$1104,21, Ayer's GATtIAk TIC - „PILLS. ~..:- A .RE YOU SICK, feebtf i ßoc. s- 4 6 r4ining? 23. Are yottout of order,*itentrilsititikarauged, S i ttitiourfeeliugs-uncomid*Sgefliisits' it*uap °malty(' i ' often the prelude to serious- ilbaess.,.. Mao Lit 0 s i c k le " is creeping upon you, and should be averted y timely Nam 01 to right-remedy. , Xsice. , Nybi , s Pills en cleanAe Dia Itl ' illsoraered numors,-yertry! itm.l7loodan Jet the ...- :-'gigthii MOO op #ttooltructe4 m &tali ti egaini , Thtsticatt, -- - tall3 tffelbactions 01. the boly.tutoiv- *press:alit tty, Pe rtly the system from disciAse«. A cold-settioxisetieWhere' .:.iu ;4 0 .1 ) &4X% ItuttobatrCtsio.hatarii 1 .turettions., -These; — Wain ritheird4;:resstidpen themsetves and tve=e4rsouncir . ite liiigitill,produclug gticer.l.l og.;rutra lion, sulfekipg and disease. „ 1 14_L'iill ilbs-riatindition, oprressed Oyitilhde--' ~., rilltgemPils, ta le AYet Wald, ULT./ see how:dire fly they' . : ruguire:the natural actiottol too system, and wth it the -' !lt • 'lbutlant taplii4 el ',.llealitv: a.gain.;.. :WA/ isztru and co '.ftpli.. that {4 this: triVial . anti common:001101:1M is also -' L ,... t . rhit'iti irithyox . the deep,seated.end daMgerous diatom tem 'We *go, Pailehve Alec -expels them . Caused y ittrtW L 9W:helloes. and.derangereelaMot th 'natural lunetiehi - ot the hody,they ace-rapidiy, , andany, or , 'think isurely,cered, by .thesame -means; --No e,-,wbe Addis the virtues of these Pills, will neglect to lemplby ... • them when buttering from the di:orders - they mil Statements irouh.leawipg physicians in Boni orbOtpwl fundlron} other wall Ichowa prom a‘Forwarding Merchant of Bti Ibuis Fab: 4,18 . z.i6.' Da. Ana - Your Ms are tth. paragon Of allltlide is • . peat in iXl6lolcine.,_llacy have used my little ahitghlcie " -- 01 - Oloeinili..nerel3 upon .her haw aline feet that,had ; 715toired incurable -lor yearr... 'lltruother has beim/chi - • attitional) , &filleted with - blotthes - aiid plmltles o, * her akin. and her. Aftdr our. child , wAskurpct; she aliso tr its?. cur Fills, and they have cured her! • ASA IduRGRIG•IIO.• , - , Ale A raantv Para). Wein Dr. E. W. 'Cartwright New Orldans.l Yew rg% are Ahe,priace , of purges.- !their_ excellent • • coalition annum any cathartic. we notisoss.:, They are '"'mild, but Vcry.Certatri in their action !on the • talcwola; which make"them Invaluable to mein the difiy • 'reatikent of disease. . • - ELIDACRZ, *OE HEADACOS, F0 . 17k IFr- 01 . 3 :1 Dr,Adward.Boyd,-13altimore, Dgaa - Bao...tmar: , I atitiot answer you wan! eom Pbtiute 1 twee Chain with, your Pills better - than to say ..011 Oat we andr- trait!. wEtk n purgativfi'midicl . rnet- Mao, gttliteleyendeuee on azeffeotust cathartle in rig 'daily contest. with .disease, and benoving an Idd 'taat your Pills afford us the bust we have •I of 'course Vhlue them highly. PaTaBFLIRIW:; DsrJcC. Axe ; hitt been repeatedlypired ,ot he wank headache anybody can have, by a doge ejr two your Pills. it seems to arise from a foal - . stomaChr, -Which they cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. W. PREBLV., - , Clint of Steamer Clarion; Bum D150)10.919,4 LB COMPLAINTS. Mona Dr. Theodore Eell O. New York City.l Not only are your Pills szdat rably adapted to iiheir purpose as an aperient, bat I find their beneficial o[iects upon the .Liver-very markedlidad. They have In my prattle° proved more effectual tor the cure vt, Bilioua- Complaints than any one remedy can mention.. I tin - terely rejoice that we have aflongth a purgative wtiitil, is worthy the confidence et, the profeswit. : and the ' DARARIBLen OF Ms } . . _ Washlngtoh, D. U., 7th Feb; 1856/ 81r : / have used your Pills in my - general pod, hospital prectioe ever Since you made - them, - add; cannot laSsltate to say they are the nest cathartic wo employ. 11.Yxrc gelatin action •on , the laver is qa.ek and decided Ouse quently thoy are an ads:arable ramedy for doindgetUent of that organ. Indeed, I Lave Lekloau Lund a .casi) Bilious Disease so °Ostia tte ;but it did not icadily to them. Fr aternally your a, , -4 4 4 -ALONZO - ALT , By; Ptipsleucitheqqarinc Hospital, . . :'DYsirrtuau — lusicauo.e. haus, W0841154:; . _ , . [From Dr. J. 61. Grew, 01M/104;o:I Your Pills 'h had a ohg trill in my practice, and I hold them In esteem as One of Lao Peat spermnla I have ever found. 'their alterative elloft upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, whoortveu /a smahsteisedter " — BnirloUrryiiienteit and-lievoimae, Thom sugar-coating ix:pekes-thou:Lvov). aceeptatto ano convelileut for the now Of woman and abildieu e) !pain Reid. Ij. Hanes, bastdar Advoilt Church, Bosicin Dr... Atha : I have used Your Pills With extraordinary. success in my family and among those I ani called to visit In distress. To regulate the organs 01 digesclokt and pm. -Wy the . blood, itiey are the very beit remedy I 4uhre ever known, and I can cof.fidebtly recommend them e ; to my friends. . . yours, J. V. W.ieattr, Wyoming Co., N. Y., oot4-X4;18551! ' Ptah - Sze I. I eat Oetharrie Y.itts 'ha my prat's°, ml.lla I tnom au etconen.t.puritaftei fo qiennso the eyatom:ann - 'urify, (tie / 4 ountains.ef the nod. _,•-••••• • jtAIN M: M EACJJAM,II.II.! Coniveros, 8UPP13.5.8310N, .Ctrar„, - .liscastuta....Dttorav,-Y.taabrsts,- FITS, hitt [Yrom .I.lr.4l.et:Vitughtii , llUtifitiuVe.:•Luada.] Toothuch cannot be said cl,yOur Pilisior the cure , of `ooatiVentitif.' 1( differs 'tit year- tratereity hare foudd theth as eilicairons are hare, they...toutd oln iii.pr,)o• aiming it tOr the newt& of the tuutututted raw .4ua+r Win that camplaidt, which, although bad onoug.ti it . mut, le the progenitor Qlotliers teat are warse. I betNe 01.1stiTsoWs to orwiitate - 10 ltiti hirer; but your Pills allbia that Oriattstft cure the 4.6easo. r • From Tars. k. Stuart, l'hysielau and BOsion.b And one or tvid Largo doses of ygeiPkils, tauan at this :.proper time, are • eXue,ludt jirdatotitres el too blatutalt . earetion - when Wholly OrpArtlatly Sapprissecl, aad,alsb err &wan 11' IQ CLEAS3a-Li.113 arO.U.l.okll cud iiIY.EL Rousts. 'fuer, are so - Meett the beSt.pilfSLO wo have that: euuoi mend no other to my-patiaate.. - • • , ;_fEtrom.tho-Hof Hawkesof t,ho.g.pthedi4 ri 1 r , 7 1.1. %a Churdb.l4 ^ f' s • v .• • • , Pmtsta-Hotres, Savannah, Ga., Jae. 6, 13.50. HONWLED the t _Lethiblittie.hhgrotoitil for Me collet year sash has torou.Wvisaeli-Intk -, not report my ease -GO you. A cold settled in toy nun tun drought °a usurui . Lak ili...Nektr4bl; l 4 PskbiLlowilie , xerided . I.l3.otiratud"Rttbiti , rheum. • Notwithstanamo aid t tte best of pbysiciansi the tilsease grew *Vat Att.widre.x.; until by tue.advmei e 1 .your exoollout &deal to Bsidainte,Mr. Makattzte, . tried : lto TULL'. Their elleets wicre styes but.sero. PR'f!..t"ollg In.the'une of am now entirety wpth sit,.l3atou - itongo, Li., Deo. . DE. ATEA : 1 have beau end rely coral. by year. kciilsi of -GOat-4. patatul disease that had &auto ma lot Years.. ' VINCENT 8.L11:44.1... - - AprMost .01 the Pills In market contain _lteregry wbioni although a valuable remeay iu ekOltat lands, id damn/Ashes in a publlepilb truth the,drwl,ful,corrasqueni cos toltisw inc nitwits use. Inosei contain no mercury or mineral subnanoe whatever.....- .:1 1 1 0 P A L nantg:Aper:lhnzorlbiixes4lir I.U• tL; - .Treparon Dd. J. O. Alrift & CO., Lowell, Mass. e.Oid .byO. A. Bannyarh,C. Kellar, De W. Orossk. Co.. Luis;aolman 00., Armstrong, Harrisburg anu dealers everywhere.. ap;47.6aptaw • . HAYNES;110. FIAIIIIIBIiURG, Agent for - • LILLIE'S PATENZ Wrought ut4 ctullett iron . Fire and Dui/tar Proo .151.E1L3E 1 30 . attictly the ONLY Mercantile Safe made, that Is both re and Burglar fer9of. • r .mar 29 dly ,71r D ' PARAFFINE 'CANDLES; SPEBhi CAL , TOLES, ADAMANTINE. CANDLES, . . STEAHINE CANI)LES, STAB CANDLES, CHEMICAL SVERM CANDLES, TALLOW CANDLE,S, • I : kit of the bofe iu store and for sale a the 1054 alPi ritt li LODE ;gc . p i a.; . :., t • - Opitosita Cour th o u se:' --A :VERY HEAVY STOCK OF' ". BLACK 'AND' SECOND.. MOURNING., DRESS., .GOODS I OF EVERY . DESCRIPTION .rcrsT At Prices below the Cost of importation: `OALC AT CATHCA RT'S, - MAYS 4oPr:s9 Hank. FARMER'S 110 TEL. THE subscriber beke.bliore_to inform his friend, and.the'Pualie that he has taken the FARM z '8 mut.; in Mirket street opposite the Post CM ce, gazilly J Stibrig,:where.he is prepared to aceom.mo date theta oir ieasonable terms. Having reacted and feinished:•the iloseerntirelp now, he hopes by strict at tentiOn 1145 hnshese,to ropeiva . liberal sttareer patron age. reP4 3 6 111 ) B. PETEttS. - . ~„....,._ , Fid.LbFER'S BOOK, • - APKinneyk,.- - - men ot. .the'COestile-.:-. -7. isopentieeetment," expos au 'i - L ite tnpriaratt and Nei tit'sk:Praii):Thlite6 "t ' illi e!P al Adicikl and fitit 4 .. o -. vonsment i from . .__ stiso;'.of. Stir .110, , .. or was st ,., .. _ mum - P I RISA 00 ` ;. :,..• : BERGNEW Ma -...,.... L aic ..Agighaj47 ":. ---, . - .. : --. MMEMI istel~atoe •e ate ', SANFORD'S . LIVER 11TVIGORAT_OR _ . _ , .. .. .... . • - , --NETER DEBILITATES I . LT is nOnipOtln d entirely from Prime, IL end has-become art estabilfhati Ptet a Standerd Kea tine, ktioirm and ariprelFdd..,' ' - by ell Alm 1 havel used it, and; 18 - sows zreeoitediitoldit- with confidence ill all the ..4is canes for r Whichit,isirerr 0 • tommend:edi-:. i ' L .,'. . "has cured - thousands , k Acton _the last - tWo yes& arc.- ^i,..d gittit up all lidpeil 14 of relief, as the relinercp ;unsoli;;;•,.-- -certificates in '‘l • My gager:sten ilioW, ...,:' '-. ...,The doe ~ „ utheadapt rd. ed to the '•femtiertimen't, 61 ate incitonik - ii&n,aLyi 0, used ha 'such 'ituallitl:M,Etr, refiablitentliion't.e'bowels. . 4 , - , .. . •-• ...,. I ' ; "Let thedictates of p our we' judgment . guide yint firtll.. use of the 'LIVER INVIt4O. IMF BATOR, 'and It *ll cure ,i4" 714 .t, O) 3 Ru-um, intuou p..., ATTACKS; inseseetei,Ceiprir-; o.t.munenose, Suanaza Cox, tn. Al...ittua r .ThialaTaat iTitCt . Y SOUR SUMACH HAIKTtr" " TiAl, IPPOTTYLIZik I L ed„i?/4. 0 ; CHOLZRA MORBUS S TOMACH, " INFANTRII. • , FL ATU "'NCI, 4112110/Cli, FR2IIII - Wets - NTS8101 ; ant} may Ye aged luccezatlilly —.dam -ORBIaa- c 4 RY FAMILY MILDICINI, lt kill CiiriSICKELEADA ra og thoneends can testify) LW' TW:ordx tinitTsS ; it , Two M , OR TRUTT INASPGOH*IB :iiiT UMW at-commencement 000. attack. '.. -' , ' "-' • /tia , WAM riots . ARS , KIT' 3 iNe -their- testie4 ths Mc' Savor i *47"../ .11 - 4 - Watr4 In the..mourik,vvinn.4 4 l4. i*oraieri and imallnor-Illoth tagetharl .. . ~ , *pi um pou4s-rireorni, l - -.' 1 - ' e. pt -the. 15. per, S 0 BAlsTFattlYB - minx - ' NM *.c - jk.THA.:4I: - 1p . :P.1. - LL, comElna•mm ntox PURE VEGETABLEP:IIIAOTS„ AND, YU VP IN GLASS CAM. TAIR-TIQ:HT, AND WILL SEEP, ANY ;CLIMATE:, „ The trAMILY CIATITAIt.L.• TIC PILL hi; a genoe Vu lietiva eithartio which theitEl proprietor has used in Id practice more than twenty years. , Tha..co.natantly Mores& 4 ingdemand from theta; who Pave long used ttm..19;[1.9. 14 and the satisfaction Whlob. alreipress in regard to their.use, halt inducimt me to plate them within the reach of a 11... t The Profession well kno4 thaednitiateatilarqoa act on dalerentiartions of the r .-4 bowebs: "- 'rho FAMILY OATH AR. tar TIC,PILLiase r with dumps feronceto estab; 1.4 limbed - fact, been contralto. (led trod a variety - of the Et( prireat Vegetable hirkrixots, srltlen act alike on .s veny part:of The alimentary ca m, and are good and: tafe -in all cases 'where.* ea. thartiii is needed, such as s a Derangements...of...V.omA, .sieepiness,..:Paint in •tiaj Back and Loins, Costiveneos -Pain and Soreness-over se body ,Restlessness,.#*ache oy ioeight in .the head, an r in fl ammatory 'Ds 1 os es, Warmiry Ctaidrea or ad: r_ o.3,32heumatiens f a ;great Purger of the Blood, and many _dbiensaa to *hichp dash la heir, too numerous 7 4 . to mention in , ttuil . ,sltver.s tmemout.. Doss, Ito It. C)` • • PRICE 'go TH3 LIVER INVIGIORATHWAND : 3 10 PILLS are retailed by Druggists generallyiand gold Wholesale- by the Trade in all the large • towos. ' • - ' B. T. W kttNl7oll), N. D., "- " llltanufacturer,and.Froprietet, 1020.dawyli 345 Broadway, New 'York. ~- MM. I eiPlids . -- wed Nurie and Female Illy • - theArAmditir.. - of mothers her— - _ _ SOOTHING -- SYRUP. • A -mica greatly , thellitat4tl7o Woo of feetideg, bisct eteag the gumo,re4upieg all Mdammation—wilraDay PAL(, and spasmodic settee, and : — 4 • SURE TO BEGIJLATE - THB , 33o)yp: Depend upoo-it; mothersiitmillgiVe iestio.:ymitbokT4r , AND, HEMP AND ELEALTH - TD YOUR INJ ANTS . .. ~. , We have put - up and sold thin article for over tob years, and ash OA; IN oordmascos arm nom, what we have never bOell . ablo - qo gdy or AO other naedioinei— NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE TO EFFECT A CURE whoa thnoly atiqt4 ,Never did lye p a avow- an gnsidanCebf thassillaLactlon by i any one who us it On the . contrary, all are den,ghted with Eta it . 'orts,*lll *rah * terms othlgieit*oiamettdistick I mitgibp-i erica and medical. virtues. We speak 4e into matter "wash WS- DO meow, atter ten years , cape.. ' rience, ism name* ova IntruvontonT FOR ZEll yliV4oll* at ..waea_mit ems - DICEIb9: - If alitideroVery instal* where the Infant Is suffering from pain and eahauatiOn, rq.' lief will be found in Paean or twenty minutes atterth l e 67rup is adminuderput .„. „ c ii ;i: Thuf . vElualile ?profit:Mnd - 1s the prescripton of onie of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES M Now England, and has been used with Kivu mnia somata In '` ' OtOWANlicg OF CAMS It not only,raLteves 421 e-child fro* 'pain; but mite 1 orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, one gives tone and energy to the . whole .system. It will all mutt Inattintly relieve ~, - , 3 " ' - GRIPING IN Tint RDWELS, AND WIND COMO, .nd overcome convulsions, which if not speedily fume' died, end in death. We believe it the Bier and elnixel Amend! 13 Tan WonLD, in all casm,pf.D.YSENZIDWit ANR DiAlkft2kit9. IN 'CRILDREN, whether it arises Irian teething or leqn eay,othar _cause:- -.Wo• -would say to every methair who has a child auroras from any of thd i'eregoing equpialutoo Not mrs.,youszaaftnnosk ao die rAuroofuga of stand between you and you enduring chilti.uta the rebel that Will beStralt-;-yee, ABA SaLUI'RLY SURE—to follow the me at this modminoi it timely used, Pull dir,tions for using will accompany anon bottle. None genuine. unloaa . the &salmi:nue o Olittrid - eakKalSlNS;lllWrork; is on Gie - outside wrapper, Sold by 1). uggiata throughout the x '43ll:2oiptif t.,tase; Nd: I 3 WM' SC; Met York.. Prica 33il} 25 Couts-ner Bottle,. • 44—For Bate al Harrisburg by D. W. Gross & Co., ig Market street, J. Martin bats, No. 23 Market street, 0 K. Leiter No. 91, Mark,ff Xtrqfg, *lit lOW MI G. IV 4 T" 0611 MISSIONER S. appointed under the "Adt of lueorporanoa of the, city Harrelburg LuivlN,Made or. draft of Said city, dos i gurti3~ the street s, lane and Alleys cow exigiug and opening', tioct also titrpuuOistraats ; lames end alleys shill here. eller be openeti, and - alaia'utiignating . Withlri the - limits of said oily a plot or piece of ground; containingitibtleas tli Mtweuty acres, for the use of tha public 'ant ortard . oily,-tor tae purposes and Uses Mentioned In said act ; and having submitted thetr,Ora i lt and report to the Court of Quarter sessions, orniuptan county, for the approval or ami Court ; Jhe.said draft, and yopQrt hayejnewttlud bt brdei•ot' aanr:Ctiuo, l fit the office pfl,heSierk,ofQua* , . .ter sem:alone of county tor ;whit° lespeetiek; . awl (Hi^ less exceptions mei. then t iireto tit, itarttioncerestettlh said city,•the eamerwili odaper4ved. at the August terni of said Court, By. ()Nor of 'ye Court. _ , •• - • SIGN = OF Tilt GI , - Boatel NOTAERtUPPLY,OF WALLPAPER, xi. BORDERS, BLINDS, to watch We dell the atteuttop of, our friends, and aorcelly terite.them to eAtikairio our ii,4,,3etturuad prices. . _ We are,detarmpied to sett, cheep, Abed the plaoe. • - SCREFFER'S BOCA:STORE, ..r!).r tfwEt9,..trlab.urg Urldge. - MEM 1 OUR UNION' dr GONSTIITTIaIft "OIiR GOVERNMENT ' try -Sti lir Ktzt- Her, 13 a work 000tatuing the Coesprivnom op Waren duns, giving the construction of its Terms od Propisionsodutol4 th " , _L.of . the several :iates to the Uskilikad -- " kidaining gene. ally the yetem *mile for - on r atry. Price 1 00. sow, and ardent . inp . phed i lit 1.41 m, ,st flarria urg, Pa.. t 4 t l -. . ,' ? t .- ' Peron Agents for Coantals anA States ',rah 4. •NOTION. I ' 11l 4 .1 -,-.9. 4 11 l'lt , 1 ir + .H I E lIN'DETigIiIkED h ' d l li lt 1 I Liffillidt,OFFlCE,cernorvr Tird at o t t n el l • 6 1 - 0 , 7 , . I rrY.ii/leh-Refir_lierettliotel 4 - -- , , , . Cr! Lumber of 411 kinds and qualitiee, f 3:: sale by Ito ~ 0 01 I_l.o, otAIF , Pl~4 I i :' ' ' the undersigned will sell -Mira% Carriages and bar low f . 104401 4 ; ," ': l ' .- - -, .• ^-,..-''' ' .• ' l ';'+' 4.. , i 'l. AlSC4lPtgerOglakitilagiel 19/litibe scree so. Eu l er r- ireer . ar.,-.. ,ItltaMlLtlatAtitil.. a, [' ' l' : iiikiditatiVialTAArifftEElTS: The largest stock to the city. All kinds of Garden -. , e In large papere allearecoiletster paper, [Or este DAV.14 4 .11A.Y4 , 418 10 .0 1 „.. .. • riziilt Eli ;l . no arket street. .' ".• .1 le. utIANDIIIIIFSRILDS: ' - s PRESn - Ma-CQWWI4 adeartmeat 1 : 114 A l r 4.414 - E ~.:::.~ x ry ..;rkr Penn . *Amnia Odin edeguo, st4urottag afternoon, June 20 1861. 11212 HEM EIZIM:EIi ••4 ; : - . NEACP.W.M7A-PnEll 7. , . . ..._ . . ... . . LIFE PILLS AI PEOENEL - . 1111143 E XED.ldillitibmee.lloTW 'b eh . be theloplid fir aIM - Aoil of THIRTY , and durinethat4lnin bitirtimiantained,ahigb r in &- Meet every 'OM brtlo:4lobijor their aim Maar/ and JARMO' atliteW"Or otrestering perfect he 'topers' cone suffering undo nearly every kind of Ol.. which the human ' rame M liable; : . • ..-- , • - lhe following -tire aniOng the &tattiest* vifyie for hu; • ~trunadeseaseahEwhiehilie, ,; t . , 1", ~, yrattatirtiti4nticiit NES iik.tverk l owam, .00:iiiraluble..: .1. - : ., 7 .7.: .12.....' . 1 l I IMP. ZPlllkluithoroughlycleanidngthe tend Jbs !Vend oto/dap a. awl creating a low:or-purer heal th y bye,' .Instead; of, tho..stala - and kind , , ATV. '1• 1 1„ PeCI;ZOW ilappetitatlleratburnilloadic 'e t Eat- L, , 12 .,9 3 ‘ 3- 11: 4 1 aPin, Valle% languor - and ] Me 1 1 4 0 1/, ",_,LAlTaTat_kgeNterasYmploma of Dpipopetak, iii van' . 4 .1. - RI 11 na Ural usaseettencenf itsMilifh` '''' ''' • . ' _ ,V O S TlVONESkiitycleanshiglhewhotel rigth of the httestinTM:-WW.6:klekrent-proaess,•and: ire ut vio lang/ii all - YO,l-tfaikergaiFrienire - the bowels neatly within Ps r o'd EL , •r , qt! ii .., _'' ti'cl. ' • • • 't it % fai. lands, by restoring the bl to. a er , • Oire, 1011rthroneuthe proeeettirr MO* `,quell case, and solutliMmt all Metal 44tr :atruenon in others., 7 ~, L .•', it. : !!..- •,1, , , . , the..lol fd2DICINEI3 home been Imowir - :we' RELEl7llllA.Xlslli n permanentlyimlbraa , wean: and GOUT In half gett,time,:by removing localinflaniitstaties from the muck:amid ligaments of the Joints:- - '. r DROP, VIE 4or auirando,•by:freentganitatr tin. Mg the kidoeya end bladder; they:operate:pied digit trth fit fully on 440 3 e hripltriant organ; and:bence , ha ever: 'been 'fblindit rename remody:for the: world:: Of: GRAVEL : ,- - ::., ”... ~ ..:i: . Also WOlOlB O 4 dislodging from the "Of' the Vowels the Minty matter to. which:thaw:or ' adhere,' .- -, .: ...: : r.- ‘' ::: • -,-; ..' , - - ii a ' 3 ) 4- ' SCURVY, ULCERS, and; INVEZIE TE, 'soityr,s, by the perfect purity-which-tbeee.Lin I. V lflafjays to the ,blood,asal all the/tumors- SCORBUTME.RUPTIONSind BAD CO PLEX lONS, by their &Heinle e ff ect upon the fluids jai' the skin, and the morbid state of which cncipijo All" ruplive complaints, 111110 1V,"01fourTLaittethOg.%.grN. -' bleeompiealonn- -` - sf ' - ;•,- -• -•-: I i, , 1 The use of - these PGA for a 'rery,":shori time welt *eat an entire pure of , SALT . RHEUM, and a striaglinL pro - itimentlff the clearness of the akin. comipiert COLDS and INFLUENZA. will always be 'one d o s e __ J or by, two inlhe worst IMMO. , -, - • -- , •-•,' .. FILEN.-Alte original pgogirietor:ol %ON MO MINI/ Wilt cured of - Pfteit, of ge yettrirstandhighythe.tme f the 1 i /APE NEDICINgs , Morto: ____: - ' ".- -..„ - • - . '' ' ...R.IIVERANDA.GUEI-liir Ada acdorge -- Of the we Ei trl i E .A °4l4 M, th eme: Idedinlnes 'will •Iss formills safe, speedy, and oertaln rentesfy. :: Other Nettl'ohica.ha e the system subject tore return of the disease-acore by we kedicines- iii , permanent--TRY THEM BE MT : AND BE CURE/ • ' , • • • ' - i-.- - i - MAGUS , FEVERS AND• GOIN PLAINTS.—Orszaam Dsmurr, I.4skijn.. end Drumm or gastama-"the-M-have been a* with :theitioat :beselleialveseltrittlikaos of this elp lirirronz tion :-flings Evil and ficrofulicitina worst twins,S . :lda: to-the mild yet powerfal actio,al4ltwougamarimble edl cines.--Night Sideate, Nervosa Debility Nervous . 13- plaints or all ftinds,Rdp*oii of the Heart, Paint - re Colikarii bpsedily,cured: BIERUURIAL . DlNEASElPerrionit whOis or:nett* ions have beComil - E6p4fredlirlOw injudiciory, , de of Heronry, will Ind thestelliktiffitiasA Proloi - euire, as they , neric faille iiradlenteElfriii ;the intent :01l the . ' effecte of Mercury, iMinitely'sooner thanlhe 111011 er. ful piepluntiona of gareapartlk . t.___- , --, _-_,, •__ .-- _._- -' ._ ,-, Prep tared and *ld by, - 7:VV: ai . EnalFirAT . LI; .•-•- : • ilii6 firtMiiiwanNowN .7 Fiiiiale by all Druggists.. . ' :1:_:- Ay2o..di INCIVI HAV*, I , ■ oan -Bitterg .. ..IDFX,SI: I 3E3E ) tigriAi I Liffer.complaint, - Feirer and Agaeiti. • abbcessful introduction and :,tercA • Meted Remedy has b een : tbeag Se- gialt a literal of compmsls called “Bittere-Mbleed_l4 - verfaus.—", forms, from a ouart bottlii:W-istivegaliou beg, mitt this wpAPliisteer4,-bet saabbeetabob for "groful or some Anal:lima 'whiskey inattaip. Bup.the really greet relief .dertruttntairthi Edna tibles.c *,T 3o4l4, g*" 4 . . arraas, and -flue entire ab,tin . GeV offer, bas isfa. blisniel , fin.it amothkitnip.r...lll4. INA thifdr_bousikmi and ccelnterfetta bavaifailed tatratlersillNK - 11 lepaeli tiiely a vegetable torePira dour ` leitla y auflioleni pare splrits.te praeerve its Buten° elze of tho',OMOuy .. ValfAolutiLattleo 'price time Donn.... - - • -It lea sayable* of loni-tifedefilmak purotog the Blood, so essential ke theltrugilatkia"a irooa health and,,for eorroldigAlaprdara•ordlut.stbinacg . ,an bowels. Tmotor three ireitie-villteouubthe tot iimities or tut .wiitarrefeeote. Man itg strepa,.a.healtlip actiManflise-Wrinv•bowela oak kidneys will pooh - Ak e P 1ie 5V. 11 4 4 11 1 ,1411EW the eulek*sult! 1 For 41TDtil Silo - N _ _ . s7 --krIEL. B4hallei." Bitter; Ftir EVAI#I I 33IYIII4:O7 -- : Rolland Bittergil Try' 14cr,haTO'S Holland-'B lll ®l 8 .1 Jim l tii'iTEltl3l6lBl4 - Try Berhavin 1 ror*pii•Aait, Ty - Holland eitteesi'l Wor-1 4 033 OF , A.PrIBTITIOMA ' Berhays-Hollad Bftters Vole COSTIVESESS. Try •• • , BerhalirS , Holland Bittersci • INT lirtiEB, • ' '• - • I • Bethaveri i In 1n i ..1441 t , Itheumitilo, tad Nettritgle iffoo• ta°Ptst e restiErecO•i;bwixotasa pow* ;aid ltersvirefte d.. .kfiepo'gpm.. „ 5 Clf`mafkrll7_ • 4 'helenullie;blllhlicComtchritted MOW*" Hot 41 1 -D:..iurnits lis - Put tip ischalfyitt-hattititipals r etivil. witaiictitt:ene Dolfarien .Theveit demand, for thiettrobt celebtiiC4,iwixlitthw_ induced toonyt.- ...imitations; which 'th,i'ptiblic; &ULU: titia•Cagttitts• purchnalnip • Betbare .4ttrimitfiott F.',ikeour ram box 14 tuber ?,f eveky •.#ou buy. • Beni Plige 311M' 1 - 9 • • 4 :3 _For:Egoishifidtilo4.4oll.lAaliwiLlii•GßoBBlk ! 4. ' ' willartt—espl-dawly • ntrEir l 'ittA34 001 : la . il34:) ,, r i mmxpu t ukok !ivro; 52 11,41a7:04411 4 -,, liki:011r . g, ill ra.,pipkt i 411 tit Arg_L; .t l ,4'.- ~..0 1 0 i WitOridil • O , My VBg pareamowww, mega. of 6. r !Jokidiwi; and added a laripiaaaaetutent-ot:NZW JiW FY, we wttlOPUttltfAnfoo4daeleitentiikikifel,iiiiq. -ni c h - e i 0,04 1 4 finirelry neatly and promptlylll.' .wired ancliieliv _emit..., :.,.., . _ - t t :'-_ ; . :ALLIIVEDir, ZUWIRmAN k CO:" tI Having 411111,12g1301= 1514411r'. tr k ,lnPr t : 1 199 1 ,1 1 4 1 4 1 4 , , _., . _ dr' 'Mummers as prantleai and experionced, cm vforAtier womlllauX4femit Melee ko ,_...whi0....V/ be id*. - 0 4 .r.04. 171 941 7 54 1 . 011 i.. d - 1.........'. , .. i ....... t .,—.• .—..,. c,•2F:i 1 , , t - .1---' i Aut29 r -7 -'t ' . ".7. ; .... - A-4; :-Aupkkr,, ffluroualal•-: ~..,-,1, . ..!, , - . ., 1.,•,.. , -..1' , . , :.1 :I'.. !—........ ~.... _,. . : .. ,: 4 . —.::ii=-17.1X8MIC" . ~..trr t' . .. .tt1!! . .!...1-.'.. "P•;,,. ...:.it t7ol,ce ':,.. - Altittlf.;., i tliiO,.; !.,.,«”: lkit-tJ,st , t!.l.4_i!.4 --F_l. tl, i....:7 . '0N..i..N 01 : ZIA 1! . . , 1 >70,,,,••%; ..., A ~:. 2 -.. , .!..1 1 ' :11Mcfalitt, r ' -. '42. 1 t.,".: ? 1:'.1.•_ — _J.. ;- :: . ...1:,:' '... -- ...,,, t / 't v4:' 91 - 1 er, MEL, Nii:*i. ' °.".' Of he above we lia,te.* Ike ciphrekt eased p ac k age , r m ' th e Kra to the ealiestia atoll* irid for sale at,a4 febi6,..„. , 4 ., .-..;:v•,11. ...--f . wm:4l4: 1 . 064c 0 T 4iv I .(R T , • . .EMONIL . WOO 41/4D L „ • ezerdirr. jui t QBTY Bo.xxs is run Wired end for 71,1,1 I 1 7 , 41 A kik & JR ac 00. VMS -01.NAEB I v. A 1,1 0; • ;t•!4 LI 14 ineinlD 140:0 wx.,Tharmix4A °"a "~~"h - - CEPE(A.LIQ , PI LL S I CK:R - E ADA .0 t NERVOUS HEADAC 1, . „_.. • _CURE . ALL KINDS _` OF - lIEADA HE- By the use of these Pills the periegio attacks f Nor= roar or Sick ifeadaehe may be prevented; and' ken a 1 the commencement ot _an attack immediate re ef from 1 -pain and sicktusts I.IIIY be obtained. _:i They aeldmit tall in removing Natts errand' Rio to, l e* which females are so subject. : • • They act gently upon the bowels, removing Co 'moos. For Literary lden,4tudents,-Dolicate ihemeges nd an reona . of sedentarikPltsk they., are . ,:v.abaali. as a • ;litiProviii.ithe Armco; Mng yoso A mos „in t .totot digeetPreorgansi lied reidMiliettur natui, itl elist I.; Loa oOdostrengiit tothe whObrsystem, ••-••••• •-• _ t . .. Thol-P 11 41,. 0 P/.10,,,5re ;tad resultAt logo 131 , fflii roil ttrid, carefully ennducted. experhne4lgt haYi g been • 'hse in, manysYeatelaiirliifitieh time tarry h e pre . leSkied• and •relioved - s Vadt a Mtuntittf 'Pahl ands ering .lkha.t..geadsOlte. *bother, beiginatingns• - the nem*, aye, tem or from a deranged sttate,o(the.st r ostach.--- i .. TOO are entirely vegetabbr in their compoeltir, and Mae' be taken at all times With sb'eireet Brady !Mout lookhigany-ehange.of , diet•-andtkriskasoevt tcbg diss froo4l44,ge rcrol‘vittatkia - admind4er qte nt -to eliildreo .... v' -.`". 11111 WARE Of COVIdEIftFEIT' •-•' ' i :NC genuine turre llve signatures of Henry' 41 ' ldlng co itch box. - • , Sold by druggistsond all other dealers in med eines. A Box !rill be seat 12y A*l4/ppoid on.receipt o ; the 1?140 . 4 T.WPATT-FIV4 CENTS.— 41 •• - - . Ail orders abOuld.be addressectie . ... . ~ - ... • ' .:. , ...roma ' o.S.PALDIN__ ) • . . ... I:4S Cedar Ofreet, New xork. .. "• - • " IRE _LLOWiNG fraDORSEME, Sp . 4...4- - : .:i xN . q; ..C....P,o*.j;j:6..'r'lj:i NOLL iX)NVI CE sy N,TW ..,...- . ..-: . 4:5 - ..:4_.)i.i. - i_ . 0 . .:,-4,:•.. - ,$: . ::' , :.•.::: . THAT A `SPEEDY; AND SURE Vl7, IS WITHIN THEIR: REACH. 41 . 2-ffiess foiipossaa were iiiiielTirMr• - PIO, the Ilford unquestionable proof-of the effi• eacy of this truly ,cienlific discovery. liumdfvulut,' Conn., Feb:6,l4; .4 EtrAzardroitir • I Dave tried your Oepballoyills, and, nole them soloell' that I watt you to sendlie two dollars worth more. Part of those are for the nelgbbors, In whom ifgata: firw oat of the firat'box I got from yob. - ..-8634:thalltUsby and oblige - • - 4 -•- Havatiblo, Pa., rob: 6, IBS I wish you to send_ mo one Moro of your Cleph a Pills,'Zhave tee dad great dee/ of ben sfd front ffiem. - -X6lforresiledlEWlY, • • A i i i4:B TOIXIOVSEt /Intros Clamer,libautingdem Ga g -11 N, Jimmy 18,1881. ; 1140. SPAMMIG : . • 4M will laMie s allaa.. MO two bones of yObtOoph lltem iMmodhdo/y: . - ; have used one box of your Ellis and dad thiiii• excellent Olifo, Jan 15 , 1881. Please ltd find enclosed twenty-AO centellor wbiehiiend me another bon of your Cephalic) PAS). They erre'trif y the best ROW haus stet grist Direct, . A. STOVER, P. N., • . , - Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0 Bstavr, M( - Deo 11' /860 I wish for some circular. or large show bills, to brirg your Cephalic 11118..ialii.AlartiaalarlY before my custiat mere. If yon have snit of the kinst, L 2.leige spud ~pne of my oilskin:Me, who I. itabjoot to .owls t Headaclie,,(usnally lasting two days,) wag -:cutnd- of t attadc In one boarly your UhrOdhiChTilint her.: i . Respectfull, Yoqi; :* - . . . - • arivpinasuga r irsitikiin 0;!., Vtrlti, Januarsi • Rum _c). iitrAmaci; Zio t 49 CodarStA.N. Y. , •.• -1 - Dear Sir.: _ ga4 0 44 1 4 flkid - .twenty-Ave ciente,:l2o rtit•Nrtifoti bat °pupil/nil pinal , _ eSS • of Filler,Reyooldapurg,lT.ankibi bouitt_, 0140; - Tgor. PAVilork iflei a " chtiriitif. 0*14 4 2hi 6 ZWf Astankr. • - Tr 41131 .. 4 ' ,d...IIUtL littb ; 112.3raucea iir Not long sinew! sent to you for a box of Cetibab:Cl4llo for thesiire of the Nervous Headiche and Costiveness and received the same, ateLfle% h ad rogoa:1 an effect /soar induced temsd for more. Pk i itiPiOtl. OPPY' a fr ail ' 'D i r t icli " YpilUmitti Itch. t . f [From the 7frapAiner,Npripi - • • cephalic Pil l s. secomilleh the ONoc 59rX41911:1 the were' rude; viz Chre oftlf**l2: lhiy have **** tatted in more tban a.tbioviatfftßeej FikkenPrefitiNce:P...-- - • •-:—• Mind -• • If you are, or hail been troubled nithttli:o'hilidlkti, .aend tor-a- bN, (t/oplialkt 1 1 11! ; yikrthilloltriaa.y_baxe :thanatnuaa4 ganaittauk. IL The De hallo be 4 rotuarltobly:.effeot: lib remady Tor the Itimaanhe, — irlflie„or tno_veritsbnat tor that veriAwi11ien.V.0444.4 1 :7444:11411 utYntaloan dlanoTerndi" , •"- - ' -‘, --••• I rr o latheW .Vtrit. allakstr*ltti andqmokhK*ing, awl his mitivhiled rub. - =M (FrOm the Kanawha Valley . Star, muiawka Va,l each e, o quo try them,. will earll *MEL "" r'ri‘ .•..L • a d w-o". 05: MAU* of• SPALDINWO PARED GLUE ... 11411TO ton times ha coot oanoolly.w.!”: ..—morer E SPALDING'S REPARED GLUE! I WAL 5 •-t ItL.,S M M 1 S tHir..a.: PREPA.I afl - I G'l4o I _, PAIADINGB - PREPiItErrOVFXT . ~-• • stvilu - TAKOI, - " - ioraitgazo !?? ,- A0 41 .0 . -zumi - n-er ; oni4ll' auttiis k wel k v israteFfi hits very destrablo.afthesp• and conv umilia enient bray for repairing Furniture To Crortgry, &a. InputPA int • P ft AI IP fMA 3. I. 111 1 4 " -auslacit Cofitgenctes, Viltorittusildt. :ANILVaiNfio 444911.4,,... ..r2V4 1 Rit:SFAiiqiixtglrffE7 I liggiiii , scaoakpeamerisicif %kW; - 111kir4 eta: 14111111111!If clieatimon " 1 No.-48-Csuir Street:ol6*T .• trirf o . AlClitailxv 2 Prtim4Ploll persOns are attam • Aluth OWL Of Ur 'Vtift Wt . : AZ*47ZZ M_. 10 4. 2 Z 14ri 14 n la 7 - 7 g: • • • - 711 f-rt. Ft- n: -' ' • ME 'JO =WAIL w 1 Ell JE. Agt 1 ' GENERAL, FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANT. „GrOODS AND MERCHANDISE proinpily forwarded by Philadelphia and Beading, fiortnern tadtal; Cunabechind Valley and Penneylvania ttailsoaas KauuNo AND DBAYING to and qpre all parts of *Le city to. the diderentradroitil depots will be done at the very lowest sates_ . • - FAXIISEE removing will bcfproutptly attended to. tirdersdeft at•&antra European Hotel, or al the store of E. S. Zollutger, Allt receive primpric attentwu. Con isignottetas of freigat respectfully Solicited 1 . ~ ~. _. ~. JWIN , WAtabOw&.#l..l2... Ali., ape Office Beading Dalai. :POPULARREMEDIES; ,, • . mast WIN6LOWS . 804.1144igtis }''SY RUP rer cbiidredteethingiandSPALD,lNG'S'CliclaALlC r/Lagp far headache. A trees ajipPly.tAcelved. ut KEL ialjit!S AR.U(VSTURE,iihere'yroh eau purchase alt the salekble PataatAlecheidea pc the day .11 • , r - • • "91 alarkekatifßa, itrcndateseddtor'rourthstreat, bouthside. - I /rHt - 4t.f.B&CRIBE'R ,- iivourd iespedtfulli , ths,otblic tfral heluctreafovatt ft Mid Erase Youndlog estatoplitiment, t4No. 2 i3qudi Third istrdetbeloilliires'Hofel: -tha.nirlut for ptisi • p4t,i• ropm t fke hgjaraby..str4o4 rtten{ioa,te nuelne3b to**, a Contuma ste'of it. 4 7.- " 'J.aoN=7.,- CLOTILIN6, ankumt AND SUBINgIi EITYLEfi. 1!;: PHILADELPHIA FAltifkiTS. ~...,..41:RANVILLE -STOKEEr: 1 , TRICE -GIFT Or4o -1 1 4 E1W4a ! VAX P 0 -4 1,11 N 1 WEATKI47 STREEL ..ssperb plea- ef-line- 'tench, "and Alaterlotii „jaraHria4 4 - ' ft .PAISSIIMEt3, VESINO Fer-CdY arettdeattiri'Veall,'wful ad unapproachable 2 as aortrpent td. Raanit *Um Curtsinta. ati• the -loifest ' Oath .:Wirdikk!ONETßltH ina a itiri uttnisio! "worth ar4 proaantedsrti.h. eaottarticte.sold. ?,!!2'lodiAlar attention paid to the Ctuitenier ile - partirtenl • sad strtementg.rnade andeent-tb Order iuty•stalat SA. ina4irating this sow system of dotog_baktioos, GRANVILLE SIVIttEt would -impress - on . the minds of Ibc. Pa* MA Ilio.ostabilekmenty*at -1400 st of the:gitt rks dednoted from, and Nut added te,the pr_l9e or 1,1;le , ciokt.c.niEt- finding* inereasnii tilde orikkital nim : t o i t st thus libuts j v h. ,gutt.ut CIW .tuaoe-ttm to reakr . 4y thonorlitive - proOk • • - ' ' - • I ,41.1.,a,rgolesiptarastrsid to gits Indira oak - 14013W .chitAiswlLLE--sTorize 7' '7l l 0 N'E'PEI CE - 01; OYr Ettkretbil.traltrlali .... _. ` . 607 - CitiatbliffSTßE.ET. ;. , oo l l 9 4k l tdi 4 rdikkr4dir:•" - , BO*. gelio o 44 •..IY3 and., Itirls , q.sitoret • 114.4.6,1 Fan t dtt6bt 16r prna .of 4,PAUTAL'ELWP.ES onon'on - the'last 'Monda in welt vontilatitientforlablY! fur- - nisin , ..l; and in eitery respst, is•at .94m;f4 fox.-„octkosc **Hies, ' • • • • - TiMatNA AtIBLWW&Schaol , for githi l lointe4 - ttlivannO. tramline *lll °nearer 03. e alt tercp at the wane tixne....4:ifiroosttinsreernlegilitly glued' updartng .ho thioaiko, to ;volute tip) langininntt canifortat actinium O mm AUGUSTINE :GUNN& ENTER-•APAlitt INTD. 1 • 4 4 9 1 4 kkaS. 40. -27 Flikwilvikegiut-Werid.--• • • ,t. - -7,490140 ..AlystaDAD-,AU-7- rpßEßutbutD ENvl i iiaL:rf eiittift.i„.„-. o d, lir lags lime msli iga! just 1404013 d Ft 4 !1'...." , 7; 15 7 - xsEass: DRUG * SUPRA ..;'•••• 'RUM arko,4 treari M igh F.A.LIY it , R 7 OTEGr 44,41 syj • nFir 40. --- Hk - unk a g g ue4 has re-commenced-the • "aferillnudneas In his NRW and spacious sia: wittnelilleldifia"rfad stock a Olt io tanttaask rich, ha *if ; • -• !mquoltS - AirdOert"". -- JaaiitiNisaretal atauelarvs sat &lista alisari t F l e r s na ß twatfOi4liquaraiii,ayao44.. 1 - ,-- eA) z T 1 , 1 ero g ,..„- I P I4 _Mitiit.ciliiri I iltt *o 4 h , rt".".I7MPC'4IIIII.I}PL, 7 I.lf Iffilftetkintattil Dyspepsia Remedy DR: DARIUS RAM'S ABODIATIC G SaBIT. . . This liter:Wine has - been used by the insblie for sip years k with increasing favor. It is reconemenditi tp Citere, Dyspepsia,Ncrisausness,./I..arkatqw, Collo Itlins, Wind in the &mach, or in nstn the.Botoel lactlaChei Dr. owsine,ss, Kidney Own.' 1, - . . . • ptaints, Low Spirits 117lirit an 1. • 2Yoneres;,.lnieybkra- j- - TT .§:ILKULATIa, ESUILAILATit; 4 MI6; MDT WILL IeOT DITOZIOLT S •OR S A B A MEDICINE it is qiiick - nd-ellectu al, curing' themor.t agravating case o Dyspepsia;' Kinney Complaints, and ail other derange enti of the Stomach and Bowels, in ti speedy manner. It will: Instantly revive the most, malefic .; Sy d.reeping Spirits, and restore the.weak, nervous ~; d sic. ly to Leath, strength and Vigor. . Persons who, from the injudicious use of lion*, have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered ; constitutions broken down, and subject to that liorriote agree to humanity, the - ..*Juermurx will, almost _finniediately, feel-the happy - Fand healthy bevigeranng efficacy of Dr. Hain'a Invigorating Spirit. i WHAT IT WILL -DO. Does.—Cine wh,e glass full as ohm} as neceseari One ?lose removenli Bad pirits., - * Three doses Will cure Indigestion. One.dose telßgive you a Geed Appetite: - giOne, dose will stop the - distressing pains of DysPepsia. - thusilosiivill remove the - distressing and disagreeable 'effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the sumach receives the Invigorating gpiritik the distrigaing Med anc alipainfal feetinge will be removed. . ' j ()nodose wlli remoVe the most distressing Pains ol either in the stomach or bowels. Alm doses -will remove all obstructions in the Kt /soy, Bladder orUrinary Organs: - ' - ' rersons who - are seriously afflicted with any Stoney Complaints- arti assured speedy relief by a dose 'or two, And anodic :id cure by the used one - or two bottles. NIGHTLY DISSIPATION- Persons who, ironrdissipatingtoomudi overhigtkaal feel liao evil•ellects of poisonous - liquors; in violent bead aches sickness stomach; weakness : giddy q azo will Ili - 3n ad °undone wiltreniove badleelinga. ,• . ladietinf weah:and sieltlyconathutions,aticTuldtalte toe Invigorating Spirit three where day; it will aware Streflig, healthy and happyifeinoyealfobstruehoup and triegularittes irunklilextenstrual organs, andrestore blown of healtif and beauty to the careworn lace. ! During pregnancy it wilt be found an isivaluaul nine to remove disagreeable sensations at Mae :tell:men, All llie.progrletor asks is a. trial, and - to Ihdace ne has p4t up thelnyigorating Olpirit in pint bottles, ai bu coats, quarts $l. General Depot, tlfi Water street, N. Y. . • 'Wholesale *Agent,. Philadelphia, G. YOTT,' Ai tAI, sun for sale in Harrisburg by.C, A. linonyart, D.-W.- Grbss Co. and Di K....golfer and by all Druggist; everywiniro ' • 1e1.4.-dawly • ' ' r 1111 E . ATTENTION OF GENTEIgEN A is solicited to our verylarge assortment of Unnakustmaie Any Mimosa of every sue and quality, JOCJVLN Km owns,- best arlicleirtinufactuired. Ali the diger.3nt Waal; of li t tAFila Citovae. • -- - 'largest aasortthent orliostear in toe city. Owen, 4uarialenia, kIAXIMCgROMP, Ready Kemper And everything idGents , ' wear,at. _ • CJATIOA.R2 , B; • Neit to - the VIELMShorg ltenu4. TIRST . -OLASS GROCERIES , J It(3- , ,0 •!A I RETUEND from Ow juL, gagetd,:cities whUir iie,have selected with itha e.iettspai Wets large and complete- fessertmeseref - perior-geeds-'which'esserace &viten lie t iq the. 6,15, ,gfiParacellea, C . respectl4lly sea roortlially Invite ;the piiblio to call`ind e.se.spie our stock- and. ROMS: 4517 R WM. DOCK JR. 41 CO. /EineLinton. 'tORE! FRS NO. 2 3 tizaliOtuakirit J IL v. ann, : . ladli 7 / 1 8111:1RG, 1212111 6, 186 g. A art -D f - T ransepment of Ordnance and a Depart ment o pottaimi and Telegraph will be established at these Bead Quarters- will have charge (). :the=-ord nmsce - Thrriartrdteir, lino Lieut. Col! John A. Wright will in like manner have charge' of i the Transportation end Telegr ap h Department. • 111. The chief of the Ordnance Department will receive and receipt for all Ordnance and Ordnance stores required for this corps. it will be his duty to see that all State property placed under his charge and appertaining to his,Department is preserved in condition flt for service. He will home the same only on regal. sitions countersigned by the Commanding Gen eral ; and he will perform such other duties as may be assigned him In connection with the Ordnance Department. IV. To Lieut. Col. John A. Wright, chi e f of the -Transportetion and . Telegraph Depart 'need; is dothinittill'itirtiiisitigemente and con tracts with Railroad and Telegraph companiej, Re will•hake prepared all nemeary forms, and ,paike leach,,arrangemerats .wi'h the different Transportation_ and Telegraph companies, as .will secure aksegnler and correct. settlement of their ac c ounts, and devise and prescribe all regulations requisite to give' efficiency to th e business of the . Department. V. All orders for the transportation of troops. will be signed by.the Commanding General. The order of the officer in charge of this Department, together with the 'certificate of the officer in command of the troops, that the service has been performed, will be the proper vouchers for the settlement of the account, and all pass es to individuals,will be signed by General McCall or Lieutenant Colonel Wright. VI. The Chief of Ordnance, Quarter Master General and Commissary General are authoriz ed to make requisitions for transportation of freight over the railroads of tb• State, by fora, prescribed by the Chief of the Transportation and Telegraph Department. Stich requisillens, with certificate of service performed antlered, will be considered a sufficient voucher in the settlement of accounts. 1333 VII. All bills,or.accounts or service perform ed by railroad or telegraph companies will be forwarded to the Chief of the Department of Transportation and Telegraph monthly, and muit - have his approval before they are paid. By-order of • - • - MM. GEL GEORGE A. MaCALL. -HBTmT A .5M:11E754 Ciptain and Aid-de-Camp. Jed-dtf GENERAT,.. - ORDERS, NO. 12. map QUARTZES, P. M. • Harrisburg, Nay 19, 1881. Major General Giorge A. M'Call is assigned to thir command of all the Military,forces of Pennsylvania, raised or to be raked tinder the provisions of an :Act of the _General Assembly of the Commonwellth of Pennsylvania, enti tled "an Act to - Create- a loan, and to provide for the arming-of the State," . He will, without delay, proceed to organize these forcee, according_ to the provisions of - said Act, and to select convenient loeations for suitable encampirig grounds,-for the instruction of the-troops. - . By order of the Commander-in-Chief, JOHN A. WRIGHT, Aid-de-camp. ST. LOU/600TEt CHESTIV'UT :- .ST ABOVE THIRD, ,ITULADELPHIL. • IN the immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing -Houses -on Harker., Third . and thesteal streets, the Banks, Post- Odloo, - .Herchants , Rraksugo 1 74 ! le ltnil f - . 11.1 O AM.'' .t e r . -AiinriGt".---ZI sea Ko m ' PE - Aar PLAN. *MAID PER DAN • $1.60. Dinner _between 1, and 73 o'clock, SO cents. Slagle room from 30 cents upward. - A drat crass Restaurant attactied.7. Prices according to Bills of Fare. The City Cars take Passengers from any Station to o: close to the Hotel. - - • " AirE l 4 l 4. l c French, EluMatufandlkainlsnapokon. cel-Bind „. • FOR SALE.. BITILDING STONE or Stone - maitated for turopiklug purt.Oies will be delivered -to any ofthe dity wr.lte TioliUty. Apply to . nterr4 wte r COLDER. Jr. BED_UCTION Di PRICES 1 IVREELE 4 R, - &-VOILBONIS SEWIN6' - MACHINES, NEW S MPROiEMENTS AT REDUCED PRICES; THE WHEELER & WILS ON Manufac. taring Company having gained au their suite at law, with infringing manufacturers or sewin g fklaalines, propose that the public should be beeefitlea,lbereby, and nay* accorelagifrednceid‘the prices of their Sewing blenbines t ...after, that date they will hesold at rates that WIC Pak a fair profit on'the chat of maanfaclure, eapital invested, and , expense of haltingtabu, ;Ate& prices will enable Ultra tom it Ant class machines, and, as - betetofore, guarantee them in every imnionlar. In accordance with -the annowthentent above I will sell their Splendid dewing ktech cep et_Prices fro ni $l6 -to SOO far thellies fug dase machines . it le it well satin iba*fCi4 Plat the . . heeler sirtWilon Sewing Idaehine is the beat one in:the Market, the Veit made, most &Tie and least liable to get ocktAf order, and they are new ac ah - .the inferior machines. Call and so tbaga Third and Market. - . • - -.- del-fint • W. 4. HICKOK, /Agent Aff.rf-3111V OXE _ . .TRANIALLWA AGENT Or Int OLD - WALLOWER LINE, ,OLD , TRANSPORTATION LINE i tstitlin SUCCOUN operation salkaroPued lo carr y freight is LOW as sarotheebidlvidual line between t ' hiladia phia,./latriataarg.Sanbary,Lewilabiu.g, , port,',lereay Shore, Locia aspen, aid all points on the .Northara Cantrali-Rtatadalphht "at Elio; spit Wllllll4* .port and #l litha 4 444P1 1 . - • 7 • • • • idootieveng at liarrisbort,_ D. A. YODINCX (3006 aritiolzitodtz it & MlNcameN, *es. $O ano,Blo_ Market amen, above 'ninth; by 4 o'clock, P. Will arrive aialarrijibnrg i , romy .for 41,skv'erh tae yea{ morning. • : ' : C. Y mus-NICH, 11 01 Tra'verM4 Agent. MPTY 131ltR741.8,—TwQ, Hundred lloiptrildui, Saga iraid Wioo Bosnia of all de nr2Pti°4aad / 11 . 1 aegg - - ape Wk. DOM JD. CO. • wALLoWEIrs LINE, -----:- . - ' DAILY =WM . . I TAIUMARIGind.PHILADELPHIA. fr0.4..134rk,-A g net,7-812 lieu Wait, Philactol . -,.. PFMer44 l O l 4 lB Ol 4 if ak - P - . 0. *I- 4 4 Ltd ue tOr -. in ! fte :of sick tc,ltid• ~...,Goods 4911Terea at ib• -0115,4 , rbil sal to a; tint,/ Welotii.T. M., Win be deb ;riled is .11.3,r.d* § P-Urld . 11 M- 1,24 ,1n4Agif . 4 :V..:ll7lll.oWiic IS.; Agt , tl i, my 21 , dtf ' ' '0 .. _Readin ..0., • , •:. * berg. GOODST Ditudtri k , - - - - p a , - I A , - - Gin*liosins; .• Shiefligs; - - - Table TAbiste; Flannels, dic. ore* 249 Ne r. wtra c - MOP W y api-noWstilligg at' " C&TIiC4KrEI - Naito bruire, autrabw.sank• ' •:,4t "Stglir • ibakiliptiei t !taYri'• mg ; Edam ow =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers