pailp oTtitgrao. HARRISBURG - , PA s a turdoy Afternoon, April 12, 1502. __- 001 BER ROBBERY AT TRIO DIPOT.-A passen ger in the noon train from Baltimore, last Thursday, was robbed at the depot, in this c i t y, of a wallet containing the sum of $7OO in bank notes. Ins HARMONIC SOCIRre will meet tor re hearo on Monday evening next, April 14th, :a the Lutheran Church, fourth street at 7. clock Let every active member of the As :ojdrim, be present to make further preparation :or Dr• Hay's lecture on Tuesday evening. Tlig Estrous by Dr. Hay on behalf of the 'crotinz Men's Christian Association, which was •) be delivered on last Tuesday evening, but , as v itponed on account of the inclemency .f the weather, will be delivered on next utt(lay evening, April 15th in the Lutheran hu , cb. Subject—Reminiseaues of a resicknes in Jarrizeiy. Tue TAX payers of the Fifth and Sixth wards, will be seen by as advertisement in another iluum, are requested to make their payments speedily as possible. These payments are as iportatit to the tax payer as to the taz col :tor, because if the Duplicate is not settled certain period, its amounts are given to an ierman for collection, and the costs thus ac eaulatiog are added to the taxes. ENCoE RAGS Hosts INDI/STRY.—We invite the iiti ii of our citizens to the advertisement the Keystone Nursery, in another column of s evening's TELEGRAPH. The nursery is ou exlelisi ye scale, and contains a great variety young trees, sprouts and plants, which are peed of at prices to suit the times. Mr. the proprietor, lean accomplished Wan - and will not sell an inferior article. Viva ..a a eAll. 1. 0. or 0. F.—The annual election for offi- L, , ,a of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows, which t,lses place in every subordinate lodge in the State, commenced on Tuesday evening, and will Lotitintle for one week. The officers to be eleo te t are, a Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Warden, Grand Secretary and Treasurer, and a representative to the Grand Lodge of the United States—the annual session of which body will be held in Baltimore, in September next. SIIICIDIL—The Middletown Journal, of yes terday says that last Sunday morning Mr. John Loognecker, a highly respected farmer, residing In Conewago township, this county, committed suicide by hanging himself. The deceased was in good circumstances, and led a pious life, ob , erving family worship up tlifthe morning of the melancholy occurrence, when he re marked to bis wife, that " there was no use in me praying any more." Ho left the house r making the above remark, apparently in r.l health and spirits, and entered a new whero be committed the deed. No cause ,dgued for the rash act. 6VENTEL BB:GADI Juries/Lt.—This is the title n enterpriiing little sheet published at Col- J a, Tennessee, by the typographical mem of Gen. Negley's Brirade, which is at that 'e, or was at our latest advice; which are o amide) , last. The paper is published from 6ce of the late Columbia Herald, (Secesh,) .:11 gave up the ghost on perceiving the ad t f the Union forces ; and among the force loy t d on It is no less a personage than an Hanisburg brother typo, Harry Gaiter, but a member of Company I. We can imagine I s hat delight Harry seised upon the wish. • ha pit clients of the art, and with what vi .t,e old hand-press was made to throw out tr,t sheet of a true Union paper which bad u its I,Lee in that section for a long time. ==:l 00 } ICHIBLTION.—County School Super. idetit Ingrain informs 115 that he was ett at the exhibition of %he Grammar ul o the South ward of Middletown, last ug, and that everything passed off in an ,rabl • manner. The programme for the )r, was excellent, embracing a number of cry tl:4t dialogues and declamations.— Ault Schule-liause on der Erik," was a by Master Samuel Kurtzman, and was wirth the price of admission., Among the a0g,u , 13, we may note "The Tea Party" "Tattleville Sewing Society"—both very isth,g and amusing. Kr. Laverty has it this school for a number of years to the t t•atis'action of all who placed children r his charge. The exercises were inter ed with music by the Baumbach Brass WEATHML—For the last few days the her has been delightful, and we have at forgotten the blustery snow storm of aesday and Thursday, which 68A been 418- :- Iby the warm, bright sun of better days. ['Lwy anxious hearts throughout thsbroad 6th and breadth of our land are now praying Phu the clouds and gloom which overhang our ditical sky may soon be dispelled by the bright sun of hope and peace. God speed the day when this wicked r,..bellion shall be crushed out, ; the traitota punished, the authority of the Government fully vindicated, and the ever 6 16 rioUs "Stan and Stripes" waving over all the land, more honored, loved and venerated An ever by all the people, beear tea o f MI a Tory etrugglo which we have made to maintain its biemacy. But what are we doing? We sl uteri to write about the weather, but our t tights have unconsciously led us into politics. ru resume: to-day was one of the moat de. I L;htfill days of the season. The air was soft and Wittily, and the 'Snow disappeared rapidly boors a blazing sun. The Capitol Park was "iiged by crowds of visitors, who either trod it. graveled walks or seated themselves beneath the irses. Birds were singing from the branches of the leafless trees, children trundled their hoops over the ground, and the grass Is already becoming verdant by the genial breath of c u r ing. The principal thoroughfares were , filled with pedestrians, and everybody samed4to partake of the influences of the bright arid thestful weather. MusIOLL ACIADIOM—The attention of the pub to is directed to the advertisement cf Mr. WM. A. Terbutton, in another column of this evening's, Tsmaam. Mr. T. proposes to °peen/ academy for instruction in music, and his well known qualifications for such an un dertaking will unlotibtedly insure him a libe ral patronage. PALK SUNDAY AND HOLY WINN.. —To-morrow is Palm Sunday, which is that next before Easter. It is called Palm Sunday in commem oration of the Savior's entry into Jerusalem, when the multitude went forth to meet him and strewed branches of palm trees in the ways' Next week will be Holy Week, in which will be commemorated the passion of our Savior.— Holy Week is observed by Catholics throughout the world, and also by some of the Protestant denominations, In the most fervent devotional exercises. I== FATAL RAILROAD AcornEwr.—An accident oc curred in West Philadelphia yesterday which resulted in the death of Joseph Neal, a switch tender. The passenger train which left this city in the morning, was drawn by two engines. When the train arrived at West Philadelphia, Neal switched off the engine, as usual, bat rot observing that there was another engine, he was knocked down and run over. One of his legs was crushed and other injuries sustained, which canoed his death a short time after being re moved to the hospital. I===o Haunt= PARIOMI.—This religious Hebrew festival commences on next Monday, the 14th inst., and will be observed as usual by a general suspension of business among all persons of the faith, and the participation in religious services in oar synagogue. It is sometimes called the feast of unleavened bread. We have already described the mode of manufacturing the bread, and It is impossible to compute the. quantity which is made in New York in anticipation of the Passover. One baker there has already used three hundred barrels of flour, and thole are others having larger ovens who have con sumed over 400 or 600 barr els each. The quan- tity of the flour used for the purpose may be roughly estimated at from 15,000 •to 20,000 barrels. The bread is mostly manufactured in New York and shipped throughout the United States, the West Indies and other places where the facilities for obtaining and baking It are not so great. - 1 ,-. Gamsa's MOUNTED lissolas.—This fine com pany (G) of 'the Loohiel Cavalry regiment (Col. E. C. Williams,) is at present at Damp Dunham, Bowling Green, Ky. The company is com manded by our old friend Capt. J.R. Waltman, formerly of this city, and In the words of a correspondent It is at present doing duty in "guarding the daily train to. Nashville, and picking up Confederate property.". The com p In) , has already 'succeeded in capturing about three thousand dollars worth of Sugar, rice, ard, corn, bacon, Texas Ranger's horses: out-, laws and mesh soldiers. A. short time since, the company also captured three secesh spies, one of whom held the post of Brigade Burgeon in the rebel army, but they were subsequently released on parole after entering into recog nisant:obi the earn of $lO,OOO to report daily at head quarters. Capt. Waltman was highly complimented by his superior officers for his vigilence and - activity in this affair. The com pany expect to remain at its present camp for some time. A. Heartnanmo PAIN= IN TIM Berm AT WINOIIIaTIA, VA.—Mr. L. D. Reed, formerly . a compositor in the Deux Taman/au office, of this city, was an active participant in the battle near Winchester, V.a., holding the rank of fife major in the 110th Pennsylvania regiment. He sends us a graphic description of the battle, together with a number of amusing incidents of camp life, of which however, we can only find room for one of the latter, illustrative of a "false alarm," and the promptitude of the "boys" in forming into line of battle to meet the enemy : a a a a "Some queer "transpirations" take place in Old Virginia now-a-days, and a sense of truth compels me to say that even printers are not exempt from petty annoyances in the army. In order to demonstrate this, and show you how narrowly I escaped being shot, I will en deavor, with a deep sense of responsibility to relate the circumstance as it occurred : Our brigade was encamped within four miles of Winchester ' and covered, perhaps, eight or ten acres of ground. On the morning of the second day after our arrival, I sent a boy out to beat a call for a relief guard. In a spirit of pure and unadulterated devilment he wound up the roll by beating the "long roll." The drum major of the Seventh Indiana took it up and in two minutes the brigade was in arms. With a delightful, consciousness of always having done my duty as a soldier, I had laid• down in my tent, and was about to extend a cordial invitation to "nature's sweet restorer" to visit me, when one of Gen. Tyler's aids insinuated himself between the folds of the canvass, and peremptorily demanded to see the chief musician of the regiment. Calm and serene, with conscious dignity, I rose before him, and saluting after the most approved fashion, begged him to do me the honor a to be seated on my knapsack. "Do you know, sir, what you have been doing 1 " he demanded, in a tone that indicated that he knew what he was trying to do. I replied that having under gone an examination by a military board, appointed by the United States for that pur pose, and having been informed by said board that I was sound ; and further, that my physical and mental organs were perfect in their construction, and particularly as I had not been accused of insanity on any abstract points of philosophy since I entered the army, I rather thought I knew what I was doing. By this time the difficulty had assumed en ormous proportions, and your humble servant was "drawn up in line" before the staff officers to answer a charge of giving a false alarm. To make the matter more interesting, the penalty was declared to be death, Imagine a man of my undoubted soldierly appearance in such a position. Fortunately I had read the proverbs of Solomon. and the trite phrase, "Answer a fool according to his folly," I immediately Interpreted to mean "Bluff 'em until they find they know more than you do." Happy thought 1 I declared that I could show b oiruk y nomw tki thi e m bes aj.o.l t rona m g il rt i oh t l ary er, w e m v h 111 n n t it c h e b hnikiarsdn t h . d t k, t n h , e s t ohristian soldiers they took my word for it, land again I strode around the camp, fullyt ided of the truth of the immortal old axiom, will pretisil"-L-that is, under °ewe edt=lllltances.. . • • • • • • Vennorlintnta ;Bak) Cdegraph, Octturtictg lftertion, 71pti1 12, 1862 LYKENS VALLEY NM' COEL.-Kr. 0. D. For eter has Just received a large supply of Lykens Valley nut coal, which he is prepared to deliver to his old patrons and the public generally, at the lowest cost figures Coal office and yard at the foot of North street. Bee advertisement. STATE SABBATH SCHOOL CONVSNTIIII. —A State Sabbath School Convention will be held in Philadelphia, commencing on Wednesday morn ing, May 28th, in the "First Independent Church," Broad street, below Chestnut. The object of the Convention is to obtain an accu rate view and survey of the State in its Sabbath, school aspects, and to devise ways and means by which to impart increased vigor and efficiency to the Sabbath schools, reach the destitutions, and increase the general interest. The pastors, superintendents, and teachers, and friends of the Sabbath school cause, in the State of Pennsylvania, are particularly requested to be present, and to forward immediately all the well-ascertained statistics bearing on this subject, and especially the condition and desti: tution of the schools in their town and country. They are also requested to appoint at least one delegate to represent their school in the con vention, and report by May Ist. A general and earnest invitation is extended , to all thejriends of the Sabbath school cause to . attend ; but it isspecially desired and expected, that each Sabbath school will be represented by at least one delegate. Excursion tickets will be issued, at half fare, to delegates on starting by the following rail roads : 'Pennsylvania Central, Northern Cen tral, Reading, North Pennsylvania, and Cum berland Valley. Liberal arrangements will be made for the entertainment of delegates. Delegates will report themselves, on their arrival, at the rooms of the Young Men's Chris tian Association, Nos. 1,009 and 1,011 Chestnut street. Naw Goons.—l am now selling off my entire stock of goods at and below cost, or 25 per cant. cheaper than you can purchase elsewhere, viz: fine linen shirts, 76 cts. to $1 ; shirts, 60 cts., and 60 cts. with lined bosoms ; night shirts, 50 cts ; under shirts and drawers, 40 cts. to 87 ets., all wool ; monkey jackets, 50 eta. to $1; cotton and woolen hose 10 eta. to 16 cts ; silk ties, 12k, 16 and 18 eta ; 8 ots. to 16 cts. a piece ; ladies' collars, 4 and 6 eta.; cuffs, 4 and 6 eta. a piece; under sleeves, 18 cts: ; fine cambric at 18 and 18 cts. per yard, worth 26 eta.; Marseilles bosoms of a new style, and fast collars, 124. cts.; all linen bosoms, 15 tits and upwards. If you -want cheap and good goods just go to James A. Lynn, at the Harrisburg Cheap Shirt Mann factory, where he is selling off without reserve. N. B.—Shirts, &c. made to measure, Room next to Hummel & Killinger's grocery store, 12 Market street. Cane= I Cazeir Calmar !—Having returned from . New York, I now have on hand, and I am daily receiving from the New 'York auction sales, a large assortment of goods, which I offer cheaper than ever. 20 pieces of carpet; from 871 cents -up to 87 cents ; 40 pieces of beautiful Curtain muslin, very cheap; splendid black silks it 76 cents, worth 90 cents ; - good black silk at $l, worth $1 26 ; black silk 82 inches wide -at $1 10, worth 41 87 ;'-very fine black Bombazin at $1 10, worth.- St 50; sum mer silks at 50 cents a yard ; 10 pieces of the finest Irish linen at 75 cents, worth $1 ; 1,000 hoop skirts, at 60 75 and $l, very cheap. Great bargains in stockings; 20 dozan•-;hem stitched handkerchiefs, at 25 and 81 cents, cheap. Wholesale buyers we respectfully in vite to our large stock, all bought for cash at New York auction. Having a buyer in New . York, we are daily-receiving•job lots from the weekly sales, which we promise to sell at city prices to wholesale buyers. S. Lswr, mBl-y Rhoad's old stand. ripris undersigned want to purobase or 1_ hire a srbt taauai• Sea worthy omit coat dolt will carry eighty to one butickrel tons. at ply by letter or othetwiee to T. J. 'Mt: WAN & 00. al2.3es ' 118 8. Exeter street, B kith:Bore, Md. 0 EMETE HY LOT HOLDERS i • 'VOLT can purchase at the Keystone ± Nursery, Harrisburg, Evergreen TREES AND SHREDS, Ornamental s'.ltrubbery, Vines, dro.ot as good wilily and. at as low prin• a as toey 011/ be sold by irresponsible agents and pothers, besides having the 'advantage of gtting than fresh from the groruid. al2 Jeo9B.mnir. WANTED. 4 SINGLE white . woman to do house tj work. Good reference required. Ir well recom mended tie highest wages will t. paid. 'Call at the of fice or David Mumma, Jr., Third Meet, Harrisburg. emit-ea HARRISBURG COAL OIL DEPOT. FR the safety of olnsumers, we have estebbated aCo I Oit Depot at the corner of- Free ant Market streets. ell our oils are tested and we poet Lively sell none except such as prove to bo nomezplosive, clear and free from odor as far as practicable. We offer at present the lollowlmrjustly celebrated b ands. Meg aril°, Hoz:loam], Nabrooa and I. miter; lower than can be purchase') elsewhere no this place, ether wholesale or ,otail, Also an extensive astortment of Lamps, Chim neyt, Sbader, GISFEI Cones, Burners, .ko. -We will also ebaoge fluid or ramphone lamps, so as to be wed for oval oat. Call and satisfy yourselves, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, aprll Corner of Frontand Market street. ANTANTED.—A. White Girl to do all: kinds of house work, mast some well recOm• mended. Apply at DAVID WOOMILIDICS.' aprltkdat Stale Ftresh.. NEW FRUIT STORE. THE subscriber has. just opened at the corner of &wind and Pine streets, a new borer store, where he will have at all times a large sod fresh supply of FRUIT, Plea AND OTROS ARTICLES gener a ly rutted in Mater stoma. In connection with the above, hestil continues to carry oe the bill pasting bulimia, and all orders left at the s.ore will be proMptly attended to. aprd-d2w s E. M. MITER. FIFTH WARD . HOUSE, R. J. PETERS, Proprietor. Corner of Forster and West Avennet, (In the Rear of the Reservoir,) Harrisburg, Pa. B oar di ng by th e week, day or single meal at reasona ble rates. •ood stabling for h orres, &o. april-dlm* B UOKETB, Baskets, Tubs, Churns and all kinds of Cerlar and Willow ware, for salw by NICHOLS & BOWMAN'S, all cornet Front and. Market streets TRIPOLI, Washing Blue, U. S. Indigo, Bengal and Rage* for sale by NICHOLS at BoWataN, all corner Front and Market streets. AL OIL, Lamps, Shades, Chimneys C lower than any house in Harrisburg. Call mad examine at NICHIMS & BOWMAN, WlLDlesale and retail grocery, corner Front and Market streets. all COAL OlL—Nobody can undersell us. The brat oil In Harrisburg ;warranted non•explo• sive, for sale by NIOHOL4 2 BOWMAN, all corner Front and Market greets. HL beef p lane to get 81 ' a t% an v . .il 54 nos Fsoat and BMW strosla. New 20tiertistments. TO CANAL BOATMEN. ,Nitu..,2lburttstments. NOTICE. THE Citizens of the different cities and h.. towns ihrougbout the mate, are Invited to compe tition for the place at which th- next annual State a'air shall be held. Proposals containing loducerneuts awl advantaged direottli to the ,undersigned committee aJe pointed by the lieeolire Committee. will n e received up to and numeral's itly loth next. Comm:intoner g should be entireseed to either of the following persons : Pittsburg Dispatch, York Gazette, Reading Gazette, Lancaster Jul lligencer, Easton.,,argas, L . ycoming Ga zette, Allentown Democrat, Norrhiqown Ltegister,.-kblia delPhist4l4l4ir, Pub% Ledger,. Yokmer GrrOner, PhliadelpEts please copy three times andoend bill to JOHN H. ZVJGIACH, aprl.l-431 . H .rr sburg Pa. TO THE TAX PAYERS OR THE • FrFTHAND . SIXTH WARDS. THE delaYe-in the' payment' of School Taxpn Koperty in the BIM and Sixth wards, own ed by per busßOtoccupylng tbakalkill; and by otuers re siding withoitt the limits of Mace won't, renders it necessary to glve th ' s publ o notice, so that the same mar be paid before the Out day of May next. the city saving to the tar met en extra expense, should the boolvbe returned Into the once to settlement. The undersigned can be found by such persons at les resideatte, emoted street, one, door above South and next door above WM. Bostick'. M. B. kV ••NTOOMBRY, Oollector of School Tax for the Third, Fourth, WM And Sixth Wards. ' spra d2tottw so WM. KNOCHE, 93 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa., DIALER EN 1 :2 I .11. CO NEW ROSEWOOD PLODS, from the bee Makers, frorws2oo upwards. MELODEONS. THE BEST MANUFACTURED INSTRU MENTS, FROM $45 to $lOO. Guitars, 'Titan, Accordeons, Flutes, Ales, Drums, BaAjos, Tarabouilnes, Violin and Guitar strings and must ' cal merohandise in general. SHEET MUSIC. - THE LATEST PUBLICATIONS always on hand. Music sent by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SWAIM, GILT AND BOSEWOO • - TREAces, Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of pictures always on band. A. fine assortment of beet plated LOOKING GLASSE 6' From smallest . to largest sizes. Any style of frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCHE, * 9B Market street. febl9-wesly THIBESTEOODS FOS THE LEAST NON a]. A. HUMMEL, Thaler In BOOTS IMD SHOES, or every DESCRIPTION and at all S Next door to the Court House, MARKET STREET. Also a general assortment of TRUNKS, VA LISES and CARPET BAGS, at the lowest cash prices. r , .mar2B-dBm REMOVAL. • OHABL.ES A. BOAS, . ngitOVBD 818 WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE Ot7 To No. 7, Market Square, below the Buehler House. 4 : LT E has constantly on hand a large stook of WATPRIA JEWELRY and PLATED WARE of all deaorlptlons. Watebet and 'Jewelry repaired and warranted. aprZ dime GEO. W. MoCALLA, WATOIMUCER & JEWELER A NO. 38, Aids Market Street, Harrisburg. constantly on hand a large stock jA. of WATCHES, JEWELRY and FANCY AMT . CLES, PLATED WARE, &c., Watcties and jewelry neatly repaired. air N. B. ;km% Angel the Nana opposite the Jones' House. inarn-d3m • 'T. J. HIIKES, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. SAS opened a paint shop in Strawberry alley, near Third s'reet, two doors from the rata and Onion" ofllce,where he is prepared to prompt ly execute alttudera lest to his care. Eels also prepared to whiten wiling' and centre pleo:s. PaloMmlxed for persona desiring to do their own painting, and sold by the pound. aprl d2w* FOR RENT THE Warehouse and Store formerly °c ogged by Gross it Bunke'. suitable for a forwarding bade and eoMmbsionlusineas, Laving a private siding, and befog situated on the cant] and Pennsylvania rail. road; there is every facility for doing a forwarding bust- AWL use A STORE ROOM, suitable for a wholesale and retail grocery. — Po seeselop given immediately. Inquire on the prembos of GEO. G. KUNKEL.. spi2,4wo i Causratreet, between State-and Walnut • NEW HOUSE FOR SALE. rpHE new frame house now being built JL. on State street below Emend, will be finished by' the Ist of April, including paving, gas sod water Wpm Ap ply to GEORGE OUNKLE, starl9-dit No. CM Market street. 20 BUILDING LOTS FOR SAL +'. ASHORT distance west of the capitol, fronting on Grand and Hammond Lane. Prices $175 to $250., Terms reasonable by GM OUNIELN., mar2l-dim No. 66 Market street WM. T. BISHOP, ATTORNEY -AT--LAW, OFFICE NEXT DOOR TO WYETH'S HALL; OPPOSITE NEW COURT -HOUSE. Consultations in Gorman and English. mar29.d2m REDUOTION 20 PEE CENT. Tam now supplied with a very fine as— sortment Over 180 different kinds,) of ---1 1 -1+41,W.31 S.B BD 8, freer B.A. ))rear, leedanlan• Philadelphia, and eell an mode at a reinetiell of twenty per neat from Ur Adied piked. Silo J. Witte y John's calebrated decks 'end Avis* (the very beat,) at her esidePar PW r • 110r$ 311 'stiiin. WDon% forgot the slam wir lo ial4Wlw Niel-10.LS & BOWMAN, Corner of Front and Market Streets. Ct. Hurnmel's old stand,) IaAVE determined to plate their entire AM stock of GROCERIRs, PROVISIONS, PRUITB, &e.. at prices to suit the present hard times, and re spectfully call the attention of the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity to their extensive stock ofgoods, consisting, of SUGARS,' SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEE, SPICES, LEKONS, ORANGES, CURRANTS, - ,CEDAR-WARE, • EDOCR, We have also gone to considerable trouble in getting the sale of several brands 'of COAL OIL, All of which we warrant to be NONEXPLOSIVE, TRANSPARENT AND FREE FROM ODOR, Thomas P. Knox, Nerriatow a, Pa. Arabs F. sapp. Norununbe-land, P. Joshua Wright. Washington, Pa. Etas . . K. Eagle, ' Phlhdelphla.LPa. Jain P. kiutherf.,rd, John H. Ziegler, Harrisburg Pal as far as practicable. Among others, we have on hand NATRONA, MAGNOLIA, LUCIFER, ROBINSON, gkil of which we will sell wholesale or retail, and /emir than any other house in Harrisburg. Also, all kinds of OUT, FLINT AND GREEN GLASS-WARE. We also invite attention to our well selected and extensive assortment of QUEENOWARE. Call at NICHOIB k BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. 1862. ORM OPENING 1862. or Black and Second NourningPress Goods, Shawls, Yells, Collars, &e, Full, 13f, yard wide Lupin's all wool Delattne. Supslot makes of Bombazines. Splendid Styles of French tilogitams. Large stock of Lustres and alpacas. Mack ant Purple Dress Silks. Plain black Rnglish Rep Sits. an Black end white Fowlard Silks. Purple and Black do. c.,cat'a Plain Sanall Cheatedddo. doo: Neapolitan. - do. all well Detainee. Mel all wool milatnes. Fy shepherd's Pia ids. Tammatine. Silk Challis. - Eng. Cbintaes. llohaire l Sic • Long Blank Tblbbet Shawls. Square Plaid Black and White Square Toibbet Black Shawls. • 2 yard VAde Thibbet for Shawls, Very Superior Sngbah Crepe Veils, all WEIS. IATIEd stock or Soglish Crepe Collars, all ekes. ea Black bordered Bern Stitch Haodkerchlefe. 'ZI Black Gloves of every deicriptloa. Wh to Sec •nd Idol:13211as Collars. o y Sttto. of Collar and Sleeves. Silk and Cotton Hosiery. - nal Bleak Love Vella. Jouvin's Kid Gloves. Partiaulaz attention la Paid sad Invited to our stoat of the above goods. Wa are Collitta nth , re ceiving new addi tom. Parssawrs wit always find a full auertinent. LAUER'S ALE, PORTER AND BEER, NOTICE is hereby given to the citizens of Harrisburg, that the andersignad has anthoriked Mr. E. Mager to receive orders for any of my maunfae tures. The collecting will be attended to by the under signed. AIR orders left as above wilt be promptly at tended to. GEORGE LAUB; feb22-dem. Pettimlle, Pa. ELEGANT styles and patterns of Wall Paper for 6,10, 12,15 and 25 cents per roll. the largest sod most varied stock o f Wall Paper, Borders, Window. Blinds, Curtin and Fixtures ever offered In this city. Being bought for sash, it Will be :sold at a very small profit. /Or Remember the place, Schefler's Book Store, Market street, opposite Gross' Drug :tore, Harrisburg. 4 13122-d2M LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD COLLEGE, 1802 TWO TERMS of nineteen weeks each, commencing March 3d and September let. For Catahigne and_ threelar, addrem JOEL PARKER, Royal Professor. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 1802. mail-Beat SCHUY LKILL AND . SUSQUEHANNA Railroad Computy, Office NO. an S. Fourth street rtultdalpbla, April 9, 1862. The Annual Weftshe litockholdere of this i! Com pany, and an election resident and .six Managers, will take place at the a of the Company, Stay 6th, at 12 o'clock, thr_ W. H. Mot LELIeNNEY, ager-did Secretary. JUST RECEIVED. ASECOND LOT of Comic and Sentimen till Valentlpes, at 'lfforsot prices. febls q BCEIBBFEB 2 8 Bookstore CANE SEATED CHAIRS, &c NEATLY repaired and reseated , and all orders monied prompily by Milt. thINMMII. rearM•dim :Frond strett below Mulberry. CHEERY CURRANTS. PLANTS V. 75' per dozen, smaller gum- Mies 18% ieutp each, at [aprlty] J. lithß. OITRRANTS $1 per dozen, smaller quail %) cents each. White Atoll $1 50 per dozen, smal ler quantities JO eents each. Fortino de Palman, $1 50 per dozen, smaller quantities 15 cents each ; at " npr:loy KEYSTONE NORBERT. A FINE : , e.vkergreen - 13Igub j i henimum, tv. Nartofforion, Honeysuckles, We'gelis &sea, 28 to 813 cents each. Enghstrand Irish Yew, &0., 87)6 to 76 emus each. lERYSTONK NUILSHRY. TREE BOX. A HANDSOME, vigorous growing dwarf ja. evergreen 26 to 6004 ate each, $ to Si per dozen. aprlOy KEYSTONE NURSERY. DWARF. AND STANDARD. SIXTY native and foreign ehoice.varieties ot" heafthful growth, 25 to no cents each, 52 00 to 74 per dozen, 1618 to WO per btu/Cron, - at apay ,• -SIIYiTONE ItIIRSERY. CORSETS. ALARGE assortment of all alma, in white auk: eoloredr.atir o h k ot r dr i fa ta ble it or t ee, st Next door to the Hartleturf Bank. IMO HOUSE FOR RENT. • A BRICK HOUSE with six rooms, sit ha. netted on Stote street between Front aid Second. Puszessiou given. Immediately. Enquire of per7-51wn MEN WINGERT. FOR RENT PWO . Frame houses on North Alley. Enquire at, Mrs: MURRAY, t s . poo 7 4ig , rcOly: r, Stapd and Pine etrans. MAPLE TREES' Rr fe'ePhikii:' 25 - t 0 ,50 conf o eack $2 ip to $5 par dozen' $lB trod. (aPr/ 0 7] KEYSTONE NilitußY. Itlistellantotts. Engla-h Crepo3. French do. Mantua Ribbon. Belting do. • O,ITHOART & BROTHER, Next. door to the Hitriaburg No. 11 Market Square WALL PAPER ! RED DUTCH MAHONIA ACQUIFOLIA. CHERRY TREES. filiscellantens. UPHOLSTERING. PALM LEAF MATTRESSES, COTTON TOP MATTRESSES, HUSK MATTRESSES, COTTON COMFORTS, CHAIR CUSHIONS, LOUNGES, CAMP STOOLS, &c., &c. On hand and for ease at the- very lowest rates the cash Mair Mattresses and Spring Bottoms made to order. SOFAS, LOUNGES, CHAIRS, HAIR MATTRESSES, &C., Repaired and made equal to new, very reasonable, all at No. 109, Market street, between Fourth and 0 filth, by msr2/12md 7. T }MANIC/. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. Anuriean Annual - Cydopeolia and Register of im portant Events for the Year 1861 In 1 vol. 8 vo. over 750 pages. Cloth $B, Leather $8 60. Published by D. Appleton 8f (b.., New York. The design of this work is to furnish a record of all the important knowledge of they. a•. The evints et tte war, owing to their prominence, will, 01 °num, wimpy a oomph:moo parl, bat all other bra, ches—so Once, Art, Literatureohe Mechan'o Arts, An., will re•elve due at tention. The wort will be published eXclobively by aubeorlption, aria ready to, deliver, in June next. Adweas J. F. STE 4SiIAUGH, Harrisburg. Pa., General Age. tto D. aPPLZTOS apra-d2l-tha tot Circulars descriptive o the work. 11, S. TRIPOLI, .IrOR CLNANING AND 1.01,18 h DIG METALIO ARTICLES, MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ar,o. Warranted Free from Acid or Poison. Bor ode by WC DOCK, Jr., k Co. THEO. T. 'WHETTER, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, NARKS7 STREET, HARRISBURG. i - Particular attentlbn paid to Printing, Ruling and Binding or 'Railroad Blanks, Manifests, Policies , Ohecks, Drafts, ko. Canto printed at $2, ti 3, $4, and $4 per thousand in elegant style. 120 SOAP, Harrison, Country and Fancy, for aae by NICHOL.: it WWII& ni Bari] aorth-seat corner ofßiont and Market streets. SOLDIER'S CAMP COMPANION. -- a vary convandent Weitz ng Out ; also, PortitVion. Memorandum Boots, rorimonanien, arn t n2O SCREF2I2O3 BOoKi r tit • TO. 1 MACKERAL in Kitts, half bar- AA rein, and barrels, at the Mew Grocery and noel Mon Store, Front and Market streets. NICHOLS re 110W1t N LY WASHING BLUE, an excel lent nbstitute for Indigo, fbr sale at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NIOIIOLB & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market Arent. "VlSH.—Mackerel Nos. 1, 2 and 3, in L who!, or half barrels. Fresh invoi e for s kle low by NICHOLi k BOWMAN, corner of Prone awl Mar_ , •et streets. CHOICE Teaa, Green and Black, for sale low by - NICHOLab & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market streett. COAL OIL, Natrona , Magnolia, Luciler, and other namexplooloe brands, for ad e low by NICHOLS di BOWMAN, Corner Pr. mi and Mar• et mew. feb2 CROSS & BLA.C.K.WELL'S Celebrated mono, num* passeavv, am., he. A large eupply of the above, embracing every variety, just re oolved and for sale by no T P. &W. C. TAYLOR'S NEW SOAP. H •It is economical and highly detersive. it con tains no Rosin and wilt not waste. It is warranted not to injure the hands. It wilt impart an agreeable odor, end is therefore suitable for every purpose. sale by WhL DOCK. Jr . keo. CIBENSWARE, Glassware, litoneware, and Earthenware, flaw style* for was by NIOEOL3 k I - , WEAN, m27-y] northeast corner of Front and Market streets. CRANBERKLES, Dried Fruits, Fresh AP" Hem=Ft Ai NICHOLS & SOWN sN'S corner Front sod sArriat newt- NAZARETH HALL, BOARDING} SCHOOL FOB BOYS. NAZARETH, Northampton county, Pa. Easy of jamas from Harrisburg by railroad to Reston, and Memo semi Wiles by stage. Rev. EDWARD H. REIOHEL , fls4m* Principal LAWTON BLACKBERRIES. PLANTS VI to 81 25 per dozen, at apr.Ty FaYSTONE NURSERY FLOWER SEEDS A CHOICE lot of ASTER'S and T 6N - Ala, WEEK ETOCES, with a generil variety of Fresh itower Garden ;30304 received and fir sale at No. 91 Market street. ICEILLEK'd Drugstore. FOR gardening tools of all kinds go to aprlo-th-ast-tuaw 11AYNES , . 110 ifericetstreq. GARDEN SEEDS at three cents per paper, at, HAYNEIS',IIO Market Street. atele-ta-sat taw - DOR 'FLO WER SEE DS at fonr cents p er paper, go to HAYNES', MO Market Street. eprlo th-eat Nate CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, °heap , strong, elegant and (law le, at aprlo4ltratAttStr HSLYNEW. 110 Market Street. FOR Bird Seed and Bird Cegea, go to aprlitlveal-tu-aw IIAYNIW, 110 Market Street. CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES.—A very lane stack of Ohi'drea's Steel Spring Carriages and Perambulators of every style, for sale at less than city prices, by DAVID R kYNItt, aprlo th-eat•talw 110 Market Kreet. APRICOT AND PLUM TREES. CiF choice varieties, 40 to 50 cents each, lJ $4 to $5 per dozen, at MAYSToNE NETasEKY apr7y GARDEN SEEDS.—Just received a large of amino Garden emeda—comprbdog a greater variety of imported and home growth than baa ever been offered io this city. Thoad who may desire to purchase, can depend upon getting the best In the world, at the wholesale and retail grocery store of WM. DOOM, JR. & 00. DWARF PEAR TREES STANDARD PEAR TREES. 50 CENTS each, $5 per dozen, at aprly IIitTSTONE NUEORBY PEACH TREES. 91WENTY chose varieties, os per hau l_ dila, $1 26 per dozen, 1.2.31 orate eardi for ern.llor quantities . , et [a rTyJ itraSi ONE DIUBSBICY. DELAWARE GRAPE VINES, DIANA GRAPE VINES, CONCORD GRAPE VINES, CALIFORNIA GRAPE VINES, MUSCADINE GRAPE VINES, REBECCA and other choice Grape rases, 60 mats to 81 00 each. Catawba, paten Ma Isabella vines at 2t to 50 cents each. J. KISH, KEYSTONE NU BURN. apr7 APPLE TREES. ALL the leading kinds $l2 per hundred, 51 50 par duo, ama►ler quaktities lb cents each, a; (apr7yi KAYSTONE STRAWBERRIES ALL the most, desirable varieties, and which have produced fruit unsurpassed In the State, by the dozen, hundred, thousand or ten thousand, at the DIPe 4 7I KEYSTuNS NURSHRY. EVERBEARING. 'RASPBERRY. 1111111 LANDS of tbo Citawissa, bearing a fall crop of Ike W 2710611 /ate SS NovezabL r. $1 en per dozen, single plants la Cents each, at WLY . KEY:Tann NtanallnY. ' - PURPLE FRINGE White Fringe, strong plants - 60 to ys ovate esch. Knytrrobis nunaszr, WM. DOOR , Jr , & Oo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers