ail Eettgrapl2, HARRISBURG, Pis B ednesday Afternoon, September 21, 1859 LARGEST CIRCtLATION.—By a recent de. Liston of the Hari Isburg Pont Masser, thr DALY TELEGRAPH has the LARGES*I CIRCULATION, within the delivery 01 the Post Office, of any Paper, Dolly or Weekly, published In this place TWO PRESSES FOR SALE. FrWOLARGEADAM'S PRINTING'PREBSES 1 . are offered for sale at this Office, at low rates and on accommodating' terms. The presses have been and are still used in printing the Daily and Veekly'Tstscutailli, c- hulf the iocreas lug circulation of our, paper compels us to use faster Presiies." They will work lb sheets 'every minute very easy, and have often worked tip gm 20. They are both in excellent order, all(' adapteditelitgarp ormatt power, IFer E r cpnutry office they would answer all the purposes desirel. goy particulars address , '" • ' GEO. BERGNER '& CO. +" , 014 7 I01 , 1a. -BITINNESS." i tiwiedrir itirat inimense numbers of Judge Black's reply to Senator Douglas, which recently appeared in the govern ment organ at Washington, are daily be ing' keit 'off ihrOugli 'the Post Office in that c ity, 'to every part of the country, but es peoially to lowa, franked by Judge Black himself. , Now as the law expressly pro hibits any officer of the government from frklikirbg anythirtg,;but what relates to the business of ids office; and requires the en velopo 911:emdcgsed,(91Boial Business ? " weenould like lo know where the Attor ney General fins authority fur calling a reply to Mr. DoOglas "Official Business," and of sending .tens:.ofthonsamle of them off under his frank ? Has he, any more right to frank than any other man ?„ The law says' yo. It' is. said, moreover, that a large number of clerks in the various departments are employed in directing these reports to individuals in all parts of the country. , And yet, regularly franked Repablican documents have been suppress. ed in the Post Office Department, under a decisioaAade fottlult,specito ptirpot A great government this—a great AI istratiort—engaged in a great bus May we never look upon its like after the fourth of March, 1860 • 'INTERESTING LETTER. The Bon. James Cooper has writ letter to some. gentlemen of Philadi upon the subject of cheap postage. not onlY warmly- opposes the suggi that the rates of postage should creased, (as was proposed by the last session,) but advocates its still fi reduction—either by a direct tax the Government selling stamped envo for the price of stamps. He denie the Postoffiee Department has a r be made a self. sustaining institutio more than - the Judiciary Department, for be says the duty of a Government to afford a remedy for the deprivation of rights and the redress of wrongs, is no more necessary to the welfare and happi ness of the people, than the duty of pro vidibg-thein with sufficient mail facilities and "stip postage. The loss 'that would accrue to the revenue from a further re duction 'of the postage rates, he says, should ;he; made up s By' increasell duties upori foreign impciits, so levied as to pro tect our domestic mandaetures, and espe cially the iron interest : and in case Gov ernment 'refuses this duty of protection longer be urges the fortnation of a - leagye of all the suffering interests in question. Tke iron interest alone, he says, holds the balance of power between 'the; political parties, both in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and in certain contingencies in several other States, as well as in a num ber of Congressional Districts in various parts of the Union ;—and there can be no doubt, therefore, of its power to enforce its dertptuds ti st. • MARYLAND STATE FAIR.—The Mary land State Fair will be held on the 25th, 26th, 27th 'and 28th days of October next, in the city of Frederick, and we learn that no efforts will be spared to , make it the largest Fair ever held in our sister State of Maryland. The railroad and steamboat companies leading into that city have agree ,to carry all articles intended for 4 the Fair free of charge, and they will all igsne exersion tickets at half the usual rates intesebgeis who design to visit the Fair. We are under obligations to the managers for a ticket of admission. EDITORS AT THE STATE FAIR.—The President of the . State Agricultural Soul ,ety, Ron. David Taggart, is exceedingly liberal in the distribution of "free tickets" to f th l et eflitinial fraternity, of all parties, ttroughout peunaylvenia, and we have no doubt Allele. will bean immense gathering 'of - the 4 fltilights of the Quill" at Phila delphia-next week. That they Will be hospitall6;,eiWr6airreeclinidt.iie doubted by'illoae who are fitiailier. with the social ,qualitlei Of Mr: .Taggart and his official assoolato,* A BEAUTIFUL PARTY The most disgraceful scene ever enact. ed in tine politiCtil convention, ootirred the at qyrEwuralis; last week. °The New York Fifrag, twine most decidedly Democratic in its le4ings,' and reported to be in particular favor at Washington, the following: comments, from its columns, on the proceedings of the Syracuse Convention, may be taken as the highest compliment it can pay to the leaders of the party in that State on all stiles. Look on the picture : "-The sum andwubatance.of..the,procteedings of the Democratic State Convention at Syracuse amounts to this : The two ov three factions into which the party is split have nominated the same. St' to :ticket ! Int about the manner l of sending delegaresto'Charleston, and had ,a fight worthy of the antecedents of Tam manyl Mill :and the Allatiy llegrey: t 'NW first strikr 'n on reading an account of " tars. It is of a piece with their base treachery in the case of the Wise-Donnelly, letter, and of their political history and conduct for many years. The violence grew out of the fraud, and both arc characteristic of the Albuuk . slaughter house, and the coal hole of Tammany Hall.— But what vas it all abut ? Was there .any, principle lnvolved, . or wcre.there any measureg or even any men in quesiion, induce th'q shoulder hitters and bullies to resort to theft peculiar knock•dtiwn arguments? Was it an honest, though a vulgar and disrepp table fight? Nothing of the kind. The whole and sole bone of contention 'was, whiicia'of the 'teeth:mai glionhi have the delegatte to Charleston, in order' to con lila the federal spoils from 1861 to 1866tM PENNSYLVANA I TRIU ItiAliNT. -It will be a source of gratikatipb "to Petioil:ylva nians to know that, at the late national ex hibition by the United S4tos , Agrieultgralt 8/ 'nth held at CV - the highest THE " IRREPRESSIBLE CONFLICT."— DOUGLAS, THEN LINCOLN, and THEN THUMBIILL.—The little Giant has stirred up a hornet's nest in Ohio. He went there, as is asserted, to make a diversiorrin favor of " Ohio's gallant young Senator," and to exhibit himself to the Democracy. Immediately upon his heels, it •is an nounced that the Hon. Abe Lincoln— " Old Abe"—who worried the Little Gi ant so dreadfully in Illinois last year—is to address the people of Ohio on, the other side. And hardly does the ink an nouncing his appointments dry, in a, hun dred Republican newspapers, when it :is announced that, Senator Trumbull; of-ll linois—that other arch enemy of the, Doug glee Squattex Spvereignty in the, ,United Staff Leo plc cc. hi two of children. The writer a short. ditto since dined with a Mormon family in vicin ity of Springville, where there Were sev enteen children under the age of fog years; the family consisted of ten `wives; three of the number werallsteis s and nieces of the husband; k fourth niedeoitiiy thirteen years of age, tipenly boasted that she shortly was going to marry the same old blue beard, THE FIARMONIOIIS.--The discussion between Black and Douglas is growing de pidedly interesting. ' The Little *Giant gitobes into his antagonist fiercely, waging gg war to the knife and the knife to the hilt." We agree with • a cotemporary, , that, - 44. hovonle„alutmt i may be, on }...-i • . . ,t , :.1 the sem or put etnaply coportesy .I.µV Blaelfos vastly the advayiyge ,9f,- ... f1p Etinia*U Hisitokiew is a tpodhl''Wgen I)propriety. ghe Senator's answer ; eliritt for fish ' Itkiiitit:f Pennsylvania tEctegrapli, tilebnesban :Afternoon, .scptcniber 21, 1959: he r .vulgar insolence and i eharacterizA the Con :eful to the Democratic 2tl community, It isia 3titutions, and gives oc ; tci blaspheme the prick lom. It is a stumbling democracy adymicing inskiwAids continent or , sivribilkiythese rowdy from behind the scenes fit to„;(1' galley :slaves, Siberia they would be in . tiled for them, and the ly bettefi tied by their At been a lucky thing if at II they bad disposed of ly and as completAly as ny cats. This liintfilitY Cassiday and his Inas; UM in of ma 'or- it*T EST -11: TELEMIAP'HI (..: ShIC DASPATCEtES ~-:.- .:::: . -, 0 .--T us - D; . -I. , ..''Y'- , -- , ! . .4 L E G:',RA-,P-H. Special 111-patch to the Ta•graph Camp' Juniata et Lewistown. LEWISTOWN, Sept. 21 CaMp ;Junin tais : ,le'cided success. There are thirteen c . nn panics here, and more coming.— Gen. Patierson will be here this afternoon to review the i tfoops, aryl ! a grand display is ant ici pated. There are crowds of people here, and tbe.town_is beautifully decotatedAvilitilagasud, wreaths.J. K. W. Arrival of the Steamer Arabia. SAdgitits, - N, 13. Sen. 21. Stone, fr..m Liverpool on the 10th inst., arrived at Halifax list evening. Her advises, whigi are . one wed;later , wete dipatelf ed' hither' by l , horse,exp6s; and have just been received. . • , SEO,OND PI, SPAHR!, SAOBVILLS, N. B.—Thl divatehes. reeuhked r ". • „• per steamer Arabia furtll the folloiag Item:' of 'nmvs. The stdaMpo:Oreat,Eastern' has left the river Thames and Koceeded . to sea on her trial trip with s..ifety, tier :Parformaticett hive so far been lialiarectory. Thal settilons Zurich conference havtUbeen suspended, The ameinblies of Parma mid rioptakia nitely resolved on annaltion , of Piedmont. Oommeicial Tutellikende. tnittl ; 44; ' ,l4 19; 11 :1114 CP6II Alatket openedearly)n tile week Vi'ciive. to day quiet. The sitles'ariVe week have been 57,000 hales. • • ''' LONDON MONri 9.—Console for account close to t ley at.'4s/1.. The. Liverpool pot.4on utarkii`t closed. quitit..on Fridat, iits'ltit ..i_ti ,!, aj4 pvjeldciu4 esseutfai - change. The, breadstuff's, inarket continued I t, dui. Picitrisionayieve.ttdingtiovittward. : N DON; Sept: • . . .. . , , , . , , .. ~ . • News from Washington. • • r AsiiiaaroN, Sept. 21. The President hap re oanized John Sundt as Consul for the Grand Why of .the Baden, to teside at LOnisvillc.• I . liti'Otitents' for )4cCor• . mick's itnproveinents':n , .' teaping 'machines patented in 1847, lAA% ,neretefote heen'aev r , eral times re issued, haze been again redssucd during the past week.. !pis, however,- doss not effect the terms of tni: continuance of thg origi pals. A patent has alsose i en"rodesued to Royal House,, for hip iMproti,:ement indhe telegraph printing machine.' , ' . Shooting Affair in Richmond., I • • 'groomer* . Vik:, * •gepterthbeol. , :•' known as' gime; well kaows' clerk Of eikt change, was,shoLlastnight!hy J. R. Milton, a negrd dealer otlonisiana. Mr. , Sims is notex pected througli the day. A violent rain storm prevailed last:ll'o3li chi ng, tnpeli damage. The river IslNelll h'gtrq ; ,'; Arrival, of the, Nova, Scotian. FARTHER POINT BELOW QUEBEC; Sept 21 The steamer Nova Scotian from IliverpooLon on the 17th inst., has "passed this point tiotilid up for Quebec. • - ' • Death of the Preacher Horse Thiel. Bowen, the notorious „horst-Allier, and cele brated in New Jersey as a preacher s died in the jail at Feederick on Snfidiy: , . Rfimored'RanlCDofalcation, Sept. 21. There ara rumors on,tlie:Aieet. of a defalca ion in one of our banks. Antidote foi Poison Tire Pam Itritait.--Rriv. T.' Allen, writing from Tavoy, Burmah,Jan. 511,1867, says "within the past fourlears I have used and disposed of &bevel five hundred bottles,' but 11112 , 130* ant: Please gemlike° a fresh supply (through the Misssisei Rooms) as soon as'you can; say two hun dred bottles. Idare not be without it myself, and there are :endless calls Tor it, both byßiirmans and Berens. I alwaYs take it With Me Intollie jOnglea, and hrive fre quent occasions Louse it, both on myself and others. One night, while sleopiu . s in an open Zayate.• I was aWolte by a i:511111 viy t: •on MY emu:Mat/his, I found I had been bitten:by a7,9entipede. I immediately applied the Path Riller,'add foiled instant relief. In)ess than one hoprllltmsgitniaBl°,Pq (VI Rev. Mr. IlibbhrZ - Writing front leurmah to his father s g S h b et vc i us Pr arr3 s R a t a ; 3fi l il ler l f ril u A b b colds, summer complalnti, urns anu or the sting of •• • Scorpions, I • with uniform ha1X12169.:‘ , We lap/48 ' it 1% where wh can pat chit. hand'Ou it id thtidark,-if n d e, The stain on linen; from the use of the ratniil4er, is °milk rentoved•ty waslihniln!alcohol. •• • • EWA by druggists, pikers and medicine dealers generally. sepl7-daw2w To the Be-I'rugged and Poisoned Citizens . OF PENNgYINA.IIIA... You are overrun with 'a deluge' f the; Vl' left compoands in the form of "Alcoholic Drinks" that ever 'emanated 'fronathat pest of society, the LIQUOR MIXTR.-They sold to you as a luxury, or theyare dispensedto you Medicine, and in'either ease the effect is-the same There is but oue way to escape. and that Is to use, as a luxury or a medicament, a sate and reliable stimulant, sold under stomp and seal, which renders it certain that it has skit been: tampered *Min Sielriui itilibletti I; i CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN, which is distilled- under , inspection of the British Go ern ment, in delicately flavored (unlike any other Gin) itb some of the most valuable restoratives of the Veg tolMe Kingdom, and is by far the roost ho : ltby poveriage extant. Tim MOST E/UNINT Wre4ll,l...V.MiTuttoes Ann AKBRICa noConly TeCOnmemi.jas use by . the hale and hearty, but prescribe, ll,osc medicine where o stip p lent is,remuired. TIM ass will find it not oulya pleasant Cordial, but a certain relief in sufferings of a periodical character. ANALYTICAL CIINJUSTS OF ALL RANKS pronounce it per; reedy pure, and its restorative mails incomparable, ; Sold in overland pint bottles by.alll*Guiers, Commas, du;. For sale in liarr.sburg by D. W. Gaoss .11t Co., No. Stroot. EDMUND C,CUAIti.E Geueril Agent, spi2S.4%loy Deika MOO fli:Rdway.,,Sow,York •-• &Alm; wig.: of w ,00pink c:ouglt and CODY Isi9ns atosiatlitikinthtlen bergeritiLtie 11163tVeshoftkisAgoaksitau" 1 --r- - w aPritritsitmentst VISITORS TO THE COUNTY ,FAIR Iyi.Ef ItE :TA.IIINIG: A: STICOLL •V y THROUGH- OUR , TOWN to ..'see Ihe= sights," should not rail to call at theIPGPIILAR: INMYYMIGH. Market street, known atr IitCALLA. , .% JEWELRY BrORE, whnre they will find eyerything In thalWatekstißJewelry lino of the best quality, and at astodiskftly-low4rioas. Gold and, Silver. , Watobes4, Rings, Pins and Bracelets ; Gold Pent and , PaticilsTbeanUtul.BilwerlWare &c &B. Hemerober , the 'handsoMe store, SIGN OF 'THE BIG WATCH, opp.mitiAlm.l6nes House. 4 4 :wirtir 1 6 - W, erawiatmia,y r ei ye IT "4" - •%77 -- - - 'l7 14 44 DAN RICE'S GREAT SHOW, TRAINED ANUI.ALS, THELEDUCATED, RHINOCEROS ; An Elpehant that Walks thelTlght-Ropet THE FAMOUS rfollsE EXCELSIOR t THOSE COMIC -SIDLES t , THE DANCING 110R-lE3. DANIEL WEBITER AND WHITE SURREY 1, The Mexican' 'ilusianeEnreka, and the `1 - • 1 - Trained , Sirrhin 'Obit • ; -IN ADDMON TO MONSTER CIRCUS TROOP 2 Will Exhibit , in 'Harrisburg, Friday September 30th. . MOST POSITIVELY ]OR ONE DAY ONLY. DAN, RICE too•weltkiaiiini aver, more in America to roquiro any puffrerto as thii , OR EAT AiIIERICAN n pkrop IST. ; TRAINED ' RHINOCEROS! THE 2RI4INED , RHINOCEROS ! 4. EXCELSIOR I" ' • EXCELSIOR 1" TEM DANCING ELEPHANT I THI iILiANCING ELEPHANT! THE COMIC! MULES ! • OM I' ' • TEE,... dOMC MULES:: , •"siVernoon Perfornianeo commences at 2%, and Night Pertortunne ItAgt‘ittrlic. -`1 Sae- Thi; Ei t hibitiots'il Unlike' an Saar in the World, and the Largest in ..Asnerica t • • Admission A 5 Cents. No Reserved Sents. ? For particulars see Large and cmall.BiUs In the pried. pal thorongbfares. • .1 fUOClAkilat COAL 4 NOW IS „THE TIME TO LAY 'IN - - - - - - .•••• t ,„ r,icz . Y OUR • COAL !, • • 4 (NONSUMERS_ a Co a l who Icontfult corn forhwill always lay in good, C . Offo article . ; and by caning ettlieedittny residence, No. 11 Market street, or at mymillco'hiCanal . street, bet Ween Market and Walnut sweets, opposite the Depot of the Lebanon Valley Rail road, they can get the very article they want. I have taken:speaul c ars, in. laying in my stock, to receive no coal but what is known to be ,I have in store 'lkons Valley anditllkeibarre Coal or irsizes, viz :—Luap, - STNA*BOST, BROKRN, EGG and No; which 1 will deliver to any part of the town at As tow ti Moons as the shine quality of Coal, in the same conditioni can possibly be procured anywhere else in town. I have also in store the celebrated GINEIZiE air Baltimore Company Coal. .Persons wishing coal by the Car or Bolt load at miss pricey, can'be accommodated. I continue to keep on hand IHCKOR V, OAK and PINE WOOD. BALTI.IIOI6, Sept. 21 LADIE4 i IMANtIIING BAGS, CABAS, PORT FOLIOS, WRITING DESKS AND CASES, A new and ilba'assortment lust received and fur sale low for 'cash at A,LL THE poruLAA NEW ROOKS 11 published can bo obtained at BERGNER'S CHEAP 111111111KSTORE, 51 Market street. lATER 'I3OENT) 'NOVELS, ALL THE ifalazine4 Wieldy:NO.3re, Ste., are for wile of BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE,. 61 Market street.; ]EVERYTHING THE - BOOS AND "Stationery Rao can be obtained at the lowest prices at BERGNER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market street. .WARD '.EEECHER'S HENRY....... ..: , . ~ .. . ~.... ",SERMONB * - PII BL,ligglUoi AirkE Bg.iair I N tp till, t n .1.) 1 I '., - -i c' • Cti' .:, 1 ii!id'i * TN addition. tosthe interesting matter eon- A. twined in everrsuccessive number of The Indfizencl eat, the llibilaher is happy to announce that the SlUnttY Wanted Sermons of - Div. Basnv MAR& MUM= Win & - pear exclasiVely in its` colamns, every week. They - are the only reports given to thipress - which reeeive revis ion from the' A.uthor , s own . hand: Among other special" connibutors are the folloWiptwell-known writers : . . .. Mrs. HARR IET BEECHER STO WE, • Rev.:. GEO. • B. CHEEVER , and - - ' i JOHN G. WHITTIER. 1 1 JOHN ,_ , ; 5 , • - I Dollars a y4r, r ayable , ln advance. • . ' Ad rasa JOSEPH H. RICHARDS, PUBLISHER, i , i No. 5 Beekman Strews, New York 'r. EOk - SALE 'Bi ALL NEWS' AGENTS. 20-d2w-wl t wor , . MU I SIAAL ANq'ALVOT.T.ONS. ESTReo. °Oft giveiiinitiuctione on H the Plane frorte, Melodeon Violin and Violoncello. Terms 'moderate. lleddence Third street between Mar ket and Qbp.sp sep2O dim Nem abnertisements WITH A REAL COLLECTION =9 THE GREAT ORIGINAL ASIERICAN4II4HUMORIs MUkUc WKSELF JTIEE- RHINO C EROS 0 191i1 positively perform in tho Ring I IN AUDITION TO `THE BEST CIRCUS THE BEST CIRCUS IN AMERICA. • • WILL ALSO Llama, AT Tbuisday,September 29tb; CARLISLE, tketurday, October Ist. eP2I- r e i k . i t A NA( coal wh.v . anted,t2 be.what it Is sold for. Fere2o.l2lll - • GEO. P. ITIESTLING BERGNP.R'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE, 51 Market street. Drowl9 and lop 14 than. BOLOGNA sAu§Aqs,s, TONGUES, DRIED BEEF, :UGAR CURED EXTRA HAMS, .. . • PLAIN HAMS at 12% per pound. For sale by WM. DOCK, J. PEA NUTS ID-50 bushels just received and for sale by WM. DOCK, JR. NORTIIRIN CEIstTRAL' RAILWAY: AG R OAT L MU . R L IS T. A.."/"M W . A. It, • AT PHILAIIELPHIA .SEPTEMBER 28th, 29th and! 30th. EXCIIRSION .TICKETS,.AT REDUCKS RATES will'be tuned Irons ALI, 'STATIONS on thi "Yoram= antral Railwayi from . - September 25th to 29th inclusive, to Philadelphia. Tickets good tor return trip on ail Regular Trains ; until October 2dm Thil A - ueN WAL in the Cars. sae- EXCURSION TICKETS cannot bg procurtMln the Cara' WARFORD, sepl9 We( g.pgineer,ao.ooll, ,EBTAVRIAR ANT AND 'BILLD ROOM WILE; In Car,WA ombsite .the - popit. It is g a noswos. or $l - 00 per styllek. Addrws 4 A0g911804 +Tr, AR'F„ ,7 Osthate, Pa i NCLU cAbotitistments. ISN'T IT SO! That the very best DRUGS AND MEDICINES are sold at KELIER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market Street. • And that the finest assortment of FANCY AND TOILED ARTICLES is to be foun(lat KELLER'S, MARKET STREET, one door below Fourth. vog. .RENT.-9 good two-story BRICK j: THOUS*, corner Third street and Cherry alley.-- Possession given Immediate to JACOB SR Trustee= of Ger. R. A. H Church. sepl94llw* or to D. W' Trott- urer. PENNSYLVANIA, SS co: WI GO P it Wu, the G passed titled ' the p. the dui the Ai missica said Act of Assembly. on the first Monday of September, A. D., 1859, and on the same day annually thereafter, to report and certify to the Governor, the amount received under the said act, the amount .of interest paid, and the amount of the debt of the Commonwealth • re deemed and held by them. Whereupon the Governor shall direct the certificates represent. ,ing the same, to be cancelled, and, on such can cellation, issue his Proclamation stating the fact, and the extinguishment:and final discheri+ ,of so much of the principal of said debt. And Whereas, by the Ninety-eighth Section of the Act of the General Assembly, passed the 19th day of April, A. entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of Government," it is provided, ,that, after the receipts to the Sinking lound to the •amount that may be necessary to cancel the relief issues now in elm:dation i under , the Pro.. visions of the:Act) of the :4th day,of May, A. D., 1841, and the reissue under the Act of the 10th day ,of April, A. D., 1849, shall be applied toward the cancellation of said issues: And Where Willie Hiester, , Jr., at ing Fi !law, r !the C( and lu her, A ;A. D. one 1 hund cents, Certi+ Apt Certif dat Relies Inters red ./coi tion here) the rn final thirty five d, of th forty. the r, destrt Seca( one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State at Harrisburg, this nineteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-nine and of the Commonwealth the eighty-fourth. BY THE GOVERNOR : WM. M. Hamm, Secretary of the ammonwealth THE VERY BEST TIME FOR planting strawberries fa 'just here. The late heavy rains ha've soaked the ground, and it is yet early enough to secure a fair crop of this de- Benue fruit next season. The only place near Harrisburg where reliable plants can be obtsaned in any great qiantity, is the Keystone Nursery. isepl94ltfj H. A. ,HIBH. DU PONT'S POWDERS. GIIN POWDER, Superfine Sporting, Blasting and all other kinds. A full supply Just re °taw dat their Magazine, two miles below town, on the Middletown turnpike, fur sale at manufacturer's prices. Orders left at Warehouse will be promptly Oiled, by JAMIE M. WHEELER, Agent for Messrs. E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Wilmington, Delaware. As' The Powder in all cases will be delivered to Canal Boat, Railroad, or in any part of the city, free of charge for delivery. No exertion will be spared to give satisfacl lion in every respect. JAMBS M. WHEELFX,II ;`, near the Penn's. Central Railroad Harrisburg, Pa. sop? -de SCHUYLKILL AND DAUPHIN IMPROVE. RENT AND RAILROAD COMPANY. NOTICE. A- - • Meeting of the Stockholders of the above Company will be held on Walnesday, 28111 of September, at 3 o'cloch,P. N. , at the store of Edward K. Tryon, No. 22ONOrth Second street, Philalelphia, to elect a Board of Managers and for the transaction of other business that may be submitted. • By order of the President, GEO. E.,,TRYON, Philadelphia; Sept: 1 6 , 11169,;—5ep9-Iltd* . . . .. THREE•GREAT PEACHES. ' Tam SLIMY Ilknarrsts, earliest good free stone. Tam 4sx7sra, largest and best yellow free. . , tail: very large, v ..., :. ' , white and rell.l Typiy 011'4 t he above v , - . he Keystone brorserf Heriisb , . ...... . , •.. dozen ; $l6 per lindrOd. ~, z , - • Tr' ' . -- ,• . . 1 s ' • ..,;„:,,• - •': • $ • :- ,-- •i;. :.: ' . ~. • .., -• , • SCOTCH AND INDIA ALE IN STONE AND GLASS. YOUNGER'S SPARKLING, (I:rind:11r ; YOUNGYR'S " (Abbey 131 I MUIR & SON'S SPARKLING. ALL 'OPP'S INDIA PALE. R. DISHER & CO., (strong.) -ALSO HIBbERT'.3 LONDON PORTER. FINZI & WILLIAM'S STOUT. DUCKWORTH C. CO'S STOUT. BARKLEY'S LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest market rato,4 . WM. DOCK, In. opposite the Court House: 18501 NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILW t DAUPHIN ,COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. Ak..t ME a, zo 03 1:6 lel. rg, SEPTEMBER 21st, 22d and 23d, 1‘,59, EXCURSION TICIEETs laplL BE ISSUED FORM A LI. 1 ; 1. TIO S ou the Northorn Central ILO Di,) 1„ A RISBURG MIDI= GOOD from Frmtember 20th to '.41.1.111. Atir• &mire ffekefr before faking seats in the A R. IN t.'eptember li, 1859.--lif Chief L. • University of Maryland SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. Tiffs FIFTY-SECO"; D SESl_ 4 loti wlll I 1. gin on MONDAY, OCTODIER 17, I‘l9 eon 'March Ist, 18130., FACULFI - : N. R. 9UITH. M. D. Principle; and Prance of W. E. a. AIKEN, M.IP. Cheinkatry and l'harniac!, SAIIIIEL CHEW If. D. PiincfpleB and Pracncer.f .11X;RPII ROBY IL D., Anatomy - anti Phy: - ..t0t.,, ) D. W. lIILTESIIKRGER, M. D., Obstericka. CFIARLES FRICK, N. D., Mater.* lied ie.; an. I The r R. It. SIIITII, M D Demonstrator of anat.alt) CLINICAL INSTRCGTION it giv,sn at the (Li Infirmary, situated hear the University, an , atatriculaten of the School throughout the ye .r /BSS Air the full course s9u . llatrt•ul Graduation, NO • Praelleal'Aratoinv, 310 *Prof. N. It. SALM at Arristant ikeltirer will supply any detletenoim In the Analonn, consequent upon the ill health of Prof. Nob: . OFXIRON W. itiLTENREPI;i:i. HARE' sepl7d2iv LEBANqN VALLEY BRANCH PHILADELPHIA .&READING RAIL ROAD AN EXTRA EXCURSION PAS.SB' 1; Er TRAIN will leave LEBANON at 9 A. 11., oa Wednesday, Thursday £ Friday, the 2.lit. :12d and 23d inst., FOR THE DAUPHIN COUNTY es in view. The Students, are fr quentliaail carefully examined, legal questions are 4, cussed and exercises in writing from part of the ener. , .. By the rules of the worts, the time occupied here.. , treated as equivalent, for most purposes to office ste.! in entitled to admission' to the bag, and when admite.l the court below, a graduate of this lashlotion can prnn. at once in the Supreme Court. The introductory lecture will be delivered on FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 80th. at 8 o'clock P. M. at the usual leche r room, by the Hon. George Shorewood. sepihrhe WM. F. PACKER AGRICULTURAL SIR AT HARRISBURG, SEPTEMBER 21st, 224 and 23d, 1859, EXCUIISION TICKETS will be issued t• Harrisburg from Phliadelphla, Lewistown and Intermediate. Stations on the Pennsylvania September 20th to 2sd, inclusive, good for return if ,1 allvegular trains to and from their usual stopping until September 24th, inclusive. Secure tickets before taking seats in the ray. C.. duelers will not bo authorized to sell Eigursif.n Tx, • from points where the Company bas an Agent. Miklos intended for Exhibition—Live Steck an will bo carried to Harrisburg from the above, at regular Toll Sheet rates, and upon the or shipper, signing a release agreejng that the vaniallailroad Company shall not beheld respen any loss, or damage, which may be sustained alt: portatlon, or while In the cars, or at the devai Company, the articles exhibited will be returned place of shipment, FREE OF CHARGE, of rur i• presentation of the Company's receipt, show iii, ti,:11 .. Sheet rates bad been paid for the transportau:a , articles to the Fair, and that a release as at,," had been given. ' THOMAS A. SCOTT, seps-dtd General Superinimd,/ AGRICULTURAL STATE FAIR PHILADELPHIA September 27th, zath, 20th, and 30th lOt' EXCURSION TICKETS WILL BE ISSUED FROM ALL ,Sl.l TIONS ON THE PENNSYLVANIA ILA I iAI September 25th to 29th, inclusive, to Nola& 111,1 for return trip on all regular trains to sod I usual stopping places, unUl October Ist, inclu ire• SECURE TICKETS BEFORE TAKING :,Ekl IN THE CARS. Conductors will not be authorized to Eell Es,iar Tickets from points where the Company ha; NOTICE TO SHIPPEItS. 'Articles Intended for exhibition—Live Stoic kJ -- will be carried to Philadelphia at regular toll slu ct ...I' and upon the owner, or shipper, signing a release log that the Pennsylvimililtallroad Company I. held responsible for any kiss, or damage, whirL t , Y sustained in transportation, or while in the car, LT At t! depots of said company, the articles exhibit , t returned to'the place of shipment, FREE 6 F (11 - 1/ ''" (if unaold„ . ) tin presentation. of the COmpauy's sgv:iig that Toll Sheet rates had been paid for the ti on of said articles to the Fair, and that a ad alio*e stated had been given. In case th , placed on exhibition shall not have been sold dant.: Fair, the charges paid for transportation will he ret''' ution'the owner producing a certificate lo that fti the President of the Agricultural Society, whl. h r , : 'sate shed! be endorsed bY the Agents of ail , o' llll upon the return of articles to their respective stat , !. - - THOMAS A. SCOTT, Seal Sm. A qtafigteaSipi.-lat,, 181)900312dt( BELLFEG CHEAP TO REDUCE STOCK PLAIN ? MOURNING AND FANCY FAN,;, Thernana, VORTMIiONNAIRS AND W.A1.1.}1- HAIRBRUSHES, SOAPS, POMADES, V4I4IA,ILA:BANS fine article, CIO:A 1111,1,ERSjpRUG sin9E • 91 Market streeg New Tuvertisements TO BY HELD LTITRAL FAIR Al ARRISBURG, :Harilitrurg:to Lebanon ht b I' xi same days. Iltets to Harrisburg and back sitl.ho following reduced Fares .JAN SI 00 the Trip ILLS 085 TRA 0.00 •• ,ELSTO N N..„ 0.40 ill be good during the three days state used of the Station Agents only. charjed ff ?pia in the Cix". Extra Train will stop Itir ' iissenger, and Parrozr TURNOUTS, and at “RCTII6L Croslling, * GI. A. NTCOLLS, Gang Suu 'L ptember Itl , 1859.-dtt TY OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT, DELP HIA, PA. IF THIS INSTITUTION will on the 4 2d of OCTOBER next. The 1. , 1 ).toote of the lectures. Sharswood--Persons, Personal ,icrcantile law. cCall, Evidence. neer:Miller, Equity jurisprudence lade to render this institution ettlepq • DAUPHIN COUNTY TO BE HELD NOTION TO SHIPPERS TO DII HELD AT IEOI
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