Paiip titgrap II A!R1813 tial4 . PA Tuesday Morning, May 13 1862 ..7iarrE IN HONOR OF THE VICTORIES. —A lA ti nal salute in honor of the recent Union vie torketvas fired from a cannon on Capitol Bill at noon today, milking everybody feel jubilant, SENTANOS OB PRISONERS, -- The prisoners tried and convicted at the last term of court will itc,ive their sentence to morrow. i=emmi :PRING AT TUC Sous.—Everything. is very micard at the South at present. The Union ii,wtr, now in the bud, will soon be in fall 00 ,, ni . The federals are shooting, and the re b t i A 1 ) 40 to leave. iNFORHATION has been , received here of the death of Charles D. Hineline, Esq., which oc curre I nt the residence of his father-in-law in Piihrielphia last Friday. Mr. Hineline was formerly publisher of the "State Sentinel" in this city .....-.--e..--.-. 11:001N.9' Lim—Mugging was passing up .diet Poe day with a friend, when he observed poor dog, that had been killed, lying in the osier. Muggins paused, gazed intently at the defunct niwal, and at last said: "Here is an other shipwreck." "Shipwreck I where T"— "There's a bark that's lost forever." His ompaniun growled and passed on. 61,DDIN Reamsheart, son of Sicholas Reamsheart, the well-known butcher of thi2 city, died very suddenly Saturday night last, at the residence of his father in Locust street He was in good health on Saturday, and attended to his usual daily avocation. The immediate cause of his death is supposed to have been congestion of the brain. =MEI EGOS THAT MHO NOT Eaos.—At Fortress Monroe, recently, a number of flour barrels Were received which were marked, "eggs— haudle with care." They were addressed to private parties, but some army offici ii opened said barrels, when the eggs were found to be made of glass with long necks, and their con tents were found to consist of the oil of corn. Contecnos.—ln our article of Friday after noon, beaded "Improvements," we were mis taken In the name of the party about erecting a new and handsome three story house in Mar ket stre , t, next door to the property of Mr. Cyrus J. Reese. It is not Mr. Kunkle of the firm of Eby & Kunkle, but the enterprising George G. Kunkle, of tNe firm of Grost & Kun kle, who intends putting up a very handsome house with press brick front, for a private resi dence, and when completed will be an orna ment to the city. Tea DALITY-FOOTED.—"Dainty-footy May" furnished us with a very fair specimen of her best "licks" to-day. The skies were bright as a new silver half dollar, and the air was as balmy as a breeze from a bay field. The ladies, who were in ecetacies at the unusual opportu nity afforded them of wearing their new spring hay, turned out in force, and they made the Principal streets look at a distance like a vast kaleidesropic millinery and dry goods establish meet. The wearers, of coulee, looked blooming and beautiful. The warm sunshine finds the &Ids in line growing order ; and while we are luxunating in the sight of the bright gr een that Nature is donning, we can indulge in hope ful and pleasurable anticipations of the '"good time" rapidly coming, when green peas shall tesrailible, and grass butter purchasable at them cents per pound. lir HO LIFS.—Men seldom think of the great mut of death until the shadows fall across their en path, hiding forever from their eyes the traces of loved ones whose living smiles sere the sunlight of their existence. Death is Sae great antagonist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb is the skeleton of all fet eta• We do not want to go through the dark valley, although its passage may lead to. Para dl6o; and with Charles Lamb, we do not want toile down in the muddy grave, even with hags and princes for our bed fellows. But the fiat of nature is inexorable. There is no ap- Peal from the great law which dooms mi t t° dust. We liuurieti and fade as the leaves of the forest; and the flowers that bloom and wither in a day have not a frailer hope upon life than the zialiett monarch that ever shook the earth with his footsteps. Generations of men appear tad vanish as the grass, and the countless mul titude which fills the world to-day, will to morrow disappear as the footsteps on the shore. -'I Ore Comma Bostoora.—To men loving order, diacipline, and decorum in children, a visit to some of our well-ordered public schools is gratifying and instructive, and leads ns to com- Pus the conduct and habits of children when brought under proper discipline, and' to contrast th em . with the same children under different tireumstances. Probably there is nothing that could be said or written which would be ol tech value to parents others having the charge of . them, as an hones visit to a well ordered public school. They will there see kom one to two ,hundred children in perfect telbr, the teacherssroved and reTeeted and may, perhap s , be lead to think how much better the children under-their charge might be if the} confirmed the leesone of order that have been Wight them in school. And they might be led to think, if the children were kept under Proper discipline out of the school, how much 'haunter it would be for parents and gurdians kal how much better fot the children. The Plea ot a Parent or guardian that they cannot ` l ° it, is simply absurd. The principal of the buel has those hundreds of the same children 4o control, and has to counteract the evils ol dirler, discipline, evil exampleiatid — Offeln the "t oPpueition of th..,se out of the 84001 y lt d,.._ sll°ll4 be bid best assistants. If he can cat se Tech without this assistance, surelrtheY oo t touch with his assistance. And hew digsrao would be the after history of many Of: ' ° c hildren if they were thus disciplined et Y. M. C. A.—The regular monthly meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association will he held at their room on this (Tnes lay) evenina, at 7i o'clock. A pnnotualattendance is requested. MR FUNERAL of , the late Washington Weaver will take place from the residence of his father in-law, Mr. Willis, in Third street, at 3 o'clock, this (Tuesday)afternoon. The members of the Friendship and other fire companies together with the Odd Fellows will attend the funeral in a body. Tne minium of Harrisburg Lodge No. 68, I. 0. 0. F., are requested to meet at the lodge room at 2 o'clock this (Tuesday) afternoon to attend the funeral of their late brother Wash ing Weaver. The members of No. 160 and 70 are invited to participate in the funeral obsequies. A WELL KNOWN NEKALIII of the ancient and hon orable fraternity of bummers was arrested by one of the police last Saturday. Her crime was that "she drank not wisely, but too much." In her defence ihe said that she had gone into a shop back of the hill and called for a little peppermint as a medicine for a complaint to which she had always been liable. Instead of that harmless "3 arb," however, the merchant had given her a " camphene cocktail." This very naturally had fired up the old lady, and, having once started, she found it impcssible to hold her horses. The consequence was a tem porary oblivion from all her woes and a corres ponding increase of them the next morning. She was sent to prison for twenty-four hours. A Ntussasce.—The crowds nightly congre gated at the corners of the principal streets is a great subject of annoyance, especially as the language indulged in by the members of the crowd is characterized rather by emphasis tban delicacy, and not calculated in any remarkable degree to improve the morals or enhance re spect for the refinement and generally respecta ble character of those who indulge in it. We observe that ladles generally give these assem blages a wide berth, at the expense of no little Inconvenience, preferring to brave the material which clings to their feet, rather than take the chance of having their ears filled with imma terial filth of another and decidedly more abom- inable description. If the parties were aware of the figure they cut—the reflections which such crowdainattnctively suggest, and the com ments to which they subject themselves, they would thank as for the hint, and lbate the nuisance. The COMMON WOOL Law.---Thnfurther sup plement to the Common School law, passed at the last session ot the Legislature, provides in addition to making twenty-two days the school month, that the President and Secretary of a School Board can file a certificate of. the in debtedness of thncollector of the Sethool Tax, in the Prothonotary's offiee, and the certificate will have the same operation ns a :judgment. The County Superintendent, before that on his duties, shall swear or affirm that he will perform the duties of his office honestly, im partially, obediently and according to law.— Section 16 authorizes the trustees of any acad emy or seminary in this Commonwealth, which received , money or land therefrom for educa tional purposes, by deed of not less than two thitds of their number, to convey all 'the real estate, buildings and property and funds of, or belonging thereto, to the Board of Directors or their successors of the common schools of the district. Section 18 requires that the Board of Directors shall publish an annual statement of the amount of moneys received and expended, and the amount due from collectors, and set ting forth all the financial operations of the district, in not lees than ten written or printed handbills, to be put up in the most pnblio place in the district. Iw "Datums Pm," AT LART.—Oar readers will recollect the accompliihnd swindler .of Boarding School Principals, whose operations have been frequently noticed in the TELEGRAPH. It seems that he has been caught at last and lodged in the Westchester (N. Y.) jail, where he awaits his trial on two or three indictments formed against him. His plan was to call at a respectable boarding school and represent that he had a ward, or nephew, or neice, or brother, or sister whom he -wished to place in such a school, and hav ing arranged prelludnaries he would paY l in advance the tuition bill, offerings draft :for a considerably large amount; making it necessary for a difference to be returned to him in mone y —say 25, 60, or 100 dollars, as the case might be. A week or two since he, returned to,try his game a second time in the same place, after the lapse of two years, and after he had learn ed that the school had changed hands. But it happened that an assistant - teacher who had long been in the school, recognised the voice of the present bearded military colonel hailing from Columbus, Ohio, as quite identical with a certain lawyer from Washington who had made a memorable call there about two years before. Accordingly • when he presented his "draft" it was arranged during the delay of "making change" that an officer was . brought who took him into custody. It happened that two or three "victims" of his imposture in the same county came forward, indentilled him and made affidavit against him. - Cearsr I Cartpirr I CartPxr I—Having returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I 1m daily receiving from the New. York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 371 `eats up to 87 cents; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents ; good black silk at $l, Worth' $1 25 ; black silk 82 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 37 ; very fine black Boinbazin at $1 10, worth $1 50 ; sum mer silks at 50 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish iinen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop a!tirts, at 50 75 anti $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 26 and 81 cents, ;heap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New, York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. 8. LEW; ml4-y • .Rhoad's old stand. ESeruirsie trota at:talon '2sr pitiees bf colored Ind white slow Wadding 25@itliv oagifilficeittaistuttniiitit of - efabielileries, such as bands, edgings, insertmge. At lam's. PennopfrOattiii ' IDaity ' ettlitgrapk; tiirst.i4tiltliitniii.4.: oaf 13, - 1862 HARRL9IIIIGERB ENGADED.—JaCnb M. Barr and Dr. Ehrman, both of this city, were on board one of the ships of Commodore Porter:s bomb flotilla, which participated in the bombardment of Forts Philip and Jackson, and the subse quent capture of New Orleans. It will be grat ifying toNheir ft iends to learn that neither of them were injured. Fos Cosauss, F. K. Boer,—lt is net cur purpose to take'part in politics, but in associa ting- the name of F. B. Boas, with the next Congressman from this district, wegive bat ex , pressions to thepopular voice; and in his elr,c• Lion, will.secu re an able advocate, and high toned gentleman, to protect out: rights in the halls of national legislation, the importattee of will& is as patent to thinking, minds; as, the facilities offered to the public for good investments,,at the cheap dry goodsbouseof Urich & Bowman, corner of Front and Market streets. On And .after May sth, 1862, the malls at this office will tie closed as : • :NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILROAD. NORTH. WAY .11t,arr,For, all places between Harris. • burg, Leak 'Haven .suidr Elnan, N. Y., at...... 12.00 M. SOUTH. WAY libkit. all places between Plarris. •, • burg and Baltititore; MS : 1 and "Waellington, • D. 0., • M. For York, Baltimore, ' Md., and Washingtoni, - ' . . 9.06 P." 111 LEBANON VALLEY'IIArLROAD. • EAST. WAY . MAn.-- 7 For . all • places . between Harris- • burg and Reading, :, Pottsville.. Easton , and... Philadelphia, at....... 7.00 A. 4. PBNNSYLVA.NIA RAILROAD. ' -•• Way - Maii—For • MI: • ;- places between Harr* burg and Philadelphia, at .. A. M. . For Pilifa - ielphia and Lancaster ; at ' • ..12 00 M. For Bainbridge, Idariet- phia and New. York, at 9.00 P. M. WEST. WAY "BiArt-For all plazas between Harris burg and Altoona , at 12.00 It toona e Hollidaysburg and Pittsburg, .. .. 9.00 P., CIIMI3HRLAND VALLEY RAILROAD. For Mechanicsburg, Car lisle, • Sbippensburg, Chambersburg. Pa., and Hagerstorn,. Md., at ~7:00 A. K. at ........... . P. -M SCHUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAIL , Egroffize Hours •.-Frotti . s:Bo A. tdB P. M., Sunday from 7,} to WA. BL; and from 8 to 4 GE9Bc+IMISCOTKR ...KJ:et:neater: fLillt • DYE 'DYE " Win. A. Batplielorti finir •Dyel The only l; lairaltlisPand ReliablttierKnown An atherwera mere unitations;And stioald! be avoided if you wish to escape ridicule. WIRY, RED OR .:Rusry 'HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful ; and natural Brown or Black, without , the,least Injury tinlair ' • • FIFTEEN MLDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to W. 51. A. ammo& 811110 18 .1), and 0ver...200,000 applications have been made to the hair. of, .the patrons of his famous Dye. _ . . Wie. A. sescaaLows HAIM DYE _produces a color not. to be diatidigutehed from nature and la wAturserin Aoki° Injure in the hoot, however long It linty be oontin. tied; and the ill etibele Or bad Drag remedied:: TO'S laktr, loOliorated roville by thiti afileadld Sye c tiblohin erly'applied at No. 1.6 bond Street New Yprk..._* 1? , -Bats In Millie chest and towntret the' lialted- 'Mal". Druggists and Fancy Gooda Dealeht,: The Genuine has the name ," Wlllfate "Batchelor?' and address upon a steel plate engraving, on the Ibl:iv eidea of each boa, , , Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay. Bt., Late 248 Broadway, New York.: octa-dawly ICE CREAM ! ICE CREAM I, ! ONE of the greatest improvements of the age Is Pyne & Barr's Patent ice Cream Freezer, and Egg Beater, me great saver - of of labor. • The small quanzby of ice used and .the ermeating short space of tme required to maileioodice• cream In one of their Freezers, ought to indtlott.ere , y .faunly to purchase one ut ahem. They have received .lVer tmedalatnd the Free premium* at exhib t one, °gm Freezers now in use. A printed circular containing ,the . very beet receipt for Muting ice cream, frOzm Mtstird'i ice w i den, Sic.; with a :Amber of coratir,ates IS 4, fall three ions iv:company tech /teaser.- orders tor greeters, county or State Whin. will pe attended to by addreasing , W.. <. . myß42ra lierriShurg, Pa. • NOTICE .OF ADMINISTRATION: icrOTME is hereby given that letters of J : : .egrultilstration on Me eAste of. Henry..Cimile,.late ut tno cuy, cm Harrisburg, Danpbta county deceased, have been grantetthr Hie undekstamed by the Register-ot Dauphin county. 411 persons indebtedt to said estate, to sremom QOM to theMigersigned for settlement. 5178.41411:13t1NK1.4, , - . ' • Administiatrix; , . .. . The underaigned hereby empowers 11.6.41. Tatentlne Hummel, Jr. thud L.,11.. Kinnard, to adjust any chilli's that may be, pr,etented to them duly authenteated on the above estate -••- - susepr ht. OUNKLg, ..-.. ap24.doawSW Administratrix. • , EXECU I'OR'S NOTICE. iA7HisREAS lettere of administrattior Ir iv on .b.o estateof MARY E. JACRStra, dee'd., late of Creaser &merle county, Pa., have teen grazuo to . the subsedber, all parsons indebted to -the *State are requested to amigo utimedkate payment, and those:hart* claima against, 0.3 estate of mid deceased wittinakelAs same known alatout deny to JaateE S. FRANCIS, Executor. a'f•doatrew sq. • 232 Union StreM, Philadelphia; „„ IVOTICE is, hereby given that letters a Jo , adniin , etration on the estate of John R. Boyd, late uieittof Efarrisburt, Dauphin co anty, have hewn granted anhieeiiheir who Rime hi guild Guy: all persona having Maki's of demands . agiunat the estates of said decedent; are hereby, requested to Make known the some to the nuesoriber Without delay. P. K. BOYD; aria dcaw-met Administrate*. ADMINIBT.RATOR'S "NOTICE. o'fICIW ier hereby given that letters of N adininistradon on she east° of George X. Mowry . ,eoettsed, formerly of Harrisburg, hey° been granted to. We undersigned by the register of Dauphin society. an persons indebted said estate are requested to make PsYmtotb4 these haying olatall, to present theta for settlement. D. FLPMENG, • aprladearoiw euminletrator. A . tlllEriktiOtt tat of .:Dandelion auu hi D 11 °ogee, kw sale et the store of JO tN WtZsg, 11110klUBAlus and 'Asparagus rods ow n Jai tail* ad lace yict w p ant inn riROBB '416 RUA',: `VV'LIAIt3 lialsbrala lizetaiktarty'lLso).;o l ,l* - Juppqr a- dm &WY% ITIART• oVIIIry wx. Dom, Jo, 4110.. to.; Columbia;Lenoaater, - Philadelphia and 'New. , York, at............ P. M. For Lancaster, Philadei- 1+ or Jolnstown and Pittsburg, Pa., ("Mein! nati, Columbus and Cleveland, 0., at....... 2.46 For Lewistown Hun- tingdon Tyrone, - . _ WalY all places between Harris- , burg and dhamberabarg, ROAD - Fcir Ellwood, Pinegrove, ; Summit Station,. An, burn and.Pottavile, at 12.80 P. M STAGE ROIITES. For Lingleatowo, !ltariadti, Hill, Weet,.laik- Ono and. Jane& over, tostri,tonitnuday, Wed- - nesday and Friday..... 7. If For...Lisburn and Lewis- " berry, on 'Saturddy' P:' M item 2thntrtiatintnta GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINES VIOARTNPLAII, attention is called,ts. : .the 'fostilatrWaspolifik~iiiikuus, dela* brated of litres. superior . FAMILY LOCE'StITCH MACHINES. The giatjlafforyia.t3tWw - ialiejtittOrfaill shown dna Iniedot part jail] they - have the great advantage of being ablate aeltet from our Mock either &manhole making the- GROVER AND BABES STITCH (Wm' malcinglLeu • LO ,C! { K I K STITOI-1, . the only vsiunbitrieginniraittchfin sift ehei in practical PRICES FROM $4O UPWARDS. Office 780 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia For sale by MRS. E. BRENIZER, 78 Market Street, Harrisburg myB42m lOILABON GUANO, • _TcaA BO GUANO; importkid:direot into L this tharktit toms CaPeoflOood.ifope. It ionfaine by analyshrof- rrefamor Hoeft: 8, ;r opt. of *wno nia :14 per cis. `OrPliMpliata of I Imo OA' par, gent. of alitallne This hie been mum ettehaisa ly for many saidi'dprotOorri Latida;:alid baa beelr SMnd In its results fuly a lust to Peruriao, and at one third less cost, Nor axle in ,bsepa and. In itoslltles,te milt, by GILL' 'OttlatiTol l 4,*' ilLinottaitoit Merchant, 4, . Broaiway East side, Bowling Oman, New York. mayB dlw wit LYKENS VALLEY ;NUT •COAL.. TT rebeiVad a fall 84pOiy":pf ena u vauei'aucoolitoaaiVered. by , the .pattirrOiit'sb carts: It6r male:by JAMB/ M. WHM aprl6 AGENTS! MDEOHANTS - 1 PEDI,MO I Tau, Fj selling Natoorx.c-i M ixt . , , , a / a kg $5 a day by ... our UNION PRIZaI SWIONERY PALlifik co. utfebirniipeii6FSOltinifealk Yoryaltd ELNValiii GifNaltiLei andlapleoenf Jetralrp-..:Witairsuitee'Sat isfaction in quality of our good 3. The gifts ounsist of fifty varieties and styles of Jewelry., til.eaellO and valu able. Cuaulars wins partioultra free. Ad d:eel. . •.• ,4./SaItSOKINS & 00, twits-lain ;. , ; Iteelsinanatree, lgew York.. _ EL. c/inarrix ATTORbTEY.AT-Liklice O.F.PIOE T STREET, NEAR MARKET, • •• • • ••••• • • .. • 7 C d 000.."-- , :.4:,97,4Y; —MI ' optettdig lot of Owego (dew Ott) Cerigu i reeiuglitterogliente_duet . iieetted.: aprl,B rs• Jft.,./k Ou. SCRIBPIXI4IOIOTHERS & CO' • , WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fanoy Goods, Pet turnery, &c. also agents for th e sale of !leaned Petroleum, Illuminating lid, superior to any coal oil • furnished In any quantities alike lowest ma:ref rates. 170 and 172 William street , NEW YORK. Ja2746m SUGAR CURED HAMS. . DRIED BEEF, • • -SHOULDERS, • BOLOtTA SAUSAGE. A WIG sad freib sapplipiseieeelved by 1048.,, x . W6L DOWL $ Oo UN SHADM; San - Utift•felltis and Para % sots. Prices ten per'fiesit itiwer thin ebnithnte. CIBROTM,, .M 7. 0 ` . - ,:•..ikNMk-do!kr•Fici. l 4l4EintilsnW Wink. O:AP ar# 8 1 1;i d Falzon for tinald by - • MEtuht & ina7-y] 'north-east corner ofifrook, an Market streets. ifj_ITARA , dapply : Just Ut received by WM DOCK, Jr. s CO 00AL OlL.—Nobody can undersell us. The best oil in Harrbiburg- ; warranted non-explo give, for sale by . NICHOLS* BOWMAN, earner Plant and Market street* SPORTSMEN ATTENTION. —Fishing Tackle, Powder and Shot, tor sale by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market weeds.. CM ET P. &W. C. TAILoR. B . . . It 18 ecotiomival qqd lireilt,litersitre. It con tains no Hoe& and wilt not is warranted not tolnjore thejoutds.lwill..invirt-tux sigretablo, ,odoty awe is • tlior4tdro"'ibitathr - Inirpose. - — For rain by DOCK, Jr. C. PORT •POL/013/ wRITING DIEKILS, ! TRAVELING BAG S, PUBSIM, • - PORTION/WM, .** And akeneral assortment of . FANCY GOODS" have just been received a_ BEIIGNEWSVELKAPBO.UESTME: "THE PEN NIGHT/Ea swoRD ; ,. THE A:AEG/EST irool.s., THE IKET BEAUTIFUL 811/LIEE" kin PATTI/JOS Gold and Silver . Peabil,. and 'Pin CageS. In the market; BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. T - IRIED FRIJITd, 9911 77 ,.rfit; Airat JOHN vaeirs. • lalulbl6, - Dateiri - Pranberitailsibi; sad all kinds of Nuts, Jult'S +WeelB'd Stop), Third and Ot . , ;awl CIRUSIAD, brokeli-loti ,f fwe arid" wattle t o , pulverised and-other sale IINE Choice Teas , and Pure Bpioes, at JI: HAYt RAY I I A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at joL $l7 00 per ton for sale by eOlB JAMS M.WHIELIM. WASHINg as _excel le t inbottbrie for 0416, bir 'tat ertioktitaP and'retail grocery More of NICHOLS k • corner of Wont and Market -- 1 OLD YEUSIOt_', rah. stock, from $l.OO to s 4 . o o—warranted—at I 1124, 811R11901k8 EtOOKSTOtta AMR Cholas! Teas, kkaok and Green, I in #00.14/ Pioun%= sale at & BOWIUN'S owner Wow, and Maorkel sareels. : • esw, Uroon and Black, for a 8 low by NICHOLak k BOWMAN, icbll CIANNED Tomatoes e4d teen Cora fi gt JOHN (* my'tk nIII7RNS, Tubs, Brooms, 14''181121/I;xt m a ll ki4ids a *weir and -ogOr Wen by 'wow 011311: BOWMAN, • my 2 Br . ni and Market itreets. D i; soideb, 9b,imuvi l ir tut* IreirOrourc. nevi ' Walla v#444. ibisa4 . NICHOLS as lealgesigliarak Wholesale and retail grocery, conker Front sod Market streets. 141 glisullantons. 1882. SPRING OPENING 1862. Black and Second Mourning Dress . Goods, Shaw* Yeils, Collars, &c. Full, 13i yard arid.. Lupin's all wool DOl/0.11138. Elope -tor makes oFitombezine;. Splendid Style of Fzinatt Ginghams. Large dock of Luatrea and a leveed. Back ant ripple . Plain Week Rogißep Si ks. . es Black.and white Fowlard Mks. Purple and Bleak do. Plain do. do. Small Checked * do. Neapolitan do. 3( all: wad Detainee. si gg r amit vibotbeLiint,. po shepherd's Pie ids. 'faminatine; oQ Silk Challis. Eng. Chintzes. fang Ea* MlifhbelB6aifY. Square Plaid Black and White Shawls. Square Thlbbot Black Patch. pard.WidaTliibbetfOr Shaw*, Very Superior taglish Ckipi - Volls,' all sizes. , Large stook of Sneak CrePe Calk" nil sided. nil Black bordered Wean litltch:l3sodkiusldafs. Black Gloves of every-description. White Second Mourning Collane. Setts of Coihr aid ORME. Bilk and Cotton Hosiery. Black Love Veils. baJonvirep Mid .114 • - Oh Crepesr French do. Ap .11antua Rabbone. Rotting do. Piot loalar attention Is paid 'And knotted to our don the.above goods. We are oonstudlr, calving raw addl loal. Paretasers iosiL find afalt asartaisat. CATHCART & BROTH'S, Neil door to the H.Viletierg Beek, ad No. 11'1Carket. Square . . . Y. THE DELAWARE MITTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. ;•oy flELADwEll# l .,,up-ji i; I.ECIOR . POE.A.TED 1835. oaPrreI.4*D.AASZTS • , ;$904,901.61. r ' ' THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OP P9II . ADhLPHIe. ::- ' CAPITAL AND .; TtfE undersigned, : as Agent fcii — El'e well known Companies, will make Issuranee against lees or damage by fire, either perpetually or an naiiitY, IV property tn either town or country. Marine and Intend Transportatlon Rieke also taken Apply personally or by Mier to "':'WILLIAM suzautft, Harrisburg;Pa octont-dawl'l • - 13IOTIN.A..ROGFING l'Fil;ErrVoorlAgi‘vi&w:i UNITED STATES 'HOTEL ROOFING 004 NO. 9 GORE BLOCK Corner Green and Pitts Streets, Boston, Mass. HIS Portable Reefing is the only article T ever offered to the public,' whichia ready prepared to go on the root without any Onishhaz operation. It is tight, handsome and; easily applied, and can be is May and cheaply tranaported to any part of the world. It will not t ant or discolor water running over, or lying on it, and is in, all rasps As a very aealrable article. Its nonconducting properties adaft tt.e3psoialiy to covering manufactories of various kinds, ant' it to :confidant!, of fered to the public after a test or Am' years in all-varie• ties or anat. and temperotute, awrottig all kinds of rook, gat or pitched together with ears, dumbest., ire It is both ohep and amebic Agents wanton, to whom fiberal inducements are offered Wad f or sample, olive kr, no., with pertionlara, to "U.& ROOntie 00., apr24 dem No. 0 Gore Bloat. Boston.. INTERNATIONAL'II.OTtL . .• 885&:887 imq4DwA.t, cotexle,:. „.,FRANUI .;STILEBT A NEW - • • - H l B 61L eCutuet quiet, I.rbinpelike, and plsasant : he* .JA the My—oilers supssior. ladueensentwto thole vislllag;Nsair YORK ki Inudabill or 'pleasant. It. is central la Its Imam, sixd kept ot:igte 4 • • -•- EUROPEAN PLAN, , l'AY14911 1 gil3AIOON;; - - refreshments can.bii.44 at, haws or served 1R tlsidi en ThoileV r iels;lste mo derat e,. the rebind eizukatiandanos'oCtine: ,q4er r .liatbil, and 'all the mod. oonyttiilenne iiifsW ma&lui ',.W . 419.•-YrkAA.44l:-.,-:i , i,-: ~,,.,. 171111}1.ELTA ; - , IifidiFFEAOTORY. "Nrif 69, Market Aiieit,"lieloiri hi4y2, - ' - ' - ' - '''" ag...-I,Er*:l LEE•:,::2'::l';'-::. _ ...._..... tatANUFA.CTUREfe, - ' iii . IiiIBR4I4B, ' PARSOLS and . WALKING CANES, w 2 El ltire l f tatets w wit hl ifonrailli be ali sadoigrA4nA t .Flogt. 444 quAks zt sad eArlast them elvesjt a tr , L . -1 ew=.1117.- , I+ . 1)1,1 1 E0. tf itaduate ot the agamore °Wage of Deetai gorgsry, haying perma fleetly located to the any of Harrisburg JIM AMR the legate • , • oa Thlrd, Meet, lb et • • 472117'N,.x,?;„ .450,10,044 , :if0rz0s his rt 71.1: .:114e4,140. to •0011 n 0 1 7 , I profession either surgical or muctemeoal, 1 , 0 -InootW !b0x..4 1 1.1' not be .surpassed by operand fir SIMI Mao Mbar oily. His mode of inserting artiticialleeth is pen the latest m fmrsdseientino prOolidost teeth, from one-to indi Ast,'nspauuka 13!/ One @Old Newillathut Phial 'oettitie %Sae: :I .a 4 ti l7 t l ; . w l e l laMl26l6l; : 6ll u e f i 1 1:1: _ot confi d ent he will par .1 . nom In inninnino mminer;front my ukowieciiiel-of his vpiuty. n. •EE CENTS,. AER v 4: R stook of .RuperioeFloWer Nur ;and. Si Beads we have deleridideto sqll at !Wee:teat% per .paper. Call at- Na sl'it'irket street, Sears drools hew store, sod' pa. wilt: get to alas • WatileTjculV4lllls 4Ptlbie4lll#4l** *Ms it -L. AA. F xi - A a; E s C -. 0 ft: 13 . 10 DIFFEEthiT SjZfr, VitcrrE - Aularcotiliairi. Theltioletierft*miinnfixtured, caw be • • Next door to the Butt . ~E R :slDit • ALCA fliCla lot . 4 Latkagit,Pig4T: winaliguaaVirish.s,genliikt lOW a,p4 ettroopiolo,,,rototoll midi* MfklitAttetotK 4.lUllitAtt'ut Drisome. 01.175177- "IFF -I,` u f e F ug * to boy Pato& ltodlotoss. Miscellaneous. GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATCHMAKER & JEWELEa, N 0 . 88, Market Street, Harrisburg. UAS constantly on hand a large stock 1.1. of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY CLE3, PLATED WARE, &a., Watches and Jewelry neatly repaired. xir N B. Don't forget the plane, opposite the Jones' House. assrBl4Bm B, Z. HARRIS, Tin and Sheet Iron Ware Manufacturer NO. 112 MARKS!' BMW; 'HARRISBURG. u- As always on hand a full assortment Of Tin and Japanned War*, Pooling mad Paster Stoves or the beet ntantbsomrtes, Outer Spouting; Reef ing and Gabraeized Iron tiornialt, manalitotared and pat on at reasonable rates. _figir Repairing preepily attended to. THE BUT ROODS FOR Mg LUST lONZT A. HUMMEL. Dealer In :BOOTS AND SHOES, or every DES 10-RIPTCON and at all PRIDES. Next door to the Court House, MARKET STREET. Also a generals/mamma of TRUNKS, VA. LIBRE and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. nuir2B-dim A NEW OPENING. ZOHN F. RUMMEL, Ml= IN SHOES, GAITERS, SLIPPERS, WM= ;Arid Children's noes, of every deverlption ; also Haidles„ . bridles, Harness, Collars, Whips, Carpets Baas, Trues, Valises, ho , allot which will be sold cheap for ea* at No. 20 Marset Weer, Harrisburg. tryl. Mt.* L MUNCH, AGENT. OF the Old Wallower Line respectfully Worms the pobllo IN AOa Old 1141 r ntunlorta don Doe, (the only Wallow .r ldue 030 W In exist-sue to chle In enocetetul operedoe, and prepared to carry freight ea low at any other Individual hue .atweea Pailadelphle, Harrisourg, t•nnoury, Lewl4.nrg, WA inuneihri, Jersey 'awe, Loci Kay n and all other points on the nor th ern ...Autrey Phelaaelphia Ana hne and WU- Ihunaport and Unklia neuronic DANL. A. 11131DICH, Agent. Hai risbarg, Pa. Goods sent to the Ware House of Mr r 4. Peacock, Zell & Inctnen, Not 808 and 8.1.0 Market street &twee blentb, ildlauelphia, by 4 Womea, P. , will arrive at Harrlabn g, ready lor delivery next morning. aprgkromyl FISHING TAOXLEI OF ALL KINDS. Three, scar and flue joint Trout Rods. silk and liair Trout Lines, reoll 1 0 to 60 Surds long. 1.431.40.1 Pa at TlOll4 Lines, lb 4t Twisted Bilk from Lines, " Uinta ,roes Lines, Linen an t Potion Linos, host Linea rurinsbea with Books, Corks, An. 11. ass Kulliply.og seals 10 to 50 yards. A lot of (Mince Trout Rik Worm Gut Leaints, bottom lines, L to 9 feet " " Strands. " " Snoods, Limerick Rooks, man , No. 1 tot Trout Baskets, Kirby'trout sod River Books, UMW' 10k Trout arid diver Rooks, nests, Rialto and .Lkinting Cups. KItWACRdDeOG AID FANO it STORK ni72 91 Market Stre.L GREAT ATTRACTION. CALL at No: 75 Market Street, where fon will find a large and well eelecasd dock 01 'minima, fancy undo:Weary of alt kinds. A gnat va riety of Wye of every dedriptlon, When' Worn adman and fancy Basket*, Foreign Frans, Nuti Dim and all other adman generally sops Ina confectionery and toy Sore. tieselvingtresk Supplies every week. Cali and azaednefur yourselves. Pit IL WAG/GOMM., aprlB-d6in P. oprbdor. WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COURT-HOUSE. Consultations in German and English. martli-ain IMPROVEMENT IN DENTIJ3TRY Dit: P. H. ALLABACII, durgeon lien. lid, Manahaturer bf Mineral Mate Teeth, the only method that obviates every abjection to the me ot arta eclat teeth, embracing partial, half and whole Ms or one piece only, of pare ono indesumonele mineral; there are, no crevices for the seecumniatlen °fantail particles of food and thereihre, no offensive oder From tea breath, an no nth. tal la media thew contaractlon, there can be no migrant* action or metallio testa. Hence the fealty ideal le nut an noyed with sure throat, headache, 6is. Onioe No. 411 North Second street, Ilarelsbarg. ecal2- dly THEO. F. OCHBETER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, , . RD.. 18, JEARKE2 BTILEZT, HARRISBURG. yorPartioular attention paid to relating, Ruling and Binding or Railroad Blanks, Manifests, efintelee, Quiets Draft; &c CARDS printed at $3, $3, $4, and pee thousand In elegant style. LARD FOR SALE. • A BOUT 800 acres, prinotpally Chestnut Za.. Sprout Land, situated in Dary and Gusearoge t . 'wmalKal DanPlnu county. Also a noino.r of line Ohesinut limber and Amore low In Londonderry and '.booth. Anyibe toernahipa, Lebanon cou.. ty or noinlnr partied -4n apply to Samuel Hoffer, Cooew.go ) or to John Benson, Uneb,ook Monaco, k 'anal man str7sdbawana tt. G PKBablaND, INDUOEMENT TO PITROHASEES. V.SAY heavy stook of Drees Gouda ja. of every description, now open a very low prawn. OwTßOnet & BROTHER, Non doer to the Harrisburg Hank. my 6 VEW Fruits, Currents, itaisine, Citron joi and Leman; at the new Wholesale and listed, tiro• uory and- Provision Stem earner rival and Martel straci,iitarrlabarg, Pa. j ANOTHER SUPPLY OF MORTON'S lINBTPA LL EO GOLD PENS. DEBT PENT; in the world, for 750, .2/. 25 LIP io, s 2, $3, and $4, for sale at tettlCY acniffziPO Bookstore. ARSON BRO WNLOW'S GREATP BO 'K. —A sobsorption list i a now van far SutuWalow , s Book at E, 8. °MMUS BO ) EBTORII, No. El Saadi &mod Ontoot iay6-dosod2w* CHEAP scpAßs Choice Syrup, Teas, ka. For sale kni by NICuOLS k BOWMAN , corner of Front and t straw. • CANE SEATED CHAIRS, &c NEATLY repaired and resealed, an all orders executed promptly by Mrs SPlORillik, butr3l4llm ...4.40n4 4 , re 4 batozr 111110•1147. BLACKING 1 AABONS G "CHALLENE BLACtING. leo Gross. assorted Saeelloat reealved, sad tor *3 t Wholesale prim, dell WIL - DOCIC, Jr.. 41g Go RANBERRIIIB, Dried Fruits, Fresh *pp* H.mony, at _ NICROLS & BOwMAN'S corner Irnot gad ,rKe( 1311tAiWBEBBLEt3 N.he pliaitecinntil June with safety. U [4 . Watar, bode an Sweet Ora* I UP, tiMati AAA. a7l .rs .1 111 it Et at lE=ll NIGH ILS R BOWMA N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers