' B fipaial 3Totius. Da. licCurroat's Cole enD Coven liinzruax, the establisbed antlataadir4 }agony for Cougb, Cold, Idllgenza, Ilearseeess, and all witatiola of theretwous membrane or the tbrcat, palate and nose, is endorsed by physicians, sad all who Nov used It, an a preparation tbat has no rival In tho.flabl. Prkc 2.6 cents. ;Sold by George Bergner D. JAE. MCOLIRIQUeII PECTORAL &MT Saints the most harrisslng tough, relieves the oppressed /3=Xe t t:r thOlett,loaSens and bring" away by ' tiotetlee matter which:clogs the vied- Vrkaad bronchial tubes, regulates the excited poise, tee mit; end removes every, symptom of consump. UM. Price $lOO. 'gold by Ow: Emma. 1720 RRTMI.I3 TASr se. VIMMEMIL . TheTo quiet riot - Qr worms—the vile scourges The Vern:dings give, And, as sure as rive, They'll get their disc Whitt is 81i711113 Vssinsuos pl 9 a.pere,andt WOW' Vegetable Curative. No child can beg:aimed by it, no worm can survive' it, no mother should be without it, no words can ozone& Ma , value. nice qa cents. Sold by 010. 3120 . . HOLLOWAY'S ODITIESSIT 'PELLS.QUIOSy or inflammation of the, throat le =very prevalent during the Spring and Fall of 'She year.' Tnowtands of pensous MVO fmniadlitte recourie •to these medicines on the first iyinptoma of attack, and thus not only save time -but even dispense with the flulvloeier. attendance of a physi cian. Colds produced by tile rapid and - frequent changes of the atmeophire during this season, are speedily cured by the pals. These reinedies • fortify . tlle body against the inolemencies of the winter. Sold by all druggletli at and Si,. per box 7 or ot, aepl ITRIFY. THE BLOOD •,* licrinrAtl Lrin Pirse AND 1 1 1thEfiE Br/TEEL— , dteltrfrent to Mama Pais/ea.—ln oases of BOA*la Veers, Scurvy, or Fruptions of the pkin,the operation OFthe Life Medicines is truly astonishing, often removing few daps, every vet lige of there loatheomedieeases by their purifying effects on the blood. Billioue Fevers, Fever and Agee, Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Piles, and in inert; ma i sf o l diseases WWI yield to their Curative properties. N y,phouldbe.witheut them, aa hr.thelr timely *eh sneering aid exnenee may be eared: ' Prepared by WM. B. MOFFAT, M. D., New York, and for tale tly all Droplets nov9-wly 4HOW o EassiorvE Bearrrr.—Norking is more becoming to a man or woman than a luxuriant head of Bair, and a woman's beauty% certainlyinsoMplete with out a fair complexion, and she or be who neglects there greltand important adornments of raturesntist, expect to sugar the 'mortification of premature bahip'eatiigind a wrinkled rice and a callow skin. Nothing is necessary temesterve these essential attractions but the - me a rra'. Wood's Bestorative.—Lcximille 2'ona. PROP. WOODNI BAIR BIKORATIV2.—We have idpc- CaMPIeOSO tkia fartleas 4PreParation of Prot Wooing and - after thoroughly teeting lie &slides, we find that where the heir is thin It will thicken it; if pay It will re store It original color ; likewise, It, gives a glossy appearance, as'well as keeps the hair frirm f I leg oft— Thilthvaluable ingredient is for sale at “Chinamanis Tea Store," south-east corner Frederick and Baltimore Rs by isr. J. C. Givenr—Bakiewre Citimer. Bold by all good Druggists. From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, New York, • July 5j.11159. PASSING NOIICE. Tim Hommickersat's FEIKND.—SSALDING'S PSIPARtD Givi.—This admirable addition to due stand; and household economies will be held by all geed bonsai. wives as a boon long walked for. butbitherto Unattained. Eipaldtbles Prepared Glue Is perfectli adeptettforltiose ttedielynerairis to honeehold wares, fu-niture, crockery andvibr fancy work, that is almait daily demanded by the esperie.ce of every housekeeper. It is chemically held in solution, will withstand the action of climate and time; retains Its tall strength, and is put up in a snug convenient bot Vii, with a brush, all for twentylive cents. On being applied, the chemicals readily evapo rate and the glue becomes firm quickly, and adheres with the tenacity of-the best cabinet maker , eglhe. 'For woodileether, or other articles where glue is ever need, it is just the Meg. We have tried it, and speak by the card. In fhb country it will be hivaluable, and nobody in the Sity will think of doing without it. If Mr. Spalding desires to become a candldate for the Freddency, and hie friends stick like bh glue, he will be sure of an elec tion. , is ! HAIR DYES • 1911. A. 4.frifellELOßll HAIR DAVE!- . The , Orlglnntaidt• - Beet In .the..;.37lTerial ,44 % 1 14L otters are ' - mere imitations, and sinemtbs avol ed, if you whin to' ame ridicule. Y, REP, of 'EMIT HAIR DYED instantly to a besu earair tiful and Natural Brown or Black, withOutinfury to th or Skin. PWJIBrd bIEBAIB ANDIMPLONAS have been &Wind'. ed to We. A. BATOESLON since 3.889,..and over 80,000 ap. ;deadens have been made to the Hair of the Patrons of his famous dye. WM. A. BACHELOR'S HAM DYE produces a color nab) , be distinguished from nature, and is traumas motto injure in the least, however long it may con tinned, and the iillitteets of Rea Dyes remedied; the Hair, invigorated for Life by this Splendid Dye. 4 - hohllnalimAnes and own of the Ultteed / lithan, by. Drejmelie Etneyekeete Deetensi 41eituine- lengths' name and addre,s' updit atdelilpiatko4roltingon , font 'aides ef each Hot, , or . _1 1 11V.: uali.A, Ramon. Addrees • CHARLES RAIVERd.OII, PeornotroA, - • .meeltelkwly 81•Barobry street: New York. TIM 131,00 D Ig 'rag Llad.—NO more 1111111.14:" pock sufferers in our country languish, their censtitatiens rank ed by Jlkon tant dangerous mineral medicines • they, wilrenetotheibunkiiipfbealth,iountiniimpleherbat ' and'Pets frownatures storehouse. The- MOUNTAIN EOM Ms, 0( inhOceitt mountain plants tempos* will reach and atop their (flake's, and nose the 61(0. renewed and cipansed, to ca ry through the body the Me l -- menu ofhetath; building upg, the broken constitution, anit carrying life and health, where but for them would have been the w reck of tidpe-- We feeble moan of suffering.. at last ended Ityllie" cold hand of death. Do not let prejti, diee'overcome your better reason ;do not look upon these P.lllll as only like others ; do not let your despair, after trying eve /thing else, prevent you from trying. thorn.— The blood matt be pure. and then sicknossis impossible. What a great and yet simple truth thii• it appeals to the cumnfout peneleor•ail; th ULU* ireatk i t stotie.oe the healing att. VillISIStS,1(011NIAIN B PILLS will purify and cleame . 40) Sure as the sun willzlse to-mor- Mir Sold by all Itediallie Dealers # >is-Its ERUPTIONS, SALT EBRIlli, FIRYSIPMMIL —44 18 now generally admitted that all eruptive diseases dept upon corns internal or constitutional.cause, and that use washes or ointments for them lea sure way to injure the systiond only to drive in, unite eureithodbMase. But EIIIMPW/VB' SPY/Mille HoId.ROPOBICI BALT sawn Pius are a true specific fur all such disemes. Theyymme Salt Rheum, Barber's Itch; Erysipelas, Pim plee 017 the Face, ihngworm, and Nettle Rash, by ming the wee upon which they depend, and by reatoting the AM to the elate at health and purity. Thus, not. only is the disease cured, but the softness and beauty of the complexion restored. - Price 25 cents petbds, With directions. ilis.bosse $l. is N. TL--A ttfil est` of "fiumpbtayal Tlmateofalido BPS ficer,"*lth-litaik Orlßrectione, and twenty differedt re me. dies, in httglyviithr,'mareeoacese, $5; ditto, in'plain Mdse,, $4; case of fifteen boxm, and Bcoa, W 2. Epee holes 25 , cads and 50 cents. These Reariedkri, by thesdregkr box or case, areneotby mail or espresief the of charge, to any ad dress, on-re *sip tof the price. Address CB. / O .IIO3CLICRIFT'S & 00, No. 502 !bog, Now olk, nalesale and nog agent fbr risMergand ehnity C. I. "Keller. Also' hold by Th ore T. Bobeilbr,. Crania's and stores generally. 49P184awim *N!IRTAIIT' pmaiumias., DR. CHEESDIANNI rILL.B I rB pr ' ed . by Corneliue L. Oheeseman, M. p. „ atiNA.* YORK curr. ,'` combination of ingredients in these Puce are the result or a long and extend*. practice. l i y in their tion, and certain in correcting all 4, , ?'‘; Wiliam SametrEaUous, removing all ob• . , 1 whether from cold or otherwise, heeds:he, pain , ribe foltb4_palpitittlow Of the heart, whitu, elt vous atlectiZ z b r psterilk thtn, path in the beck cad limbs, bn., bed 1 0 13 P . 1 W arille from laterrUNM of nature. ' - TJ MaItiaIIIKADISS, Dr. Cheeseman's Pllla areas they **lberia an the monthly Period . Ladies who), have been disappointed in the. er Pills an *add the Man= =silence in Dr. Mailman's Phil-00W that they represent to do. NOTIoN: There is onscondition of the femaliteOtent it which the PtUs cailitil taken stisthout a PECULZAB RBI S Vic condition. reamed to is /126.34.N0Y— 5pj 'AMA KRUG* Sock is US$ waist/26 Amway tilinadvilo ?Wore he sexual fetesaililfe* toenail condi**, Mu 'soon the riliredeilMhe pew el natile cannot rend if. • Warranted purely vegetable, and tree from liarbbig Ogurians. ROUX. direakcse, which Should be read, cavalry eel , bon. Price al. Sent byjnall aolcising al to nit. Cacanuirs Box 4 1 831 1 /lon Mat New TIME OW. Bold by use 1.1790111 1 / 1 11avgn Slaitesi nape • - Giaaral Atka aim - Oak* • _ ildirtaihray, Keil Yak, lb ram Wholaahronses saidha addruld. • Bald in Burkhart by C.A. liawfvest. = - oda-Whir • • ~ '. - Nem 2thotrtiotmento. GALLOHER'S CELEBRATED ELIXIIR TEE INFALLIBLY CURE OP Colds, Cough, Consumption, Hoarseness, Pains and Weakness in the Chest, Liver Complaints, Dyspepsia, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Quinsettind general Debility, and for- Parifying of the Blood. This medicine has acquired a just celebrity for the core of all diseases arising from severe colds; and its of ha* been attested and annoyed by hundredl of our mat respeitable citizens. In every instance 111117 HAS 'Mit GIVEN' Many have been CURED OF CONSIIMPIION, and'hun dreds of references can be given in various parts of 'the country, who speak of the medicine in the highestlerms. It should be kept on.band by every family. Ills plea eant and very good for children. READ THE FOLLOWING CERTIFICATE& We, the iulaelliAned, drp certify. th at we have used GALLOHERffI RR ARATIOM. for COMMMnfinu. Colds, Diseases of the Lungs, INer, ko„ and bavingrxyarienced immediate relief there fr om, would recom Mend it.* all afflicted in that way William Colder Br Cyrus 7 Neese, Wm. Mitchell, Proxith'i, • Kirk-Few, Sr., Nev. B. B. Waugh, Cherie Fjduenett, William Jennings, Prof. Wm- Knoche, Jamb - E. Eby, O. Matthews, Mr. J,ollii Mffler, - • Mrs. Coleman, . A. Zimmerznai, -David Herr, le-V.)ln COO, O. Zimmeruutn. XAKOPACII/RED AND SOLD BY J. GALLORER, Sole Proprietor Fertile by the manifacturer *it his reeddencie 10,113 Sheetnut - atreet; and at HAILYAN'it GRoanirr Sum; NO. 59 Market street, Sole Age* fir this city. All orders from a distance pramttly lined and the Medicine Ibrwardedly ExPress to any part of testate. yle dtf - ' - SANFORD'S LIVM INVIGORAt'OR , . REVEE DEBILITATES. . . IT Is vompounded en ti rely fromVume, and has become an established kat, a Standard Medi cine,an i iirrin in r d "Pir" 0.. tjtrooridenancvee nand in al/ the diseases .tor which it la re- %Jr • commended. It himettred thousan within the bud two' years who - had given up allbo of relief, as the numerous unsolicited certilioatee 4n • possession show. The dose must beadapt- ed to the temperament of the individual taking lt ,and g used In such quantities ar to act gently onthe bonen: - 1 Let the deetates of your ludmenguide you In the use of t fi e I.NU• DIVIGO- RAMA' and it 'will cure Win Commute% Rano Mtensn Dumatus,Oretote. zolkssautoss; Sums OM- ' mann; Deminsar, Dime , sr Sobs - Etroiesak Salim - sm. Catteneantin Cootie, Cisomas Monson, CWOLZILL 1211 , 2•211221217; Jaosmcs, FNMA= W its- MIMS, and may heti osw successfully as an OM:NA- ST ELM= lIWWWW4 It oureSSIK RUDA (ad thousands can Wily) IN SWIM 111A02113, TS 2W OR MUM tWASKIO27I)LBA re zare yoIIIIII6IIMINS RIWICIk. ALL:rr.,Azi an me their testimony in its beforfr,L ..._ . - /Ormuz Wetter i n e month 'with thetjar vigerrinig, and' - irevallow both together. . =or on DO).1411 Psi sorra. —ALSO.-- . . ' - - ISANFORD'S _FAMILY, 212-1 m CATHARTIC PILLS - . ,oOMpOUNDED FROM PURE VEGETABLE EXTRACTS .AND PIM UP IN GLASS CASES , AMC TIORT, AND .. WILL KEEP IN: ANY CLIMATE. . The 7/AIIEILY OATILtIt- .- -" TIO PILL, is a gonna. ho active Catreatie width I:6 proprietor has used In hlse P The " more t n "in wentl : a- 4di dfronithose who have long used the PILLS and the satisfaction which all express In regard to 14 their use, has Induced me to place them within the p,, mach of all. The Profession welitknow . •-• that different Cathartics act en difierent porgons of the .. bowels, The FAIMIf 'CATILM Ili ference to thilfwell astab• 1.4 ded from , a variety of the Es whicht4tit alike.on ev " nal, write good and thardOis needed, sucifilei in skigittery haw in Pm; 'm Pas* afid /forestal over ro rpl. i or taiga in , the head, all _- WO/Mein Oliadrat co. Ad- ril Piwifter of the Blood, and i gf teak is heir. too numerous 7 N tesetnent. Deem 1 to 8.0. I -A.. ,- - - , , -PRIM 80 , CENTS. Tit* Ida* Dritabassoit aan Batarif CALLA. to Prue - are retailed by Druggists generally,and sold wholesale by the T*de in all thaximile ti )l v 9 1 4 4 • - - - . .--.., n ' ' ' '$ it v/ trANBOVIVW,-;.:- • ' -- ' --•- ' At traikiiker ci Bra law e .., .wee• au an pr , , ~ jfehdawyi]-...sas Broadway; -NerrYorkt ' - ER CENT.' FUND, The lemmyl*Einialafet3r Fund and • ,Deplisit Company, 'Corner of Fifila - and Walnut ;Sets. 7 CAPITAL 11P50,000. Money received in any sums, large or small. - Interest paid from the day of deposit. Office open daily from 9 to 4 O'Clock. Deposits paid back on demand. Married women and.minors can depoilt and dila the same in their own names. INTERS= '• Kerlin ienvenimme of Mbroltents amiothers, checks can use atLintitiffits. This institution.invests its moneronly In Beal ilstate; Bonds and Mortgages, Ground Bents and•-tr.. B.'Sectui ties, as per charter , giving the most portent security to argitiroslritiO4sytitiOrsl Per sieelr or in advance; ,q-Eaoti share entitles the holder to a loan of $l,OOO on approved aeon*. - :, . =.SI . ICNGTat SIIOEMAKER t Frimedept. S. 4.4l6taiktql„‘CAttbiett. ' Northliasitonier walnut stwds. ildek. ,, vr .lIEE .16 RA: B ONE SUPER=PHOSPHATE OF LI ME Aim FRAM virstairi soints,ar BAT 4ll & 0 N,g, wsorStcus 017104 AirLi stou, No. 2O Soutb, woes, B mum x.aut!et ♦aa amotrucr Gash litoo 4 per (2)4 eta. poi pound.): A liberal Discount made to Dealers. In the PrepaidlclL of this, valuable manure, DMUS Alla USED' IN THEIR Bain - STATE ONLY. They lia never been DOMED or CALCIUM. They are taken as =lure has made them, crushed with powerful machinery, and aubJeoted to a process, by widen, obilp all the virtue of the Bone is reMlned,, a Fertilizer is procuiteVernishing" In concentrated and voluble torn:ll.4'4*D badiapiattable ingredients for the growth of Plants and iihrlokinglha viz : FacaDDORIC ACID emitoldeite:, These tiro in, sredients, by the use of .I:laugh's flaw Bona super- Yhospbate," are given to the soil in all their OaIGINAL STaiNOTH AND mum /hey assimilate at once with the soil, furnish all the needful Ammonia for the growing crop, giving it ample luxuriance, and leaving the land tufty b,enatitted so that its presence can be traced r yearn, afterward& CARD. `The steadily 'emceeing demand which has followed the introduction (tor RAW 'BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME is a marked proof that the ihretar and Piaster are be ginning to OPPrecbtte the value of each Itertlitscra, as. not not only produce the first crop MICAO PERIII.IIMMY.ZIV PROVE Tze SOIL ; and on this point we have Abuutlaut evidence from those who prefer its use to that of Peru- Irian Guano.. Sinew the-kpoduction of our article we balecontinn. ally deilred to Itirnisti a Manure combining ALL Um Iw. portant condittiente of laic Bones -and we have stoma -11.11 llsbed this by a process orlginatif with , and nandb only y; ourselves. GPO 455 SWIM * No. .510 south Vlrluirveo, Ws atomism Femme AND. 741221111 TO IN OUR AMMO, t• . • • aiblieroirs GOLD 112103! v Jan.&:FINE POINTS, and line quint oEf 0 0 0 MtstAg 20 PER " af, o oor e r 'N F TM E a". MOAN iint try them. No a 1 *r44 } toy 24 ilitnnoßluania latl ecitgropt), tiaturbap 'Afternoon, Septtinba 29, 1880. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BITCHII 1 For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidney, Gravel, Drriat. Ac. LD'S Extract Buchu for Secret and Delicate Diseases. BELMBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for Nervous and De bilitated enterers. HELMBOLD'S Extract of Brian for Less of Memory, Lose of Power, Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves and Universal Lassibtde of the muscular system. BEINBOLD'S Extract of Buchu for all distressing all rosats--gbstructione, Irregularities, Excess In married life, or early indiscretions &0., and all diseases of the sexual organs, whether existing in Meteor Amato, from whatever cause they may have originated, and no mat ter of how lout Blanding. DICTILLOT BUCIIU le pleasant in Its ste and odc,r, andlonnedlate in its action. Prlce,Sl per tile, or six forifi. Delivered to am address, acCola- Wed by reliable Certificates . . gold by ail Druagleta .an2l.3m. • 7)ep0t.,104 South Tenth St. Philadelph REAVIESTATE P4:At• Will BE SOLD Ai! PUBLIC BAJA, at vraitt's City Ha 'I 11, on tIESDAY EVENTIBO, Onto er 2,1860. The property shim% is Harrisburg, fronting on MarketSquaro:lB feet 6 inches, and extending -back 198 feet, more or lets to River alley; adjoining on 1110.0110 side property of Dr. Jacob Wisitling, and On the other ride propertyof ,Rndolph Kenter,-thareen erect ed a two-story brick dwelling house, with a, two-story brick b i ck building, - .TIIMIS OF IiAI,J3.- - One third on the flint of April,lBBl.„'whatipeamession will be even robin rut haser, ,, ono-third - owthe Bret of April, 1862,Vithintered frau' April-I,lBBl,und one third On the Arai- orAprfl, 1868, with intorenitlrona April I, 1861. Title indinputalls, - '• "- ' Attorney for heirs of Marth l a Inge* deed. Harrisburg, Septemberlo.•-domitas - FAMLLY BIBLES. A THORoUGHLY complete stock of all LI;136131, styles, CHEAP mamma, Ilailte4st nty24 BOYER'S SULTAN AS • uo For Hot and Cold Dia& of all lEn'tds. moat delioioaa. and Sauce, triveritel Wei nee csEtrai% P ) Rif; the UM. Reform filub, te, elute Ms mentil by the howl, aeons & , Imp, from the L'ocdpeo Le the ROME* Brottand, and o* the with %Mph soldtrow _Eton &meek American Epice% audio math, approved • *4 a dimelant to the appetite Amon. unman or 'nag Lo, Armor mug' vs. "We recommend our correspondent to try Mona SOT- S/ft new Sauce, 'entitled .the Since.' It is made sitar the Turkish. recipe; its Savor is excellent, sad it. 'lards considerable aid in casestf-slow and weak , dlgeallon.”—The Lased. 'jlßavory, Piquant, and ,Sploy, worthy the genius of Soyer.”—Gbermr.- "A most valuable adjunct to Fishi: Flash) and Fowl, and should have. a place on ever*? tsibteP4-41ttai Sole Ayenis for the ratted States. - GARDNER G. YIJKLDF, SIT Fulton at.,. G. Y. andRBAY & RAYRS, 84 OoruLill,,Hoatn-- For salehy GrOoera snd,rultlealera everywbeie. janl4dy-Btaw-ina. . EINED AN E s EC: M ra R ii0 1 1 1 Vir 8E EXTRA. FINE O POINTRD - • Gotartifar OF NEWTON'S (formerly Bagley's) manufacture, warranted to his the beetin material, the finest pointed, most durable, and as cheap as any n market, for sale, with a variety of Gold and Silver Cases of varicun elan aridsrleee ' IIEWNWS &Lei:Ml(4Bos)lZ r fd Ifsliftet street. - _ . THE ORIGINAL AND 02,M8 `DR. TOWNSEND'S =PILL ba.q vilth (Were. Hated feet, been compering purest Vegetable liktreorte, of theiellmenttnyca ''',lllM oases 'where s _ea• trertingeindat of Blolaoh, orpoitis, (lett -77 Otarrestnet sseaaa itheustatink a many . Assam to. *mon tihnention in Ma ivot. COMPOUND EXTRACT OF S A R  PA-RllataAs THE 13140,0 D. TIM SOVEREIGN" BEWINDY TOE ERUPTION% OF THE SKIN, trLIX&RATIED BOREOF AND ALL FORMS OF ITO'FA.NEOUS DISEASES; can be speedily and effecthally cured byl e rj: enliato WbFik. REN OVV NED - 'kit - 141-P ARILLA: . thoaandslinte experienced' its salutary. effects, and tens of tbousandd tars Witnesaffiknotil it. has eased to. be qsationanninithe ihtelligerit porUon Of the oom When the Blood benomes lifeless and, stagnant,] aim fromthe effects of Spring weathir, change of *data e want of exercise, the use of a unilbrm aline diet, or any other cause ; tide compound hxtract of.hansparilia, will maw the 'twos), carry off thO - parid humors, =MO thesiomum, REGULATE THE BOTVELZ, And impart., a Tone - 4:if...Vigor to: the. - • Whole Body: , :TO TUE • PElBlile. The . pubilearo hereby notilled - that - the'preparation tensivelylinown as Dr. S. P. Townsend's Oompound Ex tras t or Sarsaparilla,* now manufactured under my di. rection and superileion, from the original recipe obtained from Dr. E. P. Townitend; and I certify that it is mammon ed - Of logredients PURELY VEGETABLE, * WITHOUT .IdEVCOM.V; and ilao that the Ingredients arti„JudiolOuSlY nom minded, so as to obtain from them their greatest medicinal erect. ' ' _ n JAMES CHILTON:Id. D., kemist Dr. S. P. TOWNSEND'S Cogeoutro* Dan= or PABILIAi IftuS a reputation among all civilized "nations as the belt preparatEM for itenckrating and ituifyingifthe , l3l.ooD which sCianci has.eVer offered to - man. In ibis resides IM PECIIIIAR EXCELLENCE, and to this is due Its world wide renown. It contains all the linhgetable p`iiiiciplei which experi ence has proved Useful in clearing the SYSTEM from DrarasE, extracted and combined witlithe higheseskill which the . relitienumts of modern chemistry-tumble uslo employ. Whatever may be laid mottiSed coMpei/torc Or t •spleinetio physicians, the fao medicine-is:EVERY WMDRE USED, end-thekilkasiscrtatesaainercatted de• mind, shows conclusively that, It mileages :Inedkinal, merit. or thathst order - - • To svoiAImissISOSII IOII4 I I4 OGEOTI to ace that DR. JAMES. - CHIIRE CtERTNICATE as well as the SIGNATURE of Dr. aP; Townsend, Is iv; the outsltteisTsossdienoh . httle. HOWELL & - 13OURKE -,MAN:OI4OTUREBE 41124:!RTERS PAPF,R, ItOTGINGS N. .0 corner of goitkaud Mark& eats, Phikt4kia. sept26,3mw* M ADA Sd tilitENV INFALLIBLE POWDERS ) For the ape Odi and effeetial Cole of all Avers, lthettmaiss, Dyspepsia and Liter 7„e,a l ig Pa ;firtives` ,l a4 all.-dciddi t rVitrinfd or Annus and Onnoaan: Sand' ;rite cent dhow in'her Agent. G. B. JONES. sundreasaktestlespaialy 13o,x.XV19,Allatea tZ. • tar Agesieff ;19:18 - iihei• H of anditt'. rch strieVer. sept'2&Btiv -, -SMOKED :BALMO A FRESH and very supenorAot, 811,131f2D.111ASMON jefeCreedire&aelner sale by WM. DOCK, JR. & CO. AFINE ASSOMMENT oFstima AND CJ OTH 13.1117SIIESaor sole at low Waal at, 1311CR41ZIgn'S'CBELP BOOMORE, Rut 41 Mar retartalta "l a m. - OF' RA:ETA - AA cfm - pluerz, LE , NEXT TERksillvommenee Z. ' lintrirg36ol6o7 — tor - CitiOguei ChliOnt , 1.4 ~14)31L P ARK W R c r ivio, " 4 la: siagMtwo New 2buertistments. - -IB The Great Renovator of BE VERY,C4REFUL 14 RENO 0114 Propiietor's icrhAl.ffidtdipstrfiet e N. And' tar daleby A ver F , Iltvgd ft.( tdd d eity, 44043111:47 - Ntw ahertistnunts. 13 7 nIGN OM AB A 031 • AGENT. 21176 -MILICIOCS TONIC IMBEROULLY amp' ed for the nee of the .111 Prifiaston and the /boat havingimper seded the , , ss-ailled "Gins," "ArOmatio," "Cordial," "Medicated." I. cow endorsed by all of the prominent chemists and anmoinustmt, as possecshig all , thole Intrinsic medloinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which belong •ta , an ota sad PM Gin. Put op in quart bottles and sold by all druggists, grocers, *to. - *IL BININGII , I & OD., (Kitletillithed in - ins.) SolaProprietors. No. 19 Bread Skint, N. Y. For sale by W. W. & H. Smith,—French, Richards & Co.. an el d phisall' . of the Moniinent Wholesale Druggists in Phasd daabm Lr IF E O.F L I N C OLOI ONLY 'TIN ez2vrat gLARGE authorized Pamphlet edition of the LIFE OF LINO= can be bad at BBEGNIOPE CHEAP BOOKI3TORE. Pries tea wits. . ' saide GOAL OIL 4 OOAL•OIL 11 COAL ow 11 COAL on, I COAL OIL 11 COAL OE 11 COAL OIL 1 COAL OIL ! 1 COAL OIL 1 1 COAL OIL,! „COAL OIL! 1 COAL OIL 1 1 1 , COAL "OIL LAMPS ! COAL O IL LAMAS' I I COAL OIL LAMPS: COAL ,OIL LAM:PS! ! COAL OIL LAMPS! COAL LAWE4 , COAL oft: LAMPS! COAL OIL LAM PS! ! Hand; aloe, Itniolet, Hanging and Ede Is*, 11 , 1 Hand, Stand, Bracket,. Hanging aid Hide Wale r I Hand, Stand, Hradec Hanging and aide Lamp 1 Bald, &Ind, Bracket, Hanging and Side Lampe 1 1 I Beautiful and Very Cheap.! Beautiful and Very Cheap! Beautiful and Very Cheap ! Beautiful and Very Cheap ! Lamps clanged to burn Coal OIL All Abe Coal 011 and lamp sold by us are warranted to give entire nondlte tlon. Please .(111/1 and see them. D.. W. GROSS ar, CO., Wholesale and Retail Druggists, 19 Market aireet. sep26-2ulaßtw MAGBINIS' TS WANTED! J 11! , Qood , Steady Machinists wanted 'OII the Sobnylkitit Bmquebanna Railroad Compa ny to work in their shops atitaneeD gap. •Nnontee . GEORGE gammon, eegcaoret Agent Eta Bit 00. 1 Palm's Depot. .• PROW, AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. DRUGS AND CEINICALS. Patent litdicints. ' PaMily Ned billet: Patent Medicines. =Family Medicines. Patent Medicines. -Family Medicines:- Trusses, Supporter% Shoulder Braces. Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Brame. Trusses, Su meta, Shoulder Brades. PYSIMEERY. • I' Y, FANCY AND TOILET ART.ICLEN. FANCY =A NDVOILETABLENACE FANCY AND TOILET ARTIONLEN. PRIME HAVANA. CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. PRIME HAVANA CIGARS, TOBACCO. st. We endeavor to bay and sell the very beat of every. thing In oar line always have a good assortment In store from customers moy choose. And at tnir prices *a &cantata a stare of 112111.1411110 DR No. 01 Market Ares.; 'A. iIAWLEYI6. t TRADTICAL -11/..tt. ME 231 117 Nortla, 4th stamp, Rhate4eloiia. rrHE Propfietore .of ,this,eatabiiskieerit feel cooildent that their prepaations will compare Favorably with in - the world r eithettforeign dd. mestitr. ENTNACTS for the Handkerchief of ~t heunost exquisite °Om POLLI4II and OM.S.lbreherNair alloy finest teatartrandibe sweetest perfume's. - -- Shaving Creams and Toilet Soaps, of thednestimintost, delicate formation. Also,llawleyta.LLtquld Hair-Dye, is decidedly superior to any now in use. Hawlers.Oleate of , Cocoa. This preparation Is'as article above all others for dressing the ham. It is ex osedingly tine and .dellootei and readout the, hair dark, soft and glossy. The odor IS delightful: No one should be without it. POWDERS, 80/DOUSE. SOME. 0 1 .1 and every variety of fine and choice perfumery. Bowlers FRUII'EXTRAOTS for EavOrlntries, dings,; Jellies, Conteettenary and 'Mineral Water Syrups All 0 which rival the peat and ere sntPisted byAone. eep2ektr3nis )4* — rugs ! DRS ! ruAts ! r." LADIES' FANCY EMPORIUM.: KAR,ErRA & THOMSON, old stand, No. Sle, Markel etreet, above Eighth, south aide, Phila. phia. We beg leave to the attention of the ladle= to our large.and varied- stock of Ladies and Children's Fancy rms.' Having had great.miberien.m, end enjoy lug peculiar facilities in tde eelection of Fors, we confi dently offer our new stock.th tbelnspoction of the ladies, feeling assured' that wilßilecideWitlx.uti t ftng unrivalled' forliestitY-`llth siarlety,"ceirshitieg - U diross, of every description • of AMERICAN-and EUROPEAN FURS 'manufactured 'in the latest' and most approved stylea. Capes, Talmas, Fr Victorinep,, Cloaks, Multi., tuffs,tuf fs, embracing Sabin, Mink . , Stone Martin, German Fitch Si berian Squirrel, euchlgable,'Presch Squirrel;Stinirleati Fitchand - Silver Mari*: ' tor Mink:NlP* the very liberal patronage lierdeliiiis extended tons, we hope to , anti t" a continence o f the same, by - furnishing a good article at tbehiereqeseh price. EittElltA. & THOMSON; ' NO. 818; Market Street, N. .8,.L01e Fors altered tp fashionable • acp26-wam• fIiA.MX,L,Ittf:HIII , St.- - , Walnut Street Beivielwr Socoilikapd. Th . ihkii HARRISBURG CITY. %NH'S HOTEL baying been revel Ts , A. modeled, ratted and Yefuridslied in the latestsuid meet approved style, billow opmlbr thb Rosen:media* of visitors. lbw TAB LB will broupPlied in the most hberal manneryanitallPoesible Tore will be ezfircligea the general arrangementsortlie l. with view to the Mae* and- cterrentenesi of • Ogee. Being ',defer ; - mined that the house sballbe emanated In a numb'. ini surpwnoxl,brany,-I solicit fbeersibisti of my former Pat rons end tbspublic in general. igikbarges reasonable, withobt nines. - - , AIKOBOII, xmlisak. N. new and spadousMlLE' is now in progress of erection cm the premises, and will be com pleted in a shorktime, when the accommodation lii ibis reaps% WlB be ample and of the very bestlibid. . , latßol9 - AND COM oft. plivali mime! inr nos' 4 "NEW, YORK RE - ROSENE,.OI:I,J CO:" VirhiShis.the largestmansfactory In the- eonntryore are preparetto supply ear vastoMers-and Milers with this ,Supstiorfliksvhich weerillwarianteguaFtoiliehest that Is made;.it m verritghtooloredandlusrmstriMant ly without masks or smelt, and , willimeoldit - Martutho• tura/144m1, Alto, 13131a4124611.13XD, ALCOHOL 11101 OM and SPIRITtrotTIVEPENTINE,aS lowsst market, AR . orders immail orotherwise willbe.promptly and carefully attended to by Mti:ALI•A OMSA ajawwft . , .No,472^North,ThhearoeLNPhiladetgbh. , . NOTICB.----Came-to-the , premises of -the sebsoilber,-. i¢ Ntddle:PaxtlektotenshiKabout four days ago s SMALL HID COW with a red face, and a bent around ear neck, The owner is-requested wane for traWerompeopetty, pay alines end - take -We -animal • awaVotherwize shewilrbe akofeed-efaceorditypteliwe sept26-Stut*-- - --NISOTOUT. G. A. & E. A. LaNDELL, ,No. 110 NORTH IVIAIMBEI, ltienuracture Mad Plitent. Die ilave „ for. oda jibieimmdkm Eii‘illf" . l idenani AditiligOie Hind, 641,:ind 7 'POMP. F 7 : ,; I 4 bruhltenn. ' l o43‘Blitebe4 illl/4114(11 ' Me %V ia 1141 44 1 - 11 / 4 VS:i -VY /15 (4. 30 31` *Pat.. } 1:4 araell4Wo4ll:o4otOla:av:ets I w l / 4 1144- 4 1410: --r New 2tlivertiontunte. PENAT 17. VAN/A . In the name and by the authority of ,the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Wur.reat F. PAMIR, Governor of the said Commonwealth. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, By the !Third Section of the Act of the General Alilewdly of the COmmonwealth, passed the 2241 day of April, A. 1858, en titled. "Au - Act to eftsitdishaliinking Fond for the payment of the..Foblic Debt." it is: made the dAti oldie setreel*riuf the Commonwealth, the Auditor General and itate TosuntrenSfteir misidarteri of the Sinking Fund, created by the said Act of Assembly, on the first Monday of September, A. D. 1859,.. and on the same day =fluidly, thereafter, to report and, certify . the Governor the amount received under the said Act, the amount of interest paid, and the amount of the debt of the COMMOWNeIith re deemed and held by them. -WhersuptmilM Gov ernor shill direct the 'certificates representing the same to be , cancelled, and , on such cancella tion, issue his Proclamation stating the fact, and the exthigubdummt and final discharge. of so much of "the prinoiyal of sold debt Arm Wmoubis, by the Ninety-eighth Bretton of the Act Of the General Ameembly passed the 19th day , of April, A. D. 1858, entitled, "Aii Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of Government," it is prOVlded that thereafterthe receipts to the Sinking Fund to the amount that may be necessary tocancel the relief Woes now in circulation, under the proviskeis of the Act Of thx4th day °fling, A. D. 1841, and the re-hiams adder:theXot Of the 10th day of April, A. D. 1849, shall be applled toward the quit:eV lotion of said lames. • AND WEEMS, William M. Matter, Themes E. Cochran and Ell Slifer, flommipiioners of the Sinking Fund, in obelenceto.the requirements of law, report and certify to me, that the debt of ihe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania redeem 4 ed and held by them from the sth day of Sep tember, A. D. 1859, to the 8d day of September, A. D. 1880, amounts to _the sum. of KM HUN DRED AND TWO THOT3BAND, TWb 111 M: DEED AND SCITY-FOUR DOLLARS AND THIRTY-BErCENTS, Wide up as fallowia. stork and Garai) /.011/8 $691.3.%(-11A Intenst C44114,101q1.• •ra•42 .11011e3N - 4(43:00104344' ' ..... I 41,00 Domistio Creamy . 1144 6" 40 Total , 30434264 30 Now ,Trisnirons, as required by the Third Section orthe AO*, AltsemblY, 140, *do hereby bane *is; gradamatisop, declaring the payMent;cimUdlrdiou, eutinguitihment and final discharge' f Mx Handed and Two,Thou sand, Two Hundred anclfilitifourDollars and Thirty-six centsditie principal of the debt of the Commonwealtb,-Inolndings Five Thousand Five hundred and Twenty-seven Dollars of the relief issues which have been cancelled and de stzoyed, as authorised by .the Niuety-eighth 6 e0 41011 1a Lthe-dzt;iof the Nineteenth of April, A. D. One ThousandHightegundred and Fifty three. Given under my. Hatultapd the Statei at Harrisburg ; Shia Thirtemfkday of September,iAthe : rug of our Lord, One Thousand, fillgbt,Hundted- and Sixty, and of the Commonwealth the Elgbity-fdt. • PACKER By the Governor, -Cfri Wm. M. - -fiftuwnMonwadth. MEI Std-Stw GLENN'S „ ONE PRICE HAT. AN]) CAP STORE, (oonsza or TIEB , PM- FONT BLOCK,) N. West corner', of Eighth and Race Streets PHILADELPHIA The public are restieethally , invited to bear is mind that at this Store may he foottd an itegortmaet,otlaahionabie and tfandsome . Moleskin Dress Ham soft Hats, sigh, To)* an4],ikeilOunillepAeio w n, OLyt and Ginned Caps, Plush and Plinth Tffnuned Cape far Fancy RatsliudCatp for Children, at, FAIR Parma. .01F• NO TWO PINOIL 4 FOX REMO:4OOAS. h/418-77/7 West Ohester*-Femalc'Stitline4 uitrttu , .wAsw °Kw, ?i 'THE minims v fly MEET , SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION, . of this hientution_willnommence °Tribe Ilritinf Sop. tanner, and terminates on the last day or' January, in cluding a period of Ore months. ,The usual Fpring Gen will he discontinued. Circulars containing terms; Ste., can be had on app li cation to th e Prineinals. The goose of instructions includes all the'branches of a thorough English Education ; also, the Latin, French, and German Langpages, Instrumental and_Vocal Mole, and Plain and Ornamental Needle Work. Thorough and oompateor temolientora employed in each Department.— VIRUS : -For _flooding and! , Tuition in the English Branches, including= washing, Joel and lights, $75 per see sionrpayabla, in , advance ; bills for Instrumental and local nolo, and the Languages, will be furnished 1014•- terly. jy27-Stntis HA.INES- BROS ' OV ER STRUNG GRAND ACTION PIANO FORTES, Celebrated for superior ty OfIONS anal elegance bad -beantyof finish. These-Mawr have ahrays taken when placed in ooropetitinn - avlth - all other make"." CakuncvAti. Clifialurhter.' Josplendld assortment of LOUIS XlVAind plainer styles always on band. Also Pesondhend Pianos rint , PRINCIPSIMPROVID MELO. DEONS Itotn.sll6 teSB5O. 1111101verY , Ititatroment wasrauded. (3310.• L. WALKER'S Plano and Mehideon salt-w6m S. E Cor. 7thrivadltrek Ms., I hfisid'a. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE TN PURSUANCE of an order from the 1 . orphan's Court of Dauphin county, Will be sold at public sale On THURSDAY, Octobelw - stse, on the pre- Mite% all that manage and tract. (or tediolidag trams). of bleat late the estate or NJOHAEL EHEEDIAN, dectid., situate Swatara township, in the county or Dauphin. edit:Ohm lauds of JAcob Deal, Boasinb Peters. William Colder, Jr., the PensimdvaeL Canal and laolds late the estate of Jacob M. Haldeman, dec'd., containing about EIGHTEEN ACRES; thereon erected a TWO STOAT 4 ERAME`. DWELLING ROUSE -rj .. and a BANK BARN, a SPRING -LI HOWoatE, (with never water,) and Cher home. ty Matt/sated Omit one fourth of &mile be low the city of Harrisburg, on the Middletown Turnpike and Pennsylvania Canal, haviorthereen in good working order = one or the test LIMESTONE QUARRIES' in ale county with_an ineshaustable supply of Slime foi-huild ing eolime burning purposes. -The land is all clean and' Ina high state of cultivation, under good fence. - The premises will bestild "awn wltole, or inlets to spit purchasers. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. hf-, or said day, wipm,terele vilifielege knoWikbY MENGE "lIMICHIMAN and • Essaatots pt ths last wilt aim/ of eli o n oe i B6riesPt!n. e 4 ti' . • itetOrts ,ja,...,.lthrieb7._. given to JAMES , • 91 1 -4 4 teat, ho tete in my emm, are MS 004 otli ( P. ,- the 0 111; 6 1 of tiotobert at. 2 Dor rizat ,„ t ifida w v, r 4.l9 ISO. itgal Noticcs NOTICE TO ALL WHOM IT MAI t that I have this day purchased is pi 7: /hi the following personal prorerty. leased to him during my pleasure, Hone, one Bay Horne, two . Setts of II .- R , : Wag. Halifax, august 29,1660. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, bETTERB testamentary upon of. Jacob Sharer, late of Humme: , *, ling been issued by the Register of Da'-s n the itabscriber, reeiding in Hommel-oco, indebted to said estate are requested to ma;:.. paymsat, and thane baying claim against notified tozzat them lbr setUement, angl6l JACOVI Mon, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOB is hereby given that Kelly, of .1110119011 township, llaup , . cc• - Mgr made a voluntary deed of laElatunent ,f a. perty to Villain Bodoni, of Jacksonville, flr of his creditors. Ail person therefore said glsorgiskeilly anarequested to wake pay it aidendpital without delay, sad th ose spinet the raid Gum Kelly will pr - ect t.. ansierly authenticated, Solite undersigned 1 , , ~ • WILLIAM Ext,F..i; Assignee of Geer;. : Jacksonville,lngest 5,1560. MOUTORS' NOTICE, HEREAS, Letters of Adminia have been granted to the tindent„:t Resider ot Will, of Dauphin county, o n 'h.., BRILIAMItt Biabilt, late of Derry tow - county, deemed, notice is hereby giro 3 Indebted to said estate to make paymeri delay, and to all persoos having claims n to premed them Apr settlement. Jtxecut.urs o: Derry tp.. Mimi 14, litto.-6w5 NOTICE B IDIRKI3T GIVEN that I 1., I **a twat imam Beetleyoung, Inlnothip im ; Dauphin toonnty, One how which ee left in Lis posseekdon AU penmen arorkereby noilued not to n.... owns imeskyinanner. ae they are my pm] , sale ier the earns Lacing been duly r , r. r • per offioe. 717 .'s'A aatagtanlic A 14123124 NOTICE. IyiETTEAS testamentary oli tll.. et <SIBS. Lucarra HOYER, d,c,,F 1 i• been granted to the underaigr,ed, •i: v. r.c ing 4 5 4 , 1 1 4 7 1 0. . th e estate of tho said t•:e•, 711411 :40,M050 hneHrt the same w.tho:l :e those 'to gild estate are request,: to It. mediate payment. • J. D. CAMERON F. , Harrisburg, Sept. 6, 'ago. NOTICE ! rro. ALL - 111RBONS INTEREST 11 tlidliettledient of the estate of late b i te s township, Dauphin county The ' Court of said county a,. .60 *editor, lc make distributko u. in theUndsOst was finder, the Adm -;r1 estate:Weald George Kissinger, decd., to :a the heirs of said decedent, and the Audit..r PIMA Y, the 614 day of OCTOBER u, , t, Chealant.npreet atßsmtbnrg, at 10 0 neon of ershitty, for the purpose of mak a.: • . ung*, where,-and when all persons neet(l.lliteld. JOHN L ireptlit-wBt PREMIUMS j 1„. , TO CLUBS. 10111REMITTME ± TO CLUES. 113REM/UME j„,„, TO CLUES. PTO CLUBS. REM:IIIMS TO QM*. BEMIS:WS TO CLUBS. f• REMIIIIIS TO CLUBS. ;'..", TO C LUBS. Mill:FM 'TO =BS. B WWI Minna To cum, $ l OO LELODBONF, . EMIUM , sIitikEELODEONS, EADILY` r. AD of the above article ._OßT.4lN.lD. very heat. Hod, and wli, EADILY tleeh from the maker's La OBTATNEi In Meted as premiums to : Tr & Div, ' makeup clubs of 10 to I. '..,..„ ere ibr the Anserioon .1- , ,, M.t... .lr-m.,accordlng to the cost 01'1. E Y faired. No such bbero' ou waiI:NED, I±2l tied premiums Lac. . • READILY- innem offered, and it ii of ; , OBTAINED. because the P ubl " ..r " i o EADILY ji s e a ft t brCr pt lon cr t h. , I TOPvolumeto a r. , , , 1 XI I . wrung R ED,, 'The price of th e rap 7 READILY t y .r ear, or SO cents w t , ..n , t, , oBTARsgo, more, and alum= t ~t., . READILY In a 'tingle Wei:bort. makeup a club lureer , OBTAINED ilare free ty , cost, any 01... • EADILY - invoice that may any L', OBTAINED. capers for a club of u't,- - EADILY lite sent to several d,:!..r, mum- m ice') Over 1000 pers,i. (delved one of more of i I 114 EA DILY na , fr om mo Agri , h Xi) OBTAINHIX.Mwe yeiri past, aud v..;.'.. Y zonal/lotion. Ir MD. The Agriculturirt b is' ,thopttblie for 19 yearsi and. has Inabacri .7r- . . %Beet Mikes in theroulted States. 11l p-,.- ,readers number metro than-60,000. It 1., ...: . well knoWn, - thatlittiameed be raid heru !• high and valuable character. ' AlgilrAST WOOD yeentattpaioted wit?. •, 'desiring a specimen Onprior raising a OP.. " plied PRI: 1107 alfAlitr# by seeding his elm , .::: the poillisliar. : .." f ..,: The"AgrOnaturialtiehli only to be seen : • ted. It in special) , adapted to the Far:u, - . libuissiholti, and contains a red numb,r , : hinwind 'width reliable Infornuttiou, use! , I 1. who cultivates a foot of ground, and toe v,. , WIFE in the land. The 32 double quarto r .. number, gives ample spade for the di /Muss i 0.. .. 'Garden and Household matters ;and in addit. • 'useful, „iuntructive and eztertatoing &mato., and 'Boys; it is, therefore, the moat oomph t, b le - Fannir MIGAZINI in the country ; an.: , large eircubtioa, the publisher is able to : .r.. . lower that even journals Of an tuf..l r character. Every annual volume coma., ~ dB 000 worth of pleasing and instructive 1.. N many of thenfof large airs. ,gyp -Those who know the Agriculturitt w ::l i.t above assertions, and thou) who do not st. ~. , I a ropy, which will oast theta nothing but synr to thOp.ublieber.. ORARGE JUDD, 41 Park Row, N. gAKER S P.B.—As a special preni..r l 'subscribers to the Arterre,in Agya , s, AK andalso to avoid breaiz.r. ame, &Lwow subscribers u" DM for 11411 (Vol. /M ) cat i.... .„. A .E . UMW . entered Immediat•ii ... COZEN Mall Books, and receive 11, r AI(4R'S numbers Enblished ILLS vast Dorm 011.3107. Those Eubscribm: t . AKERI3 4 will rhos get lb MULLS :or :. _,..._ price of 12, or more that. a Donitlif. Dozen." Those subscribing:. , ABER% will get 14 months for the ! rI, roux a great "Baker's Dozen." "..L , . t AK Rftsgt scribing in Ncrvembor, a iilget ! _ ars for the price of 12.0 r, DOZEN- ' 11 Dozen.' , These These,.. , ~ ALEX'S ibent4riA be given to all YE.. , DOZEN. lores *tether coming singly.: r lints for premiu me t [whims agricultural or Lori societies, a large ntaeiber of which annuaiiy a , frictatlairtiolOPLibeir prizes. TERMS : SI .lx 'Miles for SG ;, . tan or more copies, So ca.' with a prat:alum to each dub often or more : . WORTH LOOKING THE HD-Cr $6O HEWING MA CH I Wheele7 Sib CYCLOPEDIAS, App •8s SWING MACHIN. - SIOI3ABOMETERS, Kendal $lO WRINGING irAcii A ca USTRAW & RAY et. -1 The 1 OORN SHELLERS, Tub b , SOX :D/Crioluatis, Webster"' Newt $4 POCKET RICRCKOP! - • Ober aiiio--Cold:u ; $75 )11.11,ADBONti, ORANGE JUDD, Pi bi Voalma ' ' IND 41 Park Row. ';',•• ••-• • ..• • • • " ,11 : 13 0 '1 4 1 •30 a the American Ayr - ter/a , hasbeen at 1 . Water street, for many reallne',e4„ to Ablispoilione buildings at 41 yap: nolitelhe Cho , Han; s-: Threithig Machines for Sa Two THRESHING MACHINE' .11_ berm powerattaehed, will be sold twer.:: con_ cheaper tbam theregular price, if made Were October 1,1860. Apply at tl,:s ste2S4tw CUBED. R. COMAIX)OKI3 VOCAL U 1 11 ERN, filitsialloß/A.-11115 loftitu i,i IN" .11""ilitta oporaton for m ore jr;rars, dektireit .the lure of Siammerlog d • Ve Art4llll4kia, and for improvement in Ki ef denuriresse w9l oosearesee on IioNDAY' Address & (MuMg, M. D., No. „,, — . 13 " , nigAdOidds. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers