filtbitai ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, z2ll /raw zuursor AtErEum,Avrilltre ...--i • . tines' inemo 1 Tn . i mum ugasuir, i -:.-: eixiTic Ritgominsii • • - • OBltordo =math* • RHAVEATI&V OE EVERY KIND; :. NfizArtlit ,', 4 - . O vnitnr o x .., raorrumarli,... . nu m. .. wriz k aa. .. Migg rilMil 'unii. '' MOulin, " DooTolta VIT . IT. , talkittagnuorryL_ nen 1111:DIOAL eumwrour. • DOCTORS KNOW IT mai PATUOITS BBL IT, • - TRIO AND TRU& 'PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. „pram oniciaitim. itiposmi • i roria Ida )9, 1960,—Iliest 8., M. 28, stughynever was Tory 2Tworiesri ago she lied an attack of wets rheum *. Which she Waticonlned to bar bed for rete weedm Ilink dal *in sitelspsei hi Mr more. Mob's hien well sine, thou ttil - bou Saturday; whihrempged In hems ekenbig, she took 'colt, had painin..har bask, felt cold, bet MA so decided chM. Two days later her ankles be• well, which was followed by swelling of the sZe,f the Awls.. Ohs hide AW AO ra, Ma lier Imikklerareeetyaudaf red and paleful ; both hands are affected, but the right' la lama mg. This, then, is a 'wear scuts rheumatism, or, as It is abwaslikniably calfad,:ihsteimits fitierfa Itis a well remarked typical case. We will carefully watch the ease,aud rrom Ume to time call your attention to the mist sea symptoms which presentffiemselyes. My chief object In brinpg her bgfore you now, is to calrattention to a remedy temeetas recently been. recommended in the treatment iif etteumatiam. I mean propylasetne. Dr • Awenszpitk, or 14. it atirsburc recommends it In the Wiliest terms; having derived (reit °teat from Its use -1 0 ekes whiehresane under hie care. Various Mtn -717 testimonials respeoUng it have appeared in 1 eer nab, I pinpoan therefore to give It another ~ Tittle Confess lam always incredulous as to. the worth of Sew remedies, which are vaunted as specified; lett Ibis comes te. es recommended so highly, that we ere bosail to give It a trial. HAM CASE FOP DAYS LATER I , IMllat 28,1860 .— 1 will now exhibit to you the patient air till a mo..L. prescribed khrsuntor a gr p • 13 1:bai INAllilitgaseettc-ate IttitiS e - . pe r odium nat. nialn4. Tne 0.,y after you,stor inalituelt =Mem ootafortablai•tlettlw =Um , Wrer peoltBl to be for a week or more, judging from bar other ittaiia. Mot yeilent now walked into the tvent.)" The tgamW;wsl4adily Progressed, mot you CILDlia Dr: tti a' Mairketi nCit 11 Chi lear l y ge tarOr i tt2 It 'll* L b . ° WI our : .experto?ent would have seemed., very . emu- I intik iditietnee; We antivinreiVe& little While kw k , lel tan Ore a deckled opinion' pa to, 'Judie to be alt. 111 anoth e r Oltilent who was placed on the ban ,of 'medicine on Sunday Mit ;• she has long` been bons a hrbuio, rhetueetieM, and I found her at Mae with an &onto attach auporretaineher pki allitotum. The White and tducitlee wore duck Okti. Woe.. She took thaatitoridi of Propyla slim Wee afifeleAeo every two nouns, and you - lant perceive tballthe swelling cit the:jobas has makardiudtk , . - • . . ••' , • j. , • TEEM DAYS LATER 11 . . :. NA WI, 1160.-11011 by the case of acute rheumatism treated with propyhunine, the first `bf than) tdirbich I Galled your menu= afoot last Mule, bite festal very giri=lde a and is now taking three grains thrice daily. eise is Me keeined to be felloeiodby very : _sah: tightens, maim , !the sepia can to •whinti your atten tion wet called's& tar' boilleaure,'ltas Ma continued to do welt I will now bring. before you a Very ohmmeter- WM MOM or saltethenntiglem, end , if the result =be gab Mary; I think, as good Jurymen , we snail justly render oar vadat In favor of propylaea • , • Be lifa seaman, mt. 26, who was admitted s few days ago. Ise hae ocamional rheumatic pains, but not to a. 1 to keep his boil, mut eight days ago. The pains Degas 'baba right knee, subsequently affected the left knee, and later, the Jana of the upper extremities. - These joints an all swollen, tense eno tender. v.ilislongue is furred:; roiagnt present dry, though there has been much , • Rid pulse in fell and •setrong,- and about 94).:. IP has niriP Melt propylamine for twenty-four home. ‘t.trldelimtleinan is gait may be called a , strictly typical aim off &ate rheumatism. Thera was exposure to cold ash Wet, and this exposure is followed by a %sling of coldness, severe anteater pain, beginning, as ft usually does, in the lefferjotnts.. • There4s fever and the protium sweiding, so generaily attendant op acute 'km/nudism. . I did net bring Ms patient belbre you with the Wen, lieriefltelni yoh *lecture on all the point' contiscad Witti: t ratiaut; but to again give a Whit' teas newyetn4 we are r testing, and to exhibit to you ale hs I have called it, than which there on hid ' c labber opportunity for testing the nieditdne in don. We are, tberelbm, avoiding the me of all other mediebas, even Ma lyties, that there may be no fittige as to which was the offleient comedy. 10e 'kaki see the cam et a ‘ future alba. , t * CV .1113 MILL .4., L., . s. k .d,.. 1 IrATORA ~ =She n atal' inn' convalWicisnhe 111 . The ammo of actitarheumanam before you at oar clinic of May lith, whisk I then called a typtcal case, and which it wadrirtiarted waive lair 'opportunity for testing the worth et Aar New remedy, It was therefore r ateolpy given In Oros grain dosee every two hours Ibr fear din Maya/ant has got along very nicely, and is now ible•CO walkabout, as you see. Ido not hesitate to sty that have eerie seen as severe a ogee of matte rheumatism i.e nog renhated to health as this man has been, and Witheat beisforepared to decide positive by mitt the val. as af the remedy we have aced, I feel bound to ata tit that in the tomes in which we have tried the Chloride ,o Peapylandne, tee patients Uwe regained their health mob earlier than under the treatment ordinarily pur sued. I wish gentlemen, you would yourselves try it, .''S7" - . , t P A KVIV 4 P I W l#4k lhe move.ll a saluMialifd_ Mom* see the Pbtladelphis Raliced mad Surgical Re plier. h iithrretion after a M Mild by the best mai led MillteM In this eenntiy, 554 makes It unneesseary licialre numerous eartillmtss from astonished dealers 441# ed patients. ARPRIDY UURb AR ICTINCTO#t. 11 Tt i f MR! 'I/10 HASITONI, I. Ake .L. 6 • I=SKI BIUII & Orenshaw, a Arm wall known to most omit =ll,ltiebont thh Propyh :Mut untne been exclusivri4htkoinnitthel toss it imoortUng to the original :realm and we have nitsigrarringements of such magnitude as to enablAii to seedy& O broaddiust ankingsk suffering humanity. • • •.A WORD TO DOCTORS. • r Fla preleito nee the same entedy In another thrtn we *TWA 7!ur attention to the 80110011zwilio Cam= • puUlimanuinms Lmivm, hrall Plearnilarli Coy ogre, =TPluirna3ol4, . e l are thinioli L .fie Otto — wittier virtue to, the ItitetiPropihuehl than is teeteined h11;thF111 Crystalised Chteetde;,ot ?tip amine. - UM IIL.IIIB ANDIYAT BR TAXES. • 101701113N0 TO DIRMICiNSI, i .. Br,-ANx me.. -, ‘749 Eatitgastruxneim, AN MY, mi. _ . atalibilkrYbb . irrig by ' I 76 CU. A INOMIL • 8441112t0wt Re addressed to. . PROPTIALILINA' 114.11171AcTUEurve W., • Olio% Roam No. 4, .. B. W. Ow. Rostin and Quanta mreete, , 4 . .. , _ Pidnulnliklii: Otte 41141ew of the following _ .—.._. . &VW , DLI2.OOIIE &01110D3H&W, .A • FRENCH, RICBARDB & CO., - • JOHN M. MMUS aco —^ D. P P • 611. 1 111111 T. WIRDIGT 00 flat: .1 1 M , 1 PENNSYLVANIA 44 ,ROAD • SUMMER • TIME =TAMS. FIVE TRAINS: DAILY TO AND i t FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AMIN MONDAY MAY roth. -, 1862. The Feeeeoger 'lkeda!' or the. Pennsylvania ItOrealk 'Ciimpany will depart tram and arrive at Harrieberit and followei EASTWARD. WILL COMMIS IT, MTh 9 1 *1 1. Y 4 -- . HItOUGH =MNTL4U4Ieavo flarrlabarg .16 a. m, and, maim at West Philadelphia 14-6.10 WARTIME leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Mcinda3 4 4 ) at ii 80 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 9.45 aim. . i didlilexeepl rlay) at 1.20 p. m., !r e lives at Vest fbikdel b i lr .' . 1 6 4 20 . 1 4 4 In; _. , .I.A O *.AIHID ' 5.110 N MAIN, • via• Mouut“ Jay , itarsi burg at 7.00 a. m., sad armor st Wad 'Ptill: phis aII2 25 p. m. ' - • . e itizgune'AMXlMHODirtON TRAIN, via &ohne, 1 E • leaves Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m...anii arrives 43Ved elplila si 925 p. ts.. „ ' • , , ....1 Vr IN 0 .1r WARD. "1:. - 4 • 41IIROUGH RORER' TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at, 10.85 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m., Altoona 8.100.. m„y„ and arrives at Pittaborg 412.85 p. si. 1 -4 . -NAIL TRAIN leave' Philadelphia at 7.15 a. at. , slid &N.' rives at Harrisburg 0.1130 p. in.; Mara Harrisburg at 1 4 00 p. m., Altoona, 7,0014 m., and arrives st•Pittsbut• at 1815 a. m. .. . , - , - i. VAST LINE Maros Pbtiadalpbla at 11.801. m., Ilitniarl berg 8.45 p. In., Allem at 815 p. in., and arriving at; Pittsburg at 12.45 a. m - . • :I :11A119.83IttiltO ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil: "1 4 4.0 ara 4 k.1 4 . 4 04y. Anlkets l B7 4ols -Wamhibliciat. s . oo ; P , ' ', 1........1.• ~.....,` ^ ' "r: 7 tiirti4:=A;','W" k' ;,.......', ' is 111011HTJOY AOOO6IIIODATION *la Mount Jai leaves Lanbasterat 10.60 a..m., arrives at Harrisburg at ado IN m BAYING D. YOUNG, l Kai 2, ag IEV. Penna. Railroad, NW* - Lo --10111 L THEIS 111&1101 DAILY TO NSW TORS, AIM PHILADELPHIA dQN AND AFTER MONDAY S MAY sth, 11102, the Pmeager Trains will lame 'the Plata p.blasnu Beading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York sad Philadelpida, as renews, -Os =PRES LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.28 a, m., oa ar rival otPeinsitylvaaala Railroad Iten Isndo—frocia Abe 011,i4X 14 VOW: Tort. at.B. alm., and * delablis 10400 m. %Aviv:Obi intielscd idt the Win through from PfilaluirgavOhisaohaogo. NAIL TEAM leaves Hayrialf mg at 8.00 a. m..arrlvlna *Wow SNiriB LED pia.; add Philidelbinalst 11.88 fg fa: tier UNE Imvas Harrisburg at lAOp m., on arrival of PonwrvlvanieHalliniad .Iriet 4fail,-brtiving In New / 41 ‘ 4 g! 4 9450 p 1 4 7 .9 1 4 1 4 Phihtd4 l o/ 11 4 ut. 6 .1 10 WEBTIATARD. • EEO PAST. LINE haves Now YaM at 6 a. m., aril Phtladil potaatS a. 12. Hrwrlsburc at, Up. 11ALL leavatNew York at 12.00 noo4 and Phil. ndolpins. et 11.16''• p. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 8.10 EXERIE9 UNE leaves New , forlr nt.; ring at Harrisburg atitMO a la:, and ountssoUrtrwilthehe Perustylvanla Express sTrahrtoi Pittairmirt Wsletming earAwabta aEsabedio ttds wain . . I. -Conneotlions are made it Itarriaburg with trains on the Purnmivanlai-Northern Otratrat and Oamberlaud- Valley Railroads, and at Reading fbr Pldladelphis,.Pottarilki, Hllkesbarre, Allentown, Etuatan, ha. obwited through. rue between. New York antl Hvbsburg 16 00 pbetween Harrisburg and Phila. de s3', Is NO.I Oars, Mad Et 70 M Tor eta°ther, ifir°! 13 U 1 4 , 16.11 1 14, 3 0 m73-dtt Mineral Agent, Harrisburg. ISM IN intEBY-114±%,_ WHIDFRVBR TBUIDi r WHENEVER MID; IT 'WILL DO AGAIN /Kat CON* ViTial AND 41,10iVAYS ros nuansti tgui; ~ ~ :~:. Nem 2iDvatigtmirnte. -- - SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. EASTWWM. 4b,) , Ma li ) illisteUcattous Destroy-=—Ratii, 'Roanlkea ; d&6. - To Destroy—Mice, Moles, and Ants. 2b Dairoy—Bed-Bugs. 1b Destrot—Hdothip in Fans, Clotho% aro. lb tikstior----ifolicikiitoes andFbiaa 7o Destroy--Inreataon Plante and Fowls. To Destm----Inseots on Animals, dco. .2b Deerbor--Every form and specie of Vermin. 66 C:CtEiltEkkvISP ° ITER rt,J 1 1, FT, EXTERMINATORS. "ONLY INFATLTATB REMEDIES 4NOWN.: ; 1 ; EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OP " 1 R Mini =EMU!! game Iteiehtionn(rMlifreAlliotheni) are "Am from:Poisoner . . "Not dangerous to th e Human Family." "Bata do it die on theleranieee." - - 41 11rey . tione,ffat of their noise to die." "The 7 are the only infallible remedies "12yeareamimoredstablthhedin New York city." ; Ul4/1-1-44 4 ). 4 3tY i Mike; Usatiy—the Pity Priapus and illation Houses. Used by—thkOtti Steutiers,Bhjpe, dcc. - Used by—the City Hospitals, Aims-Houses, Used by 7 -tir Clity . .gotistor'-- 1 14.Nkito• aed by—the, Boaidingtoutiek &0., Bco. Dad 4 --More' than 60;000 Private Fiandi4 VirSas oni or:two .Speoikesat iiha avirdai =tag the fiarde-:-.aliteti—Deakee, 4tv• ...1101T6EMFlat8oubled with vermin need be so,no longer, if they use "Mersa's" Exterminators. - Whine used it to -our satis faction, and if ahoetscat $6 we would have it. We had triedpoiaone, they Whetted nothing; brit TAPultrAlee' l lirtkdifi BCkt thi breath out of Ratchnte, linac" hes "anT REM-Rtigs,ttultaltir than Ins eau Inlet it., ;It** '_demand all over'tbeoonnfry,- (O. dielte. MORE GliAl;itT idid proviidons are dettroyed annually in Grant county by vermin, than would pay for tone of this Rat and Insect Killer. Lancaster (Wu.) Redd: /LEERY R. COSTAR--We are. areaeellii ypur preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been used, Bate, dim, Roaches and Vermin disappear Ewa & aroma; 'll(lnggisir, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat Roach hc. RitormtnaCor " Costar's" " Costar's " Bed-bug Baterminator. , "Costar's" " Codex's " Bleatrio Powder, for luseola, dm. is 250. 60a MID SIM 'Bons. Boma AID Num, $8 &no sos i PIMITTIOI%,MDM Bo ns, Hann, , CAUTION!! To prevent the public from holing imposed upon by flpariom end Highly Perskima Ireitmkese, a nay, lowa has been prepased abear ing a fae the& of the Proprietor's signature. Examine eaoh box, bottle,Lor Bask carefully be fore•PurChr43ll P9 ll take "PAINE but "00111 - (it All Wnorneesn Dammam in the large Mt's,. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York City, Stitieffel)n Brothers & 00. B. A. Fahnestook, Co. A. B. & Wheeler & Hart. ' James S. Aspinwidi: - Morgan & , Hall, Rachel & Co Thomas & Faller. , Harrel, Risley, & .13tuth. Gate Wiloblimon., M. Want Plena& Clog I, . ittellimon & D. S. Barnes & Co. F. O. Wells & Co. Laßelle, Minh itcChinher, Hall, ,Dlx° n 4 2 ) 0 • ' Ommidlreexle dimpifi.‘ Philadelplas, Pa. T. W. Dyott & (*.kt. B. Ar . Fahntetook & Robert Shciiimakel& Co. , French, Eichardst & Cco. f 7-.-AusiD mans. • t iDaniaarra, Gamow, Enoasamanaa and Ileum .l2B gene#4 l Yin all ,CoMmr Town and . Vluains in the lINITED STATES. HARRISBURG. PENNA. , uric by D. W. Groat Co. I D C. K. Keller, • Principal Wholesale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg, • and -by- the Dasocosrs, Lamas and Eamon generally. COtalirr Matteis Can order 8Q above. ~.......-Or-address orders- direet , — to_T ff Price, &Li. is desired; VW send for - ' [lBB2] Ofrailliyl:l3 l slit redueoCrribss] ..130:487- -dutthe • 1 1 6 11 4 . . BOOKS FOB FARMERS. HE attention of agriculturists is directed T to the following works, which will enable them to increase the quantity and value of their crops by adding science and the experi ments of others to their experience : STEPHEN'S BOOK OF THE FARM, de tailing all the labors of husbandry and s the best way torierf .rm them. Price. —.3 60 COLEMAN'S AGRICULTURE and teal Economy 4 00 LANDSCAPE GARDENING, by A11em....1 001 THE FARMER'S COMPANION, by Buei 761 LECTURES ON PRACTICAL AGRICUL TURE, by :Winston 50 THE AMERICAN FARMER'S new and uni versal handbook, with 400 engravings —2 60 AN EASY METHOD OF MANAGING BEM by Weeks.. —.. . . 26 The Nature and Treatineneof Diswism of cattle, by Dadd 1 00 LEIBIG'S AGRICULTURALOHEMISTRY 76 HMI{ COWS AND DAIRY FARMING, and the , production of milk, butter, cheene,_ y Flint. 160 GRAMS AND FORAGE PLANTS, by Lynch 1 60 SAXTON'S. HAND-BOOK, containing the Horse, the cow, the pig, fowls, Bca., &0..1 00 THE FARMER'S DICTIONARY and Pnio deal Farmer , by Dr:Gardner . 160 ALLEN'S DOMEI3IIO ANIMALS 76 THE FIELD BOOK OF liLUITHIES, or ,Ainerizan Huck Book d 26 THE MESE AND' HIS DISEASES, by • Jennings . 1 00 YOUATT ON THE HORSE. .. ...1 26 itnivlaVAltillEar and. STitilißOOK.. .1 00 HORSENANSHIP and the Breaking and 'raining of Horses „ 76 Standard Books, School. Books, and every thing In the stationery line, at lowest prices, at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOK sroßs. . trPELOLS.T.E.It ING PALM LW MATTRESSES. OOTION TOP, MATTRESSES, Emit. mATrusesEs, corroN COMFORTS, amekut CUtiHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS, &0., OD hand and Ibr silent tbe veep lowest ratan Ww bash gbdr Mattresses and Spring *Mout made to endow. EfOFA9 =mo ps , - CHAIRS, • HAIR MATTRESSES, aul, Repaired and made equal to newwari reasonable, al at No 109,_ Main street, between fourth and Ittb, by r4l Sato J. T Bassin tZ. . ANOTHER NEW STOCK I Portable Writtog Desks, - on Backgamm Boards, Traveling ' Purses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, sad' general assortment of . FANCY AItTIOLES, Gal at • BEIRINEit'S 011ft&P 130fiaSTORE CHOICE LIGHT RE AEI G rnHE SUTICERLANDS, by; the author of "Rutledge," Price $125.* Also new editions of BUl'LEDGE—uniform with "The Snther lands," 11.25. BEULAH—twenty-fifth edition-21.25. EAST LYNNE—A new Novel-50. - cents. TOM TIDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 25 cta. 201rBETTER, YOKYTOBf3E, as ote. Together with all, the New Books, soon as published at BERGNER'S WRAP BOOKSTORE. SIM --. UN En I[isallanwus• WALL PAPER 1 ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wan Paper for 6.30,19, /6 and 26 cents po roll. dbe lest end most Tailed stook or Wall Paper, Borders, Window Blinds , Outing and Pixtares ewe oared in this city. Being bought lbr oath, it wilt be .old at a my small gelt air gemeraber the penis, Schened*.Book Store, Market street, opposite Groneprog liarriebarg. nabdlm COAL I COAL I I $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 DRS 0. D. FORSTER, fIFFICIt and yard on the Canal, foot of Norib street, Wholeaalaand Mail denier in 9211117820,67 ZYLKIVO Ir4LLET, SUNBURY' and BROAD TOP GOAD gewgaw anddesiers way- rely upon obtaining a first rate article, and full might, at tie lowest rat Orders promptly attended to. A liberal &mount mine LI par chment paying for the Goal when ordered. Present k ries, IS, and $2 60 per ton. Harrisburg, April 18.417 • PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER. WOULD respe ctfully inform his old pa Awl c generally, that he will %atm= tc we ibc PIANO AleigilM, ME LODEON, VIOLIN gad tiro la the wham tot 'MOROI= Ago.; Pktictire homes at any boor dalt•cd, or mesa= will be siege' a 'l2Ord Watt, law door' below lb Derma Reformed Ibtomok. iteeilwitl REMOVED. JOHN . B. SMITE 'ETAS removed hie Boot and Shoe Store .&,,J„. from the corner or Second and Walnut streets to , NO. 108. MARKET„,. STREET, Next soar to Wareeshgrlalitare CUM where heinlands to keepa/1 kinds or Boots it'd ilhoes;ilatters, Om., and a large stoat of Trunks, and everything 'hi bin line Of bu siness ; . and will be than:fel to receive the Tattonage of Lie old cualomera and the, punts in general at his new place Kinshasa: all kinds of work made to order hi the Met Arm and by, superior workmen. livairing done ~ax short nc44a.. &pada] . JOHN B. SIETE .•7 QUIRIMATED DANIIELION COFER& T UST .ItEOBITIID a large quantity of thaltrhor 'Dandelion Oolhak which we will Sell low 0.0 Mgt UMI times ; pare groand Coffee wad Tu b:7oo(es all pat up In one pound packages. Gall and houldne at the wholesale and retail groovy store of • • - NICHOLS k - BOWMAN, corner elm' and Market streets. . JUST RECEIVED. ALA.EI4E -41.81391VPMEST of Family .Blbles at %Barest styles of binding, at 900, II 26 TAIPZ, AK 45 and 410. - - Also Pocket Bibles of &f -oment styles and prices at Bolan' '8 Bookstore. •BkIED' PBADELES, pared • said Impair ea, Ado, Prune, Eakins, br sale by NICBOLS es BOWMAN, spit Carper Front and Market streets. invoice of those fine sweet Wove, abto imam, cam moo, 10 r sal" low by bacnoLs a 41'24 Comer Brost suit literket streets. '"" C a . Ware' and Willow Ware, oZ si e ttll g dChurl iiir Xubs. BuCte&P, or aims for dads by Imams BOWMAN, &PM Corner of front sod tiara* struts. 'IIIMBOLD - 11A3faz=A . small lot of 4.11 *Wee Ibbrited Mims Jost received. - %KU WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. rIOXTRA. FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and ban bta. rely also; wholesale sod cued it the New Gmeetyriuld Premien &ore Prong and Lulu% ate bricoxil * Bova+ hi. C " OAL OIL • LOA.L OIL Wholes& le andliNdLibr_isun by NICHOLS k YOWHAN. 04 , earner "'mat earl bloulrot roPtie. " natantly on hand a OPPOSOtortiolo of Irma pus awn s WM. DOM, Js. aO(N • :,„k :TUBS BAIELIEWM BROOMS. tift7thing *asp^ Jalo re** bk kap " 1711°1 111k ANL Jr- &Cc lolge & Croslips. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES t I ore NEUBSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLETS American Cement Glue THE ETRONGFST GLUE IN THE WORLD. • THE CHEAPEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE NM DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE bi the ouly article or the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Rave your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Rend Snik Harness, Steam Belt; Hoott,t/ka IT WILL MEND GLASS, am the pieces of that expensive Cat Glass Bottle WIITIL MEND IVORY, throw ivory that broken Ivtre ran, It la . sully re. . paired. IT WILL MEND OEINi., Tour brolosa . tbiso a i r Sowers con bewails us IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That ylooe'lroookod cat or your Nfaaillo Manila eau lkal pot on as Aron as aver. IT WILL MEND PORI:W.I%4IN, N 4) natter if that broken Pitcher did not oat bnt • shil. Nog, • daft saved is • iddlling earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, 'That mall Alabaster Vue le broken and rat can't nod& tt, mad it, it will nom ahow when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Amy artiao Clelsasltod with AIihRICAN 01101 NT GLIII will sot show where it 6 inesded. 'Mawr Houstatespsok should have a sappligot Johns k Chostees American Omen r. nIM4S 0%111 SO 001rfenient to have In toe houss. l .-,W. Y. ts y."-- ikuty ; this oconomodo itself to every boakkaapendasd. 4 .lVe have tiled It, and flod it as amend know hookas as water."— Wilke Spirit V Os Mo. SCONONY IS • WEALTH. 116,00 w par saved is every Snow by. Gael Bolds OEKENT GLUE. Prke 26 Cents per Pattie. Price 26 Owls per Boitle: Price 25 Cents per Mile. • Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 ante per liable. Very 4tevoißoduotiotio to Inchoate Astro. TIMMS CASH. Arthur by a Druggists, sad Storekeepers vinare ty throughout the oountry. JOIENS & " cBOsLIIY, itardiniatureno 78 WILLIAM STREET, Corner of Überty dried. NSW Y ORE Important to Houe Owners. Important to Builder;.. bnportant to Rail Road Companies. Important to Farmers. 1b akimbo* this my moms, and ilea:known eery body. ZORN'S & CROBLEYB DIPBOTZD (NITA PUMA DEMENT ROOFING, The gheepast and most durable Roofing in use: IT IS Mali AND WATER PROSP. it OM be applied to MOD WO OLD tan of aU kinds, steep or hat, and to Barnum Rowe without removing the Shingles. The Costly only alboutOnoSikird that of Tilt AND IT to TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thoroughly tested In New York (IV and all other pert* of the United Slates, Clanada, West Indies Central and SouthAlnettea. on hallo. ot all kinds, inches Irsownam, FOl7lllllllOll, 081311a111114 RAM Roan Dawn, Chas, and on Pomo Mapes generally Gamma=mum% de., by the prineipal Raiders. Architects and others, dining the past (bun year*, and' lies ptaved to be the CHSAPROT and , MCkilT DILRAIRAR ROOFING la use; it is in every respect A FDA WAUIR, WEATHER and TGLY PROOF severing Ihr WOO'S OP ALL R 11403. Thud the 0.147 LT ausicriai esmeasfaccured in ske vadat metes which combines the very deelnible properties of Elasticity lassi Dwabaily, which are universally iielteow to be powered by BMA - PBECIEU 4zfD dodged BD R. No. Heat is required in making application. The savanna of applying its irithog, as an ordinary roof MA be covered and Bathed US same MO , • It can be applied by Anyone and when finished forms a perfectly Sias Moe mar fade with an elastic body, which mecca be injured by Sear, Omn or Sigmas, Seallanse of Loa Boon% nor any ex ternal action whatever. LIQUID GIITTA PERCH/L, MU M% For Coating biota!' of all Rinds .when exposed to the Action of the Walther, and FOR PRI/MD.I7NC/ iiNI)IIEIPWO:NG METAL ROOFS OF ALL l=: X 3. Thi a is the may Composition Imam' Which will mom fully resist extreme Changes of all inmates, for any length of thite,,when applied to metals, to which it ad heres firmly, forming a body %cargo coats of or di nary palat, Co s ts IYTT`9 AS ; &arch le om 1k "ut WO Is jot inl ag 'r by the °enterable' and Manzi= of Tim and other Metal Roo Lb, consequent won sodden changes et the wesUmw. via/ sot ORSON IN GOLD 611 A RUN IN WASIII WXASILDR, AND WILL NUS WASH OH. Malty Tln and ether Natal Rooni bra be readily repair ed with GOTTA MIURA MM.; and prevented from farther corrosion aD4 tithing, thereby ensuring a per. ready tight roof for mail years. This Ommat. Is pecue tely adapted for the prtaerrstion of IRON RAILINGS, S7UVIIB, ahNGLikl, 13AFXS, AGRI CULTURAL M.PLZIKNIMm , also - 11ir general manu facturers are. - GIITTA PERCHA GEMENT Per weemets end repaing Tin and other Metal Bra& Cl erea7 d.secrls, from its great elasticity, is not Spired by -the oordnotsin aid eversion of Metals, and will not track in colder run &warm weather. These materials are ADAM= 10 Al& enissuri, and we unprepared to supply orders from any part of the Min. try, at short mottos, tor - SOMA Mend 8.00/iNG in IRA* ready prepared for uses and GOTTA PithallS MINT in barrels. with frill printed direction for app.. Oatien. AGENTS WANTED. We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangsmaata lOW responalble parties who would has estabilsb them. DOWN In a luctranre and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We OM give abundant proof of, all we eleini in f av o r et our Improved &any having applied lb= to several thousand Eno in New Twit City end vicinity. JOHNS CRO6LET, SOLI I 1 dIftIFACTUREI3, Wholesale Warehonse7B William St., Owner ot Liberty Street. 'NEW YORE I full deecrteeive Minders and Prices will be tarnished . on appllcallon. 3-dly 11:IGAR8 Crushed, Pulverized _mid Re. Ca nor ale by 1 , 110110 8 & BOW MAN, , reb 2l : • Corner Front and Baskin fitment. PQST .rOLIOB—WIITINO DESK*. ANAWFO new .e 01 )thelln.usefigni . ' SW. joits=tz, fEttOtial AYER'S SARSA.PARL4 FOR PURIFYING TUE BLOOD, AND for the Speedy Caro c'l glab. pined varieties of Duteasea Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Ero itch pti o t. Pimples, Pustules, Blotches B n it i Blaine, and all Skin Diseases. oAlus,,, lan, fan hoe, J. O. Avis &Co., Gents I feel it n,y dtry e d ge what your Sarsaparilla has done tor pip inherited a Scrofulous Infect'. 0,1 nate enZ,rei 17111 t r ,„ in various ways tor y ears. niomettnnai n0t,1,,,- ul cers on my bands and arm; someumw ward and distressed me at the stomtvh '4 1 4 . ft brass out en my bead and c e ursed my „,,p s ig h one sore, which many m painful atu sw description. I tried maneth, ins , nod ne vert clans. but without much rel ef from ahytuag there diso its rder grew worse t kngth I was rep.rEP"' the Gospel Messenger that you had Rekv,Z. alternative (Baraaparilad for I knew from yc, r , e g a tt on that anything you ma.e must he ma, a F to aim matt and got it, and use it all It cute; tam yen advise, In mall doses of a over t a",rd,,,th, Led used almost three lollies healthy skin soon began to iorm wider the , cab, 4 14 - : attar a while left all, my skin Is how C61%.11,1 4.011 my yoeibms thatthe disease has gong Irma n y you can well believe that 1 feet what I ma t tell you, that I hoM grat efully to be we of the a, od a , d Z and remain ever . yonre, ALFREDi is PI St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or kryp c • .4 4 Tettei and Galt Rheum, Scald R."' Ringworm, Sore Byes, Dropsy, Dr. Robert Y. Prattle writes iron ;st e m, 1 Sop., 11469, that he awe Cured so lore; . . 7 , which threatened to terminate tautly, by ,„ "dug we of oar Sarenparilla, and sao tac k o f Uslignatit Islasipelas by large dr*, • • nays be curie the common thalami, by it aa~a tilt i` r s `- Bnmohocele, Goitre or Swelled Silk, 2abuke Stain of Prospect, Thous, R, ar. Ups of your Sareaperille cured me Pen, eons awaiting 041 the peck, wbtcb I n-til itiferri aver Iwo years." lettoorrhtea or Whites, Ovarian imam Uterine Ulceration, Female Disease, IW.J.EL 9. Monolog, or New Y. rt City wri,e most cheerfully comply with the rep ; to laying I have found your oarsapsn:l2 e alternalWe In Lb* numerous cumidiud; ler ALI , 4,;' Ploy such a remedy, but espeessily tc be the Scrofulous alathees. 1 h muss ammo LeuCOrrhma by It, nod some autre Ga. plaint IMO caused by ulceration of we aeration Waif was SOCIa cured. N.,Leas err oof anowiedge equals 4 . these temols ' jr,dwere S. Marrow or Newbury, na , ars, prone ovarian New on one et the Lutes Eatz which had dolled all the remedie: at length heed COmpletely Cured ray your uwarioe,, USW physlabio thought u,ettcd ac Aka Dodd afford rohcf, but he Wrest lite 11, . is the ism resort prayed effecttud. After tatleg Sop sytopeout of the Came rem.m.s." IhrphibA and Mercurial Disease. New thiLuNsi, Dr. J. C. Aran : sir, I cheerfu...l comb .:.. grog of your agent, and report I. yor, m - mf , 0 ,; I have realised with yuur rursai , I hive cured with it, in my pract , e, moo ; *Mu, The which it is ruc.o , isuneuo,;:, uiu L'l7 , iambi truly wonderful in 100 argil Deemer,. lmo of my paileuir at r is We throat, wrath were cii by of his Inmate. Your a ru;.• : oared him In Owe week. Atiothi, ALL =dui tryniptom in his u, ea away a coOidderal•i, p 011.4 , disorder would soar. yielded to to ulcers beekd, and he ,s 101110 diedguradoo to tH fat , A.', . treated lea the same thsorder ur u tram Ilde poison iu her L sa Mensitiire to the weather wet ..L1 atertlehting rule to her 1..., 4 eared entirely by y .ur korow film IN formula. this PrePlintiOß from y,J, remedy , consequeitir, titer Irnlr NuAricoi , . *rib 11 hITIS net nurpr.,ol Sraterual yocN, Rheumatism, Omit, Liver Complaint, Yr.:tout:o DI. J. C. &ilk: tlr, I have bee: to' chronic Rhanmatiem try U.k7.• the Shill of phyasetans, . . - roosooks kcould 0a , rchl I 1r. , : r,ur ,r-.p, 008 bottle cured we is tw- L et k-, r., etallealth so mozo that 1 LC.-- na littlieked. I think It a wondtr Jules Y. adobell, of St. I.sus. ar.v s asEt diktat for years with as asecuz v. the i.,,r, s ax dwaroyed my basal. I tried ere , ' 11,7 Wang ladled to relieve me ; ss.l I down an for some years lrem us Ibex tua ant¢ tki Lira. sly beloved Hun, 111197.padilleed tree to try your Sarssi , srrall oiLW be know you inn snytomi trYtag. By the bless:ll4 or lied 1..1. car. Mitil again. The best that e,l, good wow," Ultima, Cancer Tumors, Ealargemanc. 'Ulceration, Caries and &foliation of the Bones. A great variety of -wren ba t a mei; Where cures of these formidable pi.k.g. c,re 7E4 ,1 them the use of this remedy, but one epta "mil them. Some of them may 1: 1,/ can Almanac, which the &genii n.n ;Ir, to furnish gratis to all who call for Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits. Spilrr sy, Blelaacholv, N earalgia , *Many mmarkable cares of awe , td made by the altentadve power 01 tni- rr,e Mate. ths Vit&ifUlleiloll6 overcomes disorders which would bz: 41117.: ,3 las reach. Such a remedy bad be.3l+ r.l ,' Mesilles of the people, mid we are onnna.! the I, do for them all that medians can do. dyer's Cherry Pectoral YOR Tux lUf 1v c cnh ur Coughs, Colds, Influenza, J loo°6l ' Mow, Bronchitis, Incipient Cos sumption, and for the Rao of Consumptive Patients is advanced Stages of the Disease This lea remedy 60 Universally gLusco other for the cure of throat and lung eoMpls.,,u tandem here to publish the evideor, of ...ts unrivalled excellence for congas and cold?, woodertal cares of putonoway i111,35V.1.1.2 : known throughout the civilized bat:3lle J, ige,„ ad Yew are the communities, or c gen lundu/g 2 Who have not WOW pentorml we some living trophy in tacit' anal of Its rirer, , subtle ti and dangerOtus digordert n otthe [hog. :As all know the dreadlui fatally the,. 'as they allow, too, the effects owMad trir. It be e reinrdi... pyaN Tor. 'do more their to aware them :tees that it did have when making the won so strongly upon the conlldono. o, wan' 6 1 'Prepared by Dr. J. C. BYES et 0 0,, Lowell, Mao,. Sold by Bouvart, C. rr Clo., J. N. Lou, & Co., iwaistrangi era every where. octl4-Bmdaw --------------- C • 0. kedIVIIVIEttiVIAN'S BANKING lITOOK, KU. rn) Cot.tatatia 01,0 Ho been removed from No. 2)3 Second st 10 Na 130 MARKO' STREET EFARRLSBOto, 14. ZASURY N()TER TANEN .4T PA TE .s-dtt __..------ RUBBER GOODS I Ittibbe Rubber Watcba, Rubber Battles, Bobber Toys generally o,r • BfiRGNER'S CHEAP HOOF,SIOai. 110)URN.1 Fresh Ground and C111: 1 , li oSv a , 1_ Pepper, ALspice, Clenemogn;;os,S,.. Cffnellolll,oli _._._._....._____---- inELEBRATED .D.A.NOi LIO - ol N 6t) if O. IL' 'Agood,or Z itions ary I ,:n wst i wa tiooe:Boro: Pi r . iross;ok ort r is it lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers