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E . , . -,:-.--:.--_ -- .7 - ---- - , t -- - -- --- . . - - - • •,:-. .._ _ _ _ _____ __ _ _ _ _ BYP/ORPE BERG MW THE TFITiEGRArti IS PUBLISICED MORNIXO :4WD .:EVENING, 1 1' GEE,Citit G E ,t G E&R. ;OFFICE 473170 ST., NEAR WALNUT. ._ , . _ . TEE, WSOi : S ITB Sbßil" T I bi•i" , ? , . - SINGLE SI.3SGRITTION. Tyre DAILY TRIZGRAPII is served to subscribers Its the idly at S cent per week. Yearly subscrilnira will be charged $5 00 in advance. Those persona whe iieglOeitd pay in advance will be charged $6 00.' •- ' ' . I \TIMMY TELEGRAPH. .Tac..T.staniurn is also pirblisheii weekly, and is kurnisliedl tO stithsCritie't..i at the followinWeish rates 7 •• in' • , • Single copies ; weekly..., ~. ~ .', ~:: .. ..... ~. .14 f. I'sol Three copies to one . 4'oo Post Off .. .......... ... t Ten copies to one Poit.oBlen..i., .....,. ~. . 0 00 1 , . Noileraro ADVERTlSERS.—Alr&dver tiseineats Bits - Incas TrotiCes, Marriages Deaths:,. die., .Ito, secure insertion; lit 'the lEVEGRABIi, must Invariably be isticom- Pf9. ll, ka.Wii4 4 hP'CAS/ 1 •'. ' • • ' ' Advertiseinents.ardered in the regular Evening Edition ore Inserted in the Morn. - .ing Edition witltotat extra charge. x { ADVERI7SDG , FtATFI4—DAILY TELEGRAPH. !. . ,'The folimving are the rates for advertising in the Tin,a-1 *IRANI. TllO5O lukyillg advertising to do twill find if eon- Yenient tea:-reference. '' '.' ,'' ._ • Four hues or less gon.stihne one-hair aquare. Eight :lines or more than four constitute a square. - FOR A UALF SQOARE. FOR 02iy. WARS. ' Oros day $ 30 , One 'dajr .; , 5 ;, 60 Tivb days... 60 Two days . - ' - 1 00 Tiace ilay,s.. .. .. . . ... 7,5 Wire daYs ;: 135 Offweek 1 25 .One week - • ;300 Ono month . 3 00 Ofie month . :6 00 ' Two months 450 Two months '- 900 Three months 560 Three. Months— —.. 11 00 Six months SOO Six months ' , 'l5 00 One year 15 00 I One year .. 25 00 FOR. TwO SQIykRSB. 1 . . FOR , A. 4FARFRA OOLINOT. Ono day $ 1 28.' 00dday....1..........$ 3 SO Two days 2 00. Two r days . , ... . . .5 25 Three dims 250 Three days ... -,. . 700 • One week 4-00 Otte week 10 00 One month . 9 00 .One,month 18 00 Two do - 12,00 Two months .. .25 00 Three do ,15 001 Three months.... ~..30 00 ilfi Six do 'llO. Stemoriths ' 45 00 One year ' .. 36 pi), One year...... j ......:. 75 00 Seam'. 'NOTIONS, Taindiss or RHSFROT ..REROi,UFIbNSfI &c., and commuoicatiOns or announcement calling at tention to matters of individual . interest, S;. cents: per line for each insertion. - :administration Notices. afarriage Notices 1 ndlter's Notices . - 5 O 5O roan' yot.icesenohinsortion..'.. .. . . .....•.': ~..... i 50 Jorlinsineea hakes inserted in the Local ColitarS, or s*Tore marriages and Deaths, EionT CP-VTR FER'LLNR for each insertion. As an advertising medium tkeTHLEGRAPH;Iias no equal, Its large circulation,Aninng business men find families, in city and country, anifiilong t4a lines of the various Ran., roads, having established AHENGIFS IN NEAELTETT TOWNS, .. placing It Nlyera conmatition: ' ~''' IS t ' fltiTsidAz. A. P. TETT:P:ER , TEACHE,It OF MUSIC. OFFICE WARD'S IfFAUTORF, 12 N. Vitra ' : Str ` eit. ' P Resi4ente: Third street, shore North. MEL6DtOI4SfAIibaCIAII3INET ORGANS. TWENTY-SIX 'kdlECtrisigi o 4 TWELVF:SILITAI ALS, AST) THE ONLY GOLD MEDAL (ever won by laStYuments - 6( this class) bat; been awaniettict AIASON .Sf; HAM:EON'S ',I4§TRITNEENTS. A full assortment of these itistrnments always oniband W.-KNOCELE!9,.SeIe - Agent, .93 Market street ed Dant)] HENRY C. 01tHs, • trOADHER 9P T PIANO, OF.,T,ODEON JL AND VlOLlN.:—Teruis reaanuable, 15 'Third street, butwoeullarkeit aud Chestnuts Ma. , GROCER/ES. OW GROCERY An FAOIDInq WORE, FOYER & Ktit:RkElK ) WHOLESALE AND, - 41 EFT AJJ "• DEALERS IN • • G R. 0 C S Queen's alid6liikes Ware, AND: LL KIND§ OF. , C .0 IT N . - . .. , ffAVE just opened:a large and wellAeleeted stock of goods at their stand, No. 3 Marketgituare, .ILirrisburg, Pa., to which they invite the attention 'of the .public generally. nole-dlr JOHN WISE TILLED STREET, NEAR WALNUT, HARRISBURG, PA., 'NW:Ka* R.E3AIL DEALER IN `RECTIONERY, FRUITS, &C., ~JItCON. ons 1 Jujube Pas, • I *447 Date', Moss Paste, - Itg Fame, . m p r o w , n,„thuoss, Walnuts, Marsh Mallow Gt. mpg Filberts, Cream Chocolate L. cream Nuts Bain Candies, Sc., a. Nut Oranges and Lemons, / ;.,,,,, j ur iits: Canned F}utt.l,' , ,-I ;co scyatit, Jellies c-r,,mberr:...4• Teas and Spices, all kinds, and tag Lasins, Paper Bags, ' Cider Vluegar , d Crackers, Fresh and Salt Fish in sea- Sy - letrau t ir is h7°tatt) son . Gre, v,a,pci ; ,Pried Frays, Vegetables in season, And COitirilf..,Pk94., ue ' in Raisins, • seast'sp Currants, ' • 4 octl3 r :10R; R IM P PER;`-SE 1L B wINEti AND Liftro 4 4a.:414, MYJADE C 0.,. , 1.2 S 000797: 'Arat'4Zi Li% parenzEs cErEs'OiFT . 0.3 1'...,‘,AVA . 1A.11, A.M.' J. D. BLTIXG. nc49. 74 1 4 ... - "• ... VOICE OF NEW •. CT clr i ß 'og CURRANTS PRtNEs inos, WIL DOCK, IR., & CO. At [no2ol . • SUPERIOR ' Gas, WI FOR TABLE E I BE, NIL Z.% CO. int received at TOY BOPra large' air sortment off"TOy Boo: /la reCaViida nol9 scums Isoch:ithavAk.,,burgs' NEW BOOB'S: .-jirEZ4 SHOrDER STRAPS A-. "! Ts OR - VitbltttYj 1p 4j otr,ed ' at [dam -sc.tON-41—, PitilEM; -4 .9 0. barre . " 21 of *chfilm raiic \kii . 1 r? stigein'tW licAnr ijuiritities, to su It pur0h144 , 4 nP grocery of ' [o4] BOYER-&-Iworza. 11011CKLES1 1(1.161",R; 311-133 r ti Ifturel, Hear Barrel„Tieitt . 'DO;en, at. ". 11020 WM. DOGS, SR.; & MN aki 10:0c,:::'00:f!TO TEAS 4*covered : the most .certain, speedy nud enectuat remedies in tho .world for A dare IVOrranted, or No Charge, froni:One Weaknets of • ti),o,3incir,. AlfeCligne . of the Kidne, aid BladderlnColuttlarr Osobarges, Inanriteney, .Genetril bility,, : Yulguig Confrision idepii,Ltnitation"or'.:ilte. TrerablitigrOianne.es, led or AiddlitOss;:4lseasit of e Head,rirsal , .; cor - clit 'Li r, Lungs,' Stoinacli."Or u bowels—those' terrible disorders arising froni'tlie Habits it'Yeitittes,se!fieeret and solifirk practice more fatal fo 'than e he song of Syrens to,the Mariners of 'Ulysses, blighting" mostMrilliant hopes and tendering marriage„ impossible. . . . , Especiallyovhe boyar become the victims of Solitary:l'loo t , that dreadfuLtind.deettective habit whith sitnuallyeweOps to an unthatel.lniteahousands or =Youhig.lidel:Ofjhe most eralted“telentsmind brilliant intellect, natilbMikht. otherwisohnireetatrended listening Senatetraelththeihmaa dens of eloquence_or waked to ectasy the living lyre, qna call with full corifidaude. $2 26 dl5-tf Maiii 'lO JOHN. tIU DR. ittLPIII'I.OE ,DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE Et4L:CEIF 14' . #C TO TWEIyIIoVRS. Ito • liRRCOP.Y OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. to Two Days YOUNG MEN - . MARRIAGE.i.. . . !-...-....„.. Married petsonai:orYoung Men contemplating marriage; being a,ware - Afr' vilyntsmi.nreatmes.4, oripnlo delailityyde.br naltioa,,Amonpoured. Re niair.Olresaulannitelf under tho care"nrOar.t. may ra; ligiouslysanatide inAis , :nonor as a gentleman,. and Wag 1 deptly rely , apoulds skill as a Physician,: , , oneh - buc WEA.imas . z-. Immediately ear* and full 'OW reatarett , 1 This disteesialprAfeetion—which r*dtMilre_AlliteUble and marriagfe7l49..ftle.-18 tLe yet 11t ythe'4ll time ofim_pnoo.,indulgence. Young nerienite=ltrAgt to eot, 4oeaseegiert not being aware,,_ Oahe ; 1 consecidedees may ensue. Now, standsitie sidied.uily.pretend to deny thatth_q,.kwe of procreation is C)4 Sooner by those. fdling 11.4.4,4n1P per habits thah'b4e . oratient. Besides beingadepriyedi the; pleasures 'pit . g, the. oat; sexlentAnk dot; strietiCtf sOlittpftniqs to both boy , . pad - mind;; °se.) The systerd'heeotiri - deranged; the physyitLaod.4nOntel functions* WeaXenedjess of procreative. power, nervous= irritability, - dyspepsia, i ladpitation of the heart, indlieldion, constitutional a wasting of the fraMe, cough, eon-. sumption, deday . atid 'death. . . , OFFICE N6..7; SOUTH FREDBItIeK SittICTO • • Left hand side, going; from Baltimore streid; a feW dpore i the corner:. Fail not to observe nines tind • muntier. leltenftnof he *id and contain a stintp,; ; no . l)4orts DiploMas hang id hts.olltee. . = , DR. JOHNSON, . . . . .. Member 0t,1.6p 'Wel College of Surgeons,. Loinion t ginV un te fopic.me Or wet eminent colleges, e iwthnnftted States,:end:tbe gpkder girt of whose life lts' beat , iii in the twit,* of •Ipiidou, Paris, RhUlithSlCO. , ..luld Pilse-' where, has.effected,some of the most &VA:milking; dures rs t that weropver IdieWla ; I#PY troublect vitiPriadz i g in t he . head and,, _when Wasp, VW . .11VT.eggeneR ted alarmed at, sudden hounds, bashfulooss,..nab:4, 'tent hlushing, attended sometimes with derangement,,of ind were cured Immediately. TAl'' PARTICULAR 110110 E., - „ These are soMear.l.he sad and melaikelply effects pro : duced‘ht 001yhibiti.of youth, viz : wealocteasof thelutok andlimhtslekins:in , the head, dimnessr;Vralgisti , • .lep of muscular pdwer4ntinltatlon of the dieart,?Siiiti ner vous irritabMll44.Vtaptoms of consumption, lissrArzi:—LThefearful effects on tlie•• taindietio Much to be dreaded-40E4 4W memory coniMiloti , of•..ideas, de• preslion of spirltveill forebodings, aversion. to :society, self distrusti.lovel of ablltude, thnidity,s&o.,' are. some of fle evils produced:-• • • • .. • TOILING MEN Who have Karod themselves by ii%cerhdu . prattlee dalged whoa gene, a habit trequenWleagaed :from eyll Romparilens;ar at school, the ellecM•oNeldclt are nightly fel t t—eyela',Vilaert asleep, and if `tiopourdiVrenderi. .ettd destroys both*lsid` and body, should gtp7T9l!4ed,edely: W4.14' s:"*.Y.theVlaYoub.g man, the htellthiedouptry, the 4404. 4 .Vhiotteuia, should be - tclierfres all trosptctv,vidlWothests o biOta"Zilliiseqo l 4 oB- of - de7l giorTrimc iv..cr Rare and , iiictalgthg in a . certain . CVl4.4Ptt, )5 1. 0 4. Pereerls At.l.7r; bettire !optem_ plating ~'iy~~~.c~~; }taco. than soitbd toind Sod body are Ow loostoopessery requisites to,protolftconniZ:bialhaßWMg. koYeeit , ; with. ,out these, thajounterthrouglt pies smeary' pa. grimage4 poisPect hourly-darif6os, ;1344"'VieW; the Ateizid becomes *awed mitt desiiiii:sztd filled with the .melaneholzrolloaloir that the happiness.. of ,another be comes blighted ;With - pur own. • DISEASE OF Itill'Utht:oV&E . . I Wheekbernisguided and imprudent vo' of pleasure iiinds'he has imbibed the seeds of this-paiMul disease, it too ettorhappene 014 an illthatef •shame or the dreiadstf,diagu;tyerydeteratimAoni- i-applytaillrithbse who traNd;edli4tion WElFeilibaloliKt, din,...,11160.6 . (Ind Mtn. Ae . AiNll4o933le.hozois ot'Aßiteat!aintf dealahhig 'pretend :fat: ...1014... e i 10:1XV.0-14.4101.;*: lieb9b-WY sub eisty.me;lcepiniitram4.loo#l.lll.or-pma;kirkt as fox as. 1 the liCtillese fee mit be obtained, and fitr i deksitrieine him 1 iiith rabiadlealth to sigh over solibut abliPPobitmebt) re I or, by the use of the dewily vidson, - Merew, h Thee : oonetttuttonalerrostmeoftkigtoriil4 Ofsee, es :dee t 1194,01 or , the treitl,7llg9,6 ATV _4 13 0 m g ressin g with. MAMA Avidity t,tir sl, ' . :Op: a ;Period le AO Oreasktr 6441 WWW by ' bib*. .P't# ol •o oe Q vbr O. al OW f. OOI P- 3 s l Wwe Y 3 ''• 4 '.4lb/s- INi)ORgEKENT 01? THE PRESS, . f,„ The zsanythbusiumis cured at.this Inetallllett yeat Mel'. t. . elyt , theallunercAls . linliOrla. Ittr.i/eilliall&P.Perigi' ' ' 4 it o lsl tAi'sthol. ; -104solist4 . ttelll t o . 1115E 4 7 ot let of • . • - ,44441311111; Dm 610fitin 'as a gentles= of c .... ,1414, mills* :hlllty,;lsascrolcleht-ge,!? tye,!illii,e4, - . 1 .. Still : DIFiFiWO SPEEDILY`PAMD . ... . _ ... inicese.ossopowitekoickgppet. litatialgritG PA MONDAY' EVENING, FETAIJARY 1 1864. ;;; ImE ti: GR I EAT qA:IIIRICAN REMEDIES," .lalro IVN '4'6 11 t rill 0 D S i 9 p, • GENUINE' PREPARATIONS, VIZ: , fIEIGILLY OaNCENT,RA.TEDI" V-LOWEVOMT 'PlrvifYs Bt:ADDF,R, kA;gE±S,'6RAIML Job Dixor*cA-VirFxraiips !I:110M th e of Di ' &di* and'esoltes:iheAßgibllnfodatilt4T. action, by which the INIATERT 4 Or . OALCEROUS7 4 9 0 wr tioug, and all U. T • ENLARGEMENTS are ro t duced, as` tiop, and is good for. MEN, WOMEN be t r . I"' • HEIM:ROLM , EXZRACT, FoR vrE , AxlipssEg - • A!' , . Arising frvn E*cassesi. Habits.or tDizipction, discretian or Abuse, , , - ' ~V9oM:#q~~1:7VJ~~V:~?f YUwi~]•.~~R.!)'t.'~3s ~~},'[}~ Indisposition to Ex,eoosl (Dryness of the Skiu, Loss of Memory, 'foss of Power, Weak pron.* _ ..D.ltleulty of Breathing, gprppr of Dlseise, • 1 0 11403,0 f, Talon, Wskettithess, Universal'Lassitude of thePS4l.:%.the Beek, ' —AMA* ‘ . - 5141.14,0r , thrat0i±,..4 Hot i Manda t F,ropppoys on: . thePsee, -lialitillibeiinteosee, • ••,. Th . ese.symptors, allowe4,tO go 9% Llch thLs -- ginpihvariably removes, soon follow • iferkTENOYi - FATUITTAFTEXPIib -• • ,• Itione of which the patient mak osidre. o tan say that they are not frequently fettQw..ed by those 'Wroth": 1 "45 1 411 tiq UTII INSANITY 'AND) ,1591.113 "hhinfale tti dear •s one will confess. The recordzpjbe .ilessinin '° " ' - ' ' sAktimuntinv,ibier , e essertiett. THE Ebol~BTl~Nl'p~Qps '~ ~'l''El B4i mires the - ald of rnedielne to strengthen and invigorate Wteixt; ;which:lWitiolo Eigract gitehu invariably dae. A trait wilt convin`ee the 'tuna skeptical. rzwitigLyltaUg-:itmutikg, ,OLD OR YOUN G, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM In many affections, mpqMitir to females the Retract Bu, chn is unequalled byanyother remedy ,, as in Chlorpsia Painfulness,'lai4tV;l r supriremdow of the ;customarylone, Ulcerated . or Schirrous state of the' 'Uterus; Leucorrhea or Whites; Sterility; and for all corn lidnts'ineldent to the so; whether arising from_ Indisere- Alen — Habits orlllasination or ' tll the' RECLINE OR 'ORANGE OF LIFE ' NO FA*ll l 4. SHOUtiD..itE WITHOUT' IT:.- Take uo DalsatuiOury or Dupleamott Medicine, for DfipleaSaki and Dangerous - Discuses. 4 .lit:§r:44liOlitt'S 'XTULIOT gUOIIIT, - . . Uurgo, Secret Dlsea...e.S In all theirstagesi. at llithi,oxpeusel slittle or no change in diet; ' adincinivemente and no expo urei.......lt_canses.frequent desire, .and_gives• - strength to U..- ,_i , ro.yuuniogl ..Apqic ac igongc,pre*nting and r. . ':--7. - fr, ta•ft - t thriftUirgalayl4.iiiiinVmd inflamt: mation, se frequent in this class of diseases, and expelling' ornonfi Itisiewil., ,and .Wornout *Ger. t Rlrtvis . inds hi n tliddrikblo have &Soh tho victifits ofitiduclm, No who have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time ; have found.thry were deceived, and that the "Poison" bas by the tulettverful - .. , : .nts," been dried—up in, the systekcOut , .. "," , i... . • ateVorm, and perhaps afterai.. ::fit UstIM:Z ' :“ " MD'S :t l . , ttz ~."4:119111J9W or all Affections v i and Dkitilset of the U I, - t.Oili ' ether existing In Male ot Felnaie; fromw lever . , 0 glnating, and no matter, of how long sti= - . I 'of these Organs requ frenthe Add ,of-:tsf . . :t .. t . clays ExTßaer BUCllU:tathe Great - 1444Ketlikitls'_,,... tain to have the dosireif2.elll.l hi all: Plarses -.'.o2 4 itatlch it is reooth rendeV't„% -:.: ~-. . A• • • ' "ri+.4 . : i•.-, n ,ei_ V ' • • ldOda"-AUOOd-LBiOOd , • ifigirlqbefifighly Concentra led Coattichuid FLUID EXTROIrvaItctiI'A.RILLA SYMI LIS. This ittan affeetion-ofghe Biciod, and attacks , the Sexual Orgaidii-Linings of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe, and other Mucus Surf:ices . , making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. llelmbohrs Extract Sarsaparilla pu-; rifles the Blood, and removes all Scaly Eruptious of the two h giving to the Complexien a Clear and Health4 . ealor. It being. preplol. eiprassly for this elaSs .ilie co faints, its Blpod,PurlfprittqcitKirges q.re preserved .to a greater extent then arty other preparationOt Sarsapalille. . . .. Au excellent Lotion for _diseases of a Syphilitic Nature,: 'jug as all injection ,in diseases of the , kOrinary Organs' , =Mins from habits of direlpation, used in connection With thes=l,llet,elltech/ahlitr, )5 !such diseases - is recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and re liable'charactek aeboniPany , tatemeilidinda. GATES OF CUM frtpu *Nilo twenty years standing - , with names known to Selena: t* ' Fame. for I:484 01 94 Propartio/of Macho:4 , ses Dispensary of the Tb Rid . See•Pretesor DEWEE'S valuable works:oaths tieeK Physic. See remarks made by the lido celebrated Dr, PRl§l9NATltdhalblphia.-1 iSee.nittibiarks made by Dr. EFRRAM MoDOWELI4 a celebrated l'hysicianand Mem ber, of Motive]. Mese of Surgeons, an/published lathe' Transactions of the King's and Queen's , Journal. 1 See MedicaOhlrurgiciditevieViAiublished byBENJ. TRAVERS, Yellow of the Royal College:mf Surgeons. The AnOsk of the Igto standerdwiwks oiridedicine„ .Estract of ~Buchn, $1 , 0 0 :Per bettes. O f six bottles - f0r.,46!00.: .Ettrt4t of satsavala, $ l .OOl per Wale, Iv :t ; :f.q!,4 5 proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle, or six for .an a o o. ortelf a dozen each tbr x 512.00,. which will be 'ountilisit. to cure the most °biding/cases, jf,directiorutareNd4tied, D e li, v , *d tolinf,ad/rtass, a*Tell a t :IP4.4oel ' TO m bu servatiiin. Derieribe symtlonts, in rdmrourdeatiells , pares guaranteed. ': A/V146.-Ottis ' - , i•Porsonally apiktirebetiiiiiiiio an Alderman or 0 4 6 1 ° It Y o Thiliiirehibliclo.7WPWitCyllo; Wart* orn? 4iotti pretkuseks WMI4 Mer• Cormot.rhoritTniolisAlTOgefiandir t'impierlird - befOrti me l 1 . 11 '4 4 201-- - 414 -011) , ri.1111Hi0 1 364:" ' - ; : :36E RI mitsinsa Alderman, Ninth:Woe' Address letters for Information in confident,. T,-WBOLDraternisf.- , jkiiiiloolllinith.l o fEattio' 144414:` CUE** , ^ ' ,; • 111ff!II= lIRlegjAL l l X , rriE4. 6 7' "BUCHU," 'ILEL4I3OI;D''EirIiACT SARSAPARILLA; Mi'LMBOLD IMPW)TEII Rqsz„misir. 4.1E.14.:A:p i) x.;;4.1'. GEWNE P'REi'ARA.TIoNS. COMPOITXD A PbSfl AND itS4IFIb 'RkICEDY PDX: DIFINASEIi3OP,,THR WrPIORet - WO WBAXNESS, PLATING:MARRIAGE Tiv,T,mrtola , ROSE: WASIf. 7';4 . F.11D - AVIT, MEET =llll =I I - 1. 1 AI SI t - i . , t . e ".• 1701111,1 ' ; tgr4ol l, e. 1- -, F to .. .. ~.. , , -,:- 0. : .. .. : . *1 WIEBI II 1111 MEE ME R.O iTOHN rL. LYON'S -"fn's```- ~ , i..i a~,r=,..:,,.:~~. RENat 1114001eAL DROPS, ME ME ME `4Maiii‘lir , RE A U.144WR1 .: • . :44•9 4 4he pialy )4h, remedy . L . wlll,auccesafuliy aad 1 , y• 1 / I yreeteralliid'iagnlate the &mate system; remoc Irrekulatidea, 'and Titeiueing • health,- vigor, and trend. iF r -4-4* • ISONWPERfOI3IO4I.t:.DROPS. -Are ealuidt tlaniihwonly4nie ovtoor the kind, ever • • .• .• LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Come to you as a blessing, for Is not prevention better than+ If regu ` larly taken, It is' a *Min preventive,' and wilt save yOtoituoti peril and .nian`yibbtira ocsufferfas; aillictettarmanyLyeartowittiocunlgaints adept to.tbe inotiitbat bavetatlled! the ',skill. of, pityst= Flan; and aro berrying you on tb eFtt grate'? LYON'S PERIODICAL DROPS Are the most'relioble regulator ever known, and cure, like magic, all those irregularities that have defied the doctor's t trit.tail e: er; Will you waste away with sUMning - from uclarrhatic ProVipsus, DyarnestordaWand a thousand other difficuP }ol4llWanire,un O tttg, Tune of sußpressed and PP 4 SnA l it FIPRNNAP/P394", ( 10 141. 1 4 )103.TafERIODN DROPS ,v, lll.i trs:§,l4F o AtJ • • ri Port il io l P;l2le 4 T4s4a for althoughlaymgli.We ligreoiletXpetnnless at all other t times, they are so powerful and finely calculated to adjust and govern the functiontrof the sexual organism, that, if taken at improper Wags, they would produce results con-, treryA nature, ageltsr Wifich''all,..particularly those who' would reproduce,•shouid 760fiiliy guard, LYONS REAUmicAI , DROPS MIMI 'Othnot hat,to-the r liitoist- tteVeate tritstit' tutiqn at any time; rya . the pruprihtkes.:viishAAo ygoittstApthipt its misuse, :hephig:theC al.tte help*, .. , 4111.be i usedrpr l it gomi pur 7 pose where one is lastkl (or an toltoisS, =II •theAkovertitAllag Ystualeiteirulspr 3 ,,is for sale, by every . lPruggst, IRAs ear. abd,«Upkaltly, a n d ' do ityou value our health sad *lsli:Tof a - reliable • buy any other. lake> nO ottier,lbutirt4e WAR:AV tp Whom yo,u apply has ;eat gat:l4 makellitt4 send_ uld 'get lt forlyou. C. G . VLAIIIC'& •-• "JOANSTON, ROLTIOiPAY d-dOWDIW, 28 Noith i Stx& StnetAlilladelphia. Pa , • . .• , , ttill .• , • •:1 .._~..~3.. , tuaglo•dts • '•„Q. MOpICAL. = ME OM MEM Trfp ,GREAT t '+ ~ {'..? MSIII t.; Pitorw=olAi New //Oen, : Copn, 4t,Wlifoala. ; 4y = =nt=g ~ i; . }~. - • : t z • ,;.t. bIitOICAILd• • YcS rEP'SA•A DISROES RESULTING FROM Dtgoll,lo THE LIVER AND *Fmk miss, ARE CUR= ,'I3Y H OF it. S G-mtmAN - , - IRE GREAT STRENGTHENINCIONIC irE. Bitters havet,perfcrilled„more cures; e gS tve r and do give better, satisfaction; Aare more . 4E7,- 1 mony ;.haVei More respectable' people to vouch for them thanpiny other article in the market. - , iS t e,defy any one to eMitradier this assertimi, and will pay 41.,000 toany ono that Will produce a certificate' pub lishedhy us that', is not genuine, Rellsuid , s, German teas, Will cure - evert easetif Chronic or N'ertints Dtrleases of ant ifitirt4a, And, dipeases,ariaing from is Co ordereksomnacit. Observe the following symptoms, re al-Aide frotithe distaiters of the , digestive organs: Con-. 41P.alion Fullness. of Slood to. the head, Acidity of the" Stomach, Nausea, 'Heartburn, Disgust Air; Food, Fullness or weight inthe Stomach ; Sour Eructations,. Sinking or fluttering at the pit of the stomach, swimming of the bead, Hutriettand dl cult breathing, 'Fluttering at, Phe.heast„ ., Chokiag or suffocating . sensations, when in lying posture, Dimness of vision, Dots Orwebs before. the FeVer and' dult pain in the, heatt, , -Deflcieney of perS., iiitation,.Yellowness of the skin and eyes, Patin in the side, ' back, chest, limbs, kc., Seddon flushes of heat; Bunditi., I in the fleshc Constant imaginations of. evil, and great de, premion of spirits. Remember that this Bitters is not alcoholic, contains not runt or whisky, and can't, ;make ,drunkards, but is the} best Topic in tire world. _ RNA!) WHO RATS SO: , • •. • ' I From the Rev. :Levi -Cr, Beck; Autos of the, Baptist; ChUrCh; Peniberten, N.J.; tbimerly of the North Bapti.. Church, Filliadelphia: • : aaa•*. a * * * I tiave known Ifootiand's German Hitters' favorably fo b a. number 4tf, yews I have used thencin my. own family ' and have been so pleased with their effects that I was is duced to recommend theartrimany others, and know that( they have.operated in a strikingly beneficial manner... takd • great pleasure in thus publicly plocialthing - thi hick and calling the attentionot ftese, afflicted , with tit diseases for which they aro ,recommended to these Bit-, 'tem, - knowing !rem ekperience that hay reeortnitendatfon will he sustained, I. do this more cheerfully to Beef laud's Bitters is intended to 'bete t - the 'afflicted, and .1 ..Met a ruin 'dank."' Tonto WY. • • .•' From Bor..): Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of the En cyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chronil clik'Allabelphie Although sot disposed to faror or recommend Paten Kehl - eines in general, through distrust of their ingrodien 'and effects, I yet knoW of no sufficient reasons why • man, may not testify te the, benefits he Nlieres himself, hare reoelrid • from any simple preparation,' in the hot 1 i that hammy thud contribute to the•tammifft of.ethers. 4 1 I do this the more readily in regard to Hoofland's o inaii'lfitiers; prepared by Dr. '0; W. Jackson, of this ci ty because,' wmprejudiced against • them, for many year, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholit ' - ure. , lam indebted to my friend; Robert Shommd Iter r EA., for Ole . removal .of this, ganjudice by Le,"tfild'ltir tailioungennint to try them When sui l = . . .. Ism* and long conttypred,tdebllity.. „The rind o three bottles of theta/ v alets at the ~bezmning of tit lke/fent year, wasAillo' by eVident relief and $49 11 t0,,it dePlalog WAY and mental Atm f which ..I. Wor, six months be forif,' aid 'had 'dirt* desp aired" .. ~. .... . 1. IfierefeekidisedimrtrWat forjdi meeting Me to or use or A _llem. .r: NEWTON BROWN: Philtufk. From Rev: Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptis t Church, Germantown, Penn. Gr.' C. W. Jaokaon:—Dear Sirr.---Personal experleOd enables me to ray , that I regard the Ronnan i ßitters, ~tue pared by you, as it Most excellent medicine. In o screae coldaud general debility'. bare been-greatly beam fitted by the use of the hitters, and doubt not they will produce similar effects on others. Yours truly, WARREN•RAIiDOLPH., Gerpnant?lra, Ea. , From Agiv; -J. 'lL,Jomer, Pastor of Bedding li. Cioilph,Nltibidelgita. - .: Dr: :CAM. , Jacksint:=Dear Sir ..- 1 -Eaving used your fie man Bitters in my farnityrrequentlyd am preparedly thee ithes,teeli of great service. I believe that in m cases of generardebtlittot thesystimig is the safe in most valuable remedy of which-I have any knowledge. , • ' *Vane, reslieetfully S. IL TURNER; .t. ::. . , No. 726 N. bilneteomth . street. ; . • • . ; - From-the Rev. J.. It, • LYolls, formerly Pastor of I th ' t). Columbus (N. J.) and Milestown (Pa) Baptist Chnrchez t . Nzw Recants, N. Y. , . Dr. C. K. Jackson :—Dear Sir =I feel it a pleasure Mel, of my own accent, to bear testimony do the- excellence or the German B.itters.„ Pomo, years since being much at , Illeteiteith Dyspepda., 4 awed them with very beneficild results. I have ,often recommended them to persons:eti, feeble, by, that, tormenting disease, and , have heard : T ro4n i tlioovthe nten Ilatlering testimonials = as to their t. value. , l.n.easesof general debility, I believe it to ~be,a tonic that cannot be surpassed. ' J. lf. LYONS. t From the Bev; Thomai Winter, Pastor of Roxborou ' Baptist Church. ' ' - '. - , - ...Dr: Jackson ;— Dear Sir : felt it -due to , yotenze , the - lent preparation, Boo:id German Bitters, to add y festiMony to the deSenied:reputatlon ;itthas , obtaine4 . I have for years, allows, been troubled with great diso r In my heed abd ' nervous system / was advised' b y Ear friend tolry a bottle of your Germah-Bitters • dideuvand have experienced great and , tmexpeeted relief; my health' •liadbeen'veiy materially' benefitted. I confidently recoil- Mend GIS article Npeto L, .meet, with.caso similar to nly own, and have been assured by many .. . . 61 their goad , -: : - • . •Ittemectiody yours, T. WINTER, Itoxborough, Pa. 1 From Rev. J. S. ' Aerman, of" the German. Refonned - . church; Kutztown, Barks county. Pa. . .. , • • 1. Dr. _C. • M. Jackson ;- Respected Sir :.--I have been treuhledliith Dyspepile nearly twenty years, - and ha e' never,usedAny medicine that did me as much good lloolland'a Bitters.' lam very much improved in heal ' after,ha . vlng taken liYe.bottles. . ; :• , • . •.. Yours with restset, J. S:IIEBBAN. ~.,pR ICEs. , ... . . , .. Large Size fboldnig nearly double- quantity ).$1 00 - ; - per. bottle—halfdos $5 Po Sinall SizOLL7S Cents-per bottle= - half doz. • 460 BEWARE or, couxrEßFErrsl .i ' See that the aigiattire of ~,C . Z. JAZIESON" la on the WRAPPER of eacir,bottle. , • • , :• ', . ; ."-• Should your ; nearest druggist not have, the article, lio; lot be lint any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered* IV glace„tatt Alepd. to us, and. we ir forward, securely pacluil, by express. • • ' s Principal. Office. and ilannfactery,. • . N.O. 631 ARCH STR.ST, PIIIZ4DELPIII4' , . _ JON= 46 - Suf.:caws to C. *Mason& Co.„ Fon sale by DruggaOs and : Dealers in. evegyltown lor as 4ke. United States.. SaYl o 4l4w • .ZOITEMBE 'MILLS 'AND . ' Fait AT PRIV 11. YE "1.; . E PLSIIR.W.REEAR will 'sell. at Private .C • ha Willa hart' iliittif, 4, lying fir Bahtinoro "Outtr'2s'mtlairtraiii IMltrinbie,, in , thew j . ge • of Tchic 13friiitiM.tiorif Ms:toyer' larnpilee The farm contains about 253 Acres, more • °rabid, in good state of Titivation.- The farm has had about 18000 tonshelS' of 'lime." The itaprovementiConaist of a`L ci STONEIYWELLING HOUSE, nics feet/ with a BIT& pa ItmAottse t , Barn, Wagon Rouse, Corn Cn b , _ Carriage house and other Out-buildings, and also four - Tehaa.t. &loupe on . the Farm. .There is ; a GOOD AP, ?IP, ;C R-' CHARD l ot d iEice frui said farm. There is a large FLOUR withef Burrs, . in U in grain , country aad a a lso ooqd SAW_ At . M, g . lmroii on the farm, sawing thids orlum ber, jaanstersi*ggdnfaVdwy; rematini94,lntb_R,kn, ;,4511tilood of water to qqth Mill nod ow with a pod f a ir . erg are Churches and Public Sohools all convenk . , f Ulis 1 11 81 04 to *At t**S.Pti;PellY Will lie ih6 by the gUbSCITibtAt tbe_ pambwa... - % , 11 1°°.i!"12,5111)9 cash , • ..-.11.°11t...8414- two Tuts. 'Joan = O. - warl3olC. Naildrena,,Zoncptville,!BacckatAty, )Id. : janl2-doavirult _ , • "VIEW gCRAINY, IN At inoti:- =EI aillt Ctitgra# If all - ratinkind; minus one, were of one cipinion; and only-one fierson.was of the con trary opinion, mankind, would be no more justified in silencing that onel)ersoia, than if he had the power, would be justified in silen cing mankind. Were an opinion- a personal possession of no-vahte except to the owner,: if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make som -difference whether - the injury was inflicted mily on a few persons or many: Bid the pe &Unit isilending the expression of an opinion is, tha it is robbing 'the human race; posterity as well as the ensting generation; those who distEentsfroni . the opinion, still more thaw those who hold it. If 'the opinion is right, they are depriyed of .the opportunity of exchanging error for truth; if „wrong, they lose, what is -almost as great a' benefit, the clearer expression and livelier impression of truth prodUced by its collision with error.— We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we, were sure, stifling Would be an evil still-- J. Stuart' Mill. Muntma TN" hamoun Courrry.—On Tuesday morning of last week, ; the wife of Dennis Ma loney was fortnd lying dead on the road about forty rods from his house, . i>t Salem township. Di. Wm. H. Axtell, Coroner of the county, summoned ajury, who, after hearing the testi mony in,the case, returned a verdict that she came to her death by the hands of her hus band. He was committed to jail on Thtirs to stand his trial. The Mercer Dispatch states that the deceased and the.prisoner had been to Greenville making purchases, and returned late inthe evening both under the influence of liquor. After passing the house of M. A. Leech Esq., of Sugar Grove township, an al tercation ensued, but shortly afterwards the parties proceeded on, their way home. Noth ing ferther was seen of.them that night. The next day the prisoner, Dennis Maloney, gave information.that he had that morning found his . wife dead on the road, he also stated that :they had proceeded to their homes the night Previous, but some difficulty ensuing his wife had left the house. He being tired fell asleep, not awaking until the next morning.. His wife not coming home es he had expected he went on the search for he, finding her dead as above Stated. She had been killed by blows admilf literal by a - club on her bead, but a short .distance from where the first altercation en sued. Suspicion resting on her husband he was arrested and has since been confined in the county jail. .His coat and shirt werequite oody, butlie states that it was occasioned butchering a beef for a neighbor some four 'weeks since. .. LEVI G. BECK. RSTASON -POD' 1(11111.1a dnel took place litteltin the Stinfumhaide i -jusl outside -the walls of Itetlin.. The combatants were a, eta dent and; a military....officer. The weapons were pistobr The.funtitilllinadbly.the.offiner broke' he stndoint's „thigh-bone,. , He now lies ina:dtingerousi state, and.ixtdeedis not ei:pect - ed to recore. The cruise of the offence-was, that at a promenade concert the officer,in pass ing by the student, accidently • knooluid. his cigar ont of his month,' and, not apologOscing instantly, was- at once challenged - by they f fended youth. - , rnglish gentletaary in advertising for a wife, sdys:—lt would be Will' 'the lady were possessed of a competency sufficient to secure her *phut excessive grief, in case of accident occurring to her companion." LET sole ingeiaions quibbler explain how a letter written , lay'an. Officer can be called private If.tter. Flour-dull; small sales to trade at $6 25e. 6.50 for;superfme, $6 9707 25 for extra, $7.•2507 75 for extra family, and $8 00e 10 06 for fancy. brands. Wheat unsettled and Se:lower; 4,oool:auEdi: sold at $1 70®1 72 for fair'to prime- red; white, $1 9002 00. Rye dull and lower and but $1 25 is offered. Corn dull, with• small sales of Pennsylvania red at $1.50. ~The demand for Oats has fallen off; 4:.'en...ruaotvhmiaat 86687. Barley and malt are ,Wldskyfiumettled; 50 bus., *died, sold at,B6e,; drudge is offered is .82c. • Manx, steadr : '•,` Wheat very dull and at riominat'pricea:- "Win Inlet and declined 1® 2c. Whisky dull 4tack2 better, but closing weak; Chicago and . Rock Island 14; Cumberland preferred 511; Illinois Central' scrip 1304; Minois - Cen- W. bonds 871; Michigan Southern sq; Mich igan. Central .1371; - Pennsylvania. Coal 78; Reading irk "Hudson River 1384; Canton. 3,74 ; . 65®671; Galena and ChiCagO 1114; Brie',lo7i; :Cleveland and To ledo 137; Chicago, Burlington andiQuincy 23; Oentrall3l2; Barlem 101 ; Cleveland arid'PiAtalMrg 110; Terre Haute and Alton 04;I'Mahurg and,Fort Wayne 374; ToledO and Waha,sb,.s64; - Chicago and i l%lorthwestern 48; Gold 1564 5-20'i 104; One yekr certzifiate.s 98. ivoivpxiart - L,Dx,sco ß ar eit4NR TS. nfo j. the ed in particular, that he has opened an odico in :Sontik-Ocond Street, boon- Chestnut, Harrisburg, - Pa, Where,lia wiii trait all diseasiiis entrusted to his crire,lwatedelhincowtt. the, system discovered and taught ,by. Prot C. Bolles. CI Philadelphia; With Whose h3ititutioh lie has been con nected, and to whom he takes :pleasure, in referring the public for information with respect to, his success in rat, trollink - " " --- ; NO Arngging the ityetem nem , . All cures perfortned by i litignetism, Galvanism and mho: modiketimiS of-Tieetrielty, without shacks or ally -,,,,-- deasent ka/oaations..- ,After ,tin Electrical Diagmei.s, a guarantee will be gifen; if deetred by the pausal. For :further, ifilbrinatitili daft and get a pamphlet which cac- Pinglief.certificaun, from tuetheal ma oth eis proving the Super - 1641y of this systont of treaCtioe of all othets , tkoriatation free. Cane hours 9 Uzi 12 a, m„ . 1.t0 band 'liege. N. DR. J. MILION CM/9KB ' de2943tawltn- tu-th-sn- AritTo-Ni - GOLD PEW- • . , - 7 AZIOtbOr lot of Morton's rrly:R . rA .L 12 L el:" 1 r .I.iist received at Sehetr,s,-8063 . Lu . . . - AV9 8 .4:444404,60 Laguyrii wee, (41)41 . . - Dom. JR- ? .44N 1 • • . _.2, Arlf, JR. ' k 8.9! ME lIEERI PRICE TWO -CENTS. lk`reedom of Opinion Markets by Titegrapk, ThanamarzquA, Jan% 30 BALTmoitz, Jan. 30 me*: , lrCsi4c Stoek Market. Ntw Your>, San. 30 fit:E4QTRICITY-
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