13 Nero 2lhertioniento. GREAT SALE AND FREE DISTRIBUTION I DR. W. BARR, OF HARRISBURG,. Having ' pnrehused the entire right and Intereatt;:m ann. facture and sell M'CONNELL'B GOLDEN ELECTRIC OIL, EVERY body ought to join in circulat ing it, if the fact, we represent are so. All are in - *created, the well and Mille:ed. The GULDEN ELS:4IIRLO oil Is useful In chronic and Nervous Diseases, gnat as Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Oitterraia, Scrofula:, riles, Fresh or Old Sores, Ulcers, Glandular dwellings, Female Complying, Sore Breasts, dm In fact 'Morels no family medicine that ~cis with such magic power as the Golden lftectnc t ii. Madre& can Certify to its Virtues. 'For the purpose of introducirg it lota every family, With tWoof my'own va u.ble preparations lor Coughs, Croup, Weak and Inflamed Bye-, tie d as an induct meet to UMW Who assist me to dispose of 20 gross, I place in pesaeasion of a commtLe of hoooraulo gentlemen the Mewing valuable sri toles, fur FRltEdlstributiou amougsl the purchasers : 1 Sine 11-uciavo Plano. „ ...... 1 Floe Dressing 8ureau..... .... 1 Floe Cottage Bedstead 1 Fine Moped Gold Lever Wotan 1 Fine co. 2 Fine Silver Watehea, Ei 00.... 1 old Violin and Bow 1 Memo Box, 1 Floe Double-barrefled Gun_ 1 Sine (Semi-tune Accordeoft.... 4 Gold Bracelets, $1 00 eeo duxes Valuable Pills, 26 eta.... 400 Boxes Tooth Powder,' 25 eta .200 Copies laced Dan 1 ice, Embellished, 25 cis 50 1 Copy r ßeolumes, Christian Union, $1 00.... 6 1 Finn Bilk 20 1 Fine DelaineDress........ .......... . ..... 3 Alpe LaWn. Dresses, 143 00„... bine Gold Yentas, $1 00 Flue SireTe.BUitOos, 1234 cm , 25 24 Flee Ladies' Guards, 25 me 20 Fine tette of Jewelry, $1 00 20 20 Fine Double Hecallious, 1 00 '2O 60 Sloe Locket rill- 50 Ms 25 Wking MUM t3tude;2s Ms , 150 sue linol£l.toras twigs, 25 eis ... . . ..... 125 200 Fine Gent. , S:eove ewer's, 12X eta 25 itio Fine alien's Razor Powder, 25 ...... 25 1 Gilt Family Bible._ 3 1 Barrel F10ur.... 70 (na the payment et 25 emirs tor t soh Bottle or Box of the hislanue, the purchaser, will tcative a receipt and nu order for an emvelow, which will contain too name ~11 eue or the idiocy() b it's. - e/ti the day of the distribution of slits, the envelopes will be placed Ma Color wheel, with a hole to pass the Mum Into it, Die ouvelopes all put into the wheel, wall shook up and secured, each purchaser will draw out his or her own envelope; the gift camel therein will be given as soon es the drawing closes. Sio tics will be given to agents, and in the papers, of the day of distributton. Pure, &tars a distance W have au equal share with those residing in Harrisburg. On re ceipt of the motley fur one or more dozen, the medicine, with cal Menlo and orders, will ha forwarded by express, free of emerge. lu let cases the mouicine is warranted to cure or give relief, or no emerge. See certificates.' Da. W. liata—Lana But :—As I have learned th at you haS o purchased We right to manufacture slid sell M'Con• nelPs Bowen Eiectrie Oil, for hie benefit of the afflicted, 1 sena the fidlowing :-1 nave hem afflicted with a run ning core on my lea leg Co , Lai years. During that time I have been under the treatment of ten'of the best Doc tors in klarrisburg, Baltimore and Cumlierland county ; tut all could nut etect a more. A little over a year past, going into my blecitemith shop after dark, 1 hurt my rigatleg also, below the nee. It spread all a rowed ,the leg, and Mame a ritunieg sore. Several Doctors cola me 1 must nave my leg Mimi' otf, mundleation having taken pined. Fortunately got a moose of , your Golden Electric WI for my cuid's sure mJut.i. It curod so coon that I thought I wouid try it uu my legs. I have been using it about six weeks, sum my legs are now hoaled up --bound sod well. We, the unuersigned, who are well acquainted with Blithe I. Bench, Cu certitj , to the fact as stated above, and the nenenel4l tercet& qr it onuelt's Golden Electric Oil tin malty , of our tieigueors. 'REMO( ANDREW, C EBsRLY, A. P. E.KB, (Bridgeport Hotel.) iihNJAillti CLAY, .1 LONtilaNataltal, Esq. I have been using Dr. Barr's Croup syrup in-toy family for the pact ts o years. I would cot be without Bat any price, as my children are sublect to Colds tnd Croup. 1 DelieVe I have saved their lives by the use of the medicine. No family with children ought to be without it. , ' SWARTZ, (livery,) Harrisburg. CAMP CIATIN, December 6, 1861. Da. Baca Guma you meet sincere y for the (tha w:int you gave Me iur my eyes. I haVe et iy used it a iew Gm; and.am now. entirely tree from intlaniatmn and Pain which is mere than I haveheen for the laid nye yam re.- 1 hope God will these you fur the froogitt. No person afflicted with weak or. inflamed sore eyes ought to bo Without it , J. C. MILkS. Doing well acquainted with J. C. Mlles, whit he Celli- Ilea to above it correct and true, as singu,ar as it may J. B LiEtati, C. C. for Bedford. liundreds h the Cure ded—l LIAVO only given Die above. Plies, fetter, ?Olden, „Loh, Lune JAW, GOUthrenCOA,•Gleet, Leucerrine, and all secret. ilLielliee Oil. ea mai same suo. am, or no charge. . • Ten per coat..yrjit. L be patu, to all pergola, telling one or more moon. W. BARB , j2o4tawif LATEST NEWS. NICIAULS & BOWMAN having just re turned trom the haat wile kin extcueive uhd are actuated Mona of geode, inirchAsed for taw], resuec fully invite the altizena of klarriaburg and vicinity to call and mm 140111,00 New Gie old etau .1 luruierly oc espied by V. Hummel, corner /runt dual alarhet cote, Harrisburg, Pa.- Yyloes us low AS any other house, COFFEE, Green and Browned ; ( *SUGAR of .all grades.; MOLASSES and Choice Syrups ; FLOUR, in Barrels and Sack ; BUCK-WHEAT and CORN-MEAL; RICE, BEANS. POTATOES' ; ''FISH, of all Lids; SAM', Coarse and fide ; OIL, Coal Oil and Whale Oil ; SPICES; all kinds Ground and Unground, fresh frum the Mill. APPLE 4, Green and Dried • amass, CURRENIS, NUTS, DRIED FRUITS, SOAPS, Common and Fancy ; WILLOW and CEDAR-WARE; CIGARS, best of Imported Brands; TOBACCO, Smoking and Chew ; QUEENtsWAIM ling IatfEENdWASE 'Mountie assortment of all styles, and patterns and Ewes. OW slid examine our Stock or Goode et the Wholesale and Metall Grocery, Fruit and Provision store, corner Front and Market streitt, Harrisburg, Pa. Courdry. Produce taken • WORSTED GOODS; LADIEB ) NIIBIAS, 1 4 1 Wailes Head Dresses, Ladies Hoods; hP 138 .34- 13 [9 0 41 • rigida tentage, • Misses Mitts,:&c., &cc. 4 heshilerrolenJust opened at vaTewiturs, nov4 Next door to the Harrisburg Bank ALMANACS 1' ALMANACS I BEAR'S GERMAN AND ENGLISH AL MANACS In every quality can be bad at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN I I F you want to get suitable BOOKS for your C hildren, go to BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. GOLD PENS ! GOLD PENS 1 T A R largest and most • varied assortment o GOLD PENS is for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. WALL PENS Wanamum). DFOR'IB62.—A great variety at exceeding low pruleS. at EIIIKFNUPS BOOKSTORE- PORT FOLIOS—WRITING DESKS. AN entire new assortment of these useful ar tides just opened at BERGNER'S Cheap Bookstore, pIIRE Cider Vinegar, for sale at ICIIO LS & BO WIIAN'S, J 6 corner Eront & Market streets CIDER II I VINEGAR!!! MADE from choice mid.selected* Apples, rnd guariumo by us to be strictly puro pig.d • • - DOOR & • 4 0 0TIONS:—Quite a variety of - nodal and enlatlaininipartialas—ohe KIEFF4RI B9PO,TPEE. tor! .4 11111 • a I Tir 5 airltrn. - _ D 1862 I f•i-. - r. LADIf..O' WINE. :PEER'S SAMBU . OI WINK Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. $lOO 15 8 85 10 ..5 D Every Family Should Use. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE riELER BAT ED for ite medical and bend ‘,..) finial qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic , euc and Sedornio, highly esteemed by eminent physi :Mos, and some of the first families in Bunion an dmiTlea. SPEER'S 9.ItItIBUCI not a mixture or manufactured article, but is ourc, rom cultivated Portugal Elder, recommended oy them eta and Physicians as wagoning medical properties Cu 2erior to any other %%tiara In use, and an excell.ni irti de for all weak and debilitated cereal:is, and the aged .nd infirm, Improving the Aopetite, And benefiting ladi Lod chUdren. A LAtitr9S- tNE, because It will not intoxicate as other wines, ILO It COD talon no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and le wi• mired fbr its riot peculiar flavor and nutritive properties , imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, and a blooming, Bolt and healthy gain and complexion. att.. An* unless the signature of AL,Fitht....28.1211, Passaic, N. J., e over he cork of each bottle ~ AKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPEER, Proprietor. Passaic, N. J . Who 208 Broadway, New Yolk. J. H. EATON, Agent, Philadelphia . . Nor We by D. W. Grow, Si Clo., e. K. Keller, John Wyeth and by druggists generally jyl-dew ly. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PHILADELPHIA; INCO,RPORATED 1836. CAPITAL AND es,sigps $904,907.61. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1,219,476.1 . THE undersigned, as Agent for the well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or an• mildly, on property In either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to tiVILLIA6I BUEHLER, Harrlsburg,'Pa. oot4'ol-dawl7 EJASthI T. 110i;CH JOHN WALLOWER, JS., Agt GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. fIOODS AND MKFtCHANDISE promptly ILA forwarded by Philadelphia and:Reading, Northern Cential, Cumberland galley and Pennsylvania Railroads and Canal. HAULING AND DRAYING to and from all parti of the city to the dilleront Railroad depots will be done at the very, lowest rates. FAXELIBB removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E:S. Zollinger, will receive prompt attention. Con idgnmentis oh .igot respeetfully solicited. Harrisburg, C.a. Select Schools for BOVS and Girls FRONT EMMERT ABOVE LOVEST: Fall term of ROBERT frl'ELWEE'b' boot lor.boye, will open -en the drat Monday In September. l'h.) room Is well veutilated, comlbrtably fundithed, and In every respect adapted !or school pur , paws; CATHARINEI WELWEIS'S School for girls, locate t n the same building, will open for the Fall term at the same time. ; The room has been elegantly Sited up to promote he health and comilirt of scholars. aug2.2thf SPECIFIC HOMCEPATHIC AT E have received a fresh stock of these Yl9 valuable remedles—suitable for all manner of disease -for list of b'peoiflo Remedies sea Almanac for 1862. In single boxes, with directions, far 25 cts. and 50 cis. In case of six boxes with book of directions $1 00. In ease of fifteen boxes with book of directions $2 00. In case of twenty large vials with book of directions 4 00 In o w , o f it it /6 ti it sg 00 We are now prepared to Oil case vials of any of the Remedies from No. 1 to 20, and to furnish Humphreys' Remedies as customers may desire. POND'S hhETRAIN OF HAMAXICISS, or Vegetable Pain Destroyer, prepared by F. Humphreys, hi D., can be purchased by wholeisale or retail - at .111211.111113 Drug and Fancy:Store, . J2l 91 Market street. ANOTHER: TlViir. STOCK! Portable :tyr , 14 . 0gp . e81%,. Backgammon Boards, Traveling rses, Wallets, Toilet Bottles, and a general assortment of Call at .10HEFFETS.,_,BOOK STORE. . (x 111.1.8 FilkalkinßllßG BltlDthe.) , UNil,O N V.ELOP Pi& V - o'V.E.l.l4kEit., of six different designs printed In two color; sold by the thoodand mar 1)3, the Ne, am at-City•CaSh -prio.m. • Also, Flags Onion areast Nies, Eagles, Onion King!. and Badgeria lieWlen! prices. Call at myB 8011111FPIPAII DENTISTRY.. • n. GEO. W. ii 1 INE. graduate of the Aflialtimore Cello ge of Dente] surgery, having perms nently bloated in the city p 1 Harritibtlrg 4'4 taken . the office formerly occupied by Dr. Gorges, on Third str ea, betweenMarket' and Walnut,.respectfuliy intbrma hle friends d the yu.blin In...general, that he Is prepared to a i ur perform operationg.in the- Denbo proteAsien either surgical lOr mecnanioal, in a manner that shall not be impressed by operators In thin orany other .elty, Hie mode othoserhag artificial teeth is upon (Ito ;dam' in. Moved edientillo principles. Teeth, from °Re to a tell set, mounted on doe Geld, AI. ver, m I ans make or the, Vulcanite Bees. I take great pleasure in recommending the aoove gen; Oman td, all my former patienta of Harrisburg and vi; Malty, said feel confident WM he wilt perform' all opera tions in Edeiclentific manner, from my knowledge of hlf ability, I 1 " F. JS. 80 RDAS. - 11. p. e. N 4. jl MACKERA.L in Kitts, half bar relit, and - harlot% at the - Mew Grocery and Provi eionNtoro, Frorttitud • • . NICHOLS & BOWMAN U I PINS `I-The largest-and b: Q t. otocki from $l.OO to s4.Bo:—WarraiitOO-Lat . I. . 8812171kii-BOOKEITORB • 1 =I fftiotellaneons ToEN WALLOWER JR., Agt., tiffice Rnadleim DePot. HUMPHREYS' REMEDIES! FANCY ARTICLFS, BERGBMIS CHEAP BOOKSTORE 3zlps & erosLegs. SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES! grA NECMITY I' l 7 - MY 110118E11OLD. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S American Cement Glue THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE ' THE CHEAMT GLUE IN THE 'WORLD. . THE HOST DURABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE ONLY RELIABLE GLUE IN THE WORLD. THE BEET GLUE IN THE WORLD. AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE le the only article of the kind ever produced which WILL WITHSTAND ',WATER. IT WILL MEND •WOOD i Save your 'broken' rtirulttire. • IT WILL M END LEATHER, tend ygur...ElFtrest3 t Strive,lelta ? Bopta, IT 'Witt MiNlitLi§6; Gave the pieces of that expensive Cat Glass Bottle WIITLL MEND IVORY, lon't throw away that broken Ivory goo, It la easily re. itatred. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broken China Cups and Saucers 'can be made as good as new. IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That plece,knocked out of your Marble Mantle can be put on as strong as ever. IT WILL. MEND PORORPLIN No matter Ii that broken Pitcher did not cout but a hug, a shilling saved Is a shilling earned.: IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That costly Alabaster Vase is broken and you 'can't match It, mend It, It will never show when put together. It will Mend Bone, Coral, Lava, and in fact everything but Metals. Any article Cemented with AMERICAN MEM' GLUE will not show where It Is mended. ==l "Every Housekeepers should have a supply of Johns & Orosley's American Cement (clue.”—N. Y. Times. "It is a) convenient to have in tee house."—N. Y. Express. It Is always ready ; this commends itself to every body."—lndependant. "We have tried it, and find It es useful in our homes as water."— was , Spirit of the rows. ECONOMY IS IMJATR. MA per year saved In every fnoinKby One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents per Bottle. Price 26 Cents ,PK -13 2.t t 1 e • . • rrice 26 Bottle. Very liberal iii , 4 lo 4 o ,n B 4 o .lnekosk ., ffilyers. TEAM rdisit. -I- ; ad-For sale by all Druggists, and Storoke o pero general ly tbrooKhoat the,oonotty. :0111031i bri.64o**: ; • -- Ole*PirOOD - 4010. • 78 WILLIAM' STW, • • Corner of Liberty gqpei r NE.W Y ()tilt Important toHouse Owners.: Important to Builders. IMportantiO Rail . Road Companies . Important ttili'axm - era. /b all whom this may ccnicern, and limn:vans ovory ' tea, JOHNS & CEIOSLEY'S • INFROT4D GtrITA PEIRCEIA CEMENT ROOFING The. Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use IT Is-FIRE An WATER PROOF. It dan be applied to NSW and OLD ROM of all kinds, steep or Hat, and to Banana Room without removing the shingles. . The Coot.ls only about tbleabird that of Tin AND IT IS TWICE AS DUItABLE. This :uncle bas born thoroughly tested in New York Oily tied all other parts of the United States, Canada, Weetlndiest CentrALluid/3outh America, on buildings of ailltinds such au YOUNDEUSS, Cl.$1114011:118, Sew RasolDsivas, CsOnLand. en/Item 'BUILDINGIO generally Gorsitutuerr .INIILDLYO3, &0., by the priecipal „Builders, Areliftects sod others, during the :past . four t etra; And hat pieced , to he the CHEAPEST and:llOSC DURABLE ROOFING iu use; is In swirl reespeetlVPlßEi WEATHER and TIME PIMP covering for HOOPS OP ALL EINDS. • This L Vie ONLYntaterita inanufaoltwed in Old United StateCwlnch combines the very desirable properties of Elasticay and Durability, which are universally nation lediyad to be possesexi by GUT2A. PARUIIA AND INDIA RUBBER. No Heat is required in making application. The cayenne of applying it is trifling an an ordinary roof can be covered and Galahad the same day. It can be applied by any one, and when finished forms a perfectly Irintfaoor ea_r rage with an elastic.blidisiglibil orinnra be Abret,:iistascr, cum or &clunk §lllll.lstrig Of I to orßeesnoper any ci aci i ternalllion:Whaliriisril , , , LIQUID. - GFUTT.A. PERCHA CEMENT, For Coaling Metals of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of- the Weather, and FOB fIipIKEWING ANI? RICI:F WI% DEETAL ROOFS OF Aix imps. This' is the only Ootipoilluon known Which will Simms°. fully resist extreme changes of all climates, . for any length of time, when applied. o =Mali, to. Which it „ad here* firmly, 'orating a body _evil to cotita of ordinary paint, tests much MN and will LASE TIMES' TIMES AU LONG and from elasticity tit not (Aldred by the contraction and expansion of Tln alld °their 41431aLitoets, consequent Aden sudden changes of the weather. .1/.141 not CRACK IN COLD OR RUN IN WARM WRA4EDIR, AND •WILL NOT mum,. 011. Leat4 , Tin and oth — Rooth (Naha really repair• ed wittf GUTTA PqtOHA CEMENT, and pretien t awl prom farther coirosion attd: leatirlogy -tiiereby , enuring a pcd fortly tight roof for nuuty,paare. Thin Cohan - id ie 'peculiarly adapted for the Preiertration of IRON RAti.INGS, .STOVES, RANGIM, seas, AGRI . ; CULTURAL IMPLSaiNNTd,,dco., also, for general mane temp@ a 11110. . . • . GUTTA PERCHA. CEMENT For preserving and - repaing Tin and other Difetalf Goofs of every description, (root its great elasticity, is not Minted by the Contraction and etpansion of - Metals, and'viill not crack irOuld or run in warm Weather. • Tinese p tiaterlals are ADA.PTID ro ciumanc, and we are ed to supply orders from any part of the coun try, at short notice, for GUTre PERCUA ROOFING in rolls, ready prepared for use, and GMT!. PIERCH:c OE. MENT id barrels, with fill printed directions for limn. cation. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangement& withresponsible parties who would like to establish them- Selves luta lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERM ARE CASK. _ We can eve abundant proof of all we claim in reeor of our lniproved Wing laving applied ttioni,to several thousand:Rooth New Tork City sod vicinity . • - PDEENB •& - CROBLEY, • SOLE MANUFACTURERS, Wholinale Warehouse 78, wimp" St., corker of• Liberty &rest. .51/LW .YOR it Circulars . and Prices Will be furnished, on application. °•"3.4.11i .1.1. i sPIGED sAI44QNI - . - - -- _ - t it , . ripAg AND Ivkitt bELIOAMS„ Pa --- - 4, 4 „,, wiii live 0 54117 ( 1 4, 4 ,,•:. -• : : 1.i . i .... k. : t i t --- -- .---. ,-,.- '' i - . _ - 470 ,7 w. • :-.:: i..k : OA; i.LuAstvo um - - - ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE, THE NEW REMEDY FUR RHEUMATISM: A NEW REM EDT, 1 FOR A CER r AIN IMIGIDY, ACUTE RH i , UM Ansm, CHRONIC RHAAJMATIBNI, RHEUMATISM OE HOW EVEra • KIND; STUBBORN, No "uncle HOW lAGIG STANDING. PROP FLA MrN . WHJ. AN GIQUER IT, WILL CURE IT, WHAT IT HAS DONE, IT WILL DO AGAIN, DOCTORS READ DOCTORS RIAIIINE, DUCToRS TRY IT. TIIE BEST TISTINONY, EMT MEDICAL ATITHURITY. DOCTJRS KNOW IT PATIENTS BILIEVII IT, TRIAD AND TRUE. PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. [FROW 0,71131 AL HOTRAL A L . IITOPIP.I Sfax 19, 1960,—Ellea S., mt. MI, single, never was very strong. Two years ago she had an attack of acute rheum - ham,irom which she was soondned to her bed for two weeks and subiteqohtly Winn !treatise far four more. BMA's been well since th en till,last Saturday, while engaged in house @leaning, she took cold, had lain in her back, felt cold, hot had ao decided chill. Two days later.her anideerbit. gan re) swell, which was rollowtd by swelhng of the knee Joints and , of the MOW& She has now' dull pain ,in her shoulders, and hex kmuekles are verytendet,. red and painful ; ; both bailee are L affe...ted, but th e, right is meat sit This, then; le a c e lse of acute rhewnattent, oy l as iithitrw 3 failltionitbly ittill , rhetitnithf 11. la a well remarsed cage . We will laterally watch the case, and from time to time nail your attention to the Tart. oat symPtoins whichprawn, t thatoselyek, My chief object in bringing her before inn hoW, is eidl attention to a remedy Whfohluta reimintly 'beet T&Ohitheildailti 'the treainant of rheumatism. • I mean proludamine. Dr. Awenarina, of ; Bt. ,llderstotirg,:renornmendil It bit the highest tubas, ,havrng deritedgmitt panda from , its use in 250 Oa& *Mei" &me tinder hit care. Various ob M mendatory testimoblitla reseeding it' ave Olmsted In our journals, and I protasis therefore to'give . ft another trial. I must confess INdalways,meredalous as to the worth df new'ritrriticlike, widish are vaunted as bat thbu Menet to ue teCointfiendell to highly, that We are bound to give it styli', SANE CASE FOUR DAYS LATER ! MAY 23, 1860.-4. will now - exhibit' to you the patient for whom .1., Prescribed •Propylambre, anti Wit a then labor• log ender. an attack acute rheumatism. She has steadll4 taken it In dates of three grains every,two hours (intermftting Wed night The'day after' you Saw her, I fotindler much mom damfbrtable, better than She ex , peeled . to be for a week,or more, Judging from: her other attact. (The patient now walked Into the room.) The Improvement has steadlly progressed, and you cannot fall to Watice it marked bhMgein theapPearanee o 1 her louilai.whleh are nowinsarly of their . ..littoral size.— Thu far our ,exwirirmint would have Beemail very sec cetatfai . bat, gentlemee, re must . ait a little while be fore we can give a doweled' Mk to What saw 'be thei result: " Berets another patient who was Placed on the use of these= medicine on Sunday last; she has long been sabring tram c hrpOii .rhiumailsm, and I Xoland her at that Urns witlaXn- Route attack actpervening upon her chroald salience. -TrieWtaits and knuckles were much swollen and tense. She took theAdoride of .Propyla.- 3014 e is three t rain Orta every two 1101, and you wi l l perceive Mal sWO ItiejohiES'llits much di rota. THREE DAYS. LATER MAY 26, 1660.—This . Is the case of Acute rheumatism treated' with'propylamine; US first br thOde CO which called your attention St Mir last ciluid. She is still very oonihmtable, sad isIIQW .three grains thribe daily. la this slue It has.seentmt to by followed by very , eat, isfaCtory results. The second c us, to which your Minn lion was °ailed-at cult lent lectern, - has also'continued to ,do we1t...1 will how-bring before yoark very character istic mum of acute rhammailink, and If_ the. moult be sat factory, I think, ate goolf.turyn y e a we small Justly render our. verdbit favor nr, prep ' - He Is wsearnan,' int;.- 26$ *ho admitted a few days .ago. Has bad ocaaslong Mieuinatio pains; but not so as to keep his bed, mini eight days ago. The pains began in his right knee, subsequently - aMted the left knee, and /ale; "la ) o a4a ;lithe uhKr2.4atteP l _4 1 4 03 . PIMA are all sWollen; talme and lander, HI t9Danelsrurxed ' • his vita a 1 Piasetedrr ,'ihough been 'much sweating., His pulse is toWnini ilstzong; and aboua:9o:= He bat now !mod Jiappylamltio2hr twenty4fonr hours. Thligentlemstn Is what maybq calladamxictly typi cal case Of amtsirlieurnathiun; There Wei °bosuns to cold And; wet; Mali Chid elpikera hi'foilbwed--br IneHrig - or oddness, severe _ iutientur - pain , beglarsing, as it usually does, in,tae lower Jofoye., ilherttia.fesorAnd:the pintas. sweathi,, So generaily intendant on acute fhoontattem, I did•net brink abiS patient bolero you' with the; i n ten lion 'of giving you a lecture on-• 1111 tiny 'potato connected with _rheumatism, but. to, again give 'a trial to the new remedy we are testing and to exhibit to you this typiontosee, as I have belied it ,, time which there on old not abe a fairer tipliortonity.` Ulf' testing the - modulus in question. :We areithersibre, imoidinuthe use' of all cat* medicine;!; oVeitainAdynos, that there may.. be no misgivings as to which was the efficient remedy. You shall see the case of a futurheilitia, THE RESULT A FAVORABLE VEPJMOT Jima 9, 1860.—The nektjer oar oonvelesoonts la ,the ems at acute rbetunattam before you at out; (Moto of May 20tlywhIeli I thee gogled a, typictalsume„ and which it was retiarked Wee ti fait' , opportunity tor . the worth bt Our me* retiiedy,' - it was therefore steidlly' giveniu three grain deem eiverytwo houralbribUr days.- The *tient, has gMtdong . very Molly, and la now able to walk g out; as pite see. Ido not hesitate, to aty that I have mes seen per severe • case br agate rheum:Alain so soon restored: health m thin man Mut been,: and without being . prepared to decide positive oy sate the zval ue or 'the remedy .we have oiled, 0 bqund„. state. that in tbe Mies In iihlotiN . have wee the Chloride e Propyilinilne, the pallet:lM h tra regibiett their 'health mush' earlier then under itie treatment Milli:Mel); Pur sued. I wish gonAgoott, you .would- - Yourselves try it, and report the restate. Fora full report of which. the above is a eondensed extract, see the. Philadolphia end Stopieeil Re porter; It Is.the report After a Ihir trial by the beatmed kat authority in this country, and makes it unnecessary to gjvb numerous certificatee . from astonished doctors endii i joicing patients. A SPEEDY CUE, AN EFFECTUAL MU. TUE &MB RESULT WHAT IT HAS DONE, BullQcic & Crenshaw, a firm well known to moat medi cal men, by whom the Fatah' Propylamine has been ht. tieduced, have sold to tis the eichunve right to istanufao. tare it 'kecoording to the original recipe, and we have made arrangements of such magnitude as to enable us to emitter it broadcast amongst antrering humanity. A WOED TO DOCTORS. U you prefer to use the same remedy In another form wiiinvlte your attention to the Peal Onverausno CHWRIDB PROPYLAMINJ , POW. lIICIPYLAJUNI LIQUID, . 4 POitiPiIOPYLULINII CONCIMpIATID, Pam Icienz nommen% of which we.are the sole manneunarers. large oielm no other virtue for thanes. Propylamine than is contained in Pure Crystalized Chloride of Propy. lamina, ' THE 6LiX I / 1 I 8 • MORE CONY “NIENT, AND ALWAYS READY FOR IMMEDUTR LSI; AND MAY BE TAKEN, ACCORDING TO DIRECTONS, , HY ANY ONR, -* BY EVERY ONZ, WHO HAS REIRUMA asit OF ANY RIND. Bold in Harrisburg by ar 76 0111, I BOTHA 01fere may be addressed to PROPYLAMINE MANUFAOTI:O2INO CO., Moe, Room No. 4, S. W. Cor. Fourth mad Chesnut streets, Philadelphia. Or to either of the following Wholeiede Agents BULLOCK & CRENSHAW,. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., JOHN M. MARIS &CO., & GEO. D. WETHERELL CO., PETER T. WA/JR/T.& CO., .ZgIGLIR & BILIZO6, T. XOlBO3 PERM& 00 .11 Pacatozsznu. AYER'S SARSAPARILLA, FOR PURIFYING THE BLOOD. AND for the speedy cure of the soh • joined varieties of Disease : Scrofula and Scrofulous Affection such as Tumors, Ulcers, Sores, Eruptions, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Mains, and all Skin Diseases. OAKLAZID g Ind., 6th June, 1859. J. C. Avan & Co., Gents : I teel it my duty to ackeowl eige what your Sarsaparilla has done for me. Having Inherited a ScrefulJus infectioa, I have suffered from it in various waj a for years. Sometimes It burst out in Mows on my bends and arms ; sometimes turned in ward and distressed me at the Wunsch. two years ago It broke out on my head and covered my scalp and ears with one sore, wtoeh was painful and loathsome beyond description I tried many modicirtes. and several physi cians, but without much rdh•r from any thing. In fact, the disorder grew worse. At length I was rejoiced to read in the Gospel ilesusenger that you bad prepared an alternative (Sarsaparilla,) for I knew irom your rep. elation that any thing you made must be good. I sent to Cincinnati and got it, and used It till it cured me. I took it, as you advise, in small doses of a teaspoonful over &month, and used almost three, bottles. New end healthy eke soon began to form under the scab, which alter a While fell OR my skin Is now clear, and I know by my fesdiuge that the _disease has . gone from my system. You 0.0 well believe that I feel what I am saying when I teLiyou, that t hold you to 'be one of the ai °ales of the age, and remain' ever gratefully. Yours, • ALFRED B. YALLe.Y. St Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, . andTetei d Salt Rheum, Scald Head • Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Dropsy. Dr. Hobert 11. Preble writes from Salem, N. Y, 12th sop., UN, that he halt cured an Inveterate case or Drop. sy,:which threatened to , terminate fatally, by the perse vering cute of our Sarsaparilla, and also a dangerous at. tack of Malignant, Ms sipelaa by , large doom of the acme says he cures the common hrupuonis by it constantly. Bronchocele, Goitre or. Swelled Neck. Zebulon Simi of Prospect, Texas, writes : "Three bot tles of your sarsaixtrillweared me from& Gernts—a hid eous swelling on the.aeon, widen 1 had suffered trent over two" years." Letworrhom or Whites,: Ovarian Tumor, Uterine Ulceration, Fenn"le Diseases. Dr. J. B.:S.,Chanumg, of New York City, writes ; most cheerlully comply with the respect or your agent in laying I have found your mwsaparilla a mod. excellent alternative in the numerous complaints kir Which we em. ploy such a remedy, but especially In etesule Diseases of the , Soridfukins diathesis. 'I h tee tinted Many Inveterate cases of Leucorrhma by It, and some where the corn.; plaint was caused by ulceration of the *eras . The el ceratiou itself was noon oared. Nothing within my knowledge equals It far these female derangennhats." Edward Sitilarniw of Newbury, Ala., writes, "A dan gerous ovarian [rater ear one of, Um feuds*, immy, lamily, which had Milled all the remedies we amid employ, hoe at length been completely cured by your cYtract of .3 ar .sapartaa, our physician thought nothing but, estirpa- Uan catild aftbrd'rehef, but he advised the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved eflectual. After hiking your remedy eight weeks no symptom or the disease remains." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. Inv °main, 25th August, Dr. J. C. ATIR : Sir, I cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and rep:W.lo you some or the abets I have realized with your Sarsaparilla. I have cured with it, in my practice, moat of the core plaints for which It 18 recommended, and have found its effects truly wonderal in the cure of Vinare! and Mer curial Diseases. One et my patients bad Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, wider' were consuming. hit palate and the top of his •mheth... Yber Sarsaparilla, idea My taken, cured him in eye week. Another was attacked by sec ondary symptoms in his nose,and the ulceration had eat en away a comiderable par t it, so t bat I believe the disorder would soon teeth ills brain and kill him.. But it yielded le my administration of your Sarsaparilla : the ulcers healed, and he is well again, not of course without some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had been treated tor the s a me disorder by mercury was baffler lug mom this pellicle in her Mmes. They had become so gauntlet to the weather Unit on a damp day she suffered excruciating pain to her jelnlitiord bones. She,toe, was owed entirely by y,,ur Sarsaparilla Is a rowweees. .1 know from lotformeht, Which you agent gave tees that this Preperelloa from your laboratory must be a. great remeny, ; consequently, these truly remarkable results with It have not surprised IRO. Frater!why yours, (1. V. LARItdER, IL. D. • Rheumatism Gout Liver Gomplaint • INDIPABLIKNOM, Venous tle., Va., J uly Idb9. Da. J. C. ATBR: Sir, I have been afflicted with a pain ful chronic Rheumatism fer a long time, which baffled the skill of physicians, and steak to me in spite 01 all the remefflesl could bn , until I tried your Sarsaparilla.= Oue bottle cure made two Weeks, and reStored my gen ets! health ito much that I am far better than bolero I was attacked. I think it a wonderful medicine. J. BREAM. Jules Y. OetcheU, of St. Louis. writes : have been afflicted fbeyeam with en in or the Liver iihich destroyed my. health .. I tried every . thing , a nd every thing tailed to relieve me ; and I have been a broken down man for some years from no thee cause thith de nrktFulniFf . 04 14 :Ye.r. belavoil patter,. the MP. Er.. Espy, advised Me to try your Sarsaparrilla, because be said he.knew7ou, and anything you made was worth trying. By the blessing er God It eas cured ma. .1 feel r. wig again, the best that can be said or:you Is not hair geed cuougii." .• • Schur's, Cancer Tumors, Enlargement, Meeration, Caries and BsfliliatiOi of the Bones. A great 'variety of cases have been reported to us whore cures of Mesa formidable complaints heve,resnit thrm the use of this remedy, but one space hare will not admit them.• Soma of them may be found in our Amer can Almanac, which Mom/Ante ' below named are pleased to furnish gratis to all who call for them. Heart DysPepeiel Re Disease, Pits BY , gele449 l Y , Neuraigut. Many remarimote cures of tome affoctieue bate been made oy the alternative power'of toil medicine. It Wm elates the vitaltunchona into vigorous action, and -thus overcomes diaOrders which would be supposed beyond its roach: -Snob a remedy has beau required' by the 'iM cassittee of the people, and we are confident that %Malt%) do forlthem all that medicate can do. Ayers Cherry - , Pectoral Joi THE RA Pitt dUltirOP Coughs, Colds, Whim:Ma t Hoimeness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Con 4 gumption,' and for the Relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced Stages of the Disease This lea remedy so universally known to surpass any Other far the Guru otthrost and lung complaints, that It is useler.s here to publish tee evidences of ips virtues. Its unrivalled exCellence for coughs and colds, and its truly wOndeitil cures ol:pulmorisry ..disettse, have • Wilde it known throtighout, thecivilized nations of the earth.— Few ILieVia cOgniumilles, or vven Pldnilles, among, them who have not some personal experience of Its. effects.— some living trophy in their micet of Its victory over the subtle and dangerous disorders of the throat and lungs. As all know . tlie dreeditti fatality or these disorders, and as they know, too, the edema this remedy, we neat not do more than to assure Mein that it has now all the vir tues Omit it did have *heti , makini the cures Which have won BO strongly upon the confidence . ol . mankind. IN EVERY CASK, WHENEVER TRIED, WHENEVER TRIED. IT WILL DO AGAIN Prepaxed. by Dr. J. C; AYER it CO., 144011, Mass. Sold by Ilaunvart,, C. K. Raper, I). W. Gross & Co., J. Is. lonz, & Co. , Armstroog Barriaburg, and deal ers every where. . octl4-dmdaw ±LAYNE6, 11.0 MARKET, BT . ij EIAItEUSSUROO. dAtutt or LILLIE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled trLd. 1!..;= -ed aurgiar Proof ISIELIre Strictly the ONLY test le both fire wad; Bergin? Proof • • ' merSiklly 0. 0. ZIMMERNLA.N'S aduaaNG STOCK, BELL AND COLLBOTINO 01 1 7IOIC Hag been 'removed from No. 28 Second St' NU. .130 biAtikET STREET HARRISBURG, PA. TREASURY NOTES TAKEN AT PAR. goostAtt PURE Fresh Ground and Whole spice, Pepper, Maiden, Cinnamon Nuttnegn and Mace, at NIOAOLS & BOWMAN'S, corner Front and Margetr . ateetn. ed RESH FRutT.--In Hermetically seal we Cans a large lot comprisink Peschea, Tomatoes, Dorn, laeouiti a select ansertmentnareseroee end Jellies, J ust recleyed and for Josiolts,. jiDO ' filtbiLat 1 0:4 . PENNSYLVA NIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISLOT 104 Market Rtreet between, -141 HARRISBURG, P-V ICATRERE every description of Ladio V , and Geralemeos' Garments, i'teo, ti,..i,•:.,[t,'. u tly p el, Cleansed and Neighed in [no best reit3i.,,::' e shortest notice . P'i°• - STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG fifittl ig FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 IIIIiill:611 V' GETTYSBUR G. _________ b rj , rinir.gH,iregulinEonliscuurjsridgEeeTvcsaerFigyarito4tehodeir: inc htohltrice,l4,4b_c:r,t:iitowl:: 7,L: le; :, :,.,,.1 . 5 and valley Railroad oars. the wale- ~., ...,,,. very 'Cl:waxy, Thursday and :zatur.iii, ro ot..y. ~. to day: raiaagar, Jar Savaairl..o4l, , , arrharg - and riat.,,,,urg Oa, .Jirr •• I .' ..._. Far,BENOE 01 VANILLA, 1,,,, , t„ ~. Lemon, Flavoring Extracts, ~,r s , i , 't,,_:: -. ,,, ' or wannaaie and Retail Grocery an.l rrorlglail ..a• Perim; mud Mare agree's. BOWON NICHOL': & flisEtllantou s D .A.RLING'S LIVERR EG-UL4.kric)p (ND LIFE BITTERS, ARE pure vegetable extracts cure all bilious dtsorders of li. T. . • the regulate and invigorate the I..ver• they giro tone to the digst.tve organs thri- r , : secretions excretions and exhalatdms,'=" balm, atel purify the blood. Thus skima of which ar e Torpid :Se • • ' pevia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, uoediv.- L , -; •:- Dees—are entirely .00troled sod I.y ; • dies. DARLING LIVER REGULITOh ReMOVCS the morbid and billiour ,: e1 „ .; . ,. ach and bowels, regivatcs We liv.-r and in g every obstruction, restore,: a oatorni &Li Clop in the vital organs. It is a sut,er., ' FAbiILY MEDICINE mud, better than pills, and much DARLING'S LIFE L'ITTEIk us superior tonic and kluireda loss Or appetite, ilatulene), hes, pain, in the side and no xel , , h , l . c r7 bleeding piles, and general debiot BAAS) THE I , OLLOWING Jas. L. Brumley, merchant, IS4 Fu York, writes, August 18, 1860: t,,r, with piles, accompanied With I , :ye yawn ; I used DART LIVER INVIGORA LIEU BiTTER, And now consider myself wrrtaini ctioi• Hon. John A. Cross writes, -Broo'..,rn , In the spring of 1859 I took a severe ed n violent fever. I took two do, ~r DARLING'S LIVER REG a I j It brake up my cold and fever at once. , attack, I had been troubled w it. months ; I have tet nothing of It n o, Otla Studly, Esq.. 128 fist "Angina 12,1860—1 but a diflic.o y w plaint three years with cutst r, n . ' - back. back. 1 had aced most all ion& .0 n no permanent relief until I used DARLING'S LIVES IN 1 - 1( , AI4D LIFE BITIE I passed clotted blood by the qr,Lh lirely cured, and take pleasure remedies." Mrs C. Tebow, 11 Chrt , topht.r xlr 1. "Feb 20, 1880.--I have belt •3,10,, et I , m* the latt twAlty years. I h..:..•c .r equal to Darling's Liver Rev,ulato r • affOrditig Immediate relief. bilious remedy." Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, Wr . .1,, In May bum I dada severe attack ad me to the house. 1 1( , 0 , , oue DARLING'S LIFE 111'1 Li,' and was entirely cured. t, , D. Westervelt, Esq., Or S 4 / 1 10.1 Al tI, r , • Ilannbarg, L. 1., writes "Augu,t troubled with a difficulty iu r nl.: lone attacks, I was adr.e.cd DARLING'S LIVER REG I .1 did so, and found it be eperate % r LH. bile and arousing the liver to actlv.i I :1,. It FAMILY MED ICI N When our children are MIL •o: few drops and it outs them all . general wank of the stomach an.10,, , t• , ad." RUIDII, If you ne.li either or 1) , ,t1, r.• . *Aleut Remedies, inquire for theta a -: - do not, And them, Lilco on other, ao. In aletnor, and on receipt of the . Remedies will be Cent accor,lniz t y u Ana or express, poet-paid. ant n DAN'L S. DARLING. 102 Nassau street, New York Pat up In 00 cent and Si Houck rn rli ece6l-dem BOOKS Foil, u1111,1)RE i t new and large assortment ,e • . 21., able for Children, hats jii BEBGNER'S BOOKSTORE. Ail ti.• meat will be found an endleF , Valict TOY BOOKS! Indestruotible Pleasure Books Colored Pictures. A fall assortment of these 1111 , !L Books printed on fine linen, e• Stories from the Scriptures -1.a?.. Stories from the Scriptures— b: Stories from the Scriptur,F , - Childs Pictorial Reader, House that Jack Milt, Cock Robin and Jenny Old Woman and 1 Lt, Farmer Boy's "Speed the l'I; Old Mother Bel tr!. Little Man rut 3.1;: Little Bepe,t. Jcuuy Wld, In addition to the above I Par*ent of bound JUVENILE It. B/BLEI3, PRAYER BOOKS &C BIBLES for 87 cents, BIBLES for 50 cents, BIBLES for 75 cents, MINA for $l, BIBLES for SI 25, BIBLES for $1 50, BIBLES for $2, BIBLES fur 53, BIBLES fur $l, BIBLES fur S. BIBLES ha . BIBLES lot t'•; !;: BIBLE:- ha ; 1 , 1 BIBLE- to il. BITIE-: rt. PBAYEB BOOKS AT ALL PRICES. All.the latest Books published are calved and sold at the lowest publi=Lrrr 1 .3 : - Examine the stock. GEO. BEI:GNI:II All Work Promised in One Peg
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers