THE TELEGRAPH Is PUBLIIMIND MIRY DAY, By GEORGE BERGNER the DAILY Tnicut.trit is - serfed to subscribers in int City at 6 cents per week early subsea - art Will tit -,cathrge444 Vkin aftricticer .:31/ a I .1! g -Auttn:l6.s62-10inals ..!, TIM 140-~tilithaiWPOliabeCtloo6 (Br weuki 'Ammo -sOtAttmlito4o:rPl: l lke itnrieg,,Ant re!: der 0 1 the YettlNAPtifielMetaidcter 2p Berl]lel'+!-ltl te , ollowing cash ratoogn: Aaglinsioeriborkpar l year Semi-Weekly.. $1 60 Twenty - " ..22 00 ,ngle subecribeeillreiticiy.. . .... , 1 00 tna LAW OP IMMIPAP2.IIB. 0 absoribers eaderl I,lm dletOntTetutuee , of their nears papent, lite&pulillskeristay - oontittnetto sentr.them until all artretaieek_ awlepaido a • ~ r; r''!!! I subsaibersneglect or roluse to take their newiipa i ~ers from the office to which they aro directed, they.a, responsible until they have settled the biltrand orders thelit discontinued, iq. - - • • tut tallto . 11 7 4 -1 ? - 6%4 6 4 14-414 . 11 BALipo AND: BOWLING} SALOOF,, NO. 119 MARKET STREETiNE4E,IFIB7II.S THE subscribers having erected a larg e buildlog at toe above place, expressly for tho purp o gee above Indicated, beg to call the attention of the pub. he to the followinu : Tux szeratutaar, ou the first door, with a dining room attached, is fitted up in first-class style, and it will at all times to suppled with the best OYSIVIS to be had in the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, fish, and all kinds of game in season. Oysters served up in every style, and meals to be bad at ail hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries - In the country constantly on hand. The Ten-pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, is in the rear, and contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers of this healthy exorcise can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon Is Up.staire —elegantly fitted up, and oontaine three marble top combination cushion ta bles, equal to any made. Harrisburg has tong felt the want of a grand combin- ation of this kind, and as the proprietors are determine d to conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything In their power to make it a fashionable retort, they hope tO receive a liberal snare of public patronage. jai-dtf WILLIAM C. McFADDEN A CO. COAL ! .COAL!! $B, AND $2 26 PBS TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, OITICE and . gya)t-d •ou the Canal; foot' o waritistieilt, Wbolosaleaud Retail dealer In Tian% 2.42 C witaisiLlizzAs, `....LYKENB VALLEY,- - . . • . • . • .4SaiST.AURK add • k k ~ • • • , , 43.004. D. .FOP C4Q.A.X. . Families anddealers•may: rely upon obtaininpa, rata article;andlull wenent, at thedoweat rates. Orders promptly ettendedto.4 A. hheraldlseodat made. t. :pur chasers piyingifor.the coal when ordered.: • - • Present uriee; $B, andts2. 60 per tod., - • Harrisburg, Aprllll3.-dly COALO:p-OWDERI.! coAL:ii3Oubtri I I it•N edisitieratiott: of tiiii•JilaFd times; aid .1-•• as l eel/ grub/lively FOR; OA6II, I .triss:e reduced the prite ofiCoaPasTotiows 1: • •• - • -. .••• Eykenw Palley Broken.. @. , 42 90-per ton Al. I. •11 : 4 t a r g . e .E g g, 2r90 P ; , :11 T Snap Egg. 11 •. 2 tix sr : • .1 • I• • 1.441 I ,tl sor e , • 2go a,. . ,-, • I 404 N o t- if 225 ti. It . • 1 Williebarre ' • go .torberry --•- " 290 " Ooal delivered by-the- earawr -Waldo Canra;lit can be weighed sit the perehaseres-ilcosoad it it falls' short 10 mune, the Cowl will! be forfeited.. All Coal of the beet quality mined, delivered free freml all Impurities. ,Coal sold In qautities, at the Lowest wnousstal MMus. Agent for Dupont's Coleorated Pe .vder, a large supply! always on hand, at Manufacturers prices. gr•A large lot of superior baled Hay for sale. j 23 JAMBS M. WHEELER. HARRISBURG COAL OIL • DEPOT 1 FOR the safety of ainsumers, we havel established a Co 1 Ott Depot at the corner or Fron antiarket streets. our 0n.4 are tested and we poet esA4Pbe f 45004.3 4, Pf*LID .ba,uowtugplosive, cant and fine from odor a* far .** practicable.- We -offer at pretent the-following justly celebrated—branda. -Mag. arlia,!teslntion, Nabrona:and Linder, lower than canpbe .jintehasele;aewhere att. thiaplare,.either,wholesalo orl WAIL Alan an aiatnitcv.i. atoorptengf Timm . Chfixt-! nays, Staidth, tilos Cones,.Barriers, We will 'al o 1 change dad .. or cartyliene,,estape, ao aa to po pa d :, to , o r a 4 4 1. 04,11 and, satisfy xoarkalleit „ , ,t4IC pirner. of ,Fron a t id:Mcitti 4 t, sTrdet'i„ c„ if.ARRIS Tin and Sheet Iron Wa r e Manufacturer . 11,2 MARKET SWEI, • • HARRISBURG. , always on hatida l_asaertuncinl ■ ii of Tin and depanned Ware , Cloollog and Parlo Stoves of thelittat Inanutataurfetr, Butte —Spouting, Roof big and e i ernoized Iron Gorman, manufaotared and rt e. up atreasonable rates.- - 4 Jtepairiug promptly.attended to. ,apr3o4ll lir rotitoS.l "MILITING• DESKS " Ut0gr4 14 0 3 44 311 % I, „ • , •'1 . I4BrTMON.A.MS,- - And a general assortment Of • I , FANCY GOODS have just beenireceival' . •" - • BEIIGNER'eCH.EAP 13001iSTGRB.. , IefeCALLA, W.A.1 1 0 - MIKE R - ) 56 .11 ,=,•iimmi - ArfAtiat Market Street, Harrisburg. -111;211 1 TA - AS &owtaptlx op yang, a c ytwe stool _LA_ of WATCHES,. JEWELRY, and FANCY ART GUS, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly. repaired. ' stir NB. Don't forget tbs..plece, opppite Jdne -Howse- • • • . „ utar3l:d3ra A. c. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW,I "OFFICEIHIEWSTREBTP MARKB7.. •• - .CENTS PER PAPE UR. .fresh.. stock StipeXisii 0 and Ga den Seeds we Jeave. delenaullied th,ee cents per paper. No. 9L kluices , stree Seller's drug and fancy store, and you will get to right plane. . • 4 1,',Wesiey Jones' fine double Asters and ten week stoc *twee price. -nROBB 4r, • 13LAA K W "Oelebrate 11 1 „/ PICHLE4 SAUCE 4 _PitESENSW, am, U. A lar supply de tie oho* dmbtakiiil iiibry Mule*, just r elvod e nd tOr BaO by rid] WM. DOCK, Jr., &Co BEAUTIFUL TISSUE PAPER, FOR covering Looking' Glasses, Picture ( Ceililitirttinuentaterip. at and cut so as to hang over strings in the shape f wars, pAuts, circles or festoons. For sale at 4101 MEP' , ER'S BOOKSTORE. Q0LD1.E13.%3 CAMP ;kj very ecnvement Virtnvng DaarK • also, koala , Membrandthn 130020; Pond:loooms' &n i A L n2O sceurkivs.l3obkgto q v :DEN . SEEDS.--.iust . received largeinvoice of mite Oarden Seas—comp liralieti of imported and home Aruwartha .has ever been, offered in fa : di - city. Thom Wb 14., d e an s to purchase, ran depend upon getting- the lxt the wo os, at tharietiolosoinand retail ' grocery store' , t .:,. ...., , -•.- WK. DOCK, JR. &CO -ElRh i g :of Orang e s , Loniem Da6”. or A xle Corset Front and Market streets . my 22 rILDIR 'WIZ° Nfld . Willow Ware; 0.. matins of Churns , Tubs. Buckets, of , all=kiadn Sr * one by ' ' NICHOLS & BOW mws, Ortrner or Front and Market atreetai liaopTTEKt, Water, soda and Sweet Crac 1 myl unglS " OL. , choice ar C 0; „pi received for side low by litmus ac TIOWMAK copier Front :r .=t mete riatiOß Quality of Imper* • a ru Corner / Tes, for dale by o mu dad Mo noi s Bor mmu Ar lt, rord ton ;cot% .. ~ . . .. , . , .... .. . _ . I / . . . -- —^ %, . 1 - wr . . ...... .. ........... .... ............. ..... , 1 1. .--1 -' 4. .... ~.J., 4, ' ' il ,I. .!f , ' I 'J.! 41 61 " 1 i ' A K " "..,.. „....... " - A ..i:k• '-riCeAo. its ~.„.....„ ; it ... „ —., • • I kr t,i L.: ,1..144 LP: . - .. .4111. .4 ...:4• ~....... . I ... , , 4- • i ' ~1 ... __ 7 2.",' "' i t 43 i . ,„.. . . • 4 t .... . , ~ I „„, ~ : ~... -,..k. -::-. ,A lk ,,, ~, - _7:"••... , _ . . . 1 _2e, tL.; - .9.: .- -_• - I " -,, 2- = '.::.. --, ~,, "...... , '24% ~.._: -- O,.C s , j -..: . .. .11.1cliTO ' (-LL „._- e_,=; . ... -- ,4 ,---- i * V rg , ~ _ . . -.1 t 14 t,,.. i i i'44.1 , I, :it 1 . _,.. 7'...t»ci. .c . i.l ~~fi eery ku,r, r VOL XVIII. - DR. JO NOON 330*PCMI3CROP:WIPEll 1 LOCK ESPITIL ! H,A S discovered the most certain, speedy and effetenal remedy in the world for DISEASES' OF IMPRUDENCE. BMW IN 81X.TO.TWILVE HOURS Noiengl394t 1/ 1 40) 01 PPM: . A Cure Warrantedrorno Charge, In from one to Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limb; Strictures .Affections of the h idneys and Bladder, Involuntary discharges, Im potency, General Debility, Nerve_finess Dyspepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, ConfusiOn of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, TlmldiEy, Ttemblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, Di EWA of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Affec tions of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Bowels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those stoker end solitary pradt.caa more fatal to their Acting thas, the snug of i , lrfentlitt? the,Haritittre of xtlys ma, blighting their "cat brAint , hopeti or t =Solis/lions, renderinemafilage; 64,=itaPoisible. who IWO heeente ..of Sohterp Vice, that dreadful and destructive b ti bis which, annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave t; ttrainis Of 'lonia Men of the most exalted talents arriPitrilliant fittelhiet, ,who might otherwise him° , entranced .listening Senates lirlth.the kbigidera,of Actitasy, the tiviug lyre ray call with fail conildrice. • Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating, ,Lear; riage, being aware of physical weakness, ergot& debili ty, deformities, Sm., speedily cured. •He who-pieces biotech. under the. cafe of lor. . may religiously confide In We tenor .int a Beldlettlau, Iled.oen fldently rely upon his skill as a physician. 0614 . „ IthelecinglY GilreholladJP l l , • ,This distressing Affection — which renders life misera bYe end tharrihgrilingoesible—ia the'penalty paid by the ;tidbits of Improper-indulgences: Young persobs are too apt to. commis, excesees..trom not rbeing. aware of . the dreadful consequences that may 01104 MOW, Fite that understands the subject will pretend to de ny that the nowt er of procreation is lost sooner y these falling bah -im proper habitsithen , by the prudent nesideill being- de prived Ole pleasurekef.bealtby °Axing, the most .04- riousand eestructiverymptoms to both body and Mind 'arise. , The systembecomes - deranied;' Phyaleif and 'Mental IductionirWeakened,-Lass of 'Procreative Power; inervlonsdrratibility, Dyspepsia,. Palpitatiou of the Heart, ludigestipn, Cienstiinflon I „Lejkility,, Wasting of, the Frame, Cough, Consumption, 'Decay and q. Death. Office, No. 7 South Frederick Uri*, Left hand side going from Baltimore street, k ten , ' door. treMthe corder: rail-nlit to observe niline ind'number. • Letters must, be paid and containtt stamp The. Doc tor's Diplemesbsing in his otilso., A- Ours Warranted -in Two Days.- -" No Mercury or • Naussose 'Dittos, • • "' ' • - Member Sof the BoyarCoUegoof gurgeens,-London; Grad nate from one of themosicatineatOollageadn the.-United States, and the greater part of whose life has been [wean in the hospitals of Lendon,-Paris; Philadelphia add 331843- 91.0743, has:effected some the most saidoeisidng..oures that were ever known ; many troubled with ringing ip the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind were-cured immediately.— , • - • lake Particular Notice. Dr. J, addresses an Mose whohavelnlured theenselvee by improper indulge uce and solitary habit', which ruin both biidy and Wed, minting Manlier ' either bUSineee ,l study, society or marriage ,... - • , -4 . These are some or the sad anitmenuichdlly,effecte pro duced hy.earlf habits ierYinith, Vie WirAztelo .or the Back and Limbs, Pains in thiffead, Dimness of Sight, Ides of htdadulaf PoWer, Pollination Of the ' DW, popsy, Nervous Irratibildy;.Derangement oftheDigestive Functions, General Debility, Symplorna.of. ConsamptioN _ ainnesum—Theles;rful abets °tithe mind -are =Obi be'dfeatied—Losset Memory,,Zonfusitin Of idea* 'DOA pression.of Spirits, Evil Ferbedinp, Avers'iM to- Soreety,t Salflkstrust, Loveif. bolitndo, ilic.oirescitho .04 the hada produced. Violin:ode of personsof all aget.can now judge whit is the cause of their declining health, losing Meng Vigor becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having singular appearance about the eyes, cough' nd *lymph:hal of eonaumption. • Young - Men , '• - Who have injured themselves by a certain practice In &edged in when - alp% ha It Up/neatly learned, fro evil companions, or at school, the alkali sit which' ar nightly dolt, even when asleep; and' if not cured render/ marriage impondble •tutd destroye- both_ mind and body,; should apply imme diately,_.. What a pity that a young man the hope of his ,coun try, the darling of hirparenta, Should b e . AnakiLed wojni all prospectsand - erdoyinents of-11113, - by the conthquenee of deviating from the path of nature-and indulging in. a{ certain s ecret habit . Such persons musr,,berere contem plating Marriage, . redact that asennd mindiand-body ore Viir-most. -nose eery requisites to promote connubial happiness. Indeed, without these, the journey through lift becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and tilled with, the melancholly rent ction that the happiness cif Another' 'becomes blightch with" sine • : 'of Imprudence: When the thisguiltetand Imptudiait votary of pleatiurd }lnds that he-has imbibed the seeds , of this -painful die' .ease, too often bapenitthat an :ill-timed sense of abgia or dread ereiscoverY; deters him from applying OM whoiirom eluciation -and iiszieattabllity,, can -1010 friend him,:del4ing tilitheconslittitiond eyMptomi.itet dita . horr it disease make their appearance, such as .1111 cerated sore th roat, diseased ': nose, noctercai .paica the head audlinths,•dimness bf sight, deafness, nodes OS the shin Obles aid arms, blotches Onthe tired , fare 1114 1 ettininitieie, progressing , with. , frightfed- rapktity till at tr the palate.oh the mouth or the bones of She nose fall in, andithe yletim-of this awful disease become hofild ob . oct of commiseration, till death pats a peliodiiito his dreadfa-frefferin,ge; by sending him to that rjedlacoir; rered Country from whence no traveler returns:it. , • It is a melanchoily fact that thoisands fah victims to this.terrible disease, owing to the unskilfullness of igg -ant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Foie Memoir; ruin tie constitution and make the relidue o f i ilthmiserable. . - - . 7.. Strums....- - -Trust not your nye% or beauty to Alm oare of the man y Chdearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of kno ledge, manitor cliarailer;who copy Dr:Johnionts l oyerl , p or toementsi . or style nuimeelyes ln the newepapers' regularly Equated. PhYstdatts incsbabla Ad Kering, the keep you trifling month alter MOilin , takiiig , theirr . filth And poisonousnr ss canpoulds, or as Tong ad the entail fee can baobtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin, ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. dobluton is the only Physician Ave:tieing; . iltdcreolentiat or diplomaralwaya bangs In -his office. His remedies or treatment are-unknown to all other& Prepared trom a life htti)it. le the gr eat lmkPliaas'or Eir• rope, the first hi the countiy aura more extelliffire vats Practice than any other.Phyeician In the workL Pr t Indorseraelkt' of the Press. Themany thouthutis cured at this Inetnutton year tee year, and the numerous important Surgical Oper Inns pet:feinted by'Dr. Johnson, witneessed- by "the ,lioiterstof the wthin;. • .Cllpper,e and many other. pa pars, I:Letitia' of Which hairelthvidared' again and again before the public, besides his standing is isgentleman t t character and responsibility, is a sufficient pump tothe :Mated. - - . • skin Diseases s p eedily Cured. , Perseus writing should be particular in :directing then the following simmer : - CitiNNON 7 M - - 17.` JOH. Letters tooflothibe l'ilm.amomo-utinl'etu:LAKlEEMPltal,..Blatinttore, Md. I .. • wiIo,L4sALE - UMBRELLA, MANUFACTOAII Street; blow Aire; :SU - Tiir.&l4llFACTlTiag__ lataitEl44B,-: fatioLviva...virezmwa csm, will Punish 000 w EH PRIOES than CM be bought In any of taigaitaia am. 'Colman , inercluuds vom. gr. well to) all and mumble price. and quality,,and)xnaviaotr thedr olgoKhr thikr" aagg-dly. P. }_ i NDENT 1N ALL T RRISBURG, ,PA. : TUESDAY In EEMEM NICHOLS -Si BOWMAN, WHOLESALN ,A,ND,. MAIL GROCERS, Comer Front and Market Streets, IG9RBRIBURG, ESPEOTEUI4 4 ,I" , attention of .1.1,1 the public to their large and well selected stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FORRION AIR' DO - Including among ogiere„ . . SUGARS, • • • SYRUPS, • • TEAS, • • • • • COFFEEy • ;- . • - ' t ORANGES, • •LEMONE, FLotrit '.• • • • FISH; ' ...SAIT; • ,' • • J"BACON, BUTTER; &o. We _invite an, exantination . of our eiiikeriolt: NON •EXPLOSIVE COAt. The bkitle the market , 4n , every -respect, to gether with all khide of- • .; • • LAMPS, SHADES, - 161J1tNga8, '' WICKS and , .altaAlgi'OONlW CklesPir than 0 , 1 1 1 Awe ( 7 1 ilitrii40*.,' 144 on Land fiAwlTOldi , dude CEDAR AND WILLOW W ARE All stxlee and kinds of • • : carsaIIt4WARE,ANDALASSWARE, at the old stand, • NICHOLS is.BONTAAIi, , my2o .1 Comer.Vront.and. Market, Sta.., LIFE IN . 13:11:114 The: Ward Life; Inenraiwe, Anntitt 15m34,0ftaily 0f,41T4141.441:: 0: • 01110.Slor0:- 408 4 1 H 408 STREET: . (CHARTER PERPETHAV) •" 1.• - • ••• CAPITAL AND '' " """ , • THOMAS RIDGWAY; President. JOHN !II': JAMBS, actiume,' ' '- CJ to!' DISIIIIANOB LIVEi on Minima retain tibleterms: - They stet as Executors; Trustees-and -Guardians undo last Willa. and 'salient:Avers sod Assignees - -- - The capital being paid pp emd inVeitid; together wit a large and cmastantly.increuing reserved 104, .nifers Dislect , SKM 9 tY 1413. IMidted; - The prfthuas maybe paid yearly, Self or imp! terly. The company add a BONUS periodically to the Jghool 'ancestor la. The Elan liONEß.ippropristaM. cembes,lB4t th e SWORD, HAUS in December, 184 9 the mitb • a - oNoS Dimitber; 11354, Ind the YOUR sOicrusin 11159:' These addition' are made- without' to ("Wring say iztoreeet premiums -to -be pa id to: !uominuor. . , The tollowilag pre a-few examples from the IfrOitiir Am. 0FR010,041 Sum I Bonus or I bonus to be Inc Policy d addriou by .1 utMii7i4Bitions. I No. 8p Oboe $ 580 53 w I 152 WOO: "1,060 - t 0 - 4 ‘ 199 r. - 1000 :- 400 Oo '..- '' 838 f 6000 1,875 00 , ageut at Harrisburg and 'Oath Witt - jeiaaiy EAGLE ICE'S ..11arrinittlit relltervatia. 11 . 001-111NMS' *MIS STANDING P . RES . SICS, SAWING MACHINES, PRESS BOARDS • POR GRINDING CIITTING-MACHINEHNIVES. -Portable Cider Mills and Fodder Cutters SCHOOL FURNITURR,: General WOO Work and Iron and Bras C AST' I' 111 s , -2.! W031:1,11:11011114 ITB .1401 , 0gEs; SOARolit. SAWING;,PideIitIiCAUV:,- fir Any Machine of _Wood;lion or BM made to.ofder. . Gear_anki *Mr OntOng,:Ao KlO ' PATENT WOODEN SCREW CUTTING TOOl4 Cub pold for Old Copper,ltra% 13pItor, &o. STEAM. BOILE03;.,140.: PENNSYLVANIA 1kA1L40.411) ABOVE.STATE STREET' VBILAit WINDOW! GATES; Of various patterns, both stationary and mitnetnit. Sie Weights and various other bonding .esetungt for very drop at -the - Em924-Iy] '11.481,11 MOWS. GROVER & ILOCEiIi , CELEBRATE]) FA Y M4GILINtS PARTICULAR attention is called to ,th fabt that, beetles the mealtimes =Wag our 441 ; grated stitch; panehtetere In ipealeviiitety of eat, • FAMILY LOCK-STITCH, •MACHINOS• the .tleCulimitiea of eitet Alta will be cheer hail i heap ad explained le purchasers ad they hare greataillvantege of being able to Jain& from nut PP either &machine making the GROVER AID BLUR STITO or one making the 1 • LOCK STITCH, taw oialpoilwagihk3MMigAilql44o, PRIGS PION" 140 ' UPWIIIB. Office 730 Oheatuut Street, Philadelphia. For tale by m7 B -(l : TRA. ' airily Flciur, justreaeored ( 1 warranted to 'Aye eatialudion; for S& by, NICHOLS a BOWMAN, et of Front and Market Wee DUBE Cider. Vixtogg, .waryaig.o; for solo by _ • , NICHOLoksowvAN, • • : Corner !Wilt and Miiricet-atrate .11 li, 05r ,10,10 M:'(01#,1(.7.,.. 'ka. • -•-• 4: . IL"' my/BCiiiilerrt6ll4lllg- faisutlantous, 2MM2l==l ',Ear 60- 1, 1 400 00 , - .8,875 c 0 BIIIIRLIS WANINAOTOBES, or 308. V. .BlLlPriZigto 78 Market Street,lsrriabirg• --- G S TRAL AFTERNOON, JUNE 24, 1 ifrtictilanlom PLANTSI - IPIANTS 11 TOM ATO AND CABBAGE PLANTS CABBAGE PLANTB: - oer`tlif, per Crock' ; centif:plir , . 4 __:, 00 per PLOTS 10 meta per dozen, 7.6 cents per h:ondri'd, - ' per , thocsern'd':- 4 % • •'• I 4440 A ft " k i li dfl • I I R I V EGETARLES' Wholesale. or Retail. . , • BEEp' VOT4TOEs.' Davis' Seedling pet T70.01)148- • Peach Blows, . 50 wit% EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. Per bushel,',4it,, -` $2 00 Per brothel, lrholl4d, - • '" ' " ' ' "4 00 Per qu4rt , shkaliSd, ' " '•• • 26 01 ) 10 ra4 6 4 tctilke,OßlPAr.# l 4P l will be promptly J.. 13IOTINA,, ockr.lNG UNITED STATES BIOTINA ROOFING -VD; . No. 9 GORE 4400.14. , Corner Green and Pitts Streete, Bothiton, Mess. Pertable,Rooftng is the. only attiele ertr pirered the,publio, "this/Lis resdy, prepared to go on the roar Without any operation, It is tilshdentrii and eildtratsilliedaind can be 'sat tely and cheaply transported to- arty , part, of the World.' .It willnottatnt orAtiseolor.wateritunttunckv.ers sr. tying on it, and is in all ;cape to a very oesirable, article. Its noneonifintitig properatie idart. onitediallyto ediretirig manuftietottes of,firtetrs kinds; swig it is confident*: of fered to *Republic after a assi,otitoim years in ties of elynate tied letkictrata" for 60 , 00 ,g ah kinds o tootli,fitst or pipehed together with car s , . steamboats &o It Is both chi* ithd durable: - Agents wantnl, to alitom ibetvaindueernents acre offered Send-for simple; oiron ar, &Ct., with particulars, to "1/..e...1100.P1NG Co, , ititr 24 0811.1.4 No, 9 t ore it cook Boston." ,DAN I L, A. biITENOH- AGENT: 5 . I k. f ,ti ç ,Ad:NV:4l(pyf4r PliEk respd tfn l . y 1„. -infamy thipublic thlt tbli Old Dilly iraniui Orta iiii.eathi lin yWaitti aF ClOtidwih whet.: nce 'Gib Chip' isis *suites - del °partition; and 'prepared Ato carry freight as.low as any otharindividual flee oetween Philadelphia, ,Darrlabarg, Sunhery, Lewisburg, lyll llatuspbrl.,Jersey &ore, Lodi Haven and all other point °tithe N'arlhand'eudirtil, Philadelphia Itud i Erteand Wil 'llantspert ..s. J DANL A. MUENCil,,,Agcgt., Ifurrisburg t Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of 'Wail. Peacock, Zell & - 'nehmen, Noe 808 and 810 Market street anove R =N li f a 44 1 1111:011(4470111TM aprBo4diroyl ' - - - Tiate lkittiVatE.:::l(ElTltie . SANJAY INSIIMANCI COMPANY ~,,, ...„.IN,O 0a.z08,..CA80,J.5aft.,.....,....,. Capital sad Assets $869,126 ' - I . , - • - JURECTORS.• , • - Wm hiatio, Edniiiita:e..4'oucter,..theopitilus Paulding Jno B. Penrose, Jno: C: Davis Jas. Traquair, , Wm. Byre, jr James C. Hand, william,,O. Ludwig, Joseph H. Seal, Dr R. )11,11tston, George G. Leiper, Hugh Craig, Chad , . iftillti Wag t: htokesl Jiff. Petfaiiitoti,t}leary nit& linm Edward Dar on; H. Janes Brooke; Spencer Wlivaice Thomas C. Band, Robert Burton, Jacob P. Jones, Jam • B. -11 , Farland, Joshua P. Eyre, Join B. Semple. Pitts burg, 1r1.... Morgan, plusburgra. B. Berger t. Pillsburg. rt .., , , ; . itiAlt . 'llN , ,fresuiewt.. ThIGHAS ; moe, Vice PreWee. : :HitifRYITTRORN; Seer' . - - •.. - • • ll* underidgned aa'ageut ' for the above-named c om patty, continues to take Fire 'Risks in Harrisburg an. vicinity. -' • .: f in WAN _ :EVEILLA. ! - • iiiii:iiit: - • • - TDB BUT GOODS FOG ME LEAST MONK A. g tr ACM E L. Dealer In. BOOTS AND SHOES or oVerY , 111E-.-S-CRA-P"-TlO-1W - at P S rte t.dopr the-Court .14Elpe,j, Also a;'getielAliAwilmeat of TRUNKS; VA USW' igKI ORPKT: BAGS, 'a 16054 601 ; ' • ; ; •:• ludZS-dßixi; . . ;II; :S-MI-T.ll itßlemsved - his - Boot attif Bhoe - Stoi't AA. *Om the corner of Second and Walnut streets t , .I_9B MA 4- I .KET .STERE.Z' Next'door to name's Agr iculture-Stpre, whereto intend to keep all kinds of Boots a"d Shoes, Gaiters, Ao., and large stook of Trunks, awl everything in hie line of, - be stases • and irin be thansfal to-receive the. patronage o his Old ' oustomers and the pueii3 in' general at' his ne. Place of business. all kinds of work made to order M . lb best style and by superior workmen. Repairing Ode short nOtlell • ' taPr 2 dtt3 AOHNA Bißra TECEO: F. .6CHEFFER, BOOR AND , .41198 PRINTER " NO: 18,' MAJIZEI ISTRSET;' HAI3EIBBUEO. 1 ,- artitrtiordar atlantic* paid to- Pidstaiar, Rang.' as 'Bladipg of Railroad Blanks, lianifeote, Paolo, Checks Drafts, &e. Cam printed at $24 $4, and $5 pe Demand in elegant style. 120 ATLANTIC AND-..0H10 TEL' GI ADICOMPANV E Stockholder's annual meeting be held at the office of the Fecrelitry, (2 Pori: Place) 128% South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, o :11 liazar liFjjy At.niet. VONA+ Pr; fiS time an eleztion for nine direCtors will tato place, a such other business transited es may be brought b fore the meeting. H. H. EiIIILLINGIOI3D, jelb 411.1547 - PROF.- ADOLPH P. TEUPSER •,tifrOVLD-reepOOtfutly infittoi - his of Ty' , * Lofts od thie ptibeii generally, that- he - oontlnueth rivet atructions on the .PLalfo FORTE" ri LODEON; VIOLIN add also in th e schnicoel 'MOW BA.RB Re will w`tli pleasure wait upon pupdi at , t hems at any. noes desired, or lemon *ln - be ttre his 'residence IfitTbird' street; ~ few doors- below Vierinto Refokmed . . - -gee/15-0 IP, HE subscriber, will G ave Frei% 4 : keel; Beds ind othitrikesh truck bi-" Wages,: rr very..Twasday • and yrillar. -.Also Apples; Brant Zenie-Plee Atipleseßananas, &0., for sale at the list Wise in,Tbird *sr Weisel street,: Nev, 460 r Bradley's Barber •" - lei _ , . • - - -'. FLOWER BEEDSI . :. .„ . A 'CHOICE tot of ASTER'S auk • ',., • NEM. =KR& with a geaer,il variatyht ' ,02 — ', 93 = a ntd Salm , Saadi!, , TOWillat : 111 F;;:a fi lto -1 .., , FARETRAtk.V4B' . - - toreak,m,..nbYTA araIoWAON.-- luscpeeigyedga d maricttr-r- jelt N:•0 E BY TIMM From oar Morning lattlosi" THE PHILADELPHIA RACES. . '; • 'Prattriteektik, June 23. The' Philad p ;simmer ;aces commenced to-day at Suffelk,:Pavk. The weather was fine and the attendancolaxge t . A .A . 49 first stake for three year okisi. mita:heats, ,wcis won by West. Roxbury. Tiftlo7-3144,..4.431. The second stake ' „for two. txd4l „dash, was _won Pope Surgart./ s XXXVIIth Oongress—First Session lIVANItENIMN; 5111i1113. "SirOVIDi, (OhiO;) iel34iiVeil ift4 petitiOn '4( citizens of buitilloga conntY; 0116, ptaiißktbati they veiwed with deep hynildht:Aort. the, ,fael that thp,, military ; , toAlerities Of the Violteni infiaßelgn't° rebels. llPYlnify S . P44Veligil tile, protection of Feuels any. Nraitols,, an aelkfpg: tor the pamitge of a CotAftiscagon_4llpt. . 4r• TaPfa ,l i r uo?.,M -I .sP!OentooPstiiii*fialn i citiTeps,,4 Fulton "o,*Lty,,Pingis t _del4g - 4i'e dOverilment;',4ili e4,ild'lts:piiifeCtion " over all ,13()10 i4 1 : . PP 0 0.1.e. lia t4oße:s i4FeViri4l4t 74: o4t regard, to color. , , , Mi. W:6 1 1, ,e(ini t4e d 4 . - mik9aYtPe on -Te,rilis - reported i TO 'tiFoiiiding lor,llie,,4mviiii of theStateo&Westerti.Viigniiii intkit i liePolori. -v.f...T., , ricf) fronilhe ifi).44 . i,doinMit; ) 4e, -.reported a bill t4:44 l fsli :cPYtfila,ATatiOSW AISePO4 ., . - ( I .- „ -., T . , . I .l l r ) W4S° 2l , .(P‘afNf:) l(R 11 54iked a: bi 4 fp; lii PTSW za, . t,i3O* of an ATTY corps 1 - 11,1 1 44. .tP . 6 .4 Vktt' ti/t N;arleas,divieigns, 14;terreci;', . the Mi!Wirig , gia,m*C. .1. • ,_ i t . an motion Of 14. r. Qiciii,te, (Thwa,) l / I ,e_bill ui tbo better, govprepi,e4 of Vie • Xavy, 'was - take 1 11 1 ,ag ili§caMeilp AIWTs• PlPFXritie gAL , E UP 4 44 1 SEES,PintiOPOkag IA P l O tiPb4.€,) ' • . debate ._ amendmente were adopted.,, .., _ .. The amendment offered by JO. Tinippii, to, except, ali., for , whopit„the. estitAto_ki,pre scribes kn . 4,91geg,.W. 1 .411 amended'. on ..11ac1.4 0 . ,of ,44.,,PAyikso_ae to fox:tiler, ,eicogpt *enatore 1 ,11cpreseatativee and,„, tiw:Yf4s greeßeiii,:an. was adoPt4 4 11 4V9. 1.4 was -yeas 4 nays 5; viz:—Xectre.., ,ayard;c4ifilii,gerinay Powell and P 8 440m. ~, , .: : ~ . . . :. x.t. Viissuips#, - 019.1,114? heit Ilie ,Ceing# tee of copfeience-01k.A4 v. kill rejsule ,o, re , 1 4. lIE/fm`/ 4 14.6Pc1k5 1 . 46 1 44 4P, ililL,w46l o five,man wt. KttQn AB, ,IlleiheltlV9 b ounty, .tc.. the laoalifiWtliNTS , .Mk YNPIARO seek ...t9 49 2 feat the report qt the manatltee of conference 1 1, t WasiollP. o o.,4 .-to...SsAtiiatYi . AeLIA P committee concurred in. - - Mr. POIVALL introduced a bill relatixt . tplii AO Of :the,helk(LdePettfßeete• _ ration " T IF .m Ol O 3 ll to tit 4 4 - 1 1P. 11 :4 1. 1:4 e.f 0 44 -,AMgd gt , oie!tiet e..clePetftpte;,iii Senate -b f4pec4arc°Y.lP reNfilg ;Ole 4 3.0e5h40, the Weit: eieelAive Bee§. l 6l, . Aleorliell%. HOTF4OF' REPI43IUNTATIVES The bill to establish. Land District in - ice vadri.Territory was passed. " : • Mx. Lovejoy, (111,) introduced a bill rela ling to Colored Schools in the District of Col =ibis. 'Referred. . . Mr. Lovejoxasked leave to introduce a bi amendatory of-the District of Columbia man cipationlUt. It provides that the 'Commis siouers assessing thavalue of slaves shall : governed by the cash value at.the time of the passage of' the act. ' - The- CommiSsioners in all smiles where it charged oli.the oath of any respectable perso. that the claimant is disloyal or, has given n. (limit:don bantimettts, should sum mon witnesses( ) none of whom . shall be exclude. on account of color. shall be shown tha such claimant htis given aid or tomfOrt to th enemy the claims shall be disallowed. _ Mr. W1CK14714 (lll.,)'ajected. to the intro duction of the bill. . . . . Mr. LOVIGJOY. it is simply for referenCe: Mr. WlPParrn. I dora care what it's for: object. Mr. Law, (Ind:,) introduced a resoltitio. which was referred to the Committee on Nava Affairs, tenderini the.' thanks of . the Hoag: Eo Captain Charles H. Davis and the officer. and crews, for the brilliant events on:the west ern' waters. . • Mr. Dawn, (Mass..,). called up. the resoltitio from the Committee on Elections, dearer". that Charles H. Foster, in not entitled to a sea as a representative. of. the-Second Congression. District of North Carolina. Passed. • Iloth:Mr..Bitowiii,,(lL, and4.llx.,.Eta characterized the claim as zarand the fabric of a vision. The House went into committee of - th whole on the bill authorizing an additio I • issue of U. S. T(easury notes. Mr. BAKER; (N. Y.,) said that he had vote. every means - to enable the Executive to pu down this causeless and wicked rebellion•; ba the measure pending was an unwise one an. will leitd to sad .disaster, and more, that h could not sanction it. L- He examined the financial transactions of th Treasury, some-of - which he argued-were ind , tensible. - . The issue of $00,000,000. of. legal teirde notes as proposed, was unnecessary.- Tfie ismild not be ihon6y,lit merely evidences debt and irredeemable: After a debate, Mr. PAULDINC(.I3 amendme to the first section was ailopted—yeas '57, nit , 417. This atnendnient provides fer the issue one hundred and fifty millions of dollars United States notes , not bearing interest, pay: ble t i p the bearer,,ancl ofrch denomiruttion ' the Sk•retary`of the-Tres t suly may Zeilre *:xp • dient ; provided, flat - la; 'ride - shllf be kw: . for the fractional part of a dollar, ,anct more than fifty millionsshall be of a lower d nomination than five dollars. - This is the only amendment to the first tion.. The other sections were not on,- and t l 9 bill passed over. ' . h - Mr. &Emus from the committee on conf amen merits ence, made report on• the disigreeing - am , merits tO thelat vi is - After the exp'ranations the report was adop —;one hondredAnd si.F.against seven : . , Adjourned from.WindLester , Ya.) states t among the rankest of the rank secession 1: there is Mrs. Dandridge,better known as ie islisg,"-lhe daughter oP the. late Pregid Zachary Taylor. e ohe4d, or ME , IQt.-45 SENATE.' =MEI . - .. i ftsart , i in - tit:li . 5 Having procured Steam Power Preasee,3we are prem. ed to execu t eJOB add BOOECTIONWNG oteiery descrigr: ionfheuper than it ea be dretsat any other es mr l a ec.ry .L . I i frt. : . 4...,„ Tina; ', !-, • 0 liar our IlueltSr leas ecmstitnte one- spare Higbli Nos op-more than Tour constitute a square. Half Square, one day ~ one Week , a""- one month "' 4i (...-:' •0 " onths .... .4 7 ii-..i - ort-, II u One,Sq arl, , ;i., : 7!1A- * . "7-. ons. , - :: .-„, if 011400111P: 1 4k4 . 411. - a,,,.... .... .... 500 " .. ttbi ,:insialma . -i., .... ...10 00 It I SIX thitiVil t.l4;ti' ....... AOO t hi i one ear.— • ' .... 20 00 1 Column, or Ifir Btugn i r s nett inserte - PRIt LINA before Marri and 'Deaths, RIG c• - . 1 for each Insertion-0 '. Are Itariges and Deaths t o be obargodfas regular ad vertisements MUM LATER F-R-011-ItEVIC4RLEANB Summary Punisbment of B filar = -Opinions of the kress, _ ._ By the arrival of the steamer Boattokg, Ngw York, on Sunday, we have files : of tEe New Orleiths Trim - Delta and - igie to the 16th instant, from which we select the 15 - 1 , lowing.. items: - - _ Military- Governor , of -New Orleans, The Picayune of the 15th inst., says: - -‘ _ The designation of_ Mr. James Ro;obb as Milt tary Oovernor of New Orleansomiler the autho rity of the United States, has produced general and strong manifestations of pleasure among our citizne. Mr: . 4130 b is universally known and respected in this community forhis liber ality, his lotelligence, and his extensiye andin7 timate knoweledge of the condition, the char acteriatici add the needs of Our city. - An' Mr elusively commercialcity, New Orleans requires, in the authority, which is to control its admin istration., .intimate knowledge of commercif l affairs; and this requirement Mr. Robb posses= es in-a large 'measure: . • , Xore Wendel% to be Rung The following order of (General Butler- ap pears4n the-papers of the'lsth inst., and cater that crime is no, longer to go unpuniaLed in New Orleans: HEADQZARTatIaRiARTALFSTOF THE GULF, } Nsw 'OILLEANS; June 13, 1862. Special Orders No. 88.—William M. Clary, late second officer of the United States steam transport Saxon, and &anisfans Roy, of New Orleans, on the night 'of the 11th June Wit; 'having' forged a • pretended authority of the Major General Commanding,. being,armed, in company with other evil_ disposed __pers under false n Imes, and in a pretended. uniform of soldiers of the Kinited,,StateeTentered the house of , peaceable citizen, No. 93 Toulouse street, about the hour of 11 o'clock in the night time, and there iri a pretended Search for arms and treasonable. correspondence, by virtue -of such forged authority,. plundered said house, stole therefrom eighteen hundred and eighty five dollars in current bank notes, one gold watch and chain, and'one bosom pin. ' - This outrage was reported, to the Command ing General at 12 o'clock, A.. ar., on the 12th day of June instant, and , by - his order Clary and Ri)y were detected 'and arrested on fhb same day, and .brought•before the Commanding General at, 1 p'clock,. P. m., of this. day, when and where it appeared, by uncontroyertible evidence, that the facts above stated were true, and all material parts thereof were voluntarily confessed by nary and Roy. • It further appeared.that Clary.and Boy had before this occasion visited other houses of -peaceable 'Citizens in the night time, for ilk's purposes and Underlike false pretenceki. " Brass knuckles;" burglars' keys and a por tion of the stolen property, and other .property stolen 'from other pFties, were found upon the person of _Roy and in ,his. lodging $; Whereupon, after a full hearing of the de fenie of the said Clary arid Roy, and due con sideration of the evidence, it was ordered by the Commanding Generabthat Wm.? M. Claw and Stanislaus Roy, for their offences, be pin ished by being hanged by the neck until they were dead, and this 'sentence he executed uphn them - and each - of there, between the hours of 8 o'clock, a. m.,- and 12 as., on Monday, the 16th of June inzt., at or near the Pariah Prison, in the city of New Orleans. The'Proirost Marshall will cause said senten ces to be executed, and for so.doing this order ball be sufficient warrant. By command of - MAJOR GENIM AV, BETLER, Comnianding Department, R.:S. Dims, Captain and Acting A. G. James McDonald, an accessory to , the, !biirg lary was sentenced to five years imprisonment in Fort Jackson, with-a ball and chain. FROM NORTH CAROLINA. Rebel Brigadier General -Hanged 14 North Carolina Troops. • _ -- [From the NeWbern Prcgress,•June 16.] Sic North Carolina.regiments have been ilia- banded by the rebels at Richmond, and are now-under guard,, previous- to which, howevec, they hung their Brigadier General. ThMt, again, is furnished more testimony corrobora tive of the truth of our statements-that there is a Union sentiment growing in this State, and a wide spread dissatisfaction with the Southern Confederacy. The above is from sources that entitle it to credit. Repentant. Rebels. Fromth:e Newbern Prcgress, June 16 On Thursday, the 12th instant, twelve rebel dragoons who had been mustered out of the rebel service on account of being over forty five years of ag% came into Washington and gave themselvebbp to the Federal authorities. It is reported that on, Friday; nearly one hun dred came in and surrendered themselves, but how true this is we cannot say. Miscellaneous Items. - [Froii Me Nefobern Progress, lune:l6l - . . _During - the battle of Trader's Creek, Lien tenantAvery, of the Marine Artillery, -thought he discovered rifle shots coming from the -leafy boughs gatell elm, not very far distant from the field of battle. He - accordingly 'filled his howitzer vefth grape and elevatedit with a very satisfactory result, tumbling half a score of the rebels to the ground. Not a . bad shot consid ering the result.. - 'Since the capture•CfNevihein the rebels have disabled five of the engines of the A. and N.D railroad,- and-they are now lying useless at Kinston and Goldsborough, not having The means orenergy to repair than. in want Captain Monett, at Kinston, Is sadly of - recruits for his Rebel cavalry. Helygits about thirty, and offe rs sion to the man who . will furnish thero la r d a lieutenant's: . cconiniet- ... np in the Rebel army! On the ult , the Rebels at Goldsboro' e - 3 received reinforcements from- Raleigh by rail, as we peceive by the Raleigh papers. MARKETS BY TELEGRAM Partenxtratt; Xune * Flour continues dull; salts of 20,000 RIL, at $4 34 for spring wheatsuperfine, $4:75.f0r extra, and $5 25®5 75 for extra faniily.."rtha receipts are -light,-..n0 change inliye &Mir or corn thee"; wheat is in fine detuarid,aryi-8,000 inistiels sold-at $1 20®1 23-for itedr)rid r sA, for inferior, and - Si 33 for Whitd.:: Ryelisteady, and 10 , 000 buittels sold at 53 c6,54u15.:4)a1a are tdrill-arene. lower ; 5000: brainels sold at 38c. for-Delaware, and.31901410a. for, Poinnsylvinia. -., cfreei's -firm ;: saleei.of-Eibatiii3,o,2lo.,:=And /A -210.. Pre/visions cltdl=siiiall-ftiles ''' of mess-pork ' ' - " " - SO 24 1 25 2 50 4 00 600 .....10 00 BIM =NEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers