El £ Nttn Wvertistmtnts. AVY BEEF & PORK FOR 1882 NAVY DIEPARTIO:NT, Bureau of PrOVieioM3 and Clothing, Aug* 24, 1861. Sealed Proposals, endorsed " Proposals for Beef," and "Proposals for Pork," as the case may be, will be repeived at this office until 9 o'clock A.M., on Wednesday, the 25th day of September neat, for furnishing and delivering, free of all cost and risk to the United States, at the following navy yards : Barrels Beef. Barrels Pork. At Charlestown, Ma55..8,500 4,600 At Brooklyn, N.Y 4,500 6,000 At Philadelphia, Penn.l,ooo 1,500 9,000 One-half of said beef and pork must be deliv ered at each of the above-named yards, respec tively, by the Ist day of April, 1862 ; and the remaining half by the let day of June, 1862, wakes earlier deliveries should be required by the chief of this bureau. Payment to be made within thirty days after the delivery. Bidders must specify their prices separately and distinctly in separate offers for the beef and for the pork, and for each of the places of de livery, coveruag all expenses and all charges. The beef must be from well fattened cattle, slaughtered between the first day of October, 11161, and, the let day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than six hundred pounds, nett weight, each. The legs and leg rands of the Mad quarters, and the shins and shoulder OWN Ute ehoulders of mutton and ends of 1 101Q 1 daldWbes and as least twelve pounds from time end of each fore-quarter, or the parts marked Nes. 1,. 2. S. 4, and 6, on the drawing cr oistbnatioa of the fore and hind-quarters of ow as. which will be attached to and form a part et the coutrace, must be wholly excluded bola each barrel ; all the other pieces are to be packed, and hafted of being cut with a cleaver, mat ke art throw!, with a saw and knife, to give . ihe meet a nu m, sad, and soma appearance, in pieces often icse than einitpoundr, nor more than twelve pounds each. The pork must be packed from corn-fed, well fattened hogs, slaughtered between the let day of December, 1861, and the let day of January, 1862, and weighing not less than two hundred pounds each, excluding the heads, joles, necks, shoulders, hams, legs, feet, butts, rumps, lard, and all refuse pieces, and must be cut with a saw and knife in pieces weighing not less' than six pounds nor more than twelve pounds each. Both the beef and pork mast be salted with at least one statute bushel of Turk's Island, Isle of May, Key West solar, Onondaga solar, or St. Ulbe's salt; and the beef must have five ounces of fine pulverized saltpetre to each barrel, ex abusive of a pickle to be made from fresh water as strong as salt will make it, and must be per fectly bright and clear. Each barrel must contain full 200 pounds nett weight of beef or pork, and no excess of weight in either article will be , paid for. The barrels must .be entirely new, and be made of the best seasoned heart of the white oak staves and headings ; the staves to be not less than five-eights of an inch thick, and the headings not less than three-fourths of an inch thick ; they must be three-fourths hooped over, including the iron hoops, with the best white! oak or hickory hoops, and each barrel must have on it four iron hoops, viz : one of one and a half inch in width on each bilge, and one of one and an eighth inch in width on each chime, and each to be of one-sixteenth of an inch thick. Each barrel must be of the internal capacity of thirty-two gallons, and the iron hoops must be well painted with red lead. Each barrel must be branded by burning on its head "Navy Beef," or '"Navy Pork," as the awn may be, with the contractor's name and the year when packed, and weight ; and shall also be branded on the bung stave with the letter B or P, as the case may be. The beef and pork will, unless otherwise di rected by the' chief of thls bureau, be inspected by the inspecting officers at the respective navy yards aforesaid, e t ti by some "sworn inspector of salted provisicii ," who will be selected by the respective commanding officers; but their charges for such inspections must be paid by the respective contractors, who must likewise have the barrels put in g ood shipping order, to the satisfaction of the commandants of the re spective navy yards aforesaid, after Inspection, and at their own expense. Two or more approved sureties in a sum equal to one-half the estimated amount of the con tract will be required, and twenty per centum in addition will be withheld from the amount of each payment to be made, as collateral se curity for the due and faithful performance of the respective contracts, which will on no ac eciunt be paid until the contracts are complied with in all respects ; and is to be forfeited to the 'United States in the event of failure to complete the deliveries within the prescribed period. In case of failure on part of the con tractor to deliver all or any of the beef or pork above mentioned, of the quality and at the thus and places above provided, the contractor will forfeit and pay to the United States, as li qtddated damages, a sum of money equal to twice the amount of the contract price to be paid in case of the actual delivery thereof which liquidated damages may be recovered from time to time as they accrue. Payment will be made by the United States at the peri ods above specified, (excepting the twenty per centum to be withheld until the completion of the contract, as before stated,) after the said beef and pork shall have been inspected and received, and bills for the tame shall have been presented to the navy agents, respectively, duly approved by the commandants of the respect ive navy yards, according to the terms of the contract. pie ports of beqf to be excluded will be particularly iittipated in the engravings to be attached to the con tract. Paton' &aerated can obtain them on applica• tisgs at this office. bidders whose proposals shall be accepted, SA none others) will be forthwith notified, and as early as practicable a contract will be transmitted to them for execution, which con tract must be returned to the bureau within. ten days, exclusive of the time required for the reg ular transmission of the mail. A record or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposals, will be deemed a notification thereof within the . meaning of the act of 1848, and his bid will be ridearid accepted in conformity with this en ding. Every offer made must be accompanied (as directed in the sixth section of the act of Con gress making appropriations for the naval ser vice for 1846-47, approved 10th of August, 1546,) by &Written guarantee, signed by one or awe responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will ) . if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within ten days, with good and nfiktient sureties, to furnish the article pro posed. This guarantee must be accompanied by the lertalicete of the United States district judge, United States district attorney, or navy agent, • that the guarantors are able to make good their ' ornantee. No proposals will be considered unless ac companied by such guarantee. • The bidder's name and residence, tad the name , of each member of the Arm, where a company offers, with the Christian names writ ten l full, must be distinctly stated, 'Under the joint resolution of Congress, ap proved 27th March, 1854 , "ell bids for supplies of provisions, clothing and small stores for the sist of the navy, may be rejected at the option of the Dqatrtment, if made by one not known SI a manufacturer of or regular dealer in th e &Aldo proposed to be famished, which fact, or thenovoime, Mast bo distinctly stated is mteidit. Ciao of IL raott $ Cransportatiob 12,000 NEW Alit LAB NIL THREE TRAM DAILY TO NEW TORE. TWO TEAINS A DAILY TO :PHILADELPHIA (WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS. (IN AND AFTER MONDAY, JUNE 10, VlB6l the Passenger Trains will leave, the Philadel alio Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, viz : RIPRRA4 LINE leaves Oarrisoorg at 9.30 a.m. , on 'ar rival of Pennsylvania Railroad Nlspress Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. A. sleeping oar attaohed to the train through from Pittsburg without cd=TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. in.. arriving in New York at 4p. to, and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. tn. FAST LINK leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 p. m. , on arrival of Pennavivania Ridlroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.46 p. m., and Philadelphia at &46 go. in. ilium' WESTWARD. • VAST LINE (eaves New Tors at d a. m., and a lPhiladal• phi* at 8 a. na., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. tn. NAIL TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphia at 8. 15 p. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. lIIPRISS LINK leaves Nevr York at 8 p. in. , sing at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. in., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsburg. A sleeping ear Is also attached to Una train. Connections are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Va Ploy Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, pawn is, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, baton, do. Baggage checked through. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, 25 00; between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, $8 25 in No. 1 oars, and 32 70 in No. 2. For tickets or other information apply to. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD I BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM ;PHILADELPHIA. MONDAY, JUNE 10th, 'lB6l, The passengei taigas of the Peamaylvanla BAUSOI4 may will deport from and arrive at liarrlsburs and Philadelphia as follows EASTWARD. FAST MaTel Harrisburg every morning (except Monday) at 1,15 a, m, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.10 a. in. THROUGH MUNI TRAIN larvae Harrisburg daily at 9.90 a. m. , and arrives at Weal Ph&Wapiti& at Mt p. m. NAIL iltalN lea►ee Harriabusg daily (except Sun day) at 616 to. m, and arrive* at Weal Philadelphia al 10.16 p. m. These crates aurae ohne connection at Pluianciptor with AO New York Linen. ACHOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, via Haunt Joy, moves Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m„ and ammo at Wed ebiladelpina at 12.00 noon, 1111111MBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, vla Colum b la, leaves tlarriebura , at 1.10 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia 21. 016 p. ACOUMMODATION TRAIN, No. J, vLa Mount Joy, leaves Wallis g at 5 .15 P. in. connecting at Diller. villa with MAIL TRAIN, and arrives at West Philadel Oda at 10.16 p. m. , W ES TW A lID. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m., Harrisburg at 2.85 a. In., Altoona 7.10, a. in., and arrives at Pittsburg at 12.00 noon. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. in., Harris burg 1.00 p. m., Anson, 0.80 p. m, and arrives at Pitts burg at 1200 midnight, ririt FAST LINT leaves Philadelphia at 11.20 a. m., Harris burg 8.35 p. m., Altoona 8.10 p. in., and arrives at Pitts burg at 18,30 a. m. HARRISBURG ACOOMIIODATION TRAIN leaves FN. dolphin at 2.30 p. m., Lancaster 8.08 p. m. , Columbia 8.40 p. In., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.06 p m. This train connects at Harrisburg, at 8.06 p. m. , with North, ern Central Railroad Train for Sunbury Leek Haven, Scranton and. all points North. AGIMAIHODATIO'N TRAIN, leaves Phihdelphia at 4.00, P. in., Lancaster 7.50 p. m. , Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Um betinown, 8.87 p. in. and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. m. igAttention is called to the ISM, that pasengers leaving Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m. , connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JO 31' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrived at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. M. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Mast, ur„ Nona. Railroad Harrisburg, Julie 7, 1861.—dtf JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LOT Ws' TIIOBE EXTRA ENE POINI ED GOLD PENS na F.. NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) man.nracture, warranted to be the best in, material, the finest pointed, moat durable aid cheap Its - az.7 a. market, for sale, with a variety •of aold ana 7.qtver Ques of itarkeni sizes and prices at emßamoVe oriKAp BOOKSTORN Varlrei PHOTOGRAPHY, In all its Branohes, Ermined in the beet Leyte known in the art, at C. G. CRANE'S GALLERY, Arch Street, Nag et stet, /Me. LIFE SIZE IN OIL AIM PASTIL STIOREMOOPIC POBTRAITB, ttablnlldipeittiiiirrtitinWitti,, osise,' was. Ink /1704-147 pennogluanta Waft telegraph, Oaturbag Morning, September 7, 1861 EAST WARD. J. J. OLIt DE, General Agent, Harrtabarg oft AND'Arneit, glebital i ,4,cERHAv, 3 Holland Bitters DYSPEPSIA, Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, &c. Tin successful introducHon and ate of this cele brated Remedy has been the signal for a literal flood of compinmds called "Bitters," offered in various farms, from a quart bottle to a five-galion keg, until this wool "Bitters" is but another name for "grog," or some Aflame; whiskey mixture. But the really great relief derived from the Infinite dose, one teaspoonftd, of our medicine, (,)AWip i and the entire absence of after prostration, has Beta. Wished fork a reputation which the host of imitations fed annaterfeits have idled to undermine. It k poet Uvely a vegetable prepare' km, with bandy inifficieut pure epirite to preserve it. But one size of the ipmulney (Half-Pint Bottles,) price 0147. Dour& It is a medicine of long-tried efficacy fbr Purifying the Rood, so essential fbr the foundation of good health end for correcting disorders of the stomach and bowels. Two or three doses will convince the enlisted of its salutary Gaeta. The stomach will speedily regain its strength, a healthy action of the liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take plant, and renewed health be the quick result. For INDIGESTION, Try Berhavets 'Holland Bitters. For SEARTBURN.•Try Berhavo% Holland Mier& For ACIDITY, Try Berhaves Holland Bitters. For WATER/MAIM, Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For HEADACHE, Try Beerhave's Holland Bitters. For LOSS OP APPETITE, Try Itterhave's Holland Bitters. por COSTIVIDNESS. Try Berhave's Holland Bitters. For PILES, Try Bterhavo's Holland Bitters. In all Nervous, Nbeamatio, and Neuralgic AMT. tiona, it has In numerous Instances proved highly beneficial, and in others effected a decided cure Read Carefblly I The genuine, highlreoncentrated Eksitrismes Hot, LIND Oman is put up in helipint bottles only, end retailed at One Dollar per bottle. The great demand for this teuly celebrated medicine bee induced Ina- 1 imitations, which the pnblie should guard againe purchsaing. Beware of imposition t Bee that our same is on tim label ci every bottle you buy. Benj. Page, Jr. &Co. SOLE MANUFACTURER: , PITTSBURGH, r'A . Pot. sale In the wily of Bardsb, ag oy D. W. GROSS A CO WOrd—sepl-dtwly JEWELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ALFRED F. ZIKKERILAII Qi OQ;• O. 62 MARKED STREET, Harriebutg, Po., opposite Haas's from and adjoining the ma • Horn, having purchased the steak or E. If Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW MET, we will soli the alone at the lowest cub pros, and epllctt patronage. Wattages, Coati and Jewedry neatly and promptly re• paired•an delivered. . . ALFRED 7 Waling disposed of my stook of Jewelry to A. P. Zim merman & 00., I cheerfully mommend them to my for mer customers es patented and experienoed Welch Waiters, and solicdt nor them a continuance of the patron age which lima' been so warm* extended to me during the last six years. ialL29 SULU 7, 00:vuozinrviA D. la-EO. W. BTiNA, graduate of the altimore ot Dental durgary, haring perms neatly located in the city - pi Harrisburg and tamer' the office Ibrinerly °emoted by Dr. 4304111, on Third atr eet, between Karim and Walnut, respectfully informs his friends and the cubit.) In general, that he Is prepared to perform all operations in the Dental profession, either surgical or mechanical, in a manner that shell not be summed by operators in this or any other city. We mode of inserting artificial teeth is upon the laes_ at. proved solentille principles. „Teeth, from one to a toll eat, mounted on this Gold, Sa vor, Pliable plates or the Vulcanite Baas. I mire great pleasure in reoomminiding the mauve ger4 domes to all my former patients Of Harrisburg and M. May and feel confident that he will perform all opera tions in a scientific manner; from my knowledge of him ability. Lmy3-4.119 Y. J 6. GORHAM, D. D. 8. 3PINII3EIC BRAD, No. 1 • SALMON, ko. HERRING, No. 1, COD, FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL, No. 1. Ot Joe above we have all the afferent Sized packages rom the Eta to the asiouriz in store and for sale at thc owed mad rates. teble • WY. DOOR, Js. koo. A NEW AND FINE ASSORTMENT or LADIES' TRAVELLING AND SHOP:P'ING BAGS At all prlete,for sale at HANGAAR'S make BOOKSTGEN. 11 Market Street OUR UNION a OONSTITIJ' TION• iG^UR GOVERNMENT," by M. M'Eni an, is a work containing the CONSTITI/11011 Or 1311 MID Brass, giving the construe glen et its Terms and Provisions, showing the relations of the several Italie to the Union and each other, and explaining ,ally the System or Government of the °mut try. Prigs sl 00. gold, and orders supplied, by hint, at Barrie. burg, Pa fell Agents for Omens* and Mates. wanted. : THERMOMETERS I THERMOMETROrnamentaI Mantle, Japanese Metal. TICEREOMET do do Proofed do EttERMOIULT Dhlillers Tin Case, 12 Inch. . THERSIOKETER% do Bross Bound Donbleaticale. THERMOMETERS, Union Clase; 10-19 inch. THERMOILIMZELS, Metallo Frame, 8.10 inch. THERMOILETEES, Black Walnut oftn, 10 inch. THERMOMETERS, Tin One, 7440 inch. We bavejost received a fine lot or ISEEMOMETE of various 'Wien, and are selling. them low. ILELLERWDEUG ROTA, ap 91 arket street. HICKORY, OAK AND PINE WOOD for sale, OUI 312 NM VII OR QORD LANG= gi 8672 POZOIUN62B. • ALDO, LOOM. POB2B AND 01DinNoy DANZ 067 To ORDER. ALSO, MONIS AND SAND FOR BUILDING PURPOSES, Inquire of the solaoriber at his redden% on the Bid go road, opposite the Good Will Engine NOM or at th Yard, corner of Second and Broad straits, Wait Bar. rfeburg. rmy27411 G B. 00IX., .REDUOTION IN PRIORS I mIE R N 9 I6I, Plain . and Figured. .17AOM nWM , z, Plaut and Figured. ALL WOOL DELAINES, Emma Styles and BEAU LONQ SHAWWLySg, dlGereotprism FINE STOOK OF uLANKET 811AWLs. The prices in all the &boot Goods, on assmamikvairsil be band "lower than ever," et • QATIN/ARTI, 4/124 Next door to the Harrisburg Bon. • traUM—Tt .11 uree axtred Aar& Sugar ILlK , uarlitimalast ritthefirr • 44 •• • `4. Dl= 01.1100) Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, teei!e Avmplidning? Are you out of order, with your system deranged, one your feelings nncomfoitablet Thesesyruiptoms are often the prelude to serious illness. Some 11l of sickness Is creeping upon you, ■ad should be averted by a lamely use oh the right remedy fake Ayers Pills and cleanse sit the discolored humors—purt:y the blood and let the beads move. , dUOINFOUCIAMI a health again. They Mime ate the !auctions of the holy into v igorous activity, pu rify the system 1 rum di , use. A old "stiles somewhere in the body, and obAirc 19i1. i :iatu ral functions. These, 41 not relieved, react upon tiginselves and the surround mg organs, producing go•:erit ag,cr.tira %lon, infferiag and disease While in this condition, wrested by the de rangements, take Aver A :Ins, end see bow directly they restore the eatersl settee of tb, system, and with nibs buoyant feeling of b.. 11 .galn. What Is true and so apparent in this trivial sud num nioO complaint, Is also true In many el the deep-seated and dangerous diatom peri. The same purgative Woe expels them. unwed by similar obstructions an.. derangements of the natural functions of the boat', they are rapidly, and many of them surely, cured by the seine Melina. Non. who know the virtues oi lbw • Pills, will neglect to employ hem when hollering from the dl,orders they care. Statements prom leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and horn other well known public per 501111. from a irorwardlog Hari:want ol St. Louis, fee. 4, IVA. Dz. Ann : Your Pills are th,. paragon of all that Is MAD ID medicine. They have ca red my little daughter Of ulcerous sores open het ban s and het that bad proved incurable for years. Her m Cher Das been long grierkaudy &Minted with .blotched and pimples tier shin and In her hair. After our child was cured, she also tr lee I our Pills, and they have cured her. d 8A NOROBIDO N. -- " Al ♦ FANILT PETIDO. prom Or. it W. Cartwright, New Orleans.] Yearling are the print)e of purges. Thew esoellent qualities stepasa any cathartic we possess. They are mild, but very °Grub% and elleatual to their action on the bowels, which make them Invaluable to tis In the daily reatment 01 disease. MUMMIES, &CI EILSDACES, Poor Fromocim (From Dr. Ildward Boyd, Baltimore.) Due BaO. Alin : I =mot lIJIBWer you. wear 00i11- panto I have ammo with your Pills baffler than to sty all Mat we ow tnusi wak a purgative medic sae. I place Meat dependence on an effectual cathartic in my daily =telt with 'disease, and believing as I do that your Piih afford us the bust we have, I of course value them highly. Privenuna, Pa., May I, 1866. Da. J. C. Area—Sir : I have been repeatedly cured of he worst Headache anybody can have, by a dose or two evar Pills. it menu to mils from a foul stomach, which they cleanse at onoe. Yours with peat respect, SD. W. PRIMA CIL rk of Steamer Clarion. Amami Dtioximpa.—.l.% 002GPLAML (From Dr, Theodore Ben... New York Qty.] _Not only are your Pills att.n rably adapted to their purpose as an aperient, but I nod their beneficial effects upon the Liver very marked I wand. They hUo In my practice, proved more effectual for the cure of BMus Oomplainta than any one remedy I eau mention. I alp °artily ridokto that we have at length• purgative which ls worthy the oonddence of the prOwation and the people. Diretruunis or sea liteilo; Waehington, D. 0., 7th Feb. 18603.1 Sir : I have used your Pills in my general and hospita I practice ever sinceyou wade them, and cannot hesitate to say they are the best oathertio we employ. Theer re gulating action on the Lver is quick and decided ulnae quently they are an admirable remedy for derangement of that organ. Indeed, i have seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so °hada Lte that it did net readily yield to them. Fraternally your a, eti.t/bIZO BALI, 11. P. Physician ti the Marine Hospital, DUMMY thillaiiou Rau; Woltz& (From Br. J. U. Green, of Obloatio.l Your Pills h .ve had a .ong trial in my sweeties, and I hold them In adman ea one of the beet aperients 1 have aver found. Their alterative shoot upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given In small anal for Wiens Dysentery and Diarrhoea. Their sugar.ooa tins inakes thenimary acceptable and convenient for the use of women and children. Druway hominy op vas Bum. [From Rev. J. V. _l3lmes, Pastor Adrew, Church, Boston Dr. Aim : I have used your Plus with extraordinary sur.cce• in my family and among those I am called to visit is distress. To regulate the organs of digestion and pa rity the bleed, they are the very beat remedy I have aver Imams, and I can conlidently recommend them to my friends. Tours, J V. HUM. Watteau, Wyoming 00., N. T., Oct. 21,1866. ' Dun Sts: am using year Cathartic Pills in my pratice, and And them an excellent purgative to cleanse rite system and purity die lOw doo do orals blood. ' - JOHN G. MILACELAM, M. D. Oentavariter, tit:trireme,terrassincia, Rionntainan Cccv, Natmaitita, Demi" Panmos, Ara, ac. [from Dr. J. P. Vaughn, Montreal, Otruida.] Tgo mural cannot be said of your MI far the cars at Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found them as eillicaolous as I have, they should ann ma In pro claiming it far the benefit of the multitudes who scalar from that complaint, which, although bad enough in it self, is the progenitor of others that are worse. I bellve Oestiveness to originate in the Aver, but your Pills affect . that organ and oure the disease. IPrOmlirs. E. Heart, Physician and Midwife, Boston.] And one or two large dates of your Pills, faxen at the proper time, are excellent promotives of the Natural eimolion wizen wholly to partially suppressed, and also erg odectug tvchasms the noses and Min weans. They are so much the best physic We have that e *cozy mend no other to my patients. [Prom the Bev. Dr. Hawke., of the Methodist Apiseepal %grab.] emosio-Bovesi Deieuieabi 04., Jou. 8, 1858. Mown= Ste : I should be unstated for the relied your skill tea brought me b I did not report my ease to you. A odd settled In my HMl's ad brought on excru ciating Neuralgic PaWs, which ended In Chronic Men madam, Notwithatendleg t Lead the bast of physicians, the disease grew were and worse, until by the advice of your eicellent agent in Baltimore, Dr. Nikons* I tried year Pills. -Their abets were slow but sure. B y pereaver lig in the use at them, lam now entirely well. Sums Cuaxamt, Aston Rouge, Le., Deo. 6,1866. Dz. AVM : I have been entirely cured by your Pills, of Rheumatic Gout-... painful disease that had aft Med Ale tar years. VINCENT SLIDELL. a CO. ,p -Most of the PW. In mute& contain Mercury, which, althoegh a valuable remedy In .haude, la Anaemia to a public pill, from the dreadtbl ocumequen owl that frequently follow Its Incautious use. These contain no mercury or mineral subMemoe whatever. Prloe 25 cents per be; or 2 bores for $l. Prepared by DR J. 0. AMIE & 03., Lowell, Mass. Bold by 0. S. atuntart, 0. I..Bellsr, B. W. Gress & J.l L. Luta, Holmium 00., drmstreng, Rarrlabers, and dealereeverywbere. • ap37.2mdaw nAVID HAYNES, 110 MARKET, BT. WARRIBEURO, Agent for . .I.III4.ILEE'S PATENT Wrou g ht 04 04Wed. Imo klre and Burglar Proof 161.191.-V -I - /WEIL Strictly the ONLY Mercantile -Sate made, that k both re mid Burglar Proof. margh CAN.DLESI PARAFFINS CANDLES, SPERM. CANDLES, • ADAICANTRNE CANDLES, STEM:UNE CANDLES, NAB CANDLES, CHEMICAL SPS33,M cANDLRE, TALLOW OANDLEgi. lone lot of toe above In store and for sale at the IoW en Prices by WM. DOM JR. & 00., $ posits the Court Home. A VERY HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DESORIITION JUST OPENED. At ftiees below the Oost of linpyrtatko. GALL AT CATIECARTA mio Nen doorits the Harrisburg Bank. FARM R'S HOTEL. Tenbscriber,bege leave to inform hie 1. friends and the pnisliO that he has taken the PART[ 11'8 wirld,, in Markel street opposite the Post Cal ee, formerly J. Stahl's, where he is prepared to &wont 'io date them on reasonable terms. flaring refitted and thrnishwi the House entirely now, he Wipes by Weld at.. tendon to badness, la receive a liberal sham of Detre n ag& 104-8111d1 IL El. PETifidl. frEIE SOLOLIUM BOOR, Irlinneyt, 1 "Our Oarenunoute' an expoittaaa of the Cloutltsr Wu at the (hated Slates, exekketeg the statue end eper- Wen of* our • Prononlitirosi *drat and imilsonlet seamar a Prios 111 00. nos m •-•• BXIMUUSWIOIOIII, Make etist Wantons LADIBB' SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE, Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. • Every Family Should Use SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED for its medical and belie flail qualities as a genuine Stimulant, Tonic, . is relic and Pedantic, highly esteemed by eminent shy', elaua, and lame of the first Amines In Europe an America. WEER'S SASICIEJCI WINE Is tat a mixture or manufactured article, but le ,ure, from cultivated Porta/al Elder, recommended by Jaen• ists and Yhyriolans as possessing medical pro,arties an prior to any other alms in use, and an unit hit ..rti• cis fbr all weak sod debilitated persons, and the aged and Infirm, improving the appetite, and beneating lads . and children. A LADIES; WINE, because it will not Intoxicate as other wines, as It con tain no mixture of spirits or other liquors, and is a:- mired ibr its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive proper ties, imparting a Motility tone to Um digestive organ, and a blooming, gait and healthy skin and complexion. None "etiolate tiniest the signature of ALFRED hellglt, Passaic, N. .1., is over the cork of etch bottle, MASK ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE. A. SPUR, Proprietor. N. J. 012Ico 208 Broadway, New Yost. J. H. EATON, Agent, PbUsdielpbto. For sate by .1) W. Gross, le 00., 0. Hallisr, Jobs Wyeth and by draughts peentaly ha-dew ty. Great Cure. DR. LELLAND'S ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN READY FOB Rheumatism, Gout and Neuralgia AND ODOM CUM YOB All Mercurial Diseases. It Is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a Mk 1; rated compound, to be worn around the Waist., without Minty to the most dedicate persona, no change Inhabits of living is required and It entirely removes the dhows from the system, without producing the injurious ensue arising from the me of pow:Tie: laterite' medic mm which weaken and destroy the Ganstittolon, and give temperer, relief only. By this kattment, the medical properties contained in the Band, come In contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores of the skin, effecting In every Instal:we a perfect cure, and restore the parte Meted to a heattity condition. This Band is also a most powerful Awn-litatoomat agent, sine will entirely relieve the system from the peretrions eb WI of Mercury: Moderate eases are oared in a taw days, and we are constantly reoelvoog teatimonLas at its edkacy In eggravalod eases 01 long standing. 'pace h. , 00, to be had of Druggists generally, or can IA sent by mail or writes, with fall chreotions for use to any part of the country, direct from the Principal Moe, No. 409. BELJADWAY, New York. G. SMITH &CO., Solo Proprietor.. N. B.—Descriptive Circulars Sent Free. Sar AGENTS WANTED rvkarwwszeic.-ws iss.aaw SOMETHING FOR THE TIMM 111 A Necessity in Every Household ! I JOHNS & CROBLEYI3 American Cement Glue The Strongest Mae in the World FOB CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, FOR CILAIN, ALABASTER, BONE, , . CORAL, Ac., Ac., Sto. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. EXTRAOTIS : ;6ur.very housekeeper should have a tod fly of Johns & Orosley's American Cement v . :nun. “it is so convenient to have at homer—N. Y. Ursula. ult w always ready ; thlsCommenou .t to every body." W. Y. lsoarstrimarr. "We have tried tt, and Wit as useful In our house as under."—Wruis haw 01 MB TACK Prioe 25 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Rednetioas to Wholesale Dealers. TERIfo cisß. ar For sale by all Druggiste and Storekeep ers generally throughout the country. JOHNS A CROSLET, (Sole Manutactures,) 78 Wrtrasit Sumer, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Tom " FASHIONABLE CLOTHING. SPRING AND EMI= STYLES 186 1 . PHILADELPHIA FASHIONS. 1711WirVILLB BTOKEB' ONR PRICE GIFT CLOTHING EMPORIU M No. 607 OKIISTYO3 STREW. A asPerh 'stock of fine Drench, Ihiglish and Amara:auk OLOTBB, and VEBTINCIB, For Illty and (nanny trade, with oaf unapproachable as aortment of Bean RADE Mr/1111110 at the lowest cash Weßut OMB PRiCi L asked, and a GUT of ott;itude worth and use presented with esath.article sold. Parthailar attention paid to 'the Customer defraudation, and garments made andsent to order to any address. In- Inaugurating this new system of doing business, GiftlfiViLLE KOKES would impress on the mind; of the paaroni of his astabliahmeat, that the cost of the gift le deducted from, and rot added to the price of the arti cle sold. Ilia immensely Increasing sales enabling to act thus li berally, and.at the same time to a remunerative profit. All ankles guaranteed to ere entire satisfaction. Gli4lollloE STOUr • ONE fuTozot,pirgrtifa EMPORIUM 107 CHOrniIIT grintiff, octl94md--rdmaredtf BIGN OF THE Gloriou Star - Snarled Banner ANOTHER 81TITLY OF WALL PIPER, BORDERS, tio., SPLENDID - WINDOW ShiNoll, te wWoh we call ,the attention or OM Moods, and oar& alty invite them to examine oar goods Ind prices. We are determined to sal ohs% Mind She pima. ,PCHICIF BOOKSTORE, • • veer iturflarrialnwltitridela 4, 4itin• CAN AM) BUILDER. 111 . AITIMp 'They p Iligirt to the Spot,” IMPS, INSTANT anJzr SPALI)ING~ Throat Confectiots, GOOD FOR CLFIRGYMEN, GOOD FOB LECTURERS, 000 D FOR PUBLIC SPEAK GOOD FOR SINGERS, SPALDING'S iLISOAT cuNPL, 1i LA PIE'S RH DELIGHTED w,lb SPALDING'S 1 GROAT CO N FEcn. Cal - WREN CRY Ftt SPALDING'S THROAT CoNFE4 They relieve a Collet Instantly They clear the Throat. They give strength and vo!inne to ate They Impart.• della:me aroma to it., They ars delight/hi to the here They ere mule of Simple Sortie so L, I advise every one who has a co 1.0, or a Bid Breath, or any ilifflouity el It, Thou , postage or my Throat Confactioub, natantly, and you win nod them ct t ry ant While traTiollog or attomillog puuh, wrel tag year Cough or allaying your thlrit I, , „ positing lam We in saylue yo wards otwalder thorn ludispenoole at the Drugglsta and Dealers to Sit PRIM TWENTY-FIVE t_ENT4 My slip:Wm Is oa *act' paccitga. ~Lc A Poling will be gent by mail, prepwl. Thirty Dents. Addrep, CEPHALIC PILLS CUE SICK HEADACHE NERVOUS HEADACHE, ALL KINDS OF HEADACHE By the we of these ens the per , ... ic .teas a Jo. MOW Est Thradaeke mey Lm , prereLted ttlet the oesomensement .atole4 lia 1'66 Vt. pude and elekne , e a . obtained They seldom tall In rereeving Li :, vrideh floosies are so subecd. They act gently upon the bowels, rett.v r!chara Pbr Literary Men, Students, aellem, IMMO= of sedentary habits, they era a ts Improving the a. 2121711, aerie,/ t),I /NJ i to the digeatlve organs, and reetortug ILt city and strength to the whole system The CEPHALIC PILLb I. gallon and carefully conducted in use In many yams, daring wt em., u... '` vented and relieved a vast ILDIOUOI Of from Eleedaohe, whether ortetu►Ung [cwt.+ tem or from s deranged state °rite ',Ada 114 9 are egillrely vegelablo m ttitir sini be taken at CI times with suiting any change of Wes and the ad en. gneecibio task readers it aus to ads , Leer n l~ageaWne have Ire stgooturea ui dour, oa mob box. sold by dnigglate and an oilier It/Lierz d.. 11.4 s Bez will be oat by mail prepaid ni rensig PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENII All orders should be addressee te HENRY C. SPALDISO , •itl Oedar Sue , t. single bottle of tiPALDiNii.s will sass ten times its cost sum* "AIDING'S PREPARED OLCiI SPALDING'S PRF.PARtII SPALDDIG'S pun, fiCONOMY sr". ®. a mra UT .go 40 00 OCCakaa 061440,, CUM m 0d ,4464° to , very desirable to have rows coal , way for repairing Furniture, Top, Cr"-' *WALDEN'S PRlckeliED tilidl Wiets all such -laarleaelea sad au boasebold car+ to be with= lt, It la always ready lad op to tbe t ri g PlAllt- N. 8.-41, Snub azeolepanies each bopic once A ;I . Address ROSY c. exwIN G . IN. 48 Cedar Street; h 0 Yogi CAUTION As certain unprincipled preys are aneinguoit ail en the untiaapialtiog public, imitations si 8 . 1 PARED 6LUI, I would mien all pavans to "'"' carom purchasing, and lee that the fall naingi marePALDLNGI3 PBSPARED °I.Lnil4l4llCllllO lorolf,r;a11 ohms aro aniaiinns oog° aeribolanly-rdtehlf YOUp, Plllttrr X.WI If.EATII , tiTBRNOTTIJtt Vo GOOD FOB CONSUhlrli UENTLEWIN CARRY HENRY C. BPALDING, No. IS CEDER STREET, NEW 1) JURE CURE aiWARB Of COUNTERfiIIz EAU Till Mae Dje.?dr` ,4 "171311T0L is alai EIOGss.J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers