Ottbual ZILTSIR PROPYLAMINE , - T9t /V7IFP REMEDY FOR RHETIM AT ISM lISMEDY, _ros A CiATAIDI REALIWY, ACUTE RHEUMATISM, AI/IRONIC REIKUMATIEN, szuwiterlitil L QEmir KIND; nOW STUBBO4N, grin . .HOW LONG STANDING, PROPYLA WHAT IT HAS DONS, IT WILL 1;9 AGAIN. lag 8113 T. TESTIMONY, DISTICIDIOAL AOTHoitiT Y. DOCTORS KNOW IT, PATIENTS BELIEVE IT, MUD AND TRUE. • , . . PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. . . Orion OrtictarMairrtrikbarrOirriki it,,,g MAT 19, 1880,L4Ellea 8.; mt. , never was very • 'Wow Two years ago she bad ana tta ck ascent rheum nem,tront which she confined to her bed for two week' and so beegenuy horn a relator:, far four more. She has been wall since then Ull last Baler day, while engaged is house *Montag, sbe toolt , cold, had pain in her back, felt cold, hot bad so decided chill. Two days later her ankles be -0 swell, which • was followed by swelling of the knee !jtoints and of the hands. She has now doll pidel , in her shoulders, and her knuckle* are very tender, red and painful • both banns are affected, but the right Is mosaso. TOM ' , glen , Is a case of acute rbmunaUsm, or, as ft is new fashionably called, rheumatic - lever. It is a well remetled ly picot ease. We will carefully watch the mise.anl ran time to time call your attention to the Vali 'as sym onis which prevent themselves.' My chief object f iii brin Vier Were rier,pow, is to call attention to a 'remedywhieli has r 'ecenrly been recommeridedin the treetasant of rheumatism.. Ila an e propylaneine. Dr. • Awenariba, of St. Petersburg, recommends it In the Ulgbestlernis, having derived great °moat from.its use ta IWO cases whit:hoe= under hie care. Various co m- Ina/YEaltOrtgetlatoillials respetiOng it b& v e appeared in our journiebt, and I propose therefore to give It another Erilltit r i liplameonfess Lam alway. unwedniees as to th e 'Wor li of net, iommlies, which are yawned as Specilleti ; bat this manes to us recommended so highly, that we are bound to give It a trial. SAME CASE FOUR DAYS LATER I ' Rat 48,1860.-1 will now exhibit to you the patient for Whom I prescribed Propymaune, and wa a clan Dither ing under an attack of acute rheumatism. She bee nteadlly taken it In dosed of three grains every two hours ornermitung it at night.) The day after you 'SAW :her, I , bend her muck more , tomlbrtable, better' alike she el peeled to De for a week or more, „fudging from her other Warw. (The patient now walked into the rbour.) Improvement has steadily progressed, and you cannot PO to notice a marked change In the appearance of her Joints, which are now nearly all of their natural size.— Thus Sir our experiment would have seemed very eas ement ; but, 'malmsey we must wait a little while b& kite we oan give a deckled opinion as to what is to be the result. Here Is another patient who was placed on the use of the same medicine on Sunday last ,; - she' has long been snaring home amnia rheematiard, and I round her at that time with an acute attack supervaelog upon! her chroula affection. The wrists and Icaueltlee were much swellee and tense . She Wok Um chloride of Propyia sine In three grain doses every two hours, Add you will -perceive t h at the *wallets oi Chaplain has mach dtmtn Weds • • THREE DAYS LATER! 1 MAY 20, leak—This Is the case of acute rheumatism treated with propylamine, the first of those tb wallet' 1 tailed your! attention at our last allele she Is Still very' 00inferlabia, ad is now ing three grains thrice daily. in this case It has seemed to be tollowed by very :et, telieterrrelliiihi. The second to wtdob your attn. Lion was Gelled at our last lecture, has else continued to do Weir twill sow bring, before you it vary otturaister: Who ease of acute rhethhattem, and if the result be ii•tt• Winnry,lthillit, as good jurymen, w_ snail justly render OW eosin* in favor ef•prupylansin He lea seaman, ml. 26, who was admitted a few days ago. Has has occasiona l rheumatic puma, but not so as to keep his bed, Mali eight days ago. The pains Began *his eight toes, subeequently affected the left knee, and Uteri the hems of the upper extremities. Three joints Mr all:swollen, Waite tutu tender. Ells tongue is Ihrrred ; bl akin, at present dry, though there has boseti muo h wireiting. His pulse is full andt strong, and &boat has now seed prOpylamlue fer meaty- feur.bours. m. This pailewau is whet may be called& strictly typ WO of mate rheumatism. There was exposure t 4 oold 111114-11 let, and this exposure is followed oy a &agog of Waiiiists; *avert articular pain, beginning; as it Usually do" inithasiower joint's Theron feverund the profuse llighling, so generadraittendant on aunts rheumatism. .i;./ did neCbrinirinitopatieutoefore you with the l n ten. liogrolf gtshig you electors on all the pieta , connected With rhaermailam, but to attain give • trial 'to tile new remedy we are testing, and CO exhibit te you Able Itypkwi ewe, se I hive Milled it, than watch there uln set be s fairer opportunity for testing the mita:doe - We cars therisforii, avoiding the dee of all etNeeleiltithielf, ease aucitynierobat this may be no :tiring! ea to which was the edielent remedy. You as. the case o. a (Inure clinic. THE RESULT A FATOILABIS I VERDICT Amesiklll6o:—The , next of our oonvalesoents is the use of aoutarhetuaatisal before you at our chute of May 16th, which I thee oared a tiptoe' case, and ',hick, it was rtaatarit,o4 WM . 4 fair t opportunity testing the worth of our i!ow retortil. It 11/JH therefore steadily given in three grata doses evorytwo boom for four days. , • TM patkothas got, along very mealy, and is now able to Askatleut, a" you see. Ido not hesitate to sty that I have Rana seen as severe a ease of :mule rhea , 1111416 01 • *roam restored to health as this luso has been, and lilahouttteing prepared to decade agahtVa ry Itablathe val. ae,dt the remedy we have used,. I Nei tioinni to eta to -itiat:ln the 418aell to which we have triad the Chloride o 4rool , l4totioe, the.padentr have ralamad %too, hal lib math earlier than eerier he treatment ordinarhy..4 par wed., I sigh gentlemen, you would youraelvde try it, and report the results. fora toil report el which the above is a °endowed twaract, see the Philaoelplile Mediost and Sort/kW Re porter. It Is the report alter a fair trial by the best med ical authority in this oonuiry, and maim It unnecessary ao eve numerous edition's from aetouished doctors ael4 seletePtit Patients. CURity. 41141EllIrlICTUAL OURS THE BAUM EMULT WHAT IT HAS DONE, Bono* kOrenshaw,:atfirm well Omen to most medi nal men, by whom the EtMir Propylamtne hats been to. irvllapett, have aold tv tie the exclusive right to manatee. Walk , Coliginwl IlmaPes aott war have .41 rade arrtingsmsents of such magnitude as .to enable us I* Signaler 1t broadcast amongst snlibring humanity. A ,WORD 'DO DOCTORS. If you proMiSo me She same remedy' in another form linr/le YOU: anaiWou t i g Lb Full chnirtALIIIID CHIJORLDS Paornmass Pmi . rsolinAmsn LlQllll}, ' ala.-PIORTLIMISCONOISTRATID, Pulul looms Psornamuut, gortuntkologre Mosole man ufamorers. sti.i orgre aisim no : calkor virtue far the pink Propylamlne lantiAteadataload in Pore Orymalized Chloridegof. Prom IfLEICUI, AM WAY BR TA _IERN • &WORDING TO DIRECTIONS, BY ANY ONE, BY RUBY ONII, WHO HAREM NATISKOr t . ANY KIND. Bold to Harrisburg by 78 on. ►taoma. Orders mirky beraddreesed to itttoenammi marruraorrauso a0.,4 omo., Room. Nita ;:- - a w. Oer,lieuth and Cbeenut streets, Pniladelphls, trr le either of the flellcrwiog Wboleelk Agents niktsps CASHED A.W, • AritERW •RICHARDR* CO., •• SORNIIII.4I ARIS•&CO.,• ONO. AiWITTRERILL & CO., • PETER T. WREPOT &CO ''IZZIEAWaoo =I .9 . 7A5.. • .t.O 'llO/4AI , 2b Destroy--,—ltats, Roaches, &o. To Destroy—Mice. Moles, and Ante. To Destroy—Bed-Bugs. To Destroy Moths in Furs, Clothes, &o. To Destroy—Mosquitoes and Flews. Destroy Insect4on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy—lnsects on Animals, &c. To Destroy Every form and specie of Vermin WILL CU CONQUKR IT ITS WILL RB , DOCTORS READ DOCTORS RZAIaNE, DOCTORS TRY IT. Tag 'ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES HNOWIL'iI DMITIOTII mama EVERY FORM AND SPECIES OF 'Those Preparations (unlike all others) are . "Free from Poisons." ► "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Bata do not. die on the premises." • "They come ont.of their boles to die." "They are the only infallible remedies knOwn/.. , • , "12 years and more established in New York , . 'cad by—tbe Oity'Post Office. Used by-.-thqOity P,tiacins and Station Houses. Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &o. Used by—the City Hospitals, Alms-Houses, Used by—the City Eletels—Ustor' iSt.Nicho• las,' &c. Useciby—,the Boarding Hones, &0., &o. Used bk—more than bO,OOO Private Families. firSes one or two ilipiniens of what is everywhere stud by the People—Editors—Defiers, dre: HOUSEKEEPERS—troubIed with Vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Oosiest's" Exterminators.: We have used it to our satis faction, and if a box cost $5 we would have It. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "CosrAa's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches and Bed-Bugs, quicker than we can write it. It is in great demand all over the country.--Medina (0.) Gacette. MORE GRAIN and provisions are deptroyed annually , in Grant county by vermir4 than would pay for tons of this Mt and Insect Lance (Fru.)Berald. • HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they lusye been used, Bata, dice, Roaches and Vermin diaappear rapidly.l &ERR & Svotrivga, • Druggists, Windsor; Md. "Cedar's" Rat, Roach, &c.:Exterminator. " Costar's " "Coetar's " Bed-bug Exterminator. •" , Comar's" '!Costar's" Electric Powder for Insects, &c. Dr26a. 600,AND $l,OO BUM SOTTLOB AND lt4111; $3 $I SIMI PLastanoß► beds, Board, Ito. 6. CAUTION I I To prevent the public from being imposed upon briSporiotts and AA* Pane:iota Imitations ; . a. nen label has, been prepared, bear ing a fag simile of the Proprietor's signatore.,— E x a m ine each box,. bottle4or flaak.carefuliv be fore purchasing, and take nothing but COS- Mrs. 1 Or Sid Everytohers—byl All Waousual Durations in the large cities. Some of the Wholesale Agents in New York Ci ty. Schieffelln Brothers & Co. B. A. Fahnestook, Hull & Co. A. B. & D. Sands 8c Co. Wheeler & Hart. James S. Aspinwall. Morgan & Allen. ip Hall, Buckel & Co. Thomas & Fuller. P. D. Orvis. Harrel, Risley & Kitchen. Bush, Oslo & Robinson.; M. Ward, Close & Co. IdcKisson & Bobbins. • D. S. Barnes At Co. , F. C. Wells & Co. Lasalle, Marsh ik-Garcker. Hall, Dixon Et 00..- Conrad Fox—ann oTnami. t Philadelphia, Pa. T. W. Dyott & Co. . B. A. Fahnestock. 44 Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co, French, Richards & Co.,—aNnionniss. AND Br Dm:nem% GROOM, eroarrwernts and Baez us generally In all Colmar Tows. and - VILLAGIIe in the EXITED STATES. IN EVERT CAE'S, WHENEVER TRIED WHENEVER TRIED IT WILL DO AGAIN MORE CONVENDENT,4 &ND ALWAYS READY ; FOR IMMEDIATE USE, HARBISTOIRG. PENNL or &Zd by D. W. Gross & Co„ AND Principal W4elegale and Retail Agents at Harrisburg,— and "-by , the- Daraionrrs, Sivas Itassaas and Emmaus generally. ar COUNTRY DRAM" can order 118 above. Or address, orders direct—for if Price, - Terms,' &c. is desired, V send for [lBB2] Circular, giving rammed Prices) to • , ECIENSg-B—COELTAB. Dietevlialo7. sll2 a 66 ftliwilY—(OPPco." vette:Ms Bt,: Nicholas,Zoliel,)•Now York‘ feldSdesi : , - t saw a:a ~, s" -- pett • , J. nittklytmccp ilistdiantons VERMIN EXTERMINATORS. VERMIN. C. K. Keller, sturauw. FREIGHT REDUCED Howard &Hope ,EXPRESS CO.'S SHORT & QUICK RUM TO AND FROM NiKwYORK. Goods ' Orde*ed in the Mornirig Retuthed the' Same Night• Leave New York at 74 P. M.; by the. Fist Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A.M. WITHOUT, ,ORANGE OF OARS. • Order Woods [marked, , via UOPSI FLXV:yRifj gt. General Office. 't - 141 - uroaaway - N0 w or k Branch " 412:.:.7, • " " For further laforiaation enquire of GEO. BERGE'S.% Agen limutrouno v Aug , . 1861-4tt GOLDEN ELEOTEIO OIL EVERYbody, ought to join_in viroulait g to the mutt we represent are mt. All are hoi: teteaeal, tha well aidAßleed.. the GOWEN MIXIIIIC OM is need In Chronic and Nervous Itsibasem. es- Rherunittam, Neuralgia; Bronchitis, Warmly BorciMe, Mes s _Fresh or Old Sores,' Ulcers, Glandular Swellings; Femae l - Coiripaints,' - Bore Breasts, he.; , . In fact there ts no famUy medloinithat acts with such magic power as the Golden Electric OIL Hundreds can certify . be its virtues. , . For the eurpisie of introdackg It Into avail family, with two of my ownvainliblainpparations tor Coughs, Croup, *eat and Intoned Ilyesi'and as en inducement to those woo eZebe,olo to dispoakiol Ao. vas; 1 place in possuainon of a committee or himoraole gentlemen the following valuable articles; for FA YE emougst the purchasers : 1 Flue &octavo 1 Flue Dressing Bureau , 1 kine Cottage Bedstead 8 1 Fine 'Minsk' Gold Laver Watub....: 36 1 Fine Laates_,' u 0.... r BO 2 Fine Silver Watches, 16 00 10 1 old Violin and Bow , 6f 1 litbio Box . 1 Fine Double-barrelled Gun ..... Bent -1 9 110 Aolmrdeon.... 4 Goa ateCelete,V 00 600 Boxes :Valuable Pills, 26 ate.. 400 Boxes Tooth Powder,.26 eta 260 %pipe LUGO 2low big; Slabsl4oo, 36 ota , bo ' 1 Oopy, 6 Tobin* Obiludiui Dike. 6/ 00.... a so " 1 Flue DelplgeD(WW.if t • .•;- •i • • ..... 8 2 Fine Le*n'Drelleee , 38 00.... 6 6 Me Gold Febrile, u 00 6 1100RFloe 151mnre ButtouNl7.34 a 5..... ..... .25 I 52001 1 442? Guilits 4 01 wrFinee•Wolif Jewelry, sl' l 2o 20 Floe Double llooalllous, 1 00 20 60 Hoe Locto. Pine GO COI 600 Ft . 66016) Glkad4N6 610.:4 /41. 150 bOu Flo° 18.2arwi balsa,. 25.. .......... 125 200 Floe Dew' 1316616 duttons, 12J cts 26 100 /we aUwes ilasor royder, 25 ...... 26 1 Oak Family 8ib1e.... .... r ...,.. 8 - 1 Barrel7o • On the payment of 26 seats for each &dile or Box of the leeitenue,, tee pivot:wet, itelidvti, s , Melpt and an drder for an envelope, which will contain the name of One of the shove align. • On, the dater tbo distribution of gilts, the envelopes well be placed t o a bus or wheel, with a pole to pass the tuuta into it, lob envelopes all put Into the wheel, well shook up and secured, eachmoaner will drew out hie or her own envelope; the gift named thereto will be gitrdeilli egeg:Wihe drawing chow. No thee will be gime lo agents, aad#l the papers, of the day of dlatrionmi Jnir94 11 .1 41 4 kik WiNninie will have In equal share wilh Chose residing inflarriabstrg. On ta rtlet of the money for one or snore dosed, this medicine with ominous end ultra, ytlll 01 stied WNW*: free of elmeg6: Walt cases the medicine Li - warranted to cure °F M* relief, or no alstrge. Bee ocrillicaust. DR. W. BARR—Dun SIR I have learn east. you Ime purchased ttie td manufacture and ' /MR. Ws Widen W right eenie for toe benefit of the Minded, pent the follotriog ;-4,have PPM a/Mood wittta run ning sore on my lett leg for ten years. During that time I nave been under the treatment or ton of too heft Doc tors In Darrieburg i Beldame' e and Cumberland 'county • but all Gould note dbof a. cure. • little & year pest , going Into my blatatmaith shop after nark, I bort say , right leg also, below the .nee. It spread all round the leg, and became runsing nom. neeetal Vector, told m6l must have my leg taken off, moruleatlon having taken Vacs. Portunat,litA gol. a benteof yoar Golden forldy olUld'amette mount It cured to soon thin I thought I would try It on my legs. I have been itibtrit "fibula six weeks, and my legs are now up —sound andWaii. _ - • 41138.C.T. . We, the undersigned, who ere vied acquainted with. =atm T. Bench, do certify to the fact as stews abirre, and the benencisi effects of ill'Conneli's doldsa liectrio Oil on many of our neighbara /AWRY ANDREW, C lilleDLY, A. P. 888, (Bridgeport Hotel.), 3101J•ldisr MAY, J LONWiNaCk Esq. I' have been using Dr. Barr's Croup Syrup' In ay family for the past two ears. I would not be without it at any price, asemy aro•subject to Colds .sd Croup. behave Ihave waved till* lives by the mm iof the medloine. No nuttily with children ' bftbd. to be without it. • , F. IE, SWARM, (11very,) Herriaburg., • Cam* COITUS, December 0,4861.1 • DR. bum thank yon meet aincemy for the Intit. mem you gave me tor my eyes. I have oily used It a iew limes and am now entirely tree from intimation and polo •111111di is more than I have been for the last MS yeam. r . I hope Cod will base you for the free OP talcum with weak or inflamed sore ofeii SO be without it J.C. 'ULU. being well aomea L mted with J. C. Hiles, what he cull. Iles to above la comet and true, art t shit Ms/ seem. p. or ,Bectford.,. timiarede have certified-141re ofily s glvest the . above& Piles, Tenor, Poison; Itch, look Jaw, ClOnerthsa, (Sleety, Lem:or:We, and all forret Woman dined whit same sue eves, bees, or no charge.' Ten per wird. will be paid to all persons skiing clue in more dozen. 320..dewtf Barrisbeettlith. STAGE LINE FOIIIII4AR GETTYSBURG.' - i FARE REDITOED TO 41.25 rffitaucat GIVITYSBUIIII. • MILE undersigned has established * c o, LW! Of igtstGA ham liechsamoi burg, connecting Of morning and the Omaha , andlralley. EaSlroad cars; coach& Mere every eery Tineeley, Thursday and Sourday, retturnhig evert her - giey. Passengers for tihoppardeakwo, Witham Wilms sad gin‘riourg ire carried at relqoad mes, - Wli. J. Tirrit.l DB: T. SURGEON DENTIS his-feervibi:sems ptt the ott zene Hanistierg arid He POWs a glare e theihhhh gives essurewee•ibblt•his beist endeavors obeli be Overt to rend: reallsg.eficus In his pro (wawa. Being so eld, well tried eestiet, be feels sale is alltiew the.. public gerff7. ll 3' 4 4 3 , hem bob& they will gotlrierUnsittlerktd witkitis Olgois Ne. street, ig tits bowforme* : dbpied by Jacob R. Igtoyorru. tbelchdi e d , Elarriaborg. Pa. - ' •I MEW Frnite ; CAlitOW /1 0 1 41 1 pt9 ll o n and, Leamme, wthirg,o4l4o4,oo, awl yroyialion, 810(14.. amk „ strestjlero!l.lllrlllA6 lidifiroaltiiMultii `ate.. I put . . . ~~ LIVER R EGULATOR, LIFE BITTERS, A 4 y RE pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious disorders of th e human system,— regulate and invigorate the liver and kindeyr, , .hey give tone to the digestive organs ; they regulate ilw secretions, excretions and exhalations, squab= the el— lotion, and panty the blood. Thus ati. Mikan conuslair. -some of which are rorold Liver, thok lleadarthe, - V• iiepala, piles, Mills rs and raven', Oondveneas or Louis athe—are entirety impinged and cured by thaw none. dies LIVER REGULATOR remotes the morbid sad billkies deposits Orem the stom a* sad bowels, regluiden the Byer sad kidneys, remor as awry oestruottoo, rederaut esters' end heathy no des is the vitid organs: 11 is imperior each better than pills, and mach easier so take. DARLING'S LIFE BITTERS is a superior tonic and diuretic ; trading in cues of Jose or anew; ilandeney, female. weakaata, trraguari den, pale, in the side and ba eels, blind, protruding and Weeding pike, and general debility. BRAD THE TOLLOWING TESTIMONY ; Jas. L. Brildl4l6b merchaut, 114 Fulton streak Now fort, caritas, August 18, lige : 1 have been Meted slth piles, aecompasied with bleeding 4, , the last three rears I used DARLING'S • LIVER INVIGORAITOB • LLFB BITTERS, And now °gushier myself Emma canto." Boa. John A. Orals writes, YBRoohlyn, March 141860. In the spring of 1860 I took a severe cold, which Woo ed it violent fem. .t took two dews of • DARL'ING' zavAR REGULA7OI2. it broke up toy cold and fever et 000 s. 'ere vials to this Woos, I hail been troubled wdb dyspepds several habitats ", I hive lett nothing of It slooe.i, Otis Stndly, Eaq., 128 Bast 98th Street, N. Y., writes "August 12, 3 880. - 1 difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three yews with constant pile in the small of , my back. 1 bad used most all kinds el meffichies, but !bond ao permanent relief until med • LIFE BITTERS. I passed olottedbloothi the urethra. lam now en tirely cured, and tate pleasure to reoommemaing these remedies." lire C. , Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y, writes arab ?A, 1801-1 have peen amoset to ausete or Asth tei the hut %irony yews. 1 liave never nxtud aoyiblog all to Darling's Liver Regulator , niebrillni Immediate roller. 1111 a thorough Liver and bilious_ remedy." , Mrp....Young, of Brooklyn,Arrites ' , February 28,1860 In Ilk lull bad a severe Mack qt g Elea, wtila walla ad me to the.housie. I took one bottle of DAILUNG'S LIFE BITTERS and Inu entirety...cured. , I have had no attack since." D. Weetorvelt, Seq., ,South sth, near 9th Street, Wit. Qunaburg, L. L, writes :,"so4uat 6, 1860.—Having been troubled with a tUtlioulty In the Liver, and sutdeet to bil ious aitneks, I was idtruted by a friend to try . ..... $lOO DAMANG'I3 VIVEIII REGULATOR, I did so, suil inusi tt to operate idmirshly, removing the bile and *rouging the liver to acsivilir. I Ism also used It au a FAMELINIUMICJITE. ' Wh_ • . , Wen bur eltddirea are' out of sorts, we gin them a few drops and It seta them all right. I Mal it meets the metal wants of the stomach and bowels when disorder . u t 100 Rumen, if you ;teed either or both of the.. most ex Resnedles, Impure itor Chem at the etorem if you as; mu bud them, mire no 'other, but inclose One Dollar in i letter, and on receipt ot. the money , the Remedy or 401214PP;FOLIMkoeur • esterdOg to your tt , reo tioos, by mill or expressossitlnktt Address, DAIVL El• DARLING. . ' 102Nettsau street, New= York. Rdnenit and St Bottolut ennit. iIIigENNLIL.AFFEALB FOR 1862' r iii undersigned .Counioaionere of 10 D t tuptiln county , to Pa., make known the Satiable i bluinth within said ootuity and Mate owning real estate wiltdothe county aforesaid Shit appeals wiltbe had on the valuation as returned by the Ateweaorawf all meriiond Knout pimping Whole for State and oouuty . purpoiu.for We said 'year, sold animal' commencing ' MundAy;March 24th, ht the publics house of George Htaik. er, tor the towashop et:with lianover. Nur gam Harmsr, at. house of Abraham Boyer, on fuestlay:the 26 th dry ofMarcrt Inst. Nor West liancrOir, at the pubiss house of John Back, on Wednesday, we 28th day of march test. Zer Susquehanna township „ at th e County Mut House, in .stre-Oosinisahmers MOS, ua Thursday, the I Mth.dity of Marou-lust. , No . dwitiura thwnaltin l Ja the Court House albresald, on friday the 28th dry of March m. 0.. ' Ifor Halifax and geed towusblps, on Thesday, the Bth limy of sprill„ at the patina house o , John By tact. • Toi.leferton township, at the house of John Hoffman, (elration pla e,) on Wednesday, apr.l Oth, 1802. ite Jackson township, at the Uou‘e of John Blx tor; otl, t Fa ?hilVay, the 10th day Of ApriL , m . , Nor Wastuagwn township,. the puha° house of Ames Huffman, Of Priitay, the it'll day of April. ' for thetalinabluOi Villinerds,o, at: the Public house of J. 1. Holtman, in Igketuttowo„ou taturdaiy, the 12th day of Ape IL ga Lykens township and borough of Grant, on Mon. illy, at Bautzen i'ayerat, 1.2 Otats l on Monday, the 14th day of a pnl. br the township of Mitilln, at the public home of Ben imam Bortuni, la Merrysourg, on luesday, the 15th day ot AprU. ' ' ~ Itw the tewnship of Upper Paxton and Killers burg. at PreoLdqa savers, on Wednesday, the 16th day .of Aka . zur the township of iliddie Paxton, Rosh and Dauphin botough, at the pub he house of --- Went'', la pasenm, on ThiusdAy, the 17th day of April. - fur Oa ,toltrushir of Lowet Paxton, at ouohttora Tavern, on balitrday, the 18th day - onsprLL ' . POI' We township of Lower tertian., at the public house of Mrs. Lehman, in HUM:vire, on Monday, the Plat day of apriL Fur the borough'of Middletown, (three wards,) at the public house of Valendne Dotson, on Tuesday, tne ?td day of April. JPw the township of Londonderry, at Helper t Tavern, on wconesuay..the;7dd day of aril. Fur the township of Oanowage, at finyder's Tavern, on Thuv,day,, the of April. Dor We township of Derry, at the pubic house of little, in thinunelsiown, on Yriulty, the 2bto day of For the Birth and /rift' h wards of the city of Harrblawg, at the Ouart Booze, In the office of the Comity Commie-` Wooers, on Tuecday, May 6th lust. sor we Fourth ward of raid city, at the same place s oto Vednisday_,Ane tdt.dity of May. Poe ..hc Taira ward of raid city, at Use awns Nam, ost of day Nor the 'Mat flaw • dizr, on hi , the iith da • ustundsponers y • Wyselbre - )aripe that all lwfuerda know' ng - themselves aggrieved by their respective yaw thous as imiessed, will take "notice hereof and . appeal at their respective places Of appeal die regain. kaki appeals will open at 9 a. x. walks:lwo at 4 ski:dock p. is. ~ua.c}-, xu~e. siu requested.** be re:W*l th eir Alec P la= " the der of *yea' mddiwtd ~ ' .liohAiiied - -- -One Week 10 VAIIIII3 Vin ANI atdiunir BUM image INT 104 Market A"treire between 4th audis:ls, HARRISBURG, PA., UTHERE every description of Ladies' I..and GbaleMellll' Garments, Piece Good; ite., are Dyad, Cieuuted and finiabod in Um beat manner and at • e shortest notice. DOINICIk ak; '.-11014-clately Pawning's. 14. 1 'Pr:AidI.LX. LOUR in fizirtil and ball bbL woke, Woo, irboilesoilo real Now 41rocery Sod.Printdoo &ore, Frouit and liarket ate. . tIICHOLf3 Sisunazuova DARLING'S DARLING'S FAMILY MEDICINE, TIMUNG'I3 LIVER INVIGORATOR, JALOII BthidM, OKObGB GAitValti: ICII, MOYEA. Comgm.,tigidonere DALQU fi = ltig DU. Wholesale !leirlissikissela . OnlataLUL ' EN , t 362 Jahns $ sarostivs BOKETHIAG FOR THE TRIES I I are NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue TER STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE CERASOT GLUE El TEE 'WORLD. TEE WET DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELLUILE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEST GLUE IN THE WORLD, AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only articlo of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER. IT WILL MEND WOOD, Stye your broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATHER, Wed your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots,.he. IT WILL MEND GLASS, Save the pieces of that expensive Oat Glees Bowe WIITLL t:ND IVORY, - Doti throw away that broken Ivory lan, It hi easily re paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, You broken &bias Cups mad &wen man be made ma good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That pleoeiteocked oat of your Muth Maki ow be Cupul U Wang 1O ever. IT WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter it that broken Pitcher did not cost bat a abiL ILA' a shilling saved lea stain earned. IT WILL MXND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase la broken and yen ruin watch 11, mad it, It will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and la • fact everything but Metals. Any article Demented with AIikARIAN 4 COUNT 11:1LUB will not show where it is mended. =RACY& r. "livery tionsekeepess should have a supply or Johns at evaders American Cement thaa."—B. T. num. is tat ooavootent to have in toe house."—Ar. Y. Bifrost. is *brim ready; this commends Wolf to every body."—lndtpeadant. "We have med It, and find It as useful tnour home as water."... Was' AO% of Ms noes. ECONOMY MI WEALTH. •10,00 per year saved in every Malty by Gee. Bottle of ADIERIO.AN CEMESIT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Priciti 25 Cents par Bottle. - Price 26 Centi per Bottle. Price 25 Cent° per Bottle. PACO 25 Cents per Bott/e. Very Liberal Reductions to Woke"le Burro. TERMS CASH. • Siriar We by all Dragilsta;iisa gloirlceePan laisarif 17 tarougnoat thatoaatry. JOHNS a coosurr, 'lB WJULIAm sirkLEEr, Corner of Marty street. MAW If OR IL Important to Roams Owners. IMportant to Buildeni. Important to Rail Rind Companies.. Luiportantto Fanners. ftestheikes this may cow* cad ikaimogrou wry =I ;purls a ciiinurrs WHOM 01MA ESICU OEMENaT ROOFINEF t The Cheepeet, and most durable Boding isioupe IT IS /Lax AND WATER PROOF. It •tin be iipidied to emir and ote ices• of iii *lade, • steep or -.114, and to anueemalbXeir without reeervieg tee Shingle". The Calla only about One• Third that of Tin AND I r la TWICE AS LUKAiII M • ILitinitictb'bobbed'UtdrtugWrt6)tiOdlirNo* " Tort Ql7 and la other parutot taa United' 31ailon, CnnoM; Wen' Indon Control and 130a0 Ammo* on boulltingo 01 all Idnoiyanoliat Inctroluse, froannisa4 OnnOnsit, - film „Horn Lamy Gam, nod on Ptnimo ilingonoo goKfunuy Onus/um Bou.uuwd, ft., by the pruscupat *Wasp, dronneete and others, during the pail tote' teem run iluOV ,usa proved,to he the c.teltar iguisr ,p*AB.l.O. INI4 la use thin eery respect ANI n WA SI; IU, WILATkIEtc. and TIME nom, covering Am Mars aw ALL l i/N.DS. . • This it Me ONLT,Naterial onnufactured in the Untied Bristol mete!) camomile the very d*treold ',rottener, of incutuntle and,Retrebnity, Caen are natvermlly ettgaqll. lodged to be poseeettod by 6717124 ?ARUN& AND Mita AtEIDBER.. No Heat ie required iUmakirigapplioatiol: The expanse of applying It la trifling, amen ordinary roof' dic Gan be covered and daubed Me same day . It can be applied by any one, add Wben finbatedliirlad a pair/scaly diva liaoei suttees with as elude body, *tithe villa% be Injured by aka , lbw or aroma, amumzias of hoer BoAmi r aor an az. ternal soma wiuteter. . . • Ll4l, l/ 1 f) . ciitritA PhiiciaA tiritsekirir For' Ooatlng Metals bf • all Singe whilt s • to the Action of the Westin*, and FOB. PRZSEEMII'3G AND ILEFEMLINO. METAL HOOFS OF ALL KINDS. Thin la the only Composition known vial' whdoecosaa feby reds*, extreme changes of all Marten, tor any ',nob of time, when apptfel to tatela, to,tradt o no tions. tinily; for ingo oody tnuAl tb awe at ordinary alot, wets inucirtas and Will Lest Tatum TIM IS AS 14 114 4 and.frook .114 elaaidany . 1a ; not "marled by tho ountrention and expanaint of Sda sad other motel soots, tonnepent uda 'aeon - &ingot &The Bout toot CRACIE Ile don) is airli iar wAizit WE42.111111, AND WILL Nut MOW OPP. Lear Tin and other Metal Roof!' an be maillly repair le lea GUM Plata A OuldnalT, and praraiabd atom failibat ourrnnuilo. ll d 4•lk. 4 1 ••• ( ••Y ••• 11 91 • Po lio* tiOR roof for nom pun, • e meot pounaritlirms .. , nspo. of UMW. Mugs, , AUKI, 136 1 / 1 1. 's AC‘i Med algra =Um. GIITTA PFACHA ONJONT for premeingaild regain TIA hod Other WU' Rods at every Afereigeiea, from *a greet ehteueim leper mural by the oeutracilon or' ileitis, eke wig Fro t creek cold or inn th *aria 'reamer. Those materfebs ire doerne `so An CMS* end we areprepered to sogiply cruets itoin soy peritif the coca in', as atilt mace, kir QUM ftiliClLEALUOlfltie la rolls, reedy Rearms& for es; and GURU Piltekin CL lOW hi birrisis, with CM jptiiiietris for appil. AGHLq'TS WANT ED Wr,.tll ma tt • ai,lpnunts —i., Zilahthn• kiriehtonetion porizaisaa 4 2. OtriMalliti - ARE 0401. we re L ithotadost, mot of itt wit idiom in boor OT Roolle Itittlogapidiod Oats to several Ithoweind , l4l 4 7foitk city Olt . vio 16 ! - 11‘: • tit* APFUraterair e Wholesale. Warehouse UV' at, Cornet of Übsdy Streit,. ' • NK W TOSS . fall deseilpilve Chrealera blues wilt be famished *xi ' . , .T .. , -4 rli11 4 1 1: 1 !, 11V eciP 0 - _P 5d - R - **ft ti,A4.,.,.._____,,,,„__._, .„. 4 . ....4.b.dby_ . ab2L •,'' 1 . - Veintibr — Wia g ana ei - it' ;eds. ' : .. ~ . . . . . _ _ WRIT - ING WESEL NtudiaanawaisocietmaaVet fog) udder 4 tiehquiskiopanod • BiaGanara Obaqpillookshores #3ltueic~ AYk_lß'6 k._ j FOR PURU G T YINEO. L )3 oot, A ND for the Speedy cure of . .101. Joined Varieties of ['messes : `4e eroinla and Ecroinlots Atreetict, as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Ito 6t(l Pimples, PEuitales, Blotches , and all Skin Diseases. OAKLAND, Ld,.L.L J. .., C. &Ma &Co., Goots : I tev; it to, edge what your Sarsai &Tina life - inherited a &minions mfmti. a,l b ar , • in curious wept for 3 airs. - Malta on my hands and arm. ..i ward and distress e d me at the 614 ai a ,, it bro.e out on my head sou c. r; r,u u. : with weber; Which was twain aid debostatOn. I trod Many Ice • dim. but without moo- re. if .r, tr a, 'I • ... tee dirroer grew worse. At I, usa, read to the Goutel acissengcr ;hit ) , ; alternative (Bamaparma o I. T I uteuou that au) tti in you tot to (Ana WWI and got it, and ice` - toot It, as you advise, In .awl du., over a mouth, and used almitt three healthy aktn soon beg an to ;oral alter a while fell oil, my Skit IS LAW ". my feelings that the cli:Jease You can well believe that t 1,, is„.4 ~ • .r. I tell you, that I hold you to be age, and remain ever grecetutty. St. Anthony's Fire, Rose ;or-r}s,p Tettez and Salt Rheum, ,sca-,44 head Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dr o p s. Dr. Robert M. Preble write; :run Sep., DM, that be naa curd oh iLvet r., • sy, which threatened to terndLd: . ming 0111 of our &reaper;lia, tack of Malignant ar)tapela: awe he cures the Common,t. o, L. Itrorichocele, Goitre or Swelled \ e , Zabakm Sloan of Prot po-t, Miser your Olarsaparnla eared r DOW swelling on the Erect, arr,,e over two years." Lencorrham or Whites, 'Uterine Ulceration, Fema,t Dr. J.B. Choncofg, of \ luCifff meet cheerfully ceruroy ihr r in saying 1 have found )our oar..; , aiteruauv• 112 Uunit:ruu. erc, _ ' ploy such a remedy, but trim..., , the Scrofulous utathews. t a , CMOS of LOUGOIThrea by it, trod plaint was caused by tarcerotuu, aeration KIWI was svou curet 1 gnoWledips equals, f. r these ,tro.o jjawax e r S. Marrow , :Sea garcon mango tam e r no nue welch bad Oradea all the run, at length been COtoplerely. Lurt., J sapartWi. oar phyoit,au thuusin duo could afford rebel, Uot. he 817.,t liallayarilla as the last retort rt ,piroyea enectual. After tatu.g you Do Sp:DOA= of the d uneas e shi. eral D ll eaie re c t....a; 187philig an d Now 0k11.1.46, Dr. J. C. Alva: Sir, I Crretrlu Pang of your agent, and rep rt I have realized wan your ,r . ' I have Cured WILL U, is r.r t, • phials kw which it is rewia,u,,,,u, , 100041 truly Wonderful itr rot ee-e ~„ y. taVfal platarrea. Uric ul toy elOs al MS throat, which were artp Of Ilia roOutu. Your oared Min In dye Week. At ea.r x oiSMOI symptoms m tea nose, adi ari away a coalladeral.te part of , 011ftIALCIf would Rout ,eacti Lis Ors r, at A . yialdhdld my adurtaAlraten of , r s• door* healed, and nu la writ . WOOS thaogursuou 10 Lis Lace 11114.411 tor the same disorder ur. +,..... , r., from this, pulsou ill her nouts s Ls_ JRJ: lechiltre to the weather teat u a szortmahria Alain LL her luau, • ._ owed enure/y by year A A know from its lurmula, »hub you u y,4 this IteperetiollifOro your r, isinedy aoneequentiy, thfo ; -3 . 1 r" with It have ast. surprise Ina. Frateriuuty yours, Bfienmatiam, Clout, Liver Coml.,Lt. DIDUICIDEXCI, ?recto,' ,Vi , „I, 7, Dr. J. C. AUX: t:tr, I Lave -ma. bat Ni chronic Rhourrinum la 61,14 kite skill of payascucas, and Sias w m, nomadic. I.could uot., I - Übe bottle cored me to two wo•i-, t • hiniith CO Much I.lmG I um unto siisaked. 1 ■ wouler t.„, :flaw T. Gannett, of St. Loni girdeled ter yearn with au tate. U u ;: deetrOYed my health. I ti:“.l thing, tailed no relieve mu ; . a down =nut Ear 110ILe yeah crow L;eP himessemel Use Lsoer. fly bewvea r iapy manned me to try your r re.,.r J: Aid lie know you, and Allytull4 • , crying. By the bit.wstng ui lm; .1 young again. Tht• beat Ulm - half good enougu." Sehinns, Cancer Tumors, En12.47E: IThwation, Caries and r,xiodaLo ' the Bones. A. great viviely of ca ,do tllse wGate auras of Wed., form, I. form the use of tilts renaudy, 1.) , E ••u • , • admit them. Som •of Lbew may au Can Akelibuib, wineb lbe semis Orq,, AO fluidal' gall* w All who call Heart Disease. Lis k 4 sy, Melancholy, Neuralgia. itanyremarkable cures • • •-•' tondo oy too alternative pour .31 ,•• Chiles the vital nu:allow let) • • - overcomes aisoraera vied- ~• • • os ~AL Such a rectetly I.Ne. • • Mathes of the people, 41..1 We nee L•• do for them all that thetlic.oe c,w ale Ayer's Cherry fectori /OR Tit& acitighs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Bronchitis, incipient somption, and for the ttri:cl of 1012811MpLIVll l'aueLls in adv %need btag ei of the Disease ,ATMs Ina remedy so utucer.,eiti • other for the cure of thrOfd aeti . • - useless hare to publish tee trth LLe c . • "S ' unrivalled excellence for wondertul corns of peinfou.r, , ; •-• known throughout the civiczed Yew are the elaUCULlliillea , e who have not some persue.d rxi en s , some brillg trophy men ; .• subtle and .augeroue dkurder, f• As all know the dreachn as tbey know, too, th e r • .&• .• • do more than to assure there tent to that It did have Wheel WWI so BUOZigly epee the CorklaleLie - Prepared by Dr. J.C. Atilt &A ;Lowell, Ido' sou by 'C.:A. Bannrart, C. Co., J. M. fat; & Co., Armstrong, Lett erg 41Very where. ocal4-6mdaw 0 0. BANNING STOCK, 811.1. AND , Has been removed from No. 26,iiec' ro NO. 130 MA riAItIIISBCEG, PA. r . " - TREASURY NNOTESTAE.ES RUBBER GOOD S • Rubbe Bails,Watch Rubber es, Rubber Ra rtt!res,t, geo NEIL',nO). Clr tit it i bvir :pe BERG t, jE)U ith; Fresh lireend au~Pepper, Allluee, unnaziini,AuNL,ls:o eoTher Front sea p PEL.ki3RATED DANDELI,L.O corner rroga woirviagraimaTals giorr,sdeuutrytionyosioewilviic7:ol.2o,d, NM
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