pailp Ctitgralt. PiOTICY: Ti , A CIiTISERS.—AiI Ad vertisements. HA , n-,ss Notices, Mar riaseg, Deaths, die., to secure insertion in int Tif.'tee2,4;nA ves, must invariably accompanied « Atli the CASH. Adrertisent4nts ordered in the regular (Evening lidttit:ti ale inserted in the Morning Edit . Nithout extra charge. HABRI'O.BURG,PA Friday Erelong, May 8, INS TOWN AND COUNTRY, RY RELIEF COMM' ITEE —The regular monthly payment will be made on Friday after nron. Sth inst., at the Court House, between tl:e hours of four and six. GEO. BERGNER, Pres' t. 0. ELM AIMS, Sec'y. LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. —The subscriber, having opened a room at No. 94 Market street, below Fomtb, will oblige all persons wishing tailoring done. Having ao experience of eight year , at the business, I feel confident in giving satisfaction. I will promptly attend to cutting men's and boys' clothing in any desired style. 1n4t.1 0 GEO. A. SLUGII. ...••••01.+.... EV. lurntlLAN SYNOD OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVA NIA.—This body will convene in Mifflintown on Welnesday evening, May 20th. Rev. Mr. Fletcher is busily engaged in providing quarters for the members of Synod. Nearly one hun dred persons are expected to be present. I=l Hes. Jamas M. SELLXIIB, of Juniata county, has been announced as a fit candidate for Gov ernor, to be supported by the loyal men of Pennsylvania, but has his prospects for nomina tion fatally affected in being recommended by such a vile echo of treason as the Mifflintown True Democrat. Praise from such a source would sully the character of an angel. MIN% OF TUE PR/NUM.—Our friend, H. A. Mish, has placed us under obligations by send ing us a magnificent lot of the best Asparagus we ever examined. He is among theinost (M -ee( ssful gardeners in the county,and at his stall in the market house, our readers can find the choicest and earliest vegetables of the season. Give him a call to-morrowmorning. A LARDS NUMBER OF REBEL PRISONERS, cap tured near Fredericksburg, with an equal num i:er of rebel deserters, arrived in this city last night. They took the oath of allegiaribe at Baltimore. Whin they reached here, some of them, former residents of this State, proceeded to their old homes—others went on their way to the west, for the purpose of finding work, and a small number still remain in this city. PRESENTATION.—DanieI-Hoke, engineer be tween Altoona and Harrisburg, was recintly presented with a handsome clock for his engine, by a few of his friends who are intimately con 'elected with him in the discharge of his duties, as a mark of their esteem for him as.e gentle man, and for the faithful manner in which he performs the duties of his situation* Mr. Hoke is regarded as a careful and expert engineer) and the testimonial was a fitting presentio a worthy employee. REBEL PROPERTY SEIZED.-U. S. Marshall Earl Bill on Friday seized, under the Confiscation Act, a fine farm of 300 acres, in Logan county, Ohio, belonging to Charles Yancey and Richard Yancey, of Lacey, near Harrisburg, Virginia. The farm has been during the past year cropped by two men named Faris and Stamfield, and the rents collected by an agent named A. Dick .enson. These men have been enjoined from paying any money into their hands, or rent accruing to the Yanceys. GALLANTRY OF A HARRISBUROER. —A corres pondent of the New York Herald, writing under date of May 3rd, pays a high compliment to Col. Peter H. Allabach, now commanding ; a brigade in the army of the Potomac. He is reported to have made three desperate charges at the head of his brigade, in which he inflicted the most serious data* to the enemy. Uol. Allabach is a brave than; and may be regarded as `among the moat gallant men in the army. The Herald says that no "troops were ever led. better or fought more daringly than those which Col. Allabach took into action. -• To as HELD Resroasnms.—Major Joseph Darr, commandant at Wheeling, has issued an order of which secession sympathizers along the Bal timore and Ohio railroad will do well to take notice. It is in these words : "Having such intelligence as to make it certain that the bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, 'near Bur ton, were destroyed by persons in. simpathy with the present rebellion against the Govern ment of the United States, general warning is hereby given to all such, that if the road is again damaged in any particular, all well known secessionists in the immediate locality where the damage is done will be held directly respon sible, and such punishment will be inflicted upon them as will put an effectual stop to all depredations of this character. NEB SPAPER °MOB MOBBILD. —The Mentor office, Kittanning, Pa., was mobbed on last Wednes day night. The Indiana Register says : Four teen cases of type were scattered through the streets and alleys of the town, and other dam age done. The Molter was started about fire months ago, by J. Alex. Fulton, well knoWn to many of our citizens, and it has throughout been notorious for Its opposition to the.war for the Union, and continually found fault with the National Administration in its effort's suppress rebellion. It his done much to em= bitter the public mind. andl.aentiment, and 111 has gathered the first fruits of the crop has sown. We do not, howeier, appioveigft mode of suppressing Mr. Fulton's paper'. " dkier ;will we countenance the doings of-mohs n Icier any olrourruitimcse: If individuals have Violated the laWs,A.biksboold be pnnished:by. the laws Because an, indiVidnAl does wtong is no jnsti fiction for others to exercise unlawful means in punishment of the offender. 'Let jusiite l bellonelliough the:heavens should:fall." THE CITY ZOTAVES, Capt. Awl, were mustered out of service this afternoon at 2 o'clf elc. AN ADJOURNED MEETING of the committee of management for the reception of thel27th Reg. P. V. will be held at the Brady House this even ing at 74- o'clock. The punctual attendance of every member of the committee is earnestly rt.quested. Tux EWER, this morning at 8 o'clock, was eleven feet above low water mark. We under stand, too, that the Juniata river, yesterday, rose six feet in five hours ; and at last accounts it was still rapidly on the rise. The Susque hanna is also rising steadily. From these facts we may anticipate a flood of unusual [lifter at.d vuluute'ot • water. The appearance of the weather also indicatt a that the rain has not entirely cased, and that we may expect a further heavy fall of water. A DM/LAMM EXHIBITION.- Officer Fleck, to day at noon, found a woman lying in Third street in front of Sanford's Opera qouse in a beastly state of intoxication. She wait just able to give her name as Mary. Fry, and was com mitted to prison for thirty days by Alderman Peffer. Officer Fleck was compelled to convey her to prison on a wheelbarrow. Truly it was a disgraceful sight, thus to see the degradation to which whisky brings all who indulge in its How TES News IS GMT TO THE PZOPLS OF HARRISBURG.—The Tory Organ this morning boasts gleefrilly over the fact that it gave its readers the first account of the disaster which is alleged to have overtaken Hooker t 'Thisls trim; but it-forgets to state that it shoried no dispo sition to give its readers the cheering news which reached the city early yesterday morn ing, that Hooker was fast pressink. on to Rich, mond, and the prospect was, that he would reduce and capture the rebel capital. - That news was not given by the lbry Organ, because its friends asserted that it was false. They blk.d that it was not true, and, this was their only foundation for pronouncing it false. The news of the disaster of llOoker was no better authen ticated than the news of his victory, and yet the Tory Organ preferred t o publish the intelli gence of defeat. Of course If cotild'nt help doing that was in accordance with its hope and feelings. But then it should not boast of its infamy. A Firma Suocuurrrow.—We.submit the Frisk' gestion contained in the following communica tion to the conaideration of thOse having, power in the premises. It emanates from one whom it hecomes to make such a suggestion, and is worthy of the respect of all who believe in the efficacy and the influence of prayer: • HARRISBURG, May 9th 1865. lifay I - suggest through your paper that there may be a meeting in every church in this town on some= early day to supplicate the Amighty to crown our arms with victory at Fredricks burg. I suggest that a meeting of the clergy men be held and they select a day. Respectfully, yours, _ LAYMAN. :Georges Bergner: Egg, Editor of the leregr* aph. We heartily and sincerely commend this suggestion. Not only at the altar of every churCh, but from every hearthstone, and from every sincere heart, earnest prayer should now ascend to God for interposition iu our be half as a'nation. He alone can give I:113 the vic tory over our enemies. If our cause is not worthy of His approval and encouragement, it is unworthy of our effort and sacrifice. We repeat, then, that we trust this suggestion will elicit an immediate response. To was Poetic —C. L. Bowman, of the late firm of Urich & Bowman, respectfully announ ces_to the public that he will open to-day and timing thisweek, a large and beautiful assort ment of ,new spring and summer dry goods; and while,he makes his best bow for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm, he hopee by additional inducements to invite the atten tion of those who wish to purchase cheap for cash. It will interest buyers to know that he is prepared to sell delaines, calico and muslin from thrt e to five cents a yard cheaper than the ruling rates. Yours &c., C. L Southeast corner of front and Market streets. Spit *l l Notices. PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA and Recruitimg Claim, United States Pension, Bounty, ArreMa* 'Or Pay;*and Subsistence Claims, 8r,c.,••&c., made out and collected by EUGENE SNYDER, Attortzeral-Law: Office: Third Street, Harrishttrgi.Pa., ;[027-11 A Communication. - Although our confidence in manklud,oo have been abused, in =this of, ours, it , is ennobling to see patient; honest:rec., titude laboring on and strivin g 4to better_te condition of our fellow creatures. In this cdn., section our attention , has been called to the merits of Mrs. Westhoven's German Vegetable edicines, and <the success attending those manufactured by favorably "known' citizen, Mrs: L. Ball, No. 27 South Pine street, ;Harris burg, Pennsylvania. In view of these valuable medicines, which can be procured from Mrs. Ball at a small compensation, we have thought it our duty. to say this much for the benefit of the aftlicteil, WS have taken over on the let of April the balauce of _goods bought of Mr. Boger, to our own-store, where_ we will; continue to sell the balance left at very low prices, until the .whole are gold. Among those goods are 1,000 yards remnants, delaine and calico, 16, 18 and 20 cents. 599 yasda remnants, lawns and other. dress goods,. 16, 48 iMir 20 cents- L,- 200 yards of barege and lustre, 20 and 26 Cent& 1,000 'aids of linen crash; 16, 18 , and. 20 100 yards of brown and grey cloth for .sum mer. coats 1,000 yards of linen, cotton and wool pinta cheap. ' • 1- 1 800 dozen of the very best spool cotton, *hit° , and colored.:—... - _ . 1.1;000 papers, of, the very heat of Smiths' needle's, 5 cts. a paper; also stoCkings,,.gloves, l• • •ket handkerchiefs, hoop skirts,, kinds, f — combe, patent threatt,_ tapes, socks, either by the/dozVri or piece. ' We'have alio on ha4d yet ilionVlo pieces of OABPET, which we will 'sell at 75'cents' per yard: 20 piem of straw matting, cheap. 20 pieces of splendid Spired window curtains LENTY. FIVE-TWENTY UNITED STATES- 'LOAN CO -PEON, COLDER, EBY & CO . are sub - scription agents to dispose of these bonds Who will sellthem at par, in Alirnii-ti? suit pur Theinterestouthase bonds Is fax per cent. and swill` be paidiw gold. opl7-4n New 21bvertioemetits TAVERN LICENSE. NOTICE is hereby given that the following poisons have filed petitions to the Court of Qaarter Sessioos of Dauphin County for tavern license, and that the same will be presented to the said Court on the 13th day of May, 1863, as required by law. J. C. YOUNG, Clerk of Session'. Richard Hogan, Ist Ward, Harrisburg. John L Felder, di Christian E. Jauss, " it Jacob Brenneman, " &. Anna M. Frb, id Louis Koenig, 44 14 John Deller, 16 61 Benj. Peters, 2d Ward, " Wm. G. Thompson, " ii Daniel Wagner, " 41 Jos. F. McClelland, " 44 Ludwig Well', It li Benjamin Buck, " 66 James Raymond, && Theodore George, " it Thomas NiLholson, " 61 John McGranaghan, " is Coyle & Herr II s, &owl R Dunlap, Sd Ward, " Robert Vaughn; " 46 John 11. Brant,. " && Ebenezer Lundy, " " Henry Omit, " id John W. St ne, " " Wm. Rouch, && id Mary E. Freeburn, id is John P. Deiker, '' 41 George Wood, if di Charles Miller ;, - " " Geo..T. Bolton, ' 4, `‘‘ F. P .Ifalualen, " 4 .. L. W. Ten Eyck„ " - 11 Wm. Umberger, 4th Ward, " Wm. P.• Hughes, " is, Lazarus Barnhard t " id Michael Hair, 1, it • John Brady, it ,- " Owen McCabe, 4 ' '1 James W. Morgan, ' ~ „" . Richard J. Peters, sth Ward '" Josiah D. DaHriff, " . ' " John A. Gramm, ", " Mary Jordan, 'r" Sam'l W. Freeburn, 6th Ward, ' 1 Eugene Marsalie, '', 41 Wm. H. Bohi, " ' 11 John,Wochendorfer, " r& Viricent Grainger, " .. Patrick McNeff, id li John Wallower, " " John Stemler, " ii W. C. RV; 64 46 Henry 13astgan, " ." John M. Weaver, ; " ' 14. Patrick Malony , -;," , -• i ',...": Sarah Black, " _ ", Sam'l W. - Rciberts, " ' "• ' Isabella Wolferth,r " " Valentine Dotson, N. W. Middletown. Samtel Oetwiler; " 46 Frederick Koerper,' " " Christian Neff, M. W. Raymond ekKendig, " * 4 David,Gsborn„ S. W. " Charles Steiner, " && William Steiner, Id 64 A. Earnest, $$ • If Henry Hickernell, 44 41 Jacob Livingston, Susquehanna township. Michael G. Schreiner, " William P. Henry, " ' " Eleanor LaArey, John Pyfer, 46 44 Jacob Hallbach, - 4 ! " Benjamin Geesey, Lower Paxton " Elijah W. Ammon, " It Joseph Hain, 11 di A. J. Sweigert, " ' di John C. Tittle, ' Derry • " Martin Hooker, 64 CI . . David H. Baum, It id Peter Swanger, . 4 id Henry Gross,` ' Londonderry " Isaac W. Kelchner, " il John. Snyder,• Conewago John Eby, , 6watara $4, Charlotte Wolf, Lower Swatara " Andre* 7. Green, " , • , " Samuel Nelbling, " di Elijah Balsbach, It II Susanna Lehman, ..' ' .. . William Frantz, East Hanover " Peter Fitting, '4. It "Peter Killioger, 4. . 4 David Garberidr I It • 46 John Nick, - ' West Hanoier " Joseph Cockley, borough of Dauphin. Charles H. Rhoads, " di Jacob ea)man, 41 46 • Frederick Reese, " " Chas. N. Freeland, Middle Paxton township. Samuel Bowers, " ' - " John Umberger,' .. " 4' William Warner, Reed " Geo. W. McConnell, Halifax " Louisa Wright, " ' 4 John Byrode, di John Mash, 41 64 John Miller, Sr., Fishervilla. John Mill'h, 'Millersburg: ' . J. G. Yeager, ; " 1 . ~ ,r, '.. Samuel Buck, Upper Paxton township. 11. J."-G. Herrold, Uniontown. ' ' ` Josiah Snyder, . " , Benjamin Bordner, Isenysburg. Matthias Mon, borough of Gratz. Tobias M. Wiest, " " Daniel H: Wommer,'Washington township. Matilda Wingert, .. 1, " Jacob Tallman," Wiconisco " Elliabeth Hain, Lykenstown.; Daniel Bitterman, ". Jacob P. Hainan, " ' [ap29-d2t-wlt A. P. .F. TEIIPSEp.,. TAOHER OF, - 1113SIO Orton AT WARD'S 141:1B1.q.STORE, 12 N. Third Serie/. Residence: Third Street, above North. dl6-tf , . WATCHES JEWELRY & SILVER 'WARE:" MITE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully in • 1. site your attention to his well selected stock of Fine Gold and Silver WATCHEEi, Fine Gold JEWELRY, and every kind and variety of styles—comproddidneell of the sewed and most beubitsi designs., Also,` Solid SILTIERWARE* equal to Coot, and the beat make of &ker. Plated:Wars.: _Each at tide is warranted to. be as represente d. OrWatcties .and Jewelry. carefully repaired and satisfaction guaranteed. _ JACOB, EARLE (Soo:moor to &astir, It Haigh) f 28=8m } • No: 622 Market Street, Philadelphia. . OU z4:roc) PEOTORAL 8 YRUP. ARE 'uncli:no p weak I Dims a long *oath' A in vat' Ain't' nave you a luadoll' couKh t Do you expectorate hard""tough mat , let ALe you wasted with sight sWeists and want of el , ep t If sO,lere is your mask- It will unquestionably save you. Price $1 00. The a boy -medicine has been used extensively in this city with good results.. Forsale at PaitCRIERIIOK. SUPERIOR VINEGAR. -1 - 1001( & Co. have just received and superior article of Vinegar, manufactured entirely fromeorn, .which; is entirely free from all mineral acids, and which they can freely re commend to , their customers and the public. are invited to give ititiciak trial. .Idarch'l7' • ' 4." New 21t vertistments. LIFE INSURANCE The Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company of Philadelphia. 0.F1.101. NO. 408 CLIES7NII7 MEE?. (CHARTER PERPETUAL.) CAPITAL AND ARD/Ta.. THOMAS RIDGWAY, President JOHN F. JAM 2, Secretary. CO NT IN UE to make INSURANCE ON V LIVES on the most recusonnble terms. They act as Executors, Trustees and Guardians under last Wills, and as Receivers and Assignees. The capital being paid up and invested, together with a large and constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to the insured. The premiums may be paid yearly, half year ly or quarterly. The company add a BONUS periodically to the insurances for life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in December, 1844, the SECOND BONUS in December, 1849, the THIRD BONUS in December, 1864, and the FOURTH BONUS in 1869. These additions are made without requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to the company. The following are a few examples from thc Register : Amount of policy Policy. I Sum Bonus of and bonus to be in- Insured. addition. creased by future I ad4itions. No. 1 89. 52600 $ 60 $BBB7 50 " 182.1 8000 1050 00 4050 00 " 199 1000 400 00 1400 00 " 888.1 6000 1875 00 6875 00 Agent at Harrisburg and vicinity WILLIAM Bußaura jolo4lly, COFFEE COFFEE I COFFEE I WANTED; every Grocer and the Public to try WOMMLU,'S NONPAREIL PREPARED COF- Warranted to give satAnfaction, or the money refunded. It is universally acknowledged the BEST EVER USED Prepared and for Bale at the Eagle Steam Spice and Coffee Works, No. 244, North Front, (cor ner of New et ,) Philadelphia, Pa. mchiellime HOWARD WORRELL. T. J• MoGUIGAN, Importer and wholesale dealer in THREAD, TAPES, HOSIERY, Notions, MATCHES AND DLACAING, No. 2 - Strawberry `&red, Philadelphia. f 28-dfim - FOR SALE. 0 0 BUSEFIS prime Potatoes. 2 200 LBS. Buckwheat Flour. 800 bbls. Prime New York State Apples. Buckwheat and Wheat Flour, Corn,Oats, Feed, Dried Apples, Dried Peaches, Drießlack berries, Ruckleberrie , , Raspberries, Elder berries, &c. Choice sugar-cured Hams, Mord dem, Dried Beef, Lard, Mackerel, Codfish, &c. A prime lot of Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Raisins, Candies, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Candles, Spices, Tobacco, Segura, &c. A prime lot of Sweat/ Cider just received. Pure Cider Vinegar. For sale wholesale and retail, No. 100 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa ' — ritr26 dly - STRANGE STORY DT Ss E. Ihnwiw. lerrox, F OR Bale at CGEESE! Prime Goahen, Englieh Dairy, Pine Apple, Sap Sago, for sale by WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO, apl4 GARDEN SEEDS j Shaker's, Mt. Lebanon, N. Y., and 1 t Briggs & Bro., Rochester, N. Y. -A large invoice, comprising every variety and description, plat received and for sale by 414 WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. , DRIED FRUIT. DBIEI) Peaches, (pared) Dried Peaches, (nnpared.] Dried Apples. Dried Plums, Dried Cherries. Dried Blackberries. sale by [aprlo] WM. DOCK, Jr., & CO. VTITING FLUIDS —Boss' Ameriam Writ ing Fluid, a splendid luk, at 62 cents per quart; ARNOLD'S genuine Writing Fluid, HARRISON'S Columbian Writing Fluid, LAUGHLIN & BUSHFIELD'S Ink, Copying Ink, Carmine and Bed inks of the best quality, Blue Ink, Mucilage, &c., at ap6 SCHEFFER'S BOOKSTORE. OIL OF AIX. . Thiscelebrated Salad Oil, with lievera other choice brands, in large and small bottles just received and for sale by apl4 WM. DOCK, Ja., & COAL OIL LANTERNS, that do not need .any chimney, and no wind will put the light,out,l Call and examine, at NICHOLS & BOWMAN, 'lB Cor. Front and Market Sta. DEBT PENS in the world, for 75c, $1.25 LP $1.50, $2, $B, and VI, for sale at - SCHEFFEIVS SOOS.STOP.E. ISABE4LA AND CATAWBA GIiAPE VIM, strong and thrifty, two years old, at reduced prices, at Keystone Nursery. novl-dtf B ROW * STOUT EKDTCH ALE, of the best brands, always on hand and for We by [apl4) WM. DOCK, Js., & CO. riBEEN OORN: iiirinsloys:s Fresh Green Coin just received by janBtf . • ''. W. DOCK, & 00. 100 BUSHELS Mercer and Peach Blow Potatoes, for sale very low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, Corner Front and Market Ste. • J2B MORTON'S CELEBRATED Mg APPLE I.II',CELICESE, direct from the manufacturer, arid for sale by WK. DOCK, Jit., & CO. DBLED BEEF AND BOLOGNA, a very choice lot, just received and for sale by mrBo . WM. DOCK., Ja., & CO. CHOICE lot of anparror Bacon, just A adved and for sale low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, a ,1 Cor. front and Market streets. QALT, ground, alum, Ashton and dairy, in 1.7 large or small quantities, by_ - . NICHOLS hit BOWMAN. to,L SSC SAMS an i NOW stied& It. Ed' 21::11.212: lit= .. $1,543,386 W. a BIBLE & CO. :,t 7 74 r M IMI and Nem 2thriertistiments. Steam Weekly to Liverpool. rrOUCHING at QUEENSIOWN, (CORK HAR- I Boa) The well known Steamers of the Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Steam ship Company, are Intended to sail as follows : Etna, Saturday, May 16 ; ,city of Washing ton, Saturday, May 23 ; City of New York, Saturday, May 30. RATES OF PASSAGE, PAYABLI Di GOLD, OR I 1 EQUIVALENT IN OUR RIMY. 7D/87 can, $BO 00 STEERAGE, $32 60 do to London, 86 00 do to London, 35 60 do to Paris, 95 00 do to 'Paris, 40 60 do to Hamburg, 90 00 do to Hamburg, 37 50 Passengers also forwarded to Harve, Bremen, Rotterdam, Antwerp, Bte., at equally low rates. Fares from Liverpool or Queenestown : Ist Cabin, $75, $B5, $lO5. Steerage from Liver pool, 40. From Queenestown, $3O. Those who wish to send for their friends can buy tick ets here at these rates. For further information apply at the Compa ny's Offices. JOHN G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N. Y f2Bdly. Valuable Furnace Property for Sale or to R%nt, THE undersigned will sell or rent Chester Furnace, situate in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, Pa. The Stack is well and substantially built ; there is also Ten Bank Houses in tolerable repair ; there is an abun dance of good wood that can be purchased at from 46 to 25 cents per cord, (wood leave,) with in two miles of the stack, and abundance of good ore emu be got from one to two and a half miles, at a reasonable price. The furnace is about ten miles from Mt. Union station, P. R. R., with a good public road leading to it. For further particulars, address SAMUEL WILSON, Spruce Creek, P. 0., Huntingdon county, Pa. mr3l-dBm WM. B. BRABBITRIPS PIANO-FORTE ESTABLISHMENT. N 0.42,7 Broome St, NEW YORK.. MBE subscriber respectfully Invites the atten tion of his friends and the public generally to his Piano-Forte Establishment, at No. 427 Broome street, corner of Crosby street. _ Having withdrawn his interest, stock and materials from the late firm of " Lights & Brad borys," which firm was dissolved on the 31st Januaryorlt., and having purchased, the entire stock of Piano-Fortes and Piano-Forte Material, owned by his brother, Edward G. Bradbury, in the said firm, he is now prepared to supply the increased demand for his celeb - 41 .1 Piano-For tes. Employing the most skibi I u.l experi enced workmen, with a large stock h st and most thoroughly seasoned material, t. , 1 yn abundance of capital, he has taken in band the personal supervision of the whole business of manufacturing his lust' uments, and is enabled to turn out Piano-Fortes of unequalled tone and citerabienem. BRADBURY'S NEW SCALE PIANO-FORTE. In the arrangement of our new scale, driwn and prepared with the utmost care, expressly for our new instruments, we have added every improvement which can in any way tend to the perfection of the Piano-Forte, and we can con fidently assert, that for delicacy of touch, vol ume, purity, brilliancy and sweetness of tone, combined with . that strength AO solidity of frame, necessary to durability, these rostra mantis are nn.. " ASlrength , Beauty" is our motto, and we invite the closest criticism of the best unipsed judges in tha land. fir Every instrument warranted for five years. WM. B. BRADBURY 427 Broome st , cor. of Crosby, New York. m 2 dBm. ESTABLISHED 1760. PETER LORILLARD, Snuff and Tobacco Manufacturer, 16 Ar 18 CHAMBERS ST., (Formerly 42 Chambers Street, New York,) WOULD call the attention of Dealers to the articles of hi/ manufacture, viz : BROWN SNUFF. Amboy, Demigroe, Fine Happen, Pure Virginia, Conroe Bappee Nachitoches, American Gentleman, Copenhagen YELLOW SNIJI4IO. Scotch, High Toast Scotch, Irish High Toast, or Lundyfoot, Honey. Dew Scotch, Fresh Honey Dew Scotch, Fresh Scotch. or Attention is called to the large redaction in prices of Fine-Cut, Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, which will be found of a Superior Quality. TOBACCO. MIONING S. Jago, Spanish. Canister, Turkish, Long, No. I, No. 2, Noe. 1 & 2 mixed, Granulated. ME OUT oumwuril P. A. L., or plain, Cavendish, or Sweet, sweet Scented Oronoco, Tin. Foil Cavendish. N. B.—A circular of prices will be sent on application. mrll-dly STEAMSHIP GREAT EASTERN. WALTER PATON, Commander. TEE GREAT EASTERN will leave LIVER POOL on her first trip. during the present month or early in May, and will continue to run regularly during the season. Early notice will be given of dates of departure. BATES' OF PASSAGE First cabin Secon4 Excursion Tickets out and back, in the first and second cabin only, a fame and a half. Third cabin Steerage All fares payable in Gold, or its equivalent In 11. S. currency. For passage apply to .. CHARLES A. WHITNEY, • At the Office, 26 Broadway, New York. For freight apply to • ' Hoar Lia & Aerratirert, Agorae, mrlB4l4e9] 54 South et., New. ;York. CIRANGFJ3 AND LEMONS.—We hive just %...1 received the largest and finest lot of Km shn Oranges offered this season in this Market. Oall and examine, at NICHOLS &: SOW MAN:, Cor. Front and Market streets. CM_ . iMBANGIM AND LEMONS.—Another lot of V choice 6iel2Silta Oranges lust received and for sale low, by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, &pl 4 Cor. Front and Market Streets New Atraertisrmeuts PONIF.T.ER.. CONCENTBATED LYE, ,TIIE FAMILY SOAP MAKER rruF, PUBLIC aie cautioned agaiost the 1_ SPURIOUS articles of LYE for rualiiug - SOAP, &c., now offered for sale. The tiny GENUINE and PATENTED Lye is that made by the PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUr Ae- TURING COMPANY, their trade-mark for it being " SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE." The great SUCCE:iS of this article has led UNPRINCIPLED PAR FIES . to endeavor to IMITATE it, in violation of the Company's PATENTS. All MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS or SEL LEuS of these SPURIOUS Lyra, are hereby NOTIFIED that the COMPANY have employed as their AITORNEYS, GEORGE HARDING, Esq., of Phila., nud WILLIAM BAKEWELL, FSQ of Pittsburg. And that all MANUFACTURERS, USERS, OR SELLERS of Lye, iu violation o' the rights of the Company, will be PRO-SECUTED at °tee. The SAEONIFIER, or CONCENTRATED LYE, is for sale by all Datmows, GROCERS and COMMIX Sums. TAKE NOTICE The MOM STATRS CIRCUIT COURT, Western District of Pennsylvania, No. 1 of ?ray Term, in 18'1, in snit of THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY vs. THOS. G. CHASE, decreed to the Company, on November 15, 1862, the EXCLUSIVE right =anted by a patent owned by them for the SAPONIFIER. Patent dated October 2 1 , 1836. Perpetual injunction awarded. THE PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY• OFFICES: 127 Walnut Street, Ph' 4.olphia. Pitt St. and Duquesne Way, Pittsburg ap25413m-3p THE BEST • FAMILY SEWING .MACHINE, Is . WHEELER AND WILSON S. XTEW,OFFICE Market Square, next door to lr Colder's office. Call and see them in ope ration. A general assortment of machines and needles constantly on hand. .Mies Margaret Hiney will exhibit and sell them, and also do all kinds of machine sewing on these machines in the best manner. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. aprl d6rn 20,000 LBS.—Composed of the following brands, just re ceived NRWBOLVE, celebrated. Ruff JIRSRY, selected. Evaris AND Swirr'e, superior. Munusga's &MEMO; canvassed. MICRINER'S EXCELSIOR, not =canvassed. IRON CITY, canvassed. Isom CITY not canvassed. Praia Hairs, strictly prime. C,ounrray, Hem, very fine. Each barn sold will be guaranteed as repte eanted. WM. 1)01 - 1K , Jr., & CO. 358 BIIBIA MILLS. 355 353 and 855 Washington Street, New York', City. GOVERNMENT COFFEE. DDT up in tin foil pound papers, 48 In a box, and in bulk. Oar prices range from 7to 30 cents. We put up the following kinds: JAVA, MARACAIBO, RIO AND VARIOUS OTHER BRANDS OF SUPERIOR COFFEE. We believe our Coffee to be better than any ground Coffee now nee. All orders addrea • sod to us, or to our agents, Messrs. PLACA A Yoram', 182 Chambers Street, corner Wa4hing ton Street, New York City, will receive prompt attention. The retail trade supplied by first clan jobbin honaes in the various cities.. TABER •4 PLACE. OHAS. PLACE. Mt. N. TABER N. B.—Trade Price List furnished upon lip plication. declB dBm-rdmr23 TAE have on ; hand a very superior selectiod V T of WIN N% BRANDIES and FINE LI - WOES, of every description. BRANDIES of the choicest brands and viu tages. WINS of every variety anti of th, nest quality. ST. CRUZ BIM HOLLAND GIE. IRISH, SCOTCH, RYE and BOURBON WHISKY, CHAMPAGNE, SCOTCH ALE, BROWN STOUT, CORDIALS, &c. Also, a NATIVE WINE, manufactured from the domestic grape, which is a splendid article, and we know it to be pure, apl4 Chesebrough & Pearson, PROVISION DEALERS, 14 South Water Strut, Philadelphia, AtiRE prepargil to offer to their customers their Celebrated Sugar Cared Hams and Dried Beef, which are cured expressly for family ri , e, and superior to anything in the market. N.H.—All orders by mail promptly atte (1. ed to. apl7 I in_ HORSES, WAGONS AND C 111'6 TO HIRE. TORN ALCORN, Broad street, West Harris • j burg, is prepared to furnish Horses, Car's and Wagons to persons wishing hauling done. Digging of Cellars personally attended, to. Hauling of any description promptly attended to. An order box for the accommodation c f persons will be found in the TataultAPH Print • tug Office, where orders will be reesived. aplB 8m JOHN ALCORN. .$95 to $l l 5 $7O QUEEN:M.OIA! - tug Invite thaattention of the pubic to our V V large and'well selected sto.± of Queens ware, recently purchasai, and which we offer a: a very Small advance on . city prices. Call anti examine' before _ purchasing elsewhere. NICHOLS & BOWMAN, , ap7 ' Corner Front and Market Sts. .$5O .$BO UTDIDOW SRADESof linen, gilt-borderrd; VT and PAM BLINDS of an endless Tart • ety of designs andornaments ; also, CURTAIN FIXTURES and TASSELS at very low - glees. a Cali , SCHROER'S BOOKSTORE. TI - Ald§:A large invoice of canvassed a 4.1 JLJL bucket/aimed hams„ of every choice brawl inmarket. Each ham warrautedhpgood or,±er. For sale very low by NICHOLS & BOWMAN, .27 Corner.F6nt and Market Sts. V_lSH.—Another limp .of Mackerel anti Herring, hiall sizes of papkages, bairels, halves, quarters arettits, for sale low, hy NICHOLS & BOWMAN Oor. Front and Market Stmts. apel HAMS!!! LIQUORS. WM. DOCK, Js., & CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers