gaitg telegraph. iIARRIBBURG ednestlay Afternoon, September 21, 1859 CEFI OF` Tll TIIERMOBLETER. run C Wou e. tfarriJbov, tleptomber 21, '6ll. 4a 4, 1, A. M. 12, 'icon 2, P. M. ------- 66 7u 76 74 A M. 29.653 a 7 o'clock He i:HNIBP ALL TOE LATE WERICLY PAPERS, Magazines and popular publications are for sale at Besom's cheap Bookstore, 61 Market street. I=l2l=l Moon Vassoa.--A regular stated meeting of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company will be bold at their hall this (Wednesday) eve ning at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is re quested, as business of importance will be transacted .....-....,-... THE RVJLVAL 118 STING iu the Vine Street Methodist chapel continues in successful pin gross. The nightly meetings are well attended, and from the interest manifested there id a probability that much good will be accom plished "in the name of the Lord." -_-_-.01,---- SEMONADLE ADVICE GEATIB.—The seriSoll for putting up stoves has arrived, 'old care should be taken to see that the stove pipes are properly secured and the 111103 and chimneys proof against fire. A little care in this respect way prevent serious loss. ANOTHER PARDON.-A fellow unwed Hacker, convicted of manslaughter, in the Cuurt of Blair county, some three years ago, and sentenced to the penitentiary fur ten and a half years, has been pardoned by the Clovernor. =MO Tug FAVOILITY BRAND. -- There is an abundance of miserable trash in the market sold under the denomination of " brandy." Those who are up to the "tricks of the trade" and who want the genuine article, always use the " Pure Ohio Calolaba• Brandy," Ittlld by ?dr. C. Arßanvert. There is po bekto otgurer brandy made, and the Cawtaba is an article that improves upon seqadintauce. ..—....5.v..--..- Rlllll/1Y FOll Cow 1N ma 13rAD.—The follow ing may be' Worth trying : —"Tie a handkerchief over the head at night on going to bed, taking owe to covet the Airs, and an incipient cold will be gone In the mosniug. The ' tome of a cold should never be neglf simplest remedies have effect then, useless efterwards. If a cold has headway, irsiokl hlrtinida for twenty an will disappear." $ Tiiiihniersags.- 4 We do not objes business display bs.onr mcrehar principal tkoranghfskies are emu' great an extent with empty dry contrary ea tics-holongili ordinances. that sfti,r 1 1 IsB kreasoneble to indicate anerrivul of new goods, be removed. 'troy are not so di male pedestrians free from the blir of lager, but they are decidedly in free spread of crinoline. _,,_ Au You Aseesean.—Our politics; the various wards should see to it ht time that their Raman are duly registered on the assesfi meiit, list at least ten days before the election. This lean important duty which no member of the .People's party ought to neglect. To one and all we say, aftdad to if at once. Let not a single vote be lost in consequence of neglect or inactivity. Go to the Assessor, and if your nate° it not on the Bet, have it recorded immo diately, and sett that your neighbors do like wise. • ,a Camen.:—A few n ecks 1401 'had all item under the above a. /um/ application. It had tiled, without credit, by a papers, and this morning in the columns of our dalW foci complimented by the I items, and so far froni ' Tuit Pop finding fault with our brethren of the "quill and shears," corntnend them for the good taste displayed In th eir efforts to get up readable papers. • MAW* PRBPARAIIOIIB.—The WeettPhilariell phis Engine Companrare making preparstiops to leave the city on the 80th of October next for their visit to Lencaater, Harrisburg ar Reading. They intend to remain four days one in Lancaster, two in Harrisburg and ouc Reading. They will participate in the firm:net parade here on Monday, November let, and \ be the guested the RtlerldshiP Com Pa r, Y • Wed , P plus will bating sixty cquipp leen, sp.b e sex;oppapiell by Be c k 'a brated 'key their suet' engine . At iheickie t t meeting th. elected Captain Philip Lowry, Jr., Chia 11;.r ahl, and John Sturghtt, Jr., and 1 heodore Sage, I=l THY CITIZEN FIRE COMPANY will meet tide evening to complete their arrangements for sending the "Button" engine to Philadelphia to compete for the prise offered by the State Agricultural Society. We confidently expect to see the committee return "with brows bound with victorious wreaths." The "Button" ow' t be taken down by any hand engine in Phila• delphla or elsewhere. Since writing the above we have received the Philadelphia Ledger, containing the proceedings of the hand engine eddvention held in that city last night, at which arrangement was made evidently with the defile of ruling out the Cit izen company of ow town, and preventing them from cotupeting for the prise. Under the ar rangement made the "Button," if entered,'will be confined to a one inch upside, and compelled to throw about thirty feet farther t hanltny other competing engine. Thie is very unfair, •arid looks a little cowardly, on the part of the city firemen, if we properly understand the pre• gramme laid down by the convention. The Citizen delegate will return home this after noon, and report to the meeting to be held this evening, when the whole matter will be fully discussed end acted upon. ,*Rev. DR. SEIB9, of Philadelphia, will preach this evening in the English Lutheran church, before the Synod of East Pennsylvania. ANOTHSE LUTHBRAIi STNOD.—The West, Phil adelpbia Synod of the Lutheran Church will hold its next session in Hanover, to commence on Friday next and continue several days KEEP IT BIirPOEI THE PEOPLE, that the place to get handsome, well-made and neat fitting boots and shoes, is at the store of Mr. Lours YENS; hi Market street below Fourth. His assortment cinnot be surpassed in town, and his prices are such as to suit the times. m. 29.655 2 o'clock Mess CAROUNg Ricuistas, the charming vo calist, whose sweet strains delighted our music loving citizens on a former occasion, announces her intention to warble again in Brant's Hall on Saturday evening, October Ist: . Of course she will be , greeted with a full house and an end! HALL baud Wild Crabt Tu rain the het is to ble stocked, and pleasant weather alone is wanting to give success to the exhibition. . BAND SEcutien.--The members of the Hope Fire Company, we are infoimed, have secured the services of the York Silver Cornet Band to play for them on the occasion of the first of November parade. This baud, and our own "State Capital," have the reputation of being the best in the interior of the State, and the Philadelphia Bands engaged for the same oc casion will have to "put in their best licks," or lose their laurels.... , Tint Hoes 'ktiii • Couraer of Philadelphia, whose "steam squirt" took the prize at the Nacional Fair at Chicago, will pass through here ou Fridiy en route for home. The ' , Hope boys" were warmly received and handsoniely. entertained at Pittsbqrg, and we notice that. the American• Fire Company of Lancaster are making arrangements to give them a fitting Our -4 1 6 1 -. anal tZ i rli heavily to the•pavement I N 44. 4 " tangle-foot" roktained no se; lionspermiiittlitinap, but the affair caused conOtieralle untasennint for a crowd of fundov ingijiikneuil..i, who weis pla)ing in the 'filmy VS' Ae,. u 1 '-:everal cases of petty tidal .viug 141111.4x -cur retl in town lately, and inmost lubtancas' the l'aseals have escaped deteetihni One chap who evidently has a weakness for good filings in the eating line, operated sues ,gleeful n' market this morning, securing a ha I.filled with meat and vegetables. ,The tie ~ corn whom it was stolen took the . abair qu . ' philosophically, remarking that: If ' fticili 4 O , '''' t raireal would return the basket, be in was w met° the contents. S ' EXAIIsATION.-01 , 10g to , the stoner on 1 turday , the examination, of teaatere :in; derrylTinship was ,postponed. . The ConntrApperintgndent, *lr. Ingram, intrtiiiii us‘ths,i 2 lo will hold a special examination foe I thatAilim, la Mord's school honk; in said I.torsaalo, on Saturday the lbth of October..--• 41 2 414 . - fillkbg WareltulhOlPf - " iwthat way /oath. The ry laborious, wined. Mr. and ptpular laghoue the ire and good ,Lid` cumu l i ' often_ ver 1 ested . iiiiite I . . . "pure eider vinegar," manufacturell by 110,14 . Kimbell and !dyers, North street, near TitiKi, which we found to be superior to any we have tried this season. It Is of good quality, excel lent flavor, and free from drugs, or anything injurious to the stomach or system at large. The same article has been tested end strangey endorsed by four of our prominent physlciani, which is a su ffi cient recommendation., ,Ho ' keepers will fi nd it to be the purest and chest ; t article in market. _ SERVICES LOT EVENIIIO.—The Lutheran church was well filled last evening, notwithstandqg the inclemency of the weather. The Rev. Dt. Greenawald, from Easton, delivered a -thoitt powerful sermon, and the following students were duly licensed aaMinisters of the Gospel of* the Lutheran Church, who, wu understand, passed a most creditable examination, vii Messra. S. A. Bob,man A: R. Horne, J. * Dlmm, Jacob Fridaio, F. C. H. Lampe, C. L Keedy, Michaid. Wolf and Charles Eitinehowar. The following members were duly ordainedi Messrs. E. Thiber, D. 8, Truchenmiller, L. Aughey, H. R. Fleck, Studebsoker and W. L. Heisler. ' • - • ; i After the conclusion of the 'regular g ' service, the congregatiOix was dierobeext, the Lehmap,Wpfercare,. of , the 'Elrod bell cosleek* WA • tete hoar. ennspltrania Watlp telegraph, WilltsbfaV 'afternoon, September 21, 1859. ....-w...-. I:==1 .--.-.,42,,.,-.. Z WHITE meal on Ruch as ens and Soup, ug from enching visiting exhibi- officers .y, and it e (avow.- is well =3M:I --....._---. =CE .-.,..__-- EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN . SYNOD. AFTERNOON SESSION A meeting of We clerktiqUembers of the Synod was held at 2 P. M.; when the business connected with theacensute and ordination of applicants for adolisslon 10 - the Gospel Ministry was attended to, and it was p.solved, 1. To ordain this evening the licentiates Revs. R. Huber, D. S. Truckenmiyer, L. Augiey, h. R. Ujititiletackell and' L. insister. 2. To giant lkerise 6 preach he gospel and kidoiinister the sacrament, to Veil% L ,A. Holtian,i A. R. ilortie, }1 1:11wRil Jiro* Friday, F. C. M. Lampe, C. L. Keedy, Midhael Wolf and Charles Stinehower: At 3 p. M. the l usual Synodical business was resumed. Several reports were presented , concerning the transactions of the various district confer ences into which, the Synod is divided,-exhibit; ing the commendable zeal and diligence of these brethren; in, the great work In which they are engaged. • Rev. C. A: Enswaar, from the Cotnmittee on the Erninans Orpheus' House, reported as fol : • The committee on the Emmaus Orphan House have endegtrored dii4haro the duty disigned them, and that success has thus far attended their efforts to secure the interests of , the Lutheran church in this institute. Yont coinmittee,lM itipapniegon wittr S. 8. Sehmucker, D. D., a inemher'6l the committee appointed by, thg §ynod of , )Vest Pentut.,met in conference with the Principe), Tutor and Trus tees of the,' `,,Entpakia, Orphan Hpuse" on the 81st of becetitbei,lB6B, et" the Lutheran par sonage„at.illiddletoviu, 'a. At this meeting there was a mutual anefree interchange of opinion in,reference to .the present condition and future prospect of the Orphan House. The joint committeenrged nisi& tba Trustees the importance of immediately endeavoring to establish the Orphan Acme& upon , i r he principles laid down by Geo. Fry in his last will. This conferenc4Lwy,ktme,retteon, belleye n has had a happy effect. Efforts were soon made and plane adßßlPd.lY,ltick the irsititntion was to commence operations on' the first of April,lBs9, 1 on a more enlarged scab. Rev. Mr. Valentine 'having resigned the Pq-. torship of the institution on the y brat of March, the Chairman of your committee iraffeleeted to that,posittou t te enter. upon its dutie,s on the fir4cot Alm"' Since the first of April there have been re• ceived bile the Orphan liduse eight poor orphan children. The number will still be increased as the increase of the estate will ;justify.. • : At the last session of the Court of Dauphin county, John Croll, Esq., was ,appointed a Trustee for eight years, to fill the vacancy oc casioned by the expiretiou of„Mr.,A. Fisher's term. We now haVe one Listiseran tithe Board of Trustees. 4i As an aripthritmifnt will be merle every two years, and as it is exceedingly d esirable that the intereelle-of,ddielsiberan Athurch in tbie institution should not be neglected, we would reconitaend the . ' appointment of a standing committee, to be termed the "Committee on Emmaus' Orphan House." _ Anillorthe_ ,r _we would recommend that tile-ciirdieiti,Vbe au• tborized to adopt such measures as may seem to them consisteribte43oollrBthelinterestoof the 'church in that institution. Further, we, .•• • Ore such expression to its viewd'in:feterence to the disbursement of klemsistaks#44 urge ko t i . they be confined to tfite — h"ei•es'ae - TiTmprovebstilleel94 the estate and the maintenanee.end eihc of pdoi'oiphitri'dh'itareis? • ' ' • Respectfully.rienitted, C. de BEEM:IASI', 'CHARLES A. HAY. This report was nhanlisitmelylltdciptials - 1 • On the pr i tiort 4 cilkev, 4 AI e pI,TINE the following's esoluthinf wife ullanimouslY adopted ; , , , , J. That we •have heard with pleasure t statements riuultiAltriokii: 43 944l l 4lect to the " Emmaus Orphan House," and rejoi in theseeePPragkng ProilFAlsPec9F9. that _ rgpidt tution. 2. That a standing, committ ,four appointed lO be 'styled "the - CoMnintee:ozi th. , Emmaus Orp han House" whose 407 ' be to leek lifter' the interest/! and rights ' Luthersux,eiturch to that institution.; • 3. That we as a Synod, most urgently, re quest the "members of the institution"atyfed the "Emmaus Orphan House" to expend none of the fuli'dilif 'the estate exeriptilbr such end* as are directly contemplated by the will of PlotßPti!lt.ol.444) the toy 4. ain iue sense o 'thus se ss operaicso of the institution in. as supporting educating br‘liiitas; according 'to , n ir e leiratiki I 19.rp:Pgii only PecK* l l; 1 44 m noble monument to his memory., Coininittss apprintel in aokr i aance with ieottha teitathed4 l *afi-IM: , CJ. V& iF .Dr.IC.I at. May, and Messrs. Oeo. liadfong* M. IL Allemau, Jr. one ,wo the The After the presentation of the remairdorpor% ._ . acillallie6oliiMAllJ't WA & Ifikeirlitell ' APTEINOON.--yfill leave the Depotat 100 ~• * my? i t troan t and Molars. f Way and Croll I? 1,30- -2.00 2 . 30,3.00 , 8 80 ' 4.00. , 430 5.00 a/Totaled' a comma ' le pare a report -p, if, • - • PinnefOli`Pe 4 seinovi' the gPhOd with lefeancie_ _ Returning, will loive• the Crossing at 1.15, to the recent A ff ord to set PA , delianed the -del a 1.45, 2.15, 2.45,.8.15, 3.45, 4.15, 4.45, 5.15 P. M. , oft .. te,olllloEl3ollWkiinba r .idtrApOelP , Tickets for the round trip 10 CENTS. th`o ; ;It". Y dblif.fadaf Of the 1511 r irlikr *. Passengers , •,., 44 are particularly requested to pur ,. .i Thriveonstimakianlortahe Pseillinst's-aitiFf chase their Tickets . ay the DepOt before getting r.its,.l m rn 04yoltopoiiigt .;.;., !,; ~- into the owe. . Passengers having no Tickets will be charged , l• siberifilliniker. tintoliitiblt;'idbitte; .- in thecars 14 eENTS.for the Round Trip, or 7 ispdhelywhysa stp inede t , exhibit the ~. , C'ENTS for the'Singla l Trip. • regard in which *fa iles. l 4 p. : Crinimilkh Passengers wIll:bc, requited to show their was held by thigbedy. Tickets before getting Into the cars. Thit oommitlide to prepare restantioes'cin the ~ . ' A.. L. ROUMFORT, deathof,Brother‘J. S. Cittomspqg . !pug Or. ' Supt. Rest. Div. Pa. Railroad. the following': :-. , , ~ , •:----I_, na.---- Wassi4 Oct iteivenly . kathei, in ' iiti i i d- nut New Jewett( SINAGOGUP. on Front street, scrntabloßrovidants*, has resioved ournisklyed recently noticed in the Tift.sosees, will be ded -149. JohnlL elmobaugh by dhatiti there hated ink Wedieralayiof• next week, at which 1. Ji'es4Ved, Thatity'hilet we es aSyniid mietm time the Jewish New Year. commences. The the early departure of one who had midosied - r 1 . •.. i n t eres t . , @emu/ on 8 uunquy oue or grea t to th e ktoyey to . the hearts of ell, by hie ttreons - - iv Jewish po on our community, who reli paitlon and Clirlstiiin'depOrtmetit, )fielett, cheerfully submit 40.. thy pill of ~ glonsly observe this and other festivals. The who "doeth all things wall.' , , !, . new Synagogue - has been fitted up in a style ''- 2. ResoleaknPhat , not only the SynOcinil it is%ll whin speltka hell for - the and taste liberality which he was c i ounected,but the whole c, * Vas' iftitalnell* glint 1614 in' the 'fielith' .. eof those !ot•fin 3 nte • . Whew elliienier /14 4 410CatielPf , PetticelEPAAf°' , ,o leuma iinw Coax ._An elegantly. Mitred, as patter, Preacher and Warner. as call ;IA; .0 ..' I .:. ~,,i f. "gri 4 F., , eenitri4 friend , gave d e a be e iglas r t i esterie be. exedum. counterfeit on e Dank of Commerce, neve that his already extensive infirm° sae - Philadelphia, hi , in circulation. A better coun bnt the beginning of a career of exteniiie `4B ° - teifeitlivrarelyineen. Thesplate is excellently . fullerLa, v 4 , : tui 4 iii . d . e l epii .i si ; gd l . p1i ... 6 ,, ir. . ei ,i, i h keg - r i ven .% printed on . good paper, and, except .thehdreaved firstly, endear - wend the& to e that it is paler than the genuine, la a perfect i t care pi theeitbe fatherless and wAduwe fee simile., . ...* I. I .- I . • .. _ , ' 4. Roams' if; Itaethi Sedietitry 'be rettbdited---..m.-,-.. _ . . to forwatdsoppyßptlettglsolutions,..te ' 'Mitt Ar ria, Tess to lay in supplies; of coal the Melia orbui e ,,iii.,l ' ••r g9r* trf#4 l ,Wifiel oia.Aol/44, 4. .! purchase to .; k -A-r , : ,-; C...195in.#10, r rica ,,, t t .: . bid, advigutippis at the yard•of , Pitt4 Cleo. -:. : ,1 D .it . , , tsi t111 . “.:5& 4,SWF -,. -=-' R. Wiestling, whose' card will belonzid in , an ., M. VALINT . T,' T 1 Ay. - iihi t i s i t imilk,' r . ?:.1 - - , I i . _ 4,i - i.iL i 1.1i,,-..,;,1ix)- ; . ~ ~• ; 1111 After a half hour spent in devotional exercises, the transactions of the usual business of the Synod was.rettunted. The orders of the day being the considera tion of the President's report, the same was taken up, item by item. In reference to that part of it relating to the want of ministers in the church, it was resolved that a committee be appointed to prepare a tract upon this subject, aiming to arouse our churches to earnest efforts to induce more yOung wen to devote themselves to the gospel ministry ; and that the Lutheran Board of Pub lication be requested to publish and circulate it. The committee consists of Rev. Dr. Hay, Rev. L. E. Albert, and Rev. Dr. Seim The committee appointed to prepare a minute, expressing the sense of our Synod in regard to the recent efforts to have Sunday laws of our Statirepealed, reported the following TUIISDAY, Sept. 20 Me Committee, to whom wore referred the resolutious in reference to the sanctification of the Christian Sabbath, have had the same un der consideration and beg leave to report the following : Wearies, In certa:n quarters systenuntic and . strenuous efforts are tieing•made to promulgate wripturalanderrommureviews concerning the Vilitlatiair SWAIM cir tord's Day, and to were frodi the Legislature the repeal of those laws, by which, its properwintification and observance are protected ; ' AND Witiurne it is eminently becoming and proper,that Synods and` Conferences give an ex pression of opinion on this subject ; Aim Warms, The Synod of East Pecinsyl - vaniCaccorditig to the teaching of the Lutheran Church ever recognized the Christian Sabbath or Lord's Day, as a Divine institution, of per petual and universal moral ot.ligation, whose proper observance and sanctification is as bind ing open the hearts and conacikriiislif man kind as are any of the other commandments contained in she Decalogue. Rhaved, That we regard it as a high testi mony to the wisdom, the virtue, and the piety of our revered forefathers, that they enacted laws rendering the desecration of the Sabbath a penal offence, and securing to Christians of all' denominations its peaceable and unmolested enjoyment, and that to the repeal of these laws, as a whole or impart, this Synod is strenuously and unalterably Opposed. •Such repeal we would regard as a mere entering wedge for efforts, on the part, of the enemies of ahristianity, to abolish the Sabbath altogether, and with it all our existing religious institutions. /4/Wobied, That the officers of this Synod be requested, in case circumstances shall seem to require it, to prepare a memorial to the next Senate and House of Representatives, protest ing against the repeal of the Sabbath laws, either as they apply to city or country, which remonstrances shall be circulated- among all our congregations for signature, and then trans.. our State Legislature. Resolved, That whilst we view with deep re gret tie attempt made in some quarters to in troduce the Sabbath question as au issue in the political arena, we yet seriously deprecate the consequences of the repeal of the existing Sab bath law of the State—and call upon all the members.of oar congregatioas to take a decided stand In favor of the proper observance of the Lord's day, and by avoiding all questionable 1 ee xampl inpleyments deed and precept inupholding the sanctity of this holy day, and resisting the efforts made to break it down. Resehier4 That the pastors connected with this . Syned be requested at au .early- , date, to preach eae or more riiscocirsvi. tp their congre * ••A ?Dere consistent egesehigkeof the 'Sabbath. ' k/thietheee re la<tiees'lt'e'pdbliehed , not on 4 in our own church papers, buil:Also in the Harrisburg papers and in as Ally of the journals of our sister denomina tioas as shall consent to their publication. T. T. Trrus, E. W. HUTTER, CHARLES A. HAY, DANIEL EPPLEY, Committee. Rev. Dr. Hay gave notice that at the next meeting of Synod, he would advocate the iidoption of the following resolution • Resolved, That our Synodical constitution be INWairiaded as to authorize all the members of *nod, lay and. clerical, to participate in all peelesiestical business. The Rev. Mr..ALßEßT.offered the following resolution which- was adopted unanimously, , , , Resolved, That the worthy President be re `qttetited to return thanks to this congregation ,and the citizens of llairisburg in general for the truly kind and hospitable manner in which they have entertained us, as a Synod, during pursOrottrumltitEtttppt. WEDNESDAY MORNING DAUPHIN POINTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. —DUI Ink ttie:c.O. ntina f t' ace of Aiy k I)l4lphiii County Agrionl a A'49.AN9DR TRAIN will run between the'Peurniylininta Railroad DepOt dnrl the , lnsane Asylum crossing, es follows : Mowsci.—Will, the Depot at 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30,11.00,,11.30 A. M. ''Returning ; will leave .tho Crossing at 8.45, 9,46,-9.45, 10.16,10.45; . 11.15, 11.46 A. M. Rev E. Hosea will preach in the Second Presbyterian church (colored) in Walnut street, this evening at half past seven o'clock. CEMENT FOR Crinis.—The white of an egg well beaten NOM quick lime and a small quan tity of old cheese, forms au . excellent 111107 tote for cement, when wanted in a hurry. Tns GYMNASIUM.— This is one of the best in stitutions in Harrisburg, and the wonder is that more of our young men, engaged in sedentary oceunaticks, do not patronize It: It ist elf thoroughly equipped as many of the city Gym nasiums, and an hour's exercise there daily would not fall to develop the muscle and give strength and activity to the entire physical system. The young men who originated the institution deserve credit, and we hope soon to hear of a large increase in the membership.— Clerks; professional sleek and mechanics; who are confined during the day, cannot spend their evenings hours more beueficiallythan byvisithlg the Gymnasium and indulging freely in health. power Sumo reliable compound of this character fa much needed in the community. Road the advertise• went of DR. Area's Sarsaplrina in our columns, and we know it needs no encomium from us to give our citizens confidence in what lie oilers. Organ, Syracuse, VY. aug2s-dawlm MRS WINSLOW, An expert() ced nurse' and female physician, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitates the prepesept teetbidg"by soft ening the gums, reducing all inflammation— will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will. gitre rest to irtiorselves r add relief and health to your infants. Perfectly safe In all cases. Soe dverUsement in another column. . g 4 dimly TUB GRIAT ENGLIAIt REMSDY.---Ftif James Clarke's Celobratod Female Pills, prepared from 6140011 01 at J OtErliO, PllysleiniEgcabidlititky , . to tho Quetta. This well known medicine is no imposition, but a aura and sada rimed," fOr female Whop hies amiOht4ritetions from• any CauSo whatever ; lad although a powerful remedy, they contain nothing hurtful to the constitution.' TO .I.IIAttRIEU t.ADIRS- r . it la peculiarly sotto& It will , Idd at 'Wirt indur, 4 britig do the monthly period with regularity. UWE FILLS Rare toren BEIMKNOWN TO FAIL SPI O ERE TUT. 0111.6CT10218 ON AMR 2ND PAGE . OP PANIIILYT ARE WELL 08. . For flillilarticult "get hlht t 1 60 tut, ayssiP agee l NEW MUSIC STORE. No. 93 Market Street, Harrtabarg. SHEET MUSIC, Instruction Books. MUSICAL MERCHANDISE GENERALLY. 1: 2 I -EL Ma - C:0 , MELODEONS, GUITARS, VIOLINS , FLUTES, • ACCORDEONS, &e. O. C. B. CARTER. junl6-dtt Adjourned PROF. ADO,. WOULD reap Wrens and am continue to give 'untrue LODEMT, VIOLIN and BIM. lie will wltt pl homes al any hour der his residence, in roue decls-dtt" rfl:Cl7" 1M FRONT &BMW rIPHB Fall term School for boys, August. The room is nlshed, and iu every purposes. CATHARINE II'ELWEI the same building, will • time. The room has vacation, to promote tl. auglB•dtf MESDAMES CHEGARAY & D'HERVILLY'S, BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. No. 1809 Logan Square, Vine St., Philada. MADAME CHEGARAY respectfully in forms her friends and the public in general, that independently of her Boarding and Day School:directed by herself and bor niece, Madame Prevost, in New York, she intends, in connection with her niece Madame Dllervilly, opening in Philadelphia, au Institution, on precisely the same plan as the one above mentioned. The Principals will answer applications and receive visitors, on and after the 12th of September, and the SebOol opep mtAle . M4ll. applo-dim THE ~PHiA7F,P.OOK§t.ikE NO. 51 Market r ' Stile: - NEXT TO HERR'S HOTEL• ASSORTMENT OF' RELIGIOUS AND STANDARD 011)6 e r A:SAWA:NS ON HAND AYINII*64 AT VERY lOC_ !WI El I=l=l euration‘4l '..IS "L Op A ifgebical. DR. .M 7 LANE'S CELEBRATED VERMIFPCT EU IV 13 LIVER /PILLS. W E beg leave to , call the atren tionipf the Trade, and more especially the Physicians of the country, to' two of the inost popu lar rernedies' now before. the publ ic_ We refer to Dr. MB. IPLane's i :Celebrattd Venpi;an:P We do„.not recommend - them as universal cure r alls, but simply for what thigir parpe purports, vtz.: THE VERMIEUGE, For exselling Worms from the hUritari"§ysitTent ItilidAls , Pbe6n administeiiid , NOitli • he 14nosti sans-. factory' results to4ariouS Animals subject to Worms. THE LIVER PILLS, For the cure Of LIVER COMPLAINTS, al/ BILIOUS DEE.AFO.EMF.NTS, SICT" HEAD-ACHE, &c. In cases of FEVRR AND AGUE, preparatory to or after taking Qui nine, they almost invariably make a speedy and permanent cure. As specifics for the above men tion?l,ilwases, they are Unrivaled, and, never known to firil l la4ien‘ ad ministered in accordance with the directions. Their unpretedetited, popularity t"i• FLEMING BROTICE RS, PITTSBUIttar PA to disposeiof. Dnugi, business, hl Which Oey have beef'_ uccess ld for the- last Twenty :hey will novi,,give their time,, atl4, attptiok to rapture ; '1141,14 being de the 'Dr. 191 ; Lane's Cele- Tnifuge. an 2'Liver Pills ate to•,occiTy the.-high •y now liotd arnklg - the dies ,of tkey e to swie neither. time 1 4 1, p r 4 :thilf the Best , • * and cora -1 inure most thorough iddt-ess all -ordep to ING BROB. ItifidTgb, 1* tel Physicians ordering from 'others do well to write their, ordirs none but Dr. .0174m0,, preponed tieurgli, At. To those within to give ill forward per mall, poet pain, to any 1 States, one box of Pills for twelve stamps, or one %lad of Vermlfuge for ileums. All orders trout Canada mad twenty cents extra., IL DRUGGISN. fie, .;-A0 - Tix goonvoos, GERMAN RITTERB3I DR. IIOODLAIVWS-11ALSAMIC CORDIAL, The great Istandard medicines of .the present age, have acquired their great popularity only through years of trial. Unbounded satisfac tion is rendered by them in all caies;:4nd - the people have pronounced them worthy. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Debility of the Nervotui Sytiteni, Diseases of the Kidneys, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver or weaknekPa . #ilia illmeach and digestive organs, pre sinfedily and permanently cured by the dERAIARI BITTERS. . . . The Bakal:nig Cordial has acquired a reputation surpassing that of any similar pre paraticia aloof. It will cure, WITHOUT FAIL, the roost severe and long-standing Cough, Cold, or Hoarseness, Bronchitis, 7u finnan, Ciotti, Pneumonia, Incipient Consumption, and lean performed the3mont,,stanisAt;ng fives ever known of , Confirrped Consmnplion. A few doses 011 also al once check and rune the inost f siveVe: Diarificesi'l}ioceeding from COLD IN_LTILE 8 091 1 1 '4 9 1 These medicines are prepared by Dr. C. M. No. , MaArchStreet, Pa., and are sold by druggists and drillers in..medieines_ everywhere, at, 75 cents per 4ottle. p i e *nature o ,f C. M. J - A.clpios to on the outside wrapper of-each bogie. Aluianac Ire dre, published annuallylikihe to : pt;e.A.)?, rnllcrl EVEILYBODY' . yo,s tria lir.rl testimony and coniiiderhstbry Arotices front all rails offthe, cmtnfri; rhate .41marhres ate given away , %ooTir 14106 FOR SALE BY-ALL DRUGGISTS:'' tap4ly • AGRICULTIAkt DERSONP desirous of eutertng stock or articles at Um Dauphin ceontrigripalturaLSzhibi ttonAmieitermeeiaaviseleil.aegirdwiv,ilakon• ter tnemperpVgt milat u lksagtr AT AIL SOBS t 0 .04 grOtte ElorCi Vag erable ~The. y arlous:.RallroaW. o puri p etarrlsbirg carry : palibengera at thtfEirehrainif „lad 'attlatei to thegralritpon nayineotiof rreigitit d artigleo aro nOtinold snob froightwabs , tett~ npoit. prlsHatition of the proper certificates. *. ..t. A train or Cars will hetrun4by thikrataiWylvantaAtail road during= the from Hailled 4 alreet, Harris burg, to the Hospital Rawl, near this Park: By order 'tithe greculbre,Cobnithitee: i JOHN 331. ahairSH, Secey. r..:;A1l ate -newspapers in the county *lll please w. ertranal&Rxhibition.. IS. ..saeps-dtd • ; ITO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers