ttegrapo ti 1 RRISBURG , PA ygurik►r Afternoon, April 26,1862 ,'i lICER'S PAY Rom.s.—Another supply of • s pay rolls, printed on fine white paper, ' at been printed, and can be had at Tam ~0)1d OF SPRING. —ln localities exposed sun, apricots, peaches and plume are vt,g ti, bloom, and thus far appear to be 'red by the cold. Should the weather in be favorable, we may expect an abun -02 thL en delicious fruits. ,FRICTION.—We observe that some of our,ur.cB, alluding to the act passed by the SlitllTe a short time previous to its ad „ur, taen t. prohibiting horses, cattle; sheep L g? from running at large, are under the t,ion that it is a generallaw. This is not lho provisions of the sot only ex . [.) Allegheny county. LAil Leartras of the course under the e, of the Y. M. C. Association will be de -1 by the Rev. P. S. Henson, Pastor of the bueit Baptist church, Philadelphia, on Ly evening, April 29, at 7i o'clock, P. 11., PreOlterian church, corner of Third and treats. Subject—Old Fogyism and Young 1, past, present and future. r:NDING TEM PLATFORM.—Workmen have Aly engaged the last few days extend . plank platform in front of the l'enn rairro3d depot, which will hereafter that building accessible on rainy days, t being compelled to wade through an mt , number of mud and water puddles, to eitt prejudice of white stockings and ,eli,be.l boots. qiTANT BILL.—The following bill, passed iy ti, was approved by the Gov. ~11 the lith lost AN supplementary to an act approved the tottity-severith day of May, one thousand tight hundred and forty-one, entitled "An Act to authorize the licensing of stock brok trs, exchange brokers and to regulate con tracts for the purchase and sale of loans and stocks." SKTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and BOlnd of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby en coed by the authority of the same, That the sixth sec(iti of the act of the twenty seventh day of ]day, Anuo Domini one thousand eight hundred •nd forty-one, entitled " An Act to authorize " the licensing of stook brokers, exchange brokers and to regulate contracts for the purchase and sale f loans and stocks," be and the same is hereby repealed. SAIES Br aaa SEBRIP.F.—The following prop erty was recently disposed of at public sale by sheriff Boas: A house and lot in South street, the property of 14xlegrove & Jones, sold to Anthony King lioun and lot adjoining the above—same proprietors—same purchaser—at the same mount. A lot iN Third street, Harrisburg, the prop erly of Thomas Bennet, sold to Hiram Ifela for EgLteen sores of land in East Hanover town nit. property of Henry Kelm, sold to Ell little for $1,200. IS d and lot in Dairy township, theprop- Jnmea M'Olurg, sold to Jonathan So far $BB5. uts auti frame building in Jackson town e property of Edward C. Moyer, sold to :alert: for $lBl. i;e and lot in Walnut street, Harrisburg, rty of Philo O. Sedgwiok, sold to wiestliag for $2,000. IEI2 aid lot iu Derry township, the prop :Lance. 111'Clorg, sold to James Miller bt of Thomas Bennet in a lot and Hurd street, Harrisburg, bid to Hl u fur 525. tleltl of land in Gratatown, the prop -1.„ Nis Fount, sold to Hannah Foust for Harrisburg, the property of John H. .uki to Anthony King for $6O. Aitriff sold a farm this forenoon as the John Whisler, containing one hun t*voty-nine acres, situate within a t hstance from. Middletown, for the sum of t.l osand, three hundred and fifty-two Jeremiah Bowers was the purchaser. ! drnsextosanack " SEOISSION CA®."—The the Commonwealth vs. B. Oswald, H. K.utiu,il and Levi Eberly, charged with riot, 1E1:611 and battery, and false imprisonment, r aE trial i n the Cumberland County Court at klisle yesterday. The Herald says that this 'R'4 the somewhat notorious "secession case," allusion to which was made in the Telegraph tome few months since. It seems that during the excitement, which prevailed all over the e°lll 'll'Y during the early stages of the present rebellion, a " committee of safety " was formed l Mechanicsburg. This committee consisted of some twenty of the citizens of that place, about equally divided as to politics. A Mr. Xennedy, who is the proseoutor in this case, vas arrested by some members of this commit tee, for publicly avowing sentiments which !ere exceedingly repugnant and distasteful to the loyal people of that patriotic town. Km:L IMY was escorted to the town hall, where a Patine meeting was convened. After hearing the case, he was requested to take the oath of allegiance, but refused, making some very ill l/lhesed expressions. After some further delib tratiots, cooler counsels prevailed, and he was llboateo, Without injury or peril to life or limb. lir e was the head and front of the offense. ,3treral months afterwards, some eleven 'mem brs of this committee (all Republicans) were l'nelitel. The Grand Jury ignored the bill ag t ainst all but the three defendants above utiraed. lito jury returned a verdict of guilty _P e u r n one count—Abet of false imprisonment. law ridanta' counsel moved an arrest of judg featment, and the defendants entered into reepiCn" o n to appear and abiti the result the, t. not , which was heard yesterday. Woe learned the result. i POW= 07 IMAGINATION.-A wealthy lady had a tickling in her throat, and thought that a bristle of her tooth brush had gone down and lodged in her gullet. Her throat daily grew worse. It was badly inflamed and she sent for the family doctor. He examined it carefully, and finally assured her that nothing was the matter—it was a mere nervous delusion, he said. Still her throat troubled, and she became so much alarmed, that she was sure she would die. A friend suggested that she should call in Dr. Jones, a young man just commencing practice. She did not at first like the idea, but finally consented, and Dr. Jones was called. He was a person of good address and polite manners He looked carefully at her throat, asked !Apr several questions as to the sensation at the seat of the alarming malady, and finally announced that he thought he could relieve her. On his second v:sit he brought with him a delicate pair of forceps, in the teeth of which he had inserted a bristle taken from an ordinary tooth brush.— The rest can be imagined. The lady threw back her head; the forceps were introduced into her mouth ; a pick—a loud scream! and 'twas all over; 'and the young physician, with a smiling face, was bolding up to the light and inspecting with a lively. .curiosity the extracted bristle. 'The patient was in raptures. She im mediately recovered her health and spirits, and went about everywhere sounding the praises of "her saviour," as she persisted in calling the dexterous operator. Tax Nsw COPYRIGHT Law.—Too little atten tion seems to have been given to the provisions of a bill recently introduced into Congress, to amend the copyright law. The bill transfers to the Commissioner of Patents at Washington, from the clerki of the several districts of the United States, all the copyright records and business. The Commissioner is required to ap point a clerk who shall have charge of the copyright service at a salary of $l,OOO per an num, and a tariff of fees is to be charged to authors and publishers, varying from $1 to $lO, according to the else of....the volume, (the pres ent charge is $1 for all volumes,) and they are I required to forward their application for copy : - rights to Washington, inertead of the more con veni,..nt mode as at present, of applying to the Clerk of the District in which they reside.- 1 his matter has been deemed of so much im portance to publishers In Philadelphia that a meeting has been held for the purpose of re monstrating against the passage of the Authors and the trade are probably not gen erally aware of this contemplated change in the law. Tea Wxorinto-Rinn FOGEL—This is the fourth finger on the left hand. Why this par ticular digit should have received such a token of honor and trust beyond all its congeners, both in Pagan and Christian tinies, has been variously interpeted.• "The most common ex planation is," according to Sir Thomas Browne, "presuming therein that a particular vessel, nerve, `vain, or artery, is conieiiuti thereto from the heart ;" which•direcit Vitiiiiikr com munication Browne shows to be, anatomically incorrect. Murano gives another reason,which may, perhaps, satisfy those anatomists that are not satisfied with the above. " Pollex," he says, " or thumb, (whose derivative, pollee, and caddie?, which" means 'as good an a-hand,') is too busy to be set apart for any such specie, employment ; the next finger, to the .thumb being but half protected on that side, besides having other work to do, is ineligible ; the op probium attaching to the middle finger, called maul, puts it entirely out of the question; and as the little finger stands exposed, and is moreover too puny to enter the list in such contest, the spousal honors devolve naturally on pronubus, the wedding fin,ger." In The Brit- Oh Appoilo, 1788, it is urged that the fourth finger was chosen from its being not only less used than the rest, but more capable of *preserv ing a ring from bruises ; having this one quali ty peculiar to itself, that it cannot be extended bat in company with someother finger, whereas the rest may be stretched out to- their full length and straightness. A Haruuturimala ur sma Prerassaci Frew.— Mr. Valentine B. Hummel, of this city was one of the three of the "Anderson" or "Buell Body Guard," who participated in the great battle at Pittsburg Landing ; and his numerous friends will be glad to learn by the following, extract of a private letter frian him that hefr'riessed through that terrible conflict safe and sound: } Ow TEN BaTrra F'LIILD, , . lltar Piafbuxg Lunding. April 11, 1662. I can now write to you but a few lines to let you know that we . are all safe, except one man who died at Savannah of disease. I was in the battle on Monday, and seen . all the glory and horrors of war. 0 a We were on the march from Columbia, and had reached a point within one mile of Savannah, on Sunday. The teams were some distance back, and our company were sent out to look after them. It returned again on Sunday afternoon. The firing commenced about 4 o'clock on Sunday morning. The enemy drove in or captured our pickets, and surprised some of our camps. The men of the camps had only time to get their arme d and run towards the Landing. The battle soon began in earnest. It lasted all day, and it was evident that our men were getting the worst of it, when Gen. Buell came over'and told them his army would be on hand in two hours. The men of Grant's army did fight, and soon they were joined by Nelson's division of Bnell's army. The rebels had taken three of our batteries, and a great many of our men. This was on Sunday. On Sunday night Buell's army arrived, and on Monday morning he had 40,000 men in the fight, beside any amount of batteries. At 8 o'clock in the morning I was awakened, with two others, to go with the staff of Gen. Buell to the field. We got there is the morning, and the fight commenced about two miles fromthe Landing, and we had it all day till 5 o'clock, when the rebels retreat ed. Gen. Buell had a horse shot under him. lie showed himself a General that day. He was constantly in the field. The rest of our company did not get here till WednesdaY morning. I saw the rebel General Johnson buried. ja enteringiiwthrsohri°gth th t r h o e n g t t t hp upper e h p ar t ea d,the of his nose. He was buried in Gen. Nelson's camp. I would like to see you, and tell you all. I cannot write what I did see. In the woods the the largest trees were broken by the balls,' aad in some places the underbrush is all cut up by bullets. Here we could see the rebels lying butdead by bundreda.,. IVelnepa,great many nten; , I judgi that tha_elop in at more a a Vimim B. Mimi. Ptunstduattict celtgraph, fietturbag Ilftentoon, ltpril 26, 1862 ak BOY about ten years of sge, said to be named Beatty, whose parents reside in Seomd street, below Washington avenue, had one of his arms very seriously lacerated by the cars, near the depot, this afternoon.' He was taken to his residence, where the wounds were dressed by a physician. Twa BiONTRLIt Bisirruva of the Sunday School Teachers' Un'on will be held in the Fourth Street Bethel, to-morrow afternoon, at quarter past three o'clock. The following resolution will be presented for discussion: "Bettolved, That the Sunday school system demands of the membership of our churches more, cordial 'encouragement, pecuniary sup port, and personal service than it has yet re ceived, and which it must have in order to its proper and full success." ACIOIDENL-A German laboring man, whose name we could not learn, while engaged making excavations for the foundation of the new church in North street, adjoining the property of Mr. John Onshiger, was severely itjurcd this morning by the falling of a large quantity of earth, which completely covered him up. He was soon relieved from his perilous position by his fellow workmen, and taken to his residence at the lower end of the city, where a physician was called in, who administered the proper re storatives, and he is now doing well. Tas Qua or CARPBTS. —When carpets are taken up, be careful in removing the tin tacks, so that the edges are not torn, then roll up the carpets with the upper part inside, and carry them away to be beaten. As soon as the car pets are removed, throw a few old tea-leaves, not too wet, over the floor, sweep the room out, and afterwards wash the boards with a wet flannel, but be 'careful not to throw too much water about, as it is liable to injure the ceiling of the rooms below. While the floor is drying, beat the car Pets by hanging them over a stout line and beating them first on one side and then on the other, with a long smooth stick. After the carpet is beaten, it may be dragged over a lawn, or else brushed on both sides with a carpet broom. If faded or greasy in any parts, an ,ox gall mixed with a pailful of cold water, or a little grated raw potato and cold water, mixed together and sponged over the places, and then wiped dry with soft cloths, will make tliem look clean and bright. If there are.any appearances of moths in carpets when they are taken. up, sprinkle tobacco or black pepper, on the floor before the carpets are put down and let it remain after they are laid down. Straw matting laid under carpets,'' makes them last much longer than straw; as it is smooth and even, and the dust sifts through it. To TIM Ponxim—The junior partner of our firm, Mr. O. B. Bowman, has just returned from New York and Philadelphia, with a carefully selected stack of spring and summer dry goods, embracing all the new styles, to which we re spectfully call the attention of the public, at the cheap dry goods house, south-east corner of Front and Market streets. .Nsw Goons:-1, am now. selling off:my entire stock of goods at ,and below cast, or 25 per cent, cheaper than yon can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 76 cots. to $1 ; shirts, 60 and 80 eta. With -linen. bosoms; •ifight. shirts, 60 ota ; under shirts t and drawers, 40 ErT cta., all !gaol . ; ;monkey jackets, 60 cte. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 ate. to 16 eta ; silk ties, 121; 15 and 18 eta ; collars, 8 ate. to 16 eta. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 5 cts.; cuffs, . 4 and 6 ohs. a piece ; antler sleeves, 18 • ete.• ' fi ne cambric at 18 and 18 cts. per yard, worth 26 cts.• Marseilles bosoms of a new style, and feat collars, 121 eta.; all linen bosoms, 15 cts. and upwards. . If yon want cheap and good epode just go to James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Manu factory, where he is selling off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &o. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. Velum. °Assn! Oxfam l—Havlng,returned from New York, I now have,on hand, and I am daily receiving from the New York auction sales, a large mectment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet, from 871 cents up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces, of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap;'splendid black silks at 76 cents, worth 90. cents ; good black silk at $l, worth $126 ; black silk 82 inches wide at $1 10, worth $1 87 ; very fine black Bornbasin - at $1 10, worth sl' 50 sum mer silks at 60 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish &en at 76 cents, worth $1 ;' 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 76 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozen beta stitohed handkerchiefs,. at 25 and 81 cents, Cheap. WholesakiLbuyers we respectfully in vite to our large, stuck, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New York, we are daily receiving Job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise, to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. - z Bi mBl-y Rhoad's old stand. FEDIALEI I FEMALES' 1 FEU ALFSI Use that note Pleasant Remedy known u HET ROLD'S EB7RAC7 BUCHU, Y or all Complainto Ineddent to the sex, No Family ehottid be Without it, And. None will when onoe Tried by them. 11 te used by YOUNG} AND OLD, in the Decline or (nme or life, After And Before Marriage, During and After MI/Indolent. 0 strengthen the Nervea, Restore Nature to it Proper Channel, and Invigorate tho Broken•down Constitution, Front whatever atuse•Orignsating. USE NO KOBE WORIELLIB PILLS Take SELNBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCTIU. Sae advertisement In another comma. Cut It out and send for IL marl 2 d2m HAIR DYE I HAIR DYEI I Win. A. Bakkelor'a Hair Bye 1' The ohlY,Harndeee and Reliable Dyerßnown I All ethers' are more Imitations; and alma ; be. avoided ifyou with to escape ridicule. GREY RED . OW WRY HASH dyed inatantli to a beautiful and natural Brown or BMW, without the least Lzdury to Bair or Mu. FIEFICEN MsDALS AND DIPLOMAS have been mai , dad to Ws. A. AMMO:LOX same 18 9, and over 210,000 applientionshave been made to the hair of the patrons of bla fainous Dye. WI, A. BATCHELOR'S BAIR DYE produces a color not ,td' be' 'Bitting§ istied front nature and le WARHENTID not to Miura In the Mast, however long it ,may be contin ued, and the Dl effects of bad Dues remedied. The hair ei invigorated for life by this splendid Dye l which is prop erly applied at No. la Send Street New York: kiddie pil,the alteehtili towns of the United States, by Druggists and lireno Geode Dealer's .ThaDenuinehas fhb name " Wilma A.. irodebele r ,i , s od addrenn,UpOn It steel plate engraving, on the four sides of each - oor24awly briQNI3,"OftALLENGE BLACKING. . . 00 or.000,40 0 0:44i1/00,x000. repitved, sad for istealt , Wboleseis .pdoelq ikelfet 4r.4 lisbuato STO ila - place bay b Palsoi iiaekdnes. .............-. ITazaa & Bowxea InolafgalroYacrory, 81 Barclay St., lata 2888 Broadway, New York BLACKING 1 2lbutrtiotments. GREAT BARGAINS. W FORSYTH & CO. 18 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Geer the following Winces:Lents to purchasers of VA I .UA BLE JEWE I AIY. pOSSESS [NG unrivalled facilities for this method of selling, we feel confide 31 we can give entire estisfeetion to all woo patronise us. We ask one trial to salary the most Incredulous that wh ,t we say Is t ue. $60,000 WORTH OF WATCHES,.OHAINS, &C. To be soldlor One Dollar, each without regard to value and not, to belwiidbi till you koow what •youare to re- Look at the follovving List of Articles to be _ Sold for $1 Each. 160 *atcheevyarying in ririoe from 216 ).0 $lOO, all in giod order and wnrranted. 200 ladies' gold watches.„....... 836 00 each. 600 Ladles , and Gents' saver watches—. . 1 00 each 2,500 'Vest andneck chains.-- ..... .36 00to 1 00 each. 8,000 Good band bracelets. 6 00 to 1 00 etrh. 8,000 do do - • do_ . 800 00 to 00 each. 8,000 Casneo brooches..- ... 4 00 to 00 eich. 6.000 Idoesusand jet bro oches '4OO to 00 each. 8,000 Lava and florentine brooches. 400 to 00 each. 8.000 Cameo ear drape 400 to 00 each. 8,000 Lava and liorent h ie edr drops 400 to 00 ach 8,000 Coral ear drops 400 to 00 each. 6,000 Gents' breastpins—. 260 to 00 each. 3 000 Watch keys 200 to 00 each. 2,600 Bob and ribbon slices 200 to 00 each. 2,600 Setts of bosom etude.. ..... . 2 60 to 00 each. 2,500 Sleeve buttons... 2 60 to 00 ach. 6,060 Main rifts 260 to 00 each. 5,000 'tone set ring 5............. 250 to 00 each. 6,000 Lockets 2 6010 1 00 each. 19,000 Sets ladies' jewelry .. 6 00 to 1 00 each. 10,000 Gold pens, lineal article ms - de 400 to 00 each All or the above list of goods will be sold for One Dol lar each. Certificates of all the various attic's., stating what each ens can have, will be placed In envelopes and sealed, witbont regtrd to choice. , On receipt of the cartftlo ate you can ses what you can have, and then it is at your option to mend one dollar and take.the article or not. In all transactions by mall, we shall 'charge for for• warding the certificates, paying postage, and doi , ig the business. cents emit, which most be enclosed when the Certificate is Bent ior. live Certificates will be tent tor 31, eleven for 52, thirty for 35, slay-flue for 310 and one hundred for $l5. AGENTS. Those acting as agents will lie allewea ten cents on every certdidate ordered by tbini, pr,v,ided their remit. tano= amAints to one dollar. Agents will collect 2n ceote for every Certificate and remit 15 yenta to ne either in cash or postage:stamps. tirerat cannon anonid be used by our sorrevpondents in regard to giving their correct addrees, town county and dune. ...lend for Ciroulare, which will be mailed free. • Address W. FORSYTH & CO. 3 apr24 Mt 18 John sheet, New York &inn= QUARTIRMASTIEZe 0/7101, 11. S. A. Harrisburg, April 22, 1882. ' ADDITIONAL HORSES WANTED. POPOS.ALS will be reoeived at this office until Thursday, May 1, 1862, for ONE HUNDRED AND SEVEN HORSE, in addition to the one hundred and ten adver tised for on the 17th inst., surramit ,fros. AILTILLERT, from 15/ to 17 hands high, between 6 and 9 years of age, of dark colors,. free from all de facts, well broken to harness, and to weigh not lees, than 1,100 pounds. , Every horse offered that doer not conform to the specifications above, will be rejected. The Government reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreaeonable. . • E. O. WILSON, apl22-td., Capt. and A. Q. M. (vol.) U. S. A. Asaarrairr Quawniamassaa's Omoa, U. S. A. t Barrirburg, April 17, 1862. f IiOPOSALS will be received at this office, P until Thursday May 1, 1882, for ONE HUNDRED AND TEN HOMES, =mum lOR AXIXLECILY, from 16 to 17 hands high, between 6 and 9 years of age, of dark colors, free from all de- Mote, well broken to harness, and to weigh not less than 1,100 pounds. Every horse offered that does not conform to the specifications above, will be rejected. The Government reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable. E. C. WILSON', apll7-td Capt. and A. Q. M. (vol.) 11. 8: A. COAL I COAL ! I U, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS 0. D. FORSTER, OFFICE and yard on the Canal, foot of North street, Wholesale and P. 81411 clatter Ia TREVER.7O ,AV WILKZSBARRE, LYKINS YALLSY 1101YBIrai and BROAD ROP 00AL• tramilles and dealers may rely upon obtaining a first rate article, and full weight, at tbelowest rates Orders p•omptly attended to. A liberal discount made to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. Present I rice, 33, and s 2 60 per ton. Harrisburg, AprillB.-dly PROF. ADOLPR ,P...TRUPSER. ULTOULD respectfully inform hie old vpatronand the public . aonerally that he will Gentian° to_glve inetruotionsi on the PTING4ORTE; ME LODEON VIOLIN and also In the sole of THOROUGH BASEL He will with pleaaure Walt upoi:piipths at theh homes at any hour dealred, or lessons will' be Oven a his realdenee, Is Third street ; few doom below th German Refbrmed Church_ . aeoJ.6-A tt SORIEFFELLE BROTHERS & CO WHOLESALE DRIIG.GISTS Per_ND DEALERS in Fancy Goods,- ' rumen , . ho. Alan agents for the sale •01 Refined Petroleum, Illuminating oil, eaperior•lo aux cost og • furnished in anv quantities at the lowest, intultat rates, 170 and 172 lliani , ' greet, NEW YORK. ja27 dem BIA/10)11.A AQUIFOLIA. 'TREE Box, Weiigelia Boum, Jaamiattm, Mtdlßortun. Lyringa, althea and other hardy flow ering shrnobery at iteyatonaNuraery, at low prices. 'Lora J. Rum. LAD'lntv'c - coltsETS ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLORED. Thelbest:artiele reaeuhtetured, mu be 'anted at OATEIOARTS', Next ewe to the Harrisburg Han k. REBECCA' GRAPH TINES. GREATLY reduce!' in Kiss, euoh as sold' -foritair4 "SS ire now and at the Keystone Nursery, Rarrisbarg, at 76 cents. Sumner plants atfrom 373,‘ to 60 cents each, by dozen, trots. $3 oSO per dozen. _ 1a227 JAOJB Mat, DWARF FEAR TREES. AFEW well rooted, well formed, strongly grown and thrifty trees of varieties best &mined for culture as dwarfs. For sale at the Keystone Nursery, Harrisburg, attar prices. JAMS 30 - BOXES of Oranges and • Ferixens Jost received audittr sae low by JOHN- WM, Corner Third. apt Wain. aprl9•dlw* BIICKJEIZt,..I3asketa. ; Tube .ohitrns 'and all kindia of Cedar and Willow wan., for Bale by I NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, all cornbilltiett and Marked streeti . . , . • ... .i - ' HAMS. 1 ((1 I 1 LBS. Jersey Sugar Cured a rur Ur -Hams, and a splendid , lot of Owego (clew Yo rk Coat Fed Sugar Oarei Hams; Jest received. aPri B - W. D JOK; JR.. &Om SHADE TREES. • SILVER 'Maples large; 25 to 50 cents S each, SG per doom. 1311ror Poplar, Balsam Palau, noose Olootnutl Catalpa, 1100144 u Ash, alogllah Ash. Pastoallii& imPerlana, Norfflay, JkpleY &e o 6U Centa to $l. 01011, fa 10 Ole per dam es 4% . 11 ro— SAYS 11111 NURSERY. ; - I fomf,ean undersell me: walba !u' " weTr4ol*/" 2 Ins, Ale 6j o4 ° 4 ' 2 .- nionors4AMiersr4 all aosaar Want awl *Alt itivela. fflisullcmtans WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., ~~'7 1: 2 N" . NEW ROSEWOOD PIANOS, from the bets makers, from $2OO upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU 31LENTS, FROM $46 to $lOO. Guitars, .Violins,- Accordeons, Flutes, Flies, brume, 'Banjos, Tambourines, Violin and Guitar strings and musi cal merchandise in general. .181ICE.T MUSIC. TER LATEST ` PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, GILT, AND ROSEWOO FRAMES, Suitable feor looking glum; and all kinds o pictures always on hand. A. fine assortment of beat piated LOOKING GLASSE S From.smallest to. largest alms.. Any style of Entree made to order at the shortest orifice. feb).9-wkaly COAL! POWDER!! COAL REDUCED I I 1 I N ooneideration of the . Yard times, and I as I sell exclusively FOB CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal MI Aglow . , Lykens Valley Brolien tip 92 90 per ton " ' U Large Egg 2'90 " 44 Small Su II 290 u" Stove 290 " " " Nut 225 " Wilkabitite 4 2 90 " " Lorberry CS 290 I, al ,CAB Ooal delivered by the Parser WEIGH ChM; It can be weighed at the purchasers dcor, and it it falls short 10 POUNDS, the willl • be forfeited. All Coal of the hen quality mined, delivered free from all impurities. • , , —Coal sold qautities; the . Lows= waimsaaLs mess. Agent for Dupont's Celebrated Powder, a large supply always on hand, at Ilannfacturers prices. AfirA large lot of superior baled Bay for Bale, )23 JAilligS x. WIPEKLEB. HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. FOR the safety of onnsumers, we have established a Co 1 011 Depot at the corner of Froo ant Market streets. All our oils are kited and we post. tively sell none except such as prove to be non-explosive, clear and free from odor as fez as practicable. we offer at present the following justly celebrated b. ends. Mag nolia, Ito'aloson, Nabrona and Dottier, lower than can be purchased elsewhere in this place, either wholesale or retail. Also an exensive assortment of Lamps, Chim neys, Shades, 9110/1 Cones, Seniors, &c. We will also change fluid or camphese lamps, so as to be used for eoal oal. Call and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS & april Corner of Front and Market street. UPHOLSTERING}. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTfON TOP MATTEFASES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON .COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS, &0., ko. On band and lbr sale at the very lowest raters for cash Hair Mattresses and Spring Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MMAITRESSES, &a, Repaired and made equal to new, very reasOnable, al l at N 0.109, Market street, between romtl and SIM, by mar2B.2md J. T BaRKII2. WALL PAPER! ELEGANT styles and pattetns of Wall Paper for 6, 10, 12, 16 and 26 oents per roll. the largest and most 'varied stook o Wall Paper, Borders, Window Blinds, Curtin and Pirtares ever Clued in tide ally. Being bought lbr clash, it wilt be -old at a 'very small prat. apr hamember the piece, Schaller's Book Store, Market street, opposttefiross!Drug .tore, iDirrisburg nt22-drai THEO. P. ecaErRER, HOOK AND JOB PRINTEIt, NO. 18, MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG. gar-Pardoular attention paid to PAULI& Ruling and dindin& of Railroad Blanks, Manifests, entities, Checks, Drafts, am. Cana printed at $2, SR, $4, and id per thousand in elegant style. DELAWARE GRAPE TINES, DIANA GRAPE VINES, CONCORD GRAPE VINES, CALIFORNIA GRAPE VINES, MUSCADINE GRAPE VINES, REBECCA and other choke Grape Vines, 60 cents to 61 00 awn. Catawba, Ciloton ana Isabella wines at 26 to 60 cents each. J. 1111 SH, KEYSTONE NURSERY. spei THREE CENTS PER PAPER. OUlt fresh stook of Supertor Floler and Ga. den,l3eeds we have determined to sell at ,u.ce cents par paper. Oall at Ito. 91 i whet street, geller's drug and fancy store, and you wilt get to the right place. .1. Wesley Jones' tine double Asters and ten week stooks at same price. DWARF PEAR TREES STANDARD PEAR TREES. 50 CENTO each, $o per dozen, at apr7y KSY6TONB NUaBBRY WM. T. BIS:OP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, °MOE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL, OPPOSITE NEW COURT HOUSE. terminations in German and English. maw uAm REMOVED. JOHN B. SMITH JJAB removed his Boot and Shoe Store Jul. from the corner of Second and Walnut streets to NO. 108 MARKET STREET, Next door to Baynes Agriculture Store, where lie intends to keep all kinds of Boors sod *Sloes, Gaiters, &a., and a large stork or Trunks, and everything In hie line of be stows; and wilt be thenutal to receive the patronage of his old customers and the pubrit in general at his new place of business. ell lands of Work made to order In the best style and by superior workmen. krepsdring dote at short notice. [apr2dtfj JOHN B. SMITH. EVERGREEN TREES NORWAY Fir, isalsam Fir, Silver Fir, Scotch Mr, Austrian Pine, Arbor Vim , am, from Icel.& feet high, st aL prises, from 2.5 caula and up salmis, at KEYS cONE nnosaßY. DANDsu ON COFFIB I—A Fresh and large adliidy &Ha Calabria:ad Cotree) cat received Uy 1.1 43 1 WM. DOOF Jr., & Co. PEACH TRPPE. 11WENTY clioee varieties, $8 per Iran j„ area, $125 per dozen, 123 cents each for smaller quantities, at (a. r7s Rain ONJ CIDER 111 VINEGAR 1/ I MADE from choice and selected Apples, and guaranteed by us to be strictly pare, WM. WOK k co. RASPBEItB , LES. 11101tRIXOKIA'S orange, Feist°lf,- Franco -411.,' Horne: am • , _Na t o,64.#ntworp, , ;04 ...- Apr? ' KNYB,IIO)§, NtrjtsEßV. OLD PEAN6 I—The largest and to rhea' - itzie," troilia.oo s4.oo—wmulted.....f - . , 4 3 aIIiMSJI BOOKIITOIUL NIC II OLS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streeta. (V. Hummel's old stand,) ETAVE determined to place their entire 11 — .1 stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FRUITS, Ao , at prices to snit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the citliena of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock of goods, consisting of SUGARS, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE. SPICES, LEMONS, ORANGES, CURRANTS, CEDAR-WARE, FLOUR, FISH, &o. We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands of COAL OIL ; •,. All of which we warrant to be NON-EXPLOSIVE, TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, as ar as practicable. Among others, we have on hand NAT.RONA, MAGNOLIA, LUCIFER, ROBINSON. All of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and lower than any other how* in Harrisinag. Also, all kinds of CUT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well selected and extensive assortment of QTTEENBVVARE Call at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street. DORTEMONAIES, WALLETS, POCK • L et-books, Bankers' QUM, Ladies' Bebe Estelle st, Ladles Traveling tiateltels. We are constantly neeiriop Ilddidollll to our stook of the above goods, and neces sarily have a fine assortment of the latest styles. We respectfully Invite persons rantlag to purchase any cs the above articles to examine the stook—know lag the I a greater variety or better goals canary. be tbund In tah. city. HELLER'S Erns and Fancy Store, 91 Market street, one door oast of Fourth stesst, south aide. nil. REMOVAL. CHARLES L BOAS, HAS RSMOVID HIS WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE To No. 7, Market Square, lir • below the Buehler 8e:,,. E has constantly on hand a large stock lA . of WATCHES, JEWELRY and PLATED WASH thscrlptions. Watehet and Jewelry repetred and warranted. aprZ dim* GEO. W. IioOALLA, WATORMAKTai & JEWELER, NO. 88, b. Market Street, Harris urg. HAS constantly on hand a large stook of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY ARTI CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watches and jewelry neatly repaired. sa- N B. Don't forget the place, oppoelte the hoes' noose. reareldam IRE BKST GOODS HOB TIM LUST lON i 6" BOOTS AND SHOES, Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash priors. mar2B-diim QCHUY LULL AND SUSQUEHANNA. Railroad Company, OHce No. t4T S. Fourth street, rtuladelpitia, April 8, 18 6 2 . The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of this Com pany, and an election for President and elx Managers, will take place at the Offtee of the Company, May Bth, at 12 o'clock, x. W. H. MolLllittiNlY, agrkttd Secretary. JUST RECEIVED. ASECOND LOT of Combo and Sentimen oat valentines, at Mersa prices. lob 16 y SCHEBFEWIt Bookstore FIFTH- WARD HOUSE R. J. PETERS, Proprietor. Corner of Forster and West kvenaes, (In the Rear of the Reservoir,) Harrisburg, Pa. Boarding by ibe week, day or Biome meal at reason. bi n rates. ~00d stabling for horses, &o . apr9dlme ACHOICE lot of ASTER'S and TEN WEEK STJCBS, with a guard variety of Wreak /flower and Garden Seeds, received and Gr sale at No. Y 1 Market street. NIILLEo'd Drugstore. IT P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NhW SOAP. JLA.• is economical and highly detersive. it oon- Luisa Ito lb:obi and will not waste. It is warranted not to Injure the hands. It will impart an agreeable odor, and is Wetmore auitabie for every purpose. 8.. r sale by WM. )OCS, Jr. h 00. GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large . invoioe of mace Garden Feeds—comprising a greater variety of imported and Lone growth than Ina 'ever been offered in this city. Those who may desire to purchase, oan depend upJa getting the beet in the world, at the woolesele and retail grocery store of AM. DOOR, JR. a 00. SUGAR CURED HAMS. IMPROVE AIENT IN DENTISTRY R. P. H. ALL.A.I3.I.CH, Surgeon Den y/ tiet, llnvommurer of Sienna Plate Teeth, the only method that obviates every objection to the use et are. &nal Meta, embracing partial, half and whole sea of one piece only, of pare and indeatructio le mineral, there arc„ au cremes; for the acocumalation of sutull partiCles of food and therefore, no offensive odor from the bream/, ea oe Me tal is usedin their construction, there can be no gate au & action or metallic Wits. 1:14i , n04) Ul3 iII:111 , WUXI 1g not so_ noyed with sore turost, headache, dm. 00168 No, 48 North Second street, Harrisburg. dly GREAT ATTRAC'TION. • CALL at No. 75 Market Street, where you will find a large and well aekoted stook of pain and fancy Confectionery of all kind& a great va riety of toys in every deiorlption, Ladies' Wore. Stands and Fancy Baskets, Foreigo Fruits, Nuts, Dates and all other art.cles generally kept In a oonfectionery and toy store. Receiving fresh supplies every week. Call and examine for youraolvea. WM. IL WAGGONER aprlB-d6m p,opr ietor. HAY I HAY 11 A SUPERIOR article of Baled Hay, at AOR 01.7 00 par ton for wile by JAMS M. WHERLiffi. CHEAP SUGARS, Ohoios Syrup, Teas, ka„ Bar_nda low by NIOLIOL9 k BOWMAN , moat Of hunt and Market stmts. LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. 1311LAITTEI to $1 zb T. at X apr.Ty Miscrllantaus MONEY PURSES. A. HUMMEL, Deeer In of every DESCRIPTION and at all PRICES. Next door to the Court Howe, MARKET STREET. FLOWER SEEDS. DRIED BEEF, bIiOULDFRSI, BOLGNA SAUSAGE. A large and fresh supply just received by I eb2s Wcf. DOA( Jr. kOO
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