"Cc c: :Trawl &.% (Eraiteporiatim , RAIL ROAD 07 mca, =T-. _=-~_~-~.. IVE TRAINS DAILY TO AND FROM PH ILADELPHIA, N A sp AFTER SATURDAY,SEPTEM- H , . I 3860, the Pa:Hangar Trains on the Penn: g . L . In - ad will depart from and arrive at Phila. N . r Harrisburg as follows 1-- EASTWARD. .. ; ,. , :,,11 FXPREa TRAIN leaves at 1.16 Harrisburg i 1 r rives at West Philadelphia at 5.20 a. m. AS l' ',IN F. loves Harrisburg every morning except a i , Ai ala a. m., arrives at West Philaaelphia e to a. Ir., All, TRAIN learn Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in., arrives ~..t Philadelphia at 6.10 p. in. hese trawl make close connection at Philadelphia with New York Lines. RRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Bar g at 3.50 p. in., arrives at Philadelphia at 9.05 p.m. WESTWARD. iOUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at Lu: 45 p in , arrives at ELarrishurg at 3.10 a. m. WAIL IRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7.80 a. in., ar ea at Harrisburg at 12.50 p. in. rAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 11.1* a. tn., arrives Sarrisburg at 4.10 p. in. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves liadelphia at 2.00 p. m., arrives at Harrisburg at 7.85 ALL MAINS RUN YIA COLUMBIA J :sengers for Mount Joy and Elizabethtown on the sburg & Lancaster and Mt. Joy Railroad, can leave isburg by Mail, Fast Line and Harrisburg Accomnio a and connect at Lancaster with the Elizabethtown .mmodation train, leaving Lancaster for Elizabeth at 11.01 a, m., and 7.54, p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. Bad Division Pennainania /taaroad. ME Eli Alit LINV ROUTE I, 4 ..T 'i' YORK ! , igkiisom i,fro DISTANCE EST. IN TIME BET tv ram HE, TWO CITIES OF ENV - y - 0 RIK! , A 14CD, .A.IZIR/IMPIT.Paa- I ' READING ALTYSTM AND EASTON. ORNING 12.1111.86, Wl6t, !nail% Now York at 6 4 , arriving at Harrisburg at 12 916 noon, only 6% bourn .weed the two mien. NAIL LINE leaves New York .at 12.00 noon, add ar ea at Ilarrisburg at 8.80 P.M. lONNING MAIL LINE bast, leaves Harrialburg at I) A. M., arriving lit Now York at 4.30 P.M. FTERNOCIN.RXPRZEI LINES Rast, leaves Huila .- g at 1.18 P. M., arriving= New York at 9.00 P. N. .rinections aro =ado a I Barrieburg at - 1,00 P. N. with' Passenger Trains in each direction on thePernisylva• Cumberland Valley and Northern Canard Railroad. it trains connect at lieatihg with trains for rotenoyee po,; e ut l t hia , eat: at Allentown for Ranch Chtink, .n, thongs ot Passenger cure or Beatrice bitw*Ntive i t lid Mai %burg, by the 6.00 41 N. DM ha* . or the lib P. 01. rata Narrisintrit. r imam of scenery, and speed, eornfortandr o,ls route preaeuts impeder indurements t traveling public re between Now York sod Harrisburg FIFE Dd.. •S. For tickets an other informs den appty 31 J. J. OLYDN, General AfAct, Estriablike: 60. I.B6Cki orthern Ventral Railway I NOTICE. `IIANUE OF SCHEDULE. \SD AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 1, U. the P assenger rale* on the Northern xy will leave tharlaburg es More 4,0 1N ti SOUTH. will leave at t. 40 A. 111 31 Al lON IRAIN love at— CM° A. Et. It TRAIN »ill leave at.. .............1.00 GOING NORTH. hAIN Will leave at IJ4O P. ES:- I HAIN willleave itt•• ...•. • •••.0 , 3* •-•-••••• e oily 'trains keying Ilarrlsbarg on Banda) , Mahe !MMES. , THAIN at 1.40 A. M., gob. South; madame 10 tIN at 0.32 P.M., going North. oat anther wforatation apply at **Mee t tn Peon% Joan W. rnsta.rit, May 26. 1860.—matadtf Bali H ILA.I)ELPHIA. AND 211)1.N G RAIL it 0A D MEE A H1L1.403 .EA4 101 T. 'LVD APtlllt MAY 7db/it, 186 Q. U I t TRAIL% Y, tz•uudayh exceptc4lo4 41.3.00 IL, a 4¢ lot rbiladvlithik, arm Uwe a; lA* r. 11, TLICNIA6, LFAVIE rhULAPIII.4II/6 IA 8.00 I/. 61., 3..0 P. , arming Harruiborg al 12.43 mud* aid r. kP` :—:3 l'hiladelphle, Nu. 1 Can, ; No. aOm tr 02.70. Reading, 0L.0%1 sad 10. comiset With OrOilw Or PUUITHIs, lilikero), leittaqod., 11 411Whille t be. IheINS LX6VIi E.Calaboa rtnt trATIV, at 6A. M., 10.46 a 11., 12.60 noon lad P. m. YH . 11 nAtima.ratA FUR imam° rt Cou A. a., P, M. d.. 111 P. N., end 6.00 P. 11. Iles Phitailelphut, 81.16 rad $}.45. .11utt.NIN4 rI:AIN aau/a 11.1..141antfal CON. iual KEADI:sti with Iv trate Us Wilkesburs, tou N:rtaitut, 1.111,..q, ticketu boo other Information apply to J. J. CLltHe e theerei Orel, PHILADELPHIA AND .'A LI IN Cr RAILROAD.. . FLIUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES, and altar MONDAY, AlPiiiL Se; 16". COMMUTATION TICK.IO6 7 1111 26 Coutnniti, will b e istioed !warn au auy pond. mistrva, guud ror MA bower or' uteinber of his Nadi), lu any P 4 ..euger Oulu, mid y 26 put thud, bitting tit. MILUVIAIt rum& rlles but uq. uutaiiyas to Yee the MAUI 11'04%10100Y ob iLau ..r pie.thlls, will lei diu above arniaigumuut vvuiput delitlultalhati j Four Paiute/agar wawa ttrut.t uucti way intiwoot, Heath .g Ana It.tuLaielPhiai two ,:ratia auu, uutwu,:u hominid. hatiiallia Ann rtilturd. only .ate await% taaila down, uu‘: aninutual tram up, runs IndaVeo POtt"1" "4 la.cipluu, mitt uu hiamiudet tram tau WV iPtitUk o l l uraue6 hmtruati cu, ilk ty riteeLs, Ler euy• onorolaboo nrinu s. amino. a, r.ati., irtte.hteg, _ the reapatnive licaut adauta uu tut UW E urea. ;:. NtUoLLs, ANOTHER NEW LOT F NEW ION '6 (formerly Bagley's) ei:LMBRATI frOLD Pt:' , .s war ranted to ar tar L quilt, and Anita, ot any inalurlncturett., fts.oruneue Or tiOLD AND r at received end fur elate at fiIiRGNKR'S CHEAP BOOK,TORIicIR *WM ••••••••••••=••••••• penttnivania IDai eeltgrap4, Zatuttav "Afternoon, Septembtr 29, 1860. Miscellaneous 113CERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS DISPNPSIA. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, LIVIBE icongr.lc4l.4iNT, WEAKNESS .00 ,, ANY KIND; FEVER AND ACH E - . And the various aintiOns consequent upon a disordered STOM.LCII OR LIVER, Such Such al Ladiedon, Acidity of the Stomach, Ooli_e• Pains, Heartburn, of Appetite, DesPondeney, MaUveness, Blind end Bleeding Piles. In all Nervouse.gherunati and Neural AftectlotS4lt 'has numerous Instances proved mow beneScial,. end In other. effected 'a decided This is sepurely vegetal e compound,,, pregaredon strictly selentille priuciplee, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. , Its reputation at -hone deiced its ItS intimbibtlati here; the demand' commaibig - With Am of Abe Yatharland nattered over the tie* 431 mighty tortittrl,Wykity of whom, brought with them And, handed down the traglithn Of Its value. Rft into .MlteMl to the Aso:riots -public, Nowa Ited Ai May loonererfrei anal virtues ieuei be It is particularly receinmended those persons wishes' constitutions may hare been Impaired by the contimastajaw of ardent - gaits, or other forme of dleelez." Generally' inetasitansons beelfed, it lin& ite way y thli seat of lONapp uirinn= g 7lnrrl!, =rig nltthe drooping eptide anti, i n Act, "neneheld 'and vigor in Whoever N Olt—Whoever expecte to d id this a bernets will be disappointed; but to the sick, weekend low spirited, it • will prove a gratefol aromatic cordial, postured of singular remedial properties. . . 'READ 'CAREFULLY! -Theileihdrke - highly • concentrated Breilmee's Maud Illqers larpni up in hal.f.pint bottles only, and retailed at OillatoLtilt perbottlAlx bottle, ler hex Null& "Ths gentAramad,for tide celebratentedlnine hakinfineed i i Vl i ardtatlone, w h ich e publio 'Mould guard against . . .illF,Swarek of Impoalti l l y See that our name la on the bkhal of every bottle you - , eita'bi nivii iriiti tall7l It In be **warded by Mrpren Utmost pobibs. SOLE PROPRIBTOILS BENJAMIN PARMIEL-61s . sl,4sqrkotir,x3ma parmactungs Rai Mad*, PirrSOURGII. PA. Vorisier in the (thy of Bartielowg by D. W. O & Co.. • , eepft-deerty, TAKE.NOTICE' 'nit 'We bare 'recently added to our already fell stock LA NOlilltA4lll - BARI Kant, EL MONO, BANANA. OF PERFUMERY FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF. TURRIBR EBBENCE ODOR OF MUSK, ' LUBIN% ESSENCE 'BOQIFET. Yon EAU LIIBTRALE, CRYSTALII7LED POILATLII, MIRTLET-AND,IT4OILET POMATIIM. - • • Vox nark botPuzdow. VENICE; ROSE Dif&F POWDER; ' ' NEWVOWICEAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLEB. 9 r Ar.ra , "13:atiSSkinIA Moss Benjoni, — pper Violet, New , Mown Hay, Jockey Club, Haring the largest stock and beet assortment of toilet articles, we tautly that we are better able than our com petitors, to get up a complete toilet sett at any price 'de sired. Oalt end see. Alwart on hand a FRESH stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chernidals,Ect.; consequent bt our receiving "almost Aily `additions thereto. NNW:RI IMAM AND FANCY. swot 91 ffiarket Street, teps - Two Nora las) or Fourth IP, Soulkalitei 1860. MST FALL OPENING OF 3:0 Mt lir cs- go ca pa s . _ illirE HAVE NOW RE&DT I:LARGE' and HANDSOME assortment et all Muds 91‘ SOO Moor tine. New Styles Drees GOods; Superior makes Of Silks, A large assortment of Calicos, Extra quality Muslin, all prices, ' Best makes ofllanorls, do • A Isigajltock. of-Sbawla rliadiiid4l63 cod:s.SaciCilannels., Cur, boners aro aivicil to ex..toincour dot:kip was re contiderit we tau r h ea tam them the bseketplesat , the lowed pr cte, 1.. co.us•iltai with , the Urgent .aleck et HUM} 811 G GubDS. Satinetts and Gss-lintree, Bleached 'Laud Hi_Neadied Nadine, D l•tuest thlbaisi&sitgi G ngbiatni, Drilling., Sheet rg. •nd becks, Pact Studio s ' Hickory and T animas. Pot 0)01104 o CBoWriooo4lh. Splendid Calicionlor iihroenta, - Glued quality ?Austin, elk cents. Pialnand Figured..D.Ja,kee, 12% cents, Heavy Lahti:m:lmA kluslins, six cents Witli BARGAINS ,n all Gads of Ibis kind, we only ask au easm.uai feu d our stock, as wears muff. ent that in pr ices and pods we canutt_tall 10 . pledge, • CaTHCAR dr.BROTHER, No. 14 Harketliq are • aegNext door, tajbeidortubturidititit• X"'ISECIEE S t F .l- - MACKEREL, (Noe. 1, 2 end 3.) SALMON, eters , buperior,) SHAD, (Hen and Italy fine) HERRING, (extra large.) - • COD FISH. SMOKED HERRING, (extra bigby.) SOol'oll HERRING. SARDIN 4 D ANCIEUVIEB.' - - Of the above We. bays 'Mesterei-fa allele, bar quar ter and •eighth bbls. , Herring in allele and half btik. The entire ht at w--lIIRIK2 !BOX 'no maxim; and will sell them atthe lowest nuakelaatee. Bola WM. MAN JR. k CO. PART/OULAR ATTIOTION F' all persona deaintg Blank Boolcaiot O nay mew or Idol, tram the imallett Paas Beedute: 11.4* largest Blank Dock manulastmed, at regime it set. Hefted to my very huge aatortment, Which t 1' ICE AND OVA art tanwtot be quailed. Ranted and `> Bbuik NOoka, and every committable odd anted "Blank_ Ira made *moor at notice.— Boots and pamphlets or all kind§ bound* any desired eyttes of btuditor, at DahONBES CHEAP BOOKETCHE, - • roy2s e Market atre. ALL THE 11,4 W BOOKS AS FAST as published will be found for dale at tltituNlSK'd ilts3P BOOKSTORE. • ewes, ilkkL er_e7Waluten.aud. union nandnifiLhe Cairrd xt pubdahers usual prima. - • The-I.lxest' asaortuaant .1 SMDARP;RACLIG/OLS) TBIsOLOI4 AMU MEN, 'pie, aio..iLaint fascia, LANNOOB BOOK,S, to Rt.' city,- *keel sit *Mr be "old ,Itrit-711:111P8-1PRIG14:ifith ARO! , WitIIIO6A kr. .1111106~41 CHEAP 800ZST e iks Areal and meets* the Week. HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES FOR THE PEOPLE. HEAR WHAT THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersigned hay Mg used Prcfesor HUMPHREY'S t-IPECTIIC HOMCEPATIIIe Rh MPDIES in our families with thu most satisfactory results, and having I ill confidence in their genuineness, purity and efficacy, Cheerfully re commend them them to all persons who wish, to have safe, reliable, and efficacious remedies at hand for private or domestic use. The Rev. Wm. Hoinner, editor of wf he Northern Inde: pendent," Auburn, N. Y.; 'she .he Rev. R. Et Creser, D. 1)., Rectorof St. Peter's Church, Auburn, N. 1.; the Rev. B. . Ives, Chaplain of. the Auburn State Prison ; Ibe Rev. Spencer M. Rice, Rector, New Bedford, M..iss.; the Rev. Allen Steele, New. York COntenince ; the - - See. Samuel Nichols, East Genesee Conference, N. Y. the Rev. P. S. Pratt, Dorset, Vt.; the ReV . . John ii. Roble; Buffalo; A. C. Hart„ Esq., Utica, N. Y., the Pon. Neal Dow, Portland, Me.; the Hon. Schuyler Colfax, South Bend, inth; the Hon. George Humphreys, N. Y.; Henry D. Cook; Seq., editor or the Ohio Stitte.Journal, Columbus, Oht6;the Hon. R. H. Graham, !donne, Ill.; the - Hort. Thomas J. Chase, Monticello, Fla.; the Hen. Joseph Benedict,--Utica, N. Y. ; Wm. Bristol, Req., Utica, N. Y.; A. 8. Pond,-Est, Irlica, N. Y.; James Plunkett, Req.; Nashville, Tem. UST OF;SPECIFIC No: I.—Yor nisi., °Engadine, and Julliimaintlon. No. 2—For Worm Fever, Worm Collo, Wetting the FOR , , No. V.—For Cryinjg, Teething, aitd iVakeAtlnese of Intuits. No. 4.=Tor Diantea, Cholera Wanton!, and Banimer No. 6:: , —For 091 c, Griping', Dysentery, No. 13.—For Cholera , . Cholera Mortun,yomiting• No. T.—For Coughs, Colds, Pitienaa and Sore Throat. No.' B.—For Toothacpe,„9lce-ache,,andliburalgia. No. 9.—For Headache, Vertigo, Haat And Figireeni 'to! No. IO —Dyepepsia 0111siede 'Weak ez4Deranged Sto mann, Constipation; and Liver Onnplakid. • - No. U.—For-Female IrregulariVea;Seanty, Painful, or Suppressed Periods. • • No. 12.--For Lencorrhoa, rrefuse Menses, and Bearing Down of Females. , . . , . No. I3.—For Croup, Hoarse Cough, Bad Breathing,. No. 14.---Salt ftheaai 111111=For Erysipelas,_ Pimples oh the Face. No. 151RheunMtio PPla.—For Pain, Lameness, or Sorenem in the Cheat, Back, tedns,..or Limbs. A.--4Orlever and Ague, C till Fever, Papp Ague, Old Mismanaged dittes. . Pilea, Blind or Bleeding; Interrai n or External; 0.--Ftellore, Weak and Inflamed Eyes Mid:Eyelids ; Failing.; Weak, 'Or Blurred Sight. C.—For Catarrh, of long standing'm i•doeitt, either with obstruction or profuse discharge. " W. C.—For Whooping Cough, abating its violence and shortening its °purse. In all acute diseases, Such as - Fevers, Inflammations, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Croup, ithinantatiem o and sacnerup, Live diseaset as Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Iftrysipelas, the advantage of giving the proper remedies promptly is obvious, and in all such cases the specifics act like a charm. • The entire disease is Oft( n tweeted at once, and in all oases the violence of the attack be,m.vder,ated,,the. disease shortened, and rendered lemdangerous. • Coughs and Okids;. which are of Isbell_ frequent . occur rence, and which so often lay the foundation of diseased tun_ bronchitis and consumption , may all be at once rred•by the FeVer and - Cough-Pills. • - le all chronic diseases, such as Dyspepsia, Weak Sto mach, Oanstipatiori, Lifer Complaints, Piles, Female De bllity; and Irregularities, old Headaches, Serf or Weak Byes, Catarrh, Milt • Ithenin, and other eruptions, the case has specifics whoie.proper application will a cure in almost every imbues. Often the cure of a single chronic difficulty, such as Dyspepsia, - Piles •or Catarrh, Headache or Female Weakness, has more than paid for the einteHlec Wiles over: Mee of2Ovtidscottiplete, - in morocco, and. 13ook $5 Om of 20.Tialk, and lax*, plate. ....... .... . 4 Cate of 15 nnitbered boxes, and Eeek................ 2 Case of 0 boxes, numbered, and 800 k.... 1 Single nuMbered boxes, with .. ..... cents Single lettered boxes, with dLrettiobi 50 cents Large case of 2 or.. mr - plantersandphystolans..sl6 ALsb spEcuu .. FOR AEMERA oaltrinatio.;4**Stbd, Didion% Labor ed Bre.ablzig, ittOntled- nith Cough and Expectoration Price, 50 tents per bOn. Fon EAR DEMURRER aln DREMAPS.—Discharges from the Ear, Atte resultof Scarlet-Fever, 101'606_0r Mereurf: al& For Noises in the Read, Beirdness of Rearing, mid Ringing In the Eaia, and Ear-ache. Price, 60 cents per Fos ikeuntm.s.—lenlarged Glands, Enlargedandlndura ted 'Retails, Swatlingsand Old Ulcers, 6crontious Cachery of anbdrtst.Price, 60 =laser box. Few IG/sszlis Ihmaihr.—Physical or Nervous Weak OM. Either the result of Si.o.ess, ikromeiVe Medica tion, or =smutting lbscharges. Prioe.4o;centeper box. FOR Ditorsvo—Flulli AMrtuhulationiti-Tuthhi-Serellings, ii., with Scanty Secretions. , 64 .ft.Ms per box. Boa Sits."..—Dea cline*, Vertige,Alaussa. Vciikgi l f,„, ll 4 o 4o 3 .lhan- 2 , Og -o e:Me** ITIOPp'' 6O centn Ira. . __.,,, ~ ... Fos llitareirr Th susintil.—Polatavel,, Renal ealaull,l2lll - Mugge or the Kidneys. Trice, 50montsper box:, . - .. . . . .Fosllissusax .Ihasnosts.—lnvolunhurDiaoluirges and Consequent prostration aud:Detglft,r, Inn Rinutits of -Evil Habits. The most successintiuntftdent randy known,' and may be relied.upon as a pure. Pricey with-full dims' tiOokil per box. Persons who wish to place themselves •under the pro fessionsl care, or to seek advice of Prof. litncreamm, can do so, at his oaks 562 Broadway, daily from S .A.. M. tab P. M., or by letter. OUB, REMEDIES . BY MAIL. . - - - Look over the list ; mike upe ause of what kind you choose and inclose the amount in a current note or stampi by mail to our addrm, at No. 602 Breadivay, New York, and the medicine will be duly returned by mailer ex press, free of charge. AGENTS WANTED.—We desire' an active, efficient agent for the sale at our Remedies In every town or com— munity in the United States. %Address Dr. F. DUMPERSYSIt aprlB-daWly NO. 562 BewleyAy, NSW Y,olnr. Wholesale and Retell agent for Hai irisburg and ticiraty 0. K. HeUor. Also sold by Theodore F. fleheffer, and Druggists and - Aare! generally. ` 1860. ONLY PREPARATION STOOD THE TEST OF UM AND GROWS MORE AND ROBE POPULAR EVERY DAY I , . i And tesumosiils,' :new, and . atnielit. WlthiSitt Onuther, might be given from 'bailee and itmtlemen.ht all ended' of similty, whose united testimony none ciraldrealet, that ~PrOf. lifood'a Hair'Restorative will Cotton, the bald. arid. tae ' . . .gilLy,,And preserVe e MM. of theyouth • to old age, king Its youthfulbauti-_ ; _ immix Cssidt lilieb Dec. 21, 18d0. ~. PUN: WOOD : Th . te atilt ile ,ae accept a line to Worm thes that the didr'on niy timid all fell in over treaty 3 eara ago o calmed by a complicated chrome diseas-, at tendee with an etuptionfon uni;head. A poligonal comae .of tufferidg Ihinileill4 h .. vlntreoutedliiti kid state . or eopendonue, 1 haviug nut been a ble to obtain stuff Apt caps, censer MEW! i been able' to uo them 40,1eVnise queu.s o: a blab My head h s suffer: d extremely from L.uid. T.hta i educe me to - ay Biliga & &algae elmoct tbelsat eiett.l Otto° earth fur it. two de liar !male of thy it itestorative ateutabe Bret . f August icet, I save,' taithfully &dewed the Meet . biousend the bald IT tienow coveted with hair thick.and Made, (LAO short ;ft is al• an ecuilog hi all over my, Laid. Fueling ounlicentthat ~another large Mettle etuuld,featet It .Mebtirely 4ilbLimr-, 1 Mateolly, t feel I.IaTiOUS lOpetßeVert) in ittyuk,e,,and.tie ing tituditgle,of meta: , -0, pundutie *ore, 1. , weak ask- Il i' e if. Ilieq kvoill 4,l kttk49 wAlllail.bWmi.sti moan order ea tlifel astute for a botLiti and estoeivettetityttlf the scripture deelxratim,! . theirowartilattetliesethat are', . kind De the widow and latiierlead.' , Thi" Ilietitl L ' , B.II4A.NNAII KIRBY: ..' I 1 noose, Noute C 0.,, legion.; Feb: 6tb L 18. O. - • Ph0r..0.• J. Woork Dear :sr :—Tu the latter parted the y ear 1862, while aueeL,fug the tux e and . National Law uchoul of the Sete tit New York, wiLluur, oust ti otteee 4 unanowit il me, cootoneed . ribeg trirviley 114.1 1 Y, Co the iiiibb,stijiit'srpfultipr trite? Oti-lirkitAr %wile 1 tart Utley scalp waa,almcet eettiely bee. ftufitt coter ie., anu much or the kin elide); Yuirtiou 10 the side and batik part or my livid shortly alter Ocoame griti,.B o that you will nut'. be "'surprised Whei lied your unit epee, 'O , returnto the IM im of-ladelna, my. twee casual 0- tplidaltardseaMsere not 's°. muchat alasS to discover th e cause ot me ele age in thy typo:trance, airmy•mure Anti- Mai e acquatatmecea were toexoognitte me at all. ' iat ones cumiceps.thsettetrr to thennost fikhlOriglysi .l6l3B ill tbe.47IIRVY, but, receiving nts annuracee team them that swim tvetailti agatirbo.restoredd iiiiefereed Dtioecome reconciled to my fate, mai, lormeately, in t W. IL' ter part of tuu-year 1861, your xosterat.ve was r 4-• - etimutendLd to me uy a •ruggiet, as beingrthe in. at re be to hair- iteetur..true in use. I tried cue bo ih-, and `sound tx my gnat attefeetcarthatit %US proJuMag the - IlesPed rffem. twee that tim.r, - I have used 'seven del i ~. a'. worth of your Restorative, and atta 'twilit, Fare a. *Ai r.O Itt very but:, bleed [ -heirealtiehtlao-molloY C4°J.l ME _ . As a merit of toy gratitude tor.your, Labor and skill to the id oduttion ut so w.,adertui articlo,l. have re,, cummendLd its use to 'noel( or P7lrhodd and 11 '9 0100 ' mixes, wha,l ate happy to tortoni yuu, ate using it with ; like offset . Very: reapettiuh9A-oliro_,_ . St.ll-ArT4, • attorney and Contosater at Law Depot, 414.Etteadifai,Inad load biladeitera thitaigit out the world. the . POV'th htlthwOr threedseer .7m , av atidamall ;he amiLltnous Dint, ant, 'IQ'. "one dollar por icicle; Wit , 'flikenium mitt twenty per cent. were w prutimiticti timui (nehmen, Vet WWI Tor titloilaya per Wttte , thelmfge .4140001 - ‘enew itinmaiplitotol•tieti endVkir 4 WO 4. W t 44"rini mid , New TO ca I stfeecePm. Maim, ' •Sy neati •J A 'Demi= Ittebint. PRICE THE THAT HAS rEau«i D.R. MOTT'S CHALYBEATE RESTORATIVE PILLS OF IRON. AN aperient and Stomachic preparation of IRON puri fied or oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, ooth in Europe and tie United etates. at d prescribed in their practice. The exPerionce of thousands daily proves that no pre paration' of iron can be compared with it.. Impurities of the blood, depression of vital energy, it.. and other wise sickly complexions indicate* necessity in almost every conceivable case_ hinoxione in all =ladies in which it has been tried, it has proiad absolutely cura tive ineach of the following complaints, via; Deinlily, Nervous Affections, , Itanatoripat Don, Constipation, Dlarrhoesc Dysentery; leeletelit Consumption . ; SereAddeo Tutor mitosis; Salt Rheum, Dlleneeinatruation, Whltesi Oh - tartlets, Liter COmplithits,tkiro= nto ,ffifesidNiches, IlbesunatiMat, Intermittent Fever*, 'Pimples otL.Chelreee, Ste .Incase of Mesterei Debility,-whether the remit' or acute disease or of the continued (limier don of ner vous and :reseriller enera from Ohrenio eon plainta, one trial of , this restorative has proved 'successful. to an ex.- tent which no description nor written 'atteatabon would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become tbrgonen in tiler own neighborhoods, have sud decay rerappearee lathe busy World' es 'lf just Weaned from.protracted travel in a , distant , land. - Some very signal instandesof this Wedges attested of fettuSe Suf ferers, emaciated victims of apparent, autrasinm,-can= =salmons exhaustion, critical cbanscarianff4tiat commits= _don of nervousand dyspeptic aversion to air and exer cise for which the physician has no name, In Nervoitir Allitetions of all' kind% and ibr 'rea sons familiar to, medical men, the operation of - this ere , • paration of iron must necessarily be salutary, forunlike the old oxides, it is vigorously mine-without being ex citing and overheating, and lently,. regularly a'permit, even in the most obstatiate oases of costiveness, without 'ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It thlilatteleropertY, among others, which makes it so rerearkably effectual and permanent a remedy for Pile: , ,upon. which it also appears to exert a. distinct and Mtion; by distil:using the local tendency which torms them- In 'Dyspepsia, inntmerable as are ltscathea, Asia& box of these Chalybeato Pills has often Milked. for the most habitill cases, including the attendant Costiveness Al 'unchecked Diarrhoea, even when , advanced to Dysentery, catillrmed, entaniatius, and apparently' ma lignant, the effects have .been equally dealsiverarid tonlahing. , In the local pains, loss of flesh .and strength,Afeliiii: tatting rough, said remittent hectic, whiclosane.rally.indi cate Incipient Consumption, this remedy4ute al layed the alarm of friends and ehYticiatia,lls, - teferal very gratifying and interesting instances.: In Serotaious Tuberculosis, this medicated Iron lass had Austere than Lae good of the moat cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well knoWn .The attention of females cannot be too confidently in Thad to this remedy and ratoredive, in the cases peonliar ly affecting them. In Rheumatism, both chronic: and inliammatony— in the . latter, however, more decidedly—it has bee in variably well reported, both as alleviating pain and re duchig tbs.:m(3May and stifrneas :of the joined Moselee. In intexantlitett a-Fevers it. mud necessarily' be a great remedy and ettergetiorestorativ ,e and its progress in the new settlenterifor the West, wil l be one of high renowtand usehdoees. • . ' rentedy-has everlieeit Airmovered, in the wholo-hts tory of medicine, which exerts such-prompt, happy and ltaly restorative streets: Goed'appetite, exiMplete diges den, rapid actuleition of strength, with an unusual dis position for active and oheetful 'exercise, immediately tallow its use.. Put up in nat. 'flat metal totes containing. 50 pills price 50 cents pet bciiiforside.bybrt:ulgist' siand deabers Will be sent free to Any addreOsian receipt of the price. AU letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO, General Agents, ap4-dtf 3 1 9 Proadway, New York. UT H ER - P mast be obvious not only to you, but to every atten tive and intelligent person, thattke first diseases of in- Dints arise phial, - from a disordered 00fidition or, their bowels, and in tble connection, we - present to year notice for the alleviation and cure 'of these diseases, a remedy known as -,Wt. -NATOZU-S INFANTLLE 601111 AL Prepared from a formula used by Dr. Won with re meltable suocesw during several ;Tates :practice, we know It to be a most reliable And effleicione remedy for Weenie complainis, and olie , triebitlene_wrn convince you of4ts superiority over every other preparation of the kind. ht is pthticularly recoMmended For Children •Teething- , And at this period of hematite life,,when ionr: anxious hearts araeatodd.bY Witiniesbig the sugeringtr of your little ones, it w:11,..be found invaluable in Softening the Mns, Raise?* rejtameaation, ind:Relieviag ail Pain. For Diseases attending . Teething, such as Piarrill4; Dpentery, Oilptnevia the Bowie, Acidity of tie Stomach, Wind, Cbtte, and Coat in the Head, we con fidently offer this as a Wilda relief and cure in every case when given in time. It will invariably regulate the stomach and Toweks, and Its importance in this respect can hardly be estimated: In Convulsions, from which more infants are said to die than from any other Mesas°, the little tudforer is relieved as instantane ously, as it by magic; and in this•dread complaint alone, its` intrinsic value is such that It has been recommended from one family to another, until the name of Dr. Eat on's Infantile, CfeedheLhas.,hereme 9famillar as a household word: o We tiow•ask yotirettentren to a sub ject of vital interest to yourself, as well as to your sugar ing child. Dr. Maton's Infrinthe Cordial contains . No Morphine or Opiate, (Irony kind, or of whatever nature ; Sir afoot which _we a flak tourrantat in.Matiny 'comes be said of angsgliar p re atation for infantile diseases, Cl Vais tiine before the puMic.litat We find that throughout the country, Moth ers are becoming convinced of this truth, and of the sad and blighting consequences which are certain to result frostithit use of mircotkes disguised in, the form of quiet ing ' remedies ; thelecontinued 'adrabilstratloa variably followed by stupefaction, cud constipation of the , bbwels,-ending, °Metal:nes in coniulaions: Herein - Dit. ELTON'S. Inman= COHATAL Mors from every other remedy. h Does . Oonatipate thebowola p n Ith. r does it aot.by deadening the sal's', .bdities of your children, but naturally, through its; rare, Inedieiu . d.'nualitiee, by removing ad *tab and bulbs of disease. earnest ly tLeommend you, therefore,' MAO, no time 11l pro c uring -a.bOille, - that you may have et band a„rdatedy bev,ir tb repeVe yoni child iallam of need: it,pert64 karsalw, aid coltito — S it pure Ikea:col delicate - in:find fake none bu uR. EaTO 09,1NORTILE CORDIAL. This you ca u rdy nice : - .6cdats per bottle. repared üblj,.. by carktuscd6,AvErtnicr,. ".. *tomb 13railduriA. New Ybrk. And sold kt.tbem, and by .11respectabie alto-Nfibe.dtr 4 ' ' . . SH.L.LIN 'OFF AT - COST TO' •33' • 1110PELNG - ilesiptou'i‘ to ,eltAeJ WALL AN IC bufkiita 'rum . uow UM at , hatehaflU at. 447. ritiCES . ,irtat biligiu.3 Lai 40.11 Yaker will du W . 41 by caiumg - iny 18 • ' GEO:ER, 11arkee - . EA N S _Ficum.THEu LIAR VEST -q1 0 .: - LITERATURE, Sc I ''AND ART! A &total/go of ..:E/wprlita UtiriuM3, .4ml/or. ous lam iustrtioifiC colisuld by O. C. BuntitAticiii, M. D. . . . . Ilig,,boveyoutcrepUny.l4ork has-Just boen received al BflGNlfft'd LatiAf' RuOILSTOR.k. STORE- PRICE Et 'll5 A., NEW 'A FINE ASSORTMENT LAD_ ILA' TAAIT,I4 4 .I:PIG AND • isll pricies,lbr sake at- r ' RILIAG.NOWS•CH4f-LP BOOKIMBE, $1 Markel -s,.‘et WM. J. 133.7.kiLf3; Wet4.lN 14• J u tat _ r . . • ..„.:t•boftiv am_ ey4tltif.l2 - ANL) I titoi yal 11. EXT IiCEBBINU Tut altAfigtiv jr tnj*:jttp:*lk4ak-,gTvi:* OWN, 0 - tt - I. tit 'VW:mine L tJfish liUiiitard 'g•( Flo- IcK Frii"4,;‘, • ''.ET0 4 81etre'ttieuiii their iiihtsott Muknitt._ Alkwqm-widseiVedwAut WALL PARER f-r at:04 ... 4.4040441. of IflkKGWileB CHEAP BOOESTORS El= ` CHILD An experienced Ntirse and Female Physician, prownt s t o the attention of mothers it s SOOTHING SYRUP, Fox Children Tretiming, which greatly facilitates the presser of teething, by soft an ,, the gams,rodncing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAM, and spasmodic action; and is SURE TO REGULATE TEE 'BOWEL' Depend upon It, mothers It. will give rest 10 Puha/Fee AND; RE.M" AND TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up' end sold this . article ibr over ten. years, and Ose IN combines szro liars; what we have never been able tow of any other MediChle— NEVER HAS" IT FAILED I IN A SHIGLB 'SOMME TO EFFECT A. CURE, when timely need. Never did we know an Inetence of dissidistliction by any one whoNwed it. On the contrary, all are defighted with its opera tions, and speak in terms of higheet vouninendatkon of its magical °Stole and medical virtues. Wcfspeak in this matter "Witte' ws no SNOW, after teals** expe rience, Jam mania ICIPOTATIOS ros ten Tummies, or want w mu neatess. In alicioetele* Instance where the Infentiffeefferins from pain and ektfiestion, re iiefww be found In fifteen or twenty minutes" after the syrup is admhdatered. • This...miluable preparation is the prescripton of one of the meekIXPIIIURICED and SKILLFUL NUREISSin NeW 61700E1e atiebelli p bee ; been yowl with seas rooms _ • - THOMAS/NI - 00 GAHM- • • , It not only relieves' the child from pain, but invig orates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity * and styes tone and energy to the whole system. It will al. moat instantly relieve .• • GRIPING IN THE BOWELS; AND 'WIND COLIC, and overcome cosyrdsions, ! which„ if not speraMrreme, end drat& We it the =kr -end'straw . incimin in Utz roam, in all cases of DYSENTERY AND DIARRHOIA IN CHILDREN; whether it Brim from teething or from any other mum We would say- tif.' every mother who , has a child, mating .froto any of the foregoing complatut&—no .11101 , Terni-PRVJODIOI2I, NOB rmr IT.F.IIIDICIE or 012131215, stand between you your: Buffering child and the relief that will be SURE—yesi.A.D. SOLUTELY SCEE—to &new the use of this- medicine, it timely used. Full directions for -using will accompany, each bottle. None genuine unless the tae-sindle of CURTIS & PERKINS,New York; is en tkeoutside wrapper. Sold by Druggists througho t the werld. i n rincipal Otliee, No. 18 Ceder SL, New York. Price •OnlY 25 C.Dts per Bottle. . AbrFor Mile in Harrisburg b y D. W. Gross is Co., No 19 Market streel.,..l. Martin La!, No. 22 Market Arcot. C. K. Keller, No. 91, Market , street, below roar*, and G. W. Miles, 126 Market street. - ass= dawly POND'S E2MUOT OF lIAMASIBLIS OR PAIN DESTROYER, TSone of the few domestic remedies have come hilo general use and favor, without puffing. It lithe product of a itimpis aliinb,larngias in all cases,lud 'as a domestic remedy nnequallell.' Tor BURNS, CUTS, - BRUISES,_ SORENESS; lAMENESS, SPRAINS, RHEUMATISM, BOILS, ULCERS, OLD SORES WOUNDS, it has not an equitl.. - IV-Is also used, with great success, for TOOTHACHE; HEADACHE, NEURAL GIA, SORE THROAT, COLIC, mAltanons, - HOARSE- N/VS, and other similar troublesome and painful affec tione, while filirtnaptly streets all ELEMMOERHAGE3.— Hundreds of physicians use it dallY in their practice, and tire it their unqualified recommendation. Sold by our agents and dealers, and by' P. HUMPHREYS dr.00., 562 Broadway, Sole Proprietors and Mesufactureru. Sold by C: K. Keller, Wholesale and Retail agent tor Harrisburg-and vtctuity , and Druggists and stores gene • apl7klawly •• . - • *Prep tit 6y,\ 10OPT00111r ! 4 1 : i i OA )figpeateDa a) .1 .the rieces As accidents tetti-Kappen, miest tadilregulaiedfasnlies Kis vary desirable to ve e..obcap and convenient way forsereditag niridture, twit, Orcekeri%;&4. RUMPS PREPARED' lan - . . meets an such enunimolm, and no household can itittrd to be without tt: ' It 11 Missy! reedy and - up to the stick. tug point %Mimi ia um ••lottger- - a nbbitadty tbr Ms chairs, sphatered , touuterik , headlbst , tbys sad - A cradles. !Cis just the article for Clone , shell and . orermentalwork, so popuhlr withAltdies 4 , 0 repamemt This admirable mmaration Ia used belnrchemi- - callylield,in Solutioia;iand Mmeakodisr tnr-thip•it the best cahineters' Glue. It may be used in the " place of ordinary menage * beingiValt More adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROM" N. B.—A Brush accompanies each Bottle. Priem me, WholesaleDepoty 418 Cedar street., New York. Address HINNY C. SPADING & Box No. 3,800, New Tort, Pot up fir Dealers In cases captaining Four, Weiland T!elve Dosen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-card so compluding oath package.. GLUE will single bottle or EPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten limit its cost umaally to every household. Solthby all phis:Dined fitatiOners, Drliggitts, Hardwue and Furniture Dealers, Grocers and Fancy Stores. Country merchants 'Mould !irks '^ its SPALDING'S ilt.lll6lltED GIME, when maids opiheir list It will stand any climate. febl7- dimly 'GOAL GOAL! ! COAL! 1 1 NOW IS YOUR TIME TO , GET G LE A N Full Weight. and Nothing Short.ofiti rrHAVjlutt.lrk) NY FA lENDS AND; idERE for their liberal pennmage, I would now inform thent_artthit *Min 4.everally,'lttat I am 'filly. pjei ur d, t n abort ,Lotion tottoppi t y.t..em with ad Lin 817E1140c coAt. OF. AI L I, frieREE . rittrit stAix iitib - Cmiiktrux SORNERF,D:Ar AS LOW kFIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFOED. Although my coal ii nut Weighed in sets , WtaGnixel CARTS SOT SI 9tlßll o ,l* I;MAits „acnonor,i: redinn,4er sunv , ungin'iind cougutnera Mai rest mtsured that they wilt oe Caul). and honestly d alt with I s li ' nottil g . bat the very bat article, and nu =mixing. Al SU HICKORY, OAE. arid .PINE, W tOD, a w ya hand. ' GEO 'l'. WI:STLING. ... • . . AINTARILATING' POWDER _ :7 - • , Ts T E ''.ONLY . _ . . _LIC.M.VN and tiest,iiiii . PN • we Co exterminate 'leech ' -7--- '.. - . 7 z. . ea. kie , .. Br&s, anti, 1111 #114, -_, - I'7:' ' - - Film., Elea....g-a. den Warms, ' V Ine Stp, Re: - 1r CON -- .-_---__.:- _ _ _ . IA NI? N" rolsoN. - z -- ....: - ....; - ______ , SOB WI:WIPE PILLS . , .... GI. e guru . death to) SATS % ----I— ' ,/, !‘. /, ' ,, ,,,,,,, , “ nd 1/10E. Mr. SCHWERIN receive i Certificates from President of Girard . College, t irecton of House or Refuge, Pennsyl vania Hospital, and other prominent Public Institutions of Phiadelphia. U. S. Washingt on, D. 0., and Charity Hospital, New Orleans, 'l,l The Original rertifitafes beneen at the Whelmiale and Retail D.pot, 114 Nur/h eeem.d street. P ilad •Iphia; and for sole In Hat ri.kburis by. Cturlo 3 W. .=roes iv Co , l W. Riley end i; K and tiy Druggi•ts and Grocer,. everywhere. • - BPware of -t 4 poriou. t member to Mk for - SOEIWEItIViS. annihilating Powder• None Genuine inle , s Agned myrr r 411.11 H. A-.&1 a ! ' A IVI SIII NE WBOLD'S CELEBRATED E VtF u r p t (covere e dl , PLAIN'SVAIS CauT7 kx-risztoGAß cURED SH.ttrureato rfta biro CURED MORD LIBBY. ato A " " " " ( en vered.)l .Tpxt recrtypd_i7pifir t ffmce:bf 41e - itiove, Which we ,frei• at uuiasnibrle* , " r " - &IA `WM & FA1tit41.24.01.0 . 400i1it 1111 53 4 ' Ent. ,A,N,IIQ I lid• on hand and manuf OM. e Ito order a t •-heq.lol„ TAW It • BERGNFRII OUEAI 0. 4.) Iftebita:. MRS. WINSLOW, :"CiH W ERIN'S I= litistellalua . us. MENS' FURNISHING GOODS A N D GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS, AT WEILOLESA.L.E. LARGE AND EXTENSIVE STOCK FOR THE 3E'At!LMJ.L. TELALIZPICI, Of Ate latest and most desirable styl es , Imper.rd and tieumfaotttred expreeely t'or tte appruathin g gala. C. • Eti HA `CFI' & CO., W 403 BROADWAY,4I . (One door'above tbe . cor.' of Walker St.,) NEW YORK Give notice to the Marched:date all sections of the Union that their stock of Maus , •EmunakliNG GOODEr AND oordar Bus. SKIMS is now ready for erbibltiOn, convoritlng ha assortment of , - aidersistrts and Drawers, NUR anti ifisitek WkroariPiont 'and Fancy Shirts, Ties. Scarfs Sfosimi - SiriOsukrs„ //eV Hose,.. Linen Ostlers, Reber de Oho est or e, Maids, Staihway Rags, awattrm, Jackets, Mufflers, ifs. Including Many xi:vend am. irable articles la thinline risk to.be found In any similar establishment in ibis country'. all Shirts made at the GOLDEN lita. santr MANit- FACTORYhtar on Ike' beck of ,the Yoke th> followinif stamp rll# Which is our trade mark ter this article, and which carries with' It OW lirtmTaltee is to th:eir - FERFECTION I. every particular., Them Shirts, combining E:TYI.II, DURABILITY, sad PRIIF S C/1021 OF FIT, we wa. rant equal in every respect toany uitide to order - Patties not intending , to 'rink hew York this 1 . 11, may tiensinit their orders by maLl MIA can rely upon having his.faithfully and promptly as though pre eat to select theniselyes. C. U RATtill & CD., 1y27118m • 1403 Broadway, N. Y. WALTER G. WHITEMAN, F I-N-E- 4144 -S, N. W. CORNER nth AND AilGli 'ST& .:PHIL A EL P IMPORTER OF CROSSA :.BLACKWELVS ENGLISH PICKELS AND SAUCES. Particular attention paid to selecting FINE TEAS AND Car:EWES f , FOR FA Winn. SITAXIti always at Refiner - it prices. Moine MIAs. LIQUORS and EtEGANI, thr best brands always hand, STORAGE ; H'OR/W- 53:)I-±d - Cif• AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. . HE subscriber& have leased the eaten _Lovee Warehoulies and Railroad track fo merly open pled by the Philadelphia and Reading Ratiroad.oumparry as a freighting departioent, 50..248 Sono..Brno $ and will trammel a OENERALSTiARAGE,-FORW ND COMMIS lON BUSINald3n eottottaltilt. with, the Foreign and,Rotneslic Shipping and Prinnineinl2llo;ol" hakstrtet. . They are prepared tc receive t ihip and forward. la land 'or by water„.all merchandise and produce 'aid& may be oared, atorego. capacity 25,00 t, .barrele, with every convenience lbcrecelviug end discharging. Warehouse receipts will be givim for all property oar storage, with , bills of lauding for , ehipmeot. Oontlgnirionts of mercluoidize awl Produce to our ad dress will receive prompt mt onion FOWLE, :BARRIS & CO, 128. Walnut and 248,610rth Brotd street. Fltliddel • Al ril a. Ap 2a. 1860 -,6tud. LIBER'FI S'K'OVE WORKS Air Haa t i . .. A .,, , , ;4' - $ ÜBBILY, ABBOTT &1 NOBLE - • sIANIIVACTURERS el Ituteniak riper el :gun* or every deirrip kw. - Simla ow /01.411*-• irir24B WeteraWWl, Se* V twormr4lo Brown Went. p N. B.—Sead fol.Cittalogo6 ' • • Iyer-d. ES STRAW3)VUUESI _TIRE PfIESENTSWINATORg; is highly toverable tor plootiec , etrivertitifreok and it dome awn oleic two tO OiAiet the eager anoirlauting, zoo be.' Opened- next setooa.— Upwards of lop V ARIETIP - , - Native iftiLtPorittge, toefe?_ -- t acOl'ls ingbacahne.- :and, sdivi hitett.gtAiteteifinanj, hale a ble le to furaiiA 'that • are really dealrabie, In any 441taiigy and an hrir prides. . . ADVICE GIVEN, as to.obo cc or varletlest ens station of soft and , sette:- culture.- lf , desited; be will, for a reasostablecomitassia• - , PLANT BEDS, _.„ wiirraitlug OW drone of the besi For 'the ,aconroudanou of tee ,pub4e be rig /ewe plautirtx Sara lb the LOWER MA! T 'IIOI7SK, 'edit - on Tne..day and itIOLy . niepi gad 0, godair Abe &tures, mornings. ' :112 lAN& Kassrosa b.uainiss, ' Harrisburg, August 20,1860. tp • NEW FIRM, NEW -GOODS N - - - EW PRICES . . . "FRE oUBSCRI4E - 103 Wilting succeeded to ille'WHOLEdatf,E AGO RETAIL GROCERY M :435, of Messrs. `crow 'lt MINIM, at *ALU' STREET AWiRF, irouftl respectfully *onetime to OE anima orairrishitrg, and vicinity, th at they srngirs. pared iii cider fur ales large and cotaplete asserhianagedt Groceries, Provisions, 'Dish, - Balt Grain, Flour,. • Hopes, in- great variety, Queensware, - . -111.1111 Nadu, vement, 823., Our ..arge SYIGhG ,, TR9d, ,pnicbeend in Philadelphia ~a s New Vint, ouni : gew arriving, has been seledadi umeb care, and will present great intincesnenns On .Inge buyers.. We kabebd. Co tulip ,NIRSI . -CLASS GGOOS, and WILE sill BE UNKIy,RSOLI.), and boa* by lionerable. dethowis. reeet;inn,share of patronage. itflittWwkiy hal - 3 E- A,,git, LOT - or SDIEV-ASIOPERTGaIjtkIiELANG BAGS new sly kr: sisrl 1 DJ h10ney.1.n11341_4.3 4 • Mapoto. • 4A:lina ,a - ssurlin eitt inSVrocii veil and iilrsai, at • ' • - • , - • RIMINKIPS OB4P as BOOKSIORE, Mszket an. 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers