. . . . . . . . ... . . . ~..,---------- . , I , 4. ..,----_-_-,--1 . . I N Gi..k....-4447--_----_-":11(:\ . N . . . _ 11 , , / . I BY GEORGE BERGNER. E I 14,),!._4':illtAPIJ PUMA: in) UM' DAY, lIV EOM BERGNER. I. ERmS.--Strini 13111190111.710 A. ino iIA lIX 1111.141RAPH 111 served to subscribers le the lit at 0 cents per week Yearly subscribers will be , ibLreell 04 00, in adVislibe WISILIT AND eansi-WHatit Titan Lira. The Trutanape is also published twice a week during he session of the Legislature and weekly during the , mainline of the year, and furnished to subscribers at nu lullowing easb rattlis,vik : Angle subscribers per year Seml-Weekly..sl KO Ten tt It ti ..12 60 Pauli " Si di ..211 00 iMeAkbacelber, Weekly RATER Of ADVERTPENG. ier Four lines.or less constitute one-half squire. Bahl Wee or more than roer constitute a soave. Hell MUM one dayweek t • 50 26 14 one 1 26 41 one month ...... ..... 2 60 .. three months .......... ........ 4 00 elk months 6 00 4. one year.. ....... ..... • • ........10 00 One Square, one day 64 one week . 200 /I one month ..... 6 00 .. three months 10 00 II six months 16 00 .. one year .................... ... 20 00 sir Beelllo/311 notices Inserted In th LeosChlumn, or before Merriam; and Deaths, RIGHT DENTS PER LINE for each insertionl az- Merriam and Dentin; to be charged as regular ad vertisements eijuitmAsi. POST OFFICE NOTICE• On and after May 6th, 1862, the mails at this office will be closed as follows: NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY Man,—For all places between Harris burg, Lock Haven and Elmira, N. Y., at 12.00 M. SOUTH. WAY Man—For all places between Harris burg and Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 12.00 M. For York, Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D. C., at 900 P. M. LEBANON VALLEY RAILROAD. EAST. WAY MA:IL—For all places between Harris burg and Reading, Pottsville, Easton and Philadelphia, at 7 00 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WAY MArt—For all places between Harris burg and Philadelphia, at .6.80 A. M. For Philadelphia and Lancaster, at .12.00 M. For Bainbridge, Mariet- • ta, Columbia, Lancaster, Philadelphia and New York, at 8.16 P. M. For Lancaster, Philadel • phis and New York, at 9.00 P. M. WAY MATIr—For all places between Harris-. burg and Altoona, at 12.00 M. For Johnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., Cincin nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at 246 P. M. For Lewistown, Hun tingdon, Tyrone, Al toona, Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, 9 00 P. M. CUMBERLAND VALLEY BA.ILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, Shippensburg, Chamberaburg, Pa., and Hagerstown,Md:, at.. 7.00 A. WAY Ku—For all places between Harris burg andChamberaburg, at ..12.80 P. IL SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL WEST. ROAD. For Ellwood, Pinegrove, Summit Station, Au burn and Pottsville, at 12.80 P. M. STAGE ROUTES. Fox Linglestown, . Manada Hill, West Han over, Ono and Jones town on. Monday, Wed nesday and Fridny 7 A. M. For Lisburn and 'Lewis berry, on Saturday 200 P. M tirOftice Hours—From 6.80 A. M. to 8 P. AL, Sntiday from 74 toA. M., and from 8 to 4 P. M. GEORGIC ffERGNER, Postmaster. BOOKS FOR FARMERS, THE attention of agriciilturists is directed 1. to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE. FARM, de- tailing all the labors of huabandry and the beat way toperform them. Price....B 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and Reel Economy 400 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11en....1 00 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Bnel.. 76 LEcITIBES ON PRACTICAL •AGRICUL- TUBE, by Johnston. 60 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni- Newai handbook, with 400 engravings-2 50 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEES, 11 Weeks 20 rhe Nature and Treatment of Moans of Cattle, by plum 100 LEIBIG'S AG RI.OULTITRALOBEMIBTBY 76 MUCH COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the production of milk, butter, cheese, by Flint 60 GRASSES AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 50 SAXTON'S HANDBOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, &c., 8ca..1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Prac tical Farmer, by Dr. Gardner. 1 60 ALLEN'S DOMESTIC ANIfdAIS . .... 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF MANURES, or American Muck Book .... .. •. 1 26 IRE HORSE AND HIS D.TBIGASES, by Jennings 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE 1 25 HIND'S FARRIERY and STUD 800E....1 00 HORSEMANSHIP and the Breaking and Training of Horses 75 Standard Books, School Books, and every thing in the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE. SUGAR CURED HAMS; DRIED BEEF, SHOULDERS, O LGNA A large and fresh sepplyjus BOt reee&vedßADSAG by ft WY. DOGE Jr., di Intbital DR. JOHNSON 3381-MXINICCIOR3II LOCK HOSPITAL! LT A S discovered the most certain, speedy Li. and elfetoual remedy In the world for DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. ast tor .steno- fm movie. No Mercury or Noxious Drum Cure Warranted,,vr no Charge, in tom one to*Two Days. Weakness of the Back or Limbs, Strictures, Affeetions of the it idneys and Bladder Invo l untary' ischarges, Im potency, General Debility, Nervousness,' Dpipepsy, Lan guor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings, Dimness of Sight or Giddi ness, DI seams of the Head, Throat, Nose or Skin, Aire s nous of the Liver, Lungs, Stomach or Ltoerels—those ter rible disorders arising from the Solitary Habits of Youth —those am= pad solitary priuMeas more fatal to their victims than the song of :pens to the Mariners of Ulys ses, blighting their most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering marriage, impossible. • Young Men Repaotally, who have become the :victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which annual ly sweeps to an untimely grave titouranda of Young Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellea, wbo might otherwise have entranced listening Senates with the thunders of tailotmence or waked to ecstasy the living lyre, may can Whit full confidence. ]Marriage. Married Persons, or Tormg Men contemplating mar riage, being aware of physical weakness, organic debili ty, deformities, do., speedily cured. He who places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman, and con fidently rely upon his skill as a Physician. Organic Weakness immediately Cared, end full vigor Restored. This distressing Affection...which renders I Re misera ble and marriage impossible—ls the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Young paroles are too apt to commit enemies from not being aware of the dreadful eonsegmences that may ensue. New, who that understands the subject wilt pretend to deny that the pow er of procreation is lost sooner ry those falling into im proper habits than by the prudent Beside, being de prived the pleasures of healthy Spring, the most se rious and destructive symptoms to both body and mind arise. The system becomes deranged, the Physical and Mental Inactions Weakened, Low of Procreative Power, Nervious Irraifbiiityy, Dyspepsia, Palpitation of the Heart, Ibdigestion, Oonittimilmu 1 Debility, a Wasting of the Frame Cough, Corummption, Decay and Death, Mike, No. 7 South Frederick Street. Left band aide going from Baltimore street, a few door. tram the earner.,Fell not to observe name and number. Letters must b paid and contain a stamp. The fbc• tora Diplomas hang In his office. A Cure Warranted in Two Days. Me Mercury or Noumea Drugs, Dr. Johnson, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons, London, Grad uate from oue of the most eadnent Colleges in the United Steles, and the greater part of whose lite has been spent in the hospitals of London, Pas* Philadelphia and else where, has effected some of the most astonishing our el that were ever known • many troubled with ringing in ihe.kusd.artst-aarst arbsticuisidwe r itreatllietVOUllll6l3B, being alarmed at sudden sounds, bashhiltiess,_,Ftsa -- frequent blushing, attended sometimes *Mt derangement of mind were cured immediately. Take Particular Notice. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured themselves by Improper tadulge.me sad solitary habits, which rain both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. These are some of the sad and melancholly * effects pro. duped by early habits or youth, via : Weakness of the Barn and limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimness' of Sight, Lass of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the heart, Dye. popsy, Nervous Irratihdty, Derangement of theDlgestive FUUCUIMS, General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, 100 iiill2ALLY.—The fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded—Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas , De premien of Spirits, Evil forbodinga, AVeril'on to Society, Self. Distrust, Love of eolitude, Timidity, .tc., are some of the evils produced. Timm= of personae all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing their vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and emaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. Young lien Who have Injured themselves by a certain practice i dodged In when alone, a habit frequently learned front evil companions, or at school, the effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and If not cured renders marriage Impossible, and destroys both mind and 'body, should apply immediately. What a pity that ayoung man, the lope of his coun try, the darling of his parents, stead be snatched Irma all prospects and enjoyments of lilt, by the consequence of deviating from the path of nature and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons min, before contem plating Marriage, redact theta mound ruled and body are theiSmord nacos eery requisites to promote connubial tappinees. Indeed, without these the journey through lifo bwemes a weary Pilgrimage ; die proepeot hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and Ailed with the melancholly reflostke that the happiness of another becomes blighted 'with our own. Disease of Imprudence. When the misguided andimprodent votary of pleasure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this mink! dis ease, it too often balers that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery, deters him from applying to those Who, from eleoation and respectability, can alone be friend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms on this hose d disease make their appearance, snob as ul cerated sore threat, diseased nose, nocturnal- pains in the head and limbs, distressed sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity , till at last the palate of the mouth or the bow of the nose fall le, and the victim of this awful disease become a horrid °Wolof commiseration, till death pats a period to his dreadful suileringe, by sending him to 4 that Undlacov vered ()unary from whence'no traveler returns." It is a rerlafiehray fad that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskilfullness of igno rant pretenders, who by the use of that Deadly Poison, Merewy, ruin the constitution and make the residue ci life miserable. • - angers. Trust not your lives, o Str r hest*, to the care of MU many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of know ledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnson's adver sentiments, or style themselves in the newspapers, regularly Macleod Phypicians inclinable of Curing, they keep yon Wing month after month taking their filthy and potsonousness compounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruin ed health to sigh over your galling disappointment. • Dr. Johnson is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hangs in his office. Ills remedies or treatment are unknown to all others, prepared Dam a lire spent in the gr eat hoepitals of Eu rope, the first in the country and a more extensive pri vate Practice than any other Physician in the world. Indorsement of the Press. The many thousands cured at this institutton year at year, and the numerous Important Suilical Opera- Done performed by Dr. Johnson, teltuesissed by the re portant of the ceart," "Clipper," and many other pa pas, notices of ninon have appeared again and again before the publics, besides his 'tending SS a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a sufficient gnarrautee tithe affileted. skin Di/1821161 bpeedily Oared. Persona writing ahould be partninlar in directing lheir letters to hie Institution, in the following manner : JOHN M. JOHNSON, M. D. Of the Bshtmore Lost 'Hospital, Baltimore, lifd WHOLESALE UMBRELLA. MANUFACTORY No. 69, Market Street, below Third, 111031.1116121110, PA.. M. 8. EL. LEE, MANUFM II ACTURER OF MBRau. PABSOLS and WALKING GANGS, will Arni m ,goode st.LOWZR PRIM t it an can be bought in any of be Luzern cities. Omar/ merchants will do well t o an and azailine prom and qmdlty n andOnvthea them elves;pr' - •• • aollikily. HARRISBURG, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 18, 1862. Ntw 20vtrtiatintnta PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS. Just received, at BERGNER'S BOOK STORE, a full supply of PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Embraeing all the new Styles , end SiieB:l4" ALBUMS FOR 12 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOB 2k PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 2 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS- FOR 30 PHOTOGRAPHS ALBUMS FOR 60 PHO1) /RMTOL Prices from Seventy -Ave Cents To Twenty-give Dollars. 'r BOUND IN CLOTH, WITH CLASP BOUND IN FRENCH MOROCCO, Fw-rq BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITH TWO CLASPS BOUND IN TURKEY MOROCCO, WITS PANELLED BIDES BOUND IN VELVET, WITH CLASPS-VERY RICH. BOUND -IN MOROCCO, WITH HEAV MOUNTINGS AND CLASPS CTURES FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUM PORTRAITS OF DISTINGDISBEED MEN. T 1 PORTRAITS OF DISTThIGUIUSED WOMEN COPIES OF RARE ENGRAVINGS. oorizts OF CHOICE PAINTER'S .Any Orr& ck Visitie published in the country will be furnished to order. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, Of any eke net in the standard styles will be made to order BERGNER'S HARRISBURG- COAL OIL DEPOT FOR the safety of consumers, we hav e . established a OW Oil Depot at the corner of Fro a ant liarket streets. All our oils are tested and we posi tively sell none except such as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free front odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the following justly celebrated brands. Mag nolia, ROSiIISON Behrens and Lucifer, lower than can be parchasei elsewhere In this place, either wholesale or retail: Also an extensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, Glass Mines, Burners, Eui.We will also change Maid or campherai lamps, so as to be 114 ed for coal oal. Oall and satisfy 'ourselves, at maim a BOWMAN, aprll Corner of Front and Market street. PROP. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER. WOULD respootfulky inform hit*. Old patrons and the public generally, that he *lll continue to give instructions on the PIANO FORTE, II& LOAM, VIOLIN and ahe In the potence at THORMIUM BA-92.. He will with pleasure welt upon pupils at then homes et any noun desired, et Mauna will be given a be residence, is Third What, a few doors below th Sermon ftformed Church. " deolft:Oh PORT FOLIOS 1 trrIIITING DESKS, V V TRAVELING- BAGS,' - PUBSES, rosTmolikm, And a general assortment of FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. BLACKING 1 MAtION 13 "CHALLENGE BLACKING. 1.00 Gross, Resorted tightest received, sad tor esie.ut Whokissie Feces, dell WV. DOOR, Jr.. & OD. SOAP, Harrison, Country and Fancy, for Bale by NIILZIOLd & BOWlinn,- 1 1 Call north•etaat corner of Wont and Madan streets. lABT.ERSIVE SOAP something better _Air than Harrison's Household Soap lust received and for sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Jed Corner Front and Market streets. ICE ORSAM dancers,. Philadelphia style Arida by NICHOLS & IloWN&N. my2B ' corner front and Market streets- SALAD OIL. 9 .rgo supply of fresh • Salad Oil, in urge :and email bodAmo, and of 'different beings lest received and dg sale by WY. DOCK, in. & CO. EXTRA Family Flour, just reoeived and warranted to give ardialsetion, for saki by • NICHOLt it BOWMAN, Ely= Oorner of Front and Market street. TURE Cider Vinegar, 'warranted, just received and for labs by NIO3OLB a BOWMAN, my2B Corner Front. and Marcel term*. SIIPERIOn Dandelion Coffee, just ra reugsfed and tor IMO by MICHOIB & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market drools. my9S V.OOO pur "I d l l l as B a l tr e a ve r ry i km e lksaie' or retail by WM MOIL JB., & 00. LiAlr.blted Chocolate and Cocoa, also Ileolcer'a Barba, for Bala by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Owner Prong and &Won Wade. IM rIOAL Ratzotia.,Magnolia, Lnoifer; ‘ 4 .) And dhow num4xikAive brads, Tbr sale low By NICROLI3 i BOWMAN,. Comer MWA and *alai tArMa.- MI Cheap Bookstore. Misullatuuns WM. KNOCHE, 98 _Market street, Barrisburg, Pa., DNALIIII IN P I A.IV XTEW ROSEWOOD iIANOS, from the bee II makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. Puii BEST MANUFACTURED INSTBU• MENU, FROM $46 to $lOO. u l' u r""YiqP r q i44 F 4: Z d "VSrkr " 3 4FFifes, Drums, Ean'iod,lWies , utinest Violiri snd Gutiovistitigo aodhoust cal merohandisii hi geneiral. • SHEET MUM; THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on , sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT I.iND ROSEWOO Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pietares alivays On hand. ' A fine Assortment of biet plated Loorrrifta. From smallest to largest sizes. - Any , style of Iframe to (Wei at the ahorteet notice.. ' WM. KNOCHE, '93.Max*t,etreet tebl9-wigsly . UN , UO N ` , R.-E8 L' A. t.T:d,' A. N T MITITAnn AND str*iiilitt. 5AL00N, .... .. 'T An n .. NO. 1.1.9 , 11 UT STREET, NEAR FiLITH. l _ iVE efilxiOibeke having erected a tar, g e building at the above Awe, expready for the purd o ttek above indicated, bog to calt the attention at the pub ,lhato thelotionileg i • WiletAincou Ole Ant Boor, with a dn room attar, - Mac IS tn. lirstelasa style, and fi n ing. w at all thrien he seiiii .WI ' the best OYarthS to had in the; Atlantic .infiesi together with' terra p in; 'in ' all d ie Linde of game, Wigwam. tiyatera served a in every style, amd mettle to be MA at all home. • The Aterof all tealebrated ; bricieries tu i tbe enantry tionlityntly on 1 1 The Ten.pin Alley, or4lovelinn Saloon, if le the rear, 'eaPtilima three Oeri 4 modern construction; where .hlevera at this beatify estereiee can enjoy aleatalves . The Billiard 'Saloon leuplitairi—ekgiunty fit ted : a up, and Contains three marb l e top combination ou ta. bias, equal to any made . .,. Harrisburg bas gNs th e wait of a grand 'oombin. Mimi of thfit Itiiiii, ese the proprietors are deter:nin tl e ilst.idiliondidt it bra. and orderly manner, and do eve rything la their power to Make it a hisatoriable' retort, they hope.to receive a liberal share of public) patronage. • MS.& • • WILLIAM C. IteFADAIIN &AO. , • COAL ! COAL ! $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OP 2,000 1,138. t' 0 , P 0.1182.11.8 , ' -`b...---..- uFFidit - and yard on the Canal, foot of Northatreet, Wholesale and Retail dealer in TREVERION wzazgLatax • z,rirsirs YdLLSY 317NBORY and BROAD TOP COAlle [Wales anddealera may rely upon obtaining a first rate article, and Hill weight, at the lowed rates. Orders promptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present trine, SS, and $2 80 per ton. Harrisburg, Aprli 18.-dly GREAT ATTRACTION, CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large and well selected stock of pleased fancy Confectionery of all kinds. a. great va. riely or toys of every description, Ladies' Worm Blinds and:Fancy &skate, Foreign Frans, Nuts, Dates and all other articles generally sept in a confectionery and toy store. liceeiving fresh supplies every week. Call and examinefor-yoomives. WA. H. WAOGONKR, apria-dem Proprietor. - • STEAM' BOILERS, LTA VlNG . madi3 efficient and permament IX arrangements for the purpose, we aro now pre parep to matte SrEADI BOILERS of every kind, prompt ly and at reasonable rates. We shall use iron made by Bailey & Brother;the reputation of which is second to none in the market. Nose but the beet hands employed. Repairing Prompt ly attended to. Address EAGLE WOREs, my22ly Harrisburg, Pa. scauFFElar BROTEERS & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS ND , DNALERS in Fancy Goods, Per- 401.1smer.y, &o. elan agents for the axle ol Sell nevi Petroleum, illuminating Oil, superior to any noel on • furnished Many quautitlee at the lowest market rates, 170 and 172 William 'Street a2ld6m) NEW YORK. ANOT,IILE. SUPPLY OF .010.1RTON'S UNErVitT.T.ED GOLD PENS, 'T l'Ebld in the world, for 750, $l. 25 j $1 co, sa, as, and It, for sale at reb/ 6- 7 • LICIDIFFEWS Bookstore. • • VANILLA BEANS, B are offering for sale a splendid gnaiity oC Vanilla Bonn at low prises by .the pound, ounce or singly. B.SLLIIMS MUG aTOttli, 9L Market Street. HAY 1 HAY 11 1 SUPERIOR article of Baled liay, at en 00 per ton for sale by ablii JAMES 61.WEILEL66. FLY PAPER VANCY COLORED Pasee, ready cut, for Covering I ooktng Glosses, Picture 'hal:Clea r Sic. Union ano other new peAterns for sale at- 82KG111111.11 CHEAP BOOM:MORS. MACKEKEL in kitti, halfbbls. and .bbla. 3 (Jr tts!fi low y NICHOLS & HutWkLiN, mY 22 - Corner Brent and Market aroma. NOTIONS.----tiaita a variety at useful and enterbilblind artiated—cheap--m. •')•• - •:. CiA.NNED Tomatoes and Green Corn, .a llj JOHN 'MN's. wyl ORANGES AND LEMONS.-60 boxes Jest received an in prime order. sprig - W. WOK, JS., & 00. OLDER I! I VINEGAR 111 AA'ADE irosi choice and selected Apples, aid guaranteed by us to be strictly pure. 0.3141 ed. DOCK 41 00 VINE lot of Messina Oranges and other Foreign Waite, jua, received and for sale by rauam,9llr. BOWMAN'S, corner Front and Market street'. Myl9 DIED Fountains and Seed Boxes, Ca , jjl nary and Hemp seed fer sale by NICHOLS k BOWMAN, Corner neat and Market streets. myl9 MUMMY W,ABBING BLUE, as excel s: lent Substitute far Indigo, for ea at the wholesale an reilalgrocc i rY more or MUMMA & BOWstaN, (*russet Pront and:Market streets. A man lot o I4WI3OLD HAE MA— _..,. theieOLk6r/40g /WU "i llit "IRK .Tr. 000 BY TELEG 'R. FROM WASHINGTON. NEWS FROM COMMODORE DU PONT'S FLEET. Death of Lient. John C. Srfroston. 411.PTMEC .;OF A NOTOWS RIBRKL. I .A . I"ItIR FROM• kEXICO Arrival' of a Bearer Of 'Dispatches. .DEFEAT OF THE FIiENOR AT PUEBLA CONFIRMED The Fight Bravely Contested on both Bides. THE FRENCH FORCES MIXED IN AT ORIZABA. WASHINGTON, June 17 Commander Dupont has forwarded to the Navy Department a report from Lieutenant Commanding Ammon, of the U. S. gunboat Seneca, at Mayport Mills, St. Johns river, Flo rida, announcing the death of Lieutenant John G. Sproston, the executive officer of that vessel Oti June Bth he left in command of three boats with acting master J. H. Rodgers, mu ters4iimite,, Fiske, and forty men with small arms, was accompanied by thirty men from the Patroon. The object was to capture a man nambdGeerge Huston, a Captain of a company rebels, now in the vicinity of Black creek. I yfas informed that Huston boasted •of hav ing hung a nein - 6 pilot who was captured at the Mei of the death of Lieut. Com. Budd, near Stoma, and on that account I wished- him as - y., u -Irisoner, for the purpose of receivingthe gen fral tranquility of persons along the river most of whom I deubt' not would gladly sr:Low ledge' the Government of the United States ' were they not in fear of violence from men of this character..; that. Sprostou landed at early daylight and Proceeded rapidly with his party to the house of Huston. The latter, it appears was apprised of his coming, and met him at the door, armed with a double-barrelled gun two pis- Lola, and a bowie knife. Upon demand of Lieut. Sporston to surrender himself a pdassner, Hus • - hint :with - Mb ofaterixtebni- - uall enterilirhign rip - on reit - breast and killing him instantly. Huston discharged the other pistol and gun without further injury to our party, and was instantly wounded in four places, and brought on board. He is supposed to be mor tally wounded. Several shots were fired from Huston's house by persons who escaped. Huston's firing upon Lieut. Sprosten, sup ported as be was by a large force was wilful murder and involved the necessity of his own destruction. Commander Dupont, writing of Lieutenant Sproeton, says he was an able, brave and-devot ed officer from the State of Maryland. He had come kinder my observation on the China station in 1858. He was distinguished while in command of one of the boats which de stroyed the rebel privateers under the guns of the Pensacola Navy Yard in September, 1861, and his whole conduct during the war has been gallant and meritorious. 1 consider him a great low to the fleet arid the service. • E. L. Plumb, Esq., bearer of despatches from Mexico arrived here on Saturday. Plumb left the city of Mexico on the 21st ult., and Vera Graz on theist inst., and brings ratified copies of the postal convention and ex tradition treaty concluded with Mexico in De cember last, the ratifications of which were ex changed in the city of. Mexico on the 20th ult. The news of the defeat of the French at Puebla is fully confirmed. The Mexicans were not, as has been stated, in greater numbers than the French ; on the contrary, they were in lees numbers, and a portion of them only had the, advantage of - entrenchments. The fight was bravely contested on both aides, but in each of the three' determined charges, the French were valiantly repulsed and forced to retire. Since their • retreat • to Orizaba, the French forces have been closely hemmed in at that place, but no attack upon them will probably be made until the disposition of the Emperor is known. It is still hoped he will withdraw his support from the reckless schemes of Soligny and Alrnoute. The policy of the Constitutional Government thus far has been purely defensive, and no f eel ing of animosity has as yet been roused against either the French people or Emperor ; bat the hatred against Saligny and Almonte, and their partisans, is intense. A few acting assistant surgeons are wanted by the Navy Department for temporary service. XXXVLIth Congress—First Session WeenseaTon, June 17. SENATE. The Pacific) railroad bill was taken up. The question being on the amendment offered by Mr. HARLAN, to make the road at point, or as near Fort Kearny as shall be found practica ble by actual surveys,: which was discussed at length by HARLAN, POIGMON L _Limo! (games,) MCDOUGAL,' NORIO= WILSON (MASS.') and HlEN mum, and was rejected, yeas 18, nays 21. The question ; then received the one amend ment of the committee, fixing the commence ment on the 1-100 degree of longitude. This amendment was modified on motion of j!dr. Cress, so as to make it the one hundredeth degree, within the territory of Nebraska, and was adopted. • A large number of amendments were pro posed by the committee and 'adopted. On motion of different Senators a number names were added to the list of corporators and the bill was reported to the Senate. Adjourned. HOUSE OF RKPRIMENTAIT.rES. Further proceedings were Interrupted by the expiration of the morning hour, when the Rouse went into committee of the whole on the state of the Union, Mr. Norms, (M 0.,) in the chair, and proceded to the Consideration of the special order, namely, the bill to authorize an additional issue of the Unitednates Treasii- Ey notes. Mr. Seetwitto, (N. Y.,), laid,' " the mode adopted six months ago for raising money has PRICE ONE CENT. worked well as a war measure. Neither the executive or the legislative department could place a limit to the expenditure of the gov ernment during the war. All they could do was to contract a debt which is necessary to sustain our army and navy, as all parties are agreed that there must be a vigorous prosecu tion of hostilities . ' therefore all parties should afford the means for that poi pose. The Secre tary of the Treasury ought to be clothed with ample power to meet any contingency, and he would vote to confer it upon him, believing that he' could exercise it wisely, and for the beat interest of the wounty. The ground upon which this bill rests is necessity, and hence immediate action le essential. The Treasury bill was then laid aside. The House concurred in the Senate's substi tute for Hr. Reynold's bill. It forever pro hibite slavery in the territories now existing or which may at any time hereafter be found or acquisced. The Senate bill donating lands to the seve ral states and territories for the establishment of colleges for agriculture and mechanic oils was taken up. The House by large majority refused to refer it to the committee on Public lends. It ap portions lands to each State and Territory at the rate of thirty thousand acres for each Sen ator, representative and delegate according to the census of 1861. The Interest on the pro ceeds of the- sales to be appropriated for the above named purposes. The bill was passed, yeas 89, nays 25. Adjourned. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Nsw Yottic, June- 17 Cotton firm-1,000 bales sold at 31(4811c. Flour firm-14,500 We. sold, unchanged.— Wheat firm-1,000 bus. sold Chicago spring at $1 00(41 08 ; Milwaukee club at 98044E1 04 ; red western $1 16(41 18 ; white $1 22. Corn firm-141,000 bus. sold at 526458. Provisions quiet. Whisky firm-256424. Rice firm -7(473c. Sugar advanced to 18tc-25,000 bbls. Porto Rico at 7(481c.; Muscavado 6 164 7 t.; Havana 6,148. ftlisullantaus HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION "NIGGLY CONCENTRA DAD" COMIN , CIND FLUID EXTRACT BUOKU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL, and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the power of Digestion, and excites the ABSORBENTS inSektealthy action, by watch the WATERY OR CALCAREOUS depositions, and all UN NATURAL ENLARGEMENTS are reduced, as well as PAIN AND INFLAILATION and Is good for MEN, WOMEN ORS/EMMEN. HELIEBOLIPS EXTRACT SCOW, For Weaknesses Aviator. htom..Exoemes, Habits of Dissipation, Berlina discretion or Abase. ATTIONDED WITH THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS : Indisposition to Egerton, Loss of Power Loss of Memory, DlEcnity of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakening's, Dimness of Vision, Pain In the Balk Universal Lassitudeof the Muscular System, Hot Hands, Flushing of Me Body, Dryness of the Skin, Eruptions on the Face. PALLID COUNTENANCE, These symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this med Eine Invariablyremoves, soon follows lIIPOTBNCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC BITE IN ONB OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY EMPIRE Who can say that the are not frequeotty Mowed by those "DIREFUL D " "MANTEL' AND ' CONSUMPTION." Many are aware of the cause of their suMirtug, RUT NONE WILL CONFESS. THE RECORDS OF THE INSANE ASYLUMS, dud Aa MeintwAely Deaths by Conntetptfunt, BMlit AMP= wnrane TO TIM 13/11TH Or MT ABOINVOIL MN CONSTITUTION ONCE AMMO WITH ORGANIC GICARNN:3, Regimes the aid of medicine to strengthen end Invigorate the System, Wlird RiLMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUONO Mistriably doe FT"Trrn7M . .T7M4,.'n . '7:7/7=7 , T11 FEMALES—FE!dAMI--ItEIiALES, tiLD OR YOUNG, SMOLA MARRIED, OR CONAMPLA TING MARRIAGE, IN MANY AFFECTIONS PECULIAR TO FEMALES, the Extract Beebe is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chloroeis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulness, or Suppressio nor Customary Evacuations, Ulcerated or ScSrrhous state of the Uterus, Leuoorhosa Whites, Stall ity, and tor all complaints incident to the sex, whether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE OR CHARGE 01 LIFE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT Ti' I TANN NO Arms MAIM, illetitriY, 08 trzepiesAin 'MEDI afln NOR 1:110124111011 . AND DAAKINROI:IB DIATAHOB. iummitardys EZTRACT BOCB7I omit SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At little Ilxpense ; Little or no change in Diet ; No Inconvenience; And no Expottrre. It causes a frequent desire and gives strength to Urinate, thereby removing Obstructions. Preventing and Curing Strictures of the Urethra, Allaying Pain and Imflammationoo frequent in the elm or diseases, and expelling all POiIOSOW, Duda sed and teorn-out !falter. INIOUSANDe UPON Tuousamis ARO RIVE BMX UM VICTIMS OF QUALM, and who have paid gravy ram to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the "POI SON" has, by the use of "PONNOPM. ANMINOINTS, " been dried up-in the system, to break out in an aggravated form, and PERHAPS APTRA NAIRE/AGE. Use HIIINEIOI.IOB Ermsar Buono for all affections sad diseases of the 'URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in RALE OR FEMALE, From whatever cause originating and no matter or SOW LONG STANDING Diseases these Organs require the aid of DIURS CIO LD'S EXTRACT BUCHII I 3 THE OREAT DIOREI7O, And le certain to have the desired effect In all Diseases FOR WHICH IT Id RECOMMENDED. Evidence of the most reMak and respcsaie character will accompany the medicos. CERTIFICATES OF OUR% Prawn to 20 yearn standing, WITH N.urne Known To /MENDE AND FAME. Price $1 00 per bottle, or eix for $t 00. Delivered to any address, securely packed Prow obßer Talt on. DESCIUM SYMPTOM:ILN ALL COMMUNICATIONS. Cures Guaranteed I Aibriee Gratis I/ AFFIDANTr. personally appeared before me, an Alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. Hunnatn, Who being duly iricorn, loth my, hht preparations contain no narcotic, no memory, or other Injurious drugs, brit are purely vege table Sworn and subscribed before me, this Stet day of No verober, 1864. WhL P. HIS :OD% Ninth St,. above Nice, Address letters tor information in confidence to H. T. HEILIKEIOLD, Chemist, , Depot._ 104 South Tenth 011estant, BEWARE OF COuNTELIPICITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEINILFS, Who endeavor to dispose "of Tam oWN and , lossza" emus ow ma Itletrutios arrAWID ElehnbolcPs Genuine Preparation s, o Litract Stedro, " floProVeL Rom Wash. Sold by 0. K. Keller, D. W. Gross, T. Wyeth, 0 _,`A. Bannvart. AND ALL aIIUeirEITJ EVERYWHERS. ASKYORHEIMIWYS. TANS NO MDR. Oat out the advert frinient and sand for u, App . ID AVO DEPOSITION AND TIANIMIN. , noV/IgtilY H. T. HELL:DOI D
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers