srm t E `Hat]) t Lgrapb ,)+ ntLFB.UBi Iburstlap Afternoon, Jane 20,1861 "1 . :, VE RT ISERS. The cireulationotthe DAILY TELEGRAPH is FOUR TIMES LARGER than any other daily publihed or circulated in this city, and it therefore' Presents greater inducements for the patronage of advertisers than is offered to them through any other medium. Let those who want buyers, try advertising in the TELE GRAPH. THE MORNING TELEGRAPH Is issued every morning and con tair►s THE LATEST TELE GRAPH CC DISPATCHES re ceived during. the might. - CAPT. Jews M. EISTBR, of this city, recently commissioned as Captain in the regular army ofthe 'United State; has been assigned to the eighteenth regiment es infantry. /NOTRE'S Wits WHIPPER, named James B. Owens, was before Justice Beader this morning, who committed him to prison in default of bail. This fellow make; a practice of ill-treat ing his family when under the influence of liquor. One John Henry, also a victim of tan -glefoot, was before the same Justice for dis orderly conduct. He went to prison for two or three days. Officer Cole made both arrests. A MEMBER or TIIE LEGIBLATrVE GUARD PRO MOTED.—We notice that our clever friend Wm. It. Irwin, a member of the late Legislature from CuMberland county, and one of the gen tlemen who signed the roll of the Legislative Guard, has been commissioned as a Captain in the eleventh regiment of United States In fantry. We congratulate the Captain upon his promotion, and have no doubt he will win laurels in the service, of his country. A KNOW NOTICENG.—The other night one of .our police officers noticed a dilapidated stranger on'the street whose curious movements induced tho Official to ioterrogate him. Mutated that leis name was Patrick O'Leary, but further he did not know anything; he did not know where be lived, where he came from, where he was going, what be had been doing or was going to do. He was a genuine know nothing, So the officer concluded he must be a vagrant, and made pro Vision for him accordingly, TIIE Foualp..-:-The ward committees are now soliciting naaterial aid to defray the expenses of a fourth of 'Tuly delnbratiort. We hope those of our citizens who can afford it will contribute liberally; in order that the anniversary of Free dom's birth-day may be observed with a degree of public spirit and patriotism that will do credit to the Capital City of the old "Keystone State. We can if we will, have a splendid de monstration. Then hit one and all heartily second the efforts of the committee of ar rangements. I= Binaka. Times Cosirso.—ln the opinion of many sagacious people, business will take an improved- turn after the extra session of Con gress. The immense amount of money expend ed by the government among the people is gradually qUickening our industrial interests. Thougheouthein debts are repudiated, the old fogy credit. system is destroyed at the same time. The medicine may be bitter, but its effect will-be salutary. Ia the opinion of good business men, the north will regain all the pros perity it has lost, before the channels of trade are even opened. NEAL BOUND Ovaa.---Charles M. Neal, of Philadelphia, has given bail in the sum of $5,000 to appear for - trial at Pittsburg next week. Neal, it will be remembered, the "agent" who negotiated the recent army cloth ing contract with the Messrs. Frownfeld of Pittsburg. He is included in the indictment charging the latter, with conspiracy to defraud the State, and hence the necessity of his having to give bail as above stated. The case will be taken up next week. Able counsel have been engaged on both sides, and a warm time of it all_ r around_may be expected. CONECIENTIOIIS LEGUSLLTORS.-1118 Pittsburg Dispatch tells the following story of last win ter's scenes in the Pennsylvania Legislature, as related by one who was "in the ring." A bill was pending—rather a small affair—but money was being used to "grease the track" through the House as usual. Mr. A. had charge of several thousand dollars, which he used in opening the eyes of, the necessary number of virtuous members, but to his surprise and dis gust, the votes did, not go, as promised. He looka for an explanation, when the recusants, RS he saysOwvaoimougy returned his money, saying that they were sorry to disappoint him, but - as Gib "bonus was heavier on the other side, their felt in comcience bound to go for their own interests.", He was satisfied, as in pre vious instanCes4heyind stood by him. =:; ~=:- FORMES HARRISIIIJII44I2I3 PROMOTED.—Among the list of appointments by the War. Depart ment 'we notice - that of Stephen Miller, for merly of pixie Captidiapy in the fif teenth volrinteef iegiment. - Mr. Miller left a remunerative - official position in Minnesota to" enlist in the service'of his country and in crushiug oht treason. Wm. H. Leamy, a native of this _City,. and son of Mr. L. Leamy, now serving In the United. States army in the capa city of a Sargeant, has been promoted to'a second Lieutenantcy. This is an appointment eminently fit to be made, as the endorsement of Capt. Lesmy's skill and bra Very is on re cord. .gejs now in New Mexico, where be has acquitted ; himself In such a way in skir mishes4itiCthe Indians as to win the art- Oommand, who rfoticS prove]. iiLtheZtiffibere him with gretti!favor:ltitheir official reports the War Depntmeig: 43- bliPt: ieitay goes into the nineteenth regiment of iptap.try. THe ELIAWORIII CADENS .meet this evening at he usual time and place. THE FIRST CITY GUA.RDS intend participating in the celebration of independence day, and meet this evening to make the necessary ar rangements. JUVENILE P/ONEI —This morning we met a large procession of gaily-dreesed little boys and girls, with flashing eyes and bounding hearts, marching in the direction of Spruce Hollow. They had an ample supply of refresh ments, and all were jubilant in anticipation of the "good time" they would have in the beautiful shady retreat selected for the day's- festivities. CRUELTY TO Aximms.—For the benefit of the man who cruelly beat a fine horse in Walnut street, this morning, we print a section from the penal code making brutal treatment of do mestic animals an offenoe punishable with fine or imprisonment : "If any person shall wan tonly and cruelly beat, torture, kill or main any horse or other domestic animal, whether be longing to himself or another, every such person so offending shall be guilty of a" misdemeanor, and on conviction, be sentenced to pay .a fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or undergo an imprisonment•not exceeding one year, or both, or either, at the discretion of the court." I=l Ma.uatan.—On Thursday momin g,June 20th, 1861, at the St. Peter's (Lutheran) Church, Middletown, Pa., by Rev. C. J. Ehrehard, Dr. J. P. KELLER, of Harrisburg, to Miss Elm H,, daughter of John Croll, Esq., of the former place. • " The deed is done I now Cupid's, forceps draw Not one poor fang—but a whole life of law ! No more shall molars and incisor's gleam, With ghastly horror through WS lonely dream ; Or brooding nightmare Bleep's pure joys eclipse, With rows of blood-stained, pen -distorted lips ; But pouting beauty teach his heart to feel Where kisses ravel is no place for steel." A Goon APPOINTMENT.—We learn that Capt. Brereton, of Pittsburg, late of the United States Army, has been appointed by Governor Curtin to the position of Chief of the Ord nance Department for the State of Pennsyl vania. It is said that the Captain has had much experience in this very important arm of the service. He is scientifically educated and accomplished, and will, no doubt, fill the post with credit to himself, and with great benefit to the State at large. As it is the design of the State Government to organize a complete and permanent system of defence for this State, this buyeau.has been formed; and be conies one of groat importance. We under stand that the Captain Is ordered to report himself at Harrisburg immediately. Tim Naw Yoax SCOTT Las Gi7ARDs,: eight hundved strong, under command of Colonel Hobart Ward, Lieut. Colonel Addison Farns worth, and Major Potter--tho two former old Mexican campaigners—arrived here this fore noon over the Lebanon Valley Railroad, and were quartered for about an hour on the vacant lot in the rear of the Lutheran church. The re giment is composed of One-looking and able bodied men, all armed with nevr muakets, and substantially equipped, with dark blue coats, skey blue pantaloons, heavy blue overcoats similar to those used in the regular army, black oil cloth knapsacks and haversacks, and well ' made havelocks. In all respects they are de cidedly the best equipped . soldiers who have passed through our city. A corps of thirty drummers accompany the regiment. We con versed with a number of the men, all of whom spoke in terms of the highest commendatiOn of their officers, several of whom held high posi tions and achieved signal honors bathe Mexican . war. The men were in good health and high spirits, and swamis to meet with the enemy. The regiment left at eleven o'clock en route for Washington city. KEIPING tir APPEABA.NOII33.—It is vary import taut, now-a-days, to keep up appearances : Don't let the world know how it is going with you, if you can help it. Make any sacrifice to have a clean shirt and a well-ordered wardrobe, even if you tax your stomach to do it. Don't look shabby ! The moment that people notice a falling off in your exterior, the signs of re cognition become less cordial and finally cease altogether. You may be honest, industrious and willing to labor, but the shabby outside carries a suspicion with it. Your address may be gentlemanly, but the person addressed don't understand how or why it is, that appearance does not correspond with the manner. On the other hand, if your "shell" is only gold, there is not much probability of close interrogation about other requirements, for as the world goes the rind is supposed to represent the character of the fruit... The seedy hat and coat, and oft repaired boots, do not suggest that trials and struggles with the world may have caused the decayed look. The in stant inference is that irregularities and way wardness, have brought about the dilapidation. There is no suggestion entering the mind that a wife and children with hungry mouths, may have required every farthing to satisfy their wants. There is no charity for ad verse results, which pursue the efforts of some men with terrible certainty. There is :a disinclination to stoop to the - assist ance or employment of one who does not square in .form and feature to an established notion of what each and every man ought to be. Wherefore as things go, it is _necessary to keep up appearances. No matter if you feel your life is a fraud, if your spirits droop at the ignominious hypocrisy of being a cheat, if you smile when you mould weep, or look on com fort as you walk along - with_ Indifference. All this is repulsive to the genuine, man. It brings shame to his face and disgust-to his heart, and be looks at death as being too distapt and ex. elusive. As the world goes, though, you must do it or go to the garret, to that obscurity in which man becomes a vegetating.creatnre, and his children a rebuke to his manhood every hour of existence. Keep up apPearanbes, 00. Who as there .that cannot tell a !ed . "etity-:0,,. the comptilefort'Of this palapiabitirequtiesnent.:? And who.% not:aiiy doing it for the good opinion of tsiti4oirid, Which, after all le—worth how muck & pound? peunoulnanta Wait QielegreqA, elpiroban Afternoon, June 20, 1861. CITY TAX PAYERS, who wish 'to save morreyll should read the advertisement of the City Trea surer in another column, and att accordingly. Moan Now YORE. TROON.—A large number of additional troops from New York city will arrive here to-morrow over; the Lebanon Valley Railroad en route for Washington. Dsssamsn.—We learn that a member of the State Capital Guards hail deserted. Should the fellow return to Harrisburg all classes of our people, old and young, should unite in makirg the city too hot to hold him. No cowards or traitors should be tolerated in this community. SOLILOQUY of JESTERS= DAVIS, who starts from his sleep and gives voice to his guilty soul the style Shakspeare represents the Third Richard to have done on the night preceding the battle of Bosworth field : "There are mo ments in our lives when conscience, heaven's attorney general, in tones more audible than the cannon's roar or echoing thunder in the tropic climes Both blab of coining retribution." These twitches of conscience on the part of the Fourth Richard has nothing to do with those beautiful Black Silk Walking Coats for ladies at Urtrat & Bowntat's, corner of Fourth and Market streets. je2o-2tf Losr I— A Pocssr Boos containing a Dia mond ring ; two Plain Gold Rings, stamped 22 and 16 caret, and over Five Hundred .Dol lars in gold and bank notes. Among the money was one $6O note on the Danville Bank, and one $2O note-on the Harrisburg Bank ; two $2O gold pieces, and $BO or $B5 in smaller coin. A number of papers were also in the pocket-book. Twenty-five dollars will be paid, and no questions asked, if the finder will leave the same at this office. jell-dtf NEW Goons FROM New YORK AuorioN.-60 pieces of Grey Goods at 10, r 121 and 20 cts. 100 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for a, 6 and 6 cts. 10 pieces Lavelle Cloth for 7 cts. 25 dozen Linen Pocket Handkerchiefs for 124, worth 25 eta. Splendid Mohair Mitts at 31 and 37 eta. 15 dozen towels at 123 yenta a towel.— Linen Sleeves and Collars at 26 cts. 50 dozen Sun Umbrellas and Parasols cheap. 800 pieces of the best Calico ever sold for 61 eta. 60 pieces Broche bordering er y . cheap. . .A large lot of bleached awl unbleached Muslin. Now is the time to buy bargains. Call at S. Lew's, Ehoad's old corner. DR. OHEESMAN'S PILLS, Prepared by Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D.. THE combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of "tt long and extensive practice. limy are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Menstruation, removing all oh. utructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whiles, all ner vous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, km., disturbed sleep, which arise from mtarroption of nature Dr. Cheesemen's Pills are invaluable, as diey wlll bring on the monthly period with regularity. ladies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills can place the atmest confidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pills doing all that they represent to do. brtr'llON !here is one condition of the female system in which the PiiU cannel be taken testhout nroduang a PRCULLUI BRBUL2. the condition e ,, f rerred to is ,PRIEGN42I 7 OY.. the rault, AfISCABALiIta. Such is the trruisable tendency or the Inedwine to restore he Sanaa functions to a normal condition, that seen the reproductive power :of nature cannot resistott. . Warranted purely vegetable, and free from anything injurious, Rsplicit directions, which should be read, an. company each box. Price 11. Sent by motion =chokes $1 to Da CORNglall L. Onzawitarr, Box %BSI, Posit:takes, New York City. Sold by ones everytown In the United-States it. B. LIUTCHINGS, ' Genvirat tient for the United States, - - 14 Broadway, New York, 10 whom aid iFrholesole order: should be addr-.God. Sold in Harrisburg by U. A. Murmur. ' nov2S.doarty . • . A ClomispoNimprr of the Sieole Paris the government °rpm of Franee writes atom T 111313, -Alf:lere, followir.—, •, • ' . ' • • "Our college of Philosophers at home, may, and pro. bably do acc..mplish a great deal for the cause of science but the Americana are tee people to turn these discover• ies to practical accoant. Many of the modern inventions in use here are American and one American chemist, D. J. C Ann, of Lowe'd, sapplles much of the medicine consumed is this country. His Cherry -Pectoral, PIUS, Sarsaparilla and Ague Cure constitute the staple reme dies here, because they are of easy application, sure In their re:nits and have the confidence of the people.— While the science of. Medicine is carried to a higher per fection in our own, country (France) than. any Other, it arises a French-manes a little ei nisi -r that an American Physician should furnish Um medical skill and remedies for our Principal Province.. We are happy to inform our readers that these cope. nor medicines which toe Emperor's Principal Province is obliged to get from America may be had by our neigh bore, at C. A. Eannvart's, C. E. Kellar's, D. W. Grose & Co.'s J. M. Lute's, Holman & Co.'s, • Armstrong, Harrisburg') and dealers everywhere. , jett-d tw HAIR DYEI HAIR DYE!! Win. A. Batchelor's Hair Bye 1 The Original and Best in , the World _ . otheis are mere Imitations, and aliosld be avoided if you wish to escape ndlcute. GRAY, RED, OR Buarr ELAM dyed blatantly to a beautiful and Natural Brown:and Blank, 'without injury 10 Hair or Side. FIFTEEN MEDALS and DIPLOMAS have been award. ed to Win. A. Batchelor since 1859, ant over 80,000 ap plications have been made to the'Hair of his patrons of bin famous dye. - • ' WM. A. BATCEEIAR'S, HAIR DYE producer a color' not to be distinguished from nature; and is warranted : not to injure in Sae least, however long it may ba couttn.. mid, and the Ili effects, of Bad Dyes remedied; the Hair, invigorated for life by this splendid Dye. Sold in ad cities and towns of the .llnited Slates, by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. • , • 4,-*. The Genuine has the name and address - .Upon _a steel plate engraving on four sides of each bog, of Vira, Liam A. Bananoli. CHARLES BATCHELOR, Proprjetor, ee•d&wtang 81 Barclay otreet, Now York THE DR. KANE REFRIGERATOR. THIS superior REFRIGERATOR; to gether with several other cheaper styles, may be fAtod at the manufactory, at exceedingly, low:prim. - Mae, a great"vatfety of WATZR COOLERS, of supe rior anish. E. S. PARSON & Cor.l)ock and. Pear street s t 'Phikolelphia. sprfil.64na W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE! _ . . THIS SPLENDID HAIR. DYE has no equal—issnintanpons In effect—Boauttful Black or lurid "Brown—no staining.the skin or injuring the Hair—remedies the absurd and 11l effect of Bad Dyes, and Invigorates the Bair for life. Nona are genuine unless aligned "W. A.:Batchekbr " ,Sold everywhere: ' - CHAS. BATCHELOR, Proprietor. dandagl 81 Barclay Arent, IE4 w .Yo ... HOW LOST, HOW RESTOIiED JUST PUBLISHED ON THE NAME,: TREATMENT AND RADICAL CCU Of SPE RMATOR RHEA or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervoinl ness, Involuntary Emissions and Impotency, - reaulting from Sell-abinni, &c. By Robt. J. Culverweil,. M. D.— Sent under Seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, peat mild, on receipt of two stavapo, by Dr. CHAS J C. SLIME, 127 Bowery, Now York. Poet Office Box, No 4,51/8. m2o4inidew . . . , -THUNDER AND LIGHTNING' E vast *mould of tiropertyAistroyed • - by.,UB4tning ought "to be a weanthietti peisk totem to smuis their bu.UOtags. All order, au. Within Sods left at the ILIIOI.IOII store of W. BABA, ba imattendaiwki ed. to. Bads put up In the latest hupluVed 4 Ono sad . ,10/2 = ...--,1..-,..... IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. NEW YORK CITY_ TO MAIMED "ADM, MANN OOD :4];,oliliD .'isO 110 •••LADIES. : • D 14,... DITPONOWO GOLDEN PILLS FOB FEMALES. - afallible n correcting, regulating, and removing obstructions; from whatever cause, and 1- ElN2i=il THESE PILLS HAVE BEEN . USED BY _k the doctors for many years, both in Prance aloe America, with unparalleled success in every case ; ano bele - Urged by many thousana ladies who used them, to make the Pills public for the alleviation of those suffering from any irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an, increase of family where health will not permit it.— Females particularly situated, or these supposing them -elves so, are cautioned against these Pills while, in that condition, as they are surro to produce miscarriage, anc the proprietor assumes no responsibility after this admo When, although their mildness would prevent any mis chief to health--otherwise the Pills are recommended. Fall and explicit directions accompany each box, Price Si 00 per box. Sold wholesale and retail by CHARLES A. BANNYART, Druggist, - No. 2 Jones Row, Harrisburg, Pa. "Ladles," by sending him 21 00 to the Harrisburg Poet Office, can - have the Pills sent free of observation tc any part of the country (confidentially) and "free of Fos tap' by mail. Sold also by S. S. Srsvaus, Reading, JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY A COWDILY, Philadelphia, J. L. Lis nem, Lebanon, D.imet tilsivssu, Lancaster; J. A. Wou. Wrightsville ;E. T. Miss , S t ork ; and by one druggist in every pity and village In the Union, and by S. D. HoWx, ole proprietor, Now York N. B.—Look out for counterfeits. Bey no Heiden Pills of any kind unless every box is signed S. D. Howe. Ai others are a base imposition and unsafe; therefore, as you value your lives and health, (to say nothing of be ing humbugged out of your money) buy only of those who show the signature of S. D. Blowe on every box, which has recently been added on account of the Pills being counterfeited dea-dwaswly. fil) 210vertigentents PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. „, WAITER /WAVIER'S DEPARTMENT, ti CAW CuBUN. Sealed proposals will be received at this Of fice up to 5 o'clock, on TUESDAY, the 25th day of JUNE, 1861, to furnish the following articles of Supplies, in such quantities, at such times, and at such places as may be directed by this Office : 300 CORDS OAK WOOD. The be inspected by proper persons selected for the purpose as provided by the Act of As sembly. - R. C. HALE, jel9-d2t Q. M. G. ARMY SUPPLIES. IiKADQUARTIME4, PENNSTINAMA MILITIA, COMIMBSLIVI DRPAIITMCNT, IlinTisburg, June 19, 1861. Sealed proposals are invited and will be re deved at my office in the city of Harrisburg until THURSDAY, the 27th inst., at 12 o'clock M., for furnishing by contract the best quality of FAMILY BREAD at a Camp to be estab lishednear New Freedom, York county, Penn sylvania. Also, the best quality of Fresh Beef, with Shins, Necks and Tallow taken off. Also, Sugar, Ground Coffee, Tea, Bice, Beans, Vinegar, Pepper, Soap, Candles, Salt, Pilot,Brend and Potatoes ; all to be of the best quality, and tole delivered in such _quantities and at such , times as they maybe ordered by the- Ass during the- time the ttObpsi)may remain in said Caiiip, and to be in speketl'-by'the Inspector appointed for the pur pose of inspecting Army supplies. Bonds with approved security for the faithful performance of the' 'siboVii contracts will be required.-- Notain - fwill alloived for freight, drayage or packages. - W. W. IRWLN, • COM. Gen. -York Daily: Recorder hasn't till 27th inst. and charge this office:'; ARMY SUPPLIES. . lIRAD-QUARTIESS PiNNSTIVANIA. MILITIA, COMMISBA.I3.II" ißarinkly Tune-19 1861. Sealed iiroOsala are.irivited ind will be re ookc*r.e:wr c lm,o-Arn 44:m . ,.eny - of Harrisburg g l air use; `7th: inst at 12 11/,; for fumbling by contract FRESH BEEN of the' beet quality, at a Camp to be establiebed near New Freedom, York county, Pennsylvania. Signs, Necks and TallOW>takeiroff. .• • Also; =Brown Sugar, Tea, Rice, Vinegar, Ground Coftee,, l! spper, Salt, Soap and Candles. L. All, thc 4:6)14 articles to'be, of the best quali mid to iftj , delivfired.ln such 'quantities and stanch maybe ordered by the Assist ant Commissary, and to be huipected by the Inspector appointed 'Thr - inspecting Army Sup pliofat Sabi Csinp Ncithing will be allowed for drayage or._ .packages:::•Bonds with ap p,roved, securiV,Wlll.lsif required, for the faithful perforthande of tlii - abbire contracts. W. W. IRWIN, .0/ 9 : 4 3d ;' - Com. Gen Patriot and Union:insirt until 27th inst. %FOR RENT pirE tiO7AtS now occupied by the Poe L Office. Ifoseeselodllven on'tha ifrEi of July. En quire Or . dibiGE W. PORTER. A CHANCE: TOR: A;;BAAGAIN. • , TO close ups the 7 'eeneekn the entire stock oe SHOEA, BOOTS,: ike.; late Oliver Bell man, deceased, in the rooms in the Market Square, will be sold'at privete. sjilb,at COST; isiddheiooms will be reittedlo the fieralitser If desired. The terms will be made easy. jel7-dtf DAN'f... BoAS, Agent. NEXT 'OE - KIN. WANTED ! Hundreds .of 31111iiiinCrinillitt . Stelling TN CIIAN .. BANK OF ENGLAND, L waiting eladmaiiM.catalogue of the heirs, d and names of y4O tO whomletters,shontd be. addreaae d. in England, Will be , post free, ~ort reoelpaof 60'oerits , in stamps, or two for Bt. 2011. claims must ba biesented at once. ffeterences:.: , ..A. F.".Eml,- Boston; .1. Burnham, Chief of-Police, Haverhill. Address W. W. S. ORBETON dt CO., Jerf•dAt ' Boi Rae, Post Woe, Boston Mass. PEIPEIER'p DAItY LINE Between ~ P hiladelphia Lout Rev* 'Jamas' SHORE, WILLIMIBPOIVT, !JUNO', UNIONTOWN,, WATODWROWIIi•ifttIeN, LEWISBURG, NOETEURBiIuAND, Tit Wesson', „Gxonourowsr, LvitmciMiws, klaurax, Datum , R - P . hhadelphia.Mepot.,behig centrally located the Drayage will he at'the loWeit rates. A Condit - dor goes through with:each traie. ,, ,49ttend to the safe delivery of all goods entrdsted toltie line. Goods nelirered at the Depotof FKlllo o .7fAittik FREED,! ilift Harket - Steet, phil a . by,6 o'clock P. M., will be delivered in • • . Harriaberg the next morning. Freight (altrays) as low as by any other line. Particular. .attention paid by this' line to pronlit and speedy delivery of alt fiarrisbur; teoods. The undersigned thankt'd ferpast patronage hopes by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of the !Mae., ' • • PEIPHER, Philadelphia and Heading Depot 1e17416m. • Feot of Harlot Street, Harrisburg. NOTICE TO COUNTERFEITERS, VtriftkEAS several pekson's have late irnein engaged :bit counterfeiting the names of Members of, Congress ant Senators on kttets and docu• meats; nothai is hereby given that such franks will avail themmothintawtherwiltmot be rauiegeized and all such letters must be sent: tcr,thelAtwt Letter . Office at Wash ington. Some saved hundred letters are now lying at this office with counterfeit ;ranks ois them, and the per son who deposited them had better - 611 tor them and get them properly mailed. U the authors of these franks can be discovered is will be the duty of ttierniidersigned to have them mindnally Pirosecuti3d however painful it maybe. jelo GEO BS:ltiaS.lM P. M. FOR RENT: ,Three Story. Brick House on Becond 11 ,6 tra4C-Alio:ft.Twe Story Frame' Home on Paxton street. Apply •C. O. EanfiRMAN / 01741 1 No. PS, &rate Second St., Harrianurg. FOR. RENT. . . ---" EIIRISPEAN HOTEL: AND , RE; . •A. STAIIRANT in Brant'e CRY Hal f_,, 0 4,4 111 6, Barris* plug CILY, kryDRANT, 001.1-0 „ 4 - . ray On the premices: , .. I RI! I—Strictly pure, etpark ‘,./ ling and sweet—has received a Silver Medal or Di ploma at every State Agricultural Pair Mime Ufa For , ale PT .&11-d Witt. DOCK & CO. Ntip 2lbaertisements. NATIONAL AND R?-0-IMENTAL COLORS. ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, P. M., I Harrisburg, June 18, 1861. Sealed proposals will be received at the office until three o'clock on the 26th day of June, 1861 for colors deliverable at this oftice as is quired, said proposals to be publicly opened at the time and place named, and the successful bidder to ba announced as soon thereafter as convenient the right being reserved to the State to increase or diminish the number and quantity of any or all of the several kinds of colors, required, viz : 1 National Color for U. S. Artillery. 40 " " "U. S. Infantry. 1 Regimental " "U. S. Artillery. 40 " " " 11. S. Infantry. all to be in every respect as described in the U. S. Army Regulations paragraphs No's 1869, 1370 except that the arms of Pennsylvania are to be embroidered on the National Colors,in the centre of the Union, their size not to exceed one fourth of lte area and the 84 stare to be arranged symmetrically around them, and that on the Regimental colors the arms of Pennsylvania of same dimensions are to be embroidered in up per corner near pike ; all to be entirely com plete with pike, spear, ferule, cords, tassels, fringe, ready for use and marked with No. and name of Regiment according to regulations above mentioned ; also for 1 National Color for Rifle Regiment, Regimental " " " ti as above described for Infantry colors, except the No. and name of Regiment are to be em broidered in gold instead of silver and that green will be used instead of blue in all parts except the field of the Union in National Color ; to be complete ready for use and marked as above mentioned ; also for 1 Standard for Cavalry Regiment, 10 Guidons " " as described in paragraphs 1372 and 1373 of U. S. Artily Regulations, the arms of Pennsylva nia, of suitable dimension 4, to be embroidered on each ; to be complete, ready for use, and marked as above mentioned. Sketches of the manner in which the arms of this State will be inserted in each kind of color and guildon, will be submitted with each proposal. Each propo sal will state the price per letter additional for adding on each fl $g such other inscriptions in letters of same material, as name of regiment, as may be required. The workmanship and materials must, in every color, be equal toU. S. standard patterns. Proposals for colors on which the decorations are painted, instead of embroidered, may also be presented, and may be accepted in lieu of the above. The material of the paint must not be injurious to the silk. Fifteen per cent. of the amount of each de livery to be retained as a forfeiture, until the contract is completed. 'lime of delivery to be considered as of the essence of the contract.— Contractors to state in their proposals the time when the goods can be delivered. Successful bidders to give bonds with two approved secu rities. The speedy delivery of a large part will be considered in awarding the contract. By order of the Governor of Pennsylvania, E. M. BIDDLE, Adjutant General, P. N. jelB-12td An excellent article of OUM- S 1 .250 mercul Note Paper can be had for per roam at BEKGNER'S CHEAP BOOKS ICKE. TO INE WSPA.PER PUBLISHERS. ACOMPOSITOR, in ill•health and alao having lost his hearing, is desirous of procuring .mployment on a couutry paper ; wages not as much an o.•ject as work in the country. Address "COMPOSI rott," Harrisburg Post ihice. [BY AUTHORITY.] UNITED STATES INFANTRY TACTICS: FOIL THE Instruction, Exercise, and Manoeuvres CI THE U_. S. INFANTRY; INCLUDING INFANTRY OF THE LINE, LIGHT IN FANTRY, AND RIFLEMEN. Prepared under the direction of the War Department, and authorized and adopted by Smos OAOI Lana, Secretary of War. CONTAINING The School of the Soldier; 2he School of the Compa ny; Instruction for Skirmishers ; The General Calls; The Calls for Skirmishers, And the School of the Battalion ; IMOD= A DICTIONARY OF MILITARY TERMS. One Volume Complete, illustrated with numerous En gravings. $1.26. Was DEPARTMENT, Washington, Hay 1,1861. This System of United States Infantry 'Cantina for Light Infantry and Riflemen, prepared under the direction of the War Department, having been approved by the Pre sident, is ado•,pted for the instruction of the troops when awing as. Light Infantry or Riflemen, and, under the act of btayl2, 1820, for the observance of the militia when so employed. SIMON CAMERON, Secretary of War. For sale at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTuRE. By re mitting the regular price the book will be sent to any plat* free of postage. my 24 NOTICE. IN the matter of the application to the Orphatia , Court of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, to ociree the specific performance of the contracts of ADAM WILT lktt, of LykonS ;otvoship, is said county, deceased. The Court on the Bth day of May,lBBl, appointed Henri' Pettey, Eeq., Commissioner to take testimony after thin, diya notice by an insertion in a newspaper published in the city of Harrisburg, Pa. Io pursuance whereot notice is hereby given to Sarah, Wittier, widow, and to. Joseph, Jacob, .Tonas, George, Jottn;Henry and Adam Wilber, William Hoffman, anti Lydia, hie wife, George Shepley and Mary Ms wile, ana Jonas Loudensiager, Guardian of John, Adam, and Ma rietta, children of $ 4'241140 Wittier, deceased, Who was intermarried with Joseph Loadenalager. deceased, that depoAtions to be read In evidence on the hearing of sea case in Court will be taima betore said Henry Petrel', Eaq., at his o'loo in South Third street, in Harrisburg. on TUEIDAY, the EIGHTH:MEI DAY OF JULY, 1881, tetween the nouvi of two and four o'clock on the after noon of said day, When and where you .may attend it you think:proper. WM. T. MISR , Attorney for Joseph Wittier and Win. Hoffman, June 13., Administrators. B. M. GILDER", D. D. S. STALE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. All opera 'ions, Surgical and Mechanical ecientrtleally pertormed Charges moderate. .1.8 Nero STEAM WEEKLY -- 7 : - A-1.1 5 i-A BETWEEN NEW TURK AND LIVERPOOL. LANDING AND EMBARKING PAS SENGERS at QUEE?ISTOWN, (Ireland;) The Liver pool, New York and Philadelphia Steamihip company intend. despatching their full powered. ClySEPbeilt iron Steamships as follows GLASCiuW, Saturday, 22d Jane; CITY OF BALTIMORE, Saturday, 29th June ; Saturday, Om July; and every Saturday, at Noon, from Pier 44, North Elver. 17411213 OF P.& &G 5. FIRST CABIN 375 oat SiKERAGR.... ..... $3O 00 do to London $BO 00 1 do to London ..$33 00 do to Parts $B5 00 I do to P.trit $3B 00 do to Hamburg.. $B5 00 do t 3 Hamburg $4 00 Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Bremen, Rotter dam, Antwerp, &0., at equally low rates. ,Persons wishing to uriug eatteeir . friends can bay tickets bare at the following rates, to New York : From Liverpool or Queenstown; Ist Cabin, $75, 885 sad $lO5. Steerage from Liverpool $4O 00. From Qaeenstown, $3O 00. These Steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built in Water-tight Iron Saction.3, and have Patent Fire annihilators on board. For further information apply at the Company's Offices. JNO. G. DALE, Agent, jel2•tf 15 Broadway, New fork. Or 0. 0. Zimmerman, agent, darrieburg. COMMERCIAL NOTE PAPER. Just received from the mill a fine lot of Nate Paper at $1 S per ream at the )05.1wd E A.GLE WORKS. Bolt BALE I A BUILDING LOT, situate in West Hat risburg, fronting on Bro .1 street 20'teet., and run ning back 161 feet, more or less, to a 20 foot alley, ad• Joining on one side the property of Mr. BlumMstino. For partioulsrs enquire of FREDERICK SCHESFER at Bergner's Boosstote, May 8,1861. LIME FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED having embarked in the LIME B S NESS is prepared to fninish tit very best article at short not,ca, aria at [121310 great prices for cash. lie acne tae limo burnt at Columbia and also that burnt at home my29-am HLUKORY, OAK AND PINE' WOOD for sale, GI/2 TO STOVE OR CORD LENGIE TO SUI - PURCILLASERS. ALSO, LOCUM . POSTS AND DIIE,SINUI RAILS OUT TO ORDER. ALSO', N 10.1 . 171; AND SAND FOR BUILDINa PURPOSES. Inquir, of the submrther at nis residence on the Ridge road, oppoalte the Good Will lio.use or at, the fiu.d, corner of Sec.:oa.l dad Broad itrdetd, ttny27-tf j G, B.OJLE. PROF. ADOLPH P. TEUPSER. WOULD respectfully inform his ohl patrons and the public generally, that he will continue to give instructions on the PIANO SIGTE, ME LODEON, VIOLIN and also in the science of THOROUGH BASS. lie will w'tb pleasure wait ups pupils at their homes at any tiour desired, or lessons will be given at his residence, Ia Third street, a few doors below the German Deformed Church, aeolri-dtt City Property _for Sale. ALARGE TWO—STORY . BR LOK. HOUSE A nd. IA of grutai, pleas.totly lodatd oa ter JUL , between Mulberry moot A.J4 Was'aington avenue. Also fWO LARGE PIANdS in good oinditeui end of ex collent tone. Apply to 0. 0. ZI.IIIIERSIAN, No. 28, squtt, second sweet JPc>limr&l.JELPis DIARRHEA AND CHOLERA AN - T/DOTE, For the cure of dram distresalag maladies. Agretab a to the taato. Every sodier should procure a bottle of this valnah.n medicine before they talce tap their line of march. Fur gale at C. A. BatiNTART , O, Drug Storo, my2-Out AQUANTITY of Bags, Checks and Ging hams for sale by the dozen and pie:te, cheap t..r emu, at the DAUPHIN CLIIJ:+4 Of ettljUN, LayS-3m HAEHLtfittltfi May 8, 15154 MOUNTED ARTILLERY. THIRTY A.BLb.:-BODIED AND 601313 Et mAM wanted for the Mounted Artillery se, mei.— Apply ar. Camp Uurdn 0 Lieut. JACOB BASS. jal.B raw PROPOSALS WILL be received at the PENNSICL vatua CaNai (Naas: during t . he ipresent minim for the construction of a BRICIS. sENlreirt, (about 600 feet in leugth,) from the canal of alaraet street urtdge to Paxton creek. For particulars enquire at,,the oftce. Trial. T. diteaxiazi, " Engineer and it l uplinintendeztt: Harrisburg, Juno 13, 186.1.-4e13-d STAGE LINE FOR GETTYSBURG • FARE REDUCED TO sl.2s Baum:Lao GETTYSBURG. THE undersigned has established a regular LINE 06 sTaGE CUACHE6 trona MecttaniCs burg, connecting every other morning with the Camber land Yaliey Railroad care. The coaches leave .every every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, returning every other day. ?assuagers for Sheppardatowa, iblisburg, Petersburg and Gettysburg are carried at reduced rates. fell-dtf WM. J.."PAT.M. JOHN B. SIVLITEUB BOOT & SHOE STORE, CORNER SECOND AND WALNUT STS., - Harriaburg, Pa. ALWAYS on hand a large assortment ut BOOTS, saws, GAITERS, &c., of the very.: best tualities for ladies, gentlemen, and cbildrens , Prices to suit the times. all Muds of WORK MADE TO ORDER in the best style by superior workmen REPAIRING done at short notice. --. octle.dtf JOHN D. SMITH, Harrisburg. JOSEPH OAsEY. JOHN W. .BROWN. CASEY & ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW _HARRISBURG ; HAVING associated together ; the pructiee of the Law, will attend flithfulli:auci gromptly to all professional business entrusted to-their Office m Third street three Eldora trom Market: N. B. Censunations in _English and Gorman, ALDERMAN. • HENRY PEFFER. OFFICE—THIRD STREET, (SHELL'S ROW,) ' NEELR -• - Residence, Chestnut street near Fourth, CITY OF 1111.101ISBORG, PFA1!".16.. mSl2•dtt . . . FLAGS ! FL:A.IaB! l'''' '''''''' ? IIIiTOTE PAPER AND ENV glsOPEB'ii National designs, LEITER PAYER with iiiir 4 i .' y. °City of Harrisa.ez, printed and for oata'at 'iyA 9-,l— BOOKSTORE, Near itie Harrisbarg Bridge. MEI FRESH ARktiVAL-,;,-,_,„ HOiOrelr, BEARS, sae; Gairfi', 1102102(1r, SIIAK/3100.411, • l• 'Slur flrait, -Meuse* Fez ItliANB, , , .PVxorttPrs9, Just received and tor sale at the tawiev a&aa sble wm. ( - IR JR ac.(X.).-r..:. NEW COAL OFFICE; HE UNDERSIGNED having e - ntered• . . .1.„ to the COAL allE in this eityiwould realiectredri:; •solicit the patronage of theclizeos. I *al keip:o4 Ooal of all sizes, from the most celebrated and appre'ved"..;... mines, - Which will be delivered to anyrpM_thftrit ettf 71: hie frOm dirt and other ;Iniptirities: Goanurtmani, qtam.: SOB: BA= BY 1/13 BOAT LOAD, Loan on Same 205. Persons panel:Lasing by the Boat or Chr Load will receive 2,240 pounds to the Ton. Mee No. 74 Market streetommad door from Dewber. Ty alloy. Yard on the 08.1131, loot of North argot. Or Mars lett at either place will receive prompt attention. ap4dly JOIN W. Wail., wit 11149 PETER BERNRTSEL,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers