pailp Etigrapij HARRISBURG, PA Wednesday Afternoon, August Pi, 1861 Agon= COMPANY. — We learn that Capt. Wm. B. Sipes, of the late State Capital Guards, is recruiting another company f..r the war. The Guards generally speak in high terms of the Captain's efficiency as an officer and kind treat ment of his men, and a number of them have determined to re-enlist under him. THE SEcamav OF WAR, General Simon Cam eron, is still at his country seat, "Locbiel," near this city. He has numerous visitors daily, and does not obtain the rest and recreation so desirable after his laborious duties at Washing ton. for four months past. The General will probably remain here for the balance 'of the present week =1 On AT LAST.—The artillery regiment under command of Colonel Rush and Lieutenant Col onel Campbell, left Camp Curtin last evening en route for the seat of war. The men were in high spirits and cheered with'great enthusiasm on their passage through the city. We confi dently look for a good report from this regiment when the "tug of war" comes between the Union and rebel forces. I=l IN HER OLD QUARTERS.—An old female of fender named Mary Toy, who seems to have a natural and unconquerable propensity for ap propriating the property of other people, was up again this morning for stealing a quantity of corn and tomatoes from the garden of Mr. 1,1". H. Ostott, on Allison's hill. Alderman Mine committed her to prison for trial. Mary had but recently served out a Vim for the crime of larceny. COLONEL SAM BLACK'S REGIMENT is encamped in Cameron's woods near this city and, a more pleasant spot could not have been selected for the purpose. The regiment is not quite full, but recruiting is going on rapidly, and we hope soon to see the gallant Colonel on his way to the seat of war. His men have unlimited con fidence in his soldierly qualifications and cou rage, and are prepared to follow where he leads, which we predict will be into the thickest of the fight. I=l STILL ANOTHER —A man named Martin Con cer was knocked down by the westward express train, the other morning, near Altoona, and al most instantly killed. It is thought that he was not right in his mind, as he was first ob served standing on (or close by) the track, pointing up at the sun, and notwithstanding the whistle was sounded, he did not move until the bumper struck him. An inquest was held, and a verdict of accidental death rendered. I=l Fein Cumws.—This morning a daguerreo typist, named Levi M. Leitzel, charged a sol dier with stealing a miniature case or locket from his room. When the parties appeared be fore Alderman Kline the informant failed to make out a case, and the soldier was discharged. There was not a particle of evidence to warrant the soldier's arrest, s nd the daguerreotypist is likely to get into trouble for making a false ac cusation. The locket was of t "flash" jew elry style, aid not worth steal g. I=l IMPOICTANT INFORDIATIZIN.-It will be interest ing to those not initiated, to learn that the members of the Order of K. G. C. are known by a well cultivated moustache—the balance of the face being shaved scrupulously clean. On admission to this treasonable organization, the countenance of the ambitious champion of se cession is immediately put in training, so as to carry their insignia conspicuously advanced in the front. Many good citizens will be able to date the conversion of some of their acquain tances, by recollecting this fact. Tam EVENING Martxurs have been fairly in augurated for the season, and are abundantly supplied with the various fruits and vegetables. The night market is a great convenience to our citizens, and a popular institution among all classes. Last evening we noticed immense piles of green corn, cabbage, new potatoes, cu cumbers, beans, &c., which sold at moderate prices. Watermelons and ripe peaches, of southern growth, have also made their appear ance in our market. They are brought here from Baltimore and Philadelphia by hucksters. At present prices, however, these fruits are lux uries in which people of limited means cannot afford to indulge. . • WEST TO THE WOODS.—This morning we met a procession of neatly appareled little girls, with sparkling eyes, smiling faces and bound ing hearts, on their way to the country, to spend the day in picnic fashion, and enjoy a free romp in some shady retreat "where the wild flowers bloom and little birds make music all the day." They were accompanied by Sev eral young ladies and had an ample supply of "good things" in tho shape of edibles. The happy-hearted little ones who tripped so gaily along looked forward to a high degree of enjoy ment, and we trust their pleasing anticipations were fully realized. A GENEROUS Acr.—lt will be recollected by our readers that a young volunteer named henry Welsh, of company C, first regiment Pennsylvania artillery, Captain Simpson, while assisting in the firing of a national salute in this city on the fourth of July, had both hands shot off by the premature discharge of a can °(n. The unfortunate young man still remains at Camp Curtin in a helpless condition. The Acers and members of the company, with a generosity that does them credit, recently con tributed from their private funds the sum of 54 610, for the benefit of their crippled com rade. Mr. Welsh is without means to support himself, and in view of the occasion on which the accident occurred that rendered him help less for life, we think our citizens ought to con tribute a handsome sum towards his future maintenance. If the Committee of Arrange ments could be induced to act upon this sng- Dation, and appeal to the public in Mr. Welsh's .o ehalf, we have no doubt the response would b e Prompt and liberal. ROBBED A SomnEß.—This morning Frederick THE EBENSBURG AND CRIMON RAILROAD Socks, who inhabits a shanty in the upper sec- This road, which has been in statu quo for some tion of the sixth ward, was arrested by officer time, is to be immediately pushed forward to Fleck for stealing a black cloth coat from a completion. soldier named Richard Sullivan: The coat being found in possession of the defendant, Alderman Kline committed him for trial. The officer who made the arrest states that he noticed ava riety of clothing and other articles in the house of Socks, which were no doubt stolen. IN BAD CoisrprrioN.—The young soldier, Hen ry Charles Standish, of Company B, fifth THE FRUIT CROP.—The fruit crop, though not so abundant as in former years, will be good in ment, who was married on Monday and after wards arrested for desertion, stillremains in the many parts of the country. Pears are very p lock-up. He had several fits yesterday, and plenty, and in many orchards the trees are bending under the weight of the most beauti this morning was entirely helpless from the effects I of paralysis. In his present condition it is fel apples, which are rapidly ripening and &l cruel to keep him in the damp and filthy quar- mg to the ground_ ters where he is now . confined. He should either be dismissed, taken to camp, or placed in charge of his wife. MORTALITY AMONG CHILDREN. —The usual mortality among children at this time is to be attributed, in a measure, to improper food. A large quantity of unripe food is brought to mar ket, and a good deal of it finds its way into the hands of children. Many of the apples now sold in the city are green and unwholesome, and the same may be said of pears and peaches. Some parents are green enough to feed such trash to their little ones, and the result, in many instances, is disease and death. === Tam ARMY Woaat.—We learn from our ex changes that the destructive army worms have appeared in some sections of the State and are making sad havoc with the oats and corn crops, Probably no more destructive animal makes its appearance in any community—whole fields of grain, and not unfrequently whole sections of country, falling a prey to its ravages. We un derstand that they are traveling north, and that every field of oats and corn that comes within the line of their march is doomed to certain destruction. No means, as yet, have been discovered to destroy them or divert them 4 from their course. I=l ANOTHER Raeiimer ACIODPIED.—The Zouave regiment tendered to the government by Col. John W. Power, of Johnstown, has been ac cepted by the War Department, and will be ful ly organized and mustered into service in the course of a week or two. Colonel Power came here at the commencement of the war as com mander of the Johnstown Zouaves, one of the first companies to march out of Camp Curtin for the scene of hostilities. He was subsequent ly elected Lieut. Colonel of the third regiment, and served in General Patterson's division with great credit to himself and satisfaction to his superior officers, until the close of the three months' campaign. Colonel Power springs from good stock, is a brave and gallant gentleman, and possesses the soldierly qualifications neces sary to constitute a successful and popular com manding officer. Annus. Max Kamm ox xna RAILUOAD. Yesterday . afternoon a brakeman on the North ern Central railroad, named Edward Hall, of Baltimore, met with a sudden and terrible death on the railroad, at the corner of Mulber ry and Third streets. While l passing that point he was ithlieac:t of braking a freight train, occupying the platform of the front car, when the machinery broke, precipitating him on to the track. The whole train of fifteen` cars passed over him, cutting off one arm, saering his head entirely, from his body, and mashing it into a perfect jelly. There was nothing left of the head but a mixture of brains, blood and powdered bones. The spectacle was a horrible one, and sickening to all who witnessed it, An inquest was held by Justice Beader, and a ver dict of accidental death rendered in accordance with the facts elicited by the investigation. The deceased is represented by those who knew I him to have been a sober, industrious and ex emplary young man, and a favorite with the officers and employees of the company. We presume his remains were immediately sent home for interment. "ARREST OF AN ESOAMID PRISONER." —ln our issue of Monday last we noticed the arrest and commitment to prison of a supposed escaped Prisoner of war, named George M. Brisbin, by direction of the authorities at Washington. Mr. Brisbin, who professes to be a printer, and is still confined in jail, sends us the following com munication in reply to our item. We give him the full benefit of his explanation, leaving the readers of the TELEGRAPH to draw their own conclusions as to its truth or falsity : HARRISBURG JAIL, August 6, 1861. EDITOR oe TRH TELEGRAPEI :—ln your Mon day's issue you notice the "arrest of an escaped prisoner of war ;" and in that notice there are two or three mistatements which are calculated to lead to false impressions, and to do injury to the prisoner. In the first place sou say he was taken at Bull Run; which is not a fact—and he never was confined in Washington. Though he was confined in Alexandria, Va., and, after being a prisoner there a week, was *leased by Gen. Runyon, to whom he pledged his honor he would not return to the south again uni it the existing difficulties were settled, receiving in return the guarantee of that gentleman that he would not again be molested. He also intorm ed that gentleman of where he intended to go— the place where he was found. He remained in Washington city some five or six days after he was released, and then left it as any other pri vate citizen would have done. While in Wash ington he was visited by a gentleman who offered to send him through Baltimore back to the south ; and, at the same time being aware of what difficultiee he should have to contend with while remaining in the north. He refused the kind offer, giving as his reason fur doing so the pledge he had made to Gen. Runyon to re main in the north. He has kept his faith. Neither did he remain in this place all night with a relative as you have stated. When he was arrested in Alexandria it was done in so unceremonious a manner as to lead all observers to believe that the young gentleman who con ducted it had captured a great prize. They rushed into a store (four of them) which he had j tie, entered, searched his person, and without giving him time to make any preparationwhat ever, threw him into a wagon, jostled him over to the railroad—brought him to this town, con fined him in a felon's cell, where he has re mained ever since without any explanation, and denied the privilege of seeing a friend. will leave it to yourself if this ain't "ruff." Yours respectfully, Geo. M. Baum. N. B. Now, at any time it might have pleased the government to demand my presence at Washington, a note addressed to me at Alexan dria would have saved all unnecessary expenses Pennsylvania Okiip Zelegraph, tnebntotrap afternoon 'August 7, 186-1 ATTENTION MOUNT VER&ON.—A stated meeting of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder com pany will be held at the truck house at 7i o'clock this evening. Punctual attendance is requested, as business of importance will be acted upon. Aricrrmsa RAILROAD Accroarrr. —This forenoon a soldier, whose name we did not learn, 'while sitting on the steps of a car at the depot, was struck by a passing train, knocked down, and his back and one thigh broken. He was placed on a settee and carried to Camp Curtin, where he lies in a suffering condition. It is said the man's injuries are of such a serious nature that he is not likely to recover. REV. LEACOOK'S SERMON ON THE STATE OF THE Latioy.—We have been informed by one of the pew-holders in the Episcopal church, that a ge neral meeting of the pew-holders is to be held, to take into consideration the tendencies of the sermon preached by Rev. Leacock on Sunday evening last, and also to consider the impolicy of sustaining and encouraging such overt-acts of trtason against the country. LARGE Ham . —The other day a man and woman were arrested for keeping a disorderly bawdy house at the corner of Meadow Lane and Second street. This morning officers Wickert and Cole made a second descent upon the den and captured five of the females who quarter there. All of them were committed to prison. The institution has long been complained of by people residing in its locality as a first class nuisance. Bonus SOLDIERS.—It is disgusting to walk through our streets and see the strut of the bogus soldier. There - is a class of sapplings who call themselves young men, who have not the courage to go to war, nor the manliness to al low those who do go the honors and admiration belonging to a soldier. It is becoming for a volunteer, who has returned with honor, to wear the blue pants, grey jacket or military cap. The public know it, and pay respect and attention to him. But it is contemptible to see, as we are forced to see upon almost every block o two or three pups affecting military airs, strut ting in semi-military rigs, and caressing an im aginary military moustache. They recognize in the brave soldier an object of ladies' admira tion, and appear to think that - by counterfeiting him they will receive a share which they would not if they retained their true and original face. They don't give the feminine credit of possess ing the power to detect bogus currency. They do not know how readily they are &en through, and how heartily they are despised. But_thess,, bogus soldiers are easily found ont, and it is hoped their day is about over. Let the honors of war be worn only by those who have won them. Let the ladies shower their attentions upon the soldier, not the soldier's dress, and let bogus gents elide on the opposite side of the street—give them a wide berth and -"let them alone." [From the "Indiana Register."] A CAnD. Having just returned from the U. S. service on the Potomac, where I was taken down with severe illness, and in that condition left to my own resources to make my way borne as best I might, I take this method of acknowledging my obligations to w TT.T.TAM. P. Colima, Esq., of Harrisburg, and his lady, who, on seeing my prostrate condition when I arrived in that city, acted the part of good Samaritans, by taking me to their house, providing me with medical attendance, and ministering to my every want, until I was sufficiently recovered to proceed to my home and friends. To DR: FAGER, of the same place, I am also indebted for attentions. HERMAN Row. NEW AND CHEAP GOODS mom NEW YORK Aye norz.-100 pieces splendid Wamesutta Calico, 10 eta ; 50 piece of unbleached Muslin, 44, 10 cts., worth 12 ets ; 30 pieces of splendid Clin ton Ginghams, 12 cts., worth 18 cts ; 100 pieces of Crash, at 10 and 12 cts. a yard ; a very large lot of ladies and children's white stockings; the best ladies hose for 121 eta. in town ; bril liants, hrilliants, brilliants, 50 pieces, at 121 cts. ; beautiful skirt stuff at 25 cts.; 200 dozen of brown and blue mixed men's socks, 121 eta.; and a great many other goods very cheap, at S. Lzwy's, John Rhoads' old stand. MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED JUST PUBLIiHEO ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CCRa OF OPE ii.3IATOR. RHEA, or Seminal Weakness; Sexual . Debility, Nervous ness, involuntary Emissions and Impotency, resulting from Seil-abune, &o. By Robt. J. Culverweil , M. D.— Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest oald, on receipt of two stumps, by Dr. CHAS .1 C. KLINE, 12T Bowery, New York. Pon Office Box, No 4,588, m2o.6mdaw IitYPORPACCI, TO FIL'9I/11.liii. DR. CHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D., NEW YORK CITY. • HR oombirtation of ingredients in theoe Pills ure the result of a long anti extensive practice. boy are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Palatal Menstruations, removing all ob structions, whether from cold or otherwille, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the bark and limbs, /be , disturbed sleep, which arise from Later option of nature Dr. Cbeeseroa&b.Ptits are invaluable, as ley will bring on the monthly poriotrwith regularity. latdiet who have been disappointed in the use of - other Pille can place the utmost confidence in Dr. Cbeevernan's Pills doing all that they represent to dn. Mere is one conditurn of :he Mhate system in which the Pats cannel be taken ant.V.,u, ~ roductrig a PECULIAR RESULL L'Onditii/n to 14 PRBGNANCY— the result, MISCARRLWA. Bach ts the u-resistibie tendeney of the medicine to restore he sandal functions to a swims! txnallion, .hat teen the reproductive power of nature cannot reuse Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, Explicit directions, which should be read, ac company eacb box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to DR CORIPILIM L.. OMMIMATi, Box 4,331, Post Office, New York City. - Sold by one L egglotin aver t own the United States R. B. RIITCHENGS, General Arhat for the United States, 14 Broadway, New , Yorh, /0 toiwnt al/ Fi r holetate orders should be addr , i.std. 8014 in Harrisburg by U. A. Barnum tkair29 7 cia.wiy . . I=l:=s 1=0:=1 =1:112=1 "REGISTER" Office, Indiana, Pa. August 3, 1881. f I=C:=MI NrJTltlfi a CARD TO THE LAMB DR- DITPONOO'S GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. nfnliiblc n correcting, regulating, and obstructions, from whatever cause, and ways successful as a preven tive. r i I HE;"E PILLS HAVE BEEN UB11..;1) B 1 the doctors for , many years, both In France an. America, with unparalleled success In every case ; ao he is urge) by ~any thousanu ladies who used them, I. make the Pills public for the alleviation of tho-e autferim from any .rregularities whatever, as well a, to proven au_ iuerease of family whore health will out permit at.— Females particularly situated, or those supposing them. selves su, are cautioned against these Pills while in Jlm. conditiou a s they are our ^ to produce miscarriage, an, the prop riet.,, assumes no responsibility atter this ado , nition, although their mildness would prevent any mit chief to health—otherwise the Pills are recommendee Full and explicit directions accompany each hoc Priv $ 1 00 la' , hos. Sold wholesale and retail by fJHARLES A. BANNVART, Druggist, No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa •Ladies,” by sending . bun $1 00 to the Harrisburg Post Office, can have the Pills aeot free of observation tc any part ei the country (confidentially) and "free of par Cage" by mat Sold also by e. S. amuses, Reading JOEXO O N, LIOLLOWAT & COWDYIS Philadelphia, J. 1.. Les .115103kk, LebaLloll, ()mist. H. 1111.178140, WU:4MT J. A WOLF. Wrightsville; B. T. 11 tuticit, York ; and by on. druggist in .every city and in the Linton, and to S. D Bows, me proprietor, New York N. ook out for counterfeit,. Hey no dolden Pill of any kind unless every boa is signed S. D. Howe. A. others area base imposition and ensile therefore, a you value your !lOWA and health, (to .cy sorbing or br log humbugged out of your money,) buy only of thoss who show .the signature of S. D. Howe on every boa which has recentlysoon added no account of the Pills bents con4terteitai leg-dwasw I y ,TO CONSUMPTIVES TED QiDVERTISER, having been restored to health l few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affect. ion, and that dread disease, Consumptien—is anxious to make known to his lehow•suo'erers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will send a copy of the pre scription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Thr only ohject of the advertiser to sending the Prescription is to balletic. the alilieted , and wrest! Information which lie conceives to be nvalunble ' and he hopes every sot hirer will try his remedy, OS if wilt coat them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Purges wishing the prescription will please address ItBV. ELM AP D A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, go (smut}, New York • PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFAT'S LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIE BITTERS. Free from all Mineral Peianie.—ln casea of Scrofula Ulcers, Scurvy, Gr Eruptions of ihe Skin the operation of the Life Medicines is truly astouishius, often remoeluy le a few days, every vestige of these lwalisome diseases hi their purifying effects on the wood Billious Fevers, Fever and tgue, Dyspepsia ' Dropsy, Piles, and in short most ail di.,euries -.eon yield tualmir curative procaTtlea No family should be without them, ae by their tamely , me mush suffering and expense may ne saved. Prepar-d by .Nll. B. MOFF37:, New York, sod sai , • lc 10 Druggir et - gliscettancous. FREIGHT REDUCED ! Howard &Hope , EXPRESS CO.'S SIIORT 9 QUICK ROUTH TO AND FROM NEW YORK. Goods Ordered in the Morning Returned the same Night. Leave New York at 7+l P. M., by the Fast Through Express Train, arriving in Harrisburg at 8 A. M. WITHOUT ORANGE OF OARS. Order Goods marked via HOPE EXPRESS CO., General Office, 74 Broadway, New York Branch " 412 " For further information enquire of GEO. BERGNER, Agent. HARRISBURG, August 2, 1861.-dtf. HEAD QUARTERS, IST REGIMENT PENN'A RESERVE Goers, Naval School, Annapolis, Md., Aug. Ist, 1861 NOTICE IS HERE ICY GIVEN THAT Michael Nealon, of Philadelphi4, Pa., Edward O'Neal, " " ; 6 Samna Parker, Lanni, Delaware Co., William Dawson Rockdale, " " Members of company F. George Renshaw, of Phcenixville, Chester Co., Pa ' member of company O. Lewis Forber, Carlisle, Cumberland Co., Pa., Henry G. Beidler, " " " Jacob Hippie, Henry Ripple, Max Barge, Henry Limickuhl, John, W. Landson, " Anthony Moore, " William McDonald, William Richey, " David Richwine, " Jacob Sowers, Plainfield, El II Ifl John Bennett, Papertown, " ti Lewis Long, Carlisle, 41 ti George Chambers_" 44 John Donnelly, " " Harrison Zellyy , " Hugh Finly, Concord, Franklin QQ.I Pa. John A. Boyer, Mortonville, Chester Co., Pa., Members of Company H. David Baker, Papertown, Cumberland Co., Pa. Jacob Boggs, Thornburry Trape " " " George Cramer, Carlisle, " Thomas Bell, (musician,) Carlisle, Cimilairland Co. Pa., Members of Company 1., DIMMED from the service of State of Pennsyl vania, from the First regiment Pennsylvania Reserve corps, while the said regiment was sta tioned at Camp Carroll, near Baltimore. No re ward is offered or will be paid for their appre hension, because better even are offering. These men had been well fed, well clothed, and paid on that day. No reason for their desertion can therefore be given, save cowardice; and this no tice is only Inserted to prevent annoyance to recruiting officers,. and In order that their fel low-citiiens may understand their conduct when they supposed theme/nee near the enemy. By order of B: BIDDLE ROBERTS, Colonel commanding. Qaaa. B. Ltxsoaa - FLAGS 1 FLAGS I I TOTE PAPER AND ENVFLOPES with<t e .n., Lb:l7K , P tb 9 view of tv .4 Harriet rr . jrna.d and. Cor, ntle at • ICEIMER% BOUKSIORE, 4144 Nate itie Harrisburg Bridge. Books for , the Military TIIST RECIEVED AT BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, No. 51 Market street. Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exer cise and mand3uvres of Troops when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Department. By Bre vet Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. HARDEE, U. S. A. Vol. L—Schools of the Soldier and Company ; Instructions for Skirmishers. V4il. IL—School of the Battallpn. INSI RUCT EONS' IN FIELD ARTILLERY. Prepared by a Board of Artillery Officers.— One vol. Bvo. 82.80. COL. S. COOPER, Adjt. Gen. U. S. A. Sir :—The Light Artillery Board assembled by Special Orders No. 134, of 1866, and Special Orders No. 116, of 1868, has the honor to sub mit a revised system of light Artillery Tactics and Regulations recommended for that arm. WM. H. FRENCH, Bt. Maj. Capt. First Artil lery. WILLIAM F. BARRY, Captain First Artillery. HENRY J. HUNT, Bt. Maj. Capt. Second Ar tillery. Published by order of the War Department. First Part—School of the Trooper ; of the Pla toon and of the Squadron Dismounted Second Part—of the Platoon and of the Squadron Mounted Third Part—Evolutions of a Regi ment. WAR DEPAHTMENT, WABH/NGTON, Febguary 10, 1841. } The system of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organization of Dragoon regiments, having been approved by the President of the United States, is now published for the government of the said service. Accordingly, instruction in the same will be given after the method pointed out therein; and all additions to, or departures from the ex ercises and manceuvres laid down in this system are positively forbidden. J. R. POINSETr, Secretary of War. M I CLELLAN'S BAYONET EXERCISE. Manual of Bayonet Exercises. Prepared for the use of the Army of the 'United States. By GEORGE B. M'CLELLAN, Capt. First Begi went Cavalry, 11. S. A. Printed by order of the War Department. One vol. 12mo. $1.215. Haanotraams or m Awry, t WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 31, 1851. Hon. C. M. Cowan, Secretary of War. Sir :—Herewith I have the honor to submit a system of Bayonet Exercise translated from French by Captain Geo. B. M'Clellan, Corps, Engineers, 13. S. Army. I strongly recommend its being printed for distribution to the Army ; and that it made, by regulation, a part of the "System of Instruc tion." The inclosed extracts from reports of the In Spector General, etc., show the value. I have the honor to be, air, with high respect, your most obedient servant, WINFEOLD SCOTT. Approved. C. M. CONRAD, Secretary of War January 2, 1852. s R JONES, Adjutant General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, on the receipt of the published price. Remittance can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. Address GEO. BERGNER, Harrisburg, Pa. STEAM WEEKLY BETWEEN NEW TORE - • - - • AND LIVERPOOL. LI.N 1$ IN AND EMBARKING PAS . OE, .1 QUEENSTOWN, (Ireland.) The Liver pool. es: or. and Philadelphia Steamship company tined spaiculng their full powere i Clyde-built iron Stemvis,rm .s follows: GLA.411019, Saturday August 3: OItI OF BALTI MORE, Saturday August 10 ; 11101041300, Saturday auguit 17 and every Saturday. at Noon, from Pier 44, North River. - . FIRST CABIN 576 OCSi:EI:RA(4h ..... sao 00 I do to Loudon $BO 00 do to Lonuaa _663 00 Steerage Return Ticke a, good tor :A. Months $6O 000 Passengers forwarded to Paris, Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, Rotterdam, Antwerp, &c., at reduced throuth fares ,Persona winning tc, brius auttheir friends-can ouy tickets here at the following rates, to New York From: Llverpooi or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, $95 and $lO5 . Steerage from Liverpool 340 00 From Queenstown, 330 00. These Steamers nave superior atmommodations tar passetlers, and tarry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Sections, and have ‘-'ute Fire Annihilators on board. JNO. G. DALE, Ageht, .y 22.11 l 5 Broadway, New Vora Or O. G. Zimmerman, Agent, Barrisbure SOMETHING FOR THE TIMES ! !! A Necessity in Every Household ! JOHNS & citosLEvs American Cement Glue The Strongest Glue in the World FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, POE CILAIN., ALABASTER, BONE, CORAL, &c., &c., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withstand Water. urta.cre housekeeper khould bay , a eui ly of Mani & Crosh. 3 0 s emetteau Cement G ue."-- i . , t is so convenient to have n • a heuse"--N. Y Gamma. •-'t is always ready thiscommenaa to every body." bi Y. Isom's:mon "We h !road it, and dud it as userel i u our house as cater.'—Witess ktmrr us me Tams Price 28 Cents per Bottle. Very Liberal Reductions to .Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CASE. Or For sale by all Druggists and Storekeep• era generally throughout the country, JO ENS & ()ROSLEY, (Sole Itanti iactures,) 78 WuraArt Steger, (Corner of Liberty Street,) New Yoax. jy3-dly [1:11 lIIE 11:13 .1 = "103CF"1EF.303F1. 7 15 DAILY &AIR LINE! Between Philadelohia Lacs HAT EN, JUMPY ellOitir, WEGILAMAPOirr, Mme; UNIONTOWN, WAD3ORTOWB MILIoN NOWDIUmBERLAND, 11INVOAToN, . GRolloerows, usNoTows, iwats ' BURG, DAMPS', DAUPHIN, N D HARRISBURG. The Philadelphia Depot being centrally located the Drayage Will be at the lowest rates. A Cat.. utaor VC, through with each traiu to attend to the safe Jellvery of all goods entrusted to the line. Goods delivered at the Depot of FREED, WARD at FREED, No. 811 Hart et Stoat, Phila delphia, by E. o'ctock 11_, will be c .Itvered in Harrisburg the next merino. Freight (always) as low as by any other nate. Particular, attention .paid-- . ': by tote. nt•onipt.:and., speedy dehirerfof nh Harrisbur --coeds. --. The undersigned thankful for past patrol: a' hopes by strict attention to business to merit a cowl ill Me of the sante. T. Pr,le Philadelphia and Iteadio t .1. rem of Market tree bki risburg. del7 cl6m tpoß, BALE.—One ckt the best bus these L. stands in the city on reasonable tem; or Jeasetill for thres or five years sit , ated rn Market Sweet between Fourth and Fifth. enquire On the prerzi,ds of 7y9412as DANIF4-I.IIEDI Augs-dat CIDER 11 1 VINEG! AR 1 1 NAr A.DE from choice-and selected Apples, AIL wind guarante ed by us to bestiattly pure. e l2 -ct--runt. DOCK 111 Ca. filistellantotto A RDEJ'd TACTICS CAVALRY TACTICS Three vols. 18mo. $8.75 iLiTES OF P.LIELiat filiscellantotts. LADIES' WINE. SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE Of Cultivated Portugal Elder. N Every Family Should Use- SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE CELEBRATED tor its medical end bans &ha qualtige as a gennurc Stimulant, route, is retie and So tank, Welty esteemed by eminent phyei class, and some of the t/rat families is Eur...m an America. SPEEWS SAMBUCI WINK: i 3 not a (Mature or manufmtured article. but i; 'are, from cultivated , ortu-4al Elder recommended nezn ist3 and Physicians as oosse-sing meant pen wteta su parlor to any other vin-s tine, an tan eteell .rst els for all weak and deb•lit4 ed net-oo:, and the and infirm, improving the 3, , pothe, and Oetatitling and childreu A LA.DI WtNE, becanse it will not intoxicate as other %/Doi, as it con. lal'e no mutate of , pirlts or other liquors. and It a - nOred fo - It rico reantar flavor and nutroive pr.pertiont, Imparting a teal by tone LO toe d10.,e tive orgtno, and tdoothing, a , It alai !pal ,hv In in awl cow oarion. None genuine Unless the &grotto= of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of e ~rh bottle, MAKE ONE TRIAL OF THIS WINE, A. 9'EER, Proprietor. . N. i. . (18 , 6 208 Broadway, New ti cot k. J. H EATON Agent. Philmont, For sale by D. W. Gr.s, & Co., K. Keller. John Wyeth and be dri. , el4: go , a ally lyl—iew 'v. ~~=*~ ONLY PREPARATION WORTHY OF Universal Confidence d Patronags- FOR STATESMEN, JUDGES, CLERGYMAN, Ladles god Gentlemen, in all p taiga the world testify to the a racy of Prof: () J Wood's Hair Restorative ; end gentlemen of the Press are nuanimon4 lu its praise. A few leFtlfr.onlils only can be here given ; see circular or more, and it will be linen Bible for you to doubt. 47 Wvll St reel, New Vora, Dec 20th, nu. t4ENTLltlix_v : Your note o the 16 lost.; bas been re- Gicvej, raying that you had bean] that I had been bene fited by toe use of Woo is Hair Restorative, and requt log my certificate of the f,ct if I b td OP nbjeetion to give It I swardlt to you cheerful y, oecA use I °dolt it due.— !tty .ge is donut 50 ‘eart the color at auburn. and i, ailed to curl come five ur , our. stuce it ee gan to torn gray and th • .carp on therms.n td my he tt to lose its sen.lotitly amt daudruifto it Banit ..f these oisagreeabilith s ion eased with Lane, and about four man hs since a fourtu was added to them, by bait falling off the top of my head Roo tttrast...ntag to make In this unpleasant predicament, 1 sr., induced to try Wood': Hair Resto- ativc, main', to arrest the felting off of my hair, for I had real .y no expectation that gray hair could ever be restored to its origmal color excep: from dyes. I was, however, greatly aurpris d to And fter the nse of two bo - tles only. that not only was the falling MI arrested, but the color was restore., to the gray heirs and sensibily to the scalp, and dandruff ceased to form on my head, very much to the grail:lc/Won of ray wim, at whose solicitation I was 'Wooed to try It. For this, among the many obligations I owe to heroes, I stronry recommend all hnlbands who v.lue the- d miration of their w.v a to pr..flt by my example, and use t if growing gray or getting bald. Very, relpectfuly, BIM A. LAVENDER. To 0 J. Wood & Co., 444 Broadway, New York Hy family are absent from the city, and I am no long er at No. 11 Carrot place. .amaston, Ala , July 20th, 1869. To Pa'•F. 0. J. Wow : near Sir : Your "Hair Restora tive,' has done my h dr so much good since I commenced the use o! it, that I wish to make known to the PURI I 0 ire effects on the hair, which are great a man or wo man nay be nearly deprived of hair, and by a resort to your "Hair Renorative," the hair will return more • beautiful than ever ; at lea t this is my expirionce e it all ! Yours truly, . _ WM H. KENEDY. P —You eau publish the above if you like. By pub Haling in our Southern papers you wil get more patron ag , south. I see several of your certlicates in the Bo Late Mercury a strong Southern paper. . _ W. H. Remedy. WOOD'S HAIR RESTO tATIVE. Pim 0. J. WOOD : ;Oar 1r : Having had the nalifer_ tune to lose the nest portion of my hair, from the effects of the yellow fever, in New Orleans in 1851, I was In duced to make a trial of your pren.ratioa, and found It to answer as t e very thing needed My hair 13 now thick and glossy, and no wards can express my obliga tions to you is giving :o the afflicted such a treasure. FINLEY JOHNSoN. 1 he Restorative le put up in bottles of three SiZe3, viz : large medium, and small ; the email holds half a pioc, and retails for one doll,r per bottle ; the medium holds at least twenty per cent more in proportion team - lw small, retails for two dollars pr .r bottle ; the large Midi squad, 40 per c•nt. more in proportion, and retails for $3. 0. J. WOOD az CO., Prop tetors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market. street, St. Louts, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists aad Fancy Goode Dealers. Jyl3- aweow Great Cure. DR. LELLANiks ANTI RHEUMATIC BAND, IS THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR Rheumatism, Goat and Neuralgia AND A SURE CURE YOB All Mercurial Diseases. It is a conveniently arranged Band, containing a me, Gated compound, to be worn around the Waist, without miury to the most delicate persons, no change in habits of living is required, Mal it entirely removes the disease from the system, without producing the injurious enema arising from the use of pow rt.: internal medicines which. weaken and destroy th ana glee temporar, relief only. Sly this ire Innen', the medktal properties contained in the Band . come in contact with the blood and reaches the disease, through the pores rd toe skin, effecting ID real instance a perfect eier s, ana restore he parts am aedto a ronatuon. This Beath is also a most powerful Aarri•MgacUluat agent, and will entirely relieve the system from the pernicious o f of Mercury. Moderate cases are cured in a taw deers, and we are constantly receiving testimonials or ita efdoitey ID aggravatea cassia of long standiug. Yates $ Oil, to be had of Druggists generally, or can be sent by mad or expires, with lull aireCtions for use to any part of the country, dtr.'et from the Princioal °Mee, No. 409 BROADWAY, New York. G. SMITH & CO., Sole Proprietors. N. B. —Descriptive Circulars Seat WARTED EV. itYWEIBItE.-il jyB-claw OLT PILULES I .oue ' , gauss' I J. BLESTER,. CARVER ANN ) 43-.ll.DE4fts Manufaotuiec of Looking Glass and Picture Frames, Gill and Rosewood Mouldings &e. HARRISBURG, PA. _ Freg. , .4mMirror., illitario and Oval IP,oetnin Frames of 'leery description. 7OLI FRAOLIAS. R.F.OLLT TO Raw. nay
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers