THE TELEGRAPH IS PUBLISHED EVERY DAY, jW GEORCFE BERGrNER; TERMS.—S mits EVELSCRIPTION. The DAILY TELKOSAp is served to subscribers tin City at 6fri cents per Week Yearly subscribers will bt barged $4 00. WEEKLY AND SeMI•WIERLY TWLYORAPII. The TELEGRAPH is also published twice a week during the session of the Legislature, and weekly during the remainder of Mc year, and furnished to stibsc.sribero at the following rates, viz : single subscribers per year- ........ . 00 ..... 200 Soren a. :: ....... .....12 " ........ 00 Tea .. MS LAW OF WaWSPAPERs. It subscribers order the discontinuance of their news papers, the neighbor may continuo to send them until sli arrearagee are paid. ii subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspa froM t he office to which they are directed, they are reaponsible until they have settled the bills and ordei ed hem dim continued. laliscellantous WHOLESALE UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY! 25. 69, Market Street, below Third, Ahr, tIA:RRISEURG, PA. .• M. 11. LEE, MANUFACTURER OF UMBRELLAS, PAIIA 4 U IB and ALKINti CANES, will furnish rode .d. Lowint plum than can be bought In any or tie Eastrrn cities. Country toorchants will do well . call and marline Flea and quality, and convince them, selves of Ns fact. ang23.dly. GUM GOODS FOR THE ARMY, MU AS Dods, Pillows, Blanket* Cots, Cap, Legging, Drinking Cups, a am, FOR GALS BY s. summit, North Side Market Square, near Buehler's Hotel, HARRISBURG, PA. aug2l.d3M* OILT FRAMES I GILT FRAMES I J. BIESTER, CARVER AND GILDER, Manufacturer of Looking Glass and Pioture Frames, (nn and Rosewood Mouldings &c. HARRISBURG, PA. French Mirrors, Square and Oval Portra it Frames of every description. OLD FRAME/ RE.cuter lob 'BMW. jylB-ly VAN MOEN & SNYDER, Designers and Louvers on Wood l N. E. COR. FIFTH & CHESTNUT STS., . Philadelphia. EXECUTE all.kindß of. Wood Engraving with beauty, correctness and dispatch. Original designs furnishes for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing outs by sending s Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store From.% Machines, Stoves, Patents, &a., engraved as well on par ietal application. Fancy Envelopes, Labels, Bill Readings, :snow 8101, Visiting, Business and other Cards, engravA in the highest style of art, and at tne lowest, prices. For specimens of 'line engraving, see the illustrated works ofJ. 8. Lippinnott &CO., B. EIL Butler &Co. • lyd JOHN WALLOWER, JR, Agt, GENERAL FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. GOODS AND MERCHANDISE promptly forwarded by Philadelphia and Reading, Northern Central, Cumberland Valley and Pennsylvania Railroads Canal. HAULING AND DRAYINU to and from all parts of the city to the dillerent Railroad depots will be done at the very lowest rates. FAIdILISIB removing will be promptly attended to. Orders eft at Brant's European Hotel, or at the store of E. B. Bollinger will resolve prompt attention. Con signments of freight retina:drolly solicited. JOHN WALLOWER JR.i Agt., apg Moe Reading Depot. 21117 MIN o 3EI TRAVELING AGENT OF THI OLD WALLOWER LINE. rpius OLD' TRANSPORTATION LINE j. is still In successful operation and prepared to carry freight as LOW as any other individual line between Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewiabnrg, Williams. port, Jersey Shore, Lock $ll4Oll, and all points on the Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Willhuns. port and Elmira Railroads. Local Agent at Harrisburg, D. A. MIIENCH Goode sent to PEACOCK, ZELL A HINCELMAN, Nos. 808 and 810 Market 'street, above Eighth, by 4 °Week, P. M., will arrive at Harrisburg, ready for delivery, the nett morning. C. P. &WENCH, aplttf Traveling Ageen, NOTIOE. rrinE UNDERSIGNED has or,ened his 11 LCHHHR MICA corner of Third air pal ..ed Black. berry alley, near Herr's Hotel. Br. Lumber or all kinds and qualities. t t sale by W. fallititilY. The ondsmigned wilt eell Horsee, Carriage* and har em low for cash, 6198--Hones and Carriages to hire little same office marll MUNK 6 . A111111t.&Y. A NEW LOT OF LADIES' SHOPPING & TRAVELING BAG Comprising a number or new styles MOMS , and L DIES' Money Purses and Wallets. fine assortme set received and for sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, ed. Market Pars LIME FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED having emburked kb the LIME BUSINESS is prepared to f arnish an very beet article at short notice, and at the lowest prices for cash., He seta the Mae burnt at Columbia and 10 10 that burnt at home. -1429..d8rn SEVER BERNHIBML THUNDER AND LIGHTNING. THE vast amount of property destroyed annually by Lightniug ought to be a warning to property holdera to secure their buildings. All orders Will be atteed to. Rods put up In the latest improved le and warranted. iel2-d TO FARMERS I B IITTER (good, sweet and fresh) in one pound Tolle, and fresh EGGS In large an small qualities taken at all times and sash paid o groceries Oren la exchange. Regular market rates always paid. WM. DOCK, 4., & CO. Opposite the Court louse itugl9 CIDER 11 1 VINEGAR I I I M ADE from choice and selected Applels, elnd guaranteed by us to bastrictly pure. WSJ. DOOR WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY , THE beat defining and pronouncing Die omy ol the English language ; Also, Worcestees ol Dictionaries. Webstees Pictorial Quarto t o School Dictionaries for sale at SCIIKPFEWS BOOKSTORE, splAtt Near the Harrisburg Bridge. FRESH ARRIVAL lleaoinr, Buse, 01 Bay , Gwen, Itoaoxe, &mamaClou lirtre Jut reedited awl for sale at the fable WY. OD. ......... ____ ...7. - . ~ t•••• , i , ' - • - ' - -t • . . . !.. ;, 1 i L•i; itf! ''', •-•, `j li , .L f: ,!,•, !Cr ' , 1 . , .J 1 ~i , ' t.:,‘, ' 4 t,„; ..r ,:,- •,.: • ' ../ ' . - \A) ,:.\ \\ . ii lll \ \' i i, i ff/ i fitiAl . - : ..;• ~: -. , .-.. s . . r • ' . - 'w• \ I I ; - 7 ,i t ----'- • . • ,•• e . 110 '. nuov l ba 7 , . , tett :. -.6-. . . ~...---_„,,, ---, :1----;.---2-: .: -., ~. ....- VOL ID. W.. it , roso & Di W. GROSS wo., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, NO. 19 MARIC.gT STREET HARRISBURG, PENN'A. DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, STORE.! KEEPERS AND CONSUMERS, We are daily adding to oar assortment of goods all such articles as are desirable, and world= respectfully call your atention to the largetit and Wet selected - stock in this city, of DRUGS, OREMICIALB*PAIngIi 014, mirtaitlkies Arid Wink Dye-9MM', GIRD airidVatty, A.rart. Colors and TOOL% Pure around theicest Darning Fluid and Aleadkol, Lard, Sperm and Pine 011 s, Bottles, Vials and Lamp Globes, Cairene Soap, Sponges and Cork*, &e., &e., *o4 &e , &c., &c., &a, With a general variety of PERFUMERY & TOILET ARTICLES, Waded from the best manufacturers and Per 7 turners of Europe and tbis country. Being very large dealers in PAINTS, WHITE LEAD, wont OIL, *Amlisluts, WINDOW GTASS, .ARTIST'S COLORS, PAINT AND ARTIST'S BRUSHES; IN ALL TRAM irAINNIES, COLORS AND BRONZIN OF ALL RINDS, tri \ R f:1 We respeetfutly invite a call, feeling, conik, dent that we can supply the wants of all on terms to their satisfaction. TEETIII TEETS I 1 JONE' S AND WRITES'S PORCELAIN TEETH, PATENT MEDICINES AND HAIR RESTORATIVES Of all kinds, direct from the Proprietors. Saponifier and Concentrated Lye 1 Wholesale Agents for Saponifier, which we sell as low as it can be purchased in the cities. MAYER'S MEDIOAL FLUID EXTRACTS, COAL OIL I °ARBOR OIL II Being large purchasers in these Oils, we caii offer inducements to close buyers. Coal Oil Lamps of the most improved patterns, very cheap. All kinds of lamps changed to limb Coal Oil. - FARMERS AND GRAZIERS, ose of you who have not given our HORSE IND CATTLE POWDERS a trial know mot their superiority, and the advantage they are in keeping Horses and Cattle healthy and in pod condition. Thousands can testify to the profit they have derived from the use of our Cattle Powders by the increaing quantity and quality of milk, besides improving the general health and ap pc:canoe of their Cattle. Onr long ex petimice in the business gives us the advantage of a thorough knowledge of the trade, and our arrangements in the cities are such that we caa in a very short time furnish anything appertaining to our business, on the best of terms. Thankful for the liberel patronage-bestowed on our 'house, we hope by strict attention to business, a careful selection of PURE DRUGS at fairprieea, and the 'desire to Plow" all, to =tit a contintanoekafAke. a disethut-: "INDEPENDENT IN ALL THINGS-NEUTRAL IN NONE HARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY AFTERNOON,' SEPTEMBER 7, 1861 ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal - Confidence & Patronage FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Wiwi end Gentlemen, In ell purls of the world testily tu, the efficacy of Prof. 0 ,T Wood's Heir Restorative, and. gentlemen of the Pressirb Stuttlutous in fin 'pretax 'A' few teationinials only can be here given'; wiacirMilar ior more, and it will be ireceselblalorycalluttlonbti 47 Wiltgareet, New Xorit t poo..2thh, 1858. thittrieintar : Your unto of the 18tH ,het, bairbeen re- Movedrirayforthatlbu hed-htiard that I ban been' bene fited by the use of Wood's flair Gestotatteoraildreenciale log mg certificate• of the,,,femif. I ti Ad on Wiikitloo to gtvo, 4P. , I award it to Yob blieerltilly, Decanted ft due,— ify *get about 50 "tiara; the color of titylut r aubuct and inollnedlo earl. :dome five orals. yeraraisintxt ee'-' Ca to 4 , 4 1 firayra scalp oil the creein W' my bed to late ha Benno dity and dandruffhi foriu :I.l„uni IC Penh of these disegreenbilltles increased witn-time, and about four Months sinews fourth , WilB added to theta, bY , hair, fallin g off the top of my head and Ahreatenius to maim me bald. In this unpleasant , predicament, I was induced to try Wood's Hair • Restorative; mainly to arrest the falling off of mrtair„dor I had really no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its col excel): from dyes. was, .however, greatly skiprisud to find after the nee of IWO `bettli.4 only, that not only " was the falling oft arrested, but the *Diorama restored to Uteuray hairs andsensibility to the - scalp, and dandruk ceased to form on my .head, very much to the gratification of my wife, at whpro aollcitatiou I was induced to try It. For this, among the many obligations I owe tp her sex, itrougly recommend all husbands who'-aloe the .d -miration of their wrvrn to profit by my: example, and use It if ; growing gray or getting bald. r Very reipectfuil y, BEN. A. 'LAVENDER. To 0 J. WOod - dt Co., 444 Broadvray,' • NeW York ifylitmily - are absent from the eity. and& am no long er at No.. 1.1 Carrel Siamaston, Ala , July 2001, 1859. 'ioVrior. 0. J. Woo ; dear Sir : Tour "flak Restore- Ur e”'hite done My hair so much good blnoslcomeienced the use of it, that I wish to make known tope eußuo 1 .4 4 3 . 9.4 on,,the bfilrelticit are grest„ pan -or wo. scan, may be mealy prived of hair; rind by a resort to your "Hair Restorative,' the hair return more beautiful than ever; at least this is my turparience.- 1 Believe it all I . Yours I' S.—Yon can publish the above if you like. :By pub lishing in our Southern papers you wilt get looks- patron: age south. I see several of your certificates Willie aro bits./ifercury, a strong Southern. paper. Pao/. O. J. Moon : Dear ar : Having had. the xnisfor i to.lose the be portion of my -hair, fromtha effects . of the yellew fever, in New Orleima in lghl, was duced to make a trial of your preparation, and found it to answer as the very thing needed. My hair is now -think and - glossy, and no words oan express =my obhga; Lions to you is giving to the afflicted such a treasure. The Restorative fa pat up in bottles of three sizes, via: large Medium, and smell; the swill' holds half s and retails for one dollar per *Mail the medium hold* least twenty. per cent more in prOpOrtant than, t he small, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large MA, a quart, 40 cont. more in proportion, and 'rota Its for O. WOOD & ProPrieturit'y 444 Broadway, llTei York, and.ll4 Market street, St. Leula, Mo. , end sold by all good Druggists mid - . Fancy Goode Dealers. -,013.44kwe0w A New Feature' the Sbioti Tiiidel IMPORTANT TO sousEgszpsits: Bli:Dt(111Mih) SELECT' SPICES ) hi Vs ibil; (Lined with paper Ittit nohn. BLACK PEPPER, GING NUTMski WRITE PEPPER. ALLSPI E. - MACE. 'uairuurra PEPPER,. • CINNAMON;, MORTARD. IN THIS AGE of adulterated and teak* less 'spices, it is with Confidence that • we Introit uo to the attention of housekeepers these superior anti genuine articles. We guarantee them not only • ABSOLUThLY APTD PEIIFECrrLY but ground from fresh Spices, selected 'and • cleaned t.S. us expressly for the purpose, without .re,releads to oar They are beautifully packed in tin Ibil,;(linedYith pei• per,). to 'prevent injury by keeping, sad , are FULI WEIGHT, while the'ordinary . attend Spices are almost nicaria bly short. We warrant Chem, in point'of strengti. and richness of flavor, • , ' BEYOND ALL COMPATILSON, as .a single 'trial will abundantly prove.. .Every pitektigte beare our Trade Mark. Mannthetured only by E. R. DIJIMEN: & 00.;New Pork ,For aide by WM. DOOR JR. &CO. ' VIM • B. It GlialfirAti STATE . STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE All 9erii.dOns, au4 SCOMMICaIiY performed. Chargea'moderate. xis ItHE lII4DERBIIiN.tII) * ± to the COAL TRADE lit thle'aity, Would reeturatfully totiolt the Pittrtione of the masons.. *Of Veep on hand floal of ali s, froth the moet•oelebreted , tied approved mines .which . will be : detivoredr i o, say pig& o{ toe,-OKYI tree LTGIn dirt and other impurities. Wu, :Armee} iItrATABWO. 00A14 TOY OM ST "TB<" BOAT WAD i CAI Loan oh '¬a :ON. Hollow pOtatiaßlig by the .Bost or CAT Load will reef:live 2,240 pounds to the Ten. 00k No. 74 Market otree, Salmi door then pewhet 11. idle, Yard on 'the loot otliOrth' Arent,: VI hers 'neither place will receive piTliattValieation. ett-&11y afitiN flail.: wont.. PROF. ADOLPH - P. tgIiPSERi: tvoubD respectfully utternt hut 010 vir - pillions aid the public generally, that he Wil." ooninnue to give instruotlons On the • PIANO FORTE, ME LODEON, InULLN and also in the science cil THOROUGB RAS& lie wilt w'th pleasure wail Upon pupils at theft ['ernes at anyhour desired, or demos will be given , his • residence, in Third street, few' doors ' beide? tie German itetormed Church. . . SCHEFFER I S %BOOK , STORE.' (NEAR xas'Emuusstais mm 44 UNION. ENVELO. NOTE wEE, .of six differeardeiiignsi, printed in two colors sold by the thousand -, and by th e ream at City Cash prices. - . - Also, Flags Onion 'Breast Fins, 'Eagles, * Efuloa Lags and Badges at very low prices. at myB ' SOREFFEWS BOOKSTORE: 1. STAGE LINE-FOE-GETTYSBURG' FARE REDIIOED TO $1.25 THBOUGEE TO GETTIeSBIJEG. • rpEEE . thicteraigned has established a re g ular I.J.K.R OF STAGS 00AC11103 tromlierhaulcs burg, cooneotlog every other morninewith the Camber. laud Utley Railroad care.. The coaches' leave every every Tuesday, Thursday;and Saturday; retdiciug every other day. Passeogers for Sheepardstowa, Dillaburg, Petersburg and Gettysliarg are carried at reduced rates. 01144 - M. TAM FIRST CLASS GROOT' :RI I LARGE Attui:VAEt AVING JUST RETURNED_ the frol tiLeatera cities where we haVe sweetie the . csaa.s large atutztannko 118.COMAISI utter . POMP' lei' W4 6 "a b rilaa 441 1 4/1N 047 gra*tdr iut r i lai llUti,d ox i t ze k A b ide hi 'areariner °r " 4 . . tiogiii 4) • , 1111113=1101011314 Nov absurtienunts. ki hit r: 1. ni Kenedy, WOOD'S HAIR RESTOSATIVE 11NLB? JOHNSON NEW COAL OFFIOR. e ceitgraPij+ TAB SCOTTISH The following truly able and eloquent article has been in type foreaveral weeks,. and . post poned from day to give room to other matter, of anitivortatit general new rbar , wter. It is from Forney's Philadelphia Prescof the 9th of August, and will imply, repay our read era fora careful. perusal : Twa Samoa Rumen —Semi-occaaionally, *"between the glirdpses of the moon,". we get 4 stray number of that excently weekly, the &oil tith Amnions gotewei, which oontaltia a larger and bettg digest of .old worldinews than any othqr, newspaper on this side ofthe Atlantic. Id a recent number, the editor—we may now call him the surviving editor _as his excellent aria tenanted associate;ittibert Davidson, wee, one of the gallant'beventyannth Blighlandent who fell at the battle of Bull. Run, on the 21st ultimo—the editor recorded the mut that sevr eral of the principal military 'leaders of the United States in the present noble struggle are descendants of t3ccdolniten, General Scott hay'r ing an ancestor mho feßat Culloden, and',Secr retary Cameron being of the family of the "Great Lochiel." Mr. William Nesbitt, of New York, following this up, in a subsequent number of the paper, says l. "By accounts I have lately received from Kirkcudbright—my native place---I learn that General McClellan is n'tiescendant of a Very ad cleat and illustrious Galloway' family-rthe Mci- Ciellints of Kirkcudbright and Cornbie; 'allied to the ancient 'Knights of Lochinvar.' The fami ly were ennobled' by Charlesl,in 1688, the then representative, Sir Robert McClellan of Bornbie being created a peer _tinder the title of Lord Kirkcudbright. The last lord of that name died about _thirty years ago, in rather reduced circumstances, leaving no issue. The `title is now extinct. ' The ruins of the old family castre now form the most: conspicuous object in the ancient burgh of Kirkcudbright, on the banks bf the river Dee. Many:of the deeds of the Me- , Clellans , are still recounted in the legendary lore of the district. The name of McCleilaa has Peen alwaYs associated with all that ..s - noble patriotic and daring, and I am proud to think that in the person, of the worthy. American scion, it is, still so. i Sir William ,McClellan, an ancestor of the above, family, also fell at Flodd,err." ' , In point of fact, Camden Grey. MacClellaii., ;tenth Baron Kirkcudbright, in the peerage of Scotland, died in „Adp, . when,: for want of a male heir, the title i hecame extinct. His wido l t , survives Shewos daughter of tthe lite Colon 1 , Townes' Gorges. Lora liirkeudbright left an only daughter, Camden Elisabeth, Who • was *rriad , ., in 1882, shortly before her fathe i r4s death, to James Staunton Lambert also s - .ovee- - _ _ i Mr. Nesbitt adds "General McDowell, I be lieve, isialsonlescendatit,otanotherannownid -race of potent- Galwegian chieftains, the Me: ,Dowells_of Logan and. Garthland4,. an ancestca, darles- McDowell, of Logan, haring.: Whin at the:head of his clan, ate fatal battle of Fiodden Field, injoia. e 8. 4 mune hi said for be synonymous with Dow , Donegal, Donald, and McDougall. . They ha e been a leading family in western Gallottay froin time immemorial ; and like many other ancient Scottish families, their name and origin are 1 hidden in the night of antiquity." We wish that Mr. Nesbitt has ',told us some thing about the. Camerons. We must. endee ,- 1 vor to .relate what he has left untold about them. . ; That.a gallant Oanieron should command !a regiment..called_ the Seventy-ninth, was ei tremely, appropriate. 1 / 4 1.n 'the British airily the Seventy-ninth Regiment is called "The Cameron Highlanders.' I The Clan Cinnamon l which had a common origin with the Clan Chattan, was one of the twelve great Scottish' sepia ror families entitled to have supporters to their heraldic arms-la tilignity'peculiari beyond 'those twelve, to pe o is alone. - In. the fourteenth century, the Ch - erons and the Chattips divided--on a matter bi landed, property-4.nd their respective chitin-- pions, thirty against thirty, fought that cart ' braced combat at Perth, in the.year 1896, be fore King Robert. 111., his nobility and court, which Scott hen: an.'.-iSFF 4, EideellY •flescrilied m 1 "The Fair Maid of Perth." The Charnerons conouered„and the Qlan Chattans never recov ered the disgrace of the defeat. , It is asserted by Scottish historiana, that the real name of the Chui phameron or Camenin was Maeerruisi. The founder of the race was desdended, it was" said; from a younger son - bf the royal house of Denmark, who.assisted at the restoration of Fergus 11, in 401. This proge*- tor had rtpecullarity'in his nasal organ, and the Gaelic term Oaanterim, i. e. Wryness, fist gitran to the indiiiiltud; was eventually assur.h. ed by the clan aol'its actual patrptyrido. . . . The CaMerons had their:; seat In Lochaber, as far back .as wt., be distinctly traced. The more.. modern 'possessions_ of Lochiel and Locherkaig, -situated on the, 'lrestern ` side of the Lcehy, .in Perthshire,_ :were :.:originally . granted by the_Lord of .the Isles to the founder of clan &mild, from whose descendauti they passed' to the Camerons. After the defeat Of the clan . Chethm, on the Lich. of Perth the elder. branch.," ender the name of bfacHarteiL, Made a neyrslan ; but the second son, (Janie ron of. Strene, headed- the Locldel party, and declared . himself independent. After the nine], amount of fighting with their neighbors and rivals, during the ; next ,century, Sir Allen Cameron; succeeded by his son Sir Ewen, addekgreatly by_ conquest to the family pot- ' sessions. In the middle of the seventeenth ceohYy there, was a second Sir Ewen Cameron,' one of, the heroes of, that age, who was the bud .of th e : h dares to submit to Cromwell, who finitly obtained his submission on tie honorable ,terma, Simply .oni his parole; and without oath or bond, of living in peace with " the powers that be." Pull idemnity was made to him and his tenants and follewers for all hmiste, onstahaed fmn the Commonwetdtli's troops, and : complete 'idemnity was granted to all the ,Cameroun.: ',whist, as lair Evan Oanieroa is generally called, lived in peace until the Restoration .and remained in trampfil, .Possession of his proPerty, until the RevolutiO of 1688, when, refusing a title and a large B I M of money offered him by William ' of Oran e, on the condition of .remaining .: neutral, e joined the standard of Tames:lL, 'which-2W been raised by Viscount 'Thnidee.. fle • led his men gallantly at the battle of Miorankle, at which, aftet:Dttudtte awl =en, he took own hi mend of .this men, and won the victory in ... an hour--But•Calenalteannen, who sueceedS - in...thie- - ' signaix•• Psidatita' r linespagityo co, thli Nadaelhasiksarvilt itiOfe biwgratd ddirthe-Clamtiftuortiatbraid 'WWI eldeat son.' lochiel died in 1719, at the age. Of ninety-La *sin, limiest, loyal man. Of this Sir Evan Cameron, Donald, the chiv alric chief usually_, known an "the gentle_ Lo= cliiel," was , the grandson. Thomas Campbell; the pOct, truly stab* that, so important was his influence among theltigliland chiefs, it de peaded on his joining -with his clan whether the standard or Prince Charles shonld be raised or not 1745. He was well aware of the hope leafiness of the condtiot: . butthe Prince appease to hie loyalty, and to-that he sacrificed his judgment. "Had the rest of the clans assem bled on the field of Culloden ,behaved like the Camerons and the AthOle Ilighlandem," Dr, Black says, 4 &(..n. had wren sustained therri in the .gallant attack, the name of Cumberland would not have acquired so infamous an immortality in the Highlands of Scotland, and the British would have been spared'the disgrace afterwards 'brought upon it by the ignomini' oil convention of Cketer-Seven: lard Mahon, desCribing Lochiel, says he was "full of courage, hospi tality and honor ; a true model of that chival rous character Which, poets have feigned oftener than fotind, in feudal elite:s3l" and again, "hip eniugi in war, his courtesy and charity in peace, are recorded even ,by his political (he coeld have no private) enemies." Lochiel, who was wounded at Culloden, shared the dangers of Prince Charles' flight, and accompanied him to Fronde in September, 1746. "He went," Lord Mahon touchingly records, "but not with him departed his re membrance from the Highlanders. For years and years did his name continue enshrined in their hearts and familiar to their tongues ; than ,plaintive ditties, resounding with his exploitS, and inviting ' his return.' Among the 'forfeitures which, followed the ,Rebellion of the Forty-five as it is called, were these of the ,I.lochiel estates. Eventually, they were restored, and still remain in possession of the Cameron amily. In August,. 1798, letters of service, authorii big him to raise a regiment, were issued to Allan Cameron of Errach, by the British Gov ernment, No bounty was allowed, as is usual, but the men were recruited at the sole expense of the officers. In 1745, and again in 1746, the I clan Cameron numbered about 800 men ' and the regiment was soon raised in 1794. Allan Cameron was appoiAted to command "the 'Cameron Ilighhmdefir," Which hi the Seventy ninth regiment of infantry in the Britt& army. They : were in the. - unfortunate wire paign in , Flanders in 1796, and, went to. the West tidies in the same year, and sequently served in the expedition to the Helder in Egypt ; under Sir John Moore` in Portugal, until he , fell at...Corm:lmi; in the 1 expedition' to Zealand; from 1810 to 1814, in 1 the Peninsular War ; and at the battles of Quatre Bras and Waterloo. From the time tlie Ciumnon Highlarelers . were embodied, in. 179 , down to the memorable _ 18th of dune (Waterloo day) in 1815; ib3 total of killed and ivokinded. was 1,188. Their Colonel, who became Liente nant General, Sir Allan Cameron, died'in 182)3. At the battle of. Fuentes d'Honor, in MO, 1811, ins aldest son, Lieutenant •Colonel Owner= was 'killed. It seems destined that the :Cameron shall attest their Welty by the life-blood of their nearest flowing on the field of battle. Either of the Oamerons, who have fallen combat, might truly and proudly utter the stir ring words !which the poet put into , the mouth of ' the gentle Lochiel : Though my perishing ranks should be strewed in their gore, Like Ocerin , Weecls heigied bri the' 'surf-beaten shore, Lochiel, untainted by fight or by chains, While tbekingdom of life in his bosom remains, Shall victor exalt, or In death be laid low, With back to`the field, and his feet to the foe And leaving in battle'no blot on his name, ' Look proudly to Heaven from the death bed of fame.. • I FROM GEN, BANK'S OOLUMN. MONTGOMERY' COUNTY, Mn., Sept. 2 An eye-witness states that the affair at Con rad's Ferry, a week- ago, was as follows : A party of Union scouts crossed the river, took two prisoners, in arms, and four horses. Reach ing the river, on their return, they succeeded in getting two horses over; when they were attacked and compelled to let the prisoners go The next day a battery appeared opposite our entrenchments and commenced'shelling us. No battery being there at ' the time, our men re sponded with their muskets and rifles. Three days subsequent to the exchange of courtesies, a large rebel camp was discovered to be within range of out rifle batteries, and near Leesburg. An active bombardment soon caused the rebels to leave their quarters for a safer po sition, a mile, at least, further front the river. Our artillerists say that they threw shells from their rifled guns over and beyond the town of Leesburg. Information given by negroes, induced a search yesterday, south of Poolesville, for arms, supposed to be intended, for Maryland rebels in the rebel cause. The search w a s. successful. Some twelve or fifteen complete cavalry equip ments were discovered and retained by our scouts. Residents of •the neighborhood assert, however, that the equipinents belonged to a company of home guard cavalry which was raised last winter, to guard against a rising of the negroes ; that the company was outfitted by the State, but owing to the distance from the'placiof assembling at which many of the members , ftved, the company was disbanded be_ fore General Patterson took command of the department. The captain and some of the'offieers are now is Viiglnia. The company wag named the roolesville Light Dnigoons. Two men, sup posed to be active stxxstrionists, were captured at the sane time by scouts from the Twenty ninth Perinsylvaiiia Iteitipent, Colonel Murphy. Tiro complete cavalry "Auipments, with two Magnifcent"`horses, talon' by by the same ficenthonk's, ware Part'. Ttie news'of anooMsfal 'ciPialigdfi of Gen? floc bievie Northvazainalraeti*Creatild' here "this Iruiiiing, analicki hispitir'' l ' -- oil our troops. fteam tinting gam Haying procured steam POWef Prbata;"Wicartprepar ed to execute JOB add RJOIC PRINTING of every oeserlp don . cheaper than it can b.. done at any other establish ment In the country. Jal - Four lines or less constitute onuhalf square. Night lines or more than four consti , nte a square. Half fquare, one day one week, ... one 41 three months It six Inonths... Onerqqare, one day one work one month._ three months wraiths one year - . ......... ...... . Sir Biniides Entitles inserted In the Local (Mom, Of be , ore Marrfges and Deaths, FIVK Cr.NTS PER LINE for each luserilon. N► 10 Sir Starr ges and Peaths to be charged as rpguiar ad veriPpmeots LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. HEAVY FIRING . HEARD. Supposed to be at Ai unson's Hill and Chain Bridge• Gentlemen who returned at a quarter after one o'clock this afternoon from Georgetown Heights report heavy and continued firing be tween eleven and twelve o'clock to-day. They counted during that time over a hundred re ports, some of which appeared to be in the vi cinity of Munson's Hill, and others above the chain bridge. Previous to the firing, a balloon was visible for an hour over Fort Corcoran. On its being lowered, a bright calcicuds light was exhibited from a high point, the colors red and blue being distinctly visible at a distance of not less than seven miles. Immediately the light was ex tinguished. The firing commenced. The oc casion of the firing has not been ascertained. The Treasury Department has advicesniready of the subscription of over three millions to the popular loan, chiefly in small sums. The State Department has given the • War Department notice that It mud refrain 'from giving passes to women and children desiring to enter the Southern States. Urgent-applica tions for passes were rejected to-day. The travel southward via Louisville, is now cow -1 pletely blocked, by order of the Government. P~]IQHFJR'Sti DAILY alt LINE! Between •Phila,deirrhia Loon itivri, Jan= ' 4 IIORS, 11117titi, UNIOT.TOWN, WAltsotrrows, Milsora, vsa c in* , Titzvowtoti, Gleaoirroirm, lifeasTotrs, RITLLEMI- Bono, iiIIJALX, Damn; AND 11A.RRISBDitti. The Philadelphia Pop it being , butrally 10({8.14 the Magog° will be at the lowest rates. A Cmdikette. ghee through with each testa to Mead to the &AN, 401ilfory. 01 all goods entrusted to t 4.. fine. Goods delivered at the ' , Depot or , ;; PRIMA WARD tr. FREItU , No. 811 liar etl44,,Plitla • •-•-• - • . cielidila, by o'el — ocr'Pll,7l . lll37 isi Harrisburg the east swam Freight (alw iys) as low al by any other are. Parllioular attention odd by tills line to p•oaapt and speedy delivery of all Harriabur cods. The undersigned thankful for paat patro ,e hopes by strict attention to bosisooo to morn o Don•. .0 sae or-the derl4l6in T. J, - • SURGEON DENT I.STaI FFERB his oar vices to the oitiltotia o Harrisburg and its vicinity. He solicits a share o the public patronage, and Frail assurance that his best endesvOreehall be given to rendersalislatetleole his pro fession. Being an old, well tried dentist, he feels,safe in Atoning the 'public generally to eall on blm;PiNkuring ;beta lad they will not be dissatisfied triih.his !weirs, °eke No. 1.28 Harlon street, in the bouse lync - copied by Jacob tt. Eby, near the United. .Harrisburg, Pa. fa' . STEAM WEEKLY BETWREN NNW' - YORK - . AND LIVERPOOL. y ANDIN ti AND EMBARKING PAS ju srAGliit... , at QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The LiVer. pool.. New torn and Philadelphia Steamehtp company intend deepatcning their full powered Clyde built iron Steamenips as billows • GLASGOW, Saturday Semptember 7; OITY OF ISAL TTIKORE, Saturday, September 14 ; KANGAROO, Sitter coy, September 21. and every Saturday at . Noon,•ftm Pier 44 1 140 rib Etym. LAM OP P. 1128401. MST OAElke 176 001 8 MO 00 do to London $6O 00 1 do to London —Sat? 00 Mirage Return Tickets, good for Six 6lneth4 "WO 000 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &c., at equally low rates. _ Aar Persons whining to bring euttbelt tickets here at the following rates, to New York; from • Lloortmol or Queenateani; tat Cabin , $75, $B5 allilllo6 'Steerage from tdrerpool 640 00 from Quoansioarn, NO 00. . These Steamers 'nave superior artominodittibni for passengers, and Farr" experienced Surgeons. F,•,Ttkey Are built In Water-tight Iron Sections, and have Patina Fire Annihilators on board. For further Wigan:intim apply at the Coalkaars Cences. JNO. 0. DALE, Agerit l au2S-Nr 16 Broadway,New Y9rlr.. • Or 0.0 . Zimmerman. Agent. Harrtobtirg • Select SohoolB for Boys and Girls FRONT STREET ABOVE LOCUST. THE Fall term of ROBERT M'ELWEE'S echool for boys, will open on the Ina Monday in September. The room is well ventilated, comfortably furnished, end In every respect adapted for pliool pur . posies. CATHARRIM M'ELWEIFS School for girls, bunted in the mine building, wilt open for the Fail term at thalami time. The room has been elegantly fitted up to , piromote the health and comfort of sCholars. ing22dif THE SUBSCRIBER has removed his PLUMBING AND BRASS FOUNDRY from Market street to Fourth street above htarket,oPposite the Bathe church. Tbankfal for pant patronage, ho hopes, by strict attention to badness, to merit a continuance of mar26.3md WM PARKER. . SCHEFFER'S -BOOK STORE I (Ilear Ms Harrisburg Bridge.) sl2§• JUST RECEIVED °he aa lot fneCES6I NOTE PArsu, We Will sell at $1.25 per teem. -• WOO per reran for NOTE Per EN, dexcated: with the laleet and very bandeome emblems a$ ..mullptic mottos. 418:50 for MO WHITE ENVFLOPES,Vith'sumeisi and Plarintle emblems, printed In two coign; nefiße jive ne 5 call. THISO. sogioriat o je22-d Harrisburg. A. CHANCE FOR A BARGAIN. T° close lip the concern. tile entire stook of sum, BOOM, 60.,-late of Oliver Be I. deceased, le the.rooms in the Market, &jure will be sold at private- sale at COST; and the TOMS wid be rented to the purchaser if desired. The terms will be made easy. 1 , 317.dir DAWE. A. ROAM A :est- Property City for Sala A LARGE TWO—STORY BRICK HOUSE p h .; :and lot of ground, pleatantty loafed oa Front St., between Mulberry *trees and Weeblnglon armee. Alp TWO LABIEPLANO6 In good conditiou and or or walent tone. Apply to ' O. O. tifilliffMAN, ; No. 28,,South Seared street. RABINDER [ll:—Btrictly Ore, spark 11*.viustonnat•—iuitreteitvolitatraletatimi as Di _;'. "11717.41114. 4.llloltund , lhilreloos 126& for - • - 404 ,14 WAIL •Iroo. RA CSF oF ADVFATIFING I=o=Ml WASHINGTON, Sept. 6 iflistetlantout T. eve I Phlladelphil end kindle Frei of Market tam. Hirrleques REMOVAL. LI 54:1 25 1 00 2 00 800 5 00 800 200 3 60 5 00 10 00 16 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers