eltbical ELIXIR PROPYTAMINE, ME NEW REMEDY FdR ' RHEUM A TIBM; A NEW REMEDY, 1 A CERTAIN REMEDY, J "a ACUTE RHEUMATISM, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, RITRUMATISR OR RVBRY KIND; TIOW STUBBORN, No MATTI= BOW LONG STANDING, PROPYLARINI WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. THE BEET TESTIMONY, BEST MEDICAL AUTHORITY. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, Titled) AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL (EROS OFFICIAL HOSPITAL EXPORTS.] MAY 19, 1860,—FIlea S., set. 28, single, never was very strong Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheurna lism,from which she was confined to her bed for two weeks and Bilbseqenuy Irom arelapae for four more. She has been well since then till last Bator day, while engaged In house cleaning, she took cold, had pain In her back, felt cold, hot had 50 decided chill. Two days later her ankles be gas so swell, which was followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull pain in her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender, red and painful ; both lianas are affected, but the right 18 mast so. This, then, is a case of acute rheumatism, or, as It is now fashionably called, rheumatic fever. It is a W well remarked typical case e will carelully watch the case, and from time to time call your attention to the vari ous symptoms which present themselves. My chief object In bringing her before you now, is to call attention to a remedy which has recently been recommended in the treatment of rheumatism. I m ian proxy/amine. Dr. Awenarius, of St. Petersburg, recommends it in the highest terms, having derived great ueuefit from its use In 260 cases w bleb came under his care. Various com mendatory testimonials respecting It have appeared in our journals, and I propose therefore to give It another trial I must confess lam always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies, which are vaunted as specifies ; but this comes to as recommended so highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. SAME OAS FOUR DAYS LATER 1 Mar RS, 1860.-1 will now exhibit to you the patient for whom I prescribed Propylamine, and was then labor ing under an attack 01 . acute rheumatism. She has steadily taken it in doses of three grains nveiy two hours (intermitting It at night.) The day after you saw her, found bar much more comfortable, better than she ex peeled to be for a week or more, Judging from her other 'Macs. (The patient now walked into the room.) The improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot fail to notice a marked change in the appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thor far our experiment would have seemed very suc cessful ; but, gentlemen, we must wait allttle while be fore we can give a decided opinion as to what Is to be the result. Here is another patient who was placed on the use of -fa same medicine on Sunday last; she has long been suffering from c hronic rheumatism, and I found her at that time with an acute attack supervening upon her ohronic affection. The wrists and knuckles were much swollen and tense. She took the chloride of Propyla mine In three grain dome every two hours, and you will perceive that the swelling of the joints has much dimin ished. THREE DAYS LATER I MAY 20, 1860.—This is the case of acute rheumatism treated with prepylamine, the first of those to which I called your attention at our last clinic. bete is still very comfortable, and is now taking three grains thrice daily. In this case it has seemed to be followed by very sat isfactory resnits. The second case to which your atten• tion was called at our last lecture, has also continued to do well I will now bring before you a very character istic case of acute rheumatism, and if the result be sat factory, I think, as good jurymen, we snail justly render our verdict in favor of propylaudir He Is a seaman, mt. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has bad occasional rheumatic pains, but not so as to keep his bed, until eight days ago. The pains began In his right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the joints of the upper extremities. Those joints are all swollen, tense sue tender. His tongue is furred ; his skin, at present dry, though there has been much sweating. His pulse is fell and strong, and about 90. He has now used propylamine lbr twenty-four hours. This gentleman la what may be called a strictly typical awe of acute rheumatism. There was exposure to cold and wet, and this exposure is followed by a feeling of Coldness, severe articular pain, beginning, as it usually does, In the lower joints. There is fever and the profuse sweating, so generally atttendant on acute rheumatism. I did not bring this patient before you with the i n tui tion of giving you a lecture on all the points counseled with rheumatism, but to again give a trial to the new remedy we are testing, and to exhibit to you this typical case, as I have called it, than which there co old not be a fairer opportunity for testing the medicine in question. Wears, therefore, avoiding the use of all Other medicines, even anodynes, that them may be no Misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. You shall see the case co a future clinic. THE RESULT. A FAVORABLE VERDICT Juss9, 1860.—The next of our convalescents is the case of acute rheumatism before you at our cliuic of May Seth which I thou called a typical case, and which it was remarked was a fair opportunity for testing the worth of our new remedy. It w therefore steadily given in three grain de.,es every two hours for four days. The patient has got along very sleety, and is now able to walk about, as you see. Ido not holitate to aLy that I have nevea seen as severe a case of acute rbenmatiam Co soon roistered to health as this man has been, and without being prepared to decide laxative tiy as to the val. lie or the remedy we have used, I feel hound to state that in the elutes in which wo have tried the Chloride o Praiylamine, the putout aeve rorame.l their health Much earlier than under , he treatranut ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, and report the results, For a full report of which the above is a condensed extract, nee the Philadelphia Medico/ and Surgical Re porter. It is the report after a fair trial by the best med teal authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary to give numerous certificates from astonished doctors end rejoicing patients. A SPEEDY CURE, AN aFECTUAL CURE TEE SAME ErBIILT WHAT IT HAS DONE, Bullock & Crenshaw, a Arm well known to most medi cal men, by whom the Elixir Propylamine has been in traduced, have sold to us the exclusive right to manures tare it according to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to scatter it broadcast amongst suffering humanity. A WORD TO DOCTORS. Ifyen preter to use the mum moody in another form Ire Invite your attention to the OETBIA.LIZaD Culooms PROVILAMINII PUII PROPTLANINI Pow Pitorrumum CONCINTUATID, PO= lODIDI of wMeh we are the sole manufacturers. u-We &atm no Other virtue for the 6Halr Privy!Mine Than la contained In Pure Crystalised Chloride of Prom , - amine. Tin 6L1,118 IS AND MAY BE TAKEN, ACCORDING TO DIRECTIONkI, BY ANY ONE,' .BY EVERY ONE, WHO HA'ARBEHE ATI:4I4TP ANY HIND: told In Harrisburg by al 75 CIL .8 BOIITLD. Orders may be addressed to PROPYLAMINR MAIVUBACTURING CO., (Ain, Room No. 4, S. W. Cor. Fourth and Chesnut streets, Palladelphia. ltr to either of; the following ',boles'le Agents BLILLOCE & CRENSHAW. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., JOHN M. MARLS &CO., GEO. D. WETHERELL & CO Q PETER T. WRHIGT & op., znaLER & SMITH, T. MORRIS PEROT & 00 PaiLAriwur 12111 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD SUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. WILL CONQUER IT, WILL CUBA IT, MONDAY MAY 6th, 1862. The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will.depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : DOCTORS READ, DOCTORS EXAMINF, DOCTORS TRY It EASTWARD., THROUGH EXPREaS TRAIN Mar,/ Harrisburg daily at 115 a. In, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Monday.) at b SO a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at. 9.45 >r ASTMAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 1.20 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia al 5.25 p.. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at West Phila. dolphin at 12 26 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Cohen bla, leavei Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m.. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9 25 p. m. TIIROUNEI F.XPRF.Be TRAIN 101/17CS Philadelphia at 10 35 p. tn., Harrisburg at 3.00 a. in., Altoona 8.10, a. re. and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.36 p. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.16 a. in., and ar rives at Harrisburg at12.30p. in.; leaves iltrrisburg at 1.00 p. in., Altoona, 7,00 p. In., a nd arrives at Pittsburg at 12.16 a. ea. : FAST LINE !WOO Philadelphia at 11.30 a. m., Raab , . burg 8.45 p. m., Altoona at 8.20 p. m., and arriving at Pittsburg at 12:46' a. ta. HARRISBURG A.COOSISICHATION TRAIN leaves Ith de'phia at 2.30 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.00 p.m. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joy leaves Lancaster at 10.60 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 12.40 P. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East, Div. Penna. Railroad. Efarrlsburs, May 2, 1862 —dtf NIA Alit LINE ROUTE. TIM TRAINS DAILY TO NEW TORN, AND PHILADELPHIA 9N AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY sth, 1862, the Passenger Trani*: will lealve tho Phila. de plata and Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, fur New Yori. and Philadelphia, as follows, viz • EXPRik4B LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.26 a. m., on ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 8.15 a. In., t ailat. Phila delphia at 9,00 a no - rails A slapping car milito hits train tiironet freak 'Pittsburg wittieint Oban lAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in.. arriving in NOW York at 5.30 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. in. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40'p. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast arriving in Now York at 9.60 p. TO., and Philadelphia at 8.40 p. in. WESTWARD. FAST UHF. leaves Now York at 6a. in., and Philade I. ptila at 8 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. HAIL TRAIN Mayas New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil. adeiphia at 3. 15 p. m. , arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 p m. EXPRESS LINA' leaves New York' at; 8 p. m. arri ving at Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping car Is alss attached to Ma irate . Connections are made at Harrisburg with' trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottsville, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, dm. Baggage checked through. rare between New York and Harrisburg, $6 00 ; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $3 26 in No. I care, and $2 70 in No. 2. Far tickets or other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, myS-dtf General Agent, Harrisburg. IN EVERY CASE, WHEN EVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED IT WILL DO AGADI 1862. SUMMER 1862. ARRANGEMENT! CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND FRANKLIN CHANGE OF HOURS.—On and after alonday, May sth, 1862, Passenger Trains will run daily, as follows, (Sundays Rrcepled :) For Chambersbnrg and Harrisburg : MORk:c:O t AND AU/MN HEALY FOR IMMEDIATE USE Lee.ve,Hagerstown. A. M. P. M 7 00 2 45 " ,Greeneastle.... •... . . ..... •• •••• 7 37 336 Chambersburg, S Arrive at 817 420 „ shippemsburg l . Leave at .....9 8 3 (m7 0 1 1 2 ,7 55 " Newville ...... • ... " Carlisle .. .. ... .... 9322 00 ................ 10 10 2 90.. Arrive at Harrisburg 'Mechanicsburg ............... 10 42 312 ...... ... ....... 11 15 340 For Chambersburg and Hagerstown : .A. 11. P. N. Leave riarr.sburg. ....... .... ....... ....8 05 135 0 . Mechanicsburg 847 215 " Carlisle 9V/ 265 " Newville 10 02 3 " Sbl eP ensbur g ...10 33 400 29 " Chambersburg Arri ' ve.ll 00 4SO " Chambersburg Leave..ll 10 440 Greencastle 11 55 530 35 Arrive at Hagerstown 12 0. N. LULL, 010 Supt. R. R. Office, Chambersburg, May 1, 1862.-dly TRIPOLI, Washing Blue, • S• Indigo, Bengal and English, for sale by all NICHOLS & BOWMAN, earner Ironteed Market streets. Ileum:mil:outdo IChitig ttlebtupticti 'Afternoon, innt 25, 1862. New 2iivertistments ON AND AMR WEST %V A It i'l SUMMER ARRANGEMENT EASTWARU. RAIL ROADS ! SID. ill. Gross fo Co., W. GROSS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO, 19 MARKET STREET BARRLSTURG, PEIVN'A DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORt KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to our assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and would respectfully call your atention to the largest and best selected stock in this city, of DRUGS CHEMICALS & PAINTS. 011 s, varnished and Glue', DyaStuMOßl= and Putty, Artist Colors and Tool., Pure Ground Spices 1 Burning Fluid and Alcohol, Lard, Sperm and Pins 01la, Bottler, Vials and Lauip Globes, Castile Soap, Sponge' and Corks, &c., &c., &c., &c., &el With a general 'variety of PERFUMERY & VOMIT ARTICLES, selected from the beet manufacturers and Pe (timers of Europe and this country. Being very large dealers In PAINTS, WHIM LEAD,' • LINSEED OIIy VABNISECES, WINDOW GLASS, ABTD3r 8 COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES IN ALL THEIR VARIETIES, COLORS AND BRONZES OF ALL KINDS, We respeotfruly invite a call, feeling, confi dent that we• can Ripply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETH! TEETH!! N:4601 PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, Which owe eel ae low as it can be purchased in the cities. PRAYER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS COAL OIL / OARBO.N orf, I Being large purchasers in these OM, we can oiler inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lampe of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to bum Coal Oil.. ; • FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, Those of you who have not given our HORSE AND OATCLE POWDERS a trial know no thou superiority, and the advantage they are ea keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in g iod condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pearance of their Cattle. Our long experience in the business gives as the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to'our business, on the beet of terms. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestows on our house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fair.prices, and the desire to please all, to merit a continuance of the favor of a discrim inating public. apl6-dly FISHING. T - AO.KLEI OF ALL RINDS. Three, four and live Joint Trout Rods. Silk and Hair Trout Lines, from 10 to 50 yards long. London Patent Trout Lutes, o it tst Twisted Silk rrout Lines, tt China Gross Lutes, tt it it it Linen ant Cotton Linos, ‘s tt ' Float Lines furnished with Hooks, Corks, Arc. Brass Multiplying Reels, 10 to 50 yards. A lot of Choice Troot.Flabk • Silk Worm Gut Leaders, bottom lines, B_to 9 feet. 44 if di gu an o. Snoods, Limerick Hooks, ass't., No, nog Trout Baskets, Kirby Trout and River Hooks, Limer ick Trout and River Hooks, Floats, Flasks and Drinking Cups. ILDLLDR'S lowa AND FANG I STORM, tby2 91 Market Street. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. TAR. P. H. ALLABACH, Surgeon Den. list, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the Only method that obviates every objection to the use of arti ficial teeth, embracing partial, half and Whole Nets of one piece only, of pure and indeatructiole minerak there are. no creviCal fertile acccultinlatien of emall clee of food and therefore, no offensive odor from the breath, as no me tal le needle their construction, there can be no galvanic action or metallic taste. Hence the lathy ideal la not an noyed with sore tnroat, headache, he. Mae No. U North Second street, Harrisburg. mettil-dly ininellantOUS lb Destroy—Rats, Roaches, &c. 7o Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. • Yb Destroy—Bed-Bugs. lb Destroy—Moths in Furs, Clothes, &c. lb Destroy—Mosquitoes and Fleas. lb Destroy—lnsects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. lb Destrey----Every form and specie of Vermin. f‘CiC)eitast,r'ss" VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. MEI "ONLY INFALLIBLE REMFDIES KNOWN.' DI3MOTB 1N TA EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF VERMIN. Those Preparations (unlike all others) are "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats do not die on the 'Remises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only infallible remedies known." "12 years and more established in New York city." Used by—the City Post Office. Used by—the City Prisons and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &c. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Used by—theatyHotels—gAstor'—'St.Nicho &c. Used by—the Boarding Houses, &c., &c. Used by—more than 60,000 Private Families. ilingee one or two Specimens of what is everywhere said by the People—Editors—Dealers, to. HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed. with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coma's" Exterminators. We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Coma's' article knocks the breath out of Bata, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bags, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.—Medina (0.) Gazette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tons of this Bat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wu.) Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Rate, Slice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. Emma & STOUFFER, Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ste. Exterminator. "Costar's " "Costar's" Bed-bug Exterminator. "Costar's" . " Costar's " Electric Powder, for Insects, &c. Is 2543. 500. AND $l,OO Born 9OTTLIIB AND AMEN $3 $3 star soa PLAINTAIIOIO,, MU'S, ROAM, HOTILD, &a. io CAUTION I t To prevent the public from being imposed upon by Bintriowi and Bighly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, bear ing.a fee simile of the Proprietor's signature.— Examine each box, bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but "Cos tars." er Sold Everywhere—by All WHOLISALL Dseaursrs in the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City. Schieffelin Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. & D. Sands & Co. 'Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. Hall, Buckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. Harrel, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Gala & Robinson. M. Ward,.Close & Co. McKlsson & Bobbins. • D. S. Barnes & Co. F. C. Wells & Co. Lazelha Marsh & Gardner. Hall, Dixon & Co. Conrad Fox—slin masa. Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dpott & Co. B. A. Fahnestock & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co. French, Richards & Co.,—AND °TIME. AND BY • DIUGOINTS, GROOKBA, STURM-RIMS and RSTAIL ass generally in all COUNTRY To and VEr.x.sass in the UNITED STATES. HARTITSBU.RG, PENN.A. or Sold by D. W. Gross & Co., AND C. K. Keller, Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, and by the DRUOOIIIIII, STORIr• LUPUS and Rgrarma generally. ger Comma Drumm can order as above. Or address orders direct—[or if Price, Terms, - &c., is desired, fir send for [1862] Circular, giving reduced Prises] to HENRY R. COSTAR. Pancipez. Dwor—No. 612 Broadway—(Oppo site the St. Nicholas Hotsl,) New York. febl2-dent Johns Si; groslsgs. SONETHING FOR THE TINES I I orA NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE MOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE ORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN TW iiORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Savo your bieken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, Am. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Cut Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Don't throw away that broken Ivory Van, It la easily re. paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers can he made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That piece knocked out or your Marble Mantle eatrbe put on as strong as ever- IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter if tbat broken Pitcher did not cost but a - abi ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase s broken and you can' match It, mend it, It will never show when put together, It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented witn AMERICAN CEMENT will not show where it is mended. RXTRACTS. "Every Housekeepers should have a supply or Johns &Crosley's American Cement Glue."..—/V. Y. limes. "It is so convenient to have In tno house.”—N. Y. &vas. "It is always ready ; thia commends Itself to ever y body."—hidependant. "We have tried it, and find it as mend ID our homes as water. ,, —WtHts' Sprit of as limes. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. $lO,OO per year saved in every family by (me, Bottle AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bpttle. Price 2b• Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Leered Reductions to Wholook Buyers, TERMS CASH. u-For sale by all Druggists, mad Storekeepers general ly throughout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY, (Sole Man nfactarec%) 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of I/berty street Important to Rouse Owners. Important to Btdlders. Important to Bail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. lb all whom this may concern, and Wet:sneer= every JOHNS & CROBLEY'I3 IMPROVED OUTTA PEMBA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapeet and most durable Roofing In use IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF. It can boapplied to taw and OLD ROOM of all kinds, steep or SA, and to Sou Roors without removing the Shingles. The Cost is only about One• Third that Of Tin AND ID A$ TWICE AS DURABLE . This article has been thorohghly tested In New York City and all other parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies Central and South America, ou buildings of all kinds, Buch ss Facroams, Fenia:lama, CIERMORIN Rau Sim) DXPOlit, Can, and on PUBL , O BIIILDinai generally Govmmiturr Bumonvos. &c., by the principal Builders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the CHEAPEST and HOST DURABLE ROOFING in use; It is in every respect A FIRE, WAIBR, WEATHER and THE PROOF covering for ROOFS OF ALL KINDS ; This is the ONLTmaterial nunaufacturai in the United States which combines the very desirable properties of Niaslicity and Durability, which are universally acknow ledged to be possessed by 611/72.1 PERM/A AffD INDIA ItUEBRAt. No Heat in required in making application. The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary roof can be covered and finished the mule day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forma a perfectly has Pis)Or sur face with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Haar, Coca or Smola, dawn:pro of Hoop BOARDS, nor any ex ternal action whAever. LIQUID GIITTA PERCH* CEMENT, F or coating Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and FOB PRESEIWING AND REIT A RING METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS. This Is the only Composition known which will mem& fully resist extreme 'changes of all Climates,' for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it ad heres flrmiy, 'aiming a body equ.d to coats of ordinary paint, costs much less and will LASf THREE TIMES AS LoNO ; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, consequent 0,1011 sudden changes of the weather Amin rata CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARR WEATHER, AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can be readily repair ed with GIITTA PERCRA CEMENT, and prevented from further corrosion and lealriug, thereby ensuring a per fectly tight roof for many years. Tide Cement 13 peculiarly adapted for the preservation of IRON RAILINGS, STOVES, RANGlikl, SAFES, AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, do., also for general mane. [enterers use. GUTTA PERCIIA CEMENT For preserving and repaing Tin and other Metal Roofs of every description, from its great elasticity,. Is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not crack in cold or run in warm weather. These materials are aDerTID TO ALL 01.11AT18, and we are prepared to supply ordera iroM any put of the coun. try, at short notice, for GOffA PERCH& ROOFING in rads, ready prepared for nee, and GOTTA PERCHA KENT in barrels, with fell printed directions for appli cation. AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with responeible parties who would Ince to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can give abundant proof of all we claim in favor of our Improved Rooting booing applied them to several thousand Roo in New York City and vicinity. JOHNS & CROSLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholesale Warehouse 78 William St., Corner or Übe , •13 , Street. NE W YORK Fall descriptive Circulars anti Prices will be furnished on application. ocB-dly QIIGARS Crushed, Pulverized and Re fined, for sale by NICEIO 9 & BOW MAN, feb2l Corner Front and Market streets. PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. N entire new assortment of these useful ar A. tides just opened at . 1313113.(MNR'S Cheap Bookstore. .DYER'S SARSAPARML A, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the sub. joined varieties of Diseases : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pastules, Blotches, Boils, Blaine, and all Skin Diseases. _ Oslaaan, Ind, Sib June, 1859. J. O. Alma & Co., Gents : I feel it my duty to aeknowL edge what your Sarsaparilla him done for me. Having inherited a Scrofulous in*ctiao, I have suffered from it in various ways for years. Sometimes it burst out in Ulcers on my bands and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the stomach. Two years ago it bro..e out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, which was painful and loathsome beyond description, I tried many medicines and several physt. cians. but without much relief from anything. In [act. the disoraer grew Worse. At length I was rejoiced al , read is the Gospel Messenger that you bad prepared an alternative (garsaparilia,) tor I knew from your rep. utation that 'myth ing you male must be good. I Feu Cinc moan and got it, and use it till it cored me. I tOOK it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over a mouth, and used almost three bottles. hew and healthy skin soon began to term under the scab, which after a while fell off, my skin is now clear, and f khOw b 3 my feelings that the disease has gone from my system You can well believe that 1 lees what 1 am Baying w hen I tell you, that I hold you to be one of the atostles of the age, and remain ever gratefully. Yours, ALFR lull B. TA • St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Tettei and Salt Rheum, Scald Head Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Ptahle writes irom Salem, N. Y., nub Sep., 1859, that he nas cured an Inveterate case of Drop. ey, which threatened to terminate fatally, by the perse. rering use of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at. .ack of Malignant Erysipelas by large doses of the same. says he cures the common Eruptions by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or Swelled Neck. Zebolon Sloan of Preemie.; Texas, writes : "Three bet ties of your Sarsaparilla cured me from a llerran—a hid eons swelling on the neck, which I had suffered from Jeer two years." Lencerrhcea or Whites, Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Female Diseases. Dr. J. B. S. Charming, of New York City, writes ; most cheerfully comply with the respect of your agent in laying I have found your =heparin& amo excellent alternative In the numerous complaints Ow which we em ploy such a remedy, but especially iu ?male Diseases of the Scrofulous diathesis. I hive cured many Inveterate cases of Leucorrhom by it, and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ul. aeration itself was soon mired. Nothing within my knowledge equals„ for these female derangements." Edward S. Marrow , of Newbury, Ala., writes, ' , A dan. genius ovarian tumor on one of the females in my Lemiy , which bad defied all the remedies we could einplo7, has at length been completely cured by your Extract of Sar saparilla. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could affcrd relief, but he advised the triad of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before Coifing, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks no symptom of the disease remains.. Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. New nausea, 20th August, 16165. Dr. J. C. Arse : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the effects I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, mast of the com plaints for which it is recommended, and have found Re effects truly wonderful in the cure of Verse:al and Mer curial Diseases, One of my patients bad Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming his palate and the top of his mouth. Your Sarsaparilla, steadily taken, cured him in live week. Another was attacked by sec. ondary symptoms in his nose, and the ukerstion had eat en away a considerable part of it, so that . helleve th.. disorder would soon reach his brain and kit: Mtn. But it yielded to my administration of your Sarsaparilla the ulcers healed, and he Is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated for the same disorder by mercury was suffering from this poison in her bones. 'they had become eo sensitive to the weather that on a damp day she suffered excruciating gain in her joints and bones. She, too, was cured entirely by your Sarsaparilla in a few weeks. I know from its formula, which you agent gave me, that this Preparation from your laboratory must be a gre it remedy; consequently, there truly remarkehle results with it have net surprised me. Fraternally yours, NEW YORK G. V. LARIMER, Y. D. Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. IMMPF.Nntanr, Freda!' Co., Va., 6th July, 1859. DR. J. B. visa: Sir, I have been afflicied with a pain • flit chronic Rheumatism for a long time, wkich ,baffled the skill of physicians, and stuck to me in spite of all the remedies Leonid An , until I tried your Sarsaparilla._ One bottle cured me in two weeks, and restored my gen eral health so much that I am far better than before I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. PRRAM. Jules Y. Getchell, of St. Louis. writes : "I have been afflicted for years with an affection of the Liver, which destroyed my health. I tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; and I have been a broken down man far some years from no ther cause than de. ' ,momenta lhs Lever. My beloved pastor, the lieu. Mr . gepy, advised me to try your Sarsaparrilla, because he said he knew yon, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing of God it has cured me. I Thal young again. The best that can be said of you le not half rod enough." Schirrus, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Ulceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. A great variety of 'lama have been reported to' us whore cures of these formidable complaints have resiiit_ form the use of this remedy, but one space here will not admit them. Som. of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, which the agents below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilep. sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia, Many remarkable cures of these affections have been made by the alternative power of tisle medicine. It stim ulates the vital functions into vigorous action, and thus overcomes disorders which would be supposed beyond its reach. Stich a remedy has been required by the ne. comities of the people, and we are confident that this wit do for them all that medicine can do. flyer's Cherry Pectoral coughs, Colds, Influensa„ Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con gumption, and fizir the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease This isa remedy so universally known to surpass any other for the cure of throat and lung complaints, that it it useless here to publish the evidence of its virtues. Its unrivalled excellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wonderful cures of pulmonary disease, have made it known throughout the civilised nations of the earth.— few are the communities, or even families, among them who have not some personal experience of its effects.— 'tome living trophy m their .miusa of its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know the dreadlul fatality of these disorders, and as they know, too, the effects of this remedy, we need not do more than to =MTh them that It has now all the vir tues that it did have when making the cures which have won so strongly upon the confidence of mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYES & CO., Lowell, Slag. Sold by Q.A. Bannrart, C. S. Keller, D. W. Grose & Co., J. IL Lutz, & Co., Armetrong, Harrisburg, and deal. as every where. octl4-6mdim C. 0- ZIMMER.MAN'S BANKING STOOK, BILL. AND OOLLNOTING LIMON Has been removed from No. 28 Second St TO - NO. 130 MARKET STREET HABSISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. 1004-dt! RUBBER GOODS ! Rubbe Rubber Watches, Rubber Rattles, Rubber Toys generally at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. PURE Fresh Ground and Whole spice Pepper, Alspice, Llnnamon, Nutmegs and Mace, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner Front and Marketr struts. CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEE. This good, nutrition, and 040 flavored codas, now offered [or sale Vary kw by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, ORM , Irian and Market strew. *laical FOR THZ RAPID OHM OP r_72
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers