ailEd**. Fol4fter Bost that standard sheet I Where breathes the i'oa bu falls before us, With Freedoir's soil beneath our feet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er ns.l OUR PLA'etiV M THE UNION-TEE CONS t lITION-AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW. `HARRISBURG, PA Thursday Afternoon. March 20,1862. THE CITY ELECTION. The approaching city election has thus far crested no other feeling than that of a general desire to elect the very beet men in all the wards, and thus far secure for the city govern ment in all its derartments, the most efficient service and largest economy. We are pleased to notice this fact, more particularly at this time, whtn in local elections snoh as the one approaching, there should be none of those di visionsof parties which seem essential in other elections involving the issue of prindpleswhich neither party are willing to trust to the legisla tion or executive enforcement of the other. One of the most important officers to be elected to morrow, is that of City Treasurer. It is there fore necessary that none but the most reliable and deserving should be allowed to assume its responsibilities and take charge of its trusts. The Republican and Union conferees have nominated Gomm Tarrmasomt, from the First Ward, for, this position, and initresent ing him to the support of the people, we have the advantage of being able to urge in his be half the essential qualifications of cf7mpetency and honesty. Added to these, Mr. Trollinger Is known to nine-tenths of the tax-payers of the city sea sober and industrious working man ; as one who has contributed largely to the suc cess of every meohaolcal enterprise, and as one who e at this time, is peculiarly deserving of the support of the people et large. While Mr. I'. himself does not make any particular claim on this account, and while ,he feels equal to the task of combatting with the overwhelming misfortune of fire which so lately prostrated and &Strayed his investments and business prospects, we frankly confess our gratification thigt the people of Harrisburg have resolved to show their sympathy for a worthy, man, by aiding him in every honorable manner to re trillite his fortunes while he is serving the pub lic." We trust that this purpose may be sue osseful. We trust that every liberal and enter prfahirMan will sustain Mr. Trollinger, and we are certain coofidence reposed in him will eves be abased, or no trust confided to his onto, ever suffer by his election as City Treasurer. TAN COUNTY SUIT. The appeal of the County Comm Issioners - from 1 the report of the County Auditors, which was to have been tried this morning before His Honor Judge itation, Was postponed for another term on the application of the County Auditors, who des:Jared their inability , to try the cause in the atiiiili*Of John P. Rutherford, who left yester day aftenoon for Washington. The Commis.' slonere, through their counsel, John Adam Mier, opposed the postponement strenuously, buLafterlegal grounds had been given for that purtxise, the court could do nothing less than grant the application of the Auditors. We have heretofore refrainecidrom taking part in the disputes between the parties litigant, and nova, gter a careful examination of all the facts, we candidly believe that the county can gain nothing by,:having these contests fn the courts The coint-house was erected and completed for V :ni and in a more aribstantia 1 manner th A botnimm i er i . ding in the state, and if sand dollai)s more tai was ' .ed fi few thou tif for tifbi purpose, the tax-payers wil ',' ria them fora shilling to paylhat Burnout of their Own pockets. We feel inclined ' :to beifeve-thist the east already incurred by the Auditors, gethewith the lawyers' fees ant other exe : already paid, will far exceed, We amoun penclod to be saved by thessionty. All of the incurred will eventually come from the ts*isyers, and the sooner, therefore, the mat.; tees in controversy are amicably settled, the better It will be for the tax-payers. We il refer to this subject again. W. W. H. Dews, the proprietor of the Dry* . teisssibissweratvis ie the volunteer service atlhe head of-La gallant regiment, while "Shyster illontebodjelie" is at home in Doylestown, using the ooltimns of the Denciersi' to slander every man as at Abolitionist and a coward, who evin ces a devotion to freedom by regarding shivery as a hell-born and earth cursing , principle-- We do not deny to Col. Davis the qualities of courage and energy, but he must not deem it strange if the people regard his course as - in 00tudstent and his devotion as questionable, lf, while, he is jeopardizing his life and pouring °abide blood In the field, he allow othem to nitit s fwmwitty with which to assail the true principle `of loyalty, and behind his aline,. Weep themselves from the retribution of the 'wand they indignation of the people. 'hip • Defasiat funt'esTlike A obronto spinster whenever it istterepts to reply to an argument on- the cause of the rebellion, and is more prolific of wpiSheht for those who deem the disfranchise mitit of slavery as the destruction of rebellion, than the most venal and vituperative sheet in tharinOLOPlLPOseiblY be of these who_ are ad riniiinethe 'Mies and establishing thenutistr it, trObestederal gornmeut among' the i 4 in rebellion. FAMES IN 2HE REBELLION. When the conspiracy of the slave holders showed its venom, and when the supposed su periority o f the southern rebels was a theme for the discussion and ventilation of the dough faces of the north, the front men of the Repub lican party were tauntingly told that they must fight down the rebellion on their,own responsi bility,aa the Democracy had no oonnection either in creating, or no inclination in crushing, the raid. This is a historical fact. When the country discovered the . appa ll ing a extent of the treason, and when for time the people almost shrank from the contest which. by vilifying Democratic tongues, they had been taught would be unequal and disastrous, the energy of the nation was aroused' by the bold ness of a Republican administration, and at once a force was brought into the field to cope with traitors. When this force was being disciplined —when the raw recruit was asked to yield to the rigor of the camp, and when, during the first enrollment, it was thought that the war would be finished in a few months. the Democratic party, through its leaders, struggled in every manner to embarrass the operations of the army by prejudicing the business and financial classes against extending all aid to the government, until their acts became so audacious as to arouse the indignation of the peeple, and attract to these same leaders the odium of sympathisers with traitors, while the fiery threats of the mob in -more than one instance intimidated those who'could not be convinced, and forced others, who avowed< their sympathy for the rebels, into at least a tacit support of the gov ernment. These historical facts'prove, that the burden and the support of the war mainly rest on the policy adopted by the Republican party, and had that policy been permitted freely 'to demon strate itself in results, the end of the rebellion would have been arrived at four months ago, and the peace of the country been established now as fairly as ever. If the policy of the Re publican party, first enunciated in Congress, on the subject of armed resistance to the rebellion had been adopted by that body—if James Bu chanan, understanding as he did, the extent of the rebellion, and knowing as he did, the in terest of the leaders, had used the power con ferred on Mai by his perogatives of office, the rebellion would have been crushed out before he left the Presidential mansion one year ago. Bat in all these instances, the object of the Democratic party has been to break down the Re publican organization of the country. When South Carolina raised the banner of revolt, and the other states now in rebellion, sternly fol lowed her example, the leaders of the Republi can party saw inthe movement, and announced the fact, that the object was not only the die rupture of the American Union, but that it contemplated the annihilation of civil and re ligious liberty oct r ilda hemisphere On theae two points the Republican party based its oppo sition to the rebellion. They opposed the establishment of nOonfedentcy, with slirverxfox its basis, because such an organization was cal culated to affect every principle or development for social and pOlitical 'prosperity, ' Oa ,the other hand, the Democratic party maintained that the rebels had not only the right of seces sion, but that they Shed the cause for revolt, and that whatever position the- traitors might assume, the right of revolution was sacredly theirs, to be exercised whenever they deemed it essential for their gOod, and that in main tabling such a right, they were worthy the applause of all who valued the inalienable right of self-government.. At the organization, of rebellion, such were the positions'of the Republican itild Democratic parties. When the war had been waged for six months, those pieltions were unchauged, and whenever disaster overtook our armies, [ the sympathy of dough face Democrats showed itself ill open applause of treason, while these same Democratic leaders rejoiced in the hour of our dismay, and exultingly pointed to disas ter as the corroboration of their own predio tiona.... Through all the opposition In the free states— with the clamors of the Secret traitors in Con gress—with a press blindly attached to * the principle that the enslairetneat of one race was the highest end which another could accomplish through the influence of De mooracy-with the prejudices whioh such assumptions would create in the public miod, it became the duty of the Republican masses alone to oombit. And they did combat with until revolution achieved, its , end in the free states, and rebellion in the slave states was so ed as to place it beyond the power of been an ely. " " • y aot of the Republican partrhas authority of the federal power. Every Tpitifirlibireir the Republican lcaderii, has of Its objeub the Preeelvatlono•' be and the inatiring of the prosperity of ; the Unienr---T..._....thia war, we repeat, the Republican masseehave max pelted to revolutionise in the free while they were battling against rebellion: in the slave states, and whatever evil' the I, has heretofore worked, that which:will lie fast= ened on Democratic leaders by the 'tionfestion" of traitors, will far exceed it in enormity. and extent. History will prove that.the cenapirairy of the slave holder was seconded by the siirt - patby of Demomtio leaders; and while the first struggled for dominion over soil and souls, the others expected only the reward of office as their loaves and fishes. - Bach has. been and such is the posltiOn of - parties in this contest, Tai vitioar 'which saves life by the strata gem of the leader of an army, is a sublime tribute to the humanity of the age. On this account we most sincerely 4esire that there will be no great encounter such as will send a thrill of horror through the homes of the North, when the bloody details .reach their hearths and their altars. If we, can win the fight by stratagem, the more credit to our skill and perseverance. If we can save the effusion of great quantities of blood, the sooner will 1 the accrimony of the contest be absorbed in future generous business and political competi tions, and the sooner will the memory of the antagonism of the hour die out In the friend= ships a ndcculftdenc* it* hereafter dawn la glory on 'tie land. Bit while such a policy. clan be allMUlanded, and while we ass gem. Pennontrianto !BMW glelegrapt), itlittrottan Afternoon, Slant) 20, .1862 onaly applaud the stratagem which seeks to avoid the butchery of whole armies of rebels, we must not relent in any rigor calculated to bring the leading traitors and instigators of rebellion to the death penalty. The leaders of this rebellion must not be suffered to survive its suppression. To arrest its fury, means to hang every leader, from the liar, Jeff. Davis, to the thief, John B. Floyd. If these wretches are allowed to escape—if justice in some shape, whether it is as a bullet or a halter, fails to overtake these fiends, and they are allowed to go before the people of other climes, with their falsehoods, in their audacity and their reckless ness, this government will be guilty of a deri liction in its duty to otherzovernmente, which the severebt reprehension would fail to punish. We owe it to the peace of the world—we owe it to the purity'of government and the dignity of mankind, each involving a principle which no nation can disregard with impunity, to bring those who - concocted and those who led, the rebellion, to a death penalty such as will vindicate the law, preserve the peace of the country, and i forever ensure the power of the national authority. When strategy can be made productive of such results, humanity and policy will both applaud its adoption. Tam Wino WAGON= 01 TECO ALLIGRANTIO, patriotic poetical production from the prolific pen of T. Buchanan Reed, was read in the House of Representatives last evening, by tire eminent American tragedian and elocutionist, James E. Murdoch. The House was filled with a brilliant, critical and fashionable audience, whose presence we regarded as at once a tribute to the author and the reader of the Wild Wag oner of the Alleghenies. The, poem Is founded on the incidents and facts which abound in our Revolutionary history,while the scenes selected by the writer in which to lay his plot and bring out his characters, are those which have been made immortal by the struggles and victo ria' of Washington; Wayne, Lafayette and their compeers. They embrace the torture, suffering and wild suspinse of Tilley Forge, with the battle, , . slaughter and defeat at Brandywine. Among and out of these, with the aid of a most prolific and brilliant poetical fancy, Mr. Reed his woven a poem of the highest order, on which he can well rest his fame, already so extensive and so eniriable, but we doubt if the Wild Wagoner of the Alleghenies ever would have been as successful as it is, bad it failed to receive the elocutionary touches of the tongue of Mr. - Murdoch. It is his enuncia , tion which developed its real beauty. It is his rich and mellefiuous voice which brings out the real cadence of its numbers ; while his bright and vivid conception, gives us a rail idea of its characters, from the rough and dar ing Wagoner himself, to the gentle boy and maid whose destinies axe sotefiderly and closely woven into one fate by the imagination of the poet. In the reading of this poem, Mr. Murdoch has been deservedly snmessful. On the, stage he has no superior, either as au actor, scholar and gentleman, and we congratulate him on the new line he has adoptid of appearing before the public, as one in which the characteristics of the man and the scholar can be better 'ex hibited than on: the boards of a thealse. Pennsylvania Legislature Taunt:tax, March 20, 1862. The Senate met at eleven o'clock; and was called to order'by the Speaker. . ' • The Journal of yesterday (Wednesday) was partly read, when • On motion of Mr. CONNELL, the further reading of the same was dispensed with. Several petitions were presented and appro priately referred. Mr. BOUGIiTER presented a nmonstiance of citizens of Dauphin county, against thti, passage of House bill No. 148, an act to prevent the fraudulent use of castings. • Referred to the Committee on the Jatlinhury. Several reports on private bills were Made. Mr. IRISH read in place, an act for b sup pression of bawdy houses.' Referted to' the Committee on the J okay: 1 Mr. CLYM:ER, an act to authorise ces to release the lien of a mortgage. Referred to the Ckuumittee on the J tiny- Mr. M'CLIJRE offered a resolution t when the. Senate adjourn, this a ft ernoon, I he till Monday neat, at three P. Y. ' Agreed to. House bill No. 96, an act relative io land- . lords and tenants, came up & in order/On third reading, and Passed finally. i - ' The bill to change the place of holding the Supreme Court, from Sunbury to 'Williamsport, was taken up and defeated by indefinite post ponement. Mr. CLYMER recorded his vote on the rata lotion passed yesterday, to grant , the Senate her to Wendell Phillips. He " ThelAutte then - akloarned. THURSDAY, March 2Q, 1861. The SPEAKER called the ROIL* to order at ten'TO clOCk, A. X. • - ' Prayer by the Bey. Mr. owe. The CLERK feed the journal Of _Yesterday, ; which was approved. Agreeably to , order, The House resumed the comaidenstion of House bill No. 90, -, entitled "An Act to- reduce capital stook of the Girard Box& of. the city of Philadelphia." On the filial passage, The yeas and nays were required by Mr. REX and Mr. COWAN and were as follow, vie: Yeas—Messrs. Abbot, _Armstrong, Banks, Barron, Beaver, Beebe, Bighaus Blanchard, , Bliss, Buibey, Cluithauf, Cochran, Dennis, 'Dougherty, Elliott, Gamble; Gross, Hall, Hap ' per, Henry, Hutu/mum, Kennedy, Lehman, M'Coy,l Myers, Pershing, Paters, Ritter, Ross, (Luserne,) &rook, Soott, Shannon, Smith, (Philadelphia,)Twitchell, Vincent, War ner, Wildey, Williams, WindY, Worley and Rowe, Speaker-42. Nave—Messrs. Bates, Boileau, Brown, (Nor thrmatierland,) Caldwell,: Cowan, Craig, Delone, Divins, Donley, (Greene,) Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Duffield, Earley, Fox, Freeland, Gaskill, Graham, Grant, Hess, Hoover, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) Josephs, Kline, labar, Liohten wanner, M'Cullosikg W Making Neiman, V iat z : , Ramsey, Bea, Rom, (Miffiln,)Bowland, Sellem , Thompson, Weidner, Wimley, Wolf, and seigler-40.i 8o tie bill paged Brea*. PIInTIONS, AO. v . • • A b ow mgmber of petitions were presentea ; a nambaTlofVivate rre. UU 11 1( 1 uP luiiiibiticagaladastulifirkuneup _ C Theaougoadjournediunkireuree o'«"ANLmios SENATE. HOUSE OF REIPIII323ENUTTVE3 aIIRAZD. BUZ. --411AVT -2-, .....---- - 4r ...... ..„2-..,:k.,-,--- ---..... _ ~,,,,, ,-;----, V - ,::' ,---;,-,., , w , 't .....--. , /In , ~- -, .. t: ..., v .....-. . r From Fortress Monroe NORTH CAROLINA CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION ELECTION OF JOSEPH MEGAIL The Traitor Commissioner Yancey Captured. Occupation of .131. Mary's and Jackson vile, Florida, by the U H. Troops. , POILTRISS March 19 Returns from nearly all the precincts of Ac oomao and Northampton counties show Mt. Watson to be ahead of Seger near 100 votes.— The result in HamptOn precinct, however, changes the result, and Jo l eph Seger is elected to Congress by 180 or 140 majority. A flag of truce was sent out to-day but no news was received from the south. By order of General Wool, the boat's crew were not permitted to receive the Southern pa pers, and consequently the press is cut off from the supply heretofore drawn upon. The steamer Rhode laland arrived from Key West with the mails yesterday evening, and sailed immediately for New York. Commissioner Yancey was captured a few days since on board a schooner which was try ing to run the blockade. He was dressed in sailors' clothes, and was recognized by one of the newspaper corritipondents. St Mary's and Jacksonville, Florida, have been occupied by our forces. The United States bat k Young Rover, from the mouth of the Rippahannook, arrived last night, but brings no news. It has been discoVered that the telegraph cable was cut about ten miles from the eastern shore. A man has been arrested, who is sup posed to be the culprit, and has beat sent to Gen. Lockwood. An example will probably be made of him. The wind ia east, and the weather unpleasant. FROM WASHINGTON The Miens of Gallatin, Tenn., Petition for a Post-Office THE PETITION GRANTED -.- APPOIMIEET • :OF A .POS • Z 14 ! AT NASHVILLE, TENN. flittering Report from a Special Agent, o the Poet-Office Department. The Evaouation of Acquie, Creek Confirmed., Z Weihmuroh, Much 20 The citizens of Gallatin, .Tennessee, a town which had been decidedly disloyal, met, in town meeting recently, and Were aSdieseed by Billie „Peyton, Fag., a4oyal man and voted to petition Tor a post office there, expressing a willingness to return to their allegiance: A post office will be established there iu a few days according to their petition. John Lellyet has been appointed postmaster at Nashville. He wrote some. f the best articles against secession dating the agitation of that subject in Tennessee. He was one of the refu gees from that State, but now returns in that official capacity. A special agent ef the Poet Office Department, acting on the Tennessee andilentucky borders, rep rill as follows : • 'lt is gratifying that wher ever I have been, to find there is a strong desire for the re-satablistimeht of the' mails, and a willingness among the people to return to their allegiance. Three deserters, brought up by the steamer Leslie this morning, confirm tree report of the evacualion of :A.cquie Icreek.:. They say t.,e rebel tofces there bad been 2,000. Be.fore they lift they tore up a large part of the railroad, set Ore to the itition, wharves, &c., and burnt a large schooner. FROM THE MIkSSIPPL THE REBELS AT'fSWID NO. 10. DISPATCHES FROM COM A . FOOTE TES TATTLE - STILL PROGRESSING The *Union' Twit' Oak* on the ,Enemy. FINE RIFLE PRACTICE Wakaciroi, March 20: - An official dillPs:tch Alan Commodore Pooh), 'received at 12 o'clock, midnight, yesterdayi at Cairo, pad telegraphed hither to-day, says: Island No. 10 is harder to conquer thap 00- lomi•tia auk the blind ' &ores are lhial with forts, each fort oorumanding the one above it. Hawes gradually approaching it, but still' did Cot hope for much until , the occuramcr (A . :oy r _ -fain avails which prong" . success. We, are tiring day!andAnlght on this rrbelay and we gain on them. We .are having some of the most beautiful rifle practice ever witnessed. The mortar shells have done fine execution. One ell was fairly landed on their floating battery lend bleared the concern in short metre. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Pere„ *arch 20. Flour market dull—sales 2000 barrels extra family. sold at $6 65®6 75, and some super. fine at $6 12}. Very little demand for ship ments. Saa! Sales of rye flour sB'2s, and cornmeal at $2.76. Wheat in demand and has advanced 2cts. 8000 bushels red sold at wet 85, and white at $1 40@1 60. Bye sells on arrival at, 70®76 1 1. Corn in good de mand, and 60,000 boatels, yellow sold at 54ots. Oats doll at 88'3,84. Coffee very firm, but there Is very little doing. Sales 500 bushels of clover seed at $5 00. Provisions quiet: Small ales of mess pork at 1.3®18 60, and beef at 18®15. Lard steady at 8/081.cts, 200 bar rels of Ohio whiskey sold at 28. Raw YOBX, March 20 Flour firm—sales 75;000 barrels at an ad vance of bats. for State, which is quoted at $6 25@ 5 80. Ohio at $5 7006 80, and for Southern ss'•Bo®s 86. Wheat dad-8000 bushels, sold at $1 28 for Canarliaa. , Corn firm-20,000 bushels sold at 58,1060ctei.' Pork ateadi at $lB 25018 84. 4. 4 .011 at 7K4 Sic. Nliudter,iwouvigio - at 24102ar5. Re al*. 'fie ilom iaigoo :birreu. Wheat 1,722, bushels. Cora 1227 bushels. THE WAR IN FLORIDA. Capture of Fort Marion, St, Angnsl tine and Jacksonville. The Official Report of Flag Officer Dupont FLAG SHIP WABASH, Of &. Augustine, Fla., March 18,1882. Bl2l:—Haviog on the 4th despatched a di vision of my force to hold Brunswick, consist ing of the Mohican, Pocahontas and Potomeka, under Commander Gordon, I shifted my flag from the first named vessel to the Pawnee, and organised another squadron of light vessels, embracing tlie four regular gunboats—the Ot tawa, Henrea, Pembina and Huron, with the Isaac Smith and Ellen, under Lieutenant-Com manding Stevens, to proceed without delay to the month of the St. Johns river, and cross, if possible, its difficult and shallow bar, shell the forth, if still held, and push on to Jacksonville— indeed, to go as far as Pilatka, eighty miles beyond, to reconnoitre and capture the river steamers. This expedition was to be accompae nied by the armed launches and cutters of the. Wabash, undir Lieutenants Irwin and Barnes, and by a light draft transport with the Seventh New Hampshire regiment! After arranging with Brigadier General Wright our joint occupation of the Florida and Georgia coasts, including the mansion and grounds of Dungennes, on. the Cumberland Island--originally the property of the revolu tionary hero and patriot, General Greene, and still owned by his descendants—and leaving Commander Percival Drayton in charge of the naval force, / rejoined this ship, waiting for me off Fernandina, and proceeded with her to St. Johns, arriving there on the 9th. The gun boats had not been able to cross the bar, but expected to do so the next day—the Ellen only getting in that evening. As at Nas sau, whicn was visited by Lieutenant Com manding Stevens, en his way down, the forts seemed abandoned.. There being no probability that the Huron could enter, I despatched her off St. Augustine, where I followed her, ar riving on the llth. I immediately sent on shore Commander C. R. P. Rodgers, with a flag of truce, having reason to belleve.that if there were ny, people on this coast likely to remain in their houses it would be at St. Augustine. I enclose Commander Rodgers' most interesting report, which, I am sure, the department will read with satisfaction. The American Sag is flying' once more over that old city, raised by the hands of its , own people, who resisted the appeals,• threats and falsehoods of their leaders, though compelled to witness the carrying off of their sons in the ranks of the flying enemy. This gives us pos session of a mond national fort of strength and importance. Since writing the above, I have received by the Isaac Smith, a report from Lieutenant Com manding Stevens, of his operations in the St. John's river, giving details of great interest.— I learn with regret of acts of vandalism on the part of the rebel commanders, if not the people, in setting fire to - vast quantities of lumber, and the saw-mills in that region, owned by 'North ern men, supposed to have Union sympathies. In all this varied and difficult service—hav ing to contend with surf, shores, dangerous bars and inland navigation, in an enemy's country—l think it due to the officers and'men Wader my command to say that they have on all ablialons di-played great spirit and ability, fully coming up to my . requirements and e - *stations. Vary ropeetfully. &o. '(liiigned) EL F. DUPONT, Aug 446 r. 'TO Hon, tiara Mamas, *marry of ,We. FROM -.SHIP, ISLAND Arrival oi .General Bailor, Staff and Troop. ........411........ Naw Tons, Much 2A. The steamship Fulton has mrived with Ship Islamd dates to the 18th inst. The health of the troops was excellent. The steamship Constitution, with General Butler and staff and troops, arrived at Ship Island on the 12th inst. THE NEW YOBS MONEY MARKETS. Naw YoBX, March 20 Stocks dull and easier--Chicago and Bock Island ; Cumberland si ; Illinois Central Railroad 65f; Illinois Central bonds 94; Michi gan Southern 471; Missouri sixes $5 25 ; Ten nessee sixes 591; Treasury sevens $1 00; Gold 11 per cent. premium. X2MIIth Congress--Firat Session. WASHINGTON, MST& 20. IN SENATE. A communication was received from the Sec retary of the Navy in answer to the resolution, asking why the naval academy had teen re moved from Annapolis. Dir. Swam, (Mas.,) presented a petition from citizens of New York, asking the passage of a law for the protection and improvement of the Indians. The joint resolution in relation,to the claim of Marshal 0. Roberta for the loss of the steamer Star of the West was passed. Ofkraotionl of ;Mr. TRUMBULL' ( 111 t) the bill for the relief of District Attorney's was taken up. The bill authorizes the Attorney General and Secretary of the Interior to fix the salaries of District Attorney's, which, in no case, shall exceed $6,0,00. After some discussion the bill was laid over. MR. Truniiim,from the, Judiciary Gommitee, reported back the joint resolution for od-ope ration with the States for emanoipation in ac cordance with the President's 131e81114111 , 141), the recommendation that it do pass. -On motion of Mr. Gums, (lowa,) the bill for the re-organisation of the Navy department was taken up. HOUSE OF 11,11PIOSENTATIVES. Mr. Wxr.eo'N, made a report In relation to the ceoßorship of the press. The consideration was•postponed till the find Monday of April. Mr. Eircutnix, (Pa.,) from the Committee on the Judiciary; reported back the several bills and resolutions referred to them on the subject of the confiscation of rebel property with & re commendation adverse to theirpasaage or adop tion. Mr. Morass desired also to submit a minor ity report on the same subject. Mr. Buturtam (Ohio,) wished to submit a sub stitute for one of the bills against which an ad verse report had been made. Mr. Psanzarros (Ohio,) wished to have the bills and resolutions laid on the table. Mr. Human (Ohio,) desired a vote on this resolution. Mr. Busman said he was disposed to dem a nd the previous question on the Immediate accept ance of his proposed substitute. He had also a substitute for another of the Ms reported against. Mr. WYouirs, (Ky.,) denied that Mr. Bing ham had a right at this time to offer a substi tute, inasmuch as the bill has not been takes up for consideration. The rePerte,*ade by Mr. Hicsaux were re ceived,' bet riot acted upori: The consideration of the subject was postponed. The House then took up the tax bill. During a debate on the section regarding dis tiller's licenses, .Mr. Hvzoniss said that the noise was so great that it appeared that the contents of the distilleries were let..ont, upon the House. • - Mr. Wroutni expressid the opinion that gft/tol4*. cllotbetLml * 4 *MM btiieCt li quor dtoUN be &snit then how It wax made. Ellett. march 19th, 1892, J. \Vallee' grew, aged forty years. Cilia friends of the fa tady are Invited to attend hie funeral from the residence of gm, Orth, on grant street, on Nriday at two o'clock P. II lc tto '2ltwertistments ...„„_„--------...,...„.,__., PUBLIC BALE. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Dauphin county, will beexposed t o w e. on Paturdar, the 19th day of April, 1882, on the pre mises, at eine o'olock P. it The $3 Bowing real estate, lilt : All that certain right, title or equitable interest i s a certain tract of laud situate in Jackson ton.hip, Dauphin county, adjoining lands of Adam Zimmerman, Jacob Zimmerman, Chrhtlan Warfel and othera , e a. tabling about eighty acres more or 1= se of Improved law ; whereon la erected a log hones, leg barn and other build ings. There is a never are spring of water neer the premises, and the fields are all convenient, wdh a stream of wet& running through each. There is also ea ezoellant orehard of choice fruit trees on the premise,. Late the estate of John Zimmerman, deemed. Attendance will be given and conditions of rate e w e known by Valentine Straw, Ado Wistrator of said de. Nand- JO rift 8 1.11GL AND, Clerk, 0 C. name/HMG, March ID, 1862-41it-wta llSR.—Mackerel Noa. 1, 2 and 3, in who's or half barrels. Perish tarot e for sale low NILROL s dr BOWstdlc, cornet of Front sold Signet streets. EA COAL OIL, Lamps, Shades, Chimne am. ys, Wicks rand a s7e by rything connected with the 01l bait. Norow NIOUOLS tc BOWMAN Comer Prom and Mar et street m-Zly B R O OM a le low Tub bys, Baskets, Churns, r NICHOLS & BOWSIAN, °truer of 'front and Mark t streets . m2O -y FRESH lot of choice Garden Seeds just received, and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN corner of , Front and Market strees. in2o7 FOR RENT. A THREE story brick house, containing eleimu rooms, Situated In Muberry straw, ma door trout &gond. Fur further pinicti Isrs enq afro cf SAMUFL E Marl 9.4 to Next door to Holier's Hardwarl :Aare WILLIAM TELL Ronk pIIIS old established house baying bees 4. thoroughly renovated and repsl-ed, uow open the violins. The terms for mood or transient b ariiere will be aSSAtbslactary as at any public bou,e a th2ci g marl94St liio3lss NI HO .4US. - NEW. HOUSE FOR SALE. rpHE new frame bonne now being built on State street oelow Second, 'nil oe [fol, bed by the let of April, Inclading paving, gal end wate- pi n ep- SO t ole dt[ o ohIORIN C. Nnt.a, No. &I Market c &rum. NEW GOODS.—We invite atteutiou to air new stook of goods just received , and for 12.11 low 7 NIALCILS & BOWMAN' carter of front and Market streeti. ei HEAP SUGARS, Chola., Syrup, Tea 3, IL) Jto.„ ta. FOr sale low by NICLIOLS & BOWMAN, earner of Front, and Marked awns. TIRESII. Oranges, Lemous,PruneJ, Cocoa nuts. /tor sale by NICHOLS &BOWMAN, corner of Front andnartot strvecr. EXTRA Family Flour, Superior Curs Most, Binokwhont, moat. Bar *ale low by tiTtili/L3 1 BMW, scorner of Front and sLizkot s ones. QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, 1 Boas, March 11, 1862. f UPS will be received a this ()tura until SATURDAY, March 22, 1862, for TWO HUNDRED & T WENTY-FITE HORSES, suitable fur CAVALRY, from . l6 to 16 hands hliro, between 6 and 8, Yellin of age, of dark colors, well broken to the midi; oompsotly built and free from all de feat!. And for BITE HUNDRED suitable fur A ET ILLBE Y, from 161 to 16 hands high, between ti and 8 7saTl of age, of dark colors, free from ad &- MU, well broken to harness, and to weigh not lesslhan 1,100 pounds. 'Every horse offered that does not conform to the specifications above, will be rejected. ;The Government reserves the right to reject all bids deemed unreasonable. _ _ mchl4-41td SEEDS i SEEDS ! ! SEEDS I; 1 TIIST xeoeived and for E ale at the Agri. coMittia Starep, 110 Market street, tha LARGEST STOCK GE bah_ sag genuin• garden, Flower and Field needs this Mate maims of Philadelphia. Garden awls at THREE CENTS PER PAPER, 'WARRANTED to contain as much as eau to I:hd /brims esatraaywhare else, and in balk, at prices abiel atilismK bar coder sold. Mao egrieultund and hurtled. baud Implements for the season. I invite at endue Ely ANILDAVID Lll:Lkitals, mallArilt42w 110 Market street HUMPHREY'S' STEOIFIO HOMCEPATIII O REMEDIES! WE have received a fresh stock of these valuable reMedlee—euitablo tor o.:1 moaner of Mime -tor list of Scuola° Reraediee Bee aimulan fx 1862. IA Odin beze3, with dtreeVons, or di els. an 4 Utln map of six boxes with book of dire/woos $ I Od. In case or Witten bores with book of oirecooLd in pass et twenty large vials with Woe ut aironnas $4 00 In awe of 66 61 66 4' _`"an , mrPrenared to till case rude of any of ell soillenwee from No. Ito 20, sod to furetiti Llanapbre.f , Remedies as customers may desire. P°ND''S "TRACT OF HAllde KISS, or Voaeta* Pain Destroyer, prepared by F. Ilumpbregicit be purchased by, wholesale or retail at SIBLLER'S Drug ne at Mot et g, t. NEW DRESS GOODS. 151MIBBOIDEBED REPS, J.ll Plain and Figured Reps, Rich Figured all Wool Dela - lure, Plain Merinoes and Cashmeres, Fancy Paris Dress Silks, SMerlor Plain Colored Dress Silks, Warranted makes of plain black silks, New Styles Low Priced Delaiced At CA ['WART ds north: it's Wort dear to the Harriatourg Bang Sisr , cer. :War e ' notr4 CELEBRATED DANDELION COFFEg, JUST RECEITED - a lare quantity of superior Dandelion Coffee, which g we will sell IDe t° °pit the times i also, pure ground Ws Gaffe air+ Uri key Coffee all putt up In one pound puctages• 111' examine at the wholesale and retail groce-5, store of HICUOLS g 130Witaff, corner of Front and AMILY WASHING- BLUE, a n euel lent sabattatte for Indigo, for sale at the attele•ale an retailgrocery store of Niorras corner of Front and Market areeti. -------------- SHAWLS! DRESS GOODS! NUNS!! ALARGE stock of these goods will be disposed of at iso7 low prices. He fail Ve/1f Liatc• beep at CATEIig, Next. door .o the ilarrieber —.------ CIDER II 1 VINEGAR ! . MADE from choice and selected APP ieEll and guaranteed by us to be strictly pure. 4rd. PlKn__., MILITARY GAUNTLSEB. ANE"c l4, rs ,received, of the beet guality, at jaaat door to BerriV Amt. JAS. HEUER, Maj. Quartermaster.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers