( . . . ~. . . • .. . . - • - ~:, e = . • , ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. k • • .... . ~: ~ ;: . .. . ~ • . . .. .... _ , it , .. . , . , . . . . ~..... _ ~ . . • ./ , • _11,„„ .' „J__ • .....::,-_____ . R •ai-- - ..••••—••••••••••• 2 ..2g —.- C----- ... . .. . . G .. : .. .. N- I •• ~.. _ 17------- . i'' —1/ i . . , .. . .. . I . . .. - . . . . . . , . .. BY GEORGE BERGNER. THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, By GEORGE BERpNER. --Snrapi SußsomrixiN The DAILY TIMORAPEt is saved to subscribers in the City at e cents per week. Yearly imbscribers will be charged $4 00 in advance. WEVELY Mu Bull WISELY 711.111111171. The Tsmosarn I. alto published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remaiuder or the year, and fumbled to subscribers al the fohowing dash" rats, viz: Haste •übscribera per year Beml-Weekly..sl 60 Ten tt it a " ..1200 Twenty " " " ..22 00. bingle subscribers, Weekly 1 Oft - ROM OF ADVERTISING . Aar- Four lines or JOSS constitute one-half squre. Eight lines or more than four constitute a square. Ralf eqtatre. One ill '5O 25 , a 000 WOOK 1 25 s , one month .'........ ............ 2 6 0 0 . three months. 40000 six months 6 " one y, ar - -. 10 00 0134E 4 :gears, me day ....... ..... . -. 50 oto week 200 , " one month 5 00 " three months.... 10 00 14 six months 15 00 111 one year • 20 00 , Kr Rusine , a notices Inserted in the Local Cobset rt or befure Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT OWES PER LINE for each insertitn. NB - Marriages and Deaths to be obarged as regular advertisements. 110401. RELMBOLOIS .GENUINE PREPARATION "HIG fILY CONCENTRA LED" UOMPf .UNO FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine ineremsa tile power of Dlgratiort, and menu the ABSORBENTS Int f healthy action, by which the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGE ANNIE are reduced, an - well an PAIN AND INFLAHATtuN, and Is good for MEN, WOMBN OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLDS MXTRAOT BUCRU, For Weaknesses Arising from Excessei, Habits of Dissipation, Farlrln discretion or abuse. ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Ezertion, Lae of Power, Ices of Memory, Difficulty, orl3reathing, Weak Nerves, : Trembling, Horror of gigsease, ' 'Wakefulness, Dimness cfVißion, Pain In the Back Universal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Floshing of UM Body Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face PALLID tX/UNTENANOE • These symptoms, if allowed to go on, widish this med Mine invariably remves, soon follows IMPOTENCY. FAIUITT, hPILEPTIO FITS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY RIMES. Who can say that they are not itognei,tly followed by those "DIREFUL DISEASES," "INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, BUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, And the Melancholy Deaths by animmtptime, ill/L1 WTIIIBB7O MB MTH OP 12111481111M101. THE CONSTITUTIoN ONOMI AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, Require' the aid of medicine to etrengthen and Iturigorate the System, Which Heutseurt EXTRACT BMW iemplabig doe Hi!EREEEg OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTBMPIA TING MARRIAGE, LINT APPECTIONs PECULIAR TO FRMALina, the Extract Bache is unequalled by any other remedy, as in tibloroebt or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppreatlon or Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or adrenals state of the Uterus, Leacorhaa Whites, Stern ity, sad for all complaints incident to Me ilex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or la the DECLINE OE CHANGE 01 LLPE. us SURTO= A.Bove NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT I Tan NO NOM BLOWN, MIOVAT, OR II ONE lOR NSPLIABANT AND DAIIOIBOOB DIMON. H3hMBOLD'S EZIRACT 8071171 10,1 OMAN SECRET DISUSES. In all their Stages, At little Expense ; Little or no change in Diet ;No inconvenience; And so iliporeire. It muses a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures or the Urethra, Allaying Pahl and Indlammation, so frequent In the class el diseases, and expelling 611 Poisonous, Diseased and worn-aid Aka r. . sternum ITPON THOM= ... . WHO HAVE BEEN 2H& VIG'2VIS OF QUACKS, told who have paid Barr rase to' be cured in a abort time, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI PUN', ima, by the um of ..rownanit " been dried up In the syetent, to brain out In an aggravated form, and IVIRELLPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Qee Hianhatien BEM= Mom for all affections ouhi diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing lo MALE' OR FEMALE, From whatever mem originating and no matter of HOW gansLONG sTANDina. Memel of these Or require the IHILMHOLD'S =TRACT HOMOaid or DIIIRIITIO IS THE GREAT lEIMI3IO, And la certain *pore the desired idled In all Disease' FOR WHICH ITIO,REOuIittENDED. jAgikesee of Me most reliable and PAPUI*II ChilnStallY will nooomPanY the medical* CERTIFICAM OF CORER, /roma 020 yearn sianditp, Wren Names !mows To =ENDO AND PAHL Price =I 00 per bottle, or six for. $6 00. Delivered to any address, securely peeked from obeer vation. Dzscitrez SYMPTOMS N ALL COMMtINIOATIONS. Gulp= Guaranteed t Advice Gratis AFFIDAVIT: Personally appeared before me, an Alderman of ' , the city of Philadelphia, B. T. RILIKBOLD, wile beteg dilly sworn, doth say, his preparations wedeln no narcotic, no mercury, or other Injurious dross, but are purely rage. Sable H. T. BELEBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 2114 day of No ' , ember, ma. WM. P. MBBERD, A/dermas, Ninth St. above Race, Phila. Wren letters for Infermatlon In confidence 10 H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, Derhsot •south Tenth Bt. bel. Mammy Phlla, BJA Iry Nair. OF tutrUNTIAttimMITS AND ÜbiI'AINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to Maw*. , 'or mesa owe and “orion" Ammo um 18 1 ill"M" 10 8 Avtanizo Ilelmbohrs Geom. Preparam on 411 6. LiteArA Bh h n S. , . r ßanunv6lll6, .4 Improved Rose p u l l . Bald biO.K. Zeller, D. W, Orme, r. 0 A. Banyan. • AND ALL DRUOPISTI BVEIIPWEIRRH. MK FON HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO mum CU out the advertkoment end send for AND AVOID .uteoanom AND Emma novlB4ly DENTISTRY. DGEO. W. STINE, graduate of the ~Retumor° College of Denial Surgery, havingp sr nunently located in the oily of Harrisburg and taken the aloe formerly oceupled by Dr. Gorges, on Third street between Hertel and Walnut, naspeolully , informs bin friends sad the publlo in general, that he Is prepared to perform all operations ln the Deotal prolessioa saber Mutes or nisch/uncial. in * manner that shall not be impulsed by operators In this or any other city. 818 mode of losertiog artificial Moth is upon the latest bn• proved scientific principle Teeth, from oue to a roll net, mounted on fine Gold, Silver, Platina plates or the %wane 'Mew I lake groat pleasure In reeommendhig Sheik . '" Mt' unto to all my tamer Mends a EtarriabArCand vi: *any sod reel coulldeut that: he will perlbrm au Opera: UMW la a solsoUto manse, from my knowledge of Malay. phyll4lttj J. GORGASI..7WiI L. , , ui DR - 4011NSON Ak.MaTI AX,C)ELIEI LOCK HOSPITAL Ly AS discovered the most certain, elfeed sod elreteest remedy in the world for DISEASES OF, IMPRUDENCE. mans IA Ts;) Twnvz naps!: No Maroon Or Boil= brims. A Cure Warranted, or no Charge, in from one • to Ttio Days. • Weakness of the Back orLlmin, Strietnreit, Affestions .of the kidneys and Bladder v lnvoinntary 'disehargel, potency, General Debility,'Nervotianeas, Dyspepsyj Law snor, Low Spiral', Gonlhalon of Ideas, Palpitatlenbf the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness-of bight or Giddi ness, Dimwit of the Ilead„ Throat, Nose or iikin, alter.- lions of the Liver Ltuigm Stomach or Bowets—ttioseler• ditto disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Tomb —thesis sadist and solitary pintoes more tate to Altair viands Ulan the song of yrens to the Mariners of Lays. sea, blighting their:most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, Impossible. YOLUig MOIL Ilspecially, 'who have beam, tbe:lvtotitos of Solitary Vice; that, dreadful and destruotive,hatin which annual ly sweeps to 'an undinely: grave thouranda .of Young Hen of the moat exalted , talents and brilliant intelleA, Who might otherwise have entranced listening &enema With the thunders of eloquence:or waked to ecstasy the , living lyre, may call with full confidence. Marriage. f Married Person!, or Young Men contemplating,-,mar riage, being aware or physical wealrnees, orgenic debid tyderormities, aro., speedl y cured. Beß e who places himself' under the care of Dr. J. may religlourdy.conlidelti his honor.atalgentleman, and con ildently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Wealrian immediately Cured, and hill vigor itemored. This distressing Aflectlon..which rediterc I lie misera ble and marriage impossible—is the penalty. *Why the victims of improper mdulgenees. z oung persons are too apt to COMM. excesses from not being aware' of the dreadful conseq: ences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the pow, er of proor: aeon is lost sooner ny thosefailing Into bin proper habits than by the prudent Besides being de prived the pleasures of healthy , offispring, the most se rious and destructive symptdmit to both body and mind. arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical Mot Mental Functions Weatened, Loss, of Pim:naive Power, Nerirlons Irrallbility, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Constitution., 1 Debility, a Wasting •of the FraMe, Cough, 4 Consumption, Decay . and _Death. Office, No. 7 south Frederick Street. Leh haze side going from tialtim.re street, a low uoor. trent the corner. Fail not to observe urine and number. Leiters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doc. tor's Diplomas hang in his office. - A Uwe Warranted , in Ttro Days. IVo Mercury or IVasseoua Drugs, - - Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College ei 'surgeons, London, Grad uate from one of the most eminent (Xdleges in the Butted dimes, sad the greater part of whale tile has been spent in the hospitals of London, Parts, Philadelphia and else where, has enbotedeome of the most astonishing cures 'that were eye gtownTnLiny troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfainess, with frequent blushing, attended 'sometimes with derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. Y. addresses all those who havehunrorthenMelves by Improper indulge' as and solitary habits, which rola tr u aaaad , g r A , ,, , , ..-=•.-utma fo r a; TntiseWitigeM=iiiiirniefitucholly effects pro. dnoed by early habits of youth,'vis Witaltneee of the Baca and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness ‘.f Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the hes" Lys popsy Nervous Irratibil ty, Derangement of thethgestive Functions, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &At . isarsur..—The resent e ff ects! ,on the mind are' much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas,De , pression of Spirits, lord Foroonings, Avers on to *rty, , Self Distrust, Love of holitude, Timidity, ac.; are some of . the evils produced. Muttons of persons of all ages can now Judge what is the cause of their declining health; losing their vigor, becoming Weak, pale, nervous and ohm:dated, haft a singular appearance &Dont the eyes, co u g h and s y mptoms .• of eonsumption. - ' TWIN( Men Who have Injured themselves by a certain priatioe in dolged In when alone, a habit frequently: learned from evil companions, or at sohool, the effects of Ishii% are nightly felt, even when asleep; and if not cured render, marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. • - • - - Whet a pity that &young man, the hope of his centi try, the darling of his parents, shOeld be snatched from all prospects end enjoymentsof Mb, by the consequence of deviating from the path of 'nature and indulging In a certain secret habit. Sueltpersona moor, before contem plating = Marri • - reflect thet a sound mind end body age, are the most neces sary requisites to Monet* connubial happiriegs: Indeed, witnout these, the journey through lUb becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect bendy darkens to the view ; the mind became; shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy red cUon -that. the happineed of another becomes blighted with our own. - 1 , Di~eaee of ImpradenCe: When the mi,gulded and Imprudent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibes the seeds of this painftti dis ease, it too often Wens that an all-timed sense of shame or dread of dlscoverr, deters him from applying to those who, trom athristion and respethability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this horr d disease make their snearesice, such as al oersted gore throat, diseaged noes, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, dealness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the h ad, fade and extremities, programing with frightful rapidity, :Lill at last the palate of the mouth or the benes of the nese fall is, and the Victim of thil awful * disease become iliorrld object of commiseration,thi death puts a period 'to his dreadful sufferings, by sending - him to "that-tlediscov vered Country from whence no traveler returns." It is a sabitaholly fan that thousands , 411 victims to this terrible disease. owing to the ungirliftillnese of igno rant pretenders, who by the, use of that Deadly Poison, Mn eery, ruin theoonstitution and make the residue o lite miserable, Strangers. Trust not your lives, or health, to the oare otthe many Warned and Worthies Pretender'', destitute of-know ledge, name or chintzier, who copy Dr. Johnson's "dyer vertleements, or style lhourealies An the newspapers, regularly Bducated Physicians innapable of boAni, they keep you trifling month after mouth taking. their filthy. and poisonousivas compounds, or as long an the smallest lbe eau be 4btalued, and In despair, leave you witli ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr. Johnson IS the only Physician eovertialog. Xis credential or diplomas always hang in his 'office. His remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared .row a life spent in the g eat hospitals Of Eu rope, the first to the country and a more extenadve Pri vate Practice than any other Physician In the world. Indorsement of the Press. , The many transmits cured at Ws inatttutton year af teryear, and the , numerous Important Surgical Opera- Wm performed by Dr. Johnson, wrineissed by the re porters of the itun,” !KSRpper," and many other pa pers, notices of which have appeared again and- again before the public, besides his Mantling u a gentleman of charactst and resportdbility, is i sufficient goariantee lothe "Meted. Diseasei bpeedily Cured.' Persons' writing ;should be particular in direcitug their timers to fin inetitielon, in the Wowing Manner : JOHN M.Z0.4111130N. M. D. 01 the Baltimore Last Boipital, Baltimore, Md SALAD - 0111. - . '‘rge supply of fresh Salad 011. in argeand magi bo tles, awl Of Manta _Donde not reeeived azut DX eala ky WM. DOCK, De.' & CO. LpIRE CRACKERS by the cheat or box., .1: Jima inoeivadaad for We by NICHUIS arBOW/ilif. 1•14 Comer Front and Marta ini6eda. gURE oilier Tiasgar, warranted tor sale 10vi b 7 sacHOLs a eJw = armsma angliarkei HARRISBURG-, PA., MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1862. NICHOLS & IiQWMAN, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Corner VFront 'Airid Market Streets HARRBBI74G, PEBIN'A„ • 11Q t's•ElgTFUratx tliiiittention of th'elmbliii to the* larziratitt well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FOREIGN. AND D - RESTlc:Fiars, Including among others, EIIcIABS,, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE,. SPICES, 4 - ORANGES, LIMONS, &0., '&0. 4 0 U4 1 9 FISH, SALT, BACON, , • • • i) IL 1.1 a I ietrrrze, &c. We invite an .exlminstion of our superior NON EXPLOSIVE L DOOLLAJ The ; hest in the market in every respect, :to gether with , ell gads of LAMES; SIIADIA • BUIINKRS, WIOKS sand GLASS CONES' Cheerer than any place ;in Harrisburg. We keep on band altiays all' kinds of CEDAR AND WILLOW what All styles and kinds of QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, at the old stand, NICHOLS &IBOWNAN, my2o Corner Front and Hemet Ste. SHEET. MUSIC, SHEET MUSIC, JUST •RECEIVED. SEVERAL thousand pieces of NEW and e:refully selected music, , comprising a eery ffil a:so tment. Steinway's - Unrivalled Pianos. PIANOS FOR $l5O UP TO $l,OOO. SCHOOL AND CHURCH ORGANS FROM EIGHTY DOLLARS. PRINCE'S MELODEONS &c. From Forty-five Dollars. VIOLINS, GUITARS, BANJOS, FLUTES, ... 131F133 , ' ACCORDEONS' and musical merclaandlin al'Arvery kind. AGENCY OF . . HOWE'S SEWING MACHINES. PORTRAIT -r -FRAMES.. .LARGB PIER AND MANTLE, :MIRRORS made to order. Constantly on hand a large variety of . . PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES.' • Frames oferary description made to order at the shortest notice. REQILDING DONE, it the New Mugu Store of awds~& 00. - au4dly No. 14 Market Square, near 04der'e BOOKS FOR FARMERS,, rrHE attention of agriculttirlets is diiected to the following works, Which Will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and the best way` tOpert.ini thorn: Price— .18 -60 COLEMAN'S AGHWULTIIRE and Bed Economy 4:00 . LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by Allen... ir 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION,ty BE NI. ; 76 LECT.IIRES ON PRACTICAL AGILIODIA " TUBE, by Johnston . . . 50 THE AMERICAN WARMER ' S new and lani- trenal'haudbook, with 400 togrivinge ! .210 AN EASY MEIIIO,D OF MANAGING BEES, by Weeks • —. .. 20 The Nature and Treatment of Disease* of Cattle, by Dadd I ' oo LF.I.BLO'S AGttIOULTURAL CHEMISTRY 7b . biILCR COWS AND DAISY FASAIJNO, . • and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint . - .1 60 GRASSII3 AND FORAGE PLANTS, - by Lynch 160 SAXTON'S HAND-BOOS, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Ac, 5t0..1 00 TES FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Frac- tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner. 60 ALLEN'S DOkIESTIO AN1kLAL5...,, , ..; 75 THE FIELD BOOK OF IiANHRES, or American Kuck Book ' ' a 26 THE HORSE' AND HIS DISFOSIg3, by Jennings OO YODATT ON THE HORSE ' 1 25 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800K.....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses - 76 Standard 13ooks, School Books, and every thisig in the stationery line at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S WIMP BOOK SCORE. DETERSIVE SOAP 'something better than Harrlson'e Hbasehold Soap, Just named ana .or sale by . NICHuLS BOWMAN!, Jae 'Cbrner Front and It•raet streets. CHEAP Oil for all kinds' of maohinery, in mall and largo packages, for 0a10..0r . • NddiOLd & eOW jel9 - Corner Wool and Market duvet. BREAKFAST BACON!' LA Very choice lot,.equal to the oelebra iJI (>pmpirted) Yorkshire, jtut na.ateio. A. 008, J c., &c 9. BOLOGNA, A ektALL but' very superior lot 0 saillege Jest reCMVed, by WM. DOCK, Jr. & Co. CLARIFIED New Orleans sugar, a oheap and beasulto iue lak sale by ' NICEIO44 k BOWMAN, Oolser Front, and Idarkos mega IMI BAluat "6 Cocoa and bweat i Uliobola94, 14' Mk II JOlN wisavoaka aaa Ti7l ti WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harriabutk r Pa., PIANO. - m -Evr IiCiSEWEM PIANOS, ;from the'bee' /1 'Makers, from $2OO upwards. ° ' ‘AI'ELODONS. TEtE MANUFACTURED . • -- - 111ENTS, FROM. $45 to $lOO. Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, Flutes, Fifes, Drums, Banjos, Tambourines, 'Violin and Guitar 'strings and 11111E1.• ad;merohandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. DM LATEST PUBLICATIONS always OD hind. Music mot by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT AND ftOSEWCX;I FRAMES, Suitable for looking . gimes, and all kinds of pictures always on hand. A:fine assortment of beat plated L I N - G G 13 13 E S From smallest to largest Elm. Any' style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. _6*l9-wolly LIFE INSIE,ASOE. The Girard Life Insurance - 7, Annuity and Trust Company , of Philadelphia. °MOE NO. • 408 OZIESTNU7 BURET. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ASSTS. . 61,648 888 THOMAS RIDGWAY, President, JOHN F. JAILER, A ctuary , ONTINUE to make' INSURANCE ON. C utrz'i on the mod reaao able terms. They net as Executors, Trustees end Guardians under last Wills. and as Receivers cad Aesigoees. The capital being paid up an I invested, Mgeher with a larraleed coaster:ply incr. "eingre.erved fund, offal, a perfect aeon ty to th Mewed. The.premiums may be paid yearly,hallyearly or quar terly; 'the company add a BONUS periodically to the Inset. rams for 1 tb. rho FlEar BOS lid a propreted in De cember, 1844, the SEGOND B NUS is Daleaber, 184 9, the Mai di NUS in December, 1864, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1869. These addiuens are made "without re quiringspay increase n the premiums to be pa id to the Company. Tim following e a few,example . 3 from the Register : MEE lAmount of Policy and Slim I, addition Bonus or I bonus tobe incresind Policy. Insured by iutire additions. No. 80 $2600 . : 837 6u I 182 8000 1,050 199 , 1000 - 400 00 ass- 6000 1,875 00 Agent at arriabarg and vio THE NEW EDITI-ON of PUI-tDO N'S DIGEST HAS JUST BEEN Pl7B LISEED, •- PRICE $.5 00; AN HIM new edition of this well known Law Book has just been issued. It,is now distinguished by the following supenulded features,: The laws contained in* the various annual Digests published since the date of the eighth edition (1858) have been incorporated in .the body of the work. Many .thousand new authorities have been cited Ithe report of the revisors of the Penal bode has been embodied in the notes to the various sections of it, and the appendix contains for the .first. tine, the Actii of Congress for the Authentication of Iteeords, and - the. Statute of Fraudulent Con veyances, with full and- elaborate notes of the decisions explanatory of them. The work has been prepared; by the learned editor, Mr. BRIGHTLY and its freshness and permanent value will be preserved. by the continuation . of the annual Digests , which' have given so much satisfaction. For sale at jos . BERGNER'S BOOKSTOBE. McgLINTOCI'S PECTORAL' MVP. / I 'HIS INVALUABLE SYRUP, WHICH Is entirely vegetable in its compclitiOn,- has been employed 'with• wonderful success for many-years in tile cure of disclaim for the AIX PASSAGES' and LUNGS. For any form:of the dhmse such as COUGH, TICKLING of the THROAT, SPITTING OF BLOOD, DIFFI CULT BREATHING, HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE, and. ELLWIIC FEVERS,: its .nee will be attended with the :happiest results. It is one of the,-best and safest medicines for all fornis of BRONCHI IS.• an& , CONSUMPTION. o Zambians or preparation of Opium in Frey ;shape at this: 10*. • • PRICE • 8100 PER BOTTLE. For isle at BEItGNKB'S CHEAP BOOK STORK. W A., _ , PARBHILL,, P U M_B R . GAB FITTER - . naafi-door M the 2,wraph Printer* STORES, dwellings, churches, public . faztortea, Au., ft bed up with gas, lead Awn iron pip. In a worimna nee manner. . Bydrants; Weell batns, Batts Tubs, I If, acid force ramp, Water Clrat a, Lead an' Iron Floe for water, gas atm seam. A share of public patronage is respeetlully. aolletted. All wen Or way attended to. myBo4Bm. SORIEF - FELIX BROTHERS & 00., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS A ND DEALERS is Fancy . Goode, Per. tja. ftimery, &o. Also agents for the sale of Refined Petroleum, - Illuminating Ull, superior to any coal oh • furnished in any enaraltles at the lowest mama rates. 170 and 172 William &red, a27d6m] PRIME Cheese from Now Yoik Dairies _ Jost received and foi sale lnw ?-7 n 1 HMIS & BOWMAN, Cornett From, old gartet JylB lUit newly replenished stook of Tone: lUf" and Fancy Goats is unnwpanwi m On city, ant confident of 'rendering satisLitalon, WO would rai #ectrully invite a can: 91 ; Maxim street, two doorsAnst of:Fourth street, sank itde. and gee those nice and cheep tin C. " gain iPrdzeserving, N10,.019 $ BOWMAN, K 2• Corner Font and Margot streets. . _ Dates,,frunee, Raisins, and. all ma*/ orNutlgssiosti mars wir3pTided :and E=3 INSTRU WM. KNOCHE, • 98 Market street 88,887 60 4,060 00 1,400 06 6,876 00 BUEHLER. Nzm 2bvertietnunto. FIVE DOLLARS REWARD: .rHEsbove reward will be paid for the apprehension of per- ant qhn stole the Pears from the yara of the undersignea to Walnat Etrt et. =10431* WM. M. sHAMPES. 'ARMY' KNIVES AND FORKS„ A LARGE, supply,, j uIA received and FOR SALE CHEAP, AT Eg ROBE Opposite. the Court ROM. .111410 dal ENLIST 1 ; ENLIST ! TEN DOLL*ES: WILL BB GIIEN, IN ADDITION l) ALL OTHER BOUNTIES! To recruits for the FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT Peunayl . snit Volunteers, (OA. 'THOMAS WELsil,) now at Newport News.- , O'a: HoNDHEO MTN, or die first class, are wanted immediately for this regiment. A pplo at EVANS& HASS AT LS. soil dBt No 418 Arch at eat. GAI , TEY Mril S IC• HAIL Walnut Street between 2d and 3d. eOBERP EDWARD. ' Pole Lessee. and Mit:ager. admission to ail parts Of the gout' - 16 col s. MORE.NEW _TARS. IMMENSE . ATTRACTION ! First appearence MISS MOLLIE FIELDING THE GREAT FRENCH. DANSEIIBE, gar mho% ertatid per formao es have relayed, with ut exceptlo:, the mod ft Warta! not from the . L rem end the moat exteneive 4i the Cite or N-w Yore, Vbi ad- Iphia, Beaton and other prlocipal a, w have tee h0..0r of mating her that ap cantles In Har Ourg on Monday Evening ) August 11th, 1802. Re engagement ef - JAKE- BUDD AND .DAN HOWARD , The G-eat Favorite, Ethlopeen Come lane, in comieetiom wan th STAR GAIETY TROUPE Miss Jolia„Edwards, Dick Eterthelott. T. H. Eel i., Mov ie Perryg. H. Donnell, vaLzszt, Nester Geor the Baby loam, Noma De Louts and the educated dog, JENNY LIND. Doors open at Y 3 to commence at 8 o'clock. qt Cdtgrao. •.; 4 seereestrelarowndvmegula tiona for drafting in this State have been re• etrived at headquarters, and it is understood that drafting will commence next Friday. AMIUMT OF BALTIMOREANS FOR TRYING TO RIF CAPS m 1 Daerr.—A party of twelve Balti moreans ware arrested at Williamsport yester day by the U. S. Marshall, charged with having leftßaltimore w'th the view of escaping from a draft for militia, now progressing in that State. The party 'Was brought tO tills city and remained at Herr'S Hotel yesterday and Last - night, and* were sent back to Baltimore this morning. The following are the names of the party arrested : J. D. Sanerberry, J. New ton Gregg, Joseph Pawns, Lewis D. Now; L. Slinger, Joshua Paulus, L. Bosenburg, Wm. Hotly Gregg, Harding Loagcope, J. F. Passua, J. S. Allert, Geo, G. Ayres. Thicaurtma m Tss ?rem —Up to , last even ing it was estimated that sixteen thousand vol. nnteeth haA:larrived here and went into'quarters at Camp &inn: These in addition to seven or `eight thousand* Philadelphia, two thousand atPitteburg and one . thousand at Inaloaster, gives 'as the result 'of the enlistments for the nine months' call, a total of about twenty-seven thousaad men, Which is considerable over the quota mixed for froth the State under the first Independent of these, there are also some six or eight new regiments, nearly ready for the field, cdthree years' volunteers. The Excess of Volunteers. Some difficulty having occurred in conse quence of. a refusal of the county commission ers of Northampton county to pay the county bounty to volunteers, after the, quota of the first call had: been ffiled, unless they could be assured that the excess of volunteers under the first, call will be credited upon the county quota of the &aft. Efforts were made at Washington and Harrisburg to get this information, with oot much success, except what is 'contained in the following telegraphic correspondence, which is of general interest • Lam, Aug. 8. '!7b his Rael.lenesi Abraham Lincoln, Presides:l of the United Botts: "Our county has raised its quota of the call for volunteers.* We have a surplus on hand and men still coming in. We want very much to ild'onr quota of the draft with voluuteure , and thus avoid the draft and furnish better men. Can we do it f Please - answer. All our arrangements for recruiting and bounties wait on the answer, and the excitiment to en list's so high, that. it i 5 Unwise to check it. Do answer to-day. (Signed) E. Weanmos Aug "2b Hon. A.A. 4i'sakr:--Yuur telegram to the President has been reteried to this D,part Meet. "The General Government apportions the quotacd militia force atnong the States, but has no regard to county or distilot: Wbatevet volunteer force above its ratable proportion shall be offered by a State any time before a draft I. actually made ? would be accepted by ,theilktputrnent.ancl credited upon the drift es a proportionable reduction. It would betriglit PRICE ONE CENT. for the State to make a proper allowance to any county that exceeds Its proportion ; hut It must be lett to the Executive of the State to make such arrangements. "By order of the Secretary of War. (Signed) C. H. Bucannmax, Brig. General 'andA. G." hell. 9 . I:4=mm 'CAPT. Joule F. tition.—amiplimentary fa& morrial.—At a meeting of the operators em ployed on'the Northern Central Railroad Tele graph Line, held by "Telegraph," on Sitar day, August 9th, the following resolutions were unimonsly passed respeotlog the resigna tion of their Superintendent, Mr. Joss F. Caine, Who has raised a company for the war in defence of the Union : Resolvai—That it is with deep regret we have heard of the resignation of our Superintendent, JOAN F. Union, who has seen fit to "close the circuit," and "cut off" from the "line," to take tip the sword in delouse of our goo Union. Resolved—That in his retirement from the telegraph service, he c•rries with him the re spect and esteem of each and every one of us ; onr best wishes for enema attend him, and unr hope is that he may come out of the pre sent struggle, with honor himself and to his country. Resolved—That the above resolutions be pub lished in the Harrlaburg papers, and the papers in general along the BY TELEGRAPH. The War in Tennessee. L MOE REBEL FUROR AT KNOXVILLE. The Zimd special despatch frum Trenton, Tenues-ee, states that Oapt.sin Pe k, with fifty - - Oven men of the Bluth Illinois 04valry, were sent agaloet FAulitner's Cavally, who have been cummittiug depredations near liumb Ti.e rebels mile surprised *him sl• aping, five miles from Dyekvitle )estenity, and thin.) eve were killed, and fifty-five horses and a vest portion of their arms captured. Must of tuuse who escaped loft without their arms, horses or clothes. Our loss was seven killed, and twosn 'lowly wounded. OINOBINATI, August B.—Special despatches from Indianapolis say that a gentleman who has anivtd there from Knoxville, Teen., re ports that a force of 16,000 infantry, with due proportion of artillery and °wally, was at that place, expecting to march into Kentucky at on early day. GENERAL BU MGM'S DIVISDN. Gen. Barnsidc's Command at Fredericksburg. Nurra AVIET COM, . FAXDIRIOILSOOILO, VA., Aug. 6, 1862. Burnside's army corps are in camp just out side of the city of Fredericksburg. We ar rived hereon the 6th, after a hurried trip fru= Newport. News. The divisibus which were here when we arrived have moved on further into the interior. We came after Jackson, and if we come across him the Division is expected to give "Old Stonewall" hie quietus. The weather is very warm, and the gruund dry and dusty. Gone. Burnside, Beno and Parke ac company the Division, and were g'teeted on their arrival here by Gen. Doubleday, socom panted with his ;kids. The health of the (turps is very good, provisions plenty and the troops in high spirits. WO have been aware for several days that Gen. Bumside's army corps reached Aqui& Creek on Suuday, and Monday lestiroin New port News, and immediately proceeded by rail road to Fredericksburg, at which point the army of Stonewall Jackson is expected to make a dash 'at our lines. From the south Carolina Oout. ME NEW REBEL RAM FINGAL. Nswr TOIL; August 10. A highly interesting letter has been received here Irma filbert Head regarding the new iebel tam Fingal and toe prcceeauga of the enemy in that quarter. Tue new guuboat is. tu•ty armed and manned.. She bark beau tittered from the British steamer Fiugal, and is said to ue a tormidatne engine. uf destruction, carrying two 100-pound rdio guts, 11$ inch Culuu.inada, lour 60 pound rifle guns, and two l 4 pouudess for grape and canister. Slut resembled the Merri mac in shape and form, with a massive beak at either end. Our troops are preparing to receive uer. The plan of the reload to said tube *rot to destroy our fleet and thou move,the A. O l to iSeabruk and Were cover the ittudiag of their tome. Aleanwnile they are concentrating their land forces at Bluiltun, tinrdensvtiie and RUMORED FIGHTiNG AT GOHDONSVILLE WASHINGTON, .Aug. 8. A privatedispatch front Woodville, yeuter day, says : " bigel's corps is just movtug, bat I walnut tell wtture tilt We movement, is so ,ompluined." There are rumors in town of heavy tiring at Gordousvilte. 'rimy are nut ye: lolly credited, Out the fact of bigot's tooventeut yesterday Li thought to render it nut improbable. bTIAM BUiLlittS. ITAVING made efficient and permament arraugenuagua fur Me ALT lee WO ste LWOW pre• Pa et- to need BAH BJeLltsa ut very ilod, prompt y oat at to. aollaQa tate*. We Übe.' use 110 e made uy & &Omer, the rupatattua of we ult le Statute to 0 • bi ine t, arcet none but the 063 C har.ds employed. Repalrittg prtmpt. ty it CU led ta. ead.eis — SAG A A Untis. Ayaly, err.burici Pa. V AIN ILLA. BEANS. WE are offering tor sale a splendid quad , o. Vaullus Bean at low "rimy by Um , 0914, 0 9 40 * or °WY' gittrairil DRUG :TO 9i Mai kel :greet. i lit 036 & .13.Lai cli:V4 EL..lid celebrated I. RicaLaysa • P.ILIWEAVIi, &hot& A large supply 01 the mho t _ rcing every veniety, Joel re sured*builue Nib b , u) Wm. DOCK, Jr.: Mau. itia Cniosoo, Aug. 8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers