, L l;laiip .. 4,l.:titgrapo+ b L: R 1 13 R , PA From Morning, May 2, 1862. %is ill. Sronnean will open, Thursday, k y I , Spring and Summer Millinery. [an° Co,. GEARY has scut to the State Department aa. ci.ssion rag purporting to be a flag, which he ca ptured at the battle of Sandy Hook. It hangs on the WAILS of the Executive Chamber, An olj.ct of the scorn and derision of the visa-' to to those apartmenta, and is certainly a microble specimen of workmanship, treason an d cowardice. Warns rim Fran wAs.—The light seen in the horizon oast of this city last Tuesday night, and shich (occasioned en alarm of fire, was , caused by the burning of a barn belonging to Mr. Briuser, about two miles below Middletown, on thetAnoi•ter turnpike. The barn . was totally datroyed with all its contents, consisting of two horses, two oohs, several cattle, and ti large quantity of grain. lirerdnous Drearreamtrior.—A young man, fal , a pprentice to one of Mir principal bakers, bit bis borne iu this city Wednesday afternoon uteier very empicions cirannetances. He was last seen by a female acquaintance on the Har risburg bridge, going in the direction of Caw berlaud county, and, in reply to a question she sek , d him, he bid her "good•bye,"'adding that s he "would never see him again." He hsionc4 been heard of since. Ti 24 AND SHOT IRON WARR.-Mr. B. J. Her ris, No. 112 Market street, has one of the most complete tie and sheet iron ware manufacturing establishments in the city. Being a master meth iMc himself he"personally superintends the business of his estibliehment, and nothing 11 permitted to leave his manufactory unless it is A No. 1. His stook of tin ware and stoves ls large, and sold at prices to suit the times. Give him a c INS PORTRAIT or GOVERNOR ANDREW G. CUR ti has been added to the collection of the por traits of the Executives LA Pennsylvania, wbich grace the wallsin the reception apartment of the Executive Chambers. The portrait of Goy. Cur tin was painted by Mr. J. Wilson, of Huntingdon county, an artist with whom we have no per sonal acquaintance, and with whose profes sional labors wehave no knowledge beyond our examination of this portrait. As a work of art, regarding It strictly, it has as few defects as any of the portraits by which it is surrounded. It Is a faithful counterpait of the face the artist has attempted to Ululate on canvas. It is Andrew 0. Curtin in one of those genial moods peculiar to the impulses of the man ; it is his cosintaitime, his face, glowing with the intellect that has made the man great, and still re taius for him the friends who cluster around and cheer him in his noble pursuit of official and patriotic duty. Our only objection to the pie twits Its heavy background. With this relieved, so as to bring out the form, and thus support the face and head, it will attract quickar atten tion and a speedier recognition from those not famil , arly acquainted with the face of the man. This tea defect which the artist should remedy for the protection of his own reputation. While on this subject of Executive portraits, we cannot refrain from alluding to a fact in con nection with this collection; which has at tracted many remarks from those visiting these room. It is, that the portrait of Governor Packer should occupy a lassie so much larger than those of the other portraits. This seems a if it was an Illustration of the peculiar van by of the Ex-Governor, and has been the sub ject of ridicule and criticism, which can only be abated by curtailing the dim:anions of the frank ie question. Whoever has the control of the portraits should order this . alteration tediattly. As the frame in question new ap- Pers, it Woke odd, as well as out of place. Inn CROPS are now the theme of many pro bin pens, as well as the object of the so lici tude of many more anxious people. We want grain, during the coming harvest, not only to feed the people of America, bat to supply the people of the world, that the aforesaid people Of America may be able to pay their - taxes Tv+ 'that word is daily becoming of lA* Imposing importance, and, as we all conte plate Its stern meaning, it is advisable that we ittoold go to work as well as talk` about the mlg. /he crops and the country both promise encouragingly to the husbandmen, and .if the ration througbont all its fields indicates a bar vest such as is now indicated:in the suburban torn of the state oranital, the yield, the comipg I*AM, will be iunneuse beyond all calculatioln. Of this fact we had ample opportunity to be convinced during a short but pleaaant drive last evening, through the lanes and roads leading by our largest suburban farms. We drovealong t heentensive estateof Gen. Cameron, where sere after acre exhibited its rich and gorgeous green of growing wheat-the same gladdening sight was Presented in the broad fields of William Colder, so also in those of Joshua. Elder, while the ample acres of the farms belonging respec tively to Messrs , Samuel lititheiltird, 'John P. Itatbertord, A. 'Boyd Hamilton, Mr. Shultz and others whose names we cannot now recall. were beautiful in their garments of green. In all these farms, we noticed that science as _wall as indistry, was 88916taig the influancee of na ture. The land indicated the presence of the Practical and the careful tann er ; while the fences, In their long straight lines of bristling rails, showed that there was an effort at order as well as productiveness. Altogethe r our au_ burban farms are well advanced and promise largely in their crops. It repays the toil of a walk or the expense of &drive to pass them in l earn, and behold the seasonable evidences of their approaching productiveness. It does a man's heart good to look at the land, girded to its green and living vesture. We delight to 1115811 14 n fields and farms. It - matters little to ne whether we have fee simple rights tin a eagle rod, because whilethe earth is the Lord's, end the fullness thereof, its glory and beauty and nal/Diem cannot be hid from onr etightand qxa admiration. BOOTS, Bison, &G.—John F Hummel, dealer in boots and shoes, saddles, bridles, /Jo., No. 20 Market street, presents his card to the public in this morning's MUD:MANI. Our readers, In want of anything in his line of business, should drop into his establishment. -.1/...cm• FRUIT STANDS.—A decision was had hi. one of the Philadelphia courts, on Monday, to the effect that the mabitainance of fruit stands on the city sidewalks are a public nuisance. Sev eral of our sidewalks .are encumbered with stands of this description, and from the crowds which sometimes collect around them, they greatly: inconvenience the public. the pro prietors should look to this, otherwise their stands may be removed altogether. Loaanitran.—The Ilody of the man found drowned in the river opposite-this city, a notice of which appeared in last Monday evening's TELEGRAPH, has been identified as that of Louis Defteobach, of Georgetown, Northumberland county. The deceased has , been missing froni hie residence since the first of April, and as he was strongly addicted to the vice of iatemper once, and had been last seen in the neighbor hood of the river,' the presumption was that he had stumbled into the water and was drowned. A relative of the deceased was hi town yesterday, for the purpose of raising the temaina and taking theni to GeorgetoWn for reinterment. COL. FIUME= N.. 130 AS.—The many per.; sonal friends, with the numerous clients of this gentleman, will be pleased to learn that ha has .recovered from his late protracted and severe illness. We ; met him yesterday in his law office, and also saw him in court, giving that attention to his professional business which he was able to render. after so much sickness. No man in the private walks of life or by the pro fesslon of which he Is so noble an ornament, is more highly. esteemed than Col. Bow. We re joice, with the public, for his recovery and res toration to the usefulness and public spirited enterprise for which he has been always so dis tinguished. SHAD-A-14-011110.-A correspondent of the Germantown Teiepraph furnishes that paper with the annexed new receipt for. cooking shad:- "Boil a shad sufficiently for 'the table. When partly cooked, remove the tail, the fine and the head. With'a sharp knife separate the upper Part of the fish fiom the back bone, and divide into pieces about three inches' square, being careful to remove all*the bones, and treat the rest of the fish in the same way. Put these pieces in a baking dish and mum with pep per andisalt, and a few belief sliced potatoes. Make a sauce of a pint of cream, a quarter - of a pounfir of halter, well seasoned with salt`; pour this over the fish, and bake half an hour. It should be served u soon as done. &tom !bunter or COUNOLD-- Veto Alamo of the Mayor.—At a spec* wieeting, of :,the City Counoil, held at the, council etutin.lF in the court home Wedniinin - Iblenifig; a &wage wria Oelvid tioin the Mayiori returntnewithlia objeo tiona, an ordinanwanthorialoir jOing of water pipes in l'hircl and Cumberland streets: After the message wag read, Oaths question, "Shall the ordinance pass, notwithstanding the objections` of thi 'Mayor V" Thole& and nays werti ordered,. aidrU are as follow: Yeas-- Hews. •Bell, liarnbard, Hamilton, Haebelen, Hocker,ltaeyer, Stahl, Shoemaker, Verbeke, Weaver and Hiokook--11. NAYS-MEM SO the question was decided in the affirm tivel • • • • • Tim council then Adjourned. COMM PROOBSDLIOGIfit. The jury in• the case of the Com. vs. Wni. Collins, charged With com mitting -an assault and battery =upon Julia Roach, returned a verdict of guilty. Com. vs. Richard Allen, larceny, on the n ath of Solomon Hoover. Verdict not guilty. The - it:slender having beengone through with, the petit Jurors, except in one case, were dis charged. The Grand Jury submktted the following' re port, after which they were thanked by the Court and dismissed: 2e the Exorable, the Judges of lho Chturi of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin county, Ora Sessions, 186,2: The Grand Jury report, that they have' fin ished the ordinary criminal business given them in charge, and have passed on ninety-three bills of indictment, many of which have been " ig nored" eta friviloui,•and for want of tetitbiony to support the chargeis therein set forth. They report .tbat.they heva,visit t ed the county Jail and found tne affairs in good order, so far, at least, as they came to tkOlie Inowledge. They have approved 'of 'the report of the viewers appointed by the Court, on the petition of sundry inhabitants of :Washington township, for a bridge over Wicallitko near the residence of John Cooper, 'stud 'recommend the county comminsionets to build the same. The Grand Jury beg' leave to present that many of the soldiers now in the service of their country have left, their families in destitute circumstances ; many left their homesvitti the understan.iitg that their wives and children would be cared for intheir absence. WS there fore recommend that the county commissioners appropriate a sum sufficient, in their judgment, to relieve the wants of those families who stand in need of support: They further present that the stream of water passing over the turnpike leading from Harris burg to bilddletown, near hush's property, now in the lower part of the city of Harrishurgt renders the road nearly impassible. We re commend that the party, whose business it is to keep the road in repair, be compelled to do so. The Jury further present that the roof of the county jail is in a leaking condition, and should be forthwith attended to by the county com missioners. April 30,1862. C. A. Wizont, .F4tremack Edwd. Bickel, Jacob J. Hlnelson, Mathew &lion, Augustus Poorman, Josiah Bowman, Jr., John Baylor, Pater Brestel, Gilbert BoMberger, Hiram Egle, John T. Shoemaker, Henry B. Pox, . John frith , Henry Garve rich, John Maglaucblin, David Hoover, John O. Balsbaugh, Daniel Heckert, Sind. Gilbert. A. Penrose Lusk, Com- vs. Hary Orr, charged with committing an assault and battery upon herhusband ; was sentenced to pay the costs, and ordeied .into custody, until the sentence was complied with. A number of prosecutor's reoognizenoes were irfeited, after which the court adjounii. • . • SEEEZEI peunenthanta gEtritgrapil, .14;:k44.41jiggip&ALAI...4 COT.TIYLTIC LIKAIOIIIIIM.—ViItad it not 'be rsd visable for OM farmers to cultivate the Chinese sugar cane extensively this season? On.i acre of this cane will yield from seventy to two hundred gallons of molasses, according to the skill in making it. The seeds of the same bring a high price, and the stalks are worth ten dollars per ton, for making paper. Every part of the plant can be made available for use ful purposes, and is, therefore, valuable. The cultivation of it Is no more difficult than corn. We hope that our farmers will be induced to try the experiment of raising enough at least for their own consumption. MD WAIL—The public mind is now busy in speculation upon the probable duration of the war; the late captures by the. Union forces, and surrender of the hot beds of secession, must now palpably present to their mind's eye the wicked deception and misrepresentation practiced upon the masses of the South by their leaders. The first law of nature,. (self preservation,)Must ere long, (apart from any other consideration,) as sert its right and throw off the tyrannical rule that is dragging them on to destruction. When peace eh all have been restored, and the blockade lifted; they then can take advantage of the cheap dry goOds house of Mika & Bowirli in purchasing their goods. CARPET ! CARPET ! Caspar I—Having returned from New York, I now have on hand, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large assortment of goode, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 874 cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks at 75 cents, worth 90 cents; good black silk at $l, worth $1 25 ; black silk 82 inches *wide at $llO, worth. $1 87 ; very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth $1 60; sum mer sake at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 76 cents, worth $1; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 75 and sl,' very cheap. Great bargains in 'stockings; .20 dozen hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 26 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in ? vile to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving job lets' from the weekly sales, 'which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers., K. Latirr, mBl-y Rhoad's old stand. TELEGRAPH OUT OP TOWN. LIST OF REGULAR AGENTS. The DAILY MORNING AND EVENING TELEGRAPH is sent every morning and after 7 noon, by, the earliest trains that leave the city after its publication, to the following ALTOONA—Theo. B. Patton. ANNVILLE—G. W. Hoovertes.: BLAIRSVILLE—E. Laughlin. CHAMBERSBURG—Genrge Tuokey. CARLISLE—George .M."Breta.. COLUMBIA—H. H. Fry. CLEAEFIELD—M. A. Frantz. DAUPHlN—Jefferson Clark. DUNCANNON—J. Hood. ELIZABETHTOWN—John W. Few. GREENCASTLE—M. D. Deitrich. HIGHSPIRE—F. 0. Apeman. HUM.MELSTOWN---George N. &lets HAGERSTOWN—C. Swingley. LEBANON—H. H. Roedel. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. MIDDLETOWN—George H. Linskart. MECHANICSBURG—J. Eminger. MECHANICSBURG—WiIIiam Tate. MOUNT JOY—James Dysart. haLLERSBURG--B. G. Steever. NEWVILLE—W. B. Linn. NORTHUMBERLAND—EIias Barto. SHIPPENSBURG,KeIso ti Hinkle. SUNBURY —J.Waishingibn,, WRIGHTSVILLE—W. Moore. YORK—J. S. Boyer. FEMALES FEMALES I FEMALES I Use that Rafe, Pleasant Remedy known as RAEMBOLD'S Ea7RACT -BUCTIC; For all Complaints - tb `the Sax No Family should be Without It, And None will when ones Tried by them. It Is used by • YOUNG AND OLD, • In the Beeline or Change or Lire, Afkr And Refers Marriage, O _Doring ;After Strengthen the Nerves, end .2‘.14.41r4151" Restore Nature to Its Proper Channel, and Invigorate the Broken-down Constitution. From whatever amiss OrtOntang. USE NO MORE WORTH S. PILLS I . lIELMBOLb'S Asurkitai—Buthid. See advertisement In another cultnno,, Cut St out and send for ' • " d2ni HAIR DYE! HAIR-DYE 11 A.. .11ittekelor's :._kair_. Dye 1 The only Harmless and Beatable Dyer Known I All others are mere imitations, and should be *voided. Hyatt wish to escapo ridicule. GREY, RED OR RUSTY HAIR dyed .instanUy to' a beautiful and natural Brown or Blaoly.without the. lintel Injury to Hair or Skin.. . FIFTEEN lUD/LIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. iIATOWIZOR rdwte 1.8 And over 240,000 applications have been wade hi) the hair at the patrons or hie famougaye. . Wm. A. BATCHELOR'S HALE DYE produces color not to _be oistbilluished from nature and te WARS:men not to injure in the 'seat,_ long it may be contin ued, and the ill effects of .had Dr en.rentedied- TkW -.l l o* Is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye; whiahis prep erly, applied at No. 18 Bond Street New ,Xork. Sold in &lithe sites and towns.ef the UnAed *otos, by Druggists and Fancy Goods,Dealers The Genuine has: the name.o.Willlam A. 13atehelor," ancLaddress upon a Masi plate engraving, on the font Sides Of such box. ont2-4awly IMPORT A.MT TO PAM ILIES. A POUND OF BREAD FOB TERSE CENTS. BEING desirous to keep up with the age in which we live in, I adopt the "small profit and quick sale" principle or doing busineeS, and will Eta my killiVAD Ie future at TIMER GENTS Pelt PM:ITO. I co nostril ly invite the Harrisburg public to give the Bread a fair trial, We quality will speak for itself Heine keepers who for economy saos nave done their own bik ing, will dui this cheaper Wan home-made. _Families old be supplied at their residences by leaving indent at the bakery. The bread will be 'or sale at my stall in marker en market mornings. A good supply of PUCE' and COMM N lticKiS always on.hand; orders for Wk.ti DING And OTHER' PnltTialenireinpily ti led. Special at tention is lathed - to my 8.1:71%11.Wit Aisozr with My name atailillea dill obe: "THOMA.BIINLS.Y, - . 74 Market street. Harrisburg. OGEFLOSZLIN 8R0TE,855 . & Y CO. 61,E3.Lt DRIIOOIB . mND DE A LERS 111 Fancy:, GoOds,. Per- Amery, am. Also agents for the sale of Refined Peteoleam. illeidiather oil, Elperioi l t6 , ati coal oil • furnished in mrs , quantities at the lowed market rides jatT : d6 : 74 and 172 WilliamA* W 19e :Y l 9 . NE RIE. WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW' • ORFIG% ibEZT - TIOOR TO WY R Tatt ' ilALli• OPI I OBI7BNEW COURT-HOUSE - Oonsnitsrldonsiba German and English. mar294l2m I)ELAWAEE GRAPE VINES." TRONGLY rooted, better than sold S repay, a year ago at, $2 each, can now be bed at the legit Ame Nursery Jr 11 each or $lO per &am , apr2s JAMB MIMI. • BLACKING - I_. ..; aII ASONB 4 100 Gifeee t oaertio—lizee,Jcei recoioed, and lor its •WhiSigide pile* • • WbigisalaiFactory, 81 Barclay St., 4to =.3 Broadway; New York: jtau LIST . OF .LETTERS REMAINfite IN THB HARRISBURG POST OFFICK, THURSDAY, MAY 1,18A9. IFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN THE NEWSPAPER HAVING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. LADIES' LIST. Ainspock, R Monis C M Aberaon, X M Aeholds,. L Artly, 'II - •- • - • '' Baaltoxe -R - ? r ' F a;•:r bbfoc ea M. ...„. Bft Black, . arkley, A Bloomer, Ai 31.4.411117 J L Bowman, E ' MOW E Brittnn, A , Bryan MOW Mprden, E S L 11Wer',4:, Brown, M Brotten, Bile&atil, IV 4.E udonaid, A M 2 Parson, F J fi ft d*asc r;11 . Popnel, J 0 Presley, S Reynolds, M Bumbaugh, G. Carpenter, 13ailet,”111; : Cony, M Chick, K Cluck, Cluck, K Covelle, A Craumer, M Reed, R • L Robinson, 0 M Rudy, X Robinson, L G Schwenk, D Cross, M A Darby, E Deek, M V Dawson, M. H. Demme, lit J Deweess - . 4 1 k;kdrif r Witt M Sliatrai.d, (3 • Shaffer, It' Simpnon Serge,, •er • Sleek, M Snider. E • . oStnittli f L F .Sidder, M . Smith, I ld A Smith, 8 8 Spoil; 13 • Skeen, Bphar, 8:A • Stoat', L 8 0 . 1 4 0 . E Staler' 4 StilleYerligr - 86144:1t • Welters: r 'Wild; O D . '"Etalkai;A: C NV:sinker; 88. Wirts4er, It • : leL M 2 - Wier; 7ft= Dearl l 4, .. Drincan;'S' Duncan, F . Bilotti, Finney, J' Verger, H Felthilbert, Fisher, H , Farrell; 0 Ferree, S E Fisler, M A Fisler, H Foreman, :A J. Ford, SS Gilchrist,. E: Green, A Grove; V Goodwin, J Harvey, . A Hartle, , A;. P 0 41;9 1 t.,.*, &Milton, E Harts, S A Henry E Hoops, J Howk; M. ilocleonin; M Ingrain t Jones, WZ"", Alcorn, 'M ;'' Atimion, M _A JackstM, C M' Hell'ey;'M... 'Keeslei;- •Verkniab,l3 Kiple, 0 VINPr f , M-A. M LentstMr.& l -• ' Zokiikiir • LoughintinyM 2611164:6 ' L e 4017, ger. Zorg, Lhokmati, F KrVally, GENTLZMEN , III LIJIT. Arlin, IF Hinkle, E M Bachman, J " -- Hillerran, H B Barnes, J 2 /Inborn ' H Berker, J Hippie, I Bare, J Horst, M Bilker, P . ' '" it Hatratts, D K : - ' * Ail _. Baits, W : D noITI B ~ • Barnes, 11l ' Howell'; Battiotf, P H__osaer,? • . • Bacini;l3 A Hunttr, W D Beoliltif, .T" ' '/Efut4 l 4 l .;l - Beriford & Co., 3 ~'. . vine," ~ 7 D . *mar, G : , Ann% B it , ';;- ! . . BOUII vEr.H !.• ' - X . 9 52 1!; W . K . Bear, .- ''' —Xl i tl!,:o B " .# Black, lA' ' . ,Yolieli; 11 .. Bowmin; AN. '2, ',liiiit,e,_,. Y R' lkiiNinali, 2 l'f* ' 3-011 64 3 -lat tiler; a 8' 2 — .jaw' zr,*le ; Bonsai', J C Jameson, J B ' Boyer, T - Kambile, H Brown, B 2 Hameln, W Brown, J N Keating, H Brady, P Kahl, J Brecht, W "" - 'Kennedy, J Bunkley, 0 J Kenerk, J M Buckwalter, 7 Kinkade, 3M Buck, J J Kunkle, E Burns, J Ktieger, M , Caldwell, JO Kliid;;A:"' - • - . .. 1 , I Carter, Mr ' a:: ~ - ltrittiret.; Campbell. J P :. - ~• 111 l tingston, 3 .Cir CiPt..rt , ter, , TB Acitr - ••.' : Tr. .: . e LI&i!Y ,, . % Itls Caldwell, J P . ' aishilat; A - 1 Cardwell, A .. ' LibelTz' . ' ~ Carter, J P - leikk - A . - 1 -v-- Lalithcirii .K - ; B ' Cartwell, A H Carberry, J iny t i N . ,y.f . A,..:- Campbell, 13 Lottil j -McA. - Carlile, W L 6 ‘til. ''' .. Clark, F . LOWllti,'l3- Cox. W Longneckar, H . .., ' G Colder, H E 4 • . Diffinbangh, J lkokon; . , Gr. Denny, W J Deely, J Litre, J , Darlington, E C Lonker ;4W Dailey, P H - - Dean, W F Latir,J H:' Dickinson, G W Abell/VI Dick,. J L cPtneld, J Dodge, J Dushane, Duff, S W -- Dougherty, B -• M J' 2 Doughirty, 'J ' " At•SClOCktrua, W Duncan, J T - - • litcDermit, J pati n ;:j; McElwee;• . Dank'irla • . Douglass, J . , G Erb, J In - Eaby, J Martin, J Emery, S Mager, W C Emery, T S Mellert, B - Eyster, W • -Mangle, J F enll Ger , G Mahan, W Frank, J Martin, J G W Frederick, P E Megrew, J B Frwealand, J Miller & Son, J Franklin - ,4 . Elitald,'E t tf • • 1111.1 re iMillar r,MT Graham, W Goesert, H ldlller,,J Gregg, A r ldwre-g Or Glenn, J 7 72 C Granter, J cilideman, Gwinily, J . Morion , G W PT ."! gore, J D Has, WA' 'Moyer, >S C ties', . Ayers, . • Harris,-J: ~ , H array, Hans, G Harts, P sern , W • Harr* J Niles, J~ pt Mulder, ...-4 , 9311 1 1P5; Htlar/t9.1 _ Nek. r - CahiP) IttchAimer. Herron, 0 D Omer, • =IV la di W ...ttrA;'T ia4oilord Nor► 2hertionunts. Pollock, D Blandon, S Pernell, SR Sweitaer, I D Planey, C Steele, W IC Plainer, G. s wa nk, ..E,g. : Poonikan J Elteffey, H Raynor, JR Snyder, F Richert, J Traver, A I Reynolds, J Turgeon, J B Rapp, W : 1 Tarbox, J L . Thbtnieon„.'.l - .4e.,, . t . Thei,ltKii . 7 ReitnOur, VT C Thompson, J Redeman, F Terry, R Ridgeby r y F:: . . Thomas,. J., Richard' ., ) ' *- Tiinbipigni;.l Right, J . 'l:yler L A ROW Tdrulansort,.Ji lio 43 , i Ttitrpsoh, ]tire ;1 i!, toter; ' - tfiaw, - - RowlothatAte,,, Unger, B . J . Sawyer e lega '' 7 . ' -Vincent:, ki :ales W Vincent, B B zill,7li ,*Verfikair ; . .,, r, ..it t I Al WaigEtt L'A r. Scully; F Widmer, A Scott, U W White, H Shaffer, s 0 -- - Weaver, A Shaffer, S 2 Whitinore, L wilidayaftEl f. § 140010; Sheridend T enerick, Tl 3 Shu i tTlArill46 , IJ lif y l Shr, vert a iT.i Sharp, Jski., :1 , 1 Z i li r t.Zl: Stiefel, P+.- 1 ••• r.: 4 ' - velr,'''''' Skeen, W West, J B Schafer, M Wilson, 8 J Shults G W Wills, .1 egiriar, I , ,It ''' .. WiebitteV A . • Witel,J r 's6a er, J - 11 18, 19' Session, A Williams, 0 if Eiheisl, ,y. 4 --- t _ . • : ar ea jrp;•;, , ~..., • , 7. Atilwbo, ~i.W • t '.-: r- , , • me, C' '' ' ' Snydaur, 0 A Willlson, 0 & W T Snyder, W May Sibert,o Wiant a Swayers, T Willfirmir, 01 ' ' ' Snlithi:-% Z. :i'l4 .:-... '5 • WW ( l. l n l 4, 1‘..;,.. Spain, .T.A Wort, P Rritlim'l*- •' - ' - . : *-Veocid:',l4l4'oo Spain, m ' - 1 ".. ' W6b - hier, ld'-'-' • ' StAek.h. arle".4 B •-' 4:71 'figtp, StaikejV Btacknortse, P J ' coi*, (r" ' ' ' Stanton, E toeng, ,W -. Stouffer, 13 ' ' ' ' ' '.. EnTLIT'A Ist 4 ir'. Ryder ; J G Lawrence, AN ByerlY, W B,nler, J A ." Little, R,B, Belirends, A•H McClain, T. B (follotn, 8 B MeDonald,, W ' Cfurry, W; Mullen, l l. 00 1 4 3 Moore, L , 8 : Morgan, I D Cawley, M Moore, G D(101E, 'l' F DM; DOnakw, M Maalett,`G Etoheaon, P Omer, C Fulkehen, B' - itelaDr, W C ' Falrey - , - 0 Readde, J L Flogley,l3l Smith, GM 2 A 131$11 • • Hiptom, B 80EO, t W Gothe4Ogtori, J A Wacker, J Ilafright, H Townsend W Jffriee,-J Taming, J • /Pen,. 13 . W. O ll ll OOO II V Long, 3 .P . We aver, 'Persona calling for of - the above lettwri will please say, they are:qdeeitbseiL One not due on. 1. , • „ '-' • " GEO; BE NEB , PAL - 1882. •.BPRI - 1 1 01 , 0P:18gilfG - 1882. ... .:-7;;kr,r- -:. •,--.'-.. - ' : - 11aek• and Sated Illaarzing Dress Uoods, Zi - 'Shawls, Tells, Collars; _ . . . a . ... , F, 13( gird r wide Ulid , ek all'oiool polliltiak: - Sapanor makes or ROM - bald - oda.' Splendid Styles of Stone& Ctluilauaa. ' • •• • Lally stack of Lilian* anil'a tpareal; ' . phut gul. Parpro. Drag 'Saks '• "Plait 'black RNitstiseviii. 01 .:: ip ac v iold ..w bit , Fomr a Ink ,. . " Piitilla'arid Slick ' ' 40. ' '‘ - .. "Thai '' db * : " . . do. s -:0...n Cheated do. ItTelpolitirC ' - db. X 111 wool Delatnea. - AO all woOlDelaltute., - • ' ' — "Skopkerdri Plaids. 40 " Taromatilla ' Silk °halls; • Ea t. Cbldtraft Long la* Thlbbet await. - Spire Plaid - Slack"and White Fkairli. ' :.: . ; Saner° Talbbet - Black.Sbawla: :!, ; - - Ff....: 2-yard Ntae.thibbattoa: Shamir, ' aryalaparlarlidgthily Crepe 1 70.116, all dad. .- :.large atixik•of llegltala drape Colids, all alma. :ai Bliolt bortbaretifelm: Willett Irdadkerataala:. i .:."Z ::...: :Eliot Gloves of aaiary_dadiriptkoa. • ta; l l' •:": Whibilleamd•liciurolok Orollirir.: ;042, .. • , , sat,h of Coder sad'Slfeeliat . • •-• * a, . Silk -and' CoUiln Sooiery: -: - Slack: loreenirelkt: : . U. - .Jouvinhrin4 (Florio': ~ .„..s ~ E. i .liAcrep,,, ,, ...-: Preach do: -' .11inlaia Ribbons. .: 1, . .. ~ , . 86.,,t AO. sea ~Itprtloular aroaation is paid :Aal Invited to o ur aldbk lit the abOve goods. Wa Era ognstaatly re oadirlog: abir, Laddliona. ..faro#flera tioill always pia isreat - assatraolie. ' ' . (44TELOAliT it YORDI2IIIR, ~ Vert donli,loOlielfirriaborif Sauk. g o • - • -_, . No. II Market Square. • TII.IIIIRIAL APPEALS :FOX 1i162 - coiath ? 4 ‘4 2 ;aki kudsii to the ta=able i Wants within* Bald and those 45....writa1 estate *JAW the, oonoty, aforesaid ..that &Spoils will,ie had on the tilitatiskasr4itS*ocibi the Assessors of all rea1.11)141,. litoperty . ULF 41#0 for .Staiss.o4i, comity PPrivitf" for :tba Y.o.L.r. l iehl 414.043 .Tor ttLOSuAbitid .Ihlth ward" Of the tilt or RerrliVaii, it the Cf9nrt Etataih, in the OEI4 or:* County'.ctilort* With* on I s iteiday,)Csi eth' • Yor,tho Fitiirdi lard of said ov,at the inonelihtes, on Tisiniieshit, the 7th def of May. . •-• . ' With, Tntrillotn4 of said ; city,. at the woe place on , , Thweday,,the Bth day of da Phol. and*pod reeds sail eity, ; 4sA nth day ottrny' Fii- Ahe comnlialactuers , etebre;hoppse that all poems knowing theinsal*OdOivea lather rt*StrAiriS•Yslst lima itn k .oeed, will lake iiis4:e hereof an d appeal' at, their respective plats of, appwlter_rentem Said *EV !LW Rik ow' at 9a. at; and . cleelat'4 o'clock:l,x . JACOB Beak, GEORGE GaRTEBICS, '4 MO Attie-Jcure Mums P. Q. Amnon are to be ponotual in their , attendance on theditor4P &eidaMed a med&wtd . . AGENTS ! litabilAßTB FEDIAti READ THIS. VNERGETIO - .wen &like $5 a day by L..sUiog our UNION EftiLif STAZIoNIIIRY Eat= rereteit ia a ‘ duperfor Stationery, Portraits of ELEVEN GEN and a pies, of Jewelt7. We anaranteasit lafainkin in quality of our gooda. The gifta.tionaliro at tiny varieties and Myles of Jewelry, all need and Oak able. arctdars with full particulars mailed tree: *il ness— a.-sesaiNa & co, seatman.street, New York. . . - o,mcg * arl . 1.1311? V.Amir Pennon Con Com...urr, ' • MEETING of tie stockholders of the A sent ell y Harold and GielConspedy, will be 1 0 V hal,' at 1. 0. 4 South elm:mgt. Reed, Pblindelpitts, on Monday the ith.dity of XL, neat, from 1.0 o'clock A. K., until o'clock P. x, foe tbe,pumposo of `°looting a Prod• dint, fflpmetniy, Treed urer and nevem lisalgere t la serve for We 041 0 1 4. 1 47. 4 .,K. B. Yy_ 711%. • aPr 94l6 M.l.nd . Weerstarj UR newly " replenished stock of Toilet sad Fancy Goods is aissuississd juid O AW461117. • • ArektirliuTlTAftß'•—•-. 210 L.:. .•;,•,-.-,;•-• :'•= l " ,,s i ids via 4 : jiil,l•4 ~, arm.. NICHOLS I% BOWMAN, Corner of Front aura 110arkfif arid& (V. Hummers old stoat) AUAVE determined to' plait ' their satlio stook of • • . . GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, PRIIITS, at prices to snit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the (Admen* d bnrg and *Atilt,. to their ,eniOre stook of goods, oorudating of- - • SWABS, SYRUPS, ••• TEAfi, COFFER, MOM LEMONS, ORANGES, OUBRANIS, CEDAR-WARE, 'LOUR, FISH, Ito. We have also gone to ontaldirable tmnblitAn getting the sale of several iriinds of C 0 1 4 L L OIL, All of which we warrant to be NON l lotaiXiME, TRANSFDICIENT- • AND FEES FROM ODOR, ae far as .practicable. Among othstil t eld*ve on bend •gATO34„ WAGNOLIA, LOSIM ROBINSON. All of whlOil *Olll aell wholesele or rem, end lower than nay caw Aare in /Ativialorrp: Ale°, all Um* of CUT, FLINT AND GREEN:: GLARE-WARD We alse.invlte,attention to our well ntlentiM and extensive assortment.of .QUELENOWANZH _Pall at NHIHOLS & BOWMAN, • . corner of Front, and Market sire*. BIONKT PITRI3IIB. . . VIICIATEIMAIREI, WALLETS, Aga. etheoks, Bsakere Ossea Ladies' Gabs. Eatebeis, ladles.Tratelblestehals. W. are tanstantly reeehrkg additions ta our Moth or the abort tooth and nesse airily bare a Has a ima ssortment al the LaMar. styhm Vs pectfully invite ms .wantlog to porcine, any M th res e above art 90 'Whim ewe stoo k—k m"th i t a llmil a greater Variety or better goats comet be bind lee WaLi IWS Drug and Slaw Mere, . 91' Market street, ow dom. east of Fourth Amet, yeah site.• REMOVAL OHABLEB A. BOAS, HAS RIMOVED BEI WATCH AIM JEWELRY STOR 2 1 - 1 To No. 7, Market Square, below the Buehler Houma. Er - p has oonatantly on hand a large AO* - JUL ot WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WARR or all descriptions. Watobei and Jewelry repaired via warranted. ape/ OAP GEO. W. MOCALLA, WATOTEMAICFR di JEWELER, . A NO. 81 1.4 4,0 , 46 k Alit Market Wed, ItAS oonstaadly on hand a lug* stook et WANCIDEI; JEWRICRY and FANCY ANTI CLAN, itATED•weax, &c., Watches and Mferr neatly rePairod.t_ ' Joan, ze-N IL non% fowl Ma on°,ol des Rouse. avaeit, MUST GOODS 11111, R 114,11101( 1 A. HUMX.II!L. BOOTS AND• SHOES, et every DESCRIPTION' and at all PRICE S. Next door to the Court Nome, MARKET STREET. Also a general meortment of TEXINICO U LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cosh prices. mar2EldSur REDUCTION 40 PER CENT. lam now supplied with a very fine sa aortment (over I£o Meat khas,) or FLOWER BARDS, tram H. A. Drier, seeisman. Philadelphia, amd mill al rinds at a reaction of forty per cent ham hie pub lished prima. Also J. Worley John's aelatated stacks elm Asters. (the very bee%) at three cents per leper. Call and examine my stock. DAVID HAlrhi.i. 110 Market sheet. Aar DOD% Argot the place. eprlo thmauttelm FIFTH WARD H - OUSE R. J. PETERS, Proprietor. . Corner of Forster and . West Owe*, (In. the-Bear of the &servofr i ) Harrisburg.' I'a, Boardlogby the week, day or ruts meal at resew. We rates. wood stabling for horses, Res . aprlikelba• FLOWER SEEDS. A CHOICE lot of - ASTER'S and . TM WEEK auCKEI, eitti w moral" vatietyot Alai Mower sad Garden Seeds,. receive/ se& far oak &tato. 91 Market greet. KELLEm'd Dower% LT P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NiskW 80AP. Axe uls economical and highly , delandre.. It con tams nu Aosta and will not waste. It le warranted not W injure the hands. It will Impart an agreeable odor, And is tberetore tantalite for every pnrpae, Far #all by WM. DOGE, Jr. *Co. GARDEN SEEDS. —Jdat rectigirect Luiminvohte of onolee Garden beads—oompridng A greater variety of imported and home alma dim' has ever been *dared in this oily, Those who • may desire to_puretume, min depend awn maim the ,beot the worldot lb. windows and remit groeery Awe of DOCK ils.4l'oo. gaUGAR CURED HAMS. DRUID BID F, SHOULDERS, ' BOLGNASAIISAGE. A large end fresh sePPl.Tiest readied by lob= WA. DOCK Jr...it Od. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY D'A I J , &BACH, Burgeon 'Den. thit, Manuneeurer df Mineral Phan Teeth, the only method that obviates every ebletakm to the gee of. ere tidal testa, embracing partial, half and whole eels Mona piece only, of, pure and Mdestrurthile mineral, thee are. doerevimeniwthe axicanintationoreinal parelciewbfkad and therefore, no odensive oder from the breath, aim me tal le used In their conartiodou, there can be ne galvanic adios or install° taste. Hence the lndiv Waal le MiCau noyed with sore throat, headache, be. 1:11116e$0. tiortkliecond area., Harrisburg. • GREAT ArritAlunoN., ALL at No. 76 Market etriet, where C Will find a large and well selected stook of plain and fandiConitenonerY 4 :4 Ali *nada— a groat oa. dory or toys (a every des° ription, Ladles' Worn Nandi and Fancy Stakes, Foreign Frahm, nu% Dates and all ot h er ammo generally Kept In a notteedddawy and toy sore. decetringintin supplies every week. Ca a and examine for yooreelree. WI. R. wesouNge, aprla-dent - • . - troyetator. HAY I HAY I I A SUPERIOR article of Baled Ray, at 4 01,. UT 00 per !ao. for Kale by obi; WHIMMEL (_HELP SUGARS, Cholas Syrup ; Teas, Tv se a , 41:4. For nab knr bi NICK OLS 1301/NAN tonna *Mont and Illarlud atreeis. = WARE, Glanwsze, Btoneware e sad Barthenwaro, now=br at. by L, WMAN, 174] pailbrufilorpiiret Was sad MAO INNIL , . ~x 4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers