pait g Celtgrapil PA: NATURDAY 'lO, c'rri Vr-Ems Snarr.i.w..THAL—Lecture by Dr. L. K. Coon ley,, in Exchange Hall, Sunday, January 31st, at 2 and 7 o'clock, r. Seats free. I==l IN - As-1. - F. - a—A store, roorn. f on ~24,,ariret street. between the Square and:De:poi; Address communications to :7. It4'at this office, jan3o4l3t* .BARNVART'S BronehialTioches for hoarse negs and throat diaetises;lor sale at Dr. Miles' Dm" store, corner Third. and North streets, and' Dr. Wm. H. Egle's Drug store; Ridge Avenue. jan3o-dtf - Nr.w7 STARS AT THE CANTERBURY. —Miss -MA lindit Nagle, Mr. Wm. Worrell and:James. L. eene appear at the Canterbury this evening, iu connection with the largesteompai,ky in ,the city. . , - I: .1; LADLES who • desire to, improve their coni plexion without injuring the. skin, ,ShOtild get box of "Talc of Venice," thelleut article in the market. Sold izr - Any qtemtitiea at .0. A. Bannvart & Drng.Ftore. jau 30-3 t PATENT Mmoittmts.-- 1 -COnstirner§' well by purchasing their'Ratent* Veatch? es at S. A. Kunkel 4 1.;13r9.'5. Pragplkore, l as they l i teep the largest and bestselec,ted stock of., thedeading Patent Medicines. It to your interest, to give them a call. 11R Market street,..liar4 risburg, Pa. - , . R.XPECTOR.A.NT ISRONCITIAr.LETb. -- For, tus the alleviation of -Bronchitis, Hearaeness; in the Head, &c., and, all' similar complaints affecting the, organs of„the voice. They are in all cases perfectly innocent, lint most salu tary when allowed to dissolve in the mouth. Prepared only by S. A. Kunkel & Bro.'s No. 1188 - Market street;,ll.tnirrisbUrg. -ija29-1:e" .liLumuvAnso Coo . . 011..--I.laving purcliased a large invoice of Coal 011'and Burning Boil zine before the late advance in prices, which enables us to dispose of either, by the pint, quart or gallon; at a 'moderate prine. We have also-a large and, varied assortment of Coal Oil Lamps,. which.,we, can sellut wipes to suit purchasers, and to- Which 'We Iwot4di call the attention of consumers. Call •:an - a t give our Oils a trial. Sold by S. A. Kunkel &i Bro.'s, No. 118 Market street, I - Intl:Wm:4. ja29-Iw* • i TEE celebrated crystal spectacles properbl, adjusted to the eye ; microseopes"from 100, to! 700 diameter tower telescopes, /lel& glasses, defining an object from one to :tea and , , ail kinds of optical, mathematical and philo-1 - sophical histruments atllnsendidc's OptjtaL stitute, - 8 Market Sijuare Artificial efes: inserted. Send for a circular! janBdtf TOWN A • ND .0 FooND—A BUCKSKIN , purse,. -containhtd some money and postage stamps: The ownmi s can have the same-by paying fox this adderi tisemeut, and calling at THIS MICR.' 'ICI - Tnz One-hundredth Pennsylvania RegitnenC was expected to arrive at Pittsburg to-day., , NOTARY EunLre.- 7 The Governor has ap pointed john M. Gregg, Esq., Notary i'nbli4 for the bbrough of "Carlisle. • - 4 THE Fiat CITY ZaGIAVES hive _ made, :r -rangernents to attend the funeral Of 1.13... Ile 2l M'Manus, to-morrow l(Sundtry),afteirrOkkt, a 4 Two o'clock. A.nounnsF*lp l , ol Milton; caught a sabnoli with a hook and line lately in the canal neat Watsontowii,.which weighed a fraetib - n day nine pounds. SECOND LUTHERAN CBURCE.-,OA ae.COADI Of the absence of thii pastok,,,tbere will be no preaching in the lecture room , of the ilaptilit church to-morrow. • DEATIFL,:-41.y. virgt*p.A.9l,so, an old ;ud Bell-known citizen cif ,I:effe . i.A64 - shed at his rosidenoe- 111 Itokd week, from apoplexy. • - • . , CRITSILED TO DEATK.-A sou. Of ailr. tins, of Winslow township, Jefferson - oottntY, about twelve years, was crushed to death by a timber stick on the 16th DRSERTER SHOT. -61 the 6th inst., Josegoh Strobel, of Co.D, Fifty-fifth Penna. V, A , (which arrived here' elev.:. da I YS . ngo,J *'as shot for desertion at BeauforkS. 0; Tie yid .previously deserted from a New NOrk molt, and went to the Fifty 7 fifth as • a subs ti : tote. He was a .German, and carne to this country about eight yearS . ago, p ract igg Trjux.D.--i-It is stated that the lA_ ach crop next s6asoil in the West and Southwest will probably bt4.311-Tri, 4 : 40 . , o °'' ' pit 9 - ether 3 failure. In niftily' 'sections `is thought the hard' freeze about :the ; `liif janriftry llas, killed figt4only-tlift_ fiznit, 4 „ t i-t, i e 1 - L,. , es. Early cherxies as well 'as peaelies , vie killed in the vicinity of Cincinnati.:.; WI: hear it stated that Isaac Fishel, the man •,,‘ he piloted -Fitz Hugh Lee a4O. don 4, in his late raid in Cumberland - Valley, lias.been convicted as aspy and a Aeai - 3riei,by the Court Martial sitting at Clianibms - bin•g, rind has been sentenced to be ehot•st,Catlies le Barracks, some time next month. • 1 • The condemned was a member 'of the.l§Otli rc!giment of drafted militia, and deserted • therefroni, finishing, up his career fitly, by .endoring active and Personal co-operkfionko . Lee's invading Briny. He will suffer the just penalty of his heavy • •'• • LENTEN REGULATIONS.--rnie .CLIBtP/AIAX:y rog- Illations for the -observance of Lent in the Catholic Ohara have:just . beertjsgnedt Ufl •der them, all Wlro have completedUltho/T. twenty-first y ear, unless iegitirnatelydiOensed, - ;ire bound to observe strictly the fast4of Lent, But one meal a day with :a bollationis except on-Bundays, and the usaof inelfi4 re stricted to -Aye days of the week; on l *ur of which W•o94:7o7 l iil l PPOnit, Those trade! tiventy-one, or who lalkilibard,... or who frdni-wealsness= cannot - fast pout great prbjudice - theii health, akeErkilt.' re-, ciiiired to adhere to rnt!ea..l' l 44t 'ailtothera not specially exempted mast fast aractii4 . _ A. Papaw; doctor haia ai w oi;ered tb.o biagat or rum is the . bestantiddie for chlOrcifdrm, and that it will at once counteract the effects of an civerdose Arrra\ - -riox is directed to au advertisement in another column for a store room. Parties having a room to let will find a good tenant. • :I'll:IV-Mt * i• OLD ScnooL PRESIITTEEL4N CHUBCII.—Itev. Jacob Weidman, of Luzerne county, .scill preashhutchurch _to -mammy -, morning aml, rfr loyenSg. • . - Liam.Es.—A certain landlady, it is said, makes her_pies so light t T. hat her lodgers Can , - see to go to bed withoutt a Candle after eating a moderate sized one! ti 7. :i Nntr'Th'esciaY Ground** Say." If his hogship can see his shadow, it is said - cre will have six weeks of tolerably cold weather before spring opens. THE RAzoa Sraop, MAN.—The Rochester Express says: "Smith, the Razor Strop. Man, !has doffed the Zouave - uniform and resumed his.owu original profession 7of *ending ..razor. strops. . A3DDrrioNAL cases poeket:iibitin g have occiured.with#L.P twe4ty-feu,r,A O P#. The victims were in the same corioition in livhich those noticed - heretofore *ere in Nihen found by the pick-pockets, viz: drum:,! 1 SALEM Cl:lvan - H.—A. Quarterly meeting . will be held to-morrow, in Salem Church, on North ' .l . 14 i ; 6066 . 'L • • street'..' (me g (-ur. rman =page, at 10 A? M. and 7F. M . . by Rev. S. Neitz, of Reading. Communion after ` the morning services. The :public are ,cordially invited to attend. -A Gazher.lNsuroTioN.—We mean...Alm boot - Slack institution, composod of a small wooden ; Lox with a strap attached to,it, a shoo brush, a box of blacking, and a small boy of a nonilC-! script color: Nuniereair titiveling establish-i mcnts of this kind,cau,tpc soon on our streets! A rULL HOUSE gre, night, as Usual: The excellent programme; gave entire satisfaction. Sanford's Operal. lionse is a perfect little yalace. The splendid? scenery and the nei'drOp curtaiii. 'are 'viiirthi going to see. _Sanford stands unequalled iii his negro characters, - :Every •member; of thq company is a star. Go tonight. ~„ PIMEI .eted &nford's troupe lust: thk Tar. MAISIAC LOVER forms me prineipt, ,--, traction at Brant's Hall tO-night. It is a pia of niore than ordinary interest,-and will oaus9 hundreds of quarters to' pass •into the treaj sury of the,Star coMbivation Troupe. The entertainment will conclude With "Dick Ttut pin and Toni King." • The above piece4 * fo a splendid Saturday nighthill. - • " ' - • - mss-r- . DA.Krn or PAnsox JEAGER.—Rev. Nath , Jeager, Lutheran Cle'rgyman of Reiglesvillei N 'oithaniptiin county, Pa., died on the 2' had., from the. effects of injuries received b being thrown out of his carriage, on the li high bridge, at Easton, his horse having beet. frightened by a locomotive on the Lehrgt Valley Plilitiulillitr. 3.4l'Asi444ear* of age d , and formerly the Pastor of the Lutheran Chrti , c' INA Orvigsburg. :l' , - -i ' f SAiis or bikimaktap• grocu.—James 4. rEkiii i - 2ChieNnarterrnastei: of Cavalry Bureaii, will sell by : public sale, in West . Cheater, 1 3 4, commencing on the 10th of _February, axd dontinuing until all , are sold,fthree hundre i d hdtses, which have been condemned by Ur iii'iernment, as unfit for the cavalrY service.l There will a sale of siMilar stock kt- Trenten, N. 7., commencing on the 3d day Of Febrnary, and continuing a until -the entile lot is disposed of. L , • , Locrast: Roixtiii3 =Some , time siziee'' weannomiced that a number of our capitil ists had in contemplation the erection of-a mammoth 'rolliiig mill, lit; this place.' • Valet was then an uncertainty is now a fixed fact. J. R. Eby, Esq., advertises, for 250 to 3100 perch of good lime.- : stonc, to ~ be delivered !at the site Of tie neW rolling mill, for the conattitc7 tion of : the ileaVy,pierS of the bnildings - 4 2 q 5 delivery to commence by the 15th of Febiu:. itry. See advertisement" Tot partioultirs: "I 11 I ROWDYISM AT THE Tniaman.--LLast iiig t, during the. performance 0f.." The Arid,: Heir ess,".and while ''Charles Paragon" was -pity ing his addresses to "Kate O'Brien,', one or two striplings 'Who - wore (but disgrace) . the Uni form of their country, created a . disturbance by loud and uncalled for yells. The result was that the 'Police ejected the'utmly-•=boys from the hall,. and owing .to the intertereace of a number of soldiers a serious fight yes expected. Fortunately 'the 'parties becai3' quiet,. and, the play (which lost much .off its effect tough the disturbance) progressed. E==l A B.tme CA-11, —"Ringbolt," the New X'prkH , eor,respondent of the Boston Courier, claims. o, have'originatcd the idea of a ear for 'babied, Oki railroads. He .says: ~If it is toe, much to irk for a separate car at first, Act the e'spc riMent' be tried on a small scale. Make one, end 'of a' passenger car a nursery. Let it be separated by a ary-tight compartonmk Let it be Op plied with au open stove, with porringers And sidllets. Let there be a.lockey for. pap,maliing ingredients, and let it contain all the othei in fantile par&Phenialia, Nilich the fruitful wives that hang their clusters about the diree4or's - lintises-wilt and propriety,Ahapmr!,..llbnit, or, knowledge 1. l , , , Pais AeT OP lfraiirii.---WalkingiA the best possible ee..l.eise. Habituate yourself to Walk ing very far: Tliii:Wopearkialutt ~the save:a : Ma having subdued the horse to tho use of man, but we doubt, whether' we have, not. .lostmore than wq,.litive I l liy'dt r eluSe of , this'aiiiuml.. 'No ono thing has occasioned sL nnlo l 4.lgPPA4"ol:the IninOaaka*,,Alk r ai i.g .. 4B , foot ne4ly as tar m Jtaicfp, ilthigiority t,eak:eg — geble4 Viitegoes on a horse, arA he will tire the best - how - ltd. - little walk of half an ?M i. in • 91a , p;orning,l . when you first -risfypia., Itl:shakee :Offsleep,fard-produeetii.,j3ther good effects iu 1 49:41.44 1 .**.TY. 1 ' . . pointed Provost Marakeit for 7 the Lycowing district, in place of Captain,'White, charged-I with coirtri4ioroin.h* ' • !MEM' ME weather, although trot pleasaut as duriug the .pant; week, couthotip,u4ld. The frost is lesiing 'the . grouttif, autihnu'd coutin ttes--tobeylenty.. A gotempßraryMrs „ th9,r.t the.prMatha* thgeffeetof ing filrth the frogs! sr= firm of Houser &-. Lochmau, dealers et i 'dry goods, bas been '` dissolved - Mr. Houser ritiring. The busineswwill be. continued .by Mr. Augliffilll4Sichituirr; Ut,theAld.stand, 15 Mairket Square; i3pposite 'the: -Harrisburg i i3ank, Persons in wit* of dry:oats - will do well In call and. eicarninclhe - stock A.Woriax. 11x3at MIL —WO.. sons of liir• iSantnefb. DibtigheAr haye'jtiat 'rcLttped ithe army and presented .their tfaiher ;a present Of .one hwaftred'and fifty'dollar,'and addition =to this :have deposited another `hundred doilaii fore benefit' `of -their unfortnnate fathir. The sons have re-enlisted for the war and ft , ipreas :iiiismselves deter mined'id sie it ont. Such dedds of patriotism deserve toebe imitated. . , A:J.l' our Clo - r, X.Tr-- 7 !llie Southern oOnfeder .. :Ditto DOion--i§livery. ••• • . . ,D,ittp Sque/hedTY,-. lt ~ / i/abergasted-44311aviA.Co. ':cititatiainins:4ed—Vhe,6opilerheiads. Coming td Her Sensek—Engltind. Topplinglo Hiss Follta. IiACEL: Long may it }Wave—The Star Spangled Ban ner. Niw vsn,PA'.,"Jan. 20; 1864. • DE.O Lein , Ball, Will you please pardon me for the libertythat I have taken in: addreseing. ,you,: n• stranger. • I fool myself! unila.obligar.* k) you for the benefit 'have! Alerivedirom your' inedioine and - eye sabre, having suffered fOr inany years most .expruci-: iting pain inbead; breast and - ; note 'being .free froth . Ade palyi dny4;ir night,:_ 'And I! have , been doctoring with will-skilled, and; 'Practical physidians for some years, and , :alli attemPtg,proveCla'failtre.: bad given up all hopes of'recOvery and fall fully resigned;to l await - my fatei,which 'foretold an .untimely graze. My father being a resident of Siddons-i burg, and living quite a distance' from you, did not get to hear of your proved a wonderful cure indeed. Some few months ago by a lady, friend of mine to try your medicine. She 'hated to me Witt: sho,made nsc , of y0Ur.,104000 444 galY4 which prOved a cure. Feeling rather loth aiP .first teaas zi had laid‘out mOney time.after, time, whie ' ll made thc et erases very heavy and all fdr:nanght.i 4 But: ihavingiggreat conk; deuce in niy - friend's integrity, I was prompted Whearken:te her kind' entreaty and-try for myself. I therefore puishareol two dollars and a half worth' of loairmddidiuc and, to my utter , aatemishinent, in,one week felt a great Oa it. tit- Atekilyksiegkelfree , from all pain, and your eye salve perfected a cure for whicli. - :alli,,othar Washek, gab, salves proved useless. mveyelids wereiso 41eil inflamed thatl wtcriforeed:W Wear:gkUisee for some years, and now I have no occasion at ail to wear the glasses, my eye being 11. ' thereforetbaVe• resolved, .dear lady, to let you lpinivklbat'f.gould - not rest content until I tiwonld return'ay heartfelt congratulations to you, my friend and benefactress, for the good , you have accomplished, feeling myself a new creature entirely. You are at perfect Phhlith thiy if you feel so inclined. I chose: by.reqUesting you to accept my warmest regards, with n hope that for humanity's sake, your life may prolongsd. Success. be, yours forever in perforining` the wonderful . cure:. 1 Yo Ars esra t , Y E. BROWN. ral at -I P. S.—For further information, address Mary r: Brown, New Cumberland, Cumber land county, Pa. • • Mas L. BALL, No 27.. South Pim): t iti4e;t, Hanisburg, Pa. 1l -tr. Advertisers Take --Notice. ).44 4 -44 ThiffiltAPli OFT OF TIIF. CITY LIST OF AGENCIES,. For the benefit Of personi*lshing to. - Place their :bisi before thi People,,Wiilffiblialrbelow!a•lier of. , the if torrent places *hi* the DitniTkilitoliaPit has established dgeLICICS. It Will lie seen that: tliaTscsosAtuf hash 'talon in nearly fifty towns along the lines of the vari4us railroads, placing it beyond all competition. A Word! to the wise is sufficient. LIST , OF AGENCIES: A - LTOGNA-Tlicio:B. Patton. ANNVILLE—Ged: W. Hoverter. BELLEFONTE—J. Ed. Zerbe. CHAKBERSBURG—SoI. A. limber. CARLISLE—W. IL Cornman. CUMBERLAND VALLEY RAILROAD- , Gee. Camerbit CLEARFIELD-If. A. Frank:' DUNCANNON—W. W. Dielinion:- DAUPHIN.,-Sarnuel Speck , : ' - .. • • EBENSBURG—James XL Harr. GREENCASTLE—W. F. Kunkle. GEORGETOWN STATION—B. B. Bubb, GETTYSBURGT.-Nr 'stout; GOLDWRO—Petei Bprenkle... - IiUNTINGDON—TV : Fettittm! . HIGHSTTREF. nummELSTOWN—C. D. Dipner, HOLLIDAYSBURG—A F. Diffenbecker. • INDIANA—Henry Hall. JERSEY-SHORE—Thos - Gilday. LEBANON=WaItz & Houck. LOCK HAVEN—J. D. Stratton. ' LEWLSBURG,SamueI Slifer. LANcAsTER•erry-Witotek MILLERSBURG—B. G. Steever. ; MIDDLETO_, WN—Geo. Lenhart. MECHANICSBURG—ji ;Buttner. -• Brady. - .'t MUNCYL4kriiT7JPaintoV 31IFFLINTOWNWeidman'k l.ittloBcid.: • IicVEYTOWN - -J.*Criswell. ELMIRA NEWVTLLE—Josi Length...lf.- • PERnyitn,LE--.7. W. suyvimsort. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Stoel. SUNBURY-7. Warsliingticin;o - "SITIPPENSBUItGL-datirea Kelso; SELINBOROVE-;-Jeremitth'Crouse: TYIWNE crryi,.: B. Morrie - - • TREVORTON—I3ogar & 'Frank, TREvERTON JUNGTION- 4 lsa Sayers WILLLUPPORT—Ayres k Lundy, WRIGHTSVILLE—J. A. Wolf YQ 11 4 , 4,, -Shelly Boyer, Bannvort's Bronchial Troches. . It yop wish to impart vigor and eleaines to tho tOioo, - relieve - hoarseness• and' bronchial affection, get at onoe a box of Bannvirt's Bina chialgrooltwAhn only effectualxcrptdyS the market. For siae by the 3,64 diik6V. , Sr grgsg at A.A.'gallnirakt4,,Ces..Dvin rkt.isTe,A`T.;?.7: 2 , Jonesltow, Harrisburg, Pa.' " ogirA Moral gicoo i nnt to,t4e de44-tf ,COLOATE'S HONEY SOAP, This celebrated Ton& SRse, in sti4i ettryer:*-de4suld, Is Saki) from the tic:near in ! itorials, w Nua)'an. and =or, -VP? to 4s: 11104 M .4,31.51); • stunareist. in; its. action ,ulleu qti* b) all priggisti .6 3 / 9 . Fancy Goods. Dealers- itaab-tblitlY • 1 Militiwy, BusinTes Boulity, Permian, Back Pay; Setin(stel4,6la.nlilli sr Y and-War Claims,. generally, made *t. and: eAlehted, ,Pe r sonkreniding at le4listaKo_cali.hAve 4494 bviinOgris .aetedbv mail, I:py Wronging , ETIBERNSIDFDWRI -A, 1 ,7-9Y' r :fi.t: Third street, apmg,' Pa. deITAIY SPECIAL NOTICES. • • -443%.4.-Jl l 4-14.1 , AVE ilitteheloeirYPl. Hair Dye IS THE BEST IN ME WORLD. . -1010:bipy 7:far/alms, True and. J2eLiable Dge .kildtott. ... , I , r• '4 „ . This spreudid. Flair DA' is peffeet—ebauges Red, Rug; or Gray Hmr . okatalLet asbas tp w Ejackotiypor f ll i trown withodt irituitig'ilie iffaieortikilling did Skill, letivi4gthc Bair &At and beautiful ; imparts fresh vitality, frequently restoring* priatiuu color and rectifies ft, _,-'----,, 11- ba444.eritTii6r'.- ' *f' 7 -1; -t be tLO other 3. ..."mtp ,, o. ;4 . . , Iwo'Sod,iidj) • , 01:,4r . 6.: .. cLorsq .);•,,:x. • z. zivaNtfifstiFir *Olin' 444 -1-01 .• mtsWqrdgt,..,2 4 '-': • . - , . - (.le : =•i- 5 . . . , MIIIM 24 :4!#,4 • I• . a • • .„J We bate on hand. muffs at . $O,. St and 4r. , •• good assortment of loveprice , fara: • Cloaks, clotdts, • - • Mika for halo; all priees. for children. • - CtltAks at all,prices, up to $25., • 10011 skirts at 75 cents $1 up t 0 $2 , tocking,s for ladles and children. • Srich - a, 'woolen and canton, Linen table corers, 1016 napkin& • BOtc)c sills $.140 j . and all prices. Woolen shirts of alldewriptiou. • . Wes' akolttlemen's pocket hdfs. pg 104. • .... • .. •-- . tfnen for Piflow rases 54 , -- = • MiisloaB . , , bleadied'and unbleachcii; 13m, uxat.-4L. Kid 87e. and V. per pair. Caßtimetn,and caaelnetLe for men and boys' wear. Undershirts,mid 'dtatvOr.z. Ladies' merino rests. DPW..gixidii;4l: ail prioop, Clambrichands sip a can BalmerniAlits at-$.3.25, $3.80,'54. Large assortment Of other goods at . . SAI4:)MOVR O co*okprritAttp,. LYE I' 0.0 A 4"11, WAR, akep high vripsilapeniller helpsto reduce them' 4v . rraixhOkt. tor4• A 01:1TtkAitit liefindflituping your.lcitcheikgrease. ; . Sir u.A.UTION'. SpUttiOtL9l4 - ez are Offered" MAO, be thikul and brkihe;T'ialdigf article OW up in IRON cane, all,othe'reheiug•.Qol.TisiiEßFEng Pl i lC X' A T , ,C T CO. 31017 TA irR ' -Pbiladelphia--No. 127 Walnut Street, Pittsburg—Pitt Street and Duquesne Way delo-d&wam Brti is Brotiddat - T-10011k , S " I have never changed my mind resiamting them flung the thayexcept to think.yet bettor of that which rbeganq thinking well of." HENRY WARD BEECIIEH. , "The Tnxhes ata a etall of life to me." • Poet EDWARD NORTH . , Pres. Hamilton Gallego, Clinton, N. Y. I I 'For Throat Troubles they are a specillc." • • . r. "Too favorably known to 1110.CCOMIlleildilf.1 011 ." ~ Hon,,CHAS:A.. PHELPS, .pri.a. Mass. Senate. "Contain nb opiuntuor. anything injurious.. Dr. A. A. ditAYESChemist, Boston, "Au ekzunt combination for Cough ' s." • Dr..G. F. BIGELOW, Boston: " I recommend their usele PuhlloSpeakers." Rev• E. H. cnArn.T. "Most salutary relief in Bronchitis " Rev. S. sgiGgraw, Morristown, Ohio. Very benencial when Suffering from C6lds." • 'Rev: ANDERSON, St. Louis. "Almost instimier iE the dlstriAling labor of breath?, twan „- CV. A. eVint.rri:Vii; N6i+Otik. n 4 "Their . have suited ray case exactly, relieving, myth 'SO thtlf bOilidlSßgi with. othae. I . T. DIJOHARALItri Chorister:French Parish Church, Mentre ' there) ate imitations be sure to obtuin.thOGENl„, jett2Nlkarint •• • .. . , -- .- . ... ' PROFESSIONA L. -1 , IDA-1A.14. L. na&CLAX, iriAlt Ortiee with D. Flelphig,;, Second street, arn.sburg. Strict attention paKto'nllgegalhiuSiuess, collections, mili tary claims, pensions, Ito. Exemptions from drafty clainls prepa i rodend advice given. , , .... . „ dettl a dood2m* 1 TO SUFIE[LERA,FII4_,WI rji Sfil§E OR PAI N .. to ~. 0 , . I PSPAIPPN " Pt" - ' I lrhe Celebrated . lltediegal Nesamaintr 4.1111 ' ' ''' ' " ' - k Herb -ilikiii* L ! .;, 1 dANYiiiladelphiai his,*it:eil. agaip. in lJ risburg, Pa., for medical,pnuttico,.,andlaken 4 t Ma •t the , . STATIC,CIAPITOI4:IIICKUICC , Where ho.will remain a short. , time.,., The aillietadare in vited to calltbetween the hams of 5,1 A. K., and 1 r. N. and from 2t0.8 i! st. .. , . . ' . - • ' -..ius zikmw:Arlorzs ATieiltir., ? I ' And aimpeculiarly. valuable, interesting an& sgiseictci , owing. to: his-perception to read and detect diseane, f whatever nature, and wherever located, without maid g any anqUiries of those who call' respecting their disease r Mem. ... . . . , i • . ' DR. ADDISON I „ 3 . Hits. lately discovered and 'brought IMO his practice, a. methdll of treatment with which he performs the racist poespected and remark:Alp. cures of the aw With his', lad* foihairs, Stanbrned,atithllits 'taligniticlCeitlitik,hoT - ers he causes those.old lingering complaints , aid chronic diseases which hate so per plexed Physicians aall. ;wait.° flee like itisigisi iluly this Isakagla of speed and improp monk, ppd. who can toil whotn year nm,y devolep4,..thiS o r that brooch of science? •- ' . • - ' Jan ff . _ , • DE; W " .W P 0 W PE If FORAIORSES. ir t ußixof,,pgite - We .r.i:Ml4 l Yearn - in trfia commonityoM-HRE , has mitisfled himself thatita Powder is vastly superior to any other article in use :11-1 ) ,91LT/IF PPRET 7 .4 fsv - W A.T gt,lt , . And is of great service to Hodei that '4o6' lost' tlicit .APPET.IT,E . - . ASTO AtE % XDAINet;; F9UNDERBD ..og. , Di kV EiLP,E R•Fa Ds Also, that itlrilt pt;event; . GLANDERS, 601:lb :AITHTHE HtITS, " i When faithfully, upcd two orthrtr tins a weelr,—invigo. rating and fattening. " =' 21- f - ':' i i i Fer improying the condition ofa Home, he asserts t ere l is'ncebettermedicine, as it 'wilt Strengthen the ate eh, and assist digestion, cleanse the intestines of ore lite matter, And regulate the'bowels When eoith - e, purify the bbniilaud propote Aigesttort--thua.the skin is kept loose, the per& trer•ropeeed and a lien; scabby Horse becomes rot an, „ A Tlie`rowd copplly esbeea be used for Cattle, Sheep and Hogs with good effect. *l—"DitelltitrWltrit I mak= O `ixo - - SOLD AT SELLER'S DRUG STORE, No. 91 Market street, Rarrisb inn 1 , . . ilidoo_AlK . Here ! .4.. I;.- .. sold) ' IiTOF yititioligik Bi t enuNo AT 1 , SCHEFFER'S BObIiSTOREy .i . . s SIGN OF THE "AMERICAN FLAG-" I And purchase your't NOTE PAPER AND EN ELOPES, POR ;FOLIOS, "'POCKET BOOKS . ...., ,r j . yocg.FT I ZTANDS, I " V - DIES, .1 - . PHOTOGRAPH -ALBUMS, PHOTOGRAPHS, Made or the very best material, and for sale at raj low prices. Remember the place, 1.. . - SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE .ialdri Sign of the American Flag, Hariisburg, ta. R4llSi! RAM.S 4 --A fresh' kupply of e h_ eners's ticCfsidHains and Dried Bee _c at jan:29 BOYER k BOER! t • BOARDING., = kJ MEN qpi. obliaikegoodAtiasabig atMrs. kJ Eshenhower, Strawberry Alley, between Third and Fourth:Astatetir ISt is si jan2/3-03t I _Agents in Philadel I! 808 I AUNTS WANTED EVERYWHERE , „,, I JeIB4 IY BY the Auburn Publisbini CO . 1 ' linktisty& E lf 'kt "'lit ,*(ililst. jul for the latest and best. History of The i.e- ~i ~...1A 4 ~.f .; 1. -•' .. - .7177. , i, e L t . ,_. , , r . , .. . . , M and other popular books. Now is Me lime. !F i; - ' ll,l U ‘*. 'A A 'l/P . 'Jr ''r.i . E p Money is plenty and.books sell quickly. E. sT gr oKE ßew , i4 . - ' l flolly, ' ' ” Wise' 1- . ' ,will sell and deliver( t i fif i ty s ltua,frett, Write- at once t 0.4 4rtairmi?biiiirit . ~. ':: i - , i I ? i janlS.tioawgir, 11_ pli*Loc, tke city fresh grouted, best extra. ly ' ' fled; lit ha baris vart er e sa r , cks 'or ei m glit an h y Of iluan tt'ltiatre titY l bY ' . .AlSo Ule i . i al i nl; res i tt e. . BUCKWHEAT! BUCKWHEAT !—A small barrel hal f, feed of every dOcritition. • : lot but superior quality of Buckwheat, direct ; front ' gm th e Grocery Store of George H. Bell, eer- Malaita, Pa., for sale by the sack or quart, at " ' ner of Second and Clitaut streets; at. Pete min Peters' !x, ' e r n', jangtr BOYER & KOERPER. Rotel, in Market street, or' at the drug store of pr. Egle , , : 03L A - nirjrist) ApillesuzLnyliotr Y or k , on the Ridge Reiid l r ibe promptly attended to. •-' . . - dee2S T 2meow* :. - ,- JOHN H9FFEB":- . • State Apples of every. 'variety. ALso, Yor k Buda - '' ' '' ' Butter, for sale at jag BOYER & KoEsrtk - fllO, LATRA:-- , yOu- - miai •gctoad Lettek . • j_ Pape!, Envelopes, , Ink.,-Pent4 a anything else in the ''''statiottlny lir, 'yew; WM doWattby callingat• . - ' - ' - SOREFFER'S BOOKSTORE, liarrisbuyt - td(svir26 O I7,OOOIOIMPOIVY! . uon OEM psolgocatAptis. PHOTOGRAPIRPHIMOGRAPHS Etrltivirit -WELDON, FORSIXELY OF RIDGE 1)11ESPE: trIT'IItLY Wirth I.ll,4lotburg that Choy . bliszp• se:apt • busindlts Tram - Ridre„ Rhad Cb-T a.TIG mss'• • , tween Fourtkand - iiftb, where :lbw have.fitted up anew PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY,.with all the moderh Improve !amnia, where they are prepareclto do nest class work. We guarantee perfect snisfaetlon to all, who favor us with a call. no2l-43m B. G. FLOWERS, PR - 0 T 013. A.P H ( succmsoß tia. - 17; k WEILDON, RIDGE iitOAD rtiTOULD. .respectfully: infopit ; ry. . customers`thathehas - purchasedtheontirefziurs l eagricaundin'it Walden, including all of - their Qi.D piEGATIVES, so that , llll. who have had...their negatives taken by that firm oak bare their pieteree , executed as beforerat greatIy,REDOGED PRICW3, S2rFER DoZCV., :Having refitted theßooms, they. are now equal to any in the city, and I am now prepared to execute TROTOGRAPBS, ' 7 •. • • CARTE DE- FIRMA ANT AXBROTYPFS tWialichlor softnees,or tone and Uttering effects ; cinnothe peened. Iguarantee satisfaction to all who may favor e with a call. B. G. FLOWERS. nov26-d3mes-3ta,w-tut4.s • 1 . • • VAIATARLE • • • 'SASH F . A. , CTOR, MINING AND SLITTING MILL, :-. 1.,EW1"0. AT rustic - KA:LE, ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6th, 1864. .FIME , subscriber will'offes for sale; the veina l_ ble new SASH FACTORY, PLAINING and SLITEING MILL, on,thc Cumberland. Valley railroad, in Mechanics burg, Pa. The property. comprises , a large Two story Frame-Factory, with n,lionvenient. TWO STORY WAltz- ROOM near, with Shedantrached; for storing lumber ; and a Lot of Ground, 10 feet. sgnare. very advantageously locales.' TirtMielihrTibatteig up mititn: largo , of the, best Machinery, which is driven by au ENGLNE OF AMPLE POWER. 41 . 1e:likhas aceexcuktn. pakti,_ pit for ny one slesitm to carry on This bus „4 - uktail)o tokralr-• " O' bate to comtricabe at IM E CLOC P. - 11C, on said day, when terms.eill'ho maderknOWll. by jab-dle*„, JOIIN b'ADLEIL ESTATE 'REAL ESTATE AT PEIVATE SALE. nu s cF .r" of go Wet,: 4 WILLISM AL LON, s ' 1 agicitytbr Illirristatrz, cOnsOilig of Iltiusts on 'ron Area and'Chestnut street, at and near the corner of Front and Cllaw.ta tit I , : tracts , a vacant lot on Mulberry. street, ngar Third street, and 19,/ acres sAland at the ester terminus oflhir katt streth ' , aro of fered for sale. For terms of saleapply to the undersigned, Snvetith and Noble streets, Philadelphia. --' tle2l-dtfl • THOMAS (MIMI'S. T 016 OR - SALE.—A _number of lots have been laid out on the Jonestown Rued, . about ono tulle .east of the eity or Harrisburg which are being soldnt low Prices. To poisons -desiring to nature a home for themselves, and to be relieved. front the 'present mint Rant - mutt.; this is a. rare opportunity.. A number of lots have already been sold and but few re.•:.. main on hand. The Ilan of said lots can be seen at the', tiherilrs office FSi Harrisburg;' wherb pers.oas desiring to' Purchase are requested to call and see the same. t J. SHALL. janl6 'llirrisburg, Jan. 15,1884. BUILDING STONE: TOR SALE, of best' . quality, delivered to any part. of the city. • .Ititply• to • _ - .17 MISH, jahl2 -• Ihamediately below the city. FURSi FURSICFURS!!! , 1 am carrying out my welbeavned reputation for selling the best.made FURS at the most, reasonable prices, and ,offer now my splendid assort mem' of 'HUDSON BAY SABLE, • . • RICH MINK SABLES,.. t • •.• ' SIBERIAN.SOUIRRHL, k 'CHINCHILLA, -STONE MARIN, FITCH, &C., PITHS for Ladles and3Bases at. the most reasonable prices R-My stack of Hudson , Bay and Mink Sables is the Ilneffiever offered in this market and comprises: Riding Three-Quarter and' Half Capes, Berthas, Collars, 'Math% &a JOSEPH ROSENBAUM, +. N0."416 Arch street above 4th, south side, Philadelphia P. S.No business transacted on Saturday. dq4: 4ll .l o if . , . and GuAitinAktk,.. r _ a i iet Wats dkaal ; an - d wa an ch at _ Ifale 'on Cumberland `alley $4 14 Ailirc I , sl ni ars iles‘ mnr be °f . ,krocured ' a . l. the Mace or Jones Hotel. Ad dressilNTGDON SAUNDERS. E ee29-dlni) .P • ebilP. 01, Comb. Co., GREAT DISCOVEP.T Applicable to all u%eful Alts .-., ..., , ~t~ .. A new thing. !J .Its . Combination. Boot and Shoe Man ufacturOra, Jewelers. sis jf.)(-3 as `'sic If tri ft liquid Remember Fini=. FOR. SALE . , PI, RS. LEGAL. tiCEL• Useful and •Valuablp DUcovery. HILTON'S' INSOLUBLE. • CEMENT.' Is of more general praciiiml utility than any _invention now before tbo Public, It bas.bgen thoroughly tested during tire last, two,ryeamby practical. men, and pronounced by all to be. 1 :SUPERIOR TO A NY ,- Adhesive Preparations known. 13nans 7 s IrmoLoma Cmcswe i$ a new thing, And the result of - years of study- ' its combination is on . ,Scientific Principles, i And tinder no- circumstances ;or chruige br lemperatuio, will. it be come corrupt omit any offehlce smelL ' - ' BODY . AHD SHOE Manufacturem, using Machines, wilt Mid '•it the best- article known as CemMititig for the ChanneLs,- It works withotiVrielay, ts - nol affected by any change of temperature. • • i JEWELERS Will.finck it sufficiently witiesive for their use, as ha's been. vr9v , ed. _ ~. ---" 1 I i't is' .Evecially Aciarptita r lo-liat . her, .WI-w 0 elaiiii 4 V_ VrAtipecialt twilit, Wal'it, AM& Mcfrg'6s 'Boots and _sufficiently strong without stitChing. . r Tf ls tilp only -5 ofi ET ,D C E I,E 'I: Extant that is asurti thing for mend lug ' • , ' warniturs• . • . . vrocKery, , And articles of Household use - REKEIII3ER Humoss INSOLUBLE CEMENT Is in a liquid forwand as easilyop plied as paste. - • HILTON'S Issouraut Unsex' bv insoluble in water or. oiL, llnsoiVa ,LNSOLIJBLE CEMENT. Adheres oily substunces . . , I Supplied in Family . or Manufac turer's Packages:from 2 ounces - MI.OO Lbs. ;HILTON BROS. & co., . Proprietor 3, Providence, B. 1. EIEMI phia, LALNG & KAGDZII,S. MEDICAL. -- - - : . POtt ; WATER. ' , P 4. coNsfr CONSTITUTION WATER. coN'STITUELON WATER. CONSTITUTION`,WATER. cossTiTunkWATM. CONSTITUTION WATER. • cossinuTlON WATT coNsTikiii.oN WATER. CONSTITUTION WATER. CONSTITUTION WAWA •CONetieL - TIoN •% - ATEN" 4 ' l " CONbriTUTION WATER CON._ rrt CTION WATER. . MI GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CONSTITUTION, AND I:4E ONLY 'KNOWtrirt,DY FOR DIABETES. and DISEASES of the KID T,IT) and 1111011t1. CONSTITUTION WATER Has been pronounced by the Medical Faculty and 1.11.: public, to be the most wonderful remedy for the permr.- nent cure of all diseases of the STOMACH, LIVER, RIDNEVS.and BLADDER , that,has ever been Offered. It is not a MINERAL WATER. It is from eXperience that CONSTITUTION WATER has emanated, and we now say let , no man doubt, when a single bottle has been e knea td elite diseases which thh''be.t 4 fißetis -this country hastened to relieve. ' A !middy pensateing the virtues Of Constitution Water cannot be clamed - under "quack' preparations, as it is now used by the most scientific practitioners in this city. it is only second class physicians that cry down popular remedies, while the better skilled make use of every means - to accomplish a cure; andthe success of the phy sician increases as his knowledge of different remecte.i enables him to produce it cure, while othere fail in the at tempt. Science is satisfied with the truth. Give Constitution Water a fair' triali—ve mean you who are under some speciatisfes care from yearto year, and we particularly allude to ladles who are constantly resorting to local treatment., and all sorts of local implications for diseases, with as much cbance'of SUWON as them would be front local apfaicatrons to the omo:it for diseases of the brain. . s We have been always careful to use language in our circular that could not shock the . most delicate ormniza tion, but we reriefit so many communications from per sons for which Constitution Water is adapted, and of whose diseases no mention has been made, that we have COMIC to the conclusion that if the remedy is capable of producing a CUM no matter what the disease may be. it should he made known The medicine is put up for the public, and there should be no exceptions. We would say; Constitution Water is not like a gilded pill, made to suit the eye and taste; it is a medicine in every sense of the term, placed in the hands of the peo ple for their relief, and if taken according to the direc tions it will in every ease, produce a radical cure. We viould say that the directions in regard to diet, etc., re late only to the diseaseunder which they occur. • DIMTES Is' i disease of the stomach and liver, acting - through the kidneys, andis, without doubt, themost obstinatediscase, except consumption, that affects the human constitution. We have no space for discussing caurer,, but will state that the effect of the disease is the et:lnver:4on of the starchy principle (or vegetable portion of the food) into sugar, which stimulates the kidneys to an excessive secretion or water:. Many moons suffer- from this disease who are ignorant of it; that Is, they pass large quantities during the day, and are obliged to get np from one to fifteen or twenty times during the night. No notice is taken of it until their attention is called to the lane discharge of water, ifad•often when it is so far advancedastotebeyred the control of ordinary remedies. Another symptom is the great-thirst, whichirviliett'the dist:hie is rnuy estab lished• is intolerable - -the parrenrdrinix• constanity without being satisfied; also dryness of the mouth, cracking of the lips, a sweet breath, in the more advanced cases, and finally loss of appetite'emeciation, and the pataxit gradn aly sinksfiern exhaustion. CoxterrruvidS WATER is, without doubt. the only known remedy for Diabetes, and we have as much confidence that it is a specific as we have that opium will produce sleep, and truthfully say that it has cured every case in which it has been used. - . . STOVE 'IN THE . BLADDER., CALCULUS GRAFEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, ETC, ETC. • Diseases arising ,from a faulty secretion—lin the . ewe case being too IRAK dod accompanied by severe pain, and the other a too profuse secretion—whicliwill bespeedily cured by the ' CONNTreuVION WATER CONSTITUTION WATER' • - C 0 1 410 1 43 WATER, CONSTITUTION WATER: ' CONSTITUTION' WATER CONSTITUTION' WATER CONSTITUTION WATER CONSE •unON WATER CONSTITUTION WATER.. CONSTITUTION WATER TEE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE -ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY. KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY. FOR THE' ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR THE ONLY KNOWN REMEDY FOR :'' .: D I'A JiE T E $. IRRITATION OF THE .NEOIC. OP. .TEE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE. KIDNEYS, CATARRH'.OP THE • . BLADDER... STRANGUARY AND BURNING; OR PAINFUL cRI .TLv , R3F For these diseases it, is truly a sovereign remedy, and too mticbCtuitibt be saidiu its praise.- A.single dose liss been known to relieve the, urgent symptoms. . Are you tro übled with thWdistrwaing pain in the smcf2. of the back and through the hips ? A teaspoonful a day of the Constitution Water. Will relieve you like magic. PrffSICLUNS • Have long antte given up the use of buchu, cubeita eztil juniper in thetreattricit of thosedi.esses, and only 117.7, them for the =tit cif f-hoterlemedy. CONSTMII3,9N WATER. has proveU Itself t!lenod t94,petask that ha. cievolv...l upon it. sr' 4,-- irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. We present the Constitution Water to the public wit;.. the conviction that it haS no equal in relieving the etas: of diseases for whichlt halbeen found so eminently s7v cessfial for curing ; and we trustthat we shall be rewarii.Ni for our efibrts in placing so.valuable a remedy in a fern to meet the requirements of patient and physician. 11PAT)! ICEA,P,!! RRAD!!! . :DAN - VILLE, Pa.., June 2. 1862.—Dr. IL Gregg— bear Sir: hi gebruary, 1861, I was affected wlth sugu diabetes, and for five months I 'Passed more than t - w, gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged tr. get up as often as, ten Or twelve times during. the r4Lt.. And in live months I lost about fifty I - km:lnds in weight During the month of July, 1861, I procured two bottle of Constitution Water, and Mtwo days after using it lex . .periencell relief, and after taking two bottles I was en tirely cured, soon after regaining my Just uual good 'waft h. Yours truly. . L. DE WITT. Bono!, CORNERS, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1861.—Wan. H. Greg ! , & Co.—Gents: I freely give you liberty tomake use of th. following certificate of the value of Constitution Water. which I can recommend in the highest manner: My wic.• was attacked with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpitation of the Heart. and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who ended her about three months, when he left her Avers , than ho had found her. I then employed one of the hes:. physician§ I could find, who attended her for about nin- Months, and while she was under hiss careshe did not s Ul cer quite as much pain. Ile finally gave her up, and -sic: "her . osse was incurable. For," said he, "site has Such a combination of complaints that medicine giren for one cp , - rates against some other of her difficulties." About to;- time she comment* the use of Constitution Water, abo to our utter aitonishment, almost the first dive seem-'.' to have the desired effect, and she kept on improvim rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends en tirely her doMestie affairs. She has not taken any of ilia Constitution Water for abotit four weeks, and wears ha pp - to say that it has produced a permanent awe. WM. If. VAN IigN:SCHOTEN. WETHERSFIELD, Conn., March our62.—D h- G "C rext— onstitution Dear S w ir a : t — er Ha ir vrecoinginseemennzd'forhdinvertisemientn th ph e ory ßi si j4c d iansalle neys wim and ith olvrrilywoctlittew:oredp.n,ornil.: l, t_ e l: r e_ e ßladder, bottle. f, xOfw Rao:Ida:I for,the past Uiree years, and tried the skill ore nu er of e egd n t Hartford, ts at Mesas. Lee, Sisson ar. co_ and when I t hV uses hair of it, to my surprise found a . great change -in my heelth. I have used two bottles of it, and am where I ixpected to be in my life, well, and in gbeit spirits. ;never all I can not express my F . !ti R.;. I feel that, it- i, enamor° thanipti reekariteild'il to be. May the blessing lif oed - efentittentLyon . itcyour labors of love. . LEONARD RIGEL° W. FOR SALEr2RY B ALL , ORITROISTS. P $l. WM. IL GREGG & Ca; gra • ors. MORGAN & ALL&N, General . jarC2e.didilik-eod No. 46 Cliff street, New' Yolk, 19
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers