AtNcal R: PROPYIXKLNE, ME NNW REMEDY AVE i tc Etr m A. ii.xitur, A NEW RIMEL • 1 , 011 A CIRTAIN DY, j ". ~ A OUTY, RED UMATISM CHRONIC NEETIMATION, szrzumazzaixos.mervir RIND; ov 080 EN, a-01 • He t 1-471:11 ' ' HOW LONG STANDING, PROMMAMIif : • WHAT IT HAD DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN. 13111 Bliff TimmNy Am mom. Atrraolery. DOCTORS KNOW Ee — Is&TENTS IT, TRIeIIABD ITWIL ERE P.ENNOYAVAIsIIA HOSPITAL. . [Atom Ornmar, Hoserrat throws] Mars, 1860,—Tiatica., it. 18; Biagio, never was very strong. Tit:iara. aIPS Abe had 'mini& dim& rhomurt thm,trom whiehstrevreetathfinedto her bed for two weeks and sebseqentlyWom a relapse far four more. She has been wellidecrithen till laitt gator day; while engaged In house deeming, she took cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, bet as decided chill... Two days later her ankles be less . ma% which war followed by swelling of the knee joints and of the hands. She has now dull psln in her shoulders, and her knuckle! are very tender, lot pd. pairing,: both hands, are affected, but the tight bluetits°. . This, then, lea case of 'acute rheumatism, or, OA it id 'now habloitably called, Theo:mottle levet. It le a well remarked typical case We will carefully weigh the . ease, and from lime Ultima call your attention to thevari eel is which present th emselves: MY &let object i241 ; 1 C 1 in .b bar beibre you now, is to call attention to k re y w . has reorattlY no w, recommended in Ute treatment of rheumatism.' 1m ma propylarritte. Di. Awenarlus, of St,tPaittliburg, memoranda It In the highest term s, hating - derived great Wirth from its n6O in 26goeites*ItiOltgantit undeq his care. Various com mendatory lestimOnlalt rlispeoting It have appeared in . our Journaliouthi. proacit therefore to give it another trial. I most confess T run always incredulous as to the worth of new remedies; which arts vaunted as spondee ; but this comes to us recommended AO highly, that we are bound to give it a trial. • labiE CASE FOUR , DAYS LAVER 1 - ft Ma ZS, 1880.1 will now eithibit to . yen the patient for aw I preeeribed is P i r lit opylamine, loud Wit tthes—hither . tier an attack' Wont° vherionatimn. - ' litre 'hes % ylakeii It ;tirthrio gestnit every two hears (totermittlns It i at ntsht.), ,The day after you saw her, I foetidly"' Chnioh , :ttehwvedMfortahh, hotter than she ex. leeteirStebeltWei Waft Sr rerierek Algeria Vain her other 0,04. ('fhomtlent now Walked foto the r00m . ,) , f The isoproyrement steaddst,pFogreasett, arid you cannot fall to notice a markidethe appearance of heir =whlchmexpw nouirall of .their .vdkural size .-- fir OiliWthiemmtkwodl4 taimiositiiiied very Bea- wing ; but, gantlet:nal..We taut watt a little while be 01414 0P14194,,as what in , Benin another *tient who wits placed,on the use of thenantaitniallthiehightidity' last.; , ; ahe_has long been g from 0 Orman rheumatism, and I found her at a c ns with • aouta'attack supervening two* he r affection. The wrists and knuckles weihr - linfrb Azaterilherrosnd leuee:. ,, l3lle.took the chloride of. Prepyia mins in three grain doses ei3ry two hours, and yriu. will 7=e that the swelling of the joints has uttich dlrrithr Al' • THREE DAYS 'LATER I I MAT 28,188044161,in the case or anitto rheumatism trotted With - pitffialntriti; the - iirseit'those to which I *kid nurrattannonat our: ltnit , o lll itr, 1 1 14 6 8; 1 f still very ititmoirmilitife,!audits nOW taking „, threeltmns thrice daily. ~ lOne it bas seemed to be followed by very sat 4eltaha. Ttlf•gfotont Lae to which partition; Dui g ~ u t ll at,,4111-118‘lectura, hasdice contihnsd to do rad 14iiitibeclittogintifetis yeti iilsairitr ablator ttstiO case or , lolllst . thiptmatiam, and if the result. be eat. ft.gbed Jury telehi,.tre shell render our verdict In favor of propylamin i r „mt. ,28;ittint wag :admitted a few days ago. Was poaludenel rheumatic pants; but not sb as to keep his. ~ s itklfeight-ilkis ago . : - The; pains began *his right knep,subsequently affected the left knee, end ,r4. ,9 , „,„ ,0 the upper „TIM*. Joints . lint tender. Ells tengttele farkek; It present dry, though there bas beck' Mitch ate pulsate fall and. pin% and about us Ike new thitit'prlipylatelue titinitykrotteheitis. This gentletainfirletart marbercalled a strictly typical ease of acute rheumatism: k Tttero-was exposure Cu cold and wet, and eipoidie relrowea t by a feeling of fetidness, severe articular patty beginning, as it usually ,AstO r tkeloner joints. There fa fever end the profuse 4z 110 geffteralig iiiinpdant enem. rheontstism. nitarlirlf4 this pattlint barero ydu On at giving yen a lecture on all the points connected with, ,rkeatmatiam„ but, to : gain give 44 trial to tee newtodyowerare' teetingrend—to eietbil fir you this inikial oxae,on I haveoallied It, than which there no Ind got be a fairer opportunity fur tannic the mediate. in question. .We are, therefore, avoiding the use of lii ether medichasa, sven.encdyuee, that there, may be no eniagivter hi to *Mob woe 'the eilletent 4 leinedy. Yen shall one thaosono,:a future , THE _RESULT =rEl BIM FAILVOR4BLE VERDICT Jun 9, llikkli.=The hit of oar , ocutaleacents is-ills at atiaterheupatisat before yea at our'ellate OrMay .. , . Wh(sh I tien.ealled it typical tutila,•had width it - ' Starke& Wall a kttr OpPerttuilty ' flit lottiot. the , tr, VtiOaetteeted". It icuctherefore' littidVy V 1 , ,threlt train doeee every two hears for fuer 'dit s. ... pidenstaagatalong very nicely, end lit udititifts to walk about, ,we you see: Ido novhaattate to a y that I hate neves' Wise es severe a case dt AM° rhou.nattake. u,' woutocatrestored to, health au. this Mau ,haa. intim, and without being prepared to deolda pular) by asp the val. Juror the remedy, we. bays used, I feel boded, to slate - that lash on to which we hffelaied the Chloride 0 e 4 ikhe WOl.l A tinprogatibif i thalr ih4lth `to eilkaa Oder the tral4m4Veldtortrily Our ilgio media., Wanld yourselves try It" 1 114 Mrl Ul7: , reitullS. • MMEII For ktrlrrispesk of Ithia 'the abONA3 eondentiod sultrillt, air thii . :Plhihidelpbie Medical and 3wpical Re r "Fr: it tr the report after aMr trial hythe beet mods ; —Allittainkfien n thilLlMUltrY. Lid MAO El It unnecessari to pre numerous, oarttil, : sdes from astonished doctors rlicdoing ,* SPEEDY 01M, AtT lIPPECTUAL CURE , tiaatia. MEW WHAT IT HAN DONS, - 11nUook &Crenshaw, a firm well known to most mod' aal dien4 by wham the Elixir Propylantine haaheep In. 4041002; Isar* eald to nithe ClatilliVe right to nriuittran. ineoralng to , the Menai iteelpe, and ir'e have -made anangemente et such magnitude as to enable us tr,iestieritltt:oademn amongst Buttering humanity. A WORD ID DOCTORS U you prefer to ime tho eatue entedy in another form we Motto your !Mention to the ?3 : 919 2 7.174 1 MQ CA4 O ?t , P I Pinimamna Pun Pionzuoirs 'll"Y.pitorrmairie OpealwreAree, 'it wince we ire the eole mannOtoturers. ik-Wwelatm RO other virtue Mr the Zithir PropyUndue than la auatalaed in:Pure Crystalized Chloride or hoiy -1 amthia TEI Hl IMA 1$ AND NAT BR WWI, Acooammo TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY OWL ". BY "WHY 011.11 W:11.9#04q/1113/,I4ATISICQB.-AN.Y./FINa 8614 ill Hatriebbre by AT 16 CIN. 110712/.. &den may be addressed to • pErgpm l XlY/iA I AIVOPAOIII4O.44O Co., Moe, Aicooittio: 4, 1 . 4.111; Cbr. Irourtn and Menet streets, Prdladelptda. , to either of the fielcrinog cc=3=l BULLOC ORENSIL&W,' -- FRISSON, K R & ICHARDS - is go., JOEORINANIABIS &CO„. 960. D. WETHERELL & - ;;;0 4 ISEMAWEHIGT & CO., 41141 00 f - ZQGI OUSWW ' AProlit ;. c. OZO ;e, ; ~. , FREIGHT ILREDINED HoWard &Hope WILL CONQUNE. WILL CURE IT, MORT &UK ROUTH DOCTORS Rseil Docroßs imams, warms TRY IT. NF:W - ;.,,TORK: GOods Ordered in 'the Morning Returned the same Night Leave New' York at 71 P. M., by the Past Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A-. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order. Goode marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 162 Broadway, New York. For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. Hmuusinuto, Aug. 1861.-dtf VVERY body, ought to join in oiroulat -11:4 leg it, If the fat we represent are so. All are in terested, the well and a ffl icted. The Q,OLDEN ELEOuno on, is useful In Chronic and Nersoiss Diseases" anch as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ,Binniai", as, WI aorofula, Piles, /rash or Ofd ' Sores, 431berai Viandalar SWifflings,' Fesisatitifirmitplainhn Sbre ka• • fact there Is no family medicine that acts with such magic power as the Golden Electric (111. Hundreds can certify to its virtues. For the purpose of Introducing it into every MenUy, With twci or ,my own vatueblo preparations for COugm, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Wyse, Mid as an indwiemedt to those woo algal me to dlapbee of. 20 groat, 1 place in pommel.= or a coaunittee .of honorable gentlemen' the following -ire' uable reirßElNetribution amoegst the Pu rob Mere 1 flue ii-oetavo Piano.. 1 Fine Dressing Bureau 1 Fine Cottage Bedstead ..1. Eine...English Gold Lover Watch 1 Fine Ladies,' ---. d 0.... .. ci0..... ' line aliver-Waleheo, 88".00 1 Old Violin and Bow 1 Haile Box I Fine Double.barrolled Gun.....:. . Fine Semi-tone 4ccordeon 4 Gold Bracelets, $100• 600 Boxes Valuable Pil/5,.26 eta 126 400 Boxes Tooth Poiidei., 26 eta... 200 Copies Life of Durltfee; Embellished, 26 ots 60 Copy,4l, volumes; Chrtitian Coke, 31 00 .... ... 8 -Ftneellk Dresa... ... . . ....... 20 1 Pine DolokteDress. . . 8 2 Fine Lawn Dreeßes, SS 00.... Fine Gold POllOllB, $1 00 Floe Sleeve &M N . OOS, I 24 Fiue ladles' Guards, 26 ots . 0 0 rittoH l d4of~ rlterrelry,ll. oo ..... 20 Fine Double Medallions, 1 00 6o flee Locket Phu, 60 ct 5....... ..... COO Fine-Betts Studs, 25 ots 500 Flo° 18:karat Rings, 26 eta 200 Fine Hence Eleeve ßuttons , 12X eta 100 Fine .kbeleis Baser Pdwder, 26 1 Gilt Family 8ib1e.... ............. ........ 1 Barrel Plour.'.., on the paymOnt of 25 cents for each Bettie Ot. Sdk of the Medicine, tee purchaser will receive h receipt aud an order tbr:1111 ealrelope, Willett will contaiiiittituame of oni "of the above tin day of thedistrtbution of gilts, the envtdeptet will be placed las box or wheel, with a hole to puts the hand into It, the envelopes all pod Into the wheel, well she& nptind neared, each purehaser will draw out his or her own envelope; the elk mimed therein will be , soon as 4.lliitirgthig clWea- Ho. tieswill , be 21 feu to agents, ant firthet pent, or the day of distribtition. Perot same lir • ' , ilotanOb wit 'have an equal Bistro with those residing in Harrisburg. On re eels of Ahe.maney for one or Jnore.dosea, the medic*, With cerMaileand orders, will be foiwardid by express, free or .charge... In ell rases the : Redloine la warranted fto etwerollive relief , °rim charge: - 800 oeratieiteit:' - DB. W....BAB.Bp...DIAB'SIit. =Aa I 11Wril 114$1110d th at you have purchased the right to manufacture and sell WOon nell's Golden Electric; 011, Mr the benefit of the afflicted, I send the following have been afflicted with a run ning sore on my left leg for ten: ears: During that time I have beenauder the treatment of ten of the beat Dec. tors in Harrisburg, Baltimore and Cumberland county ; bet allcould not abet a care: - little overnyear past, gang Into my blacksmith • shop-4' W deale, l l-hurt.iny right leg also, below, , theallee.' ;Itapppadall .iround the leg, and bemuse, a running sore. • yeeal Doctora told me I mast haVe my leg taken "td; rildriltleation having lxiteniplaeb." t ForUmately 1 got a"bottlo of your Golden Electric Oilnfortray sore mouth. It cured so soon that /4 thought I Weald try It on my logs. I have been using It about six Weeks, and my legs arenqw healed Op —sound and Well. &Land T. HOOCH: We, 'the undersigned, who are well acquainted with 131sha T. Hooch, do certify to the fact as stated shove, saddles Iginettotal egeotaor, IdNitripell'elhOop Alectr lc Oil azilnany - Our neigh/pima - - • • - • • NRYANDREW, O. KRIIIRLA dge • KRB,' (Briport Hotel.) J. OSPIJAhiIIe MAY • I LONGYZNaillelt, Req. I have been using Dr.. Barris • Oroup Syrup in my, family ibr the pbnt two years. I would-,lbe without it at any price, as My children are subject to - Cilds and Croup. believel heVessived their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to ibis without it. t It. X. SWABIA (livery,) Harrisburg: - tL,rr Colmar. December' 6; Alkir. DR, Bags than. k Yea moat idueertdi lurthe-fAlit ment you gave me for my eyes. I have of ly used it a few times, and run noieemitely tree from ingamation and pant which is more than I hays-boo for the last Are yearg.— rhepe God will .bless yeti kW. the freigift,. Ni , person oillicted with weak or intiamed sore, eyes ought to bo Without it • MILES. Being well acquainted-with 44.0.1ifilee r what he call. flee "to above Is correct and trek is Singular SS it may 'seem.: Lignag;A:r.riferdieditprct. Hubdreds have certified—l have only given the above. Plies, Tetter, Poison, Itch, Look - Jaw, Gonorrhtea, Leucorrlue, anAlUggeheil iilgeetwe, oared with same can cent, or no charge. Temper ow* will be paid Ito eh permits telling one or more dozen. W. BMW, i 2 O-dawtr - Harrisburg, Pa. IN lIVERr CARD WHENSVEIr t - = ED, WHENEVERMIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN STAGE LLITETOR.GETTIBB - IJIG TARE BEDUORD-Ttilll4B TUROUGE TO ;,:Wriwpantma.. - HE • - undersigned- has established ;'s L:rmilta Mx.l4llllLoi STAGIAXIAU tioniAtealittkica - burg, conueo{tughwery qtbuTAhrthig with the Oamhar. .}nd haft: — the iioatibew, . theme every' TurPTUANguy,atittradstuud Sutuntlyirehartitti4. every ihur -. days Paumtigarti :tar . Sheppar.lito vI • 3)11 'RIM% tam ..lUtl :44,ertud ht.. - 11.1.004 , re -ea • InAitt - • - Wm J. , TATP. - MORE WHY RUNT, AND ALWAYS READY FOR Ell111.0L&TE DU, • DR. T. L MILES, . Sul:tag-ow DENTIST QFFELILS hiO services to the oitizenw t. aiirriaturii ind its via:inky: lie iolleits a shams ,ptiblie patronega and gives asseranne gait ; his best illailintorallball be given to rend 7. r utiereetionlif hislora leselon. soling so old, well tried eentist, he feels saPpir writing the paid% Ventrally to' call on him, agenOng bent tnattheY:wia not be dissatisfied with himpenriees, Mee No. i2B Mutat street, in the house Forifirlyieer eag_ed.ty JaaohlL My, mar the United States - ilotel,. - inoktly . , • W' Nu ll s; renrrenta, RatPUC atm Levan% it theineit WhoVlt'dlAdt... and HAT -. B tMlitAinkil,latg, Ps. - _ .= '•;;JOUREnIk NJ ESE Ortsrciitinivasi ,EC.P . # - ESS CO.'S TO AND FROM M'CONNELL'S GOLDEN ELEOTRIO Oil. 2b Degroy--Rats, lloaches, &o. 2b Deotroy- 77 , 111014 Melee and. Ante. n Destroy—Bed-Bugs " lb Destroy---Moths In 'Furs, Clothes, &o. .2b Destroy----Mosqtrltoes and . Fleas. .7b Destroy---Insedfdon Plants.and Fowls. To Datroy---Insects on Animals, SM. 26 Derfror-- - Avery form clad sPe9ie of:Fermin ertlari .7 lo 79 ;. : vEnsger..; EXTERMINATORS. nugi "ONLY INFAT.ttiRrtE IMINDIES KNOWN. 7 MUMS lIIIIUMITLI EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OP pose Preparations. (nnlike ell, others) .are "Free from Poisons." • "Ncit daMterous to the linmen Family." "Rats ao not die on the pientises." "They come out of their holes to die." ' "They are the 'only, remedie s knovhi,," ' "12 years and more established in New; York. olty." Used bp-- , tbe 014 Post Office. threditlie City Prisons and Station House. Oily '&c. • Deed by they Mg Hospitals, -Alms-Homes, i BW. Used 6y.-tlie City Hotels 7 -'Astor',- 1 9LNiellio- Thetibrin.titie Bco., Bte. Med by—morelhan 60,000 Private Families: Ors.% one or two Specintens of what is everytohiie said by the Peoplea-Rditorst-Dettlers, HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed 'with. vermin need be so no longer, if they.use.Yooertat's" Exterminators.: We-have, wed it to. our efitia finztion.rigud o.4;hox...qxat IA we would_ lave We had trifxlpolaons, but they effected nothing; Vat . ‘idosimele garble littixica,:thii . biestb . out of Rata; Bike, 'llbaohes and `'B quicker than we can lit , °great demand alloVer.thevountry.-Liftxiina (O.) Gusetfa., • •.1l.• • .. 5100 tiORE 'CqtAIN. mid proviedons- are destroyed exumally in - Grant county , by :vermin, than would pay for tons of this Eat and heed Kill*. Lonearfer ( irk Ee'rald. • ' RBENR OOSTAE—W a are 'selling your , preparations rapidly: Wherever thel have been. need, Bats, pilor t lEtwhes end Vermin disappear. rapidly.' Emma & &mum, ; . so ........ 31111 'POoer's " Sat, 4lotieh, textlilktermlnator. Costar'e OPlitaeg" Bed-bug Atterllitnator " Costar'S!' • 4d Pc!**: :a i Electric Pavidigt for iusalts 110 - IN 250. 50 0. AND $144 802ZWIL • lOTTLIP AMP ' PLASMA, $3 55fiTtlit FOB Pwrrelion., ha", Bans, BMW% &CLI e O . CALIMOW I Teprevent• the public from hebig imposed upeuits,§tereats 14114 . 4gh1y Penlicieat haier#o4B, a new•label herbecexProetrod, ,bear ing' a foi finite Of the Prdpirletbr ingnature l — Pram no each bear t .lxittla i jor flask carefully be fora i : n;irclutliing, and take, pothing but', , f We. tars . . 150 . 125 . 25 . 25 ifr *gad . I "wrokais --- bY ;All Wstosesmas Mutate= In the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in NetiYork City. Schieffelln Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahmstook, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands & Co. . Wheeler &Hart. James S. Aspinwall. , ' Hagan & Hall, Bucket& Co. • Tomas & Fuller. . P. D. Celia. • Harrel, Maley & Kitchen. Bulh, clale & M.lVezd, - 01cose & hicKisson & Robbins. • .D. S. Hanna & Co. F. C. Arfiklgi&go ff ;, Iwselle, Marsh &aQardner. OW; Thion&Co. , Clonrad wane. • Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. B. A. - Fahnestook & Co. ROert 8 4 0 P.makg F4r4CV, Bichaid4 * &, o : 4 l — Lip orIPISB. , AND BY Datrosint, laaoCunits, Einnununipsas and Bartin.- nikM4MallY.Ark-1111 OAIMMC .Towns and Vaukaie to tim AMPCZED STATE& HA 11 1114.11-11 RG. PE NIIA. or sow - • GrOSS & 00.1 Keller, • Principal Wholejale and. Retail at - Earfla:Lig, and by, the .1 2 ittraoiere ,lElielta kimetaKendill generally. IF CouNmi ti*Lin*Chi4 order. . ea above. r? F OlRAta .. .biders,' oKceo--" [or, Whim, - ',.: 1 4 1 3 06 rt0 2 8, 1 c ito- rciaa ;', lan ,--, d gi ail yin ized; l e.T u7d. aeid :pries ;foi to , ~. , ThongtitrAm" Datioa-laii:151;. mAt io . 'llfei illre)SE Neeilei ItzMinsilkuvatxte • ts•Vg P 541041 has :irlr:l 1.77.1rM lisullaniaas. VERMIN. =I OM LIVERREGULA.TOR, LIFE BITTERS, RE pure vegetehlo extracts. They cure all bilious Ornardem of the human aystess.— . et' regulate and Mishima the Veer and kiedeys. • heySive tone to the tilgeottvit Orm on e ; they minima y e y tl, dr -ecretl. excretions lust exhalatts, equalise the li oas ad.partly the blood. Thee all hilitme comernel— atpt «come of which are Tailor Liver, iNek Headache. .4psia, Piles, Chins' and Peron. °Mimeos. or locee .fas...are entirely sontroled and cured by theme .r died. DARIING'S LIVER KEGULATOR Hommel the morbid and toilibuideposi . * ltem the stow soh and-bowels, replusten the liver and kidney*, remov lag every obstruction, reatoreas Wand ma haalthy ad. coo lo the vital organ& .41, is is superior NAMELY MEDICINE, Mach better than AN And Wok ini.lerA o take. DARLING'S LIFE 41ITTERS la impostor toalo agidlareti o! , totoodoit as- area or auappellte, botulism bloat' wooknoms, Iffecularl boo, the stbriond'bow*lillad, plotrudlog and olo 4 ltotarot„ . doltft.. . WNW niS,CSLOWIffIitITSSTIffIONT ; jl4l ' Brumills ma th" ' 'b Villion Ames , New York, *Thai, Aagualltll3o 'hl NO bean afflicted with pitee, accompitale&with bleeding; Um •b id throe yam ; I wad . ; LITE,WI•I4.IitIGORATOR LIFE ' '8127171118, , • b,. •And uowoonsider ismaiLv ous." • , floin John 14 ; 1:lion WitteN “iltionlilyi4 Kant 16,1500. In Ito Spin.% of 1866 A .took,a morello 0011100106 lndaa 'ed " t 'took roro' doses Of - IJV 8./IGULMOR. twoke tip air sold and Seer at owe: &allow to thia .'Atone, /- hail been trintbind.llolW SOYOrt4 & it aigoe .* oaths ; I here felt nopning of Su O "Atli threet, 'T writes( • tis nny, ,litsq.• 128 - last . itkrignet 11neT4thed 1 wittk:llldney Own t three years with constant pain hi the swap of my beek.-I.barFlusectimili eu Mode et timellithieiOut Arend no permanent rette4, I peed Atunpoes lout. ninacwroa, I paned cloned blood by the urethra., lam now fitly cured, and takelleastwe to rrooommendlng• these remedkw." 'ire R febow,.ll Olutdoittlir *eel, tj Y, writes : "Feb 40, -1800.--1 bane been &object-to Minces WAWA. Oa " 111 4 4reAtrooluv , 04,1144verAnuldourtAlut Opel to Lioiet Itegulatot a afibnliog inimedbite rtitet t4li thorough Giver sad Mlioes remedy:" • ls. Team, of flmoklyn,wrlieo, ,Ifebreary,9B,llloo. In May lant Lhada serverentinot of fllqs, which contlxi ed stein theloatui,:_• l, liielijetni bottle of D.ABLING'S :LIB'R. BITTERS and WWI entirely.eured. , , have Azad an attune Wm.?) WillAemol4 N., iyuckfith,,neof wfi. nsinsbuil; L. wines : Augustb, MO.—ailing been tresibled•winti• difficulty in thnLiver. and ittfiset to 141- 1001 ;,A.Aba 01 4 1 4 1kr a pIW44. to try, .04agitPIOAVAPI"-ta i reels . 1 did ep, d iound it to apart — itWidiribidily . removing the He; end signing theater to eatialtv. l I - have also lalW rasa FMdII.IipIiiEDIOINE When our ehadren aro out-or sorteivro 0111 them a few droin and W 144. 1 .hewl 4110 1 , d 1434 ikrneake the general 1 9 0 4 4kl ib .!°R l o 2 fgAttPwt44 Whent<Wjeller• , Ulna , if You hoot either or both or Mime moot az eellteu Rei4telletc4retetre for tbetwit the Mores Of you do heeled them, talawne.httier, barabetost, Oad .Dotler let a istvir..ll44,_ 1 4- 1.60. 4 42 19*.Y1100. Rtmesty_ or Remedies will De cent topyOlibr CAr Rolii,, , by iiko, or am " rat ; ' Adams,' D I AJSM-B—DALIZLING. ~.-, ilea - - Neassuatreet l , New 'York,. ~ . Pitt Virp Atini sLioint L Apeacdoma . , TRIENNIAL APPEALS F0R1862 ' g ood Commis4oneri • of • • Dauphin county, kW.; make emown iny the Womble 1 Uinta withba.seld• owankrand 11mile:owning real witato whadatho' tandf igilftedid that PPP. Who had on the vilitallOnas rettwstedli ttie Aersora of rod wet personirprepectrtaiiibla Ibiatte sad =MY porpoises fot the iiiii.year,lseld appeal will will be ludo , the township of Dwry, sash, pub:io..hooso of— ;little, fihalihillATnt /WAY, am. 284 day of April. • • 'For the illithand fifth waltzer the oily of : Burkhart isethe Gookt House; :m the Oita or the oduntr Cemmie abuensl Tepidity, May fah inst. , ttie Potarth arint ;dial/ city, idthe piggy on Wednesday" dot of May , Nor the Ttdrd ward of add city, at the same place, on Thursday, thetith•day of May. Fur the ithavand *quid wards of ,11144 icy, on Jki r day, the 9th day ofilay, iSed: the Commlsaioners denudes hope tha t all persona: knowing thendstivei - ii'•Eived ► by their respective value :tiontleadeakredi wig :Ake notice hereof inUippeat at their, riglinntirtfloati itC Orris/sic 6114,appeithi will open at CIA. sc. and clan at . o clock w . • • • • • 4:111ORG1141AR - • • .:31ENRY Allot :—.Toeirg Mitt= •P. P. Aseeesers are,requeited to be punctual Is their ritteslahoe on- he di of appeal. ' • mlklihrtil - DENTISTRY. D . G rio.. w, ais C graduate ' of the • AJoittnieri Onienl4,ol l ikditallturgery, having mina E t nanny Wound in ate htty, id 'prudish and taken Lite oft* lort - okonpled - • ay- DI:" - on Third Mr eid, nehmen liatketrand , Walnut, mg talky . inform Ma Mende and the public le goon', ' kal.*Orepared b perfoila• skiver/alone 'lti - tne Denial inekkotion, either •repticat or' ineedudealidirit'inantto tkal ahall noi be anrinntal*. Wk . Opetekin o Ilan* Mit der city. gla otodit.hirinaernxbeetiliktia .l l teeth'ik: ~ .4xla.tiiiihae6 ; • in-' proved noientille principles.. . . 11 = 11 / 1 40-Palig-kso6 l l l o.llltOtt OnAge Gold, sa, ier, pala k or the- yakiase, Bair 1 takegreat idatetwalmannnampeaang Uto &Dove gen penman to, ail my former patients of Harrisburg and' et deity, andinetecinfkleat ttud.he willperinia all own, alonejn a 'darn" maow,_frook my knowledge of Jib slinky. • knytafddl'; D.;J:.13.434mhag..D. D. IV oktkikitilti - DAtibireoPpliß v T UST RECELVBD a large . quantity o f .84PerirM bandelicst9olllbe, which we will Bell Icw to sait the times ; also, pure ground 310 coffee and Tur key 0400 au Rut up in one pound paokagle. can padr examine at the wholesale and retell grocery, store or NICIEWIAIe BOWMAN,: corner of Front and Multi* Are*. S. TRIPOLI, log - ClLlalum Amp pousaura METAI_JC ARTICLES, •MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, &o Warranted Free from Add or Felon,. For ode by WICAME, Jr., & Co. XTRA-FAMILY .FLOUR iu fourth and E halt bbL slots, 'also, wholesale aad Mad at ths Now Grooesy and Po:Risks" &ore Front and Martet.sts. *skews arso AN. • . I : VO .1 I , :Pod NiaiN for lidlqr • cams powmazi. EDAR T MIA Meg Alisullantou lUMMNO'S LIFE 817.TE1D3 IBS, BASKETS, ~: *ill el n : In the line; Jost received-la ' imAYII4I mir fff,._ . : Jobu Examitps. 80MATRING FOR THE TINES I I 11111JESSI1'Y aT EMMY HOUSEHOLD JOHNS & gROSLEY'S American Cement Glue TUE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CREAPEST GLUE IN 191 WORLD. REIIIWOEW DURABLE GLUE IN TIM WORLD. TIM ONLY : RELIABLE GLUE IN TRE. WORLD. THY BIfgf,GLITE IN TUE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE the way amides of Ufa kind over produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. • IT WILL MEND WOOD, Save your broken Furniture. IT WILL )1101R _LUTHER, Mead your Harsma i Boots,A. /7' WILL MEND GLASS, B►ve thl Astm 9f OM meaty* On} Glop Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, Dan throw away that broken Ivory 7'a, ufa aunty re yoke& IT WILL MEND CHINA, lour Wok" tadas Caps.anO Sowers can boaude so rr Will MEND MARBLE, Mhat'illeoe mocked out'or year • Marble ManUe earl be put akeirstroegae wee. rr WiLIi'MEND. POROBLAIR, No seater 11 tbaebreitea. Plieberelld netixiet but it all. ling, a sbllltui eared Is a abillbsig earned. IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, TM MOW. 4 / 1 141 4cf!mar= and You cum match ft, men 11, It w 1!! *wet Own when gat together, It wtll fiend Bone, doral, Lava, and in 6tOt everythinettit Metals. Any uitile augmented ,witit Ow* call =CAT 0101 will not 'oho* whore R. fa mom. =TRAM filiverr Rousekeepees *Wad have a supply- of Johns #,Croolow's Aimario3n Oement. Glus."—N. T. Ti*.*. dantentont to Mein tee hones."—N. P. rlt fa s rata' , ; tbl. eoMmende Itself to 'every, 1x /%243edotiesderst. t "WO It. =Mind u cued in Der hamar II lritik.”•. Wale APka et the There: , ECOROXY IS,MULTEL 410,00 periymit ovary tlustur by Gobi Bads MEMO OENENT:OLDE. •Price 25 Oil& per Bottle, Price 25 ()anti per Bottle Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Conte per• Bottle. Price 25 Cents pea-Bottle. Price 25, Centel:or Bottle. Very Laina . Reduetirms I.7toksale Boyar. TERMS `CASH. girl* sale by all Druggists, ud Storekeepers general ly throughout. tbe country. MUM &SIBOSIBEIT t pokaitiganagommo, 18,1WILLIAMI MUM, Canoe at ktbialltraltut, tilamportans to -HooooRwooro. ..Ttotobrtiutttti Bu il ders. - **tat to Rail Amid Computiem •Impottantto:tortoors. ' - affoobilmakia oanersommt itesmassa. eery - • MEOWS at .CROSLET'S • DOROTICD ourripootrai i.,C1 . 11 - ZIT ROOTING . The Qbeopeatmul most dqmble Bosifing in Tue. ' 1, 1T . 18 FERMANDWATER PROOF. aufbe 404 d-to saw itntiout ammo of allAhuhs eA ROW Irand to 11 .3 3, 14 8 ; ulgutna c. renusAnk theanlbglelL The Oat ts °hay about One-Third that off Pin , 4ANDIM 18 WllifiCrE iilltAtUndAttall ;,; -, Thlituiteie has-been therimghly.tested tic Near, 'lark atm mud otbpr,~ poi of the United Siam, Canada, West dl Canal ' nd &Mat 'AMOK* on bide* of allkituloonteirad,r, rg i NDB 00 0: 1 0 1 RAIL RdanDarors,.Clmts, aml on Punic annatnos generally Soisinurn Bon.ranaLlcO., by um- Ipriiiitrdr -Bidders, CErveiitNet er eMign i krr ie C i laltra r Att: 4toOrilail in usit; it isle every reepectik 111118,, WATER WEATETI R ALL llO Tu fE J .3 P c ir, e mdße •D 3 r , Por. .• . • • • . irgit otarmida44l - ftwilitecured V&A, Mica Asks whkbaombiam the,verS; deairabill.MMllPll or Am** atm; DpabahYy t which are universally Loney. West to. -tie' oonsessett by -fig-ußiftiONA - 410 ARIA 44T8A44.! : . No Heat is required in,a44gePPlicatPxk. Th e e xp el= or applying It is trilling, as as ordlnixy roof Can be covered and finished the same day. 101.11 tie aPPlieddbliihnonei and triuMilidshed fbrintenerfactif In Ptkooi sur Noe Asitiamielasdo which mite lie norm, buy Multi Slou sfin =n u rinithol of, s4?!.ihtanns, nor any ex "" • L;PQ 141-D - GUTTA PERCHA . : CLIFENT irpT9ating Mows, of all 16 1 04 ez3xxied "'to the - Audi% tlieVeatlier; 1011P.1348=11IWEARING METAL • ALL 'KENDS. ' Thle la the only Compoaltlon known which will mom. folly radii -ahem° changes of . a animates, for any length 44 !Inle t when a to meads, to.willeh tt .14. *PS lifailiti~g a 1 / 04 4. aa.L. W it t ordinary poi> t h Arr.,, Inirlltt ad ,ir„rot,trilaiiiintre .'a na.obn and : of Twanal ether :Metal Roo be, nonowtnent adOnnaddanddlenttel ef , loatleestbor. ..ifteal wet 'CRAM' IN &)&D DR -RON IN WARY Wiglitga, AND WILL NUT WASH Oil. • Leahy Tin.and other Metal Rooth can be• readily repair ed wIItt.SKTht.PRitCRA MARI; And prevented , trout farther a .arrnalcal and 4 3 1 63 411 , .4ner,fb f t aSaarin a Par- TaagY. Ultiniast for many yearn. Thin tentent - ta peculiarly' adinted for the preeerratlea of IRON Hal bind, 13401114 , 11.ANGE4, sapio, AGRI CULIVIALIMPLZAIENTS,. tte4, Ow. for general matt. Rillaartna I _,St ..-. .. i '. -:: • . . ~, .. • • GINTA.• ..PEROHA. .O.EMXNT . olr PIOWTin .114krfpaing; Tin and other Metal Roo& of mei deneriptiein,' From'lntgratt elistssity, is not Injured hype trontrainlon4ade4imMin of•Mentle, and will not ersoli-lutenitoraniniiskins weather, •Theionsinsinials ;are neutron ran*. cause, and we OitpEly eke frolP•apT . p.v. agile coon (4 notices Jo; 4211JTX4 OM . Initd7 k,r , o' for use, 'ind - "Gurrit "P - mcLii to v,t-printed iiireetiona for appit - . Me-atill make: Marti And satisfactory arrangements mounrupogoible pouf* who wiNd. llll 4 Wistablielt them .l IR* P 4 i r ," aa 2 b _ u lkße a s, (RR. TalaialitS U. 03811. Wean on a bundant Iproof nliWn <WM in- *Mr etteti Be** Wing POPO Worn several 04 9/ 1 4 1 4, b *Pim! IrSir l .9 ll Y. 0 4d, roix4ty. J-iciaart3 idaosianr, KANUFAOPORERS, VigesitileWii i rehpluielB'7llriam St, 47 1.9,:1°r• 31!aw_ . I r°, Fan ofriiistme 11trlial 4oirs and. Prim , wig be tamp bed ).G.,lowaprzw6d, ,Pulverized and Re- I=S 21. ti ' ll 'oWrivime,-..wfun1414 DBMB - ar - = . cheap Jkookokm!. it AYEII:6 6A. 6ApAltiLtA FOR PIIRIFYIN p Tae, b ELO AND for the speed‘ r 2, 1 ,L . joined rerwt ee 'l'4l Scrofula and Ecrofolo k , A as 'hunors, IJleers, Sur ts, Pimples, Fastules iotcL EE BlalnB, and all bkin Lueases, J. C. ATIR & to., ire, , edge what Fur Inherited a Ocroi u various Waye 'or t Uletre on my and , Maid and thstrt-,a r d m , rt brose out on 1,2, 1,,, „ , with eue lore, ehlt.t. N y 1 ., dentriptiOn. Itr edr st clans. but without erLe r the dliewtter grow r read ILI the (.203 1 et I. ram, I /I.ll.Clllllthe atation that aul dt, t. , to (lac eoatt auti took it, a; you ad. it,e, I;,' . , OVVIr a MIGUth, &Et tl after a white fell 011 my feelings that the d „ You can behere t, ' I tell you, that Iho y ul, age, and remain LS, St. Anthony's Fire,RRot;•s t;• ; ..fij.r-; Tettet and Salt 1{11 (11131 ' Ringworm, Sore Eyes, liro L , i Dr, Robert 11. Preble Sep., 110, Unit be bar .1,, ay, which threatened te 'wefts Me of our Sartai....: , tack of Malignant trp1 , .... • . says lie aurae the airman • • Bronchocele, Goitre or Swei, e ,d Labuion Sloan of Pf, ' Lea of your tieraaparida • tam swelling on the Dec.., over two years." Lenoorrhma or Whites, G Variat Uterine Ulceration, Female DiEeas ß Dr. J. B. rt. Chauteng, moat cheerfully o,4a r i) wan in inlyLus T hare (••ut..l your .• • , , alternativele the 2111111e1.A.- ploy snob a retne‘l3, but • th e herenirous t I; • „.,,,, " cum of Loucorrlicat plain( CPXI4IOO itigell WOO ...on rut,,;.\ knowledge equab ! r Uwe, • 'Edward S. Illarow,t , f Nes‘h.l ; ... garotte onartor' fues.o eu ~1 1„ ,„ , mblett had deneti all the .at,kmath been cOtapiKely ~ 0111.1 I, gi,lllllU/L. HIT asp wind s&rd relief, but he 3 ,, , " 081.11141:11111114 48 the l ast re:uri • r prOritat effectual. aft-r tatc,g,, 00 imps= ci the •I,..ate bl ;Tr AIWA nrr, 1 ecrerre _ quest uf yoor agent, sud r port have realised With 3..0.r ...0 balm cored with Ifij I.r .0, Oblate for which it 11 PI, aum, troly KOzultrlul cu'r' lurid VitYortler. uou of my T.....k00, .tattditbrost, whit t were co., I , 15130,9( big mouth Your ,-; pural, him in live wereL. ,• „.., obdiks7 zymplorns in los nom V. ~••• Gnaws: a C.onstderAl.l. , disorder would eoor. L. , or , . _ yielded to my ulcers bested, sod be tr oe., , . . some dtedglll2l.loLl to all; tact A .". Mated tor the same .warder by c, -r;O, , from stile poleo. w bet 1.0, --- 11181311tilre to tba „, 'QM] 10 her a. al., oliled eutirely by y.. 111. tiiow. COMM lie formal., co, .4,1,0.- tads rropeustiou trona your .0 remedy • couwoquentiy, reuttr, , ), rr RMblll Ilse 0 , 14 ourpri.o.ll se ITniennally >Kra, vt on it bIDEPLVDOCZ, Ptecton t. , .3.t . L D . C. ATB2:, I have hue: Cut Chronic ithaumatutra 1.. r a lb. skill of [Myttticuots. ,r,.1 ±ia t.. . _ reMilidleelCol.lld Ila , onLI i trig yolt ;PIN tiat,l4l cured me In twu and health so much thAt i .tu :a: !ctit.r t..,. was shacked. I Owc it a JOIN Y. Getchell, 01 St. I.oud. »I 1 , • • for years with on atlectt destroyed my health. I trod ever, e thing tailed to relieve mo , auti I not, .• down than fur *4/.6 yearn !ruin I ther reistrywimuty r die Liner. fly behtc,..l Sur", Owned MC to try y Sdr.o. arc .x mid he knew you, wit) auytu.u4, trying. By the ble.s..iu, ittt.i ' /gait/. 111' bee.i Vaal co 0, h 4 41 VIA OBOugu." Bohirras, Cancer Tumors, isiageli. Ulceration, Caries and },:floilatiN , -the Bones. A great. variety of " where (lures or ttlOro'c formota:ur ••• form the use el this remeuy. "canUllll7l. SOM of may 0, [..n; Alfitanae, watch the arei.ts to furnish grand to all who coil for . Dyspepsia, Heart Disease, Fits, tp . sy, iielanaholy, NeuralgiaManyremar ¢ abtecuren el I.Cx ,c,• u-- overcomes disorders WbICG its reach. Such a remedy non await:lee of the people., and we are Aolor them all that merliciee • . Ayer's Cherry ilectoa • t TB& eAt'.l) Li Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Roarso Croup, Bronchitis, incipient snuiption, and for tine Consumptive PaLlehlt in advanced btages of the Disease Tam eta remedy 80 1101VVre. 10, Other. for the Cure Of tueora and mu; useless hero to Vllbilkal Lit ,91.1‘.1,..t. C. i 4 .110rirlii0C11 eXoelleuot ivr cue. wonderful cures al releuumry known throughout the emitted tqw are the cummuumes , u r who) have not some penoust some. living trophy co their Iniktle and nallipiroue deroi dare 11.0 Lr,r4 , As all know the drea.dui love), as they know, too, di eikt.ta or to do more than to assure lbtal IL 4," km that it dui bare Wrieu won to etrongly upon noauuer WC' J Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYJ-1 & LI . 160 Sold by O. Banovert, C. RT. 00 ., J. M. Lutz, & Co., Araistrinot, • era ever)" w he r e. octla-eaulaw . 0. Z /Nil\ RANKING ATOCIIt BILL AND CObbi.:.lo'3' i Has been removed from No. 2S Seab IREb i NU. 130 AL.4.; , 1 0. .T HASNISBURG, I ;' BEASUBV NO'fai TAE.EN ✓'/ revi4-dir RuBREE GOODS' B ubb° Band, }tubber Watches. 'tubber Battles:. . 00 , 80bber',D1,1,...5k:a...._ litiee. , ts.. 1 p its a------'—:--------' "_l3_rolippebßrTAisre:l3,l4:crllOusttirecolo,ngt.lll,ltitct,)yjle,4.ll.::;ss`,l' corner Fron i Jal: nario It . COF} EL GELEBBAT.ED DANDELION Thin gaol, notlAiMm, an due flowed eoiroffered for fete von' lorrigeilcoobs no owner Mot sod Marro CI2I Syphilis and Mercurial I,lBeaie IMEEME Rheumatism, UOUI,LCV i.omplszt IBM Lair,, ,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers