Flailp t it eltgrap L . ) 4. RISB , 1' A . satorda) Morning, February 8, 1862. 3.33OII:tteATION, signed "A parent," will 3. in t Yetling'S TIMEGRAPII. O,AEI, The friends of Mr. Thomas J. wia) was recently killed by a train of Shipp' nsburg, offer a reward of $25 i,„ watch of the deceased. It appears dole -keeper mysteriously disappeared He time of the accident. Au], Foft BEEF AWARDED. — Major 8eck ;,,,,,1ed to John Snodgrass, of this the w idract for 4,000 beeves, with the of 11,000, to be delivered either at chamberAlurg, or York, at three uiw f I 6,1. 1=:=1 wads and the weather, in the , ;! ,-i. , 11 are most favorable for hauling t u,r strcatu, and all that has been ue doubt be hauled to the water ,t Prices have an upward ten ted by spring, we dare say, our \ - ,1,1,c0 friends will find ready sale for timber they may bring down. I‘ ~f.'`,1.13 rF PHOPERTY.—Jacob i I ~ emale of Geo. Hammond; de untly Fold the "Fox" tavern at the 1, , h front and Second streets to Chris ,w,3 and Michael Burke for the sum of It lit Is Greenawalt, administrator of Wm. 0% tit, d. ceased, recently sold a two story in Sixi h street to Daniel A.Muench ull, i $1,210. I=l u. 1 ,1 l - ;ruEL ARMOR.—A public trial of the itivuht4l steel armor, or bullet proof • was to have taken place at the State d at three o'clock yesterday in the ~t his excellency, Gov Curtin and I .l,,rninent officials. the armor has been o,dly tested at Washington city, and fully able to resist a pistol or musket ,iialer ordinary circumstances. It is re ...1,h,t there as very valuable for the protec e officers and artillery men. I= AN EMBLDIATIO TROPHY.—We noticed in the Le..cntive Chamberiyesterday, a large and well nalght Recesh banner—the veritable sickly white and sanguinary stripes, with the dull and tyrant union of stare, which floats iti rebeldom as the emblem of traitor faith and Inspiration. lifle flag was captured by Col. Geary's Regi ment at the battle of the Point of Rocks, and eyes among the first of the traitor emblems north of the Potomac. It was presented t., the State of Pennsylvania by Geary's regi- -.- I‘.•;ALLATION OF OPrrosns.On last Tuesday the following officers were installed to the ensuing term, , in Washington Lodge Independent Order of Good Templars. \V. C. 'l' , Wm. T. Bishop, Jr.; . •; 1 (:.'l'., Thomas W. Anderson ; 'A V. 'l., Miss Eliza Potts ; u.' S , G. Washington Fenn ; IV A. S., Miss Ann M. Eslinger ; F. S Miss Eliz lA. Bishop ; 'A' I. Wm. 'l'. Bishop; IV Mrs. Cunkle ; W. M.„T. Milton Potts; W D. M., Mrs. T. W. Anderson ; IV J. U., Miss Annie Radabaugh ; W. 0 G., Thomas J. Risley ; W. R. H. S., Mrs. Elizabeth IVyant ; W. L. H. S., Miss Mary McAleer ; Lodge Deputy, G. W. C. Win. T. Bishop, Jr. =MO MOLASUS, well mull, and put up in cans right fro n the kettle, and hermetically settled, as you would can and seal fruits, will he p as when fast boiled from the sap; and this is decidedly the hest plan for keeping, as whim made in cakes, if exposed to the air, it 1%111 loge somewhat of the peculiarly delightful titter for which it is so prized, and is often in it. dby insects. All this is obviated by canning 'chile hot, To many f 'mulles who do not make it a large scale, this need be but little ex as the cats that have been emptied 11,nmeh the winter can be used until Autumn units attuned them again. Put up your best ff,h , way. Where large quantities are made uda, the buyers must select and can for • IssourANT BILL—The following bill was re cehtly real in the House of Representatives: "Au act to give to Justices of the Peace in Co mmonwealth additional power in cer laill CaSrs" .1 :CTI 0 N 1. Be it enacted, Arc. That from and after the p wage of this act, the Justices of the , Peden of this Commonwealth shall be vested with the power to take cognizance of, and in reuizste oil cases where incendiarism, o or cases where incendiary attempts have been made, and oil ta.ei where loss by fire has occurred in if , ' rummer following: That upon information Log made before any of said Justrces by the Pupil officers of any insurance company, or M., other person interested, that such incendi attetupto have been made, or such losses have occurred, it shall be the duty of "olio WI Justices to roceed to investigate the e, tso (N p eel of finding out and convicting I Otki lers, and shall make public the cause of mkt, tires ; aml the said Justices of the Peace are hereby vested with the mime powers to take 'onipoltiory tesl investtimony i in suc ations.h cases as the. ! rezolar crimina And be further g enacted, That any per it c intere s ted, or any insuraacecompany though i proper officers, shall have authority of in intaing and c inducting such investigation in manner and with the same tights as a Waintill in a civil suit, and be liabl e to the .. attic costs where no criminal prosecutio n shall 1011 Mau ouch investigation. The Justice of the Peace has facilities for ob taining information on any subject pertaining to his own district, such as no other public °tri ter P :asses. The evil-doers of the locality are corainually passing in review before him. He isnws more about the private history of the Ihe CAO classes of his ward than any one else. If is what he ought to be, he takes a fatherly li nsrest in the affairs of those, over whom he holds no such important jurisdiction which the judges cannot feel. Therefore, the sseiption is, that much pre v good will result from_ sake 15e Palwage of a law of this kind, whictrwill him terror to all who have a morbid' 743 151 "Playing with are." A BAITTA WITTI A MUSKRAT —A few days since, a desperate and rather novel battle oc curred in Swatara township, this county, be twcen a young man named Ulrich, and a large muskrat. It appears• that while Mr. Ulrich was walk ng along the Union canal, he noticed a muskrat in a field, secreted behind so I.e bushes. Quietly moving up to the animal, he thought with one blow; to lay musk dead at his feet. But not so easily done. The rat, un the application of the young man's boot, showed battle, and made at him like a savage dog, compelling Mr. U. to retreat a short dis tance. The animal, however, took advantage of its victory and followed his assailant, mak ing several attempts at the throat of the young man, fortunately, suceeedel only in tearing his vest and coat. At this stage of the battle,— both belligerents pretty nearly exhaust ed, -,the young MR happily procured a stick, and soon ended the battle by taking the life of the fight ing rat. That a muskrat would attack a man or give battle, is something new, at least to us; but we have the above from authority that dare not be questioned. LOCAL LICO7BLATION- The New • atirt .flou3e. —The following bill has passed the Senate and was messaged to the House yesterday morn ing: A FURTHER SUPPLEMENT to an act enti tled "An Act to authorize the county of Dau phin to borrow money, approved the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and sixty, and to a supplement thereto, approved the twenty-ninth day of January, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one." WHausas, differences have arisen regarding the expenditures by the commissioners of the county of Dauphin in the erection and comple tion of the court house of tun said county, in pursuance of the reports of two consecutive grand juries of said county made at January and April sessions, anno domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine, and the several acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth men• tioned and reierred to in the title of this act.— And whereas, it is admitted and believed that the said court house, with the improvements connected therewith, with the appurtenances, erected and built for the said county of Dauphin during the year anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty and anno domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, are fairly,'equitably and justly worth to the people of the said county, all the moneys expended thereon by the said commissioners, and in the erection and completion thereof ; and also for the superintendence of the erection and com pletion of the same. Therefore, Be tt toweled, .51.0 , Teat the several payments and expenditures made or directed to be made, uy the commissioners of said county of Dauphin, Mr the erection and completion of the said Court House, and other improvements connect ed therewith with the appurtenances, erected and built in the city of Harrisburg, for the said county of Dauphin, during the years Anno Domiai one thousand eight hundred and sixty and one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of sev enty-three tnousand three hundred and ninety seven dollars and sixty cents, be and the same are hereby legalized; and the said commission ers entitled to be credited therewith, and here by fully discharged from all further liability for, or an account, or by reasm of the said ex penditures ; also for the moneys paid and ex pended, or received by them for the superin knee of the erection and completion of the said Court House, and its appurtenances, amounting in the whole to the sum ut six hundred and seventy-five dollars; also with the Sum of four hundred dollars paid to the clerk of said corn. missioners as a . compensation for the extra du ties and increased labor imposed upon the said olerk, by reason of the building and erection of the said Court House with its appurtenances. _.,___ National Foundry. A meeting of the citizens of Dauphin county will be held at Brant's concert hall, in Harris burg, on Monday evening, Feb. 10, 1862, for the purpose of adopting such measures as will secure the erection of this strong , arm of oar country's defenoe at or near Harrisburg, Ea. F. K. Boas, Daniel D. Boas, Wien Forney, Wm. Bumbler, John H. Brant, Jno. D. Cox, Henry Gilbert, E. Byers, J. R. Eby, John Care, H. 0. Apeman, Herman Alricke, John W. Brown, Wm. F. Murray, Eugene Snyder, Michael Burke, lleorge H. Morgan, Wm. H. Miller, Henry Keller, Jno. Roberts, Samna Marquart, J. C. Kunkel, John Riuglaud, B. A. Lamberton, William Mitchell, A. J. Herr, J. C. Young, H. M. Graydon, Jacob Shell, B. F. Etter, Kelker & Bro., W. T. Bishop, - Houser & Lochman, M. Ma-limey, John A. Weir, Daniel Yoder, J. W. Weir, Wm. Jennings, W. K. Kerr, W - . - H. H:Sleg, W. A. Cathcart, Thos. G. Fox, Daniel Eppley, • James Freeland, ilud. F. Kelker, Jno. IL•Brigge, J. Wallace, Benj. Buck, P. A. Hummel, Dr. O. Seiler, Hamilton Alrieks, J. H. Zollinger, David Mumma, S. E. Zollinger, F. L. flutter, Anthony King, John C. Leamy, Henry ?offer, L. Leamy, Daniel Snider, W. A. Crott, John Winter, J R. Croft, J. H. Fox, John Stahl, John W. Hall, John Oanslager, Charles Miller, Jbhn B. Coover, J. C. Bomberger, W. E. Dougherty, G. B. Stewart, William Brady, S. S. Itl'Culloch, J. M'Oormick, Wm. Templin, Wm. Dock, jr., D. Bensinger, J. Shisler, John W. Glover, R. J. Fleming, J. Wesley Awl, Daniel Wagner, Malachi Sheehan, C. Carson, G. W. M'Calla, A. Boyd Hamilton, Wm. Dock, John Edwards, J. V. Criswell, George J. Bolton, Geo. Bergner, F, C. Fint, A. 0. theater, I Josiah Espy, Chas. Boumfort, W. Kline, W. Garratson, IJ. R., Hoffman, A J. Jones, William H. Kepner, J. Buehler, A. L. Roumfort, D. J. Kramer, James Fitzgerald, G. H. Small, Samuel Holman, 0. Barrett,. L. W. Ten Eyck, Jacob Landis,. J. & J. N. Greenewalt,Robl. L. Muench, 1). W. Gross & Co., Chas. A. Banvart, Jacob Boger & Son, Samuel Knox, Hummel & Killinger, George Trullinger, Wm. Parkhill, Tag GREAT FIRS IN PEARL Smarr NSW YORK, —The elements of fire directed perhaps by in cendiary hands has compelled in its destructive progress even iiing cotton to cry for water, and in the scramble for cheap cotton goods the nterprising firm of Urlch & Powman have Iprocnred some of the wet, goods, in the way.of Afprimack and other makers of Calicos wish* they will dispose of *erg cheap, at the corner of Front and Market streets, 2t Pennsylvania glailp telegraph, tiaturtray . Atornittg. ftbruary 8, 1862 Pennsylvania Legislature ' R , P: Fog THE .lifvf :gyp : SENATE. FRIDAY, February 7, 1862. The Senate met at 11 o'clock A. M., and was called to order by Mr. Speaker HALL. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Steele, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal church of Harrisburg. The journal of yesterday (Thursday) was partly read, when Mr. SERRILL moved that the further read ing of the same be dispensed with. Not agreed to. The reading of the journal was then proceeded with, when Mr. CONNELL moved to dispense with' the further reading of the same. Not agreed to. The journal was then proceeded with, when On motion of Mr. NICHOLS the further read ing of the same was dispensed with. The SPEAKER laid before the Senate the an nual report of the board of directors of the Pennsylvania Institute for the deaf and dumb. Laid on the table. PERSONAL EXPLANATION. Mr. McOLIIRE obtained leave to•make a per sonal explanation as follows: I find in the re port of yesterday's proceedings published in a morniog paper of the city of Philadelphia, that I am represented as having used the following remarks : "Mr. iff CLIIII,II did not know the motives of the House. The Senate could not judge by what scurrilous members of the House might have said." I beg to state that I made no such remark. I did sty that the Senate Could not judge of the motives of the House in its action upon any public question by what garrulous members of that body bad stated,outsids of the House. As a matter of justice to myself and to the dignity of the Senate, I have made the ex: explanation. Mr. CRAWFORD asked and obtained leave of absence for a few days from to-day, for the Senator from Pike, Mr. Morr. Mr. CLYMER asked and obtained leave of absence for a few days from to-day, for the Senator from Philadelphia, Mr: DONOVAN. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) asked and ob tained leave of absence for a few days from to day for the Senator from Erie, Mr. LOWRY. ATITIONS, 50., PRIZENTBD. Mr. HE ['CRAM presented a petition from citizens of Luzerne county in favor of the repeal of the act relative to pedlars in said county. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. NICHOLS presented the annual state ment of the Pennsylvania University. Laid upon the table. Mr. CONNELL presented a petition of citizens of the twenty-first ward of Philadelphia, pray ing for such legislation as will render the bridge over the Schuylkill at Manyunk, a free bridge. Referred to the Committee on Roads and Bridges. Mr. STEIN presented a petition of citizens of Lehigh county, praying that said county may be made a separate judicial district. Laid upon the table. Mr. KINSEY presented a remonstrance of citrzens of Philadelphia against any law abolish ing the markets on certain thoroughfares of said city—commonly called the " curbstone " mar kets. Referred lo the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures. Mr. BENSON presented a petition of citizens of Potter county, relative to sales of unseated lands. .Referredlo the Oommittee on the Judiciary. Mr. IRISH presented a memorial of brokers and private hankers of Allegheny county, in favor of the repeal of the act of last year, rela tive to brokers and private bankers. - Referred to the Committee on Beaks. Referred to the Committee on New Counties and County Seats. Kr. REILLY, (Railroads) as committed, an act to incorporate the Schuylkill & Basquellama railroad company. Mr. KINSEY, (Compare Bills,) presented a report, which was read and recorded on the journal. Mr. NICHOLS, (New Cdunties and County Seats,) as committed, an act to change the lines between Scott and Lower St. Clair townships, Allegheny county. Mr. MEREDITH read in place an act to ear tend the limits of the borough of Mechania3 burg, Indiana county. Kr. CLYMER, a supplement to the pena laws of this Commonwealth. Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. LAMBERTON, an act to authorize the Commissary General to settle all accounts fOr subsistence of volunteel companies, recruited and organized, but not at the time accepted by the Governor, and which were afterwards mus tered into service, from the time of organiza tion to the time of being mustered into service. Referred to the Committee on Finance. • Also, an act to provide for the payment of certain military expenses. Referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. McCLURE, a supplement to an act to prevent fishing in the East Conooheague creek, In the borough of Chambersburg, Franklin county. Referred to the Committee on Agriculture and Domestic Manufacture. SHAMOKIN AND BRAN VAILNIC COAL COMPANY: Mr. BOUND moved that the Senate proceed to the consideration of House bill No. 29, en titled " An Act to incorporate the Shamokin and Bear Valley coal company." The motion was agreed to, and the Senate re solved itself into committee of the whole, Mr. M'Ctuas in the chair, on sablbill. The first, second, third, fourth and fifth sec tions were severally read and agreed to. The sixth section was read amended and agreed to. The bill then passed finally. ' Several othett private bills were passed, after which the Senate Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, Feb. 7, 1862. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock and opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Carson. The Clerk of the Senate was introduced, who presented an extract from the journal of that body, asking the House to return to the Senate the joint resolution relative to the appointment of a select committee to inquire into the alteged corruptions of the last legislature. Ur. BIGHAkt moved that the aforesaid reso lution be returned to the. Senate. • Mr. BAINE moved the indefinite postpone ment of the motion together with the motion of Mr. BII3IIIAII. On the motion The yeas and nays vfererequired by Hi. DEN NIS and Mr. RITTER, and were as follow, viz : Yam —Messrs. Banks, Barron, Bliss, Boileau, Brown,(Northumberland,)Craig,onitelly,(Phil adelphia,)Early,Greenbank, Gross,Hess, Hoover Eaine, Kline, Labar, M'Culloch, kiliakin Nei 'man, Pershing, Ramsey, Rex, Scott, Tracy, Tuttou, Weidner, Williams, Wolf, and Wor ley.-28. • NAYS —Messrs. Abbot , Alexander,Armstrong, Rates, Beaver, Beebe,Biglumi,Blanchard,Brown Caldwell; Cessna, .Chatham, Cochran, Cowan, Crane i Dellone,Dennis,Donley, (Greimief) Dougherty, Duffield, Elliot, Fox, Freeland, Gamble, Gaakill, Graham, Grant, Hall, Rapper, SPRAICSIt'S TABLZ. Lakw3 OF ABSENCIi BELLE BEAD IN PLACE. NSW COUNTIES AND . COMITY SILTS Henry, llnffer, Hopkins, (Washington,) Hutch man, Josephs, Kannedy;lachtenwallnar,SUClel lan, Myem,.Potteiger, Quigley, Ritter, ROBB, (LliZdrEIV,) Ross. (Hifflin,) ftowland, Rus sell, Schrock, Sellers,. Shannon, Smith, (Ches ter,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Tate, Twitchell, Vincent, Wakefield, Warner, Wildey, Wintlle and Rowe, Speaker-59. So the question was determined in the nega tive. Mr. BIGHAM'S motion was then agreed to Bilis IN PLAOI ON LEAVE. Mr. ARMSTRONG on leave given, read in his place a bill entitled "Au Act to construe part of the fifth section of the act entitled an act to provide for the payment of the members, officers and contingent expenses of the extra session of the Legislature one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one." ~/ „ IIYY - 1. ,I: Y: :YY it •- -IJ4I Mr. TRACY submitted a resolution, which was agreed to, authorizing the committee on the contested election case of H. V. Hill to pro ceed to Luzern county for the purpose of taking testimony, and sitting during the sessions of the House. STATIC MUM= SCHOOL The House went into Committee of the Whole (Ur. CESSNA the chair,) on bill No. 11, enti tled " An Act to provide for the Establishment and organization of a military school, and for the purchase or leasing by the Commonwealth of suitable grounds and building for such School. Considered and postponed until next Friday. The Honks went into Committee of the Whole (Hr. Elston in the chair,) on bill No: 18, .enti tied " An Act regulating the practice in taking writs of error and appeals."' Negatived. ADDITIONAL NUMBS ADD= TOTER 1111121120ATiNG 00YIKCITE1 Mr. HOPKINS moved that two additional members be added to the special committee ap pointed to enquire into alleged corrupt in fluences used to procure the passage of the bill in reference to the commutation of the tonnage tax. Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend by pro viding that the House shall appoint the pro posed additional two members. The motion was postponed in order to permit Mr. Cia3Ns to offer a resolution providing for the holding of an afternoon session, commenc ing at 3 o'clock for the purpose of considering Mr. EICIEBINe ia . a.loll, and' the amendment of Mr. wr r ANN. Mr. SMITH, (Philadelphia,) propmed an amendment that the House remain in session until the Motion of Mr. HoPirma was disposed of, which was agreed to ; and the motion as amended was agreed to. The question recurring on the amendment of Mr. WILLI A lie to the motion of Mr. Liomtuts' for the appointment of two additional members to the investigating` committee, it was with drawn, and the original motion or Mr. iiOPKINB was adopted.' Iu pureuauce, of the motion, the Speaker ap pointed Messrs. KAINE and Roma the said ad ditional members. THY DIBIOT TAX Senate mUmAinaibi to House bill t) provide for the payment of the direct tax, were consid ered and concurred in. / a - .M Ou. motion of Air. CEb'SZIA, the House re• sumed the consideration of House bill, entitled an act to restore. st separate representation co the counties of Bedford, Otunberiand, Perry and Somerset. • _ The was on, thl4. reading, and Mr. - 013Ltkotaliilea 'the previnus question ; which was sustained, and . : , On the questior "Shall the main quost4on be now lint r.:=-It was agreed to-4eas 4ti, nays 44. On the question, "Bhall the bill pass ?" The yeafttU)dluys Were required by Mr.BEX and Mr. RITPEB, and were as follow, via: Yaas—bleesrs. Alexander, Armstrong, Banks, Barron; • lkeaver, Boileau, Brown (tTorthumber land) CaldWell, Cessna, Chatikam, Cochran, Craig, -Dellone, Donley, (Greene) Donnelly, (Philadelphia,) Duffield, Early, .Fox., Gaskill, timhinc; Greenbank, Gross, Hess, Hoffer, Hoo ver, Hopkins, (Philadelphia,) Hopkins, (Wash ington) Josepne, Kahle, Kennedy, Kline, La bar, Lichtenwaller, M'Clellan, M'Culloch, M'- Mackin, Id' hifuius, Neiman, Pershing, Potteiger, Quigley, Ramsey, Rex, Rhoads, Ross, (Lu cerne) Ross, (Mifflin) Rowland, Ryon, Tate, Thompson, Tutton, Wakefield, Weidner and Wolf-54. Nays—Messrs. Abbot, Bates, Beebe, Bigham, Blanchard, Brown, (Mercer,) Cowan, Crane, Dennis, Dougherty, Elliott,Freeland,,Gamble, Grant, Henry, Hutchman, Myers, Ritter, Rus sell, Schrock, Scott, Shannon, ith, (Chester,) Smith, (Philadelphia,) Strang, , Twitchell, Vincent, Warner, Wilde y, , Windle, Worley and Rowe, Speaker-83. So the question was determined in the affirm ative. The House resumed the consideration of the communication from the Governor in answer to a resolution of the House, calling for certain information respecting the approval of the act of last session in reference to the repeal of the . tonnage tax. • A motion had been made to refer the commu niciglon to the investigating committee on the same subject ; and the pending question was an amendment offered by Mr. Cases to lay the Communication on the table, and that it be printed •in the Legislative Rekord. The .runendin . ant of .Mr. CIMINA was agreed to; and, the House then adjourned until three o'clock r. at. next Monda.y. Noma I Bassisms 9 fisaoArse I !—Gentlemen now is the time to have a good fitting Shirt made to measure or from sample. lam now making a good shirt for $1 25 equal to any oth er now in the market for $1 76. All work guaranteed to fit and to give entire satisfaction to the wearer. Always on'hand &large assort ment, of Ladies' and Gentleman' Furnishing Goods at the old prices; also a large lot of A 1. Irish Linens at the old prices. If you want a liargain or a good fitting under garment, just go to James A. Lynn, Manufacturer No. 12," Market street, next to Hummel & grocery store, Harrisburg, Pa., where he is selling without regard to cost or the advance of goods. ~~~ Two Husnisn Pram of beautiful new spring calicos; a large lot of bleached and unbleached muslin of the best wake ; blue' checks, at 12 cents per yard ; white stockings, at 14 otmts ; another lot of those good white rib bed stockings; . ladies' - pocket handkerchiefs, at 12 cents; children's pocket handkerchiefs, with border' ' 5 cents • shirt breasts 14, 15 and up to 87/ cents; 25 pieces new pant stuff ; undershirts and 'ilrawersvery cheap ; cotton and woolen socks, at all prices ; 40 dozen woolen stockings, for uhildren, 12 cents; yard bleached muslin 14 cents; all wool French merinos, all colors, at 62 and 75 Cent& Having bought the balance of the stock of a city wholesale house of plain and figured Swiss• muslin, brillants, white' cam .Nausuck and ,Victoria lawns, suitable for dresses, aslhoSe goods will be very scarce and dear next summer now lathe time to buy. Our simk of Furs at cost: S. - LEVY, , . Rhoads' Old Stand. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER, livrouLD:r u i r eafiaily, Worm; , itie old *ad de Jl.st= ocNit4 P : tr al • A n ov CI Vrr JP 14DEM,_VIOLIN and aleoW time' tit TR w`th pleasure wait upon pupils at flab tames &Way Dour desired, or koala will be ems els madame ) is Thirst street, • few doers below lb Genriaalleitemed Chunk iteole-Ity HAIR DYE! HAIR DYE!! Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye 1 The only Harmless and Reliable Dyer Known AR others are mere Imitations; and shook' be sroided If yon wish tii escape riliCultt- GPXY. RED OR RUSTY BAIR. dyed instantly to a beautiful and natural Brown or BlAcir,„ without the least injurry to Hair or Sun. • • rwrtim 11-DAIS AND DIPLOMAS have been awar ded to Wu. A. Havolumos sin . * 11l 9. awl over 200,000 appliandons have been made to the hair of the patrons of ble femme Dye. Wm. A. B kV:MM./11% HAIR RYE p-oducee a color not to be di-dinauhshed &Oar allure and la wAaaerrszo not to Injure la the least, bowel* long It may be contin ued, and the ill tiro:leo( hid ilteit remedied. 'The hair is invigorated (brill% by thia - aisiedidi Dye which hp prop erly aped At No. 16 eondtiteeet Neer York. Sold in all the ailed endhie - rai or the United States, by Drugvista and Fancy Gkaude Mailers The Genuine has the rein*" Whim L Biteholor," and agfiroes upon a steel plate engraTing, on' the (bar ddee of each box. • - • Wholesale' ..A l *(4ery, 81 Barclay Bt., Late 2i16 Elfroadway, New York oat2-dawly A,Gmin 1 T*lt* Lttun: OR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. "Read the lb lo lag ceiriblea•e!'Dena Omit Of the fire t ladles in Utica, N. Y., wit° eitililfd upon my roma t o th a t city (Mr Wm. Bristol & C 0.,) andlold them that she, of course, did not wis' her name made public. but if any one should doubt the won ierfld efficiency of Di. Dung coll• Golden Pills, they might niter any Lady to her, as she conaloered it a duty, as well as a pleasure, to her knowledge or their efficacy, as administered to her daughter, a young I ady 17 years old. She was fast go- Big into cons copthit-bati taken .cold-cultare: bboame Destructed two beige of these Holden _Palls entire ly cured her, and Sob Is now In robust health "We were particular in buying the genuine. Fell and explicit directions accompanying each box. Pelee il. gold` wholesale and* retail by 0. 'A Itinsvairri No. 2, Jones Row, nd C. K. gnu; 91`Idarket street, Harris burg, Pa. By seeding &her of them - SI 00 thrtragbi be Harrisburg Peat OBlee t&e Mlle will be sent onnediumally by mall to KO pal of th e cotintry; "free at postage." N. d.—Look out for otrunterEbits. Bey no Heiden Pills of any landi. gutless tho box is signed HD. now,. Ad others is • base IMposition- and Unsafe; everefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money ) , 'buy only of thine who show - the signature of S. D. Howe on every boa, which ham recently neon added on amount of the Pillt roonterfaline. The logreffientir -composlug the above Pills are made• known to every Agent, and • they are safe; end wil t perform all claimed farthest. Sold a lto by,:?; L Lumbarger, Lebanon ; A. J. Kauff man! Heeburainburg ;B. marks, LoWIIROWn $. 8111041- Rrltoo ; 8. G. Wild, Newville ; .J.. O. Attic*, Shipping, burg ; J Spangler, Ottamberaberg ;. K. I'. stiller, York J. A Wolf, UN ightsville ; 8. 8. Stevens, Reading; and 8. F. Hunter Reading, and by "one druggist" in every town and wilier° in the United States, and by X. D. ROWE, 8010 Proprietor, New York. ~iTero taimertistmtnts. e 3 4m SANFOBD'S NE W OPERA HOUSE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. Admission, 25 cents Orchestra Chaim, 60 cents. Beats in Private Boxes, 76 cents. Entire Box, $5.00. Doors open o'clock ; Commence at7i o'clock. Great Success of the . Celebrated Quitatrioe, Mrs, ANNA BORDWELL, -MID Mr. W. BORDWELL, , a , Xthlopean Comedians, who will appear in their ;.Ethiopean Drawing Boom Soirees, original with Mr. and Mrs. Bordwell. This Evening--THE RIVALS, In Rehearsal —ROMEO AND JULIET STEAM WEEKLY ONTWOMN NEW. NEI a ' . s. • • AND LIVERPOOL. • tr tilNu dNU EKE KING PAB j ,eneilltt , 3 i.IUNSNSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. N e ve lf dr.( and Philadelphia Steamship company totatiu epsudidug ILuu lull powirsoithythibtilt ken INeedrundps as followN: CITY OP WASHINGTON, Warday, February Bth CITY OP SALTDIORB Saturday February Ibtu r SDI N BURG, eatarday, February 22d ;11111 every sucoeeding daturday, at Nude, [rum Pier 44 North River. OMB 01 !AOMORI, MUM CO —176 03 i RAGE ..... IWO 00 do co Loudon gee 001 do to London —ll3B 00 do to Pula *B6 00 do to Paris $3B 00 do to Hamburg —sB6 0o I do to Hamburg *36 00 huistengers ulBO forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, Be., o equally low rates. YarYereona Muting w onus. out Weir friends can buy .loketa hare at the following rates, bu New York; Yrom or Quomottuatici.let4thity, Itti c sB6.ead 41.0 b m trol.trotthwi . 14d 00 'thin Iltieenialir it, 1 1I Them, titeamone it.tea supnctor ,itactilsynteUeatotui tor puataiguits; itud tuirry' ealiertioceil Sitigeoae.' Tbq 'are built Water -tight fruit boa loou; gild boon'Potent tire ou wird. • • ter Mrther unormatlon apply In Liverpool tti WILLIAM Arm% •Z.t Water Street; Ia Glaagow to WM. INMAN;rb Enoch Square; in cloosambwn to O. & I. B. SEYMOUR & CU. ;in Landon'to IiIVIL & MALY," AI king William ii ; in Parts to LULUS OECOUR, 6 Place de la Bourse ; to Philadelphia. to JOdbl G. DALE, 111 Walnut street ; or at ,no Company's oMcea. JNOZIG.: =UA4, *gongs 16 Broadway ; New York. : Cr C;io. Elnmosiromn. Atom; 41Leruipiinv,;7 citaei , et the Secretary of etaAni..a. , l:: oesengerAlielying. the United Swots are ramrod r,c; ort.euro Pasaporti aurora going on botr4 we 8t Amer. . envies will not be aidijoctaa ItitlaY trouble or de. sty in ptoo3llilllg Wel:M.lf 'they mill for instruction at the Company's Moos, 16 Broaoway, New Elora. jan2l.4& JOHN G DALE, &um. • 2KI7.IIIATCIEI, TRAVBLING MiaNT of 1U OLD WALLOWER LINE. ; LhtELLS OLD TRANSeO.RTATION LINE ; . is still in succebeful operation and prepared to carry as LOW as any other individual line between P phia, Harrisbmg,Bunbury,Lewlaborg, Wi ll iams. sport, Jersey iihore, Lock Haven, and all points on the Philadelphia and &ie, and Williams port aud'Sindee ' "'Lail Spit it thwillirmg D. A. lillfW.Ndg. I Goode sent to PEAOGOK, ZELL' & 'HLGOEISIAN, Nos.' 808 and 810 Market street, above - Eighth, by 4 o'clock., P. hi., will arrive at' Harrisburg, 'ready for de livery the *tat morning. 0. F. 181:111N0H, ap34r beveling Agent. PUBLIC &ALE: ILL be .eol4. at rublio gsale. at 10 . ir: &Clock A on BAURDAY Tag 2168TH Dar as FEBRUARY, A D., 11162 at the Court Homo in Liar ristourg,Me following viihniela Keal'elatite, : A certain lot of Groans situated la Upper Rwatara townsaip, Dauphin county, about one quarter ot a mile below the line of tee city of kiwis burg, containing nine acres, more or less, on which Wendt* a lake thinallery (known as Lee Keystone Distillery,) together with a stuft• dent number of Yens for feeding une utousand Hog.; al ai), other out Ouildingt nohow iry about an establishment of the kind. The WUfiery is located on the Plummylvan. Railroad With a siding belonging to the proper y, the Pennvyiva niiteanatmaldng tne boundary line of the east end of raid property. , • • limy person withieg to examine the premises before the day of sale, will please call on Mr. John Young, near the puns, wto will give any information nuts may be re- Viested. If the promises should not be .old on said day they will se for rent. Attendance will be given and conditions of sate made lfoowo by j 23 dsw BLINDS 1 ! BLINDS 11 1 .kiEW VENITION BLINDS made to or -4 der for tho small mm of $2, $2 50 and $3. New nds made out of old ones at equal low prloes for seteenty.five cents a piece and upwards. Call and sae at my shop, In Second street, below Chesnut. Ibb3-im A. R. WASP. 4.11 AW LSI DRESS tiOODS ! FURS I 1 A JAIME stock of these geode will be dieposed o f at fiery low prices. Nine foie Irery cheap at „ , Cenlo44ll?, Next door to the leferrleharg Bask. _ .H %90 4 1 A and, RETAIL WAILER': •:,,brop i tAxxV9 g 104= 4 = Va or , amines, Vinegar, Spicea, balm, Began and Count r y Produce in general, aa the honer of Third and Walnut strata. ovine-dlon JOHN WAN. MORE WHIT!! CHEAP LIGHT!!! AGREAT reduction in the price of EXTRA No. I BURNING OIL. (Warmatetl mei exPlosiato h&3 taken Sure. It will pay all who parehaie. Burning cab by the b weal or mill quantities. to boy at GILBN.Ard Hildware starts, oppxite the Coda H*Wis. MACHINERY OIL.—We sell the only reliable Natural Lubricating Oil. (warranted4rik from sand and acid,) sod equal to Sperm or lard in the market. Refer to hosts of railroad men, machinist manu facturers and others Who are using it. . . HENRY GILBERT, Agent Aft. Lunde 011 Oompany, Hardware store op posits the Oormt House. in.pw VALUABLE TAVERN STAND, IVILL 15 E BOLD at Public Sale on v Friday, the 14th day of February, 1881, on the premises, that valuable tavern stand situated on the corner or Walnut and Fourth streets in the city of atr risburg. The Improvement arc a large two story frame build • leg with out houses. The property is (Knead at private sale until the 14th day of February next. Sale to soat menet, arena O'clock on said day, when conditions dials +ollie made known by J. F. WILLI.A.M3. Paha td COAL! COAL ! I • $B, AND $2 26 PER TON OF 2,000 LBS. 'FIOI4 No. 74, Market Street, yard k , the °anal, foot of North street, tfteeeotle an 1 talldealer to YEEVOR2ON WILIEBA eas, LYE ENS VALLEY, BROAD 20P COAL. 'Amber and Dealers may rely Upon oblolulug a flret-rete article, end full weight, at the lowest rates. Ordere promptly attended to. Alt arel •llscount made to pur ~.haiorp paying for the coal *hen orders'. 2fedeot•p $8 and $2 28 per ton. Harrisburg, Oct. 25.—dSm CO-AL! POWDER!! - :COAL REDUCED 1 I 1 • N consideration of the hard titnes, and I as I settexcludvely FUR CASE , I have reduce(' the price of Coal ea lb love : Lykene Valley Broken te $2 90 per too Large Egg " 290 L" tlmall Egg " 290 S:ove " 290 " " "Nut 46 226 64 46 Wilksbarte Lorberry " 2 .20 66 ' aarAiLoom delirered hy the l'aratrr Wirlad CARTS; It can' oe Igned at the purchasers dcor, and if at falls short 10 Pollallo, the Coal be lortelted. 'All Coal of the beat quality mined, delivered trel from all I aiptirltledr.. .—Coal sold to (Imitation, al the LowRIT wears:MLA mama. Agent far DupOnt'S Celebrat , c 1 Pa wader, a large Rapp!) , always on hand., at alanufacomers pores. ss-A large lot of superior balrd Hay for sale. JAHNS M. WIIKiI,RR COAL 1 COAL !! COAL! ! I (pRE undersigned would inform the con enwers of Ooal ; hat ha to row prepared te farineh Co i from nude• cover perfectly dry and clean in; all toads of weather Lykens Valk" Broken Coal ' 4 Largo ligg " '. " Smelt agg ti Nut Pittston Lump Coal. at 140 . 44 61 2 I; It It 3 o 4 I. 44 6 6. 1. berry. Broad Top and Allegheny, also Hickory and 'Pine Wood k. BYERS. Harrisburg, Jan 7, 1842 -dlm.ti . cirOgN , 43. 111MVEL'13 , . BOOT & SHOE : STORE °OMER SECOND AND WALNUT SM., Harrisburg, LW. A.X o on tuiud r Largo aidepurlaneiii, 01 'OM MOM, OHM, IikITIL4-4, Re. , of toe very boot imlnku rev ladies gealloolou, two ohildroos' dna illation's. All Rubio or *WOE Heokl TO RORK i44ou win ups by 4operior w.iritcsoit ittioad,t sZurt wood. oolift.dtt JOHN B. sutra. Harriaboko. 8011E' FFER's • BOOK BTOAIII I 1 . Wear the lifeeriebuei Be ate-) °4 8 RECNIVED from the I.2s..jMUllliii: intol Ann uustameciet. sore Ve . % w po m r h we w :or u lakf l i 4s A"Z, r =4loti WWI the Wed &ai r very haadsome eMbleme and patriotic , . 113.159 tor 1000•5YIELIT6 ENVFIA)YEI3, wan national an i patiiotliem6ietne, printed to two Golan. Please give no a call. Tad . P. Isctuesuat, Birnieure FOR RENT. • MILE commodious STORE ROOM on L Market Square, next door to the "Jones' House," o:overly's Hosel,) consoled duriug the last eight or nine years ea &Jewelry and Watch making establlshmant, &c. ALSO-Several DWELLING HOUds:B in the violoal ty of the Capitol, some of them having stabling, smoke house, Ls house, dm., and vacant lots attached. Possession given the first of April next LHAS. C. RAWN. Harrisburg, Jan. 9, 1802 —l9-dlm • • FOR SALE: A valuable. Two Story double frame en. Dwelling goose and Lotof around, situate' on the eorner of North street and Mast tvectue, 30 feet on North idreeVand 110 feet deep, 110 hasten:mot onetime. two oel htr, and edevei rooms, also a never fading spring of wt ter. The building is well oaloula.od for. .a entreat hotel. Terms reasonable. Require at W. BARK, *l4 City Auctioneer. LADIES CORSETS, ALL '_OFIttE DIFEERENT .SIZES, WHITE' AND COLORED. The beet article aniumfaetnred, can be found at OSTROARTs' Next door to the Harrisburg Bank. hOMETLIING NEW I NTO excuse for having Boots and Ehoes II not blackened. Blaming that will giro a pohpb on ifet, or greasy boots. ilMt the Wag ftir .be times, when every one cannot afford two or three palm of bhnea or boots. WI and examine, at.. . CELEBRATAD DANDELION COFFEE, t.ST hEt.EIVJ D a large quantity of superior Dandelion Coffee, which we will sell low lu suit the times ; also, pure ground filo Coffer and Tur key Ooffee all put up m one pound packages. Call, and examine at the wholesale and retail grace. y store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets. FAMILY WAbHING BLUE, an excel lent substitute for Indigo, for sa ie at the wholesale and retail grocery store of NICHOLS & BOWMAN, corner of Front and Market streets F " RESZ.--Part of a twastory brick house, situated In Walnut street, between Stoat and Eneond. Enquire of 0. C. MATH WS. j31.1W iNSTAVOTION i Y MUSK. • A .Lady,'qualified by a thorough Mita .4ol_ sitoostion acquired by a loug course of ' 'study in bieroplittedleillibloenc Matters and by 'severe years or succossiui tea - dung, dedrou a few pap's In. pi" , 0 Biagio and staging, Operatic and Salted willed. Adaniail L„ Box 87, litarriaburg, P. 0. j 23 2wd* EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR in fourth and ball bbl. Naas, iilso; wholesale and regal at the New Grocery and Provision a.crre, Front and 11.H/et ate NICHOLs a BOWYay. JACOB L RIBY tpOR Ifoa.LE CREAP.—=A' TWO sTOKY ROMs; 1 4 234160 Joel cheated on Gra d street, to the rear of the ift Reservoir. Frr farther particulars apply on the premise" to 121242 w• TO FAMERS. ( l AMB OATS 1 1 Cash paid for Oats kJ novikid by JAIIM W. W BU LLII. AY I HAY I I-50 tons superior baled • HO; fox; wholeimie and reia& oy it. WHEELER SUIZIEELJ'S CAMP COMPANION. —.A very oonvenama Witting Dena ; also, Par 101 , i0a s Memorandum Boer% rorinummuok ad, et ASO ecruarssive BOWinrOite. Nan 2titorrtuivutnts PUBLIC SALE; 0. D. FO it6T R,, 811NBUNT and NIeHOLS& BOWMAN'3, corner Front and Market Streets! E. M. MATER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers