igebiLai • 14 Eerie' ,itorirwinis; •-• • PEW REMEDY 117 X RHEUMATISM ., . . A ' NEW REMEDY, ,03 • 0:1111T•LN •Kii•DY, j • . AOUTX Hatslal•TlßM, Hilo RHEEIMATMII, J2H/WilL•ffgAt ORP imp,p; xi Ne mATria ' - VrIMBORN, HOWIONO WARDING. PROPPLANIA ' WILL CONVljilt IT, • WILL MIRA IT, WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL DO 41.. 41"6 7 1:26°1". KNOW:itt •:. awim. ho AND N, ivt,PENNSYLVANIA "EQSPITAL. .. ~ . [Fooll.l:llMMArllatrtrah Itirinamj 6, Ws. /9, /MAT-8441 8 ., ytt• 28 184/81 never w B B 7 0 4 Arens. Twoyeartl ago she nad aghast of &Mite rostulte ttem,tront which she was moaned to her bed for ttris weal, and stableseaktOP from &Maine fir four more. EthstuUt begs; all since diet! till last'ElatUr dor, , - whlle engaged Id betrill' cleaning, she toot cold, hid poly in: bar back, felt cold, le*had pii itiog .. l . l ch ill . Two days later her ankles bia.: rePatZleli Woe followed by swellin'of to ‘ licaTof the Amanda. She. has now.A doll, Pala In her shoulders, and her knuckles are very tender , 1 Atalrfal ; both hands are erected Vat the right: iihicythsa,:ls it can Of Molar ' 041 attClBoBlol3eBlY Coalletkrheamatio fever. Iglu 1,4 t ad typical ease. laisaillcarsibUyahitah &lasi mum, and from Ume to time callgoor asteatkin_ to the Vs* ice tynninliSmawhlch prowl themselese.eldy chief oldest, to het before Aft no*, Is to sailattentioa to a pas reoeUllY heesj recommended In the t=tit of theamatlead„' I thfto preppie's/4os: '''Dr., arnissida, of Bt. 'Pairsbargi reacdomads it in the hlgidlidleruis, having derived rest beeent from tut use In ne easel which mameendem hlortarni: Various 0016. 'tory tostimoolsb respedhafit, bibs appeared In air- toa, sad I propoie therefore to give soother, • •.:•1 mast confess lam always incredulous as W s the! worths( new remedies, which ars vatuitod as spegiAeit; but tale somas to , es , recommended so highlyeihthswo sila band torts* it II trig. .. . . . ..... . 'l, .., . . . '., .. "' "Wng (iOE FOUR DAYS LATEiI - ' " NILO 211,1111k1.-4 will now exhibit to you the patient iter, w 1 prescribed .Propylaminvaiel was then latior-. =Weed" an attack of acute rkeuenitiest. , /he has Allay taken it in doses of three grains every two hours Iffiffirmltting it at night.), „IfinANY after you saw her, I baud bar mach mmee sa le, better than she ex pected to .. ftw i eek or more, Judging Irom her other attaen. Ms e t e n walked,intethe room.) The , ovement stmtda progressed, and you cannot to nabs a marked chante ih the appearance of her 11.41OhlirriSIOW "OM/ Orithig, Vika*. ffixit * 4 u ar our experiment woul have seemed very sea ; tgelevingeteen, , swiktost well,* Mile while. bo ffin give - a deitidor oeblion isle 'What amp. ,be ' . ,..,00- s c , '''. ' is another patient who was placed on dill: MAW ~,,Siartaproll4wa_m on Sunday ir..113 abe hes long . been miimm caro rhetonaOM, and ` I Mund her at that time with an acute attack supervening eras her "o,lWorlo effeetion. The wrists and knuckles were Much I i=ifigrtt souse. She took the chloride or Tropyla,' ereee grain doses eyerytwo hours, and you Will that the welling of the Pinta has much &min „ !I Lid 7 Ael,., MOP_ .4 1 .411 i .4114 1 11. 1 1..... ; • . ~—This Is the case of acute rhea '— '' V„,,i , ollaralnit, thd. Ric f those to I iff , ~ , ~ L, ,nn at our left bhe Is 11 . ry Oomfbrt 'd‘ now tbreegrahurthri n edilly. jim dati= it bee seemed to.be, followed by vary elk its. 'lTte second Cootie which your egillwit Oda was celled at our tut lecture, has also cintUndinEtel ;Made A _rill now bring you a very charaoter bracitio rheutnalimn; and if the result be Su &story, I thikk,na goodguryeadn, 'we shalljustly render oar verdict infayer,e(propylande , .. „. ~,Re I seaman, iet.•9s, Who was 'adinittelra' ) bly days, — SOL dcasafonal rheumatic; paha, 'but riot so as bed, untal eight days ago. The pains began 1 tuAlligigt4WelvsubepootottlY 40044 NiteAdtkners e Am. - me - tains oT the tiler extrahnires. - 'Mee Joints are a ll swelleglatiss'allinleuden - Ste tongue is forted ; his ohmy unman dry, though there Gas been much sweating. Ills pulse - 18M and strbng, and "beat IC— , 115 has now used propylamine.fbr twenty-four hours. Is wtapposy be called& strictly VOW :. *kik , umaikpovillpe watt,elpogerrite.eold . , exrh — lrfollowild' by ribeibig"ef addnees severe articular, pain, beginning, as it usually lz k eLictits. E Thotre w i rer end the pro atUondint atone Arheitmatism'. I did net bring this patient belbre you with the I titan: , See of &dog you &Winne on all the points cone oted i• with rheumatilin, but •to again give a trial to the; - new WIWI Ire are , lading, and to exhibit. to you thill typical OW de I have nailed it,'llinn Wine& there oo aid! net Ag ee opporkinity cot meting the medicine WI Ws ikeffherefora, aeoltftirthe Use of a wren anodynes, that there may be n ;Sigi l lttito winch was the effioleut remedy,: You, bop b case at figure panto.,: : , .. .. , ! AM) ',ra n it. """"'"'” _ Tip •4 . ~111 J = . , -" yiaitutar- 4 a Josit a ale t -Ake t nezi britur"aorVrilieeinta ts II oil/ or thritehintiain berets you et init. °Milo or Ms - % I :,Atkirlifell I then celled w typical earatiand whlab ristestited anis re fair opportunity for testing; " 1101111011 etir Iturtreuutdl:, It Wes theretore. amen every two hours for Mar dart. , • *Most haslet - along very nicely, and is now able Ps " dletihkurnt you see. - Ido not hesitate to et.rta at S • -- 7 7 Nas µVete it Cap ,of - mpase„rheamikums • togi_whhAi Oft iutd 4 .M 041 1 ti ‘rl: prspsred . deoutepositively es Ed tee v IMP Naar we have isibdi bbundi to eta • MiYalta in which we, bays tried .the Qhhuide de, the lasfdaii brie' regatad heal er than Under the treatmeat • ordituarilY pu ' i g i V e goLleates,you would youriedves try of whioh_the above is a eion corm*, me inillide l ll4 l ". 46 1, 144 mad 34010 04 if/11 0 1 6 /$ tie is IkA t*P3q4fter file . tr.iallq #4 9 bee lll 4l l de 0114mtknm.fhl000stary, , imdt motor Un dotstommumatom oeistfloamo from .essoulobod octorif ii 'I , ci l i a • '7" -- 01' tugs 8a817L7 " • h. DO WEDINEVRIITELID:i. DD ) • " 'rc WILL DOJier. BOO* 40311011411 P, Sit firm Wen liznown tdm m a . 4 - l iaftinattirhem the Ifillxtr Propylamine hoe been in. 0 1 0 10 14,.. l lMP,fidtitteite the exaltddve right to meanie°. sedarding to the inightal recipe, and we have tondo arrangerseuterbradoh: a k agatiada as to a m od a t w , toscdtterti broad eent amulet ingfering human* $ .•? k Yf I ZTP # l7l77 D°° T ° llB. II yea prorate we the sans enumlydn another NM 14411111) yoer allentkat to the ..... - , 1 141 11 A59 11 ,A4 111 . 13 CAMP= nornafal.: //11 PO/Do I 'll..** ~ 4 110 0/"Pm 0.631, .400,1..,„ . ire the sole nuutuflusturere: 10ehtol no Other *hut for thaltlizir Priipykaniaii .ilionicomaidawitn:PureOniitallsa4 Oblorkiegor Prop!. • TlrliPtat - - V MORE OONVaIY.A . 4 • AND ALWAYS READ I 4. ...aron4autimas.uga r ANDRATATT r .. „Aficiymm. ivy ANY WHO HAIM I I )ll44Witisbure bq 7-7 ..t Orternikr Palddrcalid to PROPWIWV/1 MAN171447117111NG GU I ogootiligiatil 4, to. ; -$. $ • At 76 ON. a IMAM Oar..lroartn and Oinennt cite' r te, IME tpAI of tbefolloring Ins4" l 4mti. . • • op l a m iguyl. ,ensirattio.r.. tau,. Aka - • •- •. tJV `,..arak T. Nolan naor a 00 itiommaiN eart.dly FREIGHT - .REDUCED I Howard &Hope MORT 86 ItaK Darrow BEAD morons swYilT.m; DOOTOBS TR Ifa . • N E RK:s. Goods Ordered Phr the m voi l i i ; Re " mt , 7-7 the `oathsNighti Lowe New lork at 7* P. U., bytelnd Through Espes. Train, arriving bi HardOni4g at 8 A. hk. WITHOUT' OtaliGE Y;OAF f' (41118 Order Gooda *044 via E9PIIIEXPERBBI 004- Gene* Oftlre. 182 Broadway, tow ir4rii: For Wirth* leforpiaiirm enquire og 4 ; aIIs;),,IIYARGNEIIi,, Agent. lismorowk; Aug , . 1:861.-dtf ' ' Bi'dottNE,LL'l3 - : GOLD,E PT I Big OIL V.ERY.body : ought to join in oiroulet . lug it, if -tho Lots we rirent are so. All are 4i r~ted, tha t iSlio The GOLDEN IILEOI9IIQOICbs usefal in Chronic slid Nervous Diseises., suelktes Rheumatism, - Neuralgliy Rroachids Mel al. a, Piles, Fresh or _Old Sores, Ulcers, Glandidkr Swaim, Female Comptkints,..Stire , In fact tlearb hiLnolhliilii medicine that acts with snob magic powerias the.apiden Electric OIL Hundreds nazi certify to Its vtrtfrs. .7 ' For the purpose of iniseducing It into eivta7 hippy, lth two of my, own Vitibable preparations - for - Omuta, Croup, Weak imdhitlsimed Ryes, and as an ledusemplas to those who seal % .me to dispose of 90 gams, Li planeln possession of a wimpithie t of honorable gentian* Ate foliowing valuable talkies, fOr FEEEdhltribution emoting the haseee l 1. Pine &mei' tvii Plano:::.. ' i:11100 = ; 1 Fine Dreads Bur San ltf 1 Pine Outlay.a, . 1 Fine English Gold lever Witten ; . SS 1 Fine do - sU < S Fine Ely* WatcheClS N I 10 • 1 Oldska Violiniand..Bow..„. 1 Mutos.,.. 1 Fine ficeitlis:Z;elhlE. Gun L 41 . fine Bend.tonis Acootdeon • 0. A gold Brunets 111. 00. . . . .... ..: .-„,...._ - i4 600 Son* vioside Pfile,_2slMS:.: A'. l ''"' . . . ~:; '196 400 liokes Tooth Posidatlll - ete.F.' ) .__.._ , ..4 . ._ ..". -=', '''`. 1007 WO Copies Wed Dan aloe, Imbeitished,ls eta •!. , 1107. 1 Copy,- 6 solumos,phststien Union, $1 00.... 1 Finellek b um f ..". ..... 90 ! 1 Fine Delano Dress , NifiZnifnit fakir rIORMSPZISP9kraI 7 fiar 6 Fine Go ld Pen .."' sOO „ 64 IZi BlLATZl2g4tniti ti so Fine Begs of Jewelry, IQ. 00 A i ..,: , io ytto, osoMe Madaillou, 1 inn . CP" • -.4.4 - 4 it;.', im 1 Ulnae Locke. Pilie,"mtOU '- - - 600 Tine 8een , 5we01,!",290t5.:‘:,1..; il C.; e .1/2 500 lino %ULU EV*, Woke..., -*.. ...... 126 t ; ego Fine genie Sleeve Butkus, /2)/ eta ..,,... 1 - 100 Rue Allen's - BOW yeWder, 26018 ~...; ...: 1 Gut Family 8ib1e.... - . ........ 11l Illarrel Flour 70!:" On the payment of 26041480 w r i ch ,llottle or. Bok•-• of the Medicine, the 'Mutant wlll keen*" a unapt and au order for an envelope, witch will °utak' themaMill of one of the Motive sifts. ,OO the day of the MstriIIMUMIM gilts, the envelopes wllttorPlatteslin a box or whin, With a hole to pus the hint Into lc the envelopes altlent into the wheel, well shook et .and secured, each phyoluiter will &Wpm his of her 'own envelope; the Wm It therein Will be iliven'an am a the drawing nallic . l•n - sloe will be given to agents, and In the papers, otthe lay of dlstrlbullon. - . - Purooesers al a distance wllthav equal share wllli.those residing in flarrishorg.:..... calpt ot ,th s motley ' for one or more dozen, the Red , with; and and orders, will be ibrwarded.by 1 freli•orobargo. In all oases the medicine is Marranind cue or give relief, or no Charge. ;See onfdtkatii. i ..., , . . „ . DB. W. SAII.TRIAIR 41/{.l-45 I.have Merged that , have purchased the right Ur manufsature and sell X - non Golden Electric; Oil, ler the benefit of, thenill , , I semi the fellowing i-I bevel:ea agitated _with a - Bing sore on my leg leg for ten yeara.ilifiring that • I have been under the Vestment of .tan , of the Men , tars in Hairlaborg, BalUnicris fuld:Cumberhindfuoll ; but all could - net emic; a ours.. Me over a year going into my blacksmith Ahop As* dark, I Nut right leg also, below Meknes., It spread all anted • A leg, and beaus* a running-,sore. Several Doctors d me I must hive MY lag taken off, mortilleatkittlia ; taken piece. Porhunmidy I got a bottle of you- go Electric Oil for nay fibilA's_sore mouth. It mots° la that I thonght I would it on my legs. I b using It abOut la/ weeks, and my legs are now WM tip - s ound and well. , ; _. ,' w h o are T. 110 U . We, the undereigned, are wall acquainted Webs, T. P.OllO/1, do certify to the . *SS* "Wed' ab "", and the henenciel effects ot letkocifilFs, endielli. io 011 on many of our, neitplitlisi Y 1 = ' ' ' ANDREW - i , ;ii ' -- - ' ; C. EssaLT, ;4 I A. P. ERN Bri e Hoist& IVlOSEVeMigitiii74. :''.l444r4Vf ' J. LOSIGENkO A 4 . .been beeil, 11 F4g -DS•Ar i ll - 431.0 9 P . 8 0M 0 n, 4 . ..00 ithe thuttw6 pals.. ninalitult sat it at anytpri t a AZ my MIAMI Me subject to Colds *Ad (huup. 1 eVelhave aired their lives, by the use of the' niedloine. No aloft: with children ought to be witboßl• it: • . 'F. K. SWARTZ, (livery,) Harrisbdtg.: • ' ' Outs Cu,au December *MI.. Du. Balm 1-,I thank - ruttiest namely Air the Oh* mut yOU gave nut for my` eyes. I have of ly used*a few times, ibd'am now entirdyfree *Om iallainstkmishdpetn which is more than 1 borie teen for the list fi v e y yeirsi- I hope God will bless you ter the treeto p: No ptlrson piloted with We a k= or inflamed` sore eyes NOS 'to io without it . Being well aiguiblitin with 4.4 J. Wee, what lie -; cani nes to above is correct sout trueLale 'elordar'-`- Skit, may elem. • ' " J. B 'HE L M, fl. 0..0r-BedforiL: Hundreds hese certified-Lhasa onlyeven the Obese. Pilei, 'fetter, Polon, Itch, Leek 'Jaw, Quorehosi, Glen, Lenocwrlns, end all secret iMulises'aared with same au twee, or no charge. • ' • " ' • '' - :Ten per UK Will be paid 10 . 1111 *sow sellini,to r or more dela.' '' ' ' •W. IlAnn Aii ! PO' flawtf ..... • Harnabarg, : IN NW:RYA:4M WHISNIMIR MIND, STAGE' lINE . FOR GFiluritißlTß,l4 -Fos .4Enuq.gri - V - ;:;tit G rrGlEtag established I a • ± *raw UNI haS COACHES trylfiegyfthee. deothellthg every;Otherandrathgwith the Gegebie, and: alboy Beltroad awe:, The cesohee leave , evei7 very.fflataday;•Tbarsaar and Eleturdayerefitaiei every her:Aly: Paseeegerir•lbr 'StkepperLstoyra; Chnseurg -thetharg and Geuyetpareare carried at ea to nuee di_et , WIC L Ten ANT lONA EERIE DBE=' -J. -M:11.E11, " gt.tßtittiN v :tir,l4" OFFERS his services . citizens. o . , Aziarrlsburgzsd ha Eje colieibi a *se e o taitylitbilOpotrowyg4tr giVes anima that beet iitoire chat boi to nod roaller&OLgoi. in Mit pro. *piton.. Baing,eo. trl ll o . 4 tottlet, he Fools Oa in n*Ot Pita* generally to ail dit aininrint they will not be diesotbdioo, with Itto cervices, biLINO 141 IhroArei MOOO,Ja_tho hoite.fOrin — Ory po - bY, 4licob /FT" near the Plito4 , *otos ROW; =II Cal . . 140 1 - W irjuits. Qurromittr - „. • 1 : 11 inti tel* " I . eery sad Provfniaa Wyk comer sad* t lllllNltaairdebeli, Pa. MOIIOIAt BOWMAN, - — 7; famovimutia Date Cdtgrapty OW /Morning, Slap 2, 1861 eillitttliuguutis ,v7PMIS CO.'S idqb millit ::1 ~- • 1.010 16 " W. j ~ ~r i . i'~ 76 Destroy—Bate, Roaches, &c. To Destrey—Mice, Melee, and Ante. 26 Destroy—Bed-Bags. 2b Destroy-- 7 —lilotim in Fun, Clothes, &c. 21, Destroy , Mosquitoes and Fleas. 7b Deseroy---Insestallon Plants and - Fowl". To LieskY4--,,, liseets on Animals, 40: lb Deiroy--Idiery form and speolipf yermfti. 66C,C*EiliEtor'ISSP7 MB TIMM= EXTERMINATORS: "ONLY mamma =INDUS kNOWN.I 411 i 1011 lIMA NT LI EVERY FORM ~A ND SPEOBBS OB BM 31 I N . .. .f ; ':~ Lt, iThose Preianationa (unlike all others) are: "Free froii Poisons." "Not daingetim to :the Haman Funlly." "Bate do trtdie on the prenileeii.,"' , "They come o4ot; their holes tn die:" 4 "They are thi remedies known.' 7, "12 yeariand ino*eetabllehed in New l'Ork ••• Inn Used by—the City Poet Office. Used by Oityftleons and Stetted - Houses. Used by—thaOltylßt'samere, Ships, &o. Used by—.the City ,Hcepitais,i.Aims.Housee; Used by—the City Hotebs—‘Astor'--'St.Nlohv- lea,' &O. Used by—the Boarding Kotula, &0., 40. Used by—more . theft 150,000 Private Families. ors. one or.tio - ck)au of what ' evirytoheri' said by the Periplliditors—Dealers, .1101iiEldittfiligiltroubled with vermin need be so ;10 if they use "(Josun'e" Externakttors. We-have used it to opr Satis faction, and df a bbi cost we Would have it. We had trledpoisousihut they effeotednothing; but "Coma's" aitiole knocks the, breath out of Bata, Mks; Boachcs and Bed-pigs, quicker than we can:write it. It is in - Oat demand all over the cOuntry.-',4lkdina (0.) WO ad • a MORE Gltklll and provisions are destroyed annually in k Groat -county by vermin,. .than would parfurAnns of Bat and InseofSiller. Lancarter(Wis.),Efgaid. HENRIB. 908d$--We tare seWng preparations rapidly,. ,W he r e ve thimluive , bee n used, Bats, idioe;B,tw.thes and Vermin disappes; rapidly. 12 . , •,; Raw Brounani A. . ‘l- korafxbite, Windijor; ; 14 - ;A - 1.117 - , "Costar'S" .;itorioh, &o.ElltctermingtXt: " Costar's " " Costar's '' Bed-boe l tsterminator. ' " Costar's"- " Costar:trplet:trig Powder, for ;Tilt* Sto. 260. 60a. AID , $1,90 11i;us. Earn= Aim $ 8 $6 &imp?, Italiceth, Mrs, • , bas. • • . „ To OITTION / . 140 1 1 the pnbliq'from being intoned upon by and lirtghly Peageilis Imitation; a new l a has been prepared, bear ing a fa; simile of thtt'Proprietor's,cligrusitirc arguable eacik.b* bottle,Lor fliskoareNn e j be fore purchitithig,:rrtd!take nothingbut gg. . ' 0".? BEE 74; ; T ' !fir Sr)ki lf,rb3l 4 All Wirosaiszn Ammon In the tinge (du* i =: , (jeoute of the S t f Wholesale '4l* . n l ts in New York MY, Schieffelin NON* & Cu- B. A. Pahnee Hull & _ 'A. B. & D.,l3apb,& Co. Wheeler.:CHask Jamie EL MphmaL NortianicAlemAi • Hall, Mickel &Do, Thomas kFullar,E Barral z 232B , lo34lCitohen. Bush, & Rohipson., M. Ward,Alese,koo. McKlinonls Bobbins. D. S. Barnes &Do, P.C. Wells 4_00,1 laselle,lgamblqlsublut• Hall, Dlion &•f w Conrad:Poilrage ' Philadelphia, Par' T. W. NOtk - ,04. esigoA t h Co. Bash Bh4MaXiir & Co. • Pr 41 ,./uh•" 114 054.:1 1 ° 0 •9 — silo (01111: 7 . 4.1110 HT . 1 Danaanns, Gpxuntsi Isenamoriss and &Luz genprallyiksll Comm Umngv.lPM4 -17nakon3 in the , , illll MID XTATESA • . : •1 e `.• =I Ell L AT H A Rlllll'l7 t . NIL OriSaki by.. ' 1 - D. "WT. Gross & 00., , • . K. Keller PtinelpalMbolniale and Retell Agenda at Rarriaburg, . and.. ly the Thwannara, &win ciannurand Raahutina generally. El or wars' can order Sir sheet+, lOrlddisitil' girders direc t or if • ' Terma,‘,Bl6:,'- is desired, seta r EigeT Vinsiler; giving , need Piioe~] w 144208 TA" Puniovis, b No. 612 Itssie w Y r jeAsti o _ . site the St. nimbi Hotel,) New Yak, WHOM 111 MEE iJ ME =9 i• , BEI iNi Lints of faratiti 0 iitansvortalun, PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD WINTER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND &MP. MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1882. The pasieu T r ains the PatieetYtellaic Railroad Company :will depart rom and arrive at Harrisburg and iinsdialase as molis•:— , ttikaTlFF A a . THROUGHIENPRIed TRAIN leaves Harridburg dally 'at 8.20 at ea, and arrives at Nest Plinadelpela at 7.40 FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg daily, (except Stmday.) at 1.00 p. m., and arrives at,West Mbi , MPaia at 3.10 0 . 144.11.2214111 leaves Harrisburg daily (cm Tan eve?, And cievlis at Weet'lltibutvlp Mit :ILap .410001MODATION ilt A gN, via Kogan Joy, leaves Harrisburg at, 1.30 a. in',"nad arrives at Welt Phila. delpbia at :12115 p. tn. „. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Via 0011Ull• bl 6 leaven Harriabdrg at 2.00 0. areire,al Walt I~blhdsipbla at T,20 p. m. , , WESTWARD. 191110114 H ZOOM 'TRAM 'ltiviei Philadelphia at 1199 Harrisburg .at 8.06 a. te,, Aiwa& 11.49, a. au, and prffietel at.Plttsburg. at 121 p. m. - , • MAIL TRAIN %Lem Philadelphia at, 8.00 4.,m..ai1d Mr- Ayes of Earriatium at 1.20 p, m. ;• leavottlarrieb eurs at 0.00 la a: . rona,A..B2op. arrirt , at 'Moberg at 9.99 FART LINE learn Philadelphia at hall ac m., Rawls. bug MO6 P.m., Altoona at 0.10 9. m., mid arriving at :Pittsburg atl.lo a. eh • • lIARRIBBURfe AOCORIRODATIRN TRAIN Mayas .Tl,l' dsphla at 220 p. and arrive at Raerfabiogat ICOO' MOUNT JOY AO2OII3IIODAITON eta Mount 'Lessetibter at , 1123 sis 4 melees at: Harrisburg 'at 1.20 -14 , _ThO BAWD sarItISS and PAINIINGAIR TRAIN will lesiva Fest Phtladationta at 4.00 a. m.; Lancaster 7.07 a. Ta. Yount hy at 2:48 4.614- Ididdlatoma at 8.26 arrive it llareMburg at 8.66 a. m., ommeating with Train wed, from Harrisburg, at 9.00 a. m. aaiIUEL D. )1017Ng gout East, ElrrisiturgiJsimarlitt 1 862 .-4tr Northern , Ceiltral. Railway CHANGE OF , SCREW WINTER: AjnIWrGMEMI. mil mos whim mot - - Close Connection made a .' sai~islinrg TO AND FRO* NEW•YORIC. . 4 SLEEPING CARS RUN: - ON t ,ALL ;RAO TRAINS. laN AND APTEP. -131:IND/Lir 24, MI, the Pusenger Trani tit the ,; - NOV." orthen Oentral nyeettl wive et , and ddiwirtiftlant-Tieitiehierg and lialtbnore ma MI" ore, „, , GOING _! SOUTH.- MAIL lEitAlNariires ZOO P. M. IXPBJ ItiseirMat • “.; • • 51.47 A. M. iid"Wres SAO A. M. GOI-11144 NORTH. MAIL TBAXN and arrival at Harrisbari::.e.A.O.P. K. ::and36airecNorth 'l.lO P SlTlthialltl*N ' 1 144 LOO P. It: - • ithrirganditthriatrarg ,11.90 P. N. and . leaves North at.-- i • •810'P. NE. A00010101:10310N eIL Leivtiellutbibin 111~e,stt.., 8.46 • -• 820 P. lI mow% vin' teevini Hirrifilwwt ow. 8i1u1.4 2 7 will lie the tepieme. ihoh , A l 2d. For farther Intermit= apply et the 0111oe, in Pima% Melrose Depot' jokte:r. UHRICH, want. . , garrieettry. Nom. 23. 1311.—dtf WINTER , TIME ARRANGEMENT NENII, LOB ROUTE 61frter mot vimbAm TO NNW PHILADELPHIA , wrritour COLiNGSOFCABEL • , , Q:AND AITER_MONDAY, NOVElti BNB pttl4a, 1111 ‘m tlke Moamar Trains will leave lbrY adiDwttßrsl lir EASTWARD.' HOMER LINE leaves Harrisburg at 8.80 a. m., On rival of Pennsynanhi Railroad Rona Train - from the arriving ha New 'York at 11.6 a. m., and at • Phil*. diaphirk at 9,00 a. m. I sleeping on is attached to rho train through from Pittsburg without- change. HAM 7112161 loaves lierearg at 8 a. es., arrivihg in New York at 620 p. W., and YORadalphia at 1.99 p. tn. EMT LINK loaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m., on anima of remundinsai Railroad -net Ilan; arriving in Hew York at 9.60 p. m, and Philadelphia at 6.40 p. m. WESMARD. FAST UNE leave, Now York ate a. itt., sad . Pidiada4 l ptda at Ba. m arrhring at Harriaburght tp. m. lull, Titer lams Ned' York at /2.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8.16 p. m. , arriving at Harrisburg at BHO P " u ittPlUlPHLlNlrianing Novi York at Bp. axii: st a g ig ‘ Harristatigagg.l,o a; at4andoannisating.eith the peansyivasia Rspress. Train ror tatibraisa ittiotied tirthis train; • • • • Commalow pie made at Harrisbug with- Arabi tin the :peemeghluda, No Oelitral bad Cumberland: volley iudiros4, and at Reading for Philadelphia : Pottsville; WllltestSure.: Allentown, Matzo, an. • - }beggar cheated throbgb: Faro betiman Nem York rid Harrisburg, *0 00 ; between Harrilburg lud PM* :delay.. Ses in No. 1 cars, and h§..40 Is WO. 2. Midden l er alma' Inlonnadep apply*, • ; • • • J. J. OLYDN, not ' General Agent, Harrisburg. , • , REMOVED. • . :.::'JOHN .. E. SMITH removehisßoot an . tcir,e ictik gh tyaec9oor.o,r Betoud and Walnut grade to. NO. 108 - ALARKET STREET; Neal door to Ifaynei !agriculture Stirrywhere he Intends to hoop all kinds of Wow sr& Moo, Gaiters, No., and a large Nook of Trunks, and everirthing In hie line of eiwee ; and wilt be thankful to receive the patronage' of his old,oustoinera and the Whae in general at' his new plaoe.or hipline!. all kinds of work =date order In the bed 'style an `by eopeelor trOrkmen.'l l oafring diced at short notice..- (apr2dtf) JOHN B. BETH. • CEUBILATIM-DANDELION COFFER, JUST *EOEM*I) a large quantity of Anterlor..Daudellea Mahe; *Mph we will Sell low alt.tlistbaes aloe, PitriLiround Ma Coffee endaur key Paw all put Alp in one pound package..., OM mad examine at the wholeeale and retail uroote7 store Or • , =amp t,Bow mem, corner of and Market streets. trr - RA.*F - AMIL'irITO — tIA in onr d halubbl. wi1:411430, Wpwlesale and retail at Vas New Clreeary and exerteeallitere idua Frees aadMarketoitita. OAL OIL, HINT GOAL OLL Whofesale ad Row, thi sale* NICHOLS & BOWMAN, r *I --Uonatantly on hand figqq:kor ortkao of ?t12.11A 0114.11,01D111.t 19*. DOOK, •,.. . • . BA: 7i . Wane, reilaindliiit boal4ition aid Poe tab Ivry, low 12,t_ ma , DOCIK, ar., t Oa Johns ik-trosletis 130XIMUNG FOE .TEZ TIKES 1 1 RinEmmy IN Inn HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD . THE MAPES? GLUEIN THE WOW). THR MOST DURABLY GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article ot the kind ever prodwod which WILL WITHStAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Bare your brekon Furniture. - • IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Mendlour Eternsee, EkrePh Bolts. *Alivialc• I'P WILL MENROLASS,' Save Se pleets of that expensive Oat Mau Bottle -`; ' MEND:IVORY, Doug thiirw sinik thatittokett broil Puy Wig may re: IT WILL MEND lOW IMAM Ci4iu) Cape and Smelt cm *made am good as new. - . .„ . rxIVAL Masi) MAgitLE . ;,. That pteoo knooki4 oat your Yorb4 Mango oan Da "" - • `oatodaeP Woos. az ever. IT WILL.MNP..POPLELAIN, NO =Oar tbit-bri*oulllgher did sokoons 41 a , ot dab, saved Is a *Mktg earned. rr ALABASTER, ..„ Abibuto bra. a n poo r ain't It, Mood ft , ti nom show when pOtiopthOt; tt will Vend 'tone, timid, Win and in 'fact everything but itaiittit& irtko oenuiriti3d Guar. WTI • - will not shawl/thus itiosmodett. . . I , Bvsrylionsekeepers ahould bars, a supply. ot. Johns & Crosiers American Cement aiscr—it: 1r Vines. ' anti So' imirytedillit to brio hi toe hairs r. ibart:ld• • • • • • &nye ready ; mina/Mt neat to 'teary bal."—fiediesecialet. • • gsWe have hied it, and anti mussed thou homes as •VA* if the Book' , 110.00 per i r Imirrid In ors* . rainy ir: Cak HAW 441.E1110/01 OEXENT GLUE.. Pdc, oenti,l 'iota& pike if. Cents per Vita* Price 26 Oasts perßottle. Prise 26 Cents per Bottle. Prise 26 Cents per Bottis. . itioe 25 Cents per Bettie._ PM Rffilwilon* to 10 . 0 k. .Pitemrs• TERMS. CASH. serror Pale by all Iliaggibt, sad Storakeispers througbort tbe country. JO'UNB 2EIT 013 LI , 78 WILLIAM ISTRIENI% Corner of Liberty street.- Important to Howie Ownersi Important to Builders Import Vin,*ad (0 111 Panks Important to Raisers. • ;u ITCOMS & CROMMirt rialm*AD 9174 PMEtit , OXILEIT T ROOFINGI '` The Cheapest and most durable Roofing him. .. -:= 18.1111t'AED WATER PROOF,. It on tw;epplle4 Jo sew and eihripoen .ot all kW*, • steep or Ad, and to Illurina Roan mttitenk , rooming the abingtee: • , , MA' Out la duly 'about One-Thhii that of Tin AND IT DI TWICE AA DITAIABLAt A 4 , , r.ltde amble Ws been thoroughly,: tatted brl,Derri Yoett Gty and all other torte of the United States, Candi, Weat Indies Central Ind South Amerloh, on beffenp of attlitida,f such u• remain, Tooninne, Onittionee, Rah. Roan Atha% cm, and Oa Mite 411131111 M pnerallt an y. borate ft•roe, eto:, by the"prtnetpll; Biuld Ahinhetalt *Ad .ollteln,Aqbd the Pug Tel= 7 - baittruved tope , the mwaur red tear' D UV ROOFING in vast tt IN td nett respect , A TUAIW 4 WEAT,B44 4q)d PD3OO feovetitr SOGts co Thfs . feta oiaroateria maibie al a. tiesia ' * ' - 'eriirid ' I •setti rs visine eomidnee the ,rridaidreblo propeates of MilOthOy aNd.Duraddhty, w are anhnesally aoano w- ledged' to be-powwow by' m 4 ,, PAIDIFLA AND INDU NUBBIN. .14io,Rest is required liknudduguppliostloe. i llikftrants at applying it h as an ordinary root - min be ooveredand Onlatiodlai lame day. Otel,;be appnia irhuriktiliked Prate 4.pery Zan gspoi surto*. I,loi an niasitobody, *hloh nano* be -06sticir tivoliscs,amariasa or goose BOAlisdy not may e ternal astka wtmover. • I Q lI,ID GtriTAS. nitead 2,•,:n. piloting Metals' 0f14,1 Kin& 'AO* pottedter the Actiosi of the' Wanes; and Fcq. Slyaqty:Ou t AND, 10741114G11112AL ik(*), iIti.OVALLTDa.' Oda in dm cidy.Oompositienloinnt which Viledeeeni ;hall redid 44resseebangeant . ngmai,. sla y length of when applied to riebde; bi•Ateli ti ad bersinnentomolg ginnfi %cud to mate of paha, code mach Ines and will TIK Ay DING andiron ha elaideity Is. not bowed by the •ocausainn 0.11 amnion of Tin, and.ottint ?fetal Boole, . o ousequean ikon sudden changes of Otifniatber; • • Baal not MUM Dr amp ,eiR „Rexwow witurgil„ wor, sot . wAss or. • teak 7 TIA and other lintaritobik realty kayak ed with GOTTA FIRMA C.F.IiheNT, and prevented from terther opreosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a w aggly skidroq itsr many years. . . This Cement ;la peculiarly adapted for ttut proOnslian ot 111,0011AILING4 STOViIikBASQMS, pAY AGRI. 01:11.TURAL IaPLEM.UNM4 at/6 ; for &meat made lecturers use . , GUTTA. PE, CHA O,EMT rot pr= o rrepideg Thread etbeildetal Bode of front lta great ahtetiaity, not Wired :7 1 1es meßacakei andexpandon Of Metals, and will Dot Mach :Mould ok rpc in 'warm weather. Them inateriiiM are Mum= no Am' 'mans; aid we, areligeripartid tori Rattily &dere from any pail eiba coun try, at short modes, for Guru PKhCIIA Romano In arres4.l l PrePired Ibe one, and GM* Mails OE -4 b'srgkiyrith Oh! printed Moutons for spoil aeon: 'Atoorrs•weNTED. .- „wo =Akl, ,Ifbera, 1 and sadethetory '..anangementa with reipbanitile'pamies who would - like to . establish than ishieitM R Incrattrilut4 permanent batinone., We can it?- abandant proof - of all we elaineht *Tor et Oar nomad sooting Wing applid them to want 400.1 NWirork QtY aud ^.IOEIBTEI & CROBLEY, • 't ", ' SOLI MANUFACTOIIIIII3 Whig - oluse7B William St: Omer of Liberty &riot. -*OAK{ 1 .1 4 1 4, 1° 0 141 T arC ll / 1 11% .. on and Prfoee. wI - 1;43 ftunlohed .•. • - . -TUBB Crushed,' Pulverized and Re- Aned„ for odeby • NICHO di BOW MAN: Corner Front ind Keiket streets. wmi._l4r,ko Onwtil AIMIXQUW-WRITMODAKS. Altejnust W,O 10k9741 s r ,B r WUe Mop Book*" ECONOMY =IB WIALTH. NEW Y ORE OUR TERMS ARE LABIL ~uaL AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PITRIFTING TEE BLOOb, A ND for the speedy cure of the XL Joined varieties of Diseases : v go . Scrofula and Scrofulous Affe c t on s lich as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores,gipsi Pimples, Pastales, Blotches, B o o; gh s Mains, and all Skin Dim e% Gowan, Ind, Gib hu e, J. O. Alan k Co., Gents : T real It My duty to edge what your Sarsaparilla has done tar inherited a Scrofulous info:n.ll,l have in wep t tor yew& Smetana It ertsd i;rl,tl Ulcers on my hands and arias i sonieuma tat twi t ,,,7 ward and distressed me at the sonnsh. • it bro.. one my head and covered 14y m aip 7 1 40 with one wre n ,which was paints' and I.stMorti,tel4 dm,.."43 . (1. Lined many aletll.lLo , aml seve n ,' O tl Iclank, but, without muct, reLer nom abst,„ l. h am the , read er Gospel w ke o s rs t e en . geAr tt hkata gh I h wd sled' sheiniative (Barsapanim,,, tor I knew no m pre y u ysb lug you le must be to a d Mon mad N aad got it, an d a nte it tui it e t t . tole S i as you advise, in email ow e o r "lir mesh, and used almost three bottles N r4 ,, c , ° , 0e I 'healthy skin soon began to loon under in e ",,Ed after a while fell off, my slun Is now clear, kitryt-r. isk * owing' that the disease has gone frisi , ffou can Well believe that 1 feet whet I us 6 ,,„„, my 1 11 : sell you, that, I hold you to be one of lb. k ,:;,71 h a age, and remain ever gratefully. y our ,, , • - ""• ,, nt ALFILID B. Wu", St. Anthony's Fire, Rose o r t rysipe4 Tettet and Salt Rheum, Scald g e m Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Robert M. Preble writes Irom Woe, t Sup., 1864; that be has cored an lorebnot 117 • which threatened to terminate fatally, by tae us. or oar Sarequadla, and aka a Mazeraa took or 500 ke ,,,,,,„ akysipelse by large does to 0414, agya he mot the common Ereptione by a eom a ,, i , Bromthooele, Goitre or Swelled xe,k 4 7eholOnliken of Proceed, Taut, wrn ; tlea of your Sarsaparilla eared me Item a Gem, sous m ei ggi N g on the neck, which I had etell: € 4 over tWo yews." Leneorriusa Or Whites, Ovarian T ulle' Uterine Ulceration, Female Disuses, Dr. J. IL S. Chemins, of New Y,,rk (Ity, NMI cheerfully comply with the raped et you In saying r have found your n arsaymih, 4 51 Itaelw siternettre in the numerous complaints for Cute 04 such a remedy, but especnally In haw, the StWitfuleste disdheets. I hcve cured mouy hiCZ: oesseor Lesoorrhots by It, old come whert lc c plaint was owned by rice vUon of the %eau i lit 061110141 Itself woe moo cured. Nutmeg uaa knowledge equals t. Lc' mesa female drraug e m a „,2 /I:diraric S. Yarrow , or Newbury, A la., amts, gum pater on 0110 of the femme/ ta Withah bad defied all the remedial we could coat, t,4 l ig boonb completely cured by your al:facto Cu peedo. Our physician thought pettifog bet uuo am await Kahl relief, but boa, inced the trtv 4 y 6 811/Siparia.• al th e last roaort before comet sad t proved effeMoal. After taking your reawdy egttrwb so sympecen of the drowse reautos." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Ostrava, 75th uaiac Dr. J. o...isna :Sir, I theerfady comply quit of your agent, and report to you tome u; ado. 1 have realised with your earaparilla. lance:ed with it, in my practice, mat Cr the eta. phitints lb, width it to recommended, am* We lecal soca truly wonderful le the cure of Vow* err' 1,. assist MMus& ustd ol my patlencs bed syna'. oral 01 him throat, which were cousurnlin les pains ant tte tip ; Of his mouth. Your Sanapailla, alesd :iy rate =rot him in five week. Another woo curet*: b)' as 011111m7 symptoms In lobt wee, and the ulcer' , cc bra an en away a considerable pan of it, so I act retort desordeir would soon :cacti hie town sad t0..00 Ire; yielded to my adogelosiratton of your Sur,rpu tb. doers heakd, and he is well again, not of cuur, wawa ISMS dediguration to his fate. t arum= A - Go tat ME treldpid lon the same Alm& t by mercury axe auaaai hill& this poison in her boos. I bey her Nom! ti ilsositive to the weather that oh a damp log etc 'learn onernollinnii in her joints 11114 0011.3 i. via. lac, sea Cured eadriely by year Sareaparali iv a few area?. ILISOW Oran Ire formula, whoa you igent give me, the thM YIIIIII.IIIIII I A from your labors:ay mug bee Cu gra, rettisdy atiosequently, these truly refourlair remlu tflfb_tt pave not surprtsed me. fraternally your; G I. Lanoids, Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint. Dteeramems, ?melon t)), Va., 6th July, step . Dei. J. O. Amos: kr, I bin beeswab. vailif ell chronic Rheamatum for long ante wia eh bated of physicians, and stoat to me ra atm. • ut all 0)6 ose llOndloß loould balsie , cureg, m ic e 1. , t u .r u o ul I w.L. trl k ed . a d lc r@ Cz tor t a ir . n yn :: oral bead* so much that I am tar seder ovum befall • 11,141,1119160014. IWult a wondenul methalice.mis Juke T. Belched, of A. Louis. writes • t•I nee toei dinned for years with se alSediun Of the lacer, %tut. dearoyed my health. I tried ear, L, Id, cf 111111111 Wiled to relieve me hen buns Wool 4o!m IMAM for cote years trom oo thee euuse, illegal:lige' ad Liver, My beloved puotor, tLe nee, le ' III PI, advised me to try your Sauk...T.ll, relit it Bald ne knew you, and anyone • you Mai, tv. wart 1271ng. By the booms of God it tuts cared dr. Ito , cx WILMP"• /yo beat that cou be stud c; ‘c. good enougu." Behirrile, Cancer Tumors, finiarsdmen. laceration, Caries and Exfoliation of the Bones. great variety of "LEIS • where sores of tease formidable conyetiat- rec. form the nee of this remedy, but io, boat admit them. Some of Were may be los c Jar AU) 01113 Almanac, welch the agents Wew mm.: to funded grade to all who cell for thew. Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, Etifie? sy, Melancholy, Nallyremarkable cures of these Stec!! , X bet made by the asiterootlye power of tab anobiLiO dame the vital Malone Into rleupeL., r, a ial OVOTOOMOII dlaorders wince week, be a14,0-E• i ite reach. Such a remedy dos boas 1 do rl o es of the people, and we are oundeor Larg do for them all that =MUM can do. Ayer's Cherry PeCtOral FOR MS .I:laugh', Colds, Influenza, Roarietleg Croup. Bronchitis, inclpieat eak gumption, and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease This tea remedy so =vernally toora 41 a u dfai Other far the cure of ducat and lung cuiryie,o, le mien here to publiah toe evidcoCe of in ort o ',„, unrivalled excellence for coughs sod colds, 0 ,, Wenderilll curefil Of pulmonary taws. hot 11 known throughout the civilized oat= or too ";,,,, Few are the communities, or a ver fenolle , who have not some personal experreoca of _:: MOMS hying trophy their mint. of in VoYorY subtle and dangerous disorders ei the throat 8 0 , Bpi As all know the dreadful %unity of WO di.,o n „, as they know, too, the eflects of this rattly,* To do more than to Amur* them that rt liar 00 , t o w Mee that it did have when making the cure.* won so etronsly upon tbe confidence of Bahia; Prepared by itr. J. C. OBE it CO lls Lowell , . a , Goa s Sold by 0.A.. BanMfarl, kthorr, oo. wddaF , J. M. Lots, &Co., Armstrong, 131111.0114 ors enemy where. octletlimdaw . O. Z ilSia.M.E.ktgAN:Fra RiXialftt STOOL, BILL AND COLLICIIO o`.. d Hag been removed..frolo No. 2 &ai ' TO NO. 130 MAE-K.F.T STRBEr 11ARRISBUR9, FA. g TRUST:I3Y NOTES WO g Matt 'UBBER, GOODS' Rabe Balls, Rubber Watches, Rubber Ratles, Bobber Toys geosi allY ßti. $ t BERGNKB'S CHKAP 13006510 .:••• DUBE Fresh Ground and Whole 410:tr 1, pepper, stsPice, annamon, Nutmeg33o, NICHOLS & 13°W earner Front, and itsiletr steete• CELE/MA T—BD _ ..wei is DV seed, nutsitione, and fine eavered sow 0` for sale Vit ry low by PANDELION COkFbr'' cor naryronvink tioxesu.— Nl6oolh 4 130110
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers