. . . -., '7. - .......... 7, 7 - ...... 1..." ...".. • e'.... • . . . . .. ... • . ...---- • • - . '-'"cA si t :_• . -:- - i47:;:,...,..::::4.-•:-; ''. •,:. ...,.. .. .. 1 .T". .. f . . . . . . . .. . . . :., ..=... . . .. .. . . . .. 0 . . .. . 0 JR :,.....\•,•••.1,-..........., , . . _ G.„.....„,- ..,,,..„.‹.,..„..,,.......„ ;:;„.„.:,,,,...._...., .....,.. ..._..._..... __.,,„.•,.,.„:„..f....,„,.,,„..;,.. .. . ........ .. - 'a 1 BY GEORGE BERGNER. 1., El. Et; it A P ,v 1,01 1 , 1 , oAv 13 E HON E Et; 1 gois.—siyuts 9CIISCRIP710:11. ~.11 11:1Stindirll 1, served to aubooribera In.the wr week Yearly subicribera wlllbo ~,.. , , o, , ! ,i 1.0 , In atiCnlPe , n',,,,,,.11 A, ,, 1. 8,111-W FNMA TIIIIMIAPHt . • •, -, ~ ~ ~ ~,, ~ .1 n I,lillll3lliVi twioo a weBlv.darlag .: ..' the 14.slaturv, and wooktly clarlaunte . , tho :,r, and lurolahod to sabacriboro. at • . . i A ~, ,Airi.te , , via: l .cry bons lor year Semt-Weekly, ..i2 si 60; 00 ~ 1 ' u „V/ 00 1 00 44 e'y ,ei,cribee, Weekly s +.'Ez.! tIF ADVe.kTISING. or Irnn, co:instate one half square. Sigh ban heir youstituto a square. qL are One day nm• week nne montb ' three months • wx mouths • • • • • , me year . •••• •• • .• • .1.11 • • • • nne week 2 00 one mouth ...............3 60 three mouths ..... ....... ri 00 -nx months 1000 • 16.00 beiie,s inserted in the /erg Column„.or ,ros, and Deaths, FIVE. CfCNTS " 1 " 0 $4""..".!f0t, and I)eiLtht. to be obargefl .•reeuler slltbitat JOHNSON 4..T-. 1 2' 1 I MECO XLIEI )CK HOSPITAL. :liscovered I boniest etirtain , speed 3 ~..1 ,itortual remetly.io the world for 1_ 1 1:4"..A5E1. 4 OF I hIPEUDENOE. R 71,0? 1N AFT TO 1W111LV111.11017R.R.,. tic riere , illry Or Netztorta Drugs. • *4 Vk OtRAPIIIIO, OR WO CHARQ7I,jI! MORI OMR Ifl Two Pi 15.15311 • cI.P or the Back or mita, Btricturoll, Pains In ,„kifeetions or the Kidneys and Bladder, Organic row Dobinty, Decay of the Phytdue PORI• • Languor. !OW Spirits, COUAIRiOII 01 does, oi the Heart, 'flundity, Trorrthihin MlllllOBl , :g h t thddiness, ihaease of the Staniach,-Miectiona tue Head, 'Throat, Nl..dt: or Skin—those terrible direr r, arising iron' the indiscretion or Solitary Habits of uth—thuae tlrcauil l and deotructivo practises which mince cringtitutional debility, reciter tnarriaite 'woe and destroy Nash body and mind. YOUNG MEN. .),mg mien espuoially who have become the 'delimit oi Vice, that dreadful and destructive habit which oly ewoepa to- an untimely grave thousands of • _ men of thh moat exalteCtalent and brilliant Mid . ..• he might otherwise 'hove entranoed listening ,„ - with the thunders 01 elotinettno, or waked to ee • hvitia lyre, may mil with rutl cordidenee. aIaRRIAGE., . perKous, or theta eonkemogling maul. e, 1.4„, physical vet:atom% sboug Immediately coo. soul he mator.d to.potlect heOh. ORGANIC W - RAkNila • &medial* cured and fedi vigor sulloreil . :.ho 1,114 . 014 himself alder the sere or Dr. J. nu, mhis wpm . IR a geutietruw, end. roe, I) t:ia,ll RIB Sl2llllOlll physique. T aoelh Frederick street, Baltimore, :he felt hand nide gotuKfrow Baltimore street, 7 ~ ,:a the imtuor Bo particular in, observing the mind, r, co you will mislAke the place. Be . par. ;;r ler lantaiint, Trilitng Quackt, with mule:flamer, • ihilrabug Crrtilicates, attracted by the repots. .• • ilr. sit.huaoa, lurk llellf 111111 it 1100UlAn a PcatageStamp, tonne on tlit I= n. iiinisieti member el the Royal College of Surgeons, graduate from ono el the meet eminent Colloges tt.,. , TEnted qates, and the greatest part el whose life ...tt been spent in the Hospitals of London,. Dario, Phila. &lowborn, hen enhelod come 01 the, Meet MI; ,i,ttmg omen that were over known. Nang troubled; 11 etngebg in the ears and head when Baleen, great:tier ss, benig alarmed at sudden sounde r bashfulness, iii 'rteuent blushing, atteieled sometimes with dorangs. meld were ear,: , thea.L...t4, , TANK NOTICIt. or d. armor all !Mee who having Injured them; v..te and ite, toper behilgenelen, that secret e.l solittry r,bit whici t t rebut both body:and mind, nu tting them for oeher buttueeeer society. The,. ore mane of the sod and melancholy ouLota pro_ 9raa or early habits of youth, vis : Weakness of the ',ret lamet, l'aina in the - Head, filthiness of, Sight, movoiar P,orvr t PitipOutioti of l.h Heart, 1;131-.. 'eprt, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of The Digestike tient, Deneral Deblhty, Symptoms dr Osestimp• 11KNTALLY. its !solid silents mi the mind aro mush to ithd —1,08. 4 of •.inmary, ComfiteloßiAl;bleu, Do. bull Forebodings , Aversion tolloole ..11s1n•i, I eve (e Solitude, Timidity, ko., are some is.rsous 01 all ages, eon now jedga what ..1 'tom docitue to health, losing their vigor, w,s,k, pale, uorvous and ehlattildied, have It arm 1.4 hriLuce alluuL the cyan, cough, and SYMP. a . IfUtlNl4 • themeless by 11 certain prtudiee, In Wr,i, klntle-11 habit frequently learned frnm ,r at nehool, the affects of which are ~ L. Ales asleep, and if not mired, render§ t,nd demroya both mind and body, ih”, I ILI, Mir rel I!, yOUD y E man, the hopes of his eons. nip rt hi, parents, should be matched trot: ,q 4 elu Ali.l,l l,llymeots of hfe by th,t gbuiequel"" ;ram um path et nature, an indulging in a fret,' Lh lemons moat, before content. 'hat m RallefrE, ' .uu and body are the moat ne c essary , , lonmiblal happiness. Indeed • it,: journey through life beemnw, a Weary • • , eta lb e j.rJvheet hourly darkens to the vieW;the • with da7ladr, and tilled with lb N!..,1101,, that the happlaella of another he. :Ii r^lb ou UWa - Vltit)HATiNti RtINBDY FOR OR; me imoortant remedy, Weakness of th/ ' • cured, and full vigor restored, 'I he 0 ilit 1,4 t nervo and denilltated hips • • ,c immediately retraced, All ••••, durrv ure ,"liyal ca l or Mental Inoqualia. 'r 7. tl, li,, Vro'nbllor. %Altoona or kitsenation Or rood, !peed'', chr" n WIl TU eltANltEt. • , lb , uson,l9 often at this Insttutdm within the th..l the Demoroom irtilairtallt-11arglea I-o,lnel by lir. J wltueeeed by: the re ohp.,rn, and many ether persona, notices of .o ogen, and again before We eareloott 44 a Jeoltentart at aerated. Mad IV. , ' , lAllfliCloot guarantee to the afflicted. tt A M;I:IMPItUDENCE —When the misguide,' voutry el plea/mere ends ho has Imbibed tro. patalut diaease, It ton or happens that t '•,_•, l (het te.;,.,e of atiame or dread ef discovery deters ,t:l'. 414itilog to (bate who, from oducattou tiodSge -1"1,5•••ei; alone befriend h , au till the oat. htpioma of this horritt diMeme Make their •erecting the bead, throat, nose, akm, with fr ightful rapidity, till death pains gm:W(111 anlierings by sending him tautest " Innik WlreUe4 traveler Teton:et. It is a met• Tact that thousands fall victims to this terrible heriug to the unskilfulness of IgnOratit pretend `s,4, 1 , Ihe 1 19t3 of that deadly poisoot merogrrY, ruin too r:riv liltltion and make the residue Of lite Miserable. lltasutp,, —.The Doctor's Diplomas hang in bit te' tonere mod eontain a Stalup tote Oaths reel!, "rriivtiteOee moil by Mail ter's, hub Frederick street, lialtlearrre tClugs CK-ATEI EAT AI EA.L and CORN MEAL recti re,l an or aale low at NICHOLS & BOWM&N, corner Front and illarket Joreets. AIR Tutatt, NAIL OLOTII, HAT, L AT4EII am VB MR} ANDA INFNT BMIBB PANOT BTOR ERA, to great variety LIRI , ._ ijutt Cranti.o laranNtOttsjAkil • - -*.o,friVOMlikr.liw,oulo '.; WINTER 11-Mifp TARTY. FIVE TRAINS :DAILY TO AND FROM.,,PEEILADELPIIIA. ON -env! arnea MONDAY JANUARY 27th, 1862 Th passenger ..Tralos of he Pennsylvania Railroad Coi pan, wilpdspart. from and Arrive at Harrisbnig and Ph adolphia as follows : . ' ` ' e - •,eili-r *v. AARa, • • • • , .. . $0 2b 1 0(1 . 8 00 . 600 , 800 THRO_VOH EXPit TitALSi.leav Harrisburg daily at &2b a.`m., awl arrives at Wtl.it FPSTIINE ICiives' Harrisbarg daily; (except Pewray,Y at 100 p. and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 AVE , TRAIN leaves Harrisburg (exeept. Sunday) aibiss p. m., and arrives at Wept. PhilailpipAla ! at , MOD ir• tn. , . • , , . MAKIII4QI).ATION TRAIN, vl' [donut .190 ,— , oavef II letairt at 7:33 - a% V.. and arnyqu hi ww: utila: tidi blamf 14.86 p.' , ni. , ' ~ . • • • • - ' * • - • RIUSBURo AOOO OI ie 4M TION. TRAIN', via Colon. 614,1 eaves klarristmigmt 2.00 m, m- mnd , anivet at ghat P ll 4 l ! 4l ontds' 47- 2 Q P. m• -, • . • . . k. Tattocran EXPRESs TRAIN leaves Pbiladelpbla at 10.30 p. m., Harrisburg at 3.06 a. m., Altoona 8.40, a. m., and arrivripittabang at 1.36 :y end rivet at Harrisburg atl.2op. m.; leaves Et trrisb nrg at 9.00 a. Id., Altoona, 3,10 p. In., and -wives at Pittsburg at 9.30. p. M. FAST I.ltrhyease6 P.blladalpilia at 111.2* a. Pl.;•Erarrii• burg 4;06 -Aifooita ats 9.101, and arriving at Pittsburg at 1.40 a. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Phil diiipBiital /30 p, r ut. x . Mid arrlvea at Harraitharg 11100 MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION via Mount Joyleaves [Amster at 11.83 a. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 1.30 Tbd NEWS IMPRESS and PAEISENGER TRAIN will leave Watt Philadelphia at 4,00 a. In.; Lancaster 7.07 'a. ; Mount Joy at 7.45 a.m., Middletown at 8.25 a. m., and arrive at Harrisburg at 8.65 a. tn., connecting with Mail Train went, from Harrisburg, at 9.40 a. m, SAMHF.I24..YOUNG, Bnpt. Y.ast,-Div.-Petirlii. Railroad. .llarrlaburg, January 24, 11182 —dtf Northern Central Railway . . • • • " I " - CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER 3E3 A.l_, IT l'\,/1 0,12,311. Close Connection made at Harrisburg TO AND FROM NEW YORK .SLEEPING CARS' RUN" ON ALL NIGHT TRAINS 4 IN AND AFTERB. IDAY, Noy. 24 4881, the Passenger ?rants 6tihe Northern Centro ttailagtv wtll erhtrit Wald 0444 pops Ridthallo7l) if 1011011% 11 . * 7 i . ,t GOING SOp,TR, VAIL( TRAIN arrives at Harrisbur g_ 1.05 P IL l ' , .• 101 .11earS t 't' 7.' : , ..:... 16,10. r.• IL FLP31038. 1 arrives at 3.47 A. 51. and leaves " . ...... 3.30 A. M. • () C,A1411 0 BM MAW TRAIN leaves Balt. mo r e a. 11 and arrives at Barrhtbarg• 1.00 P. M and leaves North at 1.20 P. m TRAIN loaves Baltimore at........ 3.00 P. M. and arrives: ataarrishurg.... 8.00 P. M. and leaves North at,,.,.,,,.., 8.10 P, M RARRIERNM AROONMODATION TRAIN Leaved Harriablirg ter Bahlituiro ... ... 8.45 A. 111 Returning—leaves • 8.30 P. if • the only, train leaving Elarriaburron Sunday, will be the Express Train, South 0.8.20 A. M.,. Fur 111111 w: tarprmallna RPRIY‘ .thiv (Winn in&ewes Rentreiii Sepia. JOHN F. UHRICH, Agent. M0v.23. 11161.‘—tif WINTER TIME 4RR4NGEMPIT NIIIN Mit WE ROUTE AND PHILAEk.kLPHIA WITHOUT. MANDE OF OARS. • rIN AND AFTER MONDAY, i NOVEhr w. BM 4,1414, the•Posaeoger:Tralns will .184341-She Philadelphia snit Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisborgi fur Neil York and Philadelptda, aa foll P ows, via • E4,§24, 1 1‘, KlPitliffitli . i Hiafaillarli q7 stitfrofiB.B l ill. m.i on az• rival of iPeri y vanii Railroad Ripreaa Train from the Weld, ariving in New York at 11.5 a. m., and at Phila. •gelphia t 9.00 a. in. A sleeping oar is attached to the train I ugh from.Plttabtiritzwitttout Change. t i .o SAM (MAIN leaves Hairiaburg at 6.25 a. in., arriving is New York at 5.30 p. in., and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. in. FASTjUlitleaves Hvriaburg at 1.40 p. in., oo Arrival of Waltevironfa fathouid 'Pilot Kan, 'arriving 16 Neill York :it p.ao p. to., and Philadelphia* 0.40 p. in. INTEEITIVAILD.* i cl VAST NEleavos New York at 6a. m , and Philadel pins at a. m., arriving at-Harrisburg at Ip. m. , ; VAL RAIN leavas.New York at LI 00 noon, and nit. adelphla at 8. 16 p. m., arriving ,al, Harrisburg at 8.10 P 10. EXPRESS LINE leaves New York at 8 p: m. arri ving at Harrisburg a 13.10 a. m., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittahnni. , A sleeping ear is gee attached to this , rain . Connections are made at Iliudtsburg with train' on the Pennsylvania, Northern. Central and Cumberland Valley Rallroad and .at Reading 'for Philadelphia Petteville, Wilkesiizre, Allentown, Reston, dm. Barge checked through. Fare between New York 'tnd arrieburg;•l4 0 ; bet Ween Ilsurrisbutg and Phila delphia, 53 26 in No. 1 earn, and $2 10 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to not J . J. CLYDE!, General Agent, Harrisburg. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTISTRY. D R. P. H. ALLABACH, Surgeon Den tist, Manufacturer of Mineral Plate Teeth, the only method tbat obviates every abjection to the use of' ern- Solid tests, embracing partial, half and whole seta et one piece only, of pureond todestrusbole mineral there' and th s/A cc crevices for the anccumritalio n of small particles ortood erefore, be oftensiveoder from the breath, as no me wl trued Jo their consarnallori there can be no giihrantO lite* or metalilc.*te. Bessie the bully ideal Is noted, wed' BOi v e throat, osadaotte, Sm. Woo No 4g florth-Sectond street, Margisbor & OU/2-47 "j • °HARRISBtTRG, PA., MONDAY MORNING, F.EI3RIETA.RY 10, 462. D W. GROSS & CO., • WROLERNLE AND BETA! DRUGGIST . S .. . .1 MARKET STREET DRUGGISTS, PHYSIC4NS,STORE. We are daily adding to our assortment of tkagoode all each ,articl A ar• , !desirable, and wo i tild respectfully . o ur atention to the largest and belt belected:atheir in this - city, of ' • 1 DRPGS, OXEYVALS &Rana, BaredlllF 'Lard, Sperm and eina,olla, PERFMraitY & TOi LE T selected . ftdnt the beat • matitifithtdreis gtid "Pd tuners of Europe and this 4intry. Being very large dealers la PAINTS,.WIWCE'LEAn t LINSEED OIL, VARNIBEEDi WINDOW GIASS, ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHW: IN ALIA THEIR VARIMIDS, 00L04 AND OF ALL BINDS; ' We respectfully invite a call, feeling, conti dent thatme can supply the wants of all on terms to their. satisfaction. JoNg's AND TEDTES'SPOR4OMAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND BAIR Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors Saponifier and Concentrated Lye Wholesale Agents for, &Nuttier, whichiwe sell ss_iow snit can.be gamboge:l ip the cities. • • CRA.yER'S MEDICAL FLUID EXTRACTS Being large purchasers In these Oilswe can • , • oder inducements . to 'close buyer& :Coal Oil taulpa of the most improved. patterns,: very cheap. 'All kinds of lamps changed to burn Coal 011. NEW YORK, °ea of you who have not given our HORSE AND CATTLE PCWDEBB a trial know !..no the.f euperiority, and the advautage they are In keeping ,florseei and Cattle healthy and in xxi condition. Thoommds can testify to the profit they have derived from the use.of our Cattle .T"ourders by the increasing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap poaranc&of *their Cattle. Our long ex perience in the business gives us the advantageof a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we can in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of talus. Thankful for the liberal patronage beal,owe on our Louse, we hope by strict attention to businees, a careful selection of at fair pricee,-aad the desire to please all, to merit a cootirmance of the favor of edwrim_ mating public _ ~„ I I VIN TOILET L-0 AP§. t i t ctmran D r4 i c i rt g,L. 0 ~,v0.3,N.......4 v 0. 3 ,N.......4 . 1 , 4 4 . ittu i r 4 si Mfg st Issiiinlow d twin RUG AN FANCK ,"- oitd, iD. 1.11 Gross $: 'To., NO, 19 BARRISBURG, PEN.IVA KEEPERS 'AND -CONSUMERS, vagenlshes and Glues, Dian Acadia, Maas and FOntay, A4rtistpolows ant! Tqo 1;:ri Pure GrounlOpices BotthdlF3LiulLamaiLLarp 4iliabbal r Castile Sciaiii, Spiongei Canrks, 12112 .560., Ate., Arf..., Ar.c„ #443..,.14:cj With a general variety of TEETH 1 TEETH!! RESTORATIVES COAL OIL I CARBON OEL.I FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, PURE DRUGS FRElglir REDUCED Howard &Hope ~ ,,RMT, i ,-','QUM:::IIOUN ENE 'l' 0 ANp rßpivx E,W YORK. oods Ordered in the Morning Returned - J the same Night t r eave New York at Ti P. M., by the Fast Ibtotigh Express Train, arriving in Efarriaburg at _ . W I ,ITHCI7T . CHANGE OF MARS Order Goods [marked • via HOPE EXPRE S S CO., General Office,, 7 1 t Bruedway , New York • Branch ' " 4 " For further infolination enquire of GEO.EEEONER, Agen . HABausvoito, ii14.11:461.:dtf JUS T: NED , • A LARGE STOOK OF XI 'CT Zt. SS RIOH DARK: SHADES. TEBY CHEAP GOODS FOR THE .HOLIDAYS f • At CA'PHDABT'S, de2B Next door: to the Harrisburg Bank. NEW Dgess a.oo MIMBROIDERED 1. 1 .4 . Plata and: Figpred item • ,Rich Blgnrad all .Wool Delaines, • t Vliin Merino% ap4 Cashmeres, ' Fancy' Pails l'hiss Silks, - ' Su or Plain Colored' Dress Silks, Warmated makesof plain black silks, • New Sty les . Low Priced Delalaes - cArneAsT & 13110THEN'S Next door to theliarrtsburg flank Market Square. nor 4 CHOICE. LIGHT - READING. , HE 81311tERLANDS, by the author of 1 ;'•Rutledge" Prico $1.26. Also new editions of RUTLEDGE--unlform with "The Slither lands," $1.26.• BgllLAH—twenty-fifth edition—sl.2s. RAST.LYNNE—A new Novel-50 cents. TOM 'IIDLER'S GROUND, by Dickens, 26 cts. FOR BETTER, MR WORSE,"BB 'Together with all the New Books; soon as published at i• BERGNER'S CHEAP . BOOKSTORE. "THE PIN MIGHTIER:.THAEV.THE :WORM:" THE , LARGEST.sTocuir4 THR !MOST ,114141F716 • swum AND ; PATTERNS i • • Gold and .Bilver Pencil and. Pen Cases: In the market, la.to be found at ' ; BERGNAR'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE. rowtsrisuus! 'i3RB I Pl 7. 1 7 114 ,Puri, ' , ". Liberian Htairral Pars, French Sabin Funi, Silver ltdartan.Fura, • • Water,l(ink Furs. Traps, 'CURS AND Warps, lAtt il 'Asiositircirr. ()mkt bargains in ttreGocls.. Every. arbokiVarran ,p axaltly as represented, at .OATBOART Pc BROTHER; net • Next ,b 3 the Harrisburg Bank, 0 1. 1 i • T NEW . 'NOW OfiNING AT • lrf`LT MirS.•,DRITG AND FANCY . STORE, al, Market street: A TINE variety. of those rare' • cxisaltmotss, ! .. just lit'the factory. AA. most gLEGANt MIXTURE, ,((Übe fleet yet receivega • wally 1)111•up td "Nil pound teke4- - Gedt. oon. • • • Ake; anolber lot or:thotte splendid • , • Ladies' Sittnhels, Ladies' Wire and Leither - Turses, . 1 /.1“11013' OomPintoos or, ..,Wor,c...easen, and ot r fine goods which you would do well to see. - RUBBER' GOODS t. no übbe Balls, ja, 1 Rubber Waidies , , . Rubber, arttea, , Rubber Toys generally at BERGITEWB CHEAP BQUKSTORE. REBII BUTTER and EGGS constantly F o 4 hand and for sale by CIRANBEHRIES, Dried Fruits; Fresh kJ - Aloe,.simony, ai IsCs PIES ILL Ausixtll, chum t indume, .Shia,Sabst4 for Bence Pies tor sole by dio6t • , • Wm; DOCK, 11L, &CO ISHARTLB.I SHAWLS 1 &large invoiaa of New :Styles of Preach Minket Shawls t . eceived thin morning os non • OATH :ARP & BROTHER. CRr & BLA.;;KWELL'S %Celebrated PI &LES, SAMBA PRIOESVIS4, & c„ &c. A large ',apply the above, embracing , every. variety, Jost. re oeivs.d and for sale by • . . XT.EW ,Fruite, Currents, fi aiains, nitr on 841 Lexkons, atthAttiegikhokyola =dash*. Oro. aerVand rrin*lon oorna K trout am pirifo . -15 ..•• ' , lath:writ* minima- • itlistrtiancous. EICITIESP PP.'S YEAR. NIOROLB & BOWMAN ) corner Frqnt 'Lod tdarkei. otreeta NIGROP3 & BOWMAN'S, corner, Front and Market streets WL DOCK, Jr.. & co • • ' ' '." " " . - . o . ) , :.1 , . • «: i ' 11 I , i I ,i, .1 FROM POiImRSS MOAROII NEWS PROX-Atoft SOURCES , t :-!~ li l eoeption of the News of the Capture of Fort Henry. I== The Robelt _Retreat to 'Fort'llonnelsoi. NEWS FROM THE BURNSIDE EXPEDITION 40/t.Noxo igg;AND A.TTAdMiD THE YANKEES TWICE ILEPULS&D TICE FIONIT STILL GOING- :ON EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS FORUMS higlllo2, F,eb. 8. The Southern papers rectived by the . flag of truce furnish the A de•patch from Clarksville, Tenn., says . that Fort Henry has billet. into the hands of the Federals. Our troops are retreating to Foit Donneleen, on the Cumberknd river. Federal gunboats are at Daellthe, Tenn., and the bridge at that flat* has been destroyed b . ) tb, Yankees. A despatch from Roanoke Island states that the Fait rats had advanced to Roanoke lalaud and been • twice vepulsed. The attack com menced at. seven o'clock on Friday morning, and the feint was still going -on at the latrat advicea. - Four hundred and ninety Union pris oners have left Neer Orl6ans to be exchanged. FROM WASHINGTON. Advance of Gen. Lander to Romney, LATER FROM.' TENNESSEE Reduction of Three ROW. flatteries. FEDERAL TROOPS IN POSSESSION. THE BRIDGE OVER TEE TENNESSEE RIVER. THE BLOCKADE• OF THE POTOIAC No French Intervention in Ante rican Affairs. . . Wassurarcar,. Eeb.l3. Further information has been received from Gen. sander; by which it appears that having been reinforCed, rbe marched on Thursday .at the head ,of between seven and eight thousand troors upon the enemy at flomney. The rebel forces Weae about equal to - his Own; they de clined Eighth:lg, , however and retreated IterOaa the river destroying the wire bridge.in the rear, running off, probably, to Winchester, At; heretofore stated, Gen. Lander is now in pos session of Romhey. Despatches received from Gen. Halleck, at head quarters say that after the reduction of fort Henry oar forces proceeded up the river in the direction of the railroad bridge sixteen miles dittant, and on the way reduced the bat teries of the enemy on the other •bank of that river. No doubt is entertained here that our troops thoreafter tOok possession of the Bridge over the Tennessee riVer. The 'United States gunboat Pinota, which has just been finished at ,Baltimore, arrived here to-day. She came up past the rebel batteries accompanied by the Resolute without being fired at. - She will here take on board her arma ment and stores. Sne is in charge of Lieu tenant Commanding Prosby, who is highly es. teemed as a riaial officer. The rumor of an intended intervention of Frani* in. our affairs is contradicted to-day on high authority. '1 he usual reception at the White House was postponed yesterday in consequence of illness in the President's family. • Ericssou's batteryis regarded here with great favor. The Navy Department has ordered a thorough test of its qualities. FROM GEN. BANNS' DIVISION Movexabnts of the Rebel Jaokeon. FREDBRICK, Md.,-Feb. 8. The latest intelligence from the Virginia side is via Hancock, on WEdneeday., A squad of Cavalry "daily make their appear ance on a distant hill, apparently to observe our movements. At Harpe.r's Ferry it was reported that Jack son tad not yet gone to , Richmond, but was supposed to be . at Bo.Mown where were preparing to resist - the imaginary adviance of Gen. Banks' division. :Bodies of rebel troops are also at Charleston and Msrtinsburg.; On Saturday a small body of the enemy were dispersed near Boliver, by a few well direCted shells from our battery on Maryland heights. One of the shells exploded in an unoccupied dwelling. There was considerable dissipation in town during the early part of the week, but a descent by the provost guard upon several taverns has checked it in a considerable degree. Several companies of Lemon's Virginia regiment have arrived here from Hancock to join the Maryland regiment. Gen. Cooper, in ommand 'alba Maryland brigade, it is believed, will take the field' in a few days. Our artillery force has been considerably augmented during the week, and more are be lieved to be preparing to come hither. Seventy.-nine,prisoners from Baltimore, mostly belonging to the upper regiments, were sent to Hancock yeeterday, under a guard of the Michigan cavalry.' On Wednesday the body of of Sergeant Ma jor Lusk of, the second battalion of Michigan _ Cavalry was , escmted to the pars enroute borEe- Tin Detroit _Tribune has discovered that the ward by aline nmxiber of masons and officers sherry 'cobblAr was invented in that city forty of his reginient. His ices will be severely felt 'rims tied by an ex-o , bbler named Ottie Fi id, by his corm and-hundreds of personal friends: who ' ~m it a 1,q,i,m," in th ye days beuiod He was quo/410%in high standing, _dud:widel y . ttitit bar df...` Uncle Bei" .Wuoda wor ite s swam nbw an a es t eame d fo T his esOnspleaual*Le„ tigotel. A. monument will undoubtedly WV stlf 1e t'lßan erected to Otis at ono). • PRICE ONE CENT FROM TENNESSEE. Inoidente of the Capture of Ft. Henry. FORUM OF THE ENTOLCITRO MILS. Capture of Fourteen Guns and Thir- ty Prisoners. CuencaArr, February Bth. Specials to the Cbmmodai and Gam* give as• (*Joust details of the capture of Fort Henry. At the time of the attack of the rebel infantry in their comp they were eating dinner. They abandoned everything, leaving thousands of shot guns, all of their camp equipoise AIM clothing. In pursuing the enemy, Major /111'- COSough of Col. Dickey's cavalry, captured biz grins, and Cul:John A. Logan captured 'eight gdne and thirty-three prisoners. REINFORCEMENTS FOR GEN. BUTLER Lentos, Feb. 8. The ships Ocean, Pearl, Itch.. and Nurth Ainerica, with troops and stores, furmiug a pal tof Oen. Butler's expedition, B&add to morning fur Snip Island. Our Army Correspondence. • • 0.91112 WOOD, i a MI BANES ON Gamut RIVIA, • Bare Ginm , y, Sy. Feb. 8, 1882. Ma. Iturroat -As a Penn6ylvanian my thoughts often return to my native State, and temitterhoes lotlg to enjoy once more the pure. air of bet Imp native bills, her wooded mountains and lovely sequestered and" &Lye all to behold again the tame of chei lilted loved one., Mit I left behind when I entered upon the du ties of tal. - ing part in the twilit and meghty arrieggle of freedom against slavery, and lib ertY against despotletm. The Pennsylvania Regiments in Kentucky have. been favored above all others by the heilth of their men, comparitively few of them are numbered among the dead. Tney have petised through the ordeal of a powerful accli mation, with oonetitutione unimpaired; their bodies strong and vigorous, and ready for the greitt and impending conflict soon to take place here. leepecially has the 77th regiment, Pa. Vol., with whom lath counected, enjoyed un interrupted health and prosperity. Toe offic..rs in Command spare no pains to reader the mot as comfortable as this inhospitable climate of mud, mire and snow will admit of. But the Indiana and Illinois regiments in our.brigade have been very much decimated, and hundreds of them sleep their last :sheep; they have fought their last battle, and many of theM are now resting in graves consecrated to freedom on the soil of Kentucky. ' Thad the pleasure last week to: getioses from Gen. McCook to visit the late battle Said neat Vfotxbronville, where our brave army gaieed tinfading laurels, and where the rebel 00l Ferry met a traitor's doom, and now lays with Zzllicoffer and Garnett in ignominious graves. When the future historian of our die. enthralled and-rejuvinated country, will write ittlinpardal history{:. they will be referred to as traitors to their God and country, while the graves of Lyon and. Ellsworth will forever re main shrines Where the votaries' f liberty will make pilgrimages as devotedly as does the devout Moslem to his teloved Mecca. • . . Id passing over the pontoon Inkige I pined a moat splendid view of the railroad brings which spans the Green river at thls 'plaoe; per haps the moat magnificent -structure of the kind in America; which had been publicly:de stroyed by incarnate fiends in human ethape;but thanks to willing hands and honest hearts, the architectural beauty again spans the sky, over the Piece wherelaid an unwieldly and unsightly lietiP of riiins. About a week ago a incomotive with{ a train of cars, passed over into seceadon donw amidst the vociferous cheers of our brave soldiers. I visited the earthworks which the rebels red thown up on the South side of the Green rivet' ; they are diminutive in size and 'mean in appenrincedit now only as hiding places for owls and bats, and only left standing as a small monu ment to silow the consummate folly of rebel ' Our own works extend for about a mile, in the form of a cresent, guarding the Green riv er brid,ge - i they are well planned and admira bly executed. We arrived on the battle-field near midday ; all that marks She spat are some dead horses and shattered trees. A few omi nous' birds took flight at our approach. Sol emn'silence now reigns over, these fields which a few Weeks ago resounded with the clash of arms in mighty conflict. I picked up a few relics and then returned to camp. Ydu and your readers may ask me, what are you doing in Kentucky? Let the battle at Woodsonville and Mill Spring answer. Grit. Buell is advancing firmly on to Bowling Green. The result of the battle at Mill Springs renders his work far less uncertain than be fore, 'and he too may electrify the country by the intelligence of a great victory any hour. In au article on the two situations of the army, Prentice says : " Maps now are anxiously pon dered over. Anxious, beating hearts await the next news with painful interest and it 18 the general feeling thlt the crisis here has come. If the hope is felt that the result will be in favor of the Stars and stripes, it is not based on feeling alone, but upon the fact o well organised' and and n a-victorious army." In the coming oot,fl , ct you oily teat aesuie.i Penusylvanians in Kentucky will Cully sue• taia the honor of their mate ; their courage and br =very has never been douoted. although a corrispoudeut of the Cincinualle agate frum fdumferdsdlle has tried to put a stigma upon renneyivauLantr, by referring to a Firs false alarm the opposite side or Green river, by saying that they were "panic struck." The whole statement from beginning to end is, a tisue elf falsehood; and it the anonymous and irresponsible scribbler is nut afraid to come out over his own signature, we will show him that Pennaylvani na are everywhere able, and at all times wilting to maintain the honor and dignity of tbeir own beloved State. Darsersom—Facts are being developed to piove that certain colonebs of regiments on the Potomac are connected with the secret saki of liquorto: lits men under their command. One of the tricks resorted to is Willi mineral wa:er bottles with gin, and thus disguised, sell 11 to the soldier, Etanging would be too lenient a puniatanehtfor such rascality. J. E. C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers