Lints of ill ravtl Sa (trans)) ortatioit NEW AIR LINE ROUTE THREE TRAINS DAILY TO NEW YORK. TWO TRAINS DAILY TO PHILADELPHIA W 13:11.01JT CHANGE OF CARS. ON AND AFTER' MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1861, the Passenger Trains will leave the Philadel phia anu Reading Railroad Depot, at Harrisburg, for New York and Philadelphia, as follows, vis : EASTWARD. ICIPEEM LINE leaves Harrisburg at 9.30 a. m., on ar rival bf Pennsylvania Railroad Express Train from the West, arriving in New York at 4 p. in. A sleeping ear Is attached to the train through from Pitts burg without MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 8 a. In.. arriving in New York at 4p. m , and Philadelphia at 1.25 p. m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 1.40 9. in., on arrival of Pennsylvania Railroad Fast Mail, arriving in New York at 9.45 p. In., and Philadelphia at . 5.40 p. tn. WESTWARD. eAsT LINE leaves New York at 6 a. m., and Philadel phia at Ba. m., arriving -at Harrisburg at Ip. m. 11A1L TRAIN leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and Phil adelphiatat 3. 15 p. m. , arriving at Harrisburg at 8 p.m. ESPRIT LINE leaves New York at 8 p. m., all ying at Harrisburg at 2.30 a. an., and connecting with the Pennsylvania Express Train for Pittsbnrg. A sleeping car is also attached to this train . Ciounecdions are made at Harrisburg with trains on the Pennsylvania, Northern Central and Cumberland Valley Railroads, and at Reading for Philadelphia, Pottavil le, Wilkesbarre, Allentown, Easton, &c. Baggage chocked through. Faro between New York and Harrisburg, 65 OD ;. between Harrisburg and Phila delphia, 63 26 in No. 1 cars, and $2 70 in No. 2. " For tickets or other information apdly to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg 01716 PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROADI BUMMER TIME TABLE. FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM_PHILADELPHIA ON liND APT= MONDAY, JUNE 10t14 1861, Phe passenger trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com• pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows ,EAST WARD. FAST LINE leases Harrisburg every morning (except. Monday) at 1.15 a. m., and arrives at Weis Philadelphia at 6.10 a. m. THROUGH EXPRESS! TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily at 9.79 a. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia .at lan p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun. day) at 6:15 v m. and arrives at West Pldlactelplda at These Walks titiltti doss oonneoticin at Phhatituphlw with the NOW Ywilt tam. AccommobATlON TRAIN, No. 1, via Mount Joy, Maras Harrisburg at 7.00 a. m., and arrives at Wed Philadelpaiit at 12.00 noon. 'HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, via Comm. bia, leaves Harrisburg at 1.10 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia %LA 26 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, via Mount Joy, loaves Harrisburg at 6.15 p, m, connecting at Diller ville with MAIL"' TRAIN,. and arrives at Heat Philadel phiaatlo.l6p.m. lIVEST 11V "IA O. txulu ' naßtitio :TRAIN' leaves -I , lil@iieipaia at 10.20 p m. , Harrisburg at 2.85 a. In., Altoona 7.80, a. in., and arrives . at,Fittaburg at 12.00 noon _ . a bIAIL TRAIN , leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. sa., marriaburg 1.00 p. m., Altoona, 6.60 p. m.; and arrival at Plttabiqg at 1.2.00 midnight. FAST .I.JNit butvel:Philadelphla at 11.20 a. m., Harria-' burg 8.85 p: m. , Altoona 8:10 p. Ikk, and arrives at Pitts burg at 12.80 si..?n t - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves 2.88 m.„ Lancaster .9.08 p. M. ; Col , =Ma 6.45 p. m.; and airbms at Harrisburg it 8.05 p. m. Yids Train connects at Harrisburg, at8.05.p..m.; with Northern Central Railroad . Train for aunb ary, Williams port, Lock Haven, Scranton and all points No rib. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, leaves.Philadelpida at coo, p. m., Lancaster 7.50 p. m., Mount Joy 8.21 p. m., Ealza betatown, 8.87 .p. 111, and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.80 p. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia: at 4.00 p. m., oonaact at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY. ACCOMMODTION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.80, p. m. GANONL.D. YOUNG Supt. East. Dlr. Penna. !tatWild. Narrtaborg, , June 1851..dU1 Select Bob.oola for Bova and Gir' la' 0 - aosis STM.II.IIIIP iattuV 1 LOCUST. .I%c Fat; vertu of ROBERTIVELWRES 4.11901 tor uoys, will open on the last Monday in August L'ae room is well ventilated, comfortably fur. ulsh,d, M every respect well adapted for school CATMARANZ M'ELWEeS School tor girls, located in the same hmldh sg t Not omnt for the Fall term at the same time. The Iddli Gee been elegantly fitted up during the end-I:don, to' promote the hailth and oomfort of scholar& pinBl-dtf . CITYLIV :: _ERY: STABLES... - BLAMER/H&j - ' ,Mal,. IN TSB RE AR_ 01 MOIR'S ROM. ;,. , ..., ~!- - •i, i f 5E r HE undersigned his re-commehoed the sverrpseive la Ina NSW and- st'Acrocra STA looatetellabove, with a large an 4 varied stock o HO 9, OARRIAGES and OMNIBIIHM, *lda he wit sire at moderate rates. _ F . K. s w AR n . 88 1 128,41 4.1 , --i-, , -'. , , c: '. • - • • 'Th . ) `,,-,:, , , _ LIQUORS AT- 008'P 1 - HAYING oontuded to .4.ieoontinue - the beams we oiler'leus`iirge d Complete meet efhips, 3yies, P 4 45 imDMI/44114 cCeverrAt‘ toription trout witn o ut ,Nnr.e. WM. DOCIIiJR & 00, Rime. • flit ntai Ayer's CATHARTIC PILLS. ARE YOU SICK, Are you out of order, with your systenci deransed, and your feelings unnomfortriblet These symptoms ars , often the prelude to serious Stine SA of sickness Is creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timely owe of the right remedy rake Ayers Pills and cleanse out the cUsordered numors—puri.y the blood and let the fluids move oc . anonstructeam it all It again. They stimu. ate the tnactiona of the body 'lmo v %came activity, pu rity the *system front diastole. A ..old settles somewhere to the body, and obaruataits wading. lunotioza. These, II not relieved; react apon tnemsolyes sauce surround. 'tug organs, producing goner it aggraystlimi Suffering and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the de rangements, take Ayer s Villa, and see bow directly they restore the natural "action of the system,: and with it the buoyant tailing of health igalb. • What is trueand so apparent to this.trbral and common complaint, is also true in many oi deep-seated and - dangerous distem pers. :-The same purgative dee expetrtherti. distem pers by similes, obstructions anti derangements of the natural functions of the , body, they are raptcity,:and" many ot them airily, cured by the same .moans. None who know the virtues ot these"Pillti, will ueglect to employ hem when suftering 'trots the dt- orders they mire. Statements - from leading physicians in some ot the principal cities, and from other well known public per From a Forwarding Meronaut of" St. • Louis, Feb. 4, Itibc.. Da. Area: Your Pills are th, paragon of all that . , is great In medicine. They have cured my little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her ;ban a and feet that had proved Incurable lor' years. Her =niter has bade lone grievionsly afflicted with blotches- and pimples o„, her skin and , in her hair: Alter our child'lvas turd, she also tr le,: 3 cur fills; and they-have mired her, MA FAMILY Parma [prom Dr. E. - W. Cartvo right,:New Orleans.] Your Pitis are the prince of purges. Their excellent qualities - - say. cathartic Re possess. They are nld,b 8 1 IrPa" t very ceti:litaninilleatii, al in,thelr action on the bowels, which',Maißthein - inlraluable to us in the daily reatment HIADAORYi;'SICt , NZADAdIi, FOOL OTONACE. fFrom . Dr: Bdirard Boyd, Ballimore4 Dna ago. Am -1 cannot answer you vier come plaints I,have wain with' your Pillirtiett4 than to say au that me ever treat with a purgative ntedissese. 1. place great dpoemience,on ,an effectual. cathartic in my daily contest 'with' disease, - - and heheving,a;3 I do that your Pith afford Us the heat we havo, l'of course , value them SIIIBURej 1,18.56 , _ Da. J. 0. anca—Str : 1 hare been repeatedly-cured of be worst headache anybody cal:Chive, by acslolp or two your Pills. .t secure to arlsOfions a foul stomach, which they cleanse at once. . Yours with great respect,' Ell. W. PREBLE, Steameir:Olarion ihuortiDisesrouts.—.l. Compt.soss. [Frew itiebdoFfi New York City.] o 'Cably Not,only are your my their eliocts purpose aperient, " an ce y d - rue hl upon the Liver verlr.. practice proved moje,, - efleultlill.elor the cure ~1 Bilious Complainti one oaraly Moles thative , h a re,len gth epti ch worthy the 'Confidence'of the profeselon and the people. DEPARTNINT OP TEM iNTIRIOI, Washington, D. 0., 7th Fob. 1866. , } ; Sir : I have used Your Pills in my,geseral and hospital; practice over since you made Mein, and cannot hesitate to say they are the'lotist Cathartic we employ. The , r . re gulating action theiLver ie and decided "ClllBl3. gamily they are au aduairauic remedy for derankement of that organ. 'lndeed, I tisvc seldom found a case of Bilious Disease so obstia cte caw it did not readily yield to them. Fraternally -y ' A UAW BALL , Pu,aiwau , Marine fla3pital DYRINTIitY ..LAlirldu A RILL; Woßma, [From gr • green; Chicago.] Your rills h .ye nad s. -ong:trttli.a my practice, and I hold them in esteem as one of tae oast aperients is have ever found. 'their alterative eaem upon the live; makes them an excellent remedy,: whea iii Omsk doses for Bilious Dysenteiy. and .11iarrhos- their sugar-coating inakes them Very acceptable and.oenvenient for' the use Of women and ebildrisin :„. , . . 114gy4Tr : .q. YHa. ,BLOOD lFrom iteY 7 J. V- JEilea, - -Piwi:.r - 14artnt,Uhurek; Boston Dr. AYER : I have used your -?ills with extraorMuary sitcoms in my famiy and among moa n I am palled to visit diatreas. To reguhtte tlieiirgitnis ot digestion and pu rity the blood, okay _are th e e . „very ,best remedy I have ever known, and I cab codidehtly recommend them to my friends. Your l V. =MS. Lump, tv Oct.. 44, 11.856. Dana SIB: aka odug your Cathartic Ma in my pratice, and lie • Emma an excellent purgative to cleanse cme oyetom and -uraiv.ia,a/butuoint of allblood, .011b1 U. MEACHAM, M. D. CONSTLPAIION, WiT.rassee, SUPPR6EIBIOIII, Gout, NZOltelAilA. `DROPSY,. ESBALYIII3, Fria arc. [Flm Or. e. Vaughn, Montreal, LW/alt.] Too much cannot be said of your Pills for the care of Costiveness. If others of your fraternity have found them as efficacious as I have, they should join me in prb. claiming It for the benefit of the Multitudes who sutler from that complaint,. Much, although„bad enough in it self, la the progenitor -A others that are worse. I Wive Costiveness to originate - in the ever, but your Pills affect that organ and cure ttIO disease. IFrom Mrs. M. Stuart, Phystalaa and Midwife , Roston. find one or two large doses of your Pills, tasen at the proper time, are exoelleut promouves of the eatnral soretion was wirilly or partially suppressed, sad also cry itsotutl w Omani the SUMACH and mod WORMS. they are so MUM the best physic we have that, mom. 01011 d no other to my patients. (From the Rev. Dr. Hawkes, of the Methodist illpiseopal Cherub.] roxassa-Hotnes. davannan, Ga., Jan. d, 1866. ROM= dLit r l should be angratemi for the rend your skill ins brought me it I di , 001 report my case to you. A cold settled in my Maur nd brought on excru ciating Neuralgic Pants, wnlch ended in Onronic /Sheo l:Mt/SM. Noterfttudidding ricia tlus best of physicians, the asease grivesequr4l woraci hy Sno"ativice, ot yottr. netcelifint"iigint iu Baltimore, Dr. Malt - Immo, 1 tried your Pills. Their elfect4 were slow but sure. By persevet mgm the moot itiCto; lain now entirely well. BAl€ CHAIFFIXV, Sitto4 AOUtei JAL Axis .'- I .l = have Caddeciffrely cured by your Fills, 01 Itheuntaffo ; Annuli diseateithat had afflicted MO lor, years- ,&-Most: of the Pills. In marmot contain Mercury, whion, althoughtt mUuaole remedy IliAkilltud ballas t is gasserowi Ina public pIiI trom the (treadle 1 'consequen ces that irequently loLlow tta umantlOns age. . These contain no mercury or mineral subnance whatever. Price 26 cents per boa, or 2 Scum tor Si. Prepared by . D4. J. U. AYJilit 03.; Lowell, Mime. Sold by O. A. Manxman, U. K. B. W. Gross , Jo, J. kl. Luta, Rotuma & Ool; A'reimitrong, Harrisburg, sod &takes everywhere. npa7-dmoaw DAVID BiaNES, 110 MARKET, BT. HARRISBURG, Agent for T.TI .1 JE'S PATENT Wrought and Chilled Imo -N-..- ' nd Burglar Prool EICAL.V" Lunt... - - . . . . . Btriotly.the ONLY fdereantqL ,tle made, that is both re and Burglar`Proot - - marelf•dly CANDLES! PARAFFINE CANDLES," SPERM CANDLES, ADAMANTINE , CANDLES,. STEARINE SPAN DLES, STAR CANDLFI3, CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLE. large lot oltno above in and for sale at the low alit prices by VI . LOCK JR. & CO ., itul3 , Opposite. the Court Hoiefie: A VERY HEAVY STOOK OF BLACK AND SECOND MOURNING DRESS GOODS I OF EVERY DICSORTETION JUST OPENED. 4t Prices below the Cost of importation. CALL AT CATHCART'S; m l lB Next doorite the Harrisburg Bank. FARMER'S HOTEL. HE stibsoiiber begs leave to inform his *leans and the public that be him taken the Pa Rif -401 HOTEL, in Market street opposite the Post formerly 1- Statil r erwhere - he-is-prepared-to aocom date them,on..rammnabie terms. Haying refitted and tak a t a aad the - goon, entirely noys,he hopes by strict at • tiodniu; to melee a liberal ahare of atan-, tag& -- • *- (El4 4 mal B. a. PEr .. ILE' z 014 TriMTh , "Our Governmenkn. an comoglAorvot the vpaatum: tloaof We United ittatel,tettokiningthe nature and Opiir sum of cniF 4 dLeeernment, wont:ine - .toial ankanthenti o •!Rtiecee. „Pelee - 11 1 00: FeCiale at _ „ - iv - ARONICR'S Slio pennottuanta ..attegrapt), itlebnes6au '74fternoon, 1.11.9110 i 7, 1861, an experienced Nerve and Female Phystotan, presenk the attention of mothers h. • SOOTHING S fit U P For Children To etlaing, which greatly facilitates the primes: of teething, my ening the gums,redurdng all Inflammation—will allay All PAW, and spasmodic 11,00011, and is BIJRE TO REGULATE THE BOWIKUi Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yonrseive AND, 'MIMI AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article for over let years, and caw DAY, 111 consinmsca AND mum, what we have never been able to say of any other medicine— NEM HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE it EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never did we know an instanceof dissatisfaction by any one who mac it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its opera lions, and speak in terms of highest commendation u Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak it this matter 4, witar w% no mow, alter ten years' expe hence, AND moos OUR witrurArion FOR TEM IMMIX= OF WRAY IFI NMI a+m.AR•. In almost every instance where the Infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, re• lief will be found In flftesn.orjwonty, -minutes... Wier W. syrup %administered This valuable preparation te the preaurison ofQat 01 the moat EVERIKINCED and EIKILISQL,NURW ie New England, and bas been used with Wintle,rsiuss. enoollas A MORGKILIO it not only relieves the child from pain, but mvia orates the stomach and bowels, corrects seldit,y, ant gives tone and energy to the whole systere, It will si most Instantly relieve -GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND Lana, .nd overcome convulsione, which If not speedily rome. Med, end in death. We believe it the aim and man simony is rea wosin, in all oases of DYSENTERY ANL. DEARE. EA IN CHELDBEIN, whether it arises from teething or worn any other cause. We would ray tc, every mother who has a child suffering item any el Ito foregoing allaplaktll.--DO NM LE YOU PRIAIDIOII9, 111101 1111 PEZIODICIS or miss, stand between you and your saftering child and the relief that will be SURE--yes ? &MUTELY SIIRE—to follow the use of this medicine, ii,timely used. Full directions forousing.will accompany each bottle. None genuine - unless the lac-simile CCRTLS dm f ERIUNS,New York, hr on theoutside wrapper. Sold by uggists throughout the wain 'rincipal tee, No. 13 Cedar St, New . Vora. 4a-For HArrieburg by D. W. tint= & (Jo., Me 19 Market street, J. MEu-tia Lutz, Ho. :ea Market street, I:1 Keller No. 91, Market street., West and B. g ra ”0.; Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAI 'B AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT This Nedinne has been used by the ysiblic for six yam with increasing foam. It is resemmen&d to Owe Dyspepens,Hareinusseu,nart-Busys,' Oolii Taira, Wind in the &mach, or Pa u.s in the Bowels, Headache, Div/wetness, Kidney etwo piaints, Low Spirits Dairies" Tremau, Irstemp ra ce mm.erse;, Bran .1 , 011, v ATM, WILL KI)2 A BA mEpkviMq ° l4 2 40:La . ' relieotNot ihimiliattagfilaviVtig ealo PlPlast tansy *plaints; and all'othis de e but or UR- Stomach and Bowels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the most melauch ly an drooping spirits, and restore the weak, ne&ousr% d sick ly to health, strength and vim.. Persona who, from the injudicious use of liquors, have become deloctel, and the mar roper nystoms shattered, oonstitutioniglimilten down and Itinte,ect to‘thathorrion curse to humanity the Ilisunnnri Ulm"; will, immediately; feePthe bop'? dud Ilealthrinvigorelliti efficacy of Dr. Ham's Invigorating Spirit. WIIAT IT WILL-DO. _ Doges.—One Wino glass full as often as necessary One dose win remove all Bad Spirits.. One doge 'lig ' Three *5 - :ka:o l .lddid n a# One-d VeyeiviGooftdeppettter. L One dose will stop the distressing pains of Dyspepsia. One dose will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatulence, mid as soon as the stomach receives the invigorating Spirit, the distressing load am' all painfaVee , ings will be removed. One dope *ill remove the'Riasf distressing paina.oamfit., either in the stomach or A few doses will remogeall Obetruclions in the Midday Bladder or Urhutry I ^ ° Persons who are Beth:wily a.licted with any KACULey ...001101112116 are assures - speedy ro tips dOwar two, Tad a radical Mai bY-thislash One dboilltif. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION. Persons who, from dissipating um mach over night, and tool the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent head sehestogicXneadist,.stomacil; giddiliteil'e will find 01:14 dose r vviliremoye - all bad Jeelinga._ = Ltdi€e of and , sickly constitutions ; t ake invigorating Spirit three times a day; It will make them' strong, healthy and happy, remove a ll obstructions and irregularities trona thilonenstrailhrgana. andVeitorekth: WOW:elk health and Malay UktiMafreskirn bite During pregnancy It will be found an invaluanic teeth able to remove disagreeable sensations at the _umach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to Induce ans, ne nee put up the Invigorating Spirit In pint bottles, at 60 cents, quarts $l. General Depet,,4B Water eiree,VN: P,„t Wholesale . agent, _ lartri ~ 00. eau for sale In Harrisburg by o:‘..S.'Beicirvart, - WW. Gram lk Co. and O. K. Keller, and by all Druggists everywhere, , . FASHWABLE OLOTILING. SPRING AND SUMINER STYLES. 1 a PHUADILLNUARAMOM - VINciNT ziLLDNLL OLOTHINGEMPORIUM A superb stook of fine ?ranch, English An d. Materloin MOTELS, - - OABBikE: , d'vicklses; Nor City and Country - trade, with an unapproachable as sortment of READY liana OLOTELENU at the lOireet; `caab priest ,g-But ONE PRICE is asked, and a GIFT on inirjOsiO worth and use presented with each article sold. Partiuular attention paid to the Customer departinint; and garments made andsent to order to any acidness: -, In inaugurating this new system of doing .butuneas; GRANVILLE KOKES would impress• on theAninds ot the patrons at his establishment, that the coat ar....,theElft Is deducted from, and nor added to the price of tas'arif: ale sold.. Bislmmensely increasing sales enabling him to act thus liberally, and at the same lime to matte a remunerative profit. All articles guaranteed to give entire . GRANT I I - J , g STOKES' , ONE PRIOEOLOTIEINOEMPOEIUN. 607 =STRUT STREET. 00119.0md—rdmar6-dtt COMMISSIONERSaPpoinIe4Wider, the Act of Incorporationlif,inn city et. Harris bark! haying made a plat or draft of said eitY, debigtiktiee the, Streets, lanes and alleys holv:egiithigUildcaponing,' also where avenues, streets, lanes andadleya shelk•heni after bOopeped, and also designating within -the, Itinita of said city - a plot or piebe'orgrolusii containing hot leas than twenty acres, for the use of the pablic and of. said city, for the purposes and usie ., hientgitied iri said itote and having sOndliksl Choir 0 1. 4;4404 ropectlto tha:Courti or Quarter Wiskii43B o f Dauphin county, for the .approyar of said Goan the saiddraft and:repbrtlitife .beeaLfued by order otrsaid , Clourt ' in the idllee.of the Cork ?Nu r . ter sessions of said county:ls:mobilo inspection fanaun. , lees exceptions , are filed thereto by parctee,•intereetedin said city, the same will be aßiwored At the August term of said Court. - By order of the Court. naylAtivi,,., Whl . LT .111.9314'Clterk: , .. . . . . Glorious, - Mat - Soiliiv.litgl - Banner .L gNOTHER'SUrPLY / OF Ilan , Boltoratsi:ami,qa:Nikm.,•4l,lo,* . ... a which we call theattendOn of mucleleads,deid medially Invite them to mapdlie,ogr,goodtaad,prictai. V ) - Weare determined to sell cheap. Mind t tic e l SCHEFFER'S 800 Atig, =wear thallmilakii ridge.. Ear AUGUSTINE - L:VHATNE. - CARPENTER AND BUILDER, Beddow 80. 27 Borth &oond Stret 5 . 15-40 BAIN AMETOP,To Mieullantois 7 T - C-141'i11 . ...'f5 . ._-7:_'--:'::::*.i, - t_! MRS• WINSLOW 11100 BANDS OF OASES Price anln 25 Gents or Bettie GRANV/14/E''STO/Eth ONE PRICE. GMT No. 607 dILESTNU2 STARE?. SIGN OF -THE Inttricai 71 0 .1 4 C).FNIALnrini LIFE PILLS AND PH0121131 BITTERS. rirITTF-qE MEDICINES have now been be ", fore the public fer a period of THIRTY YEARS, and, during that time have maintained a high character in al most every part -of the (Robe, for their extraordinary and immediate power of restoring perfect health to per sona suffering under nearly every kind of disease to which the human frame is liable; The fol lowing areamoug the distressing variety of hu man diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be Infallible. DYSPEPSIA, by Moro uglily cleansing tne first and second stomachs, and creating a flow of pure_heallV• bile, instead of the stale and acrid kind ; FLATU LENCY, Loss of Appetite, Heratburn, Headache, Rest lessness, 111- Temper, Anxiety, languor and Melancholy, which are the general symptoms of Dyspepsia, will van !shots a natural consequence of its cure. COSTIVENESS, by cleansing the whole length of the intestines with a solvent process, and without vie, lance; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. ' FEVERS Of all itinds,hy_restoring the blood to a regular consolation" through the proems of respiration in such casesi and the thorough Elan:pn of all Intestinal eb etruetion in others. VMS Ism laming Anvil been known to cum RIIIMURLITIAIN permanently hi three weeks and GOUT:In half that time, by removing localinilamantion from the Muschnind ligaments of the Jodi's. ORGPSIRS of all kinds, by freeing and strengthen ing the , kidneys and bladder; they , operate meet, delight fully on' these 'lMPortant organs, and - hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worst twos of GRAVEL Also WORMS, by dislodging from the. i n nings of the bowels the slimy matter to which these crestbree adhere. • VLpERS, and INVETERATE SORES, s tilie r peffect purity these LI FE MIvDI O NICS Save to theiblood,_ . and all the Minors. • EcoR.RVIIC ER,uPTIONS and BAD COMPLEX lONS, byrthair alterate effect apes the fluids that feed the , skla c and the morbid State of which occasions all artidivO complaints, sallow, cloudy, and other disagree able complexions: ; The. use of these Pills for a very short time will effect an entire Cure of SALT - RI EUMM , and a strikingim- Mreinelit tleartiess of the skin. COMMON COLDS and INFLUENZA will always be cured by one dosei,hr by'two inthe worst cases. PILLS.—The original proprietor of these medicines, Was cured of Piles, of 36 years standing by the use of the LIFE MEDICINES alone. FEVER ; AND AGII.E.—For MM. swage of ,the Western country; these Medlohme will be found a safe, speedy,, d.ciertain rentedy.. Other Medicines have the system subject to a ieturitol the disease -- a cure by. these Medicines' Is 'per matiebt.:TßY - THEM, BE SATISFIED, AND : BE .CORKS. 5 , BILIOUS FEVERS A . ND LIVER COM PLAIRTS.--Gmputsi. Dirmirr, Lees or APPIMI, and DI BRAM or plausra-.the Medicines have been used with the most' beneficial results - in eases of this descrip tion Hinge Evil and:Sorottilit; in Its worst forms, yields to the mild yetpowerfulactionefthese remarkable Medi ednee; Night ' , Sweats; 'Norville Debility, Nervous Co - n plaints of ail ;kinds, Palpitation Of the Heart; Paint Me Colic; are speedily cured. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Persons whew conatitu lona have become impaired by the injudicious use of. Mercury, will find these Medicines a serfeat cure, as they never faillo:oredicate from the system, all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most power= preparationsofSainapariThs. Prop tared aid sold by . muLs i m i iikt k . Poisale by all Druggists. ' Broadwa y, New - 53CERHAVz , Holland' Bitters 1113 _II3IL 7 SI 7I IEIPSIA., Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, dce. TUB inICCOSSEEIi introcluctim and-use of this mile. brated Remedy, has been the pigual for a literal Rood of bortirMunda' halled , "Bitters;" "ofhired in various forms, from' li9ellalioll 11* nntfi this word "Bittern" is but another, name for "grog," or some villaninalarldiker Mixture:. ' But the really, great relief . derived from the minute `one teaspoonful, of our medicine, - lICERIE&VE'fr HOtrAND BIM 1814, annerie prcerat - Inut Mita; bliehed for Ito reputation which the hartorimitations add edutifinfeife have flitted to undermine. It is poei tively preparation, with barely eatticient pure apizite to preserve it. But one eine 'of the genufno, (galf-Pint B.Stles,) price ONE Down. It lea medicine of loNtg-tried fqr PUrffying the Rood, , so iteatittlaF tbi - the Ibundatlon of good health and for correcting. disorders of : the itomach and bowelii.- TWO or throEi doses Annirce the aiploted (lite salutarreftbcts. The etannech willspeedily regain Its strength,' It healthy - action' at the'liver, bowels and kidneys will soon take place, and renewed health he the quick regain. For INDIcIESTION, Try • Bierhavel's Holland Bitters. For SEARTBUItat Try Borhase's Holland Bitters. For, ACIDITY, Try% BeerhavePs:Holliand Bitters. For WATEENECASR. try Bierhaie's Holland Bitters. For ECIRADACICEO, Try' Bterhaveft`,llolland Bitters. _ _ For LOSS OF-APPETITE, Try Berhavet Bolland Bitters, Bow 008 TIvnrirE813. Try Beehave , s Holland Bitters. For PLGES.'Tz7 iherhave's :HOW Bitters. ' In all Mayon', Ithanmitlo,axid Neuraigic Mac- I tioxu3, it has in.ngmaroae katatwas_proved. highly beneficial, and in otb#o offi*ted ,e t . } fielded care, . Read Catreftany , The genuine, - highly concentrated. BengitiVe Harp Lam Srprzsit is'prit hp in half-pint bottles onl,y, and retailed at tine tialbir per battle. The great demand for this tntly.celebrateditnediable has induced 'Many' imitations, which the public abardd guard against ptunhesing. ,Reware Of L isiParelion7 I%e that our name cs r cet the label of etieryibot.agyUtebuy.- Benj Page Jr &Co SOLE MANUFACTURERS, ' PITTSBURGH, PA. : , ale In the city of liarrhb..rg coy D. Tt GR k OIN & y CO. initOrd—oepl-dwl J'ENTELRY, WATCHES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, &O. ILPBED F. ZIMXERITAW 4k CO. _ PTO. 52 MARKET STREET, Harrisburg, Pa. opposite Haines nom and adjoining the Horm, having purchased the stook of E. P Jennings, and added a large assortment of NEW JEW ELRY; we will sell the same at the lowest cash price, and solleßliatrooage. Wince, Make and Jewelry neatly and promptly re voked sad delivered. ALFRED F. ZIAIXERNAII lt CO. Basing deposed of my stock of Jewelry to A. W. Zim merman & Co., I Cheerfully recommend them to my for mer Anatomise as practical and experienced Watah Makers, and solicit ter them a continuance of the patron age-Which has been so (onerously extended to me during the had Ida years. ELKIN F. JENNINGS. M il igii3ElC 'MAD, No.l, ' SALMON, No. 1, • • HERRING, No. 1 , COD FISH, No. 1, MACKEREL,No. 1. '.he above We have all the different sized . neu the ear to the magnum in store and for sale 'esosstaserket rates. rebid WM. DOCK, JR. & 00. ORANGES AND LEMONS. 'rIORTY BOXES in prime order just n - oetri,d and for sale bj SPERM CANDLES I MITEPVI J 13132 IllonMen B 7 WM. DOOR JR & CO ME Throat Confections, GOOD FOR CLERGYMEN, SPALDING' THROAT CONFECTIONS SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS CI3I6DREN CRY FOR SPALDING'S THROAT CONFECTIONS They relieve a Cough blatantly They clear the Throat. They give strength and volume to the voice. They Impart a delicious aroma to the breath. They are delightful to the taste. They are made of simple herbs and cannot harm any one. I advise every one who has a Cough or a Husky voice or a Bid Breath, or any difficulty of the Throat, to get a package'of my Throat Confections, they will relieve you instantly, and you will and them very useful and pleas ant while traveling or attending public meetings for Mil- Bug your Cough or allaYing yens thirst. If you try ono package I am safe in saying that you will aver after - .wards consider them indlispensible. You will find them at the yinggists and Dealers in Medicines. My signature is on each package. All other are coun terfelt. A Package will be sent by mail, prepaid, on recipt of Thirty Cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDER STREET, NEW YORK. SICK HEADACHE ALL KINDS OF 11EADAOKE By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Siek Headache may be prevented; and if taken a the commencement .- of an attack immediate relief Prom pain and sickness may, be obtained. They se)dominii in removing Nina* and Head=Ad to which familia ire no Mbject They act gently upon the bowels, removing Vbstiveness. For Ltterary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a ineative, improving thd arrwriva, giving TOND Aan VIGOR to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasti city and strength to the whole system. The CiliikT4llo FILM. ; are Ito result - of long Invent! gation and earehtlly conducted experiments, havin.g been In use in many years, during which time they have pre vented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating m the WOODS sys tem or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect safety without making any change of diet - and the absence if any disa - preenhie tarts renders it easy to administer them to children The genuine have ive signatures of Henry O. Spalding on each boX. Sold by druggists and all other dealers in medicines. A Box will be sent by mall prepaid•on receipt of the MOE TWENTY-FIVE MTS. All orders should be addressed to HENRY O SPALDING, 48 Cedar Street, New York. WS single bottle of SPALDING'S PESPARED GLUE as decide* toiii hernera, cm in sodi-rtindandfainliet It is very desirable to have some chomp and convenient way for repairing leurnituro, Toys, Gronvery. cc. meets an enoliennotgoo:tolos, end no hotusehokt can afford. to be withoutlt. ItlB 'drip! re a d y an d, op to the oiak. lug point. “uesIFUL IN EVERY BOIIIILL' N. B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Pike 95 EAdraim . MOTET (L.:SPALDING _ _ Az certain halehhiPlei4ersoftearenUempting to palm off on the mostaLpoollni inlagni•tentationn of my PR& , PARED EILITIO tikia.jd eiat. tan all Reran; to examine before porOsiliiinimi nee that the full namey r r Vie, „_ *4 1 1149 7 8, WiItP4RED lIPAIENt , is on the 404,apperi'ill Others are swindling q4llO. erniti • Navls4liwiridfilbie WY. DOOR JR. ROD Intbicat. "They go right to the Spot," INSTANT RELIEF I STOP YOUR CoUGH I PURIFY YOUR BRELTEI STRENOTERN YOUR VOICE! SPALDING'S AIX . GOOD FOR GOOD FOR PUBLIC SPEAKERS, GOOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD FOR CONSUMPTIVES GENTLEMIN CARRY LADIES ARE DELIGHTED WITH I~;i~N~lyS%~I~r~yyl~N~l~rny CEPHALIC PILLS 3UEE NERVOUS HEADACHE, CURE BEWARB OF COUNTERFEr will nave ten times its coat anntuillyemew SPA.LDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPA_LDDIGI3 PREPARED .GLIIE I SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE rums' ECONOMY Jar% =um is Too akne'lltn.,crig SPAIDiNGIS PRIMED GLIB I No. 48 Cedar Street, New York CAUTION „, A New Feature in the Spice Trade! DIIPORTANT TO- HOUSEKEEPEas E. R. DURKEE & CO.'S SELECT SPICES /n Tin Foil, (Lined with Paper,) and Pail Weok . BLACK PEPPMR, GINGMA EUrg WHITE PEPPER ~s, ALLsPICE, MACE ' CAYENNE PEPPER, CINNAMON, cl, O MOOTARD. ' O , TN THIS AGE of adulterated and t ast e . I less Vera, it is with coallnenea test we itttreduee, to the attention of housekeepers these superior genuine articles. We guarantee them not only ind ABSOLIYr.b.LY AND PERFECTLY PURE, but ground from Erase Spices, soles:led awl clean ed 4 as expressly for the purpose, vnlaont reference to cos Y They are beautifully packet in tin roil, wee ; per,) to prevent injory by teeping, and are F u z e y while the ordinary ground Spices are aluxe, invariably short. We warrant them, in point ofstre egth and richness of flavor, as a single trial willabundantly prove. Every bears our Trade Mark. Manufactured only by B. B. DURKEr. & W ., New for;:' For sale by WM. DOCK JR. &CO. B.M. G.ILD.E.a, D. D. S. ,sIA.7E AS'2'REE2, OPPOSIT.b.I THE BRADY HOUSE. Allopera ions, kiturgicai and Alechauiew, scientifically performed. Charges moderate. jas NEW COAL OFFICE. - IHE UNDERSIGNED having entered in to the COAL TRADE In this city, would respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens. t will seep on itcid Opal of all sizes , from the most celebrated and appr mines, which be delivered to any part co: Inc city , free from dirt and other impurities. Ezu. WEIU (.41:1ABAX/BED. - COLL FOR HAIM BY IBM Bost Lou,,, Cas Lose OR zJIMIX _ON. rem= parubssing by the Boa or Car Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. Oak No. 74 Manta street, second door train neeru4, ry alley Yard on the Qnnnt , 100( at North struct ders let t at either place will receive prompt atteution lip - edit' JOVIN W. !igen* PROF. ADOLPIL P. TEI WOULD reapectfally iniOtri . his old patrons and Inc public; generally, that to continuo to give instructions on the PIANO n UHT E, HE LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of nionoudis Igiu.-,a". lie will Wit pleasure wait upon pupils at oleo homes at any boor desired, or lessons will tie give - z MB residence, is Third street, a few doors beton 11/Z German Ketormed Church. .lecl6-11U SOHEFFERIS BOOK STORE. (NEAR THE lIARBIBBORG BRIDGE.) UNION ENVELOPES. - VOTE PAPER, of six different designs, .A.l printed iu two colors, soh' by the thousand nes by toe ream at City Oath prices. Also, Flags , Union Breast ries, Rattles, Union glop and Badges at very low prices. fall at myB SCHBFP/0013 13001lBrOltt.. STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG FARE REDUCED TO $1.25 THROUGH TO GETTYSBURG. ftE undersigned has established a T reguim LIN& or sr.aoz mamas nom Medurues bunt emmerdlug every other morning with the Comber- land Valley Railroad oars. The coacher leave every every Thesday, Thursday azuldaturday, Murales every other day. Passengers for Sheppardstowa, 1./disbars, Petersburg and tlettysburg are - oarrled at reduced rates. .le/1-dtf WM. J. TAU. CILEST.NU2 ABOVE 211_1RD, tHILADELPIIIA. f N the immediate neighborhood of me 'Jobbini Howes on Market, Third and (gleams streets, ate Banks, Poet Mee, Merchants' Machange AOI6.IIIGAN AND atIUROPFAN PLAN. ROAM) PEE...DAY . $1.60 Dinner between -1 and o'ctlooe, 60 emits. blagis room trom4o cents upt.d. A flint mans Itestaurainattactted. Prices according to Bills of Fare. The City Cars take Passengers from any Matron to or close to the Hotel. - my-Engtish, Frenob, German and Bpardshispoaen ay/ 3mit STONE FOB. BATA. glaumusiu STUN_ or Stone suitated Aft for turnpiltlng parpones roe delivered to any par- of the city or Ito oniony A oply to mar 23 tlo4lllill, Jr. -GREAT BIIDLIUTLEIN IN PRIMES: & .bV ILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, terra NEW IMPROVEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES. 11'HE W.flEfa.Elt & WILSON Maputo°. A. luring Company naving gained Au. Weir sails at law, With infringing manuracturers or Sewing Macninea, propose that the public should be benefitted thereby, and haVe accordingly reduced the prices of their dewing Machines. After this date they will be saki at rates teat will pay a fair profit on We coat of manufacture, capital invested, and expense of making sales ; such prices Will enable them so make first Giese machines, arid, as heretofore, guarantee them In every particular. hi abOordunce with the announcement above 1 a a Sell their splendid Sewing Machines at prima fro m tiD to $9O for the fine full case machines. It is a well fished fact that the Wheeler & Wilson Sewini' *whine IS the beat mein We market, the best made, most aspic and least liable to get out o I order, and they are now as low as the interior machines. Cali and see them a Third and Market. del-Om • • W. O. Agee' 3VICILT CAEL- OLD WALLOWER LINE. iIiFITS OLD TRANSPORTATION LINE j,„ is Still in soccesatui operation awl prepared to carry Insight as LOW as may other UlthirldUill line batmen, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Sunbury, Lewisburg, Williams port, Jersey Shure, LOca, Bevan, and all points on me Northern Central, Philadelphia and Erie, and Williams port and Elmira Hamada. Local agent at Harrisburg, IR A. HOENCH Goodi nem to PEACOCK, ZELL &EMCEE/lAN, Net. ens and 810 Market street, above Etigbib, by 4 o'clock, e. will arrive at Harrisburg, ready tor delivery, the nevi morning. H. F. MUltatll, apa.ti Traveling Agent. EMPTY BARRELS. —Two Hundred Imply Kan, dups. and Wine Barrels of all de, Wineskins and prices. DISPATCH 1 HARRISBURG and PH ILAD ELY ti 1 k Wm. B. Burk,Aont, 812 Market *ed, Pluladsi Ala, formerly Livingston 10. Co. SPecial lUondnotor in charge of each train. ,Ociods delivered at the Warehouse, Pidadel Mitt; at 43i &cloak P. IL, will be delivered II Ettrri , burg 'next morning. J. WALLOWER, Ja y Agent, 10)2141.1 Office Heading Depot, Harrisburg. 11j Ate,—Three Hundred Extra Seger I Cured Kama last reoMved by WM. DOCK JR. & FIBST OLABS GROOMES I LARGE ARRIVAL! AVM MST RETURNED from the xi a &aim dues where' we have selected with IllsßMWs= w iden Cge Mt bOniplete assortment of au- Patior goods embraoe anything kept in the WM plly grooarienore reap:Welly and cordially Mr* ors e ,pondc to call and examine our stock and wens Mout WV, DOM ,/R Ctrl CO • Migu.Raucous. BEYOND ALL COMPAtusoN, BT. LOUIS HOTEL, T_ii,A.UUJI.IG AGENT OF TRH WM. MK JR. & WALLOWER'S LINE, DAISY EMU=
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