_ -- •- , ..-- .1 411, 4 11 \ _ . „ / A po; .., 4, 4 ... -....- ... 4 i... , ~..i plaaw: ( .r ~ . s. , 4 , k•,, .. . 4 • - ____ _ • . • , , . --k. , '0 . c - . , . -,,,,.. k- r r- L .11 v ix4 . - * :....- .qQ ~...... , , -.z.. . .q. , . ' ..*4-4"-- t '.i. -....• • -,_- - N. . c ' ' I - f.. i• - 1 ,k 4 .: ... .1 ... _. , .„ , i• ~,, .. -'-... A 114:,i • " • . . . _ . . . - -, -----,, , • t. - J. • , • ~,.,- - 4" 4 - : ',... ~* t * VA l it •••••.. 4 • • 4• - •. r - • - ...„..4 .' A t. ..... - . -.., ......., "‘"A.._ .... ..*--s-..=.... ....,„: ...„-,...... •,:-. . . . . . . . . - . . .. . . . • . , .. , . BY GEORGE BERGNER THE TgLEGBATH IS. PUBLISHED . MORNING A 27) EVENING, BY I G-BO.R-GB BERGNER. - 'OFFICE THIRD `ST., NEAR IVA LYCT. TERMS tIFSVBSCRIPTION SINGLE 5Y4.,..,CR11!T105. . . . NE DAILY r .f).7.1-*XIRAPF I is .served to SlibSCribell in the at S cell - 0 per week. Yearly suimiribei.'s.•Will he .5.4 00 in advance. Those perFmnF•wlin neglect to v iii vatire will h:iiktirptia $6 . WEEKI,Y ‘l . 'P R APH TiE TELECtliAllikililsolitiblislwil weekly, and LO nutmextbers nt. the 01011on'ings easth rntes: Single copies. weekly.... ........ Si 50 Three eerier. in OM , PCIF4 Olilee . . .... 4 00 Ten coping to one Post Ull.lre 10 00 . • hif4TICE, TO ADVERTiEtERS.—AII4Aver , tiseuteitt; 'lffiuslaess 'Notices, reisii.riagei; Deaths, to tie - ewer 'imiertion In the TELEGRAPH, =Wit fic 3 / ri " panted with the CASH. *: r Adreitisesnents,ordex•ett in the - ir.cittaux Evening Edit ioWitire tafterretilit . Morn ing Edlidepit without extra ietiiirge. ;....A . DVERTISINV TELECRAPH. The fo,llowing are the rates for a4vertising in the TE6k• GRAPH.. Those having advertising to 'll9 flud it , tanii. youtent for reference Mate one-hall square. Eight dine a square.- • FOR fiNit One day.. : .. .. Two days.. .. .. . 1 00 Three days 1 35 One weal:— 3 00 One month .. 6 00 Two months a 00 Three monthe ..... 11 00 Six mouths 15 00 One year 25 00 FOR A QVARTKR COiXTYN. .one.day.. $,3,, 50 Two days 525 Vireo days . 7 00 One week 10.00 One month...:lfejio Two months. - 2VOO Three months-- .; 30. (9D Six months 45 00' ttr Four Hum-or less cow line .ur triorletthan four cow Foe. UALF Nil. I 4lue : Two days Throe days... olne week One month... J'Art, months. Vireo months Six mouths fine year 1 25 3 00 4 50 5 50 8 00 LT 00 TOR TWO :4(II:ARKS. One day* • $ 1.20 Twn dnyß 2 00 Three days 2 50 One 4 00 One mewl) • 9 00 Two do 12 00 Three do 15 00 Six do ' 20 Oil One year .... . . 36 00. SPECIAL ISOTICESi TRIELITES.OP ESPECT ESOLUT/ , Rte., and comtnuttications or announcement calling at., ab:Lion to matters Of ingridual interest, 8 cents pet gfo , tior each insertion. ,AdmitBatration Noticas $2 25 Auditor's hiftlices Auditor's Notibis... Funeral NotiCes each insertion, notices inserted In The Loeca Col:A*4l,lt before Marriages and Deaths, EIGHT Casrh PER 14INE - 4 . 0# ruchinsertion. ' As an adrettlsing mediunt:theTatabniten has no equal, its large circulation; among business men and families, In city and country, and along the lines of the rations Rail. roads, having established AGENCIES IN SEARLY FIFTX TOWNS, placing it beyond competition. . , . MUSW.AJ... . • • . A. P.. PEUPSER TEACHER OF MU - S -LO: Orrice AT ' WARD'S 3ICSIC STORE. 12 -N.-417iird Street.- - - 1 44..414.e : 1 ird strePt, nhoye Plprth. kll5-it MELODEONS AND CARTNET ORGANS TWEN'PY-SIX. FrgsT PREIMILIMSO ' TWELVE' SILVER MEDALS AND TUN LI (101.1):31F:11.11..(ever %realty •Itistritnents S gt t‘ip class) has been reilmied LD MASON i t; -HAIALMS :INSTRUMENTS:: A full li.se)rtipont a these instruments,alwnys "tend W, KIS'OCHE'S, sole Agent, 93 Market. street. UZI i 2tawlYl HENRY C. ORTH • - TE ADHER OF THE PIANO; MELODEON AND VIOLIN.—Terms reasoneble. 15 Third street, between Market awl 414014 sitee4s- Ja4-8m _ _ GROCERIES, NEIV GRORERY AND PROVISION STORE. BOYER & KOERPER, WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL) I)EALF4S,Ii. 11 *C Via' . I E S,; Queen's and Glass Ware, AND ALE 'KINDS" OF - - COUNTRY PRODUCE, HAVE just opened a large and well selected stock or goods at, thelr Aaud, N0.:3 Market Squarei llorriaborg, Pa., to whh . ..b they, hivite the attention ut unblic generally. JOHN WIS , E,. THIRD STREET, NEAR WALNUT, --- • 41110.E.S4T t E z Apip itqr#TNA.l.Eft IN CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, 'SLC:;, :11t,jithc , Paste, :40.= Fig Yasto.. Marsh. Mallow Cum Drops, 'ream Chocolate Drops, Plain Candies, Sze., &c. iranges and Lemons, Canaut! Frails. Teas awl Stares, Paper Bar, 4.1,1er Vinegar, FreA: and Sall Fish in se:: SOD. Vegetables ill sermon, Rats us, ‘drraut.. 0(413 I.MPORTERg.' OF 116 UN WINES AM!) Lift ._.. I ! - LAIJMAN, BALLADE & CO., NO. 128 SOUTH .IC.LITIT STR.p7, urrwErzi ciC.6-7477. AND G. M. LAIIMAN, A. M. SAII.ADE„ J.l).l3lllliti 09413m} _ A TiiggINVOICE OF gEw - CITRON; • MIRA:WS PRiTNES, FIGS, hx. WAIL. DOCK: JR., k CO. At (uo20) QUPERIOR GOSHEN B OTTER recuivtd at FOOT BOOKS, GA/IMS,, ,Larg,p Rortment of Toy 'Books, 'dames, ka, jastlec*ed at nol9 SOHEFFER'S spoitmoßE; -- k - r E W 800 it Sa---THE tSHOULDER 1111 STRAPS . . r .. ANO • - - OD ._ _- ' ' 'JAYS OF.-S ODDYI r __ „T u n receircii id , 00,181 SewyEß'S g3OOIC.VO P.E. . ... A pyr4S.=:-2C I O barrels of New :Yogit t ptate ..ti. Aptifes,-6r cliotee'vartety, just recetCe4 sold low, in any .quantities, tOsuit purchasers , at t ;Anew graery of 1401. BOYER &Ropil.Eft. VII 'GIMES ! PIORTATIS ! I—By' thei'--13arrel, _L - Salt Barrel, Jar - or pi*en,,at no2o ' DOCIrJR.,AIp?. •z• LOCK HoSkTAL, VI - AS discovered the .most certain, speedy world for - - • • DISEASES OF IMPRUDENCE. A Care Warranted; or 21To Charge, in from 04 .. • , 'Weakness of •the Back, A ff ections of the „Kidneys and Bladder,.lnvoluntary,DischargeS, Tmpotency, Denerat'De- - lillity, lierVonksett*' Dyttepsia, Langutir,..LdwjSpliits; Confuslon'of -ideas, Palpitation otAhe lileart; TindificA Trembling* Dress of Sight or .Q_lddideas, Diseage,oP the Read,,ThrOat, Nolte or 'Skin.' - MU/tonal. of 3ben_Llyert Low. , Stomach • or - Bowels - those :terrible" tdiffordertt, arising frontthenSolitary Habits l t f Youth—those, : Secret . and solitary practices more fatal their victims than the song of:Syreus to the Nffiriders4 lirlysigea,. their Must brilliant hopes or anticipatiens, rendering mairiagt' kn., impossible. Rs , pecia Who have hecolne the victintiof Solitary Vice; that dreadful and dostnictive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave . , thOusands of Young.. lifen of the }Host exalted talents and brilliant intellect; who inight otherwise have entranced listening Senates with 'the thuti.' den of eloquence or waked to ectasy the living lyre ins) , call with full confidence. 1 BO Married pprsonF, Nratifen contemplating marriage, ineing aware . of physicallCo: :ues , , organic debilfty, defot: punks, _kc., speilipsPred. f ifelrbo places hiWbblr under the care of Dr. .1. May re ja-/14$130I'.aakguilkeman and con den is rely upon his silittAlts d.:' . Inunediately cavil,. artd,full vigor tLestore.a. This distressing otfietion,lihich,reuders rekl,4era4l6 andlnaftige:impixtsible—ie,the*tialty paid," hy the vic tims of. improper linhagence. Xonng persons are:Too apt to commit excesses from not. being' aware , of 'the iireadillt consequences that may, ensue."... Now,„ who, that wider. stands-the subject will pretend ni - deriy, that the pmier, of, procreation:is lost:130011ff by ,thedi late. improper, luthitattliatf,by;the prnaent....lloslOsheincdeprfved the pleasures of heoltbY 01 1 hPring, the mest. serious alid:Ae : . structive symptomS' to, both, body and mind l arise: The system becomes deranged; the physical and mental functions weakened, Mae of procreative power, nemons dyspeptia, palpitation of the heart; itidigeStino, constitutionalAiebility - ,a wasting of the frame cough 'con siimption, decay and death. OFFICE O. 7, SOUTH. FRNOW.F.IOX§OikET Loft hand side going from Jtaltlntore strpeti a few doors the comer.' not , to ebserye, , name and trrnbir..- ; Letters must be, WO and contain *stiPuP: The - DORtAr's Diplomas hang hills (Mee.. . Member of 'the' itoyal'Oollege , of Surgeons, London; %grad nate from one of the most etriisent collegeS in the Minted States, and the greater ptut of l whose life has been: spout ii the hospitals of-London, „Paris,' Philadalphla , :and else where,!has eireeted some of tha ost:ettestishinguoures that were ever known'; many troubled witdringizigln'the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, ' , being' alarmed at sudden sounds, bashfulness;: with' frequent' blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind , were cured immediately. These are some of the sad and melancholy ,effects pro , Mired by early habits of youth, riz : weakness of the back and limbs, paluth in the. head; dhlaisess: of sight, loss of. muscular power, palpitation or the heart, dyspepsia, tier. -vous irritability, symptoms of consumption &c. lissraux.—The fearfullifects oq the mind are much to he drlhaded-4estf. oft.titaWil t Y,ko,fol o o - off Ideas, de, prdeloti of spirit; evil forebodings, aversion to society, self distrust; love solitudo, timidity, Arc., are some of the evils produced. .. . . Citrons, Figs, Dates,prunes,'; Almonds , Walnuts. . • Filberts _ ()reign Nuts, . dTounti•NOn • - .NC II 4 i s iPtS; ' 0 11 40Arriefi, . :ROMPlYAgillikfea , 42' eakea4444:Nr.fickfm....: Sweet oißklitrish Pntotoq,i GretnAsulDiledltui4, And eviultry t. 1 .0.1A0 in seilSOn• . Who have injured . themselves by a coriain practice, in dulged in when alone; a:habit fregnentlyalettaned.. tram evil companions; or at.school, the. -effects. of-whiehlare nightly felt, cyan when , aslegp, and If nut: cured renders marriage impcisaffilei alidkiesttoy-4.beit mind and body, should apply . immediately. What a pity that' inan the hopeof -his country, thedarting, cella payenta,:shiraid be :Basta:Cad - vourran prosphets an& enjoyments of life; bYttai - cotiseqtatabe of deviating from the pub of nature and induliDng In a certain s ecret habit. Such paraons !war, before contem plating . • JOHN WISE. Befiectthat a sound miud'eod body, are /11e most necosgary 'feqiilsites to pyOmoteconAiiblathWillAse; lodeedVwith: out•thes4ithe journeytho . tigli IWO:A.o=lth' ciii*Fy pg. AiMago IFOOpect houili;daikees to the view; the becopiCash.44.owea with.ittispeir and:Oiled Niith`the polaKteholyTe#cc4ionjhor tho happjoees of 8,1144010 k i be: .copies blightwifb our oNkit ' - When the misguided:and imprudent votary - of pleasure flitb behalf+ imbibed the seeds. or, this pogo disease, it too,ofttorliappeiti that tut illtimed: , sonse:of dame or the dreaderdiscovery defirellimfroM applying to these who from edimationandltspeetabllity,:ean alone befriend him : He fulls into the hands of ignorant anti designing:pretend ers, who, incapable - or during; pecuniary sub stance, keep him trifling month afterdnonth, or as long as the strialleat ft% tan be obtained., andliw despair leave him with Mined:health to sigh over his gallieg disappointment,: or, by the use of the deadly poison, Mercury, hasten the constitutioniltrinptontsrof this terribledisease,suchasaffec dons •of the - endi Throat, Nose, Skin, ete.,.progres4ng frightlia - , - ,raparay till it eatk ppta a period to his dreadful enteritis' b# sendine him t.cflhat undiscovered country front whence po traveler returns. FOR TABLE WM . . DOCK, JR., -&; CO. €z:: i lA , :7;''' INDbitS EltE " N ' t TOF 'THE 'P ES. .if ••-. - ' ' .- ' ' iiltitlan:i* after The morirlhonsands eatediat thlikilts ___. year, and the numetene-AmPiKtantlr:o,.. i . e.ite u r = peilioftlt!VAM:" l "Cin%., „ i „........l l 24 l . esse4 DaD a. z i Z m at w hich *bees*, , ~---,- bo r o - n - 3 ; t4 : - ::: 3 ,pubtkoessdea ham .4.4 liorghtotwr and emend hs sten kat -MP"- t ee firThellnkted. bility, it a sugiciant guar , I i 1 i „ .§lT!iy, DIL ! Y, 0 1 4it*D. 6ifiee tr set. MEDICAL; DR. j • B4LTIMWfI RELIEF IN SIX TO TWELVE 130U48. NO 11EitOCRY'OR NOXIOUS DRUGS. to Two Days. YOUNG MEN MARRIAGE buckAmc, w-Edutstss DR. JOHNSON, TAKE PARTICULAR ,NOTiCE. YOUNG MEN 4ORRUGE, DISEASE} OF P4LPRITDgIi'OE lIARRISBURG, PA., SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 30, 1864. MEDICAL. • .',TITE ' U lUCI;R,E2D}IES " ,r I V9WAT _ , 66 11 V. la 'OIL Q - 1 4 ' GENUINE PTF.I I A - 11ATIONS, VIZ: , • ITELMBOL T 6' . IeXTRAVT "BUCIlly" • HELMBOLD :IZeire:T. SARSAPARILLA, ITFILMROf.D IMPROVED , RUSE WASH. RELMBOLD 3 S GENUINE,PREPARATIONS. HIGHLY DONCE,NTRATED" ,•- : C 037 P 9 ,50VD FLUU);ENTRACT t.BUCTIU; A NVITyp AND SOCIFTef . • FOR :FIRSASRO.pF arcs BLOptR, 'lOl7O, 'fGRA.VEL' AN . . ' - ' ANT(TtROPSrOAL MI.ILINGS.• T'''. :Mediatut' Dieter:6les tikt . power bf. Di.. ( t 2. , 1- gdatiOn;'andlexcltewthor ABSORB VIS into hilly, action, by which thp - ,w4t.gcy or c.d. ARous de -. Dona ,:and ,a.II. VIIII4TUIZA,L ENLAH MENTS are re. dOecil, as well asipain!iiird inflainination,' and is died foe AIEN; WOMEN - or CHILDREN. • ~ ' , ' • . • . trE . • Llith ( ODYS EXTRACT BUCHU . FOB WEAKNESSES Arl:ling from Exc. —eases,- Habit:tint, 13 Isalpa:lon, Early In • Ali4nretiitn or . , ATTENDED WITH' TEE' FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS Indisposition to B ertio lirynOs.4 cif ihe Skip, Ltim of Itereory, ' Li tit Power, Weak Itiervezi " ' -Digital* of:Breathing, , Horritor of-Disease,. • . ,• Brimless of Vision, Wakefulness; Universal Lassltudi of the Pain In the Thick, System,' -Flushing•of the:Body, I Hot Hhnd. , - Eruptlon.s on the Face t ., Couptenece, 'fbege;symptoms, If nlloaced.to gb on, whichithis eine timulably removes; noon follow . ' . Pup,drENgY i FATIJIT)r,'V.PELERTiCRITS, In oiio•'of 'which t'lliol)atibiit'nutY C.xpire.` 'Who 'call eay thui therarenot frequently rolldwed' by those "direful, thi3AY AND CONSummoic Many are aware of thel'easite—of their sufferings, but pouf will eimfm„ ,nresq,of,thehrsipte asylum vad the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear MtiplO tdthe,ttitth of the assertron. CONSTItIITION,-ONCR44ITECTED" WITH 'ORGANIC WEARITESS;' - Boottires the' aid at medicine to stresgtheit aud ; invjgerat th e systemovhich Extract' ,Baellu invariably 'does. A trial iviir6onNinc;tlie most skeptical. ' • FEMALES-FEMALES-kll4O, OLD OR youNp, CON7'R3t • • - • In manyallhetions peculiar to females the Bu eltu Is, ts4clualled,by any Othßr remedy, as In ,Olorosis or Reteution,lrr?gularity, yainfulnew, or suppression of the customary Evacuations, Uleeratc4 or Sehirrous state of the Uterus, Loucorrhen or - Whitenr Sterility, and- for all com plaints Incident titthoaux, .whether arisinlift3R Indisere- Lion Habits of Dissipation or in the DECLINE OR CIL NOE OF LIFE. FAIMPIA SiIOTYIDO3IO -WITHOUT IT • Take no Balsam,; Mercury, pr,Thipipasant Medicine .for m graph:Rea and. Dangerous P-!seasea RELlgiotip's EXtRADVOUCHU,' • OUres Secret •DiseaSea inlilt theiritigesi atlittle experiski little ovno change in,diet ; inconventenee and no expo sure. It causes frequent dosing' and gists strength' to Urinate thereby remov ing obstructi6us,. preventing'-end curing; triCtiftes or the - Urethra, allaying pain and inflam mation, so frequent in this class of disensfm, and:WeUirig TOlSonous a ,Diseased,, and Woknout Matter. :IThousands (4 poi , tb i rs l ind,g*ho „have been the Victims ofcgiacks, and 40 bite paid heaVYfeekto , be etiredlii a shorts imo, have found they wore deeeivid, and.that the, "Poisoull has by the use of "powerful 4MringelltS" Wen-dried pp ,lkthe system, to break out in an aggravated form, and peitaps after marriage. . flee UPI lOLD'S EIX_TI4CT,DUCAU for i t Aills•tious iiint'Dideis df flats UriantylOrirtua,#)ietb4 intatidg Male or Female, fromwhatever cause originating, and no matter of how long standing. Diseases of these Organs, require the aid_ pf a Diuretic, HALMBOLD'S .WRAGT Btaitllie Dis trojanDifiretk:,ana itinYeekain to ha *Ade, desired effect iu ail Diseases for which it is recom mended. Alpoik-31950,A11d ...goltubold's Highly Gong-nitra ted CoinfidiglitilWalkitSAltgltULASYPHl- LK This is au aff*klPtif ftkitgllood and attacks •the' Sexual Organs, Linings of t o Nose, Ears, Throat, Wind pipe and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance In the form of Ulcora.,, kalmboldis.&tract Sarsaparilla pm , lilies the Blood', sold ipuifte.4 tar may Etutiiions et the Skin, giving to the Conftloklonlita•ar and Healthy Color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, its Blood•PurifyingPrepertlts are preserved to a greater: gitclt l b ,ll: 493l4he r , PiMer-t r ; S i tr . 4l M l9- ff.. 4 ..tf:rf "z:• - ,. t.41. '4.:, ~,1e.;, -,, 01, HELMBOLEVS ROSE WASH An exoellent..l,otiont, for diseases of, a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection AiSeases of the: Urinary - Organ; arising from habits of - dissipation,' used in Conizectlen with the-Extracki Radio and Sarsaparilla, in — suott diseakes as recommended. ',lvidekice of most ::responsiblearta.re character Will accompany the medicines. CELIFI cAmmO.P.OURES from eight to twenty years's ding, With Manes known to . 'Science and Fame:' ter. cal Properties of Duela, see DisPensary - rof the United - 'State Swell. SetNryofeetior.DEWEE'S valuable works on the,Practicie of Physic. See remarks made by the lite celebrated-Dr. PRYSICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made' bi-Dr. RPURAIM McDOWELL, a celebrateditysteian and mem bernf the Royal College of Surgeon.sir.aturpublistied'iatlf 6 Transactions ofjba and; Queen's . Journal. - See nyELN.T: TRAVERS, Fellow Of the 'Royal College Of Surgeons ' - The most of thnlatestandard works onlifedicine. ; Extract. of 'Ruche, OQ per bottle, or six bottles for. Extract of' Sarsapaillia, $1 00 per bottle, or, six for $5 Oa Im proved Rose Wash, 50 cents per bottle:or six for. 42 50, or half a dozen each-1M 112 00, - W - 1116.1i Will bOsutdcient tei :CUM' the most Oliatinate•cases, if :directioneare.adhered to. Dereiered eddram, securely packed :from ob servatiom Describe symptoms in, all communications. Ctirs - gitamateeil. Advice gmtis. - • AFFIDAVIT.. penognallgAppesupd,befoni, me an ildoinuin ot Ake Oity of Philadelphia, H. T:Helickbold; who, tieing okialg sworn, d9th sup,Als preparations contain no narcotie,'no titer- OurVor Othel , ituricius drugs, and are - purely yegliable. 0-I•YIEELM - BOM sworn and sub,sprikaktois ... zne 211. dssiOrNo vember;lBs4: ""'" WILT:HIBBARD ? ;•-ltlddrmal4 Address letters for infornoitiot 1u confidence. - ` 4 II:I‘.7HELMBOLD, Chemist. ,illepOVlOlloutklOtimitrett, below Chestnut, Mattel PAN., - inkr2.l.o. MCI 4 1 ... 1 ;" .11.V 4- • ~ WO '' 1; • • ji. J. 4 .. E . -- .. , . *. -. -:.- , .........., . ..: _ .... .. . ~: g!:, .: id---.- - • I•. • ' =I DR. JOHN* L. LYON'S FRENCH,,.,,ptiW(i)gp:A.:.,„-p i ßop:4 =I FEMALE REGKLATOR, A.ln the only known remedy sacceaftillly and likariably reatOreaddragulatethef4 aleayaffm,.remov- Mean irreguiaritlbsi.and producing health, vigor and 'strength.... • LION'S PERIODICAL DROPS . . Are clutd preparation, the only true one of the kind ever dlsmvereil In this country; and actd•directly on the Parts lilitiegtowhilst-pUlanaubpowdeoscauminlf reach .thetti,..A t ey work through - wroptaby, but.• not, itt'direct and dositlve. . Are,you suffering from a constant anxiety for the teen= IWreturn of•Miturefiitpieseribed4aws - Give youtselrno.nneasinesti, for Ven's Pittledical:DrOPo r ir talrep n;day, or. wo, before the ex:pected period, nrill peal. ti rely, and rrivarlablYireguha I oarrdrig,`,diolire Wet folloWs"cause, as"dermriraa daylight follows l thirlmess. • Are you sick; enfeebled by dlsettse, or unable to bear the labor and danger oPtnerease f LYON'S' IiERIODICAIe DROPS 11. come to you , alik.bleesing, for Pa riot prokeutiOn better than . cure ;. - regularlyAaken, it is a. eertaiti Rroati:Fsi an'A save yatunueliiperll and illtilqi-hourilfforieg ' ' ' . Have yonheen t ailliete&rottnalifyaiWiviih-eornfdaintn ineidahrro'the sex; that hat% liaMedrtlitc ArilLor 'clap; and are hurrying You en:to.atrearly,sfay' .1 • LYONS PERIODICAL DROPS . Are theluesfidliahle regalidot6a lanver-hwa, and cure, like n:J*IN. all those irregularities that liavedened the &Meg, skill. . ~ Will you waste away with sufrerirkg 'hum Leutorrhies.;' PO:dap:ma, Dysmencirtreafand - atlfclusguid ties all summed up under the lame' of suppressed and obsirnetanoure i When an inreottnent of one dollar in , LYONS, p ,iticmicAls" y'ou. - nDo not-uao the drops when forbidden in..the directions; for althOugh .positiv* , :eureyAnd. haratiessnt all other times, they aye,..aq powerful sad „timely, caleutannkbiodjuat„ and govern.tkitfunetloris the sitzuM organism; that, if tiikienutlgtmAierthAtts;itisi , walla produce resiills , eon s Intry to nature; against whit& all; parttoularlyithose who would reproducei;should camfullyguard. LVOIT'S' PERIODICAL DROPS Cannotliorm.thowniggi;stiiitatkm at sklLYAmin yet the protitteters - wish" to — guard - against its misuse, hoping Alogit,ilf4aispipielpot 44, t*liSildisr 4,KlPUr po.Withere one L ls itstidllbrouglieWarnitte --- LYON'S PERIODICAL the uevor.fteling. Female . Regulator,- is for sale by every Dntist, In ttiooity and eoutgry, and do not, if you value yourheami tetskfor2i, 'reliable - Maims; buy 'any bther. 'Take no other,:ma the Drdigist , to , whorn you apply has not got. it, makei him sendrund get it for you. . C. G CLARK & CO., JOHNSTON, HOLLOWAY & COWDEN, - • t Arr, • ." tipQ-dIY * . • MEDICAL.. r ' r~~i -~~ El . „. . 4.,. . • .. I un . THE °REA+ Ell=111:1!! PROPIONfORS, Neio Haven, Conn At Wholesale, by 28 Xoith Sixth Street, pttilade/phlay Pa r • 4.4 0 7 0 1, • Q .. • ME :,E +rt; ::7 ffsi ; 5 it M - rDfcAL. D-Y STAB PSI A, DIBEASES.RESOTIMIG FROM DISORDERS OF _IRE LIVER hkazit t, AND DIGESTR, Alen CInUM 'EY HuOi.O.F L A N-D ' GERMAN =Twits, THEiREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC, - , T • g ESE Bitters have performed more cures; ;have and do give better satiitaction; have more tea, thitony; have more respectable people to venal for them .throrany- other , article id-the market. „ defy'. any one.to -contradict this assertion, and will Day $1,006 to anroite that Will produce a certincate pub lished up - osMat arnot4ohable, trosand's merman Bit, ters, will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous. Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and' diseases arising . frolit a dig ! ' Ordered stomach. :Observo.the folloWing, symptoms, re- Salting front the disorders ofilte diiestiVe organs: Con stipation, Inward nets; FullUens of Blood the• head, acidity of thq Stomach, Nausea, heartburn, Disgust, for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stornakt,'Sour Eructations, Sinking or tattering at; thevit of the stonaach i Saiduaing of tbehmd, Hurried and difficult breathing, uttering at the hedrt, Choking or softening senSations *hen in "a bung posture, Dimness of vision, Dots or webs before the. ht,, lover and dull pain in the head, Deficiency of pers nt.m.lou, lellowness of the skin and eyes, Paint In the side; tick, chest, limits, &e., Sudden dashes of heat, Burning in the flesh, Costa* imaginations Of kit, and great de nressionabsphits.. • 1 • • • • - , Reinember that this Bittors is not alcoholic, contains no itUA or whisky, and can't Make drunt3rds, but i' the best Tordc.in.the tvorkl. READ WHO SAYS SO From the Rev. Levi a Beek, Autor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton ? N: J.; formerly`of the *forth 13apthit. Church, rhate known Sooßand's German Bitters•favorably for a number of years.. I hare used them In my own family, and bare been so pleased with thelinffeets that I was in duced to recommend theta to Manxothers,and know,that they have oPeratedin a strikingly beneficial manner. T hike great pleasure lb thus publicly prOCLIMIIiiAg this Pact, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the 'diseases for which ThOY are reCorarnenxted•Aa these Bit tors,. knowing from experience that my,reeommendation nip be Sustained. 'do thffl more Cheerfully 'as Brie laud% Bitters is intended to benefit the afflicted, and is "not a ruin drink. - Yours truly. From Res. J. 'Newton Brown; D. D., Editor of the En eyelofiedia of RetifflOU9 Knowledgeand Christian ichrobi.- Ole, Although nOtilisposed to favor 'or recommend Patent Mehicines in general, through distrust ofi.their ingredients and effects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a mati May.ribt testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the. hope that he may thus contribhte to the benent of otheik • do this the more readily in regard to. Hoofland's Ger man Dims!, prepared by Br. C. M. Jackson, of this city :because I was prejudiced against . 'them for many years, under.the Irepneadonthrit they were chiefly an alcoholic -mixture. Itim indebted to my friend, Robert Shoema ker, Eel,' for the remaal Of this prejudite by proper; Mets, and ktmenceimmement to try meat when mutbring •frbm great and long continued debility. The use of three bottler of-these Bitters .at the .beginning;, of the present year, was followed by evident relief at 4 restora tion to a degree of hodily and Mental vigoi which I bad not for six months before,. and had Almost despaired of, regaining. I tlierefore thank - God and my friend for ill reeling- Me to there:3e of them. . J. NEWTON BROWN', Philada.. Prom" Rev. Wareen Randolph, Pastor of ' baptist -Church dermaxitoyrn,•Penm• • • • Dr. C. M. Jackson:—Dear Sir:—Peisbnal experience enables me to say that I regard the German. Bitters, pre-' pared by you, as a most excellent medicine. Itt,ca...es of, .severe cold and general debility I have been greatly bene • nett by the use of the BMW; and doubt;not they will .produce Similar efleets on others, • ' 'WARREN RANDOLPH, GerMantown,;Pa. From Rev.' ' 'Fahler`, 4 Pastor of Heddlng If. E. Church; PhUndelphia. Dr. G. M. Jaclmon.:—Dear Slr:.=-Having used Song Ger man Bitters in my family frequently I am prepared to 'say Unit it has been of great service. I believe that in most 'eases of general debility ofr thittyS tem It IS the safest and most valuable.reruedy Of mkt& 1-InvvehtlY•ktaAledge• Yours, respectfully. J. IL, TUEWRIK No. t . 26 Nineteenth-Wreet. Front' the Rev. J. 1L Lyons, ,formcrly Pastor of ttia golinnims (N. J.) and 3fi}estohm'(Pa.)•Baptist Chinches. • .Iqcsr Rdater.is,.N: Dr. C. Llt. Jaekseti:=Pear Sir: 7 :l feel.% a pleasure thus, of tunewn accord, to bear testimony to the excellence of the Gormailltitters.; . .poine , Years siticei being much-:af llicted,with Dyspepsia, I used them with very beneficial results. I have often recommended them to persons. en- feebled by that, tormenting disease, anithave heard from them the moat flatterin. , testimonials - as to their great Valtie. 'ln car o l of general debility, I believe it to be Yt tonic. that cannot be surpmwd. J. 3f. ' From the Rev Thomas Winter, Pastor of Boxborough Baptist, Church..., . , Dr. Jackgon:—Dear Sir: —T felt it due to 'your excel lent: *potation, 'llootiond German Bitter; to add my testintony, to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I hiiire for years, at clines been troubled with great disorder in,.my, head and neraMe• system, I was hAvised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters;- did so, and bkviyesperienced great and unexpected relief; my health has teen very matorigUy bonelltted.- I conadeptly recom mend' the article whein I 'meet with cases - sitellar, to my own, and, have hem assured by many .of 'their good ef fects.- Respectfully yours, • 'iiit,itoxtiorougb. Pa. .1 From , Rer. J. - S Etennan„ of; the German, .Reformed Church, Kutztown, Berke county, Pa. Dr..; C; M. Jackson :--Respected hare been. -tronbled. with Dyspepsia nearly- twenty years, „and have. .never used any medielnethat tint as much good as 'Hiiodand's Bitters. • I am:rery. utuch.Aproyod Im:health,. atjcr haVing taken five bottles. Your§ with resket• • S. nrginfAic - I Large Size (holding nearly double quantity,) 00 • per ..........a5 00 Small Size-75 cents per bottle—hall d0z.... 4 00 - ' BEW'AnE- OF COUNTERFEITS-I:- - - See that-the signacure DL ..T4C . E.SON", is on the WILIPPER of each bottle. • ' Shotild'yonr 'nearest drugigist. not bbyei the article,. do not be put off by any of the intoxicating preparations that may be offered in its place h -u. send 10 - us, and we - will forward, secureli - packed.;by 'e.spress., - • - Principal Offline and Manufactory, NO. 681" ARCH STREET, • PffILADEJP.IIIA. „ T. JONES & EVANS; SuccesiorrtaT. 31". ..radaori4 Co., . • P.R..9PRIETORF.4 'For 'Sale by Druggists' and Dealers in ever y town in the United , States. •. . . - ZOTASITILLE MILLS AMD FfiStM PR IVA:TE SALE. THE SUBSCRIBER will sell at Private Sale, his MILLS and_FARll, lying in Baltimore county, 25 miles Iffiri'llidfiniore, in the village of Zoneksvillei-154 miles froin the Hanover turnpike road. The farm contains about 253 Aerie, more Sr less, in a 'geed Site of ctiltiehtion. The farni tins htid about 18 000 bushels.of limed The improvements consist of a LARGE STONE BWELEDIG HOUSE, 32364" feet; 'craft a steeple oh' the , House r litanv4Wagon Rouen, Cora, Crib, Carriage Rouse ;and other Out-buitdings, and also, four Tenant' : dike on - the -Farm." 'There is a GOOD APPLE. OR MARA of eholeo fruits on said farm. Them is a Jame FLOUR3EI4 with four pairs of Burrs, newly "bultrin ilekin good grain' Callntry;anif fascia good BA.NfliftLL PlatU e ClriV) " 11 .:k4W 1 -4.q 1 4 1 . 1 bcri ,horvds, shingl bummers, wagon &does, mastering laths,tm;";'tdso a-g o ;7- of bolloo/1 and Saw. " , It'l Vitt a goodtfall. ; ,?'byre are Churches and Public Self s - all • ' 0.011.• Eil Persons wishing to view the property will be shown by the subscriber on gte premise& Brice—slB,oo9.; 3124146Watlattee in one and two maregment.l. JOHN C. 2017C.K. 5,14 3 4- ee.Miliess/Zettetsville, Italthbore twenty; id& • '' •44s.nantiit 421 llf :;' 411 -J ino2ol • W3I. DOG* 4.1 ( X2', • v••• y.‘ ;.ft '67.,! I= :,, UM LEVI 6. BEck. PRICE TWO CENTS. jitio gefelltalA. XXXVIIIth . Conwress---First Session. ROUSE OF REPRESENTAIVES . au Motion of Mr. Ganson, (N. Y.,) the Com mittee, on the Judiciary were instructed to in ijuire into the necessity of providing for the dissolution of National Bank Associations un der the national carrency,act in cases of non fulfillment of their liabilities. Vobrhees intrOdtieecl a bill, which way; referred to therommittee of Ways and Means_ taihig all transaction in gold• two per cent. ffatitin'(lciwa) offered a joint resolution declaring against the efforts of. France to possess Mexico. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs: The Louitiatta election case was called up by_ Mr. Decrees. The resolution from the Committee on elections declaring that A. P. Field.is"not entitled to a seat/ in the House was Theft considered. • The Louisiana election case was called up bk . Mr. Dawes. The resolution from the Com mittee-on Elections declaring that A. P. Field is not entitled to a apt in the House, was then considerea. • Dawes then argued that Mr. Field was not :elected in accordance with the law of LOLliglittlii, and that the loyal people of that State had not had a fair opportunity to vote. 'Mr. , lternaii:(N. Y.) wanted the House to express its condemnationoof the conduct of the military Governor of Louisiana. Mr. Smithers (bd.) opposed Mi. Field's Claims to a seat on the ground that there was no civil eovemment in Louisiana. Mr. Field said in his own behalf and the rights of loyal citizen of Louisiana to be repre sented here. Mr. SteVen:s, (Pa..) from the Committee of Waya and:Means, reported the,-judicial, ex ecutive and legislative appropriation bills. Ar. Hasson (Iowa) introduced the follow ing joint resolutions, which were referred to the, Committee on - Foreign Relatiens: Resolved, The Senate caner:hi*, that Con greiis has received with the:, profoundest the information of the purpose entertained by certain European powers to subvert the neigh boring republic of Mexico, amt-to impose A s pen the people of that republic a system of government practically unknown to the people of North America and alien to their pzinci ciistoni and usages; and be it further Resblved, That Congress regards this propo sition with the deepest regret, and expresses its,conviction that such an enterprise will be 'universally regarded in America as a menace to the dignity and Performances of popular governments, and that it • will only result in adtling a new life to the causes which have re tarded the _prosperity of that country, and will provoke complications continually peril ou to the traiiquilit'y of this continent. The death of Mr. Noell, of Missouri, was announced.. Adjcautied. Parom I.lra alkbig ton Jan. 49 ' The following gentlemen have been c4p pciinted commissioners for the annual assay at the Philadelphia Mint, Feb. 8; Prot John Tory, N.Y., Prof. Jos. Henry,. Wa_sh ington, Prof. T ramie Rogers and -Prof. B. 1i Rand, Philadelphia, Hon. G. A. Benedict, Cleveland, Hon: Hugh lfrCulloch, Washing tozin, Hon. J. P. Putnam, Boston, .L H. Alex ander, Baltimore. .MkiLXLETS BY TEPEGBA.Pti 'Flour 10c lower; sales of 12,000 bbls. at VI .10@i6 55 for State; 'ST 400); 55 for Ohio; and, SIT 6503 10 for Soot!. oio. Wheat beau; sides 119,000,bnsh. at a decline of 2, closing with no buyers at the outside quotations; Chicago, Spring S 1 5201 53; sfilwaukie Club SI 540 1 33; r4il VI 641 69. Cori hasi declining tendency; salez er 51,00 at $1 20g1 23 in store: •Provisions steady. 'Whisky unsettled at 13@85c. Sugar steady. Petroleum dull at at,14 . 4g300 for,crude; 413•g , 17 for free. Freights dull. 1 = TuAr's —Somebody has shown in the fUttoWing ingenious production, that a very denterice can. be made in which the ,worct that is repeated' seven times: lilt prove the word that I've made my theme Is that that may be doubled without blame And that that:that thus trebled, I may use, And that that that that critics may abuse May be correct. Dirther—the dons to both— Five tiials may closely follow one another; For be it known that we Way safely write Or say, that that that that that man wrote was ti ilt; Zray e2eit that that that that that that followed Through six Meats, the grammar rule has hallowed: And that ; tbat.that, ghat that that that b%-tiu,l typeatea seven tithes is rightl—Denv who can. lELECTItICITY. FOlVDEliker. DISCOVERY` AND " WOEDAWFUL ;t, J. CREAMER would respectfully iIL.7 ` inform the public in'general and the oiseasel in Particular, Ilud.he has opened an office in Ponta iieconl atreet,-dielow Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa., where ha will treat all diseases entrusted to his care,in accordance with thp 'system nisooyerod and taught by Prot C. Bolles, cf Philadelphia, with *hose institution he has been ccr.. taseted,and'AcVwhonitheitains pleasure. in referring the public for inforination with reapecr to hit success in con trolling disease. ` • No drugging the system with uncertain Med ical agonti. Ali cures performed by Magneffism, Galrani..4tll and oche: rnbditicituons oo Electricity; without shocks or any nu pleasant sensations, - After. Electrical Diagnosis, a guarantee )Vill be given, if desired 'by the patient. Po: further information call and get a pamphlet which cou ,tains hundreds-of certificates from medical men and oil,. ore Proving - the superiority of this system of practice overall paters. Consuldaticm /ran Office hours 9to 12 st., 1 to O and Ito 9 P. M o . DR. J. MILTON CREAMER. de29-03tawlm- tuith-sa. -NEW BAKERY, Broad Street, between Second - and Third, HARRrssuaa. THE 'undersig,ned has opened anew BA KERY,' in thegiith ward, where he is prepared to supply . BREAD AND.CAKRS at a reasonable ram Re warrants itatiffaction to au who will give him a call. He wCll salt his bread at, the rate of FATE CENTS PER ifIUND, and full weight guaranteed. JOHN ALCORN. FOR BEN -:::The store room, cellar and warehouse - long, occupied by Joseph R, s 3, dec'd, in the,borough of Middletown, Pa. The Store Racal l fitted up complete for dritoott.y. ke . Ittelltitooellar for groceries . It to locatedfpre4osZ. al at tre4s t bpporteirity - is ed'eted te nn energeti einan to dQ edarinLand safe burinees or 010 ,10 01, 1 Prolle4yi iiri a sto - re, - will be sold. Inquiry fo be twee of ' • JOEDI T. 11O14tuong Exesator _ " , ,Addletown Tled .dl4-d2tAeraca , 111 - ,_ - 01t101`1S ; GOLD . Another lot of Morton's u,ll'ie,Lv4A.T.E A.ao D Just tved at.Sitheleies:Boplcsiore.. --Allt‘peigivaiiiinierfciecineteakr. ' :.•ft -4 •, = • New .1 - bits, January 24.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers