of Europe, and well le it for "the ,Voteirtistes •of the advents that' the vision of 'theft; ik4tictire4 tte; AtOi Iheii • rites , Orlile example. of,a people tram, rising • ..'enti marching•to the preservation ot. theo Mile* and 4 natiritialitf," ,' , might have an evil'' 14titifii t ihi'etabilify and very AIOP Up world, Under any sitcnmstb &eh the,great rebellion will resnlVitt , chaoltint deg' &I elicit' and humbling' arbtociacy, Tkatj was etioeitisged in tids'iliefitnen 'by l Grief ecies of ,t6o,oldlWortil, there. in nolooger any doubt. , That itzwas and ;is tattered- by` the • principal 'gdierittriebta of tirOpe; we hats litiaidant reason to believe, anti:thdefde j let the exam ,vii of itcorrligaile__,Pt- gotesti 41 Vontiiiiittill'a 41114-for to, goVermiiMit; and stimulate the - down-trodden masses o itti , al, A6OO 'A ftliettht their ow bokalfiAtitiebiane me we are, great4towerful and free I, —ln this spirit and In the words of the new Song, theieoplo Can enthusiastically, • militia', ;. a,,keeibi , „,...kehilr '4 6 .7.4in, Three Modred (Mama more I BBIROEE BIORMOND: Uti OP of' o lxPtini,flatikkat, 4411x100 ie gsadaaiiy unfoiditig e and by the woe 04 the tratnio that. itave-'ittready heintAwitnebted. we J IM'S , " arm: w)44.1,,e,te tojoilovi. We eta rem It say defialie infermetion ac to the Earl:met of ' itetaartitor of) Ciert..llVOltqati and Gehl-Pepe, *hi is e sti ma te d` Oita' Me i ji eiectia' 100 000 toi9k and It. hi ILAN , / tbg 4 t , they ore:bait in-, tended to operate directly upon , Richmond; and at thepropertlimredit - coustitnte one ahey, -- • ' drredhid-W-Orie ooritiretlink*-zeind.' The I plan Ilroettieete-t0.14 that Att'Clellan who—iiythe oplidow of thearltish, Amy veld , Ifavy G r ii, .hieb, is high military ' anthotity—isin a i tor position fortsfienttre operations than'tiver bigbre —together with the James river" fieet',.will ibim :, a O'otrirljil left tqlbg t ,Which will gradually loan r . . ill upon W M . hood At iie,Most vulnerable.pbint, while.Gen.7 Bops, atter clearing the rebels ircria — 991 - frent, wiltiorifire right wing, not lia4e to i the obstacles and' dankets ihat necessitate tiis withdrilwal of the old right wingef lit'Cle sn's inai m aiiid Will Mose lb' upon 'the rebel My kora 'the north. At the aided moment, either Irelelliiar POpe will advance tethe ittstiof Richtniaid,,and while giving the re bels 14 coo. _ capation, the disengaged wing will 4kr tattemitt,to gaiiiiii iiitp•%,.i --- mTut2Ats • ;city iie hale le , , ~time, the iOrce naiier . litctrpide, Acnownto ' at ~, xlimmt 90 000 strong, having amended the orli rim, # la thought will 'fiiiii itt West Point and tur6 l o4l isarchicjinpon di Richmond from that I on,i M ___.. • _ Idalgi P" to co:090114 with dilth % - . OleilanveT . ch or es ~ 7 with M'Ciellan from the direction of Norfolk, LIGHT ERE s ztiaßf by a demonstration upon Petersburg. The Aitormy Evening Jaerersat . wohoonishwii - iho The advantages of this plan are that the people to be of exld!ea.;lani we think, in. re-. rebels will either bed' bliged to weakeii:ftheti ality that the clouds are Slowly breaking. We army at Richmond *large detachmentstl roWw begin to catch here and there glimpses of a out against one or botkour advancing a:dims, brighter day. The government is at last awak which-will-be out off ok.driven back, foliowed eniog-to a realising sense of the desperate ne ck:we al their keels by our troops, who will tare of the situation, and of the necessity of effect a ledgment in RichMond ; or they will reaort&g to desperate means. We have not be forclfte_draw iri all their c.mtlling_trooPi .0.13040 promise but the evidences of a more' and await the simultaneous attack of our con- vigorous policy. No more coquetting with. centrated columns in the city itself. In either treason ;no more a etk warfare ;,..po mc4cr tiewristrlittffilmfferffillniffirriPiater n r- ar campe gat ng;~no tnore genii ever before that Richmond must fall after if menp!),tittlw-tat a /boulainerhartheAfAct i desperate battle, or be evacuated. Of comae tione' of the insurgent masses.. genceforth,, - tlariiiiiiesoruf Wile cowiieherstive plan depends We - are Priiiisiiihatiard - bToiril — iilllThe Rime of the armies stituted for soft words ; that exeontioc k Adu orthcl** and the complete understinding take.A.o glcceoLthreate; that 4 tresson will be 'etud4Orafife;:biletfltilic/of its denerals, jAs to trqatiesevie 110 ItiteadltiP in indiscretion ; tbelmrznes there can be littlei ..doubt that our Ihittrthentmost strength. of the Government advaholtir coition:is' are already!; br sear)! must will be bronght L to t ligar upon the very brain and be,killradequAeto the task requiredof ithe • 11.fe of4be gyealconspcy. 4 1 ' • t itideircetVi r - root' • Wl4l,e i vre flepsured;Ofithp li tter by the ph !!' , v , ertobiangara vigor 'Wain and Wisdom of the Gen erals in command one and earnest war,areeverywheie,44sible. = , fffik' fifilhen' from being discoura g ed ovidairmed, The Nugent het give n ps - -his - wcird that there our peoplekw.? Blyezmin to await the is to be no morehL D fooitog" with. the tehe m,civemeritil two,columns which are'to The Ntllt:PificaA4,:fsjatt %elf with ffki'de the - fattaitllichlicithrittith` ifalmjconfl- fleir,VhifOr• and new,, IV& Our genera/1i have d e nea , atieliffiestlittskiliftidcialccees. Parse beep lettr to Al notedp i eildctqre of their time in some great misfortune befalls Pope at Gordow, , the Union, and less of ihallicitos or the iiiilligcapital of there-' their time in 44tirig as policemen for te4els.— belyormonfederacy %tel.p.olltket:edi , s4d, a blow Theelpgtieg.or.denfotiken..Pope have inhpired Rpm itistile*kar.miss, which w ill the artnyfuldihe Cotintijiiith new life. i Gen. break themiktriaffitteted bodies of affrighted Ralleckiniiiitie4ll,ll4iieie'ilic right and disheartened fugitives ; and:..bringtiolle at Man , for the phyla; • _' "' EMI 161113/11hillhh1 irralfikliMeßlAXlM, and the welted elhoyalaaert tbaeoltatita donlifid lore. - Its lamotitatital favorable cry with tyose who eridiblin-thegrestrelaye-hoitrenrieb4lion, iitu44ho6 +to 44 1 11thAt 1 14 its Anoythides, that titepectionalispof o the, north gar the - first i eiditl i4feadbSi to d that the aledion lit Mk Lincoin'*l the : cniminating aint; from wtilch sprung rebellion. nd-oihefstatiiiAvent &it of -thoi Union - sin the iiiiiiiiNdOthlitlialieratittifeiliatia for a sea Ilona President. Is this sol Let the follair ingistatement of r facia, a 94 *peg, anerter:l,2_..c, P~anayylpanfaga~e 207 ; 812 , sinstLincein. New York 808427, ' . 11 : - Ohio. . 1' 210,831, " • Illinois . !i•- , 167,1882, ?Virginia "" 188,249, " I o l i r lillinlit ' Was the fifth state. inithe Union itt the number of her votes cast agafruie coln'S tOtthertif - etatiii4niteafifiX :vtites against Mr. Lincoln than were east in the ; Old Dominion. Xew 7:Cork almost doubled, Ohlo and, Pens syl van la were far bead while yet fig far in (Li my : In the opPositiont to. Mr., Litman. '' Yet; witli these facts and figures plainly before the',eyes Witt:hi . nen, and the Compfehons i iffi:* the Id ullest -obserrT, that vortioll the emo oratt'oetti 'north, PeAstin log with i the i traitgre , ale? i issist that hir.l Lin coln was electeil Preeident i as a Emotional clandP date, and.:th 6 at iiii':peopte. , of the south !were' therefore just l iflut•jit i ws cope th i other fsoftZ4able sln4o o 44,l4stiolve cry of ile'otionaliem. Four northern stifle gave itome votes egailisearpliweshweiewrientowente position 14y him , in all 'the ten ekselkid sou hero, Stites - P.' The ffeestiteigivie ii i iitihrterofn mil' lad knots voted= against Itil 'Lincoln - than .al the smithern statee. ' Id the'lhoe 'or thoirl h 4 torical facts, erconspirators have the audacity td iiiiikii the elatitidn'or - iiinAudiciA4c9li , " eietise for that hellish Whi. , „., All men' Of common ' sense .iiillciiiiciae that' tethif South had been - able to 0006 a trite reVitozi for the war, they would not have . re- SOrted to falsehood; Yet they . .have•Wieti in. a Single inetafice, given : t erne Statement of 'their teasolia`foi ifteinOting to dank* the imotitti- Siehi. Jefferson' Davie, in 'twirl word iii2.ll,ss uttered on thiti'linVeit, falsifiee the history 4 tite Cobntry; and If a nisi' ihiiandiSg fot be* rreiddSiit MU' Akii 'addreeii iiitli. 'iiilibel:aid IDS!, we need licireifiect tiiitli frail his , imnpattn: :tea I far. ' Liniold'iinitt Yeirly ' rindrconSt4U4 ally . elected. Thelintesi dating their votes e hint were divided about as usual on other elm diai. Thh' chid* Oefitti%Wbein k rfit'llesitibiial One in efaliehocid:':ThOcie Whh — nitilielt ire "iira nts and-an'ililiriii 'times' liiijorikf alai - Opera. These 'boliipirtileijoiat one time Oriitasie dliSreat viderition'filf tlie'decitricine'aftilluiWifita* Chnit. ' This they wririld abide by If they ixtuld * be ' believecti but there was ILO iiiiiii id their prdiliiikins. '' When the tTnited &As Couftde cidedirtat'llf.''Lificobi Watiliiiii — aaco4tita, tidnallY elected, the rebels iiiser ted diet body, and now they never mention this branclidt the goierdnient. " A majority of ibiciiier*bstrit o 'that COUrt'werilchtlierri il'eti'c' Yet iiitif °he' ExceptionAllik'ti - dobiu, `and he 'reeigheill-nn• der protetqthsTstood ly the, governrhent. iiikfleetlikiedlts iigtiiiiii suitioritiy, its °mitt tx! tionality and itapbwer. They hold their office; and do their duties under iltervivtrntneati and reoetve,their salatkwfroth iii , - iThe tied iot4 who spplarnied.the It6itep3tatasConit tohlbig4y in the l)red ficatt•case.have aillati Mice lost their -tfeneratlen Airthe larAltution. •- 1 -- - ,-- -' =I . After , thane factiluid organic:eta let us heir' no morti=about seetionitlikdAs the Dined Off' tbis war. , Let. the cause go with its object ; ashey are. one In ,th , purpose of, strengthtning :ths,to Institution the !theT south has been alone induced to remain' in the Union. . _ it was for this purpose that Mr. ' 4alltogn ,O o Otellted _to.o9oollrols 3iteatZ ii the United States Senate. Ee• - siaivathera-onle r a protest. - He Inufthere.pottively, only to guard the intermits and the influent:9 ot aliaery: 4 All bibei cntifild'aiatiohi l)eoviil kii4,oll*klvhen cintipin4 tp ffilit Wai f sod to Ws, thfcseciaou stiiiin of slavery, we have a right,-in reasod and*Misto -all the ills, ' tire - , bloodtkid, tind : this tetiollitni - that 'nOW curia tha *try. - Bum WILL litu.r. in man, beaatror collard, : andaliki MI . 8 never more pradidaili illuettatO than in ilici - abtion of a certain relative bf . a former Pennifplvanlall. a: 6bhatbr pail jinni; thin • may' Wean' htnaibesedfaie "ie 4 g !own impiety but we egt litter, btu' with ,aabitis stick, .go Shakily& nab effort .hansakee *WO tplati let - -him ihiuniene that we are litihltr htde, this# 4 , initklniritisiti ofithaitillothititikattiliti* . rons glttf tPlAticp4l., 14 1 3 9 4 0 x14 7 WIPANIAGO Thiaitaveillr , - IN . ipkwi t tii .a..11:31144 ehlamteinArmi . a 1.. The effect of these indications ef - iikritestnets ' COIX Op CC/UW/74i The leihnigy that I pervaded ;girt after the wretched disaster beforecitichalidd winica4vtay.— Hen are once molifititiVe`enti l liciblital. . The feeli n g t h,,q 4 1 1:Plien will yet .bc a9P4a tt i t,g a k be r* D gege erill • ) 1°6 7 1 wnefelin every city, towniet hamlet thrnugh-. out the loyiiliitateilL-rth4'iniirn responding to L thiaiireat for meri .41inolnih41..alrendy virtually furnished her full quota. So; have Maine arid Pennsylvania. The otheititatewtire; -without aveviop, doitig nottlyci Q fork it Is earnes tl y tve prpportioti qVre l filttfiM fait«) tali.; trigligifilmWlAem 413. , *(t - 15inigeiklAbisstelv..coidiklatire goes gtilaniAawbacks; st 6 .1111. be more reverses l•rthere will be dark 'Avg .bni,•thecicause. Mil go onward ttituniMant over eve qbstsV„ EMI IMIII FR.O-.M.YE.W...•.:..Y.101iK LIST Or LOST ON THE 1 - 6OLDSNALIft . , • • sfitur 'foil, Aug g : -• The followhirlistOf litteengerii 'hist 0113 the - - - - - - S;n= the Steamship cowling: - r , 01.4831-411.41. Jobtes,lBifigeen of the Ship; Mrs. G. 0. M'altillen, two infanta and a eßr vautOthe(dervani of J. Whitney, Je•i. ilig; Dencir piege ;. Mis. A. 11. Adams d In fant ; .Q. 1t.e3A,, - Mrs„,o.' and ' in fant ; . Nciitoie; Ilt4Jl/o. l Bodener, J. 4314-1 lagher,.H. B. Davis. -Miss; El 0 ; ijoggewell,lY.` J. Thier, Mrs, Be Kunittanditied ChildniV4 Ill; At ALlieelingviE. Vsephi E,Leolne, ser vant;, Jti E. Coolt; A W.Michards, wife and two children; 42.:Mitoollalupi; ,10 B.- 130nh1,. Mrs. Mright-and..child`c 8. • , Fattsep P. ,Ichneo, Edward Boopki § I. Kraineri/wlfeitod inlaid, J. Drey,,Henry Gleistingoilleand , child.J,/ , &wnd cabin--Jeforixisi4VMoOhianteyi Mrs, /Leaven worth ant &JAI, ijiNittlet, wife: and , thud, E. Ht Hilton -and.ithree , • children,l liza:'ll. 'Bah ian:4, cook.and infanthj. MI Bird,Jlfrie Amtene, Mrs.] J. W t:Oomand Wl* Ibiz Fiencisi , Mnii . 0. 1 Bryan; J. Oelsuleastre,iltoT.iHae 0 klns. e 0. Bin's , IX Lodg, a% Tioeining,./4.Mbis . M r M..ltamitoa,.W. Benito,. MI /Massy APR ' Va ', J.lotarkpM,OLsion,. H.LGaiialey, BAWDOldtd . Smitki;. B. Trove*•tau 'Bawd; La. sitem,., 0: Saba* T:.0,, Zeirly4t/Widlihkbrooli, It} l iiiiil ' l l son, J. Haskin, G. Henry, l Miobite M. Pierce; HoPierilek! T. o.4llTan, T. Jgibo , H. Winklenutn, 8. B. Goodell, J. Bradb ell, J. H. Wa.: ii, lik. Alogre,; 4... / .l3acpn e py.QpddleholV L: °kith% Xl:kelt 'I: Inlbr'W.Merberst, P. peitining„..o.. ~Neekone, Mitt - biley;..3B. G I.eiV; ettk.Ebero V. Onlbint,.:,PuN t ilitinson, ~J. Ery; 4-.Brelitir s t,F.„Olare,.,Alkaitkoandterife 'lnd illirsohildren, Mrs,,Maty, Ohm k,A4Lesemeli, Alkki.A,,R.hantbers, iMiELL,HII4 DiaLAM a, L., , Oralienen, H... 0:. iBtevensoG.;...Wit, - - leer, ..59....18. Hweenyi i Jae.: Hewitt,. 1 /Willi Verapv,Ak Patterson, 4:Noised WM* 8. P..., Storms,: ....It 21.8hersdat4ii attif....Billitilr 11 Raettaft ZaJiilgatiiiptinrao.,B.l) , LWaddlint J. 4 4 08 1 04,411 Worickagl. knift v .J. a GraereM fahib4Y,_Dooi EAMIMISLANark. P. W`.l roohy 1 (celorek).„"iy; 84 sOasik/ei thannitati ley P. H. Moran, G. Mstbewson,,Q;94Fatore , V. W. Milereiß. .Webaterv, P.M.:4 l, 'lio- 1 . Yra4th.3ebn .ofitdeneie , Lewis Andrew* it' 1 ".i.r. lio , derson, J. Breed, Mrs. Hartlareipa T. H. Blanca, M. Avena, 0 Brune. (BUped.lei,-., Einem &Book; Age? The dispatch to Mr. M'Lean states th at the S papers ihtliteuhiterlaiereilost. ,',Ci i ___ Mr. H. M. Wickenner, second mate, is &snow I thoteya, nlOt oltiitlYEkt3BUßG: „Om* Clarisotuata, c Augtist The commiteti74l3q - prnzlAblki; Walker;-Miles , kid 13rownstar;' 4 with- full ; one huPdTd fauk!ind 111 4...OkkKeAwady fOne tolfarrisbuig, and Captains Reed, Austi;, El der and•Cronse have 'each full' rampant and will leave to=day Captain licKnighes com pany' aid, be full this eiening., .nasklui fait' one ,thousand omit, and * Alo e recrui terin IrtsOklin county in two weeks. • 4, . lenitoix county will send a company to y. • zamagTBl3lr TELECIBILVEf.t. • • AligusVH9. There is-vety thipping deteatid o sales .f 500Ws ! Perfine at - $6,1u0 500 bbiL hallY it 8810: 'No change in tlywflimr. _Corn kraal his advanced to 88 14; them la no fain* off demand for Wheat, and 5,000 boa. red at ;1 82 r .85; and • 0 400" NW. Ainaluckft to us 81,65; Bye: Adis • on , - =MI - as ty e w e r -I. otivs „En request and 0, knitieli_ ow- .aold—at.-. • stulls4/45maa new - it 44-; agarv. it; 10wer` INOAthia ltioliram , ' Way move slowly at WWI. 44124004+.„ _ VORRANT " FrHErei at' under Herr's Hefei. ItiMPOPOIO lilelisaktri: AVOW; tiVrice.. Mc:luu9~6Q., YIEBIUea~ El MEE ~~~-k~~ ' 4 ; 4'l GEN• POPE'S ARMY A rant Cvalqr Skivnish. THE REB f I hismsoialomrr !roma. Aug. 9. A skirmiair took pia* betsioen our Alikktts and a body of rebelliivalry yesterday, at a ,plans called folflor mans 8 or 10 mtles from bore ortrl ca tanoardsirite rOad. A battalion of the Second Penneylvanla wee plan, an. eyounding a plinkber. i . Paw! leon . was Goo 'killed. SAWN BobUda and7obn WE'eriDgikitiillot In t... -Bello d John rpm INA)- I nro of .cpcny B. BiNhd Cavnitr. mcAip,,X rythicg . flongiki cop mud An serpchott.. Of Basic 'the country hay ing p o en floarKbypie Y is LA. n”.llo, tis gt,f)ii. niajor.J. H. Ricluuds Difip i tsped - • # (0 / 1 / the 4eni.T. - o'l /11:10 r - umDranmitin to Watuurturin - ; Ansi"' t 9. dome newspapers have ejim . middy pnblish ed Major General Blpharcredit, 'instead of Mnjor J. H. Itichards,ofigtertiklitichigan voloutee4 as havinge..W from the service.- A quidol-,of liersons were yesterday and to- Idniffnied excepting on conditions, fiom leaving the ciEfbithe cars. This action Is in accordance with the executive order-tb prevent an evasion of military duty, by those subject to draft. ~-:FROM EUROPE:: Aminavrtor-vint-uscoT : rA.- g*RumaeLhatifiecihe VieB,4oo : of the-TedtcaMtdaers at the lil r - - - ST. Jemta, Apg. 9. The steamer Scatia - pinOid ',I if Ospe r .BaCe at: lle69idsliallitterittidirandvveaitinfeteepted 17 Nlt!lNlßSlXaohlx,,Entaditices warms day later tkallatAtleetreoeived by the Jura. .. - 7 " f127 - titi - elgilamm Of the draiiii . a L saig .as..l Tlitttlsosca rora was at diens own waiting for a corded= 4 ) ' ev din fl At (J Pd rat tee,_tlierpoOl,.but . , . kla ---- 11 - olyheid ana there, Retail- her 0 , .-1 .a . . , ...rr0tt; ... !. . . • , ,_ . . . r,I L`th.a.i V a As L. 1. , 141 t f 7 1LAW Aldernian , .4l: Odd we t ; Nr. wRYia.) t? AilnarlOWSlD both , Wit c b - Czt Pridty moenirg . august 8 , 1881, pacdmiai BMW. youogiso so 3 of Juho and Lbrist ege an WoOd, r*,9, years ; 9 m laths mid four days. . - • Era slu could blight or sorrow fade, Deatb cameel ' h• ftiondly care, ; The opeNts• bud to Seamen oonvuyed. 1 .48 1 14401 t blase= there. tw 2Lbotrlistratats.- • lartinilltgaiL ER7I O.II,EAP CO MI 9111rE t olidifetgioidlitiow'piOpiied to sell 14413,1* 1 101irialt ',. Lorberry nut coil. str6 1 4; `is ii ort,.lyrii,x,:ix.:Nrym-.- a 26 Ex ton. i u broken„B 26 per ton. n Wllketbarikinlinr;:enpolin , .:,...V.Wt. 1 8 00 Per ton. steamboat 4) 6 26 per ton Lepg.x. ®826 per ton: Kee... 3:26 gt.e.' tykiniti.tritYaut.'2 60 on , A I . a 0 : 0 per ton Antes.. 1 1( 0 ) loortt Per i z . Vt. ratitailier . Qmlth ' e coal ;;;;;;;;7, : ci; 1 ;i1; Opal' than thi Ly.` kebeArelhitykbudetres condom 'ribt cpaterillad Agradanger mod stlmere heat.. li c l oeiss i t4hyihs, Metb.ear eloglei.: half, or tom awl e i ef. AfT All'odeltof iitiallty`intoil itui Astir° rot toti, I , - PatENT I WEIGIt : I, s of t r 'kurrk. lig' 94 suAki.LiamssiskynizEul:. .I!_l i ca t icl,it) , . ' ' A '. .i : - r t :P4t h e fl i V lO* l l94 . &4o4t o. o 3 will . 'NOV reei • 01 4 *.ab i lbr ..ltig. i ,Ilro, dal 4/10144111461 Wine, ii ,eort IV or ihn o th , oisec imi d mapir.perr, .Thelayan lab Mitt brineate ii!, mob, 4 61. teiPtill 1 itiValefignilfr..4l4lo4oa :per ! cent. 4r,g2. tt.L...inV r.vall. o :l4 4 „Pirate,, 1A.44 Moo glues. i-Presirentiortiot balm... Au. ausibtta, *e.c.aitats , mug mouiap4s7.,tawicopopos, • • - • - gou - siU TIM 6fteiiiiittn'tirate - aale ,;;„.! 1 a... , • a gma*ww , i minorres , V I T III3 ,t fron .' t - iati 100 bet dteell,OtAtWittOlesq gap . ''.4_111919d314: 6 bilipikeuritt abe; 101Itee at 4 1".„ rrprove• .k,s'etktUirt .IXDWARELYAMIR. • OTICt get Are! •4nr., , ep, MAL. Joni! . h — • T zirtrbif Or nunskh at oartofatteo diatent e d•p-e order the , tb bahltiarilattLeCiPetesoyA44,mtbe4whed.g l e imor: NRNMENT BANK eta be loaate4 An. Ufa .Ibareei b or Pottihriiht, Baliaylgill p*aityy j wick a Ilftj , tbouthad dot*/ 'irit withfeJe,eW t h e saukito boodatd Vicei.genktdelltati.- ' BeRIBL JLAIIII" • W. It HON iILNOER, i FA( •• ; Er. u, tubint[fictifi, PothesSlitolleviefa:lll62: '• , oE ,cista w : curirix " 11 , -EIVOIIAN 'T*I-4 0 myilgurr imtnor. - NOTICEIO. I I I LAAJMOIrit,IO);RS: oh' iwicirtintOt of 4.A.4tgasOils gamy, itimvoir to - to •• • co; apon'shon none* said, ilia best Wiener. oftkvftiteg.reall. •ilarrOtiliretK Ilibithkeed °tow !coots saktrOr.ftiolikera butiltairbniff-- " alltd/M . .gftliSEflip; ulir s ' • zeiert 'low.; tea ()eat sit t teen: adi 01 , 1 * I.HuLflk 07WHeN, — 426 ' Comer Froa and'lla,ket tßijete • piA , Asgwa. qtr - Auvi - 04.4LA T Z . OGI• mmo, skin, aimried - gebNiuse ricei sad -tor -ewe at Arbobwe-prion, . dell pll . Nem ir.,,ar Co. .‘: . :(Arilill Af t . _ a - Lia: : I ; 1..; '.,„ *4; P r . ~, T • ' I ftaail, % an , •;4,.,, ' tbk ~ ._ Isialia li Mee ~ , t GO. I ,OHART - E _OAK FA4.11,y ',‘ .LOIJR. lINKSOIALLED BY OW IN THE VETTED E i -',,. ES AND SVEERTOR TO ANT F t le 017-ANDS OFF 4WD IN 1 PENNSY LVOIA CHOICE 111880UKI WHITE WHEAT. TERM, cam on delivery: 11 80 GLAS ! SELF. SEALING.L 113 , 4 5...AAltubdiecs !. .I.FICALL t , Pfib; a(l ; ve e 0 t o , STATE ' T,A4 . 4§ r o erod.,tst.,,,potilto Bale, on "Iharsda, lith day. of Septembsr, at * af Harrisburg. fte , mom of Jowl with an em.-11.0 frame had" itfidlairtitaad 'fiutboßdturit, Witiutted ziortly in the City / fctsidrilioaft'old par ly in :maims to*Mddro. The, „sferrtY 4taistmi on the eolith of Hanunels _ Portion Of able I 'fl`s a hi/initial satien - -on a LW, dire:tiy the city of Co hg4, 10 tie sold in taros acre _ YlwO4 or pi pi aground sitaatod In Mutat Sonora, ad cluing tolice Home, having front or Trreat and ext4tdiad bait nog toil to go 4,1 ay, thereon .1% caul a two story , ars*: boas* with two Wry back bri, i f. - outtatag asd, , taol having the use Of a Owe, fest,silisy on ilarktd, Cuar/ . /, being one, of the 01,04 t ,le■ tailkins to sustmat 0 , private tis demo to tan city. Sa - madam gtv it'Att of °Mahar ex t 0 nd toad of 'claim's to per Mitt. of the pu chase money to halisidtralthaday of sal, the balance of me Hos -thillitAt. the .ipertilliee z money wit-n. .he title mob, eat./ the whams .two.eamsf tud payment. with/ udoost, from t,thnst as akdt hod vsm. - -Tele .scnr.dby bonds atriatortgogo, A3pbon o f thektultatdar•L'e'anbe *CIA at ?aft-blkat and.aboe stare of A. jltainialab doot to Vas Court 4 ue auendauto wAtHigiven bY HI OBOE WIJIINFL' and • , ALB it? RIM tit 16, Isimator of David Hu one , -04, z #284", WilottalrVlD RETAIL. ITAVING-lhatiod : tlie (foal Yard, foot of 4%,..arth ifFila,lab*.rsopied by 0: D. Forster am enabled to liaoo "ka Abli! witha I:7O,NIPLETR' AI4II39NTNLEINT VARIETY- . A-ED SIZES . OF CITABALDT ' IDOAL La. . - 4'!t . f:r li..' A.YS . - 0,1741;A NT E ED. Orders reepSetfolly solletteil—which, if left at &the . office, .looLof .North Area, or at the office of Wm. D rkdk 1 5. o ° l : 1 0*,* 1 40!*Sk it lentiOn • ,0034pIAIRD DOCK. kr29 , fthe worF disorders that kiliztais twice - Use corrup ton tha'ar eo4l2%the • Iff 131064. .Of a 'the discoveries the' In.townligteeiniaimine,,,bewe,ipeva.fomad *hien Ass..4.ieer-in • . br SAILSAZIRILIA. It clmit et and , tineva es the blood, In Ft Ili 'he Vigor of boalti Into the '..ycttm and purges out the' humor which make dim , ae. It sti twisted Vs healthy auctions of the b.ely, and tapes the dlsordere that g osra d rands in th s bl led. a extraordinary ‘vhtusi are not yet widely known, but whim tiny are it oriel no Longer to a question what remedy to'employ in as grout variety of allikitng diseases that require en altei alive reurdy. limb a remedy, that could be celled on, h.itiling been'sought fur, Mid new, idr the first time , tine ptible is itave ca on which they can depend. Our specie sire does' tot admit entitee es t • show its effects. lint the trial of a single boat e will show to the slit that it lla. virtues surpisaing' anytbmg they have ever taken. Sl:derail Iron Scrofhls, tbrMut.vui Swel Mrs 'and Sorer try a,d sad the rapidity - with which it 'entree. Bk:s D iseases,a 'Pimples, Porara, Blo.cher, /rep foes do. arc woo cleaned cnit or the spteur. Lath aT ga itrd t aelerir Neysipeins, Feuer or Salt 14/mtatm, *d, .hip e oponi t , ahouid not be tganewhlle y oan„ be to speedily pared. by: Arnie by _ expelled from the „hi the pr Longed dye of this iimatarsamts, awl 26, patent s kft ai beonhyostif heiladineyer bad the disease. . . ^ , s aim id' NI by um In the blood; ixigam ,offooritioaentlY /arm eared bj. is larraaar Saaaa pazau.a. $1 per bottlt, or $ tutitlas for $5. - .lleaptlAppwana ot , a Lady . pkpid %, take ASIR'S . 01111A1M10 true, whl ak are arrrywhero tarot a to be dor b purgaalro to . kt 1. ed to tue /mark= Poo p:e Prk:a 26 , 0edii*PBor, or b bolo 4 for4 l - Prepared by Cte.K 111 Palk' k 00., liotrttl, Mips. and 1°"11" by "Thirgai . e`everrraerc , Sold by o:Barr irt, D:LW- Grose k Oe.,- 01 K. Bel ler, J. Lets, Dr: hi ey, I.lWyeth r* dealer, eve , 7- GAT! MUSIC HALL OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN EVERY EVERY EVERY EVERY NIiaIIT,NIGHT EMELT NIG , ' NEW NEW NEW NEW TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE TROUPE. 8 PARS STARS STARS . STARS. UTE( AQTB ACTS ACTS. • MONS ktini. MON& MONS. DE LOUIRDE LOUIS DE LOUIS TeRRIBID).IIRRJIFIC:TIDIRIFIC -AOT LOT LOT BERMIELON - PORITIEEKLON.• • MURRY, PERRY, VANHOIN RAIIIB. 808 ED WARDS, DONNKL AND gbP.Queen ,Acietp 9f , 1 19D11*. • _ . JULIA' EDW4IIIX Vbris.Bar 101001•Fippriti4 . 1)1is aao efpoted b ca s t r7 all to borne and amiss: adsdadoa only .10 and • • DOB EDWARDS, lob Lewis iOOl 1001 LlCtic - 1 . 12-141110$, ot,ti• ifoniger. IMIEP.WEITING _OASES, • MIZUNDIO wan. Egvicr.orEs ' • • -PENS AND PENCILS. Jullttheabag In awry in tin knapsack. Prim 0001- Pk4 o 4 muy coot& or sasast • tiNSONIIBIa mar Boos aces. '-,II2EILCDTRIX'S NOTICE. Ki==l ._ . L AR AH : , A. ALP RED. Executrix of . " lag au* iorreoligi, rl,red, - do/ 4 . late : • , i t - OVElarif bin& Dauotdo sountr, hal* 1...... .14. m i nted ICI th an by tbb .IC :r Ofp.u. • • • colutraireb. not* sa 1 pmflW - ' btod to saki 'Mai ti make tom - •di , o , PaYment, and a berths skits' s to proms 'Plea PrOpOrki lilittlendestat Aff •+, .. 440 tht above nastactstiootrix.. "iv* T"Ac(x) and Begara of all kinds, for wear_ &maw & BOWMAN, oOrter rrOW; Mot stries. T . QV EKING'S sugars sod oyrtips for ML low , tiJ JOHOL. k Pow NA N, Tomer Front - Lod Igark# stre4ka. WNsugars' of ail' grades, for• sale maims a dogmas, ,_. , Ooreerirent ail_ zultit, streets. s• • v 4e- - Ak 11.)941 00 —wa 111111MPER 1 Nzw 2burtistntents WY. DOCK, Jr., &Co, ksiaiaXAma '"C'ol3lCia Or -THE DIFFEEEN PULL WEIGHT PURIFY ,TSE. BLOOD. ?KM) EAGLE ViTOßgs, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. KANITPAertIUDI ON 8001-BINDERr RULING•UniNgs AND pio s, STANDING PRESSES, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARD 6, AND RACEMES Pok GRINDING CUTTING-MACHINE SNIVEL. Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutte rs, SCHOOL FURNITURE, general Nadine Work and Iron and Bran 41- ASTINGS, woJD TIFININ6 IN ALL IT-4 BRAseu,,,, :SCROLL SAWIN, PLANLVO, Err F7r = IF Any Machine of. Wood, Iron cr made to order. Gear and Screw Cuttic.7:;-c: HICEOK'S PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING ~'Fr Cash paid for Old Copper, Bras, STEAM BOILERS, &C. ABOVE STATE STREET • CELLAR WINDOW GRATE: or viiliouS pattern. both sie , ioary arid Wel.titS Podd varicrai oth r building eery rttisn at lbw pny2l.lTl EGI PROCLAMATION, .• HEREAS, the Hotinrablo, V V PTAR3ON, President of the - , .Elena In the twelfth Juiacial thatrict, c nn, " Oftillitlee of Lebanon and fhtuph. arc' e it, JekLanus cad Hon. Moses R. Yucrya. , Ct 7111 , Dauphin. county, having butted t,e-ir date the 18th day of June, t136:2, to m , hut:lug a Coen of Oyer and Tertntuer and G. a Debeery and Quarter Sessions of the Pea at IV' for the county pf. Daunnin, and to condo c. WiIIIZIAT m AQnoiTxttzr, being •tbe 25ra oar OF 1882, and to i outlaw one weeks. Notice to therefore hereby given to the C. , tiles of the Peace, Aldermen, and Countable. , of , county of Dauphin, that they be then and tner Atiovek_ppreons, at 10 o'ckma In the iorenoos dity, - with their records, Inquislious, and their own remembiances, to do theci• t. which to their office appertunus to be ouae, sad , h - t: who are bound la recogorzauces to Drosecut at tius"e.:: prisoners that are ur shall tie la the Jailor Dau.dcue 4,y, be then and there to prosecute against th-m be lust. Gives wider my baud, at Harrisburg, the 4th day„ 111 the year or our Lord, 1662, and is t%. elihty.sixth year orthe independence of the Hutted etra J. D. BOAS, Sherat SRIRIFF'S 071101 Harrisburg, Sus. 4, 1862. f WILLIAM BAYFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR 86 Ma:EX= ST., HARIIISBURO, IS now prepared to firnish office" military clothing , s - oordir g to repnlayn at tr. nodes Annoa general assovt trent of Ch tbs. Cri imxt treating& and ready mane clothing for civilian THE PIC NIC OF THE SEASON "TURN OUT ONE AND ALL.' THE FRIENDSHIP FIRE COMPANY, OF HARRISBURG, Will glee a P I -N 3 AT...MUMMA'S WOODS, NEAR MEC EANICSBITRG, . ON TUESDAY, MUST TWELFTH, 1861. All the oltirens of Dauphin and Cumberland ooun - timer* respectfully Invited to putidoste. EXCURSION TICKETS, .Will be issued on the Cumberland. ,Valley Railroad making the fare only ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS from Harrisburg to Hechaalcaburg and return. Gen tlemens tickets twenty five cents, admitting them In the woods. AU respectable ladies are invited uithout further charge than their Nov. WEBER'S STRING BAND will be in attendance. The company have also agreed to take their fteem Engine along and five a trial in mha niesb vrg dnrins the day, for the beret I of per• sons who base never seen it work. The cars 00 leave Harrisburg at A. Y , and returning will lea , • Mechanicsburg at 8.46,?. persons vv regoseton to pure base their tiesets eel ore entering the cars No spiritous or malt liquors will be allowed os the grounds and all persona are positively forbidden i 4 come on the grounds intoxicated SULU V e DREW FCHI.A IiOnERT IfOHOEIT, 9TICE4, Q OR le: managers. N 8. It Is bopect that oar aitiume wi 1 all join with win having an old style Pie- ehii, as our obirot t* mats estoolch money to make a payment dna on oar Steam nguie HARRIS MANSION FOB, SALE. rr EIS bandsoniii property recently occe• Pied by the Pit • NSYLOAffIt. Fght tLE ILLOOE H offered for skt•. It Is Well aimed ewer fr a o' 4 " ReJdenee Or a B sans dolt ,01, being supplied wits gas, water, bath rooms, beater, range, etc. To grounds ur o atcyi wade Fru t Trees end; hrubbery': ressonitroe pi.c o Will be solo low and poBs,llslon ges grown woo. - . For terms, Atc., apply t RS. &S. WAUGH, or Dd Wld. H E ;LB BleCtitiorl of Beata of Rev. BAL• Waugh, deo'd --Lent-de/Au CUMBERLAND VALLEY INsTIVIS F 0 B YOUNG-GENTLEM.V. .MPOPAN:ICSBURG, PA. REF O. EcrE & SONS , AN KEW AND COMMKRCIAL SCIIOII goi c a s {Prom September lot to Feb. IV. 1, 43 ,, tu ut. “ Pt brnary lot to Jaw Ist. CharlW $75 to $BO per seeston. Sold tbr aroo or .171.04101 a."*". P . fICHEFFER , BOOK AND jog PRINTER, NO. 18, MARKO STREET, HARRISBURG. rarticubx Amnon paid le 'Piloting, Itallag &ad Inding 'or Hamad Blenia, kizZlifesie, eem, Draftixon%ni elegant style . /m`Qom printed at . 82, $3, $4, and or NEW MARBLE AND STONE ARO HENRY BROWN ItAVING Opened a .B 1 MGM; AND STOSS Yap on Cheat &reit, Dear Cnisiont et -tre, oppo. II"F' nWhYtitaids, toUroad Dopots mir hod ZfjOrming citizens of garrisoarg and vicinity dud tile"do all kinds of marble taut stone vrat moor, and on Us most id 14 , H174-~liwtt MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers