,C - laii.ll ittegrap, I 7'ii l3 1; P - Ilurning, February 10, 186 ,'1,3111 Or sa —Both branches of the al:owned (Arta las Friday, the Sec , In, P u., 111-X1 Tlleir(hty, and li,preteutatives until 3 o'clock, lON I Orimmts —'ll.le following offi,era . I ,tly elected by On. Mount Vernon , L 111011 CI IMpitny 1. D Ingram. Pre.qd,at--,1,,hn Likens . A N. L.,ket.4. IV . J A. M n -J,.hn Kil ,bler I,:abt Fireman. ilharles Buehler. A 0.31;1 - Vlslmis —Eicke's comet, it is said, visole to Ike. Litki d eye in the south i„l„,„,ll4, in the evening, and will re a wet kor more. Its position is a of the bright star Alpha readily be found by an in. o the siArF., forming the well ot P, pew." The comet is . ,o, sized by its nebulous aspect." Et Anwar TRIED - 7 -The trial of th t , .1 riterl armor, designed for the and soldiers, at the State Whir city on Friday afternoon did , T ,, t.,,100r that efficiency claimed for it t , .r. Several duds were fired at it t t«0 hundred yards distant. One truck it at its lower extremity, ;I indentation in the steel just wo , kl cover the wearer's store rod ball > truck it fair on the left .1, IL hOle through the steel large ro admit a man's hand, which, of oir to the experiments. =3= :Lr ACCIDENT IN TER SHORT MOUNTAIN -Ou Friday evening. February inert were engaged taking down 1,1,11 rt: , parently was loose in the top of ill Short Mountain coal company, tcas . own, this county, a large rock curds long suddenly fell, instant :.l lel 3lcOaw, and severely injuring 1,, One men, by the name of - 1. hal his arm crushed to a jelly; anoth .l,l Mycrs, had his boot cut entirely off wes on his way home, and i,i•iscd the fetal spot he volunteered aa -wr rod lied scarcely commenced work a th rock fell noon him. • \NfoRD'S OPERA House.—This truly corn •,o,lr place , cf rational amusement continues !). to gain in popularity. During the Av. ek the indefatigrible manager w with overflowing audiences, composed our most respectable citizens and their . The singing and acting of the Bord e..njunction with the troupe, was LA and merited applause. This willbe produced it most laughable bur- !nan lho prolific pen of Thos. A'Becket, i Romeo and Juliet. During the present fur.fitined burlesque of Somnambula i produc.; I, aud WI who wish to enjoy a it patrJuise Sanford's Opera =UZI TIEN DEATH OP TEE &MARLA ITERSIIBUCHLR.— ; '1060 , 1 of Fuld Play. —The soldier John Hersh- Lei, killed on the railroad at the foot of slant street, in this city, last Saturday morn perviously noticed in the TELEGRAPII, I' Et ird new Scalp I,ntel, Richland township, whria couuuty, where his remains were sent .r interment. T::e Johnst.avr. Tribune says that e was known io he munch given to gross dissi . tion; that he was aged about 38 years, and 'qtvet; a wife and four children. Tho same. , per also stat a that a letter has been received tJ which, after detailing the cir tra,tahces of Ileraltherrer's death, intimates ..1 la , was helped to his violent death by other e.,u? than the fact of his being in liquor. A ttrie bore h.! was killed he was seen in .qrouv with another Collier, or with a per- Teilar s,l.llei's clothes, and exhibited `‘AHRlffil Initiate in money. Upon being •c p dt,r the cars passed over him but .e!. louud it his pocket ! br 1. G; 1,, • LE, EIITINO OFECER.9 Caution. —We well ascertained that many wen who sport shoulder ate self-constituted repre nrity authority, engaged in 31. inertly to "sell" them to I r, usually some captain hunt ;.: to neel/Iti his own commission whether the names represent rc and vagabonds. Of course iILeT6 get their whisky and not' Ly these tricks—whilst the pref .r of holiest and patriotic re ' otheulted in these "business ~• As an instance of the means 1-1.3 shill it:, the Pittsburg Ohm . mentions that an officer sta tl.at uty by the War Department, on • 'sic,. was recently called upon by .11.1 alp) announced teat he " had I,Lri un being asked where he " flJt him down here in a wag ,' von giong for recruits?" and be :''•i there Wile, no premium on the d with indignation, evidently 111, 1 , 1,5,i0u that the country was go- ME if the Whir Department of De mei of (Ulm. McClellan of December recruiting service in Pennsylvania the superintendence of Capt. ~f the Eightu U. S. Infantry, and the authority of an officer, 1 . 1,1, , 0, Lieut. Case, his Adjutant,) G.id,.-11 a rocruiting office , be fore enlisting. tuli,ted iu :alai uffices can (louse their otli , :era report to Capt. Dodge tilitl, an,l twentieth of each mouth, fttrwt.hed with transportation to k. I recrui!s urn clothed and at 4t, ; r war , le Ito their regiments. Under this rkeruitiug is egstematiztcl, the bet ex- t" Government very materially re ,iotati ter men enured for the Bervice. NOTICIL —Dr. Addison, who is stopping at the Jones House, Room No. 45, is creating quits au excitement in our city by his exami hati,,ng. From what we can learn, he is ery ekillfol in his practice. He comes among us highly recommended from the best authority. Read his advertisement in another column of this paper. EYE &ND EAR.- Dr. Jones, of New York, who is practising at Herr's Hotel, in this cite, has been induced to remain a few days longer, as many who are afflicted, have not yet had an opportunity of coosulting him. The great number of difficult cases of dtafuess, blindness, Ste., that Dr. Jones has cured in this city and vicinity have placed his skill as a physician and surgeon of extraordinary attainments be yond question. Huw TO co SUMP. • -No doubt there are many of our rea , lers who understand this delightful art to perfection ; but there are certain condi tions of animal economy, even In a state of health, when "tired nature's sweet restorer" refuses to close our lids and seems pertinaciously to fly from us though weed ever so warmly, The most natural and facile method is to place the head in a comfortable position, and then, taking in a full inspiration, breathe as much as possible through the nostrils. The attention must now be fixed upun the fact of breathing. The patient must imagine that he sees the breath passing from his nostrils ; and the very moment he brings his mind to conceive this, apart from all other ideas, consciousness and memory depart, and—he sleeps. The method is strange, but bimple, and the experiment will prove its truth. THE HASSISBIIRG , CITY CAVALM—This com pany, commanded by Capt. C. C. DA.vis, of this city, and attached to the 7th Pennsylva nia Cavalry, Col. Wynkoop, is now located at Camp Florence, near Bardstown, Nelson coun tp, Kentucky. The following deaths have recently occurred in the company. • Private Andrew J. Birch, of Butler county, Penn. Corporal John Hotel, of Susquehanna coun ty, Pa. Birch, died on the 27th of January, of chronic disease, and Hotel on the 27th of January, of pneumonia, at the general hospital, in Louis ville, Ky. The Butler and Susquehanna county papers are requested to notice their deaths for the benefit of the friends of the deceased. =EOM NATIONAL FOITNDItY. —Town Meeting . —Our citi zens should not forget the town meeting to be held at Brant's City Hall this (Monday) evening for the purpose of adopting measures to secure the selection of this city, or its vicinity, as the site of the proposed national foundry. Let there be a general turn out on the occasion, and by a free expression of public sentiment, secure a unity of feeling and action in the matter that will have its proper weight with the authorities at Washington. Harrisburg by nature and art contains all the essentials necessary for the successful operation and maintenance of this great national work, and it strikes us, that these net-d only to be pointed out to convince tho authorities of their superior character. We repeat then, let there be a general turn out of our citizens at the meeting this (Monday) evening. I=l= ANNIVIERSABY Or THB BIRTH OP WASHINGTON. —A memorial to Congress is now in circulation for I , Ignatures. The petition asks that on the 'morning of the birth of Washington, his Fare well Address to the people of this country shall be read in one er both Houses of Congress.— That the President of the United States an.i his Cabinet, the ex-Presi , lents, the Judges of the Supreme Court, the representatives of foreign governments accredited to our own, the officers of the army and navy of the United States at the seat of Government, and distinguished citi• tens be invited to attend. Also, that the Fare well Address, or suitable parts of it, be read aloud on that day, wherever practicable, at the head of the armies and on board of ships-of-war of the United States, in the field and in camp, at sea and in port, by the officers of each; as the highest incentive with our brave defenders to continued devotion to our glorious Constitu tion and Union. PARSHES' VISIT TO SOHOOLS.- A few days since we alluded to the importance of parents visiting our public schools, and by their pre sence on these occasions, extend encourage ment to their children to persevere in their studies, and excel in the acquisition of know ledge. A " Parent," acting upon our suggest-. tion, has visited several of the schools, and gives us the result of his ()Nervations in the following communication: Ma. Enron:—Acting upon a hint contained in a late number of your vuluable paper,(the TSLIGILAPH,) under the caption of " Visit the Schoola," the writer of this - article made a short " visit " to three of the rooms in our public school-house, on Walnut street, below Fourth, and found your prediction, that " the teat hers would be glad to ere visitors at any time in the schools," abundantly verified. The recep tion by the teachers was not only kind, but exceedingly cordial, so much so, indeed, that it almost appeared as though they esteemed it a favor to receive a visit from a parent of one or more of their pupils. During the brief period of the visit, several of the clas es were exercised in different branches of their studies, in the progress of which it became very appa rent that the teachers not only understood their business, but that the employment of their skill had not been wanting. The good order and discip-ine which are maintained in these schools, also speak vol umes in favor of the competency of the teach ers for the arduous and responeble duties which they have assumed. About two hours were" spent altogether in the three rooms upon the occasion referred to, and when at length the press of business else where obliged the writer to tear himself away, he could not suppress the soliloquy, that, if parents would only take time to think upon the subject they could not escape the conviction consequent upon their own reflections, that it is of the utmost importance that they should give their countenanoe to the children as well BS to that noble corps of teachers, by frequently visiting the schools, and pronouncing some word of encouragement and deserved appro bation ; and I feel very confident that if any right thinking parent would do so once, he would leave as your correspondent did, with a full determination to go again. ttn hail itelegraph, .fflattitai iebruary 10, 1862 TILE following statistics in reference to the Common Schools of Harris' urg are gle riled from the annual report of the State Superintendent of Common Schools : Whole number of schools in the city, 26; numb -r yet required. 1 ; average number of mow hetaught, 10 ; number of male teachers, 11 ; number of female teachers, 21 ; average salaries of male teachers per mouth, $B9 27 ; average salaries of female teachers per month, $24 38 ; number of male scholars, 1,242: num ber of female scholars, 1,260 ; average number of scholars attending school, 1,492; average cost of teaching each scholar per mouth, 68 cents ; amount levied fur school purp•lsrs, $20,706 31; number of mills levied on the dollar for school porp.ises, 1 25 ; receipts from State appropria tion, (North Ward,) $794 80 ; from collectors, $17,937 90 ; cost of instruction, $10,699 20 ; tuel and contingencies, $3,140 72; cost of school houses, purchasing, building, renting, (North Ward,) $4,815 78. Tim Quartermaster-General of Pennsylvania acknowledges to have recrived the following donations for the volunteers: From the "Ridgeville soldier's relief society," of Cheater county, 39 pairs woolen mittens, 8 pairs woolen socks ; from the ladies' aid society of Hatboro' and vicinity, 1 dozen shirts, 1 dozen drawers, 4 lairs woolen socks, 20 pairs carpet slippers, 1 pair blankets, 1 pair coverlets, 12 wash rags, 20 handkerchiefs, 10 towels, 6 head pillows, with slips, 6 pillows for wounded limbs, with slips, 1 bed ticking, 8 pin cushions, 62 yards of bandage, 1 roll of old muslin ; also, one box of edibles, containing cans of pickles, currant jelly, pears, peaches, papers of corn starch, cocoa, bottles of wine, and other suita ble articles for the sick and wounded ; from the Chester County Central aid society, a box con taining 4 bed sacks, 24 thread and needle bags, woolen coverlet, 2 comlortables, 1 blanket, 2 dozen sheets, 2 dozen pillow cases, 21 towels. 3 pairs woolen stockings, 8 hospital shirts, 12 red flannel glade, 12 feather pillows, 12 hip pillows, 18 pairs slippers, 7 wrappers, 36 pocket-hand kerchiefs, 12 neckties, 24 pairs canton flannel, drawers, 1 pound of tea, together with bottles of wine, lemon syrup, vinegar, with a variety of jellies, prunes and other articles for the sick and wounded ; from the army committee of the Young Men's Christian Association, of Phila delphia, a package of books and tracts ; from Mrs. Louisa Fassett, 600 Pine street, Philadel phia, 30 pairs clotu mittens ; 6 pairs of socks from Mrs. Pepper ; 1 pair woolen army socks from Miss Laura 0 Hale, Germantown ; also, 1 box of hospital stores from the Union relief toddy of East Marlborough, Chester county, and 1 barrel dried rusk. All the above articles have been forwarded to Louisville, Kentucky, to Mrs. A. G. Chew, a Pennsylvania lady residing there, who has vol unteered to have them properly distributed to the military hospital. Another box cootaining a large lot of valuable hospital stores was re ceived from the Chester County Central aid society, which, by request of the society, was forwarded to James E. Yeatman, Western San itaty commission, St. Louis, Missouri ; 6 pairs of woolen socks from the Mothers' Mission, of St. Stephen's church, Harrisburg ; 2 pairs woolen socks from Mary A. Shaffer, Elizabethtown. R. C. HALE, Q. M. G. Harrisburg, February 7, 1862. Nonos Esenaluxs BARGAINS i I —Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 75. All work guaranteed to tit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on hand a large assort ment of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a lArgain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer No. 12, Market street, next to Hummel & grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. Two Hut:Dago Navas of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best make ; blue checks, at 12,1 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 12i cents; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings ; ladies' pocket handkerchiefs, at 124- cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border, 5 cents ; shirt breasts 12k, 15 and up to $771 cents; 26 pieces new pant etuff ; undershirts and drawerevery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for children, 12} cents; 1.1 yard bleached muslin 1244- cents ; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 cents. Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale heuse of plain and figured Swiss muslin, brillanta, white cam brics, ITausuck and Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, as those goods will be very scarce and dear nest summer now is the time to buy. Our stock of Furs at cost. S. LEWY, Rhoads' Old Stand. Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye I The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known ! All others are mere imitations, and should be evaded if you Wl4ll to escape ridicule. /UZI, RED UR RUSTY HAIR dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or Black, without the leant injury to flair or Skin. . . . M , DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wx. A. BATOBELOR sin•:e 18 9, and over 200,000 applimitione neve been made to the hair of the patrons of bio famous llye. Wm. A. itaTCFIRLOR'S FLUB DYE produces a color not to be distinguished from nature and is MAILIVILIMM) not to injurein the least, however long it may be contin ued, and the ill Coeds of bad Oven remedied. The hair is invigorated for life by this splendid Dye, which la prop erly applied at No. 18 dond Street New York. bold In blithe ekes and towns of the United States, by Druggists and Fancy Goode Dealers. The Genuine has the name Witham A. Batchelor," and address upon a steel plate engraving; on the four aides of each boa.. ont2-dawly DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES "Read the fo.lo • lag certificate" from One of the firs t ladies in Utica, N. Y., who called open my agents in that city (er. Win. Bristol A C 0.,) and told them that she, of course, did not whit• her name made public, but If any one should doubt the wonierful efficiency of Da. DUPON CIA Golden Pills, they might refer any Lady to her, as she cousiiiered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her anuwled,ie of thew efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young 1 ady VT years old. :he was fast go ing into cons amption—had taken cold—nature became obstructed. Two boxes of these Golden Pills entire ly cured her, and sue is now in ra bust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Full and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price ft.— Sold wholesale and retail by 0. A BarrsVsar, No. 2, Jones Row, mid C. K. Kailas., 91 Market sheet, Harris burg, Pa. By sending either of them St 00 throught be Harrisburg Post Office the Pills will ee sent confidentially by mail to any part of tne country; "free of postage." N. ti.—Look out for counterfeits. Buy no tielaen Plite of any kind unless the box is signed S. D. Howe. All others is a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money,) boy only of those who show the Signature of 8. D. Howe on every box, which has recently peen added on account of the Pills being counterfeited. ingredients composing the above Pills are tnade known to every Agent, one they are safe, and will perform all claimed for them. Sold also by, T. L Lumberger, Lebanon ; A. J. KAMP mad, hecharoasburg ; H, marks, Lewistown ; 8. Elliott. ()white B. G. Wlid, Newville ; J. C. /Mich. Shippeus, burg ; I Spangler, Chambersburg ; S. I'. ...filer, Yore; J. A. Wolf, W,lghtavllle ; 8. 8. Stevens, Beading; and It. P. Hunter, Reading, sad by "one druggist" in every town and village in the United States, and by ' 8. D. ROWS, eB-4ne Sole Proprietor, New York, A Peurr. HAIR DYE HAIR DYEI I Wholesale Factory, 81 Barclay St., Late •233 Broadway, New York A CARD TO TEM LADIKQ Nem 2thertizeinents SANFORD'S NEW OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW lii,ttßlT..E L' Admission ' 26 cents Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents. Seats in Private Boxes, 76 cents. Entire Box, $6.00. Doors open 6,} o'clock ; Commence at7l o'clock. Re-engagement of the Celebrated Cantatrice, Mrs, ANNA BORDWELL, IZE=CI , Mr. W. BORDWELL, Ethiopean Comedians, who will appear in their Ethiopean Drawing Room Soirees, original with Mr. and lrirs Bordwell. This Evening—ROMEO & JULIET, In Rehearsal—LA SommAmstrLA Imo.- -i---', STEAM WEEKLY -,t,-, N ttICT Vl' If, EN NSW YOICK - , ~, -,-. -. ~. - AND LIVERPOOL. Af klN , ..l.\ ~ AND EMBARKING PAS „Ott:- al QUEENSTOWN, (Itatud.) the Li cr r -11. >l..vr i. or. and Ili iludelphis titearriatup compisuy lateen , frepatehing their lull powered Ciyde•built Iror Steemoalpe .. follows : CITY OF WASHINGTON, Saturday, Fe druary Bth CITY OF BALTIKORB Saturday February 151 u ; EOL N BUBO, iaturday, February 22d ;Ana every succeeding Saturday, at Nam, from Pier 44 "-art r. River. = FIRST $75 00 l 81:KBRAGE.... ou doto London $BO 00 1 do to London ..333 00 do to Perla $B5 00 do to PAris .... $3B 00 do lo ELunburs—SSO 00 i du in Hamburg $36 00 Ptussengers elso forwarded to lievrtt Bremen, Hotter. duet, Antwerp, &0.,.t equally low rete;. Ycrsons %veining w ono& 6.11 Weir Inends can bo) tickets here at ten following rates, to New York: From Liverpool or Queenstown, tat Cabin, $75, 696 and $lO5 itcerage irdm Uverp 640 00 Film] Queenstcw 630 00. Thetsr dleaulern flare If uponor auk:ollllilifoltitlOLis (01 pagauugen., aud - awry erperioucua Surge Ono. They ar. budt 10 jirideratgbi. mon 1 . :duo,. and have l'ateat Fire tdbilatoru ou board. Vor further information apply In Liverpool to WILLIAM DIMAN, Agent 22 Water Street ; in Glasgow to Wll. INMAN, 6 St. &nett Square ; in Queenstown to C. k R. D. BE7 4it.ous 3s CO. •, iu London to & fdAt-Y, 61 king William St ; In Pert. to , GLUS DEOOIJR, 6 Fleet de la Rout% ; In l'hiLidelphis to J 0461 G. tIALE, 11l Walnut street ; or at ..tie Ccuttpany's oftlees. ISO. 0. uga.rs, Agee', it Broaaaray, New York. Or O. 0. 'Ammerman, Agent, darrisbitre. aerPAll•dt iBRa elltt hIUttOPIR.—By order of the secretar. of Aster, AA uses..egors ie.ving the initell dt.ttks are required to k ir.mure Pd-eixorts before golog on Wird toe St aular. Passeugen will not be subjected to any trouble or de lay In prnourmg them, I they call for inatractions at the Company's Offices, 16 Brosiewity, New York. jan2l• JOHN LaLe; LIMIT. F. 3117311ATC7.EL, TRAVELING AGENC OF THE OLD WALLOWER LINE. pals OLD TRA.NBPORTATION LINE Is dui in suoceseful operation and prepared to carry freight es LOW es any other individual line between Philadelphia,HarrisbumSanbury,Lewlsbnrg, Williams sport, Jersey Shore, Lock Raven, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Railroads. - Los& Agent at Harrisburg D. A. MEENdIi. t Goods Bent to PEAOOOIE, ZELL & IMICILILA.N, Nos. 808 and 810 Market Street, above Eighth, by 4 o'clock, P. M., will arrive at ilarrisburg, ready for de livery the next morning. 0. P. MUSNGEL, &Ott Traveling Agent. . PUBLIC SALE vvILL be aold at Public Sale at 10 o'clock A. M., on SATURDAY TIM BIGUTH DAY OF HERRUARY, a D., 1h62, at tue Court Rome In Har risburg, the following Tniunnie gad Kamm, viz : A certain lot of Ground situated to Upper Saracen townsulp, uatiphin county, about one quarter of a mile below the line of the city of liarriaburg, containing nine aurae, mu-e or less, on which is erected a large Distillery (Imown as the Keystone Distillery,) together with a mull- Meat number of Pees for feeding one mousand Begs; al so, other out buildings news& try about an establishment of the Sind. The Dentllery is located oe the Peunsylvani , Railroad with a siding belonging to the property, the Pennsylva nia Canal making the boundary line of the east end of said property. Any , ereon wishing to examine the premises before the day of sale, will please cull on Mr. John Young, near the came, who will give any information that may be re. quested. If the premises should not be sold on said day they will to for rent. Attendance will be him and oonditions of sale made known by j 23 d9w JACOB L RIRY. FOR SE WING MACHINES. JONAB BROOK & BRO'S PRIZE MEAL SPOOL COTTON. 200 di 500 YDS. WIULS, BLACB d OOLOR&O. I'HIS thread being madepartioularly for i Sewing Machines, Is rEttY STRONG, SYUOIN AND ELASTIC. Its strength id not impaired by washing, nor by friction of the needle. Nor NW:Mines, use hrooas' Patent Glace, FOR UPPER THRNIA and Brooks Patent Six. Cord, Rod Ticket, FOR UNDER TFT RR 4 D, Sold by respectable dealers throughout the country...— also, Withal OP ROO AGM RAC; 4.9801131 P :(0:1., by ESL HENRY Sole Agent. no9.dBro 38 Veseystreet, New York. THEO. F. BCHEFFEB, BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, NO. 18, HAREM STREET, HARRISBURG. Particular attoution paid to Printing, Rating and Frindicig of Railroad Thanks, Randhsts, /eddies, Monks, Drafts, Am emu printed at $l., $3, St, and 53 per thousand in elegant style. .20 SCRIEFFELIN BROTEKES & CO, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALERS in Fancy Goods, Per- Amery, am. Also &genie for the sale of Refined Petroleum; Illuminating ull , srperior w any coal oil ; furnished In any quanntlea at the loorest mantet rates. 170 and 172 William AStreet, NEW YORK., jet 46m TO GRAIN CONTRACTORS. THE BALTIMORE BAG FACTORY, No. 77 South Street, Baltimore, Ma. IS PREPARED to furnish Government Contractors and others with Linen or Cotton Begs of all slue, promptly for nun at low pekes. Our and Clirn amtractors will Bud it to their advantage to give me a owl. JOHN 0. Brunet...lN. Baittmore, Jan. 17th, 186/. ir/4-2md* NEW CLOTHING. STORE. SHELLENBERGER & BROTHER, NO. 80 MARKET STREET. (Room formerly occupied by the Postqffice.) rptiE undersigned have just opened a new and large assortment of tne Wad styles of clothing. We are also prepared to manufacture to order ad kinds of Gents Wear, cut to the latent atyle4 ani, fast - ions. We have always on hand a large stock of Ready made clothing and Gentleman's furatantng Goods. n09430u R. 81:114.% LiiNBRItGaR & ERG. SHAWLS! DRESS GOODS ! FURS ! ! ALARGE stock of these goods will be disposed of at very low prices, pine f ur s v e r y cheap at CaTHOART£9, Next door to the Harrisb u rg Bank. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALER in confectionary, Foreign find Domestic Fruit.— Pip, Dates, Prunes RaLdats and Nuts of all kinds.— Fresh and Sal tFish, Soap, Candles,Vinegar, dpicea, To bago% Sews and aalOtry PrOdlee In general, at the comer of Third and Walnut streets. ocellf-dbm JOHN WISE. 1 I—Call at CHEAP SUGARS NICHOLS ik BOWMAN, ternerlcrontatal aarket streets HHAY S I HAY I I--Baperior baled hay -forisali ae4lo br umism.wintiulaJ New 2bnerttstments MORE LIGHT 1 ! CHEAP LIGHT!!! AGREAT reduction in the pricy of EXTRA. No.l BURNING OIL, (Warroaied not ezr•Pkllva,) ha; taken pliso. It will pay all who purchase. Burning oils by the btrrelur eoittl quantities, to buy at GlLBithl" .14-2 w Gird-ware mons, opprite Vs, Court Howe . MAtIIIINERY OIL.--We sell the only reliable Natural Lubricating Oil. (warranted free from sacd and acid) add equal to sperm or lard in ihe market. Refer to hciAs of railroad men, machinist mann facturera and oili:re who are using it. HiNRY GILBERT, Agent for WWI° Oil Company, Hardware store op posits tie Court House fa-2. PUBLIC SALE. VALUABLE TaVERN STAND, OLU y o a r t p. P br ubl y ie nB ß 2 all f • h n e V I BLri lj E B day;the i premises, that valuable tavern stand situated on the corner of Walnut and Yonrth streets in the city of Har risburg. The Improvement are a large two story frame boil d • log with out houses. The property it ottored at private sale until the 14th day of Bebruttry next. :ale to com mence at elle o'clock on said day, when conditions of sale will be made known by J. Y. WiLL.1431:3. fib 3 td; COAL! COAL ! $3, AND $2 26 FEB TON OF 2,000 LBS U. D. FOKSTER,, FFIOE No. 74, Market Street, yard on the Canal, fuol or North alreet, Wholesale and Re tail dealer in TRISVOR7ON, KILLWAREE, LYEELys VALLEY, SUNBURY and BROAD 10P COAL ramlics and Dealers may rely upon obtaining a brat-rite Article, and full weight, at the lowest rates. Orders promptly atteaded to. A liberal clsoonni muds to pur chasers paying for the coal when ordered. ?resent price, $3 and $2 25 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—dam COAL! POWDERI! COAL REDUCED I 1 I N consideration of the hard times, and as I sellexoluively FUN CASH, I have reduced the price of Coal as follows : I ykens Valley Broken (4 $2 90 per ton •• " Large Egg •< 290 " " Small Sgg " 290 " • " &ovo " 290 " " " Nut 0 225 Wilksbarr e 0. a9O Lorberry " 290 " " ,All OW delivered by the eAT/IST Winne' CARTS; It can ue weighed at the purchasers dtor, and it falls short 10 'hums, the Coal wild be forfeited. All Coal of the best quality mined, aelivered free from all impurities. syy-Coal sold In qaubUes, at the LoWArt warnseaut MOMS. Agent tn• Dupont's Colebratd Powder, a large supply always on band. at Matteson:mere prices. syrA large lot of superior baled dray for sale. JANNS M. WHEELER. COAL I COAL I 1 OUAL , r HE undersigned would inform the con turners of Coal i hat he Is now prepared to furnish QM from unde• cover perfectly dry and clean In, all Muds of weather l.ykene Valley Broken Cad • 44 Large egg " Smelt ngg " " " put Pittston Lump Coal. No. 1 t. II 2 .. 8 •• 4 •• C 4 46 6 44 LOrberry. Broad Top and Albighony, also Hickory . 1 and Pine Wood IS. BYES. Hai rlaburg, Jan. 7, 18 2 -dire; JOHN B. !SMITH'S BOOT & SHOE STORE COEN Ell SECOND AND WALE UT BTS. Harrisburg, Pa. A LWA YS on hand a large assortatont 01 LI. BOOTS, 81101,4 uAlTlCutti, ac., or taa very neat imallUes for ladled, gentlemen, and akdlArdas' waar.— Pi - toed is mu the thaw. AU landi or WORK 11Aile TO ORDER m Mc Deal lova by anparior wormes, RUPAIRING dune At anon u.two. .y 4111.411 10H 4.; B. SMITH. Hare.7.burA. SCILEFFEWB BOOK STORE I (Near the Harrisburg Brick%) OF)i -,) JUST litbl '6IV ED from the 1.100 lini. totui () dile CX).AMILEICIAL NOTE Arigtt, when ee will sell at $1.2.6 por ream. 11.9.60 per m.o.' (or NOI PAPER, decor turd with the latest aO4 very usudsuaki emblems and patriotic mottos. e 3.54.1 for tOOe 4.111.T.i ENVFLOPES, with stationed and patriotic emblems, printed in two Mora. Mouse give us a call. Mid . P. SCHILIITER, le.V-e linrrieburg FOR RENT. PilE commodious STORE ROOM on Market Square, next door to the "loom' House," (Coverly's Hotel,) occupied during thedast eight or nine yearn as a Jewelry sad Watch imams establisitment, ALSO—ciever.ii DWIiLLIN4 HiJUdaill in the vietom ty of the Capitol, some of them having stabling, smoke house, Is house, Ste,. and vacant lots attached. Posetesion given the flint of April next CHAS. C. RAWN. Harrisburg, Jan. 9, 11162.—t9-tilm FOR SALE. Avaluable Two Story double frame Nweshag House cid Lot et grow d, enuatel um the corner of North street andatml 6.Venue, SO teet oil North street and 110 feet deep, two basement is itehens, two cal au, out eleven rooms, also a never failing spring wa ter. The Dunne% us well calculaged for a mere or note!. Terms reasonable. Maguire 01 W. BANN, Jaril My Auctioneer. ettof. ADOLPH 1 1 . Tt.a,VBEii., 0 ,1V . 011L1/ respectfully intone his OW T potrous.utt itto gmbito 6w3watly, tom Ow tell. dOutanue to give 111111TUCULtimi ou the PIANO 'rt./UTE" MI!. LULILLIN, VIC/LIN and also in cos a(001.1tx o. 1130.131.MAik 13.4&3. Be will vioth plea 81111: wed( upou pupils et thee. uoMea al ally Oval desired, or .0i1401314 *lll bb gIVOIIt we ralinlol.loo, is Tatra birc , a , ., rev, Coon beim , . IL , trereteu seterutea Church. ,taolb-o LADIES C04.18ET13, ALL OF THE DIFFERENT SIZES, WHITE AND COLOREu. The best article manufactured, can be found at Next door to the Harrisburg Ben k. tOlkiliatiLNG NEW 1 NO excuse for haviug Boots and Shoes not blackened. Blacking that will give a polish on wet or greatly boots. .but the thug for ate times, when every one oanbot afford two or three palm of oboes or boots. Usti and elanune, at NIUISOLS St BO WM A N'S, j2l Corner Front and Market streets. OELEBEATAD DANDELION COFFEE. JL ST rcklUEIVr..l) a large quantity of superior Dandelion Coffee, which we will sell low t. suit the times ; also, pure ground filo Coffes and Tur key Coffee ail put up in one pound packages. NH and examine at the wholesale sad retail krone. y store or NICHOLSh BoWIIAN, corner or Rront and Malkin. streets. "GIAAIILY WA KING BLUE, an excel 1u lent substitute for Indigo, for sale s the wholesale and retail grocery store of NUMOLS & BOWMAN, corner ot Front and Market atreeta INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. ALady, qualified by a thorough Musi cal Uneaten/ a.quired by a long course of study in Europa under liminent Masters Ana by several years of eneeeastut teaching, dedrea a few pep la tn NUM; =MC and singing, Operatic and Balled all ha. adore sa L, Bon 87, Harrisburg, Y. O. Ilwdo [ 4 IXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and _LA ball bbl. Baas, also, wholesale and mad at the New Grocery and Provision Store, Front and liiriret ata NICHOL:, & AMMAN. TO FAKERS. OA . TS y OATSI 1 OrAh pai MES d for m Oats novs.mi }jAY 1 HAY 11-50 tons superior baled Hay, for sale woolosale sad retail ay JAMIIS H. WIELEAUCR. QUIADLKR'd CAMP MklitiPaNlON. A veiir ,oviirmhs4 ,Writtag—DdigiC„; 'tlaBo, POrtjblios, liemonadunt Boos a5lO BUHMIPPAR'S BOOK With. sf/isuacatrous. NEWBOLD'S GENUINE WREPARATION "BIG LY CTSC - O:NTR ASV Lou.; luso 'Lul) EXTRACT BUCRU, A Paszt,ve sad Spe&tle. Remedy For Di±e.t.:eq of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAViIy nuti DitOPEICAL ttWELLING`S. TM- lledrtine Inersa:ei the power of Digestion * and excites the ABdtOrtiti:lNTS int heelt'ty sietket, by watch the WATFRY OR CAI OtREOUS depositions, sod all UNt NATURAL ENLARGE RENTS a:.O reduced, as well as PAIN AND 11 4 1FLASI and Is good for MEN, Ne,DIEN (IR CHILDREN. UKUIBOLD'S xxnuct BUCHEr For Weairses ee s Arieng from Excesses, Habits. or Dissipation, Early In• discretion or Abuse. ATTBN lAD WITH THE FOLLIDWDIG SYMPTOMS . . . Indlaposition to Ex-ruon, lasi of Power Loss of Memory, DiMeuity of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembilug, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Inniness el Vision, Pam in the Baes, Universal Lamas to of the Muscular &Mem, riot Hands, Flushing or tie Daly, Dowse of the Skin, Krnpuou On Face, PALO ID COUN 7il: , taNCE, These Fyn - plums, it allowed to go on, which this med icine invariably removes, soon foliows INEPOIENCY FtiILITY , k.PILEPTICt II IS, IN ONE OF WHICH THE PATIENT MAY Who can say that they are not frequoi , tly followed by those nOIREFUL DI3EASr 8," "INSANITY AND CONSUSIKION." Many are aware of the canna of their suffering, hiiT. NON WILL tX.INFROS. rth; R&A),DS uF Mt: I sd ANS ASYLUMS, ded the Meetochoiy Dfrau by Cote‘oespiime, BUR AIMS WITNICOI TJ TEA WM or ithi eessideox, THE CON• 4 llruu , , N UN J AFFFULTMO wrra ORUANIC: N MAK • MSS, Requires the tad of =edam. to -trenettteo and lovtiorat- the SyMeat, Which HiLiteeno's BR fRAGT &had i - eeciettly doss A TRIAL WELL cosmos ml ALM SZJIMTICIAL FEHALEI--FESIA LE3—FRiIALES„ OLD OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, Oft OONTRIIPLA. TING MA Rkl AUX, IN MANY AFFECTION • PEOLILIAR TO FRMALINI, the Nxtract Saone i neequAlee by any other remedy, 92 in tililtrtosit or Artendou, Irregularity, Fainfuteees, or 3oppresdonof CClEltoMary ZVAGUatiIM, Ulcerated or Seirdloo/1 state of the Uterus, Leucochest Whites, &aril; my, and for all eonpl dude in. :Wont to the nez, wagerer arising from lodiscretiou, Habits of Dtseipauon, or In the DECLINE OR CHANGE' OP LIAM 811 BTU/TOILS MOTO NO FAMILY 311OULD BB WITEDUT IT TAXI NO mote Et.issm, Meomer, Da lINZLZMIgItt GNI Mit lINPLZASANT AND DOIWIROOS 11114MBOLD'S B.l7R4OtOirg CORM SECRET DISEASES. In all their Stages, At Dude Expense ; Little or no change In Diet ; No I nconrente oe; And tan imposure. It causes a frequent desire and eters strength to Urinate, thereby removing übstructions. Provenung and Curing Stricturee of too Oedema, Allaying Pala and Imdammatioo, so frequent In the class of diseasea, and expclll all Poisonous, &leased and soorppout Maw. Thoust.ono Uron TaotrooNos RHO HAVE BEEN IHE VICT , Y.d 01 QOACES, and who have paid 1111AVT Tess to be cured in a short time, have found they .ere duzeivotl, and that the AU :ION" has, by the one of ..rows.rut awrinnomees, been dried up In the system, to breat oot In an aggravated form, and . . . PBRHAPS AFTER MARRIAGE. Ilse Esuisots's Erma? Huger for •ll affections and diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing is MALE OR FEMALE, From whatever moue Originating and oo matter a lIOW LONG S I' A NDING. Diseases of tbeae Orgetbs require the aid or DIURETIC llEuasouys ExraAcr Matti Is THE GREAT DIURETIC, And is certain to have the desired edam in all Dawes FOR WHICH IT Is RROuri ultbrogo llnidemos of Ma mad reliable awl reapnanbta Ch risoicr win accompany the mediae'''. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. Mu; B to 20 yearn itandisp, Wits Nana narown sa.twom ARO FA HE. Price El 00 per bottle, or eix for $6 00. Delivered to any andreas, securely panted from Maser; vauon. DE:CRIBB SYMPTOMS IN ALL COdituraunosa. Cures Guaranteed l Advice Gristle! AFFIDAVIT. Personally appe tree an Alderman of the city of Pnil ueipoly H. 1 ETILms W4' bele . : duly aeons, duth say, his preparatloos suet Lin to, earzetle, 130 mercury, or other ielurious drugs, but are purely vege table H. T. HELYBOI D. Sworn and subscribed before me, than Ed day of No vember,Xi. WIL P. HIBBERG, Aldermen, Ninth St.. above Roots Phila. • Address letters for turormation in confidence la H. T. MiIiALBOLD, Chemist; Depot, 104 South Tenth St., bal. Chestnut % PhDs., BE WARE OF 00IIN PIPALPEITei AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to clltpcme "or wins owct" and "ate" NienCLIS ON The =POTATION ATTALYNTI BT Hetmbold's Genuine Preparation s, 4 Swim, " Sarstionrillss " Improved Rose Wash. Sold by C. E. Keller, D. W, Groin, J. Wyeat,l.O.JA. Dahlman. AND ALL DRUGINST.f ICTERTWWERIL AnE' FOR HELSBOLU'd. TARA NO OTHER. Oat out the atVertireoleat and send for it, AND AVOID imPosrao AND VLFIRCTRE. novl3-dly UNION RESTA.URANT, BITITARD AND BOWLING SALOON, NO. 119 MARKET STREET, NRAR FIFTH. THE subscribers having erected a larg e building at the above put ie,ezpveseiy for the purpo se.: above indicated, beg to cad the atiendon of the pub lic to the codowin4 : Tas itssrAussai, oa the drat low, with a dining room attached, is tilted up in drat-class style, and IL will at all times be a.ippled with the best OYSTEtti to be had is the Atlantic cities, together with terrapin, dab, and all kinds of game is season. Oysters served up in every style, and meals to be had at all hours. The Ales of all the celebrated breweries is the unwary constantly on hand. The Ten.pin Alley, or Bowling Saloon, hi in till) rear, Ann contains three alleys of modern construction, where the lovers this hcalimy ezerclas can enjoy themselves. The Billiard Saloon is up•stairs —elemualy dued up, and cantata three marble top c milutudion citation tit hies, equal to any made. Harrisburg bas wing font the want of a grand combin ation of this a md, and as the proprietors are determine / w conduct it in a quiet and orderly manner, and do eve rything in their power to m-ine it a fits 4clasble remit, they hope w receive a liberal Snare of public patronage. Ja 3- dtr WILLIaat C ItoritDDllN &co, WHOLESALE 111113R.ELI.A. IaNUFACTOBY I No. 69, !Market .Strcet, below Third, EARRIBBOBS, PA. LEE, N iA pA NUF Ls Aer and ulgt uN O G F c.t li s e ir ß i ßL il r L iu la gOucLI at LUWAR ?AMA'S loan eau be boa Om in mrir of 00.11:astera clue;. CO,lnt^y in rolls as will do well to all and daunt w uric .ta•l.ut tuty, ant toe vluol them elVes 01 this Net au23-dl7 PORT FOLIOS wErn:NG DYNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, PURSES, POBTMONAIFS, And a general assortment of _ FANCY GOODS have just been received at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. DR. T. J. MILES, SURciEON DENTIST• FFERS We service's to the eiti.zeue 0 j &amnins and tin Tictio.y. Be solicits a share the p u blic patronage, and gives assurance that his best endeavors shall be given to rend satisfaction in his pro fession. Being an old, well tried ening; he feels safe is n ot i ng the public generally to tusll on him, assuring hem Well they will not be dissatieled with his services, Oak* No. 128 Market street, In the henna tormerly no dapied by Jacob K. Eby, near the United Stases Rotel. Hari hors. Pa. mylt-dl', BLACKING MASON'S "CHALLENGE BLACKING.' 100 Gram, awned sizes,Juld received, and tor sale at Wheless% prices, dell riA:I4DELION OOFFENI—A Fresh and jj halo WSJ this Celebtsted Oataklust roosivoi by WM. DOM, Jr., Ca. WIC DOCK, Jr.. 1 00
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